#xiaolin showdown monkey wrench!
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sunbird-tells-stories · 4 years ago
Some concepts I want to write about in the MW!-verse:
-Jack going over to Jermaine’s house to meet his family for the first time
-Jack and Jermaine going to prom together and it turning out to be an absolute disaster, so they bail and hang out in NYC together for the entire night, and they kiss as the sun rises.
-Jack helping Jermaine learn new martial arts moves by figuring out the physics of each move so Jermaine can improve his technique.
-Jermaine collecting random junk he finds at thrift stores and taking them back to Jack so his bf can strip them for parts.
-Timber finally getting the therapy she needs for her survivor’s guilt, untreated PTSD and BPD.
-Clay getting therapy for his PTSD
-And he and Timber bonding over it
-Clay and Timber bonding over their rough relationships with their siblings and the rocky home life they’ve had to grow up in.
-Clay and Timber bonding over being nerds, since Timber is into botany and Clay is into animal taxonomy.
-Clay and Timber bonding over the struggles of being unfairly stereotyped as bumpkins just because they grew up in small towns and have “funny accents”
-Clay being reminded of his sister through Timber and calling her Jessie at least once
-Clay and Timber being so supportive to each other that they’re siblings in everything but blood.
-Jack and Omi acting like brothers
-Jack and Rai being rivals/frienemies
-Jack being valued for his tech skills
-Jack and Kimiko bonding over their tech skills and building a genuine friendship based on mutual respect
-Jack finally earning Kimiko’s forgiveness for what he did to her dad and Jack taking it even further by helping Mr. Tohomiko our whenever possible.
- Timber getting a crush on Kimiko
-Timber getting a crush on Kimiko
-And a mini arc where Rai and Timber become rivals because they’re both crushing on the same girl 👀
- Rai and Timber literally fighting over her at one point, wearing themselves out to the point they can’t even move, and then lying next to each other and looking up at the sky as they talk it out.
-Them making up and promising that no matter who wins her heart, they’ll always be teammates and they’ll always be friends
-Rai and Timber being close friends because Rai knows what it’s like to think you’re not good enough and betray your friends out of that fear.
-Timber looking up to Rai as a role model after she hears about his past.
-Rai and Timber pranking Jack at least once a day.
-Jermaine and Omi living together in the same temple and hanging out 24/7
-Omi helping Jermaine figure out his powers (won’t say what element yet tho)
-Jermaine and Omi growing up to be two of the best martial artists in the world together
-Omi and Timber geeking out over all the new places they see In the world, and Omi hanging onto every word as Timber spouts off facts about cultural sites and historic locations.
-Omi dragging Timber out of bed every morning for some early drills and helping her get to everyone else’s level when it comes to martial arts
-Timber and Kimiko being soft together late at night, with Kimiko braiding Timber’s hair as Timber listens to her talk about her life in Japan. Platonic or romantic, it doesn’t matter - these two girls are soft and sweet to each other no matter what. And I like that dynamic.
-Shadow crushing on Timber
- Shadow crushing on Timber HARD
-Shadow crushing on Timber HARD but she’s Shadow so she’ll never admit it to anyone
-Shadow seeing Timber and Kimiko getting closer and being MAJORLY jealous and doing whatever she can to sabotage dates and outings between the two.
-A big dumb arc where Shadow creates the ‘Willow’ persona just to catch Timber’s eye and it works and Timber starts to fall in love with the girl who has tried to kill her multiple times in the past without even realizing it.
-Shadow slowly dying on the inside because not only has she caught feelings but the girl she likes doesn’t even like HER, just an idealized version of her.
-Timber finding out in a situation where Shadow has no choice but to reveal herself and Shadow bailing in shame.
-Timber tracking her down so they can talk. And for once Shadow lets herself be vulnerable and tells Timber how she feels.
-The two actually managing to work something out and maybe even holding down a healthy relationship despite Timber being a Xiaolin Dragon and Shadow being an agent of chaos.
-Flash forward to the future and the two are married with a daughter named Venus, who looks just like Timber, but has Shadow’s reptilian eyes. And Timber and Shadow are genuinely good parents and are genuinely happy and good for each other, despite the fact they’re still on opposite sides of the Heylin and Xiaolin.
-Wuya hating the fact that her daughter married the Xiaolin Dragon she was supposed to take out years before, but being fond/tolerant of her granddaughter.
-Chase staying out of his daughter’s affairs but also being fond of his granddaughter.
-Jack and Jermaine becoming dads to twins named Jake and Jasmine.
-Clay being a single dad and having a son named Colton. I don’t know who he’d marry but I do know he has a kid and that kid’s name is Colt and they’re an adorable Father/Son duo.
-Omi becoming a dad to an orphaned kid he ran into during his travels. To multiple kids he’s run into during his travels. To all the kids his friends have. And loving and caring for each and every one of them.
-Omi meeting a young man named Boris and finding the only blood relative he has left and building a great relationship with him. And the two grow old together with a deep, unshakable bond.
-The Xiaolin Dragons growing up
-The Xiaolin Dragons finding happiness together
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thecosmicjackalope · 6 years ago
Monkey Wrench! has been updated!
Read Chapter 8 here:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/16290056/chapters/41439836
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sunbird-tells-stories · 5 years ago
Campfires, singing certain songs, lighthouses and inukshuks for Timber.
A very specific peach tree for Sun. An old tree. May or may not be still alive but is certainly still around.
And even though he’s not an OC, the smell of spices and fresh baked bread, the taste of rose water in candy and pastries, the sound of a crying falcon, kites and silver eyes for Guan.
Does anything in particular give your OC a sense of nostalgia? 
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dragonofdarknesschaos · 6 years ago
Xiaolin Dragonite Feature 01
Hello Xiaolin Dragonites!
While the Xiaolin fandom is small, it is filled with countless talented creatives!  Below are just a few with countless more to come!  Be sure to check them out, reblog their works, and follow them if you haven’t already.
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Xiaolin Chronicles Next by @dragonofdarknesschaos
Xiaolin Chronicles Next is a gif comic that takes place some 50+ years into the future after the conclusion of Xiaolin Chronicles.  The story follows the adventures of Chaos T’Oeur, Dragon of Darkness in-training. She is begrudgingly forced team up with a new student to figure out who or what is behind a recent rash of Shen Gong Wu thefts.
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Aeris Altair by @p-r-imeday
Name: Aeris Altair Age: looks 27-32, is actually 1500+ Likes: Meditation, training, and plaiting her hair. Dislikes: Rudeness, lack of respect, Heylin affiliation, and the idea of the Lao Mang Lone soup.
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Starkey by @general5akastarkey / General5 on dA
Name: Starkey Age: 15 Likes: Chocolate, sleeping, hanging out with friends, connecting with others, and music.  Dislikes: Snakes (a lot), bullies, being told to do better by those who undermine him, failing his friends, and fears being a disappointment.
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Xiaolin Showdown + Cities by @rendellstreet
@rendellstreet is one of the premier gif makers in the Xiaolin fandom.  They enjoy challenging themself with finding the right images to fit the mood of their posts to great success.  Always expect excellence with this one!
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“Swanky Jermaine” transparent edit by @weirdwyvern
If you need a character cut out from a background, a character-free scenic background, or a meme edit of your favorite character, @weirdwyvern is the best place to go!  WeirdWyvern knows how to have fun with some of the most humorous edits and happy accidents.  If you don’t find exactly what you’re looking for you will have laughed along the way.
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Heylin Restart by @ok-fandom
Time waits for no man.  Realizing his path to world domination has been lost over the years, evil genius Jack Spicer decides it’s time for a change starting with himself.  Specifically, his past self.  Heylin Restart follows the journey of an older Jack Spicer as he uses his mechanical prowess and the power of the Shen Gong Wu to alter his own history, and everyone else’s by association.
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Lesedi Adisa by @dance--apocalyptic / @enlightningment
Lesedi using her element of Spirit and signature Shen Gong Wu, the Psyche Sickle.
Name: Lesedi Adisa Age: 16 Likes: Fruit, Pro-Wrestling, and Dancing. Dislikes: Veggies, Dishonesty, and Ballet.
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Monkey Wrench! by @sunbirddtellsstories
Clockwise from 12: Sun, Jermaine, Jack, and Timber.
Jack Spicer is no one’s favorite. For as long as he can remember, he's always been the underdog, the weirdo, the odd one out, the loser. After months of stagnation and failure, his dreams of world domination, the dreams that he’s been chasing for most of his life, are finally starting to fade. And then suddenly, he finds himself holding a Wu that can make it all happen. A power that can rearrange the natural order and make every one of his foes bow down and show some respect. A power that can finally cement him as the Lord and Master of every last thing on the planet.  The catch? He’s not the only one who has it.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single misstep.
Q: Why did you decide to write Monkey Wrench! ? A: Jack Spicer has always been one of my favorite characters in XS. When I was a kid watching the show on Saturday mornings, I always wanted to see him make it, to succeed in the way he needed to succeed - by making true friends, by finding his place in the world, and most of all, by loving himself. And I never got to see that, and that kind of bummed me out. XS ended with so many others moving on to a new chapter in their lives, but to me, it always felt like Jack's character growth was left up in the air. And after a long, long period of making up stories about what could come after in my head, I started writing it down. And after being inspired by a few authors and their fan fictions, and the creativity and courage they had to share their stories with everyone else, I decided to start getting serious about my own story and start posting it online. And that's how Monkey Wrench! was born. I'm writing this story for a lot of reasons, but the most important reasons are these two: As a kid, I always wanted to go on a XS adventure, because they looked like a lot of fun. Adventures are important for everyone to have, even if it’s just through stories. So writing one, and being able to make up the twists and turns that happen, the villains, the heroes, everyone in between - it all fulfills that wish perfectly. But also--and more importantly--I'm writing this because I want to see Jack Spicer become the hero I know he can be. Come check out the fic and as always, thank you for reading!
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Persephone by @seaflwer / at-sea on dA
Name: Persephone Age: 18 Likes: her current lifestyle, doing gymnastics, dancing, and singing loudly (and terribly) at any opportune moment. Dislikes: Not having anyone around to talk to, people ganging up on her man in any way, carbonated water, and the majority of Heylin peeps.
Want to know more about any of the characters and stories showcased here?  Ask the creators!  And if you like their work, please reblog and share it with friends!
Are you a Xiaolin creative who would like your content featured?  It’s easy! Fill out the short form under the cut and send it to @dragonofdarknesschaos via Tumblr IM or another platform you are comfortable using.
Feature Post Content Submission Form
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helipackjack · 6 years ago
Based on Monkey Wrench! by @sunbirddtellsstories
Jermaine: Jack?
Jack: What?
Jermaine: Where's the door hole?
Jack: Goes right there. See, I drew it with a magic marker.
Jermaine: You were supposed to cut it out with the power saw.
Jack: Dude, I'm gonna!
Jermaine: Oh really?
Jack: Yes!
Jermaine: So go get the power saw!
Jack: Okay, I will! Tch *bumps into wall*
Jack:...I see the problem.
Jermaine: Oh, do ya?!
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neokonewman · 4 years ago
Dunno if you've read this fic yet, it's unfinished and hasn't been updated in a while BUT, it dooooes match a good majority of the stuff you posted in your recent Xiaolin Showdown post lol. You can find it on Ao3, it's called Monkey Wrench! Written by s_u_n_b_i_r_d ,s'pretty good!!
Oh, I heard of it, but admittedly I haven’t read it yet. Haven’t gotten around to reading much Xiaolin Showdown fics. I’ll check it out!
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sunbird-tells-stories · 6 years ago
I made Timber and some other people. Fill in the blanks.
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sunbird-tells-stories · 4 years ago
Monkey Wrench! Has been updated!
Chapters 12 and 13 are now up!
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sunbird-tells-stories · 4 years ago
Monkey Wrench has just been updated!
Read chapter 14 here
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sunbird-tells-stories · 5 years ago
Monkey Wrench Chapter 11 is up
You might notice that the chapters are getting shorter. That’s because in order to improve my writing process and get the story out faster to you guys I’m gonna start shortening them up. Thanks for your patience. Hopefully with this new process I can write easier and keep any hiatuses from happening ever again. I’m so sorrrrrrrrry guys I really am but I will get better at this. And I will finish this story.
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sunbird-tells-stories · 6 years ago
= T I M B E R W I L D E =
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(Full color refs courtesy of @fbschin and @the-trinket-witch, please support the artists)
FULL NAME: Tapeesa ‘Timber’ Wilde
APPEARANCE: 6’2, and by virtue of her height is the second tallest Xiaolin Dragon (second only to Clay, and even then it’s pretty close).
Floofy blonde hair. It is usually worn long but it is currently cut short with parts of it dyed forget-me-not blue. Tan skin. Brown almond-shaped eyes. Often wears a black toque/beanie, and has a taste for punk, grungy, and “woodsy” type fashions like leather jackets, plaid, distressed denim, etc.
Current outfit is as follows: Long sleeve black shirt with Canadian maple leaf design. Plaid overshirt. Ripped jeans, black socks and black boots. Fingerless black gloves. Single piercing on her nose, multiple piercings in her ears, and a forest green jacket with brown fur lining on the hood. Jacket is designed to make the wearer look like a wolf. This is Timber’s trademark jacket and her most recognizable article of clothing.
GENDER/SEXUALITY: Female. Pansexual. Polyamorous and proud.
PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers
ETHNICITY: Mixed race - her mother is an Inuk woman from Labrador, and her father was an Irish-Canadian man from Newfoundland.
BIRTHPLACE/BIRTHDATE: Born and raised in the province of Newfoundland, Canada on November 2nd, 2003. Scorpio. 16 going on 17.
GUILTY PLEASURES: Cigarettes. Food. Weed. Food. Sneaking into places she shouldn’t. Food. Saucy reading materials. Food. Pretty girls. Food. Feisty boys. Food. Abusing her powers to be lazy, get what she wants and take shortcuts. Food. Loud music. Food. Singing. Food. Sneaking out at night. Food. Petty vandalism. Food. Street hockey. Food. Regular hockey. Food. Skateboarding. Food. Tagging property with her own unique brand of art. Food. Cute dogs. Food. Taking lots and lots of selfies and candid photos, as photography is her biggest passion and addiction ALSO FOOD DID I MENTION FOOD YET BECAUSE THAT’S A BIG ONE SHE IS ALWAYS HUNGRY
QUIRKS: Constantly takes photos. Constantly gets distracted. Constantly wanders off. Bites her lip when she is anxious or about to lie. Takes great pride in her hair and prior to her forced haircut took good care of it and grew it out long, thick and messy. Her wild hair is a trademark of hers and she doesn’t like people touching it or doing anything to it.
Is well known for having a nervous tic in the form of shaking hands. She claims it’s due to bad medication - and may even in fact believe her own lie - but in reality, it’s completely psychological in nature, due to her undiagnosed PTSD and trauma from a formative life event when she was 8 years old. It is always present, worsens under stress, and at times affects her motor skills so intensely that she cannot tie her shoes or pick up a spoon. It is a great insecurity of hers and she does her best to hide it.
TRIGGERS: Mentions of her family, being called “crazy” and being near the ocean or on water.
When visiting a new place, Timber will build or draw an inukshuk and take a photo of it to commemorate the occasion. She has been doing this since she was small, and she continues this ritual in honor of the loved one who taught her how to do this.
Her real name Tapeesa means “arctic flower” in the Inuktituk language, but most people know her as Timber. Earned the nickname ‘Timber’ from her father when she made a tree fall as a young girl due to her Wood elemental powers revealing themselves. Answers only to the name ‘Timber’ in his memory.
Really loves blueberries. She likes all food and eats like a starving animal but she gravitates to blueberries and blueberry flavored things. Her trademark favorite food though is blueberry pancakes with blueberry jam, as per her father’s recipe.
COLORS: Blue and Green
PHOBIAS: Several, actually.
Going home.
Losing the one “friend” she has.
Being alone for the rest of her life.
Being an outcast for the rest of her life.
Not being able to fulfill her deal to Sun and complete the one mission that has kept her going for YEARS.
Being open and honest and vulnerable with other people.
Trusting other people.
Other people.
But the one thing she fears more than anything else is the ocean. Deep water in general makes her very uncomfortable and she slowly loses it when in close proximity to beaches, docks, and boats. She. HATES. Being on water.
And she has every reason to hate it.
WHAT SHE WOULD BE FAMOUS FOR: Timber Wilde is the first Dragon of Wood in centuries, a “Wilde” card that even Wuya herself was not aware of before she made herself known. And due to the complicated history of the Xiaolin Dragons and the Dragons of Wood, that alone is more than enough to have everyone from the Xiaolin to the Heylin hunting her down. Inexperienced in actual combat, but with enough raw power and natural talent that exceeds even Raimundo and Omi’s Shoku-level abilities, Timber Wilde is cunning, powerful, creative, and above all, unpredictable.
Timber Wilde is also currently the owner of the Crown of the Monkey King, the most dangerous Shen Gong Wu in existence. What’s more, she is also the faithful and long-suffering servant, student and sometimes host of the evil that resides in it.
Along with her traveling companions, Jack Spicer, the reluctant Dragon of Metal, and Jermaine Thompson, the kung-fu prodigy that was trained by Chase Young himself, Timber Wilde currently travels the world in an ongoing journey, keeping her secrets close, her “enemies” closer, and searching for a way to free her master in exchange for her one and only chance to rectify the greatest failure of her life.
She will do whatever it takes to reach this goal. Even if she has to burn down the whole world to do it. After all...a deal’s a deal, right?
Theft. Arson. Disturbing the peace. Possession and underage usage of tobacco products and marijuana. General teenage mayhem. Destruction of property. Aggravated assault. Vandalism and trespassing.
WHO DO YOU SHIP THEM WITH: Timber is polyamorous and has a lot of romantic potential with a few different characters. I feel like she’d be happiest in a polyamorous triad with Jack Spicer as one of her lifelong partners due to how well they connect and compliment each other, but jury’s still out on who would best complete their OT3.
She’s 100 percent into nerds tho. Nerds and angry types and red hair and blue eyes. All she wants is to be topped by someone smarter than her. She just needs a feisty bookworm who can put her in her place and teach her things.
CHARACTER MOST LIKELY TO KILL THEM: Everyone is out to get Timber but sadly her worst enemy is in her own head. Literally. He’s in her HEAD.
FAVORITE BOOK/MOVIE GENRE: Historical/documtary type stuff because she’s hungry for knowledge of the world outside her small seaside town, but she also has a secret soft spot for shojo mangas and saucy romance books.
LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE/BOOK CLICHE: Sad endings, or stories where the dog dies.
TALENTS/POWERS: As the Dragon Of Wood, Timber Wilde has power over every form of plant life, and once again she’s nearly above Shoku level with her abilities. In addition to manipulating and accelerating plant growth, she can also....
Gift plants with sentience and speech,
Use pollen and scents to confuse, manipulate, charm or take out foes,
Create bioluminescent plants and fungi
Create armor for herself from plants
Use plants for camouflage, disguise, defense or offense
Create her own food source
And much more.
But the most important skill as Dragon of Wood she has is, above all, her healing abilities.
With the power to use the medicinal properties in her plants to heal almost any wound or illness, Timber Wilde’s healing powers make her invaluable in battle.
She also has learned one more technique from Sun, one that allows her to “borrow” another person’s power for her own.
But we can discuss that later.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT LOVE THEM: Despite her many flaws, Timber Wilde isn’t that bad of a person. Deep down underneath her tough, nihilistic, cold exterior, she’s just a sweet, silly, mischief making teenager who just needs and wants a friend. She is a dreamer. She is an artist. Though she has long since lost faith in people she still has an eye for beauty and finds it everywhere in the world around her. She thirsts for adventure and wants to live life to the fullest and experience everything the unknown has to offer.
At her best, Timber Wilde is a lively, incredible, inspiring soul who is passionately devoted to everything and everyone she loves. She will go to the ends of the earth for anything and anyone she cares about, even if it costs her her own life.
WHY SOMEONE MIGHT HATE THEM: Timber Wilde is a deeply complicated person who has a lot of inner pain and fears. And like a certain other redhead, these feelings cause her to lash out at the world around her in less than ideal ways.
Timber lies. Timber keeps secrets. Timber can get very defensive when you poke past the casual front she tries to keep up and start asking her real questions. She has a loose sense of morals, and a survivalist mindset. She doesn’t reach out to other people. She doesn’t trust other people. In fact, the only person she puts her faith in is an evil entity trapped within the Shen Gong Wu she wears on her head. And because of his influence, her view of reality is severely warped.
She genuinely believes she has no real place in this world amongst other people. She genuinely believes everyone is out to get her and that everyone disappoints each other eventually and to make yourself vulnerable or to have faith in others is to invite hurt and heartbreak. And despite the fact that she holds her own needs and desires above everyone else’s, she thinks very, very lowly of herself.
She cannot forgive herself for past mistakes. She cannot let go of what’s already gone. She blames herself for the fate of her family and the untimely demise of the most important person in her life and this has taken a severe emotional and mental toll on her. And due to this loss, she has ONE goal in life that she chases after with all her heart and soul, and the way she tunnel visions in on her mission often means she leaves others to the wayside, though not always without guilt or regret.
Timber is....complicated. Like a wildfire, she burns and burns and burns, and each and every day she burns a little more out of control than before.
But fires don’t burn because they want to hurt people. Fires burn because they don’t know how else to keep from going out.
Timber Wilde knows her actions have consequences. But seeing no better options, she forces herself not to care. She lies to everyone, including herself.
But I think a certain someone, or two certain someones, can help her change.
Power of friendship, baby.
Why You Love Them: Because she fulfills several of my wishes for what I wanted to see in Xiaolin Showdown.
A) She’s a female character
B) She’s a female XIAOLIN character
C) She is or will be a true blue ally and supportive friend to Jack Spicer, a boy who desperately needs friends
D) She’s a Dragon Of Wood and
E) She is a girl with grit who gets swept up into a magical life changing adventure
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sunbird-tells-stories · 5 years ago
If I made some character playlists for you guys to listen to while I work on chapters 11/12, would anyone listen?
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sunbird-tells-stories · 6 years ago
not to flex or anything but yes let me flex just a little bit please say hello to the cover for Monkey Wrench!
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i kind of regret the Goosebumps-monster hands and i probably should have tried harder on that background but who cares i’m proud of it WHOO
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sunbird-tells-stories · 6 years ago
Getting close to finishing!
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sunbird-tells-stories · 6 years ago
Thirteen Facts About Omi (From Monkey Wrench!)
1.) Omi was born in Spring. Master Fung and Dojo found him on the front steps of the Xiaolin Temple one rainy night around March-April as a newborn. In general, Omi finds rainy nights bittersweet, gets contemplative and quiet, and sometimes goes off by himself to watch/listen to the rain fall.
Also. Spring is his favorite season. He loves watching the flowers bloom! His second favorite is Winter!
2.) Master Fung is the reason Omi discovered his element. It happened when Omi was very small. If you ask him or Dojo, they’ll each happily tell you the story, but Omi finds it really embarrassing and will (uncharacteristically) do whatever he can to take the topic off of himself.
3.) All the elders and residents at the Xiaolin Temple raised Omi and consider him their “son” in some way, but Omi secretly thinks of Master Fung as his true “father.” He’s never said it out loud before, and especially never to Master Fung himself. But Fung knows and he’s okay with it. The two are very close and have a strong bond.
4.) If Omi sees Master Fung as his father, he sees Dojo as his mother, because Dojo was the textbook definition of a mother hen when Omi was growing up. Dojo fussed over Omi constantly, was always a little overprotective and insisted on making sure Omi was always 110% safe in any and all situations, and even went so far as to never sizeshift or breathe fire in front of Omi for fear that his larger form and powers would scare him. Omi honestly had no idea Dojo could sizeshift or breathe fire until he was like 5 or 6.
5.) When growing up, Omi was at times overconfident and egotistical about his own abilities. Half of this was because he’s a bit of a prodigy who started small and mastered things younger than most, but the other half was because he is the Xiaolin Dragon Of Water, just as Grand Master Dashi once was. Knowing that he and the greatest warrior in all of Xiaolin history shared an element gave him a confidence boost at best but other times got to his head and inflated his ego.
6.) Omi cares deeply for his team and has made an effort to learn everything about them and to live in harmony with them. He is still a vegetarian but he learned how to prepare meat dishes for Clay, Rai and Kim. He also adjusts his quality time with each other Dragon to suit them. For example, he makes an effort to remember what time Kimiko does her nightly beauty regimen so he won’t delay her or get in her way if they hang. He also now knows when futbol season is in Brazil and asks Rai about what’s going on with his favorite teams and takes time to listen. All in all, Omi tries to be more considerate with the other Dragons, especially after being so egotistical and self-centered in his youth.
7.) Omi has gotten over his self-absorbed nature (for the most part), but he still has insecurities with being the best in the sense that he sometimes worries if he’s “good enough” for the others. He hates showing weakness or making mistakes because he thinks it reflects badly on him and his credibility in other people’s eyes falters. Additionally, he can zero in so much on the mistakes HE makes and what HE is doing that he becomes “tunnel visioned” and sometimes doesn’t even see how the other person feels. It’s not malicious, but Omi still sometimes makes himself a little blind to other people’s feelings when he does this.
8.) Omi used to have a mild crush on Kimiko when he was younger. He’s gotten over it and now sees her as an older sister, and because of this, isn’t afraid to get in touch with his feminine side for her sake. He goes with her on shopping trips, listens to her talk about her celebrity crushes with patience, and even lets her experiment new nail polish techniques on him. He gets some flak from Rai because of this, but Omi knows Kimiko misses her sister and the things they used to do together, and is happy to fill the void Tomoko left behind.
9.) Omi likes to hear stories about his friend’s families. He has always wondered what it would be like to be part of a traditional family with cousins, uncles, aunts, mothers, fathers, etc, and listening to Rai and Clay talk about their grandparents, or Jermaine tell stories about his sister Ivory, is something he could do for hours on end. He is also a huge fan of photo albums and silly baby pictures, much to his friend’s dismay.
He has never told his friends the real reason why he’s so interested in their stories, and it’s unclear whether or not they know, but either way, sometimes they each bring him along on holiday visits with their families. Omi loves the heck out of these mini adventures. They’re his favorite times of year.
10.) Jermaine means a lot to Omi for a few different reasons.
First, Jermaine is the first friend Omi has made outside of the Xiaolin Dragons. Omi used to be afraid of not being able to connect to people that he wasn’t destined to already to connect to, so becoming friends with Jermaine killed that fear in the best way possible.
Second, Jermaine instantly earned his respect by standing up for him the moment they met.
Third, Jermaine and Omi click on a level that surpasses all other of Omi’s relationships. They just....fit. For Omi, Jermaine is an incredibly easy person to be with, and Omi appreciates that he doesn’t have to prove himself or constantly be trying to earn his respect.
Omi truly, deeply values his relationship with Jermaine and would do just about anything for him.
11.) Thanks to his friends, Omi has slowly but surely become more worldly. Kimiko teaches him how to use technology and he pays close attention to everything she says. Rai teaches him about popular culture, Clay teaches him about animals, traditions and other mythologies, and Jermaine teaches him about living in the modern world. Omi still has a hard
time adjusting to some aspects of this modern era but is a lot savvier about it all than he was before. He’s even been experimenting with modern fashions (thanks Kimiko) whenever he has the chance to wear something other than his robes.
He is drawn to blues, greys and whites, and has a thing for sporty street fashion, beanies and hoodies. (Thanks Jermaine).
12.) Omi has a lot of regrets, but one of the biggest is Jack Spicer.
Omi subconsciously sees a lot of himself in Jack, more specifically, a lot of his past insecurities and desire to connect with others and find a place to belong. He was heartbroken when Jack backstabbed him during that one time he tried to be good and still sort of blames himself for being unable to ‘redeem’ Jack. There’s a part of Omi that still wants and still believes that Jack can become a better person, but after what happened to Raimundo and over the course of the story of MW!....that belief might be tested.
13.) Omi has two surviving family members out there. One is already in MW! but the other is NEVER going to show up in the fic (or at least, only in the epilogue). I’d like to make a sequel fic (a shorter one) where he meets his second family member and grows a relationship with them, but that won’t be for a while.
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sunbird-tells-stories · 6 years ago
WIP for something important
Guess you could call this a cover for MW!(?)
It’s really messy right now but I’ll finish it tomorrow.
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