#that I could only acquire after something like a breakup
adonis-koo · 9 months
Time heals everything so just let it do it’s work. If u can’t stomach the thought of love, then don’t force it. It will come when it’s ready.
Ik it’s sucks to think that maybe he wasn’t as into you as he said, but at least you were honest and loved them to the fullest extent which is really admirable.
And plz give him a side glare upon my behalf whenever u see him at work
my intention has been settled the entire day as ‘it’s okay to grieve what wasn’t meant for me’
i ended up talking to him outside at work yesterday and we talked about how we both felt, how it went down, it was…a very bittersweet feeling, but I understood where he was coming from and why he made his decision, I gave him my few thoughts in relation and spared him all the feelings I’m reconciling now.
we left things on good terms, because even if it wasn’t love, we still cared for one another deeply, and that still meant something.
does it still hurt? it does, but will I be okay eventually? I will, I do firmly believe it. another mantra I’ve been repeating is ‘I will never miss out on what is meant for me’
also I unfortunately don’t have the heart to sideglare him and it’s also no longer possible because yesterday was my last day 🎉 I’m off to get another job working with kids and I’ll be getting my licensing for it.
I’m very excited because this something I’ve been wanting to do for a long while and just didn’t realize there was a niche to get in to start. will it work out? hell if I know, I thought this would work out and it turned into a total dumpster fire 💀
but regardless I’m embracing the journey for what it is. anyways I’m gonna stop using this blog as my journal now, because I’ve accidentally projected on here for two months straight and if you scroll far enough you can watch this train wreck go down in 4K and I’d that isn’t embarrassing then idk what is💀
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dramioneasks · 7 months
Christmas Fics 2023 (Part 4):
Chaperone Chaos, Mistletoe Madness: A Yule Ball Tale by scullymurphy - M, one-shot - Professors Malfoy and Granger hate each other. They're also chaperoning the Yule Ball, where Erotogenic Mistletoe makes a timely appearance.
Fireplaces and Firewhiskey by potterhead25919 - G, one-shot - no summary
He's A Wonderful Wizard by flowerfem - T, 12 chapters - Draco only wanted something that would help turn Christmas around, something that could make all his problems disappear. But at the last minute he wished he was never born... It's A Wonderful Life retelling from Draco's POV.
The Path Carefully Tread by HeyJude19 - T, one-shot - The nature of families could shift; shaped by time, trauma, arguments, and reconciliations. She saw how Draco warred with that now, how he battled his instinctual, youthful desire to please his father with his resolve to sever ties with someone who had hurt him gravely.
A Christmas Tryst by Bookvamp - E, one-shot - Draco is on house arrest at university, and Hermione has nowhere to go for the holidays after her breakup with Ron, leaving the two of them alone at the university during the Christmas holiday. It could be the perfect opportunity for Draco to get what he wants - Another tryst with Hermione.
Mistletoe, Yes Or No? by potterhead25919 - G, one-shot - no summary
A New Wreath by MarinaJune - G, one-shot - Scorpius joins his dad and Hermione for some (actually, a LOT) of additional Christmas greenery, and notices something more than friendship between the two.
Christmas Comes but Once a Year by Biirdiee_Rose - E, one-shot - “I couldn’t stand another minute of watching every idiot wizard in the room drool over you.” “No one was drooling over me, Cormac hardly counts as he was harassing nearly every witch in the room.” She tries to pull herself forward again. “Not like it would matter anyway since you’ve made it quite clear you’re not interested in talking to me.” “Don’t play me for a fool, Terry fucking Boot keeps trying to touch you.” He hisses. “You’re utterly delusional, not like it matters, I’m not yours to begin with–” The temperature of the room shifts as soon as the words leave her mouth, the silver of his eyes glinting dangerously in the dark. - Hermione's had enough of Draco suddenly deciding to ignore her and decides to pull out the little red dress she knows he can't resist. It succeeds in getting the attention of a few other wizards as well, much to Draco's displeasure. It looks like he'll just have to remind her of who she really belongs to.
A Gentleman's Guide to Courtship and Caregiving by ChaosAndCrumpets - T, one-shot - An accident involving a quidditch bat has Draco Malfoy wishing tragic and irreversible misfortune on Blaise Zabini. But he'll leave St Mungo's with far more than just a healed nose; a newly acquired Godmother, an affinity for mince pies, and an inconvenient attraction to a certain Healer, to name just three.
Christmas Karaoke by ravengoldy - E, one-shot - Hermione organises a Christmas karaoke event for her annual Muggle Christmas scheme, where everyone has been given the task to learn a popular Christmas song to perform in pairs - some more enthusiastically than others.
Mistletoe and Holly by RZZMG - T, 5 chapters - Who says romance ends at 40? For an older, more mature Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger, the best is yet to come... It’s never too late to fall in love, especially when mistletoe and holly are involved!
Saint Theodore by LadyUrsa - T, one-shot - Draco is dismayed to learn that if he ever wants to have a shot with Granger, he has to successfully flirt with her. Theo, like the arsehole (and saint) of a best friend he is, intervenes to help the two idiots.
Cookies For Christmas by potterhead25919 - G, one-shot - no summary
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uramilf · 1 year
hi love can I request some angst with a happy ending. singer y/n and matty being official but y/n is having some trouble with her reputation lately (inspired by the whole taylor & kanye beef) so she tries to breakup with matty in order to protect him and not drag him anymore (saying he deserves better or something like that) so she booked a flight and goes back to her hometown but then our sweet lover boy matty chases her then one day he knocks at her door and they talk it out ;* I really need some angsty happy ending rn thank you my love!
A/N: Okay I loved this is I decided to turn it into a proper oneshot, thank you anon!! Fair warning: I'm not fully sure what happened between Taylor and Kanye but I know he accused her of not deserving an award so that's what I went with in this fic! Sorry if that wasn't what you meant!!
Warnings: angst, swearing, very sad shenanigans ensue
"Y/n Y/l/n is currently in some hot water with pop music fans as she is accused of robbing other artists of Artist of the Year award. Y/l/n may have won multiple awards this year, but did she really deserve them?"
"Music sensation Y/n Y/l/n is a talented artist, fans agree, but it looks like her time in the industry could be limited as other artists express their upset at her recent win - could her rockstar boyfriend Matty Healy be the real reason for her success?"
"Brit award and Grammy holder Y/m Y/l/n slammed for her recent success this award season as she is called 'undeserving and untalented'. Her boyfriend, frontman of the global phenomenon The 1975, is yet to speak on the issue after being accused of helping her to acquire her fanbase."
You shut your laptop with a slam before you could delve any deeper into the comments being made about you online. You had been ecstatic with your recent win, and as Matty had also won an award the same night, you two felt invincible. That was until you began to be talked about negatively following your win, and you started to doubt how deserving of it you were. You started to believe what was being said about you online. That out of the hugely talented list of nominees, you were the least exciting. You started asking yourself if the only reason your fanbase had expanded was because of Matty. You wondered if you would lose fans in the event of a breakup.
It only took a few hours for the tabloids to bring Matty into the situation. They accused him of writing all your songs for you. Of course you had collaborated with him in the past, but you had credited him as a co-writer. The rest of your discography was your own. Matty was accused of begging Jamie to sign you at Dirty Hit, but of course you had been signed due to your musical talent and songwriting ability. In fact, you hadn't even known Matty before you were publicly represented by the label. Nevertheless, you could see you boyfriend beginning to be dragged down by the accusations made against you. You knew you couldn't let it happen. He had built such a successful music career for himself, and you couldn't be the reason he lost respect in the industry. It was going to hurt, but you knew what you had to do.
You had booked yourself on the first flight back to your hometown and told your parents you were coming to stay. Your stuff was packed up in boxes, ready to be transported back home, while your essentials were in a suitcase by the door. You sat anxiously on the sofa waiting for Matty to arrive home from the studio. When he did, you could hear him ranting from the second he opened the door. "Babe! Have you seen what those fuckers at The Sun have said now? This is bullshit!" He didn't get much further before spotting your suitcase. "What's this? What are you -" "Matty, I'm sorry?" "What are you talking about? Tell me what's going on!" "I never wanted you to be dragged into this. My reputation is ruined. It's only a matter of time before the label drops me." "That's bullshit babe, and you know it! Jamie loves you like family, he's gonna get you through this." Matty took your hand. "Please don't listen to what the press is saying, babe. You deserved those awards. And you have never lied about writing your own music. Now will you please tell me what's happening?" "I'm leaving, Matty. I'm going home." "That's ok baby, you just need a break. How long will you be gone?" You just shook your head at him, a tear falling down you face. You couldn't say it. "Darling, please, what are you saying?" "We need to break up, Matty. I need to protect you from this. You deserve so much more than me. More than the person who's ruining your image over a stupid fucking award."
Matty's face fell immediately. His eyes filled with tears and you could barely look at him knowing the hurt you had caused him. "I'm sorry," you whispered, and turned to leave. "No. Absolutely not." Matty caught you hand and pulled you to him. "You can't leave, not after everything we've been through. I love you. I need you." "I love you too, Matty. More than anything in the world. That's why I have to go. You love your music, and I can't let you be dragged down by my reputation anymore. We can't be together. We just can't."
As you lay in bed in your rented apartment near your hometown, your mind wandered to the look on Matty's face when you walked out on him three months earlier. He cried when you left, you could hear him sobbing behind you as you walked out the door. You had seen him cry before, but never like that, and it scared you. Maybe that's why you were so quick to leave. You didn't want to see the damage you had caused.
The comments online and the seemingly never-ending news articles had died down, of course. Not even a week later, some actor you had never heard of said something problematic and you were left alone. As for the public, they began to see sense and you had received hundred of comments on your social media saying things along the lines of "We support you Y/n!" or "We all know you deserve every bit of success." It was encouraging, but you felt you weren't ready to return to the studio yet. More than that, you weren't ready to return to the label and potentially face Matty.
It must have been one in the morning when you were awakened by frantic knocking on your door. Startled, you jumped out of bed and ran to the door. You opened the door a crack, and your breath caught in your throat when you saw who it was. Matty Healy, with his curls tousled by the wind, tearstains on his cheeks and a tiredness in his eyes you had only seen when he returned from a tour. He must have gotten off a flight and come straight to you. You swung the door open and he tensed up when he saw the worried look on your face.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Is everyone ok?" "Everyone's fine, darling. Except me." "What? What happened?" "You. You happened. I can't be alone anymore love, I just can't. I need you back home with me." "Matty, you know I can't do that." "And why the hell not? All that stuff with the press cleared up after you left me." "And what if it starts back up again? I can't let you be dragged down by me again." Matty took your face in his hands. "Listen to me darling, please. I simply can't be away from you any longer. I have never loved someone like I love you. I don't care what those fuckers on the internet have to say about me. I would have my reputation ruined a thousand times for you. I would do anything for you, I would die for you. You know that. So why won't you come home and be with me?"
You couldn't stay away from him for a moment longer either. You threw yourself into his arms and started to cry into his chest, his fingers running through your hair to soothe you. He was whispering between pressing kisses to your head. You couldn't hear what he was saying, but it was comforting. Matty picked you up with ease and you threw your legs around his waist, still crying. He shut the door behind him and walked you over to the sofa, where he stayed with you, holding you tightly in his arms until you had calmed down. "There, angel. You're ok." "I'm sorry, Matty. I didn't know I had upset you so much." "Of course you did, babe. How could you ever think I would be better off without you?" You almost started crying again, overcome with guilt, but Matty took you in his arms again. "Don't cry, sweet girl. It's ok, I'm not upset anymore. But I don't give a shit about what's being said about me online, as long as I have my best girl with me." He wiped away your tears and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, the first in months. "I wanted to go back, I really did," you assured Matty. "But I thought you would have forgotten about me and moved on. And I definitely thought you stopped loving me." Matty's heart sank at your small voice and he mentally kicked himself for not calling you more times after you moved away. He kissed your cheek reassuringly and brushed your hair behind your ear, before pulling your closer and speaking in a low tone into your ear.
"I could never forget you, angel. And I have never stopped loving you."
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f1-giuki · 1 year
Hi my darling!! 🤍 hope you’re doing well! 🥰
I would love to read a drabble for ‘Never figured you for this much of a cuddler’ with Lestappen?
Hello darling💖💖💖 I'm barely holding up, stupid university😭😭 but this prompt breathed life into me!! While I was writing it my fucking finger slipped on the post button but half of it was missing sjsjsjsjjs, but now it's complete!!
Hope you like this darling, ilysm🥺💖
If you ask anyone on this side of the Solar System, they would tell you that Charles Leclerc is the definition of beach guy. He can't put up a tent, hiking a mountain is fun only if he gets do it for a short amount of time, and he gets bored of travelling from city to city. Professional deformation and fear of being mobbed. Charles Leclerc loves with all his being the Sun on his skin, cheeky tan lines and the salty breeze of the sea. Once a beach guy always a beach guy.
But this doesn't count when you're walking on the soft and wet July sand with that thing... The thing being Pierre's new dog, the dumbest and most adorable labrador puppy Charles has ever seen. How he picked up the job, watching over the cute puppy, that's a mystery, he only remembers Pierre saying something about him being a moping bitch after his recent breakup and dumping the dog on him. He also remembers Pierre's girlfriend's texts saying sorry, what Pierre wanted to say is that the dog looks like a valid alternative to being sad, walking with a cute puppy peeks the interest of many people!
Yeah, half of the beach has looked at him, since his acquired pet has rolled over it for the most part, sort of peeing everywhere before Charles held him to do its things in the sea. It's probably weird stares and questionable laughs he got since he got out with the dog. Not approving looks or lustful glances.
He's half thinking about doing a walk of shame and go back to the beach entrance and go back home when he sees them, sitting on a purple beach towel. Max fucking Verstappen and his cat, probably Sassy because the feline is not on Max's lap but rather sleeping in a loaf position. Don't ask how he knows it. He can see the fond look on the Dutchman's eyes as he gently strokes the fur of his friend. Charles finds himself smiling at the scene.
He's about to wave at Max from a safe distance and proceed with his walk when he feels the leash that keeps the puppy by his side slipping from his hand and the dog sprinting towards Max. FUCK! If his Monaco curse extends to the rest of Côte D'Azur he might move to the Moon.
The dog runs towards Max, a bit uncoordinated on its big paws, it yaps a bit and it stops right before Max's beach umbrella. The Dutchman look at it with a kind smile and he extendeds his hand forward. The puppy sniffs and starts wagging his tail. Max looks at Sassy, who's carefully evaluating the dog from the side. She looks at Max and meows, going back to her nap. Approval. Max grins and he starts scratching behind the dog's ears, earning an amused bark. He sits back a little on the towel and the puppy steps on it. It lays on his back, rising his paws and Max starts petting his belly, grinning and talking to it in a cute voice, laughing when he sees the dog keeping wagging his tail.
Charles slaps a hand on his face. He could always tell Pierre that he lost the dog, kidnapped by a gang of mobsters, those are things that happen to him... But he won't. He gathers up all his courage and walks to where Max is. The Dutchman is still giving all of his attention to the puppy and he doesn't see Charles. The Monegasque clears his throat. Max looks up at him and gives him one of those stupidly attractive blinding smiles.
"Hi, uhm, Max, never figured you for this much of a cuddler," Charles says, totally making a fool of himself.
Max looks at him, blinking twice, and Charles would like to disappear, dig a hole in the ground and stay there. The greatest of idiots rests there. But the Dutchman laughs and he pats the spot next to him on the beach towel. He's not going to fit on that tiny hamlet of fabric, but that's not something he cares about. He made a fool of himself all of the day, he better take advantage of it.
Charles blushes like a mad man and he sits down, because today is also all about forgetting what self preservation is. Max curiously looks at him and goes back to petting the puppy.
"Hello, Charles... I found this puppy on the beach, well, it ran to me, but now that I think about it, it doesn't have a collar..." Max says.
"Oh, about that... It's Pierre's puppy... I am on babysitting duty, I'm not doing very good, as you can see..." Charles says, earning a chuckle from Max. His ears flush deep red and he has to force himself not to think about where their thighs are touching on the beach towel. Their legs are completely flushed together but Charles must not think about thighs. Especially Max's.
"It's okay, dogs can be a handful..." Max says as he eyes the puppy lovingly. It crawls over their legs and he settles half on Max's and hald on Charles’ legs, deciding it is time for a nap.
Charles rolls his eyes and Max chuckles. The Dutchman looks at him and Charles is not embarrassed anymore of the blush on his cheeks. Being ashamed for being a blushing mess in front of Max Verstappen is something so 2022-like, we've gone over it, now it's openly crushing time. It's not like he has some shame left. If he had he wouldn't be staring at the point where Max's pecs join.
He doesn't realise Max was moving his arms until he fells a hand settling in between his hair that starts scratching his scalp. He closes his eyes and hums quietly. Max chuckles and keeps treating Charles like a puppy.
"Never figured you for this much of a cuddler, Charles," Max says under his breath.
Charles is going to be so fucked...
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aijamisespava · 3 months
2023 vs. 2024 Part 2: Semi-Final 1 Countries
Continuing on our little adventure into the competing countries, we now look at the countries performing in the first Semi-Final in this year's contest and determining which entry I liked better...their 2023 entry or their 2024 entry.
Also, while there is one returning country and one non-returning country, I will go into those countries first before moving on to the countries with a 2023 and 2024 entry.
Luxembourg: Fighter. Okay. Yes, I am still sad about Drowning In The Rain not being the song talked about. But we are here to talk about Fighter, so let's do that. It's a cute lil' song that with right staging and running order could be a great performance! BUT, the reason it ranked low is the fact that with all the other shiny songs that came after it, it got lost in the shuffle a little. I do know we are getting a revamp, so maybe that will help the song a little more, we will have to wait and see.
Ukraine: Heart Of Steel vs. Teresa & Maria. Winner: Teresa & Maria. While Heart Of Steel is a wonderful song and great addition to my playlist, it had to grow on me a little bit before I could really appreciate it (thank the revamp too). But Teresa & Maria stays with me. I've seen so many reels of alyona and Jerry singing the song on Youtube reels (per algorithm), so I guess that's fate saying something.
Cyprus: Break A Broken Heart vs. Liar. Winner: Break A Broken Heart. Both are kinda sorta breakup songs. While Liar takes the sassy approach to the end of a relationship, I loved the melancholic feel that Break A Broken Heart has. I'm also a real sucker for high notes (need I remind you that I'm a Gjon's Tears fan?), which Andrew Lambrou does so well too.
Poland: Solo vs. The Tower. Winner: The Tower. There is no denying that Solo has cemented its place in the Eurovision meme world. And while it has grown on me enough to listen to it when someone put it on the aux cord, The Tower just sounds so good. I would literally be sitting around as the song starts and I'm like "wait, what song is this?" and then Luna starts singing and I'm like "ooooo yes!" Needless to say, I haven't tired of The Tower yet and still feel like I'm listening to it for the first time.
Serbia: Samo Mi Se Spava vs. Ramonda. Winner: Samo Mi Se Spava. This was so hard for me to decide as I actually really love both of them (I mean they both ranked 2nd). Ramonda is so beautiful and emotional, and may have changed what my favorite flower is. And Samo Mi Se Spava is an auditory experience. It went onto a WIP soundtrack within MINUTES after first listen, which is really the only thing making the decision. This will certainly fluctuate over time.
Lithuania: Stay vs. Luktelk. Winner: Stay. Luktelk, a great entry in full Lithuanian, a bop, a total dance song with great staging potential. I've liked it since I ranked the Lithuania songs in the NF. But with Stay, it's one of those songs that really came out at the right time, so I'm in emotional debt to that. But it was another tough decision for this country.
Croatia: Mama ŠČ! vs. Rim Tim Tagi Dim. Winner: Rim Tim Tagi Dim. Let 3 brought forth a piece last year that was also an experience. It was certainly an acquired taste, garnering as many fans as people who ranked the song dead last. But Baby Lasagna and Rim Tim Tagi Dim scratches that itch in my brain that I didn't know I had. Listening to it is fun, plus the lyrics kind of resonate with me (as a college student that moves out of her hometown to attend school).
Ireland: We Are One vs. Doomsday Blue. Winner: Doomsday Blue. I don't think there is another country that took such a drastic turn between what they sent in 2023 and what they send in 2024 as Ireland. We Are One was a great safe entry that fell victim to early selection and a bloodbath semi. Doomsday Blue, however, has something more. My biggest complaint with We Are One is that I felt something was missing. Doomsday Blue feels like a complete package that I know Bambie will bring to life on the stage.
Slovenia: Carpe Diem vs. Veronika. Winner: Veronika. Another tough decision here. Carpe Diem is up my alley musically with rock elements mixed with a spice of pop with an infectious attitude that makes me want to get up and dance. But Veronika? That song puts me in such a trance when I listen to it. The operatic spice adds a cinematic feel to it too.
Iceland: Power vs. Scared Of Heights. Winner: Power. Similar to Lithuania, Power came to me at a time where I might have really needed it. It's still such a great song (listened to it just the other day). Scared Of Heights has great energy which should garner some votes too, but only time will tell.
Finland: Cha Cha Cha vs. No Rules!. Winner: Cha Cha Cha. I don't think any entry can top the iconic energy that Käärijä and Cha Cha Cha had. No Rules! is a good follow-up to try and mimic (or better) the success their predecessor had. But I still dance around my room to Cha Cha Cha once in a while.
Portugal: Ai Coração vs. Grito. Winner: Ai Coração. This is my reminder to listen to Grito some more. Ai Coração jumps around my mind. It's fun, the performance was sassy. It is one of the best Portugese entries I have seen. Grito, however, has a very beautiful tone that should not be slept on either.
Australia: Promise vs. One Milkali (One Blood). Winner: Promise. One thing about me is that I love my ballads, and I love my rock entries. Promise is just that. It's a thrill from start to finish that I enjoy listening to whenever it plays on my playlist. However, I really liked the feel that One Milkali (One Blood) had when I listened to it. For my take, it's best described in the post I made about the song when it came out.
Moldova: Soarele Și Luna vs. In The Middle. Winner: Soarele Și Luna. This feels like an All-Star battle. We have Pasha Parfeni from 2012 and 2023 vs. Natalia Barbu from 2007 and 2024. And while In The Middle has one of the CATCHIEST hooks of this year's selection, Soarele Și Luna was my sister's winner last year. So whenever I hear this one, I tell her and it makes us happy.
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maria021015 · 2 months
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“Hey, Mrs McCall!” Zaida spotted the woman and called out to her in the parking lot of Beacon Hills High, quickening her pace to catch up to Scott’s mom. She’d caught a ride with Stiles and had lagged behind to message Lydia about where to meet.
“Zaida,” The curly-haired woman nodded to her politely in greeting, though there was a slight hesitation, likely due to her newly acquired knowledge.
“How are you doing?” Zaida asked, her tone sympathetic as she fell into step beside the nurse. She purposely framed the question so that the woman could choose if she wanted to keep the conversation surface-level or delve deeper.
“I’ve been better,” Melissa half-smiled, continuing on her way into the school building. “I suppose you’re in all of this too, then? Are you…?”
“A werewolf?” Zaida offered but shook her head in slight amusement. “No, I’m not like Scott. I’m something else.”
“Right…because of course there’s more.” She muttered, appearing to be quite overwhelmed by it all.
“It’ll be okay. It’s a lot to handle at first, but it does get better.” Zaida gave the woman a comforting smile. “And it’s not always like the other night. That’s actually the worst it’s gotten so far.”
“How can you sound so…okay with it? Like it’s normal?” Mellisa questioned, taken aback by the girl’s casual attitude.
“Because by now, it kinda is,” Zaida shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s not easy. But I’d rather know the truth than be kept in the dark wondering. Wouldn’t you?”
Melissa was silent for a moment, pondering her answer before nodding in agreement. “I guess you’re right.” she pushed open the door to the boys’ locker room and stepped inside, looking for her son.
Zaida raised a brow at the - thankfully already suited-up - players, averting her gaze but following after the woman, wondering why no one really cared that they were there. She spotted Danny talking to a zoned-out Jackson, his eyes somewhere far away until snapping back to reality and responding to the goalkeeper in a stern manner. Zaida wished she would have been close enough to hear what the boy was saying because Danny seemed…concerned. She wound her way through the crowded benches and turned just before she bumped right into one of the people she was looking for. Stiles yelped and jerked backwards, clutching his jersey to his bare chest.
“What are you doing here!” He exclaimed, turning around so she only had a view of his back - pale and splattered with tiny moles - whilst he dressed.
“What are you covering, Stiles? You don’t have boobs, remember?” Zaida pointed out, snickering at his reaction. “Plus, don’t you need to put your Lacrosse pads on under that?”
“I’m-” He began defensively, then realised she was right. “I knew that.” The boy scowled at her and hurried away to finish putting on his gear - in the right order, this time.
“Last I checked, Zaida, you don’t play Lacrosse.” Danny flashed his winning smile at her, and she winked at him in response.
“Are you guys in the market for a cheerleader? I look great in burgundy and short skirts.” She jested playfully. It had been a while since she’d spoken to Danny, what with the boy being so preoccupied with Jackson’s odd behaviours since the breakup with Lydia.
“Sorry, but I don’t think that would be in the best interest of the team. You might distract some of our players.” The boy snorted, shooting a glance towards Stiles who was further down the row of lockers and benches behind her. He was just finishing pulling on his lacrosse pads and tightening them in a frantic manner.
“Right,” Zaida brushed off the unusual comment, shifting her focus to what she’d witnessed earlier. “How’s our resident Jackass doing?”
“He’s…not himself. At all. I have no idea what’s going on with him because he won’t talk to me other than weird vague warnings that sound almost like threats.” Danny furrowed his shapely brows, his stress was evident in his heavy sigh.
“Warnings like what?” She prompted, head tilting in curiosity and hoping her line of questioning wasn’t too obviously suspicious.
“He told me to stay in the goal and that if he starts coming towards me I should run. I don’t even know what that means.” Danny shook his head and Zaida’s heart skipped a beat. Stiles had been right. Gerard was definitely planning something tonight. Someone was going to get hurt…or worse. She needed to warn them. Her hair whipped over her shoulder as she turned to find Stiles, her eyes landing on him as the team began to crowd together in front of the door to Coach’s office. She excused herself from Danny and ducked under taller players’ arms to squeeze into the spot between Stiles and Melissa.
“Good morning!” Coach Finstock boomed, getting all of their attention with his dramatic attitude. “In less than an hour, aircraft from here will be joining others from around the world…and you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind."
“What?” Mellisa screwed up her face in confusion. Zaida mirrored the expression because…what?
“Mankind - that word should have new meaning for all of us today.” Coach continued his speech as if he were staring in a movie and the rent on his apartment was overdue, speaking into a tiny volume amplifier.
“What the hell is he talking about?” Mrs McCall looked around for the reactions of the players, noting how strange it was that no one identified this as something out of the ordinary.
“He does this every year.” Stiles rolled his eyes in exasperation.
“We are fighting for our right to live!” Finstock rallied morale and the team responded back with a rowdy cheer. Something about the words rang a bell for Zaida; she could have sworn she’d heard them before.
“Wait, is this...?” Melissa began, also noticing that tugging familiarity.
“Oh my God,” Zaida’s eyes widened, and she stifled her laughter as she recognised exactly what was going on.
“Yeah. It's the speech from ‘Independence Day’.” Stiles confirmed with a dip of his chin. “It's Coach's favourite movie.”
“That is so…fitting for him, somehow.” Zaida grinned from ear to ear, absolutely relishing in the moment as the man continued in the most passionate voice she’d ever heard from him.
“He doesn't know any sports speeches?” Melissa raised a brow.
“I don't think he cares,” Stiles explained with a shrug, glancing at Zaida, who was having entirely too much fun right now. He shook his head at her with a glint of amusement in his eyes as he watched her reaction. “You are such a geek."
“And?” She challenged. “So are you.”
“Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!” Finstock finished off strong and as the team cried out in celebration, Zaida joined. She cupped her hands over her mouth to magnify her voice and whooped cheerfully as Stiles continued to shake his head. Her buzz was instantly dulled when Gerard made his way into the fray through the doorway, nudging Coach aside with a hand to the shoulder.
“Well spoken, Coach. I might have chosen something with a little more historical value, but there's no denying your passion.” The old man began, his eyes scanning over the room slowly as he spoke far more eloquently than Finstock. “And, while I haven't been here long, there's no denying my pride in having a winning team for this school. I know you'll all be brilliant tonight, even with only one co-captain leading you.” His gaze landed on Scott to drive in the impact of his words. “Now, I'm your principal, but I'm also a fan... So, don't think I'll be content to watch you merely beat this team. Get out there and murder them.”
Zaida’s blood ran cold, and she stood frozen between Stiles and Melissa - the three of them and Scott being the only ones to truly understand the meaning of this visit. It was a blatant threat. “You heard the man! Asses on the field!” Finstock yelled out his instructions and the team dispersed in high spirits, leaving Scott to find his way up to Coach to ask what Gerard had meant by ‘only one co-captain’.
“He’s benched Scott,” Zaida turned to Stiles with worry in her hazel eyes, trying to collect her frantic thoughts. “Danny told me Jackson warned him…Stiles, something is happening. Something big.”
“Yeah…I know.” Stiles jittered nervously; his tone ominous.
“Stiles, please, you need to be careful. If you see something happening, don’t get involved. Just run.” She pleaded with him, pulling him by the arm away from Melissa to have a more private conversation. “Just run, and find me, okay? I don’t care what else happens, just promise me you’re going to look out for yourself.”
“What about Scott? I can’t just leave him to deal with it,” The boy protested in hushed tones, his heart warming at her concern in a way that felt completely foreign.
“If something happens to Scott, he’ll heal. I’ll heal. You won’t.” Zaida pointed out, her emotions rising to her chest, feeling as though she might burst from the pressure. “Just...please, run. I need to know you’re going to be okay. We already lost Allison…I’m not going to lose you too.”
“I’ll be okay,” Stiles nodded, not quite giving her the answer she wanted as he reached out to brush a stray piece of hair out of her eyes and tuck it behind her ear. “You just watch out, alright? Stay with Melissa and Lydia, and my dad is gonna come find you.”
Any more words Zaida could think of were stuck in her throat as dread sank heavily into the pit of her stomach. He started to pull away, but she couldn’t let him leave like that, so she reached out and grabbed his wrist, turning him back towards her and flinging her arms around his neck to pull him close. Stiles stiffened for a moment, unsure of how to respond before he returned her hug, his arms wrapping around her waist. The reassuring pressure of the embrace calmed her and yet simultaneously her heart raced. When she dropped from her tiptoes, her arms sliding away from him, Stiles was the first to step back, following the line of his teammates as they exited the locker room. It left Zaida standing there with anxiety bubbling within her. Scott stood a few feet away watching her with a curious expression, and she felt her cheeks flush slightly in embarrassment at being caught by the boy in such a vulnerable moment. She lifted her guards back into place and shot him a half-smile before walking out and making her way towards the bleachers.
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“Oh, no…” Stilinski craned his neck to get a better view of Stiles as he ran out onto the grass. “Why is my son running out to the field?”
“...Because he's on the team?” Melissa suggested as Zaida twisted her hands in her lap. This was even worse than she’d originally thought. It had been bad enough when Stiles was sitting on the bench, now he’d actually be playing?!
“He's on the team…He's- he's on the field...” His father mumbled in disbelief as the fact settled in. His expression then shifted into pure excitement and pride as he shouted shamelessly, “He's on the field!”
Zaida sent Lydia a small smile when the girl joined them, looking as beautiful as ever. She immediately picked up on Zaida’s nervous ticks and covered the girl’s fidgeting hands with her own in a soothing manner. “I thought you didn’t care about Lacrosse?” She questioned with an amused smile as the brunette’s eyes trailed after the number twenty-four jersey.
“What can I say, I found my school spirit tucked away in the back of my closet, along with this super cute coat.” Zaida drawled sarcastically but genuinely appreciated the redhead’s support.
The two captains huddled together for the scrimmage, the referee’s whistle rang out, and the game was afoot. Stiles got off to an incredibly slow start, finally scooping up the ball only to get tackled by not one, but two burly opponents. “...He's probably just warming up.” Melissa tried to be polite in front of Sheriff Stilinski.
Zaida hissed through her teeth as she watched, feeling the impact in her chest as her breath seemed to be knocked out of her. She re-centred herself quickly, pushing her blocks back into place. She didn’t know why, but Stiles always managed to make his way back in. It was incredibly difficult to disconnect from him, but she finally managed it when the boy was once again in possession of the ball, but he swiftly dropped it and it was snatched up by the opposing team.
“Oh, he's just a little nervous.” To Zaida’s surprise, even Lydia was being encouraging. She looked at the girl strangely. “Plenty of time to turn it around.”
As the timer kept clicking over while the minutes passed by, Stiles continued to fumble about the field relatively uselessly, not making many good passes and getting knocked into before he could contribute to any plays. He even got hit right in the helmet grate when trying to catch a solid pass from Rodriguez. Zaida spied Scott from the corner of her eye, standing up but being put back in his place by Coach. As her focus momentarily switched from Stiles to the bench, she noticed a familiar head of light brown curls approaching the field from the parking lot, her spine straightening in shock.
“I’ll be right back,” She excused herself and almost stumbled over her own feet as she hurried down from the bleachers to intercept the boy. She took in his Lacrosse uniform and the determination in his blue eyes. “You’re here.” She stood in front of him, suddenly unsure of why she’d even come down and feeling incredibly awkward. They hadn’t spoken since the rave.
“Yeah, I am.” He nodded, seemingly surprised that she was even speaking to him. It was the most civil she had been towards him in a long time.
“Are you here for Derek? Or for us?” She asked, a part of her needing to know.
“I’m here for Scott.” He corrected. “To help win. But…I could be here for something else - someone else, if that’s what you want?” His words this time were genuine, with none of that arrogant smirk to be seen. Right now, it was as if she was talking to the Isaac that had been hers. She hesitated, not knowing what she wanted for a split second, until - for some strange reason - she remembered the boy on the field right now.
“No,” She shook her head with a sad smile, feeling that chapter of her life come to a close. “But I’m glad you’re here. For Scott. To help.”
Isaac nodded in acknowledgment of her decision, respecting and accepting it graciously. “Well, I better get out there. Take care of yourself tonight, Zaida.”
“I will,” She agreed and watched him go for a moment before returning to her seat beside Lydia. The girl raised her brow in a curious expression.
“Is that starting up again?” The redhead asked with a mischievous tone.
“No, it actually just ended.” Zaida smiled, comfortable with the closure she’d now gotten. “What did I miss?”
“Just more losing,” Lydia shrugged, and surely enough they were several points behind on the scoreboard. Isaac jogged out onto the field after spending some time whispering with Scott on the bench.
Zaida didn’t know what she was expecting from the boy, but him barging aggressively into his own teammates was not it. He was doing it in a way that could have looked accidental to the unknowing eye, but Zaida could tell it was purposeful. What was he doing? She couldn’t figure it out until Coach was forced to swap out the injured player for the next in line on the bench. The line that pretty much ended with Scott. It was only then that the realisation came to her. He was getting their own players pulled out until Coach had no other choice than to put Scott on the field. Okay, maybe they might win this one just yet.
Their odds were looking pretty good with Isaac on the field and Scott soon to join, it would at least be two on one, should Jackson lash out. Zaida’s growing confidence was snuffed out along with most of her hope when Jackson and Isaac both went down, and only one of them got back up. Isaac had to be carried off the field and away to the locker rooms by some of his teammates, but he was at least still alive, simply paralysed. Coach Finstock was faced with a choice. He could forfeit the game, or he could put Scott on the field. Zaida waited for his decision with bated breath, a sigh of relief escaping her when she saw number eleven standing up. At that point, Melissa got out of her seat to speak to her son and returned with a newfound resoluteness that hadn’t been there before.
“You can tell, can’t you?” Zaida asked the woman in hushed tones when she returned as Scott jogged out onto the field. “That something’s happening.”
“I told him not to do whatever he has to do. I’m in this now, whether I like it or not, and if I can do something to help you kids, I’m going to.” Melissa replied firmly, and Zaida beamed at the woman. For a moment, she reminded her of her own mother.
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dantekwright · 7 months
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( miles heizer + male + he/him) radar detector by darwin deez is a song that describes dante wright to a tee !  the twenty-five year old has been on the island for two years. I heard you can find them walking around the strip or working at little italy as a server. rumor has it they can be pretty particular but if you ask their friends they would say they are more felicific. i’m pretty sure they remind everyone of unmade beds, the glow of a cigarette butt at night, mountains of unused yarn and unfinished crochet projects, worn out slip on vans, but that’s for you to decide ? you’ll meet them soon enough, the island is only so big. - mad. 27. they/them. pst. no triggers.
Name: Dante Keegan Wright Nicknames/Alias: Dant, DK Faceclaim: Miles Heizer Age: 24 Height: 5’10 Build: Slim Gender: Male Sexuality: Homosexual Myers-Briggs: ENFP-T Zodiac Sign: Leo Occupation: Server at Little Italy Tattoos/piercings: No tattoos but has his septum pierced, both lobes and a daith piercing on the left side (mainly there to help with migraines) Sailor Scout He’s Most Like: Sailor Venus
Dante was never destined to be a Texan. As the youngest of five boys, Dante spent his formative years receiving hand me downs in the form of expectations and life lessons learned through sibling torment. It became clear to his parents at a young age that Dante wasn’t going to follow in the footsteps of his brothers. He wasn’t a natural at football, he had no desire to join the Army, and it was becoming alarmingly clear he wouldn’t knock up his high school sweetheart either.
And Dante had no desire to.
Despite the pigeonhole and constant fights his family tried to keep him in he did what he could to avoid opening up the conversation that would inevitably end in arguments that Dante didn’t want to have. He didn’t hide who he was but that didn’t mean he ever addressed their sneaking suspicions, or looked to have any “coming out” experience with his family. He kept to himself, turning to the internet and the friends he found online, opening up there more than he ever did to someone in Bammel, TX. His bags were packed after graduation and he set out for greener pastures. The world opened up for Dante as he bopped from big city to big city doing everything he could to distance himself from where he grew up. Making friends wasn’t a problem for Dante when he surrounded himself with the right people and was able to experience everything Bammel could’ve never offered.
A life seeking out all the world had to offer became an overindulgence, and an unsustainable lifestyle for Dante. He lived month to month scraping by on what odd jobs he held down and the generosity of friends he acquired, which led to Dante getting tangled up in people he shouldn’t have on multiple occasions. After a particularly bad breakup with a FWB Dante found himself in Avalon. It was sleepy in comparison to the other homes he’d found for himself, and Dante had every intention to only stick around for a summer.
What was supposed to be a three month stay in Avalon quickly turned into two years as Dante formed a new home base in the coastal town. His love for a good time and spending an entire paycheck on a night out no longer was his entire existence nor did he spend all his time in his room holed up on the internet. In Avalon, Dante was able to seek out his equilibrium. He opened himself up to activities he’d been closed minded to in the past. He took up crocheting (something he never even thought of trying back in Texas) and developed an appreciation for the arts. Although he is discovering himself, Dante is beginning to realize he will always be discovering something new. He doesn’t know if he’ll stay in Avalon forever, but is content here for now, and is embracing life in a new way that isn’t an “all or nothing” mindset.
✓ Strong-willed, outspoken, felicific ✘ Pugnacious, vain, particular
Dante’s the youngest of five boys. He doesn’t keep in contact with any of his brothers or his father but occasionally gives his mother a call. He’s never come out to his family and doesn’t plan to. It’s easier they just assume whatever they assume. 
Dante doesn’t speak in a southern accent and is very cognizant of the way he speaks. There’s a few words he slips up on but the only time it really comes out is when he’s exhausted or intoxicated.
Dante’s nearsighted and is usually wearing his glasses when he isn’t at home (or hasn’t misplaced them).
Allergic to latex (learned the hard way).
Eats more red meat than he’d like to admit.
Makes his bed only when he knows he’s having company over.
Is the noisy neighbor and is constantly playing music any time he’s home.
Voted most likely to leave town in high school (which he did immediately after graduating).
Took up crochet when he moved to Avalon. He's gotten pretty good at it and has a hoard of yarn slowly taking over his room.
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This week, I watched/listened to some more stand-up specials by people who have at some point been guests on The Bugle podcast. Here is what I thought about them.
Tom Ballard – Enough (2022)
I really liked this one, even more than the one other special I’ve seen by him, The World Keeps Happening from 2017. I think in the intervening years he got better and blending the personal and political material, going from one to the other in ways that feel less jarring, and even doing both at the same time in some ways. I liked the topics he picked and I liked the way he approached them. Also, he calmed down on the whole “Let me tell you how Millennial I am” thing, which annoyed me a bit in his previous special.
Looking back at the whole thing a few days after watching it, I’m realizing I think my favourite line was: “Whatever you think of the anti-vaxxers, you’ve got to admit, it will be pretty funny if they’re right.” Which made me laugh way too hard, because that thought had crossed my mind a few times. And I appreciate a comedian with sufficiently solid credentials so they could say something like that and I wouldn’t wonder for one moment whether they were trying to sort of covertly appeal to the antivax types, say “Well I’m not one or anything, obviously, but come on, let’s give them a chance,” or if not actually say that, at least come close enough to saying it so an actual antivaxxer could choose to hear it that way and then they’d broaden their audience (Katherine Ryan, I’m talking about Katherine Ryan here). There was none of that, which made the joke way easier to enjoy.
It was mainly pandemic material, Australian politics material, and a bit about a recently acquired boyfriend. The latter tends to not be my favourite thing (I’ve recently worked out that I tend to enjoy breakup shows more than their opposite), but it didn’t take over the show too much and it was all right.
I liked his political material; found the stuff about liberal bubbles particularly refreshing, as so many comedians cover that ground in the same way, and Tom Ballard found a different angle on it. I liked how specific he got about a bunch of subjects. I liked how he used historical context to flesh out what he was saying. It was a strong show.
Hari Kondabolu – Warn Your Relatives (2018), Vacation Baby (2023)
The second of these shows just came out a couple of weeks ago, it’s all on YouTube and I really recommend it. I previously knew Hari Kondabolu from The Bugle, obviously, and had watched The Problem with Apu, but only just watched his two specials this week. I enjoyed them both.
There’s something about American comedy that often annoys me and I can’t quite define what it is. It’s partly the shoutyness, obviously, but it’s not just that. There are shouty British comedians I like and non-shouty American comedians whom I still think have that indefinable annoying “American” quality. I think it’s more rooted in how often they talk about drug use than shoutyness. Drug stories can be funny, but if I watch too much American comedy in a row I found the saturation of drug-related material annoying. Similar thing with sex stories – can be funny, too many of them from Americans, and too often told without any of the awkwardness and repression that makes those stories funny. I think there’s something more fundamental, though, but I don’t know how to explain it. Status, maybe? Something about American comedians being more likely to take the high status, even if they’re being ostensibly self-deprecating and even if their specific comedy style is relatively subdued. Maybe it’s that. I think Daniel Sloss has it, whatever it is. So not all Americans have it and not only Americans have it. But it’s mostly them who have it.
Anyway, that is by no means a hard and fast rule that applies to every American comedian, it’s just a general thing I notice when I watch American comedy. Whatever quality it is that tends to annoy me about American comedians, Hari Kondabolu has absolutely none of it. He’s sufficiently self-deprecating and at times awkward, but in a way that doesn’t feel hugely performative (“hugely performative” – that’s another way to describe that quality). I really like this style and approach.
The second of these shows is about how he recently had a kid, and parenthood material also tends not to be my favourite thing, but Hari’s was fine. He kept it to a minimum, and talked more about the kid’s effect on his ways of thinking than about the actual kid. I found some of it funny.
Obviously there was lots of political stuff in there, and most of it was quite good. Some he made personal, and some he didn’t. He had a bunch of stuff about Tucker Carleson in the recent special, which was well timed as it came out a week before Carleson was fired. The 2018 one had a lot about Trump, obviously, and I thought covered the over-saturated ground of Trump-based comedy well. He had some stuff to say that I hadn’t hard a million times before, which is always impressive in political comedy. He was sharp and nuanced and managed to keep being funny no matter how serious the topic. It was good.
Anuvab Pal – The Empire (2018)
This one was interesting, as it’s a perspective I don’t hear often: someone who was born, raised, and still lives in India, giving his take on what it’s like to be in Indian and visit post-colonial (well, sort of – I realize there are nations that would justifiably disagree with the term “post-colonial” in 2023, quite a few of them in the Caribbean) Britain.
It was good. He played with audience expectations a lot, which makes sense. He understood that no one knew quite what to expect from him, and that he was talking a room full of white guilt. He put them at ease just enough so they could laugh, but also used that tension just enough to make it funnier. He kept switching between those two tactics, and it created a good rhythm for the show.
It was a tightly themed show, everything in it relating to the topic of how the British Empire affected things in the past, and what it’s like to live in a former colony of that empire now. He told a lot of jokes that he could only get away with because he does actually live in that former colony now, and I’m glad he told them, because they were funny, so someone has to tell those jokes, but most people shouldn’t (I’m feeling the need to clarify, since people won’t have seen this show and may be picturing worse than it is, I don’t mean, like, horribly racist stuff, just joking about the small and day-to-day effects of colonization in a way that would sound like trivializing it if it were said by anyone who hadn’t actually experienced it).
I thought it was put together really well, as it’s hard to go for a full hour on one topic like that. This topic also required educating the audience a bit, to make sure they’d get all his references. He’d teach them some bit of history just so he could make a joke about it, but would manage to put jokes into the teaching as well so that part didn’t drag too much. He also did pretty well with flattering the British audience by saying they know more than Americans do about colonial history, and obviously that’s going to go down well.
Chris Addison – The Ape That Got Lucky (2002/2005), Civilization (2004/2006)
It’s weird that I’d never heard these ones before this week. Chris Addison’s 2002 and 2004 Edinburgh shows got made into 4-part BBC Radio 4 programs in 2005 and 2006 –it’s hard for something to be more up my street than that.
I listened to them both this week, and they were all right. I know Chris Addison is capable of being funnier than this, he’s showed up to a few Bugle episodes with pre-written material that’s made me lose my breath with laughter, and made Andy Zaltzman tell him to slow down because he’s making the other guests look bad, by writing stuff funny enough for a polished stand-up show and bringing it to a weekly topical podcast.
He didn’t quite show that level of skill in these radio shows, which as far as I can tell are just his Edinburgh shows but fleshed out a bit, dramatized with a few actors, and split into four parts of thirty minutes each. The actors who appeared in these shows were also the main characters in his sitcom Lab Rats, which was made around the same time as these radio things were. Also, a lot of the sketches were plots in his Lab Rats sitcom. I had not previously realized the extent to which Lab Rats was just a way for Chris Addison to turn his stand-up into a TV show.
These radio shows are about on par with Lab Rats, which means… funny, clever, entertaining, definitely not the best thing I’ve ever heard and definitely not Chris Addison at his best. I actually know he was capable of being funnier than this even back in the early 00s, because he wrote and starred in The Department alongside Zaltzman and Oliver in 2004-2006, and that was amazingly funny. I think Chris Addison tends to have good, smart, and funny ideas, but maybe didn’t get as good at developing them until a little later. A lot of the specific lines in The Department are clearly Zaltzman and Oliver creations; Addison may have been less involved in the details of the script writing for that.
But I like the concepts. The first show, The Ape That Got Lucky, looks at how humans evolved from our prehistorical ancestors; and the second show, Civilization, looks at how we built worlds once we’d evolved. There were some parts that made me laugh because they were legitimately really funny. There were other parts that made me laugh because I was sufficiently impressed with the cleverness shown so I felt like they deserved a laugh. All of it was structed well.
This show also had to do a bit of teaching while making jokes, which I thought he did nicely. It’s a hard needle to thread – teaching the audience enough facts so they’ll get your jokes, without condescendingly assuming they don't already know stuff that they do in fact know. The ideal spot, of course, is if you can manage to explain in a way that teaches things to audience members who didn’t know it, while making the ones who did know it feel flattered instead of patronized. I think he did it pretty well. There was one line from after he’d tied himself in a few knots with explaining the genuine historical importance of his point, while trying to dip into silliness just often enough to never lose his audience, and then he declared: “This program is a serious attempt to trivialize an important subject, and the last thing we need is people making a mockery of it!” I enjoyed that one, I might steal it for use in everyday life.
You know that thing people say, that Radio 4 is all smug middle class people looking down on the working class? I think that most of the time, that truly does not apply. But while listening to these particular radio shows… Chris Addison did take enough cheap swipes at builders and women with lower back tattoos and similar targets to make me think, okay, I see where the accusations come from. There was more of that in the first one than the second one, so maybe learned a bit. Both series had more jokes than would be ideal about Chris Addison looking gay, but to be fair, I was in middle school in both 2002 and 2004, when these shows were originally written, and I can confirm that in those years, the definition of “gay” was pretty much just “looks, talks, and moves like Chris Addison”. So what was he supposed to do, not point it out?
Mark Steel – Vive La Revolution (2007)
Mark Steel figured out the same thing as Chris Addison, which is that history is vast, and that’s key in comedy. So many comedians are out there tripping over each other to try to find some tiny bit of new ground in the current culture, something personal or political or surreal or observational, or anything else that hasn’t already been talked about a million different times in a million different ways. They’re all just scrambling to find one tiny angle that everyone else has left open for them.
And some comedians work out that if you turn around and look behind you, there are years and years and years of untouched territory. Even if other comedians do turn around at the same time and see it too, that’s no threat to you, because there is so much of it. Every single comedian could immediately start doing material about history, and they still wouldn’t have to run into each other, because there are enough years of history (and, to include some of Chris Addison’s stuff, pre-history) for them all to spread out and each take a different part of it.
It’s very clever, really, and the only tiny drawback to using this strategy is you do have to accept that it means the absolute ceiling of your career, the top point of your potential for which you’ll always be aiming, will be Lord of Radio 4. I mean, I guess unless Armando Iannucci decides to put you in a TV show and then they make a movie out of it and then you end up directing in America and writing sitcoms for Martin Freeman and whatever else Chris Addison does now. But for the vast majority of comedians who make this choice, Lord of Radio 4 becomes the dream. And I really enjoyed this stand-up comedy show/lecture on the French revolution by Lord of Radio 4 Mark Steel.
Another nice thing about history-based comedy is it won’t date itself too much; the facts about the French revolution are the same in 2023 as they were in 2007. It's timely in 2023, as well, with the differences between rich and poor getting increasingly untenable, and people talking about guillotines. Mark’s Steel’s stuff is always well researched, so if you want a two-hour explanation of what actually led to those guillotines, told while also being funny, this is pretty good. He did tie it to the present in his show as well, though at the time the present was 2007, and he talked mainly about the Iraq war.
It's not the funniest comedy show I’ve ever seen, but it had way more legitimate laughs than a two-hour lecture on the French revolution has any right to deliver, so that’s pretty good (like I said: Lord of Radio 4). I do find Mark Steel’s entire stage persona really funny; when he gets into “angry about everything” mode, that’ll entertain me almost regardless of what he’s saying. I sometimes think of him as one of the shouty comedians, but he isn’t really. He’s just a really, really, angry and pessimistic comedian. Who backs his pessimism up by being politically informed.
I wish Mark Steel had more comedy specials, particularly from more recent years. I’ve heard his In Town show is very good, have had that vaguely on my list of things to listen to for ages, but what I really like is listening to Mark Steel talk history/politics and get angry about stuff. The only regular thing I know he has going on these days is the podcast with his son, and unfortunately his son sucks. Mark Steel really is great, it’s a pity he got saddled with a son who sucks. An insufficient heir to the Radio 4 throne, though I assume Mark Steel doesn’t mind that as he’d be against hereditary passing on of leadership anyway.
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sunlightwoo · 2 years
lost and found
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✁ pairing: soulmate!mingi x g.n reader
✁ genre: post break up au, soulmate au, exes to lovers au, angst, slight fluff no warnings! rated: pg-13
✁ wc: 1406
✁ plot: you wanted to believe that your soulmate was him, that was until you had both broken up. the feeling of being lost was harder than a breakup, wanting to be found by your soulmate that you had no clue of being because they had the compliment lock of your key.
✁ a/n: after the long awaited time to start this, i finally have the first installment of the rewritten series of desire up and running! it’s sadly not as long as i had anticipated this to be, but i did like the outcome of how i wrote this in the end!! i hope you guys liked this as well and anticipate for the rest of the installment to come soon!
desire [rewritten] navi | ateez masterlist | main navi
gina is listening to: [ latch (acoustic version) by sam smith ]
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You wondered what it was like to have a soulmate.
At least how you would have imagined it in the past. 
From the moment that you turned sixteen with your childhood best friend, you knew what your bond was supposed to be. It was meant and designed to be something special that you treasured longingly, because there were not a lot of people that acquired the specific piece that you would have to find your other half in the future. 
It wasn’t a grand or generic bond that you technically had with your soulmate, but rather a beautifully shaped key that was meant to unlock your soulmate’s equally unique shaped lock. It was said that you were supposed to meet them when the time was right, but somehow you couldn’t help but think that the one person that was meant to be your soulmate had been in front of you the entire time. 
Or that was what you used to think back then. 
Your childhood best friend, Song Mingi, was the one person that you used to find yourself loving more and more each day. He was your first in everything, up to the very point where him being your first also became your lasts for a while. You remember the night very clearly, because it was the only time that you had ever been so vulnerable with someone else that wasn’t even your family, despite the fact that you had known him since you were in diapers. 
The night that the two of you broke up after being in a relationship for at least two years, it was a night to remember considering you cried over it for weeks on end. Your breakup had only been about one revolving topic; soulmates. Of course you knew of the possibility that came when you thought about how you weren’t his, in which it was the same way that you had even considered thinking that maybe the universe was nice enough to have him actually be your soulmate; but yet somehow it also became your downfall. 
A year later after the breakup, it was by then that you were finally pieced back together once again. You were better, not once denying that you had a soulmate because you knew that whoever it was would eventually come to you when the time was right. You had forgotten all about Mingi from the moment that he walked out the door and cried all the nights on your own. 
However, it seemed as though today was too good to be true, even if your friend Yunho told you that it was all in your head. You had been over at his apartment for a movie night with him and some of your other friends from college, the sound of a knock at the front door indicating that someone was here had you going up from your seat on the couch to get it since you had volunteered to. To be fair, it had also been your second home too, along with your friends. 
Yet when you realize who had been at the door, you could feel your heart clenching in your chest tightly. You were in the same position as that one night, wondering as to why Mingi even had the audacity to show up once again into your life when you were doing just fine without him. Something felt off as you were unsure of what to do, but it could’ve also been from the other instances that the two of you had run into each other with just glances from a far. 
Mingi. himself, thinks that maybe he shouldn't have taken on Yunho’s invitation for a movie night if he had known that you were now better without him. A year too long that he spent without you anymore in his life and seeing how happy you were without him made his stomach churn, more specifically the jealousy and guilt that had been eating him alive as he watched you from afar befriend his own closest friends. 
“Are you stalking me?”
Your words had taken him off guard, him not realizing what you had said until it had processed in his head and he shakes his head in response. The words that were once on the tip of his tongue were now lodged in his throat, the sight of your soulmate key was now mocking him in front of his very eyes as he knew that you had always worn it around your neck as a necklace. 
“No, I- Yunho invited me,” He breathed out quietly and with those exact words, your head turned to where your friends were all seated on the couch previously only to be greeted with the sight of an empty couch. 
You had been set up.
“Y/N, I-”
“If you’re here to apologize, I don’t want you to.” You curtly say, crossing your arms in front of your chest protectively as your hand instinctively went to cover up the key that was still dangling on your neck, until you realized that there was something that was in his hand. 
The moment that your eye catches sight of it, you felt your breath hitch in your chest as the designs of it had almost perfectly matched the small decals that were engraved on your key. By the time that he notices, he holds up the lock closer to your line of sight and the tears that were threatening to spill from the corners of your eyes were more evident than ever, because who were you to even make assumptions in this moment. 
“I’m not saying that we have to get back together… I just want to know that if the reason that I lost you in the first place was because of me and my worries,” He starts out quietly, and you could see the pain that was in his eyes that were avoiding your very own, and you wonder if this was meant to even happen in the first place. 
Fate had a knack for timing it seems like.
“If it was you, I think I could live without you if you were to reject me anyways. It was my fault that we were apart in the first place.”
The moment that he finishes his words was when he holds out the lock for you to take, and there’s a step of hesitance in your mind as you ponder whether or not you should even try. But you do it anyway, for the clarity that you could possibly gain from this internal fight with your feelings and for the fact that if it was Mingi, then you had been right the entire time from the start. 
The key that was once around your neck now sits heavily in your palm, the weight of it felt more intense now that you had both your key and his lock in your hands, and suddenly you feel guilty; guilty that you were doing this for your own selfish emotions and thoughts. The sound of a click, however, as you had come to realize that your hands had subconsciously done what you couldn’t even comprehend to do brings you back to the reality of it all.
Tears were now finally streaming down your face as his lock had finally become undone. Completed. This entire time that you had been apart must’ve been fate’s way of letting you both grow as individuals without each other, but even then it felt like you had been a part of a cruel game. What you didn’t fail to notice this time around was Mingi’s hand now wrapping around his lock once again, but this time the tears that were now streaming down his face reflected your own face. 
Shock and surprise were one of the words that you could describe this situation, but there was also not enough words at the same time to even elaborate on how you felt. You were too overwhelmed by the feeling of it all; were you relieved that he was your soulmate? Was it bad that you wanted him to be yours so badly back then that now it even feels wrong to have him come back into your life? 
One thing was for sure, and that was the fact that the timing of it all was meant to be, you concluded, before he finally spoke up in the tension filled environment.
“I found you.”
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permanent taglist: @allyg-onz​ @viastro​ @bbanghoonie​ @wooyoung-a @pwttychannie @sunwoahkim @karsohn @escapewriter @wooyeouu @0710khj @awfullytiredbuthealing @fylithia @myluv-yeonjun @allorysayshi @nlnkm @jannine00742 @yvessaintmingi @jay-scenarios @rebsmoonn @jjhmk​ @beomgyugyu​ @cowboyjaehyun​ @ja4hyvn​ (add yourself to the series taglist here!)
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soobmint · 4 years
voices | choi beomgyu [f] soulmates! au, 14.2k words
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s u m m a r y : after seeing your soulmate for the first time (whether in passing or by actually meeting them), you are able to hear their voice in your head—but only when they are singing. you have never been very interested in finding love, and choi beomgyu has lost all interest in singing. what happens when the two of you begin to change one another’s minds about the things you wish to avoid more than anything else?
c o n t e n t s : soulmates au, strangers to sorta enemies to lovers, guitarist! gyu, freckle gyu, college au, yeonjun is your best friend, gyu is a brat but a cute brat, very fluffy, a tiny bit of light angst
t a g l i s t : @hyuckworld @chanluster @honeyju​ @magicalstellar @yeonjuniper​ (if you’d like to be added to the taglist for future oneshots, please let me know!)
n o t e : this was requested by my dear friend alice, and i hope i did the request justice! the lyrics used in the oneshot are from genius’ english translation of “runaway.” i hope you guys enjoy the oneshot, and do kindly leave a like, comment, or reblog if you enjoyed it! that would mean the world!
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 As dramatic as it sounded, the day hadn’t been quite so terrible. You were sitting cross-legged in the floor of one of the many practice rooms in your university’s music department with a bag of popcorn in your lap, your head leaned back against the wall as you stifled back a yawn. Your best friend, Yeonjun, was going on and on about his most recent breakup, but the story was so similar to all the other breakups he had gone through in the past two years that you were having a difficult time staying focused. The afternoon sunlight trickled in through the windows, reflecting off the symbols of the drum set that rested in the far corner. You scooted to the side a bit so that the light wouldn’t shine in your eyes anymore as Yeonjun paced back and forth in front of you.
 “And then she just stopped talking to me,” He said, running his hands through his hair. “Out of nowhere too! Things had been going so well, but then it was weird. Next thing I know, she’s breaking up with me—get this—over text.”
 You tossed a piece of popcorn into your mouth. “Tragic.”
 “I know you’re being sarcastic, but yes, it was tragic.” He finally stopped pacing and collapsed to the ground beside of you, leaning his head against your shoulder. “Love is so hard. You meet someone, you think it’s going to work and that you’ll spend a long, happy life together. Next thing you know, you’re single and stuck with your best friend in a stinky music room, waiting for some club meeting to start—or whatever it is we’re in here for.”
 “We’re here because we are in charge of organizing the music and theater departments’ performance at the open house next month,” You corrected, flicking his forehead. “And didn’t you only date this girl for like, a week?”
 He sighed, sitting up to glare at you. “Love knows not the boundaries of time, my dear friend. You’ll understand once you find it for yourself.”
 “Calm down, Shakespeare. I am not falling in love.”
 “Unfortunately for you, I don’t think you have any control over that,” He said with a teasing smile. “But why wouldn’t you want to?”
 You scoffed, turning to stare at him. “Well, for starters, you haven’t exactly given me a good idea of what ‘love’ is supposed to be, seeing as you’re crying about another ‘true-love-gone-wrong’ every three weeks. Why on earth would I want that for myself?”
 “Hey, love is different for everyone,” He said. “Just because my love life is vibrant and exciting and full of various names and faces doesn’t mean the same will happen for you.”
 “How do you predict my love life will go, then?”
 He hummed, tapping his finger against his chin in thought. “Well, you’re pretty boring, so you’ll probably be the kind of person that waits until they find their soulmate, then you’ll settle down and live a long, safe and uneventful life with them.”
 “Shut up,” you said as you shoved him, but you couldn’t help the laughter that bubbled out of you. “I think my soulmate is out of the question, though.”
 Yeonjun frowned. “You still haven’t heard him since back then?”
 You sighed, shaking your head as you leaned back against the wall. “Not a thing.”
 It was quiet then as the two of you thought about what this meant. It wasn’t the first time you had been faced with the reality of your situation, but it still felt like a punch to the stomach every time.
 In a world where people waited years, decades even, to hear the voice of their soulmate singing in their head, you had been considered extremely lucky to have heard the gentle voice of a boy in your mind at the age of thirteen. You knew that you had to have met him somewhere—at least in passing—in order to hear him, but you had no clue who he was.
 Yet, in a way, it felt like you did. He sang often—so often you wondered if singing was as necessary as breathing to him. It wasn’t a bother to you though; in fact, it was quite the opposite. The songs he sang always told a story; some spoke of love and joy, others off loss and heartache. You felt like each song he sang held a piece of him, and that piece was something that was shared just between the two of you.
 Until his voice was gone.
 It was rare for him to go a day without singing. Yet suddenly, in your sophomore year of college, days and weeks went by without a single note, and you had yet to hear his voice since.
 Your soulmate had stopped singing, and it was difficult to not imagine that the worst had happened.
 Yeonjun must have noticed the solemn look that came over your face, because he leaned over and gave your shoulder a squeeze. “Don’t be so gloomy,” he said. “He could still be out there.”
 You smiled the best you could, although the pit in your stomach remained. “Yeah, I guess he could.” You tossed the popcorn to Yeonjun and stood to your feet, wiping the crumbs from your hands. “Wait here, okay? The other guy that’s supposed to be helping us is—” You paused to glance at the time on your phone, “—ten minutes late. I’m gonna make sure he knows where to come or see if he’s lost or something.”
 Yeonjun nodded, helping himself to what was left of your snack. “Who is the other guy, anyway?”
 You sighed, picking up the piece of paper that the department head gave to you when she asked you to organize the showcase, claiming that it would be a great deal of experience for you to acquire in your senior year of university.
 You were mostly doing it for the extra credit points.
 You began to read the names of the seniors that were in charge of organizing the project listed at the top of the paper. “From the drama department, Choi Yeonjun and Kang Taehyun.”
 “Taehyun had an appointment,” Yeonjun said through a mouthful of popcorn. “He’ll be here tomorrow.”
 You nodded, tracing your finger along the page, stopping beneath the next pair of names. “From the music department, Y/N and Choi Beomgyu.” You looked up from the paper, tapping your forefinger against your chin. “Choi Beomgyu? Do you know him?”
 Yeonjun pondered for a moment before snapping his fingers. “Ah—that guy!” You weren’t surprised; Yeonjun seemed to know everyone in the performing arts programs at your school. “He’s one of the top guitar students, if I’m remembering correctly. Have you not heard of him?”
 You shook your head, looking back down at his name. Choi Beomgyu. It did sound familiar, but no images or information came along with the words printed on the page. It was nothing more than a tugging feeling in your stomach that made you feel like you knew him from somewhere.
 You began walking towards the door, still staring down at the paper. Just as the tips of your fingers brushed across the metal handle, the door swung open, and you barely had time to glance up and see a head of fluffy black hair and big brown eyes before the door crashed into your forehead so hard you fell backwards to the tile floor.
 With a hiss, you brought your hand up to your forehead, relieved to find a lack of blood there. Your eyes were blurred with tears, but through the fog you were able to see the same round doe eyes you had caught a glimpse of before you hit the ground.
 “Are you okay?” It was a guy’s voice, clear and ringing in your ears. You rubbed your eyes to clear some of the moisture and were then able to get a better look at the boy in front of you. Curly black bangs hung over his brows, brushing just over the tops of his wide chocolate eyes. His sun-kissed skin was sprinkled with a light spatter of freckles across his nose and lightly flushed cheeks.
 You blinked several times before responding. “Y-yeah, I’m okay.” You accepted his hand when he offered to help you stand back up, and soon, you were on your feet once more.
 “Sorry about that,” he said, brushing a hand through his already tousled hair. He leaned forward a bit, tapping his finger against your forehead. “Just got a tiny bump, though. You’ll be okay.”
 You backed away from his touch, but he didn’t seem to notice as he had caught sight of Yeonjun. Your best friend was quite literally on the edge of his seat, perched on the ledge of the desk while shoveling the last crumbs of popcorn into his mouth as if this were some movie unfolding before his eyes. If you had been close enough, you would have hit him.
 “Yeonjun?” Door Boy’s face lit up, and he strode over to give your pink-haired friend a high five. “I haven’t seen you in ages!”
 “Hey, man,” Yeonjun said with a grin, ruffling Door Boy’s curly hair with his fingers. “I know, it’s been way too long.”
 “I’m sorry, who’s this?” You asked, still a bit dazed from your unexpected collision with the door.
 Yeonjun looked back at you, gesturing to the newcomer. “Oh, this is—”
 “Choi Beomgyu,” he finished the introduction himself, giving you an overdramatic bow as he said his name. “And you must be Y/N?”
 Things were beginning to click together in your head: Door Boy was Choi Beomgyu. In other words, Door Boy was your assigned partner—the one you would be spending the next four weeks trying to plan a performance with.
 For some reason, the fact that you had met one another by him slamming a door into your face didn’t leave the best feeling in your chest.
 “I look forward to working with you, Y/N.” He gave you a big, lopsided grin, one that any other person would likely find heartwarming.
 You forced a smile in return, rubbing your hand across the bump on your forehead. “Same here, Choi Beomgyu.”
 The day after you had first met one another, Yeonjun had asked everyone to meet up in the coffee shop inside the campus library. This time, Taehyun from the drama department was also able to be there. You had gotten to know him pretty well over the past four years because of how close he and Yeonjun had become, so the three of you hung out often.
 In fact, for the first fifteen minutes of the meeting, it was just the three of you sitting there. You pushed your tongue against the inside of your cheek in agitation before taking another sip of your coffee. “Does this Beomgyu guy have a thing for being late?”
 “Relax, Y/N,” Yeonjun said absently from across the table, his attention focused primarily on his cell phone screen. “Not everyone’s a time freak like you.”
 “Time freak—What does that even mean?” You crumpled up the wrapper from Taehyun’s straw and threw it at Yeonjun. “Unlike you, I actually care about getting these extra credit points and would like to organize this event properly.”
 “Hey! I care!” Yeonjun placed a hand over his heart, as though he had been wounded.
 You and Taehyun exchanged a side glance with one another, eyebrows raised.
“Stop looking at each other like that! I do care!”
 Before the point could be argued any further, a messy-haired boy crashed into the seat beside of you, out of breath, his backpack falling from his shoulder and onto the ground from the impact. You stared at him for a moment before realizing that it was Beomgyu.
 “Sorry—I’m late,” he said in between deep breaths. “On my way here—saw one of the campus cats—got distracted.”
 You stared at him again, almost laughing at how ridiculous of an excuse that was. However, considering what little you knew of Beomgyu, the thought of him being fifteen minutes late to a meeting because he got distracted by a cat didn’t seem all that unlikely. With a sigh, you slid a blank piece of notebook paper towards him and set a pen on top of it. “It’s all good. Mind taking notes?”
 He nodded—a bit too enthusiastically, if you were to say so yourself. “Sure. Can I grab a coffee real quick?”
 You were about to suggest that he should wait until after the meeting, since the three of you had been there for such a long time already, but Taehyun chimed in before you could say anything with, “Of course. We’ve got nowhere else to be.”
 It took everything within you to not roll your eyes. You were usually on the same page as Taehyun, but of course, this situation had to be an exception, because Choi Beomgyu was there.
 The slacker was rummaging around his backpack, searching for something. He pouted, looking up from his bag. “I forgot my wallet.”
 “No worries! Y/N doesn’t eat breakfast, so she always has an extra swipe on her meal card,” Yeonjun said from across the table. Your mouth fell open, eyes wide as saucers. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind letting you use it. Right, Y/N?”
 You weren’t quite sure that you did want Beomgyu to use your meal card, but what kind of jerk would you be if you said no? With gritted teeth and a glare at your best friend, you fished your meal card out of your wallet and placed it into Beomgyu’s open palm.
 The pout left his lips instantly, a big grin taking its place. “Thanks. I’ll return the favor sometime soon.”
 Doubt it, you thought, watching him rush towards the counter to order. You’ll probably forget you said that by the time you get your drink.
 Soon he was back at the table, caramel latte in hand, your meal card back in your possession. You cleared your throat, shifting in your seat. “If everyone’s ready, we can go ahead and get started. I met with my professor yesterday—she’s also the head of the classical music department. She’s technically our ‘overseer,’ but all the responsibility of planning the performance is on us. We’ll only have about forty minutes total to showcase the drama and music departments, so we need to choose our sets wisely.”
 “Yeonjun and I were talking a bit about this earlier,” Taehyun said. “We’ve been preparing for our winter show since the beginning of the summer, so we figured we could just perform a scene from the play.”
 You nodded, liking the idea. “That sounds perfect. What’s the play?”
 “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”
 “Right, I knew that. Could you guys work on finding a scene around ten or fifteen minutes long to perform for the open house, then?”
 Yeonjun and Taehyun both nodded. You smiled, glad that you were finally starting to get some things together for the event.
 When you glanced at Beomgyu to make sure he had written that down, the smile left as quickly as it had come when you saw that he was doodling tiny flowers and hearts all over the page rather than taking notes.
 He must have felt your eyes on him, because he glanced up and caught your gaze. Seemingly unbothered, he simply smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I was just about to write it down.”
 Your fingers itched to reach over and take the pen and paper from him so you could just do it yourself, but you kept your composure. “Beomgyu. Any ideas for what the music department could do?”
 He finished writing down Drama Department—Scene from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” before looking at you again. He shrugged, another nonchalant smile spreading across his face. “Not really. I’m down for whatever it is you decide to do.”
 “Wow, helpful. Truly.” Your eyes went wide when you realized you had said those words out loud after Yeonjun and Taehyun began to snicker beside you. Your face flushed with embarrassment, but Beomgyu seemed unphased, that careless lopsided grin of his still on full display.
 You sighed, brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. “Well, I was thinking about having the orchestra do a piece, and then having one of the student bands do a piece. That way we have something classical and something more contemporary. Thoughts?”
 “I think that’s a good idea,” Taehyun said. “If we do our scene first, the orchestra could kind of act as a bridge between Shakespeare and more modern art.”
 “I agree,” Yeonjun said. “And since Y/N is in the orchestra, she can get in touch with the director and have them prepare something. Oh, and Beomgyu!” The curly-haired boy looked up from his doodling when his name was called. “You know a few different bands, right? Think you could piece together a group of performers?”
 “Definitely,” Beomgyu said. When he noticed your eyes on him, he quickly scribbled down Orchestra—Y/N. Band—Beomgyu Me.
 “Well, since we all have our first tasks, I guess that’s all for today.” You were happy that the meeting was over; you were ready to get back to your dorm so you could get to work and actually get things done.
 “Wait!” Beomgyu said as you stood up, slinging your bag over your shoulder.
 Now you have something to say. You raised a brow at him expectantly.
 “We should exchange phone numbers, right?” He smiled, standing up and holding his phone out towards you. “I have the others’ numbers, but I figure I should be able to contact my partner from the music department.”
 You hesitated, but knew there was no logical reason why you shouldn’t give him your number. You were going to be working together for the next several weeks, after all.
 After putting your number in, he took his phone back and grinned at you again, eyes scrunching up into crescent moons. “Perfect! I’ll try not to bother you too much, but I make no promises.” He reached forward and ruffled your hair, and you were too caught off guard by the sudden touch to back away, or to even react at all. He then waved at all three of you, throwing his backpack over his shoulder. “See you guys tomorrow then.” He turned towards you again, throwing you a casual wink that still managed to have you flustered. “I’ll be in touch, partner.”
 You turned to watch him leave, face warm as you brushed through your hair with your fingers, trying to undo the damage your “partner” had done.
 Something told you that he wouldn’t be keeping his promise about trying not to bother you anytime soon.
 The worst part was the fact that he didn’t do anything blatantly wrong. He did everything he was asked to do when it came to preparing for the showcase. The first week of work consisted of the two of you gathering all the students who would be participating in the performances, along with Yeonjun and Taehyun preparing those from the drama department. Beomgyu performed all of his tasks just as he was asked to do, so it wasn’t as if he was bothering you by being unhelpful.
 It was just something about the way he held himself that seemed to get under your skin for no apparent reason.
 For the past week, your “partner” had basically been a tagalong—he would stand beside of you and do what he was asked without contributing much to the creative process of planning. You found it hard to criticize him up front, as he just did as he was told.
 However, that was all he did. When the four of you would all sit down together to discuss plans or ideas, Beomgyu’s role never changed: he would sit beside all of you, jot down anything you told him to in his nearly-full composition notebook, and crack an occasional joke that would always send Yeonjun and Taehyun into fits of laughter, but only earned a stiff, forced smile from you.
 You were starting to wonder why your professor had assigned him to your team. After all, putting on this open house was your last shot at making a lasting impression on the higher ups in your department. Everything needed to be perfect; mediocracy was not an option.
 In other words, Choi Beomgyu needed to step up his game, and he needed to do it quickly.
 You thought about this on the day of your first rehearsal, where all of the students who would be participating in the performances had gathered in the main auditorium of the music building.
 Drama students were scattered in all directions, occupying the space around them with dramatic line readings and critiques for their classmates as they practiced their roles. Yeonjun and Taehyun were busy taking charge of the drama students, making sure everything was running smoothly amongst them. You watched as Kai, one of the freshman students Yeonjun had taken under his wing, followed your friends around like a baby penguin waddling after its parents, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
 Music students were spread across the stage, the orchestra setting up instruments and covering stands with sheets filled by notes and lyrics while the band tuned their guitars and plugged up their mics. Soobin, a tall, blue-haired student from the same year as you, waved at you from stage with his mic in hand. You waved back, happy that you had been able to snag him as the main vocalist for the band’s performance—his voice was angelic, able to captivate any listener.
 “Hey.” You turned at the sound of the voice you had begun to grow quite accustomed to, whether that was for better or for worse. Beomgyu was standing beside of you, brushing a hand through the curly black bangs that hung just above his eyes. The tip of his nose was flushed pink, a sign that he had likely just been out in the biting cold that had begun to creep up as fall quickly approached. He had his backpack slung over one shoulder and his guitar case held in one hand.
 “Running a little late, aren’t we?” You asked, glancing at the time on your phone with no attempt at hiding your frown. “Is this going to be a trend with you, Choi Beomgyu?”
 He laughed, nudging his shoulder against yours. You wanted to be more irritated with him than you were, but he had the kind of laugh that put everyone around him at ease; the kind of laugh that filled one’s chest with warmth, as if you had been directly touched by a ray of sunlight reaching down from the sky.
 So you settled with being only slightly irritated, pursing your lips to keep your expression in check as he responded with, “What fun would it be if everyone was on time?”
 “It’s not about fun, it’s about making sure this whole thing runs smoothly,” you said as you turned to face him. “Speaking of which, since you didn’t have any suggestions, I went ahead and helped the band choose a setlist. They’ll only have time for two songs, but the ones I picked are really diverse and should be—”
 “Ah!” He cut you off, snapping his fingers in front of your face, causing you to flinch back in surprise. “I knew there was something I forgot to tell you.”
 He rubbed the back of his neck, grinning as he shifted a bit closer to you. You could smell his cologne—a misty citrus scent that was so light you could barely tell it was there. “Well, it’s kind of embarrassing, but the professor actually wanted the band to perform one of the songs I wrote. If that’s okay with you, of course—you’re the boss, after all.”
 “You—you write songs?” You asked, trying not to get irritated at the sudden disruption of what you had planned. He had been complacent this entire time, so of course, the time he actually had something to contribute, he would be messing up what you had already set in place.
 “Well, if it’s a suggestion from the professor, I can’t just deny you permission, can I?” You said with a forced laugh. “Do you have the—”
 “Sheet music?” He finished your sentence, shaking a stack of papers in front of you. “Right here, partner. Want me to go tell the band?”
 You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. “Sure. Just tell them to switch the second song I had picked out with this one.”
 He smiled at you again, ruffling your hair with the same hand he held the papers in. “You’re a saint. I’ll talk to you in a bit then?”
 You had no time to respond before he was setting off towards the stage to talk to the band, papers and guitar in hand. You huffed through pursed lips, mumbling under your breath as you tried to put your hair back in place.
 “What was that all about?” You dropped your hands to your sides when Yeonjun approached you, eyebrow quirked. Half of his cotton-candy colored hair was pulled into a ponytail, and he had on a pair of big round glasses with what you knew to be fake lenses—a fashion statement rather than a necessity.
 “I don’t think Beomgyu knows much about personal boundaries or personal responsibility,” you mumbled, allowing Yeonjun to come up and finish fixing your hair with his fingers. “He decided to just now tell me that our professor wanted the band to use one of his songs in the performance.”
 “What’s wrong with that?”
 “Nothing’s wrong with it, I just—” You hesitated, unsure of how to respond without sounding like a jerk. “I just wish he would have told me about it sooner. That’s all.”
 “Y/N, you need to cut the guy some slack,” Yeonjun said, stepping back once he was finished fixing up your hair. “You act as though you have a personal vendetta against him or something.”
 “I do not,” You argued, feeling you defenses flare up at his words. “Why would you say that?”
 “I don’t know, maybe because every time he walks in the room you start to grimace, and every time he talks to you I can literally feel the amount of energy it takes for you to not roll your eyes.”
 “You’re exaggerating.”
 “If you say so.” He put his hand on your shoulder, giving you a stern look that did, in fact, make you roll your eyes. “Give him a chance, Y/N. You may end up liking him more than you’d expect.”
 You scoffed as your best friend walked away from you, returning to work on his previous tasks with Taehyun. A vendetta? Was it really that obvious to the people around you that Beomgyu got under your skin?
 Perhaps Yeonjun was right—you did have a tendency to be extra sensitive when it came to your academic responsibilities. Maybe you were being too hard on Beomgyu; his goal was the same as yours, even if his methods differed drastically from yours.
 You looked up to the stage to see Beomgyu laughing as he said something to Soobin, the rest of the band analyzing the sheets of music in their hands—Beomgyu’s song, if you had to guess. His skin glowed like honey beneath the stage lights, and you noticed that when he laughed, he laughed with his entire body; his eyes disappeared into crescents, his shoulders shook, he clapped his hands together and even stomped his feet a bit. You smiled slightly at the sight, before a pang of guilt hit you.
 He did seem like a nice guy. It was time you gave him a chance to be seen as such in your eyes.
 You had both stayed behind with Yeonjun and Taehyun to clean up the auditorium after the practice. “I think that we’re done, don’t you?” You asked everyone after picking up a few discarded sheets of paper left behind by the drama students.
 “Almost,” Beomgyu said from the stage. You looked up at him to see him pointing at two large music stands left behind by the orchestra. “Someone left these behind.”
 “Can’t we just leave them there?” Yeonjun asked.
 Taehyun shook his head. “No, we were given specific instructions to not leave anything behind.” He glanced at his phone. “They’re about to close the building for the night, so we should hurry and put them up.”
 “I know which room they came from, so I can take them back,” Beomgyu offered.
 “They’re pretty heavy, Beomgyu. Are you sure you can carry them on your own?” Taehyun asked.
 “Yeah, it’s fine—”
 “No, no, someone should definitely help you. You have to carry your guitar too,” Yeonjun interjected, a mischievous glint in your eyes that sent sirens blaring in your head. The feelings of disdain only grew when Yeonjun made eye contact with you directly, seeming to give you a sweet smile, but you knew the expression was laced with ulterior motives. “Y/N, why don’t you carry one while Beomgyu carries the other?”
 You wanted to smack him, but that wouldn’t have been a good look for you, considering that everyone already thought you hated Beomgyu anyways. You glanced up at him on the stage to see that he had already picked one of the stands up, his guitar in the other hand.  He gave you a big grin, eyes sparkling like freshly fallen snow. “What do you say, partner? Care to give me a hand?”
 You pushed your tongue against the inside of your cheek, knowing that there was no way you were getting out of this one. “Sure,” You said through your teeth, glaring daggers at Yeonjun before making your way up the steps to the stage. The music stand wasn’t too heavy, so you almost dared to ask Beomgyu to try carrying them both in one hand, but decided against it.
 “We’ll go ahead and leave then,” Yeonjun said, throwing a taunting wink your way. “You two have fun.”
 You hate to bite your tongue to keep from cursing at him as Yeonjun and Taehyun left the auditorium, leaving you alone with Beomgyu for the first time. You glanced his way, noticing that he already had his eyes on you. Instead of averting his gaze when yours met his, he just smiled wider, gesturing towards the door with his head. “Shall we?”
 You forced another smile. “Lead the way, partner.”
 You followed him out the doors and up the stairs to the first floor, where the orchestra’s practice room was located. You were very familiar with the area, being a violinist yourself. When the two of you reached the room, you rushed forward to open the door, as Beomgyu’s hands were full. He thanked you and stepped inside first, and you followed suit, letting the heavy door swing shut behind you.
 “Where should we set them?” He asked.
 You nodded to the far corner of the room. “Over there.”
 The two of you set the stands down, and you instantly turned back towards the door, ready to get back to your dorm for some alone time after such a taxing day.
 “In a rush?” Beomgyu asked from behind you.
 You turned to look over your shoulder at him as your hand grasped the doorknob. “Nah, just tired. Aren’t you?”
 He shrugged, shifting his guitar case from one hand to the other. “Not really.”
 “Lucky you,” You mumbled, turning back towards the door. “Well, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow—”
 You stopped mid-sentence, heart dropping to your toes. When you tried to turn the knob, it wouldn’t move. After a moment of shock, you tried again, and then again, violently shaking the knob, trying to get the door to open.
 “No, no, no,” You said, shaking the handle desperately. “Come on, this can’t be happening!”
 “What is it?” Beomgyu asked, setting his guitar on the floor before rushing to your side.
 “The door won’t open.” You shook the knob more frantically than ever, the entire door shaking from the force.
 “Woah, easy there, partner,” Beomgyu said, gently placing his hand on your arm. “Why don’t you let me try to—”
 “What exactly do you think you’re going to be able to do differently?” You snapped, snatching your arm away from him. His mouth hung open, eyes wide with what you assumed to be shock. “We’re stuck in here, Beomgyu. We’re stuck, and we’re not going to get out for god knows how long, and with you as my ‘partner,’ I’m one hundred percent certain we’re not going to be able to find a way out of here on our own.”
 You could tell that your words struck a nerve with him by the way his shoulders tensed and how his eyes went narrow. Looking back, you wished you could reel the words back in, but they had already done their damage.
 “Why do you hate me so much?” He asked, his voice low and thick with irritation.
 It was your turn to be shocked. “What?”
 “I said, why do you hate me so much?”
 You blinked rapidly, feeling exposed and vulnerable now that he was confronting you. “I don’t—I don’t hate you, Beomgyu.”
 He scoffed, pulling his bottom lip under his teeth. “Come on, I’m not that much of an idiot. This entire time, from the moment we first met, you’ve been cold and snippy with me. You can barely hide how much you dislike me with your facial expressions. I thought maybe we just got off on the wrong foot, so I’ve been brushing it off and treating you kindly. But you still treat me like I’m some annoying fly that you can’t quite get rid of, and I want to know why.”
 “That’s not—I don’t hate you,” You repeated, jumbling your words together as you struggled to figure out what to say.
 “Well, what’s the issue then?”
 “You don’t take anything seriously!” Your voice wasn’t quite a shout, but it was almost there. Beomgyu took a step back, arms dropping to his sides.
 “You’re treating this entire thing like it’s an elementary school play,” You continued, your voice getting louder and your words coming out more and more rushed the more you spoke. “You don’t contribute in the meetings, you show up late, and you barely do the things I ask you to do. I understand it may not be anything special to you, but this is my last chance to do something memorable here. I’m graduating in the spring, and up until this point, I’ve been nothing but another violinist tossed in the orchestra. I don’t stand out to my professors, or to scouts, to anyone.”
 Hot tears began to well in the corners of your eyes as thoughts of your mother surfaced. Every word she had ever said about your pursuit of music being a waste of time, of how little a chance you had of making it, how your only hope was to stand out in the department, which, of course, she highly doubted you would be capable of doing.
 “I have to do this, and I have to do it right.” Your voice wavered as you swiped at your cheeks, where a few tears had fallen. “If I don’t, then I’ll—I’ll—”
 “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Beomgyu’s voice was gentle, in stark contrast to the razor-sharp tone he had held just seconds before. You looked at him through your teary eyes to see that his own eyes were wide, this time with concern rather than anger. “You don’t have to explain, I understand, okay? I’m sorry, Y/N.”
 You sniffed, more tears gliding down your cheeks as you did so. “What?”
 “I’m sorry,” He repeated, looking as though he were about to start crying himself. “I had no idea that’s how I was coming across. I’m really, really sorry.”
 You stared at him, dumbfounded. How were you supposed to respond to that? The last thing you expected to hear from him was an apology, especially since, now that you had yelled at him, you realized how unfair you were being towards him. You shook your head, wiping furiously at your eyes. “No, you don’t have to apologize Beomgyu. I should be apologizing—I’m the one being irrational, not to mention I’m also the one that locked us in here—”
 “How about we just call it even then, hm?” He cut you off, looking around before he spotted a box of tissues on the front desk. He grabbed one and made his way back over to you, gently wiping the tears from your face, being careful to not touch you directly. “We’ve both apologized for something that the other person doesn’t think requires an apology. The grounds are neutral now.”
 You laughed, gently taking the tissue from his hand so you could wipe your eyes on your own. He stepped back when you did so, smiling nervously at your sudden laughter.
 “Thank you, Beomgyu,” You said quietly, wadding the tissue up in your hand.
 He rubbed the back of his neck, rocking back and forth on his feet. “No need to thank me, Y/N.” He paused, seeming to be in deep thought. It was quiet for a moment before he stuck his hand out towards you, expression cautiously hopeful. “Now that we both understand each other a little better, do you think we could start over?”
 You smiled, wrapping your hand around his to give it a firm shake. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
 Of course, it could have felt cold because you were alone in a hotel parking lot, sitting on the cool pavement in the late hours of the night. You hadn’t brought a jacket with you, and your dress was sleeveless and made of thin fabric that didn’t do much to protect you from the wind that sent strands of hair flying across your face.
 However, you were certain that if your mother or father had been sitting beside of you that early winter’s night, you would barely even notice the bite of the wind or the goosebumps that prickled up all over your bare arms. Even the stars had denied you their company; the sky was pitch black, void of any trace of light.
 Lower lip trembling, you sighed as you kept your gaze on the sky above, thinking that maybe, if you kept looking, you’d find a single star shining amidst the darkness. Tears filled your eyes, but you wiped them away before they could fall.
 “You’re a strong girl, Y/N,” Your mother would say if she were to catch you crying. “Strong girls don’t cry, do they?”
 “No,” You whispered, even though she wasn’t there to hear you. “Strong girls don’t cry.”
 “What do you mean?”
 You jumped at the sudden voice, placing your hand over your heart before you turned your head to see a boy sitting on the pavement beside you. He had curly black hair that stuck out from beneath a beanie, covering the top of his eyes, and a big jacket on over his clothes. He seemed to be the same age as you, but of course, you couldn’t be sure.
 “W-what?” You spoke through shaking lips, pulling your arms around yourself in an attempt to stay warm.
 “You said that strong girls don’t cry,” He said, eyeing you with curiosity. “What do you mean by that?”
 “Oh,” you whispered, looking down at your shoes—a pair of black flats with scuff marks all over the toes. “It’s nothing— just something my mom says.”
 He hummed, leaning back on the palms of his hands. “Well, I think she’s wrong. Everyone cries, even the strongest people alive. If someone tells you they don’t cry, then they’re lying.” He turned towards you, a big grin on his face. “You don’t seem like a liar to me.”
 You sniffled, wiping your hand across your cheeks to catch the few tears that had managed to slip down. “Thanks, I think.”
 “It was definitely meant as a compliment.” He sat up straight then, narrowing his eyes at you. You shrunk back a bit, shoulders shaking as the wind only seemed to get stronger by the second.
 A moment later, he was sitting right beside of you, so close that his arm brushed against yours as he slipped his coat off, revealing an oversized hoodie beneath it. He wrapped the coat around your shoulders, and zipped it up, trapping your arms inside. He smiled again and sat back, but he was still close to you, so close that your shoulders were pressed together and his pinky was resting on top of yours.
 Eyes wide, you slowly shook your head and slipped your arms through the sleeves so you could reach the zipper. “No, I’m okay—”
 “Hey, keep it on, please,” He interrupted, placing his hand on top of yours to stop you from unzipping the coat. “It’s freezing out here, and you don’t even have any sleeves.”
 You hesitated, not wanting to be a bother to this unexpectedly kind stranger, but you would have been lying if you had said that the cold wasn’t starting to bother you. Not wanting your lips to turn blue, you nodded, pulling your arms back into the coat to keep them extra warm.
 “Thank you,” you said quietly. “What are you doing out here, by the way?”
 “Me? Oh, I was just sneaking out to the indoor pool.” He pointed over his shoulder at the building with a large dome roof made of glass. “My parents are already asleep and didn’t notice me leave. You?”
 “Ah, well, my family is staying here for the night. My parents and I are going out for dinner to celebrate my birthday.”
 “It’s your birthday?” He asked, eyes growing wide. You nodded sheepishly and his smile grew bigger before he reached over to ruffle your hair with his hand. “Happy birthday!”
 You giggled, smoothing your hair back down when he pulled his hand away. Your eyes met his, which seemed to sparkle with the light of billions of galaxies, paired perfectly with his beaming smile, and you realized that maybe you didn’t need the stars that night after all, because he alone shined brightly enough.
 He looked around then, eyebrows furrowed. “But, where are your parents? Shouldn’t you guys get going before all the restaurants close?”
 Your smile faded just as quickly as it had appeared. You swallowed, your eyes drifting towards a car that sat a few yards away from the two of you. The car was running and the lights inside were on, casting a yellow glow onto the two occupants seated in the front: your parents. Although you couldn’t hear what they were saying, you knew that they were yelling by the way they pointed their fingers at each other, and by the expressions on their faces, and the intensity with which their lips were moving.
 The boy followed your gaze, his mouth parting slightly in surprise when he caught sight of your parents in the heat of their dispute. He glanced sideways at you before moving to sit in front of you, blocking your view of your parents.
 “Why don’t you sneak to the pool with me?” He asked.
 You shook your head immediately, a slight smile returning to your face. It was clear that he was trying to distract you, and you were grateful. That didn’t mean you were willing to sneak away from your parents, especially when the tension among your family was already sky high.
 “Why not?” He whined, sticking his bottom lip out in a pout.
 “Because I’m not supposed to move from this spot,” You said.
 “And I wasn’t supposed to leave my hotel room, yet here I am.” He shrugged nonchalantly, brushing his bangs out of his eyes only for them to fall right back into place. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
 There were a lot of really terrible things that could happen as a result of you sneaking away to go night swimming with a boy you didn’t know while your parents fought in the middle of a hotel parking lot. You could probably list ten off the top of your head. However, when you looked into the starry eyes of the boy in front of you, his lips spread in an encouraging grin that made you feel warm inside despite the cold, you hesitated.
 What was the worst thing that could happen? The list seemed to be erased from your head as quickly as it appeared.
 He tilted his head to the side, a playful glint sparkling in his eyes. He stood up and stretched his hand out to you, his fingers trembling from the cold.
 “Should we run away?”
 Your fingers twitched, urging to reach out touch his own. You bit the inside of your cheek, trying to find the balance between being rational and following where your heart was leading. These two things did not seem to be lining up.
 Before you could do anything, however, you heard a car door slamming shut. You jumped to your feet just in time to see your mother stepping away from the vehicle before your father drove off, leaving her alone in the parking lot. Eyes wide with worry, you watched as your mother brushed her hand across her cheeks before taking a deep breath and making her way towards you.
 “Y/N,” she said when she reached you, not even glancing at the boy beside of you as she took your face in her hands. “Your dad is going to come pick us up in the morning. How about we just have a girl’s night to celebrate your birthday instead?”
 With your heart dropping to your toes, you felt the tears welling in your eyes once again, but you refused to let them fall. You smiled and nodded, wrapping your hand around your mother’s. “Yeah. That sounds fine.”
 You turned towards the boy to see that his face was full of concern. Forcing the best smile you could, you unzipped his coat and slipped it off your shoulders before placing it back in his outstretched hands.
 “Thank you,” you said quietly. Before he could say anything back, you had turned away and began walking back towards the entrance, arm-in-arm with your mother.
 “I was thinking we could order a pizza and rent your favorite movies,” she said, straining to keep the emotion out of your voice. “I’ll order the food once we get back to the room, okay?”
 You nodded slowly, halting your footsteps just before the automatic doors that led inside.
 But when you turned your head to catch one last look at the boy who shined brighter than the stars, he was already gone.
 With your eyes still closed, the sound rang through your head, clear as day. It was comforting, as if you had heard it before. Yet it wasn’t a sound that only echoed around you. This voice, so gentle and sweet that it seemed to drip with sugar and honey, filled all of your senses to the brim. You weren’t just hearing it, you were feeling it.
 “In moments like those, when tears fill your eyes, hold my hand tight. Should we run away?”
 You sighed, swept away by the sound and the words that the voice sang. You felt as though you had heard it before, but you couldn’t quite think of where. Snuggling closer to whatever it was that you were leaning against, you allowed the faintest of smiles to trace its way across your lips.
 The singing stopped. “Y/N?”
 “Hmm?” You pressed your face closer against the warmth you were leaning into, frowning at the sudden absence of the soothing voice.
 “Are you awake?”
 “Yeah,” you mumbled, slowly forcing your eyes open.
 You weren’t quite sure where exactly you expected to be when you opened your eyes, but it definitely was not on the floor of the orchestra practice room with your head in Choi Beomgyu’s lap. Beomgyu was smiling down at you, black curls hanging over his eyes, freckles illuminated by the faint moonlight that spilled through the windows.
 You sat up quickly, trying to fix your messy hair as you felt your face grow warm. You didn’t remember falling asleep, but you were incredibly embarrassed that you had.
 “How—how long was I asleep?” You asked, your voice hoarse.
 “Just an hour or so. I think you got so stressed out after trying to call so many people that you just passed out,” Beomgyu said. He reached his hands toward you and helped you straighten up your hair, which only served to make your face even warmer than before.
 “Sorry,” you said, gesturing to his lap. “For . . . that.”
 He waved his hand at you before folding his hands behind his head. “Don’t apologize. Seems like you needed the sleep—you were dreaming pretty intensely.”
 “I was? Did I say anything weird in my sleep? What did I say? Was it embarrassing?” You grabbed his sleeve, eyes wide as you bombarded him with questions.
 He laughed, shaking his head in reassurance. “Don’t worry, it was nothing embarrassing. But you were talking.”
 “What did I say?”
 “Hmm, something about it being your birthday?” He placed a finger against his chin, eyes narrowed. “I’m not sure exactly what else. It was all kinda random.”
 You squeezed your eyes shut, biting the inside of your cheek as you let go of his sleeve. You remembered every bit of the dream you had—well, it wasn’t really a dream as much as it was a memory. It was embarrassing to think that Beomgyu had heard any part of the memory, but you tried not to think about it too much.
 “Beomgyu,” You said, opening your eyes once more to look at him. “Were you singing just now? Before I woke up?”
 He didn’t say anything at first, his expression blank. Then, he smiled, nudging your shoulder with his. “Of course not—you know I don’t sing. Why?”
 “Actually, for the record, I did not know that,” You corrected. “And I don’t know, I just .  . . thought I heard someone.”
 “Maybe it was your soulmate,” Beomgyu said, moving his eyebrows up and down.
 You sighed, looking down at your feet. “I wish it was. I haven’t heard from him in two years.”
 The smile fell from Beomgyu’s face right away. “Ah, sorry, I didn’t know.”
 “It’s okay, you don’t have to apologize.”
 “Do you . . . know what happened to him?”
 You shook your head, staring at the moon through the window. “No. I don’t even know who he was.”
 “Hey, why are you speaking in the past tense?” He turned towards you and grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to face him. “Think positively, Y/N. He could still be out there. When did you first hear him?”
 “When I was thirteen,” You answered. “But he stopped singing two years ago.”
 “And you haven’t heard anything since then?”
 You hesitated, thinking back over the past two years and all the sleepless nights you had spent waiting and hoping to hear any trace of a note ringing in your ears, the faintest hint of a voice. Sometimes, when you were just about to close your eyes, you would’ve sworn that you could hear his voice for the briefest of moments before you drifted off, but you would always blame it on being sleep deprived.
 “No,” you said quietly. “I haven’t heard anything. He used to sing all the time, too. I would wake up to the sound of his voice, and it would carry me throughout each and every day. I know it sounds weird to say this about someone I don’t remember meeting, but I felt . . . connected to him, if that makes sense?”
 Beomgyu didn’t say anything, so you continued. “He’s actually the reason why I picked up the violin. I got so used to his voice, I would go around humming all day. I guess my mom got tired of hearing me, because soon after I started hearing him, my mom signed me up for violin lessons. And, well, now I’m here.”
 You looked over to see Beomgyu smiling softly, but his eyes didn’t meet yours. “Do you have any idea of who it might be?”
 You were quiet for a moment. The image of the boy from the hotel parking lot with his star-struck eyes and diamond smile came to your mind, as always.
 “No. But I have someone I hope it is.”
 You looked over at him again, and this time, his eyes met yours. The silvery light of the moon highlighted the right side of his face and the bridge of his nose, casting a stark shadow across the other side. He was neither smiling nor frowning as his eyes searched yours. What exactly he was looking for you couldn’t be sure of, however, you liked the eye contact well enough to let it go on for a moment longer before you cleared your throat, looking back towards the window.
 “Did you try calling Yeonjun again?”
 “Yep. No answer.”
 “The professor?”
 “Didn’t pick up—I left a message though.”
 You sighed, allowing the back of your head to hit the wall behind you. “We’ll be stuck here all night at this rate.”
 “Well, now that you’ve had a little nap, we may as well use this time to be productive,” Beomgyu said, standing to his feet and stretching his arms above his head as he did so.
 You crossed your arms, raising a brow as you watched him pull his guitar out of the case. “What’s this? Choi Beomgyu taking initiative?”
 “Hey, we said we were starting over.”
 You laughed as he sat on the edge of the desk in front of where you were sitting on the floor. He pulled the strap over his shoulder and began tuning his guitar by ear, something you always struggled to do with your violin.
 “What are you doing?” You asked.
 He strummed through all the strings, nodding when he was satisfied with the sounds. Glancing down at you, he smiled. “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m going to show you the song I wrote.”
 Interest piqued, you sat up straighter and smiled back at him. “I was hoping that’s what you’d say.”
 He laughed, adjusting his position on the desk before his fingers found their place on the neck of the guitar. You listened attentively as he began to pick the first notes, watching the way his fingers moved deliberately across the frets, yet, his movements never lost their grace. At first, he kept his eyes focused on his hands. But as the song went on, his eyes slowly closed, and he played without seeing, relying solely on the sound of the notes he was creating and the feeling of the strings that pressed into his calloused fingertips.
 Awestruck would have been an understatement for the way you felt as you watched him play. The way he became one with the sounds he created, the way his wrist twisted to strum and how his fingertips slid across the length of the instrument as if it was the very thing they had been created to do. You were hypnotized, allowing the music to seep into your heart and make it thump against your chest like a caged bird begging to be set free.
 If you had to put a word to how he looked in that moment, “beautiful” was the closest you would be able to get.
 He opened his eyes as he strummed the last note, a gentle grin on his lips. You noticed how his eyes sparkled in the darkness, despite his back being towards the moonlight rather than his face.
 “What do you think?” He asked, his voice sounding sharp as it pierced through the thick silence that had settled over the room.
 “It was—”
 “It was real pretty, kid.”
 You yelped in surprise at the sudden voice, jumping up to your feet as Beomgyu practically fell off the desk, nearly dropping his guitar in the process. You helped steady him, and together, you looked towards the door to see that it was wide open, fluorescent light from the hallway spilling into the room as the janitor stood in the entry way, arms crossed over his chest as he blew a bubble with the gum in his mouth.
 “If you’re done serenading your girlfriend, would you mind leaving so I can clean up and go home? This building closed an hour ago, but if you both leave now I’ll keep quiet.”
 Your cheeks went hot, and you struggled to form words as Beomgyu scrambled to put his guitar back in its case. “Girl—girlfriend? No, we’re not—I mean, I’m not his—we just got stuck and—”
 “Thank you, sir. We’re really sorry.” Beomgyu cut you off as he picked up his guitar case with one hand and wrapped his free arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. You gasped, but were too stunned to do anything but follow Beomgyu’s lead as he pulled you out of the room.
 “What was that about?” You asked once the two of you had safely made it out of the building. “You were not serenading me.”
 Beomgyu shrugged, letting his arm fall from your shoulders. Your mouth fell open at his lack of a denial. “Choi Beomgyu! Stop messing around.”
 “Who said I was messing around?” He teased, winking at you as he began to walk towards his dorm building, which was on the other side of campus from yours.
 You scoffed but said nothing as you watched his back while he walked away from you, trying to piece together what had just happened.
 “See you tomorrow, Y/N!” He shouted, turning around as he walked so he could wave goodbye.
 You gave him a weak-hearted wave in return, pressing your hands against your flushed cheeks as you slowly began to tread back to your own dorm room.
 How strange it was that just that morning, you would have given almost anything to avoid seeing Beomgyu.
 But now, you found yourself counting down the minutes left until the next day so you could see him again.
 Beomgyu: I know we said we were starting over, but I can’t forget that I still owe you a coffee. Meet me at the library in 15?
 You felt like an idiot, but you couldn’t stop the grin from taking over your face. Slipping your shoes back on, you typed out a quick reply before slipping out the door.
 You: Make it 5. I’ll be waiting.
 When you arrived at the library, you were surprised to see that Beomgyu was already there. The line for coffee was very short, as most students had settled into their dorms for the night. Only a few stray overachievers and those that were desperately trying to cram for exams were there, and Beomgyu had claimed a place in line amongst them. He held his guitar in one hand, as per usual, and you wondered if there would ever come a time in which you would see him without it.
 “How is it that you demanded to meet me ten minutes earlier than I planned, and I still got here before you?” He asked once you had reached him.
 “First of all, I did not demand anything from you,” You said, pushing your fist against his shoulder. “Secondly, that is so unfair, because you know that your dorm is way closer to the library than mine is.”
 “Sounds like an excuse to me, but okay. Ah, it’s our turn.” He placed his hand on the small of your back and pulled you closer to the counter. Your stomach flipped, but for some reason, you didn’t mind.
 After the two of had gotten your coffees, Beomgyu told you to follow him up the stairs. You expected to stop at the second floor, but to your surprise, he kept leading you. He took you through a door in the back that you didn’t even know existed, where there was another flight of stairs. At the end of these stairs was another door. You stepped outside and found yourself on the rooftop, with a great view of the campus below.
 “Are you sure we’re allowed to be up here?” You asked.
 “Well, no. But I’ve come up here a lot and never gotten in trouble, so what’s the harm?”
 “That does not make me feel any better.”
 “Come on, Y/N.” He took your hand in his and brought you over to the wide ledge, big enough for the two of you to sit on without the fear of falling off. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
 You paused, eyes growing wide. He stared back at you as he hoisted himself up on the ledge. He took a sip of his coffee before asking, “Why are you staring at me like that?”
 You shook your head, setting your coffee beside of him before bringing yourself up to sit on the ledge yourself.
 “Nothing,” You said. “You just reminded me of someone.”
 “Ah.” He stared at you for a moment longer before he slipped his jacket off and wrapped it around your shoulders. You opened your mouth to protest, but he placed his finger against your parted lips, which was more than enough to shut you up.
 “Just accept an act of kindness, would you?” He said, zipping his jacket up over you. You watched him as he did so, noticing the way his chocolate eyes sparkled in the midst of the cloudy night.
 You swallowed, averting your gaze. “Thank you.”
 “You’re very welcome. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
 It was quiet then, but not in an uncomfortable way. You enjoyed sitting beside of him in the silence, watching the lights of campus below you, feeling the warmth from his jacket spread over your chilled skin.
 “Actually, Y/N, there’s something that’s been bothering me,” Beomgyu said, breaking the silence.
 You turned to face him, curious. “What is it?”
 For the first time since you had met him, Beomgyu looked nervous. He picked at the skin around his nails, doing everything he could to keep his eyes from meeting yours.
 “Remember how you asked me if I sang? When we were locked in the orchestra room?” His voice was a bit quieter than it had been before.
 “Yeah, you said you didn’t.”
 “Right. Well, that—that was a lie,” He blurted, seeming to regret his words the second they had left his mouth. “Well, not a blatant lie, because I don’t sing anymore. But I used to.”
 You were a bit confused, but seeing how nervous he was, you decided not to ask him why he would lie about such a seemingly trivial topic.
 “What made you stop?” You asked carefully, not wanting to upset him.
 He hesitated, wringing his hands together. After taking a deep breath, he spoke again.
 “My father and I used to sing together,” He began. “I taught myself how to play the guitar, but he was the one who taught me how to sing. He loved to sing, more than anything else, and he always told me that I had a brilliant voice. He said it would be a shame to keep such a voice to myself.”
 He smiled fondly as he spoke of his father, and you couldn’t help but smile as well. The joy slowly faded from his expression, however, as he began to speak again.
 “I lost him two years ago,” He said quietly, voice thick with emotions that caused your heart to clench. “He was in a bad car accident. I was doing really well here, in vocals and guitar. But when I lost him, I just . . . I couldn’t sing anymore. I tried, I really did. I just couldn’t do it.”
 “Oh, Beomgyu,” You whispered, gently placing your hand over his trembling one.
 “It’s pathetic, isn’t it?” He sniffed, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “Singing was the one thing he wanted me to do, and now that he’s gone, I’m failing at it.”
 “No, Beomgyu,” You said, your voice firm as you squeezed his hand. “It’s not pathetic at all. You’re doing the best you can, and you’re still here. And most importantly, you tried. That’s what matters.”
 He brought his eyes back to yours then, glistening with moisture in the moonless, starless night. He smiled at you then, and you smiled back.
 “Have I told you yet that you’re really, really beautiful?”
 Your breath caught in your throat, and you froze, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks. You were frozen for a moment before you scoffed, pulling your hand away from his and tucking it into your lap.
 “I thought you were going to start being more serious,” You mumbled, refusing to look at him. “Stop messing around.”
 Then, he moved closer to you, placing one arm behind you while he brought the other to rest against your cheek, gently turning your face towards his. He leaned in, so close that his breath brushed against your skin. He smelled of citrus and vanilla, and you found yourself leaning closer to him.
 He glanced at your lips, then met your eyes once again.
 “What makes you think I’m not being serious?”
 His lips were soft when they pressed against yours, and it felt as though your heart would burst right out of your chest. You allowed your eyes to fall shut as he gently moved his mouth against yours, slowly tucking a piece of hair behind your ear as he did so, before allowing his fingers to gently trace their way along your cheek, then your jaw, until he rested his hand against your neck, pulling you a tiny bit closer to him.
 He broke the kiss for a fleeting moment, just to open his eyes so he could look into yours. You liked the flecks of light that beamed in his irises, as though his eyes were made of starlight. He smiled, allowing his nose to brush against yours as his eyes moved back down to your lips. Once again, he closed the distance between you, capturing your lips with his for the second time. He tasted like coffee and cheap cherry chap-stick—and odd combination, but you didn’t mind as you brought your arms around his neck and shifted closer to him, twisting your head to the side as you moved your lips in time with his.
 The moment was unexpected, to say the least. But perhaps that was what made it feel that much more magical.
 At least, it was magical until you felt scalding hot liquid splash all over the side of your leg, seeping through the fabric of your jeans to burn your skin.
 You gasped against Beomgyu’s lips before pulling away, staring wide eyed at your jeans that were now stained with coffee. Your cup, which had been sitting between the two of you, was now knocked on its side, the contents drained.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Beomgyu said frantically. His lips were shining from the aftermath of your kiss, his freckled cheeks and nose red as a cherry. He gently pressed his hands against your leg, pulling them back when you winced from the impact. “Oh god—I’m sorry, I forgot that it was there and I was leaning in and I knocked it over and—”
 You laughed at how flustered he had become, amused by this side of him that you hadn’t seen before. You grabbed his face and pulled him towards you, pressing your lips against his in a swift kiss, effectively shutting him up.
 “It’s okay, Beomgyu,” You said once you pulled away, letting your hands fall from his face. “I guess you just owe me another coffee.”
 The goofy lopsided grin you had grown accustomed to took place of the frightened expression he had worn just moments before. He hopped off the ledge, extending his hand towards you to help you down.
 “Come on, partner. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
 You had hoped that everything would go smoothly. The past few weeks, you had spent all your time and energy making sure that the event would be as close to perfect as possible.
 Well, you had also spent a bit of time with Beomgyu, but only when you had the time to spare, of course.
 The performers were all setting up; the drama department was working on setting up the stage props, as they would be going first, and they were busy rehearsing with the orchestra for how they could effectively move the props to make room for the instruments in a timely fashion. Yeonjun was rushing about, directing them with the grace and efficiency only he could pull off.
 Everything was going perfectly. You should have just been happy about that, but for some reason, it felt as though you were just waiting for something to go terribly wrong.
 “Y/N.” You turned at the sound of Beomgyu’s voice, smiling as he walked towards you. He was dressed in a white button up shirt that he tucked into a pair of black jeans. His sleeves were pushed up a bit, exposing his forearms.
 “Everything okay?” You asked once he had reached you. You glanced at the members of the band, who were talking in hushed voices right behind Beomgyu. Your eyes narrowed when you noticed that something was amiss. “Where’s Soobin? Is he on his way?”
 Beomgyu sighed, running a hand through his already messy curls. “That’s what I was coming to talk to you about. He’s sick—he won’t be able to make it. I just got a text from him.”
 You blinked slowly, trying to process what you had just been told. Soobin was the main vocalist for the band. Without him, or someone to fill his position, there would be no performance.
 You quickly walked over to the band, desperately trying to think of something to fix the situation, and Beomgyu was following right behind you.
 “Can any of you do lead vocals in Soobin’s place?” You asked.
 “No,” the main guitarist said, looking just as stressed out as you were. “We’d have to change the entire key for it to fit my range, and even if we had time to do that—which we don’t—we wouldn’t have any backup vocals.”
 You pinched the bridge of your nose, squeezing your eyes shut. “There’s got to be something we can do to replace him. We can’t just take the band performance out.”
 “How about Beomgyu?”
 Your eyes flew open at the sound of Yeonjun’s voice, and you whirled around to see him standing behind you.
“When did you get there?” You asked.
 “A minute or so ago,” He said, striding forward so that he stood on the other side of you. “But seriously, everyone knows Beomgyu can sing. He used to do it all the time. Why not have him take Soobin’s place?”
 “It would make sense,” the guitarist said, his face lighting up with a glint of hope. “He’s been here for all the practices—I mean, he even wrote the song!”
 You turned your eyes towards Beomgyu, worry overtaking you in an instant when you saw his expression. All the color had drained from his face, his lips pulled between his teeth. His hands were trembling, and he refused to meet your gaze.
 “Beomgyu,” You said quietly, taking his shaky hand in your steady one. “You don’t have to. We can figure something else out—”
 “I’ll think about it,” He said, eyes finally finding yours. He did his best to force a smile, but it was so strained, your worry only grew at the sight. “Just . . . can you give me a little while?”
 You nodded, squeezing his hand. “Of course.”
 He slipped away from you then, disappearing behind the stage. Your eyes followed him until you couldn’t see him any longer, worry creasing your brows.
 “What was that about?” Yeonjun asked, stepping a bit closer to you. “I understand not wanting to force anyone to do something last minute, but we don’t really have many options.”
 “There’s more to it than that,” You said quietly. “Just trust me, okay? And if he says he can’t do it, he can’t. We are not going to force him to do this.”
 Yeonjun still looked confused, but he simply shrugged. “Whatever you say, captain. But just so you know, if he can’t do it, you’re gonna be the one singing in Soobin’s place. And trust me, no one wants to hear that.”
 You fought the urge to flip him off as he walked away, wondering why on earth you still kept him around as your best friend.
 The rest of the preparations went on, and soon, the audience had begun to fill the auditorium. You hadn’t seen Beomgyu since that moment during rehearsals, and you were beginning to grow worried.
 You stood in the right wing of the stage as the show began with the drama department. You tried to focus on the performance—it was amazing, of course, especially since Yeonjun played a lead role in the scene they had chosen. Everyone knew he was an amazing actor. However, rather than being able to enjoy the show, you could only think about where Beomgyu was and wonder if he was doing alright, your stomach twisting itself into knots as the seconds ticked by.
 By the time the drama students were finished, the audience standing to clap for their flawless performance, you had bitten your nails down to nubs as you grew increasingly worried. Yeonjun rushed over to you when he left the stage, smiling widely as he stretched his arms out to his sides. “How’d we do?”
 “Hm?” You snapped out of your daze, shaking your head as you gave him two thumbs up. “Oh—wonderful. You guys were great. Hey, will you make sure everything goes well with the orchestra? I have to go find Beomgyu.”
 “Well why don’t you stay here and I’ll go find him—”
 “Nope, I’ve got it! Thanks best friend, you’re the greatest!” You gave him a quick hug before he could say anything else, quickly rushing out of the auditorium. You made your way down a few hallways, taking a couple of turns until you had reached one of the dressing rooms. You knew this was where Beomgyu had been getting ready because his guitar case was propped against the wall outside of it, so you hoped he was still inside.
 You knocked on the door. “Beomgyu? Are you in there?”
 It was silent, but you heard someone sniffle from behind the door. You sighed, leaning against the wood. “You don’t have to say anything, okay? But just hear me out.”
 There was no response, but you could have sworn you felt someone leaning against the door from the other side.
 “I know you may feel like you have to pressure yourself to do this, but you don’t,” You said gently. “Nobody is going to be disappointed if you can’t get up there to sing. Not me, not Yeonjun, not the band.”
 You paused, biting your lip before you continued. “Your father wouldn’t be upset either, Beomgyu. The fact that you’re willing to even think about doing something this hard just to help out shows just how great of a person you are. He would be so, so proud of you. I’m proud of you, too. Whether or not you get up there and sing tonight, I’m proud of you. Okay?”
 You stayed there, waiting in silence for a moment longer before you pushed away from the door, walking back towards the auditorium.
 The orchestra was almost finished with their set by the time you returned to the wing. Yeonjun and the band were waiting with anticipation when you returned, eyes wide and searching behind you, probably hoping that Beomgyu was close behind.
 “Is he coming?” Yeonjun asked.
 You sighed, shaking your head slowly. “I don’t think so. We’ll just have to call off the band’s performance, but it’ll be okay—”
 “That won’t be necessary.”
 You turned at the sound of Beomgyu’s voice, unable to help the big smile that overtook your face. You hurried towards him, grabbing both his hands in your own.
 “Are you sure?” You asked. “You know you don’t have to—”
 “I know I don’t,” he said with a smile. “But I want to.”
 He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss against your forehead. “Thank you. For everything.”
 He went up to talk to the band after that, leaving you a blushing mess. The orchestra had just finished their set and were busy making way for the band. Yeonjun walked to your side as Beomgyu and the rest of the band took their places on the stage.
 “Did he just kiss you?” Your best friend asked. For some reason, he didn’t sound surprised.
 Dumbfounded, you brought your hand to your forehead and nodded, unable to speak. Yeonjun laughed at you, causing you to snap out of your daze so you could punch him lightly in the shoulder.
 Once the band had finished getting ready, Beomgyu cleared his throat, tapping the mic before leaning forward to speak into it.
 “Hello everyone, thanks for coming out tonight. My name is Choi Beomgyu, and these lovely people surrounding me are some of the many talented musicians in our music department.” He paused when the audience clapped, waiting until the applause died down before he spoke again. “To wrap up this showcase, we’ll be performing a song I wrote myself. I wrote this about someone I met a long, long time ago.”
 He turned his head to the side then, making eye contact with you from the stage. He smiled, not taking his gaze away from yours. He looked heavenly in the light cast from the spotlight, strands of his black hair seeming to turn silver beneath the glow, his golden skin shining brighter than ever. You were sure that if you were close enough, you would see the star-like sparkles in his eyes that you had grown to adore.
 “I hope she remembers me, even after all this time.”
 “Is he talking about you?” Yeonjun whispered into your ear, noticing the direction of Beomgyu’s stare. “You guys just met like, a month ago.”
 You were just as confused as your best friend, so in response, you simply shrugged, unsure of what was going on. He was definitely talking to you, but you had no idea what he was referring to.
 “I hope she remembers me, even after all this time.”
 You racked your brain, trying desperately to think of what he could mean. Had you met him before? Did he remember you from somewhere, from a memory that had somehow slipped your mind?
 The music began to play, and you took a step closer to the stage, eyes narrowed, ready to focus on the lyrics, wanting more than anything to remember what Beomgyu was talking about.
 “In moments like those, when tears fill your eyes, hold my hand tight. Should we run away?”
 Your eyes went wide. You stumbled back, reaching up to hold your head in your hands.
 “Y/N?” Yeonjun’s voice was distant, overpowered by the sound of the honey sweet voice that filled the air. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
 You gasped, hands tangling in your hair as the singing continued.
 “Be my forever, call my name. Run away, run away, run away with me.”
 Your head was ringing. Not only were these words the same ones you had heard in your head the night you were locked in the classroom with Beomgyu, but the voice—Beomgyu’s voice—was the same one you had heard day and night while growing up.
 It was your soulmates voice.
 You knew it was, not just because of the lyrics or the familiarity of the voice. You knew it was your soulmate because you didn’t just hear the words and the notes of the song, you felt them. Every inch of your being felt as though it had been struck by lightning. The voice filled up all of your senses, overpowering you in the most beautiful way imaginable.
 But it was too much. His voice coming through the loudspeakers paired with it ringing inside your head built up so much pressure that it caused your vision to blur. You quickly stumbled out of the auditorium, fumbling your way through the front doors that led outside.
 You sat down on the pavement, taking deep breaths as your mind began to calm down. No longer overwhelmed by all that was going on around you, you closed your eyes, listening to Beomgyu’s voice as it filled your mind.
 “Don’t wanna stay, now we can go. Take me now to the magic named ‘us.’”
 With those words, the voice died down, and you were surrounded by silence.
 You simply sat there for several moments, your eyes remaining closed as you tried to understand everything that had just happened to you.
 Beomgyu was your soulmate.
 Beomgyu was your soulmate, and he was alive.
 Bit by bit, you started to piece things together. The night of your thirteenth birthday, the day before you heard his voice for the first time. You had met the boy with sparkling eyes and a lopsided grin in the hotel parking lot. He had offered you his coat, and then his hand.
 “I hope she remembers me,” Beomgyu had said.
 You smiled to yourself, placing your hand over your heart as it beat fiercely against your chest.
 “Yes, Beomgyu. I do remember you.”
 Your eyes flew open at the sound of the door being thrown open behind you. You turned to see Beomgyu barreling towards you, practically collapsing to the ground in front of you. He took your face in his hands, eyes frantically searching yours.
 “Are you okay?” He asked, his fingers gently running along the length of your cheeks.
 You nodded, smiling even though tears began to pool in your eyes. “Beomgyu,” You said quietly, lifting your hands to hold his wrists. “You knew, didn’t you?”
 “Knew what?”
 “That you’re my soulmate.”
 He paused, the worry in his face slowly being replaced by a wide, sparkling smile.
 “So you finally figured it out, huh?” He said, brushing a strand of your hair back behind your ear. “If you didn’t figure it out after tonight, I wasn’t sure how else I was supposed to show you.”
 You laughed, a tear slipping down your cheek as you tightened your grip on his wrists. His expression changed once again, brows knit with concern. “Are—are you crying? What’s wrong?”
 “No, nothing, it’s fine,” You assured him, resting your forehead against his. “I’m just happy. I’m so, so happy, Beomgyu.”
 He sighed with relief, wrapping his arms around you in a hug, pulling you snugly into his chest. His chin rested on top of your head as you slipped your arms around his middle, pulling him even closer than he already was.
 “I was a little worried that you’d be disappointed when you found out it was me,” He said with a light laugh.
 You shook your head against his chest, snuggling even closer to him. “Of course not. You’re exactly who I hoped it would be, Choi Beomgyu.”
 The two of you stayed like that for a bit longer before Beomgyu pulled away and stood up in front of you.
 The boy with stars for eyes and a smile that outshone the moon stretched his hand out towards you, fingers shaking from the cold, cheeks flushed from your embrace.
 “Should we run away?” He asked.
 This time, you placed your hand in his and let him pull you to your feet.
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anonquack · 3 years
| History |
Alex Quackity x Reader, Oneshot!
Word Count: 5047
Warnings: None! Just some curse words.
Summary: Breakups hurt. Confrontations hurt. Separation hurts. But when it feels like all is ending, you and Alex always find a way to make things work. [Angst -> Fluff]
After a loud plop of a box against the floor, you brought your hand up to wipe away the sweat that was now resting on your forehead. Yuck.
In an effort to avoid letting your thoughts take over and throw you into a spiral of regret and sadness, you had been cleaning and reorganizing your room. You took this moment to look around, eyes scouting every inch of the room in search for something you could've possibly missed.
The room looked almost spotless at this point. The box you had just plopped down onto the floor contained a lot of the stuff you planned on throwing away. Everything else had been dusted, thoroughly cleaned and placed back where it belonged. Looking at your organized, comfy, bed made you realize just how tired you felt at this very moment.
But there was no time to rest. Rest meant time to think about what had happened. Time to think about what had been lost.
You let out a small sigh as you walked over to the untouched part of your room; the closet. This part didn't necessarily have to be organized, since no one would come into the room and specifically open up the closet. But at this very moment, your brain was telling you to clean EVERYTHING in this room.
As soon as you opened the door to the closet, your eyes landed on an item you did not want to see right now. As your eyes continued to roam across all the clothes on the hangers, it started to dawn on you that this might've been a bad idea. Maybe cleaning closets really wasn't necessary.
There were multiple of Alex's hoodies on the hangers, all looking as comfy and cozy as ever, but at this moment they didn't bring that comfort and happiness they usually would. Rather, they brought back all those painful thoughts you'd been trying to avoid.
You gently bit at your lip, slightly frustrated since you'd been 'doing well', cleaning and trying your hardest not to let your thoughts roam.
Your stubbornness to not rest and keep cleaning had been your own demise.
You weren't really sure what to do. Part of you wanted to take one of the hoodies off its hanger, put it on, and crawl into bed. The rational part of you knew you should probably return these to him. You had no business having these in your room anymore.
That thought alone made your stomach twist and turn. It really was over. These past few days had felt like an absolute nightmare, but at the end of the day it was reality. You and Alex had actually broken up. It was all history now.
You reached into the closet, grabbing all the hoodies and placing them onto the chair near your bed. They were a problem for another time. The closet was going to be your distraction for now. You'd avoid facing reality for just a little longer as you organized the shirts and sweaters in your closet.
It sucked. Not having anything to do, having nothing to serve as a distraction from the fact that Alex would no longer be a part of your life. You were now sitting on your bed, playing with the strings on the hoodie, remembering how these looked on him.
They fit him so well, some fit loosely against his figure, others fit just right, showing off his toned figure. You vividly remembered how the material of the hoodie had felt whenever he wrapped his arms around you, whenever you would hug him and just snuggle your face close to him, looking for a source of heat.
The memories of how you acquired these hoodies also came flooding back. Some had been him noticing it was cold out and you lacking common sense to bring a sweater to keep yourself warm. Him pulling off the hoodie and handing it to you, the way his cheeks turned red as you thanked him, his eyes narrowing and telling you it wasn't that big of a deal.
Other times you'd directly ask to borrow his hoodie. One that smelled like him just in case he couldn't visit or hang out in the near future and you were in dying need of his affection.
You wondered whether these hoodies might still smell like him. As weird as it might've looked, you were now on your bed, bringing the hoodies up to your face and holding it close, snuggling your ex's damn hoodie to see if it still smelled like him. It was so fucking stupid. It was over.
You set the hoodie down as you felt your eyes water. Not because of sadness, but irritation towards yourself. You'd already spent days crying your eyes out over the breakup, and yet here you were again. There had been progress made already, and now it felt like you were back in square one just because of some fucking hoodies. Cloth.
You gently pinched the bridge of your nose as you took a moment to recollect your thoughts. You'd return the hoodies, and be done with him once and for all.
Picking up your phone and pressing onto his contact, your message history flashed onto the screen. Old messages were spilling all over, making a mess of you all over again. Not what you wanted at all. You'd wanted to delete his contact number and erase the messages, but hadn't been able to bring yourself to do it.
And now, once again, you were dealing with the consequences of being unable to let go. You tried to ignore the old conversations that were on display, instead pulling up the keyboard and typing up a civil message to send.
y/n found some of your hoodies at my place. mind if i give them back?
You felt an uncomfortable feeling settle in your stomach as you waited for the message to deliver, waited for any sign that he might've read it. Waited to see if he would even answer. Maybe he didn't want them back. Maybe part of you hoped you'd at least get to keep something of his, something that made your relationship with him feel real. Made it feel like it indeed happened and wasn't just a part of your imagination. Part of you didn't want it to officially come to an end.
Giving away the last thing of his you had meant officially putting an end to this. Whatever the fuck you had with him. You hadn't even noticed you were biting at your nails until the loud ding brought you back into present time.
alex sounds good. where would you want to meet?
It was starting to feel real. The split was at hand's length away. Meeting him to hand the hoodies over solidified the end.
y/n maybe the library? its near both of our dorms.
alex alright. see you in 20?
y/n yea.
Such simple discourse was already eating at you. This wasn't him. But that was to be expected. You weren't his anymore and he wasn't yours. Nothing would ever be how it was.
Even with that realization, you still looked at yourself in the mirror, checking to see if there was any signs that you'd been crying, or just you looking like shit overall. A few glances and strokes to the hair and you were ready to go, the small stack of hoodies resting on your arm as you walked out of your dorm room. To officially end things.
As you walked towards the library, you noticed it was rather quiet. Nobody was out and about at this time, it was peaceful. It gave you a moment to really reflect on all that had taken place. What had lead to you being here, on your way to officially cut all ties with Alex.
It had been a misunderstanding, really. Something that was going to happen eventually. Being college students with different majors and goals was challenging enough. But balancing the giant workloads and quality time with your partner had proven to be difficult for him, and perhaps even you too. There was effort being made in the beginning, but recently it had just not been the same. Perhaps things change, feelings change, but it didn't change the fact that it hurt.
After a few confrontations and harsh arguments, he had stated that he didn't want to be in a relationship if it meant that attention was required of him this often. He admitted it felt like a chore recently, having all his school work and also having you to deal with, especially when you got confrontational.
It had been heartbreaking hearing him say that you were the reason for his recent headaches and that he no longer was enjoying the aspect of a relationship. He wanted space, he wanted to have a moment where he could do absolutely nothing. Not have to worry about another individual's feelings. It was valid, and you had agreed that it would be best if you two just broke up. Clearly if you two weren't going to be happy, it was better to just end it.
You really couldn't blame or hate him. He was studying law, and you could only imagine how stressful and difficult it must be. And to have to worry about a relationship on top of that must've been hellish.
You couldn't shake off the memories though, all the great parts of your relationship. You struggled too. You had homework too, but he was the highlight of your college experience.
Even if you were drowning in homework, you knew you could waltz into Alex's dorm and just cuddle with him for a bit. You knew he would walk into your room any second of the day just to declare you two were going to take a break from studying to go eat at this place he'd found near the university. He was the light that shined brightly and took you out of the holes you dug yourself into when you worked too hard and barely had time to take care of yourself.
You thought you had the same effects on him, but instead you were draining him of energy. The hangouts and time spent wasn't a nice break for him, it was a chore. It was something he felt obligated to do.
You shook the thoughts away as you noticed the library getting closer and closer. Once you got there, you walked in and headed to where you knew he might be waiting, or where he'd know to go if you were the first to arrive.
Fortunately for you, he still wasn't here, so you simply took a seat and looked around the library. You could feel the guilt settling in your stomach. Perhaps this felt like a chore as well, having to come all the way out here to meet with you, just to get some hoodies you could've dropped off at his dorm. 0 interaction needed.
The small bell rang, notifying everyone inside that the front door had been opened. This was it. He was here. You held your breath as you waited to see Alex, if it even was him who had just gotten here.
Surely, it was. He was wearing these black sweatpants, a white baggy shirt, and his beanie that neatly tucked away the strands of hair that would usually hide his facial features. He looked good, to say the least.
You watched as his eyes scanned the room, looking for you. Once his eyes finally met yours, you felt your breath hitch in anticipation as his brown eyes finally met yours for the first time in about a week or two. It was so nice seeing him again, it felt right, but this was most likely your last time meeting with him.
You watched as he walked over to you, a small, polite smile on your lips as he came closer and closer. Once he was finally standing in front of you, a small, "Hi-" slipped out, which you instantly regretted. It sounded so pathetic.
"Hi." He replied calmly as he took the seat across from where you had been sitting.
He actually sat down. This meant he was planning on sticking around for a bit, right? If he wanted to leave right away, he would've stood, extended his hand out to show that he wanted you to hand him the hoodies. But here he was now, sitting in the chair across from you.
Usually when you two came to the library, he was seated beside you, arm wrapped around your waist as you two scanned a textbook of a shared electives class or both did your own studying. It was always so peaceful and actually allowed you to focus on what you were studying. His presence was so good for you, but it was recently made clear the feeling wasn't mutual.
You cleared your throat, not ready to hand over the hoodies just yet. "How have you been..?" You asked, trying to maintain a calm tone.
It might've been stupid to try and make conversation with him, but you were hanging on by a thread. You'd risk it, push your luck until the thread snapped and disintegrated in your own hands.
"I've been.. alright. You?" He hesitated to answer, and was currently avoiding eye contact, staring down at the table and then your hands that were placed on top of the hoodie stack.
"I've been okay. Big change to get used to." You admitted, a small chuckle escaping your lips. It was not a laughing matter at all, but you couldn't help it, especially since you were feeling rather nervous.
"It is a big change." He admitted as well, finally looking up to meet your gaze. The eye contact broke your heart. Usually looking into his brown eyes would heal any and every scar that may appear on your heart, patch up anything that may be breaking, but now it was these brown eyes that were killing you and breaking you apart.
It was now your turn to look away, settling your gaze on the strings of the hoodie, hands playing with them absent-mindedly.
The soft fabric against your finger tips reminded you why you were here in the first place, making you finally look up at him again. You were surprised to see that his gaze was already on you. Although your eyes widened slightly, you quickly brought them back to normal and cleared your throat, pushing the hoodies forward and towards him.
"Found these in my closet and figured you might want them back. They've been washed." You clarified towards the end as you watched him take hold of them.
And that's when it was official. They were now under his possession again, not yours. The hoodies were no longer yours, he was not yours. You could feel the lump forming in your throat at the thought, and figured it wasn't a good idea to be at this library for even a second longer.
You watched as he looked down at the hoodie stack that he was now holding. It seemed like there was something he wanted to say, yet was clearly holding back. It was a horrible sight to see. You knew you'd be thinking about this gaze, the words his eyes screamed, the words he failed to verbally say now. It would eat at you during late nights in the near future.
Now that the hoodies were in his hands, he realized just how real the breakup was. He hadn't been doing too well himself, beating himself up for reacting that way, for lashing out on you that way. For saying things he hadn't meant, and had only said because he was stressed out and in serious need of space. That was all it was.
And now here he was, sat in front of his ex, receiving the hoodies he had gladly gave them. He remembered when he handed each of these, what the occasion was and how cute you'd looked once you'd put it on. The pride that had filled his chest at the sight of you in his hoodie. How lovesick he'd felt whenever you came to his dorm with his hoodie on, when you wore it out in public and let everyone know that you were indeed taken. By Alex himself.
And now here he was. You couldn't even look at him for a few seconds without having to tear your eyes away. He wondered if you had cried just as much as he had, if you had blamed yourself or called yourself clingy, annoying, the worst of the worst because of the horrible things he had said to you. All things which he greatly regrets now.
When he had walked into the library, he'd spotted you almost instantly, sat at the table where you two would usually study, looking as cozy as ever. If he hadn't fucked up so badly, he would've walked over, wrapped his arms around you and left the softest kiss on your lips, maybe one on your jaw as well as he mumbled "hi baby," against your skin. The laugh that might've escaped your lips at his words and actions, the fact that he can't experience that anymore because he fucked up. It was killing him.
He knew that any second now, you'd stand up and walk out of his life permanently, and there'd be nothing for him to do about it. He'd already caused enough damage with the bullshit he had spewed just a week ago. He couldn't ask anything of you. Not a second chance, not a moment of your time so he could explain that he didn't want to lose you. That he had just been stressed and taken it out on you, tried to blame it all on one person rather than just taking a step back and thinking things through. Admit that he had fucked up. It would be extremely selfish of him to fuck up in the way that he did and then ask for you to forgive him. He just couldn't do it.
He wondered if you could tell how awful he'd been doing. Was it obvious that he hadn't slept? Too busy replaying the scene where he had broken your heart over and over again as he lay in bed, avoiding any and all responsibilities. When you'd reached out to him, he had been laying in bed, quickly getting out and trying to look as composed and not like he'd been feeling like absolute shit this whole past week.
But now he was sitting across from you and the hoodies were in his hands. The exchange had been successful and there was now no business for you to be here. Any second now, you'd stand up and leave him here. For real this time. He wouldn't get to see the way you smiled with your eyes, wouldn't be able to hear nor cause your wonderful laugh. Wouldn't be able to hold you close whenever he pleased, wouldn't be able to kiss you as many times as he wanted. Wouldn't be able to whisper secrets to you as you two lay in bed at 3 in the morning.
No. He had lost those privileges a week ago, as soon as those horrible words left his mouth.
The sound of you clearing your throat brought him back to his senses, along with the sound of the chair scraping against the floor. He quickly looked up, catching the words that were slipping past your lips.
"Well, now that you have your hoodies, I should probably head back to my dorm now." You said softly, an awkward smile on your lips. It was clear you weren't necessarily sure how to say goodbye. He wasn't either.
His thoughts were racing at a million miles per hour in his poor brain, your moves were almost in slow motion in front of him as he panicked and tried to figure out what to do for you to stay.
No matter how many times he had lied to himself and told himself that he would be fine with you finally walking out of his life, it was exactly that. A lie. He wasn't ready. He wouldn't ever be ready to lose such a wonderful person that had walked in and changed his life for the better. Not at least without explaining himself. Asking for a second chance, as selfish as that might've been.
As he stood to his feet, the loud scraping of the chair against the floor caught everyone around you two off guard, especially you as you almost bumped into his chest as he suddenly blocked the path with his body.
"Y/N." He said, almost breathless. Your eyes were wide in confusion at the new barricade that stood between you and the door.
"I-I'm sorry." He finally said. Even if it was just two words, he already felt much better. He wanted you to know, to know that he was indeed sorry for ever saying such horrible things to you.
The shock in your face was evident, your mouth opening and closing slightly, truly at a loss for words. He took this as a sign to continue.
"I'm sorry for the things I said to you that day. They really weren't true. I was just– so stressed and I needed to take that out on someone. And you questioning me and asking why I'd grown distant just pushed me over the edge and I snapped at you. But I didn't mean a single word I said. I love you so much, Y/N. I couldn't fucking live with myself this past week, it's been eating me alive, the fact that I said those horrible things to you. You that could never do harm, you that has helped me so much throughout the years I've known you, whether it be as a friend or as my lover." He paused, it was so clear he was suffering from a severe case of word vomit, and people were staring now.
Your eyes had softened slightly as you listened to his word vomit, but you were cautious, it was evident to him. Your stance said it all. You looked around for a bit before letting out a small sigh.
"Not here, Alex. This is a library. Why don't we go talk somewhere else?" You offered softly, gaze way softer now, almost as if you were being cautious of the state he was currently in, scared he'd fall apart any second now. He silently nodded, leading the way out of the library with you quietly following behind him.
Your heart was beating rapidly against your ribcage, unable to truly process what the hell had just happened. Was that real? Did it really happen? Or was this a cruel joke, and soon you'd wake up on your bed, clutching one of his hoodies tightly to your chest.
You were walking behind him as he lead the way out of the library. You replayed the words in your head, unable to grasp that he had actually apologized.
You had gotten up to leave, saying your final goodbyes to him, and that was what lead him to crack. He had stood up quickly to block your path, and had began to spill his apologies, explaining how he's been a mess and feels horrible about the things he had said. He hadn't meant it. You weren't a bother. The relationship wasn't a chore. He perhaps still wanted you.
You had mixed feelings about all of this, especially considering the pain he'd put you through this entire week. But you also were obviously not ready to throw away a relationship that had lasted this long, and that had been going so well up until last week, when he presumably accidentally took it all out on you.
You were brought back to reality as he stopped walking and turned to look at you. He had lead you two to a coffee shop, one that you two frequently visited. Not for the coffee, but for the pastries and other drinks they sold, all quite delicious and a perfect breakfast for when you both were running late.
You looked at him as he opened the door for you to walk in. As you walked in, you were immediately hit with the smell of the freshly baked pastries. He then asked if you could sit while he ordered.
It didn't take long before he was back, with the usual orders you both got from here. It was touching, and probably an effort from him to patch things up. You thanked him for the drink and delicious smelling pastry before taking a small sip, awkwardly seated as you waited for him to speak again, attempt to explain himself further.
When he realized you were just waiting on him now, he cleared his throat. "Y/N, I'm really sorry. I hope I didn't make a scene or anything at the library. It was just, kind of a desperate last minute attempt to fix things between us."
Us. Us. It left a savory taste on your tongue. It felt right. Yes, Alex, us. You and I. That's how it's supposed to be.
You shook your head, "Nono. It's not that. It just- caught me off guard obviously, and well, I didn't want you to get in trouble for speaking a bit loudly, at the library."
He smiled, a small chuckle leaving his lips at the slight teasing tone at the end of your sentence. God, you had missed his laugh so much over the past week. It always managed to cheer you up no matter how bad things were.
"So uh, I'm sorry once again, Y/N. I know what I did was shitty, I've been beating myself up for it this entire past week. And even if you don't accept this apology and you want nothing to do with me after this, I just need you to know that I could never ever mean the things I said. You mean so much to me, and I just- I fucked up big time. You're not a chore at all. In fact, you make my life better, but it just took me so long to realize just how much you've positively changed my life. I'm so sorry for being distant. It's school, I promise. It's not because I don't love you anymore or anything. It's impossible for me to not love you, I hope you know that–" He paused to take a moment to breathe. He had just dumped all of this information onto them again. But he was just so scared that you'd up and leave any second now. He had to let it all out before it even came down to that.
"It- it was a bit of an overload, regarding information." You said once you realized he was waiting for a response. "It might take me a while to think about this. I mean, what you said really hurt me, Alex." You confessed, watching as his expression saddened, it was obvious he regret it. Everything he had said. "Don't get me wrong, I still love you, so so so much. Words cannot explain." You said, hand shyly reaching out to grab his. He responded almost instantly, fingers interlacing with your own. His hands were warm, against your own. You'd missed his warmth so much, and finally having it, even if just for a few seconds was sending you over the moon.
His grip on your hand was tight, but not tight where it hurt. It was tight, as if he was trying to prove to himself that you were real, that you were really insinuating that you'd give him a second chance. And honestly? Of course you would. This man meant the absolute world to you. And you understood where he was coming from, why he'd done what he did. It didn't take away the fact that it hurt, but you understood him, and would forgive him, eventually.
"I love you too." He said softly, gaze meeting yours as he smiled softly. "Take as much time as you need. I really am sorry, I'll never stop being sorry for the horrible shit I said. But no matter the outcome, I'll accept it."
His words meant the world to you. Even if you knew you'd accept his apology soon, it still meant so much that he just wanted you to know he meant what he was saying, even if you decided to leave forever.
"Thank you, Alex." You said with a small smile, giving his hand a gentle squeeze, trying to tell yourself as well that this was real. You felt him squeeze your hand back gently as well, and smiled slightly bigger at the memory that he did this whenever he wanted to reassure you about something. You really did love this man.
The day had started off with attempts to forget the very man you were currently holding hands with, attempting to get rid of every trace he had in your life in attempts to heal, attempts to move on. But he had stopped it all. He had apologized, admitted to the horrible week he's had, admitted to his faults, and was willing to accept if you no longer wanted him in your life.
But how could you ever wish that in regards to Alex? The one that brought sunshine into your life, the one that made everything better just by being himself.
Things were going to get better from here on out. Alex apologizing and stopping either of you from leaving each other's lives was a clear sign of that. From now on, you wouldn't allow such atrocities to take place either. You two would work on this.
As you stared at Alex who sat across from you, you couldn't help but smile at the possibility of having him back. Having everything go back to normal. It was clear he was thinking the same, as he gave your hand a gentle squeeze and smiled at you so brightly, almost bright enough to leave you sunburnt. Alex was sticking around, and so were you.
Maybe you wouldn't have to give the hoodies back after all.
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✨🔮✨Bts romantic soulmates / future spouses current energy reading ✨
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Hi guys 👋 I hope everyone is good 😊 I decided to do future spouses readings since all of the BTS members seems like they'll get married to their romantic soulmates except Namjoon who his romantic soulmate is a different person from his future spouse and that's why I did both romantic soulmate's and future spouse's current energy reading for him ! For those who haven't seen the pendulum reading about them getting married to their romantic soulmates click -> here
Kim Namjoon's
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✨Romantic soulmate's reading✨
Current Energy
I got ✨Judgement ✨this card indicate taking responsibility for her actions and her life, being a good judge of character, seeing the truth and knowing what she wants. Judgement t card often shows up when you need to step up . It can also mean that she is getting out of a karmic circle and see more clearly around her , maybe her awakening has begun.
Hopes and Fears
I got ✨The Tower ✨This card shows me that she is afraid of the unknown , generally the feeling of being unsure and she's very much afraid that something will happen that will open old wounds of hers and that her life will get messed up once again .
How to Release
✨Page of Cups reversed ✨Reversed, this card could be advising to “get real.” She has to get her head out of the clouds and plant her feet firmly on the ground.Her emotions may be all over the place. She needs to do her best to practice emotional restraining.The Page of Cups reversed can also symbolize emotional immaturity , as advice, this card may be saying: time to grow up girl.She may also need to practice emotional detachment from a past situation.
✨Page of Wands ✨With this card I'm seeing good news coming for her in the future through phone calls , emails , texts . They could be good news about any kind of situation . Also this card indicates being creative ,working on new ideas or projects with a lot of enthusiasm and passion , healed inner child and very playful attitude .
✨Future Spouse's reading✨
Current Energy
I got ✨Five of Pentacles✨,in a general context, the Five of Pentacles is not a great card to get as it represents hardship, rejection or a negative change in circumstances. She may be feeling like the world is against her and nothing is going her way. It can signify bad luck, struggles or adversity. Unemployment, alienation and poverty are all represented by this card and it can also signify health problems, breakups or scandals causing turmoil in her life. She might feeling like she's left out in the cold, but, she has to remember that this situation is only temporary and then ask herself if she's reaching out for any help or support that is available. There is help out there for her. It may be in the form of moral support from friends or family, financial assistance from social welfare, or even the kindness of strangers but whatever it is, she has to take it. Nothing lasts forever and this hardship too shall pass.
Hopes and Fears
✨Six of Cups reversed ✨ With this card I feel like she remembers past events of her life , maybe her childhood , some with nostalgia and some others with sadness . Maybe she didn't have the most easy childhood and there were moments that she needed to left her child self back and be more mature . As it seems she is being in a difficult situation at the moment so with this card I could say that she hopes to find help from her family and friends.
How to Release
I got ✨Strength ✨She has many challenges before her at the moment but she is more than ready to face them. She has to rely on her inner strength at this time and remain calm. She’ll master the situation she has to be brave! Her courage will see her through. She needs to take matters into her very capable hands. She has got the power to get this situation under control.
✨Nine of Swords reversed ✨In a general context, the Nine of Swords reversed represents seeing the light at the end of the tunnel after dark times. When reversed, it is a card of recovering from depression or mental illness or issues improving, letting go of negativity, releasing stress and learning to cope. It signifies opening up, accepting help and facing life.
Kim Seokjin's
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Current Energy
✨Two of Pentacles ✨In a general context, the Two of Pentacles can indicate that she is trying to find or maintain the balance between various areas of her life. This card represents the ups and downs of life and indicates that she is resourceful, adaptable and flexible enough to get through them. However, it can be a warning that trying to juggle too many things at once and not prioritising what is important can lead to failure and exhaustion. She has to try to evaluate where she's putting her energy and cut back on what is not necessary in order to maintain a balanced and happy life. The Two of Pentacles can also indicate that decisions need to be made and making these choices may be causing her stress. It can also signify partnership and the struggle to find the right balance between her needs and the needs of someone else.
Hopes and Fears
I got ✨Eight of Wands✨ This card shows me that she chose to see life with a positive and hopeful eyes and she hopes that everything she wants and have in mind can have progress and come to life . She feels very energetic , positive and enthusiastic about her ideas , she might plan to go on a travel . She is working very hard and she believes and hope that her hard work will be paying of and that she'll be ahead of the game . Although I am sensing all this positivity I think she's kind of afraid that she's becoming obsessed with someone or something.
How to Release
✨The Hanged Man reversed ✨ Let go is the advice this card gives . No one gets spiritual by hanging on to a situation or a person or an idea. Sometimes we need to let go.This card can also be suggesting learning to land on your own two feet. Have faith in herself.Instead of being still, the Hanged Man advises to take action. The time to wait is over now it’s time to move! If she has been making too many sacrifices, she has to stop. She doesn't have to be a martyr or a saint. It’s okay to put her needs first.
I got ✨The King of Swords ✨ I'm seeing achievement, this tarot card denotes a professional who is at the top of their game (it seems like she'll get what she wants). She'll become someone who is an expert in their field and would have had to study to acquire this knowledge. She also may have plenty of practical experience in how to apply this knowledge in a very sophisticated manner till then .
Min Yoongi's
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Current Energy
✨Two of Pentacles reversed ✨ In a general context, this card reversed can indicate that she biting off more than she can chew! She may be trying to keep too many balls in the air and finding it impossible to maintain the balance between the various areas of her life. This card also represents feeling overwhelmed,overextending herself and lack of organisation. Reversed can signify that she is making poor choices (I think that it's something that has to do with her career or future) because she is under pressure and may be getting herself into more of a mess than she needs to.
Hopes and Fears
I got ✨Judgement reversed ✨ I'm feeling like she is afraid of what others are or will be being overly judgemental or critical of her and her choices or maybe even blaming her for something that wasn’t her fault. This card can also mean that there are times she lets fear and self-doubt take control of her situation and that might happen because of bad past experiences she had .
How to Release
✨Temperance reversed ✨ This can be more of a warning than anything she might have allowed things to get out of hand or became a control freak ! Whatever it's happening in her life this card can be advicing her to get it together or chill the heck out.Temperance reversed can also suggest that it’s time to make a decision. She has to stop waffling on matters. Shit or get off the pot.
✨Seven of Swords and Seven of Pentacles ✨ With Seven of Swords card I'm seeing her working hard and strategically towards her goals , that can also mean that she'll have to kind of trick some people but not in anyway to harm them in anyway (at least from the energies I'm getting). This card together with Seven of Pentacles tells me that her strategical way of thinking and hard work will pay off and she'll get the success she wants after feeling that her ideas /plans will never work and be patient for some time .
Jung Hoseok's
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Current Energy
✨Ace of Wands reversed ✨In a general context, the Ace of Wands reversed represents delays, setbacks and disappointing news. When it's reversed indicates that she might does not have any “get up and go” in her at the moment as it represents lack of initiative,passion,assertiveness, energy, enthusiasm, motivation, & growth. She may be stopping herself from progressing or be slow and hesitant about starting or trying anything new. It can also represent creative blocks, wasted talent or potential and missed opportunities. She need to start taking the bull by the horns again. Alternatively, this card can indicate that she's so passionate, enthusiastic and motivated that she's a little too intense for some people to handle.
Hopes and Fears
With the ✨Four of Pentacles ✨ I'm getting that she may be afraid that she is holding onto things in an unhealthy, possessive, controlling or toxic way or someone may be holding onto her in such a manner. It can indicate that she need to establish your boundaries or respect the boundaries of other people. The Four of Pentacles can also indicate that she is afraid or gets stressed when there's a lack of openness, blocking or obstructing progress, keeping to herself or the others keeping to themselves or a sense of isolation in her relationships . It can also represent her fear of becomes greed, addicted to materialism and penny pinching.
How to Release
✨​Justice reversed ✨This card tells her that it may be hard for her to see what way to go at this time. She has to hold off on making a decision and give herself more time to examine her options.
✨The King of Swords reversed ✨ it seems like that if won't take the right decision about something her everyday life will become boring and she'll just have to follow a daily routine that won't make her happy . So at this time she has to think carefully with maturity and see her options carefully and when the time comes she'll be able to decide what is right for her and her future.
Park Jimin's
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Current Energy
✨Ten of Wands✨This is the card for hard work and taking on more responsibility. She's trying not to lose sight of the bigger picture, and keep on remember why she is putting in all the efforts. She is feeling burned out and weight down. Ten of wands tarot card can also mean that she is unable to say no, and people are taking advantage of her.
Hopes and Fears
✨The Magician ✨She hopes that she has all the skills and abilities she need in order to be successful and that the universe is aligning to bring positive changes her way. This card also shows that she feels that she has to use her intellect, concentration and willpower to make things happen but she is afraid that she is not strong enough.
How to Release
✨Death reversed✨ She might thinking of making a change in an area of her life but this card reversed advices her not to rush because it may not be the right time for change. Perhaps she's not ready or the circumstances aren’t favorable at the moment. Whatever the case may be,she has to pause before taking action.This could also be pointing out resistance or fear blocking progress. If that is so, the advice it gives her is to confront those issues, even if only internally.
✨Three of Wands reversed ✨Three of Wands tarot card reversed indicates that will be delays in rewards and payoffs in the future. The environment might get toxic which makes it hard for growth. People might not like what she is doing and try to put second thoughts in her mind so she should stay focus on her ideas and dreams and make them come to life .
Kim Taehyung's
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Current Energy
✨Queen of Pentacles reversed ✨I feel like this girl has lost the balance of her life maybe in things that have to do with her work place or family but to be honest I'm getting family issues going on mostly.  This card indicates poor taste and lack of sensitivity to other people’s needs. What she has experienced or she still is has made her to be someone who expects everyone to work as hard as she does and make the same practical choices. Queen of pentacles reversed denotes that she feels very insecure and has an inability to share with others her thoughts an feelings.
Hopes and Fears
✨Ten of Pentacles reversed ✨ Again with this card I'm seeing that something that has happened to her family is causing fear and great stress , maybe she is afraid that it will happen again , that she'll have to experience again the same challenges . Also I'm sensing that she might feel insecure on the financial part of her life , maybe she and her family are going through financial problems or she could possibly be worried about that she won't be able to pay for her responsibilities. Lastly feel that she might is stressed about something , she is feeling like she doesn't have enough time to do something and rush.
How to Release
✨Eight of Wands reversed ✨Slow down! is the message I'm getting for her, There is no need to rush at this time. She has to take time out to examine her plans.There is still work that left to be done before she can proceed. Go back to the drawing board and get that finished first.If she keep on trying to move things along too quickly, she may make critical mistakes. She has to watch her step and don’t be impulsive at this time.
✨Ace of Cups ✨In a general context, the Ace of Cups signifies new beginnings, usually in terms of love, empathy, compassion and/or happiness. When this Minor Arcana card appears it indicates that you will be feeling happy, positive and good about yourself. Soon it will be a great time to begin new friendships and get out there and socialise. People will be very receptive, kind and friendly to her. It can also be an indication of good news, celebrations coming her way and getting back her creativity.
Two more cards fell while doing the reading for her so I think they have some messages or guidance for her ! The cards are Ace of Pentacles and the Chariot. ✨Ace of Pentacles ✨If she's asking about a potential investment, the Ace of Pentacles says: go for it! Same if she's inquiring about a new job, financial offer, or relationship. Aces are often an affirmative.This card can also advise to give as much as she can. Be generous.Check in with her values. What’s important to her? What matters? She has to let that lead her decisions.The right path is open to her now ,go forth with confidence.Give as well as she receives and vice versa.✨ The Chariot ✨This card tells her to take the reins in her hands and move forward with confidence, trusting that she will reach her destination. The key is to remain focused ,set her intention and direct her will , let nothing distract her until the goal has been accomplished.The Chariot also says: take charge! Assume a position of control. Lead, don’t follow.This card can also be suggesting a need for restraint or self control. If she wish to overcome a problem, she may need to apply greater self control.The Chariot also can advise leaving a situation. It may be time to move on and chart a different course. She has to put the past in her rear view mirror and look forward!Finally, this can also be a reminder for her to stay the course and do not get pulled in too many different directions. Move on. Her Victory is ahead and waiting for her in the future!
Jeon Jungkook's
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Current Energy
✨King of Pentacles reversed ✨ King of pentacles tarot card reversed indicates being too conservative. King of pentacles reversed indicates difficulties in making the necessary changes. Falling behind is likely. King of pentacles reversed is likely to be a miser and a hoarder. This is someone who expects the best but lets others have the worst. Neglect of hygiene and poor health is indicated when King of pentacles shows up reversed. Her stubbornness and fear prevent positive change.
Hopes and Fears
✨The Hierophant ✨This card often denotes confusion about feelings because she feels that she needs to seek a deeper meaning in her life and this has priority over personal relationships , maybe that causes her stress. Also the Hierophant tarot card speaks of spiritual love and love that grows stronger with time. The Hierophant speaks of love that grows stronger by sharing a spiritual path maybe she's hopes that what she is feeling is true and at the same time she is afraid that she is depending on illusions.
How to Release
✨The Chariot ✨Like Taehyung's spouse she has to take the reins in her hands and move forward with confidence, trusting that she will reach her destination. The key is to remain focused. Set her intention and direct her will. Let nothing distract her until the goal has been accomplished.This card can also be suggesting a need for restraint or self control. If she wish to overcome a problem(maybe a phycological one or a past trauma), she may need to apply greater self control.The Chariot also can advise leaving a situation. It may be time for her to move on and chart a different course. Put the past in her rear view mirror and look forward!
I got ✨King of Wands reversed and Five of Cups ✨In a general context, the King of Wands reversed can indicate that she'll lack the energy, experience or enthusiasm to accomplish what she has set out to achieve at this time. She'll be taking a back seat and will not being proactive in her life. She may feel that will not up to the task or won't be able to give away her power and setting a bad example for those who will look up to her. She may be worrying about other people’s opinion of her and she will may be afraid to be different or step outside of her comfort zone. She'll might also push people away from her and she'll end up feeling lonely. And that's something that the Five of Cups card comes to clarify here since the meaning of this card are the feeling of loneliness and disappointment (from the people she actually pushes away maybe unconsciously but she'll won't blame herself about it ). Lastly this card in a work-related situation that I feel like she already has some problems will worsen somehow!She'll might not be getting the recognition she deserve, or maybe even someone else is getting rewarded for her work and that will also make her feel disappointed and drained.
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wordsandshawn · 4 years
Breakup Letter
This is based on a request where y/n is blackmailed to break up with Shawn, so of course there’s angst. Hope you enjoy!
|| message me || masterlist ||
Word count: 3.4k
Tears fall from your eyes because of the heartbreak making a home in your chest. As you take pen to paper, it feels so wrong and the opposite of what you really want. It makes you feel like a horrible person, but you feel so trapped and you don’t know what else to do. This is for the best, you keep reminding yourself, but it still doesn’t change the sinking feeling in your stomach and the ache in your chest. Your heart hurts so much at the thought of not being with Shawn anymore. It hurts so much that you feel physically sick.
Shawn is so proud of the reputation he has created. Not only is he proud of it, but it also serves as the foundation to his career. Part of his appeal is how clean cut and genuine he is. He was young when he was discovered, and his past is relatively unproblematic. He is notoriously a nice guy, and from personal experience, you can attest to the fact that he deserves every bit of the reputation he has acquired.
Although you’ve been dating Shawn for nearly nine months, he’s also in the middle of a publicity relationship with a singer that is supposed to promote both of their careers. Ever since the beginning of your relationship, you and Shawn agreed to keep it private. At first, it seemed like the best idea. Then the publicity relationship came up, and after discussing it at length, both you and Shawn agreed that it was just another part of his career. You felt confident in your relationship and you truly viewed the fake relationship as part of his job.
After he started the publicity relationship about two months ago, it became even more important that you kept your relationship a secret. If Shawn was caught with you, there would be repercussions that could affect his reputation and career.
Earlier today, you received a text message that made your world stop and left you feeling like you had no choice, leading you to writing the letter, packing up your stuff, and walking out of the condo you shared with Shawn in Toronto.
Break up with him or these will be sent to TMZ and everyone will know he’s a cheater and a liar.
Reading the words made your heart nearly stop, even before you viewed the attached pictures. Your hand holding your phone was shaking so much, you couldn’t see anything clearly, but you didn’t have to. As terrifying as it was to receive that threat, your immediate reaction was to tell Shawn. You were confident that he would know how to handle it, that you would figure it out together and things would be okay. You didn’t think you would ever oblige to this outrageous demand.
However, as you clicked off of the message, starting to open facetime to call Shawn, a second text appeared. And don’t even think of telling him this is the reason. If you tell him instead of breaking up, his career will be ruined. These photos aren’t the only thing we have on him.
After reading the second message, you didn’t immediately click facetime. Instead, you let the words sink in. You read and reread the messages, trying to wrack your brain for what to do next as everything suddenly felt like it was falling apart.
An hour later, the letter is completely written, and most of your items are out of his condo. You leave the breakup note on his kitchen counter along with your keys and take your bags, showing up on your best friend’s doorstep.
She ushers you in as the tears roll down your face. She’s asking questions, none of which you answer. Taking your bags and putting them aside, she walks you over to the couch, making sure you sit down before going to the kitchen to make tea. You take this time to respond to the person who sent you those earlier messages, I did it. Now delete those pictures.
You pray that this will be enough to assure those photos are never released and Shawn’s career survives unscathed. Shawn won’t receive the letter until he returns to Toronto tomorrow, a homecoming that you had both been looking forward to since the day he left a week ago, but now his return will only mean him reading the letter and everything changing. Suddenly, you’re dreading tomorrow instead of looking forward to it.
That evening, you share the briefest possible explanation with Tiana, your best friend. You tell her that things weren’t working out between you and Shawn, and that you had decided you needed to take a break from the relationship, to move out. She’s blindsided by this information because she thought everything was going well between the two of you and she can’t believe you would decide to move out so quickly. You lie, telling her that things hadn’t been good and that you and Shawn weren’t seeing eye to eye anymore.
The next afternoon, you’re still on the couch, having barely moved in twenty-four hours. You can tell Tiana is worried, but she doesn’t say anything, knowing that you’re getting over a breakup and you’re allowed to mope.
The doorbell rings, and you immediately tear your gaze away from the tv to meet your best friend’s eyes. She looks confused at first, but you scamper off the couch and into the hallway where you’ll be hidden from view if she opens the door. You don’t say a word, but you know it’s Shawn on the other side of the door because his flight has landed, and he probably made it back to the condo, meaning he saw the note. You expected that Shawn would show up here once he read the note and realized you were gone. You had turned off your phone because you couldn’t take the thought of seeing any messages from him, and you didn’t trust yourself not to reply and run back to him.
Although you can’t see, you hear the door open, and then Shawn’s voice. He doesn’t bother with pleasantries. “I know she’s here. Please let me talk to her.”
“Who?” Tiana replies, playing dumb.
“Y/n. I know she’s here. Please just let me see her.” He pleads.
“No. She wants space, Shawn. Just go home.” She responds, coldly. Tiana is one of the kindest, sweetest people you know, but she knows how to act tough when she has to, something you’ve always admired about her.
“She can have space. She can have all the space she needs, but it can’t end, not like this. I just need to talk to her. Just for two minutes,” The last word falls from his lips in an almost desperate whisper, “Please.”
His last plea almost breaks your resolve, but you remind yourself that this is for the best. You remind yourself that this has to be how things go, and you remain hidden, even as your heart breaks at the sound of his voice, at the way he sounds so broken.  
“Go home Shawn.”
“Y/n,” Shawn shouts loudly, knowing you’re in the apartment and you can probably hear him. “Please, y/n, please talk to me.” Is the last thing you hear before the door closes. Seconds later, you’re face to face with your best friend and you collapse into her as the tears fall again.
She guides you back to the couch where she sits down next to you, trying to understand what is going on and what you are going to do next. “You sure you don’t want to just talk to him?” She questions softly.
You shake your head, fresh tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Did he do something? You can tell me. Did he cheat? Did he mess up?” She asks.
You shake your head again. He did nothing wrong. Well nothing except maybe accepting advice from his PR team, but you can’t exactly fault him for that. It’s part of his job, to listen to them. They’re supposed to have his best interest at heart. They’re supposed to be in control of catapulting his career to the next level, of curating the reputation, the character of Shawn that sells the most. That’s their job.  
“Y/n,” She says with a sigh, “What’s so bad that you can’t just talk to him? When has there ever been something you couldn’t talk to Shawn about?”
“I can’t talk to him about this.” You finally manage to say.
“What about me? Can you talk to me about it?” She questions, and you can tell she’s starting to feel worried. Even she can sense that this is more than just a regular break up. When you shake your head, and then pull away from her, she senses that you’re not ready to talk about it. The truth is, you’re not sure you’ll ever be ready to talk about it. Although she wants to push you for more information, she doesn’t. She simply rubs your back and lets you cry until you’ve run out of tears and fall asleep on her couch.
The next few days pass in a blur of tears. You manage to pull yourself together enough to show up to work each day, but that takes everything you have in you, so by the time you get back to Tiana’s apartment, you’re exhausted and end up falling asleep super early only to wake up about an hour later and spend the rest of the night tossing and turning.
You block Shawn’s phone number and delete all your social media apps. If you didn’t need your phone for work, you probably would have turned it off and put it in a drawer somewhere. You know that Shawn has been contacting Tiana almost nonstop, so you can only imagine your phone is flooded with messages from him. You know it isn’t fair to him to end the relationship like this and he probably hates you for it, but it is the only way to keep Shawn safe and give him a chance to be happy in the future.
Shawn’s happiness is what means the most to you, so if you have to leave his life in order for his hopes and dreams to come true, that’s what you’ll do, no matter how much it hurts you. That’s what you do for someone you love more than anything.
It’s been another long day at work, and you can’t wait to get home just so you can fall asleep. Anything that allows you not to feel the deep ache in your chest has quickly become your favorite past times, which basically means alcohol and sleep.
As you’re walking to your car, you see someone out of the corner of your eye. At first, you don’t think anything of it, assuming its someone else walking to their car after work to. However, when that person continues to follow you, your pace quickens, fear rising within you.
You’re almost to your car when you her your name called out in a familiar voice. You spin around just to come face to face with Shawn. “Are you stalking me?” You question. The pull you feel in your heart is so strong it takes all your energy to not run into his arms. You’ve missed him so much. All you want is for him to wrap his arms around you and tell you he loves you and everything is going to be okay.
“No, maybe.” He says, stopping a foot away from you and running his fingers through his hair. He looks hurt, and you can’t blame him.
“Shawn, you can’t be here.” You say, looking around, worried about being seen. He has to know that it’s risky to his publicity relationship. Even when you were together, you never stood around talking in a public parking lot. Truthfully, you never had to.
“You won’t answer my calls. Tiana won’t let me in. What else was I supposed to do?” He questions, sounding desperate.
“We can’t be seen together,” You say, almost frantically, still glancing around. You’re worried about Shawn’s publicity relationship if you’re spotted, but more than that, you’re worried about the threat in the text message, the even bigger threat to Shawn if you didn’t do what they said.
Shawn steps closer to you, “What’s wrong? What happened? Are you okay?” Shawn is probably the only boy in the world who could get broken up with and then show up at your workplace to ask if you’re okay. That’s one of the reasons you love him so much, one of the reasons you’re not sure if you’ll ever be able to stop loving him, no matter what happens.
“Nothing happened, Shawn.” You lie.
He steps closer, his pull on you only getting stronger with the closer proximity.
Knowing you can’t be this close to him without completely breaking down, you shove him. You take two of your hands, press them flat against his chest and push him back. He takes a step back, caught off guard.
“I don’t want to be with you.” Saying those words and pushing him away hurt you more than everything so far. Writing a letter and ignoring his phone calls is one thing but lying through your teeth is a completely different kind of pain.
“I don’t believe you.” He says so forcefully it catches you off guard. Truthfully, you’ve hurt him so much, and you don’t understand why he won’t just give up on you. What you’ve done is unforgivable, and he doesn’t deserve any of it. But somehow, he knows that this is more than you just deciding to hurt him and walk away without even talking to him or trying to fix things. He knows you so well that he knows you wouldn’t do this to him. A part of you is grateful that he doesn’t believe this act you’re putting up, but the other part of you wishes he would just let it go, hate you for a while, and then move on and be happy. That’s all you want for him.
You take a deep breath as tears flood your eyes. “I can’t,” You whisper.
“Meet me at the condo, please. Just talk to me. I can fix it. I know I can, but I just need you to tell me what’s going on with you.”
Shawn presses your elevator key card into your hand, the key card you had left on the counter next to the condo key and the note.
“Please.” He breathes, before turning and walking back to his car, knowing how risky it is to stand around in this parking any longer. You get into your car, and double check the parking lot one more time, making sure that no one spotted the two of you together, and then you sit there in the parking lot and cry.
You saw Shawn’s car leave shortly after you got into your car. He couldn’t stay, but you know that he’s going back to his condo to wait for you. After sitting in your car until you run out of tears, you turn your car on and drive out of the parking lot. You thought you hadn’t made a decision, but when you park your car in the designated stall next to Shawn’s car in the condo’s underground lot, you realize the decision was made the second Shawn pressed the key card into your hand. As much as you wanted to stay away to protect him, it was breaking you, and knowing that he wasn’t willing to give up on you so easily made you realize that you weren’t able to give up on him like that either.
You barely knock twice before the door swings open, revealing Shawn. “You came,” He whispers in disbelief.
“I’m sorry,” The words fall from your lips just like your resolve to keep this a secret from him.
“Please, just tell me what’s going on.” He pleads, stepping back and letting you enter the condo before closing the door behind you.
You turn to face him, taking a deep breath, and it feels like everything crumbles around you. You watch this beautiful boy, the boy you love more than you’ve ever loved anyone before, and you remember the threat. Fear rises within you again. As much as you want to fall into his arms, you’re scared. Finally, you say, “Your music has to come first. Your career comes first, and I just can’t be the person you need right now.”
“That’s bullshit, and I think you know it. My music has never come before you. Music, that’s my job, but you—you’re my life, y/n. You’re never not the person I need, right now, and always.” That sentence causes you to stop in your tracks. Everything freezes for a moment as you simply stare at Shawn. “I’d give up music in a second if that meant you’d move back home with me and I could wake up next to you every day.”
“I wouldn’t ask you to give it up.” You whisper, hesitantly looking up at him.
“I know, but I’m telling you I would. If I had to choose, I’d choose you every time.” He says sincerely.
You sigh, closing your eyes then taking a deep breath. When you open your eyes again, you say, “I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
“You’re really freaking me out. Please, just tell me what is going on. Y/n, you can tell me anything, you know that right?” Shawn says, taking your hand in his. Now that you’re alone in his apartment, you can’t think of a single reason not to let him touch you.
You pull your phone from your pocket and unlock it, opening the text from the unfamiliar number and showing it to Shawn. He reads the text and you watch his expression turn to anger. You expected him to be afraid, just like you were when you read it, but he’s not.
After a few seconds, some of the anger melts away, and Shawn says, “That’s it? That’s why you broke up with me?”
You nod, “I’m sorry Shawn. I’m so sorry. I was scared. I am scared about what is going to happen to you.” You ramble, but Shawn just shakes his head, stepping closer to you. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close.
“Y/n, love, nothing’s going to happen. I’ll call Andrew, we’ll get the number traced, it’s okay.” He reassures you.
“But Shawn, they said they had stuff on you, stuff that could ruin your career.”
“How bad could it be?” He questions, sounding so carefree, almost like he’s not feeling the weight of the situation.
“I don’t know, that’s why it’s scary. I mean, how did they get those pictures of us? We’re so careful.” You say, inwardly chastising yourself just thinking about it.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Shawn says, trying to get you to stop thinking and stop freaking out, even just for a moment. “It’s okay. I know you were scared, but I’m not letting us end this relationship because someone on the other side of a screen told us to.”
“I’m sorry.” You say again, hiding your face against his chest.
“I know you are,” He says softly, kissing the top of your head. “It’s okay. We’re okay.” He pauses, just holding you in his arms as you treasure the feeling of being close to him that you so desperately craved for so long.
“But don’t ever do that again, Y/n. Next time you want to break up with me, at least talk to me about it first.”
He tries to lighten his tone, so it comes off as a joke, but you hear that sense of fear in his voice, the feeling of fear of losing you. You know because you feel the exact same way. Even though you were the one who initiation the breakup, and even though you knew exactly why you had to do it, to protect Shawn, you don’t ever want to have to go through that again.
“I promise I won’t ever do that again,” You respond, meaning every word of that promise.
“Good.” He says, a small smile forming on his face before letting you out of his grasp. You meet his gaze as he says, “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
168 notes · View notes
Metro Encounters - Tim
Pairing: Tim Drake/ Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1,200
Summary: You catch Tim’s eye, but Tim looks away. 
A/N: HERE IT IS GUYS!!! After a lot of persuasion from all of you, here’s my first Tim Drake fic! Though it’s just a short fluff, I wanted to get a feel of writing him before I write something longer and plot heavy! I had a lot of fun writing Tim, not gonna lie. I’m really nervous about this one and I hope I got his personality right! If I didn’t, please PLEASE don’t hesitate to correct me, because that’s how I’m going to improve. I love feedback and don’t mind constructive criticism! 
The rush you felt from before had settled down the moment you entered the metro. Immediately, you regretted not bringing a change of clothes. 
In the black dress and high heels you were wearing, you felt eyes on you. Predatory eyes raking you up and down. It wasn’t like whatever you were wearing was revealing anyway, and even if it was, it shouldn’t give people an excuse to stare. 
The palm that gripped the handle of your violin case started to sweat. Reaching out for the grab handle of the train, you stood awkwardly, trying not to bring too much attention to yourself. 
The subway wasn’t as crowded as it was during the day, because at 9pm, most Gothamites were already either home with families or participating in some kind of criminal activity. God, if only you could afford a car with your profession. Yet the seats were all still taken. 
You noticed a man eyeing you from your peripheral vision. He looked like one of those guys who tried so hard to look like they belonged on Wall Street, mid-tier suits that didn’t fit and a cheap haircut. Not that you would usually judge anyone, but those guys irked you. 
Why would anyone want to try to be selfish, unethical assholes? 
Because said guy was practically undressing you with his eyes, and you did not feel comfortable. 
Looking away from him to find another spot to stand, you noticed another man who had his gaze on you. Surprisingly though, when he saw you look at him, he immediately blushed and lowered his eyes. 
He didn’t seem like he was eyeing you for impure reasons, and hell were you familiar with those kinds of stares, but the way he looked at you was as if he was trying to figure you out. 
You shrugged and then walked carefully to stand nearer to the second man, away from the first. You didn’t feel anything predatory about him. 
He noticed that you came closer, and you noticed that his ears started to turn red. You chuckled to yourself. He had wavy hair that was longer than most business cut types, with pale skin that you noticed had some scars littered on them. His blue eyes looked tired, though, as if he was lacking sleep. 
Oh, boy, he was cute. 
The two of you stood there in silence, avoiding each other’s eyes like any strangers on the train would.
But then-
“Hey, uh, sorry,” the man said, wincing to himself, completely unsure. “I’m sorry- uh- you know what, nevermind.”
He immediately turned his back towards you, and you thought you could hear him muttering to himself, “Stupid, Tim. Absolutely idiotic.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” you tried to coax him. “You were saying?”
He peeked at you from over his shoulder, his eyes widening in surprise at your answer. “Ah, no. It’s just. I saw you. Earlier. Your performance.”
You blinked in surprise. “Oh! You saw that?”
This time, he actually turned to face you fully, a small smile creeping his lips. “Paganini’s La Campanella. How could I forget?”
“Are you a musician too?” you asked. 
“Oh, no. I mean, a little bit. But not like you,” he shook his head, “But I do appreciate it.”
“Then what were you doing at an amateur classical music concert?”
“I like to have a look at the local talent,” he shrugged, relaxing into the conversation. “To support the industry.”
“Well, thank you for your support mister..?”
“Drake. I mean, Tim. Tim Drake, but you can call me Tim,” he said. 
You smiled and offered your name. “Thank you, Tim, for supporting us amateurs.”
“I think you’re too good to be an amateur,” he blurted. 
You raised an eyebrow. 
“I mean, that piece is really difficult to play,” he explained, “And you played it almost perfectly. The tempo, everything. You have such brilliant technique down, and precision and- and efficiency- I can’t believe someone like you is still called an amateur. You must have put a lot of practice to acquire that level of skill, but how do you remain so precise?”
You were taken aback by his sudden outburst of enthusiasm for your music. No one else around you understood your love for it, but he looked like he did. 
“Wow, thank you,” you blushed, “While I appreciate everything you said, I’m still very far from being a pro. Though yes, I do practice a lot, but for me while I��m playing, I don’t notice whatever you just said. About precision and all that.”
“What do you mean?” he cocked his head to the side, curiosity burning in his suddenly bright eyes. 
“I don’t know how to explain it well, but when I’m playing, I just… feel the music, you know?” you tried, “I feel it and I play.”
“Feel… music?” he asked, perplexed. “How do you feel music?”
“I’m sure you’ve experienced it before. When you listen to something and you don’t know why but it just really hits you right in the heart?” you tried, “Maybe a sad song that describes your feelings?”
“Huh,” he pursed his lips, “I’m gonna have to think about that.”
What a strange man. Even though the people around you weren’t really into music as much as you were, everyone still felt music. Everyone has their happy song and their breakup song and their angry song. Why doesn’t he? 
“Anyway,” he continued, “You play beautifully. And I would like to see you perform again.”
“I’d like to see you again,” you grinned widely. 
He turned a shade darker again, making you laugh. You were liking him more and more. 
“Oh! Uh- wow- I think- yes, I think that would be possible,” he nodded seriously, “We have a lot of things in common, and I think that factor itself could pave way for a rela- friendship.”
You tried hard not to burst into laughter at his obvious slip up. 
“I think friendships,” you enunciated, “Are not only based on common interests. It’s also based on connection. Feelings. And I think that you and I have some sort of spark between us. For the friendship, that is.”
Usually, you weren’t so bold. Hell, you usually kept your head down and spoke little to people you didn’t know. But there was just something about this Tim Drake that had you intrigued. Maybe it was the way that he took himself too seriously, or maybe it was because you enjoyed teasing him. 
To your surprise, he started chuckling. “I’m doing it again, aren’t I?”
“Doing what?”
“The people close to me, they call me a robot sometimes. A hard metal robot with no feelings,” he smiled bitterly, “I’ve been trying to reel it in and not think too much with my head, but I just can’t help it.”
“Then go out with me,” you demanded. 
“Go out with me,” you repeated, “And I’ll show you what it means to feel.”
“You would really go out with someone you just met on the train?” he asked. “I could be some sort of weirdo, and you wouldn’t know.”
“Oh, Tim Drake, trust me,” you jested, “I already know you’re a weirdo. And it makes me want to go out with you even more.”
416 notes · View notes
whiskynottea · 4 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics Ficlet -- The Future is Near
A/N: A week ago I got a message by @wickedgoodbooks asking for a wee ficlet about her favourite goofballs. Coincidentally, it was only the previous day that I was thinking of these two too! 
So here is a not-so-wee fluffy ficlet. I loved going back to this AU and I hope you will enjoy reading this! 
(You can find the main story here and on AO3)
I liked Saturday mornings in the library the best. It was quiet, beautiful, and it made me feel like the concept of time disappeared and clocks lost their power in this place. With so few people around, I always imagined that the books were snuggling into their warm leather covers, peacefully asleep. 
I opened the Word document on my laptop and blinked at the cursor that was blinking back at me. Having started a few days ago, I was four pages in and had hardly covered one-third of the subject. 
Way to go, Claire.
I checked my notes again, looking for the paper mentioning the case of a forty-two-year-old man with infective endocarditis and proceeded with writing down the modified Duke criteria used to establish a diagnosis of the infection.
Major criteria
Positive blood culture with typical IE microorganism, defined as one of the following:
Typical microorganism consistent with IE from two separate blood cultures (Viridans-group streptococci, or Streptococcus bovis including nutritional variant strains, or HACEK group, or Staphylococcus aureus, or Community-acquired enterococci, in the absence of a primary focus)
Microorganisms consistent with IE from persistently positive blood cultures (two positive cultures of blood samples drawn >12 hours apart, or three or a majority of ≥four separate blood cultures with first and last sample drawn at least one hour apart, Coxiella burnetii detected by at least one positive blood culture, or IgG antibody titer for Q fever phase 1 antigen >1:800)
My phone buzzed against the heavy wooden table. 
Scot: Where are you, Sassenach?
I blinked at the message, double-checking the time. It was nine o’clock in the morning. Which meant that it was four at night in Michigan and as far as I knew, Jamie had gone to bed early last night.
Sassenach: Why aren’t you sleeping? 
Scot: Why aren’t you in your dorm?
What? I stupidly looked around as though Jamie would pop from between the imposing shelves. How the hell did he know?
Seeing as no red-headed towering Scot was to be spotted, I stared back at my phone in confusion.
Scot: Go back to your room. 
Sassenach: And why would I do that?
Scot: Because Mary stopped talking to me and just stares at her hands.
My heart leapt into my throat and I banged my knee on the table leg while jumping from my seat.
Scot: I think she’ll die of embarrassment because we’re less than two feet apart and when she opened the door she almost attacked me with the table lamp. 
I swallowed my chuckle out of respect for the books that surrounded me.
Sassenach: YOU’RE HERE?
Scot: Where are you?
Sassenach: Library.
Sassenach: The Bodleian Library.
I took a few deep breaths while smiling like a loon and sat down again, trying to focus on the essay. 
What was I doing? Right. The major criteria. 
Evidence of endocardial involvement with positive echocardiogram defined as…
I was still smiling. And thinking of Jamie instead of infective endocarditis.
I shook my head and tried to focus on the words I was typing.
Oscillating intracardiac mass on valve or supporting structures…
I was sure that oscillating intracardiac mass was bound to mean something, something different than the constant chanting in my mind that went like: Jamie is here, Jamie is here, he is here, here, here. Jamie is hereee. 
Continuing was a lost cause. I packed my notes and my laptop and left the empty library with a wide grin, belatedly realising that Jamie was coming to me and I shouldn’t leave the place. 
Well, I knew the way back home. I would meet him halfway. 
I forced my feet not to break into a run. Or a dance. It was two months since I’d last touched him, since I was engulfed by his arms, since I bit that bottom lip of his just to hear the groan that always followed.
Maybe not a run, but a trot was surely acceptable. I took my phone from my pocket and called him.
“Making calls from the library?” he asked as soon as he picked up.
“I’m not in the library anymore.”
“Sassenach,” he grunted. “I’m heading to the library.” 
“Well, it’s eighteen minutes away and I thought we could split the distance.”
“Yeah, eighteen minutes because you couldn’t just go to the LMH library which is next to your place.”
“It doesn’t feel the same,” I explained and heard him sighing.
“Aye, I ken. Ye’ve said so about one million times.”
I laughed. My love for the Bodleian library was certainly no secret. “I missed you, Jamie.”
“Not for much longer,” he said and I could hear the impatience in his voice. 
“You’re crazy, by the way. What are you doing here?”
“Coach gave me a week.”
“And I couldn’t spend it in Michigan, away from ye. Do I take Parks Road or Banbury Road?”
“You’re already there?”
“Are you running?”
“Well, not now that we’re talking.”
Crazy, stupid Scot.
“I love you. Take Parks. I’ll meet you halfway.” I ended the call and started walking even faster. 
Two months wasn’t that long, considering that we lived in different continents, but my heart was thumping loud and cheerful in my chest at the thought that I would soon kiss him again.
After our epic breakup when Jamie convinced himself that being apart would hurt less than going through years of a long-distance relationship, he’d realised – the ugly way – that nothing could be worse than losing each other and coming back asking for one more chance.
I gave it to him and never regretted it. Day after day, call after call, text after text, Jamie took the pain of those twenty-six days of our separation away and made me believe in him again. He gained my trust with every little gesture, with every big surprise. 
He was there, always. In the good days, in the bad days. In the days I found my purpose, in the days I lost my courage. In the days I was so exhausted I thought reading one more page would make my brain explode. In the days I felt I had chosen the only profession that could make me fulfil my dreams. Jamie was there to listen, to commiserate, to encourage, to love. 
And I hoped I was there for him, too. Life wasn’t perfect but our love was enough. 
We’d found a routine when we stopped being freshmen intimidated by expectations and we made sure to manage our schedules so that we had time for each other. Not that everything always worked out and we never fought or screamed at each other through our phones when reality and distance crushed us. But there was no fight we couldn’t overcome, no obstacle in our path big enough to break us. 
And when I saw him on Parks Road running towards me, I knew that we had chosen each other, each day, each moment.
“Sassenach,” he breathed close to my ear and took me in his arms, spinning me around as though I weighed nothing. “Oh, babe, I missed ye so much.”
His lips were soft on mine, his tongue tempting as it traced my mouth to make me open to him. One hand found its way down to my arse, and he squeezed in a possessive strike. 
“That plump arse will be the death of me,” he murmured against my lips. 
“Not plump,” I corrected even though I knew he kept saying that to tease me.
“Plump, and perfect, and mine.”
“Mine,” I corrected.
“Ye’re mine, Sassenach,” he growled and a bicycle bell rang from the road next to us, to celebrate or reprimand the inappropriateness of our actions, I wasn’t sure.
“Jamie…” I tried, and failed, to stop him.
“Ah Dhia,” he groaned. “Mary in the room, people here. I need to get ye somewhere and have ye all to myself.”
“Where are you staying?”
“I booked an airbnb.”
Before I could reply his mouth was on mine and he was kissing me like a thirsty man who just found an oasis full of springs in the desert. With a hand still on my arse and the other lost in my curls, he pulled me closer until I melted into him, his chest hard, and solid, and warm, and there. Close. Tangible. 
“Let’s go,” he said and withdrew with eyes closed and a pained expression on his face. “God, it hurts not to touch ye.”
“Is it too early for check-in?” I asked and he nodded his assent. “Then you have to be patient,” I murmured. “Coffee?”
He held my hand in his as though it was a lifeline and we started walking down the street towards my favourite cafe.
“Why didn’t you say you were coming?” I asked with a frown. 
“I wanted to wake you up and surprise you, Sassenach, but you made it impossible.”
“Sorry,” I replied, not looking remorseful at all. 
“It doesna matter.” He grinned and pulled me closer, planting a kiss on my head. “Ye ken, Sassenach,” he started in a hesitating voice.
“‘Tis Saturday.”
“Mhmm. I’ve heard.”
“And tomorrow it’s Sunday.”
“Aren’t you just brilliant?” I replied with a mocking grin and he made a silly face. 
“And the room I booked?”
“The one you’re supposed to check-in later?”
“Aye, that one.”
“What about that?”
“I booked it for Monday.”
That stopped me in my tracks. “What?” I asked stupefied. “Why?”
“I was thinking… Well, I thought…”
“Aye, aye. ‘Tis the weekend and ye dinna have classes, so I thought I could kidnap ye and take ye for a trip to Edinburgh. What do ye say, Sassenach? Jenny keeps nagging that it’s been ages since she last saw both of us.”
“Aye. I ken ye have the essay ye’re working on, but I thought it’d be nice to go back.”
Edinburgh. It wasn’t a bad idea. In fact, it was a really, really good idea.
“Okay,” I said with a smile.
“Aye, you insufferable Scot. Let’s go to Edinburgh. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Jenny kicking your arse.”
He looked at me with wide eyes, feigning surprise. “And here I thought ye like my arse!”
We went back to my dorm where I quickly packed my toothbrush and a change of clothes and ran to the train station. It was a six-hours trip that I was never excited to make, but having Jamie sitting next to me changed everything. The destination didn’t matter anymore – it was the journey and the time we would spend together that was important.
The train rolled on the rails and Jamie wrapped his arm around me, pulling me impossibly close. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes, the scent of his cologne permeated my senses. We fell in a comfortable silence thick with love and contentment, two ships finding haven in a deserted island. 
When I opened my eyes I was greeted by the British landscape and a small tilt of my head revealed that Jamie had fallen asleep. Locks of auburn hair had fallen on his forehead and a soft smile was curving up his lips.
It was happiness that filled my lungs with my next breath. So simple, so pure.
It seemed that I fell asleep as well and we both woke up because of the commotion when we reached Sheffield. With the confusion granted by awakenings, we looked out the window for a moment until Jamie yawned and hugged me tighter.
“I’d forgotten how long this trip is,” he said in a gruff, sleepy voice.
“At least we were sleeping during the first half of it.”
“Aye. I was exhausted. Didna manage to sleep enough on the plane.”
“Mmm, you never do.”
“In contrast to other people, I’m not mentioning any names mind you, who sleep in airports and almost miss their flights!”
“I happened only once, okay?”
“Are ye sure? Because I remember you running to your gate –”
“Hey!” I interrupted, elbowing his stomach. Not that he would feel anything with the six-pack he’d made for himself through training. “The other two times –”
I huffed in indignation. “Three times,” I consented, narrowing my eyes at him, “These times I wasn’t sleeping. I was just distracted!”
“Still. It counts.”
“It doesn’t.”
“Ye were reading yer books and got so engrossed in them that you almost lost yer connecting flight. It counts.”
“Fuck you,” I whispered in his ear because there was a mother with a sweet little boy at the seats in front of ours, but I was smiling and he must have heard it.
“Only with you. And I canna wait.” He placed an opened mouth kiss on my neck and I bit back a moan.
“I hate you, Jamie Fraser,” I keened, unable to imbue my voice with the strength the sentiment owed to have.
Jamie, his eyes on my heaving chest, murmured back, “I’m looking forward to ye hating me a bit more.”
“I’ll punish you for that,” I vowed and ran my hand up his tight, stopping exactly where he didn’t want me to.
His groan made a shiver ran down my spine.  
To distract ourselves from images of savouring each other, we bought salt and vinegar crisps, jaffa cakes and hobnobs. Jamie devoured half of them before I had even finished my handful of crisps.
“I thought you professionals had to watch your diet,” I mumbled, still chewing.
Jamie looked semi-embarrassed for a moment, then shrugged. “Cheat day.”
“Okay, if that’s the label you put on your sins…”
“These are totally healthy Sassenach,” he said with a crooked smile. “Vegetables.” He raised the package of crisps and shook it between us. “These have oats and oats are verra nutritious,” he said with a nudge at the hobnobs and these…” he hesitated for a moment.
“Have orange jam so it’s like eating fruits?” I suggested.
“See?” He grinned. “You get me.”
I laughed and took one of the jaffa cakes before they all disappeared into the giant’s mouth. 
I hoped we didn’t smell like oranges when we arrived in Edinburgh.
“I hope we won’t smell like oranges when we arrive in Edinburgh,” Jamie echoed my thought and I turned to look at him, wide-eyed and incredulous.
“Why?” I asked before he had enough time to think what he just said.
“Because Jenny –” he stopped abruptly. “Shite.”
“Oh my god.”
“Ye ken?”
“You know too?”
We gaped at each other, unsure how to proceed. 
“Jenny hates oranges as of late,” I stated.
“Do you know why?”
“Do you?”
“Yes,” I confessed feeling a smile curving up the corners of my mouth.
“I will kill her!” Jamie exclaimed and started typing furiously on his phone before he asked me to pose for an angry selfie.
“She says she wanted to check how long we would keep it from each other!” he exclaimed in frustration a moment later. “That evil…”
I barked a laugh, shaking my head. “This sister of yours is unbelievable.”
“Aye, she reminds me of yer best friend,” he retorted. 
“So this was why you wanted to go to Edinburgh?” I asked and saw his eyes soften and his lips mirror mine in a grin.
“I will be an uncle, Sassenach!”
“I know! It was the best news! Although, now that I think about it, it was bound to happen, sooner or later.”
“She said it wasna exactly planned, but they were so happy when we talked. Ian has even started building a crib because he wants something special for the baby.”
“Ian is the sweetest,” I said and the screen of Jamie’s phone lit up with a new message from Jenny. It was a picture of her and Ian laughing and below it wrote, ‘We love you! All three of us!”
“Do they know we’re on the way?” 
Jamie smiled mischievously and shook his head. 
“Suits them right.” 
We finished eating while speculating about the baby’s sex, Jenny and Ian’s wedding and the possibility of Ian failing in his endeavour to build a crib on his own. 
In eight months, Jenny would be a mum. It felt surreal and yet so right.
The future wasn’t that far away, it seemed.
“I was talking to Maisri the other day. About you.”
“Aye?” His voice was low but I felt the question vibrating through his body. 
“About your dream of getting your own swimming pool and teaching children with intellectual disabilities. When you told me that John wanted to be your partner and invest in your plan once you both come back to the UK, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Maisri wants to be a psychiatrist, you know. She said it’s a brilliant idea. She’d read a review published a few years ago that claimed that hydrotherapy shows potential as a treatment method for social interactions and behaviours in children with autism spectrum disorders. And we were thinking that muscle building will also help with balance and mobility.”
“‘Tis still a dream, ye ken that, aye?”
“I know. I’m just reminding you that it’s a great dream.”
Jamie chuckled and gently tucked an errant curl behind my ear. “Thank ye, mo ghraidh.” A soft kiss on my temple. “But first, I have one more year in the US and I want to make it to the Senior Gold Squad of the Scottish Swimming National Squad Selections.”
“Mmm,” I agreed with a kiss on his chest. “I’m sure you will. You’re one of the top competitive swimmers in your uni and you’ve already won medals. They’ll be fools not to have you.”
“And then I will be an hour away, Sassenach. An hour away,” he repeated. “Can you imagine?”
“An hour by plane. Six hours by car.”
“Even so. I will be able to come to see you at weekends. Every. Single. Weekend.”
It was that moment when it hit me. 
“I have to find a place,” I said, frowning.
Jamie mirrored my expression. “Ye dinna want to?”
I was silent, thinking about it, considering my options and the budget I could afford, but apparently Jamie perceived my silence as a denial. “I guess I can book a room when I’m in Oxford if you want to stay with Mary.” There was a bitterness in his voice that he didn’t manage to conceal. 
“No, I don’t. It’s not that. “ He didn’t seem convinced. He turned slightly and gazed out the window. “Jamie…”
“‘Tis fine,” he said in a low voice.
“No, it’s not. Look at me.” When he didn’t, I cupped his face with both hands until his eyes were on mine. “Will you stop jumping into conclusions? I didn’t reply immediately because I hadn’t considered finding a place of my own before. I’ll talk to uncle Lamb.”
“Ye don’t have to if ye dinna want it, Sassenach.”
I could almost taste his disappointment and I wanted to kiss him until he knew that I didn’t have any second thoughts about that. 
“Who said I don’t want it?” When he didn’t reply I pulled his head down so that his lips were on mine. “A place of my own?” I whispered on his mouth. “To be with my stubborn Scot every weekend?” I licked his lips and they opened for me. “Hell yes,” I said and kissed him until we were gasping for breath.
When we broke apart, we were both smiling. The future wasn’t that far away anymore.
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generalthirst · 4 years
Candid Façade
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Warnings: None really. Sexual innuendos/mentions of sex but only briefly hinted,  Awkward romantic interactions?
Word Count: 5,200
Summary: Prompt 48 from here and 20 & 30 from here. Hux is romantically stupid but tries to prove to Kylo he’s not. You get to come along for this wild ride.
A/n: My first one shot. Stupid long. Its a one and a half shot. Very self indulgent fluff so if you like that stuff, enjoy! Thanks to @the-tasteful-beast for the prompt suggestions!
“My personal relationships are absolutely none of your business, Ren!” General Hux retorted with a slight snarl. The man behind the mask let out a slight laugh, distorted through the voice modular, Hux could still sense the mocking tone behind it.
“As I figured, the only girl in your bed is Millicent.” Kylo chuckled.
“Again, not your business! Even if it were, I fail to see why you would care so much about it.” Hux whipped around with his back to the infuriating man in black.
“It’s just entertaining to me that a man who thinks he can command armies can’t even acquire a girlfriend.” was the nonchalant retort. Oh that made Hux’s blood boil. He whipped back around as he felt his hackles raise.
“I most certainly am capable of being in a relationship!” He said a bit louder than he’d intended, gaining a few curious looks from lower officers on the bridge.
“I find that difficult to believe Hux.” Kylo sneered. Hux was sure he could see that shit-eating grin through the mask. He knew it was there. Eyes darting around quickly, he landed on you as you stood in front of a console. Thinking you would be yelled into a demotion for staring during the argument, you quickly looked away and prayed for the safety of your job. The General however, marched over to your station, roughly grabbed your wrist and drug you back over before the commander. The Generals arm was draped around you and his hand rested on your hip, pulling your side flush with his.
“As a matter of fact, the Major and I recently started seeing each other. Isn’t that right darling?”
He nearly growled as he glared into your eyes. Your head spun as you looked from Hux to Ren. Realizing what was expected of you, you swallowed a lump in your throat and wrapped your arms around Hux’s middle.
“Yes!” You quickly joined in on the lie. “We had planned to keep it a secret to start with but since we’ve started going steady we figured it was time to make it official.” You added a smile towards the General, putting your best acting skills to the test before the Commander. His unreadable mask was hard to discern. You knew he was able to read minds and you prayed that he wouldn’t subject you to the agonizing mind probe. Ren was silent for a moment, as was the entirety of the bridge.
“I see.” Came the distorted voice, quieter than you’d expected his response to be. “Well I congratulate the both of you. Perhaps we’ll be seeing more of you two together now that you’ve made it official.” He said with heavy emphasis on each word. You couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew you both were lying. Why he didn’t call you out on it though, you weren’t sure. The fact that he didn’t worried you more.
“I’m sure the Major would agree that public displays of affection are not our style.” General Hux snarled, obviously in on the subtle challenge and trying to ease out of this elaborate lie he’d just thrown you both into.
“Oh, I’m sure no one would say anything now that you both are official.” Ren replied quickly with too much eagerness. His faceless mask turned to you once more and you felt that intense gaze nearly staring into your soul. “I have matters to attend to but I wish you both happiness... together.” Was all he said and you could hear the cruel smile in his voice before he walked off.
You and Hux simultaneously let out a long-held breath at Ren’s leaving and you nervously looked about the bridge to see the rest of the crew looking at the two of you, still in your embrace, with utter shock.
“Back to your post, dear.” Hux sounded strained with the affectionate words as he released you. “I’ll see you later.”  All you could do was nod as you walked back to your station, your previous task completely wiped from your mind. What the hell just happened? You could feel everyone’s shocked stares on your back and you tried to ignore them as much as possible until your shift was over.
You desperately hoped the General had a plan for this. You’d followed his lead in the lie but now… You were really in no other position other than to follow through with it. You couldn’t fake a breakup. Not immediately anyway, that would be too obvious. At least for a little while, you had to play the part of the established girlfriend of General Hux. You found the man attractive to be sure, but he was your superior! You weren’t allowed to have romantic thoughts about him! Though you supposed you were now. At least to fake the part. What a mess, you groaned internally as you left the bridge. As you approached your quarters to change out of uniform, your friend came running up the hall towards you.
“When were you planning on telling me you were dating the General?” She screeched and shook you by the shoulders. You quickly clapped a hand over her mouth and dragged her into your quarters and shut the door.
“Not out where everyone can hear you!” You hissed.
“The whole ship knows anyway!” She retorted, just as loud as before. “The news is spreading like wildfire! When were you gonna tell me? I had to find out from Captain Ailow!” She screeched again.
“Look, Taylor…” You groaned. “It’s hard to explain.”
“Oh you’ve caused such a scandal!” She beamed like a schoolgirl with the latest juicy gossip as she sat on your bed. “Everyone is so shocked! Mostly that Hux actually has feelings in general, let alone for someone else, but you? I’d never have guessed it!” She carried on about the various rumors going around about you and the Commander. Your mind, however, was flooded with worry about how big an ordeal this had suddenly become. As much as you loved your friend, you had no choice but to go with the lie, even with her. The General was expecting you to play the part, and you would hate to find out what he would do if you gave away the lie and Ren found out. He’d have your head for sure. At the very least your job.
“So what’s he like? Does he actually kiss you?” Your friend’s bubbling brought you back and you shook your head and moved to your locker.
“He’s uhh… not the most affectionate type.” You said in hopes the vague response would suffice, her questions would be endless if you didn’t put a stop to it.
“I mean yeah he’s the general but come on, you deserve someone who is more in touch with their emotions. And by that, I mean in touch at all!”
“Hey, he has emotions!“ You shocked yourself with how quickly you defended his honor. “He just has trouble showing them is all. He’s very stressed right now you know.” You huffed and began removing your uniform into your regulars.
“Does he like to take his stress out on you?” She asked slyly and you slammed the locker closed with a start.
“I’m going to grab dinner.” You said, avoiding the question entirely as you walked past her. Taylor jumped up to ask you more when a knock sounded on your door. You groaned in worry that some other gossiper had come to interview about the new hot couple. Ready to tell off whoever it was, your words died in your throat when none other than the General himself stood at your door, looking as nervous as a boy on his first date. Your eyes went wide as the two of you simply stared at one another. The spell broke when your friend came up behind you and saluted before grinning wildly.
“Fancy seeing you here, sir.” She said over your shoulder. “The Major and I were just mentioning you.” You paled and sent a foot back to kick her shin.
“Indeed,” Hux replied darkly then turned to you once more. “I didn’t realize your friend was with you.”
“She was just coming to say hello after work.” You hurriedly tried to explain. “Can I help you with something?”
“I was wondering if you would like to meet me in my quarters for dinner this evening. But if you and your friend are busy-”
“Oh no we didn’t have any plans!” Your friend quickly interjected and shoved you out the door as she closed it behind her.
“You two have a nice dinner date! I’ll be meeting up with Sergeant Wyde.” She sent you a wink before hurriedly strolling down the hallway, leaving you with the General. The two of you stood in silence for a moment before he offered you his arm. Oddly gentlemanly of him but something a boyfriend would do you supposed. You hesitantly took it as you walked in silence to his quarters. He led you to the door of his office and once inside, he quickly let go of your arm and all but whirled on you.
“You told her?” He said accusingly.
“I swear I didn’t breathe a word!” You cried out quickly. “She was asking a bunch of questions but I kept it as vague as I could! I promise I didn’t tell her!” You pleaded that he would believe you. Hux sighed and pressed his thumb and fingers on either temple, holding his head in his hand before groaning in agitation.
“You lied for me in front of Ren, I guess I have no reason to believe you wouldn’t lie on my behalf to anyone else. And it better stay that way!” He added as a warning before taking off his greatcoat and draping it over a chair.
“You’re welcome for that, by the way.” You shot with irritation at his ingratitude. He looked up as if he wanted to reprimand you for your attitude but thought against it.
“Yes. Thank you.” He added softly and didn’t meet your eyes. “I’m sure I don't have to tell you that you need to stay quiet on this. At least until I figure out a way to get us out of this ordeal.” He pulled a cigarette from his coat pocket and lit it, taking a heavy drag.
“We’ll have to let the news lose its shock, then we’ll figure out a way to say we separated or some other such nonsense.”
“With all due respect sir, are you sure we will get away with this?” You asked. His questioning gaze forced you to explain.
“We have to make a believable couple. Sure for now saying we’re together will suffice, but people need to see us doing couple-y things. Dates. Otherwise, they’ll begin to suspect and surely Commander Ren will as well. I'm surprised he bought it to begin with.”
“He didn’t.” Hux corrected as he twirled his cigarette between his fingers. “He’s playing us, wants to see how far we’ll take the lie.”
“Then we’ll really have to sell this.” You interjected with a sigh. ‘I don’t know why I had to get dragged into this.”
“I picked you because you were within close reach.” He sneered and you shot him a glare.
“Look I’m not happy about this either but you brought me into this, the least you could do is be a bit nice!” He seemed shocked at your mouthy remark for a moment before collecting himself.
“I am your superior!”
“Well, sweetie,” you said, the name dripping with venom. “Couples usually disregard formalities, so in order to sell this whole ordeal YOU created, we have to act like we see each other as equals.” He looked like he wanted to fight you on the subject but knew you were right and angrily conceded.
“Don’t expect to get some kind of edge on me with this, I won't give you any special treatment outside of convincing people we are an item.”
“I wanted no part of this to start with!” You interjected. “If you just make this go away and let me get back to how my life was before you decided to make me your girlfriend I’ll be happy!” You glared at one another in silence before he stood and called for a protocol droid. The droid brought out two plates of food and sat them on the desk before bowing out of the room. The general immediately began to eat before looking up at you as you awkwardly looked around, wondering what to do. He nearly rolled his eyes and motioned for you to pull up a chair and take your plate. You quietly thanked him as you pulled the chair forward. Dining with the General felt surreal, but less like a fairytale than you would have imagined. You could feel him judging your every move through the corners of his eyes as he ate. You tried to have good manners, not wanting to seem crude in front of him. You were slightly shocked he actually did mean to have dinner with him but you figured if he sent you to the cantina after everyone thought you were having a dinner date, that might look suspicious.
When you both had finished, you stood silently. Hux watched in mild curiosity as you moved the chair back into its place, ensuring it was properly aligned where it once stood before taking your empty plate in hand.
“Thank you for the dinner, sir.” You said before turning to leave. Hux stopped you and you turned with a raised brow. He seemed slightly unsure as to what to say before gesturing to the plate.
“You can leave that here, I’ll have the droid take care of it.” You simply nodded and returned the plate to its place on the desk before bidding the General good night and returning to your quarters for some well-deserved rest.
Once in your bunk, you collapsed. Mentally too tired to even bother with reading something. Your brain was going 100 miles an hour and all you wanted was for it to slow down. Sleep was difficult as you relived the events of the day but eventually, mental exhaustion took over.
The next day you returned to your position on the bridge, a few stares here and there sent your way by your coworkers, but all knew better than to gossip in front of you. You tried your best to focus and just do your job, make it just a normal day. Commander Ren came by and stood beside Hux, too far away to really hear the conversation but you saw the occasional glances your way. As with most of their conversations, Hux stormed away, red in the face with anger over whatever button Kylo had managed to push. To your surprise, he walked right up behind you and put his hands on either side of your waist. Leaning over your shoulder you felt his breaths puff over the exposed skin on your neck and it raised goosebumps along your body.
“Might I interest my girlfriend in meeting me for lunch on her break?” He ground out, sending a sideways glare in Kylo’s direction, the man clearly watching with interest.
“Ah, of course.” You replied, forcing a smile so that it would appear you thought the idea romantic. To be fair if it were real you probably would find it as such, but you both knew this was all for show. Best to not let romantic fantasies cloud judgment. Hux grinned like he’d won a match and hummed in approval before letting you go and returning to his command. You however tried to control your breathing and slow your heart rate down.
And so the façade went for a few days. You couldn’t spend time together outside work hours every day, but it was frequent enough that you both seemed to be making an effort to see each other. No one really approached you on the subject and you were thankful for it. People were probably too scared to try given the General’s reputation. It was odd though; for a man who often appeared so cold, he faked being in a relationship fairly well. You wondered if he really did have experience in this field after all.
Your good luck wasn’t meant to last when you hadn’t been invited to dine with Hux and went to the cantina with Taylor instead. You hadn’t seen her much since the whole thing started and while you normally enjoyed her company, you knew the topic she’d want to discuss.
“So,” she began in a playful tone and you knew you were right. “Someone’s been visiting the General an awful lot.” You merely hummed dismissively as you ate. “In his private quarters.”  She stressed more.
“Don’t start rumors Taylor,” you warned. “It's been his office and we’ve only been eating dinner or lunch. That’s it.” Boy, you hoped she hadn’t been talking about this with other people.
“Aw c’mon!” She teased hoping to get some sexy truth from you and you merely sent her a bored expression. “Wait you’re serious? You haven’t…?”
“No. We have not.” You said curtly.
“What? Have you done anything?” She seemed genuinely shocked you hadn’t bedded the General yet.
“Have you two ever even kissed?” You looked away and bit your lip subconsciously.
“We just… haven’t really worked up to that yet.”
“Oh for goodness sake!” She cried out in exasperation. “No one has seen you all doing anything cute yet, you two are the most boring couple ever! It’s like you guys aren’t even really dating!” You nearly choked on your drink when she said that. You thought you’d been disguising things well! Were you both still so painfully distant and awkward with each other?
“Y-you really think so?” You asked trying to dig for more information.
“I mean I understand you both have the romantic passion of a lethargic bantha but I saw more exciting relationships in the academy.” She said jokingly and rambled off about some other things. Frankly, you had begun to zone out. You would have to work harder to sell this lie.
After you’d finished with Taylor you found yourself standing outside Hux’s office, knocking frantically despite yourself. An annoyed voice beckoned you inside and you eagerly rushed in. Hux looked up from his work with a surprised face upon seeing it was you.
“Can I help you?”
“We’re not selling it.” You cut him off. His annoyed expression turned to confusion once more.
“We’re not?”
“No! My friend has just told me people think we look awkward together! They never see us doing anything romantic together.”
“Of course we do!” He said dismissively. “We’ve been dining together nearly every day!”
“No no no. I mean like… holding hands and sneaking kisses in the maintenance closets kind of stuff. Like the junior officers do.”
“The junior officers are doing what now on my ship?” He began as if he’d never known this fact.
“Hux!” You shouted, jolting him from that thought. “That's not important right now! We have to start looking like a couple in love!” You pressed. He seemed to be lost in deep thought and you looked on worriedly as he retreated into his mind.
“How exactly?” He said trying to hide how sheepishly it came out. Your mouth hung open.
“You mean to tell me you don’t know how to date and kiss and stuff?” You cried out dumbfounded.
“It was never a priority for me!” He quipped, his ears beginning to turn red. “Can you just… tell me what I need to do, alright?” He ordered.
“Alright alright.” You said calming yourself. You didn’t know if you wanted to laugh or cry. Or both.
“I guess we should start with physical touch. Couples are physically close and we need to not be uncomfortable being with each other.” You said looking at him. The General merely looked back. “We come on, stand!”
“Now?” he asked like you'd told him to go hug Ren.
“Well, we gotta practice don’t we? Come on come here.” you motioned for him to come to stand in front of you. He did so with a disbelieving look. “See is that so bad?” You knew it was bad to tease him, but you couldn’t pass it up, holding hands with the General being shy about it was kind of adorable.
“Now what?” He asked and you took his hand in yours. His gloved fingers flinched slightly as he instinctively moved to jerk his hand from your grasp, but your gentle touch calmed him and his hand laid loosely in yours. Grabbing him by the wrist you began removing the glove and he pulled his hand away.
“What are you doing?”
“You can’t hold hands with gloves on all the time! We have to touch!” You tried to explain as you pinched the bridge of your nose. “I’m not filthy, I bathe and wash my hands regularly…” You ground out. He simply frowned at you before removing the gloves himself and setting them on the table. You reached your hands out before him, palms up, waiting patiently. He stared at them before hesitantly laying both his hands atop yours. He seemed uncomfortable at first but as you gently wrapped your fingers around them and brushed the backs of his hands with your thumbs, he seemed to enjoy it more. You grinned some as you gently swung hands with him.
“Childish.” Was his only reply as his face soured again.
“What next?” He asked, eagerly wanting to move on. You thought for a moment before pulling yourself forward and making him wrap his arms around you as your body collided with his. He seemed to recoil as you wrapped your arms around his waist. You could feel through the hug that he was completely tense.
“Hux, you have to hug me back.” You mumbled into his chest. He merely cleared his throat awkwardly before he gently rested his arms on your body and patted your shoulder.
“That’s a pathetic attempt General Hugs.” You smirked as you looked up at his face mere inches from your own.
“Look this isn’t something I've had much experience in, I cannot be expected to know!” He huffed defensively and turned his head slightly as his cheeks turned pinkish. You shook your head and squeezed him slightly.
“It’s a hug... It’s not that hard.” You said poking him playfully in the side. A strange noise escaped him and he immediately leaned away from your jab and he glared down at you. Your surprised face turned into a knowing smirk and his immediate worry at your change of expression was the only warning he got before you lunged for his side. Hux burst out in uncontrollable laughter, desperately attempting to command you to cease your attack through the giggles and trying to force your hands away. Finally, he managed to grab both your hands in a tight hold and force them away from himself.
“No! Don’t tickle me!” he practically shouted as he attempted to rein in the giggles with deep panting. You merely grinned at your newfound power. “If you don’t try to work with me here, I’ll do it again.”
“Don’t you dare!” He warned darkly. You merely wiggled the fingers of your captive hands and he sighed.  “Fine, I will try! Just don't do that again!”
“No promises.” You hummed before opening your arms wide in an invitation for a hug.
“Come on. Hug me! Properly!” You cooed and he groaned before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around you. It was still stiff and uncomfortable, but you could feel he was actually trying. You slid your hands around him and held him tightly. Trying to demonstrate what to do, slowly he began to mirror your movements somewhat. Your hand traveled up around his neck and you pulled him closer. His face now nuzzled into your neck. He seemed unsure of what to do but began to melt into the touch. As you both stood in silence you could feel him returning the emotion of the embrace. His hands clutched your shirt a little more, pulling you close as you felt his breaths on your neck once again. The goosebumps returned as you realized you were enjoying hugging the General, and he seemed to be enjoying it as well. Your heart fluttered a bit at that but you focused on the task at hand. Gently you pulled away a bit and he did the same, his hands still holding onto your shoulder as if he wasn’t quite ready to let go.
“And now?” He asked, his voice softer than before. You bit your lip gently. It felt odd to be doing this, but it was something that had to be done. Tentatively you reached a hand up to caress his sharp jawline. Your thumb ever so gently brushing over his lips before closing your eyes and pressing your lips to his. You felt a small jolt run through the both of you at the kiss. You pulled him into the kiss a little as encouragement, adding some passion into it. With a small chuckle, you pulled back and saw the stupefied look on his face.
“Hux you have to kiss me back, keeping your face still is like kissing a statue.”
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t waste my time having romantic flings with my fellow students when I was supposed to be studying!” He tried to jab at you but the avoiding gaze and creeping blush told you all you needed to know.
“I told you I am not skilled in these activities!” He whined with a frown.
“Surely you had to have had some teenage romance! Some girl in the academy who kissed you before running back to her dorms?” You said with amused exasperation.
“It’s ok Hux, you can be jealous that I’ve kissed more people than you.” You giggled.
“Jealous? I'm not jealous!” He tried to defend himself but you knew better.
“Right…” Was all you said before taking planting your palms on both his cheeks. You could feel how warm they became under your touch. “You have to start delicately.” You instructed as you pressed your lips together once more. Being gentle in your movements against his lips. Once he started to mimic your motions you pulled back.
“Then you can start to do more.” You began leaning in again. “And don’t keep your eyes open during a kiss, it's creepy.”
“I’m not keeping my-” Hux was cut off by your lips moving against his own once again. A step up from the gentle kiss from before. He followed your lead quickly. He was clearly inexperienced but a faster learner than you’d have given him credit for. Your tongue swiped over his bottom lip and he startled for a moment but you kept him in place. Experimentally he opened his mouth and your tongue slipped inside, keeping it slow so he could get used to what you were doing. He tasted faintly of whiskey and cigarettes, and a flavor that was very… Hux. It was intoxicating for you. The kiss lesson could have ended long ago but you both couldn’t find it within you to stop.
Air finally made the decision for you and you both pulled back with soft gasps. Your hands laid on his chest and you could feel his heaving breaths taking in gulps of air and his heart rate was just as elevated as yours. You smiled and looked back up at him in a moment of sheepishness at the dawning realization that you’d made out with your superior.
“Well, I think you’ve got the gist.” You said as you both separated and stood in front of each other awkwardly. He hesitantly released you but did not step away, merely gazing down at you with an unreadable expression.
“Yes I… I think so. We should… try to incorporate some of this stuff in our meetings.” He said matter-of-factly. You only nodded as you made to leave. In a moment of boldness, you came back to him and pressed a sweet kiss to the corner of his mouth before bidding him a good day.
The next few weeks seemed to go by better. You both tried not to be overly affectionate with each other. That would simply be out of character for both of you. But the occasional loving peck on the lips you exchanged as you passed one another seemed to really convince everyone of the relationship. Your friend still asked questions but it became much easier to reply. Being with the General had really become second nature to you. One particular conversation with Taylor had you realizing, without meaning to, you had really fallen for the General. Playing as though you were in love became easier when it was real.
But it broke your heart to realize that it was only a matter of time before the dream had to end. Sleepless nights thinking about what to do followed. Every fake kiss left a bittersweet taste in your mouth, desperately wishing it was real. But no. You would have to fake the breakup soon enough and the General would likely never speak to you again. Hux had become something of a friend over this time. He’d begun to open up to you even behind closed doors. It kept that pitiful spark of hope alive in your heart against your better judgment.
One day you happened upon Hux and Ren arguing in an empty hallway. You debated on turning around and pretending you never saw a thing when Kylo called out to you.
“You both can stop pretending now. It was funny at first but I see you both are too damn stubborn to give up.” He sneered and Hux glared angrily.
“There’s no pretending about it, Ren.” The taller male turned to glare back.
“You and I both know she meant nothing to you when you first concocted this lie!” You went to open your mouth in Hux’s defense but he spoke before you had a chance.
“Perhaps, but things have changed. It was a game to you before but I’m asking you politely now to leave it alone.” Hux said threateningly. Both you and Kylo expressed mild shock at the confession. He looked between you and Hux, huffing irritably before wordlessly storming off. Hux turned to you with a nervous look, his eyes deep in thought and unwilling to meet yours.
“I’m sorry I dragged you into this elaborate lie. I never expected it to go on for so long. Or…” He hesitated, unsure of what to say or how to say it. You smiled warmly as you took his hand in your own.
“It stopped being a façade for me a long time ago.” You said with your heart beaming. “It doesn’t have to be fake anymore.” For the first time in a long time, you saw a genuine smile spread over the man's face as he pulled you into a crushing embrace and shocked you with the most searing kiss he'd ever initiated. Neither of you even noticed the gawking storm troopers who silently turned back down the hallway.
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