#thanks musk
ibswarriors2nd · 11 months
The Twitter rebranding has finally over taken mobile and now I have to hide my phone screen when I go out in public so no one thinks I am using an adult website app.
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katyatalks · 1 year
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Translated by myself, typeset by @justheretortwt4
2023/03/24, @ONE_rakugaki
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I honestly can’t decide which is funnier:
1. He broke Twitter by implementing bad code and covered it up by announcing the limitations
2. He broke Twitter by not paying his google cloud bill and covered it up by announcing the limitations
3. He broke Twitter by fundamentally misunderstanding Twitter and bragged about it by announcing the limitations.
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millimononym · 2 years
Tweetsongs' Tyranny
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next part
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Twitter’s about to be the Wild Wild West thanks to Space Karen
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sevdrag · 8 months
hello sev i am sorry to bother you but. if you have the time. could you PLEASE elaborate on how you thought elon musk was a tumblr meme i have not been able to stop thinking about it
So. The first thing you need to know about me is that I haven't been able to follow the news for the last, like, well. About 10 years. First I was in a black-hole-of-employment, and then once 2016 hit, reading the news just made me unhealthy levels of furious. So I stopped doing it for my own sanity. This, more than anything, allowed me to live a blissful life where Actual Husband could update me every weekend on anything important, while I had a drink in my hand. I ignored as much news as I could during those years, cause it turned me into something horrible. So! That's the foundation of this story.
I also don't pay attention to, like, famous people and stuff. At all. I thought the band was called One Directional, okay? I am happy in my little corner.
The second thing to note is that while I'm quite intelligent, I also am incredibly scatter-brained. It's the ADHD.
The third is to note that I'm a heavy Tumblr user. I've curated my dash here to show me, mostly, things I like to see. It's relaxing.
So I saw all the memes about Glup Shitto and Blorbo and a million other made-up Tumblr names (whatever they were back in like 2015-ish) during my daily lunchtime scroll, right? SO when I see a post about a guy named Elon Musk, paired with something absolutely fucking ridiculous, my brain just goes: Oh. Tumblr made up another meme guy. This one's rich. That's funny.
I don't remember, but I'm possibly even reblogging stuff about Elon Musk during this time, still thinking it's a meme name. I mean, look at it. Elon Musk. Sorry, dudebro, but your name be dumb.
Elon Musk wants to build his own spaceship. Okay, Tumblr. Sure. It's like a Tony Stark that's just buttfuckingly stupid. I get the meme. Cause, like, he does crazy fucking stuff, right? Crazy stupid stuff. Gotta be a meme. Tumblr's really going for it, I think. Alright.
Anyway, Elon Musk comes up in a Discord GC one day, and my friends are talking about him like he's a real person, and I just said:
Hold on. I thought he was a meme.
Chat, of course, is silent for a drastically embarrassing amount of time, and then explodes.
And that's how I learned, in front of a bunch of friends, that Elon Musk was NOT a tumblr meme character, but a real-life idiot doing real-life crazy ass shit. It took me a humiliatingly-ass time to realize it, and I DO still get Sevdragged about it to this very day.
tl;dr due to my head-in-the-sand tendencies and my love of Tumblr, unlike the rest of you, I had a blissful period in my life where Elon Musk was completely made-up.
I wish that were still true.
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tbzrai · 1 year
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alicent-archive · 9 months
Being in this welcoming, kind, and supportive pro-Alicent Hightower community here in Tumblr has been great, but has also made me so very delusional, because when S2 airs people on here are going to be all “omg my babygirl with her big brown eyes look at her she’s done nothing wrong in her entire life.”
But then the pro-Alicent Hightower community on hotd twitter is going to be in the trenches fighting for their fucking lives.
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Well done Elon. I'm sure this was a great finding that couldn’t have been discovered any other way. Totally worth the hundreds of hours of work and billions of dollars spent on the development of your biggest toy thats now at the bottom of the ocean.
Well atleast we now know how Super Heavy+Star Ship flies with engines that got damaged during launch.
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pink-amphibian · 4 months
Thinking about my last two asks, why keep the public stuff and the smell huffing seperate?
I could spot youon a crowded bus, your whorish body calling for attention, in the furthest corner. Pushing myself right next to you and lifting my arm up to grab the overhead bar, I could force you to smell my sweat and musk, and not being able to move away you would have to go the full ride with my smell filling every breath you take. I would notice, of course, how your face got red, how you push your thighs together because you can't touch yourself. Wordlessly, I would drag you out of the bus and into my apartment, pushing your face into my pits while I fuck you into even more of a needy slut.
Fuck.. Would I really be that obvious anon? I can't help it.. your scent would drive me crazy, practically infesting my mind and draining any and all thoughts I may have in my head. I'd be powerless to do anything while intoxicated by the smell of your pits, my mind spinning and growing evermore dizzy.. And then, you'd just grab me and show me just how much of a shameless whore I am, making me huff you like a dog.. I'd prolly start humping you like one too, no dignity to think of... Not like I'd have any thoughts in my emptied head to begin with.. 💗💗
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sseulr1n · 21 days
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=͟͟͞♡ tysm for 2.7k !!
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gashotbox · 8 months
(i love your blog btw, it’s such a guilty pleasure but fuck i can’t stop once i start scrolling through)
idk if this falls into the kind of slob stuff you’re into…
but fuck i always cum so hard when i haven’t washed my pussy in a few days. when it gets that musty, overpowering scent that just gets stronger the wetter i get. sometimes i have to stop for second and just suck on my fingers for a while because the taste and the smell combo is just so fucking good i can’t help myself.
sometimes it happens when i get hot, obviously especially in the summer. a couple times, i’ve been out in public and had to excuse myself to go the bathroom just so i can touch myself because i can’t get over my own filthy, sweaty scent. i feel so fucking disgusting afterwards…leant up against the cubicle wall, with one foot hiked up on the toilet seat and my fingers still buried in my sticky, throbbing cunt. i have so many fantasies of people walking in, whether they’d sputter and cough at the smell and quickly leave, or if they would knock on the door and beg to be let into the cubicle so they can shove their tongue into my dirty, sweaty pussy and lick me clean. fuck i can feel myself getting wet just thinking about this, might just skip tonight’s shower…
this made me instantaneously wet . like holy fuck.. getting so high off your own musk you have to fuck yourself in the bathroom??? 😵‍💫🥴  . in PUBLIC, no less . oh, god . i kinda fucking need you to smother me with your pussy till i cant tell if its your juices or your sweat dripping all over my face .
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futch-disaster · 2 months
"loser dyke" squirts all over your inbox
this is what I get for not showering in a week, keep failing ladies 😤🔥💪
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whimsybrain · 5 months
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Posted by Richard Siken on Twitter
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The Ides of March coming for you 🥗 🔪
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renardtrickster · 4 months
Throwing my hat into the predstrogen ban/Exploded With Hammers ring, this might earnestly be more pathetic than anything Elon Musk has done. To be clear, Elon Musk sexually harassed a woman and tried to pay her off with a horse and has been very friendly towards and accommodating of the nazis on his platform, which makes him pound-for-pound morally worse than Matt Mullenweg. But the descriptor of "he's a petty child unaware of how mentally cooked he is" was only an accurate descriptor of him near the beginning. By now, I think he's reached a point where if he banned a trans woman for being mean towards him, he would just avoid talking about it unless he had a gun pointed to his head, and even then he'd be largely flippant or apathetic about the whole ordeal. He more or less knows that he's kind of a malicious dipshit, and acts accordingly.
With Mullenweg, meanwhile, there's something much more insidious about his behavior, or at least it feels more icky to me. Not only did he break the silence when he could have just not said anything and let predstrogen fade into the night, he then tried to paint himself as a reasonable man being victimized because some transgirl furry said "I hope he gets hit by a car with hammers glued to it" or something, premptively deflected any accusations of transphobia with a cynical appeal to the fact that he has gay friends, and then started hitting up random trans women in their DMs to explain himself or garner some support (nevermind how implicitly threatening this is). DERANGED COMPARISON INCOMING, but it reminds me of an observation Slavoj Zizek (schniff) made about a difference between the totalitarianism of Hitler and Stalin, specifically how the former made no attempt to portray himself and his regime as anything but a strongman political movement, while the former would do stuff like have prisoners send him birthday telegrams, or would join the audience in applauding when he was finished with a speech. The fundamental cruelty and level of power between the two was the same, but Stalin made more of an attempt to give a face to his authority, or create an illusion that he and his citizens were both subjects of rationality and hypothetically equal.
On both platforms, twitter and tumblr, nazis run rampant, harassment campaigns against their queer userbase succeed, the flagging system is useless at best and at worst is weaponized towards the end of said harassment campaigns (or flagging sfw selfies of trans women as mature content), and the trans people are scorned despite being the powerhouse of the cell due to all trans people being simultaneously terminally online and chronically funny. The difference is, Elon Musk knows he doesn't like them, takes steps to make it known they are not welcome there, and rarely feels a need to justify himself outside of conspiracy theories of the trans agenda sterilizing autistic children and making his daughter hate him. Matt Mullenweg, meanwhile, lets his abusive dysfunctional system run, causing all the same excesses as twitter, but then makes hollow gestures of him being down to earth, a reasonable man amidst a sea of unreasonable behavior, the guy who owns "the queerest website on the internet" and surely the queerest website wouldn't be consistently alienating to its trans userbase! There is no transphobia in the moderation team, the tagging system is not broken, the moderation system is not broken, there is no sea of bigotry and harassment driving people off the site, there is only a belligerent trans woman making death threats who deserves not only the most harsh and disciplined banning that anybody in the history of the website has seen, but also a visit from the FBI as well. Elon views what happens on X as a feature, not a bug, while Mullenweg denies the presence of any features or bugs. Not on his new PDF.
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