#thanks for the tag! <333< /div>
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galesdevoteewife · 9 months ago
Cosmos Persona Quiz
Thanks @hotnerdywizard @three-unabashed-fish for the tag!
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I was like "hmm don't have the exact choice that I'd go for but ok" annnd ohh uh this is weirdly accurate XDD It's a short and fun quiz! I tag @fantasyfictionfables @mumms-the-word @anderwelt no pressure and open tag as always! <333
also in case anyone wants to do more here are the ones mentioned in the quiz reference: MBTI types, Innate Personality Traits, Cake resume <3
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miusmusings · 9 months ago
Pick your faves from my faves game
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
tagged by @killiru and @silverraes, thank youuuuu (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤️🩷~
I have too many faves to pink only five, so this is a challenge indeed sob
Without further ado
I wanted to include more beloved characters but... i'll keep to the limit for once XD (and wait to get tagged once more!)
No pressure tags @le-trash-prince, @ohanny, @valentinaonthemoon, @enigmaharper, @zoinkssc00b
@indelibleme, @acingthecounts, @semantics-error, @bubbaknowlton (if you'll haven't done this yet!) and everyone who sees this!!
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galesdevoteewife · 10 months ago
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A song for my spider baby Zilvera! She's a swords bard/ rogue, drow. (I have her entire life story here or this tag in case anyone is interested |・ω・)ノ)
"We are the conquerors, not beggars." She repeats to herself, the litany that had been carved into her soul. "We fight, we take. With poison, with sword, with sweetest of the tongues." I picked this one for her greatest character conflict: Zilvera was born sentimental, reshaped by trauma, and later grew into an ever-fearsome hunter who thrives on the battlefield. She proudly armed herself, but she can't change who she is — deep, deep down in her fearless, steely husk is a tender song of grief, loss, and love.
Thanks @anacdoce for the tag!! Love the choice for your Morgana, it's a great one for a Durge! <3 I will tag @fantasyfictionfables and @mumms-the-word. No pressure & open tag (if you want to play pls considered yourself invited by me <33) as always! *The post is getting very long so I took away the reblogs. Check them out in the notes, many cool tavs! <33*
What Song?
So, a little game - what song encapsulates your Tav/Durge? Post a picture of them, their name and class and a link to the song that represents them with the reason why.
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Ayressa Aedihle - Bardlock (College of Lore/The Arch Fey)
This song was a find from a few years ago, but it’s become Ayressa’s song because it’s what I imagine her voice to sound like. Haunting vocals echo through this song and while its lyrics aren’t hopeful, it does speak of a sort of eternal love.
I suppose it’s more appropriate for any iteration of Ayressa who loses Gale - either to the Orb or Sneaky!God syndrome but I still think that it has a place with Ayressa getting a happy ending.
Your turn.
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ninthriven · 8 months ago
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Micah-10 & Mihaylova
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cocopurplepompom · 6 months ago
I'll bake brownies!!!! I hope there's enough
@that-one-loz-nerd @treasure-goblin @le-random-yeet-up come join the sleepover! ��
Moot sleepover <3
(the heart as well)
@discarded-like-your-roses @seagull9111
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theoraeeken · 7 months ago
I saw a post a while ago about Tommy and Buck running into Buck's exes, but I'd be interested in them running into Tommy's exes (boyfriend and/or girlfriends)
i spent such a long time fleshing out an OC for this tiny little oneshot but i could not get this out of my head gfhdhsjjdf.
EDIT: okay this isn't tiny and maybe i got over excited.
bucktommy / rated t / prompt requests still open
Chim stops mid-sentence, hands still up in a gesture, and his mouth is a little open as he looks over Buck's shoulder, behind him. Hen and Eddie seem similarly afflicted. Confused, Buck turns around, and-
Buck's not unfamiliar with attractive people - he works in an environment with a lot of hot, athletic people, who do insane, heroic things, and since discovering that he's playing equal time for both teams, the pool of people that are nice to look at has grown considerably. That's a given. But... woah.
Green. Very green eyes.
"Dan! Oh, shit, how long has it been?" Tommy grins, getting up quickly enough that his chair scrapes against the concrete.
Hen and Chimney are doing their freaky psychic parademic mind melding communication thing, which mostly involves a lot of eyebrow movement and head tilting, and Eddie is glancing from Dan to Buck like he's nervous. This was supposed to be a chill little brunch, a catch up between friends. It's nice, being able to bring his partner to brunch like this, the same way Hen brings Karen and Chim brings Maddie. He never brought Ali, or Taylor, or any of his girlfriends. For reasons he could never quite pinpoint, he never wanted to let his worlds collide like that.
But Tommy is already part of his world. He's got inside jokes with Chim and Hen that Buck still doesn't quite get. He brings his own stories about the job, and he can laugh at everyone elses without getting maudlin and worried the way any of Buck's exes would. Tommy is as much a part of Buck's world as Buck is of his.
Except, Tommy's world apparantly has other things in it. Like Dan. Dan with the very green eyes, and the black hair swept carelessly back off his face like he thinks he's a 90's movie star, a little grey peppered at his temples and a t-shirt that has to be at least two sizes too small. Dan with his arm around Tommy's shoulder, and a 1000 watt smile dangerously close to Tommy's mouth, like he's not 100% committed to pulling out of this extremely long hug.
"What are you doing in California? You miss the sunshine?" Tommy asks, his hand still very noticably on Dan's hip.
"Don't even say that, those Oregon winters are no joke," he huffs, "Nah, I'm down for my sister's wedding."
"Emily's getting married? What the hell, she was barely out of college last time I checked."
"Yeah, Tommy, that was six years ago," he laughs, "All grown up now, marrying some IT geek from San Diego. Don't know what he did to deserve her, but my balls have been well and truly threatened if I give him anymore shit."
They chat for another few minutes, completely oblivious to the audience they have, oblivious to the way that Buck's hands are clenching into fists under the table. Tommy's usually so poised, straight-backed, almost stoic. Even his humour is deadpan, but Buck relishes the moments where he can tease easy smiles and full body laughs and dorky jokes out of him. Dan and his pretty eyes seem to have that down pat, too.
"Uh, I feel like I've crashed a party here, Tom."
Tommy blinks, looking back over at their table.
"Shit, sorry," he says, "I should have said. These are the good folks of the 118 firehouse. You probably know Hen and Howie by reputation, and this is Karen and Maddie," Tommy indicates each of them in turn, and they give a wave, "That's Eddie, and this is my boyfriend, Evan."
He says is so casually, like it costs him nothing, and it drags a smile out him the way it always does. Boyfriend. Buck stands, offering a hand. There are still half-cresent marks on his palm from where he'd dug his nails in.
"Good to meet you, man."
"You too, Evan."
"Buck," he says reflexively, "People call me Buck."
"Sure," he says easily.
Tommy is staring at him, face unreadable, but he smiles anyway, polite, almost professional.
"This is Dan Archer, and he used to be the best damn EMT in California," he says, clapping him on the shoulder, "until he deserted us for the PFR."
"Portland, huh? That's a good department to work for, from what I hear," Hen grins, "You guys were trialling those new electric ambulances in 2019, right?"
"Oh, yeah," Dan laughs, "All green, baby. Not that it matters when you're pulling another hiker out the Cascades in mid-December, but for some reason no one wanted to put the funding into my caterpillar-tread gurneys idea."
Chim snorts, "Shit, that's a good one. We should start lobbying for that, Hen."
"Ain't that the truth," she mutters.
"I don't have that problem," Tommy says smugly. Dan punches him in the arm, "You wanna stick around? This place some amazing bruschetta."
The collective inhale the table takes is probably loud enough to hear across the street. Eddie puts his coffee down like he's worried he's going to have to do something that involves having both of his hands free, like restrain Buck.
"Nah, I'm just doing a coffee run, then I've got to get back to the pre-festivities festivities," Dan shrugs, apparantly oblivious, "And maybe buy a shotgun to clean somewhere in view of Samuel."
Tommy laughs, "Give 'em hell, Archer. And don't be a stranger."
"You neither, Kinard," he grins, "I'll take you up on that bruschetta before I head back North."
"You better."
Tommy sits back down, and puts a hand on Buck's thigh. Nothing salacious or suggestive, just the weight of his palm and the heat of his skin. Familiar. The group lapses back into the same kind of easy chatter that they had before. Maddie and Chim talking about something cute Jee had done last week. Hen recounts in detail the call out they got that ended with having to deep bleach the inside of the ambulance. Buck takes a hold of Tommy's wrist, feels his pulse against his fingers, a steady, paitent beat.
Tommy's mouth paints lines of heat against Buck's shoulders. He's on his stomach in Tommy's bed - their bed, really, with how often Buck is here these days - propped up on his elbows. There's a book open on the pillow in front of him, something he found on Tommy's bookshelf about the history of the American rail network. It's been open on the same page for the last ten minutes, Buck's eyes somewhere in the middle distance.
There's temptation here, in the form of Tommy's half naked body pressed up alongside his, the hand on his lower back, his mouth. But Buck's mind is going a mile a minute.
"Baby," Tommy murmers, lips pressed to the nape of his neck.
"How do you know him?"
Tommy stills, just a moment where he freezes, before he exhales.
"I don't know if I like you thinking about other men while I'm trying to seduce you."
"Well, he is a very handsome man," Buck mutters, before he can help himself.
Tommy snorts, "Seriously?"
"It's ridiculous," he grumbles, "He's a paramedic, not a model. What's he even-"
Tommy muffles his laughter into Buck's shoulder, his body shaking with it. It should irritate him, it should make him feel belittled and mocked, but the way Tommy curls over Buck's naked back, smudging kisses into his hair and muttering his name softens the blow.
"I'm being an idiot, aren't I?" he says flatly, and it just makes Tommy laugh harder.
"No, Evan, you're being jealous, and possessive, and very sweet," he says, indulgent. Tommy is always indulgent with him, and Buck aches with how much he doesn't deserve it, "I know there's no way for me to say this without it sounding sarcastic, but I really do think that you glaring daggers at my ex like you're thinking about burying him under a carpark is extremely attractive."
Buck huffs, "So, he is your ex."
"Yes, he's my ex," he says, trailing a finger down the dip of Buck's spine, "We dated for nearly a year, the first year I moved to Harbour. He was my first serious relationship after I came out."
Buck doesn't really know what to say to that. Tommy represents a whole lot of firsts to Buck. First kisses, first touches, first fucks. Not first ever, obviously, but a kind of first all their own. And maybe Buck is always going to be a too much, too fast kinda guy, but he can't imagine getting over that, getting over him. Not even after five, six years.
"It ended amiciably. He got the job offer from Portland. Captaincy. Dan's job is important to him, too important to pass it up. I understood that."
"Do you miss him?"
Tommy kisses his shoulder, "All the time. He's been a good friend to me over the years."
"Do you see him very often?"
"Handful of times, since he moved," Tommy smiles, curling his fingers into the hair at the back of Buck's neck, "Came down for Harris' retirement. Couple years ago, we met up while he visiting family. I went up to Portland last year, too."
"Oh?" Buck says, feigning indifference and probably missing it by a mile, "How was it?"
"It was great. Awesome city. Great hiking in the area, and the ceremony was beautiful."
"What ceremony?" Buck asks, jerking up.
"You would have cried," Tommy continues like he didn't even hear him, like he didn't almost just headbutted in Buck's eagerness tosit upright, "I bet you always cry at weddings, but you definitely would have cried at this one. I bawled like a baby."
Buck shoves at Tommy's chest playfully, and he bounces when his back hits the mattress, laughing again.
"What wedding?"
"Dan's wedding," Tommy grins, "to his husband, Jake. Who he loves very very much."
He groans, shoving his head into the pillow, but Tommy doesn'tlet him mope about it for very long. A strong pair of hands roll him flat onto his back, and Tommy wastes absolutely no time in covering his body with his own, pushing between his legs and kissing him halfway to stupid. Which doesn't bode well for Buck, who's pretty sure he was more than halfway there already.
"You're ridiculous," Tommy says fondly, pressing a kiss to Buck's cheek.
"I know," he sighs, "I'm sorry."
Tommy kisses him again, before propping himself upon his elbows, "We're gonna talk about this properly tomorrow, about you being this worried about me... leaving? Or being interested in other people? Whatever it is, okay? We're gonna talk about it, because I don't actually want you to be upset, Evan," he says softly, "but you don't need to apologise for being jealous. It's just an emotion."
"Not the best emotion on me, though," Buck sighs, "It's not even rational."
"Maybe," Tommy shrugs, "but I wasn't lying when I said I like it on you sometimes. I don't regret my relationship with Dan, so what's rational about me liking how much you wish you were the only one who has ever touched me?"
Tommy's got a talent for taking Buck's most ridiculous thoughts, his worst traits, the ugliest sides of him, and rearranging all the pieces so that they actually make sense. He's so steadying, like a hand on his back while he feels like he's constantly walking on a tightrope. All of it is like water off a duck's back to Tommy, even when it feels like Buck's about to drown in it.
"God, please just kiss me," Buck whispers, half because he wants to, he always wants to, and half because it minimises the risk of saying anything else stupid, like 'I hate your gorgeous hero of an ex just because he got to kiss you before I did', or 'I like myself better when I'm with you than I ever had before', or 'I love you', or 'please don't talk about weddings around me because I'm terrified of the images in my head right now and how good you look in a suit'.
"Yeah?" Tommy breathes, his mouth hovering just over Buck's, "You gonna be thinking about him again?"
"Thinking about who?" Buck mutters back, just to be a brat.
Tommy laughs, a gentle, soft little thing that's so, so fond, but he kisses him anyway.
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poltergeist-punk · 1 month ago
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parent and child
also the young jinx design belongs to @frenchublog check out their art they’re phenomenal!!!
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tagarilaghost · 4 months ago
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yeaah... future trio got me too...
and Darkrai is there too, because of course he is.
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hey look i drew a cute Drifloon :D
...ignore the rest
whatever started at Darkrai doodles ended in brainrot of future trio + darkrai and I'm blaming @scribz-ag24 for this
#Can you believe between the first pic and the 4th pic is only a week inbetween. I sure can't but like why did I mirror the pose...#ON ACCIDENT??? Everytime I look at the two Grovyles I'm like... how... how did they end up so differently???#also probably blaming @cozybells as well for this but I really fear tagging people so I'm just letting y'all know in the tags because#I do wanna let everyone know who inspired me when someone did <333 better get running [you know who you are!!!!] DusnoirXDarkrai is next...#also: upon seeing scribz-ag24's art my brain said: You need to color too! ah yeah that went well with the doodle batch#I really hope you're able to read everything with how messy I can write sometimes. If not please let me know and I'll add sth in this post!#Also the doodle batch was the first thing I drew so well... never drew dusknoir before and grovyle once i think...#please go easy on me I have yet to explore the relationship between literally everyone😭 and I have no idea what I‘m doing and I'm a little#lost I normally only draw King Boo or Darkrai but I'm sure scribz-ag24 sprinkling in bits of Darkrai got me in love with the future trio to#grovyle#future trio#celebi#darkrai#dusknoir#pmd hero#pokemon#drifloon#totodile#my art#my stuff#tagas friend spoiler#pmd#pokemon mystery dungeon#IS THERE A SHIP NAME FOR FUTURE TRIO... there must be. ...oh... is it just...#futuretrioshipping#i feel sooo stupid rn.#also everytime i drew darkrai i had evil spiteful bastard in mind (except for the one with an arrow pointing out he's redeemed) but i think#i literally mixed every possible version of him in my head so got absolutely no clue what i'm doing :D#anyways i hope you enjoyed this and thanks for reading through my ramblings! Have such a wonderful rest of the day yippiee <333#pmd2
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galesdevoteewife · 9 months ago
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Thanks @anacdoce for the tag! I think this tag game just lit a modern AU in me...?! The King's Man AU or something 🔥🔥 ♡ I took the reblogs cuz it was getting long but they are pretty cool! check them in the notes! ♡
Yay another OC picrew tag game
picrew linked yoinked from @elinorbard
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Asmodea my beloved. This is pretty much a perfect representation of her post-game.
(to clarify for anyone who reads my fic - for all intents and purposes that is NOT a vampire fang. ...or IS IT?)
Tagging @brabblesblog @spacebarbarianweird @mj-bites @grandmother-goblin (you pick which OC(s) lol) @tragedybunny
@snowfolly @bhaalbaaby @tallymonster
I'll stop there, you know what to do.
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galesdevoteewife · 9 months ago
Thanks @fantasyfictionfables for the tag! ✨🎶
Five songs I’ve been obsessed with lately:
I tag @three-unabashed-fish @dr-demi-bee @anacdoce <3! No pressure and open tag as always! |・ω・)ノ
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gunlicker13 · 6 months ago
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when storch gets serious (inspired by this video from @joetastic2739 )
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twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat · 9 months ago
I feel like, if he could, Satoru would choose to take on his spouse's last name, just like Toji did
I AGREEEEEEEEEEE . I’VE NEVER AGREED WITH ANYTHING MORE . as cocky as satoru can be i truly believe the gojo name is an INTENSE weight on his back. one that he’s grown used to. :(((( so if he met someone who made him feel like he could let go off that weight…. he absolutely would. i think satoru wants to be Yours more than he wants you to be His, you know? he wants to be let into YOUR life, not the other way around, because his own life is so bleak in comparison. i think he’d get sooo giddy at the idea of having your last name 🥺🥺
….. it’d also be a very big “fuck you <3” to his clan and the higher ups . which he’d find fun. (he corrects people VERY sternly if they ever refer to him as gojo instead of your last name …. it’s a little scary)
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shootingstarrfish · 2 months ago
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ah 2024, the year of obey me and changing my art style every month as i please
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mizzyislost · 11 months ago
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so i heard it was a certain silly slug game's birthday
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rbtlvr · 2 months ago
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i feel really normal about this series of portraits from when loop accepts the flower for the first time by the way. if you were wondering
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pant--eater · 7 months ago
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i see today is the day when i aggressively simp for claymation women lmfaooo
Piella Bakewell looked at death in the eyes, and then smashed her rolling pin into one of them
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