#thanks for the ask bri!!
beardog · 4 days
It's halfway through the year! Got any favorite albums/books/tv shows/whatever to recommend?
i always freeze up like a deer in headlights any time anyone asks me something like this. i don't know if there's anything i can truly recommend exactly, but i can definitely tell you some of the things i've enjoyed lately
the third and final season of sound! euphonium is currently airing, and it has been so so good. there was a gap of nearly a decade since the previous season, and the improvement in quality (writing, animation, acting) has been astounding to see. episode 12 left me a sobbing wreck, and i'm not ready for the final episode next sunday :')
i feel late to the party on this one, but i just got into chappell roan lmao. been enjoying everything i've listened to
this is EXTREMELY late to the party, but i recently watched utena for the first time all the way through. it cut me open and made me SO unwell!! hoping to watch the movie soon
right now i'm catching up w an anime called girls band cry and that's been a ton of fun. all of their songs slap, too
she loves to cook and she loves to eat is a super wholesome and down to earth manga :)
a few months ago on a whim i watched both seasons of the demon girl next door and was pleasantly surprised. super cute and funny w a surprising amount of heart
i have been very sporadically watching episodes of buffy every once in a while. still on season one. it's very silly
lately been really enjoying listening to media club plus. i've never seen hunter x hunter, but i enjoy hearing keith, dre, jack, and sylvi talk about it while i do chores and stuff
i've been steadily gobbling up all of i'm in love with the villainess (novels, manga, spin-off novel series written in claire's perspective). it's not a perfect series, but rae and claire are so dear to me. i'm constantly rotating them in the microwave of my brain
wife and i went back to some childhood faves. her fave franchise growing up was digimon and she got me to watch the first three series, and this year we finished watching digimon frontier. and then not too long ago i got them to watch one of my beloved childhood anime shows kaleido star. it was cool to go back and analyze and interpret everything as gay
lastly, not a piece of media, but highly recommend: drawing for fun! basically like yesterday, i rediscovered that i actually really love drawing. no worrying if it's good or not - making stuff is fun!!
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quasar-concept · 28 days
1 and 12 for thunderpride asks :D
Thank you for enabling me to continue my trans girl Gordon agenda XD 1) Talk about a favourite trans headcanon
Trans girl Gordon lives rent free in my mind. Like,,, late discovery, and the utter confusion (and possible distress) at not realising earlier? The comfort of her brothers and family as she learns what being a girl means to her?? just *chefs kiss* I LOVE (especially when you add in Trans Buddy and Ellie as welllll)
12) what queer headcanon would you most like to be canon?
This is a tough one! Scott being bisexual/pan feels the easiest to me to integrate into canon as it is... Having said that, I think queer Grandma would be SO fun in canon
questions [here]
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leonsliga · 5 months
I love that manu went running to sven because he knows he will collect a card lol but then thomas ran to save manu because DON'T TOUCH HIM
Everything about that sequence is pure, concentrated comedy gold from start to finish 😂 so let’s do a play-by-play, shall we?
Now if you’ll direct your attention to the bottom right of the gif below, you’ll see a wild Sven Ulreich absolutely BOOKING IT from the stands, ready to go on a warpath. The Ulle cometh, so to speak.
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And naturally, he wastes ZERO time, nudging his way right into the thick of it.
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Strong words are exchanged, and by exchanged I mean it’s pretty much just Ulle cursing out anyone on the Union Berlin coaching staff within shouting distance.
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Sensing the escalating conflict in a way only a mama bear can, Manu swoops in to save the day (or to save Ulle from cutting a bitch—you decide).
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In the midst of his efforts to pry a positively irate Ulle out of the fray though, Manu sustains a few gentle shoves himself. This of course angers beloved twink warrior Thomas Müller, who rushes in to assist his decade partner in his Sven Ulreich rescue mission.
Now this may seem, to the untrained eye at least, like standard operating procedure for a hardened Bayern diplomat. In actuality though, it’s a desperate, last-ditch effort to get his bf tf outta there (mostly unscathed). And let’s face it: the only way to do that is to remove our notorious (affectionate) pot-stirring goalkeeping deputy from the scene so Manu doesn’t have to mediate for anyone anymore.
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Once the dust settles, only a visibly furious Thomas remains, who, naturally, has to be escorted away, because HOW DARE THEY touch his bf and brother-in-arms and think they’ll get off without a scratch?
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In all seriousness though, I love that even though Ulle is pretty much benched whenever Manu is fit, he’s still just as invested in the match and willing to do battle for any of his teammates whenever they’re slighted in any way. That’s why he’s our beloved little card collector—our favorite justice warrior 🥰
And we all know that when someone even thinks about harming his dearest Manu, Thomas’s protective instincts go into overdrive and he can’t help but give them hell for it. All the better that we got angry Ulle content out of the deal—a two-for-one special folks! It’s impossible not to love the complete circus that is our Bayern squad, I swear 😂 even when they’re not playing at their best, you can’t say they’re not entertaining!
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fantastic-nonsense · 4 months
Hi! I was looking to see if you know of many comics with Batman's villains at the lead!? (Besides Harley and Selina, who've had multiple series and are pretty easy to find). Other than the "Joker" Novel and Penguin: Pain and prejudice, i couldn't find any. Any good suggestions for Joker, Ivy, Two-Face, or any other villian from the Batman universe?
the tldr is that Ivy has several, Two-Face has a handful, the al Ghuls have a couple, and everyone else has had a couple of single issues starring them.
In general, the Batman Arkham series functions as a Batman Rogues Gallery "Greatest Hits" collection. While most of the stories collected in these trades don't feature the rogues as a protagonist, they all explore the characters and their backstories/motivations and feature them in a starring role!
On principle, I generally refuse to recommend Joker comics. Clown man has enough stuff starring him and they're generally easy enough to find without me promoting him more than he already is. Also, to be honest with you I occasionally go out of my way to avoid stuff starring him because he's frankly bored me ever since DC decided to emphasize him as a psychopathic serial killer instead of a funny villain with a clown gimmick.
However, The Joker's Five-Way Revenge (Batman vol. 1 #251) is a fun read, Joker: The Man Who Laughs and Joker's Last Laugh are both good, and Batman: The War of Jokes and Riddles is decent as well. Another fun one that's a little out of the box is Superman: Emperor Joker.
Other than that...I generally recommend the following for Ivy:
Batman Arkham: Poison Ivy (basically an 'Ivy Greatest Hits' collection)
Batman: Poison Ivy (1997)
No Man's Land (yes, it's long. No, Ivy's not a 'lead'. yes, it's also ground zero for Ivy's redemption arc and features her in a major role)
Gotham City Sirens (2009)
Swamp Thing by Scott Snyder (specifically Vol. 2, Family Tree, and Vol. 3, Rotworld: The Green Kingdom)
Poison Ivy: Cycle of Life and Death (2016)
Poison Ivy (2021) by G. Willow Wilson (curently ongoing)
Ivy also pops up in Ram V's Catwoman (2018) run and pretty consistently in Harley's solo books after 2015.
For Two-Face (my beloved), read Batman: The Long Halloween and Batman: Dark Victory (which function as a double feature). Then read any of the following:
Batman: Faces (Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #28-30)
Batman: Two-Face (1995)
Batman Annual #14: "Eye of the Beholder"
Gotham Central, which has an extended Harvey-Renee Montoya subplot
Batman/Two-Face: "Crime and Punishment"
Batman/Two-Face: Face the Face (2006)
Two-Face: Year One (2008)
Batman and Robin (2011) 23.1: Two-Face
Detective Comics #1020-1022: “The Ugly Heart”
Two-Face: One Bad Day
And for a couple of stories that aren't Harvey-focused but feature him as a prominent antagonist...read Robin: Year One, A Lonely Place of Dying, and Batman: Prodigal.
For the al Ghuls, apart from the Batman Arkham collections you're primarily looking for Tales of the Demon, the Demon Trilogy (Birth of the Demon, Bride of the Demon, Son of the Demon), Batman: The Chalice, and Batman Annual #26 (the prologue to Resurrection of Ra's al Ghul, which is also fun). Two of Damian's Robin solos (Robin: Son of Batman (2015) and Robin (2021)) also prominently feature Talia. There are...certainly other options, if you want to read about the al Ghuls, but they're rarely well characterized in those (except Talia's LexCorp CEO arc; all hail Talia's Lexcorp CEO arc).
Clayface (the Basil Karlo version) prominently featured as a protagonist in Tynion's Detective Comics Rebirth (2016) run.
Everyone else...apart from stories where they're the prominent antagonist, there were several Villain takeover issues during the period of Batman and Robin (2011) when Damian was dead, Year of the Villain had a few issues focused on the Batman Rogues, and the One Bad Day series focuses each issue on a different Bat Rogue.
There are plenty of other stories centered on various members of Batman's Rogues Gallery, but hopefully this gives you a solid starting place!
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carpisuns · 1 year
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ask-eden · 1 year
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Goddess shifts in the den, her expression still somewhat sad Goddess: Yes.. his actions can appear cruel... maybe some of them even are... Goddess: But... you must understand. It comes from a place of hurt. Goddess shuffles her paws, almost nervously Goddess: He could've been worse... I would like to think that protecting the universe from another disease scare like that... I think that's on the worst end of things one can do. Goddess lays her head back down and shuts her eyes Goddess: But I cannot convince you to believe or see anything in a certain way. That is merely the reasoning. Whether or not you choose to understand, is entirely up to you. The jolteon is silent for a moment, but lets out one last whisper Goddess:..... I hope that if one day... I ever am blessed with children... That I will never have to experience their death.... - - - [ Anonymous ]
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duskholland · 9 days
how's your watch of criminal minds going? you (and my inability to start anything new) inspired me to start it over again lol
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i’m about to finish season 4! i have spencer brainrot on a level never seen before by another human being. i’ve written 6k words in the last 24 hours for this man and ive not even consumed enough content to know how to write him properly HAHHA. i am Loving it tho !!! love love love and love.
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banannabethchase · 1 day
11, 18, 48 for the adult meme! 💖
Oooh fun! Thanks doll <3
11) What’s something you saved up for and then regretted buying?
I am...very weird with money. I don't spend very often on things I want. This is a weird question for me! Uhhhhhhh...Oh! I kind of wish we had gotten a stainless steel microwave instead of the white one? Apparently stainless steel is more ~in and better for when we eventually sell the house?
18) Pro or anti tchotchkes?
I think I am well in the middle - while they get dusty and messy at times, good ones with fun meanings and the like make me go all fuzzy, like the little plush lobster I got from our first trip to Cape Cod and the little disco ball cup we had for Victoria's bachelorette. I like them, but they need to have some sort of meaning.
48) If you could build your home from scratch, what outrageous feature would you want to build into it?
Outrageous based on expense: a pool
Outrageous based on concept: an indoor swing
Outrageous based on both: indoor pool with a slide and a swing.
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thatbanditqueen · 1 year
Got Becky and Elvis on my mind, what are they up to 😭
Briiiii! I am sorry for neglecting you, is it weird that I want to be sitting at my computer and focused when I respond to you? Here are some head canonnish thoughts about Elvis and Becky...
It is Becky's third day at Graceland, and she and Lisa found a pack of Tarot cards in Elvis' pile of spiritual books, and so they played them with each other, making up the meaning and then practicing on Charlie (he is such a good sport) and Mary and Billy , before going for a hike around the property. Becky used to be a camp counselor, she's a nature girl, so she is pointing out different types of trees and asking Lisa to show her some of her favorite spots. She finds out that Lisa has never been canoeing, and tells her stories from when she led canoe trips down the Cahaba river as teenager in Birmingham. Lisa forgets (again) that she had decided not to like Becky. Lisa wants to go swimming, but Becky didn't bring a swim suit, so she just goes in her bra and underwear. This is how Elvis finds them when he wakes up, has his breakfast and coffee upstairs, and comes down at around 4:30 or 5 pm. He politely but sternly tells Becky to go find some clothes. When she comes down, Lisa Marie is reading her dad's fortune with Tarot cards. Elvis takes Becky on a tour of Graceland in the golf cart (the same tour Lisa gave her) and they share a knowing smile as Becky pretends she has never seen the sights he shows her, and laughs as he makes the same jokes his daughter made earlier (she knows all her father's jokes, they're almost a rehearsed script for visitors.... she and Becky crack up when Elvis says the same thing about the barn Lisa did...). At some point in the night, he takes her to play racquetball at the local JCC. He hasn't built the court yet, he's going to build it for Becky - well he would say he built it for himself, but they have so much fun playing he is captivated by how she throws her whole self into the competition. Glowing. Sweaty. She really gives him a run for his money. Lisa is the referee.
They get back, bed around 3 am, and fool around a bit, Elvis may be embarassed because he cums on her nightgown while they are kissing but Becky takes his face in her hands and tells him its the best compliment. He makes some dry jokes as he gets ready for bed, and falls a asleep with his head inbetween her breasts.
Just some quickly jotted down notes....
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improper-integral · 2 days
favorite word?
Hi there! Thanks for the ask! Now this is a truly difficult question to answer. Not only because there are many many words, but this is something I rarely think about when it comes to English. With other languages, however...
There are lots of Mandarin ones I like but one of my faves is 跑题 pǎotí which means "to digress" but it literally means "to run away from the topic"! Isn't that a cute mental image?
And in Spanish, I only just recently changed my URL to my current, I was previously "brillemos", which is a conjugation of the Spanish verb "brillar", which means "to shine". Of course I like it because of the word play with my nickname Bri, but I wouldn't like it as much if it didn't mean something as cool!
To come back to English... I can't think of a definitive answer to this, however the one that came to mind is "wanderlust", mainly because I've spent the past 2 weeks or so traveling through the Pacific Northwest so it felt apt! Plus it's a cool word in its own right 😁
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furymint · 19 days
Q. One missed call. Any mix of yours and my characters. go wild. (or just one! your choice. ^_^, and that includes the XVI boys)
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wc: 488 | header | minific meme
Elliot’s name was not announced at the party. He knew it from the first: as he navigated the busy floor, dodging dresses and flapping fans, few people hailed him to share pleasantries. Even as he recognized baron, dame, and cardinal, and the music ebbed to open conversation among the guests, there seemed to be an unwarranted shortage of acknowledging glances and how-do-you-fare's.
Faces he knew closer than some scripture welcomed him. Their warmth reassured him, but he did not come for tranquility. When Lady Ottoline began stroking his hand and nattering about squirrels licking icicles, he balanced his champagne flute on a chair back and floated away.
Gustave le Berre. Lucien Tedalgrinche. Adrien Charroix. The names continued. Karoiseka O'dayla.
Almost every soul stiffened. People paused, their heads swiveled, eyes narrowed. Forks returned to plates and skirt bustles dropped from hands. Whether they looked to the grand doorway or not, every person knew the night would be irrevocably different from this moment. The savior of Eorzea--now savior of Ishgard, after a fact--had arrived, and now gossip must follow her.
She didn't look armed. She didn't look decent. But neither of those things were fully true.
In the frame of the archway, the Warrior of Light was small, intense, and beautiful. Even if her eyes could be described as tired, they were striking first, and the blue of them matched her hair in a way that seemed to prove that this was the woman chosen by Hydaelyn. Reports spoke of a crystal-lined bow with arrows that could pierce dragon scale. Still, few could doubt that if it came to magic, she would not be able to cast without a staff.
It was either bold or ridiculous that she wore no armor. A sleeveless gown was out of fashion whether her gloves bore jewelry or not; somehow the lace at her breast and the tall collar were enough to excuse it. The black skirt of her dress rippled without a petticoat or hoop, sliced on one side from the thigh to the floor, and teasing a sight at her leg as she drifted forward. Once again, the thing that mattered was smaller than the whole: her shoes were a flashing, bright silver, with a thin, curving heel and beaded ankle strap. Perhaps, in the same way, what mattered of her was herself and not her title.
A scary, dark, one-eyed rascal of man was beside her, and he did not look nice, so he did not matter. Relations were impossible to escape in all places but the ballroom, and so Elliot would forget--for the next three bells--that the man had whispered to her in a way that seemed to let him kiss her ear.
As the room tried to seesaw back into nonchalance, Elliot chose sensation.
Perhaps, in a different way, she was kind.
He was the first to speak to her, and the first to be seen doing so.
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beardog · 2 months
Since I backslid into scream again today - Audrey Jensen for character bingo
"backslid" 😭
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my casual outside observer opinion of audrey is that she is silly. also i texted my wife who has seen the show multiple times if they think audrey is a bastard and she said "kinda? but lovingly."
Character Opinion Bingo
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valaruakars · 10 months
i couldn’t remember your user for a sec (how dare i) so i went and googled ‘viktor x reader gym’ AND YOU WERE THE FIRST RESULT!!! to be fair you’re the only one to do a gym rat reader with viktor so
akjeflaksjflskdf WELL. In your defense, It's not very easy to spell. You're actually fuelling my desire to change my url even more with this little tidbit of information 😉
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leonsliga · 10 months
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Manuel Neuer | All or Nothing: Die Nationalmannschaft in Katar | Episode 3: The Goosebumps Moment
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sparkagrace · 1 year
tej, this thought came to me out of the blue but i wonder what al pal alpine steve and bucky would think if allie came home with a valentine's card from a boy. i bet it'd be so damn cute.
okay that's the entire thought, just had to drop in to tell you! (i am always thinking of this series.)
Bri! It's always a great day when you comes into my asks 💖 omg I'm so touched you love the Allie-verse. I can't believe you were thinking of them, and I welcome all asks and headcanons about them 🥰️
When Allie was younger, they wouldn't bat an eyelid because she comes home from elementary school with piles of red and pink craft paper from everyone in her class. It's one of those things everyone participates in and she mostly cares that she gets to use glitter and scissors (with supervision).
Steve and Bucky don't do much for Valentine's these days. They say the words and get on with their day. They don't see the need to do more because it's just a day and they tell each other all the time how they feel anyway.
But when Allie is 12, she comes home a little out of sorts. She's distracted all through dinner and blushes furiously when they ask about her day. She's totally distracted when trying to do her chemistry homework so Bucky sits at the dining table with her to help her with it. Eventually managing to get her to tell him what's going on.
“You can’t tell Dad.”
“I won’t,” he replies, but she gives him a look. Bucky sticks out his pinkie. “I promise.”
Allie hooks her little pinkie over his and then groans, dramatically putting her head on the table and covering her arms over her face.
“I have a crush on a boy.” Bucky laughs and she frowns, pushing at his arm. “Papa, you’re not supposed to laugh!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you. Sorry.” He clears his throat and sobers up. “C’mon, talk to me. What’s his name?”
“No, no names because then next time you pick me up at school, you’ll be looking for him.”
She slowly pulls out a card from between the pages of her notebook. It has a shark dressed with a tux and a top hat and there’s a boyish scrawl of “You’re Fin-tastic!” in a speech bubble. Bucky goes to open the card, but Allie slams her hand over it first.
“No peeking.” Bucky holds back a laugh and agrees. She tenatively asks: “How do you know if you like someone?”
“Well, what do you like about him?” he asks, but Allie shrugs. “Okay, well, I’ll tell you what I like about Dad? Maybe that will help you.”
“Don’t be gross though.”
“Um, your dad knows how to make me laugh and gives me a head massage when I have a headache. He always knows when I need some time on my own and he never pushes me to talk unless I’m totally shutting down. He buys my favorite coffee when he goes grocery shopping and always saves me the last piece of dessert.”
“Well, the other day this boy saved me a chocolate brownie before they ran out at the bake sale. It was a corner piece too.”
“That’s nice of him.”
“He draws me pictures all the time. The other day I was upset about a pop quiz and he drew a little elephant in my notebook to make me laugh.”
Bucky chuckles. This kid sounds perfect.
“Why don’t you want Dad to know?”
Allie gives him a look. “Dad gets all weird and protective. He’d embarrass me. You don’t do that. You get a little weird too but not as much as Dad does.”
“Your Dad just cares differently. He wouldn’t embarrass you, but I won’t tell him anything unless you want me to.”
“I get nervous when he talks to me and I always feel like I’m saying the wrong thing. I don’t want him to think I’m a loser.”
“No, he won’t think that. He sounds like he likes you too.” That makes Allie blush harder and bury her head back in her arms.
Eventually, Bucky advises her to just keep talking to him like she has been and not to put pressure on herself to be anything but herself; clearly this kid likes Allie just as she is.
Allie and Bucky eventually get through her chemistry homework and she goes up to bed.
Steve is in the living room with Alpine on his legs when Bucky comes in with the last piece of dessert and a little homemade card on some of Allie's craft paper (he decided not to use glitter though because it's a terrible clean up!)
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Steve,” Bucky says as he presents his husband with his rushed gifts. Steve pushes himself upright and frowns lightly. “Oh, I know we don’t do anything usually. Don’t worry.”
“This is the cheesecake slice I left for you.”
“I want to share it with you. You’re always doing these little things for me, and I want you to know how much I appreciate them. Even if it’s just dessert. Allie reminded me how much the small things matter.”
Steve takes a forkful and presents it to Bucky’s lips, letting him have the first bite anyway. It’s a lime and ginger cheesecake that they know Allie doesn’t like but they do. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Steve.”
Happy Valentine’s Day, Bucky.”
Alpine mewls from Steve’s legs. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Alpine.”
I hope you don't mind the impromptu ficlet. Apparently I do have thoughts about them! Thanks so much for asking, sweet Bri! I hope you had a lovely Valentine's day and sending so much love your way 💘🌹✨
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What is your favorite form of potato?
Potatoes are life, potatoes are the best. I love potatoes in all form and sizes, but, as a french canadian, I have to say my favorite form of potatoes is greasy brown fries, perfect for poutine.
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