#thanks for the ask! got carried away drawing them all lol
the-owl-tree · 7 months
just a silly question.
do you have any personal transfem hcs of warrior cats characters?
just asking :3
i have a few but here are my favorites!!
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also have a bonus transfem leafpool for transfemleafpool :3
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rosenclaws · 13 days
Hi! 👋
I saw your requests were open and I was wondering if I could submit a request?
The reader is a shy artist who is a friend of Wades. She carries a sketchbook with her everywhere to sketch new pieces, but she doesn't show her work to people unless it's to Wade.
She and Worst!Logan become friends and slowly develop feelings for one another, but they won't say anything to each other because they think that the other wouldn't want them. Until Worst!Logan finds her sketchbook by accident and finds the book is filled with sketches of him. Worst!Logan confronts her about it, but she's a stuttering mess, and they end up confessing to each other. And please make it extra fluffy. Maybe throw in a kiss or a makeout session. Your choice lol.
Thank you and have a good day! 😊
Hidden Feelings and Hidden Sketches || Worst!Logan Howlett x Reader
warnings: drinking, swearing, wade making suggestive comments, make out sesh towards the end, reader gets drunk and logan helps her out. Logan also calls the reader sketch. It got kinda suggestive at the end I apologize sldfjka
a/n: Hi!! This idea is adorable omg I love it, I hope it was fluffy enough for you I have to admit I'm not great at writing pure fluff. I also hope wade is funny because I am not funny so its hard to write his dialogue sometimes. I also altered the plot a little so i hope its okay
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You never quite understood how you and Wade became friends. He was possibly the biggest extrovert you have ever met and you were the exact opposite. He saw you once at his favorite diner with your sketchbook and he jumped into the seat across from you.
Yapping on about your art and if you drew often and that he once tried to paint but the class didn't appreciate his art and asking if you'd paint him naked as a present for his girlfriend. Which you declined very quickly.
He wouldn't leave you alone, talking and asking you all sorts of things. You getting a few words in and him covering the other 98% of the conversation. He left with the promise of seeing you again and disappeared before you could say anything else.
It was an odd experience that's for sure but you liked Wade. Sure enough he kept coming back and a friendship had blossomed. He invited you over to dinner multiple times but you always declined, choosing to meet at the diner instead.
Slowly he got you out of your shell around him. Cracking jokes and sometimes putting him in his place when he went a little too far. You showed him your sketchbook after a while and he gushed over your drawings. Begging you to draw him at his best angles and you would sometimes give in.
When he disappeared for a while you got worried, that is until he showed up with a new dog and a very handsome new friend. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. Wade spotted you and waved but you didn't even notice.
"I know right, he's like a tall glass of rage filled water." Wade sighs as he sits across from you.
"I uh what?" You hug your sketchbook close to your chest as you rip your eyes away from Wade's new friend.
"Oh don't pretend like you weren't eye fucking him the second he walked in here, not that I blame you." Your eyes widen as you start to stutter. Your face heating up as you stare at the pancakes in front of you instead. A loud grunt catches your attention. You can barely meet his eyes as your brain is too busy being embarrassed by what Wade had said.
"You can sit on my lap angel cakes." Wade pats his leg but gets shoved to the side as his new friend sits down across from you.
"Logan this is my friend, be a good kitty and play nice." Logan rolls his eyes and chooses to ignore Wade. He does look at you though, burning a whole through your skull.
"Hi Logan," You say shyly.
"Hi." A few beats of silence pass until Wade breaks it as usual.
"Well aren't you two the life of the party, if you excuse me I have to go relieve myself." Wade stands up and instead of asking Logan to move, starts to climb over the man.
"What the fuck?!" Logan hisses as he grabs Wades shirt and tosses him to the ground. You can't help the laugh that escapes your mouth as your friend flops to the ground.
"So rude." Wade shakes his head and heads off to the bathroom. Silence falls once again as you awkwardly push around the pancakes on your plate.
"What's that?" Logan asks, nodding towards your sketchbook. You grab your book and shove it into your bag.
"Nothing! It's uh, just a sketchbook it's nothing don't worry about it." Logan raises an eyebrow as you panic in front of him.
As if you couldn't feel more embarrassed. You debate on waiting for wade or just leaving to save yourself but Logan makes the choice for you.
"You don't have to stay, not holding you hostage." He sips his coffee as you let out a shaky laugh.
"Not much of a talker." You play with your fork as you look up at Logan. He's much more handsome up close.
"Neither am I." He offers a small half smile and you return it. He's still incredibly intimidating but maybe you can stick it out a little longer. Logan's food comes and the two of you eat in a comfortable silence and when you're done you work up the courage if he'll be here tomorrow. He holds the door open for you as you step outside.
You clutch tightly onto the strap of your bag as you wait for his answer. He lights a cigar and you try and suppress your smile when he says he will be. As you part ways you realize that Wade never did come back from the bathroom.
That sneaky bastard.
The diner uh, meetings as you called them, with Logan were amazing. His grumpy exterior was hard to crack but eventually the two of you started to become friends. Being with Logan started to become your favorite parts of the week. He was more than the tough guy persona he put on. What surprised you the most is that he seemed interested in you too. Well you know as friends.
Logan could appreciate someone who liked the quiet. He never pushed you out of your comfort zone, never made you feel uncomfortable. He was just Logan. Call it what you want but it was only a matter of time before you fell head over heels for that man. Not that you'd ever tell him.
How could you?
He's a superhero. He's gorgeous and grumpy and funny and so much more. All you do is draw silly pictures. So for now you settle on friends. Even if he makes your stomach turn with ever smile. Even if his laugh is the best thing you've ever heard. Friends. That's good enough for now.
"Wade Wilson I am going to kill you!" You say angrily.
He had texted you asking you to meet him for coffee and you had agreed solely because you never got the chance to scold him for his little dine and dash.
"Leaving me alone with a stranger!" You slap his hand as he tries to reach for your pastry.
"Ow! That was so five months ago! Anyways I was just trying to help. You know, relieve the sexual tension." You gasp as he makes a very lewd gesture with his hands.
"Besides, you and Logi bear are spending a lot of time together for just being friends huh Boo-Boo." Before you can stop him he reaches for your sketchbook. Keeping it just out of reach as he flips through the pages.
"Give it back!" You plead as you reach across the table.
"Oh. My. God. How come you never draw me this sexy?" He shows you the pages and you fall back into your seat in defeat.
You know what's in there and now Wade does too. Pages and pages of sketches of Logan. You feel like a stalker. It's not your fault! Ever since you met him he's all you can think about. All you can draw.
"Please give it back." You beg but he refuses.
"You'll get it back after you admit to Logan how you feel."
"What!" Your jaw drops as you make another lunge for your book.
"I am a very impatient man and I'm not about to wait another thousand words for the two of you to fuck." He stands up and tucks the book down his pants.
"Ew really?" You groan as you let your face fall into your hands.
"I'm having a get together and you're invited. Logan will be there it's the perfect opportunity." You feel like throwing up at the idea of talking to Logan about any of this.
Maybe you could just steal it back tonight. Or maybe you could never show your face to anyone ever again. Yah the second option sounds better. If only it was that simple. You waited for many anxiety filled hours, the only thing on your mind is getting your damn book back. You knock on the door and it swings open with Wade standing there, a stupid smile on his face.
"Honey badger at 4 o'clock." He hands you a drink and pushes you right towards him. You shoo him away, taking a deep breath and head towards Logan.
"Hi Logan," You say nervously.
"Didn't think these were really your thing." He says with a smile. You laugh nervously and nod your head.
"Yeah well...I thought he'd finally stop asking if I came to one of these things." You joke. Logan snorts and offers you the seat next to him.
"Good luck with that." You sit next to him and swirl around the ice in your drink.
If you're going to tell him then you're going to need a lot of help. Logan's eyes widen as you down your drink in one go, making a face before asking for another one. He's never seen you at a party, let alone drink.
"Why don't you take it easy there sketch."
"It's a party right, why not have a little fun." Logan keeps an eye on you as you drink and drink. As the night passes on he realizes that you might have had a little too much. You can barely get a sentence out by the time the party's over.
"Hi Logii!" Your arms slink around his neck as you stumble into him.
"Come on, let me take you home." He chuckles as he helps you to the door.
"Nooo, I needa get my uh..." You stop and think for a moment.
"My uhhh" Logan hums as he helps you to your apartment. You stay close to Logan as you walk through the night. He's just so warm and he smells so good.
"Got your keys?" You pat around for them and frown. Logan reaches into your bag and pulls them out.
"Right here." He unlocks your door and helps you to your bed. You sigh as your head hits your pillow.
"Oh! my sketchbook. Wade has my sketchbook." You say with a yawn.
"I'll get it back tomorrow, now sleep well." Logan takes off his jacket and lays it on you. He brushes your cheek gently. A soft smile on his face as he leaves you to sleep peacefully.
"Good night."
God your head hurt and the sun was way too bright. You crack your eyes open groan as you head pounds. What were you even thinking last night? You wanted your damn book back that's what you were thinking. A loud knock on your door makes you moan in pain. Getting up you swing open your door only to be met with Logan holding your book. Your face pales as you see a smirk on his face.
"Wade gave me back your book." You reach out for it but he holds it back.
"You're a real good artist sketch." To your horror he opens up your book and flips to one of its pages.
Right in front of you was a side profile sketch of Logan. It had been while you were at the park or something. The sun was hitting him perfectly, he had this content look on his face. You couldn't help but draw it when you got back home. To capture him in a moment where everything felt okay.
"I uh..I.." You don't know what to say. He caught you red handed. Your face is on fire from shame and embarrassment as he finally hands over your book. You can't even look at him.
"I'm sorry." You whisper. Shutting your eyes you hope he gets the hint and leaves, leaves you to wallow in pity.
"Sorry? Why are you sorry." He grabs your chin and tilts your head up.
"I'm flattered sketch. I think you really captured me pretty good." You still can't bring yourself to say anything as you hug your book tightly. You can't tell if he's making fun of you or what.
"This isn't funny Logan." You try and push his hand off you but his grip is strong.
"Not trying to be funny." He brushes his thumb over your lips.
"Logan..." Your eyes flick down to his lips and you know he catches you.
"Say it, come on don't be shy. Not with me." Sighing you dig your fingernails into your book.
"I love you." Your voice is barely above a whisper, eyes squeezing shut. You almost hope he doesn't hear it but of course he does.
He presses his lips to yours roughly. You drop your book in shock as you melt deep into his kiss. Wasting no time in kissing him back, hands wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. He deepens the kiss as his hands fall to your sides. You pull away much to his disappointment, his lips chasing after yours for a moment.
"I love you too." He kisses your jaw lightly making you sigh.
"You know, those drawings were good but I think you got my lips wrong." You furrow you eyebrows, you thought you got his lips pretty good. After all you stared at them long enough to memorize them.
"Yeah sweetheart, think you need a lesson." He walks you back until you hit your couch.
"Get up close and personal." He winks as you bite your lip. How flustered can he make you?
"Then maybe you can show me more of those drawings."
Well, If it would help make your drawings more, accurate. Then who are you to say no?
"Okay." You run your hands along his arm as you look back up at him. Nerves and excitement swirling around your eyes.
"Don't worry sketch, I'm a pretty good teacher."
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bbokicidal · 14 days
hi ! i rly liked the skz marriage post i was wondering if you could maybe pls do them as dads? or like finding out you’re gonna have a baby ? thank u !
Ofc! I love writing family fluffy things like this.
Hyung Line only. If you'd like the Maknae Line as well, lmk! Also,, they all ended up as Girl Dads, oops.
SKZ as Dads [Small Headcanon List][HL]
Chris -
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Absolutely a girl dad in my mind, but he can be either! Obviously lol. I think he'd do well with a boy or a girl because he'd love them endlessly regardless.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 I think he would definitely be the type of dad to love his kids no matter what they choose to do in life. He doesn't care for gender stereotypes - He'll let his kids wear what they want, choose a job they like, it don't matter.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 But while they're still his babies, he'll be absolutely coddling them and he will in fact take up both the mom and dad role when you're too busy to help out or if you're tired.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He is a crier. Their first steps? Crying. Their first words? Crying. Their first day of Kindergarten? Crying. Dropping them off at daycare? Crying.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He will do ANYTHING for his kids. Which, as much as he dislikes it sometimes because he has deadlines, includes leaving work early to come home and spend time with the two of you.
Minho -
ᯓᡣ𐭩 For some reason my first thought was Minho with twin girls.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 I think he would spoil the shit out of his daughters. Buying them whatever they want, clearing out a room in the apartment he previously used for working out to make into a toy room just for them; Big dollhouses, lots of barbies, dress up costumes. Everything you can think of.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He's the type of dad to let them paint on the walls and then tell you it'll be okay when you freak out about it later. He'll cover it - take care of it, he's got it. And he'll absolutely let them do it again. (But he'll never cover up the crayon drawing they did of your little family near the door. That'll stay forever.)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Cooks the same meals as he always does for you two, but makes sure to cut up the meat into super little pieces for his girls so that they can enjoy it too without hazard.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Master of Tummy Time. Literally loves it, will never give it up. Even as the girls get older he lets them nap on him whenever they want.
Changbin -
ᯓᡣ𐭩 There's been countless amounts of times you've come home to Bin wearing a pink tutu over his jeans and covered in purple glitter while your daughter laughs and chases him around the villa.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He will let your daughter get away with ANYTHING, so you have to take the reins and eventually ask him to toughen up a little.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 But, him gently scolding your daughter while she sits in timeout is too hard to watch. He's a sucker for her and you can tell he doesn't like to scold her, so you do it instead. Baby's just too soft n squishy.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He's also just the cutest with your daughter. Seeing a big beefy man carrying around your two year old in her Elsa dress and little braids in her hair is just too fricken adorable. (Which means you have pleeeenty of pics of them together on your phone.)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 His favorite activity? Feeding your lil girl with the tiny baby spoons. He loves how messy she is and how she just can't keep food in her mouth longer than five seconds. It makes him cackle.
Hyunjin -
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Biggest girl dad out there!!!!!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Absolutely loves dressing up your lil angel!! He buys SO MANY dresses and hairbands and bows and clips and shit for her, but also.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 The amount of Versace your daughter owns rivals the amount Hyunjin stows away in his closet. she is SPOILED.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 But he also convinces Donatello to let him bring her with to a shoot and it results in the most adorable photoshoot you've ever seen in your life.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 His favorite thing is reading to her, whether it's the middles of the day and she just wants him to read her a book - or if he's trying to get her to bed and laying in her way-too-small-for-him toddler bed beside her so she can relax and doze off against him.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 He's fallen asleep there a few times but,,, we don't talk about how he ends up on the floor.
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neiptune · 2 years
aot boys x reacting to a dream where you die
a/n: inspired by @meowzfordayz and her wonderful hcs! got a bit carried away lol these are too long but i hope you enjoy anyway :)
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eren secretly freaks tf out but is too embarrassed to admit it. you wake up to the pressure of his hands not so subtly traveling across different parts of your belly and hips, the coolness of his fingertips on your bare skin making you shiver. “eren? what're you doing?” you ask, confused, your own hands closing around his wrists to delicately move them away. but he resists your push, his fingers stubbornly finding their way to the familiar albeit faded scar residing right above your hip bone. “sorry. didn't mean to wake you” his voice cracks, which is enough to prompt you to sit up. “tell me what's wrong” you take one of his hands and squeeze twice, your secret way to communicate that everything's fine. eren's big eyes search for signs of distress or pain in yours but all he finds is genuine concern and grogginess. he relaxes and weakly squeezes your hand right back. “bad dream. it's stupid, let's just go back to sleep” but of course you see right through his fake composure and pull him in for a hug, gently hushing the trembling exhale that tickles your neck as his arms close around you. “you're okay” he whispers to himself and you hum in confirmation, nodding against his shoulder. “i am. the only thing truly hurting me is your snoring”. he huffs at that, covertly thankful you're still there to give him a reason to roll his eyes
lol armin will not be there when you wake up in the middle of the night, senses alert bc of the unusually cold, empty spot next to you. he doesn't reply when you call him so you're forced to get up and explore the whole floor, bathroom to study, until you hear some muffled sniffling coming from downstairs and you rush to the living room, heart in your throat. “armin??? are you okay? what happened??” he's curled into himself on the couch but as he hears your voice he lifts his head, heavy groan crawling up from his throat because what the fuck, why are you awake? he hates hates hates the idea of you seeing him like this for the nth time, always so stupid and helpless now with tear stained cheeks too for something that's not even real. “nothing” his defensive tone startles you and he regrets it immediately, sigh heavy as he tiredly rubs his temples, a sign of surrender and vulnerability that draws you in until you're sitting next to him, warm hand closing on his knee. “what if i brew some tea? we still have some cookies left” you speak gently and his gaze softens, guilt already bubbling in the pit of his stomach. “it's 2am” “and?” “you have to work tomorrow” “and??”. so he ends up brewing the tea instead and you simply won't talk about what happened until the next morning, after a fair amount of the night before was spent sharing homemade peanut butter cookies with armin taking your hand to press gentle kisses to your wrist from time to time <3
oh my god jean 100% feels too stupid to mention it or letting a dumb dream upset him once he's awake and can physically see you and touch you as you're making breakfast together, he's also too proud to admit how horrible it felt to see your body get so rigid, your skin too cold, eyes void of their usual light. so he doesn't mention it. but you can tell something is off: he's more attentive than usual (when has he ever pushed you away from the toaster bc you might bet burned?) he's extremely touchy-feely (more than usual lol it's fine for him to have his arms wrapped around you as you're rinsing a fork but not letting go? not even allowing you to turn off the stove, at the expense of his precious eggs, now at risk of charring??) so of course your spider senses detect that something isn't quite right and you interrogate him over breakfast, just as he casually plays with your fingers and quite uncomfortably tries to eat with his left hand. “what d'you mean i'm being weird? that how you accept my unconditional love?” he has you rolling your eyes a number of times before he shrugs with a “had a nightmare last night, no biggie” “did something happen to me?” “yeah, no need to take the piss, i know it's dumb”. a fond smile tugs at the corners of your lips as you shrug as well. “wasn't gonna take the piss. if something happened to you in one of my dreams, i'd probably freak out” “oh thank god” jean forces you up from your chair in a split second and pulls you in the tightest hug in recorded history lol
well connie will definitely blurt it out and attempt to downplay it at the same time lmao don't even get me started you'll wake up and he'd be in the kitchen making coffee greeting you with something like “g'morning! btw i dreamed you died last night hahaha isn't that so stupid??? you were dead dead, like R.I.P you, right in my arms” and you're standing there like 🤨🤨🤨 “i'm glad you thought that was funny?” “so funny, i even cried a little when i woke up haha you were sleeping right next to me and i was tearing up like a dumbass omg did i mention how still you were???” his emotional responses are all sorts of fucked up tbh. connie doesn't always know how to react to things and unexpected situations and complicated feelings bc he's so used to being the cheerful comic relief but somewhere underneath all the sunshine he carries around there's actual fear. connie is actually scared, all the time. of the ocean, of loneliness, of losing those who are dear to him, of being too much and not nearly enough at the same time. he has his own ways of dealing with fear and they're not always ideal. so you delicately take the clutched phone from his hands and peck his lips once, twice, each kiss lasting longer than the former until he takes your face in his hands and just keeps it there, forehead resting on yours. “i'm here. and you're a stupid idiot for calling yourself a dumbass”. he chuckles at that, which makes you smile. “promise you'll stay alive long enough to call me a stupid idiot a million more times?” “yes, if you wash the dishes”
i mean of course levi is mad. lol. at himself, bc he was not able to protect you in his dream and at you bc where tf are you??? he's petrified sitting up in (a very much empty) bed, mentally gives himself 3 seconds before he allows irrational panic to kick in but thank fuck you flush the toilet 1,5 seconds later, wash your hands and come back to your shared bedroom to find the grumpy man you're in love with glaring daggers your way, scowl so deep you hesitate by the door, silently wondering what you did wrong. were you being so tossy and turny you woke him up? did you take more than your share of blankets? did you accidentally punch him in the face? (it has happened and he was surprisingly nice about it lol). “i'm sorry” you blurt out, cautious as you climb onto your bed again, slipping your legs underneath the covers. “what are you apologizing for?” his voice sounds weird, which freaks you out even more. “not sure” you tilt your head “but you look mad”. levi huffs, features softening. “was it sleep kicking? or did i fart? you know edamame gives me real bad gas—” “you did not fart” he runs a hand through his hair, simultaneously exhausted and biting back an incredulous smile. “you died” he blurts it out but saying it out loud sucks so badly that he clenches his fists and you don't really know how to react. “i couldn't do shit about it. you just died. t'was horrible and i know it's not your fault and it was just a dream but...” “i'm sorry i died” your soft reply interrupts his babbling and prompts another snort. “stop apologizing” “what can i do, then?”. levi inspects your features attentively and takes your hand underneath the covers, intertwining his fingers with yours. “promise you won't do it again” he goes along with your silliness and you smile, nose rubbing against his, barely audible whisper of a “promise” before kissing him
porco will never and i mean never tell you what's up lmao his dumbass would rather die than admit a dream has had the power to affect him at all. he's a grown up™ and rational™ enough to discern reality from fantasy and guess what?? his current reality = you roaming around the house to cook, do the laundry, jokingly mock his housework skills as he vacuums rooms missing entire spots and breaks yet another glass in the sink (“stfu the sponge was too damn soapy it slipped” ) but honestly? porco doesn't even notice how much he stares the day after his nightmare. not just in the morning, he literally can't cast his eyes away from you for the entire day. he's 12 so as soon as you mention it he gets defensive lol like you'll be on the couch with your legs on his lap as he watches something on his laptop, you're reading a book and you'll say something along the lines of “ya know you've been staring a lot today” and he'll automatically reply “yeah?? cuz you're ugly” which only confirms your hunch. “don't be an ass, why were you staring??” “just told you?” “porco” “that's my name, don't wear it out” he's so infuriating honestly but eventually your persistence does wear him down enough to elicit one true response: “because i wanted to make sure you're actually here”. you tilt your head, confused frown that makes him bite back a smile. “what does that even mean?? where else would i be? are you high?” “high on you, babe” lmao yeah he won't tell you how horrible and scary and wrong it was to see your body get so still and your eyes suddenly unwilling to open and your hands not squeezing his back no matter how much he screamed and called for you and cursed and cried. why would he? porco can discern reality from fantasy. as you jokingly poke his side with your sock-clad foot and laugh as he grabs it to nibble at your ankle, he's grateful af for his reality :)
reiner instantly wakes you up lol he's too shaken to think straight and can't handle the pounding of his heart nor the cold sweat coating his forehead tbh. you freak out as well bc he looks like shit so you think he's not feeling well -> it's 30 entire seconds of back and forth (“are you okay?” “are you okay??” “why are you shaking???” “why are you sweating????”) until you can sense his stress is about to grow into a full on anxiety attack and you take his giant, cold, clammy hands in yours, squeezing hard enough to ground him. “baby, breathe with me. i'm right here, okay? just like that. deep and slow”. it doesn't matter that he squeezes back hard enough to hurt you. “you're doing great! wanna count with me?”. he closes his eyes and you both count to ten out loud, three times before he looks at you again and the crude fear that was in his gaze is long gone, leaving space to relief and slight embarrassment. “don't apologize” you cut him off right as his lips part “are you okay? can you wait for me? i'll go grab some water and—” he interrupts you right back by slotting his mouth to yours, with a kiss so feverish your brain shortcircuits. deaf to your protests, he will keep murmuring nonsense against your lips, an endless progression of i'm sorry, you're fine, i'm sorry, i love you, thank god, i love you so much. when you're allowed to catch your breath at last he presses one last kiss to your forehead and you're finally able to connect the dots. much like armin, he doesn't enjoy being so weak and emotional so often around you, but he also knows you feel strongly about him being so hard on himself. you won't have it. so reiner silently accepts and is oh so grateful for each sweet reassuring word you whisper to the shell of his ear, knowing all too well that nightmares have nothing on your i'm here and i'm never leaving and i know i'm safe with you
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biblio-smia · 9 months
Hiiii! Love your work! This is gonna be a lengthy I apologize in advance lol. Do you think you can pls do a tasm! x fashion designer reader? (I’m a fashion major lmaooo) Like where the reader has a big debit show coming up and Peter misses bc he’s out on his spiderly duties. The reader doesn’t know he’s Spider-Man. Very angsty then very fluffy. Love confessions. Thank you!!!!!!
thank you + thank you for the request!! i loveee this idea <3 also definitely watched barbie a fashion fairytale while writing this LMAO
masterlist | requests are open!
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Emotions swirled in your chest - beginning with anxiety and just a touch of nausea.
Then came the elation - it was like the feeling when people praised you for your designs only intensified by about a thousand.
You'd spent hours on the pieces now being carried on the runway, survived on less hours of sleep than you'd thought possible, and worked through headaches you were positive where going to split your skull open. You'd pricked your fingers, created permanent callouses on your fingers, and probably caused irreversible damage to your back to make your patterns and ideas come to life. It was one thing to draw them out on paper and another to create them, altering them and scratching out ideas that had looked good on paper but had not ended up liked you'd imagines - and something completely different to see them on models, to watch the audience awe and clap for what you'd created.
Your heart pounded with each excited congratulations! and hug after the show had ended, still reeling a little from the experience. It'd been over so quickly for all the time you'd poured into the preparation and how long the show would take to clean up, but you were sure your work had made an impression that would outlive the night.
But as the crowd died down and people filed out, you stood, waiting, for the congratulations you'd been anticipating all night - the one that'd probably mattered the most to you.
But as the crowd thinned into only a few heads of people that had begun occupying themselves with cleaning up, so dispersed there was no way Peter could've possibly missed you, that's when the realization had set in.
Peter hadn't come.
Now, there was a new feeling a chest. Your heart hadn't stopped pounding, but now there was a pain accompanying it in your chest and a lump in your throat you were struggling to swallow down.
You turned when you heard your name called, not sure what you were expecting - it was only one of your colleagues, asking if you'd like to grab drinks to celebrate.
You teeter, almost let the idea persuade you, but ultimately decide against it with a small maybe next time! - because you're not really sure if you'd be able to hold the tears in if you got intoxicated.
Plus, a little piece of your heart holds out hope that maybe your boy would still show up - maybe he got pushed out by the crowd, or couldn't find you and decided to wait for you outside.
But as you stepped out into the dark night and looked around at the empty street, any last hope died.
The journey home created an ideal environment for your disappointment to brew into a strong, dark anger, scowl on your face sure to scare any strangers on the sidewalk off and away from you. You were nearing furious by the time you reached your door, shoving your keys into the lock and hurting your hands with the intensity you pulled them out with, cold metal painfully digging into your hot fingers.
Your anger didn't mellow as you turned your phone off, refusing to let Peter have any way to contact you - at least for tonight. You needed a few hours away from him. Maybe longer. You'd decide that later.
A shower tamed your flames, water burning you out and leaving behind something that craved only the soft comfort of your bed.
You'd only made it a few steps into your room when your ears perked at the sound of tapping at your window. Your eyes followed, trying to identify the source of the noise, and you jumped when you saw Peter on your fire escape.
If it hadn't been so cold out, you would've left him outside.
At least, that's what you told yourself afterwards.
But that searing rage had returned, warming your entire body and making you resistant to the cold air that blew in along with Peter the second you opened the window.
"Did you climb up here?" You spat out, immediately backing up and crossing your arms, scowl making its way on your face again.
Peter didn't need to look at you to feel your anger.
He'd been so close to making it this time - but, like always, something had come up. That'd been his excuse so many times, to so many people, it was starting to become pathetic even to Peter. He'd paced for close to an hour, biting the inside of his cheek raw while wondering how he was going to make it up to you. Peter knew how much this night had meant to you. He'd promised to be there, to support you and all the work you'd put in; the long hours you spent beside Peter, refusing to accept his help. The days where Peter had to force you away from your desk to have a break, all the snacks he'd made to fuel you and your beautiful brain.
And now, as Peter was so famous for doing, he blew it.
"W...what? Oh, yeah, I just-" Well, Peter had swung here, but he'd get around to explaining that. For now, he was more focused on trying to get his words out without stuttering pathetically. "I just- I needed to tell you something."
You stood, silent, arms crossed and eyes dark. Peter didn't need a translation to know you were telling him to spit it out.
Peter swallows thickly. He takes a deep breath. He forces himself to look straight into your eyes.
"I'm Spiderman." Peter goes the extra mile and tugs on the neckline of his shirt, revealing a sliver of the suit in case you don't believe him.
It's silent, which Peter begins to believe is the worst outcome with each second it drags on. You falter for just a few moments before your eyebrows furrow, somehow even angrier this time, because you, in all your hot anger, cannot bring yourself to fully process the information Peter has just thrown at you - or, frankly, care.
"So? You think that's just gonna fix everything?" You step closer to Peter, words like venom.
"You what? You think I'm just gonna forgive you because you're Spiderman? Peter, you know how much this meant to me. And now you show up, hours after you're supposed to, telling me you're Spiderman?"
"Well, I brought these," Peter offers weakly, pulling a bouquet of flowers out of his bag. Crushed. Peter watches as a petal falls lamely to the ground.
"Impressive," you say so sarcastically it hurts, rolling your eyes with a sigh. "God, Peter, you are such a dick!"
Peter can sense you're about to send him out of that window flying, but he just can't leave before saying everything he needed to say.
"W-wait! Please, just hang on, I... I am so sorry," Peter starts, hands on your shoulders desperately. "I really am. Truly. I wanted to be there tonight, I tried so hard to be there, something got in the way... but that doesn't matter. I should've been there, or at least texted, or something, you're right, I'm sorry. And this," Peter motions to his chest. "is not an excuse, at all. I just wanted to tell the truth. I owe you at least that."
"Yeah, you owe a lot more than that," you scoff, shoving Peter's shoulder. It's not hard but Peter winces painfully in a way that fills you immediately with guilt. You roll up Peter's sleeve but see only a pattern of red and black. You look at him expectantly and he does his best to slide his arm out of his suit from under his shirt - all to reveal a nasty bruise, right where you'd hit him.
"Well, now I feel bad," you murmur, dragging Peter to your kitchen for some ice, trying not to think about how dangerous the things he got involved with as Spiderman probably were - how he'd clearly been doing something more important while missing the show.
"Don't," Peter insists, letting you sit him down and press ice against the bruise, focusing on not wincing. "I deserve it."
"You don't, Pete," you sigh, careful not to let your eyes wander to Peter's - it's hard, though, feeling him stare at you so woefully from your peripheral.
But you slip eventually, Peter catching your eyes before you can look away.
"I'm sorry," he says again, reaching for your hand slowly, tenderly, wondering if you'll let him.
You do.
"I know you are, Peter."
It's quiet for a few moments before you sigh, examining Peter's arm for any other bruises.
"It's just the one," Peter confirms, before asking shyly, "Kiss it better?"
You roll your eyes but you push Peter's sleeve up further, careful not to touch the bruise as you place your lips on the top of Peter's shoulder, right next to a small freckle.
"I meant here," Peter taps his lips with a smile.
"Don't push it." You move away from Peter and he stands, following you around as you stop at a cupboard and dig around until you find an empty vase. Peter watches silently as you fill it with water and wordlessly back into your room, where you pick up the flowers from where Peter had left them on your nightstand and place them carefully inside the vase.
"They were beautiful when I bought them," Peter mutters.
"They're still nice," you insist. "So," you begin, taking a seat on your bed. "Do I really want to hear the details about all the dangers Spiderman has faced?"
"Depends on how much you still hate me," Peter replies, opening up a drawer full of your sleep shirts, sure he'll find one (or a few) of his among them. He does, and he's quick to start pulling his clothes off. Unfortunately, Peter hasn't come up with a better way of getting his suit off just yet.
"Is watching people undress part of the job?" Peter asks with a grin, slipping his head through your (his) shirt.
"No, we usually watch them get dressed," you hum.
"So it's just me then?" Peter drops next to you on your bed, pulling your laptop from its place on your nightstand.
"Okay, you were the one who started taking your clothes off in front of me."
"You looked."
You rolled your eyes but you smiled as Peter pulled you into his side, balancing your laptop between the two of you. He's quick to pull up clips of the show and you're surprised to see it already online; you're also surprised to see the few hundreds of views already, considering it had only been a few hours since the show.
"Tell me everything," Peter insists, propping himself up to focus his attention back on you.
So you do.
Peter has always been a good listener when it came to you, captivated by the way you speak. He's told you before that he could listen to you talk about nothing for hours, but he makes an extra effort to really pay attention tonight. He asks questions about the show and about intricacies that he doesn't quite understand.
You can tell when you're beginning to lose him, at some point where you're talking about the different stitches you had to use to create a certain design on one of your pieces.
Some of it Peter has heard already, but he listens regardless. He's set the laptop aside now, fingers drawing figures on your arm as he hums and nods.
You've gotten to the end, where you casually mention the invitation for drinks you got. Peter frowns, head propped on his hand so you can see the severity of his pout.
"What would you have done then?" You ask curiously.
"Waited," Peter said like it was obvious.
"What if I stayed out all night?"
"Well then I would've had to break in," Peter grins.
"You're a nuisance."
"The person you've turned me into," Peter rolls onto you, pressing his head into your neck.
"I have a feeling you've always been like this."
"Maybe," Peter hums against your skin, pressing his lips into your skin.
"I haven't forgiven you yet. You're still a dick."
"I am," Peter agrees, pulling his head away to look at you, arms caging you in at your sides. "The worst. Call me Penis Parker."
You can't help but laugh at that one, which of course makes Peter grin.
"You still owe me," you say sternly, hands meeting at the back of Peter's neck, capturing him in a loose hold. "For, like, the rest of your life."
"I owe you," Peter nods quickly, pressing a kiss to the inside of your arm. "For the rest of my life. Just as long as you're in it."
Peter's voice goes quiet towards the end, implicating something you hadn't intended for originally. Peter notices how your eyes widen slightly and he bites his lip.
"Uh, well, I don't think this is really the best time to tell you, but... uh," Peter hesitates, moving off of you, choosing to sit up next to you instead. "I... I love you."
You're sitting him, mouth slightly agape. All you'd expected tonight was a congratulations from Peter, not a love confession.
The silence scares him until Peter manages to hear your elevated heart rate (only barely over his own). Your face is hot and Peter's about to insist that you don't have to respond right now when you're pulling him in, slowly. Your hand is on his cheek and Peter's arms have shyly wrapped around you. Your noses bump and Peter tilts his head, not quite shutting his eyes just yet. His breath comes out a little strained and you know he's not gonna go for it until you do.
"I love you, Peter," you whisper. "But don't ever do that again."
Peter nods, moving to place a hand on your chin. "Wouldn't dream of it."
And you lean in, finally, capturing Peter's lips in a kiss he was terrified he'd never experience again. He savored it now, hungry, refusing to let you go. He relished the funny feeling that your words created in his chest, pulling you close and making you feel every little ounce of love he had for you.
Peter wouldn't risk losing you again as long as he could help it.
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dom1re · 1 month
Aw I made banner to attach to this but nvm, I wanted to invade your asks again as I absolutely love your drawing and wanted to ask who or what media has influenced your style? Or has made you pick it up as a hobby more?
🤔🤔🤔 i have to guess its stuff i consumed as a child that built up my aesthetics today. Being a 2000s kid in korea meant easy access to animes and mangas on tv or rental shops. Some of my faves were card captor cherry, inuyasha, yukioh, precure, princess yushi, gintama, d gray man, hitman reborn, xxx holic, black Butler, etc etc... (anyone else??)
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i dont see much consistency when i list them like this lol but i see some common themes are:
- fantasy/thriller/mystery/period
- suits/uniform
- characters with gray/silver hair
guess that's why i got into HL 😂
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But i lost touch with all that after I moved to the States. Only recently i got back into animes - rn i’m watching Evangelion and Dungeon Meshi. This wasn't intentional but its been a good balance of angsty/heavy vs easy/lighthearted
Outside of that, my sources of inspo nowadays are the HL fandom (obvs), illustrators on ig, and webtoons. Some of the webtoons make me go like "wow how did they come up with this story?? AND draw like this??" I've always admired multidisciplinary artists; I guess im trying to be one rn. id be happy to share recs if anyone's interested
Thanks for another interesting question! U may not have meant to but it made me think a lot about my journey as an artist 😂 I never really thought about what made me wanna draw in the first place before. and I was having too much fun drawing these characters and reminiscing the ✨good ol days✨ (i was only gonna do a couple but i got carried away 🥴) oh and sry about the media submission i reenabled it
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been loving your work recently... I think I need some richie angst to fluff in my life pleasee😆
Hey there anon! Thank you for your sweet words ♥️ I hope you enjoy this! I got kinda carried away with the fluff, lol.
I love you, Richard Lawrence Jerimovich!
Richie Jerimovich × female reader. Angst + Fluff
Warnings- some angst, but other than that nothing else. Brief mention of sex. But other wise just some tooth rotting fluff. There is a age gap between Richie and reader (didn’t specify age, only to keep it imersive for the reader). All my work is 18+, even if it's not smut. Although some of my work is SFW, I do still advise that minors do not interact, only because sex and other adult situations might be mentioned. I can't control what you read, but please be advised.
Author note- Richie's fluff makes me all mushy. This was so much fun to write <3
Word Count- 1,495
Request are open💕
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“I have a feeling she is almost ten years younger than him.”
“I don’t know what women would date that loser.”
“I bet she’s just a rebound.”
“She won’t last another year with him”
Every cruel word from their bitchy mouths stung like a bee sting as I stood in line to pick up Eva. Did they think I was stupid? Or did they not care? Yes, I was younger than Richie. But it didn’t bother me until now. Tiff was always nice to me. I think she was happy Richie finally found someone who made him happy. I silently prayed for Eva’s class to let out so I wouldn’t be scrutinized by the snotty mom crew.
Small children burst out of the front door, all running towards their moms, dads, or whoever was waiting for them. Eva came bouncing toward me. She held up a drawing. “Y/N! I made you something” she beamed. I took the pink piece of construction paper. There were three stick people. There is a tall stick figure with brown hair, a shorter one with long hair and a triangle dress, and a short one with yellow hair drawn in with crayon. There was an attempt at a heart above the two adult stick people. My heart clenched in my throat. “It’s you and Dad, and then me.” She said with a smile. I felt tears prick my eyes. “Eva. I love this so much. Let’s go home and we’ll put it in the fridge for your Dad to see.” She grinned as I took my hand and walked her toward my car. 
As we walked to my car I felt the two of the bitchy moms eye me. 
“She’s so pathetic..thinking it’ll last between her and Eva’s dad. Poor girl.” Women A said. I hurried along with Eva, trying to get away from them as quickly as possible, hoping that Eva wouldn’t catch on to what was being said about me.
Eva hugged me before turning to her mom. “Thanks,” Tiff said with a smile as I handed her Eva’s school bag. I nodded trying to keep my expression at bay. The words from those women haunted me. What if I wasn’t meant for Richie? What if he didn’t love me? What if…what if.
“Eva, go run inside,” Tiff told Eva. The spunky kid ran inside as Tiff instructed. “Is everything ok?” She asked me once Eva was out of earshot. “Oh, I’m fine..just tired” I lied. “Hey, look. I know it’s probably weird for you being that I’m your boyfriend’s ex wife…what I want to say is that if you need anything you can talk to me. I know Richie can be a lot to handle with his temper, but I see that he cares a lot about you. And so does Eva.” I smiled at Tiff’s words. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” I felt nice that Tiff was on my side, but the insecure part of me was taunting me.
I held my tears together until I got home. Normally stuff like this didn’t get to me, but maybe the women at the school pickup line were right about me and Richie. Maybe we were destined to crash and burn. Maybe we’d end up with a sad story. Tears soaked my pillow as my thoughts ate me alive.
The door to my and Richies apartment swung open. He usually stopped to hang up his leather jacket, but today, he made his way to me, where I was a ball of emotions. “Hey, babe..are you ok? Tiff called and said you seemed upset while dropping Eva off.” Richie said softly while rubbing my arm. “I’m fine.” I lied. “No, you’re not; you’ve been crying. Come here.” I felt him gently lift me to make room for him to sit next to me on the couch. His arms pulled me in, making me even more emotional. I didn’t deserve him. “Talk to me, sweetheart.” He encouraged me. “It’s fine..” I said as I enjoyed the comfort of his embrace. “You’re not fine. Please tell me so I can fix it.” He said with sadness in his voice. I knew he hated seeing me like this, but I was afraid if I voiced my concerns he would realize that I wasn’t worth his time. “Richie..I swear I’m ok. I’m just really tired.” “I’m not buying that bullshit, Y/N.” His voice was a little more firm Indicating he was getting frustrated. “There’s no bullshit, Richie. Stop asking.” “Why won’t you let me in!? I’m your boyfriend for fuck sake. I’m supposed to help you. You’re shutting me out” He said with his voice raised. Tears fell from my eyes, my lip quivering to keep myself from crying harder.
“Hey, hey…” He soothed me while pulling me in tight to his warm body. He gently wiped the tears from my eyes with the pad of his thumb. “I’m sorry for not telling you why I was upset..” I said as I leaned my head against his shoulder. “I understand that maybe you’re not ready to open up about everything, and I get you need to process some emotions alone. But, it kills me to see you hurting.” He whispered into my hair. “The ladies at school pickup were talking shit behind my back when I was picking up Eva,” I admitted. I felt Richie stiffen. “What did they say?” He asked in a voice that was laced with anger. “Just stuff about how I’m too young for you. How we won’t last. That I’m just your rebound.” All those words they said were like a knife in my gut as I repeated them. “Fucking bitches! I’m gonna pick Eva up tomorrow and give them a piece of my mind. Nobody talks about my girl like that.” I felt his lips brush against my forehead. “babe..don’t cause a scene.” I warned. “I don’t care if they send their prick face husbands after me.” He kissed my forehead again. “Plus, baby..they are just jealous,” I laughed sarcastically. “Seriously sweetheart. Your so fucking beautiful, they’ve got nothing on you..” He declares as he brushes his lips against mine. “And…maybe they are just jealous because I’m so hot.” He teased. “oh, look who’s got a big ego.” I laughed as I gave him a playful swat. “You gave it to me, babe…telling me how good-looking I am all the time.” He winked. “They wish their husbands were as good-looking as you,” I said with a flirty smile and I straddled his lap to face him. He gently cupped my face bringing it close to his. A serious look washed over his face. “You know? I’d love to make you Mrs. Y/n Jerimovich.” The air escaped from my lungs. “You mean…that?” I asked breathlessly. “I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately..want to buy you a ring, put it on your finger” he said with a boyish grin while he brought my ring finger up to his lips and placed a kiss on it. “What do you say, babe? Make me the happiest guy in the world?” I nodded as I was too emotional to speak. I hovered my lips over his and answered his question with a deep long kiss. The heat from our mouths mingled, sealing his question with a kiss. “Well, I take that as a yes.” He said with a husky voice as he separated his lips just a space from mine. “I love you, Richard Lawrence Jerimovich,” I whispered against his lips. He lets out a growl of approval. “I love the way my name sounds coming from that pretty mouth.” He pulled me into a tight embrace, his arms making me feel safe and protected. The steady beat of his heart against me. This is where I belonged, in his arms. Loved and protected. 
We lay in bed, a tangled mess of limbs and sheets basking in the afterglow of sex.  “I completely forgot. Eva drew me a picture at school.” I told Richie, my head lying on his chest. “Yeah? What did the little artist draw?” He asked. “A stick family. You, me, and Eva. She drew a heart above you and me.” I said while picturing the artwork in my head. Richie smirked, giving me an indication he had a secret. “Spill it!” I said while poking his side playfully. “Fine, fine before you tickle it out of me.” He laughed as he grabbed my hands and interlaced his fingers with mine. “I may have already bought a ring. Eva helped me. I’m shocked she kept it a secret this long.” I felt my heart pound with excitement, a smile forming on my lips. “Try and act surprised when I propose? Ok?” He teased me. “I fucking love you, Richie. So much!” I grinned as I attacked his face with kisses. 
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brainrotbabe24 · 2 months
OMG can you write about Thorins company and reader who has like a tongue piercing, nose piercing, snake bites/lip piercing, etc, and a few tattoos at a pretty young age and theyre like How tf did this kid get all of those🤨😦
(Like not literally a kid but yk, younger than most of the company)
Ilyyyyy btw take care of yourself💞💞
Hi! Thank you for your request!
I had so much fun writing this one...it's kind of a mix of how they would react and if they had piercings and tattoos too! I kinda got carried away, lol 💖🎉
Gandalf:  Omg, how cool would it be if he used his wizard powers to make your tattoos move?! I feel like he would do that just for shits and giggles. Like one minute, you had a cat on your calf, and now it’s up by your collarbone.
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Balin: He would rather get to know you than pry into why you got piercings and tattoos. If you feel comfortable telling him, he will listen without judgment. It would bring back memories of his young adult life with Dwalin. I think Balin and Dawlin have matching tattoos. I could also see Balin having a nose or eyebrow ring when he was younger, but it got ripped out during battle.
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Dwalin: Dwalin would love that you had so many tattoos and piercings. He would ask to get matching tattoos. You guys will talk for hours about tattoos, future tattoo ideas, and any horror stories. I think out of everyone, he knows why you have so many tattoos/piercings but would keep that secret forever.
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Óin: “You got a booger in your nose.” he would joke about your septum ring. Oin doesn't understand the idea of piercings, thinking they will get caught on things and be distracting. But he loves tattoos. I could see him having a lower back tattoo from when he was young and wild. His secret would be revealed on the journey to Erebor when they stopped to bathe in the fountain at Rivendell. “Nice tramp stamp, Oin; what’s it say?” Nori jokes. "Why not ask your mother? I'm sure she would know." Oin laughs!
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Glóin: He thinks you're lying about your age. How could the youngest member of the company have more tattoos than all of them combined?! Gloin loves your nose ring though. You are trying to convince him to get one, and it's slowly working!!
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Bifur: Would sneakily show you his one tattoo proudly. It’s a heart with a dwarf's name written in it...secret lover??? Would he consider his ax a piercing? Yes. He won't ask why you are so young with so many tattoos, but every so often, when you drop some lore, he will listen intently, ensuring he gets every bit of it.
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Bofur: Gives each tattoo a name. If you guys were sleeping next to each other, he would trace them. If Gandalf did his magic to move them, he would make little stories for them to preform.
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Bombur: Asks how you eat with a tongue piercing. He is a little confused about the hype of piercings and tattoos. But Bofur and he would write down all the lore you told, trying to piece together the story.
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Ori: Ori would ask to doodle on your tattoos. He would add to them, like drawing squiggles or coloring them in. He would also ask you to pose so he could do drawing studies of your tattoos. By the end of the trip, he should ask you to pierce his ears! 
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Dori: I have to admit, he would actually like your look. He would think it’s a very dwarf thing to do and find it incredibly fashionable.
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Nori: Nori will bond with you over piercings and remind you to clean them. He will also tell Ori he should follow in his footsteps and get some piercings. "It would be a Ri family tradition!" Nori will say.
Side note: Nori definitely has nipple piercings and a tongue ring lol
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Thorin: He would be a little hesitant. With your age, the tattoos, and the piercing, he would be super weary. Thinking you were a bad influence! Balin would have to tell him not to judge a book by its cover.  
Omg idea: So you know how the dragon sickness kinda made him obsessed about gold and jewels. Well, what if he started to act like Smaug and he would sleep on the gold…and it got so bad that now he has like little bits of gold and gems stuck in him. They would be littered over his body…the more I talk about it, the more I keep thinking of Edward from Twilight..so think Thorin but with a sparkly body. 😂😂
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Fíli: He loves your look!!! I could also see him trying to get you into some dwarf fashion and would gift you cool earrings he made. He would be down to hear your stories about your tattoos, but he would be too nervous to show you his...gotta keep that princely image lol
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Kíli: Would want to get snake bites because of you. He thinks they are so cool and totally badass. “y/n could you do it for me. Here use this knife and give me some snake bites!”.
Side notes: I couldn't find a GIF of snake bites, but this one kinda matches the idea I had for him lol
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Bilbo: Bilbo would disapprove. He would be scared the first time he met you, thinking you were a criminal….and once he realized your age, he would faint.  How could someone so young have so many tattoos!!
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
Hi! I have a silly request to share.
It's about Al-Haitham and reader being former academic rivals. They were always at each other's throats. No matter what snarky comment one made the other always had a quick and witty remark. Oh? One got a 95 on their test? Well, too bad! The other got a 100 and will rub it in the other's face.
Literally all of Sumeru knew of their rivalry. But you know what they say: the more you bicker, the more you love. And eventually, the two would date in secret for the next couple of years before eventually getting engaged.
Needles to say, poor Kaveh, Cyno, and Tighnari were gobsmacked to see Al-Haitham linking arms with his biggest rival since his Akademiya days and introducing her as his fiancee.
I’m doing this again bc tumblr didn’t save my earlier draft 😭🤚
anyways! Expect slower updates because school has started again for me. (Excluding this and the other one I have in my inbox.)
I haven’t been touching this because I was confused on how to grasp this.
But yay story. It’s below the cut (You have amurta because it’s the biggest and my favorite.)
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Rivals to Lovers
Alhaitham x Female Reader (Can be read as G/N)
You walked into class carrying what you needed for the day. Today was a test taking one. Sadly it was the first class you were in that had the test. Others came through the door you watched as each person sat down. Waiting for the bell to ring.
When it did ring everyone was inside as the teacher welcomed everyone and showed a few confusing parts with a few hints on how to deal with them. Luckily you understood everything unlike some others.
You received your test and began. Skimming through each page to find similarities in questions. Using that method to easily do majority correctly. You focused on the other questions and used the tips the teacher had given the class.
Amurta was lucky to have such a kind teacher, giving everyone study time and tips to pass any tests and gives tutoring in lunch or recess period. Everyone would pass in her class.
You went to your next class, identifying differences between certain species. Being given multiple animals with similar ones. Such as Snow,Crimson and Desert foxes.
You figured out majority of the differences and finished early. Focusing on drawing a Crystalfly and a Avidya Leopard for the remaining time. The bell rang and you walked out. Seeing Tighnari with his friends beside Alhaitham.
Your mind thought of what happened to him. Is he stuck in the library like always? You’d ask yourself as you went towards the bunch. Joining in on the conversation they were maintaining.
Until Alhaitham showed up. You looked at him and Kaveh tried to act like he wasn’t there. Failing of course. “I betted that you wouldn’t get a better score than me.”
He stated as he looked at you. “Oh yeah? I bet I did better than you. Why don’t you tell me ur score?” You stated confidently and he said he got a 95. “How much were you betting?” “Only 20 dollars(idk how much mora that would be lol) Are you scared?”
“No because I got a perfect score of 100!” You said as the others tried to not laugh. Your rivalry with eachother was interesting. Showing your paper to him across the table and sticking your tongue out. “Anyways who did you bet it to?” “Cyno.” Everyone’s head turned to him and he was confused. “What?”
“Why cyno-?” Kaveh asked to Alhaitham. “Because he wanted to.” “I uhhh…” “Cyno you shouldn’t bet.” Tighnari scolded him as he nodded. “Anyways I will do better than you in our next class!” You said as you looked to Alhaitham. “Yeah sure.” He replied as he looked away and back to his book. Handing cyno the money.
He did better the next time and repeated what you did to him beside sticking out his tongue. Another fight between you two was about to happen. Which is usually the both of you just rambling about the other and trying to be louder than the other. Which didn’t happen. Thanks to Tighnari holding you back.
Multiple years passed and graduation comes. You two of course still bickered with one another and weren’t as competitive as you used to be when you were younger.
Now with the both of you dating secretly you have to keep up the act still. You both didn’t want others to find out that secret that was kept hidden.
You sticked out your tongue playfully at him as you linked arms. He smiled at you before he made you spin and let go. You dropped your scroll as he snickered at you.
Your yelling could be heard from a bit away. Gathering a lot of people’s attention but they were used to it. Everyone knew you bickered constantly. Trying to keep up the act as you made him drop his scroll. He looked at you with slight anger and ignored you.
When the time came you yeeted your hats in happiness. A few bits of celebration everywhere. All happy they were finished learning successfully in their chosen darshan.
He brought you on dates with gifts and you did the same but he did majority of them. Always booking the times that would be the most crowded or exclusive.
Both of yours and his parents approved of it. Letting you both to get engaged after a few years of getting together. You and him arranged a meet up with the others after not seeing them for 3 years.
“Hey guys long time no see!” You said as you waved to them at the meetup spot. Alhaitham linking his arm with you. They were in shock at the two of you. “You guys are dating-?” Tighnari asked as he looked at the arms. “Yeah. We’re engaged actua-“ “WHAT?” Cyno and Kaveh exclaimed as Tighnari covered his ears.”
“Yes indeed. She is my fiancé.” “Y/N your his fiancé-??” Kaveh asking you while you nodded. “You guys always bicker I’m surprised you both managed to do this.” Cyno mentioned as you all headed to the spot.
“She and I had a Rivals to Lovers I guess?” Alhaitham stated as you nodded slightly. Talking with the others on the way. “We’re going to the cafe to have lunch together! It’s on us.” You said as Alhaitham gave a thumbs up.
Arriving at the cafe and ordering, sitting down and chatting amongst everyone while waiting for the food and drinks to arrive. Enjoying the meal as you all listened to stories of what happened to eachother in those three years.
(Had no idea how to end this but I hope you enjoy)
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lunar-rcp · 6 months
Any amber hcs?/nf
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𖦹 🌷 ˓ ミ Amber headcanons ໒꒱ ‧₊
♡ !! Thank you for this ask! I love amber a lot!! She needs more attention,,
cw: parental death
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✦ Has the best fashion sense out of the team. Having a fashion crisis? Just come to Amber, she'll help out! Sometimes she even likes to design her own clothing.. however, she does need her own models of course! That being, none other than the rescue team! (Roy & Poli are forced to wear dresses sometimes) (Someone please draw that actually)
✦ It may not seem like it, but she can be a TOTAL flirt. She can be bold, and she's not afraid to do so! Which leads to Poli and Roy mostly being flustered by her sparkle.
✦ The opposite of Roy, Amber actually enjoys spicy food. Whenever they both order something, she helps Roy with his serving if something happened to be spicy in it.
✦ Honestly, I don't think this is my own headcanon. We should all agree Amber would be absolutely terrifying when she gets angry.
✦ Amber beats herself up whenever she messes up something. She's afraid of failure, and she despises it. However, the team will always tell her that it's okay to make mistakes.
✦ Literally smells like roses and flowerly perfume. She's a clean girl i'm telling you.
✦ When she met Sandy, she was EXTREMELY overjoyed. To think there would be an another girl in a rescue team had her on cloud nine. Sandy, Amber and Jin often like to do girl hang outs, gossiping about the guys lol (poor them)
✦ Loves to collect crystals and has an entire collection of them. She even gifted crystals to the rescue team members, they treasure it dearly. Here's the crystals she gave to them
Poli - Sodalite
Roy - Red jasper
Helly - Chyrsoprase
Jin - Sunstone
✦ She can be a bit of a nerd, but that's a given. She sometimes goes off about rambling about random things like gemstones and such, but the others happily listen to her rambles. Even if she gets a little embarrassed when she finds out she's been rambling.
✦ Has the healthiest sleeping schedule out of the team. Wakes up early, and goes to bed early. Poli might wake up the earliest, but does he go to bed early? Well..
✦ Enjoys a green smoothie everyday. She tries to suggest the idea to the others. (She was met with Poli, Helly and Jin in utter disgust. However, Roy enjoyed it.)
✦ While I imagine roy as the cook for the team, she's the BAKER for the team! Absolutely makes the most godly desserts that cease to exist. The team adores it. She's in charge for birthday cakes.
✦ When Amber was little, she had to face her mom being pretty sick. Her mom unfortunately passed away when she was a teenager. This was the main reason why she became a nurse, to protect others.
✦ She comes from a big family! She has 5 other siblings, and she's the oldest. Even if it's a lot, she all loves them dearly with her heart.
✦ Adores jewerly. Whenever she has the time, she loves making little bracelets out of gemstones for the team. She's really creative whenever it comes to making accessoires.
✦ Amber dislikes sea food. Especially octopus. She can't really handle textures of certain foods sometimes.
✦ Whenever she's the one who gets sick, she's forced to face the team go into a mindless panic. Even if it's chaotic, it does make her feel better that they care so much for her.
✦ When the others are sick, she knows exactly what to do. She makes sure they have ALL the comfort they need. To kidshows or humming songs, she got them.
✦ Speaking of humming songs.. Amber can sing really well. She doesn't do it often, but whenever they have karoke nights thats when her voice really comes out.
✦ Good at archery! She has a really good aim. Watch out.
✦ Amber feels like she's the weakest of the team since she can't carry heavy stuff without her arms giving out. She feels like she's just supposed to stand on the side for aid rather than help, because she'll just mess it up.
✦ Sometimes a little TOO forgiving. She tries her best to not easily forgive, but it's hard for her.
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sdr2lovemail · 5 months
Is there any chance I could get a general relationship headcanons for Yomi Hellsmile and Martina Electro (Raincode) with a g/n reader?
Yomi Hellsmile and Martina Electro Relationship Headcanons (GN Reader)
Notes: I got really carried away with these! (O_O;) I was going to write headcanons for them together as well, but this post was getting super long. But if you're interested in that, feel free to send another request, dear! With the way my askbox looks, I'll become the person known for writing about Martina and Yomi. Not complaining tho, lol! I hope you enjoy the fruits of my indulgent labors.
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Yomi Hellsmile
Getting into a relationship with Yomi would not be easy. He’s standoffish, rude, and devoted to his work. He would have to know you for a long time before even thinking about pursuing a relationship.
Yomi is surprisingly romantic. He knows he’s handsome and how to charm people. As director of the peacekeepers, he can take you out almost anywhere. His preferred places are ones where the two of you can be alone.
Yomi is the possessive type. Like the way Kanai Ward is his city, you are his partner. No one else is allowed to think about you he does. He’s got a nasty jealousy streak as well and isn’t fond of people throwing advances at you.
What he considers advances is vague though. Depending on how he’s feeling that day, someone just speaking to you in a way he didn’t like is eligible to be framed for murder.
Dates are few and far between. He’ll tell you early on that Amaterasu comes first. But sometimes he’ll surprise you with a night out. Yomi would buy out an entire restaurant so you could spend time in private. He enjoys more expensive tastes, so they’ll be decently fancy places.
When it comes to affection, Yomi is on the rougher side. Kissing would usually incorporate some type of biting, his favorite places being the neck and shoulders. He’s a strange man so he’s not above drawing a little blood.
He acts like he’s giving you some grand gift while being affectionate. Even if he’s coming to you for a hug or kiss, Yomi will tease you like you need him. As a fan of being dramatic, he’d go as far as calling himself ‘your savior.’
As much as he likes you, his sadism knows no bounds. He’ll be mean towards you, but in a somewhat loving way. If you mess something up, he’ll be sure to point it out, more than likely laughing. Yomi may or may not help you out, it all relies on his mood.
Want a kiss? That’s too bad, he’s much too busy to entertain you right now. He’ll come to you when he’s ready. Or jump on you the minute you turn your back.
There are two sides that fight inside his brain: one that wants to show you off to every and anyone, and the other that wants to keep his romantic life to himself. The first one usually wins as he can’t keep his hands off you.
If you worked at Amaterasu Corporation, Yomi would seek you out during the workday. Maybe asking you to do tasks for him like gathering files or preparing his afternoon tea. Or he’d have you accompany him on a homicide case. He thinks he can make you swoon by showing off his sense of justice.
If you were a regular Kanai Ward citizen, he would be a bit more private about your relationship. Crime is rampant there and he knows that there are very few, if any at all, people that like him. Yomi doesn’t know what he would do if some disgusting criminals were to harm you because of himself. Yes, he does, and it wouldn’t be pretty.
If you were a detective, it’s just a big mess all around. He wants to see your corpse hanging above his mantle yet craves the feel of your lips crashing against his so bad. Purposefully goes out of his way to be a nuisance in cases you’re working on. Yomi is not above an alleyway make-out session before sending the peacekeepers after you.
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Martina Electro
Martina is a bit easier to court, but she holds herself in high regard and expects the same from her partner. She won’t accept anything less than what she deserves.
Unless you are in a position of power higher than hers, Martina would take more of a leading role in figuring out this relationship. She plans dates out weeks in advance, she is a fan of high-end café’s, shopping, and museum dates.
One fact about Martina that everyone is aware of, she loves talking about her partner. She’ll talk about you when brought up, she’ll talk about you unprompted, she’ll talk about you even if no one is listening. Martina will constantly sing your praises.
If there’s something to know about you, Martina will know it. She knows how you like your food and drinks to be prepared, hobbies, how you prefer your bed to be made. It sounds obsessive, and it kind of is, but this is how she shows her love. Her love language is being involved with your life.
Martina isn’t one to be jealous, she’s pretty secure in her relationships. People know her status as a peacekeeper and won’t come near you anyways. However, that doesn't mean that she doesn’t get possessive. Keeping you near her and in her grasp really gets her going.
Speaking of getting her going, she’s very reactive to affection. If your attention is a drug, she’s addicted to it. Holding her in your arms, kissing her anywhere, will make her flush a deep red. At first, her kissing is very clinical, like she’s analyzing you rather than kissing. But with time, she gets more enthusiastic, more relaxed. She doesn’t mind PDA either if you’re the one dealing it.
Despite her devotion, and borderline obsession, Martina is still her own, headstrong woman. If you do something she doesn’t like, she will be sure to tell you. Unfortunately, she’s stubborn by nature. If it comes down to arguments, it’ll usually be her way or no way until she cools off and gets more level headed.
Maybe it’s the homunculus DNA, but she enjoys your smell. There’s no real rhyme or reason to it. The familiarity of your scent is just something she likes. Borrowing pieces of clothing or spending time wrapped in your blankets are just heavenly. In the comfort of her own home, Martina would love to hold you in her arms, her face buried in your neck or hair. Watch out though, she has a bit of a drooling problem.
Motorcycle dates with Martina! Bring a thick rain coat, or not, she can provide one. She’ll take you out driving around the outskirts of Kanai Ward. There’re not many places that are very scenic, but there are a few places where the two of you can be alone. Make sure to hold on tight because she loves showing off with all types of tricks.
Post game, when she’s working in accounting, Martina will want to have a long talk with you. She knows the way she acted while working under Yomi was awful, and she wants to be completely transparent with you. However, working in an office now gives her more time to spend with you. If you surprised her with lunch one day, she might just die from joy!
If you worked at Amaterasu Corporation, she would want you by her side at all times. Follow her around and help at crime scenes. If you were a common peacekeeper, Martina would have you added to her team. Being her personal assistant is a fun thought. Her cute, devoted assistant that does as she says. But, that’s a post for another time.
If you were a citizen of Kanai Ward, she would be a bit condescending. She’s the beautiful vice director of the peacekeepers and you’re probably some poor office worker. She would talk down to you both unintentionally and intentionally. Nevertheless, she does love you. Martina would absolutely spoil you with gifts and lavish dates.
If you were a detective, she’s going to have a lot of fun tormenting you. Not much makes her happier than a cute face twisting in despair. Unlike Yomi, Martina doesn’t want you dead. No, that would ruin the fun too quickly. She would love to personally crush any hope you had of being a detective in Kanai Ward. She’s aware that she’s attractive and would try to use her charisma into getting you to join Amaterasu.
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nightdreamdraws · 27 days
I've commented on a few of your videos, both normal and httyd, but because of my fear of being perceived, I've usually kept them pretty mild.
So I thought I would come on here and politely scream at you about how much I love your art,
EBWKHEEKKWKEBEK everytime you update/post whatever I immediately feel better no matter what because your art is always so pretty and fills me with such joy! Your current httyd×hc series is SOO much fun, and something I've always kinda thought about, but never thought I would see, let alone done so beautifully! Your ability to composs a scene with so much emotion, and story in just a single DRAWING. Is. Completely. INSANE. And that's not even mentioning your ANIMATICS. Because, HOLYSHIT. Your "The Moon Will Sing" PMV is a NATIONAL TREASURE. That is. Just. Omg. AURGH it's so good I can't even TALK ABOUT IT because just THINKING about it makes me go INSANE!!! INSANEEE!! RAHHHH!
Anyway, just thought that since I can say basically whatever I want anonymously without the fear of people actually seeing me, why not come and give one of my favorite artists some WELL DESERVED praise. Your cherrifire art? Beautiful. The designs. Ommf, delicious. Your hermitcraft/life series art? Can't even explain how good it is. Ddvau fanart? Love it so much. Your httyd crossover art? EEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHE IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. I LOVE IT ALL SO MUCH. EVERYTHING. AMAZING. BEAUTIFUL. ARGGGGGHHHHH.
...welp, I got a little carried away lol. I hope you don't mind this long "ask" (and that it's actually coherent)! Hope you get lots of nice sleep tonight, and remember to eat and drink as well! (Also.. maybe. Maybee? Could we perhaps get a hint as to who the next hermit will be? Mayhaps? No pressure ofc) <3
AWW THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON!! This probably takes the cake for one of the sweetest messages i've ever received omg thank you so much 😭💙 I am so so happy that you're enjoying my content! I am having such a blast coming up with ideas and drawing silly block people and dragons for you guys 🥹 everyone's support has been so overwhelmingly positive and i'm so thankful for you guys even giving me the opportunity to share my art with a large audience. you guys are awesome <3 i'm also so so glad you love my art style! i've had so many comments and compliments about it, and it has given me the confidence and motivation to keep doing what i'm doing, as i have been pretty insecure about my art style in the past which prevented me from posting my art for years haha. thank you guys for helping me to feel comfortable with my abilities and give me the motivation to keep improving from here! I'm so excited to make more! anyway i should probably stop yapping, cause i may or may not have an angry goat and his dragon to draw 👀 but thank you again anon for the very very sweet message and support 🫶 i wish all the same to you :)
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amethystfairy1 · 9 months
hi I'm back, back again. I did more art, this time of witch Martyn, bc I LOVE him :)))
also I have more questions for u
so u know how u said in ttsbc that it's respectful to learn the courting rituals of the individual you're trying to woo? Well, I was just wondering if that happened with doc and Etho, and I did some research, and...
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I might draw this lol. I'm picturing Doc just SCREAMING and Etho w/ a thought bubble that just says "hot" LOL.
Anyways the question was over whether doc ever did that for etho or vice versa, but considering the rituals, I'd think not...
2. For traveling thieves, do the collars respond to intentions? In the latest treebark fic, the guy says "do not harm him" whilst referring to Martyn, which made me wonder how vague it could get. Could you say "don't go too far away" in leu of any other movement restrictions (ex. Grian's old "don't fly higher than twice the height of the market), and the collar would just understand? Or, even vaguer, "don't do anything I don't want you to do" to prevent any loopholes people like Pearl would find?
3. Are witches that rare/powerful? Ren comments that Martyn could have the world eating out of the palm of his hand, just because he's a witch, which makes me wonder how important they really are. For example, would he or Gem have more authority? Also what powers do they have besides the training in healing that Martyn got? Any fighting ability, or stuff like that?
ok that's all, have a good day :)
I SAW! I SAW WITCH MARTYN! He's SO PRETTY! I absolutely ADORE HIM! Thank you so much for drawing and sharing him! I reblogged him as well, I absolutely love him! Super super cool!
Doc just screeching at Etho and Etho doing the like anime girl blush is absolutely hilarious to me. Y'know what. Headcanon away. I love this idea. 😆
Questionsssss 🏃‍♀️
2. Ok, lemme see if I can explain this properly. The collars respond to an 'understanding' of the order. They'll enforce whatever the hybrid hearing it understands the order to be. So in this situation, Ren understands the arena master is referring to Martyn when he says 'do not harm him' so therefore the collar accepts that as the order, and Ren can't make any aggressive moves toward Martyn without triggering it. For your other example, if someone said to Pearl 'don't do anything I don't want you to do' there's a million loopholes in that, because Pearl doesn't know for sure what her master does or doesn't want her to do. I mean, obviously they wouldn't want her attacking them, but like...what if she attacked some other guy? What if she flew really high in the sky? What if she stole some food? She doesn't know for certain that those things aren't things her master would want her doing, so the collar wouldn't trigger. Another example would be if someone said the same thing, 'Do not harm him' but the hybrid truly didn't understand who was being referred too. Then the collar wouldn't trigger. They didn't understand. Of course, in these scenarios, most hybrids as we know them would ask for clarification to ensure they didn't disobey, but even still, that's how it would work. Hopefully this makes sense!
3. Witches are quite rare and powerful, yes! Not to the extent that they're insanely rare and completely unheard of, but like, if you saw one walking down the street, it would be quite the event. Most major cities have a coven of witches established in them, but that's only a few dozen individuals within a population of tens of thousands, so that's still quite rare. Martyn is headed out into the sticks, so the more remote areas he heads too probably only have one witch per town, and so that witch would command a great deal of respect and their word would carry a lot of sway. Martyn being someone on the same playing field as those sorts of people automatically makes him very important. Comparing him to Gem isn't exactly possible. Gem holds a ton of authority in the underbelly of cities and with the mercenary guild, but with your average person...well, they wouldn't even recognize her. Like in the story where she and Pearl are going after that dude, he doesn't recognize her as the Slayer, she has to tell him that's who she is. Martyn is obviously a witch, from how he dresses to his charms and pendant, you can tell at a glance, so that's a much more sweeping sort of authority. He'll come into any conversation already being heavily respected and any average person would take him at his word. As far as powers go, the thing about witches is that they have an incredibly high level of inborn mana, to the point that they can actually die from mana overdose as kids if they don't find someone to help them with training, and we hear about how this almost happened to Martyn, but lucky his teacher took him in. Witches are special because they have unique inborn skills, such as the pocket dimension spell 'Inventory' (yes I know I'm very clever 😭) and also several different appraisal skills. But that's not all! They also aren't restricted to one form of magic. Martyn studied healing magic, but he can still cast fireballs, ice spells, weather magic...pretty much nothing is off the table for him so long as he's at least passable familiar with it. He might not be as good as an expert, but he can pull it off. The only sorts of things he couldn't do would be nature magic, which is specific to elves. But basically any magic a human is capable of, Martyn is capable of. And he also trained and studied for the purpose of being able to mimic and manipulate spells and mana usage that he sees off the cuff, unlike mages who would need to train up to using spells in their domain. And Martyn isn't trained as a fighter! He can't throw a punch, but he can throw a fireball! That's why he needs Ren, because like all good witches, he needs space, focus, and casting time to get spells off. Suddenly being assaulted by bandits on the road by himself wouldn't end well for him, so he needs someone like Ren who is capable of physical combat to keep him safe and give him that time to get his magic going!
Jeez that was long-winded...whoopsie! Well, I hope you enjoyed my rambling! Thank you again SO SO SO much for the witch Martyn art! I will cherish him! 💖
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ryuichirou · 1 year
i am in love with your characterizations and ship dynamics and i was wondering if you have any ideas/ headcanons about epel in particular? some ideas about epel and floyd?
the epel crumbs you’ve given thus far have been greatly appreciated!!!!
Anon!! Sorry I missed your ask when I replied about Floyd and Epel the other day. I wanted to add it there, but completely forgot about it…
Thank you for your kind words! I’m very excited to hear that you love the way we write characters and relationships they have. With twst boys, Yana has given us a wonderful set of dolls to play with lol, the possibilities of their interactions and combinations are endless. And Epel is such an interesting one to come up with ideas about.
Just in case you missed it, I’ll link two Epel-related posts we had some time ago: the Floyd/Epel hcs one (the one I mentioned before) and the Vil + Epel platonic hcs one.
I have some ideas for all of them + for Epel and Rook too, but they are kind of vague for now + I’d really like to draw them one day. But here are some little bonus hcs about Epel for you:
Epel gets carried away very easily when he is around someone that he genuinely likes. He wants to act cool and be impressive to this type of people, but he ends up being very giggly, playful and overall quite cute very naturally. He doesn’t notice that at all, but he’ll get very flustered and mad if someone pointed that out. He becomes this way with Floyd sometimes.
Floyd did chase Epel once, and Epel was so terrified at first that he yelled while running away, but then he started laughing and screaming delightfully. He never had kids his age chase him around when he was a kid in Harveston, only adults who always were gentle with him. But Floyd had absolutely no mercy, so by the time Floyd got bored and dipped, Epel was lying on the grass panting and breathing heavily while laughing to himself, his face bright red and his stomach aching a little.
That’s it for now I guess, but thank you again for supporting us and enjoying our content <3
Have a nice day
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
(Thank you for answering my ask. :) You’re very kind. I’ll try not to let my scattered thoughts get carried away, lol! If you have any questions or anything, please let me know!)
So, what I’m thinking is… Since I’m low-key kinda tired of seeing all these survivor type readers, I’d like to see an extremely terrified, skittish, and introverted reader. A reader who is weak. A reader who is deathly afraid of zombies & people, for very personal reasons… I was thinking of some idea like this: Daryl encounters the trans dude reader by chance. He might hear some muffled crying in the trees outside Alexandria, and see a small pack of the undead clawing at something beyond their reach. It’s that guy. His body is frail, his limbs look like they could snap in half with just a touch. The smell of ganja wafting from him like sea waves. One thing interesting about the dude, besides the permanent drug scent, is that he’s carrying around a duffel bag filled to the brim with CD’s, and a dinky CD player. Joints & vapes shoved deep into the pockets of the worn bag. Maybe something about the reader might spark a tiny amount of interest in Dixon? Maybe there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to the newcomer of the group? Maybe him and Daryl bond over similar tastes in music? Reader is antisocial as all get-out, but he is never snappy when spoken to. His voice is as quiet as wind whispering through the trees, so it’s difficult for others to hear him properly, and they’d have to ask him to repeat himself a couple times.
(I’m sorry, I’m not the best with describing what I want… 🥲 I’ll try to summarize down here:)
Daryl encounters a stoned, scared as shit trans reader who is stuck in a tree, outside Alexandria’s walls, and the others invite him in. Him & Dixon bond over similar life experiences and music? You can do what you want to with the rest. :) I’d love this short story to be filled to the brim with fluff! And slow burn would be amazing, too. Daryl & reader slowly getting used to each other & other people. And then that turns into something neither one of them would’ve expected: Love. <3
You Know You're Right;;
A/N: Yes! Of course! And thank you so much for this ask, I love this idea so much you have no idea 😭 I have been wanting to write a fic like this for a while but couldn't come up with a solid idea (the thought was there, but not a plan if that makes sense?) So this made me so happy when you sent it in, thank you 🫶
Pairing: Daryl x Transmasc!Reader
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Daryl gets a little snappy and rude but warms up, possibly ooc Daryl?, Drug usage (Marijuana), making out - nothing more, Daryl gets a tad bit sappy because I say so, let me know if I need to add more!
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The growling only seemed to get louder with each passing second. Moans and groans that drove the hunter wild. Rick asked him to stay put, telling him 'They'll pass, they always do.' But he couldn't. Not when they seemed to be after something in the building right beside the gate. Who was to say they wouldn't draw in more? Even if it was just a damn cat they were after, Daryl was tired of it.
He opened the gate with the help of Rosita. The girl offered to come out with him, but he only waved her off. "Jus' five of 'em. Ain't nothin' I never took by m'self." He grumbled, and she sighed with a nod. She had Tara on the post that gave her leverage above the wall. Just in case things went south and Daryl needed the backup. She wasn't stupid, she knew Daryl wouldn't accept her help. She also knew Daryl wasn't doing this for Alexandria. He was doing it for himself, to get out and use his skills so he didn't feel so damn useless. She got it, she really did.
The hunter let out a sharp whistle. Daryl watched as the dead slowly turned in order to see where the noise came from. Snarling and chomping at the man as he just smirked. His hair rose on his arms while he cocked his bow back. Aiming, then firing.
Killing the dead gave him this sort of thrill. It made him feel more alive. Reminded him that he wasn't one of them and he was still breathing.
When they got too close to where he stood. His bow was slung over his shoulder with an amused hum. Knife in his hand while he held his other arm out in order to shove them away if they did happen to get too close to him. "Bring it," he dared before moving with quick and swift motions.
He drove the knife into the skull of the closest walker. Shoving its limp corpse back into the other and watching as it fell. He finished off the last one standing before stomping on the fallen one that lay beneath the other dead one. Brain matter splattered out onto the pavement below his boot. A loud crunch was heard, and soon, it was quiet again. Until he heard a soft sob from inside that damned building.
Daryl hadn't expected this to become a rescue mission. Hell, he had half a mind to leave whoever it was in there to find their way back inside the walls. It was probably one of the damn kids that liked wandering out to screw around anyways, but he wasn't like that. He was soft, even if he wouldn't admit it to anyone.
"Hey," he called out. His voice was gruff as he pushed through the door after twisting the handle. "Hey, who's in here?" He questioned, holding his bow up to his eye as he scanned the room. Turning in sharp and stiff motions to be sure he wasn't walking into a trap. Or that there weren't any more dead wandering about.
"Here," the voice was so soft and meek. It was as quiet as a mouse, and he swore if there were any more dead outside moaning and groaning he would have never heard it. The soft and timid voice that came from under the table.
"Come out," he ordered, and when you didn't he sighed, lowering his bow. "I ain't gonna hurt ya, there ain't no more walkers." His voice made your breath shake. Your eyes fell shut before you slowly crawled out from under the table. Standing to your feet with wobbly and weak legs. Your backpack still strapped to your shoulders. "Please, don't hurt me, I.." you took a deep gulp, another shaky breath leaving your lips. "I don't have anything valuable. I promise," you insisted before opening your eyes to meet Daryl's.
You were so scrawny, and shaky, and he swore he could smell the weed from the door. Seeing the way your eyes looked he knew it was from you, too. He wasn't stupid. Even though he hadn't smoked or been around bud in forever, he still knew what it smelt like. That wasn't a smell he could just forget when it was the core of so many memories of his own. Memories of Merle, when they both would smoke a bowl and just chill. Or when he'd sneak out of the house with a joint he stole out of Merle's stash to just relax and get away from it all. He knew. It was almost nostalgic for the man.
"Ya ain't from here," he verified, hardly paying any mind to what you said prior. You shook your head frantically, and he nodded. "Ever killed any of the dead?" You shook your head, 'no', again, and he nodded once more. "How're you alive then?" He objected, and you shrugged.
Truthfully, you didn't even know. Half the nights you'd hide in closets of homes and smoke the weed or nicotine you'd find stashed in houses. Or just sleep the days away. That's what you were doing here. Looking for a stash that was never there and you happened to get yourself caught. Daryl was the only reason you were standing.
"Ever killed any of the livin'?" He asked, and as he assumed, you shook your head again. He only hummed in response. Studying you closely with his squinted gaze. From what he could tell you were anything but a threat. You were a stoner trying to survive the damn apocalypse. Weren't much of a talker, either. Not that he minded much, it was nice finding a straggler who wasn't about to tell him a hundred reasons as to why he should spare him. Daryl couldn't stand people who didn't shut up. At least, people he didn't know who wouldn't shut up.
"Come on, let's get ya inside. We got some food and water, ya look like yer about t'pass out." He muttered, motioning for you to head out the door first. Sure, you didn't seem like a threat, but he wasn't taking any chances either.
Your heart was beating a mile a minute. Staring at the man before you who could very well end this all for you. You were too scared to respond verbally to any of his questions. Too anxious that you might say the wrong thing or sound too harsh for some reason and he'd shoot you then and there. It wasn't until he offered shelter, food, and water that you finally let your shoulders relax. A deep sigh passed your lips as you lowered your hands that you had risen to show you meant no harm to the scruffy-looking man.
"Thank you," you uttered, voice still as timid as before. "Don't mention it," was all he grumbled before following after you.
You shifted from foot to foot once you were inside the gates. Two women were standing before you and you swore you could crumble away just from their questioning and judging gazes. "Is that weed on him?" the one girl asked with narrowed eyes, and Daryl shrugged. "Can ya blame 'em? It's fuckin' hell out there," Daryl snapped, and Rosita only shrugged. "I guess," she groused, taking note of the glare in Daryls' eye when she questioned you. He was good at being protective over the people he'd bring home. Especially the scared ones. She never understood why, no one did. There was a lot about Daryl that no one could decode.
"Come on, this way," Daryl motioned for you to follow him, and you nodded. "Wait, do they have any weapons?" the other girl asked, and Daryl stopped. Turning back to look at you with a questioning gaze. You looked just as scared as before, and he pursed his lips with a sympathetic gaze. "Well?" He asked, and you reached into your pocket. Handing him a small knife. "I uh.. I don't use it much. Just to open cans, really." You spoke, your voice shaky, and he nodded. Taking it from you with a nod. "I'll give it back when we know we can trust ya." You nodded in understanding. Truthfully, he could keep it and you wouldn't care. Being here was more than a fair trade for the shitty pocket knife you found in a house when this all started.
"I'm Tara," the girl who asked about the weapons spoke, and you offered a shy smile. Stammering out your name while offering an awkward wave. Daryl couldn't help but stare while he watched you introduce yourself. Storing your name deep in his mind. "This is Rosita," the other girl offered a smile and wave, which you returned with a soft 'hi.' "And, I'm sure he didn't introduce himself, he's pretty good at that. This is Daryl," Tara told you while motioning to your savior.
The way you stared up at him with that soft and thankful smile did something to him. He hardly knew you and he felt this need to keep you safe. Like he was put on this earth to find you one day and save you from those walkers and protect you from the world around you. "Hi, Daryl," he nodded, his eyes fixating on the ground before looking back up at you. "Hey." his own voice was rather bashful this time, and both Rosita and Tara watched the man with curious gazes. Something was going on inside that head of his, and it made them both smile, just a little.
Daryl was quick to drive away the awkwardness that followed after he greeted you back. The silence was driving him wild, and he was directing you back toward the house he was originally going to take you to. The whole walk there was just as quiet though, but he'd take it over the look the two women were giving him after he said 'hey' back to you. It wasn't like he said anything weird. The situation was just weird.
"Is weed not allowed here?" You blurted, and Daryl looked over at you with furrowed brows. Watching as you wrung your hands together and kept your gaze forward. "What? No. Just... No one here really does it. Ain't gonna get kicked out over it," He told you, and you sighed. "All right. I got a little scared when Rosita?" You looked at him for assurance that you said her name right, and only continued when he nodded. "Questioned me about it," He shook his head with a sigh. "She just doesn't know how to mind 'er own damn business," you lowered your head, smiling faintly at what he said.
It wasn't until the both of you were closer to the house that you spoke again. Going over what you wanted to say over and over before you got the courage to say it. "If you smoke, or uh... Want to, I could share. It's the only way I could really pay you back for saving me." He snorted a bit at that, reaching up to scratch at his chin before pushing the door to a house open. "Ain't gotta do that," you shrugged, "well, the offer stands if you ever change your mind." He was definitely going to remember that.
Weeks went by, and Daryl was there to get you settled in. He was there sticking up for you when Rick questioned why he let a stranger in behind the walls after everything that's happened. Daryl saw something in you. He wasn't sure what it was, but it was something. Whether it be that he thought you could be useful. Or that he saw part of the scared boy that Daryl used to be before he built up his walls. Walls that were now so high he swore not even the sun itself could peak behind them.
He did end up taking up that offer with you, too. In the five weeks you've been with them it became a ritual between the both of you, even. He'd meet you at the field close to the back of the walls, and you'd both share a joint.
The first night Daryl was almost too scared to ask if he could take up that offer. It was day seven of you being behind the walls. The two of you had gotten closer, but Daryl wasn't sure you were both close enough for him to be smoking your weed. Even if you had offered it up, he was still in doubt. If it weren't for the way you smiled at him and greeted him with those welcoming eyes he probably wouldn't have asked. You were so bashful with everyone else, hell, even afraid of some. Yet, you seemed so comfortable around him, even if you were still as timid as a mouse. He didn't understand why. Daryl was anything but welcoming, yet you seemed to like his company more than anyone else.
That night he met you outside the house on the street. There was a chill to the air that nipped at your skin, and he could tell you were a little cold by the way you'd shudder here or there. "Let's walk," he rasped, hoping the movement would keep you warm. He let you take the first hit and took the drug from your fingers before bringing it up to his own lips to inhale.
It had been so long since he'd smoked marijuana. His throat burned once the smoke drifted through it to his lungs. Offering the joint back to you while he held it in for as long as he could, before finally coughing it all out. "Holy shit, ain't smoked this shit in forever," he spoke while continuing his coughing fit, and you only snickered. Offering a bottle of water that he gladly took from you. Practically ripping the cap off before taking a swig with a groan.
Your eyes were glued to him the whole time. You finally felt like you found a person you could truly trust. A person that you didn't have to be scared of. Whether it be fear of them leaving, or fear of them hurting you. He seemed genuine, and you only hoped your judgment was right.
The weed didn't seem to make him any more talkative than before at first, but you did notice he seemed less tense. His shoulders seemed to roll forward a little, and his steps were a bit more sluggish. The crease in his brow was practically gone, and his eyes were on the sky.
"You ever think about if there's any other Earth's out there?" you asked as the both of you walked aimlessly through town, and he shrugged. "No, guess not," you smiled gently at his words, "I do, I always wonder if it's like our Earth. Like, where we're all there, but it's just, different." "Like we're there, but we got different lives?" He asked, looking over at you, watching as your smile grew and you nodded. "Yeah, exactly!" you hummed, and he nodded, staring for a moment longer, before reaching out with his hand to nudge your own.
He didn't grab your hand though, he was quick to pull his back to his side. He only wanted your attention. "Follow me, I know a place we could sit." You smiled at his words and complied. Following like a puppy beside the man you grew to trust.
"What d'ya thank you on another earth is like?" Daryl asked, hoping you would talk more about this intriguing conversation. Truthfully, he just wanted to hear your voice more. "Well, I'd like to think I'd have my shit together," you chuckled, and he nodded, "I could smoke to that," he added while snatching the bud from between your fingers. A grunt slipped past his lips as he sunk to the ground. Taking the butt of the joint between his lips before inhaling.
You watched with a grin as he sunk to the meadowy ground. Your eyes watched as he lay down on the earth floor and looked up at you. He was something else. A man you wished you had met a lot sooner. "Ya just gonna stare or lay down with me?" He asked, and you felt your face heat up. Dropping to the ground in order to lie beside him. Keeping a distance between the both of you in order to not make it weird.
"I'd like to think the other me was a lot braver than I am, too," you muttered. Your eyes met Daryl's when you heard him shift to look over at you. "You are brave," he spoke, and you swore he sounded offended. You would have laughed at him if it weren't for how genuine his eyes looked. "If you weren't brave, ya wouldn't be here," Daryl spoke, and you shook your head, finally letting out a soft chuckle. "But I'm not brave. All I ever did was run. I've never even killed one of those things. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead right now. You said it yourself, 'how are you even still alive?' I don't even know, Daryl. I just am, not because I'm brave. Just because..." You paused, staring up at the night sky with teary eyes. Your chest rose and fell a little faster than before. "Because you fought," he spoke, reaching over to pass the drug back to you. "You may not've killed any, but ya survived. That takes guts. Y'ain't gotta kill to be brave." He told you, and you chuckled. "That's easy for you to say." And that was the end of that conversation.
Daryl didn't say a lot after that. His eyes focus on the stars above you both. He'd point at a few, asking if you thought they might be the other earth or not. You weren't sure why, but a particularly small star you had a feeling was that other earth. Pointing it out to the man with a smile. "I think it's that one. Right at the end of the Little Dipper." He snorted, and you looked over at him just in time to see him smile. An occurrence you learned fast was rare, and you cherished it. "Imagine if it was," he hummed, waving at the sky before his smile faded and his gaze turned cold.
Everything hit Daryl like a bag of bricks to the face. Everyone he ever loved who he lost. Ripped from him by whatever sick force took them from him. Merle, Dale, Amy, Sophia, Hershel, Glenn, Beth, everyone. If this other Earth was a thing, were they still there? Were they all alive and happy? Did Daryl get to meet any of them besides his brother? Did he still get beaten by his father in that life?
You watched as he scowled up at the sky. His jaw clenched, and you frowned. Wondering, but too scared to ask what was going on inside that mind of his. "I hope you saved me there, too." You spoke softly, watching his eyes dart around when he seemed to come back from his thoughts. His head turned to look over at you. Blinking a few times before his eyes completely softened. "I know I did."
That night was one of your favorite memories, and his as well. It was the night that seemed to bring you both closer. It gave you both a way to hang out. That only tightened your bond with one another.
"Daryl," you called out when you caught him walking down the street towards the gates. His crossbow was strung over his shoulder. "Where are you heading?" He turned his head to meet yours, watching as you quickened your pace to walk by him.
He stopped his walk to allow you to catch up with him, too. "I'm headin' t'Hilltop. Jesus and Maggie needed an extra hand. Why ya need somethin'?" He asked with a curious gaze, and you shook your head.
A twinge of anxiety shot through you at the thought of him leaving you here by yourself, and he noticed it right away. "I ain't gonna be long. I'd offer to bring ya along, but I know ya don't really like leavin' the walls," he explained, and you nodded. He frowned when you didn't say anything.
You flinched ever so slightly when his hands grabbed your upper arms. His touch was soft and soothing though, a large contrast to how life had been treating you lately. "Hey, I ain't goin' nowhere. If ya wanna come ya're more than welcome. I got room on the bike. I always got room for ya," He told you, offering a lopsided grin, and you stared back at him as a smile of your own crept onto your face. If you told your past self you'd finally meet a man that didn't make your skin crawl when he touched you. A man that could ease away your worries with just a few simple words - he'd never believe you.
"I want to go, maybe I can help with what they need help with?" You spoke, a slight question to your voice, and he nodded with a hum. Giving your arms a light squeeze before pulling back. "'Ight, go pack a bag for a few days then, gonna be there for a bit," he added, shoving your shoulder lightly with his knuckles. Watching as you ran back for the house.
You held on tight the whole way to Hilltop. Your face was buried in his back while you clung your arms around his waist. Never in your life did you ever imagine you would end up on the back of a motorcycle, but here you were. With every bump and uneven patch of gravel Daryl hit, you'd cling a little harder to the man. Clenching your eyes and jaw shut. Praying to whatever God there was that he wouldn't crash his bike.
Daryl could tell you were panicking behind him, and he smiled a little. Reaching a hand down to hold over your hand when you would squeeze him tighter. Fingers rubbed over your arm and the backs of your hands to assure you that he wasn't about to let anything happen to you. He'd be damned if he was the reason you got hurt.
Once the bike was stopped inside the gate he practically had to pry your arms off of him. "Hey, ya can let go now," he spoke with an amused chuckle. "Ain't never been on a bike, have ya?" He concluded when you finally let him help you off the motorcycle. Nodding his head when you shook yours in response. "Well, I'll be sure to take a car next time ya come with me," he told you, reaching up to ruffle your hair before motioning for you to follow him.
Hilltop wasn't anything like you had imagined. Sure, the others had explained it to you, but it was so much more - farm-like. It was like all those video games you used to play on your phone to pass the time. The ones where you had the big fancy buildings and barns, with the crops that you harvested to sell and the animals you took care of for produce. It felt like a dream, really. It wasn't until you noticed all the people that you had never seen before that you finally felt that familiar fear and dread creep under your skin. Pushing the awe and nostalgic feelings away.
Daryl hadn't even thought of how you would react to all the new faces until he felt your hand slip into his. The action startled him, neither of you had ever really held hands before. His eyes darted down to look at your fingers that intertwined with his own. His fingers cautiously linked with your own. Giving your smaller hand a light squeeze while he brought his eyes up to look at you. Offering a soft smile when you looked at him. "I got ya, yer safe," he told you, and you nodded. You knew you were with him there, but hearing him say it out loud while squeezing your hand back only seemed to bring a wave of ease over you. It was like a blanket that wrapped snuggly around you, just that blanket was him.
Maggie greeted you both with a smile that could wash away anyone's worries. It was so sweet and kind, and it gave you this sense of hope that maybe more kind people existed in the world outside of Alexandria. "I'm so glad ya made it, Daryl," She had the same accent as Daryls, yet hers reminded you more of a farm girl. It had this cowgirl vibe to it that you couldn't quite explain, and it made you smile a little to yourself.
You watched as Daryl pulled his hand from yours briefly to greet her with a hug. He was quick to return to your side, his hand grabbing at yours again. He motioned to you with his head, introducing you to the woman as he introduced her to you.
"Nice to meet you," you muttered, offering your other hand to shake, but she ignored it. Smiling at you before pulling you in for a hug that definitely caught you by surprise. "Any friend of Daryl's is a friend of mine," she spoke before pulling away. She didn't want to assume that the both of you were dating, but she could tell that something was going on. Daryl wouldn't just hold anyone's hand.
"How about you show 'im around, Dar'? Jesus ain't back yet, I can come to get ya when he is." She offered with her kind smile, and the hunter beside you nodded. "Sure thing, Maggie, come on. I got somethin' to show ya anyways." He spoke to her and then you. Your eyes watching him with curiosity when he mentioned showing you something. Excitement coursed your veins at the thought of him showing you something - anything.
He led you off and away from the leader of the little community. The woman watching both of you with a fond gaze. She was glad Daryl was finally able to find someone in all of this. It was about time he finally opened himself up to someone.
Your eyes freely roamed as Daryl drug you through the town. You recognized a few of the faces. Tara was here, greeting you with a wave and a soft smile before Daryl pulled you along further. You even saw a few others who had stopped by Alexandria a time or two during your stay there.
"Where are we going?" You asked, and he glanced at you before motioning forward. "There," he grunted, and you sighed. Looking at the building that he led you to. "Are you finally leading me to my death?" You quipped with a soft laugh, and you noticed the corner of his lips tug into a small smile. "Nah, you're too fun," he shot back, and you'd be lying if you said that didn't have your heart soaring. Your eyes dart down with a shy smile that did not go unnoticed by the hunter.
Daryl knew what he was doing probably wouldn't be that exciting, but he hoped you would like it. He saw all those CD's that you had in that bag of yours and he had heard you talk about your favorite bands so many nights when the two of you would smoke or just talk. He hoped this would mean something to you. Even if he just got a smile and a 'thank you,' from you he'd appreciate it. He'd feel appreciated. Like maybe he was doing the right thing.
When he opened the door to the shared room he ushered you to sit on the bed. Taking the bag that was strapped over his shoulder and setting it on the dresser while he rummaged through it. His back was facing you, and blocking whatever he was doing. It had your palms sweating and your body trembling a little out of anxiety. What could he be grabbing? You couldn't even begin to imagine what he was about to pull out. Did he make you something? Find something on his last run that reminded him of you? Maybe he found a new pipe for you guys to use, or...
You stopped thinking when the first note hit your ears. Everything in you froze. Your heart stopped beating for a moment and you felt a wave of emotions wash over you like you were standing in the middle of the river. You carried those CDs with you everywhere in hopes that you could listen to them all again one day, and now the intro of one of your favorite songs, from one of your favorite albums was playing in the room with you.
Your hands clenched the blankets that you sat on top of and you felt this wave of gratitude, nostalgia, and so many more things overcome you. Tears were actually brimming in your eyes at how thankful you felt for the other man.
When he turned around, you didn't even give him time to speak. Your mouth beat him to whatever he was going to ask. "You listened?" You asked, astounded that he even listened to you when you rambled about the bands that you liked. The fact that he paid attention had you feeling so much more validation than you ever had in your life. No one had cared to ever listen to you when you go on your tangents.
He let out a nervous chuckle while nodding his head. His own anxieties had taken over the moment he started the song. Wondering if maybe you wouldn't appreciate the battery-operated CD player as much as he thought you would. "Yeah, 'course I listened. Why wouldn' I listen to ya?" He asked while shifting from foot to foot. His fingers fidgeted with the sides of his jeans before he brought his bag over to you on the bed.
The bed dipped as he sat beside you. Resting it between the both of you. "I remembered all the bands ya said ya liked, I took 'em from your bag and put 'em in here, hope that's 'right." He told you. Watching as you excitedly rummaged through it. Though a few CDs you didn't recognize.
You furrowed your brow when you pulled out a Johnny Cash CD, along with A KoRn and an Alice In Chains one that you hadn't owned prior. "Those 'r some of my favorites," He told you, and you felt your heart swell at the fact he was sharing his favorite bands with you.
Music always seemed to connect you with people more than anything else in the world. The way the songs could be played just put you in the mood for different events. Different songs to associate with different people. Not only that, but the music was the best way to learn about other people. For you, at least.
"You like Alice?" You asked with a grin and he nodded. "Yeah, I used t'listen t'Man in The Box all the time," he told you with a soft smile, and you felt like you were ascending. "Any other songs you like?" You asked, and he nodded. "Hurt by Johnny Cash, Ma used t'sing Merle and me that when I was li'l." He remembered while leaning forward to rest his arms on his knees. "Lots'a Nirvana songs 'r good. Dumb, Aneurysm, Negative Creep, School," He reminisced, eyes staring off at the floor. "Had m'hand full of CD collections before," he scrunched his nose at the memories that flashed before his eyes. "'fore m'dad broke 'em all." He spoke but was quick to continue. "Motorhead, Creed, Sabbath, R.E.M., had a bunch'a CDs I'd steal from stores or m'brother would get f'r me." He spoke, his voice growing quieter and quieter the longer he spoke about his past.
Every memory felt like a plague to Dixon. Even the good ones gave him this sense of unease and made him feel a little queasy. Thinking about his mom reminded him that she died in what he used to think was the worst way possible. The thought of his Dad made the scars on his back scream. It was almost like he could still feel the months' worth of aches and pain that they brought him. Even the thought of his brother made him want to crawl out of his skin.
Memories of Merle betraying him, even before all this started. He realized now that his big brother betrayed him when he was younger by leaving him with their abusive dad. When he would let his friends beat Daryl. When he'd drag Daryl into drug deals and buys gone wrong.
Now when he thought of Merle, he didn't even see what he used to look like. He saw those haunting dead eyes, and the blood that drooled from his mouth after he had eaten a man.
"I had this CD collection that took up an entire cabinet," you told him, and Daryl was thankful that you started talking. He couldn't spend another moment inside that head of his. "Used to listen to music every day. I had to, or else I'd think too much and go crazy, you know?" Daryl nodded at that, he knew exactly what you meant. "I'd either think too much, or everything would be so fucking quiet. I'd get scared because all I'd hear was static and I always needed something to fill that silence." It was Daryl's turn to look over at you now. Watching as you stared at the radio and rambled on.
After a while, Daryl was hardly even listening to you or the music that played in the room. He was too occupied watching you. The way your hands move while you spoke. How you would smile or frown depending on the mood of your sentence. Or even the way your brow would crease when you thought of how to word specific sentences. He was entranced by you. Everything you did was like magic to him. He could watch you talk all day, and he felt honored that you were comfortable enough to talk with him. He knew you weren't fond of social interaction. He was an introvert himself, plus it wasn't hard to notice how reserved you were. He was just happy you trusted him enough to talk this comfortably around him. Even if he still noticed his you fidgeted your hands and wet your lips constantly.
He didn't focus on your words again until you said his name. His eyes focused on yours with raised brows. It made you smile, you knew he had zoned out. It didn't bother you too much though since you were practically rambling about nothing and everything all at once.
"Thank you, Daryl," you repeated yourself, and he nodded. Sitting up so he could place his hands beside him on the bed. His fingers unintentionally sat right against yours, but he didn't dare move them away. "'Course," he muttered, but his voice sounded distant. Like he still wasn't entirely there and he was still thinking about something else.
He could feel the beat of his heart quicken in his chest when he got this crazy idea of kissing you that flashed through his mind. That was insane. He couldn't do that, he wasn't the type of guy to initiate something like that, but you sure as hell weren't either. He was fighting with his inner thoughts. One-half of him screamed for him to kiss you. To pull you against him and hold you close. To place his hand cautiously over your throat and feel the way your pulse quickened under his touch, but he didn't. He couldn't, not right now.
"We should listen to music and smoke later tonight." You told him, your palms growing clammy with the way he stared at you and had his fingers touching the tips of yours. You just needed to say something to break the silence that was practically killing you. "We should," he added, and you smiled.
On the upper floor of the barn was where you both decided to light up. He had found some weed on one of his runs and offered it to try tonight. He just hoped it was good and wasn't shit. It was hard telling, anymore. Not that they really had a lot of options.
"Got a light?" He asked, holding the joint between his lips, and you nodded. Flicking the lighter so the orange light glowed. Holding it up to the tip of the joint in order to light it for him. Daryl made a 'v' with his fingers beneath the rolled drug in case it happened to slip from his lips.
He inhaled and you watched with interested eyes. His own eyes locked on your face, bouncing from feature to feature until he had to blow the smoke out. Turning his head in order to not blow it in your face. You snatched the joint from his fingers before plopping down on the ground with a hum. Your legs dangling over the edge of the opening that led from inside the barn to the outside. It was like a giant window that allowed you both the ability to see the night sky. Clicking the play button on the radio before taking a hit from the joint yourself.
Daryl leaned back when the song started. A deep exhale left his nostrils before he laid his back on the floor. His feet lightly kicked with a soft smile. Taking another hit of the drug as you passed it back to him.
'Ain't found a way to kill me yet.'
Daryl soaked in the familiar lyrics while letting the drug slowly work its way into his system with each passing hit he would take. You could tell he was already getting high the more open and relaxed he got. "Ain't listened to this song in ages," He spoke into the night sky and you chuckled, finally allowing yourself to lay beside him. Just you were facing him, admiring him with the false sense of confidence that the marijuana seemed to be feeding you tonight.
You smiled wider when he closed his eyes and began muttering the lyrics to the both of you. "Yeah, we come to snuff the rooster," he mumbled, and you wondered if he even realized he was singing to the song. It was a moment you truly hoped you would never forget. Passing the joint between one another for the next song or two.
It wasn't until the next song started playing that you finally started singing with him. "I will never bother you, I will never promise to," you called out, and a lazy smile graced Daryls' lips. "I will never follow you, I will never bother you," he hummed out. "Never speak a word again, I will crawl away for good." You both sang and your eyes met. He was glad he had grabbed this CD. He read the first few songs someone had scribbled onto it with a sharpie and he knew they were all good, but he never imagined you'd both be singing them with each other. Sober him wouldn't be, but high, Daryl was always more open and in a way bubbly.
You both stopped singing the moment your eyes locked. Kurt Cobain's voice floated in the air around you, and the mood between you both seemed to shift dramatically. Daryl could feel the heat rising to his chest, and his thoughts were so fogged over that he hardly knew what he was doing until he was doing them. Thoughts so delayed that he didn't even feel like he was controlling his own mind.
His fingertips reached out to run over the side of your face. Daryl turned to his side to look you over with this look that called out to you. You felt like your face was burning where his fingers brushed against you and you had to remind yourself to breathe.
"Daryl," you spoke his name and his chest felt even tighter hearing you call out for him. He needed to be engulfed by you. To be inside you, but not in a sexual light. In more - an innocently intimate light. He didn't want to physically be inside you, but metaphorically. He didn't want to have sex, he just wanted to be consumed by every part of you. Your touch, your scent, your voice. He wanted you to hold him and he to hold you. To kiss you and feel just how soft your lips felt against his own. He wanted to be connected to you
Before he could even think over what he was doing. His body was drawn to yours like a magnet was attracted to its opposite. His hand was calloused, but his gentle touch was a big difference from the roughness of his fingers. His body scooted closer to yours, and you pulled yourself closer to him with the same eagerness. Even if neither of you really knew what was happening.
His nose bumped yours, and he felt his heart soar when you giggled at the action. His own laugh escaped his lips while he stared back into your eyes. "May I kiss ya?" He asked with his southern charm, and you nodded. You were practically putty in his hands, but he was even more so putty in yours when you reached up to brush some hair from his eyes. He damn near malfunctioned when your fingers brushed over his forehead and tucked the piece of hair behind his ear. He never knew how crazy you could drive him.
He finally gained control over his body again after focusing on the way you brushed his hair away. Leaning closer to close that gap between you both. His heart was loud in his ears. If it weren't for the fact that Chris Cornell was now singing in the background and he could still faintly hear him, he would have assumed that his eardrums had burst.
His hand came to the back of your head and pulled you closer to him. The kiss started soft and experimental, but Daryl was fast at deepening it. Hungry for more of it, more of you.
He was practically devouring you, his teeth were clashing with yours, and it had your head buzzing. Your hand knotted in the hair on the back of his head and he moaned into your mouth. A noise you had never imagined the stoic and stone-faced hunter was even capable of making. It surprised you, to say the least, and part of you wondered if you had imagined it.
Your free hand was quick to explore his arms, shoulders, and chest when he lifted himself from his side to scramble over you. One arm rested on the opposite side of your head while the other hand held the side of your face gently. You were like a couple of teenagers who had snuck out of the house to get high and make out, but this was far from either of your intentions from the beginning of the night.
Hell, both of you were convinced that neither of you would ever make a move even if you did both reciprocate the feelings. You were each so awkward and nervous. Daryl had experienced enough rejection in his life, and so had you.
When Daryl finally pulled away you were both fighting to catch your breaths. Daryl's eyes were dark. His pupils were blown and the blue of his eyes was hardly visible, especially when all either of you had for light was the moon outside that shone through the opening behind the both of you. Casting shadows over your body that Daryl swore made you look even more mysterious and handsome.
"Sorry," he muttered, he didn't even know what he was apologizing for, but it just came out. He had asked to kiss you and you said yes, but he felt like he got just a little too carried away there. You smiled, though, and it made his stomach fill with a fluttery zoo of butterflies. You made him feel things that he never thought he'd feel. He felt like he was in high school again, kissing the boy of his dreams and feeling all light and floaty. Just he wasn't, and you were both old enough to be parents to kids in high school, and high school was a thing of the past. He wished he had met you back in high school, hell. Maybe you would have been his reason to not drop out and actually get an education.
You cupped the sides of his face and his breathing staggered. His eyes fluttered shut while he let you pull him down in for another kiss. Everything felt so amplified, and he wondered if your lips were this addictive sober, too.
"Don't apologize, Daryl," you chuckled against his lips, and he nodded. "Sorry," he mumbled, and both of your eyes opened to look at each other. He hardly had a reaction, half-lidded, bloodshot eyes staring into yours, but you giggled. Your fit of giggles made him giggle as well. Another noise you had never thought to hear from the man above you. "Daryl you're too cute," you blurted, feeling your body heat up after realizing what you had said, but you were too out of it to react.
Daryl snorted lightly at the compliment, a pink dusting over his face. "Me cute? God, ya should see yerself," he cooed, leaning back in for another kiss which you happily accepted. Both of you hummed into each kiss you gave one another. Until Daryl's lips got curious, and they trailed down your jaw. He wanted to feel every part of you that you had to offer. One of his hands moved to rest on the other side of your neck, his thumb brushing over your pulse. He felt how fast it was racing and that only seemed to excite Daryl more. His lips traveled further down until they were on your throat.
His lips had hardly brushed the skin of your neck and you felt it tingle with this familiar feeling that had your body flinching and jerking. A smile spread across your lips as his beard tickled against your skin. "Daryl," you squeaked while he unintentionally tickled your neck. "Daryl, stop it! That tickles!" He was a little panicked when he heard you tell him to stop, worried he overstepped the boundaries, but when you said it tickled? Oh, that was a reaction he was not expecting but was far from disappointed in hearing.
His lips attacked you, and your giggles turned into laughs. Your hands trying to shove and push him away from you. Your legs tried to scoot you away, but he had moved so he hovered above you and his other hand was on your hip keeping you still. His laughter was mixing with your own while he left sloppy kisses over your neck and shoulders. Your giggles caused his chest to swell. He swore it would burst open with how much adoration he had for you.
It wasn't until you pushed his face away from you that he stopped. His eyes met yours that were shedding tears from how hard you were laughing, and he smiled down at you with these eyes that you swore you'd never seen so much love in before. You wanted to pretend to be mad at him, hell you were a little upset. You weren't that fond of being tickled, but you couldn't help but smile back. You'd blame your lack of ability to stay mad at the man above you on the weed. When deep down you knew you just had the biggest soft spot in the world for Daryl Dixon. Your hero, your saint.
His thumb brushed over your cheek, brushing tears off it with a sigh. "Sorry, got carried away," he chuckled, and you rolled your eyes. "Jus' love hearing' ya laugh, can't blame me," he grumbled, and you looked a little sheepish as you stared up at him. "I like hearing your laugh too, I don't get to hear it that much though." He nodded, leaning down to rest his forehead against yours. His finger traced over your cheek and down to your chin. Watching intently. "Kinda hard t'laugh anymore," he sighed, and you nodded. "I get that," then it was silent again.
The CD has stopped a while ago. Neither of you really knew when it stopped, but neither of you really seemed to care either. Normally you hated the silence, but right now it felt so much different. Your senses were overwhelmed by the man that was now shifting to lay beside you. Your eyes grew heavy as you smiled fondly over at him. He noticed how sleepy you looked and took it upon himself to get you both back inside. It was too chilly to be sleeping out here with no blanket, and with the spring weather, there was no telling if it would start raining in the middle of the night or in the morning.
Daryl brought himself to his hands and knees, and you watched. He had to stay in that position for a moment while he steadied his vision. "shit, might'a smoked too much," he chuckled, and you chuckled back. "You're such a lightweight," you teased, and he shot you a playful look. "Hey, you just wait til I'm smokin' ya under the table, I used to smoke my big brother under the table," he snickered, and you rolled your eyes. Watching as he stood to his feet, but you had no motivation to move.
He extended his arm for you to grab, but you just stared up at him. He smirked, reaching down to grab your hand. "C'mon, boy, ain't gonna shit talk me then just lay there," he quipped, and you groaned. Grabbing his hand back while letting him pull you to your feet. It was like nothing to him, lifting you off the ground, and it made you wonder if he could just carry you to bed. Your wobbly legs seemed to ask the question for you though because before you knew it Daryl was sweeping you into his arms.
The yelp that you let out made him snicker, "Quiet, people are sleeping'," he joked, and you wrapped your arms snugly around his neck. "Oh, so you tickled me and had us both laughing, but you draw a line at me shouting because you picked me up while I'm high? Dick." you scoffed, and he rolled his eyes, reaching back to the ground to grab the stereo. His shoulder rested against a pillar for a second to gather his balance again. He was going to pass out the moment his head hit that pillow and he knew it. He walked you both back to your room, neither of you saying a word in the process.
Once you were in the bedroom, he set the stereo down on the end of the bed before lying you down. He was going to leave and head back to his own room. Leave you with your own bed, but when you grabbed his hand he stopped. His blue eyes stare down at you while tilting his head to the side with a questioning gaze. "Can you stay?" The corner of his lip tugged up when you asked that. His insides were bubbling and his heart was fighting against the restraints of his chest plate. "Yeah, scoot over," he hummed. If he was sober he'd have asked you if you were sure, but he was too stoned to even think about dragging himself down the hall to his own bed. Plus, it'd give him an excuse to actually hold you. It wasn't like you two weren't just eating each other's faces a moment before anyways.
You shifted over for the man. Daryl lying beside you after reaching down to untie his boots and then toe them off his feet. He stayed a distance from you, but that didn't last too long. Soon you were scooting back into his arms, the both of you holding each other incredibly close before you each relaxed. Even if you weren't the strongest thing, he felt so incredibly safe with your arms around him. Like nothing bad would ever happen to him again. You feel the same with his arms snug around your waist. "Night, Daryl," you muttered against his chest. A soft grunt left his lips since he was already pretty much asleep. Sleep took over you right after.
The next day Maggie had come to Daryl's door. Knocking since he hadn't been up already, worry taking over her at that fact. He was always up before everyone else. It seemed like the moment that sun was rising he was wide awake. Ready to take on the world and more. When there was no answer she called his name, peaking inside the door with furrowed brows. "Daryl?" She called, but no one was there. Maybe he went out on a hunt? Even with all the food they had in the communities, they'd always find him out getting squirrels and rabbits, the occasional deer here or there.
Before she landed on that decision though she went to check your room. Raising her hand to knock, but right as she did that door came swinging open. He was standing in the doorway and his brows shot up at the fact that she had caught him leaving your room so early. "Sleep well?" She asked with a knowing smile, and he felt his face go hot. "Slept fine," he muttered, and her smile was even wider at how bashful her friend got. The way his eyes darted to the side, and he seemed to block you from view with his body when she tip-toed to look over him to see you where she assumed you would be in bed. "You two do somethin?" She asked, and he scoffed. "No, ain't nun'a yer business if we did," She giggled, stepping back to allow him to exit the doorway and step into the hall. Daryl peeked behind himself to see you sleeping before he shut the door. "Are you guys...?" "Dammit Maggie, I came here to help you, not ya're damn twenty questions." He snarled while stomping down the hall, Maggie standing in place while watching the man with a grin. "Takin' that as a yes."
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turnthemasunder-if · 1 year
Happy STS! But oh no! One of your characters has been stabbed! What chaos does this bring about? Who's been stabbed, who did the stabbing, who yanks the sword out without thinking, etc.? ♥️
Hello Tori thank you for the ask and I apologize for not answering your first ones been busy haha. So reading this made me laugh(Alot) because on the crew's line of job its very stabby Hazard lol.
Let's try to interview them shall we.
(Chase) Author- Hey buddy I got an ask?(Seeing a scissor on his arm)
Chase- Oh this? It's nothing(Waving it off) tried hitting a girl on the way home.
Author- What does this girl looks like?( Inquire getting curious)
Chase- Wellll...She's wearing a mask and carrying a scissor for some reason and oh she has the biggest smile you ever seen( He says happily.
Author- Uh huh!...It seems that you have met Ms. Kuchisake-onna and let me guess she ask if she's beautiful and you replied no?
Chase- Yup(Removing the scissor on his arm) but I was gonna say she's hot and well she stabbed me on the arm and run off. I feel so wozzy!(Then he fall faced first to the ground passing out maybe from blood loss)
Author- Hey there princess!(Waving him off)
Charles- Damn it! How many times do I have to say to you bastards that don't call me that!(He says and plucking out some glass shards on his hands)
Author- Are you alright?(Eyeing him with concern)
Charles- Am I alright?( He ask exasperated) I swear MC will be the death of me and I think they're doing it on purpose just to smite me! I mean who is on thier right mind will be jumping out of the window?(He chuckles crazily)
Author- At least you surivived?( I don't really know how to comfort him lol))
Charles- Oh yes I'm grateful for that(He rolls his eyes) MC landed on pillows while I landed my ass on beer bottles(He begins to walk away and muttering along the way)
Author- Oh one more thing Charles
Charles- WHAT?!
Author- (Stifling a laugh) Careful your leaking(Pointing to the blood on the floor)
Charles- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! KILL ME NOWWWW(He continues to laugh along the way)
Author- Heya Angel?(Seeing a finger missing on her hand)
Angel- Oh this? I just got out from playing Five Finger Fillet(She brandishes her stump in front of me)
Author- I see your having fun( I chuckle)
Angel- Oh yeah! You have seen the cheating bastard when I rip his fingers one by one( He grins and retrieving a knife from her belt)
Say fancy for a match?
Author- No thanks I rather keep my fingers where they are
Angel- Your no fun Author(Pouts) Oh well maybe Charles or Chase will want to play
Author- Charles is having his tantrums and removing glasses from his body and Chase is passed out on the floor right now!
Angel- Passed out eh? Well I'm feeling rather artistic today so if you excuse me I'm just gonna draw lots of dicks and slurs on his snoozing face(Laughs maniacilly)
Author- The last but not the least our cute bunny(searching for her)
Maria my fellow countrysister how are you doing this fine night?
Maria- If you count being stabbed a lot fine! Well I'm peachy!(She says sarcastically)
Author- What happened?
Maria- Oh nothing much just out patrolling and got ambushed by those bloodsuckers and using a kid as hostage!( she nurses a bruise on her cheek with ice)
So letting my guard down they stabbed again and again and again. So I got pissed and killed them all except for one and stabbed a lot for payback
Author- Remind me not to get on your bad side(Distancing myself from here!)
Maria- Oh yeah that reminds we can I find Charles?(She stands up from a chair with a dark look on her eyes)
Author- In his room why?(Poor...poor Charles)
Maria- Let's just say we have unfinished business and I don't like the words he used on me(Cracking her knuckles) and did something horrible to my stuffs.(Leaving me alone and exacting her revenge)
Author- Well that's all folks I hope you love my crazy cast and for those Charlesmancers out there well better pray for his soul LMAO
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