#thanks for tagging me!!!! <33333
ryanxross · 1 year
write your top five songs this month then tag your friends!! tagged by @god-nonsensical (ty!!! 💛💛💛)
Brand New City, Mitski
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want, The Smiths
Dangerous Blues, The Young Veins
Steer Your Way, Leonard Cohen
Heaven Help Us, My Chemical Romance
Tagging: @alistairlowes @brizzlovesyou @vamqira @girlkaramazov @bilvy @mimsyaf @hunkydorkling @legityoots @amit-rider @fleshpod and anyone else who wants to!!
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agueforts · 9 months
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abyssal-glory · 11 months
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vector portrait for digital imaging class of RGB!! hey go read The Property of Hate if you haven’t already btw it’s an amazing comic by @modmad that i’ve been hotglued to since my junior year of high school.
big thank you to mod for giving their permission/blessing to wrestle with this horrible tv bastard in adobe illustrator for the express purpose of shilling him and this comic to my unsuspecting class <3
(edit: god okay pls click for fullscreen. hogy shit)
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Reader who “aggressively” accepts cult leader sugu’s care? :o
Like when he feeds them a spoon rhey just…chomp on it very hard. When they pull them into his lap they very…distinctly shuffles around getting comfy - 🌺
MEEEEE <33333333 i am feeding into his mother complex no matter what i fear ………
NO BUT . this is a very tasty concept thank you for always having the biggest brain in the universe my beloved :3c HE WOULD FIND IT VERY CHARMING. absolutely coos over you a lot. chuckles fondly. ohhhhh and if you’re the type to huff and puff and pout as you make a show out of accepting his care i think he gets so aggressively overcome with love ……….. has to restrain himself from like . squeezing you until you pop. like a big warm snake . he loves u
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intertexts · 4 months
- bizly, introing the episode: "welcome to just rolled with it where we answer our generations greatest question: will dakota cole break the law?"
- grizzly: "no, you know what? i think the final villain of prime defenders is william fucking wisp! i think youre playing out a villain backstory and youre going to snap and go batshit crazy" < hehehehehehehehe
- charlie: "i dont think its a secret that william is FOR SURE the most likely to become a villain out of the three of us. i dont see it as a permanent final thing but i definitely think it could happen at some point. i think he would have like a red x teen titans arc" WAHOO
- charlie CURRENTLY has no plans to do this he and bizly have never even discussed it. however he thinks its a possibility. "im playing this kid who is VERY smart and has a lot of ideas, but keeps getting shut down by basically everyone and i think hes starting to get a little desperate"
- they start talking about how when charlie plays william he gets "the Chip Brain" which is a reference to how in riptide bizly makes the most WILD NONSENSE decisions and then afterwards goes "i dont know why i did that i was just so in character and i felt like thats what he would do in the moment. out of character i agree that was fucking stupid why did i do that" << so. charlie gets this playing william too LMAO
- HEY UH. FUCKED UP SENTENCE INCOMING !!! "william has literally seen what happens after you die. thats knowledge that almost NOBODY else in this world has. and i think it makes him values life... less. hes seen that theres more after, hes seen that people kind of stick around, i think life to him is a lot more fragile and messy and less black-and-white, killing or not killing. it doesnt hold the same weight. becoming sort of apathetic and desensitized to the concept of death" << THIS IS AWESOMEEEEE FOR ME
- grizzly says hes glad william and vyncent didnt try to break the doctor out of prison like they thought they would because he genuinely wouldnt know how to play that as dakota
- charlie: "william has gotten so protective of dakota that if in his mind there was ANY chance that his friend would die all because of this guy being in jail over false charges, if that was the direction the conversation was going, william actually right then and there wouldve gotten him out. he couldnt have accepted that a situation like that would lead to losing his friend"
- grizzly: "iiiiii would like to sayyyy. bizly. will i still kick absolute ass if i dont have strength and speed, or will I just be some kind of loser" << bizly says maybe but he wpuld have to play dakota as more of a Regular Guy and just have him train at martial arts really hard
- DISCUSSING A TRAINING ARC AGAIN !!!!! which they think would be fun but they dont want to do another timeskip. (<<me who has future knowledge and knows how they figure this out: :3c)
- one of the biggest reasons keeping grizzly from agreeing to break the doctor out now is because hes really afraid he'll be super bitter against the family and augment himself to have some sort of powers and become a supervillain. and he thinks something like that happening would absolutely CRUSH dakota to a point where he wouldnt know how he would come back from that
- bizly had a real time epiphany, everyone was quiet for a minute and he just went "oh my god. i know exactly how this is gonna work. pick anything you want, i got this. i have a way to make everything work"
- grizzly has NO idea which option hes gonna choose, but he thinks hes leaning toward dakota getting a normal heart and just training really hard at martial arts. charlie and condi are saying that theyre really interested to see dakota before he goes and trains because theyve never seen him *weak* before
- grizzly: "if you ever call dakota stupid in character again ill cry"
charlie: "i mean i only did that because he was putting himself in danger! i think william heard him say shit like 'its cool. its okay ive got two years' and i think he just got genuinely really upset at that. william would rather keep his friend alive than spare his feelings"
- "if william ever did become a supervillain he would *never* hurt dakota" (<< WAUGH)
- charlie was gonna ask the doctor about williams whole decaying thing but decided not to because it didnt feel right in the moment. bizly goes "i mean you already know who you need to talk to about that" to which charlie goes NOOOOOOOOOO bc he is implying. mal
- charlie: "william doesnt wanna talk to mal he pisses him off"
grizzly: "why, because its like looking in a mirror?"
condi and bizly at the same time: "ooooooohhhhhhh"
- grizzly: "god this decision is so fucking hard i feel like i need an adult- OH MY GOD can we go see tide. can i not make my decision and instead we just go see tide"
- condi: "vyncent doesnt really know how to feel about this choice. he wants dakota to be powerful because he knows those powers are really important to him but he also doesnt want his friend to fucking die!"
- GRIZZLY IS TALKING ABOUT THE DEMON HE ATE AGAIN AND BIZLY GOT SO FRUSTRATED THAT HE ACCIDENTALLY REVEALED WILLIAM STUFF:::: "i dont think the demon works how you think it works, its not PHYSICALLY in your stomach it doesnt have a physical form you CANNOT digest it !!!! in this whole campaign, no spirit has been able to wander out and influence the physical world, thats why william is so special as a planeswalker! he is a spirit that has a physical form, he can affect the real world and also be in the spirit world without a guide!"
- theyre discussing the morality of the blake family and grizzly genuinely doesnt know if dakota could process something like this where its sooooo deeply in the grey area, dakota is very black and white he doesnt think he can even understand that right now
SUCH GOOOOD FUCKING TRIVIA THIS EP DUDE!!!!!!! thank u for the foooood. fuck yes a little bowl of seeds for me.
WIWI VILLAIN ARC. PLEASE. PLEASE. YEAH. honestly at this point i know it's going to happen, i just don't know when n how. not even from ur ominous giggling it just feels SO clear to me that he is a guy who can be so desperate and do anything for the people he loves and i... give him One situation where he doesn't have his very fragile support system of two other extremely fucked up teens and their absent dad who he just doesn't wanna disappoint!!! give him one fucking situation where he's separated from them and scared and there's some threat and you fucking KNOW he's going to be Up To Some Shit. i'd bet real money on both the villain or at least morally grey conflict arc AND that general setup being the catalyst.
god. literally all of this stuff is SOOO good i'm fucking LOCKED ON to the other wiwi planeswalker shit-- that's basically what i was thinking? when the planeswalker thing had come up before? but. tasty... before i started 22 my assumption here was then that the decay situation was like. a subconscious... choiiiice? i guess? like. you know. he perceived himself as dead and his body began to reflect that & then he looked more dead so he got more dead etc etc vicious cycle. but. now i'm not sure??????? ALSO. that thing ab his thoughts on death are so fucking tasty. so so good holy shit. makes sense!! makes sense!! there's less gravity to death when it's just a place you can go, there's less gravity to killing when it's not permanent-ending, just shifting someone from one place to another. like, y'know, when u were a kid, and there was someplace u never went very often & so u thought it was Special and Important & then u grew up and figured out it wasn't actually Special and Important and an Occasion to go there, your mom just hated the parking situation or it was a bit too far for a car ride w/ little kids. that's what death is like to william wisp!! head in hands. not even gonna touch on mal rn!!!
anyway. ghostkicksisms................
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Ah! Siggy! I absolutely love your Quỳnh&Nicky shenanigans art! I'm imagining they're doing the medieval equivalent of skedaddling after a slow-mo explosion or something. Actually, out of frame... there might be a small fire... that they may or may not have started... just a gut instinct on my part... :)))
Anyway! Thank you for blessing us. As usual, your immortals fam art always makes my day. <3
Ahhhh Smith my friend, thank you so much!! <333 This mental image was so vivid (and so spot-on omg you got it) that I had to write you a little ficlet <3
“Mush, steed, mush!”
At Quỳnh’s order, Nicolò hoisted her up higher in his arms and sped on, the sounds of his boots hitting the dock hammering like a drum. Shocked passerby hopped out of their way, throwing complaints at their backs.
“Aha!” Quỳnh exclaimed in victory, leaning over her brother’s shoulder to take aim with her arrow at the chaos they left. This ridiculous dress she wore restricted her movements just enough to be annoying, but she would have no problem tearing it off given the chance.
Men’s voices hollered after them, and she laughed at their raised fists, at the blazing fire she’d proudly left.
“Is it bad?” asked Nicolò, barely out of breath. He looked on ahead, eyes wide in a mix of mortification and panic that had Quỳnh laughing out loud again.
Behind, the fire had eaten the dock and men had leapt into the water to avoid the worst of it. Some were rolling barrels away, as far as they could from the reach of the fire — definitely a good idea, given what the barrels were filled with — and they seemed torn between shouting at each other and following Quỳnh and Nicolò with their guns.
“Not bad at all,” Quỳnh promised happily.
One of the men, the one in the nicest robes, wailed after her with a hand over his heart. “My lady,” he called. “My love!”
Quỳnh offered him a sour face and very much considered shooting him.
“Although I support you always,” said Nicolò, quite literally supporting all her weight thanks to this damned dress, “was this really the way to reject the merchant’s proposal?”
Quỳnh kicked her slippers, and Nicolò adjusted his grip under her knees. “Hey, you were the one who told me to shoot.”
“I could not have predicted you’d fire a lamp into a barrel of gun powder!”
“Couldn’t you? One must always go out with a bang, Nico. It’s a matter of style.”
As if summoned by her words, Quỳnh looked behind them once more to see a few men rolling a cannon on the dock in their direction.
“Of course...” she said, “being blown apart by a cannon ball is one way to go out with a bang.”
“Madre di Dio.”
“It was a jest!” she lied. “We have absolutely nothing to worry about.” She smiled wide then, retiring her bow and arrow for now, as they would be virtually useless against cannon fire, and she peered into Nicolò’s face. “Just run very fast.”
He certainly did.
Then he huffed, “Right, well we will not be telling Andromache and Yusuf about this.”
Quỳnh patted his shoulder. “Oh, absolutely not.”
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Boy King Seb :D
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#thank you to Grace for the idea of making his chivarly collar red bull instead <33333#he was gonna have both collars but then making that one made me suffer so no not today#this was a lot of fun but also made me suffer. but i keep looking at it and being like AAAHHHHH BABY!!! BABY BOY!!!!!!!#can you believe i tried to do this in one night? i cant#i stopped and came back to it and was like 'no way you could do this in one sitting at 1 am'#this is kinda the ascended form of that very first sketch i made for this au! concentrated boy king sebby!!!#i say to myself i need to take a break from drawing complicated things but youll prob see a nando version of this in less than a week ;;;#okay about the drawing(i wrote good tags and then tumblr deleted them so these are a bit inferior AGH):#this is typical pouty seb but is also referenced off a specific pic from AD 2009(beloved)#its very important to me how emotionally open Seb is. im not sure the specific context of this. maybe after a triumph?#but instead of being that typical stoic serious detached kind of ruler; i like him being openly emotional(think AD 2010)#its important as well for his dichotomy with nando and how they choose to portray themselves#seb is very assured in himself and his rule vs. nando who is more insecure and bitter about his#so nando takes strides to portray himself in that more stoic calculating way bcs he feels like it helps him legitimize himself better#whereas seb has absolutely no care for outward public image and shows how he feels and is loved for it(nando hates it but loves it)#not that nando cant be fun and whimsical!! but to me he always seems a bit more mysterious; like i can never tell his true thoughts tbh#anyways i feel like ill finish 10 more drawings before i end up posting the lore pt 2 LMAO#its just a lot harder to organize and layout compared to part 1 which was just an explanation#pt2 would be a mix of more world building/characterization/anecdotes ive talked about with mutuals(LOVE YOU GUYS!!!)#i have a *lot* of ideas (gotta whip out my notes app every once in a while to write down stuff abt it) just hard to put into a coherent pos#sebastian vettel#f1#formula 1#f1 art#formula 1 art#f1 fanart#formula 1 fanart#catie.art.#*ill prob make a process post later if anyone is curious!! its fun to write abt my process and influences and such#boy king au
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linabirb · 3 months
being sick when it's summer sucks. i wake up and i'm all sweaty and i'm like "okay is it bc it's too hot to sleep with a blanket but i refuse to sleep without one or is it bc i had a fever last night". my whole family is eating ice cream but i can't even drink water that is slightly cold bc my throat will go insane. my body is shaking and feeling cold and i'm like "maybe i should wear something warmer" and then i remember how hot today's weather actually is and im like "BAD IDEA. A HORRIBLE ONE EVEN"
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
okay. i promised myself i would do some long reflective journaling to sort through some Big Feelings and I keep kicking the can down the road because idk sometimes you don't want to sort through the Big Feelings in case you don't like what you find there. but I have a morning of uninterrupted time and I am in a good headspace and I think I will just write through some stuff under the cut.
it sure looks like i might be having a baby next summer, which means that things are moving out of the hypothetical realm and into the realm of being Very Real. so i am experiencing the expected levels of "oh shit oh shit oh shit i am about to be responsible for a living being???" that i imagine all prospective parents experience. more than that, though, i think i am having to confront the reality of single parenthood in a more emotional way than i was expecting! and this is partly because it might be about to become real for me, but also because some people i love very much who are very close to me are pregnant now too, and i am watching them live an experience of pregnancy that is very different from the one i've had thus far and much closer to the socially "normal" path. and i think that is surfacing some unexamined and semi-unexpected feelings of grief/loss for me as well as a complicated mix of horrible bridge troll jealousy feelings. i want to write through some of that so i can get a better handle on what i'm feeling instead of letting the big emotions unexpectedly avalanche over me at random times.
let me think first about my own experience of getting pregnant.
I'm glad I am pregnant and I am extra, extra grateful that things are going well thus far after experiencing a pregnancy loss this summer that kind of turned me inside out for a while. I also know that despite how excruciatingly drawn-out this process has felt, I was able to get pregnant a lot faster/easier than many people are and I don't take that for granted. but man oh man I think getting pregnant via assisted reproduction can really fuck with your head and heart in ways I wasn't anticipating when I started this process a little over a year ago. everything is so intensely medicalized. my life has just been going to appointments and getting ultrasounds and having blood drawn and giving myself hormone shots and undergoing painful medical procedures and healing from an emergency surgery and reading medical journals and swallowing pills and recording symptoms in a tracking journal. I don't feel like I've spent this year preparing for and then actively trying to conceive a child; i feel like I've spent this year receiving intensive treatment for a medical condition (not being pregnant) that requires obsessive anxious monitoring and might be rooted in some deeper flaw or failing in my body. almost no part of this experience has felt private, intimate, precious, spontaneous, joyful, sacred, sexy, or fun in any way. it's all felt mediated by doctors and by an incredibly expensive industry that jacks up the prices knowing most people going this route don't have an alternative (because they're gay or they're single or they have medical conditions that impact their ability to conceive naturally). and the ectopic pregnancy just like intensified and heightened all of that, because all of a sudden i DID have a life-threatening medical condition and all that obsessive monitoring WAS justified and my body HAD fucked up, and everyone afterwards spent a lot of time warning me i'd need to subject myself to even closer monitoring next time because i was at increased risk of it happening again.
idk man it's just been a lot!!!!!! and i think that even though early on I was like "i'm going to try to carve out some part of this experience that can be just mine, separate from the medical aspects of assisted conception," i just kind of failed at doing that. i don't think it's my "fault" or whatever, because idk, there's a lot of cultural pressure to medicalize and pathologize and turn our bodies over to doctors or whatever, and it's hard to swim against the current, especially when you are stressed and spending a lot of money and willing to do whatever an expert tells you to do if it'll get you the thing you want so badly. so i don't blame myself but i also have to acknowledge that i haven't had a very positive experience of trying to get pregnant and i think that the single precious, sacred moment of this whole entire year was when that very kind very gruff tech let me watch the heartbeat on the ultrasound right before the surgery and then went to get warm blankets from the dryer to wrap me in. and maybe also the night that my mom and i had the little burial in the woods. that was it, those were the only sacred moments, and they were moments of deep and wrenching grief, not of joy. even finding out i was pregnant again only a few months after the loss wasn't really a moment of uncomplicated joy, because i was so immediately consumed by anxiety and so instantly sucked back into the vortex of endless medical monitoring. so idk i think i have some unresolved grief around the experience of trying to conceive/early pregnancy i got compared to the one i might've hoped for.
when i found out my SIL was pregnant, in the immediate aftermath of my own loss and on the same timeline i would've been on, i just spent a long time feeling like the most horrible bridge troll version of myself i could possibly imagine. i was just eaten up inside with jealousy and it wasn't just that she was having a joyful, healthy, uncomplicated experience of pregnancy while i was healing from a very raw and painful loss. it was also this feeling that like, she was supposed to be pregnant, she was expected to be pregnant, and the whole world was smiling joyfully upon her pregnancy, and everything was unfolding smoothly for her in ways that it hadn't for me. they're young, they're married, they own a house, they have two good incomes and will easily be able to support a family, she's thin and blond and very pretty, and (while i don't know this for sure) it seemed like they got pregnant for free on almost the first attempt, on the exact schedule they'd decided they wanted to have their first baby. and idk just watching my parents excitedly prepare for their first grandkid and make all these plans for how they'd be involved and coming out to tour fancy daycares with them just sucked! you can be so happy and excited for someone you love and also you can feel like the bitterest, ugliest, most horrid little bridge troll inside. i just felt like, i'm going it alone, i'm older and i have fertility issues that might make it impossible for me to do this, i make less money, i'll never own a house, i don't have a partner, blah blah blah, and even though most of those things are choices i've made about the type of life i want to live, it just felt like... idk. i was just eaten up inside by jealousy!!!! like i know nothing about their experience of trying to conceive or what her experience of pregnancy has been like so far, but my ugly inner troll voice was like, why was it so easy for them and hard for me, why did i have to pour $15,000+ into this process, why did they get to have fun joyful let's-create-a-future-together sex while i had to go to a doctor every other week to get stuck with needles and prodded with ultrasound wands and have an insanely painful cramp-inducing dye injected into my fallopian tubes, and why, WHY did our babies conceived at almost exactly the same time have such different fates.
i mean the answer is just like, this is the world we live in! this is the reality of being a queer person and an unpartnered person who wants a family! these are the life choices we make! this is the randomness of conception outcomes and a healthy dose of plain bad luck! but it was hard (and is hard) to not internalize the differences as like, something is Wrong With Me and something is Right With Them. and i think on the most basic level i was just jealous of their shared joy, and was feeling the ache of, i'm in this by myself, i have to weather this loss by myself, i am the only person who cares about this as deeply as i do. and of course that wasn't wholly true, of course i had my mom and my sister and my closest friends who grieved with me and took such good care of me, but idk. i think it stirred up some feelings about being unpartnered for me that i hadn't really examined all that closely before.
and i think... like... i think that is probably the other big piece that i am going to have to spend time grappling with, maybe for a long time, maybe for the rest of my life! with my students, we often talk about the idea of animating questions, like the big preoccupations you find yourself wrestling with again and again, these questions that won't ever be resolved because they don't have a simple or straightforward answer. they are questions you don't ever answer once and for all, but wrestling with them over the years is what gives shape and meaning to your life as a person on a quest for purpose, for clarity, for deeper understanding. i am carving out a life path for myself that looks different from most of the people around me and i think that sometimes i really really wrestle with the question of, like, does this path represent a failure or a choice? and if i have chosen this path have i made that choice out of cowardice or from a place of strength?
i still have to untangle what i mean here or what i feel around this, but i think like... i don't know... i don't really crave partnership, i don't feel its absence in my adult life, i have cared deeply about past romantic partners as people but i have always felt immensely relieved when relationships end because i get my own space & life back, and i feel like almost all of my human emotional needs for connection are met through my friendships and my work. i like sex and i like the idea of a live-in best friend but i also feel pretty sure that modern dating on the apps is not the avenue through which i would find that person and i don't really know of other ways to go about building relationships like that at this stage in my life. but idk man the cultural PRESSURE you feel to do the expected life path thing is immense!!!! and i think that while most of the time i'm able to set that pressure aside and just live my life, the decision to have a child on my own suddenly reignites all of those uncertainties and some of that shame around like, why isn't this a thing i want, does it mean i am emotionally stunted in some way, will it impact my ability to parent well, blah blah blah.
i suspect i will spend a LOT of time in this next chapter of my life trying to untangle those feelings, so i am not going to put too much pressure on it now!! i just want to begin naming them so they aren't just like, swirling around in the back of my mind seeping into everything. i think what i can say definitively right now is this:
i have never felt a strong impulse towards or yearning for romantic partnership, and thinking about dating mostly just makes me feel tired and like i would be doing it for other people, not for myself. if i really think about it, i can imagine myself in a shared partnership with someone who shares my interests and values and sense of humor, but i truly can't imagine getting there through hinge or bumble or whatever. maybe that is where the sense of tiredness comes from when i think about dating, lol.
that said... i HAVE, for a very long time, felt a very strong impulse towards becoming a parent. i feel nervous about this (money! time! blowing up your life! being responsible for a small person!) but i feel no ambivalence towards it, you know? i want to be a parent and i think i'll be good at being a parent (i mean i am sure i will also feel like i am a Very Bad Parent for much of the time as that seems to be a feature of parenting, but on the whole i feel confident in my ability to provide the love and stability and structure necessary to raise a reasonably happy, well-adjusted kid). i have never been able to imagine a life where i do not become a parent by some route and i feel a deep, wrenching sadness when i imagine a life where i don't raise a family.
i think the sense of total clarity and joy i feel around the choice to parent vs. the profound ambivalence i feel around the idea of dating signals something important! but it is just challenging, you know, to carve out a life for yourself that goes a little or a lot against the grain of what other people's lives look like and what people think would make you happy. i know i am very VERY lucky that over the past five-ish years my parents have gone from being extremely skeptical or worried about my life path to 10000000% supportive and on board and ready to help me make it work. but i also just think i gotta wrestle with the cultural demons in my own head/heart you know!! i am going to have to work hard to get to the point where i feel really secure in my choices!! i know that the horrid bridge troll feelings about other people conceiving easily in the context of happy marriages are normal and okay to feel - it's just human to wish that your own journey was easier, simpler, cheaper, less painful. but i also think that, as liz says all the time, security (in yourself and in your choices) is a gift you give to yourself and everyone around you. i might not be there yet, but i want to work hard to get to a point where i am so secure in the choices i have made that i can experience other people's experiences and choices as simply theirs, not as a reflection or a shaming judgment on mine. i want to be able to say, i am so happy for you, and i am also so happy for me, because we have both worked hard to create the lives we needed and wanted for ourselves, and now we get to live in them. I want to know with total certainty that I, not other people, get to decide what my life means.
but also.... i want to think of this journey not just in terms of Struggling to Make Peace With My Choices but also in terms of like... sometimes taking a different path can produce unexpected joys that people on the regular path won't get to experience. for instance, i can already tell that my mom and my sister are going to be incredibly involved in raising my kid, and that my parents are going to feel an extra sense of responsibility to provide my child with a life that is incredibly rich and full of love. so i am going to have a life that is rich in family relationships, maybe richer than it would've been if i was part of a traditional nuclear family unit. i am going to have to learn to depend on and lean on other people in wholly new ways, which will challenge me (a person who tends towards insularity and independence) to really stretch and grow. i am also going to get to have a different experience of parenting in the home! i am going to have to learn to work things out with my kid without another adult there to help mediate conflicts. we are going to have to figure out how to be a good, functioning team because we are going to have to share responsibility differently than in a two-parent household. and i hope that through this experience i also get to meet and talk with other single parents (something tumblr has already allowed me to start doing!), and i get to develop a deeper, richer understanding of alternative family structures and life paths that don't look like other people's.
i want to be honest: there is some real grief there! i have chosen a life that is different than the one i hazily imagined for myself as a younger person... and already that has meant that i've had a very different experience of trying to conceive/being pregnant than the people closest to me, which has sometimes felt very painful and lonely. and i imagine that as i navigate parenting i will have to keep grappling with the grief of like, living in a culture where it's not "normal" to parent alone, where other people will judge the choices i make, and where i will be missing out on some of the joys of shared childraising i see other people around me experiencing. but i don't know i guess i just have faith in my ability to make meaning out of my life, and i think that the grief will be counterbalanced by joys i'm not able to anticipate from this vantage point because i haven't lived them yet.
and also if i stop for a second and think: would i rather not go down this path at all? the answer comes back to me so clearly and so immediately. of course not. i want you so badly, little seahorse. i'm so ready for you to come into my life. i'm ready to shed my old self, my old life, and become somebody wholly new, in a wholly new relationship with a wholly new human being. hey! i love you! come here and be my baby!
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non-plutonian-druid · 2 years
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I wanted to try to do some short comics for the otgw au but couldnt come up with any Situations to put ben and diego in. so here they are not-talking about their trauma instead lmao
(also thanks so much to @sharkneto​ for the ID!!! my brain is fried i couldn’t have written that up today on my own)
[ID: A two page comic titled FIVE, starring Ben and Diego from The Umbrella Academy, drawn in the style of Over the Garden Wall.
Page 1:
Panel 1: Viewed from above, Diego and Ben walk along a dirt path with fall grasses and shrubs to the sides. Diego wears a black outfit with a black, knitted cap on his head that has yellow eyes and triangular ears on top so that he is dressed like a cat. He looks angry. Ben wears a white shirt and brown pants with green, orange, and yellow scarves wrapped around his neck to act as tentacles for his costume. His expression is neutral. He carries Mr. Pennycrumb in his arms, who is a small and yellow dog with floppy ears.
Panel 2: Diego is in the foreground, unhappy and his hands in his pockets. Ben is behind him, eyes closed and looking very content to be holding Mr. Pennycrumb. Diego says, “Why do you even still take care of that thing?”
Panel 3: A close up on Mr. Pennycrumb dangling in Ben’s arms. His eyes look in two different directions and his tongue sticks out. He is adorable.
Panel 4: A close up on Ben and Mr. Pennycrumb, viewed from slightly below. Ben says, “Because he’s Five’s.”
Panel 5: Diego and Ben walking with fall foliage behind them. Diego is slightly ahead of Ben and is glaring as he looks back at Ben. Diego says, “Five doesn’t care enough to stick around, and now you and Vik are saddled with it.” Ben asks, “Why do you hate him so much?”
Panel 6: Diego stands with his arms raised over his head in exasperation, mouth open wide to speak. He says in a series of three speech bubbles, “I don’t hate it! It’s just dumb! And useless! And now we have to look after it when Five couldn’t be bothered to!”
Page 2:
Panels 1 and 2: Ben holds Mr. Pennycrumb and looks down, hurt. Mr. Pennycrumb looks especially googly-eyed and cute. Ben says, “You don’t know that.”
Panel 3: Diego and Ben walking, Diego still in front of Ben. Diego is still angry and his hands are in the air again and his mouth is open wide to yell. Ben is also angry, with his eyebrows low. Diego says, “Well he’s not here now, is he? He left!” Ben says, “You don’t know that either.”
Panel 4: Diego is gesturing angrily and exaggeratedly with his arms. He says, “You and Vik are so convinced something bad happened!”
Panel 5: Closer in on Diego’s face. His eyebrows are low and his mouth is open wide. He says, “He’s fine! He wanted to leave!”
Panel 6: Diego and Ben have to climb over a thick, mossy log that lays over the dirt path. Diego is halfway over the top while Ben is still on the other side, only the top of his head and his feet visible behind it. Diego glares and says in a series of four bubbles, “He told us he would, then he did. And he left his shiny new dog behind and you and Vik are going to take care of it until it dies.”
Panel 7: Diego has climbed over the log and is in the foreground, walking and still angry, his arms outstretched to gesture. Ben is small in the background, just getting over the log with Mr. Pennycrumb still in his arms. Diego says, “Or until you go to college.”
Panel 8: Diego is viewed sightly from the back, looking over his shoulder. His expression is flatter and mean. He says, “And Dad drowns it or something.”
Panel 9: Ben stands alone in front of the log, Mr. Pennycrumb dangling in his arms. His expression is blank. Mr. Pennycrumb’s eyes are extra googly again. He is adorable as always.
Panel 10: Viewed from above, this time from slightly behind so we look at their backs, Diego and Ben continue walking down the path, the log behind them. Ben says, “You’re such an asshole, Diego.” End ID.]
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polaroidcats · 5 months
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my attempt to draw u not confused or scheming has led to my realizing I don’t kno what a pallas cat anatomy is as I tried to give u dungarees LOL
and i think no one actually knows the true anatomy of pallas cats, they (we) guard that secret under their (our) floof!!!
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jeanmoreaux · 8 months
in ur tags you wrote the unstoppable force post was andreil coded…. well do you know sakavic herself reglogged that post too…. bc eyes are wide open rn
OMGDJJFHDHFJDHDJJDJFJD no i did not know that i did not clock that. makes me feel weirdly validated tho. highlight of my day because yes. YES. it just screamed andreil to me and to have nora go ‘same’ does feel like a win to me. thank you so much for telling me you made my week <3
i mean. yeah eyes wide open. (neil the unstoppable force always on the run, changing, adjusting, moving things along for others as well etc, andrew the immovable object not just in his ethics/morals/approach but also as a source of stability to lean on etc… and their colliding is not just what the want but what they NEED as individuals to grow!!! andrew providing stability for neil to grow roots and have a home and have a place to belong, neil bringing with him a revitalising force, a forward momentum that presents andrew with a future that is more than just an empty existence or a waiting for death but a Life. that’s why they work. like. they wanted to collide, they needed to collide, THEY WERE MEANT TO COLLIDE))
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stonedpiece · 8 months
tagged by @puppysdog to share my five fave songs atm
1. drugs - philharmonic
2. 6 foot 7 foot - lil wayne
3. hands up - parker millsap
4. llueve sobre la ciudad - los bunkers
5. before the devil knows we're dead - turnpike turnabours
tagging @gumgumvibecheck @fruity-tooty @wlwnami @bigcryptiddies @monkeydgoofy @hrrraandm
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i'm thinking of suguru sitting next to you... his hair is down and your hands are in his. he's rubbing hearts into your palm and whispering sweet nothings into your neck... oh my god i'm so sick and in love with him it's not even funny 😭😭😭😭😭
also sugu with his hair loose is very. intimate and sweet and soft, i've seen people talk about how his hair is symbolic of his mental state/behaviors and i completely agree... but we deserved to see him let loose and show his 100% true colors in a happy context too!!!!!! BUT BACK TO THE MAIN IDEA he's so beautiful and handsome and and.. i wish i could say more but my imagination is not very good. which is why your thoughts are so helpful!!!
also ABOUT the last ask... i will share with you when the stuff comes... probably will be late may so i can save on shipping :(( i can show some stuff i have rn tho!! AND WHY DID SENDICO NOT WORK FOR YOU. ugh. i'm so sorry ari 🌖
okay so this . made me insane? completely??? i don’t have words to describe the longing that poured into my body after reading this like it’s SO serious. YOU’RE ALWAYS OUT TO GET ME :(((…… all my moots and anons collaborating to make my brainrot worse……. sniffle………… soft intimate moments w sugu make me so emotional :’3 rubbing hearts into your palm.,… he’s suchhhh a loverboy i’m gonna cry. whispering sweet nothings into your ear…. treating you soso gently and delicately bc he just loves you so much…… bc you always treat him so gently in return . sniffle sob sniffle….
AND . HIM W HIS HAIR DOWN…….. let’s discuss this 🌖 anon . we Need to talk abt it. suguru’s hair is something so personal to me….. not JUST bc it’s silky and beautiful and fluffy but also bc it rlly is so very Symbolic……. the fact that he kept it in a bun during high school, let it all flow during his defection and then finally put it into a half-down bun……. it for sure symbolizes his mental state but most importantly his control . and his true self. teen sugu is very guarded …. very controlled….. when it comes to his fake smiles and emotions and just. everything. so him wearing his hair up is almost like a way of conforming, yk?? not letting his true self show. but during his breakdown he’s so tired and depressed he doesn’t even have the strenght to put it into a bun or take care of it…. he doesn’t have the strenght to put up appearances :((( n i think that’s also why he blurts some things out to haibara and yuki. he’s just . soso tired……
and when he finally defects and fixes his cognitive dissonance, he has the control and strenght to put his hair into a bun, but still lets it flow freely and. to me that’s . a symbol of his conviction. his decision Not to conform anymore :’3 i just love metaphors like that sm…. BUUUUT sadness aside it’s basically just a symbol of his true self and how comfortable he is showing it!!!! so for him to let his hair down in front of his s/o…. 🥺🥺 i just think. it’s a sign of trust. in a way. he’s willing to bare his heart to you…. and he trusts you to treat him w care. trusts you to wash his hair and comb it bc he knows you aren’t gonna tug on it or threaten to cut it off the way satoru does LMAO. he just trusts you soooo deeply and that’s so rare for him i think :(((((
ANYWAYYYYYYY I MADE MYSELF YEARN 2 MUCH. thank you for the tasty brainworms my beloved 🌖 anon <33333 AND PLSS I’D LOVE TO SEE YOUR CURRENT MERCH!!!! feel free!!!!! :3
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millenniumringg · 10 months
Was tagged by my beloveds @justapalspal. and @yuusaris to do the "share a few paragraphs from your WIP" tag game :3 I've been kind of radio silent on my fics lately so here's my chance to prove I've been working on stuff LMAO
If you wanna do this, DO IT!! I don't know who to tag off the top of my head cuz tired... but DO THIS IF U WANT!!! YEAH YOU!!!!
So, here are some bits from some of my WIPs :-) there may be spoilers for some fics like Ghostbusters and Clean Sneak, but nothing too detailed ;)
From Ghostbusters! A Yugioh AU
(From the unfortunately delayed final chapter (im so sorry its gonna come i swear) where Ryou and Yugi are desperately trying to figure out how to solve the current Ghost Dilemma that is rapidly consuming Domino)
Ryou held the phone out between himself and Yugi. They waited, holding their breath in hopes they might actually get someone to answer the phone.
“Kaiba Corp, how can I assist you?”
Ryou and Yugi stared at each other. They weren’t really expecting an answer.
“Um,” Yugi quickly spoke up, “Yes, um, is Seto Kaiba available?”
“I’m sorry sir. Mister Kaiba is very busy. I can take a—”
“Busy with what?” Ryou challenged. “Listen lady, I don’t know if you’ve been outside, but it’s like night of the living dead out there. Get Kaiba on the phone and tell him it’s the Ghostbusters.”
“The Ghostbusters? I… I’m not sure if he—”
Yugi groaned. “Please just get him on the phone. He needs our help and we need his. It’s an emergency!”
The woman on the other line made a distressed hum. She seemed nervous, but Ryou and Yugi knew there was no time to lose.
Eventually, the woman sighed. “Please hold.”
When the line went quiet, Ryou grinned at Yugi.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe that actually worked.”
Yugi nodded, but his excitement quickly faded. “That was the easy part, though.”
From The Clean Sneak
(Continuing from the train capture gone awry, Yugi, Atem, Mai, and Isis must come up with a plan to get Amir away from Ryou)
“I promised to look out for my brothers, Mai.”
“Isis…” Mai hummed with uncertainty, for she recognized that determined look in Isis’ eyes. “What are you doing?”
“I’m saving Amir from himself.” Isis pushed her rifle into Mai’s hands before reaching behind herself to pull out a revolver. The handle was wooden with beautiful, delicate pearl designs embedded into it. She opened up the cylinder, counting the bullets inside.
“Three shots Mai,” She continued, but Mai wasn’t convinced.
“Three shots and what? You’ll shoot him and drag him off the train?! Isis, you’re not thinking straight. We have to—”
“We have to save Ryou. I’m saving my brother. My family.” Isis opened up the sleeper car door, her revolver in hand. “I’m just going to talk to him.”
“Talk to him?!” All three of the others in the train car exclaimed, looking at Isis in shock.
“Sweetie, I don’t think he wants to talk anymore. I think you need to think this over a little more—”
From an untitled Heartshipping ficlet
(I'm currently working on something for @ninjam117 's birthday... so here's a snippet of that >:) )
Thinking about it made Yugi blush. He put his head in his hands, angry at himself for having such… tainted thoughts about a stranger. About an alluring young man. A pale, green-eyed, white-haired angel. 
Yugi groaned to himself. He was hopeless. The man wasn’t coming. It was well past midnight. Probably 2am. He should get some rest already. He was sure the young man had better places to be anyway. 
With a heavy sigh, Yugi straightened up. He tilted his head toward the moon in the distance, gazing at it and the stars momentarily before forcing himself to turn away. 
With his head low, Yugi quietly shut the balcony French doors. He shut all the curtains, then crawled into bed, not even bothering to take his party garments off. 
The sheer curtains over the French doors did little to hide the moonlight. It bothered Yugi, for the light was so pale and magical. A perfect night to experience something… new. Something fantastic.
Yugi’s eyelids grew heavy. His blinking slowed as he stared at the edge of his bed, at the elegant night sky. 
It was quiet. Peaceful. 
Eventually, Yugi shut his eyes, sleep having taken him over.
From Cornered 2 title pending maybe
(Yes I'm making a sequel, yes I'm insane. First snippet is from chapter 1)
It didn’t take long at all for the two to peel their clothes off. They’d done it countless times before. It was almost as routine to shower together as it was to work out together.
The water was running. Malik and Ryou were kissing, holding each other almost unbearably close.
“We’re going to be late,” Malik murmured between kisses, but Ryou was relentless. He held onto Malik’s head and kissed him over and over again. Eventually, Malik had to pull himself free to laugh.
Ryou groaned. He leaned his head into the crook of Malik’s neck, his arms wrapped around his lover’s body.
“Fine.” But Ryou didn’t move. He closed his eyes, reveling in the peace that came with being close to Malik.
Malik hugged Ryou back. They stood under the running water for a while, content to remain in the embrace for as long as possible.
“I love you,” Ryou whispered, not wanting to ruin the peace by speaking too loud.
Malik smiled. He held Ryou tighter and kissed Ryou’s head.
“I love you, too.”
Ryou pulled away. He looked at Malik, thankful his face was already red from the run so Malik couldn’t see how much he was blushing. He felt over Malik’s shoulders, trailing his hands down along his chest and to his sides.
“Do you want me to wash your hair?” Malik asked. Ryou closed his eyes, took in a deep breath and nodded.
Ryou turned around and let Malik do his wonders. His hands were so gentle. So warm and kind and never malicious.
“Is this okay?” He would ask frequently and Ryou would reply, “Yes. Perfect.”
“I think you might be due for a trim soon,” Malik commented. “Your hair is getting longer.”
Ryou hummed. “Yeah. Probably.”
Malik gently tilted Ryou’s head back to rinse the soap out. Then, of course, as always, Ryou did the same for Malik. 
“Do you remember when we first did this?” Ryou asked, keeping his eyes fixated on the lathering task. “And we cried.”
Malik let out a thoughtful hum. “Of course I do.”
Ryou smiled a little. The memory was bittersweet, but felt more sweet as time went on.
“...Is everything okay?” Malik asked, hesitance in his tone.
“Everything is just fine,” Ryou replied, tilting Malik’s head back to rinse the soap. He hummed happily.
From Cornered 2... But some time later in the fic
(Another taste of what's inevitably to come in Cornered 2 but THATS IT no more sippies ... maybe)
Ryou forced his legs to back away. He forced his eyes to tear away, but nothing seemed to help. The gym spun around him. Voices that weren’t there were on a loop, getting louder and louder. 
He hurried to the locker room, bumping into one or two people along the way. His shoulders were tense, his hands balled up tight.
Unfortunately, the locker room did not provide the solace Ryou, for some reason, thought it would. 
Stiffly, Ryou sat down on the bench, holding his head in his hands. 
He wanted this to stop. He wanted the voices to stop. He wanted the panic to stop. 
But thinking such things only made it worse. It wasn’t going to stop. It was never going to stop. These things already happened to him. Ryou couldn’t go back in time and fix it. He couldn’t go back and… and…
You’re never going to forget me, you know.
“I know,” Ryou said aloud, answering the voice in his head. 
Every time you sleep, you’ll dream of me.
“I know,” Ryou said louder. 
Every time you close your eyes—
“I SEE YOU!” Ryou shouted abruptly, rising to his feet. 
“I see you every day! I hear you every day! Shut up! Be quiet! Just be fucking quiet!”
Ryou wanted to punch the lockers. He wanted to throw all of his things and roll on the floor and sob, but the only thing he could bring himself to do was stand in the middle of the locker room and yell.
“Fuck you,” Ryou said aloud again, smashing his hand into his locker before pulling it open aggressively. “I’m in control. I’m in control. I AM IN CONTROL!”
“Are you..?”
Ryou nearly screamed. He jumped, not expecting Jounouchi’s voice to be so close. 
Oh god. Ryou had forgotten he was in public. The locker room wasn’t empty. Dozens of eyes were staring at him. 
Ryou thought he might throw up.
“Hey, Touzoku, it’s okay—”
Ryou shoved Jounouchi’s hands away. He didn’t know why, though. He could really use the comfort. 
…The only comfort he wanted, though, was the only comfort he couldn’t have.
“I-I…” Ryou swallowed. He searched for words that weren’t angry or rude or frantic, but it was hard. “I’m leaving. I need to go.”
Jounouchi frowned. He stepped away as Ryou chaotically shoved things in his gym bag and walked out of the locker room.
“Where are you going? Let me drive you.”
“I can drive myself,” Ryou said through gritted teeth, though he didn’t want to. He didn’t want to be mean to Jounouchi at all, but right now that was all he could give him.
“Please, Touzoku,” Jounouchi urged, following Ryou outside. “Something is wrong. You’re not—”
“Of course something is wrong!” Ryou practically screeched, whirling around to glare at Jounouchi. “Something has been wrong with me for four fucking years, Katsuya! I can’t get away from a man in prison and my fucking fiancee is in a fucking coma!”
Ryou was out of breath. People in the gym were gathered by the front door, watching the commotion. 
“Jounouchi,” Ryou breathed. “I..” He put a hand up in the air, shaking his head. “I can’t. I need to see Malik. That’s all I want to do right now.”
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folklouire · 6 months
thank you lovelies @airportlouis & @tommos for tagging me to share 5 songs I’ve been into lately 💝
1. louisa - lord huron 2. i love you all the time - florence + the machine, maccabees 3. some velvet morning - nancy sinatra & lee hazlewood 4. from the dining table - harry styles 5. it's all over now, baby blue - joan baez
tagging @xrgesh @antidotetogo @styie @thealcottmp3 @nouies @holyshit @ourstaturestouchtheskies @a-doctor-not-a-fangirl if you wanna do it 💝💝💝💝
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