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coladaminx · 1 year ago
( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️) this is good
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maybe its just me... but i feel like their upping rontoto sweetness each episode like there is more emphasis on how much impact toto has on Ron and other characters can see that to and it's adorable!
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kitten-kokomo · 2 months ago
This isn’t Kris
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Hear me out. This isn’t Kris. Whatever they are, they’re possessing Kris, just like we are.
If you haven’t watched the chapter 1 ending cutscene in a hot minute, here’s a video. Go ahead, watch it. I’ll be here when you’re done.
*sips hot cocoa*
Oh! You’re back already? Great!
You might have noticed that Kris doesn’t get out of bed like a normal person. Granted, they are not a normal person, but it’s still really odd behavior to squirm in your bed and then throw yourself onto the floor. Looks like it hurt, too. Now, maybe it’s your headcanon, but I don’t see Kris as a masochist.
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This. This is weird.
So Kris is on the floor, and then they get up. And they start doing a little zombie shamble. That’s weird. Nobody just walks like that. And yes, if you’re missing a soul and running on pure determination, maybe that’s a reasonable way to walk, but not before you rip it out.
Something isn’t right here.
Also worth noting that ripping their soul out clearly hurts. A lot. Weird choice, I’m just saying. Maybe a choice that someone desperate would make…or maybe a choice that someone who isn’t affected might make, that someone who doesn’t belong in that body might make.
Food for thought.
The next time Kris’s soul is removed, in Chapter 2 they’re just standing in front of the sink, and then randomly fall down. It’s odd, because, again, the soul is still in their body. They appear perfectly fine, and yet, they just topple over. Again, weird. Then they rip their soul out and shamble off to slash tires (probably), and come back.
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And the next time, they shudder a lot before ripping out the soul, getting up and shambling.
You see the pattern, don’t you? Kris seems to not be in complete control of their body, even before removing the soul. And we know Kris is capable of moving normally, such as when they save Susie without prompting at the end of chapter 1, or back away from Susie at the beginning, or even the handful of cases during cutscenes and whatnot where they walk by their self. It’s only when they’re about to remove their soul, and afterwards, that they move like they’re half dead. Therefore, we can logically conclude that their shambling state is unrelated to their SOUL being in their body at all.
And, following that vein of logic, if this is a state that is unrelated to whether Kris’ SOUL is inside them, it’s also most likely a state Kris cannot choose to enter. Why would they? They have a perfectly functioning motor system, why would they choose to stop functioning? It is logical to conclude that something or someone else causes that state. Furthermore, unless we learn of a reason that Kris would choose to use the periods of time when their legs stop working to slash tires and open a Dark Fountain in the living room, it’s logical to assume that whatever entity causes Kris’ shambling state is also controlling them during it. That makes sense–of course an outside entity would have trouble controlling a body that’s not their own, especially if Kris is able and trying to fight them.
So there’s the proof that Kris didn’t open the Dark Fountain, slash the tires, or eat the pie. But that begs the question: who did?
*cue dramatic violins*
…the Knight. It’s the Knight. 100%.
It’s fair to assume that the thing making Kris open a fountain in their living room is probably the same thing that is known for opening fountains in places. So let’s run with that, shall we?
It’s possible the Knight started possessing Kris long before the events of the first chapter; the birdcage has apparently seen several crashes (or possibly the narration is talking about the wagon, it’s unclear), which could imply that this has happened before, maybe to create the classroom dark world, or even the castle town one in the closet?
Even if not, the Knight still takes over Kris at the end of Chapter 1, eats some pie, and possibly creates the computer lab fountain. (It’s also possible the Knight can possess multiple people, and used someone else to make the computer lab fountain, we don’t know what their deal is or how they’re doing this, it might work on multiple people and they just enjoy making Kris suffer)
Then Chapter 2 happens, and the Knight takes over twice—once to slash the tires, and once to open the door and make the fountain. Why? Who knows, this is all speculation, and until we get more info, there’s no way to figure out what their motive could possibly be.
Anyways, that’s my crack-but-seriously-this-could-work theory, thanks for sticking with me! If you’ll excuse me, I have a fanfiction to stare at without making any progress.
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casually-prish · 2 months ago
something i love about the twins is how they were doomed from the start.
their beginnings are debated so skip to their childhood: waking up with the sun's rays patterned on their faces, peeking through the curtains to see if it's snowed, their father calling them down the stairs both at one time, one name before the other like it has always been and how it will always be, nosebleeds and scrapes from bikes, taking off raincoats and draping them gently across the kitchen's radiator, running upstairs to scream curse words in anger and acting like nothing happened over a warm plate of food
as teens they are worse. shivers, sighs, all nighters. looks for reassurance that it will be okay, it has to be, but look at me the same way you did years ago when it was. one has calloused fingertips and a dream, the other a mouth that speaks woven silk and the fear of god. come spend time with me? miss me.
as the poet fell from grace the twin could only watch. hunched shoulders and split lips. eyes darting nervously and getting angry over his 'delusions,' as the other called it. what a fool.
i like to think he faltered when he found out, maybe he even saw it? the shimmering sword dripping with his brothers blood clutched in his father's clammy grasp. the unmoving shape of something that used to be... him? maybe he thought that this was fate, that his twin's reckless behaviour could only end in his demise and to hope for a different outcome was just childish. but, i think he knew. you could tell it from the way he shrank into himself over the next few months. the way his throat would tighten when someone asked about him, the cold sweats he woke up in after seeing him, flushed, smiling proudly, standing side by side, as twins, where he belonged.
something i love about the twins is how they were doomed from the start <3
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eebibly · 6 months ago
The Fairy Tail anime should not have made the Eclipse Spirits arc.
Spoiler Warning
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I was super excited for this arc. I knew it was filler and would end up relatively inconsequential to the main story because it can’t (or at least shouldn’t) mess with manga canon, but I felt like the Eclipse designs were really cool (most of them anyway) and the celestial spirits were finally getting the attention that they so deserved! So when I finally got to watching it as the episodes came out week by week, I was so disappointed to slowly witness the anime equivalent of a train wreck that only got worse with every new release.
It’s bad. Might as well start with that. Plain and simple. It’s horrible. It lures the viewer in with an intriguing premise: Lucy’s golden spirits aren’t appearing when summoned, her silver spirits are harmed and in distress. Suddenly, her beloved Zodiacs appear before her —having taken on completely new forms— to declare their freedom from the shackles of celestial contracts; even though they have no memory of Lucy and what they’ve been through together.
And, already, therein lies the anime’s first mistake. The Zodiacs, simultaneously, have absolutely no recollection of their previous lives or masters, and yet also harbour a deeper resentment for both. So much so that they are willing to give up their immortality and lives just for a taste of some ‘true freedom’. This implies that, despite the amnesia, there is deeply-rooted residual trauma that Lucy and friends could have addressed in order to reach out to them. Although Lucy, famous for being especially respectful of spirits, may not have done anything specifically wrong, this could still be a good chance for her to better understand what freedom, bond and loyalty actually mean to her spirits. And then, she could readjust to meet their needs. Instead, the anime gets very stuck by the fact that they’ve forgotten everything. So the spirits just end up sounding like petulant children, covering their ears. The anime can’t decide whether we, the viewers, should be taking their concerns seriously or just feeling bad for Lucy who has to deal with her oddball pesky spirits again- But This Time, They Might Die!! Edition.
One could argue that the anime didn’t want to explore the same concept of freedom 12 times over. Except, they didn’t have to. There are so many different ways to explore what freedom means to each spirit, especially since each one has a room dedicated to them. It’s a perfect yet wasted opportunity to actually delve into each spirit and how they feel about their existence. Some quick, underdeveloped ideas: Leo could have been a reflection on what it means to have power, but the way that that power is used is out of his control; Aries could be a deep-dive into how to deal with abuse and trauma when stuck with a soft heart; Aquarius could have a been a deliberation on independence vs codependence; Virgo— exploring the difference between loyalty and servitude, etc.
One may argue that it would have taken too much time to do that though, considering the allotted amount of episodes for the arc (being 15). But I would argue that some of the *checks Wikipedia* 10.5 extra filler episodes before and after this arc could have been used for this purpose, instead of filling more space with (cute, but mostly mediocre) one-shots that, honestly, could have just been OVAs. I don’t think they’re useless or anything, I just feel that those episodes could have been better spent on making the Eclipse arc actually good. (Except Kemo-Kemo~ sweet baby’s story is exactly where it should be and he deserves so much love.)
However, we instead get a hodgepodge of slapstick gags and situational ironies in nonsensical minigame-esque battles. Taurus getting defeated because he’s a germaphobe? Really? You’d rather make fun of OCD (or other related neurodivergent diagnoses) over just actually having a meaningful conversation about what Taurus wants to achieve out of this rebellion? A boring Game Show where Levy is forced to reveal her oh-so-not-secret crush? Magic The Gathering Scorpio??? Don’t even get me started on Aries and Virgo… On top of that, the characters speak to one another as if they’ve resolved… something (for example, Wendy and Aquarius wanting to play together again someday), and will see each other again in the spirits’ eclipse forms—which I had assume they were trying to revert. Unfortunately, there’s literally no point to any of their bonding… especially after they forget it all when they become normal again anyway.
Not to mention, every other conversation is just a looped wall: “Loke, I’m saving you cuz you’re my friend and Lucy is sad!” - “My name is Leo!!!”; “Virgo, let’s talk, I don’t want you to feel enslaved, I swear!” - “Yeah right, stupid human, have some mayo down your tits”; “Please, Libra, I just wanna be friends again!” - “Shut up, balance is all”. Worst of all, these are the few examples where the humans managed to break through to them minimally. Everyone else simply had no brain cells left and were just like: “Welp, guess I lost. Peace out.” It is just the laziest writing. They even chose to ignore Loke and Gray’s canonical friendship, all for the sake of making Natsu shine again… (listen, I love Natsu- but THE BROMANCE C’MON. It all just felt forced.)
And on top of that, you know all those interesting themes that could have been explored but that ultimately amount to nothing? The story then pivots and decides: “you know what? It actually DOES mean NOTHING!!!” Because (plot twist!) the freedom they actually wanted was from their power-hungry overlord beast of a King! (|Sarcasm incoming->) But of course, that wasn’t a believable enough reason for wanting freedom, and they’d rather die than ask humans for help. (Sarcasm over|) The fact that Ophiuchus tricked them into giving up their lives “for the king” without the Zodiacs realizing is probably the worst plot twist I’ve ever read.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily mind “we did this all for nothing” or “we tried to help but ended leading them to their demise” premises. Having said that, not only was this one poorly executed, but it also removes any reason for the viewer to take the spirits’ concerns seriously. After all, they were just taking out their misunderstood fear on the humans. Their feelings were misplaced, therefore we no longer have to worry about them wanting to actually leave Lucy or choosing to die. Also, why did they hurt the silver keys? Were they just acting out? Were they working under the influence of the king? Or is the implication that it’s actually the king who hurt them? If it was the Zodiac spirits who hurt them, despite the fact that the silvers are also under threat of the beast- WHY???
In short, just because filler arcs should be inconsequential to the canon story line, that doesn’t mean that they can’t have something meaningful to explore or add to the existing story. Instead, Fairy Tail anime decided to waste everyone’s time on half-baked battles, cheap (borderline offensive) gags, and a plot twist that ultimately implies: “if the spirits don’t belong to Lucy (and Yukino), then they don’t matter.” And then— The spirits don’t even remember being saaaaved. *slow clap* Veeeery funny, anime. What a clever clever this-was-all-for-nothing final jest.
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Hey there. So since drawings still been a bit rough for me to do consistently I suppose I may as well start writing down things little snippets about the characters and world lore because I'll be honest there's some things I haven't completely figured out but there is a lot that I have. So for now let's start with the titular character Wilderin.
Wilderin is a young man in his early 20s, at about age 6 he went off to a boarding school in a city a long ways away from his home town, and graduated from it at age 16 with high academic records, and the school was eager to be rid of him anyways due to his magical curse's destructive and rather disruptive nature. Speaking of his curse he's had it since infancy but it only started affecting him negatively at age 4 when he had a traumatic surge of magic.
Since graduating he's been on the road traveling from town to town doing odd jobs and searching for something to help with his curse. However oddly enough he does not want to 'cure' his curse, more so he wishes to learn ways to better live with it to where it doesn't cause him constant suffering to himself and those around him.
And that's all there is to really know for now without spoiling much. I'll make more posts in the coming days and weeks talking about other characters and even a bit about the setting that this story takes place in. hopefully I'll be able to sprinkle in bits of art and doodles along the way until I can start posting comics and stories proper. ;w;
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peepos-prose · 2 years ago
Hello lads! Coming back from Artfight, I wanna start talking about Illusory again (mostly to pump my interest back up), so if I were to do some infodumps;
I'll be coming around to all these at some point, but I want to keep things interesting for you! I'll be compiling a master post after the fact, too, but for now, lmk what you think!
And for the first time, here's the taglist! (I am so professional XD)
Illusory Taglist (-/+ on request!)
@kingkendrick7, @kahvilahuhut
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beepboopappreciation · 9 months ago
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Is this anything
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sonykatzen · 4 months ago
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pretty boy
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rozer0ry · 2 months ago
Comic based after the events of sonic 3 PART 3
Read the previous part here!
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stageturn · 6 months ago
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(slides u a jon) got time for a draw this in your style?
use #stageturnDTIYS to participate :D
HAVE FUN!!!!! (closeups under the cut :3)
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and here's the actual doodle of s1 Jon
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phantominzie · 2 months ago
That is all, y'all have a good one and stay safe during all this ICE!
edit: fascists, racists, nazi's, homophobe/transphobes, and trump dick riders can politely fuck off on this post. I'm tired of dealing with y'all, stop trying to be edgy in the comments of this post, I will just block you so piss off.
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paper-lilypie · 2 months ago
Your Sonic fic had me giggling and kicking my feet happily.
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xitsensunmoon · 5 months ago
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He's a bit too excited to see you clock in
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 2 months ago
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Hedghodg Snugglz
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 24 days ago
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Hi :)
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ayoharuko · 1 year ago
Storytime! (Things that happened to me irl, might do more if you guys love it :3)
Embarrassing storytime!
This short story is about how my ✨A D H D✨ affects my life (in a good way), for all purposes I promise you all no one was hurt and this is just me being silly irl🥳
I think you guys might find this short story funny since it was embarrassing but a funny memory!
~ Start ~
Ok so this one was actually not too long ago, me and my S/o were both at the mall just browsing around since we were too bored at home lol
So we were at H&M and and they were inside the changing rooms while i too was inside a changing room checking to see which skirt (i love skirts) fit me more, then my S/o knocked on the changing room door (We were inside a big changing room with stalls) They asked me if we could take a short trip to the restrooms since they had to go urgently.
Now you might ask, why don’t they just tell you and go on their own? Well…i’ll get lost.
Like I’ve been to that mall A THOUSAND TIMES and i still get lost…even when i have a map…
My sense of direction is just like Zoro’s🥲
So yea we were almost exiting H&M when the beeper or detector i actually don’t know what its called started ringing on us…
We both got so confused and a worker as well as the security guard looked at us with almost an blank/deadpan expression…..
We were so confused and i immediately started saying that we didn’t do or steal anything, the employee sighed and looked down at my body and I obviously followed their gaze and oh my fucking gosh…
My mind immediately blanked as my S/o snorted (I smacked them on the shoulder dw) at the situation.
If it wasn’t for my S/o’s amazing ✨T a l k i n g✨ skills then the police would have actually been called on me🥹
When that whole ordeal was over i asked them why didn’t they tell me that i was wearing the skirt and they answered that they also didn’t know as they were distracted, so..the point is…that my adhd almost caused me to get arrested-
But its ok! I brought the skirt-
Yea thats the story, i hope you cringed, laughed or cried :D
Has something similar ever happened to you guys? Also tell if yall want more eheheheheheh
I honestly don’t mind sharing some of my irl stories with you guys cause honestly almost all of them are hilarious🤭
Oki thats all, have a wonderful day and thanks for reading this far~!
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