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Hey there. So since drawings still been a bit rough for me to do consistently I suppose I may as well start writing down things little snippets about the characters and world lore because I'll be honest there's some things I haven't completely figured out but there is a lot that I have. So for now let's start with the titular character Wilderin.
Wilderin is a young man in his early 20s, at about age 6 he went off to a boarding school in a city a long ways away from his home town, and graduated from it at age 16 with high academic records, and the school was eager to be rid of him anyways due to his magical curse's destructive and rather disruptive nature. Speaking of his curse he's had it since infancy but it only started affecting him negatively at age 4 when he had a traumatic surge of magic.
Since graduating he's been on the road traveling from town to town doing odd jobs and searching for something to help with his curse. However oddly enough he does not want to 'cure' his curse, more so he wishes to learn ways to better live with it to where it doesn't cause him constant suffering to himself and those around him.
And that's all there is to really know for now without spoiling much. I'll make more posts in the coming days and weeks talking about other characters and even a bit about the setting that this story takes place in. hopefully I'll be able to sprinkle in bits of art and doodles along the way until I can start posting comics and stories proper. ;w;
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floating-on-avalon · 2 years ago
"What's that Wilderin eating? Oh it's alright, it's just Merlin."
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tagluff23 · 2 years ago
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Innsbruck överraskade oss som en vacker stad med stort utbud - inte bara berg och skidåkning. På restaurangen Wilderin fanns inga bord lediga så vi fick äta på pianot! 😃
Hopptornet ser naket ut utan snö! (3/4)
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inthecrystalofadream · 3 years ago
so if the wilderin are completely blind and hunt only by smell - why does he put out the fire and instructs everyone to be still, that just makes no sense
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merlinoutofcontext · 5 years ago
My guess is the wilderin are a riff on the ROUSs from The Princess Bride, and they're hairless cause fur is harder/more expensive to animate.
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brievenuitinnsbruck · 3 years ago
Lockdown zijn er niet op dit moment. En toch is dit voor mij ‘Word of the day’: Cabin Fever
A person may experience cabin fever in a situation such as being isolated within a cottage out in the countryside or being otherwise isolated from civilization such as during a pandemic. During cabin fever, a person may experience sleepiness or sleeplessness, have a distrust of anyone they are with, or have an urge to go outside even in adverse conditions such as poor weather or limited visibility. Cabin fever is not itself a disease and there is no prognosis.
In Die Zeit was er een volledige pagina gewijd aan reclame voor Oatly. Het hippe bedrijf dat dure havermelk verkoopt. Ongelofelijk hoe sterk hun marketing is.
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Het interessante aan hun boodschap was de aankondiging van de samenwerking met Deutsche Bahn. Op elke trein kan je vanaf nu opgeschuimde havermelk toevoegen aan je koffie. Het chemische goedje zou hierdoor wel eens common good kunnen worden. Het is immers zo zoet dat heel wat mensen positief zal verrassen, ook oudere generaties. Het is de ideale manier om barrières naar ‘plant-based eten’ te slopen. Ik weet niet of dit green-washing, dan wel een lapje voor het bloeden maar elke stap vooruit, is er wel één…
Ik blijf gewoon Oostenrijkse melk drinken. Al gaat de wat gebrande, notige smaak van havermelk zeer goed samen met koffie.
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Een ander interessant (vegetarisch-getint) verhaal kwam ik op het spoor via de podcast van Alpenverein. Zij vertelden over de eerste vegetarische/veganistische hut: De Franz-Fisher Hütte.
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Hun switch naar ‘Fleishlos’ is niet onopgemerkt voorbijgegaan en kreeg heel wat media-aandacht. Mijn ervaring met de lokals uit de hutten, leert mij dat dit zeker niet door iedereen gesmaakt moet zijn geweest. Het hele concept van “regionales Hüttenküche” ligt erg gevoelig. Het is ook een heel eco-systeem waarbij de dieren die in de Alpen worden gehouden, ook in veel hutten verwerkt worden en daar ‘nose-to-tail’ bereid worden. Ik denk dat het vooral de media is die vleeseters rechtlijnig tegenover vegetariërs zet. Terwijl deze, zeker hier in de bergen, perfect naast elkaar kunnen leven. Het goede aan dit initiatief is dat het mensen aan het denken zet, het plant een zaadje en geeft iedereen de uitnodiging om een stap in de goede richting te doen. Dat je diezelfde avond nog een goede, verse schnitzel wilt eten, doet niet af aan je voornemen om meer plant-based te gaan. Hopelijk komen er nog zo’n hutten. In de podcast is iedereen het erover eens dat een verplichting van ‘fleishlos’ natuurlijk niet de bedoeling is.
Voor de liefhebbers: blijkbaar is de Franz-Fisher hütte erg geliefd voor zijn ‘panorama douche’.
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Een interessant voorbeeld van een restaurant dat hyperfocust op “nachhaltigkeit’ is Die Wilderin. Zij gaan echter helemaal niet voor vegetarisch maar hyperfocus op ‘regionales Essen’. Hun manier van commiceren over hun doel/boodschap heeft een intensiteit die ik tot nu toe enkel terugvond in de winkels van patagonia.
Ter inspiratie (het boek lag in het restaurant):
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Vol met prachtige foto’s over de gescheidnis van de Alpen en zijn boeren.
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“Oskar kocht” is na het vertrek van de Mexicaanse oprichter, overgenomen door 2 gepassiondeerde vrouwen die zich helemaal uitleven in een (elke 10 dagen wisselend) menu met enkel vegetarische ingrediënten (en noemt noemt nu Sloe Pop-up. Kruiden en vruchten komen uit de tuin of de Nordkette. Zo is hun Sloe-gin gemaakt dit seizoen van sleedoorn.
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We koken af en toe natuurlijk ook nog zelf. Mijn Italiaanse kotgenootje probeerde haar fagita op deze Europese wijze een ‘crocky’ smaakje te geven.
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Ondertussen draait het rustig door in de kliniek. Omikron zorgt voor kleine opstootjes maar blijft op dit moment onder controle. Er is volk genoeg om de wachten op te vullen van diegene die uitvallen.
Eind deze maand start ik aan opleiding “Mountain Medicine”. Beetje buiten de comfortzone maar we zullen zien wat het brengt.
De eerste Winterkurz gaat van start in de Franz Senn Hütte.
Interessant is om eens te kijken naar het materiaal dat je nodig hebt om deze cursus te volgen. Deze is nogal uitgebreid…
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Alles wat in het geel staat, moet ik nog ergens te pakken zien te krijgen.
Deze maand komt de nieuwe dichtbundel uit van Marieke Lukas Rijneveld. Ik heb de hype compleet gemist en ken zijn/haar (niet duidelijk) niet. Maar onderstaand gedicht is wel de moeite.
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Een ander artikel uit het magazine van “Die Zeit” dat de nagel op de kop slaagt, gaat over het nieuwe soort ‘buitenwipper’ dat ontstaan is. Het is zeer herkenbaar: de controlleurs aan zwembaden, cafés, … zijn niet de getrainde mannen die dit vroeger enkel voor clubs deden maar nu meestal een persoon op het spectrum tussen ‘hun job te serieus’ of net ‘niet serieus genoeg’ nemen.
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Om een laatste artikel van Die Zeit te delen: een prachtige column over ‘je jas aanhouden op café’. Zo herkenbaar, alleen al het aantal opmerkingen, van vooral vrouwen dat je daarvan krijgt…
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xhemilbeharaj · 6 years ago
Joshua: Vetëm Wilderin me 13 prill në Wembley
Joshua: Vetëm Wilderin me 13 prill në Wembley
Anthony Joshua thotë se dëshiron të përballet me vetëm një boksier dhe ai është Deontay Ëilder.
Këtë e ka konfirmuar promotori i tij Eddie Hearn që ka shtuar që nëse ky meç nuk ndodh atëherë Jarrell Miller, dhe fituesi i meçit Dillian Whyte dhe Derek Chisora, janë në listë.
Joshua aktualisht është në New York për ta përcjellë meçin ndërmjet Saul “Canelo” Alvarez kundër Rocky Fieldingut.
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trashvideofinland · 7 years ago
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Kanavat sekaisin / Switching Channels (1988) Transworld Video Oy "HAUSKUUS ALKAA HETI ALKUMINUUTEISTA Hervoton komedia perustuu Billy Wilderin klassiseen reportteritarinaan "Etusivu Uusiks". Tapahtumat keskittyvät 80-luvun Chicagoon, jossa nopeatempoiset TV-toimittajat etsivät alituiseen sensaatiomaisia uutisia. Terävä-älyisen toimittajan Sullyn (Burt Reynolds) pakkomielteenä on saapua ensimmäisenä kohu-uutisten tapahtumapaikalle. Omat tunteet eivät saa olla menestyksen esteenä. Kuvioita kuitenkin sotkee hänen ex-vaimonsa, reportteri Christy (Kathleen Turner), joka on rakastunut rikkaaseen, komeaan Blaineen (Christopher Reeve). Christy toivoo ylellistä elämää menestyvän liikemiehen vaimona. Juonesta muodostuu todellinen kolmiodraama."
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michaelwodarczyk-blog · 7 years ago
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#dessert #food #desserts #yum #yummy #amazing #instagood #instafood #sweet #chocolate #cake #icecream #dessertporn #delish #foods #delicious #tasty #eat #eating #hungry #foodpics #sweettooth (hier: die Wilderin)
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Text below cut if you can't read my had writing
Beau: Hey Bane! Look I perfected the-
Bane: OH HELLO BEAU! Dear me, is that another potion I see? What's this one do? You must tell me! Oh, also, this is my new pupil wilderin, say hi!
Beau: ... newest pupil...
Bane: did I?
Beau: YES!
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today we'll start introducing some of wilderin's companions and supporting cast.
First up is Makani, or Maki for short, has quickly become wilderin's first closest friend since coming to town. Maki for a time was a traveling musician, but some years before wilderin, maki would come to settle into town and now performs at the local taverns and during yearly seasonal events.
Maki is a rather charismatic character oozing with self-confidence, and at a first glance one might think him to be rather full of himself, but he's actually rather sweet and empathetic towards those around him. He's the first person to meet wilderin upon him entering town, and the first friend wilderin makes here. Maki is also extremely perceptive able to quickly pick up the smallest details in a room long before anyone else, especially when it comes to detecting signs of trouble or danger.
However for all his great qualities, he's also a crippling alcoholic, and is rather often found getting wasted drunk at the end of every performance, and just about most nights in general. This often makes him a rather unpleasant to be around, especially during the mornings when he's hungover. He doesn't stop caring about those around him but he's extremely irritable, and quick to lash out when drunk and hungover. Although in spite of this he does put effort into not hurting those he cares about, even if he's unwilling to change this habit, and when he does hurt his friends he does everything to make it up to them.
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here we go another informational dump this time about the actual town but another friend.
The town of which HtCYM takes place in is a large farm town, called Everglade Borough. The town was initially built some centuries back from just a family farm that slowly grew into the town it is now as the farm's harvest yields were said to be of the top most quality. However being a farm centered town isn't the most interesting thing in Everglade, as the original family's farm home was built around a tree which over the centuries has grown to absolutely enormous size that could be comparable to a small mountain. The home is still built around the tree but it's also somewhat built into it to a degree.
So here we introduce Eden, another one of wilderin's friends. She's a rather large woman in height as she towers over her friends at staggering 8 ft tall. With her height she also has an equally big heart as she's very doting and caring in an almost matriarchal type way. With that said she's also the heiress to the Everglade Borough Farm which is a big deal as whoever runs the farm is also regarded as a sort of mayor to the whole town. She takes this very seriously between taking classes on varying subjects that will teach her all the skills she needs to know to not only take over running the farm but also in taking care of the town at large.
She became friends with wilderin through another of their common friends, but they first met through Bane, when Eden went to him for urgent help on a matter regarding some pests that'd begun wreaking havoc in her family's orchard that her family weren't able to fend off against. From then Wilderin and Eden hit off quite nicely although they don't often hangout as much given Eden tends to have a rather busy schedule to adhere to.
Here's a lil concept doodle of her I drew some month back:
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And here's a bit of a more recent doodle, where she's holding maki and wilderin like sacks of potatoes
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Although I am still fiddling with her design some-
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On today's informational on the cast of How to Cast Your Mana, I'll discuss Wilderin's mentor.
Upon arriving in town, wilderin was rather swiftly taken in by an Archmage by the name of Bane Arcan. Despite the name Bane is a rather kind older gentleman who's just as eager to help wilderin as he is to study him like a bug under a microscope, of course as much as wilderin will allow he takes care as to not overstep personal boundaries.
You may be puzzled though as to what an Archmage is in this world and simply put it's a title given to mages that signify that they're well experienced in this world's magicks and is able to perform spellcasting with expertise. Most Archmages go on to work alongside nobles, lords and even monarchs in the world's various kingdoms. Though those days are behind Bane as he's come to enjoy a more simpler life in the settings countryside town, where he can pursue his own interests, at his leisure.
Bane also has quite the large family mainly in having 11 younger siblings, and he's since estranged himself from his parents. Bane also has an adoring wife and 3 kids, twin daughters and an adopted son. He cares very deeply about his family and would move mountains and even kill to protect them.
But for now he's just wilderin's mentor, wilderin works under him as an assistant and most usually is out and about doing tasks for Bane which he is paid for at the end of the day. However this leads to some shenaniganry as most things do around wilderin and his magical curse.
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Hi there. Update on HTCYM
So, I had to completely rework the setting, but the original setting needed a lot more world building to it that made it extremely difficult to work with that didn't insult the main character's intelligence given they're all legal adults by our world's standards.
So the new current setting should be a lot less stressful to plan out and write for, and I can maybe get out some silly art of the characters and maybe some actual comics soon.
Anyways, sorry for the long silence.
On a side note, here's some wilderin sprites for a side project with friends. This is a private project, so I won't say anything about it, as it's just something between me and some buddies. These will probably never be used for anything ever, so I may as well at least share em ;w;
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Hey there, I made this little doodle board of Wilderin in between working on the next comic.
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