#thanks for being a dismissive asshole i guess?
hylianengineer · 9 months
Medical professionals can be very, very stupid. I'm sure there are smart ones out there somewhere but I swear every time I need advice I get the most deeply stupid one imaginable.
I know you aren't doing your job correctly because I googled this question before I asked it to you and you ignored 9/10 things the CDC and Mayo Clinic both said you were supposed to ask me about. You did not even let me finish my question.
How are you going to know if there's something you need to be concerned about if you won't even let me tell you the thing I'm concerned about?
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tonixe · 2 months
I saw you were looking for The Boys requests. Please I beg of you ANYTHING between Firecracker and reader. She’s so beautiful and I need to be with her so bad! Literally anything you want to write. It’s just that NO ONE has written for her!!
♱ — country girl — ♱
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A/N: Thank you for ur request, I also agree, nobody is writing about Firecracker, our country girl needs some love <3.
WARNING: cursing, tw: abortion, firecracker as a person, tw: tek knight, this might be crackfic sorry.
PAIRING: firecracker x reader
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It was so boring at the Tek's Knight party, you were mindlessly taking glasses of alcohol served on a platter to guests that attended, mostly the room filled with important, rich, people of America.
Like you want to be here with these superficial assholes and fucking racists, you had better thing than to be here in this party but you were forced to attend. Most of the members of the seven were here, including you. Here you are, in a party filled with old people who controlled the country, you looked up at the seemingly staring Tek Knight portrait that was on display, "Creepy" You muttered, before you gulped down the content in the glass, swiftly placing it on the waltzing waiter passing by.
It was going to be a while till you were able to leave the party. It was an event where people were the best dressed and for you, the best dress was your costume, shut up and stay still while people talked to you, talking about nonsense and political matters you didn't care about.
You just nodded with a smile.
Tap your fingers on your glasses, looking for anything that can occupy your time. It wasn't the worst, free high-quality alcohol was being served, and interesting-looking food was being served around the party. You looked around the room of guests, and your eyes quickly landed on Homelander, Sage, and Neuman. You quirked your eyebrows at the scene, before taking a sip of the champagne in your glass.
"Hm," You exhaled, swirling the liquid in your glass. The sound of heels clicking on the floor took your attention. You looked up from your cup to see Firecracker walking by you, you didn't get to know a lot about her only to know that she was involved in pageants, hate Starfire maybe a pedophile. You kept your eye on her with amusement as she walked toward the group of supes.
You were way too curious about how the interaction was going to play out, especially with her introduction, it was almost comical.
Everyone in the group just stared at her awkwardly, it was all truly funny and made you laugh a bit. Then Sage dismissed her straight, I guessed it was something snarky towards her. You watched her as walked away quickly, it looked like she was upset about what Sage said. "Trailer trash, huh?" You gulped down your maybe 10th glass of the night and placed it on the walking waiter's tray before you strode to the dessert table.
You recognize the greeting butler of the house taking the cake. “Hey, are you going to take that?" You asked the butler holding the chocolate cake in his hand. "Yes, Miss H/N" He stated, “Would you like a slice?” He questioned, “No, actually I’ll take the whole cake” You shot him a smile, grabbing the cake from him. “Thanks for being such an American patriot” you exclaimed before you walked out to follow Firecracker.
You stepped out of the room where the party guests were. You followed Firecracker, you wanted to keep your steps as silent as possible maybe to surprise her a bit, maybe this was a bit creepy, a little at least. You hid behind one of the white columns, hearing the door behind her close with a 'click' sound.
You stepped out into the hallway, with the cake in hand. You paused for a moment when you reached the door. Before putting your ear near the door to hear sniffing coming from her you backed away. You hesitated to knock, so you just waited on the side of the door until she opened up.
Propping yourself up on the wall, it was a couple of minutes until she opened the door. It was evident she was crying with her tear-stained cheek and the reddening of her irises. Bounced off the wall, "God were you crying, you look like shit" You said bluntly, her brows furrowed when she heard the comment escaping you.
"Shit, my bad, cake?" You prominently offered the cake to her, she looked at it and then at you, "Is this a joke?" She said with her strong accent shining through as she spoke.
Narrowed her eyes at you.
"No, actually this was from the good of my heart, I saw the exchange between you and you know sage?' You said you heard her groan as you talked.
"So, are you going to tell me to drink Everclear or SunnyD" She exclaimed.
"Of course not, I was going to tell you to drink some Dr. Pepper and Jack Daniel" You grin at her smugly,
She furrowed her brows more, you got her pissed, "Jokes" You put up your free hand defensively, "But seriously, I saw you upset and what better way to calm down than with cake, especially chocolate cake" You grinned pointing at the chocolate cake in your hands.
"What in god green earth would make you think I would eat cake with you" She crossed her arms, "Geez if you put it that way...I just wanted to support a friend in need, since you are part of the seven, you know..so cake?" You offered her again before she looked at you and the cake.
"You know Sage is like a slithering snake, I just should known" Firecracker grumbled, taking a spoonful of cake and shoving it in her mouth, you hummed in agreement.
"The whole thing with the show and live cast with the starlight bullshit, should of fucking know" Firecracker finished,
"How did you...I mean she even gets information about Starlight abortion?" You asked, stabbing your fork in a piece of cake, Firecracker just shrugged it off, "I mean you took those punches like a champ" You said bluntly, Firecracker glared at you.
"Hey Y/N" You turned towards her,
"Fuck you"
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kitkatopinions · 3 months
I love when anti-rwde posters unintentionally say things that seem rwde lol. Here are my favorites so far:
The always good "Ironwood was always clearly an evil dictator" If this were true it would make the show worse than I already think it is, because not only did Team RWBY willingly work with him without any sort of recognition that it might be bad of them, but the writers have also talked about Ironwood's good intentions and the fall to villainy and how they wanted V7 to have no clear bad guy.
Whenever someone dismisses any early season as unimportant or something that no longer matters. Like, my guy, they're all supposed to matter and make up a good story together.
The people that say that the Blake and Yang ship is the exact same as Blake x Sun as a reason for why people who ship Blake with Sun but not Yang are wrong. Idk if they realize characters and dynamics are meant to be different and interesting.
The people who find redesigns of Yang where she's wearing clothing that's either the exact same level of 'modest' as the show or actually less sexualized and yell about how re-writers always overly sexualize Yang.
The people that defend every Jaune scene by saying he's just as much of a main character as Ruby. Like yes thank you for proving our point lol.
The people that constantly say important things just happen off screen. Things like main characters being friends, communicating important plot details to each other, showing grief at terrible deaths, unlearning racism... The more stuff people say happened off screen the more unintentionally insulting I think they're being because instead of saying "It was a mistake, they didn't have time, or they forgot" it's "they willfully didn't include it because they couldn't be bothered."
The people that say it's a good thing the entirety of Atlas was destroyed. Like personally I think the show could've done better at making Atlas and Mantle more varied but actually DID make it clear there were working class people and Faunus and good people just trying to make it that lived in Atlas and didn't deserve to lose everything. But apparently these people believe everyone in Atlas was some rich selfish asshole who deserved it and that would be very flimsy and bad writing.
The people who say that "drinking the tea" and "going to the tree" in V9 is actually just a metaphor for therapy. Like I know that Ruby essentially tried to commit suicide in V9. But I guess what they think what happened is that Neo was beating up Ruby while trying to make her get therapy, and everyone being a moment too late was them not arriving in time to stop Ruby from going to therapy, and when she fell down into the darkness that was symbolic of driving to her therapist's office, and when Yang was worried that Ruby wouldn't be herself anymore she actively was unhappy that Ruby was at therapy. Like how much worse written would V9 be if I actually believed what they did? XD
The people that insist that everything in RWBY was part of some super well thought out 'planned from the beginning' thing. Not only is that actually not a flex with a show that feels more disjointed, rushed, and ill-thought through with every season, but it's actively not what the writers say half the time when they do things like talk about how they 'wrote themselves into corners' and admit that at the beginning they were 'throwing things out and having to stick with it,' and having Blake's VA describe Blake as straight in official stuff and how they entirely reinvented Robin. Like either you think everything was not planned from the beginning or you think the writers are liars lol.
The people that actively just pretend or actually believe that the show is different than what it is, like the person who said RWBY was 'written by and for queer people' or the person who said Blake and Yang had been openly dating since V2 or the person who said Ruby was shown grieving Pyrrha way more than Jaune or the person who said that the RWBY villains were straight white men who weren't part of oppressed groups. What better way to prove that you actually don't like the show you're watching than to insist that it's a completely different show?
I'm sure there's more but those are the ones on my mind right now. XD Once again, I am certain that I have more love for RWBY than a lot of anti-rwde posters do.
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tearfallpixie · 1 month
Make Mama Happy - Chapter 12
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Only back a little. I am dragging today but I felt good enough to give you the next chapters. 🖤🖤🖤
Tags: @nerdraging4point0 @thesazzb @synthetic-wasp-570 @circle-with-me @beaker1636 @itsjustemily @witchyweeb34 @agravemisstake @cookiesupplier @cncohshit @faceless-mirror @nonamessblog @yournecessaryevil @black-damask1999
@lyschko666 @vinyardmauro @skulliecadaver-blog @some-daniela @latenightmusiclover @rye14-blog1 @somewhere-diamond @Shilohrosechicken @abiomens @awkwardalex @rumoured-whispers @miss570
“Heather!” I screamed. Vinny and I had gone to the airport to pick up my best friend and her boyfriend and to say I had missed her was an understatement. I’m sure to the onlookers it was comical to see two grown women running full speed at each other, but I didn’t care. I missed my best friend too much.
“Nichole!” We tackled each other in the middle of the walkway and stood there for what felt like a lifetime. “I missed you so much.”
“Never leave me for that long again or I’m cutting off all of your hair.” I cried; the threat completely empty but it got a laugh out of her.
“I promise.” We pulled away and I saw Rick standing behind her with a guilty expression.
“Hey brat. I kinda missed you.” He mumbled. “Can I get a hug?” I cocked my head but when he opened his arms, I found myself walking into them. We hugged each other for a second before pulling back and me landing a decent punch to his arm.
“I guess I kinda missed you too. But you deserved that. Asshole.” I huffed as an afterthought, pride coursing through my body as he rubbed his now sore arm with a grin. The boys hugged briefly before we made our way over to the baggage claim and found their luggage.
“You and Rick are getting along? Is the world ending?” Heather asked me quietly. We were trailing a few feet behind our boys so they couldn’t hear us over the roar of all the people returning home from the holidays.
“Don’t think to much into it. He texted me on Christmas with an apology and I decided to try to be friends. I don’t expect it to last.” I giggled. We got their stuff and headed out to the car, Rick and Vinny sitting up front and Heather and I sitting in the back. It was about a 20-minute drive back to Rickys place and I had to admire it. I hadn’t been there before so I didn’t realize that his house was sitting on a bit of land and tucked inside a bunch of trees. “Your home is beautiful Richard.” His house was a gorgeous white two story house that had giant windows looking into the living room to let in a lot of natural light.
“Thank you. I got lucky to find this property.” We unloaded their bags and Rick handed his to Vinny. “Can you take that up to my room please?” The drummer nodded and both him and Heather went inside and up the stairs. “So I was thinking Thursday afternoon we could go look at rings.” He said casually.
“Are we not going to talk about this?” I asked, my frustration with how dismissive he was being boiling over.
“What? I’m trying to.” He said stupidly.
“Not ring shopping Rick! You hate me! Why are you acting all buddy-buddy now?” I snapped.
“You’re dating Vinny. I’m stuck with you in my life now so I might as well get use to you being here.” He shrugged. “You guys seem happy too. So, I guess I was wrong about you.”
“Jesus! You can’t go 10 minutes without trying to take a jab at me, can you? Did you forget you tried to lie about me to my best friend? Tried to convince her I was scum who tried to steal you away?” I was getting seriously annoyed with him in that moment.
“I apologized for that! And I’m being truthful. I was wrong about you and I’m sorry!” He was getting angry now too. I didn’t know how we were ever going to try to make a friendship work if we couldn’t go 5 minutes without fighting.
“Yeah, whatever. This is still probably some joke so you and Vin can have one last laugh. I like him a lot, but I can never catch a break with you two.” I growled. Ricks eyes went wide but they weren’t looking at me. I turned around to see Vinny and Heather standing in the doorway of the house both of them looking sad but an underlying look of anger in Vinny’s eyes.
“Do you still think so little of me?” He asked slowly.
“I invited you into my home, I let my mother take you under her wing. Hell, even my father loves you! And yet you still hold me at arm’s length.” He was scarily calm right now and it terrified me. Rick had moved over to Heather and pulled her away from what was sure to be a cat fight.
“This was all fake when it started Vinny. It was a show so you could get your mom off your back. I’m sorry if I am still having a hard time believing this is real.” I scoffed. He didn’t get a right to be mad at me for being scared.
“So the last two weeks meant nothing to you?” He had gotten closer to me and I could feel the fury rolling off of him.
“Oh, the last two weeks where you seem like you are walking on eggshells around me? Sure, you can call this a relationship but ever since we slept together on Christmas eve you’ve been acting weird around me.” I sighed. “Don’t forget this all started because he called me a whore and you believed him.” I jerked my hand at the guitarist.
“Fuck, I am so sick of you throwing that in his face! It was an idiot move and he apologized! Get over it.”
“You’re complaining about me not trusting you and yet you still defend him!” I laughed pathetically. I knew it was all too good to be true. “Fuck this. I take back what I said. I thought I loved you but you cant even be man enough to say it back and now this? I’m hurt. I get to be hurt. So if you want to choose his side then fine. I’m not going to deal with this shit anymore.”
“Rick, I’m going to go home. I need some air.” Vinny went back to his car and got in, quickly taking off without me and leaving me there with Heather and Rick. As I watched him drive away my eyes filled with tears and I barely felt myself collapse into a heap on the drive way. I had probably just ruined the best relationship of my life because of my stupidity and there was no way he was going to forgive me now. I laid there in a puddle of tears as strong arms reached down and pulled me into seated position, hugging me tightly. I glanced up to see Rick watching me with a sad smile and that made me cry even harder.
“I’m sorry.” I whispered. “I- I forgive you. I’m just-“ I couldn’t even finish my words but I could tell he understood. I wasn’t even mad at him anymore so I didn’t know why I couldn’t just let the situation go and trust in him and Vinny. He lifted me into his arms and carried me inside to his couch. He set me down and I drifted off, only barely registering the blanket he pulled up over my shoulder.
“Mom?” Vinny whispered. He was currently standing on her porch, having driven around for the better part of 4 hours before he landed there. Tears were streaming down his face and he angrily tried to wipe them away but as he did new ones just fell.
“Vincenzo, honey, what’s wrong?” Rosa asked, grabbing his arm and pulling him inside. “Its cold dear. Come in and I will make you hot chocolate.”
“I messed up.” He mumbled. “Nichole, shes- shes amazing and perfect and kind and sweet and I like her and I ruined it all.” He went over to the couch and collapsed onto it, taking a pillow and burying his face.
“I’m sure that isn’t true. Now stop trying to suffocate yourself, that won’t win her back.” His mom scolded him, setting the hot chocolate on the table. He dropped the pillow to his lap and sighed.
“She’s never going to forgive me! It was ruined before it even started and it’s all my fault!”
“How is it your fault exactly?” She sat in the chair across from him and waited for him to respond. He hated how patient and understanding she was because all he wanted was to hate himself right now and he wanted her to hate him too. He was a horrible son.
“Because I believed Rick. He opened his god damn mouth and I believed him and that was before I even met Nichole. He was lying about her so that I would hate her. But I don’t. I love her and-“ He froze at his words and let out a frustrated yell. “I fucking love her. I’m so fucking stupid. She told me she loved me and I didn’t have the balls to say it back and now she’s gone.” He shoved the pillow over his face again and actually tried suffocating himself this time.
“Richard is your best friend. I’m sure he told you what he did with good intentions.” The pillow dropped once more and he shook his head. He wished he could just disappear and all of this would just go away. He just wanted to hold Nichole in his arms right now and hug her and tell her everything was going to be ok but he messed that all up.
“No. He told me she had been flirting with him behind Heathers back so the first time I saw her I told her we didn’t want her kind around us and she needed to leave. I treated her like trash only to find out moments later that Rick had lied to me because he didn’t want me to be with her.”
“I’m sorry. I’m confused. How did you two end up together?”
“Because Ky said you were going to set me up with someone! I didn’t want a relationship at the time so I asked her to fake date me for a while to get you off my back.” He froze and his eyes went wide. He had not meant to say that and from the look on his mother’s face, she was not amused. The way she leaned back in her chair and raised a single eyebrow terrified him. He had only seen that expression a hand full of times before. Once when his sister had a pregnancy scare in high school, once when Kyle had broken Vinny’s arm when they were wrestling, and once when Vinny himself had decided to drop out of college to pursue a career with this small band that had very little hope of succeeding at the time. This look was one you never wanted to see on Mama Mauro. “I can explain.”
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casanovawrites · 3 months
rp sentence prompts from the society, season 1 — (part 1 of 2)
are we going to fight each other over food? that’s fucking crazy.
you can live wherever you want, just not with me.
we should get some food, before it’s all gone.
what if things don’t go back to the way they were?
it’s been ten days. i’m not the same person i was.
if there are things that need to be done, i want to do them.
there are no sides anymore.
we’re the same. you have to stick with your own.
i’m scared, and i have to take care of myself.
i live in your shadow, and now you suddenly want to disappear?
you know that you’re the love of my life? and whatever comes after this.
we should at least get a say in how this place runs.
if this is it, this is where i want to be. i mean not here, but with you. you’re where i want to be.
i was a different person before we fell in love.
thank you. for loving me. 
is this how you want to spend the time you have left? always looking over your shoulder?
you’re giving me a headache instead of having my back.
it’s good to be on your own sometimes.
i don’t like seeing people treat you badly. it gives me a weird feeling in my stomach.
i’ve never held anyone prisoner before. have you?
i’m not saying that i have, but if i ever pictured what a sleepover with you would be like, this isn’t how i thought it’d be.
when it comes down to it, you’re never gonna do what needs to be done.
i guess it’s back to just you and me. that’s not so bad, right?
wishing someone is dead isn’t a crime.
i know. i have a lot of decisions to make. i know.
are you scared of me?
you don’t care about me. you don’t.
i don’t know who i am in this place.
stop dismissing me like i’m nothing.
i just want one day where you and i can do the things we used to do together.
doing things in secret is a slippery slope.
you can’t punish people for who they are. for what they might do.
this is what happens to you when you get a little power.
people need to feel safe.
i’ve always wanted to marry you. whatever that means.
there are no do-overs on this one.
we had a choice. and you pushed me to do this job.
am i safe now? are we safe now that we can kill each other and get away with it?
it’s a horrible thing to die. or to live.
i killed someone today. 
i don’t want to see you, not now. not for a long time.
i’m in charge now. really in charge. and i want you out.
they’re my nightmares. and none of you can take them from me anymore.
six months ago, we were children.
we found a balance of doing what’s expected of us and finding happiness where we can.
we’re always one dumb move away from ruin.
i know you used to strut around like you own the place, but what exactly makes you think you’re so special now?
they’re putting up with it, maybe. but i doubt they’re happy.
what do they say when we can’t hear them? that’s what i’m afraid of.
things are about to get so much worse.
are we going home?
we just have to change the way we do things. we have a plan.
this is different. we know what to expect now. we’ll be prepared.
it’s going to get tougher. but what choice do we have?
we’re just gonna take it step by step. okay? solve each problem as it comes. i think we can do that if we stay positive.
am i an emergency?
some people are more than they seem to be.
what authority do i have to tell them to do that?
you want the authority? make them give it to you.
you’re asking them to pick sides. it’ll be us against them. that’s how it works.
now look who’s being an asshole.
i need to release some frustration, it turns out.
now i can wreck you.
you’re like the most gorgeous thing i’ve ever seen in my fucking life.
i don’t want to wait for anything.
keeping my fingers crossed that someone’s gonna come save us? i don’t want to wait.
don’t dismiss me. i’ve been dismissed by people my entire life. i’m done with that, and i’m not gonna take it from you.
she’s special. i want her to feel special.
she sees in me who i can be, not just the dude i think i am.
when someone sees you like that, you want them looking at you forever.
why are you learning sign language? are you planning on going deaf?
i like who i am in your eyes. i like how you see me.
i don’t want to skip anything when it comes to you. i want to do it the right way.
i don’t wanna see anyone. especially you.
you don’t have to be ashamed. i think we know each other pretty well. 
fuck people. fuck food. fuck everything.
i wanted to just lay in bed and never get out.
i had no choice. and honestly, neither do you. you have to get back up.
we’re trapped here. and we do only mundane things. making it from today to tomorrow, and tomorrow is not likely to be any different. that feels a lot like prison.
it’s not gonna make you feel any better. it’s not gonna make this suck any less. but it’s the rule. it’s how we survive.
here, every one of us matters. think about it. if we were to lose a single person in this room, we would all feel it tomorrow.
our lives have consequences. 
we can still love. 
i’m happy to be alive and to matter.
forced affection, family… it’s not really my thing.
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trivialcrow · 4 months
Here is Gone - JayKyle
Jason paused on the threshold for the barest second as he spotted the person sleeping on his couch. A flash of spoiled tenderness cracked across his heart, before he shut it down and shrugged off his jacket. He tossed the reinforced leather at the napping man while continuing through his apartment, heading for the kitchen .
The curse and splutter behind him was enough to drag an exhausted smirk to his lips. “What the fuck are you doing here, Rayner?”
“Hi, Jason. How are you? I’m great, thanks for asking,” Kyle said, sitting up enough to glare at Jason over the back of the couch as he wrestled the jacket off his head.
“Glad to hear it,” Jason said without inflection. He reached up and grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water. “I’m tired, pissed off, and not interested. So, hello and goodbye.”
Kyle’s annoyance shifted to wariness that was softened around the edges by worry. “Okay… you are legit pissed at me.”
Jason downed the water and stared out the kitchen window, able to see the reflection of Kyle in the glare of glass. “Nah,” he said. “I’d have to give a shit about you first to bother being angry. You can show yourself out. I’m going to bed.”
Jason managed two steps towards the hallway before a flash of green lit up his living room and there was a green lantern floating in front of him. He scowled and tilted his head up, meeting steely blue eyes. “Move.”
“No.” Kyle lowered his feet to the ground and crossed his arms, but didn’t dismiss the lantern uniform. “Not until you tell me what’s going on. Why I’m back to getting your fucking attitude problem again.”
“Jesus Christ, nothing is wrong,” Jason said. “We - this -“ Jason motioned between them. “Is not a thing. It was never a thing.”
Kyle nodded once. Slowly. “Right,” he said. “So, I just imagined those months in New York? Don’t get me wrong, I’m a creative guy, but I don’t think even I could make up you not being an asshole.”
“Fuck New York,” Jason said. “I wasn’t the one who left.” His jaw snapped closed so fast his teeth clicked, but the worst was already out, and by the dawning realization on Kyle’s face, Jason knew he couldn’t take it back.
“You’re mad I left?” he asked, voice equal parts confused and incredulous. “You. Of all people? Seriously?”
Jason shook his head and tried to side step Kyle, but the lantern lifted his arm, ring glowing with a tell-tale warning. “No,” Kyle said again. “We’re going to talk about this.”
“There is nothing to talk about,” Jason replied, contemplating the advantages versus the consequences of shooting Rayner. “It’s done. Whatever It was, is done.”
“You left all the time! I left more than once,” Kyle finally snapped. “What made that time any different?”
Jason jaw flexed. Fuck. He didn’t want to say it. Saying it was admitting… something. But he knew Kyle, and Kyle wouldn’t leave it alone until he got an answer. “Because that time you knew you probably weren’t coming back,” he said. “You told me the Guardians were quarantining Earth, which meant you either gave up the ring or you gave up Earth. You made your choice.”
Kyle stared at him. For a long, long moment, that was all he did, and then his head dipped forward and he huffed out a laugh that was more sadness than anything. “I told you, and you didn’t say anything,” he said. “You never - goddammit Jason.”
“Would it have mattered?” Jason shot back. “Would you have stayed if I’d asked?”
Kyle dragged his fingers through his hair and lifted his head to meet Jason’s stare. “You didn’t ask,” he said. “So, I guess we’ll never know.”
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
hi its birthmark anon! weird lore from me i guess i dont mean to trauma dump because my dad is fine lmfao but i HATED that scene because of the “your dad is still alive” line. my dad had heart issues when i was a kid to the point he needed open heart surgery and i remember so clearly my aunt saying something similar to my mom in front of us when he was hospitalized. my mom said she couldnt make thanksgiving dinner because my dad was in the hospital and she had to take care of me and my 3 siblings who were all pretty young kids (i was 11 i think and my younger brother was 9. i remember thinking my dad was gonna die) and my aunt was like “at least you have a family”. we didnt see her for like 5 years after that lmfao
also the “you guys need your own hospital wing” line also frustrated me because i had my own health problems as a kid (im alright now) and people ALWAYS made those sorts of comments to me. i didnt even register the daddy shit until later and that only made the scene worse because while it felt like buck was trying to lighten the mood and make it something they have in common but tommy dismissed it AGAIN. like its not even about sexual jokes to me its about him being an asshole in every scene he’s in 😭
anyway thanks for the birthmark clownery i doubt kim will return but we had fun 🫶 this whole discourse is dumb because the scene just sucked. if they wanted me to believe tommy gave a single fuck they shouldve had him come to the hospital abd they should also address the role he played in the gerrard shit for hen and chimney because they HAVENT and it drives me NUTS
anyway love you bye
Hi birthmark anon!!
Dw Im always down for a good trauma dump like one of my friends and I legit never spoke to eachother before despite being in the same class for a year but only became friends because a cancelled class led to us trauma dumping to eachother for our first proper conversation for like 2 hrs
Omg can’t believe your aunt said that that’s actually so iffy, but yess exactly the “your dad is still alive” line was just so so bad and I hated it sm like idk if you saw my replies on my other post or not cos I put it in much more in depth way there but like I too am a traumatised girlie and if someone said that shit about my bio dad I would literally lose it cos it’s one of those things that get said so much to traumatised people and it’s honestly a big no from me
Like sure SOME traumatised people MAY regret not fixing it but also it might not be fixable and you don’t know the situation and also maybe they won’t either way that’s their prerogative
and sometimes what’s right for them at the time isn’t what’s right for them long term and all these things are fine
Like me personally if my dad dropped dead right now I would genuinely celebrate and feel not a single ounce of regret and that’s fine and id deck anyone who said it’s not
Like if Tommy has his own trauma and feelings about his dad and their relationship then that’s fine but this sort of imposed rhetoric on another traumatised person is just a no from me
The hospital wing line is another thing that I didn’t see mentioned but bucks face DID flip but that’s a whole other debate yeah
See that’s the thing like I know I have Tommy loving followers but I personally dislike him cos they haven’t gave him (imo) substance or like enough other than sardonic comments and shit
Rip our fun with the Kim and buck parallels you’ll always be famous🫡
But yeah like even if people liked Tommy and bucktommy I feel like they can blame the writing or execution or context but like overall not liking that scene it’s not just about hating Tommy or bucktommy imo
Anyways also love ya byee🫶🫶🫶🫶
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saltsicklover · 1 year
Part Six
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Here it is, and let me just say, I am so sorry in advance! My heart hurt writing this one...
Title: Once an Asshole, Always an Asshole
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4600+
Rating: R
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, Cigars and Smoking, Crying, Angst, Pining, Robert Floyd (A warning).
Second Chance Romance!
Disclaimer: I do not own Bob Floyd, or anything related to Top Gun Maverick within this piece. Not Proof Read or BETA'd. All mistakes are my own.
I do not consent for my work to be edited, reposted, or translated.
You are responsible for your own media consumption. This is a work of fiction that may contain mature themes. If you are sensitive to those subjects, please do not read.
The group, Sunny included, make themselves comfortable at the tables near the pool table. It's their usual hangout spot, so they slip into their groove quickly. Nat and Hangman are now going head-to-head in a cut throat game of pool while Sunny and Rooster chat, acting as peanut gallery when the game requires it. Sunny basically had to push Nat into playing, convincing her that they will have two weeks together and more than enough time for everyone. Natasha grumbles as the game gets started but slowly put her game face on, not ready to loose to Hangman. 
"So, Sunshine, where are you from?" Rooster asks before taking a long swig of his beer. 
"Originally? Or do you mean where I live now?" Sunny shoots back, a twinkle in her eye that Rooster can't help but notice. Sunny brings a hand up to her necklace, playing with the small pendent between the tips of her fingers. 
There is something about her that reminds him of his Mom. Maybe its the way she instantly fills the room around her with light, like it's pouring straight from her soul. Maybe it's her carefree nature, or the way her bangs have come loose from her pins, the delicate curls falling into her eyes. Somewhere between the first sight of her, as he and Natasha barreled into the parking lot of the Hard Deck, and now, his soul decided that Sunny is exactly who his sister would have been if he had been fortunate enough to have one while growing up. They may not look alike, share parents, be from the same place, or even know each other, but his heart knows she is going to be a part of his life. Damnit if he isn't going to treat her exactly like the little sister he has always wanted. 
"I live in Colorado Springs now, I work at a book publishers office there. I'm actually hoping that they will take me on as a permanent novelist as soon as my first full length book is actually finished being written. I thought by now it would be done, you know? But life get in the way I guess, huh? I can't live off of publishing poetry for the rest of my life, that's for sure," Sunny tries to tuck the loose pieces of hair back into her clips but they keep slipping through her fingers. "I'm from Montana, originally, though!" 
"Oh! That's where that accent is from!" The pieces fall into place for Rooster, "I was thinking you were from somewhere down south but I couldn't place it!" Sunny is thankful Rooster grazed over the published books thing. Though she loves work, and she is proud of all that she has accomplished, its a real relief to not have to talk about work. 
"Oh yeah," A blush creeps over Sunny's features, her chest flooding with a color akin to her dress.  "Other direction!" 
"Where in Montana?"
"No where you've heard of," She tries to dismiss it with a wave of her hand, her other still toying with the pendent on her necklace. 
"Try me!" Bradley is confident, really, even though he knows he isn't going to have a damn clue. He couldn't name a city in Montana if he tried. 
"I grew up outside of Wibaux, south of I94, in Florence," Sunny's voice is quiet, the quietest it's been since she got into Hangman's pickup. She is still trying to pin her hair back, the frustration she is feeling making it increasingly difficult. "It's a little nowhere town, really. It was mostly school sports and lots of ranching. Not much to write home about," 
"Isn't Bob from Montana?" Natasha asks the boys, but they both shrug. "Maybe he was from Wyoming. Somewhere tiny, that I know for sure," 
Sunny laughs a bit, finding Natasha's lapse in memory amusing. For as long as they have known each other, Sunny has always been convinced that Natasha has a fantastic memory. She would have to, to fly that damn jet, right? 
"Did you guys have a big football following?" He questions, trying to keep the conversation going. Rooster wants to know her like the back of his hand, the yearning to add another person to his small patchwork family itching at his palms. 
Sunny drops her hands in defeat, the battle with her hair useless without a mirror. She rolls her eyes at herself, a thick sign falling from her lips. She takes a quick sip from her drink before putting her attention back on Rooster. 
"We didn't have a football team," Bradley looks at Sunny like she is crazy, the whole idea seeming nuts to him, "Big ones were swimming and basketball, actually," Bradley goes quiet for a second and so Sunny adds a small "Go Pronghorns!" with little to no actual pep to her voice. She waves her fist half heartedly in the air, the movement strange. 
They sit there for a moment longer, both of their faces twisting to awkward grimaces before they burst into fits of giggles, all of the awkwardness that begun enveloping them bursting in on itself and disappearing. 
"Were you a basketball or a swimming fan?" Bradley inquires from behind his beer can. 
"Are we talking the sport or the members?" The question earns Sunny a look from Natasha. She leans against the side of the pool table, Hangman behind her, lining up his next shot. 
"Don't even get her started, Roos," Natasha jabs playfully.
"What, I cared about sports!" Sunny attempts to defend herself, but the blush enveloping her skin tells otherwise. 
"You didn't care about sports, don't try and kid yourself," Nat winks, "You only went to the swim meets because you were just in love with-"
"Alright!" Sunny almost jumps out of her skin, holding her hands out in defeat, "I am going to run to the restroom, then hit the bar for another drink, does anyone need anything?" 
Sunny sends a glare to Natasha as she slides down off of her stool. She mouths 'I hate you' to her friend, her eyes holding no malice. 
"A round of beers please, my beautiful Sunny," Natasha speaks, trying to butter her up, "But hurry back! Bob just texted, he said he's five minutes out!" Sunny gives her a thumbs up before heading for the bathroom. 
She doesn't actually have to use the bathroom, just the mirror. She makes quick work of pulling the pins from her hair, the pieces falling down to their natural place. She picks up one by one, French twisting them back out of her face. After a couple on each side, secured with pins she washes her hands and heads out the door, her next stop, the bar. 
As she made her way through the crowd, she couldn't keep her mind from wandering. She thought of the Ranch back home and the world she left behind. She spots a young Airman, belly up to the bar, his blond hair pushed back out of his face. He can't be older than twenty two, his young features and baby face make him look about eighteen. He reminds her of Robert Floyd and her heart aches for just a second, but she  tries to shake that thought from her head as quickly as it came. 
If Natasha hadn't opened her mouth, maybe she wouldn't be thinking about him again. Maybe she wouldn't be feeling that pang of stale hurt in her chest, reliving that conversation over and over again. 'I didn't work my ass off to throw it all away over a girl like you,'  it still hurts, though it's different now. The pain isn't sharp as daggers and all consuming. Instead, it is wrapped tightly around her ribs and sometimes, it squeezes, constricting, reminding her that it's still there. 
She catches herself missing the smell of cherry tobacco, the scent still stuck in her nose. 
"You must be Sunny," A warm voice greets her from behind the bar. "I'm Penny," the dark haired woman greets, a kind smile spread over her lips. Penny looks like the personification of home. The warmth that emanates from her is almost stifling, but Sunny can't help but bask in it anyway. 
"I like your nametag, much better than the ones we usually get in here," The words are said with a wink, then blush spreads across Sunny's cheeks. Her hand comes up to feel the crinkle of the sticky nametag stuck to the front of her dress. 
"Yeah, that's me," Sunny smiles at her, the blush darkening on her cheeks,  "Can I please order a round of-"
"Beers for those two knuckleheads and the lovely Phoenix?" Penny finishes for her, already pulling the beers out of the cooler. "I've also got a Pepsi for you and a glass of water for Bob. He walked in a minute ago," Penny has everything down to a science, one that surprises and delights Sunny in equal measure. 
"How'd you know?" Sunny giggles, crossing her arms over her chest. 
"I have the pleasure of being engaged to the Dagger Squad's captain, so I know those guys pretty well, plus they are pretty much the only reason I stock beer in cans anymore," Penny puts the last of the drinks onto a tray with a chuckle. Sunny moves towards the tray, her fingertips grazing over the edge. 
"Phoenix has been talking about you coming since the moment she found out. Then Hangman gave me the rundown when he came in with Rooster," She explains, her hands working quickly as she wipes down the bar. Then, she grabs a cup of peanuts from behind the bar top, placing it on the tray, "It's all yours, take the tray with you, I'll be by to pick it up in a few minutes,"
"Thank you," Sunny speaks, pulling the tray up off of the counter, balancing it near her shoulder. Thank god for the muscle memory of her long forgotten waitressing skills.
"You've got one hell of a memory, Penny," Sunny compliments, shooting the older woman a bright smile. 
"Thank you, Sunshine," Penny winks. Sunny nods her head towards Penny one last time before turning on her heel, headed back towards the back of the bar. She dodges a couple of young Marines, both too caught up in their own conversation to see her coming. Sunny turns back to Penny, rolling her eyes playfully as she gestures to the Marines with a tilt of her head. 
"Oh, and Sunny," Penny yells after her, a light giggle laced though her words, "Welcome to Fighter Town!" 
Sunny navigates through the ever growing crowd, making her way back to the Daggers. She can't help but let her eyes wonder over the many uniforms that adorn the crowd. From flight suits and Peanut-Butters to BDU's and Veteran hats. It felt like everyone in the bar was wearing something to signify that they were Military affiliated. 
She feels like an outsider, someone from the wrong side of town, the wrong state, the wrong part of the country. Her world has always been quiet, from the sprawling plains of the family ranch to the stillness of her office. Her world is soft, made up of cricket sounds and book pages. This world is hardened exteriors and no fear. 
The world around her is bustling, sticky with stale beer and sweat. There is a constant underlying smell of jet fuel and saltwater across Fighter Town. It's all new and she can't help but wish Natasha would have prepared her better. 
She knew Natasha was in the Navy, of course she did. Natasha clued her into that fact when they first started talking, but what really secured that fact for Sunny was when a couple of Naval Officers showed up on her doorstep to interview her about her involvement with Natasha. Something about clearing those closest to her before she could be rewarded her Top Secret clearance. 
Sunny never did tell Nat of the men who knocked on her door, dressed in uniform. She felt her world slow down at the sight of them, like it does in the movies when a Soldier dies; the world spun unbelievably fast the moment she found out Natasha was okay. Whatever she told them must have worked out; two months later she received an email from Natasha, boasting about her new clearance. Sunny couldn't have been happier if she tried. 
Still, Sunny feels that she is standing on the outside looking in, the way she has felt most of her life, until she catches sight of Hangman and Rooster. They are bumping shoulders with each other, both wearing smiles that light up their eyes. She can hear Natasha's laugh through the bustle, the sound makes her heart swell. The world feels just a little bit smaller, or maybe she is just a little bit closer. 
Her eyes catch Natasha through the crowd as she makes it to the pool table where Hangman and Rooster have begun a new game. Rooster is leaning over the table, lining up a shot to the corner pocket. That's when she sees him. 
Everything around her feels impossibly slow, her heart beat echoing throughout her body. She can feel it in her hands, fingers pulsing as she opens and closes her fists. Sunny takes in the sight before her, trying to concentrate over the whooshing of her heart in her ears. 
Robert Floyd is sitting next to Natasha, his blond hair cut shorter than Sunny had ever seen it before. It was cropped short on the sides, the longest parts at the top of his head gelled back out of his bright eyes. He had aged, of course he had, but instead of looking older, he just looked like a more mature version of the boy she had always known. Slightly bent, gold framed glasses sit slightly crooked on the bridge of his nose and he reaches up to adjust them often, trying to get to bent metal to sit correctly on his face. 
Sunny had never seen him so quiet; he sat leaning in towards Natasha, his ear in her direction, his hands laced together in his lap as he listens to whatever story she is telling him. The smile on his face is exactly the way she remembers it, slightly crooked as it lights up his entire face. 
The medals pinned to the chest of his uniform are perfect; from their color to their placement, hell, they are even lint rolled to perfection. They make her a bit nauseous, too akin to his letterman jacket in her eyes. It is strange to see him like his, so gentle, so pristine. There's no cowboy hat clutched loosely in his hand, his usual boots swapped out for well polished dress shoes. From where she stands, she can't catch even a hint of the tobacco that typically permeates from his clothes.
Her heart aches a bit for the loose, unkempt guy she used to know. From the lack of distinct cherry scent down to the missing pearl that usually cover his now plain buttons. Yet, it's the hair she misses the most. She loved his long locks, specifically the way her fingers felt threaded through them. He looks so much like a man now. 
Initially, Sunny feels the urge to run over to him and wrap her arms around his torso. She wants to press her ear against his chest and listen to his heart beat, just like all the women do in all of the books she reads. She wants that second chance romance moment- the one where the leading man takes the leading woman's face in his hands, looking deep into her eyes as he confesses all of his wrong doings. She wants to feel his hands on her bare skin again. 
Then she remembers that conversation again. It plays over in her mind once more. 'I didn't work my ass off to throw it all away over a girl like you,'.
Now, she can feel the anger bubbling up from deep in her. She wants to throw a beer at him, cover his pristine uniform in amber liquid, letting the tan fabric go dark and wet. Sunny imagines the pleasure she would feel watching the liquid fall from his frame onto the well polished leather of his shoes. She wants the revenge, the shouting match, the bared feelings of hurt and aguish. Sunny wants to yell at him in the way Miss Bennet yelled at Mr. Darcy, all anger and justified hurt. Maybe then, they would both be fraught with pain, just as she had been since the moment he walked away from her. 
But before she can do either, her body is moving on it's own accord. Sunny sets the tray of drinks down on the pool table, interrupting the game. Hangman and Rooster look at her with 'what-the-fuck' expressions, but she ignores them, instead stepping around to the other side of the table. Her movement catches Bob and Natasha's attention, drawing them out of their conversation. 
Bob looks at Sunny, his eyes darting from her eyes to her lips then back again, triangulating her features. He takes her in like she is his reason for breathing. She is stunning, that much he will admit to himself, from the way her hair is pulled back from her face, to the slight blotchiness of her skin, no doubt from all the crying Phoenix had been telling him about. 
Bob takes in a deep breath, letting Sunny's face fill in all of the blank spaces in the stories Phoenix has shared with him. He lets the image of her features paint each memory, bringing them to completion. 
He lets his gaze trail down her body, taking in the gentle pattern of her dress, the little yellow flowers spiraling around the bright red fabric. Bob has always been one for details. His eyes hit her boots next, his heart stuttering a bit at the sight. God, he has missed seeing people in boots, and a beautiful woman in boots? That might just do him in. 
When his eyes trail back up her body, they lock in on the pendent of her necklace. The distinct outline of Montana hangs from the delicate chain around her neck. Bob fights the quirking corner of his mouth, attempting to keep the large grin threatening his features at bay. Finally, he thinks, someone from home, someone he might just have something in common with.
That thought causes a wave of anxiety laced excitement to roll through him, his heart cresting over the wave of emotion as it rolls from his head down his torso. He tries to push the feeling down, the further away from his chest the easier it is to focus. 
Bob stands quickly, holding his hand out to her in greeting, ignoring the obvious look of bewilderment on her face, "Hi, I'm Robert Floyd, you must be Sunny! I've heard so much about you. It's wonderful to meet you!" His tone is light, friendly even. It squeezes her chest, her heart aching. 
This is not the Bob she knows. 
Her expression doesn't change and the wave of anxiety rolls back up Bob's body, taking his heart under the swell again. 
Sunny doesn't even move, she doesn't speak, instead, she stands two feet in front of him and her best friend, her head cocked slightly to one side. Her eyebrows are deeply furrowed, mouth slightly agape. Her eyes slowly move from Bob to Natasha and back again, all of the pieces connecting. She narrows her gaze to a pinpoint. 
"Sunny, what's wrong?" Natasha's voice is filled with nerves, her own anxiety peaking. Natasha could almost feel the confusion coming off of Sunny in waves that crest into pure negative. There is silence between the everyone for a minute before Natasha asks again, a little more force behind her voice this time, "Sunny, what's wrong?" 
Bob still hasn't retracted his hand. Sunny shakes her head at the sight. Everything finally understood. 
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," Sunny's voice is almost silent, pointed, until she turns her attention to Natasha, "Robert Wayne Floyd, the 'sweetest guy you've ever met', your goddamn back seater is Floyd!"
Nat's eyebrows are furrowed and she looks at Bob for some sort of a clue as to what's going on. All he can do is shrug, having awkwardly retracted his hand after his name came flying from Sunny's lips. He was taken aback by the use of his full name and the venom Sunny's voice possessed as she spoke them. 
Rooster and Hangman are standing closer now, further from the pool table, their game and drinks long forgotten. The men behind Sunny are each on edge, unsure of the situation but ready to jump into action at a moments notice. 
Sunny turns her attention back to Bob, heat overtaking her skin and disbelief bubbles through her. Her eyes hold a distinct look of hurt as Bob scans over them, taking in the features of her face. 
"You have no idea who I am," There is no fluctuation to her tone. It was not a question. She wants to scoff, but really, she knows she shouldn't be surprised. This is Bob Floyd, after all. 
It was in this moment that Sunny realized just how much of a hold Bob still had on her heart. There was no room left to wonder as he stood in front of her, a kind but confused look written over the plains of his face. Somewhere in her subconscious she knows the wants to kiss him. Kiss that dumb look off his face, thread her hands through his too neat hair, and remind him exactly of what he walked away from. She doesn't move, instead, she clenches her fists, the feeling of her pulse thrumming thickly through her tightly curled fingers. Sunny wants to hate him, that feeling tangling in her chest, still so familiar after ten years. She should hate him, but she doesn't.  
Bob swears he can almost see the gears turning in her head, almost hear her thinking. Her expression is hard, concentrated. He wants to help her, to know what about his presence in this bar has got her all tangled up. He feels like he was left soaking wet under the hot sun, uncomfortable in the way his skin is almost burning under her gaze. 
Sunny brings her hands up to her face and Bob almost tenses at the movement. Sunny breathes deeply behind her palms before running her hands over her hair. Pieces come out of the twists, falling into her eyes. That sparks a bit of familiarity deep within Bob's brain. 
"Of course you don't," Sunny's tone is dry, un-humored and scratchy against her throat- she holds back tears. She draws her lips into a line, shaking her head. 
"What's going on, Sunny?" Natasha is standing now, positioning herself in between her best friend and her WSO. She shoots a lightly panicked look to the Pilots standing behind Sunny, her eyes almost shouting for help, like they might know something she doesn't. 
Hangman moves to step closer, answering Nat's panicked look with action. Bradley stops him with a firm hand on Hangman's chest. 
"Not yet," His voice is barely above a whisper, almost getting lost in the loud atmosphere of the bar. If the two men hadn't been standing so close together, Jake would've missed the words. With a grumble, he pushed Bradley's hand from his chest but stays put, heeding the warning. 
Maybe if Sunny hadn't been so upset she could've told Natasha that the man standing in front of her was the same man she had told her about so shortly after they began emailing- her first real heartbreak, the man who she had never really gotten over. Maybe she could have told her that she was literally teasing about Bob a few minutes before, talking about the one person on the swim team that she was in love with. Maybe she could have clued Nat in, but she doesn't say a word. 
Instead of getting over him, she ran. She ran from the family ranch, from her small town, from anything and everything that reminded her of Robert Floyd, because that was the only thing she could do to keep from breaking her own heart again and again and again. Sunny told herself she left to go to school, to become a writer, that she was doing it for herself. In reality, that desire got pushed to the back burner for a while, the need to be as far away from Florence had been forefront in her mind. 
So, in leu of offering any sort of verbal answer, instead of clearing things up, Sunny pulls her knee up, reaching into her boot, pulling a small pocket knife loose form the inside of the leather. There is a warn patch on the leather, where the knife has been kept there for some time, the brown now discolored form the many times the knife has been pulled from and put back into that specific place. It has been kept there for years.
Natasha and Sunny share eye contact as Sunny pulls the knife from her boot. Natasha's eyes are pleading, the creases on the corners visible. Her brows are furrowed, lips pursed. The whole expression screams 'tell me what's wrong, let me help'. Sunny, on the other hand, has her brows is raised giving Phoenix a clear look into her eyes. They swim with hurt and turmoil, something she usually sees in the eyes of new Seamen on the backends of deployment. Nothing could have prepared Natasha for seeing that look in her friend's eyes. 
The knife is hidden in Sunny's grasp before any of the Daggers can see it. She holds it with too tight a grip, her hands trembling, one around the folding knife, the other down at her side. 
This isn't her Bobby, that much she is sure of. The man in front of her is not the man she had kissed her and left her, the man who broke her heart. Hell, there isn't a smoke tucked behind his ear, there should be, there is always one. He doesn't smell like cherry tobacco. He doesn't smell right, and that makes Sunny's heart clench tighter. That's what decides it for her, the lack of distinct tobacco that usually clings to his clothes. 
This really isn't her Bob Floyd. This man in a stranger. But, she knows one thing for sure. 
Sunny throws the closed pocket knife at him, the object making hard contact with the center of his chest, thudding against him before clanking to the ground. It bounces unceremoniously under the table. Bob brings his hand up to rub over the area the metal came in contact with, but his eyes never leave her form. 
The moment that old pocket knife left Sunny's grasp, she wanted it back. She curses herself for letting the emotion take over her thoughts- the fact that she is still clinging onto any sort of hope that the man in front of her might remember her twists up her insides. She wants Bob back but she has settles for the only part of Bobby she had been able to hold on to She wants to carry it with her like she has been for the last ten years. She wants it the knife back, but it's too late for that now. It sits face down on the ground, discarded like she had been all those years ago.  
Sunny turns to walk away, tears threatening her eyes again. Before she goes, she is throwing one last sentence over her shoulder, directed right at him.
"Oh Bobby, once an asshole, always an asshole," 
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Soft Rockstar Eddie and Popstar Steve
It's about rockstar Eddie and popstar Steve. Someone made a post about them going out like once and then Steve writing the song, Not Another Rock Star by maisie peters (It's catchy and doesn't quite fit Eddie's description but it doesn't matter shh shh shh) and my brain supplied me with soft rockstar Eddie being upset because popstar Steve wrote kind of a shitty song about him after one date and not giving him a chance. Like... Steve doesn't even KNOW him.
And they see each other again at some after party and Eddie just avoids him. He stares at Steve though, until Steve looks at him and then he looks away right before Steve looks. And then Eddie goes out for a smoke and Steve follows him to ask what the fuck is going on?? Like what's his problem?? And Eddie is leaning against the building in a shadow. And Steve is like,
"hey." suddenly feeling very self-conscious. And Eddie just looks at him slowly, takes a drag and blows smoke towards Steve. Doesn't say anything. And Steve's about to say something but Eddie cuts him off, says,
"some song." Cuz the song fucking blew up and everyone KNOWS it's about Eddie cuz there were pics of them on the date. And Steve's like,
"... thanks?" Sounds kinda dismissive. Cuz popstar Steve is still a little bit of an asshole. And Eddie fucking scoffs and takes a step forward, still in the shadows up to his waist.
"Yeah no problem. Glad I could inspire you." and his voice is dripping venom and he takes another drag, the end of the cigarette glowing red in the dark. And Steve crosses his arms all dismissive and he's like,
"Wait... are you mad? Is that why you've been glaring at me all night?" And he scoffs now. And Eddie scoffs right back and says,
"Mad? Why would I be mad? I love when people write out of context songs about me and all their little fucking brainwashed fans come swarming all over social media to come at me with shit they know nothing about. What's to be mad about?" He takes another drag and flicks his cigarette butt away. Takes another step forward, Steve can see his shoulders now.  But not his face.
But he is feeling a little guilty. He didn't think. Just went home after the date and wrote it out  and then bam. It was everywhere. Steve just stares at him. Not sure what to say. And Eddie is just like,
"nothin to say?" And steve says,
"what do you want me to say?" And Eddie laughs, and says,
"Ya know, I think you've said enough actually. Maybe you should just go home and write another song about someone you don't know." and he steps into the light and Steve swears his eyes are shining, they're a little too bright for how dark it is out here, takes a step forward. Eddie flinches back the smallest amount. Shoves his hands in his pockets and looks away. And then he says,
"look im gonna go. Alright? Just.... see ya around I guess." And he tries to walk by but Steve grabs his arm and says,
"Look I'm" but Eddie cuts him off, rounds on him and says,
"You're sorry? Are you?" And Eddie looks at Steve, gets in his space. And Steve just fucking shrugs. And Eddie laughs again, humorless. And yanks his arm away from Steve's grip and says,
"You're not sorry. You're just pissed that I called you out."  and Steve's a little speechless, cuz that's true. But he's not used to being talked to like this, so he has no idea what to fucking say.
So Eddie just keeps talking. Cuz it's been like a month and that goddamn song has been everywhere and he's so goddamn tired of people and he can't even use any of his social media right now cuz Steve's crazy popstar fans are always in his shit and he just wanted to spend a nice night with Steve, he'd thought the date had gone okay... until the end. But then the song came out. So eddie just lets it all out.
He rants about how it was fucking rude. And goddamn irresponsible. And Steve jumps in and is like,
"Oh like you've never written a song about anyone before!?" And Eddie shoots back,
"I write about fucking dragons and quests and magic and shit man! What are you talking about?? And if i WAS gonna write about someone, that's not how I would do it! You don't just- I mean I wasn't- I thought we had fun? You could have just said you didn't wanna go out again! That you didn't like me! I would have understood!" And he's pacing now, and Steve just keeps shrinking in on  himself cuz he's realizing he really hurt Eddie.
And Eddie just keeps talking and Steve catches things about "back at school" and "thought I was done with shit like this." And the worst one "i just wanted to make music" and then he's looking at Steve, his eyes shining and he's breathing heavy and Steve is also breathing a little heavy and he's like,
"what... what do you want me to do?" All quiet and unsure. And eddie just sighs, losing all his fire, and says,
"just.... next time you get the urge to write a song about me... don't. And I'll return the favor." and he turns to leave. He's almost too far away when Steve realizes what Eddie said. He catches him just before he gets to the door back inside, both of them in the shadows now and Steve breathes out,
"did you write a song about me?" And his heart is pounding as looks at Eddie. And Eddie won't meet his eyes.
Steve can't fucking breathe. It was one date. And it's dark but he swears Eddie is bright red. And he can't not ask again. So he does.
"Eddie. Did you write a song about me?" His hand is still on Eddie's arm. Eddie shakes his head. Once. And says,
"Not like yours. It's not- I didn't finish it. It doesn't matter." And he finally looks up at Steve, looks him right in the eyes and says,
"Just forget about it." his voice low and shakey. And then he's tugging the heavy door open. Steve's not sure if he hears him say "I'm sorry" or not. But he hopes so.
Eddie did write a song about him. Part of one. He was in the middle of writing his first ever ballad when Gareth came into the studio looking glum and was like,
"Dude. I think you should hear this." and he played him Steve's new song and Eddie just sort of, gave up. Threw his pen and notebook across the room. Almost smashed his writing guitar but Gareth grabbed him and stopped him. And Eddie definitely cried. And Gareth definitely held him while Eddie sobbed out,
"I thought he liked me. I'm so stupid." and needless to say, Gareth holds a grudge against Steve for a very long time. Even steps in front of Eddie when Steve tries to talk to him at the next place they see each other. Steve takes the hint and backs off.
He also tries to call Eddie. And message him on all sorts of apps. He gets no response. And his song is still going crazy. So he does something no artist has ever done. He goes on the radio, and asks them to stop playing his song. Asks his fans to stop streaming it. And takes it down from all the places he has control of it. The song drops down the charts in record time. And Steve finally stops hearing it everywhere. And then, about a week later, he gets a text from Eddie.
It's an audio file. Steve takes a deep breath, presses play, and hears the most beautiful fucking song he's ever heard. It's just Eddie and his guitar. Clearly not a finished product, just... raw, and open, and just for Steve. And it's beautiful and Steve's never heard him sing so softly. He listens to it four times, it makes him cry everytime. And then he picks up his phone and hits the little phone symbol next to Eddie's name. His heart beating wildly as he listens to it ring. And ring.
And then eddie answers.
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kay-lalala · 9 months
PJOTV Episode 5 - I'm sorry but WHAT DID THEY DO TO ARES???
Like... what is this.
They took away his looks, his character, AND his power.
Let me quote the book.
"All conversation in the diner stopped. The motorcycle's headlight glared red. Its gas tank had flames painted on it, and a shotgun holster riveted to either side, complete with shotguns. The seat was leather – but leather that looked like... well, Caucasian human skin."
Really? Not even flames on the bike? No guns (thanks Disney), no human skin leather (thanks Disney).
"The guy on the bike would've made pro wrestlers run for Mama. He was dressed in a red muscle shirt and black jeans and a black leather duster, with a hunting knife strapped to his thigh. He wore red wraparound shades, and he had the cruelest, most brutal face I’d ever seen – handsome, I guess, but wicked – with an oily black crewcut and cheeks that were scarred from many, many fights.“
Yeah...no. “Ares” looks like a random unwashed guy that got kicked out of his unsuccessful Norwegian metal band and is now traveling the country to find himself during his midlife crisis. No knife, not even small details like the red shirt or black jeans. And the sunglasses are entirely unimportant? Also no scars (thanks Disney? I guess?). I’m sorry but NOTHING about him is cool or intimidating.
“As he walked into the diner, a hot, dry wind blew through the place. All the people rose, as if they were hypnotized, but the biker waved his hand dismissively and they all sat down again. Everybody went back to their conversations. The waitress blinked, as if somebody had just pressed the rewind button on her brain. She asked us again, ‘You kids have money to pay for it?’”
Ares is a GOD. He is powerful as shit. WHY IS THE SHOW NOT SHOWING THAT? Instead he is just sitting around on Twitter (Just like with the Fortnite dance. Why are you trying to drag current pop culture stuff into the story?). Give this guy an awesome entrance. For fucks sake, let SOMEONE in this show be intimidating for once. His only power is snapping his fingers to open a door? Lame.
“The biker said, ‘It’s on me.’ He slid into our booth, which was way too small for him, and crowded Annabeth against the window. He looked at the waitress, who was gaping at him, and said, ‘Are you still here?’ He pointed at her, and she stiffened. She turned as if she’d been spun around, then marched back towards the kitchen.”
Ares is an asshole. Let him be a fucking asshole. He doesn’t care about personal space, he doesn’t care about humans, he pushes them around however he wants. Again, he is a God, he is powerful, and he uses his powers however he wants.
“The biker looked at me. I couldn’t see his eyes behind the red shades, but bad feelings started boiling in my stomach. Anger, resentment, bitterness. I wanted to hit a wall. I wanted to pick a fight with somebody. Who did this guy think he was?”
AGAIN, please show Ares’ powers. He makes people angry just by being around them. Even the musical did this better.
“[…] I wanted to rip this guy’s head off. ‘What’s it to you?’ Annabeth’s eyes flashed me a warning. ‘Percy, this is-’ The biker raised his hand. ‘S’okay,’ he said. ‘I don’t mind a little attitude. Long as you remember who’s the boss. You know who I am, little cousin?’ Then it struck me why this guy looked so familiar. […] ‘You’re Clarisse’s dad,’ I said. ‘Ares, god of war.’”
Where is Ares’ power please I AM CRYING. Also Ares is COOL. He’s laid-back, he’s confident, because these kids are not a threat to him. Instead, in the show, he just drives by and stops, starts exposition-dumping, and drives off to the diner. He is missing his character voice, he is missing the powerful entrance, he is missing HIS POWERS. But show Ares sits in the diner, laughing at Twitter on his phone like some loser.
“Ares grinned and took off his shades. Where his eyes should've been, there was only fire, empty sockets glowing with miniature nuclear explosions.”
NO BECAUSE WHERE THE FUCK WAS THAT????????? ‘Your quest is going to fail. Ask me how I know’ HE DOESN’T TALK LIKE THAT. Also why is Annabeth provoking Ares… She’s literally the one smart enough to not do that.
“That’s right, punk. I heard you broke Clarisse’s spear.’ ‘She was asking for it.’ ‘Probably. That’s cool. I don’t fight my kids’ fights, you know? What I’m here for – I heard you were in town. I got a little proposition for you-’ The waitress came back with heaping trays of food […]. Ares handed her a few gold drachmas. She looked nervously at the coins. ‘But, these aren’t…’ Ares pulled out his huge knife and started cleaning his fingernails. ‘Problem, sweetheart?’”
I love this. It shows how Ares is disconnected from the human world, how he doesn’t give a shit, how he threatens people so casually to get his way. How humans mean nothing to him. But this show just LOVES to tell instead of show. Literally these people do not stop talking ever. Ares in the show is like blah blah blah Zeus send his kids to look for the bolt, they will go to war ‘You’re new to the family, young one, so let me fill you in on how we work.’ AND HE TELLS THEM THE STORY OF HOW KRONOS ATE HIS KIDS? STOP? EXPOSITION DUMPING? WHO IS WRITING THIS DIALOGUE??? WHY IS HE BEEFING WITH ANNABETH???
“’Why don’t you go back and get it yourself?’ The fire in his sockets glowed a little hotter. ‘Why don’t I turn you into a prairie dog and run you over with my Harley? Because I don’t feel like it. A god is giving you an opportunity to prove yourself, Percy Jackson.’”
[…] Ares’s fiery eyes made me see things I didn’t want to see – blood and smoke and corpses on the battlefield. “
...Thanks Disney. Please, why does he go off on Annabeth. In the book, Percy doesn’t care about the threats, he rejects the ride west at first, even after Ares mentions his mom he still antagonizes him. And then he just disappears. That’s cool. In the show Ares acts immediately offended, threatens to kill them and Percy immediately agrees. You remember how in the show he didn't agree to go on the quest at first even though the entire world was at stake? Yeah.
So not only does Percy not at all fight and resist Ares, but Annabeth does even though she warns Percy in the book, because she figured him out and would not argue with the literal God of War. She literally said ‘That was not smart, Percy.’ when Percy argues with Ares. None of that in the show.
I’m done with the show. It is a lazy, unimaginative, unfaithful, unserious, passionless, Disneyfied, detail-less adaptation that had me pause the episode several times because I was just baffled. Crowley from Good Omens looks more like I imagined Ares than the show’s Ares.
I won’t even start right now about how they cut out the Iris Message scene, how Ares is the one who told Percy about his mother, or how Grover just gets left behind in the show even though he saves Percy and Annabeth in the waterpark, How they just immediately know it’s Hephaestus in the show (because god forbids it takes them longer than two seconds to figure something out), they didn’t get fresh silly waterpark clothes, no Aphrodite’s scarf, no spiders (that’s literally important to Annabeth’s character? But no way she can be afraid. Let her argue with Ares instead.) no “live to Olympus in one minute”, no “When I say go.” “No! When I say go!” “What?” “Simple physics! Force times the trajectory angle-”, no Grover saving them, no “Shows over! Thank you! Goodnight!”
Instead… Ares hangs out with Grover and proceeds to be the exact opposite of cool and powerful, Percy gets stuck in the waterpark door in a completely pointless scene, more exposition about Hephaestus’ story, the chair thing that captured Percy (why? Ares or Aphrodite would not sit down on that Ares knew it’s a trap. They know the story of the chair. So does Hephaestus want to kill any random person that comes around or what?), “It can’t be undone” and undoes it two minutes later, Annabeth saving Percy not with her intelligence but by having a therapy monologue with Hephaestus, and talking, talking, talking. This show seems to be allergic to action scenes.
“Well. This smells.” → Continues to have no physical reaction or be otherwise fazed by the smell. We love tell don’t show here. <3
They cut stuff and put useless stuff in instead, continue to butcher characters and censor everything. It’s not a good adaptation and it’s not a good show. It’s not horrible, just a 5/10 for me at max. And it’s frustrating to see them not care about the details (so many details that wouldn’t even need extra time. Just extra effort) and the characters. They change things that just fuck up the logic of the entire story later.
What I liked about the episode:
They showed that Gabe is on TV and Percy is missing. Finally. Seaweed Brain. Also finally.
I also hope Grover is wrong about knowing who stole the master bolt because if that ruins the final reveal???????? Huh???
Also please leave me aloneeeeeeeeeeee lin manuel mirandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why is he everywhereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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chaoticspeedrun · 2 years
Girl! Hey! You beautiful sunshine! I have a idea and automatically you,yes you pop out in my mind cuz your writing is so *chef kiss* and i think you gonna like cuz its related to the first girlfriend headcanon.
Bear with me and hear me well.
Our precious Neon Leon,chilling with reader in a normal date but *dramatic music*
The ex
Reader's ex? No no no.
Leo's ex
Yeah i think you probably getting what i mean in here. I also headcanon that Leo has a bad tasty in men,so maybe this ex is kinda toxic? Making Leo feel uncomfortable remenbering what this ex have done but reader is not having it and break the shit out of him or sum cuz we must protect our blue boy 😌✊🏽💙
Hi Mitarashi! Thanks for waiting and I hope you feel like punching the lights out of his ex once you finish reading, because it means I did it right then. And remember guys, if someone tries to make you feel like you are less than you are, remove the asshole from your life immediately.
Hold my hand before I break his face
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Pairing: Rise! Leo x Fem! reader
Type: Oneshot
Summary: Leo and you are getting ready for your date when his ex makes an appearance.
Can be read by itself but goes along with the headcanons of Leo with his first girlriend here.
Warnings: Toxic exes, insecurities, gaslighting, slight angst with a happy ending.
Friday was date night, Leo had decided a little after the beginning of your relationship, you'd dress up nicely, he'd meet you at your door, sometimes he'd bring flowers or candy and you both would fake a posh accent while at it before he portaled you to your destiny.
Wether the destiny was run of the mill pizza in the hidden city or the lair's couch to watch a movie, date nights were always special for the two of you.
The first of those dates that you had you worried that he was trying too hard to please you, always going above and beyond to do so.
You realized a while before you even started dating that Leo, as arrogant and confident as he seemed was secretly insecure and you didn't want him to feel that way in your relationship.
So you talked about it, and Leo seemed to relax with you, he was still romantic, it was natural to him, but he was perfectly fine with a date being just you and him cuddling while you did your own thing instead of trying hard to impress you, he was comfortable with you, he felt safe.
Today was mostly a lazy day, so you both were going to get pick up from run off the mill and then crash on his bed to read comics.
So you grabbed a long soft sweater that wouldn't itch when you cuddled and leggings, with fluffy socks under your sneakers.
Hearing his telltale knock at your door you smiled wide at seeing your boyfriend waiting there for you with a lazy smile and wearing a very familiar black hoodie.
You raised an eyebrow looking at him suspiciously "Is that my hoodie?" Leo scoffed feigning being offended.
"What? No greeting to your handsome boyfriend? No kiss? Just accusing me of stealing first thing." You snort, but he continues "This is just a generic hoodie I had in my closet, thanks."
You shook your head with a smile "Alright, alright, I'm sorry I doubted you my love, the mark of bleach on the left sleeve just looked a little familiar, of course you wouldn't just steal from me"
"But of course I wouldn't, but it's Okay, I forgive you" He sighs and you giggle before he sends a smile your way and pulls out one of his katanas.
"So, will this be the day you finally try the creepy supreme?" He asks while taking hold of your hand.
You squeeze the fingers in your grasp and grin at him "Not a chance."
His chuckle follows you both as he makes a portal and you step through it ending up at the front desk of the pizzeria.
Señor Hueso looks at both of you and rolls his eyes "Ah Pepino and his novia, given what you're wearing I'm hoping you'll be leaving soon?"
"Oh we'd love to stay Señor Hueso, I'm sure you'll miss us but alas! It's lazy night at the lair so two of your best pizzas señor! And another one for Donnie I guess" Leo ended dismissively before continuing with the order.
While he did so you looked around always fascinated by the different type of yokai around when you noticed a particular yokai walking your way.
The first thing you noticed was that he was tall and full of feathers, with red markings and a long beak, you remember reading about Tengu's, a japanese yokai that usually had a bird form, it seemed to fit his characteristics.
You were so busy trying to figure that out you didn't notice your boyfriend glancing up at the yokai and paling.
"Leo! I see you haven't changed a bit, still getting pizza every chance you get" The yokai grinned and Leo squeezed your hand.
"Yeah, well you haven't changed either Raku" The yokai rolled his eyes not losing the grin.
"So, are you going to introduce me to your friend?" The yokai, Raku, you now knew, asked offering his hand to you "Sorry for his lack of manners, I'm Raku, Leo and I used to be very close"
You offered him your hand for a shake noticing how uncomfortable Leo seemed and disliking the way this guy spoke from the get go "He was probably surprised to see a familiar face" You told him your name and made sure to add "I'm Leo's girlfriend."
Raku seemed surprised looking between both of you with a funny grin "Girlfriend, really? I thought you were gay?" He directed at Leo who sported an uneasy smile up until that point, a frown starting to form on his face.
"I told you I was pan" He said and the tengu rolled his eyes.
"Just say you're bi Leo, I get it, you swing both ways" Leo's fake smile was disappearing and yours had already left quite a bit ago, you thought tengu were bird yokai, not rats.
You internally apologized to Splinter for that last thought, but got a little snarky "So, you are?"
"Leo never told you about me?" He asked "Ah well, we didn't end in the best terms but it's all passed, right Lee? I'm his ex-boyfriend."
You couldn't deny the bitter feeling as you heard that, not because you were jealous of this guy, but because just a couple minutes with him already gave you a glimpse of how he'd treated Leo during their relationship.
"Hm, really? No I hadn't heard of you at all" you answered with an innocent smile, reveling on how his faltered for a second.
"But enough of that, going back to the original topic" Raku changed the subject "You know, eating pizza all the time can't be good for a ninja Leo, and I'm sure I saw you get here via portal, 's not gonna help losing all those calories."
Leo winced but put on a mask of disinterest, before he could answer though Raku continued "Also, what's up with that ratty hoodie? You are going out like this? Gee, you really let yourself go once we ended our relationship."
You didn't care anymore, you were gonna snap "Actually that's my hoodie" You smiled "It was too big for me, but Leo fills it up just right with his muscles, it used to fit better but now I fear one day it's gonna snap from the biceps" You had never spoken like that, Leo gaped wide at you and Raku seemed to frown at your words.
A waiter arrived at that very moment with your three pizzas and Raku looked like they were proving a point "not gon' keep those muscles long like these, gee, are you both sharing them or...?"
"Oi, just back off Raku" Leo spoke placing an arm around your shoulders and Raku rolled his eyes.
"Oh don't be so dramatic Leo, I was just joking around."
You chuckled, your hand pulling your boyfriend closer by the waist as you leaned and looked up at the offending yokai in feigned amusement.
"Sorry, I was trying to figure out the kind of yokai you are, I think I finally did, with the way you spew out bullshit and how it reeks, you're an Akaname right?"
Raku blushed embarrassed and a couple chuckles could be heard from behind him, he glared at you and scoffed "Hope you enjoy sloppy seconds, ugh humans" with not much left to say he stormed off.
You still yelled "Did I mispronounce the name? Sorry Akaname-san!" a couple people turned to Raku with funny grins as he rushed his steps.
You sighed feeling Leo slouch slightly, relieved the interaction ended, taking the pizzas and paying you turned to prompt him into opening a portal.
He did and you both appeared on his room, it was quiet for a moment before Leo looked back at you.
He looked so vulnerable, so you left the pizza on his night stand and pulled him by the hand towards his bed, laying back on it with him on your side.
"Thank you" He spoke after a couple minutes, you traced shapes on his plastron with your fingers, looking up at him with an inquiring gaze, giving him the chance to search for the words he wanted "for standing up for me, for...making me feel safe" there was a second of hesitation before he continued "For making me feel like I'm enough."
"You are" you stated firmly "You're more than enough Leo, and nothing Raku said is true, those kind of assholes just want to make their partner insecure, want to steal their freedom from them, geez Leo, we were there for just a moment and he gaslighted you as soon as he could, you have terrible taste in men."
Leo leaned in and kissed your forehead softly, a small chuckle leaving his lips while his hand reached up to intertwine with yours over his plastron "I know, ever since we started dating you made that clear to me, with him I always felt like I had to try too hard, and you've been clear since the beginning that I just have to be me with you" he smiled.
You both stayed like that, sharing small kisses and reveling in the comfort of the other for a bit longer before he spoke again "But what was that thing you called him? Akaname?" He questioned curiously and you chuckled.
You grin was mischievous "It's a yokai that eats the filth and scum in bathrooms" Leo's laugh was really loud after that, holding his stomach as he did and making you laugh too.
"Gosh, I love you so much" He said with bright eyes and you kissed him, the words 'me too' unsaid but lingering in the air.
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nighthaterfrfr · 9 months
Do you have any more headcanons/thoughts about your Steph and Max as half-siblings AU? :)
ive been wanting to discuss this for so long but for ppl who want to know (mostly background)
-i think that max and steph share the same dad, he seems like the one to sleep around. however, he settled w steph's mother and a secretly pregnant max's mother ended up w his ass of a dad.
-for a while, maybe 13-14 years, they never knew about their relation to each other. however, max and steph definitely saw the other one in school. max was praised as a football prodigy and steph was infamous for being a slacking and skipping mayor's daughter.
-they look somewhat similar. from the nose, ears, eyes, hell even the hair? there are small differences here and there, but they were definitely called siblings by their classmates
-they were also quite good friends. apparently, once u find out both ur dads are assholes, u bond. max would invite her to all his football games and she somehowb goes. these two were best friends, practically inseparable.
-one day in 7th grade, solomon was complaining to ms tessburger abt his affair. steph was overhearing about how it's odd to see one of kids succeed at something, while the daughter he has is doing nothing of importance.
-like any teenage girl w a completely shitty relationship w her father, steph was enraged, and a bit jealous. finding out she was related to max unlocked a bit of a one-sided hating towards him
-max however, always knew that he had a sister. before his mom divorced, she told him stories abt his birth father, and how when she was with him, she had no idea solomon already had a girlfriend.
-she reached out to steph's mother and had informed her of what happened. however, since she couldn't get out of the marriage jst yet, her mother instead acknowledged and thanked max's mother.
-ofc, max's mom never told him who his sister was. knowing him and his father, she feared that sudden new relation between him and the mayor's daughter may get to his head. so, instead she jst told him that he had a sister in hatchetfield.
-from around mid 7th grade to early 8th grade, max noticed how whenever steph was forced into a group w him, she'd always looked pissed off. annoyed. generally angry.
-in the 8th grade during lunch, max came up to her table, asking "the hell is wrong w me??? we used to be close u fuckin', uh... DINGUS!" this offended the hell out of steph and she umped out of her seat and started to swing punches at max. as any middle school in america does, a bunch of students started recording and posting it.
-steph and max sat in the principal's office, both with a lot of bruises and some bloody hands and noses. as solomon lauter and jagerman's father walked in, both of them stared at each other. eventually, max's father got into a full blown yell w solomon.
-as the two kids watched their fathers yelled at one another, that was when steph turned to max and finally revealed why she was so distant. "apparently, ur my fucking brother or smth."
-max sighed, looking at steph w a disappointed glare. "im sorry for being.. ur brother, i guess?" he replied, the two laughing as he explained his side of the story, and further strained the relationship between steph and solomon
(alr onto actual headcanons)
-they do love joking abt being half-siblings around their friends. despite it being true, theyre all so confused on if either max or steph is lying or not.
-the first person for max who found out that his sister was steph was kyle. he couldn't rlly believe it, but he jst kinda vibed. so max telling him went rlly chill.
-on steph's side however, when pete found out she had max jagerman as a brother, she was immediately bombarded with questions and pleas from pete. she tried offering these ideas to max, but he dismissed them, telling her "i need to remain on top, steph!" secretly, he does go easier on the nerds. by a little bit.
-max and steph spend the most time together outside of home, more at school or wherever. whether its going bowling w max's teammates at some bowling lanes, or hanging out in the lakeside mall jst the two of them.
-neither of them ever had a proper enough relationship w their family, so spending time w each other relived them of that disappointing truth a little bit.
-one time, max got so pissed at steph he threw a football at her from like, 40 yards away in order to get her attention. unfortunately, steph being preoccupied on her phone did not notice the absolute perfect throw coming right into her head.
-safe to say, he apologized and ran to her, trying his best to relieve her of a bruise.
-because of this incident, steph had wanted to begin learning how to play football. max was her teacher, and he sucked at it. like, explaining anything to her was alien to steph. however, over time, she slowly got the hang of it, and was good to a point when max stopped teaching her
-sometimes after a nighthawk game, if u stay jst long enough, u can see steph and max throw a football at each other from pretty far. and if ur lucky, seeing steph trying to tackle max. but most of the time, that mostly leads to the funniest image of steph falling ever.
i have a lot more, but my ask IS open yall lmaoooo
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sunghoonnsupremacy · 1 year
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previous - now - next
- summary ; when the popular jock starts finding interest in the new girl, hell breaks lose. she eventually gives in and he shows her exactly why he's popular.
- warnings ; eventual smut, rough sex, bondage, degrading, mentions of drugs/alcohol, asshole heeseung.
jia hates tuesdays. its an additional day to monday, plus she has a small but painful hangover from last nights events. she hardly remembers the hotheaded blondie going down on her, but theres glimpses of it in her memory.
putting on her school uniform, lara finishes her tea and walks down to where her car is waiting for her, only to see something else...
"sunghoon?" she asks herself and/or the person leaning against their car. "it's me." he winks at her, motioning for her to move forward. "what are you doing here?" jia hesitantly walks towards him in confusion.
"I didn't want you coming to school alone on your first day. " "second, sunghoon. second. " he dismisses his misinformation and opens his passengers seat door. "hop in. "
"are you sure? I have my own car I can just go by myself. " she worries about being a bother even though he's the one who asked first.
"im sure. now come on or we'll be late. " she finally sits down and admires the interior inside his car. he starts the car and starts driving.
"I wouldn't have expected someone like you to care about being late. " she laughs a little looking at him.
he glances at her, not wanting to crash and replies, "I only said that since you're new. wouldn't want a pretty girl like you getting in trouble. ", his flirting never ending.
"thank you, but im sure we have some time before class starts no? " she cheekily smiles at him. "what are you suggesting?"
" I'll have one matcha iced coffee. thank you." jia orders sitting down at a table with sunghoon.
"when you said we have some time left, I didn't expect you to bring me to a cafe. " he giggles leaning back on his chair.
"well, I need my energy. " she cracks her knuckles and leans back aswell.
silence is brought amongst them. It isn't awkward or anything, so the 2 continue sitting waiting for their coffee to come.
"hey, I gotta ask you something." he looks at her seriously. "what's up?" she furrows her eyebrows, not knowing what to expect. "did you and heeseung... do something last night?" she gulps and begans to laugh, "why are you asking?" .
"to protect you. heeseung may have said some nice stuff to you last night, but that's what he does. he plays around with girls and then leaves them the next day. I don't want the same to happen to you if you did do something."
worry starts to build up inside of her. "I guess we may have done something, but I don't think it was anything serious. "
he nods and decides to drop the subject before making her more uncomfortable than she already was..
the two continue sitting in silence, but after 2 minutes their coffee arrives and they get up to leave.
"thanks for paying, I appreciate it I'll treat you to coffee next time." she smiles at him and bows her head a little.
"there'll be a next time? " he smiles back at her. "if you want there to be. "
the 2 hop back into his car and drive to school, only having 5 minutes before the bell rings, they arrived 3 minutes later and hurry up into class. she drags him by hand, giggling like little kids, while people stare at them in the halls. it looks a bit corny, but they don't care in the moment.
they can see that their class doors closed, and both mentally prepare themselves to face the anger of their teacher.
they slowly knock and open the door, jia behind sunghoon. every student, including the teacher turns to look at them.
"where have you two been? class started 2 minutes ago. you're late!" she scolds them, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"we're sorry, miss, we lost track of time. " they both bow 90 degress and hurry into their seats.
jia notices heeseung sitting with his back turned to her, she furrows her eyebrows before tapping his shoulder. he doesn't turn around, so she taps it again.
he finally turns around and rolls his eyes at her, "do you need something?" he says in a harsh tone. she leans back into her chair and shakes her head, making him scoff and turn back around to the board.
"what the hell is up with him? was what sunghoon said true?" she thinks for the rest of the class.
after the bell rings, everybody stands up and heads for the door, but jia heads over to a sunghoon and taps him on the shoulder.
"I think what you said was true" he looks at her confused.
"heeseungs a dick. I don't understand what his problem is, he's literally the one who wanted me last night, yet now he's the one acting like this."
sunghoon shakes his head and lightly holds her arm. "im sorry he's doing that, but it's what he's known for, hey, let me take you out after school so you can forget about this. "
she frowns and also holds his hand, "thank you. "
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Glaives S/O crashes drunk in their place (+ Regis)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my @autumnspookydreams​! Enjoy your men with your drunken shenaningas XD  (I loveee youuu! )
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The alarm clock showed exactly three in the morning when he heard the keys in the lock. "Love, looove, *hic loooveeeeeee I want to *hic cuddleeeee, nooooow.*hic" She said in a singing voice. Nyx had to smirk at your antics, he knew you were celebrating your friend´s newborn, but he never imagined you would get that drunk.  And weren´t you adorable one.  He tiredly pulled you closer to his chest .“Come here kitten” he chuckled at you” cuddles will be after I get you to bed.” You pouted at him while wrapping your arms around his waist tightly. “ But *hic I want * hic hic cuuudle Nyxie noow!” Nyx picked her up like a little baby and throw himself at the bed with you in his arms. “ Aren´t you in luck, kitten. I was just thinking about being lonely in here.” You looked at Nyx with such adoration in your doe eyes. He felt like on Cloud 9 with you, his precious kitten. He started to doze off on you, when your voice called for him. "Nyxie," you wrapped lose strand of his hair around your finger" I will puke." You were so lucky that he loved you, because he got no sleep.
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Tredd would call himself a party animal. So coming home at odd hours for him wasn´t anything unusual. But for fuck´s sake who would bang at his door at 1:30 am, when he just came from assignment and wanted nothing more that sleep?!  Tredd went to open the door. “ You better be dying out there, If you think..” “Treddiiee, you areee baack.” What greeted him, was you completely wasted with wide grin. “ Babe, what the hell, partying without me?” said quite annoyed. He took you inside, you were shivering in your pretty dress with wide cleavage. " Not that I mind the view, but it' freezing outside." Seriously, you were the one usually nagging him about this. Guess the roles switched now. Tredd took you by your waist and leaded you inside the bathroom. "Tredd, b-but I don't want to ..." You didn't have a chance to end your sentence, when Tredd pushed you in the hot running shower. The shock was tremendous, your body fully awake. Tredd's personal sober tactic, works every time as he would proudly state. You saw his red hair through the curtain, his voice sounded so cocky. " So are you still cold, babe?" "Tredd, you asshole!" you tried to splash him. " Easy there, tiger! Or you will slip up. And I don't want your pretty face get hurt." He grinned like ass, he is. You wanted to strandle him. " Furia, you better pray to the Astrals when I get my hands on you!" you wobblily got from a shower, the dress was ruined and dripped water on the floor. Tredd winked at you. " Hm, I will enjoy that for sure, babe."
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“Clarus, I can walk perfectly fine to my room, mind you.” she proceed to almost fell down the stairs. “ I can see that, highness.” Clarus truly wasn´t paid enough for dealing with this. But you were almost near your bedroom and Clarus will gladly throw you at your husband without mercy. “ Regie, I am back! The party was a great success, even Sylva was enjoying it. And that is something, consider it that her sense of humor is rather bland." You happily chatted to your husband who amusedly watched you from bed when you barged in to your shared bedroom. " Highness, your wife drank eight bottles of the exclusive red wine from Leide. And then with Queen Sylva danced on the table." Regis had to hide a laugh. You were always so wild, he loved that about you. Regis only hoped, that there was a video of it. He made mental note to ask Cor about it later. "Clarus, you're dismissed. Thank you for accompanying my wife safely to our room. I believe there was no trouble at all." He snickered at Clarus poorly hiden distress. " Good night, your highnesses!" You came dressed in your pajamas. " Bye bye Clarus, tell your wife I love her!" Sadly Clarus was gone. Regis almost pissed himself from laugh at how fast his friend run. He opened his arms, a very warm invite into his embrace " Come here angel. I am curious what else you were doing on the "Tea party" of yours." " But for such information, there is a price to pay." You giggled when you returned the hug. " Regis smirked " Oh, I believe we could find solution to this, my Queen."
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love-overdrive · 5 months
Knocking on Heaven's Door
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Summary: Mary insists on having Koichi take her to see her old acquaintance, Rohan Kishibe. Rohan, however, is less than thrilled to see his "rival" at his door.
Pairing: Rohan Kishibe x F!OC
Rating: SFW
Word Count: ~2.9k
Notes: Reunion? Kinda? Rohan is an ass, Koichi is stuck like the poor kid between arguing parents. Both Mary and Rohan are delusional morons, please forgive them <3
Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged whenever I post future works <3!
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“Do I know you?” Rohan asked drabbly, an irritated look on his face as he was once again interrupted from his work with a knock at the door. 
“Well, yeah, Mr. Kishibe, we have met before!” She eagerly replied to his question. Koichi figured it was only natural they have seen each other previously as he stood beside Mary. Rohan hummed then tapped his chin in thought until he snapped his fingers. Mangakas must have seen-
“Oh. A fan, right?” Rohan dismissively said, making Koichi and Mary jolt in surprise. “Hm… let’s see, was it during my tour in the north? Or my appearance at that con last year?” 
“What? No. Mr. Kishibe, come on, it’s me!” Mary pleaded, hoping for him to remember her. 
“You’re not a fan? Then what are you doing here?” Rohan narrowed his eyes, not pleased to be away from his desk any longer. 
“Wait, I am a fan but- ugh, not like that! You seriously don’t remember me?” Koichi grimaced as Mary looked to be deflated from her earlier excitement to see Rohan again. Koichi thought that, from how highly and affectionately Mary spoke of Rohan, that they had a close relationship. 
However, Rohan was rolling his eyes and about to slam the door shut on them. “I guess not. I only remember those worthy of being remembered.” 
Mary let out an offended gasp. “What? What the hell are you talking about?” 
Koichi hadn’t heard Mary get so aggressive before, while Rohan seemed to not care at all. “Exactly what I said. Now, tell me your name and state your business, or I’ll just assume that you are here to waste my time.” 
“I’m Mary. Mary Yazawa. You know, creator of Nina, and stuff?” Mary introduced herself awkwardly, hoping this would jog his memory. 
“Hm, Nina, I can’t say I-” just as he said that, his face dropped and he let out an angered gasp. “You!” 
Both Mary and Koichi leaned back in confusion when Rohan pointed at Mary as if she were the devil herself. “Y-yes?” 
“You dare show yourself to me like this? Don’t think you’re anywhere near good enough to breathe the same air as me!” 
“Why are you getting so angry at me, huh? I just wanted to see you again!” Mary folded her arms. 
“Oh, no, no, no, I know what you’re up to! The great Rohan Kishibe doesn’t need some talentless hack to visit him.” 
“Talentless hack? You’re so rude!” 
“It’s simply the truth. I guess they just let anyone publish anything nowadays, huh?” 
Mary glared at him. “You know what? Ixnay on this visit! I was just happy to see an old friend here!” 
“Friend? Please, you wish you could be my friend. Or did you simply think meeting me here would allow my genius to rub off on you and make your manga worth a damn?” Rohan said with a haughty smirk. 
“My manga is perfectly fine, thank you very much!” 
“And that’s what separates us two, you’re happy releasing mediocre and serviceable work under the pretense of it being ‘fine’. I, however, aim to excel and achieve greatness by surpassing all else.” 
“You sure excel at being an asshole!” Mary shouted back. 
Koichi stared in horror as the two mangakas continued to bicker back and forth. Rohan tried to keep his pompous air up, but the more Mary argued with him, the more his mask was slipping. Was Mary really certain they were friends? This didn’t seem like how friends acted. Or even professionals, for that matter. 
“I have more talent in my pinkie than you do in your entire body!” Rohan childishly yelled, practically cheek to cheek with Mary. 
“I put way more heart and soul into my work! You're just a soulless jerk!” 
“Soulless?! At least I don’t need to publish my manga in English to boost my sales!”
“What about it? They love my work!”
“That’s because they have no taste! What is so hard to understand about a stupid romance?” 
“It’s not just a romance, you idiot!” 
Koichi looked at his two heroes, eyes flicking between them as they traded even worse and more personal insults. 
“Yeah? Well your hair is ugly! Tell your stylist to give you a refund!” 
“Says the man whose hair looks like toothpaste!” 
“Screw you! You’d never understand the-“
“The what? The fact you choose to look like a tube of Crest every day?” 
“I’ll have you know, my grandmother-“ 
“Guys! Stop it!” Koichi screamed, attempting to push them both away from each other. Mary huffed and dusted herself off. 
“I’m sorry, Koichi. Mr. Kishibe just seems to be a real character.” 
“Hmph,” Rohan seemed to feel the same as he fixed his hair. “I’m sorry as well for losing my cool against a half-rate ‘mangaka’.” 
Koichi deadpanned. “Rohan…” 
Rohan rolled his eyes and sighed, folding his arms. “Fine. Sorry, to uh, whatever your name was.” 
Rohan rolled his eyes again and sighed even louder. “Sorry, Miss Yazawa.” 
“Fine. Apology accepted. Mind telling me what that was all about?” She furrowed her brows at him, now curious about the reason for his hostility. 
“I shouldn’t have to explain myself. You know very well the reason for our mutual dislike of one another.” 
“What? No, I’m actually really confused!” 
“You need me to spell it our for you, huh? Or are you simply pretending to be daft to attempt to mock me?” Rohan dramatically said. Koichi looked at Mary curiously, but she only shrugged, seeming just as lost as Koichi was. “Well, if you need such a reminder, it all starts back on the day we first met!” 
Mary, of course, remembered that day. Koichi knew about it after Mary gushed with stars in her eyes about how a young Rohan had bumped into her after a meeting with her editors. He had accidentally picked up some of her drafts that had fallen on the ground, and looked through them. Mary had said it must have been fate, that the handsome young man was the one to give her better tips and advice to make sure her work got published. That didn’t really sound like Rohan, but Koichi nodded along, thinking the story at least made him sound somewhat nice. He was certain, though, that past Mary’s rose-tinted glasses, Rohan probably said a few insults that were sprinkled with genuine criticism and promptly walked away. 
That sounded more like Rohan. But even still, he didn’t see how Rohan could view that day as a sign of disrespect or mutual dislike. 
Rohan placed a hand on his hips and pointed an accusatory finger at Mary. “That day… that day you scorned me and ignored my very existence, I’ve always had it out for you! You think you could dismiss me and look down on me? Please, the only reason you are close to beating me in sales is because Viz published your manga in English! Otherwise, you’d be so far behind!” 
“I don’t think you two are on the same page…” Koichi mumbled. Even if Rohan was an ass, he didn’t see why Mary of all people would ignore him for no reason. And why was she saying the nicest things about him before while he assumed she was ignoring him? 
“I am on the correct page,” Rohan argued. “It is her who started this feud, and it is I who will end it!” 
“I didn’t even know we were in a feud,” Mary casually stated, resting her chin between her thumb and index. “I never ignored you, by the way. I don’t even know what you’re referring to. Are you mistaking me for someone else?” 
“I do not have you mistaken! You must be a complete airhead to forget that day!” 
“Alright, then what happened that day?” Mary challenged. Koichi leaned in closer to hear Rohan’s explanation. 
“Fine. Since you really are ignorant, allow me to enlighten you. It all started the day of the award ceremony. I had, of course, just won the ‘Best New Shounen’ award, and you had won the ‘Best New Shoujo’ award. My editor, for some reason, said it would be good for me to congratulate you. I went up to you, and you didn’t even spare me a glance! You kept looking away and mumbling under your breath, then left without even saying ‘thank you’! I wanted your damn manga cut, but somehow, you still have a job!” 
“Eh…?” Mary gave a dumb smile as she listened to Rohan. “But that wasn’t-” 
“What, going to insist that you did nothing wrong? Tell me I was mistaken again? I know what you are, Miss Yazawa! And I won’t stand for someone like you attempting to feel superior over me!” 
Koichi nervously chuckled and waved to get their eyes. “I think I understand the issue here.” 
Both mangakas looked at him, Mary with a hopeful look and Rohan with a stern glare. He gulped, feeling their attention on him. Both of them wanted an explanation for their frankly one-sided rivalry. 
“Well? Go on and tell us,” Rohan urged. 
“Don’t be so rude to him,” Mary countered. Koichi shook his head. 
“I think you two had a different idea of your first meeting with each other.” 
“And that would be?” 
“Mary went on and on about how nice you were and helped her before her manga was published. You think she snubbed you and ignored you during the award show. Both can’t be true, unless you forgot about your actual first meeting, Rohan,” Koichi fumbled to explain. 
“What? No. We met at the award show,” Rohan retorted. “I would know, I was wearing my white Versace shoes that night. And I only wear it on special occasions.” 
“No, we met outside the halls of Shueisha. We bumped into each other, remember?” 
“Doesn’t ring a bell,” Rohan dismissively said. “Why would I talk to someone I bumped into?” 
“You did!” Mary cried and then covered her cheeks with her hands. “You picked up my manuscript from the floor!” 
It was like magic, that moment! Our fingers touched, and you were in your simple white pants and shirt. I looked into your green eyes and knew I was destined to meet you! You had a serious expression on your face- that real cool-guy type of look! The kind of look that said ‘hey, I’m the best around.’ And like, you so were! Everyone was fawning over your new manga, and the fact you looked at me and even talked to me was incredible!
For that moment, I understood what it was like to be at the center of attention. You had that smooth and relaxing voice that I wanted to melt into. Your voice, it was so soft, but your words- they were so harsh! You looked at me with that smolder and told me my work had potential but I was squandering it. You, the genius mangaka, was telling me I had potential? My heart soared! I thought I should cry about it, but how could I when you looked at me with those beautiful eyes? 
I almost thought I died that day and went to heaven. When you gave me back my manuscript and told me to do it again, I totally knew I had what it took to succeed! And thanks to your words of (dis)couragement, I have been a shoujo sensation! 
Rohan raised a brow at Mary’s flushed face. “Is this normal?” 
Koichi pursed his lips and nodded at Rohan. “Yeah…” 
“Hmph, well, regardless, I clearly remember us meeting at that award ceremony.” 
Now, we already established I was in my white Versace shoes. They need no introduction. By the way, this award show was for my second award- Pink Dark Boy truly is a masterpiece that I have cultivated from my very being. The sales figures did not lie, and the ratings from the readers of Shounen Jump proved I was a legend in the making. And now, my work has amassed me great fortune and fame- none of which I care for since I am writing to be read. Pink Dark Boy must continue for as long as I, Rohan Kishibe, continue! Until my very last breath, I shall- 
Wait, wait, off topic. The award show, right. Yeah. Kyoka had insisted I ‘make friends’ with that girl that won. I don’t really need friends, because none surely will ever come close to my level. And second off, why would I want to congratulate that girl? I read a page of her work, and while there was potential, I found it too slow. There was no hook. I mean, what is the hook to a premise like ‘two women with the name Nina accidentally meet on a train’? Am I missing something? I bet I could go on a train right now and find about three women with the name ‘Naomi’. That’s not really anything special, that’s just statistics. 
Agh. Again. Well, I was gonna just go give her a quick congratulations, yet when I walked up to her, she covered her mouth and nose! What kind of rude person does that? Was she trying to imply I smelled? I can assure you, I do not, not after I have sprayed my Calvin Klein Eternity cologne! Rude. And then when I went to shake her hand, she took a few steps back and refused to look me in the eyes! 
That, I can assure you, is a declaration of war! I was about to pity her and give a half-hearted congratulations, but her insistence on snubbing me and insulting both my appearance and work is unforgivable! If she wishes to act superior to me, then I will make sure she knows she was sorely mistaken to have crossed me! Ever since then, I have been laughing away at the sales numbers with my morning coffee. I will make sure she understands she does not have what it takes to best me! 
“W-wait, you really have been looking at my sales numbers?” Mary gasped, her eyes widened as she covered her mouth. 
“Heh, obviously. Since you turned down my offering of praise, I have checked our sales numbers to compare it many times. And what do you know, even with your numbers on Viz from this quarter, you still have not caught up to me!” Rohan triumphantly leaned his head back. 
“Really? I’m… wow, the fact you took the time to look at my numbers is so… it’s so touching you’ve been keeping an eye on my growth!” Mary grinned in shock.
“Of course. You can rest easy now knowing I’ve seen your progress, and cannot wait to crush you further,” Rohan chuckled back. 
Koichi’s jaw dropped as his eyes darted between the smug Rohan and the bashful Mary. 
“W-what? But you two aren’t saying the same thing! I-I think you guys are on different planets right now!” He shouted, but the two mangakas seemed to be focused on each other. Rohan pointed again at Mary and smirked. 
“Let it be known, just because we are in the same town, I still don’t forgive you. I will be keeping a close eye on you. You better give me something worthwhile to surpass, Miss Yazawa,” he stated, although Koichi noticed Rohan’s pompous words seemed to have a bit of eagerness in them. Was he seriously insulting her to do better so he could ‘win’ more? Mary gasped and nodded. 
“Yes, Mr. Kishibe! I totally will!” She nodded, clasping her hands together as she stammered out. “I’ll, uh, I’ll make sure you regret picking up a pen!” 
“I’d like to see you try,” Rohan gloated, dramatically flipping his hair. “Now get out of my house, I have work to do.” 
He said with a grin as he slammed the door shut on Koichi and Mary. Koichi stood close to Mary, who was completely silent, and waved his hands. 
“P-please don’t listen to Rohan, he just doesn’t understand how-” 
Mary interrupted Koichi’s apology with a quiet squeal. “Oh my gosh, Koichi, he does remember me!” 
“He even checks and compares our sales numbers! The fact he regards me so highly means I’m doing amazing!” 
“But he just said he wanted to crush you.” 
“Oh, he’s just joking,” Mary dismissed. “Men like Rohan, they’re driven by one thing! Their self-imposed ideals and goals! That fact I’m now one of his goals to crush means I am, in fact, important enough to become a goal! He just can’t admit that, yet. I mistook his harsh words earlier for a brute, but now I see he really does care for me!” 
Koichi looked gobsmacked at Mary’s excited cheers. “W-what, that is literally not-” 
“Koichi, thank you for today! I owe you my life!” Mary beamed. “I’ll make you your favorite dinner soon! But now, I need to go home and start my new chapter!” 
“But, but you and Rohan still-” 
“Byyyyyyyeeeee~!” She waved as she sprinted off in her heels to presumably head back to her house. 
Koichi was left speechless at Rohan’s front porch, wondering what the hell he just witnessed. He couldn’t believe his two favorite mangakas were such weirdos. Is that a requirement for all mangakas at this point? 
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Let's (re)Read The Eye of the World! Chapter 16: The Wisdom
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Spoliers here! Get your spoilers here! This is a reread and I've read every book in the series except the ones that came out after it was over and I will tell you every detail that ever happened out of spite if you don't take this opportunity to protect yourself now! Run away!
We get yet another new chapter icon as we move into this chapter. Three leaves on a vine, and boy does it symbolize a lot. For this chapter it represents Nynaeve and her crashing the party. As we go forward it will refer to Tinkers, Ogier (particularly Loial) and the Waygates built for them, and even the Green Man.
“We don’t have time for that, boy,” Thom said gruffly. Min gave the white-haired gleeman a sharp look. “Go juggle something,” she snapped, drawing Rand further away from the others.
I can't tell what's better, Thom assuming that Rand's ducking out of the meeting to make out with a random woman, or Min telling Thom to go play with his balls. It's a strong showing though!
You’re all in more danger today than yesterday. Since she came.
Min, I'm going to be honest with you: you are the worst person in the world when it comes to interpreting your visions. There are assholes who grew up literally on your hometown's antipode with more skill than you. Right now, you're making Rand think that the danger is supposed to be Nynaeve, and that's crazy talk. Everyone is in more danger right now than they were a little while ago when you tormented Rand last because he's gone off and antagonized two sets of people.
Also, I forgot to mention last night, but all of Rand's actions are the equivalent of Frodo accidentally putting on the One Ring in the inn in Bree. I guess that makes Nynaeve Strider, which is awesome but of course nonsense because Lan is Strider. Thank goodness it's not one-to-one. Really I'd say every member of the nine EotW crew (counting Loial) has equivalences with two or more members of the Fellowship. Nynaeve's other half is Sam, for example.
Moiraine and Nynaeve sat at opposite ends of the table, neither taking her eyes from the other. All the other chairs were empty. Moiraine’s hands rested on the table, as still as her face. Nynaeve’s braid was thrown over her shoulder, the end gripped in one fist; she kept giving it little tugs the way she did when she was being even more stubborn than usual with the Village Council. Perrin was right. Despite the fire it seemed freezing cold, and all coming from the two women at the table.
I don't have anything to say here, I just really like it.
“You . . . followed our trail?” Lan said, truly surprised for the first time that Rand could remember. “I must be getting careless.”
This is the exact moment that Lan realizes what love is, and unlike so many of the romances in this series I'm quite happy with this one because as minimal as their reasons are they're perfectly good ones. Nynaeve is talented enough to best Lan and he's awestruck. Good.
“If you can follow a trail I have tried to hide, he taught you well. Few can do that, even in the Borderlands.” Abruptly Nynaeve buried her face in her cup. Rand’s eyes widened. She was blushing.
And this is the exact moment that Nynaeve falls in love, because Lan doesn't give her shit, he doesn't dismiss her for being too young, he just tells her she's as incredible as she knows she is.
They’d swarm over this inn like murderous ants on a rumor, a whisper. Their hate is that strong, their desire to kill or take any like these two.
Also Thom, Rand royally pissed them off earlier. You all should probably know that. It's a real shame none of you know that.
“We can’t,” Rand said, and was glad that his friends all spoke up at the same time. That way Nynaeve’s glare had to be spread around; she spared no one as it was. But he had spoken first, and they all fell silent, looking at him. Even Moiraine sat back in her chair, watching him over steepled fingers.
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I mean she's way more moral about all of this but she is technically part of a cabal trying to bring about the fulfillment of prophecy to usher in a new age of humankind, and the reluctant teenage boy is finally promising to get in the robotgo to Tar Valon.
The Light knows how your . . . Mistress Alys”—she invested the name with a wagonload of scorn— “managed to make him believe; he has a mite of sense, usually, more than most men.
She didn't even talk to him, amusingly.
He’s afraid you’ll try your tricks with outlanders and get your head thumped.
Well, Mat's dad is right about one of those things already.
Egwene sat back so she was shielded by Perrin. “I left a note,” she said faintly. She tugged at the hood of her cloak as if she was afraid her unbound hair showed. “I explained everything.” Nynaeve’s face darkened.
What so many people miss in their support of one character over another is that Egwene is just as stupid and immature as Rand, Mat, and Perrin: she just shows it differently. If I were in Nynaeve's shoes and hearing this shit, Moiraine couldn't have interrupted my rant about "A note!" if she'd balefired me.
Even those poor men who find themselves wielding the Power for a short time gain that much, though sometimes touching saidin protects, and sometimes the taint makes them more vulnerable. 
For somebody who's supposedly pretty impatient and pissed, she sure is infodumping. Moiraine's such a nerd.
Egwene bounced to her feet, her desire to be dignified obviously warring with her desire to avoid a confrontation with the Wisdom over her unbraided hair. She had no difficulty gathering up everyone by eye, though. Mat and Perrin scraped back their chairs hurriedly, making polite murmurs while trying not to actually run on their way out. Even Lan started for the door at a signal from Moiraine, drawing Thom with him.
Again, there's not much to say, just the joy of the sheer intensity that is Moiraine and Nynaeve in the same room while innocent bystanders look on in horror. Shame it's over.
She turned toward Rand, and for the first time he realized the others had all quietly disappeared.
Poor Rand, too nosy to escape quickly, too thick to realize that Nynaeve's nervous around Lan because she's afraid that she'll jump his bones.
“Something happened,” he insisted. “Why do you want us to go back if you think there’s even a chance we are right? And why you, at all? As soon send the Mayor himself as the Wisdom.” “You have grown.” She smiled, and for a moment her amusement had him shifting his feet.
Again, Rand's actually really adept at political matters, he just doesn't realize it. Tam must have been prepping him for the Council his whole life.
Either way, though, almost every man wanted to be one of the party. Tam, and Bran al’Vere, with the scales of office around his neck, and Haral Luhhan, till Alsbet made him sit down. Even Cenn Buie. The Light save me from men who think with the hair on their chests. Though I don’t know as there are any other kind.
Note the double hypocrisy, in that Nynaeve is criticizing everyone for thinking they should be the ones to go get the kids when she thought the same thing about herself, and for criticizing people for thinking with their hair when her braid is how she gets her own neurons firing.
“Are you all right?” Nynaeve asked. “He said . . . said I . . . wasn’t his son. When he was delirious . . . with the fever. He said he found me. I thought it was just. . . .” His throat began to burn, and he had to stop. “Oh, Rand.” She stopped and took his face in both hands. She had to reach up to do it. “People say strange things in a fever. Twisted things. Things that are not true, or real. Listen to me. Tam al’Thor ran away seeking adventure when he was a boy no older than you. I can just remember when he came back to Emond’s Field, a grown man with a red-haired, outlander wife and a babe in swaddling clothes. I remember Kari al’Thor cradling that child in her arms with as much love given and delight taken as I have ever seen from any woman with a babe. Her child, Rand. You. Now you straighten up and stop this foolishness.”
It is both incredibly sweet that she notices something is wrong with Rand immediately and cares enough to ask and try and reassure him when she's pissed at how stupid she thinks he is and incredibly silly that the reassurance she gives - of a time when she was four or five years old and would have had nothing but a few fleeting encounters with the foreigner and baby who live out of town even when they do come home - is going to reassure anyone who isn't actively trying to drown in denial.
“No, it isn’t your business,” Nynaeve agreed. “It might not mean anything. She could just be searching blindly for a reason, any reason, why those things are after you. After all of you.”
This, though also wrong, is a much more reasonable sort of guess. That said, it's something Nynaeve wants to be true, so she doesn't think about the obvious connections either.
Sadly, that's it for this chapter. Next time we return to the Lord of the Rings inspiration when they have to leave the inn early due to an invasion of black-cloaked riders who serve supernatural evil.
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