#Regis loves his chaotic wife
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andywinter16 · 2 years ago
Glaives S/O crashes drunk in their place (+ Regis)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my @autumnspookydreams​! Enjoy your men with your drunken shenaningas XD  (I loveee youuu! )
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The alarm clock showed exactly three in the morning when he heard the keys in the lock. "Love, looove, *hic loooveeeeeee I want to *hic cuddleeeee, nooooow.*hic" She said in a singing voice. Nyx had to smirk at your antics, he knew you were celebrating your friend´s newborn, but he never imagined you would get that drunk.  And weren´t you adorable one.  He tiredly pulled you closer to his chest .“Come here kitten” he chuckled at you” cuddles will be after I get you to bed.” You pouted at him while wrapping your arms around his waist tightly. “ But *hic I want * hic hic cuuudle Nyxie noow!” Nyx picked her up like a little baby and throw himself at the bed with you in his arms. “ Aren´t you in luck, kitten. I was just thinking about being lonely in here.” You looked at Nyx with such adoration in your doe eyes. He felt like on Cloud 9 with you, his precious kitten. He started to doze off on you, when your voice called for him. "Nyxie," you wrapped lose strand of his hair around your finger" I will puke." You were so lucky that he loved you, because he got no sleep.
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Tredd would call himself a party animal. So coming home at odd hours for him wasn´t anything unusual. But for fuck´s sake who would bang at his door at 1:30 am, when he just came from assignment and wanted nothing more that sleep?!  Tredd went to open the door. “ You better be dying out there, If you think..” “Treddiiee, you areee baack.” What greeted him, was you completely wasted with wide grin. “ Babe, what the hell, partying without me?” said quite annoyed. He took you inside, you were shivering in your pretty dress with wide cleavage. " Not that I mind the view, but it' freezing outside." Seriously, you were the one usually nagging him about this. Guess the roles switched now. Tredd took you by your waist and leaded you inside the bathroom. "Tredd, b-but I don't want to ..." You didn't have a chance to end your sentence, when Tredd pushed you in the hot running shower. The shock was tremendous, your body fully awake. Tredd's personal sober tactic, works every time as he would proudly state. You saw his red hair through the curtain, his voice sounded so cocky. " So are you still cold, babe?" "Tredd, you asshole!" you tried to splash him. " Easy there, tiger! Or you will slip up. And I don't want your pretty face get hurt." He grinned like ass, he is. You wanted to strandle him. " Furia, you better pray to the Astrals when I get my hands on you!" you wobblily got from a shower, the dress was ruined and dripped water on the floor. Tredd winked at you. " Hm, I will enjoy that for sure, babe."
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“Clarus, I can walk perfectly fine to my room, mind you.” she proceed to almost fell down the stairs. “ I can see that, highness.” Clarus truly wasn´t paid enough for dealing with this. But you were almost near your bedroom and Clarus will gladly throw you at your husband without mercy. “ Regie, I am back! The party was a great success, even Sylva was enjoying it. And that is something, consider it that her sense of humor is rather bland." You happily chatted to your husband who amusedly watched you from bed when you barged in to your shared bedroom. " Highness, your wife drank eight bottles of the exclusive red wine from Leide. And then with Queen Sylva danced on the table." Regis had to hide a laugh. You were always so wild, he loved that about you. Regis only hoped, that there was a video of it. He made mental note to ask Cor about it later. "Clarus, you're dismissed. Thank you for accompanying my wife safely to our room. I believe there was no trouble at all." He snickered at Clarus poorly hiden distress. " Good night, your highnesses!" You came dressed in your pajamas. " Bye bye Clarus, tell your wife I love her!" Sadly Clarus was gone. Regis almost pissed himself from laugh at how fast his friend run. He opened his arms, a very warm invite into his embrace " Come here angel. I am curious what else you were doing on the "Tea party" of yours." " But for such information, there is a price to pay." You giggled when you returned the hug. " Regis smirked " Oh, I believe we could find solution to this, my Queen."
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dapandapod · 4 years ago
Real housewives of Kaer Morhen
So Witcher but as Real Houswives of Kaer Morhen. Because I can’t get it out of my head. But as a headcanon thingy.
(On Ao3 now because why the heck not I dont wana lose it xD)
Outside of the big town of Cintra there is block after block of fancy houses. This one is named Kaer Morhen. 
Yennefer and Geralt are married, but in the house next to theirs moves this little boytoy.
Aiden works as the blocks pool boy, and he quickly becomes Jaksiers best friend.
Eskel and Triss are having a bad marrige, struggling real hard behind the scenes, but they show nothing.
So Triss seduces Yennefer.
And Geralt is very much trying not to spy on the very cute neighbour.
Lambert is Jaskiers gardner, and he hates Aiden with a passion. Until he doesn’t.
Vesemir and Tissia live together, they are not married nor in a relationship, but they are like a foster family? They have adoptive children and children who lives with them from time to time to get support from their regular chaotic life.
Yennefer is really mad abou the children, her lawn is in danger for crying out loud. But then she meets Ciri. and she is absolutely melting for her.
Slowly, Triss and Yennefer realize that there is more than sex going on. They are falling in love with each other.
Geralt sees it. He sees his wife falling in love with Triss and out of love with him, and he is so kind about it. They have a very tough conversation and they end up splitting up. They are still friends.
It doesn’t go as well for Triss and Eskel. They have a huge blow out, yelling and screaming. Triss and Yennefer ends up moving in together, and Eskel is alone in their big house. As revenge, he buys a hoard of goats and lets them live in the garden.
The children are playing a new game; “where are the goats today”, and Eskel might be encouraging some of them to uh… move the goats to get them where they are not supposed to be.
Eskel gets offered to take care of a little one that lost her mother. She is small and weak, and he makes her sweaters and names her Lil Bleater.
But she really isn’t well, and in the middle of the night he is forced to let go of his anger and pride and he runs to Triss and Yennefer's door.
Triss opens, and Eskel is crying with the little goat in his arms, begging to see Yennefer, who used to be a vet.
She does help him, and Eskel sits in their kitchen, head in his hand, being a wreck.
But Lil bleater gets better, and in the morning she eats from the bottle she refused before. 
They are all three reluctantly somewhat friends again.
But the goats are still everywhere. Because he can.
And now Geralt is free to deal with… whatever it is he feels for the boytoy Jaskier. Lambert and Jaskier started out as having a thing, and Geralt being his closest neighbour sees them making out everywhere.
Jaskier is of course interested in Geralt from the moment he lays eyes on him, but he doesn’t seem to realize Jaskier is hitting on him.
Geralt only realizes men are allowed to love men when he sees Lambert and Jaskier kiss real tenderly the first time.
It makes him feel things he can’t really place, but he does some googling and he lears a ton of new things. After that, he starts to see that Jaskier is flirting with him, and Jaskier is absolutely delighted when Geralt gets flustered.
(at some point there is a block festival with a pride theme that Jaskier makes them arrange. Eskel makes sweaters for all the goats with all the flags. The children loves it, and it is very chaotic. Ciri especially, who is crushing hard on Cerys, Lamberts niece. (and Crach is Lamberts brother, because we can) and Geralt and Ciri are bonding because they don’t know how to deal with their crushes)
Lambert and Jaskier start out as a fling, but it becomes clear to them both that this is more or less to make someone else jealous. For Jaskier, it is to tease Geralt, to show him what he could have, now that he is single. And for Lambert, well. It is to show Aiden that… he doesn’t know what, but that will teach him. 
And Aiden keeps smirking at him knowingly, and it drives Lambert out of his mind. 
Until it drives him into the pool shed, on his knees, doing what he absolutely haven't been thinking about for months. 
Jaskier finally gets Geralt, but it is by pure accident. It was raining? And he somehow got locked out of his house, thanks to the goats most likely, and Geralt let him sleep in his house. 
Jaskiers pretty hair was sticking to his face, his fancy shirt ruined. Jaskier barely even flirted with him, but when he was warm again, dressed in one of Geralt's shirts and swept in a warm blanket on the couch, Geralt reached in and kissed him. 
It was so gentle and sweet that Jaskier ached, their eyes searched each other before they were leaning in again. They fell asleep wrapped around each other, and for the first time in a long time, Jaskier felt like someone wanted to keep him. 
At some point before Eskel and Triss breaks it off, there is a BBQ where Jaskier is big time flirting with Geralt, and Yen and Triss are sneaking off. Regis, the “head of the block” and his two wards/sons, Valdo and Detlaff are also there, stiff and in full fancy garb. Valdo hates Jaskier with a passion because of his freedom, and they might end up friends at some point?
Philippa is there too, she lives next to Regis on the outskirts of town, she works with wildlife restoration. She is very very taken with a wonderful lady no one has ever seen. 
Detlaff is a real brat and doesn’t want her noisy, smelly house in their block, but Regis is adamant she stays. The nature around them has never looked better, and that is thanks to her and the goats.
Sabrina and Istred are married, and Sabrina is the biggest Karen you have ever seen. Almost bigger than her boobs. Istred work all the time (and is smitten with Yennefer, everybody knows, and Sabrina gets sooo passive agressive around her) and is rarely home, and Sabrina is just the biggest gossip around.
Letho is the milk man.
And he loves goats...... 
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secret-engima · 4 years ago
Ooh! How soon does Acastus start writing his book? Does he dabble over the years? Just bits and pieces like your rambles? Does he purposely set out to write a book? Does his Pack gather every bit of his rambles, puts them chronological order and ships it off to a publisher asking if the premise of this would do good? Does Acastus realize how much he has and just strings it all together and he ships it in? Acastus puts it together and his Pack sends it in? I can see
Acastus writing for the outcasts of the world, too. Depending on your world meta, he'd probably write in lgbqt+ characters and refugees. And whenever some entitled person complains about it, he goes off about how people like them are everywhere and the people he does write about are far harder to find. Even a female tomboy adventure protag and her herbalist husband who intervened in his wife's work by request and only rarely shows up aren't what they would like.
I can see him going off on them for bad mouthing Aurora (Aera)
Me: I feel like Acastus dabbles in writing since before Regis knew about them, just as a tentative hobby, but it took a while for him to settle on his character and storyline. I think he always wrote things in Ye Olden Days setting, but it took him a while to pick Aurora (Aera) as his main character.
This whole thing is absolutely Nox’s fault tho. Nox finds his Big Brother/Uncle writing and is like “Tell me a story!!!” and Acastus can deny Nox literally nothing so he starts reading his drabbles to Nox for bedtimes, then Titus overhears and tells him that he’s definitely got a knack for it and it kinda- spirals out from there?
His Pack are definitely the ones to encourage him to publish, but not- not sending it off without his knowing, they wouldn’t do that to him. There’s probably like- a short story competition in a magazine Acastus and his Pack like to read and they talk him into submitting one of his Aurora-centric short stories and it all just- majorly snowballs from there when a publisher gets interested and contacts him asking if he could turn it into a full novel, or even a book series.
Uhhh considering I never include lgbtq+ things in any of my metas (have mercy and take no offense I just have enough trouble figuring out character interactions and OC creation without throwing more than two genders and one romantic orientation into the great chaotic blender of life. Plus also that way be slash and we’ve already established slash is NOT my thing) so no, not THAT specifically. But on other “outsider” characters- oh yeah he includes those. He has several refugee characters and a LOT of reoccurring characters who have various disabilities, and Aurora herself as a character suffers from some degree of chronic pain (not that she lets that stop her) and that’s actually how she met her herbalist husband. But like- considering his own History with illnesses (read: Starscourge and all its horrible symptoms) I can see him including a lot of “non-traditional” characters like that. Blind or deaf or missing limbs, people from other cultures (like old Niflheimien cultures, Galahdian cultures, the pirate coalition that I totally HC was Accordo’s founders) etc, etc and his readers LOVE IT. And when people complain about why so many of his characters are Like That™ he just scoffs at them because there are so MANY protagonists and story casts that are all Buff, Super Fit Pretty People why not give everyone else a spotlight for a change hm?
And yes, anyone who badmouths Aurora will be verbally shredded.
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justforbooks · 5 years ago
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Bucky Pizzarelli, whose guitar mastery extended to seven strings, dies at 94 of coronavirus.
Bucky Pizzarelli, one of the nation’s preeminent seven-string guitarists, who began his career as a coveted sideman and studio musician before stepping out on his own and forming an acclaimed jazz duo with one of his sons, died April 1 at his home in Saddle River, N.J. He was 94.
The cause was the coronavirus disease covid-19, said his son John Pizzarelli, a guitarist and singer with whom Mr. Pizzarelli formed one of the rare father-son duos in jazz.
Mr. Pizzarelli honed a gentle, richly textured sound while playing as an accompanist and solo artist, performing lyrical improvised solos that typically featured chords rather than single notes.
Although he began his career in the 1940s, touring as a teenager with singer Vaughn Monroe’s dance band, he came into his own after acquiring a seven-string Gretsch guitar in 1969, inspired by seven-string pioneer George Van Eps.
The instrument featured an extra bass string, which Mr. Pizzarelli used to virtuosic effect in swing-era standards, Brazilian bossa nova and songs by the Beatles, Burt Bacharach and Henry Mancini. A fixture of the New York jazz scene for decades, he was also a staff musician at ABC and NBC, where he played with the “Tonight Show” band and tuned Tiny Tim’s ukulele before the musician got married before a TV audience of millions in 1969.
Mr. Pizzarelli spent much of the 1950s and ’60s inside recording studios, where he arrived early to practice his nylon-string classical guitar and did three sessions a day, recording tracks such as Dion’s “Runaround Sue,” Ray Charles’s version of “Georgia on My Mind,” Ben E. King’s “Stand By Me” and Brian Hyland’s “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polkadot Bikini.”
He also performed with the pop group the Three Suns, toured across Europe with Benny Goodman and collaborated with artists including Buddy Rich, Tony Bennett, Frank Sinatra, Wes Montgomery, Zoot Sims, Bud Freeman and French violinist Stéphane Grappelli, the former musical partner of his guitar idol Django Reinhardt.
But he was perhaps best known for his work in guitar duos, including with George Barnes, one of the first artists to record with an electric guitar. “Their duets are built on the contrast between the soft, dark sound of Mr. Pizzarelli’s thumb and finger plucking and Mr. Barnes’s use of a pick to produce high, tight phrases that dart and dazzle over his partner’s foundation lines,” New York Times jazz critic John S. Wilson wrote in 1970.
“They may be light and airy — a perfect soufflé of sound — and then go rollicking off through rapid-fire lines that wrap around each other, chase each other, join in unison and set up challenges of the musicians and the listening ear,” he added. “This is a brilliant and unique team.”
Mr. Pizzarelli and Barnes recorded a 1971 album, “Guitars Pure and Honest,” but within a year began “to detest one another,” according to a report from the New Yorker jazz critic Whitney Balliett, who witnessed a chaotic performance at the St. Regis Room in Manhattan that brought the musicians’ rivalry into public view.
“The guitarists’ swan set was played not on their instruments,” he wrote, “but on each other.”
Mr. Pizzarelli found far less drama while performing with members of his own family. His 1972 album, “Green Guitar Blues,” featured a duet with his 14-year-old daughter Mary, whom he trained on classical guitar. By the end of the decade he was performing with his son John, with whom he recorded albums such as “2 x 7 = Pizzarelli” (1980) and “Twogether” (2001), which featured duets of jazz standards.
In time, they also performed with Mr. Pizzarelli’s other son, bassist Martin Pizzarelli, and with John’s wife, singer Jessica Molaskey, forming a group that John Pizzarelli likened to “the von Trapp family on martinis.”
“I learned by sitting with him on the bandstand,” John Pizzarelli told TV interviewer Steve Adubato in 2013, accompanied by his father. “It was trial by fire. He would just play melodies and stare at me.” (“We don’t get mad,” Bucky Pizzarelli told the New York Times, “but we knock heads once in a while. I don’t interfere.”)
In a 2016 interview with Inside Jersey magazine, jazz guitarist Ed Laub, a onetime pupil of Mr. Pizzarelli’s, recalled a piece of advice from his former teacher: “If you’re planning on being a professional musician, you need to understand that your job is to always make the other guy as good as he can possibly sound. It’s not about you.”
For Mr. Pizzarelli, Laub said, “It’s about making beautiful music. It’s not about grandstanding.”
Mr. Pizzarelli was born John Pizzarelli on Jan. 9, 1926, in Paterson, N.J., where his childhood classmates included poet Allen Ginsberg. His parents owned a grocery store, and his father played the mandolin and nicknamed his only son Bucky, out of a love for cowboys and the American West that he had nurtured since working in Texas as a teenager.
His uncle Bobby Dominick was a banjo and guitar player who “looked like a million dollars every time I saw him,” Mr. Pizzarelli told George Cole, author of the Miles Davis history “The Last Miles.” “He had a suit, a new car and he was picking up 50 bucks a week on the road with all his bands. .��. . When I saw that, I said, ‘That’s what I want to do.’ ”
Mr. Pizzarelli learned the basics of music during Sunday jam sessions that included Bobby and another uncle, Pete Dominick, as well as Joe Mooney, a blind Paterson jazz accordionist. Influenced by guitarists such as Reinhardt, Freddie Green and Charlie Christian, he went on to perform at weddings and dances before joining Monroe’s dance band at 17.
He was soon drafted into the Army and, at the close of World War II, served in Europe and the Philippines, where he “spent nine months doing nothing,” as he put it, aside from playing guitar. He returned home to spend five years with Monroe and join NBC.
Mr. Pizzarelli’s records included “The Red Door” (1998), a tribute to Sims, featuring Scott Hamilton on tenor sax; and “5 for Freddie” (2007), a tribute to Green with pianist John Bunch in the role of Count Basie, Green’s longtime musical collaborator.
At home in Saddle River, he presided over what one journalist described as “a living jukebox,” where Goodman dropped in to nap, Sims swam in the family pool, bassist Slam Stewart stayed over and impromptu performances broke out almost daily, with most family members taking part. Mr. Pizzarelli’s wife of 66 years, the former Ruth Litchult, did not play an instrument but “knows music and can say what’s good and bad,” her husband told the Times in 1973.
“I’m a critic mostly when he plays too long or when it’s time for dinner,” she said.
In addition to his wife, survivors include four children, Anne Hymes of Orlando, Martin Pizzarelli of Saddle River and John and Mary Pizzarelli, both of Manhattan; a sister; and four grandchildren.
In recent years, Mr. Pizzarelli told Cole, the music scene had transformed, and the kind of playing he did in studio bands was all but nonexistent. “Guitar players — it’s mostly effects,” he said. “Guitars in the hands of these kids today are weapons!”
Still, he plowed ahead, playing dozens of club dates each year and maintaining the approach that had fueled his career for nearly eight decades. “Every day I get up and I try to correct what I screwed up the night before,” he said. “That’s my theory. I prepare for the next time. I’m playing mostly live dates now and that’s a big thrill, because that’s the ultimate — to be in front of people.”
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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tabloidtoc · 5 years ago
National Enquirer, March 30
Cover: Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson infected with coronavirus
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Page 2: Serial womanizer Jamie Foxx was caught on camera partying until 2 a.m. with baby mama Kristin Grannis at a Hollywood club and also found time to flirt with Eddie Murphy’s ex Nicole Murphy
Page 3: Ben Affleck has already met new girlfriend Ana de Armas’ parents during the couple’s recent getaway to her native Cuba 
Page 4: Brad Pitt exploded over ex Angelina Jolie exploiting their daughters’ medical issues to make a political point, Garth Brooks is suddenly slim again but friends fear his 25-year roller-coaster ride of yo-yo dieting has put a killer strain on his heart 
Page 5: Rosie O’Donnell’s drastic weight loss has friends fearing for her health 
Page 6: A judge determined troubled Amanda Bynes should check herself back into psychiatric treatment after meeting with her and her parents and her on-again off-again fiance Paul Michael 
Page 7: Jennifer Aniston shaken by fears for aging dad John Aniston 
Page 8: Reese Witherspoon wants bad-news ex Ryan Phillippe out of her life because of his chaotic love life, Subway sandwich sex fiend Jared Fogle’s former business partner and accused accomplice Russell Taylor has his child pornography conviction overturned and that may pave the way for the pervy ex-pitchman to get a new trial 
Page 9: Kaley Cuoco is finally shacking up with her husband Karl Cook after being married for two years, Tori Spelling is steaming because she’s out of work again and her multimillionaire mom Candy Spelling is leaving every nickel of her fortune to animal charities 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Celine Dion, Carrie Underwood and Jimmy Fallon doing the Fittest of the Fit Challenge, Pierce Brosnan 
Page 11: Only six weeks after the divorce from his fourth wife Elizabeth 89-year-old William Shatner is back in the dating pool, troubled ‘90s star Lark Voorhies was devastated by being excluded from the Saved by the Bell reunion show and pals are worried the cruel rejection may sound the death knell for her career 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Jennifer Lopez’s daughter Emme joined her on stage at the Super Bowl  and now J.Lo is launching a showbiz career for Emme’s twin Max, The Bachelor is looking for singles over 65 and over who are looking for romance, exes Teresa and Joe Giudice are collaborating on a new project -- a RHONJ spin-off with their four daughters, Dr. Oz wants Kathie Lee Gifford as his co-host 
Page 13: Shania Twain says she owes her budding acting career to her buddy John Travolta, Justin Timberlake and NSYNC bandmate Joey Fatone broke into Alcatraz, Duane “Dog” Chapman’s ex-girlfriend said he’s a rotten dog -- Moon Angell called it quits with Duane last month when she nixed his marriage proposal on the Dr. Oz show and she’s been slamming him on social media ever since 
Page 14: True Crime 
Page 16: Cover Story -- Killer coronavirus attacks America -- experts predict plague could claim a million jobs, wipe out savings and bring panic in the streets 
Page 17: Infected Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson fight for their lives, panic and terror in Hollywood 
Page 18: How to save your family from financial ruin by Mark Cuban and Suze Orman 
Page 19: Real Life 
Page 20: Meghan Markle finally put in her place -- diva duchess Meghan and henpecked Prince Harry packed off to royal oblivion 
Page 22: Prince Andrew is caught in an FBI dragnet and may be forced to testify after he refused to cooperate with authorities despite publicly promising that he would, Prince Harry was duped by two Russian comedians who convinced him in a phone call that he was speaking to Swedish climate-change activist Greta Thunberg and her dad and got him to spill his guts about his distance from the rest of the royal family and his disdain for his disgraced uncle Prince Andrew and his belief that President Donald Trump has blood on his hands
Page 23: Regis Philbin has fallen into a dark depression after being snubbed as too hold to host 20th anniversary episodes of his former show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? in favor of Jimmy Kimmel in hopes of luring a younger audience 
Page 24: Health Watch 
Page 28: David Arquette has become Superman sexpot Valerie Perrine’s real-life superhero after completing a documentary about the ailing beauty, Willow Smith -- the 19-year-old daughter of Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith -- sought to bring awareness to battling anxiety by locking herself in a display box for 24 hours at Los Angeles’ Museum of Contemporary Art 
Page 29: How to make your own hand sanitizer 
Page 30: America’s dirty clergy revealed 
Page 38: Bradley Cooper has recruited Hollywood pals Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively to play Cupid, Hollywood Hookups -- Chris Rock and Megalyn Echikunwoke split, Faith Jenkins and Kenny Lattimore wed, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott back together 
Page 42: Red Carpet Stars & Stumbles -- Frieda Pinto 3/4
Page 44: Movie Links -- link James Marsden to Gwyneth Paltrow 
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Page 45: Spot the Differences -- the International Jury at the Berlin Film Festival with Jeremy Irons as president 
Page 47: Odd List 
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My Top Ten Favorite Characters: Fandom/Character Meme!
I got tagged by @tessa1972 months and months ago for this and figured I stalled on this meme long enough. So finally, I’m getting around to posting this. None of these characters are in particular order and none of the gifs belong to me. 
Dorian Pavus:
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There were way too many possible gifs for him to show how awesome, witty, clever, expressive and beautiful he is. I love his character and backstory, he’s a great companion to have around in battles and his romance with M!Inquisitor overloads me with feels. Dorian never fails to amuse me with his wit and comebacks.
Carth Onasi:
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So much sass, humor, fight, and emotion all wrapped up in this angstmuffin of trust issues, accompanied by a sexy voice. He was my first video game love ever, I will never forget how his voice made me melt and simply wanted to listen him talk forever. I like his romance with Revan (F!Revan in the game but I like the idea of him falling for Revan of both genders because their interactions and the story behind them falling in love are just so beautiful). They say you’ll never forget your first. They’re right, I’ll never forget Carth Onasi. 
Éowyn of Rohan:
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You tell them, Eowyn. I loved her character both in the books and the movie and when my dad always told me the whole story of the Lord of Rings (way before the movies came out), I was always fascinated with Eowyn and wanted to be just like her, to slay the Witch King, continue to kick ass, and be a warrior. She is my baby, I’ll defend her ‘til the very end. 
King Gangrel:
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Where do I begin with this ginger trash king? He was such a riot and so unapologetically terrible while enjoying every minute of it. His history and reasoning behind his motives (at least, what small amounts the game shared with us) were fascinating and I was soooo glad we could recruit him later. And he totally shoved my plan to support/romance Walhart out the door (I’ll wait for my fourth playthrough) because his conversations and general personality were such a pleasure to read and laugh over. I love chaotic, goofy characters like him and it sweetened the deal where one of my Avatars could romance him. XD
Varric Tethras:
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He stole my heart the moment he made his first appearance in Dragon Age 2. Stupid swagger, chest hair, charming grin and wit, and crafty mind ruining my life! A wonderful, faithful friend, a successful writer and storyteller, and a wicked shot with a crossbow--he has it all and so much more! Bioware let me romance him or dwarves again, I need this.
Garrus Vakarian:
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Garrus, my man, you are a wonderful friend and romance option, you keep stealing my heart every time I read your lines to Shepard. XD
I loved his growth from ME1 to ME2 and then, ME3, showing how far he has come and how much he has achieved. I loved his loyalty to Shepard no matter how difficult or harrowing things became and was such a reliable, supportive comrade-in-arms. He had those moments were he could one smooth operator and then turn around to be an adorkable cutie pie. And still be a badass sniper no matter what. 
Catelyn Stark:
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She is one of my favorite characters in the A Song of Ice and Fire series. Catelyn is a flawed character, and her story, her journey, and overall character gripped every time I read her chapters. This woman as underwent through so much, even as a young girl, and lost even more as well. She is such a strong character who tries to keep her family safe, balance multiple roles as mother, wife, protector, emissary, sister, etc., recognize and point out the unfairness of the patriarchy in Westeros’s society, and is one of the few voices of reason in this whole series. I know she has made some mistakes and isn’t perfect and that’s what I want. Favorite characters of mine are never perfect, they struggle and don’t always do the right thing according to a modern perspective, but their overall character psyche compels me regardless. And Catelyn Stark is one of those characters and because of her complexity, she gets a lot of hate for it. But not here, not on my blog. I love Catelyn Stark, who was such a force in life that now, in her undead life, she wreaking havoc on those who betrayed her, her son, and the House Stark and Tully. I just hope she can find some peace at the series (yeah, fuck you, Game of Thrones, I won’t forget your crappy depiction of her and Stannis). 
Vernon Roche:
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One of these days I will actually play The Witcher 2 in its entirety and read the books but that won’t stop me from basking in the glory that is Vernon Roche. His complex, flawed character fascinated me and I really liked how his friendship with Geralt grows in the game, even if you pick Iorveth’s route, he still goes out of his way to help Geralt out. I also liked how he immediately suspected Geralt was innocent of Foltest’s death and his training, care, and relationship with Ves, his most trusted soldier. I just love what a BAMF he is and his route was my JAM! I loved how little Anais trusts him and how he will do everything in his power to keep her safe and win her crown and throne back for her. Uggh, so many feels!
Also, if you want to know when I realized how much I loved this character, I’ll tell you. It was near the end of the second game, where Vernon Roche brutally castrates Dethmold with his bare hands and then gives him a bloody end. I kid you not, my mind whispered, “I think I’m in love.” XD
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Apparently in the Witcher universe, I like the hot tempered men. XD
Oh how I love this broody, tormented, and romantic High vampire so much that I can’t even imagine going through the endings where he dies and Regis is an outcast among his own kind, doomed to be hunted. Nope, nope, nope!
Anyway, I loved watching his struggles, his friendship with Regis and how he saved him from being a pile of goo, how deep and far he loves go for love or to protect those he cherishes--even for a woman who clearly doesn’t deserve him--, and down the little things, like his creativity (like his toy shops) or how fond he is with kids and they to them. I just want my high vampire to happy, okay? 
Haruno Sakura
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Canon screwed her over so hard and she deserved better than what Kishi gave her (I’m sorry I will never not be over this and will be salty even when I’m dead). Her character arc and development in the beginning was interesting to watch, especially when Shippuden came around and we saw the fruits of her labor under the apprenticeship of Tsunade. I’m amazed how hard Sakura had to work be seen and treated as a shinobi, especially when her training was neglected when she was young and a mere genin. I really liked her personality, how far she came since the first volume, and Sakura could have had the proper story and ending if Kishi knew how to write women and actually cared about his main heroine in Naruto. Will I be bitter about this like 100 percent dark chocolate and revel in fanfictions and fanon ideas? You betcha!
I’m tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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amplectormors · 8 years ago
Does Mors even like Regis? Or Noctis?
(Interesting question anon, I wonder that myself a little bit.
Short answer is yes, he does. That doesn’t really do my long-winded ass justice though, so I’ll explain.
Mors in my headcanon, has clinical psychopathy. “Psychopath” is a complicated word, since it’s misused a lot, and I say clinical since I put Mors mostly to the PPI and PCR tests for Psychopathy. Put it simple, Mors is not “crazy” as that’s what psychopath usually means in fiction writing, I mean he’s got issues with empathy, remorse, and his own anti-social personality. Like most, he’s not rejecting it, he embraces some parts of his personality, and is using it to his benefit. I’ll copy and paste the first sentences of the three models for PPI tests for psychopathy: 
Boldness. Low fear including stress-tolerance, toleration of unfamiliarity and danger, and high self-confidence and social assertiveness. 
Disinhibition. Poor impulse control including problems with planning and foresight, lacking affect and urge control, demand for immediate gratification, and poor behavioral restraints. 
Meanness. Lacking empathy and close attachments with others, disdain of close attachments, use of cruelty to gain empowerment, exploitative tendencies, defiance of authority, and destructive excitement seeking. 
Mors uses all of these things. Quite frequently. He is bold. He’s the King of Lucis. He wears the Ring of the Lucii. Very little can harm him, that he cannot deal with. He doesn’t mind going to new places, doing new things, throwing caution to the wind because, hell, he’s King, who is going to stop him?
Mors has disinhibition. Most of us if we are mad know ‘don’t yell. don’t hit. don’t start a fight. it’s not worth it’. Mors doesn’t know this, or doesn’t care. His main lack of impulse control is his violence. He resorts to hitting people, including his own wife and even children. He’ll hurt servants. He’ll hurt people who did not have anything to do with his anger. That is his demand for immediate gratification. The fact that we all know hurting people does feel good to us, it also feels good to Mors. He’s very satisfied to hurt people. And because of his trait of boldness above, he doesn’t think of the consequences.
Meanness. That’s pretty straight forward. His violence would be mean, but I associate that more with his disinhibition actually, I’ll explain why. He isn’t always abusive in this manor because he’s mean. Sometimes, he just does it. His lack of control is what causes him to have violent outbursts like that. His meanness is more profound, more apparent. Mors doesn’t cry at a funeral. He doesn’t comfort someone when they are crying or hurt. He doesn’t read his children to sleep. He doesn’t want to make friends. He never shares a secret. Mors manipulates people, blackmails them, threatens their families, in order to get what he wants. He does illegal things because he’s a powerful man, and the law is on his side. That is his meanness, not his violent outbursts, parts where he truly genuinely wants to ruin someones life, or genuinely not care about the lives of others, just letting people be emotionally hurt, over close to nothing more than exercising his power over people.
Not all people with clinical psychopathy embrace it, however, and they don’t embrace every trait, or encompass all of it. (Just because sore throat, runny nose, coughing, asthenia, hoarse voice, sneezing, and so on are symptoms of a cold, it doesn’t mean you need ALL of them to confirm you have a cold, well, same for psychopathy) Mors doesn’t constantly exhibit ALL traits of a psychopath. And Mors IS actually fighting some of it. He DOES care sometimes, but it’s almost impossible to believe since, Mors isn’t fighting that hard. He’s never been diagnosed. He does know he’s got something wrong in his head, he doesn’t have counselling, doesn’t have medication, but, he just assumes some people are like him too, so, it’s fine to him. 
When Regis was born, he took a while, but he held him. He thought about the name for a while. He dressed his son to go outside. He trained Regis to fight. But it was the fact that doing all this, he just never seemed to care enough, that really make it seem like he was never trying. Mors is trying a lot to bring himself to do something he can’t – that is, to care about someone. He wants to care, but he never thought much about having a kid other than ‘I’m a King, I need an heir’ that’s it. Noctis was more brought into his life. He could see Regis’s face light up with joy, and not understand. He never felt that way about Regis. Never looked at him like that. Did he do something wrong? Well too bad, it’s 20 years too late asshole.
I’m not trying to say ‘oh boo hoo pity Mors, he could never learn how to love someone, like some cliche robot story’ No!! He’s an asshole! He never tried to be something other than an asshole! He hurt people! He abused his family! He hit children and servants and probably kicked animals because it makes you feel good to get some anger out of your system! We know it does, but Mors actually does it. That’s what makes him so monstrous, is that his abuse isn’t random chaotic nonsense, he knows what he’s doing, he’s not mean 24/7, he can be nice, he can pet a cat, and hug his child, and dance with his wife, because he’s a human being, not a one-dimensional machine. Does that mean you have to sympathize with him?? Fuck no! It’s sad and fucked up because he could’ve been a nice person who controlled their mental state, but the truth is he didn’t, and he went down as a shitty dad and a shitty husband and an abusive, vindictive asshole who maybe fed a stray cat, and went fishing on Saturday, and liked chess, because guess what! Being good doesn’t fix the fucked up things you did! And he never tried to fix his fucked up ways! He never apologized sincerely, he never tried to heal his hurt, he was nice sometimes, but being nice doesn’t clear you of the very clear asshole title you deserve, and Mors will be known in history as that and that alone. 
So, tl;dr, Mors is a mess, he’s a human mess, he’s got clinical psychopathy, and exercises abuse and general meanness with no remorse. His abuse hurt people in ways he could never imagine, and he never owned up to his behavior, nor his own mental issues. He loved people, but only as much as his mind allowed him to. In the end, his love and kindness never overcame the person he was, and that’s his tragedy, not his fucked up life, not his fucked up family, not his fucked up situation, but his fucked up behavior.
Did he love his family?? Yes! Did he love them enough to change his ways and not be an asshole?? No! So fuck him!!)
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adelaideattractions · 6 years ago
Adelaide Festival 2019 in review: A season of spectacle
This years Adelaide Festival program delivered a cracking assortment of theatre, opera and dance. The Adelaide Review highlights the best of the 2019 season. So, whats the best youve seen? was a constant question over the first two weeks of March. So much to choose from in the 2019 Adelaide Festival. Day by day, night by night, the answer could well change. To begin Mozarts The Magic Flute. Not just the flute, but the whole production by Barrie Kosky and Suzanne Andrade is magical. With animation by Paul Barritt, it is brave, tender and very funny. In this tribute to silent black and white film, the story is spelt out in large letters on the white wall that forms the backdrop, though colour is not missing. Human and animated characters appear together heroine Pamina is pursued by wolfish dogs; Papageno, seeking love, has a black cat. The Queen of the Night is a huge spider, her head the only human part. The singing and the ASOs playing under Hendrick Vestmann glorious. The Magic Flute (Photo: Tony Lewis) Shakthidharan (aka Shakthi) is an Australian interdisciplinary artist of Sri Lankan heritage and Tamil ancestry. His debut play, Counting and Cracking, 10 years in the making, spans four generations, moving between Sydney in 2004 and Colombo in 1957, 1977 and 1983. Sixteen convincing actors play 50 parts, and there are three musicians. The Sri Lankan crisis came in 1983 when the government banned Tamil, declaring Sinhala the only language. Civil war erupted, and in the play Rahda, the pregnant wife of Tamil Thirru, believing him dead, flees to Australia, where son Siddhartha is born. Calling himself Sid, at 21 he has problems working out his relationships between his Australianness and Sri Lankan heritage but is helped by his Yolngu girlfriend Lily from Arnhem Land who cheerfully says she has similar difficulties. The play ends joyfully, with the arrival of Thirru, who had been imprisoned, not killed. The cast of Counting and Cracking (Photo: Brett Boardman / Belvoir St Theatre) Counting and Cracking was just one play taking identity as a theme, which also underlies Ursula Yovichs powerful Man with the Iron Neck, about Aboriginal youth suicide. Yovich also plays, movingly, the central part of Rose, mother of twins Evelyn and Bear, a promising footballer. His best mate, Ash, is Evelyns boyfriend. The twins father committed suicide, hanging himself from the backyard gum-tree. Bear has been called a monkey a clear reference to the Adam Goodes affair and has other, deep, racial difficulties. He follows his father, and his family must cope with this double tragedy. The play is nevertheless often funny, and ends positively. The actors, all Indigenous, are natural, vigorous and totally believable. Satirical, brutish, hilarious and finally shocking, Belfast-born playwright David Irelands Ulster American brings Oscar-winning actor Jay Conway, with Irish roots, Northern Irish playwright Ruth Davenport and director Irish Robert Jack together to discuss the production of Ruths new play about Tommy, a Unionist. This mix begins civilly enough but soon becomes incendiary, with Ruth maintaining her identity is British, not Irish, and refusing to change a word of her script, Jay discovering with horror he will star in a play promoting the Protestant cause, and Leigh weakly trying to calm things down. He fails, and expletives abound as fury mounts and becomes violent. But audience laughter persists until the appalling end. Ulster American (Photo: Tony Lewis) Festival dance avoided politics. Instead, individuality was key. Meryl Tankard recreated her 1988 success Two Feet for superstar Natalia (Natasha) Osipova, former Bolshoi and current principal with the Royal Ballet. Based on Tankards student experiences and the career of renowned ballerina Olga Spessivtseva, who became obsessed with the role of Giselle, a peasant girl who went mad and died, and herself had a mental breakdown and died in care, the solo work received an often impassioned performance from Osipova, a great Giselle of today. An actor-dancer of superb expressiveness and immaculate technique, her rendition of parts of Giselle engendered hope she will return in the full ballet. At the other end of the scale, Tankard produced a new work, Zizanie, for Restless Dance Theatre, Adelaides company for performers with and without disability. A story about a grump who tries to stop kids having fun because he cant laugh but is eventually converted and joins in their games, it had a confident and endearing performance from the six-member cast. Michael Noble and Kathryn Evans in Zizanie (Photo: Regis Lansac) The first big dance event was Dresden Opera Ballets Carmen, with a heroine who can hardly see a man without enticing him, and a Don Jos whose jealousy mounts as he stands silently watching until it overcomes him; having passionately embraced her he draws a knife and kills her. Choreographer Johan Inger added a young boy as an observer, signifying the death of innocence, and dark figures of death and guilt. The dancing was generally excellent, the storys adaptation less successful. Hofesh Shechters appropriately named Grand Finale ended the Festival in a whirlwind of movement presenting a generally depressing, chaotic world, with occasional glimpses of light. Bodies were frequently dragged about or off the stage as if dead. The indefatigable dancers were phenomenal in their performance of the often relentlessly fast choreography, but Shecters world view is not a happy one. And thats just a selection from the best of the 2019 Festival. Ayaha Tsunak in Carmen (Photo: Jan Whalen) Revisit our complete 2019 Adelaide Festival coverage here Adelaide Festival March 1 17, 2019 adelaidefestival.com.au Header image: Natalia Osipova performs in Two Feet (Photo: Regis Lansac) Tags:adelaide festival 2019 https://www.adelaidereview.com.au/arts/performing-arts/adelaide-festival-2019-review/
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