dushu--shannai · 2 years
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Rukia & Renji
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dushu--shannai · 3 years
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dushu--shannai · 3 years
What is the plot of H x H ?
Me :
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dushu--shannai · 4 years
Sebastian Debeste is too pure for this world
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Please tell me it’s not what I think it is
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I wish someone would kill his dad ( I’m not talking about Edgeworth but the other one) 
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dushu--shannai · 4 years
D.Gray Man: a reboot of the anime ?
Jeez… I try to diversify my posts and I keep talking about D.Gray Man…
But I really wanted to talk about this topic since I really feel concerned about it… And worried. I will explain why I feel that way:
The thing is that I saw some people talking about a possibility of a reboot of DGM.
Don’t get me wrong. I understand why we may think that it could be a great idea. Even though Hallow was a good try of refreshing the manga, it wasn’t a very big success. And D Gray Man deserves to be famous. What ‘s better than a reboot to bring a new audience ?
But I’m certainly too nostalgic (hey ! the first anime isn’t that old ! There are a lot of unpopular animes that are older than 2006-2008 and no one was talking about a reboot !) I am really attached to the first anime. That’s why the idea of a reboot makes me feel a little sad, even if I get the purpose ! It’s just that… The first anime is really unique, you know ?
The cast is awesome.(I have a big problem with japanese voice actors I think that the change is the thing that makes me feel sad with reboots) Here’s a stupid theory (it seems unrealistic because Hallow changed the entire cast) but let’s pretend that the cast is the same (it won’t be the case for the Earl for an obvious and sad reason): the voices of the seiyuu didn’t get old. The annoying fangirl that I am would be happy so everything would be alright, right ? No. The beauty of the anime isn’t just about the voice actors !
The gothic atmosphere, the music, the style of the animation…
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(yeah it’s creepy I like it)
If the project of a reboot would be confirmed, I would give it a chance because I’m a fan of D Gray Man and I want to see Nea and Mana’s story animated ! Oh yeah ! But I wonder what it would look like… The first anime is irreplaceable. Maybe the reboot would be something totally different but worthwhile ? Or it would be a pale imitation really disappointing ? I don’t know if I could prefer a reboot to the first anime (it really seems impossible to me ) but I could be satisfied with the result…
Yet, I know that the anime has a flaw: the addition of episodes. In the first part of the anime, there are many episodes that didn’t follow the manga. In the manga, shit happens sooner (Allen is nearly killed in the 6th volume vs the 56th episode in the anime). Some episodes are worthwhile ( I enjoyed the fight between Tyki and Daisya, the development of Lulubell’s character, the fact that Allen meets Kevin Yeegar who seems sympathetic so we feel sad about his death)
I must admit that some people (in my country at least, I’m French) refused to continue the anime, because the evolution of the characters was slower with this addition of episodes…
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“ what ? They failed to protect this girl ? But her power was really useful ! You can’t be serious !”
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(It’s a shame because the anime really starts to become epic after this episode)
But somehow, I think that this discouraging weakness makes Allen’s evolution even more enjoyable ! There are episodes which show victims (remember about Devon ?) in our hero’s camp and it shows that there is a high risk they could lose this war… Well, we also find this idea in the manga :
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And D Gray Man isn’t supposed to be a comedy (please someone save Allen)( the first time that I started to watch D Gray Man I was 13… I didn’t finish it. At this time of my life, I just watched anime to have fun… But I’m happy that I fixed my mistake ! This show is a masterpiece ! Shame on my past self)
Moreover, the anime adds funny moments so it may be considered more comic than the manga
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To sum up, if this anime has a reboot, the first version will always have a special place in my heart. And from someone who refused to continue the show for several years and who rediscovered it by accident, it means something !
It would be selfish to say that I prefer that D Gray Man stays OUR manga (but it’s a pleasant idea) and Hoshino deserves that her manga become more popular ! If a reboot brings a new audience, why not ? And, with a little luck, if it’s a flop it could make them want to watch the first anime… Herm… I’m sorry.
D Gray Man is one of my favorite anime and I will defend it till the very end !
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dushu--shannai · 4 years
Nea D Campbell
Am I the only one who doesn’t like this character ? 
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This sweet boy doesn’t deserve to disappear ! Please no ! ALLEEEEEN ಠ╭╮ಠ  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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dushu--shannai · 4 years
That’s exactly what happened, right ?
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dushu--shannai · 4 years
My favorite DGM character is careless
I like how Tyki doesn't give a shit about the fact that Allen and others find out about his other self.
I know that it's necessary that Allen is aware of that but out of context...
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Tyki had none reason for coming into the Ark under his hobo appareance (except for making fun of everyone)
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Seriously Tyki how can you expect that they understand what you're talking about ?
Don't get me wrong. I love Tyki and his hobo self is adorable. I miss him.
Btw I like the fact that the anime empasizes Allen and Lavi’s confusion about this revelation. 
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dushu--shannai · 4 years
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dushu--shannai · 5 years
D Gray Man Hallow : what happened ?
I miss the first anime/chapters... everything became so complicated !
Allen is a traitor (apparently... thanks Nea), Lavi is missing, we’re learning about Kanda’s past and it’s not very funny, Lenalee... It seems that she does nothing.
How the hell am I supposed to recognize Tyki ?
Like, seriously, his clothes, his hair, his hair color, his skin tone... Everything changed !
I am so confused ! 
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dushu--shannai · 5 years
VnC Chapter 44
So in  this chapter, Vanitas is like :  
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Well.. I didn’t expect that he would talk about it with Roland but guess who’s happy ? 
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Nani the fuck ? What the hell ? Roland became nervous !? It can’t be ! (Woops I almost forgot Vanitas... Btw, Olivier reminds me of Gilbert from Pandora Hearts with his hat and his cigarette)
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... But Gilbert was more modest lololol
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... I feel sad for Vanitas but as a person with a low self-esteem, I know what he feels... 
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dushu--shannai · 5 years
VnC chapter 43
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Olivier... You’re so gorgeous =_= I can’t wait to see your smile ! ... Or maybe this day will never come ?
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No, I’m not obsessed with this character... What are you talking about ? Veron-I mean Dominique where have you been !!? 
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dushu--shannai · 5 years
Stupid fangirl-realizes that she has the same birthday that toshiyuki morikawa and kobayashi sanae-: ...
Stupid fangirl: ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` ) -happy-
Stupid fangirl -realizes that she is stupid-
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dushu--shannai · 5 years
When I started to watch Miraculous Ladybug, I didn’t know why I was confused about Tikki’s name... Then I remembered that I was also fan of D.Gray Man 
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dushu--shannai · 5 years
Vanitas no Carte chapter 42
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Roland could be a great father... Or a great big brother ಥ_ಥ  Geez... I think I’m in love with this character...
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... Honestly, I didn’t ship them but... I think I changed my mind...  (This moment was so cute)
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dushu--shannai · 5 years
Vanitas no Carte Chapter 39
Absolutely no one: 
me: Roland Roland Roland Roland Roland Roland Roland Roland Roland Roland
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Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you: my babies ! ♥
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You’re obviously too pure for this world 
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... Ok forget what I said but I still love you 
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dushu--shannai · 5 years
Gintama chapter 704
So... Takasugi became a baby... Well... He is my favorite character but he is also one of my husbandos so I feel a little bad right now ... It might sound sadist but I was ready for his “death”(Beautiful... This drama with Gintoki’s tears)
And Bansai is alone in Hell... *sighs* He could have been a great father 
*looks at her screenshots from the first episodes when Takasugi was still considered as THE antagonist* Waa I can’t help but feel weird !
Sorry for any mistakes. English is not my native language
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