#thanks Jelly
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joffyworld · 3 months ago
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I don't know how to say this lightly so I'll be direct:
I was born disabled (British) so I don't celebrate Thanksgiving :( /silly
But seriously THANK YOU hope yours and all my American friends have a good damn day of yummy food!!!!! :D
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vreenak · 2 years ago
James Fitzjamea would be an instagram influencer. Francis is the old guy on tiktok who complains about everything
Brilliant!!! This should be a thing, like what would each character's favorite social media be!
Irving: Instagram. As they say, "To official accounts (= carefully curated images of the newest rock climbing adventures and choir trips) and secret accounts (= serving face and cunt all night long) - may they never meet!"
Stanley: Deviant Art 😕🤷‍♀️
Hickey: okay-ish Linkedin
Sir John (this is too easy): Facebook, boomer who just wants to keep in touch with his family
Dundy: Twitter. Just here for the drama and the occasionally inciteful statement
Hodgson, Little: Tumblr
Blanky: YouTube. Actually useful tutorials about survival hacks, a *lot* of followers.
Macca: Wherever there's cat pics.
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endermen-impasta · 1 year ago
Sona Ref Sheet (pt2)
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((height ref character was made by @onejellyfishplease go support them and their works ))
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drunkenlion · 2 years ago
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! <3
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joffyworld · 3 months ago
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Based on a post I made a little while ago. This is probably the worst way I could have debuted my Goat design so of course it’s the one I chose lol.
Dialogue inspo and Narinder shitpost I found in the layers of this canvas under cut
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The feel to draw Max in a wedding dress. Again. Is strong. *sighs* I didn't even finish my last wedding dress Max art omfg.
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zorionbbq · 4 months ago
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party chat #56: nanba's transformation
(transcript both in alt text and below)
[image description: five-page comic of a "party chat" conversation from yakuza 7.
beneath the scaffolding of a construction site, nanba holds a bottle of tea and asks "hey, you think i've changed at all since we met?"
the rest of the party, standing or crouching on the side of the path, turn to look at him.
"hm? have you?" ichiban tilts his head, hand on chin, and lets saeko pick from his chip bag. "i dunno, lemme think..."
adachi leaps to his feet, splashing his can of beer and surprising saeko. "got it!"
adachi snaps his fingers with a triumphant smile. "you changed how you part your hair!"
"huh?" nanba reaches toward the back of his own head. "nope, it's still the same..." adachi sheds a single tear.
hand raised high, saeko announces "right! your prescription changed!" ichiban taps a canned coffee on his palm in an "i get it!" motion. "what, are you trying to be funny now!? and that's wrong, too!" nanba retorts.
"okay!" han looks serious. "you changed the frames on your glasses!"
"you started wearing contacts instead of glasses!" zhao finger-guns with a grin.
"will you quit it with the glasses thing!?" nanba snaps at an unfazed, juicebox-sipping han. "and does it look like i'm wearing contacts!?" he gestures at himself. zhao smugly bites an onigiri, still squatting on the ground.
adachi frowns around a pocky. "huh? then what's changed?"
"never mind... sheesh." nanba turns his back on the group.
a view of the vending machine and soccer field across the way. "i just thought maybe i'd grown a bit cheerier since i met you guys."
"that's all." nanba doesn't see the party staring in shocked silence.
saeko, han, and zhao exchange fond looks.
nanba chugs his tea as ichiban approaches.
ichiban bumps his drink hand against nanba's.
"well, we already knew that, man." ichiban grins so wide his eyes shut.
"yeah, you smile a lot more than you did before, nan-chan." saeko concurs, offering him her chip bag.
nanba looks up, eyes wide. "ichiban... you guys..."
a hand lands on nanba's shoulder.
arm slung over his friend's back, ichiban cheerfully assures "and i noticed that you got some new lenses on your glasses, too." nanba's face falls.
the party loses it. saeko collapses on adachi, both doubled over in laughter, zhao cackles as his glasses fall off, and han clutches his head in despair.
"i didn't change anything about my glasses!" nanba roars. on the ground, a plastic bag of leftover snacks reads "#56 nanba's transformation".
end image description]
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hooned · 10 months ago
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enhypen's dancers congratulating them after their 3-day concert 🎉🍾
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gomzdrawfr · 3 months ago
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pizzacade · 4 months ago
The Fourth Doctor's "apology" letter (with omissions planned by The Brigadier) to the Prime Minister, answering why he didn't attend the dinner at the end of the episode Robot.
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luckyartdrawer · 2 months ago
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Y'all chose the MER AU to celebrate, and so say hello to some fishy boys! They are all quite happy to see you, though some seem to show it more than others!
Cookie cutter shark Sun can't wait to take a bite- I mean- erm- rather a hug out of you! Either way he's quite excited!
Threadfin Eclipse would rather all eyes be on him, but he would settle for just yours! His colors shifts in every way, he's hoping your eyes won't stray!
Jellyfish Moon doesn't mean to be so imposing -- towards you anyways. He just wants to see you and everyone happens to be in the way!
This is technically a PT 1 to the celebration, as we have a Royal AU to roll out the red carpet for as well due to a tie in the poll!
PT 2 is made!
vvv Sketch/line art and yapping below!!! vvv
Sketch/Line art
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Hehehe I just had to share. I am so proud of how the lines came out. Sketch cleaned up as lineart method my beloved.
Uagh I keep looking back and seeing so many things I could do. I might update the images secretly one day, but for now I think I need to let it be free in the world before I just never finish lol
Welcome to my yap sesh! Thank you all for being here, I hope the wait was worth it! <3 I am very proud of this and spent soooo so long rendering it. (What was i thinking doing 3 characters end my suffering /J)
Here's some random factoids about these sillies!
Sun: Born in the depths. He is a dime of dozen of cookie cutter sharks, all of them insistent of taking chunks out of anything and anyone they can find. Sun at least has some restraint when it comes to mers he likes, but he always wants just one nibble! Sun tends to warm up fast to mers that give him a speck of attention and care. Cookie cutter shark mers are known to link up with mates as soon as possible, but Sun insists that he hasn't found the perfect fit yet. No one is tasty enough for it! Everyone needs to compliment the other! Sun is the fastest of the 3, relying solely on his speed and jumping out of hiding spots to catch prey. His sharp claws pierces easily and the long webbing between his fingers makes it really easy to ensnare prey in his grasp!
Moon: Born in the depths. Jellyfish mers are rather uncommon, being known as a mostly solitary species. Unlike their animal counterparts, Jellyfish mer go alone after maturing, not even inclined to search for a mate, though they can if they so desire. They live the longest of any mer species. Their transparent bodies keep their form hidden from prey as their bioluminescence lures them in. Moon is the slowest of the 3, but it does not matter to him. To hunt, he floats in a comfortable spot, amping up his bioluminescence and fanning out his ribbons to attract prey. If a victim gets within his vicinity, his ribbons will quickly wrap and tangle around them, sending painful stings and intense damage to the prey. While effective, there are times the mer will sit in one spot for days having not attracted any food. He can hunt directly like other mers, but he'd have to rely on his transparency over speed in order to get close enough to catch them, his melded fingers make it even harder to grasp prey directly.
Eclipse: Isn't actually born a deep sea mer but spent most of his life in the depths after finding out how delicious specific creatures are and how much attention his looks get him. His skin and scales are iridescent and he loves to flaunt them when he can. Eclipse tends to be very carefree, though also the most gentle when interacting with other mers. He is inclined to view anyone as a potential friend or more due to being omnivorous, though no many has caught his full, dedicated attention. He's not territorial, not competitive, and doesn't care where he goes as he can eat just about anything. Hunting wise he is the most tactical, using his colors and thick ribbons to lure and confuse prey. He isn't the fastest nor the slowest, but his long hands increase his likelihood of catching prey he otherwise would have been a little too slow to grasp.
Yeah i.... I ended up having a lot of fun coming up with these guys
Especially moon, those of you who know KNOW, but man... my moon bias is so strong.
I even have this cute expression idea where he can control how his cap looks and uses it for his own protection. When sometimes when sleeping or defensive, he will tuck in his tail, arms, and sometimes his ribbons within the cap and then, like a string bag, it closes off his entire body from the world. He's in his own cap bubble!!! When embarrassed or trying to physically interact with someone without fear of hurting them, he'll tuck in his ribbons and scrunch his cap around his head. He'll look a bit silly, and you can't touch his face, but you can hug him safely and play with the soft round cap that now encases his head. (His tail/neck ribbons have no stinging abilities, they're just glowy for lure purposes!) his coloration is mostly inspired by the Man-O-War but his species is more fantasy then based off only that like the other two are with their respective fish, so that's why I just call him simply a Jellyfish for now :3
Sorry about that... I still love all 3 of these goobas and have ideas for them though! Maybe one day I'll get a fic going for them, not saying anytime soon because I have TOO MANY to work on rn, but just know they are swimming in my head.
So many ideas, so little time......
Once again THANK YOU ALL!!! It is so lovely to see y'all here despite my whacky upload schedules. I always tell myself I should make more simple things sometimes just so I can get the ideas out faster, but then my hands always do something else smh. Hope you all find this art and my future works quite delectable! <333
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choccy-milky · 8 months ago
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seb wants to be pet, too 😤💕 ((TYSM to @angel-fr0m-venus for asking how seb would react to clora petting all the cats around the school/hogsmeade BAHAHA. like a neglected puppy, thats how🐶))
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stuck-in-jelly · 2 months ago
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Mine eyes were swift to know thee, and my heart As swift to love. I did become at once Thine wholly, thine unalterably
There, thou and I Read Kindness in our eyes and closed the match.
-Robert Louis Stevenson
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odetoscavengers · 5 months ago
ooh… how about an anthro comb jelly? or maybe a parasitoid wasp
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A couple people suggested some marine inverts so here they are :^)
Not even sure these count as anthros at this point LOL but thats ok
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j3lly-fish · 5 months ago
Welp. After endless hours of trying to fix this....
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Lots of weight painting pain...
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Ladies and gentlefucks...
We got em.
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joffyworld · 3 months ago
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Alright Narinder says no more bunny
(Click for better quality if necessary I never know if its gonna be blurry or not)
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