dipperscavern · 19 days
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vreenak · 1 year
James Fitzjamea would be an instagram influencer. Francis is the old guy on tiktok who complains about everything
Brilliant!!! This should be a thing, like what would each character's favorite social media be!
Irving: Instagram. As they say, "To official accounts (= carefully curated images of the newest rock climbing adventures and choir trips) and secret accounts (= serving face and cunt all night long) - may they never meet!"
Stanley: Deviant Art 😕🤷‍♀️
Hickey: okay-ish Linkedin
Sir John (this is too easy): Facebook, boomer who just wants to keep in touch with his family
Dundy: Twitter. Just here for the drama and the occasionally inciteful statement
Hodgson, Little: Tumblr
Blanky: YouTube. Actually useful tutorials about survival hacks, a *lot* of followers.
Macca: Wherever there's cat pics.
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oasisofgalaxies · 1 year
ill make my thoughts more coherant later rn im just gonna listen and go hehehehe
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candelorofan19 · 2 months
"el que te gusta esta justo ahi, actua normal"
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cuteadore · 2 years
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 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎   ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎gift for @heartderes * reblog if save, credit if use * no kin/id/me or f/o tags
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goldrushgold · 9 months
Problem: made my lust and obsession for my own AU 100x worse
Adsgdhjd this is like a never ending cycle cause I'm thinking about it most of the time 😭 this is like encouraging me to be my annoying self fully lol
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lenn-ey · 2 years
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high and dry
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chocochococoffee · 2 years
RV Magical AU still unnamed (1/2)
hello i have come with more uh fanfics i just cant stop
i hope you like it
Gordon would never know how nor when it all begun. There had once been a man who happened to have a quarrel in the wrong place and time. When all finished, the man was no more. Gordon himself, who had been deambulating in between his towers of magical books as he usually did, wouldn't have known about the incident at all if it weren't because of Warren, his friend, a longtime friend in names of saying hello to each other when on the street and sharing beers and stories from time to time, not only did know about what happened but also sadly had become a participant of it, in some way or another he didn't explain in direct words but the weight of his guilt made him climb the roof of his house and knock on his second floor window, the one that illuminated his small room - Warren did known by Gordon's own chattermouth that full moon nights were perfect for studying spellcraft and that he was always too absorpted on books to listen to the door downstairs - just to say goodbye.
"I commited a... a mistake, Gordon" He said, looking like a malnourished overgrown kid more than usual with his trembling smile, clammy skin and gaunt posture, but in his sad blue eyes there was a determined shine, one that admitted no rebuttal. "A mistake I must pay for"
Gordon wanted to ask what happened, wanted to open his mouth to offer his help or whatever that would come, but his stubborn redhead of a friend just assured him he would do the right thing, that he wouldn't lose more time, that he wouldn't fail anymore. And just like how he appeared, then he was gone, too.
Maybe he had forgotten that they didn't live on a normal city, but in one governed by warlocks.  Maybe Gordon should've gone after him instead of refugeeing in his books, waiting for what the morning sun would reveal. Maybe Warren had known what his destiny would be, the warlock student wasn't sure. But when the most accomplished and powerful Witch of the country and her army of Guild Wizards went directly to his house to forcefully appoint him a new job, to be the warden and jailer of a man, a man that was once his friend but now had turned into a myriad of monsters without a shred of reason or recognition, Gordon just knew how involved he was on that unnamed man leftovers in their mortal world, the man whose name he didn't even know. He had fucked up somehow too, and only because he was Warren's friend.
He accepted the deal, nonetheless. It was not like he could've escaped the deal, but...
In less than a day after the veredict both jailer and prisoner were relocated to a place which locals called the Red Valley, a red old mansion that looked as old as time itself. As red were its bricks, as grey the valley that received them was.
The spells imbued on the whole place just helped the jailed beast to go madder and madder, changing forms and mutating in visibly painful ways. He had seen Warren go from what seemed to be completely animal forms to something more like a iguana to then change into what seemed into a mix of a wolf and some bird he didnt have the name of. And that in a span of a few hours. His shedded hair, feathers growing and falling, every piece of material not reunited by his warden's hands disappeared as it never existed.
Now, Warren wasn't jailed inside the mansion, per se, as it was not a normal residence in itself. The magic inside just made him thrash inside, made him not want to go to the valley itself. Magic seeped from the bricks and paint and floor mosaics and everywhere in the enormous mansion, unexpected from a place that looked old and wilted as it was but it also was known from some wive tales and street stories as a torture palace. So, no matter how much the beast that had taken over his friend destroyed and screamed, every broken wall would go back to normal and every broken piece of skin and bone would reattach itself to where it should've been.
The Red Valley was also very, very far away from the towns in their country in a way that seemed too suspicious, too magical. Of course that meant that in some way or another he was a prisoner too. He wondered if the common folk did know of what had happened, or if they lived happy with the knowledge that magic would always be one step over them. It was not like he had much to say, he thought later, while watching boxes full of his spell books appearing from nowhere in what would be his room for...
"This sentence, no, Warren's c-curse, for how long will it run?"
"As long as his curse runs, of course" Bryony, the hi had said, not even a smile on her face.
"... But that's"
"Inhuman? Just as he is, no?"
She was not Lying. Gordon didn't like it, nonetheless.
"Ah, remember, his curse is not binding you, you are free to do whatever you want with your life. Of course, we can only recommend you to be with him, as everyone in this town testified for you as the person, no, the warlock who knows him the most, but if you want to leave him to his luck, don't worry too m--"
"No, no, that's alright. I will-- I will accompany him."
... For what he hoped it would not be too much time, not if he could help it.
Yes, he had accepted the pact offered by The Witch and her cronies. But not and never as a jailer, but as the friend of a monster who - who he was sure that somehow, behind the screams and guttural wails and menacing teeth and all, had never ever tried to use him as a chewing toy even if he had been sometimes the perfect size for it. He knew Warren cared, and he also cared for the man who possibly was the only person who mattered to him. He dared not assume for the life of his friend, but that didn't matter.
Baby steps, Gordon thought, carrying his boxes to the kitchen. It was time to study fast for a way to solve this. No matter if Warren had killed that person or not, he knew that weekly visits for what seemed that would only be for experimentation. He was sure, Bryony's final sentence had been just too quick and silent. There was something fishy about all of this, and in the end... in the end, no matter what Warren had done, he knew he would still be at his side.
If he could only just talk to him.
Baby steps, baby steps.
First he had to make food. If he was lucky, maybe this time Warren would come and eat with him.
yeah so a warlock is more like a secret wizard out (more like cut) from the wizard association so all are wizards and witches but gordon no hes my secret warlock w no one but warren knows hes studying w
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revenant-coining · 2 years
I need to share this song with you . (Also not a rick roll.) There are enligh subtitles available too. - Sol
:o that song is so good thank you for sharing it with me :D
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error404vnotfound · 2 years
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litschilicia · 2 years
what are they putting in the rhine that makes it so main character
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redsonsmoocher78 · 1 year
I read a one shot where they skated together... ermrmr... Or roller blading actually </3 pretty sure it was Hold you in my hands like hot tea by 4verageL0ser on ao3?! Either way, the thought of them skating together is very fascinating...
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these are just goobie doodles that I colored and shat on for funsies... brbrbrbrb.... Sorry if the quality is a little shitty... I'm struggling </3 I have not done digital art in months...
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lavafet · 1 year
AAA JAMIE AND NORMAN ARE SO CUTE BRBRBRBRB I am so hdjshaksj words are hard I just love them so much oh my GOD your art style is great and this little thing you've got going is great and AAAAAAAA
I am aggressively happy stimming I love them SO MUCH thank you Lavafet
For you, recent doodles of them I finally got to do at last :}
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I know it's been quite a bit—I hope you are well :] and to those that have delivered me something in my inbox: *I'm coming for you soon!* >:)c
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Hi I love your human!Lenard so so much. Please give us more. He is so brbrbrbrb /pos. (No pressure tho!)
P.S your art style is amazing and I love that too. I want to yoink your art skills.
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Sorry it took me so long to respond, anon! I've just started school again, so I've been bogged down with homework and projects.
I'm glad you like my version of Lenard! Here are some doodles of them and Junebug I did between classes!
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thinnythinthinns · 2 months
I love the feeling when my belly goes brbrbrbrb when im hungry
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To the anon spamming my inbox with individual lyrics could you please stop it's making my ADHD and Autism go brbrbrbrb in bad ways- 😭
Sorry if this comes off as rude by the way-
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