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eggnogisyummy · 1 day ago
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lizaisdrawing · 2 months ago
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More redraws 🫶
Time goes by so fast 🫠
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cleanfloss · 1 year ago
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fairchld · 22 days ago
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the quality in posting images here in comparison to instagram is acc sickening,,, oh well (this is a redraw of a byler scene and an old drawing i did 2/3 years ago,,,, yikes!)
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lostinalem · 9 months ago
yea ok I took a break from drawing my ocs to draw them <3
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moonlight--magician · 4 months ago
Maybe it is near exactly midnight but
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It’s his birthday now. He was born.
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n00tuz · 1 month ago
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lucktv · 3 months ago
I introduce to you: Charles Xavier (Luck's Version)
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I apologise for the quality, I don't have quality for anything (,:
Erik is on the way :3
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alejandramelody · 1 month ago
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Just something quick for Vernias' birthday! <3
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xx-sketchy-xx · 1 year ago
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andoutofharm · 1 year ago
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kiwi-the-bird-and-fruit · 2 months ago
Heyyyy lansoni generations fans guess what? I got a comic for you!
Gonna have to split this into two parts
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rainyinautumn · 5 months ago
alright with wild life ep. 4 coming out soon it's time for me to start talking winner predictions. in order to understand my bet, let's first understand why past winners won—and, for bonus effect, why another player who I think really had a shot ultimately lost.
GRIAN. The traffic crown typically falls on the head of whichever player is most able to bend and break the rules to their advantage. 3rd Life, as the archetypal Life Series with the fewest rules to manipulate, was won by the man who understood (and broke) them best—their inventor. Throughout the series, I think Impulse demonstrated a similar cunning and could have been able to pull off a win. His error was failing to establish trust with his allies in a series that was defined by its faction loyalty.
SCOTT. With the introduction of the Boogeyman, Last Life demanded a winner with a level head. With favorable relationships paving the path to regaining lives, there was very little wiggle room for more aggressive, risk-taking players, making this season favor players with high survivability. Continuing the trend of rule breakers, Scott was the only player to weigh the odds and refuse to act on the Boogeyman curse—which ultimately paid off for him. Similarly calculating and loyal is Etho, who lost this win by aligning himself with a volatile group that failed to lend him the stability Scott had throughout the series.
PEARL. It was so, so much easier to die in Double Life than any other series, and so its winner was the player who proved to be able to survive without a soulmate at all. The thing about Life Series gimmicks is that they are always, always the thing that kills you—as such, refusing to engage with them as intended elevates one's chances of victory. Such is the case with Pearl. Cleo also failed to engage with the Double Life mechanic as intended, but lost (ironically) due to her ability to forgive and the endgame belief that aligning with her soulmate was the wisest move.
MARTYN. Limited Life introduced the ability to live longer by killing, and as such encouraged players to pursue maximal violence with minimal risk through traps (namely, falling TNT minecarts). If playing by these rules led to a win, the victor would have been crowned on Skynet. Instead, Martyn broke the season-long strategy and a few series expectations along the way to opt for an absolutely brutal PvP win, which he pulled off by being the only one crazy enough to try. A good few other risk takers had a solid shot of winning this season—namely Joel. Unlike Martyn, however, Joel was unwilling to gamble with the permanent death of his teammates, and this soft spot led to his demise.
SCAR. On the surface level, Secret Life's gimmick asked its contestants to be good at the game—to be good at keeping their mouths shut, good at following directions, and good at reading other players. The kicker with all of the tasks, however, is that the gimmick is the thing that kills you, and what the tasks actually asked was for players to be bad at the game in one way or another. This made earnest attempts at success by far the most risky path forward (especially once yellow names started being able to guess tasks), and as such, Scar's continually baffling behavior worked in his favor. Similarly incomprehensible, Skizz's playstyle lent itself well to this series—however, he was simply too likable. The secretive nature of the tasks in this season brewed a hostile atmosphere in which trustworthiness made one a threat, and the Heart Foundation painted a target on him that he was unable to shed.
So. Who do I think is winning (and almost winning) Wild Life?
GEM. Of all the players in the Snailpocalypse, Gem was the only one to doggedly refuse to fear and avoid her snail. Wild Life is designed to breed uncertainty and chaos in its players, and her refusal to give in to this makes her a good contender for the crown. However, other players have begun to notice this, which could place her in hot water. My second winner pick is BigB—although more willing to engage with the wildcards, BigB has always thrived in the strange and peculiar, making him less outright afraid of them and putting him in position to potentially rise above them down the line.
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batfambrainrotbeloved · 3 months ago
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I have no idea what to say so um- happy to have yall, theres no escape, enjoy my bullshit- yippiieeeee
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shepscapades · 4 months ago
Birthday Stream Tomorrow :D
FINALLY GOT AIRSERVER WORKING!!!!! and tomorrow is my birthday so I’m gonna do a silly little art stream! no clue what I’ll draw in it but I’m sure dbhc shenanigans will occur =w= <3
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joffyworld · 4 months ago
Ecce Agnus Dei
Red. Red. Red. Red.
Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.
Peer around.
Feel the dread.
The crown controls;
Commands their deaths.
Your new lord does marvel,
At these fools torn, bloodied flesh.
Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.
Awaken, to find,
The solemn hit;
Reality has begun to slip.
Your life was yours,
Now a tool for him;
He owns your soul,
Servitude begins.
Trip. Fall. Stand. Repeat.
Flee the scene;
The gored mincemeat.
Ignore the smell,
Of the bodies you've heaped.
Reap rewards for your service,
Vessel, little sheep.
Exit the maze. Emerge, unscathed.
Witness the heretics,
The land they've enslaved.
Realise the corpses,
The way that they've paved,
Will lead all these sinners,
Down straight to their graves.
Control. Control. Control. Control.
The crown that sings,
It owns your soul.
A good little vessel,
Does exactly as told.
Now go carve your way,
Through these fools,
To your goal.
Loud. Loud. Loud. Loud.
The crown, its commands,
They create a dark shroud;
It jumbles your mind,
Brings those thoughts disavowed.
This is all your fault,
You have no way out now.
Stumble. Stumble. Walk. Walk.
Run. Run. Forward. Forward.
Don't stop. Don't stop.
Just run. It's important
You survive,
For your life
Is now of far larger import.
Run. Run. Stop. Stop.
Come to a halt,
Gaze upon an old sod.
Battered, bruised,
With a smile, friendly as a dog,
He announces quite softly,
"I am Ratau, fear not!"
A guide? A saviour?
A vessel as well?
"Those days are lost to the winds"
The small rat does yet tell.
There's wisdom in age,
And this wisdom excells
At being apparent and immediate,
From the stick and the pelt.
The rat explains quickly,
But slowly as well.
The words ring so softly,
But the urgency's held.
"We are in the Lands of the Old Faith,
And their charming personnel.
Here lies a great danger,
So there's no time to dwell."
"Instructions." "Safety." "Escape." "Close by."
There's barely some time,
To balance the mind.
It all moves so swiftly,
By your patrons design,
The crown hums so lowly,
As the corpses yet fly.
"Another." "Soul." "Rescue." "Cult."
A lamb to the slaughter,
Lies in wait to exalt
These fools to their Gods,
Whom are cruel by default.
They know no means of peace,
So their lives you must halt.
"We have reached safety.
You have done well.
The Red Crown shall transport you,
To your new holy realm.
There lies there a temple,
Now in ruinous health.
A new lease on life,
A true chance to excel."
"You will make it your own,
You will soon call it home,
The shattered old tatters,
The dust-covered bones.
Your deal may compel you,
Like the words of a tome,
But your life is now yours,
There is time to atone.
You may fill it with cheers,
Like a live hippodrome.
You may fill it with shrieks,
Like those bishops you know.
It is yours to domineer,
It is yours to control."
"Your fate is now yours.
You've sold the devil your soul.
Just as I did,
Such a long time ago.
But look at me closely,
In the eye that yet glows."
"We may serve a God,
But it's you,
That gives hope"
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