#thank you so much for the ask!!!! i was hoping someone would ask me about it!!!!
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iimplicitt · 15 hours ago
hiii 🤠 anon here
how do you feel about writing for mafia lando where he’s married to the reader who’s not his choice it’s basically an arrangement and his family hates her and she’s having a really hard time in his house and Lando doesn’t notice and he’s cold and one day her family causes her to have a panic attack and he sees her in his room all small and scared and then he helps her and makes her a feel better and etc something about a heated confession and people being put in their place. if you do write this thank you :)
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pairings: mafia! lando x arranged marriage reader
an/warnings: arranged marriage, violence, mentions of abusive parents, angst, panic attacks, fluff, hea
wc: 5.2k
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
He bit the inside of his cheek as he watched the sleek back car roll up in the long drive way from his office. Windows tinted but he could make out the faint outline of a person as they moved around before Oscar got out of the car to open the door for its passenger.
His new wife.
The words tasted sour on his tongue as he drank some of his whiskey, not caring that it was nine in the morning. He needed a pick-me-up for the day that was ahead.
Gleaming hair caught in the sunlight, a delicate hand with a blinding diamond hesitantly taking Oscar’s as red bottom Louis’ met the pavement.
His eyes narrowed a bit as he watched you, mere curiosity to see how you acted when he wasn’t around. When the wedding happened it was short and extravagant. All the glitz and glamour expected of such a pair. A politician's daughter and a booming business man whose money usually came tinted red. A shame that most of the world didn’t know your fathers money was just as dirty as his.
It was an alliance in London’s eyes. A step towards peace.
He hadn’t even seen you until the white lace veil was lifted.
You were pretty but that wasn’t enough to suddenly sway his mind into liking the whole arrangement. He didn’t have much choice. Having coppers on a payroll was a deal too good to pass up, so he agreed. Shook hands. It hadn’t mattered much, not in the long run. Lando was always busy. Always working. If a marriage hadn’t been forced upon him, he didn’t think he would’ve ever had a ring on his finger.
He watched silently as you waited for Oscar to grab your bags. Your eyes flickering around the property, taking in the well kept gardens and security cameras mounted every few yards. A fortress.
His eyes took in the dress you wore, expensive silk draped over skin. Flowing like liquid in the subtle summer breeze. He took note of how your hand kept flexing, the one with a ring. His ring.
The one he had slid on your finger a week ago as he whispered, “I do.” Your own voice low as you muttered the vow, eyes not meeting his.
He could barely remember what the kiss had been like. It was quick, soft. Obligatory. Both of you seemed relieved it was over with, arms linked with one another as you left the cathedral. White flower petals falling into hair as they were tossed into the sky.
Lando set his tumbler down and backed away from the window, trying to take a calming breath before walking downstairs. He needed to make this livable. An ecosystem. Staying out of each other's way, respecting boundaries. Telling where and what was off bounds. If you needed help, ask Oscar. If you wanted someone to talk to, also ask Oscar. Leave him be, because he was busy.
You seemed reasonable enough in the few minutes of shared company. You knew this was a business transaction. It wasn’t something to get hopes up on. Lando knew you were smart enough not to be a burden so hopefully it would feel like nothing had changed. Just an extra person in the household. Another echoing voice.
He could hear the sharp click of your heels as you entered the front foyer, the soft sound of your voice as you spoke in hushed tones. Your whole presence seemed cautious. Like you were treading in a minefield.
As he stepped down the stairs and into the light, your eyes met. The air shifting. Tense. Dangerous. Your painted lips pressed into a line as you waited for instruction. Ever obedient. Compliance being woven into you as a child.
He had met your father on more than one occasion and he knew he wasn’t a kind man.
But the problems of your past were yours.
Lando sighed lightly through his nose, head tilting and hands in pockets as he let himself look at you for another moment before dismissing Oscar.
The foyer was still. The only thing he could hear was the faint hum of electricity and birds outside. Watching you as you watched him.
“Nice drive?” He asked, not quite sure on the formalities of the situation.
You laughed slightly, the sound coming out in a short exhale as you looked away from him. “It was fine.”
He hummed, not seeing a point in furthering the conversation and he gestured for you to follow him.
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
The summer had gone by in a repetition of droning days and lonely dinners. The only thing keeping you company were the few books you packed, although you had already read through them all. An endless cycle of talking to the walls and sitting near your window, feeling like a modern day Rapunzel.
It’s not necessarily like you weren’t allowed to go anywhere, but it still felt off limits. Frowned upon. A burden if you were seen walking the halls.
His family didn’t like you very much. Which you both understood yet couldn’t come to terms with. They had to have known this wasn’t any more of your choice than it was his. And why shovel the blame onto someone’s child? It wasn’t your fault your father was corrupted and played a better hand.
Pressing your forehead against the cool glass, you watched as the world went by. The silent hum of air conditioning was the only thing to droll out your thoughts and lately it hadn’t been working. The room felt suffocating but there was no one to turn to. Even voicing your thoughts out loud to yourself seemed like some boundary was being crossed. Maybe even to yourself. That you were starting to get too comfortable.
Oscar seemed nice enough. Timid. Not sure how to approach you or if he even should. He brought your meals to your door like clock work. Part of you felt bad but the thought of eating in the dining room seemed like suicide. You had tried the first night, assuming that was just part of the routine. To have dinner with your…husband.
But Lando was nowhere to be found, leaving you at a large oak table alone and shoveling food around. Appetite non-existent. Oscar had told you he usually took dinner in his office. That most of the other members of the household ate out.
His words hit you dully as you stared at the polished wood, not quite believing this was going to be the rest of your life. Then again, you weren’t sure what you wanted. Did you want Lando to make an effort? Did you even want to be around him? You didn’t know much, just that he was a bad man. But aren’t they all? Apparently that’s all the world thought you were fit for. Violent men with money in their eyes.
No, you didn’t want to know him.
But god, loneliness caught up to everyone.
The hours ticked by and you sat there, tracing lines into the skin of your thighs with your nail. Over and over again till skin prickled and red lines appeared. The itch and sting foreign, numb. As if you’d shot your heart with novacaine. Your eyes unblinking as you did the action, pure muscle memory. You didn’t have to think. You didn’t want to.
At least you never wanted to think about yourself. Your situation. The listless marriage you now found yourself trapped in.
But your mind would wander. What did he get up to? What did he even do? Was it really any different from the current political affairs the nation got up to? Would he one day change his mind and want more?
The thought made you shiver, eyes trailing to your locked door. He’d never tried to come in. Hell, he’d never even been to your room. In the weeks you’d been there you had probably only seen him a handful of times. Walking down the hall and his eyes would catch yours for a moment but nothing else. Looking through you like a ghost. Cold. Indifferent. Sometimes you’d hear him in the house. Talking to Oscar or on the phone. Always business. Always something you didn’t understand.
He couldn’t seem bothered at the thought of you being around. Didn’t seem interested. And that weird, fucked up little voice in the back of your mind whispered that Lando was keeping himself entertained just fine. That he found comfort in other women. Having affairs. You barely felt married. There weren't technically any commitments beyond regurgitated vows. So why did the thought still make your stomach churn?
Perhaps it was the feeling of being unwanted. A constant companion of doubt. Your family didn’t want you, pawned you off. Your husband didn’t want you. You would never get to experience love. You’d go through life longing for creature comforts—
You pressed your forehead harder into the glass. Wanting the thoughts to stop. You pushed so hard you hoped it’d break and you’d go hurtling towards the ground.
There was a sharp knock on the door. Six o’clock sharp.
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
You felt like you were going insane. The walls bending inward. The wallpaper swirling. The ceiling breathing.
Wandering the halls was reckless but you started to care less and less if Lando saw you. For the first time in months you wanted him to see you. Be reminded that you were there. Proof you were alive. You were here. Even when it never felt like it. You felt like a phantom who haunted the house, mostly only coming out at night when the rest of the world slept. Chasing the creaks of wood and following the patterns in the rug. Chasing something. Feeling wild. Deranged like a white rabbit who was late for tea.
His mother yelled at you. For something, you weren’t sure what. It seemed like no matter what you did you were wrong. Skin not fitting right over bones. Disassociating and staring at her. That only made her more mad and she slapped you. Not for the first time. Hard across the face. You hadn’t noticed till you heard the echo of it around the kitchen. Didn’t realise till some of the staff gasped, hands flying over mouths. Glowing wide eyes staring at you in shock.
You blinked again, subtle warmth creeping into your cheek. Hand slowly going up to hold your face. What had you done wrong? Why were you always wrong?
His mother scoffed. “You’re no good. You’re not even all the way there are you?” With a look of disgust she turned away, disappearing down the hall.
One of the cooks slowly approached you, as if you were some wounded animal. Holding out a pack of ice. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled.
“For what?” Your voice sounded distant. Distorted. Like it was coming from somewhere else. Taking the ice, you left. Letting it sit in your hand instead, the bitter coldness of it sending a dull shock up your arm.
You felt like crying. At least you thought about it. But nothing would fall out. Your eyes felt dry and heavy. Staring at nothingness as you walked with your heartbeat thudding in your ears.
This was your life. This was going to be your forever. Sucked into yet another man's orbit who didn’t give a shit about you. Because fuck what you want, right?
You turned into what you thought was your bedroom. You weren’t quite sure how you got there. It had been odd lately. Like moments of time blacked out. Arriving one place and not knowing how you got there. Tuning out to your depressing reality.
You were going to die alone. It wasn’t even your fault. Or maybe it was. Maybe you should’ve tried harder. Fought your father and left as soon as you had turned of age. Why didn’t you try harder to fight back? Did some twisted part of you want this? The lack of effort. Things being handed to you. Maybe you thought you deserved it. After all, you'd been living off your fathers dirty money guilt free. Perhaps this was just your karma.
Longing for a life you’d never have.
You sucked in a sharp breath, tears finally beginning to prick at your eyes. The droplets stung so bad your vision went blurry.
You barely felt it as your knees hit the hard wooden floors. Didn’t register the scratching sound of your nails dragging against the planks, blindly trying to crawl your way out of the hell you were living. Feeling pathetic and ungrateful because you knew it could be worse. It could always be worse.
A sob left your throat, bubbling up and out like acid.
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
The door flew open to his office and he was about to yell at whoever had the audacity when he turned, paused. The look on Oscar’s face wasn’t one commonly seen.
“There’s a problem.”
Lando sighed, tapping his pen on his desk. “Care to elaborate?”
“It’s your mother and your wife.”
Lando reared back slightly at the word. It wasn’t thrown around often. Hell, he hardly saw you. And when he did, when he’d catch you wandering around well past three in the morning something was just…off. He didn't know how to approach you. Or if he even should. You’d seemed equally disinterested by his company. Staring at him sometimes like he was an apparition that wasn’t meant to be there.
He wouldn’t blame you if you hated his guts. Lando knew most women would prefer a love filled marriage compared to whatever the hell they had.
“What about them?” He asked, eyes flicking down to his papers again. Not seeing why—
“The staff said there was an altercation in the kitchen.”
Pausing, his eyes flicked up. Brow raising.
Oscar sighed, “your wife is in your room.”
That got him up. What the hell were you doing in there? And why? It wasn’t like he kept important documents in there, he knew better than that but he still didn’t trust you much. You were your fathers daughter. Maybe this was all some ploy to get into his personal things, find weaknesses, cracks.
His feet moved briskly down the hall, his polished shoes clicking dully on the ornate rugs and painted eyes followed him as he went. Lando didn’t pause as he saw his door, didn’t pause as he turned the handle.
“What do—“
Lando halted to a stop as his eyes found you. Feeling as if the earth had been yanked out from beneath him when he heard you try to smother the sound of your crying with a hand. Curled up in the space between his bed and the nightstand. Looking so small as you trembled.
Your eyes didn’t meet his. He wasn’t even sure if you heard him come in. Your breathing was too fast, too ragged. Short bursts of oxygen, your lungs not being able to keep up.
He shut the door softly behind him and quietly made his way over to you, lowering himself to his knees. Debating if he should touch you or not. You hadn’t touched in months. Not since the wedding.
“Hey,” his voice was soft and you flinched. Head shooting up and staring at him. He’d never seen you look so frightened and you tried to push yourself back harder into the wall. Shaking your head as if he’d caught you doing something wrong.
He immediately caught the red outline of a hand on your cheek. His jaw clenched. An odd, unbearably awful sensation churned in his stomach at the thought of someone hurting you. Knowing it was his mother only made the fire burn hotter. He didn’t know why. It wasn’t like you were close. But the rage was itching up his spine like a spider.
“You’re okay,” he said again. His voice was rough, but a whisper. He reached out to you, slowly. Hands gently taking hold of you as he pulled your shaking frame into his, feeling the way your lungs struggled to catch up. Your muscles coiled in tension as he touched you. He hated it.
“You’re alright, darling.” He soothed your hair back, feeling your nails bite into his skin as you twisted the fabric of his shirt. Trying to ground yourself. Trying to make sense of it all. Of why he was here.
He knew it had to be confusing. That his sudden reassurance was off putting and regret was starting to inch its way up his throat. The spindly legs tickling and desperate. He should’ve handled this whole thing better. It was selfish. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. Holding your head beneath his chin as you tried to calm down. “I’m here, if you need me to be.”
You didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure what to do. Where to go from there. This was new territory for him. Second guessing wasn’t usually in Lando’s playbook but you were something new entirely.
He began to lean away but your grip tightened on his shirt, your head pressing further into the crook of his neck.
Sighing, he maneuvered himself into a sitting position, holding you in his lap as he leaned against his bed. Giving you time. Gently running circles into the nape of your neck. His grandmother always did that for him, it always seemed to help calm him down. Lando waited patiently, taking in the faint scent of your shampoo. Smiling to himself a bit despite everything because it was the same one he used.
Slowly your harsh breathing began to subside but your body still trembled from the aftershocks.
His fingers still ran lightly over your skin, his voice a low hum and he could feel the vibration of his own rib cage with your weight against him. “I’ve had panic attacks too, you know?”
You didn’t do anything for a moment, and then, like the first break of daylight, you slightly shifted your head and your voice was a whisper. “Really?”
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
Something had shifted. Maybe others wouldn’t have noticed, but you did. That next morning there was a knock on your bedroom door. Eight o’clock sharp. You hadn’t slept much, your eyes still raw and body restless from the previous evening. The feeling of his light, delicate touch on you was on replay in the back of your mind. You hadn’t been held in what felt like years.
You hadn’t expected such kindness from him.
Padding over to the door, you rubbed at your eyes, trying to look alive before opening it. “Morning, Oscar–” you blinked at the form of Lando standing in the hall. Wearing a casual linen shirt and dress pants, jacket draped over one arm and he looked at you expectantly.
“Ready?” He asked.
You felt dumb as you continued to stare at him. Not expecting to see him so soon. Not thinking he’d even want to see you after yesterday’s mess. “What?”
He sighed lightly through his nose. “We’re going out for breakfast.”
There was a slight crease forming between his brows. “Do you not want to?”
You blinked again before reality finally caught up to you. “No, no. That’s fine. Just… let me get dressed.” You eyed him as you shut the door. He was acting weird.
It was nice.
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
“What on earth are you doing?” His mother shouted over the sound of a power drill. Standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.
Lando looked at her for only a moment. Still cross with her after the kitchen incident a couple of weeks ago. He had yelled at her after he managed to get you into bed. Yelled at his whole family. The staff, for not telling him.
“She is the lady of the household and my wife. You do not touch her, you do not say a fucking word to her unless it’s praise.” He looked directly at his mother. “Understood?”
“I’m building a reading nook.” He finally said, standing back to look at his progress so far. He took you to the fabric store yesterday but you were beyond indecisive and he wasn’t sure the new couch went with the interior of his office.
He had been trying to go out more, just small places. When he found out you hadn’t left the house since you arrived he was confused and furious with Oscar. His friend and right hand had merely raised his hands in surrender, muttering how you had never wanted to go anywhere.
“Whatever for? Since when do you read for pleasure?” His mother asked, mostly teasing. Trying to weave her way back into his good graces. He doubted that would ever happen. He was on the verge of throwing her out but you managed to talk him out of it.
“It’s not for me.” Lando left it at that. Watching how his mother’s shoulders fell at the realisation and she turned away.
He smiled slightly to himself as he set up the couch, pushing it under the window so you could get good light and a nice view of the gardens. Plus, he could watch you more easily from his desk when he worked.
You looked pretty when you were reading.
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
For the first time in months you were bored, and not in a bad way. Lando made sure there was always something for you to do when he wasn’t around. Part of you felt bad, following him around like a kicked puppy. But any time you’d start to back off, give him some space, it was like his hand blindly found yours, not even looking up from his work, tugging you back.
Muttering a quiet, “stay.”
You tried to ignore the butterflies that began fluttering in your stomach, chasing after whatever this was. You didn’t know why you felt stubborn over it. He was your husband after all, butterflies are supposed to be a good thing.
You took up cooking as a hobby, mostly different kinds of fresh pasta. Trying to keep your hands steady as Lando would walk behind you, fingers lightly dragging along the small over your back. Leaning over your shoulder, lips nearly brushing your neck as he quietly spoke, “that looks lovely.”
He always spoke so softly to you. His touch always delicate.
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
Lando fixed his cuff links as he stood in the foyer, making sure his suit was wrinkle free in the large mirror. There was a big Christmas gala that night in London. A whole cluster of politicians, businessmen, philanthropists, etc. He didn’t have much of a role to play besides being seen, given his bookies did most of the under the table work.
When he’d asked you to go with him, you hesitated. He knew seeing your father was something you’d like to avoid. Over time you slowly opened up to him about how strained the relationship was.
He had lifted a hand to your cheek, gently brushing his knuckles along your cheekbones, watching in satisfaction as your pupils expanded at his touch. “I won't let him near you,” he whispered. Watching as you debated before eventually nodding, leaning slightly into his touch.
When he heard the sound of heels clicking sharply against marble flooring his eyes flicked up, watching you approach in the mirror. Looking like heaven in high heels. Your black dress fit you perfectly, the white fur shawl was draped lazily over your shoulders.
Lando felt his mouth go dry as he turned, his heartbeat pounding in his ears as you approached. The sweet smell of your perfume swirling around him, making him feel hazy.
God, if you knew what you did to him.
It seemed like every night now that he dreamt of kissing you, doing a whole list of unruly things. Despite the ring on his hand and yours it still felt off limits. Not feeling sure of what you actually wanted.
“Ready?” You asked, a small smile playing on your lips.
He blinked at you, still in a daze. “What?”
You bit your lip, holding back a laugh and he felt his stomach pool.
“The gala. Yes, right.” He cleared his throat, not thinking twice as he took your hand. “Let’s go.”
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
You felt all the eyes on you as he took you around the dance floor. The whispers. Lando Norris’ wife who he liked to keep hidden away. Apparently most people hadn’t even known he was married. They thought you were just a new date till they saw the blinding diamond on your finger and his matching gold one.
You felt stiff. Too perceived.
But he lightly took hold of your chin between his fingers, making you look at him.
“It’s just you and me, love.”
Love. You felt equally reassured and nauseous.
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
Lando was using every excuse he could to touch you. Hand splaying on the small of your back where your dress dipped low. Fingers lightly brushing the back of your neck as he talked to the other guests. Hand on your thigh beneath the table. When he’d first done it you jumped slightly and his heart skipped a beat when you looked at him, eyes low, before turning away again and taking a sip of your wine.
He couldn’t help it as his lips pulled back slightly when he began to rub circles with his thumb, feeling the muscles of your leg tighten. But you leaned toward him, an invitation. He felt more drunk off of you than any wine he had been drinking.
He’d only see glimpses of your father. Lingering to the side of the ballroom walls. Whispering in corners with other greedy men. His eyes always on you, though.
Lando didn’t like it. Then again he never liked anything enough for that to be a fair test. But he knew never to ignore his intuition, so he took your hand in his and tugged you along until you were outside, the cold December air twirling around them.
You shivered as you waited for the valet to pull his McLaren around, blushing a bit when he draped his jacket over your shoulders. Or maybe it was just the wind, he wasn’t sure. But he’d liked to think he made you flustered.
The engine purred as he drove away, feeling your eyes on him as city lights flicked back.
“Why’d we leave early?” You finally asked.
His grip adjusted on the steering heel, looking in the rearview mirror, always vigilant. He hadn’t realised till now that going public made you a target. Made him vulnerable.
“Just wanted to,” is all he offered. Not wanting to scare you. He knew you already had a difficult time adjusting to his world. Then again he shouldn’t cut you any credit. Growing up with your father couldn’t have been any easier.
You hummed, not believing him. Your eyes finally pulled away to stare out the window. Letting him relax. It was strange, having somebody for the first time see him. The thought was equally relieving and terrifying.
When they pulled up to the house the car fell quiet, a heavy silence falling over like a blanket. He wanted to say more to you, but what? This was all new territory and the thought of messing up this bridge he’d built—
He turned, looking at you as moonlight painted your skin through the window.
You reached forward, hand taking his, “I know you’ll keep me safe.” Another pause and you played with his wedding ring. “I trust you.”
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖ ‿̩͙୨
A loud thud woke you up, your heart beating erratically as your door handle began to move. Thankful that you had locked it but fear was still crawling up your spine. You were just about to reach for your phone to call someone for help when a ragged voice poured out from the other side, weakly saying your name. The sound of a body slumping to the floor.
You quickly tore off the sheets, stumbling a bit in the dark and you yanked your door open. A hand flying up to your mouth as you took in the state of him. Bruised and slick with blood, one arm wrapped around his rib cage, his breath rattling.
His eyes cracked open, gleaming in the low lamp light of the hall. His lips pulling back in a bloodied grin.
“Hello, darling.”
“Oh my god,” you did your best to get him up, almost falling under his weight as you maneuvered him to your bathroom. “What happened?”
Your heart lurched as Lando coughed, turning his head to spit out some blood into the bin and he sat himself up on the sink. Wincing as he did so. Not answering you.
“Lando,” you said quietly, afraid that even loud noises would hurt him and you gently took hold of his face in your hands. Not caring blood and dirt would get on them. Gently running your thumbs along his cheek bones.
He seemed to melt into you, letting his head fall forward and rest against yours as you brushed the damp curls back. Seeing him like this was a new kind of pain you never wanted to experience again.
“Who did this to you?” Although your voice was gentle, there was a layer of conviction under it that even surprised you.
He sighed, a wheeze coming up from the back of his throat and his hands came up to hold onto your wrists. You didn’t miss his cracked and bleeding knuckles.
“I have a duty of care,” he muttered.
Your father. You felt like throwing up.
Gently pulling his head forward, you held him to you. Letting his heartbeat bring some life back into you. He was okay. He was here. He came back to you. Everything would be fine.
Slowly, Lando’s arms wrapped around you, holding you as tight as he could.
“I’m going to kill him,” you mumbled into his hair and he laughed, not caring that it hurt.
He leaned his head back slightly, eyes flicking between your own and your lips. His hand that had snaked up to the back of your neck pulling you in slightly. Hesitant. Then all at once.
Mouths colliding, a kiss that felt like a tuning fork struck against a star.
His fingers twined in your hair and you tried to be gentle with him. As much as you could. But the feeling of finally was making you feel weightless. Reckless. Desperate as he held you tighter.
You felt high as he whispered the words my wife between kisses.
“So much for a marriage of convenience,” you managed after you pulled away. You didn’t want to, but he needed your help.
He smiled again, those dimples you loved so much deepening in his cheeks. “Nah,” he said lightly. “I think this will be a marriage of inconvenience.”
And he kissed you again.
taglist: @theonottsbxtch @fortunapre @c8lap1nto @ashbone
392 notes · View notes
traveler-at-heart · 18 hours ago
Doctor's In - Part 16
Summary: Your Westview fam reunites with you and Boston as you prepare to leave the city.
A/N: I believe this is what @jerullium and I would call a filler episode but hey! Enjoy if you like Wanda fluff
You know what the call is about.
“Hello?” you practically sing, your eyes on the road.
“Stop that” Wanda warns you.
“Stop what?”
“Changing the music. You know I don’t like that girl!”
“Babe, Chappell is great” you play dumb.
“I’m the only redhead you can love”
“Yes, darling. Have you asked the kids yet?”
“Just about to. I’m picking them up before my mother steals my car and crashes against a police car. Again”
You want to laugh at how annoyed Wanda sounds. Honestly, you’re dying to meet her mother.
“Let me know if they agree to come so I can get your tickets”
“I can do that…”
“You’re all flying first class, and that’s final. Gotta go. Love ya”
“Me too… you’re playing her music again!” she says and you hang up, laughing.
“You guys are adorable” Val says, sitting next to you in the car.
“Yelena likes to call it ridiculously corny”
“So, not that this is any of my business… but why are you looking to work abroad if you are in a relationship with Wanda? I don’t think she’d be willing to move, right?”
“Well… that’s why I was curious about that summer program you mentioned with an NGO”
Valkyrie knew enough people and organizations to find something that wouldn’t mean moving to a different country indefinitely.
And as it turned out, you had a few common friends, including none other than Sharon Carter.
She was a couple years ahead of you in college, but you’d always gotten along. Thanks to Val, you knew she was ready to move back home -her whole family was in Boston- and you were hoping she could take an interest in working for Romanoff Medical Center.
After everything Melina had done for you (even if it was out of self interest to provide Yelena with a mentor), you didn’t feel comfortable just leaving without a thought after your contract was up.
As you go meet Sharon at the restaurant, your mind drifts to Billy and Tommy. Would they be excited at the prospect of seeing you? Wanda had only mentioned they went through a rough patch, but you were always too afraid to ask the details.
The sight of Sharon waving at you brings you back to reality.
“Carter girl” you greet like you did in college, hugging her.
“Look at you, all grown up”
“Look at you, working for WHO”
“It’s nothing, really” she shrugs it off, greeting Val as well.
There’s some talk about work, just chit chat while the waiter was hanging around waiting to take your order. Once he’s done and you have some space to talk more freely, Sharon turns to you, a smirk on her face.
“You still a player?”
That makes you choke on your drink, while Val whistles.
“What? Here I was thinking this one was a family gal”
“Wait, hold up. That’s insane. In college, she used to charm every girl. Not even the ones with boyfriends were safe” Sharon says, making you blush.
“I don’t seem to recall…”
“Jean Grey.”
“Ok, got it. No need to go further into detail” you interrupt her, suddenly remembering that yeah, you had been a bit of a player in college. “Now I’m with someone who has two kids, so I’m looking to return to Westview”
“Romanoff Medical is going to need a great Head of Trauma” Val chimes in.
“The pay is spectacular”
“Mhm. Heard Melina can be hard to deal with” Sharon says and you sigh.
“Honestly? Not as much. Not if you do your job and you’re good at it. Like me” you wink at her.
“Well, I’d be looking to start in a month or so, because I really wanna get some rest and be with my family”
“Timing couldn’t be better… except I need someone to cover for me this weekend. Do you mind?”
“That’s going to cost you a mimosa”
“Done” you say, waving at the waiter.
Wanda is stalling.
Things were getting better between her and the kids. There was no arguing, even if Billy had decided to quit the soccer team.
She knew they still missed you, but they were starting to heal. And your relationship was going well, but Wanda was afraid of so many things.
Of screwing it up again. Hurting the kids.
Getting hurt.
Though you’d never ever do it, she trusted you completely.
She’s still thinking about how to bring up the trip to the kids when she gets a text from you.
Y/N: Hey, it’s been a couple of hours. If you’re not ready or think it’s not the best idea to bring the kids, I get it. They always come first. Just know that I love you no matter what :)
Wanda smiles at that.
She decides to leave her study and go to the twins’ room, where they’re doing some homework.
“Hey, do you guys have a minute?” she sits in Billy’s bed, and Tommy joins them. “So, I know we haven’t spoken about Y/N. She’s been living and working in Boston”
“That’s where you’ve been traveling to” Tommy says, looking up.
“Right. And we ran into each other… started talking. She mentioned you could join me on my next trip and we’d all go around the city together. There are some cool stuff to do and see”
“Seriously? That would be awesome! Yes, I want to come with you!” Tommy says, excited. Wanda’s about to ask Billy when he jumps out of bed, running to lock himself in the bathroom.
“Wait here, sweetheart” she asks Tommy. “Billy? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t wanna go”
“Why? Are you angry at Y/N?”
“Then me?”
“No” he says, this time with less conviction.
“Then what is it?”
“You’re only making us go so you both can give us the talk” he says through the door, and Wanda decides to open it.
“What talk?” she sits on the floor next to her son, running her hands through his hair.
“The same talk Emily’s parents had with her when they were getting a divorce. About how it wasn’t her fault and they’d always love her even if they weren’t together”
“No, that’s not it at all, Billy”
“She just wants to say goodbye to us”
“I promise you that’s not it. We’re both trying hard to fix everything, my sweet boy. Have our family back” Billy turns around to wipe his face, and Wanda sighs. “Would it make you feel better if Y/N told you herself?”
That makes the boy turn.
Wanda takes out her phone, dialing your number and hoping you’re not too busy with work.
“Hey, beautiful. Got any news for me? Will I get to see my boys?”
“Y/N!” Billy jumps up, leaning his head against Wanda’s to hear you better.
“Billy? Hey kiddo. How are you? I’ve missed you so damn much”
He’s so excited he doesn’t even notice the curse word that leaves your mouth.
“I missed you too! Do you like Boston?”
“It’s alright. Would be a lot more fun if you guys came over to visit me. What do you say?”
“We’ll do some fun stuff?”
“And eat ice cream”
“This isn’t to say goodbye?”
“Goodbye? I have my ticket to Westview in a couple of weeks, Billy. You’re not getting rid of me”
“Ok, yeah! We’ll see you soon!” he says, excited. You laugh.
“Alright then. Now let me speak to your mom”
He hands over the phone, running back to his room.
“We have thirty seconds before Tommy comes running to talk to you”
“Ok, I’ll take it to say I love you and can’t wait to see you all this weekend”
“Will we stay at the penthouse?”
“I’m not sure it’s very child friendly so let’s get a suite at a nice hotel” you say, knowing the place was full of expensive things that could easily break with two kids running around.
Like clockwork, Tommy shows up, kneeling next to his mother.
“Y/N! Can we go to a Red Sox game?”
“I’ll see what I can do, buddy” you say. He keeps talking, asking questions about the city.
Billy joins in a second later, and this is the first time in months that Wanda’s seen them so happy and excited.
She can’t wait to have her entire family back together.
Rumor has it, Fury has found a replacement. He only schedules interviews when Darcy’s away and he asks goody two shoes Kamala Kahn to deliver all the CVs he needs to read.
She’d never move to the dark side, unfortunately.
Darcy is running out of ideas to keep the job open.
There’s one, though.
“Fuck it” she decides, walking to Fury’s office and ignoring his secretary when she says he’s busy.
He obviously isn’t, signing papers.
“Yes, Doctor Lewis?”
“I’d like to be considered”
“Considered for…” he says without look up.
“The position of Head of Trauma”
Now, that makes Fury pay attention. He smiles, removing his glases.
“I thought you wanted Y/N to come back to her old job”
“Well, she’s taking her sweet time and I don’t want anyone else running the ER. So, I’m your girl”.
“I still have to interview you” he says, pulling out Darcy’s file and reading it. “Darcy N. Lewis. What does the N stand for?”
“None of your business” Darcy snaps, forgetting she’s talking to her boss until Fury levels her with a glare. “Nora”
“Alright. Let’s start, shall we?”
Melina’s reviewing schedules when she hears a knock on the door.
“Ah, just who I wanted to see” she says when you walk inside.
“Have I done something?”
“Well, we have a pending discussion about your time with us, don’t we?” the woman says, and you appreciate how she goes straight to business.
“I am leaving after the three months we agreed on” you admit, sitting down in front of her.
“I assumed as much, seeing your girlfriend around these past few weeks”
“I’m sorry, I know you wanted it to not work out” you tease, and Melina huffs, offended.
“I’m not some kind of monster! If you’re happy, I am glad to hear it. I just know it’s gonna be incredibly difficult to find someone who can…”
You interrupt her rant by pushing Sharon’s CV in front of her. She skims through it, raising her eyebrows.
“She worked for the World Health Organization?”
“Mhm. Top of her class, outstanding in every way. She also brings a large network and a lot of prestige”
Needless to say, those are things Melina loves. You’re sure she’d be willing to throw another gala just to show off Sharon.
“We’d have to do a trial, show her around…”
“Already arranged it” you say, smiling. Melina keeps reading the file and you know she doesn’t need any more convincing, so you take your cue to leave. But there’s something more you wanna say, as you stand by the door. “Hey. Thank you for taking me in. You gave me a place to stay and a job when I was completely broken. I can’t imagine what I would have done without your help”
“Just make sure… she’s worth it all. That she values you as much as you do her, Y/N. This is your career, and a big sacrifice at that” the brunette says, her tone softer.
“You’re right. Thank you” you leave with a smile.
It feels like everyone decided to fly today. The airport is crowded, you can barely find room to walk and you know Wanda must be struggling with her bag and the two kids who are running around everywhere.
“God damn it” you sigh, hoping they’re managing through the sea of people.
You hear them before seeing them.
“Y/N!” Tommy screams. You don’t realise where he’s coming from until he crashes against your back, jumping as he hugs you.
“Hey, kiddo!” you try to turn around, only to see Billy sprinting at full speed. “Oh, oh”
He gives the final push that knocks you down, and you shriek as they climb on top of you.
“Boys! Honestly, what has gotten into you?” Wanda comes to the rescue a second later. “You ok?”
“Come here, you two” you sit up, hugging them. “Missed you like crazy”
“And what about me?” Wanda pouts. You laugh, standing up and kissing her.
“Of course I missed you too, beautiful”
Right on cue, they both groan and complain as Wanda kisses you back.
“I didn’t miss that” Tommy sasses you and you glare.
“In that case…” you grab Wanda by the waist, pulling her against you and peppering kisses all over her face.
“Baby” she laughs, and you silence her a second later with your lips.
“Blegh” they both say, grabbing their backpacks.
“Are they teens now?” you mumble against Wanda’s ear.
“No, teenage years will be much worse than this. Are you still up for it?”
“In it for the long run, baby”
Wanda has to go straight to a work meeting, but you stop by a second to greet Wendy, and make sure she gets a chance to meet the twins.
“I’ve heard so much about you!” the woman says.
“Tell Wendy what was your favorite story of hers growing up”
“Uh, the one where the kids go to space” Billy says shyly.
“And they take their dog! We have a dog too and we’d take him to space with us” Tommy agrees.
“Alright, astroboys, let them work. We’re going to a baseball game”
“Oh, no! I’m sad I’ll miss it. Have fun” Wanda lies.
You knew she’d be bored out of her mind so you decided it was as good a time as any to take them to the game.
“Yeah, those are so much fun” you say, knowing baseball is incredibly boring for you too. As Wanda says goodbye you pull her close and whisper in her ear. “I’m taking one for the team so be prepared to thank me later, babe”
“Stop” she tries not to laugh, knowing exactly what you mean. “And don’t eat a lot of junk food”
“You heard your mom”
“I wasn’t talking only to the kids”
As you expected, you still have no clue what’s going on but the kids enjoy eating nachos and watching men running around after a ball.
“Wow, Camarena is about to bat!”
“Oh, I met that guy in New York” you say, remembering how Zach was so excited about that player.
You really need to plan something in the summer for him to meet the twins.
As Camarena prepares to bat, you decide to FaceTime Zach.
“Where are yooou?” he says, annoyingly close to the screen. “Without me? Traitor”
“Who’s that?” Tommy says, looking away from the game for a split second.
“My brother”
“Hi, I’m uncle Zach”
“You can’t be our uncle. You’re too young” Billy huffs.
You’re about to tell them to settle when you hear the familiar sound of people cheering and shouting.
“Ah, shit. Not again”
Another ball falls right on your hand.
Tommy takes your phone, lifting it in the air and dancing with his brother as the camera pans to you.
Honestly, why are people so happy over catching a freakin ball?
Pretty soon you hope there’s another coming your way and knocks you down, because Zach is arguing over the phone with the boys.
“We should totally keep it!”
“Are you insane? If he asks for it you can get a picture with him and get him to sign stuff, that’s worth more!”
“It wouldn’t be the same”
Anyway, as the game ends you get called just like last time.
“You again?” the team manager recognises you and you shrug your shoulders.
“Hey, I’m just as surprised as you”
“Alright, how about a picture and a signed bat in exchange for the ball?”
You shake your head no and point at the kids.
“You’re asking the wrong person, pal. Negotiate with these two”
Why are you even surprised when they get all demanding? They are Wanda’s kids after all.
In the end, they get one picture each, two signed baseball balls, one of his hats and a glove.
“Come on, your mom’s waiting for us at the hotel. You two need to shower so we can grab some food”
“No shower when we’re on vacation!” they chant as you drive back.
“Nu-uh, you’re both stinky. Plus you hugged that stinky man”
“Can we have burgers and milkshakes?”
“You had nachos and popcorn and soda. Oh, by the way” you turn to look at them at the red light. “If your mother asks you didn’t eat all that. Just some popcorn”
“We can agree if we don’t have to shower”
“Shower and I’ll take you to the F1 arcade”
Billy and Tommy whisper in the back of the car, considering your proposal.
“Fist bump” you say, throwing one hand to the back seat so they can seal the deal.
You definitely missed acting like a kid with them.
Wanda was right. You’d never say it out loud because you don’t want her to get all cocky.
But the kids have been hyper ever since they arrived and you’re a little out of practice with taking care of them.
It’s day two and you’re hoping the museum can provide some distraction while you chill with Wanda.
“You ok, detka? Seems like you ran a marathon” Wanda comments with a smirk.
“I’m super fine. Just ate a lot for breakfast” you lie, but still keep her close to your side, hoping you can sit down and watch the kids run around.
And for a little while, everything’s going well. Until you stumble upon an exhibition.
“Hall of Human Life” you read out loud.
It’s like Disneyland for doctors.
“That’s so cool!” you say, watching the model of an artery with high blood pressure. Tommy and Billy pick up on your enthusiasm, following you everywhere and asking questions as they go through every station of the exhibit.
Apparently, there’s a little contest at the end and you join a group of children sitting on the floor.
“Alright” the staff woman says, looking around. “Who can tell me how many bones are in the human body?”
“206!” you shout from the back, making every kid turn to look at you.
“Correct… uh, let’s just raise our hands to answer” the woman asks, thrown off by the sight of an adult in a children’s activity. “Does anyone remember three parts of the eye? Anyone?”
You’re the only one raising your hand, and the woman gives up with a sigh.
“Sclera, iris and retina”
It keeps happening with a couple of questions and Wanda is torn between letting you crash the activity or ask you to join her in the back.
As you get ready to argue with a 12 year old over an incorrect answer, Wanda decides you better get going.
“Come here, baby”
“Ok, what you said is incorrect. 1 in 500 people have a cervical rib” you keep arguing with the kid while Wanda drags you away.
“Here” she pushes you to the back of an exhibit.
“Hey, I was just…”
“We should let the kids enjoy themselves for a bit, don’t you think?” she asks and you’re about to argue when her lips are on yours.
“Yeah, that’s alright I guess” you sigh, a shiver running down your spine when Wanda bites your bottom lip.
“So, wanna discuss anatomy with a kid or show me what you know in this little corner?”
“I’m definitely staying here” you say, making out like teenagers.
You only notice the activity is over when the kids come looking for you.
“Gross” Tommy says.
“Hey, keep that up and we’ll go through the baby section again”
“Nooo” they both run away, traumatized by the drawings.
“How I missed babysitting the three of you” Wanda laughs.
You walk down the rest of the museum, commenting on your favorite thing in each area. As you discuss if they want to go to the aquarium after having some food, Wanda decides to get some souvenirs from the gift shop, Tommy tagging along in hopes of getting a t-shirt.
“You don’t want a t-shirt, beautiful boy?” you ask Billy, and he smiles when you call him that. It’s his favorite thing, from that John Lennon song.
“I don’t want you to be alone”
“I’ll be fine. Go with Mom, help her shop for something for Pietro and Grandma”
“It’s ok” he insists. You hug him and he leans on your side.
“How have you been? Heard you’re not really into soccer these days”
“No, I only went because Tommy liked it. But it’s not my favorite thing. Plus Daniel was being kind of mean” he mutters.
“Isn’t he Dick’s… I mean, Richard’s kid?” you stumble over the nickname.
“Yeah. He was saying that it wasn’t right that mom was with you and that was why I was weird too”
You take a deep breath, turning to look at him.
“You know that’s not right”
“Yeah. Tommy kicked his ass for that. Don’t tell mom I said a bad word” he remembers and his expression makes you forget the anger for a second.
“My lips are sealed”
In that precise moment, Wanda and Tommy come back. Tommy has some dinosaur stuff that he bought for his brother and they’re busy checking everything out.
“Wow, what’s going on?” Wanda says when you pull her aside.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you whisper, shaking with anger.
“Tell you what? Y/N, calm down”
“I’m going to kill him”
“Kill who?”
“Dick, Richard, whatever his name is. He hurt Billy and I’m going to…”
“I already dealt with it, please calm down” Wanda asks.
“Unless you ran him over with your car, it’s not enough”
“I did threaten him with that” she says, which makes you laugh. “I’m serious. I did tell him I’d do it”
Wanda puts her hands on your cheeks, forcing you to look at her.
“Are you better now?”
“Yeah. You should have told…”
“I wanted to but you weren’t there. So I had to deal with it the best I could” she says and you hang your head in defeat.
You hope one day the guilt of leaving like a coward can disappear.
“I didn’t mean it like that. I pushed you away, remember? Let’s just get something to eat. Ok?”
“Ok” you kiss the back of her hand, sighing.
“Look what we got you!” Tommy interrupts, unaware of the tension between you and her mom.
He shows you a plastic dinosaur with a cowboy hat and you scream.
“Coolest thing ever!”
“Three kids” Wanda laughs, walking away as you alternate between rawr and yeehaw sounds, holding the dinosaur up in the air.
The kids wouldn’t get on the plane until you showed them your ticket to Westview. Even then, they complained that two weeks was a long wait.
But still, they got on the plane and you were  seeing Wanda next Thursday, as it was her final meeting with Wendy’s team.
“Love you two”
“Love you three” they answered and how you missed hearing those words from them.
Everything is still the same when you go back to work. But the kids visit has made you look at things differently.
You don’t feel so alone, and you’re more optimistic about the future. Even Lorne has noticed and is taking full advantage of your mood.
Yelena’s the one with the attitude as soon as you come back.
“Anything interesting happened this weekend?”
“Ask your friend” she says without looking up from her notes.
“What did you think of Sharon?”
“She’s fine. Whatever”
“Fine as in attractive or fine as in capable? I hope it’s the latter because Bishop won’t be happy about the other one…”
“Can you stop being so fucking annoying for a second?” she snaps, standing up to leave.
It’s like that the entire day. You ask her to do something and she complains, speaks through her teeth or simply refuses to acknowledge you.
The only thing you can think to do of is bitch about it to Natasha.
“Is your sister in her late teenage years or some shit?”
“She’s just pissed because you’re leaving” Natasha doesn’t look up either, well aware of Yelena’s behavior.
“Well, she knew I was leaving after three months! That’s hardly a shock”
“You were the one that said you’d never move to Boston and here you are” she levels you with an icy glare. “You can’t really blame her for hoping you’d stick around longer than three months”
“I guess, but still. It’s nothing personal”
“She gets attached easily. Ask mom how many strays she picked on the street”
“So now I’m a dog?” you say, and Natasha smiles.
“Yeah, like a retriever. You’re always goofy. Plus you catch all those balls like it’s second nature”
“Heard about the other game, huh?”
“I’m not going to assume what Yelena thinks or feels, but you should definitely talk to her” Natasha looks at you. “And for what is worth, you’ve made a good impact on the staff. They’re gonna miss you too”
“Are you?” you say when she stands up to leave.
“Nope. I’m taking your parking spot”
She looks back and smiles. You return the gesture, knowing what she’s trying to say.
“It’s a nice parking spot” you admit. “Closer to the cafeteria”
“Exactly. See you later”
“Thanks. For helping me out with Yelena. And for wanting to be my friend even though I can be an ass” you say.
“You’re a nice ass. Wait, that came out wrong” she frowns and you laugh.
“I got the point”
Natasha smiles and nods your way one last time. And as far as you’re concerned, you’d really want to keep avoiding Yelena, but you better go and find her.
She’s in an on call room, and all but groans when you walk inside.
“I’m leaving in two weeks. Believe or not, it’s not easy for me to make this choice, Yelena. I know staying would be better for my career. Your mom is paying me shitloads of money. And the city has its charm, I’m not gonna lie”
“Ok, is there a point or…?”
“I’m coming back to Westview because… I found the one thing I never thought I’d have. A family that loves me. After my dad passed away I didn’t really have a place to call home. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here at all, because it was unfair to create an expectation. But I won’t lie and say I regret it. You’ve grown so much and you have so much talent. I’m really fucking proud of being your teacher”
Yelena looks away, and you sigh.
“Anyways, better get back to…”
“Thank you. Even if it was for a short time, I’m happy you were my teacher” she finally says, wiping a tear and smiling at you.
“Thanks, kid. We are a good team” you sit next to her, nudging her knee with yours. “One could even say we trauma bonded, huh?”
“I hate you”
The last thing you want to hear after a very bad shift is Lorne’s voice proposing to play a game.
“I just feel like I never got to know you!” he insists.
“Walking in on me changing clothes wasn’t enough for you? Glad you’re knocking after that, by the way”
To be honest, it was fun to watch him shriek as he saw you half naked. And how he volunteered to take the sexual harrassment course even though it was pretty obvious he didn’t mean to be a peeping tom.
“No, I mean things like, your favorite cake flavor, or favorite color. And are you a balloon girl? Or more of a glitter gal?”
“Neither. I don’t want a farewell party” you say, knowing exactly what he’s doing.
It’s stupid to throw a party to someone who’s been part of the staff for only three months. And from day one, everyone knew you weren’t staying.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he plays dumb and you chuckle, signing forms while you check your watch.
You better get going if you want to pick up Wanda from her meeting.
“Mhm. No parties. Seriously” you hand over the charts, glaring at him.
He nods, but you don’t really believe he’ll give up. If Yelena sides with him, you’ll have to accept your fate.
“Ready to go?” Sharon says, greeting you at the hallway.
She’s been picking up some shifts, to see if she likes the job. Melina made her an offer as soon as she sat down for the interview and you’re convinced the only reason she hasn’t let you leave early is because Yelena would throw a tantrum.
“Yeah, I have to pick up Wanda. How’s everything? You like it here?”
“Very much, everyone’s nice. The facilities are amazing and it’s a very interesting challenge. Don’t tell anyone yet, but I’m accepting the job offer”
“Congratulations. They’re very lucky to have you” you say, smiling.
“Thank you, for recommending me. I’ll let you go now” she says when she gets paged.
By the time you reach the address Wanda sent out, she’s wrapping up the meeting.
“Didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m sorry” you say as you walk in on people chatting around the conference room.
“Not at all, please come in” Wendy says.
“Hello, darling” Wanda greets you with a kiss on the cheek. “We were only talking about tonight. There’s this party with some editors”
“Oh, that sounds nice” you try not to sound disappointed, because you were hoping to spend the evening with Wanda.
“Sorry for the short notice but you’re going to be my plus one” Wanda puts her arm around your waist and you relax against her.
“Can’t say no to my girl”
As you’re saying goodbye, Wendy’s assistant stops by. There’s a wave of excitement as soon as Lily shows off the baby.
“I thought it was a boy” Wanda says, approaching her.
“We did too. Apparently our doctor’s stupid. No offense, Y/N”
“Hey, I just rode in the ambulance. But congrats. What’s her name?”
“I love that name” Wanda and you say at the same time.
Lily hands over the baby to Wanda, and as she cooes at the little girl, you look over her shoulder, your hand on Wanda’s waist.
“She’s such a cutie”
“You both look good with a baby” Wendy jokes and you smile.
“Babe, they’re conspiring to get us pregnant”
Wanda tries to laugh at your joke, but your closeness is distracting. She wants to focus on Marygold but gives up a moment later, and you intercept the baby before she returns to her mother’s arms.
“You’re gonna have to teach me that move” Lily comments when you sway her gently and lull her back to sleep.
“Natural talent, I’m afraid” you joke.
You’re so focused on the baby that you don’t notice Wanda’s intense gaze on you.
Of course, someone else takes Marygold and you leave with Wanda.
“So, work thing, huh? Sounds fun. Is it more business, casual?”
“Just a small dinner, nothing fancy. And we definitely don’t have to stay for long” she says, looking out the window.
“You ok?” you ask after a few moments of silence, placing your hand on her thigh.
“Yeah” Wanda turns to smile at you.
You miss the way she shivers when you squeeze her thigh, and Wanda’s sure you’re keeping your hand there in an innocent gesture.
But seeing you holding a baby, with your strong arms (that are a lot more buff now) practically made her ovulate on the spot.
She has to be extremely patient, but once you’re in your building and the elevator’s doors close, Wanda corners you, her pupils dilated.
“Wanda?” you say, completely blindsided by the way she has you against the metal walls.
“I want you… fuck. I want you to put a baby in me”
Your attention is split between her words and the fact she’s unbotting her blouse in the middle of the elevator.
“I, technically… biologically, I mean” you stutter as she reveals a black lace bra.
“You’re not even gonna try?” she taunts, undoing your pants and sinking her hand to play with your clit through your underwear.
“Fuck, not what I meant, bunny” you mutter against her temple, while she edges you. “Can you behave until we get there?”
“No” she says against your lips, swallowing your moans.
The doors open into the Penthouse and you’re about to carry Wanda to the bedroom when she pushes you away.
“Give me five minutes to change”
“You don’t need to change, you’re gonna be naked” you whine, taking a look at her cleavage.
“So you don’t wanna see the entire thing? It has stockings. And a thong”
“Can I rip it off of you?”
“No. They were very expensive”
“I’ll reimburse you” you insist. She laughs and you pout, but let her walk to the room, with an extra sway to her hips just to tease you.
You pace around the kitchen, like a caged animal. To be fair, last time Wanda was here you didn’t have a chance to be alone.
That makes you remember the thing you bought and stored inside the safe, just to make sure no one would find it. If Wanda wants to play dirty, you should surprise her as well.
While you adjust the new toy, the bedroom door opens and you practically sprint inside.
“Oh, my”
Wanda’s sitting in bed, her hair down. You take it all in, starting from the heels she’s still wearing, to her beautiful slender legs, the stockings held by a suspender belt.
You kneel at the foot of the bed, and she’s happy to make room for you between her legs.
“No ripping” she warns you as a hand reaches for her thighs.
“I’m not…”
“I’m serious” she says, gripping your chin between her fingers. “Say you understand”
“I understand”
“Good girl”
“You know, you should be the one begging” you say, your hands going up and down her calves while you kiss the exposed skin. “Weren’t saying you wanted me to get you nice and pregnant?”
“It doesn’t hurt to remind you I call the shots”
“Do you, now?” you smile up at her and Wanda holds her breath. She understands a second too late, that you have something of your own to tease her with.
With a chuckle, you push her thong aside and dart your tongue out, tasting her. You both moan and she places her hand in your head, pulling you closer.
You can tell she’s close when you feel her movig her hips against your mouth, so you slow down, until she’s whining.
“I didn’t say you could stop” she says.
“You better watch your tone or I’ll fuck the attitude out of you, baby” you stand up, puling your shirt up. Wanda’s hands go down your abs, which is amusing. Ever since you got back together, it hasn’t been lost on you how she eyes them and tries to get little peaks when your shirt rides up.
“Did you get a new…?” she says when her hand goes lower, feeling the strap on that you’re packing.
“See? I am putting a baby in you” you smile, pushing your thumb past her lips.
Wanda pulls your pants down, and takes the plastic cock between her hands. It takes you by surprise when she spits on it and then smears her saliva all over it. Before you can do anything else, her mouth is on it, and the pressure goes directly to your clit.
“Come on, let me fuck you” you plead, though you’re on the edge.
“Good old missionary?” Wanda pulls you down with her, your lips meeting in a messy kiss.
“God, yes, I want to hear your pretty moans” you say, lining up the toy against her cunt, and you find no resistance as you slide inside.
“Fuck, yes” Wanda moans, holding the back of your neck. You thrust harder when you feel her heels digging on your back, and she’s everywhere. Her scent is invading your nose, you feel her hot breath against your ear and her moans are all you can hear as you keep fucking her, losing control until she practically screams your name.
“Fuck, that was good” she says, as you keep moving your hips, waiting for her breathing to slow down. “I need a minute”
“Ok, I’ll just stay inside and focus on these two” you say, pulling the bra down and sucking on one of her nipples.
Wanda’s protests die down in her throat as you move to the other nipple, readjusting so you’re buried deeper inside.
She pushes you and you’re about to complain when she flips you over, straddling your lap.
“Alright then. Round two”
“Bring it, Maximoff”
It’s a miracle you leave the penthouse at all. Between having sex on every surface, eating and sleeping, it’s time to leave for Wanda’s work dinner.
“You look very fuckable, baby” you compliment her mini skirt, knee high boots and long sleeved sweater.
“Isn’t that what you’ve been doing all day?”
“I mean, I could picture pulling that skirt up and just fucking you against a wall” you say, laughing when she puts her head against the headrest.
“Lets forget about this work thing and go back to bed, please?”
“That’s not very professional of you”
“I know. But you’re not playing fair”
“It will be worth the wait, I promise”
Wanda gets out of the car as you talk to the valet. She walks inside, saying hello to a few people and picking up a glass of wine. She’s about to greet Wendy when a man gets in her way. It’s one of the assistant editors, though she can’t even remember his name.
“Hey, Wanda. Glad to see you made it”
“Yeah, of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world” she says, though she would absolutely miss it for more hours of hot sex with you.
“I didn’t bring anyone either, so maybe we could be each other’s date?” he jokes, but Wanda doesn’t smile at that.
“Actually, I…” she tries to say but he completely ignores her.
“As a matter of fact, I regret not doing this sooner, but I wanted to ask you out. And I know this is your last trip to Boston but I was hoping we could…”
You walk in that precise moment, smiling at Wanda.
“Hi there, sorry. Had to make sure they knew how to park the Corvette. I’ll have what she’s having” you turn to the man, who shifts on his feet, clearly uncomfortable.
“Not a waiter. I’m an assistant editor. Working on Wendy’s book. I’m sorry, I didn’t know Wanda was bringing a friend”
“I didn’t know either. Who did you invite, baby?” you play dumb, knowing exactly what was going on.
“No one, my love. This is my girlfriend, Y/N” Wanda leans against you.
“Doctor Y/L/N” you correct her before he can introduce himself. You don’t want to be on a first name basis with this asshole.
“My name’s Bobby. So, what kind of doctor? Eye stuff?”
“Trauma. ER stuff”
“Drunk people and broken bones?” he tries to joke.
“No, more like stab wounds. You’d be surprised how much damage you can do with the tiniest thing” you comment, picking up a tiny fork with a bored expression. “I mean, just the right spot and your entire carotid blows up. Gone in three seconds”
“Oh, darling, not everyone gets your medical humor” Wanda laughs a little too loud, pulling you away. “Anyways, nice talking to you, Bobby”
Bitch ass Bobby.
“Shut up” Wanda nudges your side, but she’s laughing too.
“Did I say that out loud?”
“Yes” she smiles when you pull her close.
“Didn’t like the way he was staring. I mean, you are beautiful and everyone should acknowledge it. But he looked like he thought he had a chance”
“Nothing could be further from the truth”
“Between this and tiny Dick back in Westview I’m thinking I should put a ring on it before they cause any more trouble” you laugh, kissing her temple.
It’s a joke and Wanda can tell, because immediately after speaking you’re gulfing down entrees and talking about your plans for tomorrow, but she still thinks about the ring she found and how it’s been sitting on a box for three months now.
“Everything ok, babe?”
“Yeah, just tired” she says, and it’s not exactly a lie, not after four hours worth of cardio.
“We can relax tomorrow. I’ll cook for you” you promise.
Wendy and other people approach you and you’re charming them in no time. It’s very amusing to learn they all heard the story of Lily’s baby and how you walked in to save the day.
Speaking of which, at some point during the evening, someone calls for a doctor.
“Huh” you comment when you spot Bobby coughing, something clearly stuck on his throat.
“Go” Wanda pushes you, but you lean against the bar, sipping on your drink.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. He has one more minute before it gets dangerous”
But at Wanda’s insistence, you sigh and put your glass down, walking towards the man.
“Alright, here we go” you say, doing the good old Heimlich maneuver on him. Though your grip might be a little too strong as you squeeze his mid section.
Something comes flying out of his mouth and you put him down, looking bored.
“See? He’s fine” you say when you return to sit next to Wanda. He looks anything but, shaking and losening his tie. “I mean, he’s not dying”
Wanda rolls her eyes, but kisses your cheek. You spend the rest of the evening glued to her side, hands wandering down her back and gripping her waist. It’s like you’re addicted to feeling Wanda’s body against yours.
“You’re making it really hard to focus” she teases when you’re finally alone.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m gonna miss you. I know I’m going back to Westview next week but I…”
“It’s nothing” you look away, sighing.
But Wendy takes Wanda to meet some people, and you stay at the bar, looking around the room. When Wanda finally comes back, she can tell you’re tired and she says goodbye to everyone.
“Lets walk for a bit” she asks, taking your hand and pulling you towards a park. You nod and follow her, still thinking about everything you’re feeling.
Your thougts are interrupted by a street musician, singing a song you’re not familiar with.
“I know this one” Wanda says, reading your expression. “Reflecting light”
“It’s really beautiful”
“Come on” she offers her other hand, and you smile, your hands on her waist as she rests her head on your shoulder.
“What’s wrong?” she finally asks and you laugh.
“What makes you think something’s wrong?”
“I know you”
“I just…” you sigh, looking at her. “I’m going back to Westview and I have to undo the mess I left at the hospital. The city will be the same, but I’m not the same anymore… and I don’t know, I’m scared that everything will just feel wrong, or I’ll screw up”
“Sweetheart” Wanda interrupts your rambling. “I don’t think either one of us is the same. But that’s a good thing. It means we learned from our mistakes and we’re stronger. It’s gonna be alright”
“You promise?”
“I can promise you this. I’m here for better and worse”
"Sickness and health?” you joke, but your heart beats faster when Wanda looks into your eyes, nodding slowly.
“Yes, my love. Through all of that” she promises, kissing you softly.
As you sway to the soft music, you both think about the future together.
It’s looking good as long as you have each other.
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marauder-misprint · 2 days ago
hi! can you do something with the marauders preferably sirius or james where the reader has constantly been like kind of invisible her whole life and spoken over and in the end has just stopped speaking up much ? thankyou <33 ( no pressure though! )
Hi! Thank you for this request ❤︎ Not sure how I feel about the quality of this. I definitely feel like it's not James enough, but it is what it is. Or maybe it's the lack of interactions with the rest of the Marauders that has me feeling like this? Idk. (It also might be because I'm not a huge James writer? Who knows?)
ANYWAYS! I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!
Potions partner
James Potter x reader
4.6k words
cw: fluff, yapper!James
You’re not sure which is more peculiar: the story you’re telling or the fact that multiple people are listening to you tell it. 
It had happened during Care of Magical Creatures class that morning. Professor Kettleburn was trying to settle an aggravated Thestral and was failing horribly to the point where he dismissed class urgently. You were one of the few students who could actually see the beast so your retelling of the event was more descriptive than the rest of the class’. 
But what wasn’t peculiar was when a boy sat down a few seats away from you with complaints about the latest Transfiguration essay and all the attention that had been on you and your story moved on. Was the Thestral more interesting? Yes. But you were you, a background character in your own life. People didn’t pay attention to you if there was something else going on.  
You sigh and turn your attention to the food on your plate. You’ve barely touched it since you were talking for once. Now that attention has left you like it always does, you’re able to eat. It had been nice to feel heard, even if just for a few minutes. You never did hold people’s attention for long. You were just something to fill the background, nothing special to see. And often you weren’t seen. There were too many times for you to count when someone brushes past you, accidentally knocking you to the ground and they barely give you “Sorry, didn’t see you there.” 
In short, you weren’t seen and you weren’t heard. 
It wasn’t just your classmates either. It seemed like once a week, a professor would scan the classroom as they marked who was in attendance and they’d ask if you were there. You always were. You’d raise your hand and wave it around. Sometimes, even with that, they’d miss you until your friend spoke up and said that, yes, you were, in fact, in class. You weren’t sure how the professors managed to skip over you so much, but they did. Maybe it was because you weren’t an extreme. Your grades weren’t horrible enough to be of concern, nor were they exceptional enough to be used as examples and to earn house points. 
That afternoon in Potions, one of your least favorite things happened. Professor Slughorn announced a partnered-project.
“If everyone could get into pairs please! We will be working on brewing Felix Felicis and there will be various assignments with this. Pick someone you will be able to focus with. Yes, this means that Potter and Black cannot be partners.”
A pair of groans erupt from the back of the room. 
“I got dibs on Moony,” Sirius says.
James groans again, scanning the room. Lily had picked Mary. Marlene and Peter didn’t continue with Potions in N.E.W.T. level. People got into pairs quickly. You had immediately turned toward Emmeline. She was usually kind to you, but she paired with Benjy Fenwick. Your options dwindled fast. 
“Alright, anyone without a partner?” Slughorn asks the class as the room began to settle down. 
You and James both raise your hands. 
“Alright, you two are paired then. Here is the first assignment…”
You glance at James and cringe internally. Loud, boisterous James was your partner for the foreseeable future. Slughorn hadn’t given a timeframe for how long these assignments would be. You try to listen to everything that he’s saying about the first assignment, but it’s difficult when you’re dreading the assignment before it’s even really begun. 
After class ends, you approach James.
“Erm, I’ll do the essay if you want to do the first part of the potion?” you offer, hugging your books tight to your chest. 
“Huh? Oh, for the project. The essay’s long, don’t you want to work together on it?” James replies.
“I don’t-” you start to say.
Sirius interrupts you. “Mate, the girl’s just offered you the easy way out of the project. Take it and run.” 
You press your lips into a thin line, nod and walk away. Sirius got it. You’d split the project into separate pieces as much as you could. Plus, did Mr. Popular really want to be seen with someone as quiet and invisible as you? You didn’t think so. As you made your way to your next class, you assumed that was the end of the conversation. 
It wasn’t.
James finds you in the library after dinner. He’s slightly out of breath as he places his things on the table.
“You’re a hard one to find,” he says, taking a seat across from you.
You don’t say anything. In fact, you barely spare him a glance. 
“I wanted to talk to you about the Potions project,” he continues as he takes out homework for a different class. “It’s a multiple part project. It’s very interconnected, not something we can split down the middle and work on separately.”
He stops talking and waits for you to respond. You still don’t look up. You just work on your Herbology assignment.
“You… you are my partner for Potions, right?” he asks, running a hand through already-messy hair. “That’d be embarrassing if I just sat down across from the wrong girl…”
“We’re partners,” you whisper, more to your parchment than James.
“Great. So I’m at the right table! Like I was saying, you can’t do the entire essay and have me do all the brewing. I mean, we can do that. Like you write and I actually brew, which is fine. But we have to meet up to work on it, you know? Can’t do one part without the other.” 
“I prefer to work alone,” you say. “So take my offer or do it all by yourself.”
James’ eyes narrow. 
“That’s not how partner projects work.”
You raise your eyes to meet his for the first time since he sat down. Pretty. You sigh and look back at your assignment. You have work to get done. You hope that James will get the message, accept your terms and leave you alone. Instead, he starts to work on an essay for Astronomy.
“Do you study at this table often?” he asks nonchalantly. 
“Mhmm,” you hum. 
Part of you wants to ask why he’s asking. What’s it to him that you work at that table practically like clockwork? 
“This a daily thing or weekly? Every other day? Multiple times a day?” 
“Whenever I have assignments,” you answer, although it's a very non-answer. When didn’t you have homework as a sixth year? 
Every teacher assigned endless work to prepare you for the incoming exams. You were to be prepared and the way to prepare you was to assign work. 
“So you’re here every second of every day, got it,” James says cheekily. 
A quick glance at him reveals a smirk playing on his lips. Despite his quill hovering about parchment, he’s watching you, scanning your face for some kind of reaction. Something more than the quiet, short answers you’ve responded with so far. It’s a change of pace for James. Everyone wants to talk to him. He can talk with anyone about anything. It’s a gift that he and Sirius share. You, on the other hand, aren’t talking and it’s strange to James. Even Lily talks more when she’s shooting down his advances. 
“Do you need help with that for Sprout?” James offers, confident that he can get you to talk more. “I finished it over lunch.”
You shake your head. James frowns, having been hoping for a verbal answer. He gives up trying to get you to talk for the evening, although he doesn’t leave your table. The two of you work in tandem for a few hours. James is far more uncomfortable with the silence between you than you are. It’s something you’re used to, and even if James had decided to ramble on about something, you would’ve managed to get the same amount of work done. James was used to noise around him, even in the library. With friends like his, quiet work time didn’t exist. 
The next day James tries to say hi to you during the few classes that you share. You offer a small smile or a quiet ‘hello’ in response. You never stop and talk to him beyond that, which bothers him. You were partners for a project that would inevitably force you to spend some time together. Why didn’t you bother trying to get to know him at all? 
“That’s your Potions partner, right?” Sirius asks as you walk away from them for the fourth time. “The one you got stuck with?”
“Yeah. Clearly doesn’t talk much,” James answers, watching you go and wordlessly sit down next to a Hufflepuff. He runs a hand through his hair absentmindedly.
“Maybe she just doesn’t know you? Or like you,” Peter says.
“What do you mean, Wormtail?” James asks. 
“You’re not friends with everyone and some people don’t talk to people they don’t like.” Peter said it like it should’ve been common sense. 
“But how can she not like me if she doesn’t know me? Won’t even try to know me? I sat with her for hours last night and I got maybe five sentences out of her!”
“You were in the library,” Remus snorts. “Some people respect the library’s quiet.”
“I know how to whisper!” 
The other three boys burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter. James Potter whispering was more akin to a stage whisper. So, not a whisper. He was a loud person. 
Then after dinner, James sits across from you in the library again. 
“Same table. Easier to find,” he says as he takes out his homework. 
Just like yesterday, you don’t respond. You don’t look up. You just continue working. James, however, is more intent on getting you to talk. He tries to think of something that might get your attention. It’s more difficult than he originally imagined. He didn’t know you. “What’s today’s assignment?” 
“Care of Magical Creatures,” you say, voice barely qualifying as a whisper. 
That got James’ attention more than it should have.
“Were you in class with the rampant Thestral? I heard it was crazy. Can’t imagine dealing with a creature you can’t see!” he asks.
“Professor Kettleburn provoked it. He pulled its wing. It looked overstretched,” you say with certainty. 
You nod, flipping the page of the book you have open in front of you.
“You can see them? I thought you could only see them if-”
“If you’ve seen death,” you interrupt James. 
He’s staring at you with wide eyes.
“You’ve seen death?” James asks. 
He’s certain that he won’t get any work done. Not when you can see Thestrals.
You nod, again. Yesterday you were thrilled to have people’s attention as you recounted the beast mauling Kettleburn with its hooves. Today, you want to get your assignment done so you can return to your dorm. You aren’t sure why James is so curious about it, or why he keeps talking to you. No one ever sits at your table two days in a row.
After you don’t speak, James lets the conversation, if you can call it that, die. He figures that you don’t want to talk about who you’ve seen die. Maybe it was someone close to you. Maybe it was recent and hurt too much to talk about. He tries to focus on his work, but he was right in his assumption that he wouldn’t get work done. Even if you weren’t talking, James found you fascinating. His eyes keep drifting up to watch you work. 
He breaks the silence after a while. “Can we work on that Potions essay tomorrow? I’m fine with brewing the potion, but we’ll work on the essay together.” 
You sigh yet you nod all the same. 
And with that, James leaves you alone. 
The next day feels the same as the last. James says hi to you whenever he sees you, earning the same responses from you. There’s something nice about him taking the time to say  hi to you when most of your classmates barely acknowledge your existence. Still, he’s only your partner in Potions and he didn’t choose to be your partner. It just happened because Slughorn said he couldn’t be with Sirius. 
When James finds you in the library after dinner at your usual table, he’s lugging his cauldron with him. You stare as he sets it up next to the table, taking out a small collection of ingredients.
“Bit rough getting this past Madam Pince,” he tells you, seeing that he managed to catch your attention for once. “But I figured, if we’re working on the essay right now, might as well work on the potion too, right?” 
You open your mouth as if to speak but nothing comes out. You gape like a fish out of water. 
“You do have your Potions stuff with you, yeah?” he asks.
“Yeah… I do…” 
You move your unfinished Care of Magical Creatures assignment off to the side. You’d work on it more after James left. Or at least, whenever he was done insisting on this ‘working together’ thing. 
“Right, so Slughorn wants the first portion of Felix. And the essay is on the…” James says while looking over his scribbled notes.
“Essay is on the ingredients’ effect on the coloring. Pretty self-explanatory if you ask me,” you finish for him.
“How do you mean?” 
You try not to laugh at James. 
“Please, occamy and ashwinder eggs? Common rue? Shiny, shiny, yellow. It’s basic color theory.” 
“Huh,” is all James says for a moment. Then he follows with, “That’s why you offered to do all the writing, isn’t it!” 
“More like I thought you wouldn’t be bothered to work with me.” 
James gasps, putting his hand over his heart like you brutally offended him. “Ouch, sweetheart!” 
“Just get to brewing, Potter.”
And that’s the last that you spoke that evening. You worked intently on the essay as James brewed the potion. For some time, the sound between you was the crackling of the fire under James’ cauldron. But then he started talking. At first it was about the potion. He told you about everything he did and the immediate effects, every change of color and consistency. You didn’t need the commentary, although you used it to ensure that James was doing everything correctly. His descriptions matched what you had written. 
Then he reached the point where the potion needed to simmer, James started talking about quidditch. You humor him for a while, listening to him ramble about what you easily assume is his favorite topic. He talked about more than just the Gryffindor team. He talked about the different tactics he’d seen the other houses use this year and how well they executed them, how they compared to the professional teams and how each of those teams were doing this year. Then he went on a tangent about the new rules and regulations that were passed recently and how they affected the game. He went on for a while.
“Do you want to read this or not?” you ask with some snap to your voice. 
You slid the finished essay across the table toward James. You had written the entire thing as he brewed, only a testament to why you thought that partner part of the project was pointless. But if he wanted to ‘work together,’ you figure the least you could do was have him look over your work. 
“Oh, yes! Let me see,” he mumbles as he takes the parchment from you. 
You resume work on your Magical Creatures assignment. It takes James a few minutes to look over the whole thing. You had put a little extra effort into writing it since it was going to be James’ grade as well. It was one thing if your own work was subpar but when someone else got brought into the equation, you tried a little harder.
“This is great. You really did the whole thing while I brewed?”
You nod.
“You’re fantastic!” You feel a heat creep up your neck at the compliment. It was just an essay.
“Okay, so we have the potion and the essay for the first deadline! Great! I’ll clean up and get out of your hair. But I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” he asks, a wide smile on his face.
You nod again.
Over the next week, James continues to meet up with you in the library. He’s grateful that you never change tables. That at least means you don’t mind too much that he’s joining you. With each day, he tries to get you to talk. He tries topic after topic, hoping to come across one that you wouldn’t mind opening up a bit for. What James doesn’t know is that you’ve trained yourself to limit your responses. Even if someone asked about your deepest interest, you’d barely let on that you knew everything about it. 
Then, just as you’re getting used to James constantly being at your table, he says something that throws you off.
“I won’t be here tomorrow.”
You want to respond with “Okay?” He wasn’t required to do homework for you after dinner every day. He wasn’t obligated to sit at your table. You still didn’t even really consider him your friend.
“We got the quidditch pitch reserved for a last minute practice before Saturday’s match,” he says, pausing to watch your face with curiosity. If there was a change in your expression, he’d see it. There was no change. “You’re coming to the match on Saturday, right?”
There was hope in his voice. Like he really wanted to make sure that you’d be in the stands for the game. Almost like he wanted to know if you’d be watching him, and just maybe, cheering for him. 
You blink your eyes slowly.
“I… I’m not sure.”
You bite the inside of your cheek. “Depends on how much work I get done, I guess.”
“Stay hard at work then, will you? I’d like you to be there. Heard it’s going to be a good match,” he says, his grin audible in his voice. 
It makes you look up at him rather than at the parchment in front of you. 
“Heard it’s going to be good?” you repeat back to him. “Wouldn’t you say that about every match you’re in?”
“I mean, yeah, but Saturday’s especially.” 
“We’ll see, Potter.”
“You’ll only see if you go.”
You flex your eyebrows and turn back to your assignment. James smiles to himself as he begins to work again too. Something about your demeanor made him think that you would show up. He wasn’t really sure why he cared if you did, but there was something about you. He had grown to like the quiet air that you maintained. He didn’t mind that you didn’t talk much, despite his desperate attempts to get you to talk. You kind of reminded him of Remus during first year, if he was being honest. And that means that you had the promise of becoming a very dear friend. 
You would be lying if you didn’t work extra hard the next evening while James was at practice. You didn’t promise anything but you felt that you owed it to James to at least try to be at a point where you could justify going to the match. You went to a handful of them. You could follow along enough with the game, not that it mattered. Balls were tossed around, some were hit and there was a super small one that only two players tried to catch. That’s about all you needed to know. 
Still, you don’t know why you felt the need to show up for James. It wasn’t like he would be able to see you in the sea of students. It was one thing to find you in the library. It was another to spot you from a broom while you were surrounded by hundreds of others pressed together and bundled up against the biting wind. You even figured that you could just tell James that you went, without actually going, and he wouldn’t know the difference. 
However, when morning came, you were bundling up. You join the masses heading to the pitch. You listen to the excited chatter about how epic the match is going to be. It was Gryffindor against Slytherin after all, which always made for a good match being the natural rivals that they were. You stood pressed between your friend and one of her closer friends. They cheer louder than you did. You were more focused on trying to keep up with the game as your mind continuously drifts to James. As your mind drifts, so do your eyes. You’re confident that you watched James for at least 90% of the match. Which shouldn’t be too shocking given the amount of times he was in the midst of the action. You swore he had his hands on the quaffle during every play. 
And then something happened that made your heart stop.
You swore James’ eyes found yours and then he flashed you a smile. All before proceeding to score again. Almost as if he was doing it just for you. 
Which was ridiculous. He was just your Potions partner who happened to be studying a lot with you as of recently. 
But still. He found you, in the middle of the crowd, where you should have been as invisible as you always were. 
How? How did he see you? It’s all you could think of for the last few minutes of the game. You were so in your own head that you missed the Gryffindor seeker catching the snitch, ending the game and sealing the win for them. You let your friend drag you out of the stands as students filled the pitch. Except you didn’t follow her into the pitch. You started down the path back towards the castle, but you didn’t make it far. 
The sun was shining brightly and the air wasn’t too frigid once you were hundreds of feet into the air. You veer from the path and find a nice patch of grass to sit down on. Some sunshine wouldn’t hurt. An occasional shadow passed over your face as clouds drifted across the sky. Each shadow was only momentary, a brief chill until it moved on.
Until one shadow didn’t move on. You waited a minute before opening your eyes to see how big this cloud was.
The cloud in question? James Potter. James Potter still in his quidditch uniform and sporting a smile so bright it could rival the sun itself. And he was standing in front of you.
“Potter,” you say shortly. 
“Didn’t see you on the pitch after the match,” he replies, sitting down across from you.
You don’t say anything. What was there to say?
“I was hoping to see you on the pitch. Maybe get a congratulations on the win?” he says with a tilt of his head. 
“You played well.” That was as close to a congratulations as he was going to get from you. 
“Did you see the goal I scored for you?” 
You cough. “For me?” 
“Well, yes. I swore I made eye contact with you before I did it.” He pauses thoughtfully. “Or did I look at a different pretty girl?” 
You swallow thickly. “No, you, erm, that was me.”
“Ah, then yes. For you. My pretty Potions partner.”
If your heart had stopped in the stands, it must’ve turned into stone now. There was no way that James just called you his pretty Potions partner. 
“That’s… ah… that’s alliteration,” you manage to say despite your mouth suddenly becoming drier than the desert. 
James tilts his head curiously. 
“I did want to thank you,” he says. “For coming to the match. I wasn’t sure if you were going to come. Because of homework, like you said. But I hoped you’d come.” He pauses for a moment. “Did you like it?”
“The-the match or you scoring… for me?” you ask, the end of your question feeling foreign in your mouth. 
People didn’t score goals for you. That didn’t happen. You were barely noticed. You were spoken over. You were forgotten about because you offered so little to conversation and friendships. 
“Erm, both, I suppose.” 
“The match was entertaining. Definitely a step from Binn’s lectures.” 
James laughs. It was a delightfully warm sound that draws the attention of students headed to the castle. 
“You scoring… for… me…” you continue, the words still feeling odd to you, “was… nice, I guess. Unexpected though.” 
James nods, accepting your commentary. He understands why it came across as unexpected. It wasn’t like he had flirted with you in the library. He hadn’t asked you to Hogsmeade or a picnic or even for a measly walk through the corridors together. 
“I suppose I did this a bit backwards, haven’t I?” he chuckles.
“Did what?” you ask.
“The fact that you have to ask…” He shakes his head and runs a hand through his windswept hair. “I think I want to ask you out.”
Your eyes go wide and a blush tints your cheeks pink. Your heart has been shocked back to life and is working overtime.
“You think?” you ask once you’re able to say words. 
“Okay, well, I do. I want to ask you out. I’m just not sure… if I should? Would you say yes if I did?”
You’re frozen in shock. He wants to ask you out. He grows increasingly nervous when you don’t respond.
“You don’t talk much and you seem to take your studies seriously. You remind me of Remus. You know Remus Lupin, right? Good, good friend of mine. And I think you’re rather pretty. So the combination of both, I want to see if we, you know, work together,” he says all too quickly. “And now I’ve gone and scored a goal for you, which I know most people usually save for after they’ve gone steady with someone or if they’re heavily chatting them up, but you don’t seem like the kind of person to appreciate a proper chatting up so…” He took a sharp breath. “Whatdoyousay?”
You continue to stare at James. It’s a lot. You’re not really sure when he started feeling all of this and you don’t know how to express that. You also don’t know how you managed to catch his eye. 
“Can I, ahem, get a nod or something? You, me, butterbeers next weekend?”
You nod slowly and that brings a brilliant grin to James’ face. 
“And I’ll see you in the library all week, yeah? Can’t be falling behind in our assignments, can we?” 
“Yeah,” you breathe. “Same table.”
“And there’s a party in the Gryffindor Common Room later, if you want to go. I don’t know if that’s your scene or not, but I’ll be there. Wouldn’t mind seeing you there. But only if you’re up to it.”
You nod, but then realize that he might take that as you agreeing that you’ll go to the party. 
“Maybe. I… I need to work on Astronomy but… I’ll consider it.”
His grin gets impossibly wider and he pushes his glasses further up his nose. Then he stands up and holds out a hand to help you up.
“Then let’s get you back to the castle. Can’t work on your Astronomy if you’re out here.” 
You take his hand and let him lead you inside. Something about James inviting you places makes you actually want to show up, even if a Gryffindor quidditch party is completely out of your comfort zone. 
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twice-inamillion · 1 day ago
The Company Series
Sister Reunion
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Chapter 21
2,040 Words 
(Welcoming someone new is always nice, so is having a bit of fun. )
“Just one more, you almost got it.” 
“Argh, fuck… I can’t! I can’t…”
“Come on, you can do it.” 
“Shut up, you’re why I’m in this place.” 
Jessica squeezes your hand with all her might. “Argh, I’m so tired…”
The doctor enthusiastically says, “Just one more, almost there.”
Jessica gives one final push, “Argh!” 
You feel like your hand is about to break off from the force when you hear a loud cry. 
“There you go, “Congratulations to the both of you.” 
Jessica finally lets go of your hand and asks, “Doctor, how is he?” 
“A perfectly healthy baby boy.” 
“Thank god.” Jessica’s relieved after going through so much, “Can I hold him?”
“Of course.”
You watch as the nurse approaches Jessica and gives her the newborn. She holds her baby with precaution and moves the thin blanket covering him. The baby is so tiny, its eyes struggling to open. 
“My… my baby,” she says, caressing his face. Hearing his mother’s voice, the newborn slowly extends his hand, wrapping its fingers around her thumb.
It’s been a few weeks since the baby was born. You’ve spent most of your time with Jessica and your child. At first, it was a bit nerve-wracking as you didn’t know how to hold or even change the baby. 
Luckily, you picked things up quickly and enjoyed your time with them. You watched as the baby would cry whenever he was hungry and Jessica would immediately feed him. You could feel the sudden change, the motherly warmth she displayed.
“How is it that I’m jealous of my kid?”
Jessica looks at you and says, “This is for the baby.” 
“Come on, let me have a taste,” you say as a tease.
”Stop… don’t say that in front of the baby,” she says in a playful tone.
“Then let me put him to sleep.” 
Gently, you put the baby in the crib after a few minutes in your arms. It’s hard work but something that you hope to get used to. 
As you turn your head, you see Jessica in a relaxed position, her blouse unbuttoned and her breasts completely exposed. She waves you down, “Come on, get mommy’s milk.” 
You hip your lips and walk towards Jessica, laying your head on her lap. She slowly kneads her right breast, causing a slight cream fluid to appear from her nipple. She teases you and says, “Come get your drink.” 
“Are you for real?”
“You said you wanted some, so here, have a taste.”
There’s no need for second thoughts as you trace your tongue across her nipple. Jessica feels goosebumps from the sudden sensation but doesn’t stop you as she watches you take her breast into your mouth. 
“There, there… does it feel good drinking mommy’s milk?”
You nod, increasing the pressure of your suckling. She caresses your head and slowly gets turned on by the position you two are in. 
“Let’s have some fun while we’re at it,” she says, looking at your shorts.
She slowly moves her hand, unzipping your shorts, not wanting you to get distracted. She fishes out your limp cock and wraps her cold hands around your member. It startles you, the cold sensation, but you don’t lose your attention on her breast. 
Jessica gets a firm grip and slowly pumps your cock, peeling your foreskin until your mushroom head is in full view. 
Hungrily, Jessica says, “I missed this cock so much.” You slightly open your eyes and see Jessica licking her lip. “It’s so nice and thick.” You feel her grip get stronger as she pumps you, “I know you’re fucking other women while, in a way, you're a fucken man whore.” 
All you do is listen as you continue to suckle on her breast. Her strokes intensify, using your percum as lube. You grunt, “fuck… keep going.”
As she increases her stroking pace, you hear the door suddenly open, “Unnie, I brought you something to eat…” Krystal’s eyes widen at the scene before her, “Umm… sorry…” 
“Don’t, it’s fine, come in.”
Krystal walks into the room and tries to avoid eye contact, but the sound of your meat being stoked prevents it. She stands a few feet away, but Jessica calls out for her, “Come, remember this cock?” 
Krystal shyly walks towards the both of you and just watches as her older sister strokes your cock. Her eyes focus on the large amount of pre cum leaking from your cock. 
With Krystal just above you, Jessica grins and increases the intensity of her strokes. “Remember his cock inside of you? How his cum filled you inside.” Jessica watches as her sister’s breathing becomes heavy, the memory of her being taken by you. Krystal feels herself getting wet just thinking about it.
Suddenly, she feels a hot sensation on her face, which snaps her back to reality. She touches her cheek and looks at her finger, a semi-transparent liquid. “What the hell… did he cum on me?” 
Jessica looks at Krystal and says, “Sorry, he couldn’t hold it any longer. Look, he’s still leaking.” Krystal remains silent, watching as the tip of your cock slowly releases a stream of cum.
“Be a good younger sister and clean him off, please.”
“What? Wh…why should I?”
“Please…. You know I would, but, you know…” and looks at you, still sucking on her breast. 
“Fuck, fine… where’s the tissues…”
Jessica tries to hold her grin, “Oh, I didn’t mean to use tissues; that’s a waste. How about you use your mouth.” 
“What? Why?”
“Don’t you know how precious his cum is?” 
“Do it…” 
Krystal realizes how serious her sister is about this. She nods and slowly sits on the opposite side of Jessica. She gulps as she sees your cock covered in cum. Her body trembles as she puts her tongue on your slimy cum covered cock. 
“Come on, Krystal, lick it off like a good girl.” 
She whines, but deep down, she feels a sense of adrenaline from being treated so poorly. Slowly, she licks the base of your crotch, working her way from the bottom. 
Eventually, after much licking, she gets to the tip of your cock. “Go on, have a taste from the source.” 
Krystal grabs your cock and slowly presses it between her lips. Her mouth stretches as she takes most of your cock. She slowly bobs her head, remembering the previous time she had with you. 
On the other side, you feel Krystal’s hot mouth on your cock and give a slight view. Jessica turns your cheek and kisses you, distracting you from what’s below. She suddenly whispers in your ear, “Go on, baby, have a little fun. She’s told me she can’t forget that one night.”
Your expression changes, and grabs Krystal’s head, “Your sister said you like my cock.” Krystal lifts her head and notices your smirk, causing her heart to suddenly beat faster. 
“Come on, this cock isn’t going to suck itself.” 
”Uh.. what? Go on.”
Krystal's body trembles, and nervously nods her head. She goes back to pleasuring your cock. She feels your gaze, knowing that you’re watching her as she goes down on you. 
“Fuck… try taking more of it…”
She tries taking more of your member into her mouth, but it’s too much. Her mouth is already at her limit; she feels like her mouth would break. Krystal looks up and sees your face, “Go on…”  
You get frustrated as Krystal takes her time and decides to give her a helping hand. Without her noticing, you put your hands around the back of her head and push her down. Krystal eyes widen by your sudden action. She feels her mouth stretch to its limit and tries to pull away but can't. It might just be a slight amount of pressure, but it’s too much for her small frame. 
Krystal feels like her jaw is about to break, and a slight panic kicks in. She looks up at you and notices your face of satisfaction. She’d seen that face before with her boyfriend whenever she would go down on him and get upset when he would be forceful. With you, it was another story; she knew that you could be sweet based on your interaction with her sister but knows that getting you upset wasn’t something she would want to do. 
She takes a deep breath and lets herself be used by your cock. You bob her head on your cock, feeling every part of her mouth and throat. You feel no resistance coming from Krystal and continue to enjoy yourself. 
“Your mouth feels so good. You two are really sisters, haha.”
You press her head deeper, reaching her throat even more. The deeper you push, the more of a reaction you get from her. “I can’t stand it anymore, I’m going to fuck your face.” 
Krystal’s facial expression changes as she feels a tighter grip around her head. She begins to gag as you thrust your cock back and forth. “Fuck, yes. That’s it.” 
“Gawk, gawk, gawk…”
All you hear is the sound of your cock hitting Krystal’s throat, becoming a real-life fleshlight. Little by little, the lack of air causes her to panic; she puts her hands on your thighs and tries to push you off. 
Instead, you hold her tighter than before, wanting to see her struggle with the remaining air she has. Krystal pushes you once more; she gives you a few smacks on the leg, signaling that she’s about to pass out.
She looks at you, and you can see the look on her face; she is begging you to help her. Words like,  “Please, stop, I can’t breathe” go through her brain, but she can’t say out loud. 
With her head on your hands, you feel Krystal tremble, her eyes twitching and starting to roll back. Suddenly, your balls explode and pour into Krystal's throat. You hold her with all your might as you pump her stomach full of your thick milk. 
Krystal’s eyes finally roll back completely as her last remaining air runs out. “That was good,” you say as you pull out your flaccid cock out of her mouth. 
Krystal slips off and hits the floor, your cum oozing out of her. You watch as there is no reaction from her. You kneel and grab her face, giving it a gentle slap.
 *Cough, cough*
Krystal coughs heavily as her body takes in as much air as possible. “Look at the camera, little sis.” 
Jessica snaps a series of pictures of her sister and says, “This is what you get for getting on my bad side.” 
You’re returning to Korea after spending a few weeks with Jessica and your child. Currently, you’re in a conference call with Jieun to discuss the final details about the survival show that you and JYP plan on doing soon. 
“Everything is going well with the preparations. You should have the most up-to-date information on the survival show.” 
“Thanks for your hard work while I was gone.”
”It’s no problem, sir. I’m more than happy to step in when needed.”
There is a brief silence, “Something on your mind, Jieun?”
”Yes, sir. I have some news.”
”Go on.”
”I’m sending you a file through your secure phone.”
You grab your phone, see it’s a jpeg attachment, and download it. The screen changes, and you see Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa standing in a line, holding something in their hand. Your expression changes, “Is it what I think it is?”
”Yes, sir. Congratulations on breeding all four members.”
You can’t help but have a large smile and ask, “What was their reaction?”
”Jisoo and Jennie took it quite well. Lisa was a bit confused at the beginning but accepted the fact. Rosé, on the other hand, was bawling at the news and locked herself out for a whole day, but after a firm talk, I made her understand her position in the company.”
“I’m glad you’re pleased, sir.”
”Relay a message to them.”
”Of course.”
”Tell them that I expected a lovely welcome when I arrive.” 
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cosmowgyral · 3 days ago
"Once again, the Evil that cannot be Undone: Tonight you will fall for me"
▪︎ William and Nica
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This is a fan translation so please don't expect it to be 100% accurate. Creative liberties have been taken. All content belongs to Cybird. Reblogs are appreciated. Hope you enjoy!
Even though it says William and Nica, the first chapter solely comprises of William and the second chapter that of Nica. So it's almost like any other story event but technically with two less chapters for a suitor. Cybird got us good. :/
Chapter 1
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I turned off the lights and got into bed, but I just couldn’t sleep.
(….I wonder whether my anxiety is keeping me wide awake.)
Even though I knew it would be better for me to rest, I quietly slipped out of bed.
The inside of the quiet and deserted castle feels strangely comfortable.
As I walk lightly, a faint melody reaches my ears.
Drawn by the sound of piano, I arrived at the great hall.
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William: You’re up late, robin.
William noticing my presence stopped playing the piano.
Kate: Yes. I couldn’t sleep for some reason.
William: I see. …..You look a bit relaxed tonight.
I realized it when he pointed out.
The reason why Crown Castle was so comfortable at night with no one around…
Kate: That might be because, well…
Kate: At night, I can be alone in the castle, so maybe that’s why I feel more at ease.
William: ……..
William neither confirmed nor denied it, just stared at me quietly, waiting for me to continue.
(….I feel like I can tell William about my feelings.)
Kate: …..Ever since I lost my memories, everyone has been so nice to me.
Kate: It’s just…I feel like you’re all seeing my lost memories through me.
Kate: So that’s why……
In the end, the feelings I couldn’t put into words were taken up by William.
William: Is it painful for you to receive kindness directed towards your ‘past self’?
It’s arrogant to think that it’s difficult to accept others’ kindness.
Moreover, it is quite outrageous to make such an opulent complaint to someone.
But even so, I could hide nothing in front of William and the words slipped out of my mouth.
Kate: …The reason why everyone is being nice to me is because they were friends with me in the past.
Kate: Now that I don’t know if I can ever regain my memories, it’s difficult for me to accept their kindness.
Kate: Even though everyone’s been so good to me, what’ll happen if I can’t get back the ‘me’ from the past?
(So...at night, when I was finally alone at Crown Castle, I could relax.)
(At this moment, I wonder if anyone will feel sad and pity me for losing my memories.)
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After hearing my confession, William lowered his eyes and seemed to contemplate on something.
But that was only for a moment—and then he sat down at the piano again and placed his hands on the keys.
William: Kate, I’m going to play three songs now.
William: Once you’ve finished listening, I’ll ask you to rank them in order of your preference. So listen carefully.
---The sound of William playing the piano echoes through Crown castle at night.
Some songs are as whimsical as a cat running around in an alleyway.
And then there are songs that are graceful and slow, like a fish swimming leisurely.
Kate: Every song was amazing!
Kate: But if I had to order them….I would say the third, then the first and then second.
William: That order is the same as the one you said before.
Kate: My past self…?
William: Yes. Even if you lose your memories, the fundamental part of you doesn’t change.
William: Kate is still Kate.
William: There is no need to feel sorry or intimidated by the kindness of those around you.
William: They are all directed at one person, you.
Kate: ……Thank you, William.
It's possible that I won't be able to recollect my memories and enjoy them with you all.
But I finally feel like I’m happy to be here…..
Kate: If it’s not too much trouble, could you please play one more song?
Kate: I just wanted to hear you play the piano a little longer.
I wonder why I feel a bit strange today.
The old me would never have asked someone to play for me in the middle of the night like this.
William didn’t seem to feel offended by my selfishness.
Instead, he smiled happily and placed his hands on the keyboard.
William: What would you like to listen to?
Kate: That was a wonderful performance! Thank you very much.
William: As a token of appreciation for playing, would you answer one question of mine?
Kate: ….? Of course, please go ahead.
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William: Why are you here in the hall?
The reason I came here was simple-- because I heard the sound of piano.
But—just as I was about to answer that, I fell silent.
Because that answer is directly denied by the anxiety that has been consuming my thoughts up until this point.
 (I…liked the castle at night, when I could be alone.)
(So why did I come here knowing that William was playing the piano?)
(If I had wished to be alone, I should have gotten away from the sound of piano.)
After thinking about it, I came up with an answer.
Kate: You didn’t show a sad expression when you looked at me……
Kate: I came here because I thought I could easily approach you.
William: ….I see. So that’s your reason.
William: I am honoured to be a comfortable perch for the robin.
Kate: William, were you not on good terms with me before I lost my memory?
William: No, not at all. I think we were good friends.
Kate: If that’s the case, then why…….
How is it that even though I’ve lost my memory, he can still act as usual?
It seems he understood the question I had in mind.
William: The reason I don’t feel sad or sorry for you even though you have lost your memories is simple.
William: Because I’m certain.
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William: If you were to make the same choice again….
Captivated by William’s powerful gaze and words, I momentarily forgot to breathe.
Although he said nothing, I felt as if I could hear a voice coming from the other side of the darkness.
‘Choose me’, William's voice said.
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[Masterlist] [William's End]
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bonnie-the-butcher · 3 days ago
Rip Tide | Chapter XII
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[ MDNI ] [ word count: 8.179 ] [ Masterlist ] 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: Canonverse/Canon-Divergent; Dark! Content; NSFW; Strong Language; Cheating; Drug Use; Mentions of overdose; Some shades of Munchausen syndrome from dear old Rafe; Manipulation; Toxic, obsessive behaviour; Stalking; Violence; DUBCON/NONCON; My writing is really pretentious and English is not my first language, so please feel free to call me out in whichever grammar mistakes you might find find.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | You and JJ have always been in each other's orbit. He's your brother’s best friend, the guy you've known your entire life. He was kind, protective, familiar. You never meant for the two of you to start hooking up. And you never meant for it to last so long. But when this boy you thought you'd come to know like the back of your hand turns out to be no better than the men he'd warned you about, you find yourself in the sights of the guy he hates most, regardless of wether you want that or not.
I will never be able to top that Cain and Abel paragraph. Please mourn for my writing career. Likes, asks, reblogs, and comments are always greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance for reading <3
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You can feel the vice grip of JJ’s hand pressing against your veins, your pulse thundering against him, growing faster with every failed attempt to wring yourself away.
– JJ, – You gasp, trying to twist yourself out of his hold, pulling, wringing, fruitlessly. He yanks you forward before you can finish, dragging you toward the bike.
Your breath catches.
– JJ, let go of me, you’re hurting me—
– Get on the bike. – He doesn’t yell it. His voice is tight, barely restrained, the kind of anger that isn’t meant to be loud—it’s meant to be a warning.
You shake your head, twisting against his hold. – You can’t drive like— You can’t— I can’t just leave—
– Yes, you can. – His grip tightens. – You will.
He’s pulling, and you’re fighting it—your heels digging into the pavement, the weight of your body thrown back, hand grasping at the grass like it can hold you back. You try to wrench your wrist free, but he’s so much stronger than you like this, fueled by something dark, barely controlled.
– Stop it! Please, just fucking stop it, JJ! What are you doing?! – Your voice cracks, desperate. – You’re acting crazy, just—let me go!
He doesn’t. Not for a second. His hand tightens, impossibly, against your arm and he tugs you forward with all his force until you crash against him, barely on your feet, your knees shaking.
– JJ—
– I swear to fucking God, – He growls, his voice a rumble something familiar, painfully so, something that makes your stomach turn. – if I have to tell you again—
You shake your head, thoughtlessly, maniacally. You can’t control the movement.
You don’t know what he’ll do if you refuse.
And that’s the problem.
Because neither does he.
JJ isn’t thinking. He isn’t here.
He’s someone else entirely. His mind is a blur. Whoever this person is, standing before you, wants nothing but to hurt you.
Your heart hammers as the reality sets in.
You could fight. But he'd beat you. You could hope for help. But there’s no one around to stop him. You could scream, but what good would it do if no one’s there to hear you?
And if you don’t do what he says?
He won’t leave.
Not until you get on that bike.
Barry’s bike.
Your heart stops.
Where is Barry? What did JJ do to him? Why didn’t he answer your calls? Did he take something else? Did he leave him, alone, somewhere, with nowhere else to go?
And if he doesn’t leave, if he keeps shouting like this, keeps grabbing you, demanding you go with him—
It’ll be worse.
So much worse.
Your job. Your safety. This sliver of security you're already clinging to by the skin fingernails.
You just barely escaped being fired. JJ isn’t above making a scene to teach you a lesson. He doesn’t care how much he hurts you when he’s like this.
The words get caught in your throat. You force yourself to swallow them down, along with everything else you want to say.
Your hands tremble as you reach for the seat.
JJ exhales like he’s been holding his breath. He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t talk to you, doesn’t let go of his anger. Just swings his leg over the bike and nods toward the seat behind him. – Get on.
You hesitate, taking a step back without even thinking, like your body won't let you do this, and he snaps—one hand darting out, grabbing your wrist again, tugging you forward so violently you stumble.
Your stomach lurches.
You don’t want to do this.
But what choice do you have?
You climb onto the bike, your legs barely steady, your arms wrapped around him because you have nothing else to hold on to.
JJ barely gives you time to breathe before he guns it. The engine revs, roaring like a vicious animal. The bike lurches forward before you’re even ready. Your grip slips. Your balance wavers. For a split second, you’re weightless.
You slam against JJ’s back, your arms snapping around his waist on instinct, clinging tight as the bike rockets forward, faster than it should, faster than it ever should.
– JJ—!
The wind rips the word from your mouth.
Streetlights flash by in violent streaks of gold and red. The world blurs at the edges, sharp and endless and cruel, like you’ve been thrown into a nightmare that won’t stop shifting.
JJ doesn’t slow down. He doesn’t breathe. His body is tense, coiled too tight, a wire pulled so thin it can feel the incoming snap. His grip on the handlebars is white-knuckled, his back rigid beneath your grip.
The bike swerves.
Your stomach drops.
The road bends, but JJ doesn’t. He takes the turn too sharp, too recklessly, the tires skidding for half a second. Your whole body tilts, your knee nearly scraping asphalt.
You whimper, pressing yourself closer, fingers desperate as they grasp his clothes, knuckles aching from how hard you’re holding on.
– JJ—slow down!
He doesn’t.
The engine growls louder, vibrating beneath you, rattling in your bones, shaking in your chest like a second heartbeat.
He flies past a red light, too fast, too close, too dangerous.
A car blares its horn—loud, long, furious.
You choke on a scream, your whole body bracing for impact, for the crash, for the pain—
But nothing comes. Only the phantom of an accident growing within you, coiling inside your chest, tightening, painfully, building up a fear that already has you frozen, praying, waiting for death.
Terror crawls up your throat, sharp and cold.
– JJ, please, –  You gasp, voice cracking. – Please—just stop.
For a moment, you think he won’t.
For a moment, you think he’ll ride forever, until the world ends, until you both crash and burn.
Then, finally—finally—he eases off the throttle.
Not much.
Just enough to breathe again.
Just enough to make you realize you were barely breathing at all.
Your pulse roars in your ears.
The wind still slashes at your skin, the tires still groan against the pavement, but the speed—the nightmare speed—has lessened.
Your fingers ache from gripping too tight. Your lungs burn from holding back screams.
And just then, just when you feel the burn in your throat, your lungs, your eyes, retreat, when your arms loosen the slightest bit, when you nearly relax, he sinks his foot on the gas, and suddenly you’re going faster than you ever were.
You can’t contain the scream this time— It surges through you like a bullet, and it ends halfway through, your voice dying in your chest, having used up the little breath you had— you’re choking again. You can’t think.
Your mind rushes, your hands cling, tears falling from you before you can even register them.
But JJ doesn’t slow down.
Even as the streets turn to dirt. Even as the road twists into something precarious, dangerous, unforgiving.
The pavement is cracked, riddled with potholes, with gaping wounds in the asphalt that could send you both flying if he miscalculates even once.
But he doesn’t care.
He flies down the path like he’s untouchable, like the Cut itself will bend to his will, like there’s no chance he could crash.
But you could.
You watch the ground loom ever closer with every turn he makes, asphalt slashing against the metal of the bike like a blade.
Your bones rattle with every jolt, your stomach lurches as the tires stumble over loose gravel, and you can barely think past the fear.
The bike jerks to a halt before your house so suddenly that you don’t even realize it stopped at first.
And you’re falling.
You don’t know whether you jumped or were thrown off.
Your feet hit the ground, but your legs don’t hold.
Your knees collapse into the dirt.
Your hands reach out, clutching the earth beneath you like it’s the only solid thing left in the world.
You gasp, dragging air into your lungs like you’ve been drowning for miles.
The ground is solid. Rough. Real.
But it slips through your fingers, and you can’t hold yourself steady.
You try to focus on the feeling of grit beneath your nails, the sting of pebbles digging into your skin.
Anything to remind yourself that you’re not moving anymore.
But you still feel it.
The phantom pull of the road. The momentum still dragging at your bones. The way your body still thinks you’re going too fast, too fast, too fast—
Somewhere in the haze, you hear voices.
Barry. John. Shouting. Arguing.
You squeeze your eyes shut, press your fingers harder into the dirt, try to remind yourself that you’re here. That you’re on the ground.
That you’re not crashing.
But God, it still feels like you are —Your hands shake so badly you can barely hold the dirt within your fingers. You breathe, gasping, trying to get air, but it’s stuck against your hiccups, against the sobs you don’t even have the strength to choke down— You’re crying. The air is still whizzing past you, sharp, so sharp you can feel it dragging you back, the ground looming closer, your bones nothing but glass.
– There you fucking are. Was it fun? You had your little fucking joyride?! – The voice echoes out from beyond, like you’re stuck, sinking into the air, towards the pavement, and they’re watching you from above.
It's Barry, you realize.
His voice cuts through the haze, loud and livid, sharp enough to hurt. And something inside you thrums. That stupid part of yourself, the part that always hopes someone will help you.
You want to run to him. You want him to see you, to hold you —solid, real, safe— you want something against you, something that isn’t this void that clings to you, this feeling that you’re a moment away from the worst pain you’ll ever feel.
But you can’t stand.
You can’t look at him.
You can’t do anything.
Your hands are still pressed into the dirt, your chest heaving, your body still bracing for impact that never came.
Because it still feels like you’re falling.
And you are.
You’re on the ground, but you’re not. You can’t stand. You can’t move. You can’t breathe.
Something is gonna crash against you. Something sharp. Something that’ll hurt you.
You’ve been beaten enough times to know this feeling, the gasping, aching anticipation of the whip coming down, that split second before someone hits you, before the ground jolts you, before something in you breaks.
Your whole body shakes—not just from fear, not just from the cold, from the void, but from the ache of knowing something worse is coming. You know it's coming. And you know you won’t come out of this unscathed.
Barry stops.
Mid-step, mid-swing, mid-word—he stops.
Because he sees you.
He sees you on the ground.
He sees you pale, trembling, sobbing.
And just like that, his anger vanishes.
He says something, his breath caught in his throat as his steps quicken, as he rushes towards you, having completely forgotten the rest.
His boots crunch against the gravel, loud and reckless and looming. You can’t even help but flinch. Your body jolts backwards, away from him, and you’re crawling again, recoiling until he’s dropping to his knees beside you, reaching out but not touching.
Like he’s done so many times.
And you’re there, this broken stray, cowering in the corner, shaking, shaking so bad you can’t even reach for him like you want.
– Sweetheart, – He murmurs, low, gentle in a way that makes you feel all the more pathetic. – Look at me.
You can’t.
You squeeze your eyes shut, shaking your head, curling tighter into yourself, fingers digging into the dirt as if you could disappear into it.
Barry swears under his breath. His hand resting so softly against your shoulder that he too is almost startled by how you flinch.
He stills.
His hand is barely touching you, barely even there, and yet your whole body flinches—hard, like he struck you instead— like a dog, waiting for a boot in the ribs. 
His breath hitches.
– Shit, – He exhales, barely a whisper. Slowly, carefully, he puts his hand on yout back. You don’t move.
You stay there, curled tight, fingers buried in the dirt, shaking, shaking, shaking.
He steadies the rest of his hand against your skin. And you don’t move. Because this is familiar. He’s done this before.
This isn’t new.
Barry swears again, softer this time, and then —very slowly— he moves again. His knees drag through the dirt, his other hand rests on your side.
Not grabbing. Not pulling. Just... offering.
A slow, steady pressure against your back. A grounding weight. A reminder.
You shudder.
Your body is still caught in the past, still bracing for a hit that isn’t coming, still waiting for the moment of impact.
But it doesn’t come.
Just warmth.
Just Barry.
Nothing’s coming. You have to tell yourself. It’s over. You're okay.
But you don’t believe it. Not fully.
– Sweetheart, – He tries again, voice lower now, still gentle but almost frustrated. Your heart catches. And you feel that guilt blooming in you again. Because he’s had to do this before. Because he’s had to pick up the pieces of you from the ground plenty of times before. You want to kick yourself. You don’t deserve this. You almost flinch away. But his hold tightens, the slightest bit. Grounding. Like he’s afraid to scare you away. –  You’re okay. You’re okay. Just relax. You're okay.
You’re okay.
You don’t move.
Not until he presses a little firmer. Not until his fingers brush your ribs, not holding, not forcing, just... there. Until he pulls at you, softly, not like JJ did. 
Barry doesn’t hesitate.
His arms wrap around you, firm and solid, pulling you in, gathering you up, shielding you from the air itself. The second you feel his grip tighten, you break. A sob wracks through you, sharp and choked, as your hands claw at his shirt, gripping, gripping, gripping.
You cling like you’re afraid he’ll disappear.
Like you’re still moving too fast, and he’s just barely keeping you grounded.
Barry holds you tighter. – You’re okay. – He repeats.
Something's coming. Steps behind him. You see the outline of someone, legs walking towards the two of you, but when you move, he holds you tighter. Arms bracing your back like a straightjacket, keeping you from yourself. Keeping you sane.
– You’re okay. – Is the only thing he says. And he keeps saying it, again and again, until the words echo in your mind, bouncing against the walls of your skull, less and less frantic until you can say it. 
You believe him.
Just for a second.
Just long enough to stop falling.
But your name resounds again from behind you. Once, a second time, then you feel that same hand that grabbed you sink into your arm again, trying to pull you back. – Get up! – JJ shouts, nails sinking into your shoulders as he grabs you.
Barry pushes him away.
Shoves him.
You hear the stutter in JJ’s steps as he stumbles back, sinking further into his arms like a child. – What the fuck did you do, huh? What the fuck did you do to her, JJ?!
– Get up and fucking look at me. – He keeps pulling at you, calling your name, his hand burrowing into your flesh. You want to stand, you want to push him away, but you cower. And Barry does it for you.
He shoves JJ again, hard enough that you feel the struggle between them. – She ain’t gotta listen to a word you say, psycho! What the fuck is your problem?!
JJ laughs—sharp, bitter, like it’s the funniest fucking thing in the world.
– Course you’d hide behind him, – He spits, his voice mocking, cruel. – That’s all you ever fucking do. Hide.
Barry tenses.
You feel it.
The way his muscles coil, the way his grip shifts, ready to push back, to swing, to end this.
But JJ doesn’t care.
He doesn’t even look at Barry.
He’s still looking at you.
You can feel his eyes burning holes into your back as you pull back from Barry. You can feel the rage emanating off of him.
– You got nothing to say now? – JJ presses, stepping closer. – Nothing at all? You usually talk such big game, baby. Now you can't even look me in the eye?!
Barry moves first.
– Back the fuck up.
It’s not a warning.
It’s a command.
– Why? Are you worried she’s too close to stab me in the back again? The way I see it, she’s in the perfect position to do that to you, man!
You pull back from Barry, hands still clinging to his shirt as you turn to look at JJ, but Barry doesn’t let go, not as JJ’s gaze finally flicks to him, smirking, scoffing. Not as he pulls you to your feet again, tearing you away from your friend like you're nothing but a thing he can take.
– You feel good? – JJ’s voice is low, furious, barely held together, as his hands sink into you. – Feel real fucking good going behind everyone’s back? Working for Rafe? That do it for you? 
Your chest tightens.
– Stop it—
– You got your little job, right? – JJ barrels over your words, stepping closer, looming, his breath hot, sharp, filled with venom. – That what you’re calling it now? Fucking us all over for a paycheck? Maybe that isn’t it though, maybe you’re the one who’s getting fucked, huh?
John bristles from the porch, his voice low, tense. – JJ.
– Nah. She knows what she’s doing, right? Did you tell your brother how Rafe was all over you in that parking lot, calling you baby and shit?! That dignified, hard-working girl act you put up really paid off huh? You really had us all fooled! – John doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t move, he doesn’t call JJ out, he just stands there. – Feel fulfilled now? Now that you managed to tick off every fucking form of betrayal in the book? Because you got me fucked up!
Barry’s done.
– She ain’t got you fucked up, man. That’s exactly what you are. Are you serious right now? – Barry snaps, voice rough with disbelief. – You wanna talk about her fucking up? You—you who does nothing but fuck up?!
– Nobody is fucking talking to you, bro.
– Ain’t nobody around here your “bro”, JJ. Thank God, too. Weren’t your parents siblings or whatever? That’d explain why you only got half a fucking brain.
– Shut the fuck u—
– Oh, Alabama over here’s mad! – Barry scoffs, a quick, sharp sound drained of anything even close to humor. – That’s actually hilarious. That some bum like you would feel like you have the right to call anyone out on what they do or don’t do for work. You sit here, lounging for free in this house she pays for, doing jack shit with your fucking life like the trailer trash your ass is—but she’s the bad guy for working? Is that how long it’s been since you had a job, JJ? That you can’t fathom the possibility of someone making money without selling themselves?
JJ laughs.
Not real. Not amused.
Just dangerous.
Like he’s already decided how this ends.
– That’s cute, – He murmurs, nodding slowly, like it’s all some joke he’s humoring. – That’s real fucking cute. You’re gonna add anything to this conversation, or is your dog doing all the talking for you today?
Barry chuckles. Dry and low, so low you can barely hear it. – Dog? You run around sniffing John B’s ass all day and night like you’re in heat or something, but I’m the one who’s a dog? Shit, I ain’t see a bitch around here but you, JJ.
JJ lunges. His fist swings through the air, quick and violent, but before he can even touch Barry, he uppercuts him in the stomach.
JJ tumbles back, his hands still on you, tearing at you, grabbing, ripping, pulling— but his grip doesn’t stand the pain Barry caused him, and he falters.
Barry reacts instantly.
He grabs his arm, shoves him off of you, pivots —his knuckles slam into JJ’s temple.
The sound is sickening: A dull, thudding crack of bone on bone. JJ’s head snaps sideways. His body stumbles, tilting, collapsing.
But Barry doesn’t stop.
He’s on him before he hits the ground, tackling him hard, sending them both crashing into the dirt.
JJ barely has time to react before Barry’s fist connects again.
And again.
And again.
A hit to the jaw—JJ spits blood.
A hit to the cheekbone—his head slams back against the ground.
Barry is relentless.
You call his name, your heart racing, the blood searing your vision like a burning bush, but he doesn’t listen.
His teeth are bared, his muscles coiled and shaking, his body moving on pure fury, on the weight of everything JJ has said, everything he’s done. The years he’s spent hating him for you, the months he’s been hating JJ for the stupid shit he pulled and the problem’s he’s caused him.
He’s beating him to a fucking pulp.
JJ groans. A sharp, wet, broken sound, choked by the blood in his mouth.
His fist swings again—
And that’s when you move.
You throw yourself forward, grabbing Barry’s arm, yanking, clawing, trying to drag him off—
– Stop it! You’re gonna kill him! Stop it! – Your voice cracks, weak, your attempts useless even as your brother joins you, trying to pull them apart, but Barry keeps swinging.
His breathing hard, shaking, still staring down at JJ, moving despite your grip and John’s, like he wants to break something permanent. Like just bruising him isn’t enough.
Like he’s one more hit away from doing it.
You pull harder, hands gripping his clothes, his arm, anything you can reach.
Barry jerks against your hold, laughing, spitting at JJ—then finally, he lets you drag him back.
His breathing is ragged, wild, unhinged.
JJ groans, coughing. His face is already swelling, blood smeared across his cheek.
Your stomach twists.
You reach for him before you can think, hands hovering over his face, over the bruises already forming.
– JJ, – You breathe, shaking. – Jesus fucking Christ.
He's a mess. Blood, flesh, face. You can barely make one thing out from the other. Barely see the damage.
Your hands brush the bloodied hair out of his face, an instinctive motion, just so you can see where the cuts ends and the swelling begins. And for a moment, he almost seems like he’ll let you.
JJ's eyes part, moving though your face as you look at him, and he breathes in deep. He sighs. 
A familiar sound. 
Relief that it's over.
You reach again, just barely ghosting your hands over his temple, where Barry hit him first. But his eyes widen, something in them shifting, cold, cruel. 
And he shoves you away.
Hard enough that you stumble back as well.
Hard enough that Barry notices.
You hear him tear himself away from John's grip, rushing past you, but you grab him just in time. – Please, please Barry. Stop it. Just stop it. Don't do this right now.
Barry is still trembling, breath wild, erratic, hands twitching like he’s one second away from lunging all over again.
You feel it, the anger rolling off him in waves, the way his body keeps trying to pull forward, like something feral inside him hasn’t had enough.
You grip his wrist tighter. – Please, – You whisper. – Please, Barry. Just stop it. Don’t do this right now.
Barry’s teeth grind together. His breath is sharp, ragged, dangerous.
But he listens.
JJ doesn’t.
John helps him sit up, a steadying hand on his back, but the second JJ is upright, breathing, aware again—he’s talking. Talking, insulting, tearing into you like it’s the only thing keeping him conscious.
– You’re gonna let him? – His voice is hoarse, broken, but still filled with venom. – This piece of shit does nothing but get you in trouble but— He spits blood onto the dirt, wipes his mouth, shaking his head. – You’re just gonna let him do whatever he wants?
Your stomach twists.
– JJ—
– I shouldn’t be surprised. – His head snaps up. Eyes blazing, furious, wild. – You let it happen, – He snarls. – You always let it happen, You don’t give a fuck about us. Don’t fucking act like you do. You stood there and fucking— He gestures to himself, to the mess Barry made of him, to his swollen face, to the blood dripping onto his collar. – And you fucking let him do it.
– What the fuck are you gonna do about it, then, tough guy? – Barry laughs, his hands trembling. 
JJ’s muscles snap tight.
You push Barry back again, more frantic now, shaking, pleading, but he doesn’t listen. 
Your hands tremble.
JJ pushes himself up fully now, John’s grip still firm on his shoulder, holding him steady. But it doesn’t matter. 
Because JJ is not steady.
Not at all.
– You ain’t gonna say anything, huh? – He breathes, voice cold, sharp, shaking. – You play the tough girl act very well for someone who’s such a bitch.
Barry tenses again. His laugh is the crack of a whip as he pushes past you, you have to shove at him just so he won’t rush in and punch him again. 
John’s holding JJ back, his face wrecked with something almost sad. Almost worried. – Let go of me. – Barry groans, the impatience growing in his voice. – Let go of me sweetheart, this motherfucker needs to be put in his place.
– Let it go, Bee.
– Let it go?! – He does a double take, looking at you as if you’d grown a second head. – Let it go? He just called you a—
– I heard it. Please, this is enough. You nearly killed him. You won. – You grip his arm tighter. His breath comes out heavy, perplexed. – Just let it go, please.
John’s voice is a murmur behind you, whatever it is that he says to his friend doesn’t reach you, but you know it isn’t working, because the outrage on JJ’s face doesn’t budge. – JJ—
– You’re a fucking traitor. – He spits your name out along with the blood, your brother still trying to pull him back with all he’s got. – You are. You’re a traitor and a whore!
It punches through you.
JJ stumbles forward, closer, swaying but still standing.
– You don’t belong here, – He seethes. – Get the fuck out.
Your heart stops.
You blink at him, your breath snagging in your throat.
This is your house. Your home. He can’t—he can’t just tell you to—
– Get out. – It’s louder this time, meaner, angrier, like it’s his right to say it, like he actually has the power to take something else from you. – Since you’re so happy to be Rafe’s free use slut, go ahead and do it on your own! We don’t fucking need you!
Your lips part. – This is my house, – But your voice is a sliver of what it once was. You’re not looking at JJ. You barely hear his words, but your brother is standing there, completely still. His arms suddenly lax around the other boy. – This is my house! – Louder, firmer, but just as useless.
– I don’t think it is. – JJ laughs. He’s looking back at your brother now, too. Because he knows John isn’t gonna say anything. He knows it just as well as you do. – Your name isn’t John Routledge. That’s the name on the deed, isn’t it? And it’s not yours.
– John. – You’re pleading again. The gray-green of your brother’s eyes gaping at you emptily, thoughtlessly, as if he’s gone into shock. – Say something, John. This is my house too!
He doesn’t say anything.
Just stares.
– Say something!
You don’t know how many times you’ve done this.
How many times you’ve stood there, practically on your knees, begging him to act like a brother. To act like he cares about you. To act as if he’d loved you for a single moment of his life.
You don’t know how many times you’ve gotten this exact response.
The blank stare.
The guilty face.
That look in his eye that tells you just how much he doesn’t have it in him to pretend, even for a moment, that you’re less than the stupid girl who, for whatever reason, has done everything in your power to keep him afloat.
– John. – His name comes out hoarse, quiet. A whisper. A prayer. A plea.
His eyes never waver from yours, he keeps looking, keeps standing there, and though his face is cracked with guilt, there is no shame. Nothing that would make him act on it.
Maybe there’s just nothing there.
No fire. No anger. No defense. No loyalty.
Just the look you’ve seen a thousand fucking times before.
You don’t know why you still beg. You don’t know why you still believe. 
You are pleading with a ghost.
John doesn’t move. He just looks at you. Like he’s already decided. Like this is already done.
And it is. 
But it wasn’t done with the fight, or the cursing, or the blood, not even the way JJ turns, tossing the keys to the bike onto the ground, storming off like he’s the one who was wronged. Not when you see the way John hesitates for half a second, looking at you like he wants to say something, like he wants to take it back, like he wants to undo what’s already done—
Not even when he follows him, turning his back on you like it’s so simple, so natural, like it was always meant to be.
It ended years ago.
Maybe it never even began.
Maybe you're the only fool alive who ever believed you were his sister.
The night cracks open.
The silence presses in.
You're stuck inside your body, inside your head, inside all the memories that claw their way back into you like rusted nails.
You are twelve years old, standing behind John, watching through the schoolyard fence as JJ and the others shove you into the dirt.
"Ain’t she your sister?" someone asks.
John laughs with them.
"Nah, man. I don’t know her."
You are fifteen, standing in the living room, your hands trembling at your sides as your father slams you against the wall.
John is at the end of the hall.
Your father’s voice is thunder in your ears.
"You think you’re smart, huh? You think I don’t know it was you?"
But it wasn’t you. It was John.
And he lets it happen anyway.
You are seventeen, standing in this very yard, watching your brother walk away from you again.
Just like he always does.
Just like he always will.
Because John —the John you thought you knew, the John that sobbed in your arms for months every night your father didn't come home, the John who wouldn't eat unless you fed him, who wouldn't sleep unless you held him, wouldn't leave the house unless you were close enough that he could grab you, was never there. John, the boy, John, the brother. He's only ever existed as far as he needed you. And now he doesn’t— is not there. 
He's John B.
The star student, the popular kid. That boy that was always too good to hang around some mongrel like you.
And this is what John B does.
This is what he’s always done.
He doesn’t protect you.
He doesn't defend you.
He doesn’t choose you.
Every time you’ve asked God whether you were your brother’s keeper, you felt the weight of every living soul around you say no —You closed your eyes, and you were Abel, lying, stupidly, on the ground you just tilled as he stood behind you with a stone, ready to crush you. You were Remus, laying bricks with your back turned as he came to slay you. You were Osiris, walking thoughtlessly into a coffin he’s made to bury you, fully believing that he wanted nothing but to see you well— Because for every life you’ve shared, he’s killed you, and still somehow convinced you to pray that you’re still siblings in the next.
You don’t remember when your hands started shaking.
Or when your knees lost their strength.
Or when your breath began coming too fast, too shallow, not enough, never enough.
All you know is that the world tilts.
And you sway.
And you break.
And you cry.
You reach out—for something, anything—but there’s nothing to hold onto.
Nothing but empty space where your brother used to be, where the two of you used to play, where you once believed you could be something like brother and sister.
The sky blurs. The trees waver. The ground rushes toward you.
But before you can collapse, before you can even feel yourself falling, Barry catches you.
He's solid. Real.
Not like John. —You shake your head, mentally scratching that concept from your conscience— Not like John B. 
– Hey—hey—look at me. – Barry’s hands grip your arms, tight, steady. His eyes search your face, his chest rising and falling like he’s just run a mile. – C'mon. Breathe.
You press your hands against his chest, against something solid, something unshaking, something that won’t disappear the moment you close your eyes.
And finally you do breathe. But the wound is still gaping. Still bleeding. And John B is already gone. The door slams closed, leaving you to rot in the silence, bathed by the flickering light of the porch; the one you asked him to change for a lightbulb you bought weeks ago, and is still sitting, forgotten on his nightstand.
Barry smooths the tears away from your face, like he used to do when you came to him after a fight with your father, like he’s done for every heartbreak since. – Let’s go home. – He whispers, his hands still cupping your face. The plastic of his keys—Rafe’s keys— pressed against your jaw. – C’mon, let me take you home.
– It's gone, Bee.
– It's not.
– He kicked me out, I can’t come back. It's gone.
– It’s not, it isn’t, don’t fucking say that—don’t ever say that again. – His grip on you tightens, the muscles of his hand flexing against your skin, quick, so quick, you barely brace yourself when he makes you stand in front of him. – That piece of shit isn’t your home. This place? This fucking dump you lived in? This isn’t your home. I’m your home, okay? And you’re mine, and you’re not staying here to keep breaking your own heart over and over again. Let's go.
– Barry—
– I don’t wanna hear it. – He's firm. He's angry. Your chest weighs heavy, still forever afraid of any sign of anger, even when it’s not directed to you. But he holds you, and he looks at you, really looks at you, and he repeats. – Let’s go, okay? I’m taking you to my place, and I don’t wanna hear you complaining. 
– Okay.
– C’mon. 
Barry’s hands are firm, unshaking, steady, and you barely feel them as he guides you toward the bike. Everything is distant, muted, like you’re watching yourself move from somewhere outside your own body. A conscience beyond your own. 
You let him press the helmet onto your head, let him buckle it under your chin with a flick of his fingers. And you watch the way he moves.
His hands are still clenched as he tosses your purse, discarded over the ground, on your lap. He looks over his shoulders, at the closed door, with his jaw clenched, and every so often he shakes his head, frowning, outraged by a thought you can’t hear, can't know.
You don’t remember climbing onto the bike.
You barely register the way Barry grips your hands, pulling them around his waist, but he doesn’t say anything. Not the usual "Hold on, sweetheart," he always says like it’s second nature, not any of the stupid comments he makes whenever you ride with him. His movements are brisk, borderline impatient, but not careless, never careless. He kicks the bike to life, the engine shuddering through your bones as it hums beneath you, the heat of the exhaust jostling against the scrapes on your legs.
Then, you’re moving.
Not fast. Not yet.
But even at this speed, the wind presses against you, makes you feel untethered, unsteady, fragile in a way you haven’t let yourself acknowledge until now. You close your eyes and grip him tight, focusing on the smell of the helmet, breathing it  in, the smoke of his cigarettes, the shoddy menthol of his nicotine gum, and something grounding, something real. 
Your fingers find the fabric of his shirt —your shirt— the old marina shirt that belonged to your dad, the one you were wearing that day with him and Rafe, when everything went to shit. It’s crumpled, but it feels nice, still tender from the fabric softener you used for that last wash.
You feel the moment he registers it, the way you grip him, trying to distract yourself—the way his muscles tense slightly, the way his hands shift against the handles, grip tightening, the moment of hesitation before he sighs through his nose and settles.
He drives slower than usual.
Not slow, but slow enough that you can tell.
Slow enough that it’s not Barry’s usual recklessness, his usual need to prove something.
Slow enough that he’s paying attention.
You don’t know how long you ride like that.
Maybe minutes. Maybe hours. Maybe a whole fucking lifetime.
Everything is blurred, stretched thin, bleeding together like a half-forgotten dream, and you let it wash over you, let the hum of the engine drown out the roar in your head, let the road carry you somewhere, anywhere that isn’t here, that isn’t now.
You don’t notice when he turns onto the familiar back roads.
You don’t notice the flickering neon light, the cracked pavement, the darkened windows.
You don’t notice where you are at all.
Not until he kills the engine.
Not until the silence crashes over you, sharp and final. Not until you hear the low creak of his kickstand settling, the way he shifts slightly beneath your hands, pulling off his helmet, running a hand through his hair before glancing over his shoulder.
Not until you look up.
And the sign is right there, right above you.
The River Styx.
Your stomach drops.
But Barry doesn’t say anything, his fingers brush over your wrist, still taught around his waist, and he pats his other hand over your knee. – C'mon.
You just stare at the sign, the neon glow casting strange shadows across the pavement, the weight of everything pressing down on you all over again.
You should have known.
Of course he’d bring you here.
Because where else would you go?
Where else is there to go?
Barry swings his leg off the bike, tossing the helmet onto the seat, shaking his head like he’s already exhausted by whatever is going on in his own head. He exhales sharply, running a hand over his jaw, then gestures toward the door.
– Come on, sweetheart, it's about time this day fucking ends. 
You swallow hard, unmoving.
His brows pull together slightly, like he’s trying to be patient, like he’s trying to find the right thing to say, but Barry isn’t built for patience, for softness, for comfort in the way people expect it.
So instead, he sighs, takes a step closer, and reaches for your wrist, fingers curling around it, not pulling, just holding. – You promised. – He says, but this time it actually is softer, kinder, nearly patient. – Now, we can go back if you want, but then the deal is over, and you'll have to sleep on the pull-out couch.
You scoff, still looking at the sign, but you feel your arm relax under his touch. – You suck.
– Not just yet, I’m still sober. – He winks, smiling half-heartedly as he pulls you to the door.
Finnean, the owner’s son, grins the moment he sees you, arms crossed over the bar, his too-many tattoos peeking out from what should have been the sleeves of this dirty wife-beater he’s wearing, the gold tooth in his smile catching the dim light. – Well, well. Look who finally crawled outta the grave.
– You thought we were dead? – Barry hums, unamused, knocking twice against the counter as he slides onto the stool, pulling you beside him. 
Finnean laughs, more a scoff than anything as he places two cups before you. – D’you ever hear the expression ‘only the good die young’? Good ain’t the case for you two. I was actually leaning towards your ass finally getting detained.
– Why? Your brothers need a lil company? Maybe sweetheart can go to see them. – Barry pats your leg, smiling, tight and taught, none of the usual ease on him. – What’d you say, jailbait?
– You can go all you like, sweets. I’m just not sure you’d come back.
– You’re a peach, Finn. – He smiles at you, green eyes flashing with something you don’t want to understand as he turns his back and grabs something.
– And you’re a plump, little red cherry. – He shakes his head, setting the glass down in front of you with a wink before tossing something onto the bar. – I could just pop you in my mouth.
A bowl of bright red maraschino cherries sits before you. Your heart stumbles, a smile actually forming on your face.
Barry grins, nudging them closer. – Knew that’d cheer you up. – His shoulder brushes yours as he pulls your stool closer, watching you eat. – We weren’t in jail or nothing, but this one just got out of house arrest.
– That brother you’re always talking about? – He asks Barry, already throwing his head back, laughing, reaching for the bourbon before Barry even asks. – That explains it. – You stop for a moment, aching again.
Was it so obvious? – Does it? – You murmur, and Finnean gives you a look.
– You disappear for months, and when you finally show up, you look like someone dragged you through hell backwards. – He nods at Barry. – He looks ready to start swinging on the first motherfucker who blinks at him wrong.
– That’s just his face, – You say dryly, eating so you don’t have to look at them.
Barry just snorts, shoving your shoulder lightly. – Ain’t you a charmer? – He takes a cherry from your hand, still chewing it as he downs his cup. – Hit me again.
– You tryna meet God or something? – Barry chuckles at your words, this time more genuine. The smile lingers as Finn pours more bourbon into his glass, sliding another over to you.
– Holler when you get tired of this loser, okay sweetheart? – He winks, that same old joke he always says, grinning as he slides on over to another customer. – Finn will love you long time.
You breathe out slowly, your lungs still burning as you reach for the glass.
You’re tired of thinking about John.
Tired of mourning someone who was never there to begin with.
Maybe Barry had a point with the whole drinking your sorrows away thing. He’d been doing it for years, already. Started drinking just after his father was finally arrested for good.
And hey, if it worked for him…
You bring the glass to your lips, feeling your friend’s eyes on you as the liquid runs down your throat like straight gasoline. He chuckles, patting you in the back.
The first drink burns.
The second warms.
By the third, you’re floating.
The night bleeds away with every time you glimpse the bottom of your cup staring down at you.
Time slips through your fingers, lost in the clink of glasses, the sharp burn of bourbon, the sticky sweetness of cherries.
But though your thoughts slow, the ache never leaves you.
Barry loosens, even as you remain a little melancholy, all warmth beside you, his voice low in your ear, teasing, coaxing laughter from you with every sarcastic remark, every quiet joke. He tips the bottle, refilling your glass before you can even think to ask.
Your chest clenches.
The songs in the background rise, fall, twist into something familiar.
Somewhere between the fourth drink and the sixth, you’re singing along, voice tangled with Barry’s, both of you yelling out the lyrics, slurring through the old Irish verses, laughter shaking through you as the whole bar joins in.
You don’t remember when Finnean slid the bottle of homemade moonshine across the counter, just that Barry caught it with a smirk, tucking it under his arm before pulling you off the stool.
His hands are already on you, already guiding, already pressing against your waist.
You stumble, laughing, pushing him back. – You can’t fucking drive like this, dumbass.
Barry grumbles, rolling his eyes, but you grab his arm and pull.
So you walk.
Through the streets of the Cut, the night air cool against your flushed skin, your voices loud, singing through the empty roads from your empty chest. Barry spins you at one point, pulling you into his arms, making you laugh, and you linger a moment longer than you should, his arms still around you when you finally pull away, palms burning hot through the fabric of your shirt as he walks behind you.
By the time you reach his trailer, your legs ache, your chest hurts from laughing, and your head is woozy.
His trailer is dark, not a single light on as he pulls you towards it, hands searching your sides, his chest pressed against your back. His fingers rest at the small of your waist, loose, familiar, something closer to instinct than thought.
He’s closer than he should be, you know he is, but you don’t push him away.
Maybe it’s the drinking.
Maybe it’s the way the night has stripped you raw, leaving nothing but exposed nerve endings and memories that won’t stay buried.
Or maybe it’s just him.
The warmth of him.
The familiarity of him.
The fact that he’s still here despite the fact you’re down in the dumps.
But the way he's looking at you now isn't new. It's far too familiar.
His lips part slightly when he turns you, his head tilting, eyes flicking between your mouth and the mess of your hair, the flush of your skin, the shape of you standing so fucking close to him you could feel the shape of your body moulding to his.
He leans in, breath fanning against you like a dragon’s, warm, cutting, almost inviting you to be bitten. You turn just in time, his lips landing on your cheek, warm and soft, and way too eager. – You know we never stop once we start. – You mumble, your back brushing the railing as he pulls you up the stairs.
Barry’s lips twitch. His fingers flex against your waist, just barely dragging down, slipping lower, gripping just enough to pull you fully against him.
His voice is low, rough, already gone. – Who says I want to stop?
You know you shouldn’t.
It’s been a while since you drank and remained conscious, but the ache in your chest is doing nothing for your rational thinking skills, and when he cups your face, soft, so soft, like no one else in the world ever does, you let him.
You taste yourself first—sweet, sticky cherry, the sugar lingering on your tongue, and he hums, pulls away just a bit, licking his lips before he kisses you again. You taste him, then. Malt. Amber. Tobacco. Bourbon-smooth and burning at the edges.
You feel guilty already.
But you want the comfort. The ease. The warmth.
His hands tighten, pressing into the small of your back, like he needs you closer, like the inches between you are somehow unbearable, and he sighs against your lips as he kisses you again. The guilt writhes within you as your pride swells. He hums into your mouth, something low, something pleased, something that sounds dangerously like relief.
You barely register him guiding you back until your calves hit the edge of the couch on the porch, and suddenly you’re falling.
Not away from him.
With him.
Barry pulls you onto his lap, knees spreading beneath you, hands gripping tighter, hotter, rougher.
His mouth moves against yours with purpose now—hungry, claiming, a little desperate, a little too much. But he never pushes. He always begs you to take.
You feel his breath stutter when you shift against him, when your hands tangle in his hair, when your fingers scrape against his scalp just the way he likes and he groans, deep in his throat, pulling you tighter.
This is it.
This is the cycle.
This is the inevitable.
This is history repeating itself.
This is what you do when you have nowhere else to go.
This is a promise, a bad decision made in the heat of too much alcohol, sealed between his teeth and your lips, unspoken, unbreakable. You don’t really know what you’re promising. But like the fool you are —like the fool you’ve always been— you’re almost glad to hold it out on a silver platter, just to get that rare sliver of love you’re always desperately grasping at.
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@chatgtfo @bitterdotcom @xmayankax @bluethperson @coralblue35 @myluvingera @munsoncultedits @the-bitch-who-binges @im-julessssss @redkarmakai @hwaaholic @sydkneez @sassyvilliantrope @vampiriito @sassybearfire
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grandline-fics · 1 day ago
For Valentine's event! I'm so deeply in love how you write, especially Doflamingo!! So maybe, True love's kiss for him?
Anyway thanks for your works they're all amazing 🙌💕
DESCRIPTION: True Love's Kiss- The moment they realise they're in love
WARNINGS: none (at least I don't think so, other than the fact is about Doflamingo)
CHARACTERS: Doflamingo
WORDS: 1,420
A/N: At first I was tempted to link this to Immune To Your Charms but then decided against it so we could have a different version of Doffy and another version of his realisation he's capable of love. I hope you enjoy what I came up with for this for you anon. Thank you for the request!
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Doflamingo thrived on the adoration and unequivocal loyalty of his family, his most trusted elite officers in the inner circle ready to throw their lives down should he simply say the word. The rush that would flood his system when his subordinates and civilians bowed low before him took him flooding back to his short lived days in his rightful standing as a Celestial Dragon; it’s never quite the same that his nostalgia had preserved in his memory but it's as close as it’ll ever get. The only other thing that ever came close to giving him a surge of true satisfaction and happiness is when you, one of his best and most precious officers, would throw him that sweet smile contrasting with that sharp and dangerous gaze of yours and greet him with a smooth “Hello Doffy.” 
He could always count on you to see to it that any mission he gave you was executed perfectly and without hesitation. Not only did you take pride in your efficiency and skill but seeing it recognised in a man like Doflamingo mattered to you too. You knew that Doflamingo’s trust and reliance on you had nothing to do with the fact that you were Doflamingo’s current lover. As it was, you understood your place in the whole situation, just as you’d witnessed with his previous entanglements.
It was only ever going to last as long as your King wished it to. Should anyone else ever catch his eye and attention and he wished them to warm his bed instead of you, you would be cast aside in that regard. You came to terms with that long ago and idly part of your mind always wondered when that day would come so you enjoyed what you had for as long as Doflamingo wanted you that way.
One morning you were summoned to his office for your latest mission. Wordlessly you accepted the information he handed over to you and began to read it over while listening to his every word. “Seems someone’s been pushing their nose into places that doesn’t concern them. That’s the most recent location we could learn so it’s likely they’ve moved on already.” He explained, his sinister grin in place. “I know it’ll be no issue for you to track them down and taking care of them before returning home to me.”
“Sure you don't want me to take my time?” You asked curiously, finally lifting your head with your own smile curving your lips. “You normally enjoy it when I make them suffer first.”
“You’ll already be spending time away in search of your prey, my dear.” Doflamingo explained while rising from his seat to step around the desk to stand in front of you. Never needing his strings to make you move or respond in the ways he wished, you simply always knew. Keeping your eyes on his face, you turned to face him, stepping back until the desk was now behind you and his hands settled on the wood to playfully cage you in. “I’d much rather have you go and kill and come back, otherwise I’d just miss you too much.”
For the smallest moment his words threw you off but you quickly controlled your expression. Unfortunately you weren’t fast enough and it hadn’t gone unnoticed to Doflamingo. Lifting one hand away to pinch your chin he made you look firmly at him, refusing to let you go until he got answers out of you. Doflamingo knew you wouldn’t have to force it out of you. The second he asked, you’d answer. “Now what was that look for? What could I have said to possibly create such a face?”
“Just surprised my absence would have such an affect on you.” You explained calmly, your smile returning. “There’s plenty here that’ll keep you company if I take too long. Speaking of, with your permission, I’ll go straight away Doffy.” Doflamingo regarded you silently and moved his hand from your chin to thread his fingers into your hair and pulled you in as he leant forward to capture you lips in a harsh, bruising kiss. Under his lead, you effortlessly followed the pace and intensity of the kiss, only breaking apart when he allowed it to. Breathless and dazed you could only stare at Doflamingo when he released you, offering a small but determined nod when he ordered you to complete your mission as fast as you could.
Two weeks went by and still you hadn’t returned, leaving Doflamingo to feel restless. Uncomfortably so. He had been receiving updates from you steadily up until a few days ago, everything in code and brief but you hadn’t given him any signal that something was wrong. You were closely on the heels of your target who you were certain you’d catch up to soon. Doflamingo had no doubts about your abilities, you were one of his best so he knew you’d get the job done but still something was annoying him about it all. He was also unshakable in his knowledge of your loyalty to him, there was no way you’d leave him but he still needed to know what was causing his agitation. Thinking back to the day you left he remembered the look of genuine surprise that captured your usually self-assured features when he spoke of how he’d miss you. 
Your little comment about others keeping him company also hadn’t gone unnoticed by him either. Truth be told now that he had the time to think about, you had lasted so much longer than anyone else had as his lover. Those that came before you held no true interest with him, simply attractive things that allowed him to satisfy his needs before he kicked them out of his bed and sought his next source of entertainment in another person. You held his every attention, staying close to him even without having to give your body or touch to him. It was you he wanted and he had meant what he’d said when he said he missed you when you were gone, only now he seemed to realise just how much. 
Two more days passed before you returned to Dressrosa’s Palace, walking slowly and tensed. At your arrival in the entrance hall, you saw a few servants hurrying in different directions most likely in search of Doflamingo to let him know. You didn’t know why they bothered, he was going to be the first person you sought out to report the success of your mission and apologise for taking longer than you should have. You were only halfway up the staircase when Doflamingo appeared at the top, watching you climb the last few steps until you were beside him. 
Carefully he inspected your face. You looked exhausted, dark circles under your eyes and your shoulders slumped slightly. You were barely staying awake, he could see the steeled focus in your gaze as you were determined to remain conscious enough to greet him with an attempt at your usual sweet smile. “Hello Doffy. Sorry I took longer than intended.”
“Was the mission successful?”
“Mhm.” You nodded before covering you mouth to yawn. “Target was a nuisance though.”
“In what way?” Doflamingo lifted you effortlessly into his arms and carried you to his quarters.
“Devil Fruit user.” You explained with a mumble, a small hum of contentment breaking from your lips when you were laid down on his bed, sinking against the pillows. Doflamingo tilted his head curiously at that revelation. Had he known that the target had an ability, he would have ensured you were better prepared for that. Doflamingo felt relief wash over him to see you’d been unharmed, knowing better than anyone how monstrous Devil Fruits were, and made sure that in future you would be better prepared so there would be no surprises like that on your missions. “Doffy? Why am I in your room?”
“I had your things moved here while you were away, of course.” He chuckled watching you struggle to open your eyes to look at him in confusion. “It seemed as though you had a lapse in awareness about your standing with me. Your place is beside me always and there will never be any room for anyone else. Understand, love?” For emphasis he pressed a tender kiss against your lips.
“I understand.” You hummed softly, the loving smile gracing your lips suddenly securing itself in Doflamingo’s regard as something no-one else could ever come close to competing with.
TAG LIST (If I’ve missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @fiery-captain-spider-santa, @kabloswrld , @atanukileaf , @ane5e , @stuckinthewrongworld , @deathsmajestysworld , @cloudysunset04 , @chillerkiller , @extremely-ashtridic , @decayingpizza , @liesatemyocean , @ace-for-ace , @nerium-lil , @destynelseclipsa , @dreamcastgirl99 , @my-name-is-heartache , @iamn1ya ,  @yunho-leeknow , @hinata7346 , @h0oouwlss , @missrandomdreamer , @sleepykittycx , @ddawn111 , @jaygrl22 , @sylum , @acehyacinth , @resident-cryptid , @treelogirl , @maellem , @thulhu , @appalost , @dindjarins1ut , @irumawife , @laidenbreecatchall , @redwolfxx , @jevoislesbrasdemer , @schanwow , @pao198391 , @glitchtricks94 , @nina-ya , @48daisies , @sagyunaro , @artemis162534 , @rosemary-lungs , @thecraftywriter , @rorozorolover , @yagirlsmuchelle , @engenemoazen , @sukunasstomachtongue , @nico-ith
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sematarygirls · 23 hours ago
hi cutieeee i know you’re doing a series rn but im hoping you might write abt anxious!reader with rafe where she’s just overwhelmed with errands
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 ♯┆Rafe Comforts Overwhelmed Anxious!Reader.ㅤ  ۪ ୧
ᰋ. ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎i love this request, and i love anxious reader and bf rafe. he's so soft, and she's so me ‎‎ ‎ ‎ : ‎‎ ‎ ‎WARNINGS . . . anxiety vomiting.   ̼ ₊
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You had a tendency to procrastinate until the very last minute, your anxiety eating away at you at the mere thought of completing some tasks, so you ended up pushing them away and out of your mind until inevitably, it came back to bite you in the ass.
Today was one of those days.
Throughout the week, you had accumulated and pushed off about a dozen little errands— the mere concept of going to the grocery store by yourself making you queasy, and the thought of having to drive yourself there making your heart race and your hands shaky.
You could have asked your beloved boyfriend to come with you, but you felt pathetic that you couldn't do so much as shop for groceries without feeling like embarrassment and panic was going to swallow you whole.
Unfortunately, the day before you'd planned to run your errands, you'd spent the night at Rafe's house, meaning when you woke up in the morning with that queasy, anxious feeling in your stomach that had you running to the toilet, Rafe was there to witness it.
Rafe's brow furrowed as he quickly shot out of bed at the sound of your dry heaves, rushing to your side to hold your hair and rub your back soothingly. “Shh, baby, it's okay,” he said gently, not understanding that it was your anxiety and that you weren't just sick.
You felt tears spring to your eyes, overwhelmed at the tasks of the day mixed with the feeling of your stomach retching every drop of its contents into the toilet bowl. You hated throwing up—not that anyone liked it. You did it so much that you began to panic the moment you felt that saliva pool in your mouth.
“Talk to me, what's wrong?” He asked, talking about what was feeling bad, obviously your stomach, but he didn't know if you were otherwise well. You misinterpreted the question, however, and began to ramble about your worries.
“I have all this stuff to do today, and I'm so anxious about going out and doing it by myself,” you explained, gripping the toilet bowl as your stomach stirred. You were thankful that the Cameron's kept their house clean and pristine.
Realization dawned on Rafe's face as he realized you weren't coming down with the flu; you were having anxiety nausea. He sighed, running a hand through his sleep-messy hair. “Baby, why didn't you say something sooner? You don't have to do all that shit by yourself.” He paused, then added more gently, “You know I can help you with that stuff, right?”
You avoided his gaze, shrugging weakly. “I just feel stupid asking for help with this stuff. I should be able to go to the grocery store by myself without freaking out.”
“Hey,” he said firmly, gripping your chin and forcing you to look at him. “You're not stupid, alright? There's nothing wrong with asking for help. I am more than happy to help you, but you've gotta let me in, okay?”
You sniffled and nodded.
“Good girl," he praised, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Now, let's get you cleaned up and run those errands,” he said, helping you to your feet before turning to run a bath for you.
You were grateful to have someone as understanding and willing to help you as Rafe was, and even though that queasy feeling in your stomach didn't go away, you felt better knowing Rafe would be there by your side. You weren't alone.
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reneesghostinthelivingroom · 19 hours ago
Requestion: New girl Cady flirts with reader which makes Regina jealous as fuck. When reader tries making it up to her, bringing flowers to her house and stuff, she discovers that Regina is actually a little insecure and feeling threatened by Cady.
|| Regina George x fem!reader
|| Warnings; Cady trying to flirt with reader, awkward moments, jealous Regina, brief threat of killing but it's more talk than bite, insecure Regina, fluffy ending
|| Summary; when Cady talks to reader in the halls, Regina isn't too happy.
Requests open!
Started; March 2nd
Finished; March 2nd
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Finally, Calculus was over for the day. As the bell rang, you gathered up your things and headed for the door. Not hearing the hurried footsteps behind you. You had just made it into the hall way when you heard someone trying to get your attention.
"Wait, wait, wait! Y/N!" Cady caught up to you, grinning and walking beside you. Struggling to get her school bag over her shoulders, because of how much of a rush she had been in to get to you.
"Need help?" You asked.
"I think I got i-" the words weren't even out of the new girl's mouth before her bag had fallen, spilling everything inside," dang it.. okay, I need help."
Cady hadn't been at the school very long, but from what you could gather she was an awkward mess. Something the two of you seemed to have in common.
You bent down with her, helping her gather her papers and binders.
"So um- I heard Aaron's friend is hosting a party.. are you going?" Cady asked, hoping to make small talk with you. She really liked you, more than she cared to admit.
"Yeah, Regina told me about it yesterday," Cady looked like she was almost deflating at the mention of Regina. She had heard that the two of you were dating from Janis, but Cady had hoped it wasn't true.
"Oh, Regina told you? Are you two close?" She replied, her eyes looking to yours. Seeing how they seemed to almost sparkle with an unspoken passion about the blonde.
"She's my girlfriend, why?"
"Um- no reason, just curious," She awkwardly laughed, picking up the last of her papers and getting her bag sorted.
"I'll see you later, Y/N, thelping-" She paused. Thelping? C'mon Cady..
You also happened to pause when you heard her, raising an eyebrow as a smirk tugged at your lips," thelping?" You repeated.
"I was trying to say thank you for helping- but it came out thelping...." Her cheeks were bright pink.
"Okay, yolcome," you nudged her shoulder in a playful gesture. Saying yolcome instead of you're welcome.
Cady couldn't help but smile as she watched you walk away and over to Regina, who had come around the corner not too long ago. Yeah, that interaction definitely did not help her growing feelings for you.
"Absolutely not," Regina stated. Arms folded across her chest while she glared at you. She didn't like the way that Cady was looking at you.
"What?" You weren't sure why Regina was so upset with you all of a sudden. You hadn't done anything wrong, had you?
"She was flirting with you, God are you blind?" That made you stop and think for a moment. It hadn't felt like Cady was flirting with you... you were only helping her gather her stuff and had a light conversation.
"Regina, I'd hardly call that flirting."
"So, blind then. Got it," she scoffed and started walking away from you, you tried to catch up with her.
"Regina, c'mon- that wasn't-"
But the blonde completely ignored you. Figures.
It was later now, sometime into the evening when you arrived at your girlfriend's house. Determined to make things right with her. You made your way to the door and knocked, holding her favourite flowers and chocolates in your hands. Normally, you would have just walked right into the house. However, Regina was mad at you. So, you didn't want to make things worse by just showing up.
It was Regina's mom who opened the door, smiling when she saw you with the stuff in your hands," well aren't you adorable. She's just up in her room, dear."
"Um- thanks, Ms George," you replied, clearly feeling awkward by the compliment. After all, all you did was bring flowers and chocolate. It wasn't much to praise over.
You made your way through the familiar home, up the large stairs and to the bedroom you'd been in 100 times. Gently, you knocked the back of your hand against the door.
There was silence, before the door opened. Revealing Regina, who looked as though she had been crying moments before.
"G..." you murmured, setting the stuff you had brought to the floor in her room and immediately wrapping your arms around her. You could feel as her body tensed against you, before her arms made their way around your waist. Her head in the crook of your neck.
The two of you stayed like that for what felt like a long while, then Regina let go. Her eyes going to the stuff you brought, followed by a scoff," you're such a simp."
You couldn't help but laugh, bumping your hip to hers in a playful manner," duh. Who wouldn't be? Have you seen you?"
She rolled her eyes and pulled you into her bedroom, you happily followed and kicked the door closed.
"And you're stupid."
"Stupidly in love with you? Yes, I agree," the two of you fell to her bed, you hovering over Regina and looking into her eyes. Wiping her tear stained cheek with your thumb," I only have eyes for you. You know that, right?"
Regina was quiet for a moment, before she spoke up again," I guess I was just... scared to lose you. But if you tell anyone I will kill you."
"Oh, I don't doubt it," you laughed, snuggling up with her," you're not going to lose me. Especially to Cady. I'm yours. Okay?"
She nodded, pulling you into a deep kiss that you more than happily returned.
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writingwithfolklore · 3 days ago
First, I just want to say your blog has helped me out so much when it comes to writing this past year, so thank you (also apologize because this ask is LOONNGG).
What are some of the rules about mentioning other media in writing? I know that I can't directly quote from movie/book etc, but I can't figure out much beyond that.
For instance, say a character really likes Batman. Maybe he reads a lot of the comics. Maybe he relates to Batman, and referenced throughout the story Could I reference specific comic titles and storylines without directly quoting them, or only reference Batman in passing? Or would I be better off creating a new Batman-esque hero instead?
Again, thank you for everything you do!
Hi! Thank you! I'm glad to hear it <3
What you can/cannot reference in media directly relates to copyright, and straight up top, I am not a lawyer so I can't guarantee that I am correct about this advice.
From what I understand, you are right that direct quotes are a bit tricky--the rules are a bit blurry depending on how much you quote, how "important" the quote is, and other considerations. To be safe, you'd be right to not directly quote anything.
However, reference to titles and authors are allowed, as long as they aren't trademarked. But! At the same time, I think referencing the storylines may count as paraphrasing, which is another way of quoting something, and thus falls into that blurry area. Unless the work was published before 1923, I would leave it out.
It is always, always easier and safer to create anew rather than try to reference the old, and in this case where the reference is a major aspect of the character (instead of a one-off, casual reference), I would create your own superhero just to be safe.
I hope that helps!
Here's some resources on copyright as well:
Fair Use Copyright: A Writer's Guide to Fair Use - Morse
What You Can and Can’t Legally Use In Your Fiction Book - One Author to Another
Can I quote someone in my book? (What authors need to know about fair use and permissions) - Vervante Blog
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thezombieprostitute · 2 days ago
"I wanna do this with you."
But make it about a couple talking about murder.
Thank you for your patience, Anon! It took me way too long to figure out the right couple for this.
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Summary: Someone tries to use you to get leverage over Lloyd.
Warnings: Kidnapping, Pregnancy, Violence. Please let me know if I missed any!
A/N: Reader is female. No other physical descriptors used.
Series Masterlist
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Lloyd had warned you when you first met that he had enemies. The kind of enemies that might throw a bag over your head and kidnap you. He'd praised you for not being the type to cry and panic. But that was before you'd gotten pregnant. You're no longer worried about just yourself but also baby Liam, due to arrive in less than 8 weeks. You're supposed to be keeping your blood pressure down so as not to risk triggering an early labor.
Easier said than done, given the circumstances.
It was supposed to be a simple walk around the block. Lloyd had security guards on almost every corner to keep you safe and you desperately needed to get out of the house for a bit. Next thing you know, you're reliving your first meeting with Lloyd by getting a bag thrown over your head and getting tossed into a van. And they were not gentle about it.
The tears are flowing but they seem to be helping you keep relatively calm. They don't have you tied up at least, clearly not deeming you to be a threat. For the most part they're right. Lloyd's made sure you've learned some self-defense maneuvers, but they're no help in this. As much as you want to work out details, listen for clues, all of your energy is focused on staying calm.
Your kidnappers finally take you out of the van. You have no idea where they're taking you. All you can focus on is walking without tripping. Liam isn't really helping in this case, he's definitely going to be a heavy baby. They let you go and you hear what sounds like a cell door closing.
"You can take off the bag now," one of your kidnappers says.
You're quick to comply, hating being kept in the dark. Sure enough, you're in, what looks like, a holding cell, bars on three sides with one brick wall. There's a small cot against the wall that you know is going to do nothing for your back but you really do need to sit.
As you do so, a kidnapper talks into a radio, "we've got her secured."
Gathering up your courage you ask, "so what's the plan here? Is there an itinerary? A meal-plan? Any ideas how long I'll be here for?"
"If Hansen complies, you'll be out of here in just a few hours."
Nodding you mentally kick yourself for giving in to the urge to go out. You should've just used the treadmill Lloyd got specifically for you! But no, you just had to go outside for the fresh air. Then again, Lloyd had told you time and time again how secure he made sure the neighborhood was. Does that mean someone betrayed him? Let you be put at risk? You hope Lloyd finds whoever it was and cuts their balls off for putting you and Liam in danger.
"Can I get some water?"
A plastic bottle of water is rolled into your cell. As grateful as you are to not have to walk to get it, it's still a struggle to bend down to pick it up. Your anger rises as you hear a couple of the guards chuckling at your attempts. But you finally get the bottle and catch your breath before you drink.
These assholes might not see it, but you know they're doomed. And soon Lloyd would be breaking down the doors and killing them all. Your soulmate was ruthless. A man who'd kidnapped you and trapped you instead of just asking you out and showing your matching soulmate tattoos. A man who'd figured out all the best ways to get under your skin but also enjoyed letting you do the same to him. A man who'd let himself soften towards you, especially after your pregnancy was discovered, but who still regularly tortured people for information.
You smile softly. Yeah, these guys were all dead. They just didn't know it yet.
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Before you've even finished the bottle of water, you hear loud, urgent radio chatter with guns in the background. Rubbing your belly you whisper to your baby, "daddy's here!"
Supposedly there's only one way into this area and all of your guards have their guns aimed at it. You cover your eyes, pretending to be scared but it's because you know what's about to happen. Lloyd's no idiot.
You hear the door open and the bullets go flying, but you also hear the clattering of a flash-bang on the floor. Lloyd told you it's one of the easiest tricks. Shooters always expect someone to be standing when the door opens, so if you crouch, you have a few seconds to do something before they adjust their aim. The flash-bang assures however many people are guarding you, they'll be incapacitated long enough for him to take them out.
"You okay, Pumpkin?" Lloyd's voice is a welcome sound and you uncover your eyes and smile at him as he figures out the door lock.
"So much better now, honey," you confess. "Did you find the asshole traitor?"
"Not yet," he says casually as he finally throws open the door. "But when I do, I'll make sure he gets made an example of."
You throw your arms around his neck and bring him in for a kiss. "I wanna do it with you."
Most people would be thrown off by your want to inflict violence on someone, but Lloyd gives you his cheshire cat grin and growls, "god I love you so much."
"I love you too. Now let's get out of here. Liam is hungry."
"Sure thing, sugar tits."
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Series Masterlist
Tagging: @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @irishhappiness; @kmc1989; @lokislady82; @ronearoundblindly; @thiquefunlover63
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rwshfordgirl · 3 days ago
Can I request a fic where reader and Hector are uni roommates and she has a crush on him but she thinks he’s dating someone else cuz he keeps talking about a girl but turns out it’s his baby cousin and it’s angsty af but then fluffy af?
Thank u in advance and I really like your writing please keep feeding us mother 🛐
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all images were taken from pinterest.
a/n: I feel like I could have developed it more but I rewrote this fic twice lol but I have high expectations for the second part of it ;) thank you very much for the request and I'm happy to know that you like my work.
hope you like it!
Hector had just woken up from a nap when I saw him stopping in front of me at the kitchen counter. "Did you get much sleep?" He nodded and I smiled. "Hey, do you mind going to the grocery store for me today?" I glared at him before taking a sip of my juice "I don't mind, but did something happen?" He denied as he rubbed his eyes "I'm going to take my mother to see Lucia."
Lucia, a name I started hearing frequently four months ago. I remember well that when I moved into this apartment, on my first night he came home late and said he had just met her.
He visits her often, talks about her almost all the time, but I've never seen her. He's never shown me pictures of her and never brought her here.
It's strange because I feel jealous of him going out to someone I don't even know and it makes me a little upset knowing that Hector doesn't feel for me what I feel for him, but I can't force him to do or feel anything.
I already knew Fort before I came to live with him in the college accommodations, we were in the same year but in different classes at school and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I'll never forget a mutual friend's birthday party we went to and while playing spin the bottle, I ended up giving him my first kiss.
But we were never close, not even after the kiss. And time passed, we changed schools and I only remembered the kiss we had shared. I didn't imagine that I would have a falling out with my old roommate and be forced to change accommodation at the beginning of the third semester. I also didn't imagine that boys and girls could live in the same apartment, much less that Hector goes to college here. And he seemed so happy to have me as a roommate.
And I found myself again at twelve years old, in love with Hector. He managed to improve what was already good, every day more beautiful, every day more thoughtful, more funny and more special. Lucia is lucky.
"Oh, is she okay?" I asked politely, trying to hide something strange I felt and didn't know what it was.
"Yes, but my mother really wants to see her and so do I, to be honest." He smiled at me. "Have a nice trip then." I said as I walked towards the kitchen exit "See you later."
I left the apartment with only one thought in mind. "I have to forget about Hector." even though it's impossible since I share an apartment with him. But I went to the market praying that someone as perfect as him would appear in my path.
But it was the return home that left me completely in shock, in the notification bar of my cell phone it appeared that there was a message from Hector, a photo. I opened it, maybe I was going to see Lucia for the first time.
I stopped in front of the building, bags on the floor and my mouth open. Lucia is a baby, Lucia is a beautiful baby. My God. Lucia is a baby. I laughed nervously while mentally cursing myself for being jealous of a baby.
I went home, left the groceries in the kitchen and laid down on the couch, still in disbelief that Lucia was a baby. I felt relieved even though I knew that I would probably not confess my feelings to Fort now. But I kept wondering if at some point she had already mentioned that she was a baby and I hadn't paid attention.
I laughed at myself while opening again the photo he had sent, in the caption "Lucia.❤️" and in the photo he was holding her on his lap while smiling at her. I think I would melt if I saw this in person.
The sound of the front door opening made me jump off the couch and put my phone aside. Hector approached me smiling. "Did you see the picture of me and Lucia?" he asked. "Yes, you two are very cute! But you didn't mention that she was a baby." I told him "My baby cousin." he replied "Your baby cousin?" Lucia continues to surprise me "Yes! She's four months old." I smiled "Hector, every time you talked about her I imagined a girl of our age." He laughed "But Lucia is such a cute baby, I want to meet her in person one day."
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blissfullylankartz · 2 days ago
the oddworld fandom don’t really want to interact with you because you don’t care about oddworld. compared to other fandoms we’re tiny and the games don’t get enough love anyway so it feels borderline disrespectful. if it’s not your thing why are you even making ocs for it?
I literally made a post saying not to pull this shit, I said I would be taking anon asks as long as people were kind. Yet once again I'm being met with being pushed out of a community I was wanting to get to know about. Being told I don't care when I'm literally still new and learning things. So people apparently can only partake in a community if they only know every little detail about it?
Look if you have an issue with me I'd rather you not be hiding behind anon, it feels incredibly uncomfortable and disrespectful that you would cross a boundary I set in place. The anon asks was to allow people to send asks comfortably, but you keep ruining it for everyone with me needing to turn them off because you don't have the balls to come out and say stuff without hiding behind anon. You make me believe the community is unkind and unwelcoming, when I don't want to believe that because some of the people I have interacted with have been wonderful.
You don't get to dictate what I take interest in and how I enjoy those things. So just leave me alone or at least stop hiding behind anon, it isn't fair on anyone else that you keep doing this. I won't be switching anon off because I put it on to allow people to be comfortable. I didn't put it on to allow you to feel comfortable being unwelcoming, if your going to stand up for what you love then stop hiding. Or are you afraid that if people knew who was doing it that they wouldn't like you as much anymore, since it's a small community alot of people seem to know each other. I doubt it would be fun to find out that someone was going out of Thier way to shun people from a community they apparently care about.
If you love something wouldn't you rather want to share it and talk about it, not being hateful and pushing people away from it.
I'm tired of this, this was a shitty thing to just wake up to.
Edit: anon has apologised for their behaviour however decided not to post a response to that because I don't want to give them more attention than necessary. This will be the last thing I'll be adding to this situation. I've blocked them from being able to send anon asks anymore, this is because they broke a couple of boundaries and have done things that I'm really not comfortable with. Also just didn't enjoy the vibes being brought to the table. Just hope a lesson has been learnt here.
Thank you for all the kindness that everyone has shown to me, I was a little surprised by the amount of responses, but I'm glad the community seems to take these things seriously. Don't worry I'm not going anywhere and my asks are still open and yous are free to send asks as anons. Just be kind and respectful<3 eventually I may make a post with all the ocs on it that are available for asks once I've brushed up more on lore. I look forward to doing more with yous <3
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floridecuts · 3 days ago
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15
And here's the epilogue, guys! Hope you'll enjoy it! ^^ I actually had wanted to draw Yashiki with the kids for this part's chapter art but this week hasn't been great for me on the creative side, sadly. After a lot of struggling I threw the towel and ended up just drawing (a hopefully cute) Yashiki. Anyway, I want to give my thanks again to all readers and a special big Thank You to everyone leaving comments! I'm super grateful for your support and that you took the time and effort to write these!! <3
With this part, we've finally cracked the 100-pages-mark! I never thought this project would become this big when I started working on it a few months ago, but here we are! xD So this plays one day after the successful pacification of the Departed. Yashiki is still in the hospital to recover but already feeling a lot better! I guessed it would make sense to have him getting a cold because of the events the night before - he'd been dragged out of bed by the Departed, held in it's clutches for who knows how long only wearing thin hospital clothes in a chilly cold room (because spirits often cause the room temperature to drop). Not to forget that his health state hasn't been the best in general since he fell victim to the curse. I just liked to add that small detail. ^^
I was glad that I found a way to include Ai and Tsukasa here, so I got almost every Mark Bearer included in this story (sorry Banshee ^^'). I know it's probably a bit weird that Ai is wearing her idol costume here when doing a hospital visit. I thought about drawing her in some alternate everyday clothes but decided against it because I didn't want her to be the only one to wear a non-canon outfit. My explanation for her wearing that in this scene is that Ai just returned from that "idol-buisness trip" and, after hearing that Yashiki is in the hospital, went straight there after work.
I hope I did Moe's character justice here. I can just imagine her being a little cheeky and very enthusiastic about the OOPArts Monthly. About the rabbit figurine: I had the idea that Yashiki, being very talented in crafting, once carved that rabbit for Saya, maybe even when they were still kids. It could have been one of his first masterpieces! It had been a precious item for Saya, a symbol of her brother's love for her, so she held it dear and unconsciously it became infused with her spiritual energy. Even after her death her spirit kept watching over Yashiki. To help him when he fell victim to the Departed's curse, her spirit reached out to Yasuoka, guiding her to the Kujou Mansion to get that figurine. Yasuoka didn't exactly know what it would do, but she knew it would be important, so she put it inside that O-Mamori and gave it to Yashiki at her visit. I like to think that, after the Departed's case, Yashiki keeps holding onto it, always carrying it in his pocket, both as a memento to his sister and a lucky charm.
The idea with the OOPArts article about Yashiki was actually a spontaneous idea. I found the thought so amusing that I just had to include it! xD Hope it makes someone else smile too! Also, a blushing and embarassed Yashiki is so adorable! In the end Mashita appears and saves Yashiki from Moe's mischief. He came because Yashiki specifically asked him to. Since he woke up from that coma there's been something Yashiki needs to talk about with him. What it is about will be covered in the bonus part - the next and also last part of this comic (it's gonna be extra long!). I chose to make a seperate bonus part because it's Yashita shipping content (nothing drastic though!). But still, in case anyone does not want to be confronted with this shipping they can just skip that last part without missing any story relevant content. But from what I've seen in the few months I've been in this fandom, I got the impression this won't be much of an issue. xD
Lastly, I am happy to announce that the bonus part is actually a collaboration with a friend! I want to give a shout out for her amazing and beautifully written Yashita fanfictions! You can find her works on AO3, her username is MoonflowerSong. Go check them out if you like, they are so sweet! <3
Link: MoonflowerSong on AO3
I wish you all a nice week! Thanks for taking a look! :)
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twopoppies · 9 hours ago
hey Gina,
I don't mean for this to sound snarky so I'm genuinely sorry if it does.
until a few hours ago you were pretty convinced that it was olma not Olivia, but now that it lines up with the civita pet idea, you seem convinced that it's Olivia.
isn't that a little...idk I can't find any other word for it other than fickle. there's a specific logical fallacy I'm thinking of I think, something between post hoc ergo propter hoc and cherry picking.
none of this to say that I think holivia was real or that Harry actually got a tattoo for her but the post hoc rationalization is something I'm struggling with
I mean yes, only idiots don't change their mind after being presented with new information but I'm curious as to why you think you were denying that it was Olivia before. just in general curious about your thought process
(again because I don't want to come across as snarky, I think it is very Harry to get the names of pets tattooed and I truly value your opinion that's why I'm asking what your thought process is from olma to Olivia)
thank you!
I generally don’t feel any need to explain my thought process to anyone. But I’m going to take you at your word that you’re not intending to be snarky and are genuinely curious.
I originally thought it was Olivia, but it made no sense to me that he would get that woman’s name on his thigh.
Then someone suggested it was the dog in Civita and that made sense because of the colazione tattoo, but it didn’t completely explain it because why tattoo two of the pets and not the third?
Then I saw the Olma explanation and it made more sense than tattooing Olivia Wilde’s name. And it did kind of look like Olma. But it still didn’t fully satisfy me because there’s nothing to connect him to the town of Olma.
But now that he most likely has Olivia (the dog) and Ortensia (the dog) and Colazione (the cat), it all fits into place. It’s very much the kind of quirky thing Harry would do. We know he has a connection to the hotel and to Colazione in particular. The Olivia tattoo being done separately makes sense given the nightmare of a stunt. And now the third tattoo wraps it all up.
It has nothing to do with being fickle or cherry picking. It’s just what makes the most sense given all the details I now know.
If it turns out not to say Ortensia, I’ll likely go back to the drawing board.
I hope that satisfies your “curiosity.”
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bluepandastarfish · 1 day ago
CaitVi x reader angst part 5
so... consistent uploads went out the window....
i dont like this part very much, the next part will be better!!
warnings: threats, not great law enforcement, delulu reader, me trying to make a character who has no lines in the show somewhat important.
part 4
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And it was, the dream that is. Well this time it was actually a dream instead of a daydream or fantasy because with Caitlyn finally holding you as you fall asleep, drifting off became easier. You both had the understanding that nothing was completely ‘forgiven’ but that you both needed each other. Arguing would only drive you both to act more foolishly then you already were, and if anyone denied the inherent need for each other you could reference the way vi was acting now that she had neither of you. 
You made an effort to get up in the morning, help Caitlyn dress by doing up the ludicrous amount of buttons on her uniform, and dine together. You ate things from the undercity, catering your palate to be more inclusive of the local cuisine there. You would chuckle to yourself sometimes when you imagined how Vi would look eating the slimy, greasy foods and would pointedly ignore the curious glances Caitlyn threw your way. 
Speaking of, she was eating less at meal times which wasn't all that concerning since this was clearly food she wasn’t used to, but it still made you glare from across the table everytime she sneered at her plate or moved the food around avoidently. 
You had a plan, one that didn’t quite align with whatever business Caitlyn was conducting. Vi wouldn't listen to you if you went to her alone again and you'd rather not deal with the heartache once more. And however unconventional your idea may seem, nothing was going to stop you from getting her back. 
It was an organized mess in your head, acknowledging the fact that some of your thoughts were mildly delusional and that some of the memories of the three of you together were probably just daydreams. You knew it was an emotional response and with that awareness came a certain clarity that all of the disorder and chaos would disappear once you were all together again. 
Stage one was keeping tabs on Violet herself, ensuring that she didn’t do anything too harmful or stupid while you weren't there to watch over her. It would be a little more difficult to find someone in the undercity willing to report back to you about her, but it wouldn't be impossible. If you remember correctly there was a man with her at the bar you'd visited near the fight pit, he had appeared and joined the team caitlyn put together with the help of Vi vouching for him before everything went down. It’d made you moderately jealous honestly, you'd never been quite skilled enough at fighting to really help caitlyn and vi in that area and at times it felt like something pushing a distance between you and them. 
At least now the man would prove useful. 
Having him arrested quietly was easy enough and it only took the afternoon, with Caitlyn busy brooding in her cape she wouldn't get herself involved either. Your family had never been as influential as hers, but it was an important enough standing for the young enforcers you’d hired to tremble at the glare you sent when they asked questions. 
They brought him to the greenhouse at the edge of the Kiramman estate, one that barely anyone visited thanks to it being rather small. Mostly it was used as if it were an oversized birdhouse more than anything else but that wasn’t important right now. 
He looked like he was trying to stare intensely but thanks to the semi distant look in his eyes it didn’t work as well as he probably hoped. His sluggish blinking made you wonder if he was drunk and it almost made you angry to imagine that the only familiar face Vi was surrounding herself with was a drunkard. 
You shooed away the three enforcers, not without some worried glances your way, but in the end it only took a comment over your shoulder for them to make their way hurriedly out of the space. 
“Enforcers who can’t follow orders? I’m sure commander kiramman would be chuffed to hear all about you.” you drawled, not taking your eyes off the unmoving man thrown haphazardly on the floor in front of you. You heard them all shuffle to leave and when the door finally shut you softened your expression significantly. If he willingly became an enforcer without compensation he must have some kind of compassion, in any case it was your best bet at getting him under your thumb. “Hello, i hoped you’d remind me of your name before we begin?” 
His expression finally shifted to something readable, unimpressed with your words. “Loris. Can I ask why I was dragged here?” 
He clearly recognised you at least, otherwise you doubted he’d give you his name. You cleared your throat gently, reslising now that it was much easier to plan these sorts of things then execute them. Knowing you wouldn't be good with lying, you decided to do your best to be honest with him. 
“i-um .” you pause. “Well, I'm concerned about Vi, obviously.”
He nodded slightly, sitting up straight with a small grunt. “I got that, from all the shouting I earned from her the day after you visited.” 
It made you jealous again, stupidly so. An ugly thing inside you reared its head at the idea that he knew anything about you and Vi’s relationship. “Well-” you cut yourself off, not wanting to voice this jealousy out loud. “That's not what I brought you here to talk about. I need your help with her.”
He looked almost regretful for a moment, speaking quite honestly. “I can't make her do anything she doesn't want to. And i'm already trying to help her but-” 
“Are you? That’s funny, when I went to see her she looked worse then Caitlyn described her straight out of stillwater.” you seethed, a sneer twitching onto your face. It was misplaced anger, but it gave you more of that confidence you lost moments before. “I don't care about what you're doing now, obviously it's not working. What I need from you is just to keep tabs on her and report back to me.” 
He narrowed his eyes. “Oh yeah? I'm sure she’d love you sticking your nose in on her when she clearly wants nothing to do with you.” 
Any kindness you wanted for him during this interaction was gone. You suck in a deep breath, settling a vicious glare down onto him. The ugly thing reared its head again- no not reared, more like lunged. And so did you. 
You leapt forward, gripping his collar and dragging him up a bit (not much due to your differing body types). You panted with your teeth bared, getting close to his face as he suddenly became a lot more aware and invested into the conversation. Whether he didn't have the energy to move his arms or he was simply too shocked to, it didn't matter. 
“Dont talk shit about what she’d like.” you hiss at him. “I fucking know her, and i dont care what you want in return, your going to go down to that filthy pit she wallows in and your going to watch out for her and tell me. Her. Every. Move.” 
From there the interaction did make you feel slightly deranged, but with the assurance that it was well worth it you were comfortable to push that feeling aside. The tone seemed to work on him anyway which made you hold little room for regret with the way you’d spoken to him. 
It was working wonderfully, a few days of receiving updates from him caused a whirlwind of emotions to rush through you. The news of her rushing back to her hovel with girls made you angry and Caitlyn didn't want to question your episodes anymore in case it sent you back into your dissociative state. You found yourself reading over the misery your girlfriend was experiencing with a keen eye and used the excuse of it being reality to justify the daydreams you had about the written events now. 
Caitlyn had been waning and you could tell, her days dragging on and her face becoming permanently set into a frown. Gentle evenings of silence were shared between the two of you as you both found solace in one another. The daydreams seemed to stop when surrounded by the reality of her and caitlyns own worries melted away at the sight of you waiting on one of the sofas with a soft smile and tea. 
Ambessa had been harsher with their sparing together, it was occasionally evenings that the two women would fight and no matter how many times you approached the door in jealousy of the grunting and groaning coming from within, that barbaric right hand of hers sent a questioning glare that stopped you going any further. These were the people you couldn't sway with your control over enforcers or caitlyn, and it made you angry. 
So in reality, while the plan was going well enough, you were angry most of the time Caitlyn wasn't there to distract you. 
And then phase two commenced, finding that terrorising little sister of hers.
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