#thank you for the lovely asks!! 💋
2H, 7H and 11H as well pleeeeease
Hehe your wish is my command 💋🔮✨
2H ⇢ do you have any object that you like a little too much? what is it and why?
I do indeed. It's a little pillow (aptly named "little pillow") that's about the size of a postcard. I think I got it for my baptism when I was a baby, and at that point it had a little ribbon attached so that you could hang it from the post of the bed and play the music box inside to help the baby fall asleep. When I was a toddler I decided that it was so soft I wanted to use it as an actual pillow, so my mom took the music box out for me. And now I still can't sleep without it, but it's been well loved and the ribbon and embroidery are all gone. I wouldn't say it holds any real sentimental value, in that I don't remember getting it. But it's special and sentimental and a part of me in the way that a baby's first blanket gets packed in someone's college moving boxes. My little pillow is just a part of me, it always has been and I hope it always will be.
7H ⇢ what do you consider green flags in a relationship?
In any relationship: good, healthy communication. Not holding grudges. Explaining to me why they are upset, what they need, how I can help. Respecting boundaries. Effort. God, effort is so important. And not just in the "I'm paying for half the rent" way, but in the "you seemed down today so I got you flowers on my way home from work" or "I know you're not feeling well so I vacuumed and did the dishes" way. I think the biggest thing is to feel like it's a partnership, that you're both as invested in it as the other person, and that you both treat it as a conscious living thing, tending it, helping it grow and thrive, and not giving up on it when the going gets rough.
In my current relationship: she never pushes me too far too fast, she is always always always incredibly respectful of me and my beliefs and my interests. She actively asks me about things that I'm interested in and doesn't mind if I ramble for hours about it. There are a lot of finicky things that I need or can't stand because my autistic brain says so, and she is incredibly patient with each and every one of them. She supports me, listens to me -- really listens to me. She remembers little things that I've mentioned in passing once. She loves my dog like he's her own. She got my grandma a birthday present and got my mother flowers the first time she came over. She sits quietly while I pray before I eat, even though she doesn't. She let's me choose what we watch on tv. She wants to know the name of every plant I buy. And she was absolutely perfect when she met my family. That was a huge one. I felt comfortable leaving her talking to my aunt for a few minutes while I helped my mom with appetizers. And I mean, she got thrown into the deep end with my family, the poor thing. But she was perfect. And to me, that was everything.
11H ⇢ describe your friends in 3 words
What friends? Nonexistent. 😂👏🏼🙈 (Alternately: lovely, loyal, lesbians)
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lnfours · 7 months
10.9k of you???? thank you so much??? oh my fucking god???
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copiousloverofcopia · 7 months
keep an eye on your mail this week…
xoxo, gossip ghoul 💋
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Is this what I'm looking for?
That came on Valentine's Day of all days 🥰💕🌹
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allieisacrybaby · 4 months
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he would
hey siri play “what’s your fantasy?”
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feralbeeast · 3 months
Love your knife posts! Any chance for a knife to throat post?
Thank you lovely! 🥰🖤 well since you asked~
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⋆ ・˳ . ⭒ They / Them ⋆・. ˳ . ⋆
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rosicheeks · 5 months
Like Real People Do is my favorite Hozier song and I think of you every time I listen to it
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homecomingvn · 1 year
I sent my nico ask a bit ago and I scrolled down to see that only to be gifted with shirtless Nico, I am eating GOOD today, I would stare at him and go 'oh, only one pierced? that a choice or did you wimp out?' because I crave violence and love to see my men boiling with anger besides that, I must know, do any of the cast have childhood stuffed animals they still keep? I have a stuffed animal special interest and need to know -sincerely yours, Nico Simp the 3rd
Nico Simp the 3rd we meet again 🫡
As for your question, Sandy definitely has the most out of the bunch (she never gets rid of sentimental items ever) but since I really like this question, each of the cast gets their own stuffed animal ^^
HENRY: Zebra named Zeeb
LYRA: Jason Voorhees stuffie
ELIJAH: Pink Teddy Bear named Gladys
SANDY: Chocolate Lab named Cocoa
BONUS - NICO: Bat named Hubert
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mandiemegatron · 7 months
Hi Mandie!!!
Idk if you use Twitter really but there’s this artist that does some heart pirate stuff that I thought you might like
I always love when the boys are in the bg of the pics xD
Hi Kaz baby!!!! 💖💖💋💋
I do have a Twitter but I don't use it very often, but I will DEFINITELY check this artist out !!! My heart pirate boys need more love !!! They deserve it!!
I love them so much 😭😭😭😭🤲🤲🤲🤲 THANK YOU MY LOVELY !! 💖💖💖
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wayward-sherlock · 5 months
wayli you are the spn mutual to me. i know jack shit about that show except november 5th 2020 but every time you post about it im like ohh 👁👁 hmmmm ......
u are also the Fanfiction Mutual to me. both bc you write the most beautiful fics to ever and also because we became friends through fanfic teehee 🫶🫶
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hello bee my lovely i went through my reaction pic folder and found as many spn related reaction pics as possible for this. can you tell who my favorite character is. 😳
ANYWAYS thank u this is such a big compliment i love posting about the show that simultaneously gave me and cured me my mental illnesses. especially bc most of my mutuals follow me for byler so jumpscaring them with the fandom that half of my username is from is so lovely 💗 did not need to say this much but i always have so much to say about my boys in spn so. hehe
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peppermintmochafem · 4 months
Mommy don’t do that to me🥹 (pls do)
I just saw the pictures you posted, got me all flustered, dumbfounded and needy and it’s almost 04:14 AM 😳
You look so good, wow.
I hope you’re alright -🐕
if you want to act like a dumb eager service puppy it's only fair that I treat you like one 💋 it sound like you need to rest your little brain
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madame-fear · 5 months
I L O V E how you're setting your new aesthetics
It looks like a red gummy bear, but is made out of the most clear glass ever
Or like that one pencil I once had that was pink with little strawberries and smelled just like one
FIO MY LOVEEEE oh my god that’s such a huge compliment— thank you SO MUCH FOR THIS my angel AAAAAAA 😭😭💗💗💗
Also you brought me back to the times I had a doll that smelled like strawberries and I was OBSESSED with smelling her all the time AHAHSJDJD THANK YOU FOR THIS BABYYYY, ITS EXACTLY THE VIBE I WANT FOR MY BLOG!!! 🥺😭💗💗💕💕
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idkwhatimdoingbutslay · 5 months
I'm very much in denial about "Dear, Hello..." ending, but I wanted to ask what your favorite part was? Also, was there any part that turned out better than you expected? Also, what's your headcanon for Corina's and Sarah's future? Also, sorry, it's likely I won't watch the original movie, given that I'm sure I've read the best iteration of this story, but how many creative liberties did you have to take to adapt the story both to the characters and to a written format? (I absolutely love the story, so I'm fiending for more conversation on it! lol!)
Favourite part: UGHH IDK!!! I really love the kiss scene in the hot tub because it’s just so intimate and it was something I looked forward to a lot because it’s also one of my favourite scenes in the movie! I had all these plans and was super duper excited to finally let Cait and Vi just love (or “not hate” 🤭) each other finally. It was just so sweet and so lovely with the elements of them finally crossing the lines they’ve been so desperate to cross like with Cait’s super sensitive neck that was mentioned during the contract writing and with Vi’s obsession with having someone’s hand in her hair and JUST ALL THE KISSING!!! I headcanon that Vi and Cait are super into kissing, I can’t even lie, and that it’s just a connection they’re so desperate for. Though, I’m not super confident in how the chapter turned out as a whole 🤔. The final reading of Cait’s second letter to Vi is also just so !!!!! Another thing I was SUPER excited for. I also love chapter 17 where they just hang out and banter and pine at the ice cream place and the outdoor movie and stuff. I really love the lacrosse chapters (15-16) too because of how much develops during them and how CUTE CAIT AND VI ARE in Caitlyn’s bedroom, especially with Cait falling asleep. OH AND AND AND THE GALA AND HALLOWEEN!!!! THOSE FACE KISSES????? THE JAYCE AND VI INTERACTION??? THE CONTRACT AND THE JERICHO’S RESTAURANT SCENE??? OMG THERES JUST SO MUCH, especially with Caitlyn and Vi’s dynamic throughout the whole fic! I love every bit and piece, especially all the additions of Vi’s relationships with lacrosse, her family and her friends and same for Caitlyn’s relationships with Kai’Sa (LOVE HER!!!), her parents and Jayce and Corina and even Sarah. I just love the whole fic I can’t lie, I can’t believe I actually pulled it off 😭. The overall development of the reluctant partners fake dating to all the resurfaced pining from years ago just kinda gets me! Their love for each other just never went away!
Better than expected: … the whole fic I think???? I really did not expect this fic to hit so hard for myself or others! What I REALLY didn’t expect was how much I was gonna love Kai’Sa’s character because, during planning, I just needed someone to fill the friend spot for Cait and Kai’Sa Void (COOLEST NAME EVER) just started to really stick!!! She’s so fun and balances Caitlyn so well. Plus, having an aro character will always be peak to me. PLUS PLUS, silly Vi thinking Kai’Sa has feelings for Cait and that Caitlyn might reciprocate them??? Please 😭. Also, Vi’s friend group! I also really needed those spaces filled and they also made as fun additions. I’m always super worried about making OCs for fics cuz I don’t want them to pull people out from the fic or something, so I prefer to find league characters to add but I also know NOTHING about league and sometimes (most times) it just doesn’t work out. It did this time tho! The little bits of politics that I got to write were fun too, especially with how it made Caitlyn view her mother.
Headcanons for Corina: she doesn’t change very much, inherits her family’s factories and continues to be a problem. She’ll eventually get bored of being the “friendliest” bully of all time, though, and move on to just being a generally awful person with a good mask. Might even start working with Silco and the chembarons 😧. Her parents def have a tie with them already. Headcanons for Sarah: SHE GROWS!!!! She works through her insecurities and learns about what she truly wants for herself. She faces her neglectful parents, takes a gap year and decides to study to be a teacher or something. She stops comparing herself and wishing and wishing and wishing to be someone else and instead learns to be someone better. She probably moves away too to start anew.
Creative liberties: I honestly took A TON. Especially since the role Vi’s filling (Peter: the love interest) didn’t have much focus in the movie or even the books, and if there was some, it was kinda lacklustre. We never got his POV and he regressed a lot imo. I aged them up from junior year to senior year after debating if I wanted it all to take place in Uni cuz writing young CaitVi is foreign to me lol. I swapped the family dynamics in the movie. The character Caitlyn’s in place for (Lara Jean: main character) was the one with the bigger, complicated family and a lost parent and Peter was the one with an absent parent and a smaller family. I almost made Vi be Lara Jean and write the letters lol! My notes for this fic are crazy, I might post them one day. The character Corina’s in place for (Josh: Lara Jean’s ex (?) childhood best friend and Lara Jean’s older sister’s (who Jayce plays) ex boyfriend) was NOT as mean as Corina and eventually reconciled with Lara Jean. He was the one that convinced Lara Jean to find Peter and tell him how she really felt. Caitlyn needed different character development tho lmao. Parental reconciliation is iffy in the original series for Peter; again with the lack of focus (and overall characterization in the second and third books/movies) on him. I strongly dislike the third book and am very indifferent to the movie so I kinda block it out. Obvi, in the original series, Lara Jean is straight, so I mixed it up for Caitlyn. Instead of a guy that Lara Jean used to like telling her that he’s gay and Peter kinda laughing at Lara Jean when he finds out, a girl Cait used to like tells her she’s aro and Vi instead laughs at Caitlyn for writing a letter to Jayce considering her… situation, lmao. There’s some more little things like Sarah’s characterization that kinda followed but kinda didn’t the character she was in place for. It’s only a 90 minute movie and I really didn’t want Sarah to just be some bad guy. Even Corina was simply brought up with a desperation for control. It was kind of a vague template of love letters and pining and character development and family/friend dynamics that I morphed them into to make it all work and I think I did it pretty well 🤗. The written format wasn’t hard to adjust to since the movies are based off of books and I even own the books to kinda use as a guide (although I didn’t use them much at all lmao). The chapters of the books are pretty short and, again, don’t have Peter’s POV, so there was def a lot of change.
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lookedlikethebins · 6 months
hi, just wanted to let you know that I’ve just gone through my kind of monthly reread of be my god and country which will quickly be followed by my also monthly reread of your other fics, I truly love them so much! Hope you’re doing well :) so excited for future things :)
hi anon!! i just want to say this ask has had me a little speechless (and emo) and very much thinking about god and country matty and george all morning. thank you!! 💜 writing that fic and creating that fictional World was so much fun (when i was juggling so many Not Fun situations).
BUT now that i have sort of decluttered my life and schedule a bit, i will say... perhaps future things could most definitely include the long awaited chapter 3 👀
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allieisacrybaby · 8 months
Did someone say Jakey mood??? 👀
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Here's a small collection of my favorite Jakes 💕
“small collection” hun, this is a whole art gallery!!!! he is so pretty and dreamy *bats eyelashes*🥰
the bottom left photo is probably my fave photo of jake like ever. he just is so beautiful😩
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feralbeeast · 2 months
Strongly identify with hating myself rn, but you're absolutely lovely 💖
So I very much hope your self-image improves and you see that fact soon! Hugs and kisses until then and beyond!
I'm sorry you can relate, i appreciate this very much 🥺 thank you lovely! sending you all the good vibes with hugs and kisses 💕🫂
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rubinee · 9 months
You mentioned in the tags how sph doesn’t interest you because smaller cocks are better in alot of ways, and I’m inclined to agree. Out of curiosity though, what do you think of (for lack of a better term) big penis humiliation? It’s been on my mind a long time because mine is bigger and I feel like there’s alot of space for that conceptually
Having a service top guided, whimpering but obedient, to stay still while being used as a dildo, only allowed to move at a certain pace to test their restraint. Having them only be allowed to touch themselves if they can’t look, whether by trained self discipline or by something blocking their view. Being teased for how *obvious* it is that they’re turned on, no matter what they’re wearing—or even having clothes chosen to emphasize that, like not getting underwear or having a cute skirt (which also gives easy access whenever that’s wanted)
😳 well happy new year to you too
ngl the scenarios you sent had me daydreaming a bit 🤤 my personal favourite would also be playfully calling someone a bit dumb bc all bloods gone to the other brain hehe
so i totally agree there is potential there and I'd love for people to get more creative with it
but for me personally i don't know if i could enjoy this irl (not just as a fantasy) i still have some emotional hang-ups about my own.... limitations that i would need to work through first
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