#thank u so much for this ask anon it was fun
fishiestars · 2 months
Perhaps some sort of TMA flavored/inspired Kanata art? (The Vast jumps to mind first, but I think there's a lot of places you could go- Lonely for his isolated youth or even Extinction with the anxieties about abandoning his post as God bc what if the meteor DOES come back and it WASN'T all just lies????)
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kanata is very lonely coded to me! not just bc of how isolated his childhood was but also bc he often feels kinda alienated from others which is a very isolating experience. extinction is also a really good one i never thought about :o i can see the vast but idk how it fits into the overall theme of his character and history other than just the ocean being very vast aligned tho i think the ocean fits into the lonely really well too and is often (less noticeably) used as a theme for the lonely. also MAYBE flesh could be a good alignment bc of the cult's old practice of cannibalism and just the whole story in general ig. i have no idea how the other ryuseitai members would fit into place tho,, or how the cult would be in a tma setting
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mariatesstruther · 1 year
Do you think Maria's kids would use Uncle or Tio for Joel? Given their casting I think the Millers are meant to be Spanish in decent (Pedro's Chilean but Gabriel's Mexican I think?) so I'm curious as to what they'd go with culturally. Sarah said Uncle though.
i think they’d use both! at least that’s what i’ve personally imagined and written in some of my fics—i will say tho, i’m not bilingual nor do i speak spanish, so if someone with more cultural reference and authority for this would like to chime in, i’d take their word over mine!
i just personally think that in jackson, maria and the community would be encouraging the kids to learn as much as they can and pickup as many skills as they can, including speaking multiple languages. i think it’d be so so so cool for the school to have like little languages classes where jackson community members that speak something other than english teach classes to whoever wants to learn, from kids to adults
so from this line of thought, it’s my personal little headcanon that baby miller LOVES learning languages, loves listening and babbling and eventually saying new words. so maria and tommy and joel and ellie take turns taking ‘em to all the language classes they can, pretty much like 4 nights a week for years and years. by the time baby miller is five, they speak an impressive a bit english, spanish, french, portuguese, and tagalog. before they know it, they’ve unintentionally raised a little polygot!!!
so they’re really not just limited to using uncle and tío, but also calling maria and tommy and joel and ellie endearments and their family titles in every language they know
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rattkachuk · 4 months
Hello! Hope you are having a good day.
So I have a question for you, just ignore when you don't feel like answering.
I came to Mattdrai via the enemies/rivals to lovers tag and then got sucked into hockey. I really like the fanon take on Leon, fav character, fanon Matthew was fine but way too woobified and infantilized in so many fics. So my surprise when I started to watch games, interviews etc. Public Matthew is so confident, so loving, awesome family to back him up, especially Brady, hot as hell, sexy way of playing hockey, amazing public persona. Loved and respected by his team, beyond hockey.
Then Leon. His only trait seems to be that he's pissy which I can appreciate but it seems that he's just a downright mean, arrogant guy with a superiority complex (see that interview when he puts Silovs down.) I don't find him stoic at all but he's just seems boring and bland and yeah, pissy. It doesn't seem like he has fun or likes his team a lot or is liked by them (Connor aside and his skills aside.) His friendship with Connor seems the only endearing or likeable thing. He even looks good in a bland way and his hockey is while it's so skillful it's not hot and also I wonder why his dirty plays aren't called out more often.
So what do I miss? Where does great fanon Leon come from? Why is he written mostly so superior to Matthew and where comes the "his team likes Leon so much but Matthew is an outcast in his own team come from?) It's so far from what I gather from old and new interviews or games and I have watched a lot, also German interviews. I really would like to like Leon, shipping them had been more fun when I didn't find his public self so jarring. What do I not see what everyone else seems to get?
Sorry for the long ask! Have a great day and thank you
first off thank you for such a thought out ask! i don't get to dive into things like this a lot outside of writing fic and it got my brain gears going.
to get right into the bulk of this ask: i get what you are saying about leon. that can be the way he comes off for sure, and look everything i'm gonna say? i'm talking out of my ass here. i don't claim to know anything about him as a person besides what's publicly presented, and i don't have much right to theorize about why he is the way that he is, but i'd be lying if i said i didn't think about it. how would i write rpf otherwise, right 💀
i think he cares a lot. and i think sometimes he gets so wrapped up in things, how things should be, how he should be performing, etc, and when it doesn't go a certain way he gets frustrated and snarky (eg, pissy comments and such). but i don't see that being bad necessarily, especially when it's seems to come from such a team oriented state of mind. which, i dont think he dislikes his team at all? i think if anything, he has a sort of blind faith in his team, and that's the only context i could see a 'superiority complex' making sense in. and yah maybe a little misplaced at times, but ultimately i think it comes from believing so fully in his team and not seeing that come to fruition. he really does not seem to care about his individual performance much at all, so how self obsessed can he be? when i think about leon i just see someone that is ultimately very passionate and committed to the game he plays. i'm also curious to know where you get the vibe that his team doesn't like him? simply because i never got that impression from any of the other oilers, they all seem like they're obsessed with him.
beyond hockey, i see a caring, sweet, kindhearted individual. anytime i see a picture or vid of him interacting with bowie, or even the things his girlfriend posts about him, the comments he leaves for people on ig, and yah of course in the way he talks/acts around connor, i see fragments of someone soooo different than the little two minute post game interviews (which, can we judge any hockey player on those? i think they all hate them dfkjgsd). it's not always something i actively go digging for or have examples of the top of my head, but i do see it, and it definitely goes into creating the version of leon that i have in my mind.
hey, and, he's a silly guy!!! please, i know the reputation is pissy and humourless, ESPECIALLY in fic, but that man is so funny. so many random offhanded comments that make me pause and then laugh. a different sense of humour but it's so there. i love the sandcastle vid from the asg last year and feel like it's a good example of that, all sunburnt and happy. also hey, big man in tune with his fear of the ocean? love that. that little vid of him dancing on the ice earlier this season, those halloween photos where he's dressed as a monkey, every time he talks to a kid. hell, seeing him in warmups and watching the way he takes time to interact fans?? loveee watching warmups but i'd never had a player actually acknowledge my existence before leon!
also i really enjoy his personality on the ice, i like the rat behaviour and the sassy comments that he makes to other players/refs, i like the bitch moves, and i like his hockey too. i think his game is dependable and like you said skillful, and while maybe not the most creative, the sureness and the technical aspect it is hot to me. so my thoughts on everything are probably skewed in that regard.
anyways this was just a whole lot of rambling about why i find him interesting, endearing even, but i understand the perception you have. i don't like some players that other people love, just cause i cant see what they see. and honestly that's sometimes just the way it is! if you don't like leon, maybe u just don't like him and thats fine.
disclaimer that i have only been on hockeyblr for a couple years, and really didn't spare many thoughts for leon til the beginning of the 22/23 season. truthfully i'm hardly the person to ask about leon imo, but of course i have thoughts anyways! if someone else with more knowledge reads my bit of rambling here, please feel free to chime in and add your voice to this!
and side note, ofc, i have to touch on this bc who would i be if i'm not one to talk about matthew; in the way of m.tkachuk, i think that in the early days of mattdrai it was maybe a fair take away during his time with the flames (minus the woobifying). even though he was loved so much here and had some fucking times, and i think the team was mostly good to him (player wise if not regarding management, that is), i see such a stark difference now that he's on the panthers. he seems much happier and more confident, and obviously he's clicking with the cats on another level, and i do see a shift in how he's been portrayed in fics since tbh.
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crismakesstuff · 10 months
Wasn't that scene in the comics too?
If you are talking about the scene in the opening sequence of s2ep4 kindaaaaa but not rly let me explain
spoilers for s2 ep4 “it’s been a while” ahead!
in the comic you get a lot of narration (bc that’s just the nature of a comic) where we get this exposition from nolan:
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in the opening of the episode this seems to play out but instead there is no narration or any spoken dialogue for that matter. But then we get this beautiful scene that is original to the show
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in the show you really see and feel the emotional turmoil that nolan is going through after ruining the live he loved and almost killing his son. He fully is attempting suicide here and the only reason he doesn’t end up going through with it is because he sees the thraxan ship getting pulled into the black hole. Let me repeat the only reason he doesn’t die is because he stops his suicide attempt to save lives.
He’s doing something that I personally think he did while thinking of mark, because mark would do that. He’s the kind of person to save strangers even if it blows up in his face bc of the kind heart his mother raised him with.
In the comic he just kinda meanders thru space and then arrives on thraxa and instantly just becomes like god king bc he’s the oldest and even ends up planning on giving thraxa over to viltrum as sort of “oopsie daisy I fucked up have this instead ok?” It’s something I personally rly did not like from the comic but they thankfully changed that in the show
The only reason he stayed on thraxa in the show and didn’t go back to try and end his life again is because he was asked to stay and to help them. I mean look at this guy he looked 100% ready to go and find that black hole again and finish what he started
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In s2ep4 there’s no mention of him saying that he’s gonna give them to viltrum just that the reason he needs mark there is to help protect the people of thraxa and his little brother oliver. Which is a small but very important touch
Also over-all mark pushes back a lot more against his dad than in the comic where he rly just begged him to come home like a sad puppy and then nolan said “I’m not talking ab ur mother lolz”. Again the show fixes this and is doing imo a good job of starting his redemption arc better than the comic, nolan is by no means fully redeemed at all it’s gonna take a while but he’s trying and fucking ur and trying.
Hope this helped answer your question anon ! C:
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kate-bot · 5 months
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OKAY SO I've gotten two asks about my Noisette cosplay AND THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS !!!!!!!! It was sm fun to make this cos, so I will gladly explain everything I did in hopes that it might help someone else!! also both anons please share your cosplays with me when theyre done i would love to see them....
I've tried to link everything where I can, where I got stuff etc... I only rarely cosplay (although I am thinking of going as the noise in May Comiccon) and this was my biggest ever project so!! It's very trial-and-error! But without further ado
Okay i’m gonna be real my mum helped me so much she basically did all the sewing for me. Sewing is the fucking bane of my existence I hate doing it so much so we planned it out together and she basically executed it. Props to her for that she’s so real… She also wrote down what she did!! So i’ll just paste and colour that in for you to read!!
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“The black material (seen in the above image) was originally a beanie hat that was picked apart to use as a template…
This was game changing basically. We had experimented with making the hat from scratch but it was far too difficult and we were both too stupid so we just unstitched a pre-existing hat and stole the template. The hat we cut up was one we had lying around for years so i cannot tell you where to get one from, but any beanie that is stitched together will work i guess! So I would recommend finding a hat that fits you snugly and doing the same thing!
…and the wool fabric that was utilised gave the finished product was stiff enough to be structurally sound.
I just got this from my local fabric shop, I would recommend wool over something like felt because it’s super sturdy and I was pulling on my mask a LOT.
Once sewn together, I attached a stiff card facemask to the front to help provide some structure, and to locate where the eye holes should be cut.
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I think this picture shows it pretty well, my mum was able to curve the shape of the fabric to fit a pre-existing mask- we got ours from Hobbycraft, just one of those stringed white template masks yknow. We cut off the string, made the eyeholes a little bigger and just stuck it straight on!! I should mention this was pretty much all done with a sewing machine as well!
After that, we made two ears from a paper pattern, stuffed them and put some wire inside to allow them to be positioned, before sewing them onto this headband, which was then sewn into the hat. The bottom of each ear was also stitched to the crown to give it some additional stability and to secure the headband correctly in position (having fitted it on the wearer).
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Yeah it was actually less of a mask and more of a headband!! That was what gave it most of the support and meant the ears would stay up, I’m not sure how it would work without it!! The ears were the only part that I could actually help with LMAO i just freehanded a little template, stuffed it, and then put in some modelling wire to make them able to be posed :)
Then it was a lot of hand sewing, and glueing the eyeholes to the mask to create a cohesive look.
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AND YEAH that’s pretty much all it was! I also attached some little felt eyelashes to add to it as well. Honestly I could never come up with a step-by-step guide for the process because it was such a trial and error thing (i’d made two test-hats before we even came up with the method) but it was so fun!!
I would 100% recommend if you want the ears to stay UP to stuff them AS MUCH AS U CAN and/or put wire in them!! :) I also made some cute little bows to clip into my wig in the same fabric to make it more cohesive!! I also put a bow (and a bunny tail heheh) on the back of the dress too!!
Super simple! I just found one online (okay for some reason the link has been taken off of the website, but just look up "overall dress" on google shopping and you will 100% find something super cute)- I made sure to buy the dress first, and then take it to the fabric shop to try and colourmatch the mask fabric as best as I could. Then it was just buying some big ol buttons off eBay and sewing them on!! (I could actually do that bit by myself, I'm bad at sewing but im not THAT bad)
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Cute patterned knee-high socks cuz shes cute like that. Leg warmers, I think I got them both off of Amazon... Converse I got from Depop and I had wanted to buy a pair anyway so I was super stoked to get them cheap!! I chose converse over a pair of high-heels or Mary Janes just for comfort reasons, I was walking around loads at the con so... Everything else apart from the shirt was from Amazon or just. Somewhere online(I have no idea where to get fancy white gloves LOL) and the shirt was from Depop as well! I liked how frilly it was, re: Noisette is cute like that!!
oh yeah and the wig. I hate wigs it was awful. I have no idea how to style them. underneath the hat was the most awful bowl cut ever I just. It wasn't my best moment. Dont ask me about wigs please .
Also I should mention I got this bag for the cosplay (which I now use all the time cuz its so cute) because i needed space to store shit and I wanted something on-brand with her cafe... this isnt the exact link I used but I just got it off of ebay :P
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Unfortunately I don't have a lot of WIP pictures of my props but they were pretty simple to make!! The coffee cup was literally just spraypainting over a reusable coffee cup and using POSCA pen to draw on the front! Fun fact the cup says "To Peppino" because originally my boyfriend was gonna go with me as Peppino before the Cruetly Squad brainrot got to him so. YEA
And the tip jar was also pretty simple, I just painted on the lid a plastic jar (can't be glass, not allowed at ComicCon) and cut out a bit of vinyl to work as the sign. The cobweb was just hot-glued 3D printer filament, and the spider was made with foam modelling clay (literally the best thing ever if you're making small models like that) and i stuck him to the lid of the jar with Kandi string so he'd bounce around :]
AND I THINK THATS IT!! i may as well post a pic of the full cosplay since I dont think many people would have made it this far.... But I think it turned out pretty cool!! I got recognised a few times as well which was amazing!! (cropped out my bf cuz idk if he wants his face on tumblr gfhhfg)
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SO YEAH!!!! if anyone has any questions please let me know.. but GOOD LUCK IN UR COSPLAY MAKING FRIENDS!!!! :D
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shukakumoodboard · 29 days
a headcanon from each of the levels you just reblogged for gaalee
oh my GOD this is a top quality anonymous question op ur da BEST. yammertime. ofc since these are all for a non-canonical ship they're all deranged sparkle emoji but i digress.
for anyone who is like wtf here's the post i reblogged.
text under the cut!
level one:
one that purveyors of gaalee are very familiar with in fanon lore but i believe this to fit in nicely with canon while filling gaps: gaalee friendship developed predominantly via letter writing. reasons why i think this fits with canon 1) gaara manages to develop solid friendships with a lot of people in konoha with what is visually very little actual in-person interaction time. it stands to reason that there's behind the scenes friendship development. 2) he's the president at fourteen like he does not have time to spend on wandering the local mall like a lot of us oldmanyaois did to build our social circles, plus, he's got access to allllll the military communications options. and hawks are fast 3) we know there are multiple canonical messenger hawks! and their whole purpose is cross village communiques. of course they're all sending notes lets b so fr rn
level two:
height difference: lee is, in my head, taller than the canon suggests, and gaara is shorter. reasoning: ok look you've all seen this panel and you're telling me gaara ends up only like 4cm shorter than lee? Go To Jail
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yes yes we can all discuss how they're all mid teens and have growing time but listen. gaara spent his entire childhood being effectively mentally tortured by shukaku and also his village's effective abandonment. do you think he had a well balanced diet? if we want to get scientific there's several studies that discuss how poor nutrition in childhood leads to lifelong consequences, and just because kishimoto didn't address this doesn't mean I Won't thank u. and i haven't even gotten started on the not-sleeping-thing. conversely, lee's probably been on Max Gains Training Diet since he was like. what, 10? tldr, i'm simply massaging their canonical heights in favour of what Actually Makes Sense Fucka You
i have another one for lee i think fits in this level that many of you may know from my magnus opus fight club: lee is--whether certified or not--definitely qualified to be a physiotherapist, and i think he'd volunteer at the hospital helping patients with mobility related injuries. reasoning: PLEASE in order to be a brilliant taijutsu specialist he has to have like the most intimate understanding of how the body works. that's his whole area of expertise. and i think that even post-op as a sand-squished teen he would have needed tons of therapy, and rock "paragon of virtue and chivalry and whatever" lee would absolutely feel like he needed to provide some sort of assistance to the hospo staff and help the other patients. because that's what a good shinobi would do. dattebayo
level 3:
yall know what time it is its LANGUAGE HEADCANON TIME based on, once again, all of @sagemoderocklee's fantastic lore. i think lee speaks 3, which for me are a) some form of shinobi common b) whatever the land of fire's local is, and c) something unique to team gai that's heritage based. in tgod i call it nishitsuchigo. i think gaara speaks [large number] on account of being mr sand president sir and thus becoming to some extent a diplomat, plus all those night awake? polyglot challenge speedrun. and the gaalee aspect of this is that gaara can speak all three that lee knows, so they can use that heritage based one to talk shit about their coworkers what who said that.
gaara's hugely into gardening. i think this is a fact in the databooks and we all know the screencap where he's holding the flowerpot but extending on this into truly fan-created lore i think he's definitely overhauling all of suna's food supply chains by going ham on greenhouses and very precise water allocations etc etc
lee grows his hair out after neji's death. this one is, again, well distributed across fandom because everyone, of course, is right relieved emoji. but ignoring bort entirely, lee would definitely do something to honour his friend/teammate, and i think that would be something like growing his hair out, since i don't think he'd change his style of dress and he can't learn neji's jutsu. and he's had long hair before. bring it back kishi u bastard
level 4 delusions:
theyre married. what do you mean im delulu
metal, if i am acknowledging bort which most of the time i am not, is their biological child. no i am not explaining how. my metal origin theory changes based on the fic i'm writing. currently its rock lee's tboy swag porn extension fic. hooHA. but this one only applies to when there's kids present--most of the time there aren't kids in my head
lee and temari swap diplomat roles to be emissaries for each other's villages as part of a Siq Deal to be with their respective husbandos
lee would 100% teach taijutsu to suna's academy students. why? because i said so
basically all my other headcanons tbh
omg i had so much fun with this thank you anon! <3
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jardinvrm · 1 year
You know, I'm really curious on what Lloyd and Fuyumi's relationship was like after Hunted, if you could fill me in and tell me more I'd really appreciate it 💗
I am. SOOOO glad someone finally asked me about them
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For starters anon, after Hunted you can say Lloyd pretty much cut Fuyumi off completely from his life, from all the trauma Harumi gave him he obviously needed time to heal and Fuyumi's looks were just reminding him of that pain
Meanwhile Fuyumi desperately begged him not to leave her, abandonment issues kicking in obviously cuz she lost everything because of Harumi but Lloyd believed it was the best for both.. KEYWORD. THOUGHT.
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After coronation (that he didn't attend but saw from afar) he realized how miserable and lonely Fuyumi was, realizing his horrible mistake he immediately tried to reconnect with her
Fuyumi after getting used to people just disappearing from her life decided to just surrender to emptiness.. more like "I won't talk to anyone, I won't speak to anyone, they will be on their own and I'll be on my own."
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Girl is obviously very fucking salty and just so tired of life and betrayal and people leaving her and Lloyd is desperate... they're getting there eventually :/
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spacenintendogs · 8 months
Confession: Snotstrid is the only m/f pairing in all history of How to Train Your Dragon that I'm able to truly enjoy, but if I say this anywhere else I'll get bashed on the head (not a joke, this actually happened once). When I found your blog I literally screamed with joy and thanked the heavens, for I am not the only one child of men born with bad taste. Thank you so much for your service.
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proud to serve our troops 🫡
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Aesop, have you seen that new Hunter? Fool’s Gold, I think he’s called? Thoughts about him?
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Can't put my finger on it...
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pawbeanies · 3 months
You being stinky makes you cuter sorry
I wanna pick you up and make you do little dance moves with your paws like the Macarena or smth and then call you stink related nicknames
wtf wtf wtf !!!!!!!!!!!! im being made to do the macarena with my little fuckass paws !!!!!!!!!!!! its ok i love doing a little dance but also NOOO i am not cute. i will take the stinky names and little dances but i refuse. i refuse the cuteness (imagine this dog. angry)
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faebriel · 8 months
I thought it was interesting what you said re the for good nonnie, and I’m really curious on what you mean when you say c!rainduo never fully understood each other. Would love to hear abt that!
yea for sure!! honestly it's a big factor of how i personally interpret their relationship. i don't have the vods on hand so this is gonna need an element of "trust me bro" but it's there
i think wilbur and niki were very good friends, but there were fundamental things to how they each operate that the other never really... grasped? it's something that isn't always explicitly said in canon, but always stands out to me. some parts aren't exclusive to just them, but it forms this broader pattern that spans them from day 1 to the end of the server.
the starting key to all this is the manberg-pogtopia era - wilbur is exiled, niki offers help, and he asks her to stay. there's a really telling interaction imo when wilbur and tommy are scampering around manberg (i think they were stealing supplies iirc?) and wilbur and niki have a conversation over in-game chat. wilbur asks niki to stay in manberg, and niki responds in-chat that she will, but she's visibly upset by the response and mumbles as such to herself afterwards. and after that, wilbur kind of falls into a mental pit, and he stops considering niki's safety in manberg until she is literally about to die right in front of him. and then he doesn't explain the "let's blow up manberg" plan at all, so niki is left with the realisation that wilbur tried to blow up manberg, presumably with her in it, without knowing just how quickly he sabotaged his own plan to save one of her lives...
and on niki's side, she's in the same box as everyone else when it comes to not understanding wilbur's issues in pogtopia. she agrees with fundy on nov 16 that wilbur has changed, and he's not the same wilbur from l'manberg anymore - she's still loyal to him, but she (like everyone else) doesn't really piece together that wilbur is suffering from mental problems that have spanned back to the presidency. he's just changed. he's not the same wilbur who was her friend (even if she still looks out for him the same way).
then when niki unearths the TNT underneath the presidential podium, she doesn't say anything or actively try to seek wilbur out (although they were all pretty quickly distracted by techno) - she trusts him, but she doesn't understand that wilbur has been giving off suicidal red flags all day (two of them explicitly onscreen, towards her - leading her to mushroom and giving her the blue, and arguably whatever happened with that coat offscreen) and that wilbur going missing right as she discovers the TNT is there and ready to blow is a massive, massive danger sign. and i mean, why would she. like everyone else, she thought that they won and that there was no reason why wilbur would want to destroy the place anymore. she didn't get quite how far he had spiraled.
it's that seed of misunderstanding that lets niki's feelings fester from doomsday onward. wilbur didn't kill himself, he abandoned her. it wasn't because he was dealing with suicidality, paranoia, delusions and pretty steep mood changes, it was because he actually never cared about her or anyone and all he cares about is chaos and destruction and he always thought she was a stupid, foolish dog at his heel. ghostbur's existence is an offence that tips her entire perception of what is real and what isn't. and when the target of niki's anger - tommy - is killed and revived, she has to shift all that unresolved grief and anger and misunderstanding onto the specter of wilbur.
starting to get into more fanon territory, i think wilbur puts niki on a bit of a pedestal. pre-death, even pre-spiral, the thought that she may struggle in manberg - that she's physically safe (which let's be honest, she was not) and that she will be fine - doesn't even cross his mind. despite being good friends, he never goes to her with his stress and worries as president. post-revival, he hems and haws over his apology to her for weeks before he makes it, and ironically he's been out of her life for so long that he doesn't even know she tried to murder his little brother. niki is a bit more proactive, but she doesn't understand wilbur's nature - largely, she doesn't understand his struggles with mental health (and he never shared them before pogtopia, and in pogtopia he was a whole other kettle of fish, so why would she?) and how it influences his behaviour. wilbur does a lot of shitty things, he does a lot of scheming, but he's never directly trying to fuck her over in the way she comes to believe he did. she was collateral. and that is it's own kind of pain, but it's not the mustache-twirling kind of disdain that she seems to think he had for her at doomsday and when she responds to news of his revival.
anyway. i think that wilbur's apology to her stripped back some of those misunderstandings between them (esp because niki had gone through her own mental health gauntlet by then, and come out with a stronger support network for it), but it was moreso about re-establishing that despite everything else, they still care for one another and that's what important.
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002yb · 5 months
hiii, yb! i adore your dickjay (and damijay hehehehe) contents so much, thank you for always feeding us bottom jay enjoyer ^-^
if you dont mind me being curious, what else do you enjoy beside DC? is there anime/series/manga you particularly follow? :o
Thank you so much! Writing for bottom!Jason is such a joy. (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
Other things I enjoy besides dickjay DC? It makes me feel shy to share somehow ahahaha, but below are my big 3 atm ♡♡♡
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eggwishing · 1 year
hi can you uhh. draw 4 from bfb. i know this is a weird request considering you mainly draw other things but i just really love your artstyle. thank you and have a nice day!!!
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what a silly guy!!!!!
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simplydnp · 7 months
Between dnp who is the lazy gay and who is the activity gay?
great question anon. i will second this post from @yonpote in that dan would love to do nothing but doesnt do anything half-way so if they're doing it they're doing it and phil would have eyes bigger than his stomach and would want to quit partway through
however i think they flip-flop too, because dan absolutely wants the Perfect Pictures and phil would be like can we sleep
and maybe i'm projecting but both of them seem to enjoy maximizing a holiday so i guarantee they do what i call 'theme park hard' wherein if they're going then it is rope drop to fireworks, always going to a ride or waiting in line for one, do as many rides as possible, what do you mean you have to pee no you don't. but they'd absolutely complain about it the whole time and after but feel very accomplished.
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bluebellhairpin · 4 days
Please use this as an excuse to ramble and talk about your got oc and Sannem!
An excuse to talk about Sandor and my selfship oc? You don't have to tell me twice! (BEWARE. I DIDN'T HOLD BACK LOL)
They're both actually so special to me, but I haven't given myself a chance to really think about them. I do know that their relationship doesn't change the plot a whole lot - however because all my oc's are female I like having them do something to further the plot. I just haven't decided what exactly that is for her yet.
Well I do know one thing, but I'll talk about it later. What I'm mostly trying to get at is I know more fixed lore about the oc than the relationship she has with Sandor. A lot of it is still up in the air lol.
Over the course of her life she gets four nicknames. They progress from The Mouse -> The Thousand Times Bitten -> The Bitch -> The Untouched. (Link are to other post's I've made about why she's called that, and at what point she gets them. BUT THIS IS GOING TO GO WAAAAY MORE INTO THAT.)
I think I mentioned it in the description for The Mouse, but if she was in the show we'd first meet her at Winterfell. She runs errands, and her manner is likened to a field mouse. She knows the Starks, and probably would be around the crowd feasting when King Robert Baratheon visits. I can imagine her catching Sandor sometime then, and perhaps also on the road again a bit later - something clicks and they're friendly enough for acquaintances.
I can imagine her turning into an envoy for Robb during the War of Five Kings. She knows all the routes everywhere, especially in the North and around the Vale, and knows how to keep hidden - whether it be in crowds or empty spaces. It would be this envoy work that leads her to the house of Ramsay Snow. She's caught there, unable to leave. Eventually Ramsay chooses to hunt her, and she almost makes it out of the woods when his hounds get her. She bares her back to the dogs. When the others find her, they leave her there, saying that if she survives the night on her own, she'd be The Thousand Times Bitten.
She does survive, or at least that's what's told since the next morning she wasn't where they left her. Really she was picked up by a farmer and his wife who were coming home late. They nurse her back to full health over the next few weeks, however she cannot stand hounds anymore.
Eventually she leaves. She refuses to be a burden to the family anymore, intent to meet up with Catelyn and Robb Stark. Really though she wanders for a while instead. Eventually she meets Sandor again, and sees Arya. Right as they meet, Arya said that her mother and brother both died the night before, and seeing as she has nowhere else to go, she joins them both. The trio get along well, but during this time is when she starts being called The Bitch. Time with Ramsay has caused what once was sweet to turn bitter, and while before she might have laughed off curse actions and comments she becomes more violent, lacking in self preservation. This and her fondness for Sandor, and his fondness for her, garners her a new name.
She travels with Sandor and Arya until they all meet Brienne of Tarth. She gets lost among the fight. She finds Arya walking towards the road and asks what happened to Sandor. Arya replies that he's dead (at least to her), and she believes it. She's unable to bring herself to go see for herself and instead makes her way back North to the Wall. She meets Jon Snow, who is Lord Commander of the Watch, and uses that time to be taught how to fight properly.
She offers to join Jon on the trip to Hardhome, but he denies saying that she isn't experienced enough, and won't risk her life there. She spends all that time training more, to prove she could've gone. During this time she discovers a fondness for using two blades which are slightly smaller then swords. These become her weapons of choice.
When Jon dies at Castle Black, she is one of the people drawn outside by Ghost's howls. After he's brought back to life, she chooses to join him in leaving as the Wall was never a place for a woman. This plan is foiled when Sansa Stark shows up. In the days the follow, a letter comes from Ramsay goading them to fight him for Winterfell. She is eager to join in, having sworn to see Ramsay die for what he'd done to her, and now to Sansa - and threatened to do again.
She fights at the Battle of the Bastards, and lives without a scratch on her. The training from the Watch paid off. She rises that day as The Untouched - a name garnered from her days at Castle Black, since the moment training moved from pretend swords to real ones, no one could land a blow on her - and now a name solidifying her into a battle legend.
Staying true to her promise, she watches as Sansa sets Ramsay's hounds on himself. Sansa walks away, but she stays. She promised she'd see him die - really she wanted to do it herself, to feel his blood warm her hands, but watching the life leave him was really the only thing she wanted to do before she died. Now her life was no longer in service to herself. Now she was ready to serve someone else again.
Lo and behold, once again there is now a King in the North.
AND THAT'S ALL I HAVE SO FARRRRRRR <3 (I could write more, since I have seen a few more seasons since I decided on all this, but this post is getting loooooooong. So if you've lasted this long I'm giving you a nice cup of tea and/or hot chocolate and kissing ur forehead THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU <3333)
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bastardbvby · 1 year
dream liked jojo’s tweet, she so badly wants to join a server so i hope this is a sign he invited her!
i really would love if she was apart of the server like i saw her thread talking about how she’s reached out to so many people trying to get involved in the mc community and so i think it’d be a great opportunity if she was a member !!!
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