#than find the nearest cliff
strangeclouddream · 2 months
Never forget her name
She was a child. She was a fucking child, she should've been playing with dolls, reading books, exploring and loving life. And they took it away from her. She and her family did nothing wrong, the 'crime' they committed was going to safety. Never forget her name, never forget any of the names of the children, mothers, fathers, people who's lives were brutally taken by the Israeli military.
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i2ycat · 5 months
mr. obvious
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pairing friend!jay x fem!reader synopsis jay as ur friend who secretly likes you genre friends to lovers(?), fluff warnings mentions of jumping off a cliff (jokingly), not proofread main masterlist
reblogs and comments are very much appreciated!
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you and jay knew each other by being in the same circle of friends, but it’s only recently that you’ve started to get closer
between the small talks and late night group movie marathons, jay starts to question his feelings towards you
jay wouldn’t admit to his feelings for you at first, probably because of 3 things; 1) he wants to save himself the embarrassment: 2) he’s scared of rejection: and 3) he’s scared of losing you as a friend
he would constantly have to stop himself from staring at you way too long, from thinking about how cute you are even when you’re not around, from falling in love even deeper than he already is…
after a few tortuous months
jay would come to full terms with his feelings after seeing you the week after easter holidays;
it would be mid spring, wind rustling the trees and petals falling onto the concrete pavement
you and the rest of enha are walking back home, bikes in hand instead of riding it, just enjoying the spring breeze and each other’s quiet company
he would look over at you and in that moment, he knew he couldn’t deny it any longer… the way your hair fluttered just like the petals around you, the warmth in the apples of your cheeks…
he was a gone man FOR SURE
there was just no way he could deny his feelings for you anymore
so from then on, he decided that he would just love you as silently as he could
and that he did
more under cut!
he didn’t want ANYTHING to get out, not even a single word about his feelings for u so he didn’t tell any of his friends about his crush on you, not even his mom who he tells absolutely EVERYTHING to
he wouldn’t be taking any chances of you ever finding out
he would jump off a cliff with this secret if he had to
jay would be the type to subconsciously try to match your fashion sense, or anything you do really
you like wearing greyish tones? jay would be finding clothes to match that
you like wearing semi-casual clothing? jay is already buying slacks, a dress shirt and some other pieces of clothing that fit the vibes the you go for
he wouldn’t even notice that he’s doing that until someone else points out how you guys are always matching
“eh? you guys are basically wearing the same outfits.” jungwon teases, nudging jay at the sides
jay would be blushing HARD, trying to shut jungwon up by slinging an arm around his shoulders and pushing the poor boy down
little does jay know that his little crush is PAINFULLY PAINFULLY obvious to all his friends, INCLUDING you
someone save my poor boy from his misery PLEASE 🙏🏻
if it wasn’t already obvious enough, jay has an extremely soft spot for you, always taking your opinions as his very first consideration
“where should we eat?” jay would ask
“i kinda wanna eat sushi…” sunoo replies, scrolling through his phone as the rest of you wait in front of a 7-11, deciding on what to eat for dinner
“i wanna eat italian!” you beam
jay is immediately searching for all the nearest italian restaurants in the area
“italian it is!”
everyone, except you, huffs and rolls their eyes in disbelief at how jay folded so fast
you think you know the extent of jay’s feelings? WRONG, you don’t even know the half of it…
he can’t even get mad at you because to him, you could do no wrong or harm… you’re too cute for that
jay would even let you be the first to taste test anything he cooks before everyone else, because he silently wants you to know just how much your opinions matter to him and that you’re the most important person to him, above everyone else (not including his family that is)
to him, it would be action >>>>>> words
you wouldn’t expect this but he’s probably the type to watch romance tarot readings with you in mind, giggling to himself whenever something remotely related or similar to you comes up
he’s just a silly little lover boy :(((
he’d even ask his mom how he could help when a girl is on her period because he wants to take care of you the best he can, bringing you chocolate, ice cream, all the snacks you could ever want
he would keep an extra pad in his locker just in case you needed it
he’d give you all his hoodies because you just look so much cuter in it, even if they were his favourite ones or he just bought them (he secretly buys them for you)
jay as your friend who secretly likes you can’t even keep it a secret, even if he tries to hide it
you’d eventually decide to put him out of his misery and confess to him first
“i like you.” you bluntly say, not nervous enough because you already knew how he felt about you
jay’s mind would completely short circuit, his feet stopping, his heart stopping, everything stopping
and when he finally comes back to his senses, he would jump around like he’s won the lottery or something
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© i2ycat 2024 not my best eatery i’m afraid… and i was supposed to post this yesterday for jay day but umm… it’s out now! ^^
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ladyxskywalker · 20 days
In Exile, ch.iii
Anakin Skywalker x F!Reader/OFC
after a tense encounter in the mountains, anakin falls asleep by the waterfalls, completely exhausted of his power. but what he doesn’t expect, is for his kind lady friend to find him there
part one | part two | part four
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a choose your own outcome story ! weekly story polls posted at the end of each chapter ! hope you enjoy !💌
He could only remember all the ways the entire mountain shook, an all consuming echo of vengeance that no one below could really trace. 
How the cliffs separated into sharpened boulders and flying rock all around. The fading sound of an enemy, disappearing from the swaying trees as debris rushed against them.
And then all went completely silent. 
An eerie kind of stillness that only comes from the force when things suddenly turn themselves dark.
Anakin’s hands were still wound shut into tightened fists, as if he’d been holding on to the overwhelming sense of energy that hadn’t been present inside of them anymore.
“What have I done?” He whispered to himself, slowly opening the palms of his hands, holding them out in front of him.
There was nothing tangible to be found there, only an air of pure exhaustion and sadness.
“Why can’t people just leave me alone?”
Walking nearest to the banks beside the waterfalls, he kneels down by the water; a leftover current from earlier, rippling all of it as if it had been a running creek or river. But instead, this kind of pool became nothing more than a mirror, the reflection of the man staring back at him then, was somehow unrecognizable. 
He couldn’t stand it.
The look in his eyes.
His unkempt hair.
Tattered edges ripped apart from his robes. 
What had truly become of him? He wondered to himself; veering off - drifting.
Tall blades of grass cradling him; finding himself wanting nothing more than to just lay down next to the one part of this place that brought him a sense of calm. 
everything’s too bright…
I’m done with this…
I should just leave, find a way out of here…
There’s a field of wheat surrounding Anakin in the light of the afternoon, a golden hour that makes everything look like it had all been just one color. An appearance of stray shadows that passes over all of his crops. He knows things have to eventually get cut down, but he’s too tired and frustrated to care about that enough right now.
I’m sweating…
this sucks…
So often, and against his own judgment, this is the time when he thinks to himself. That full mind of his, a complete mess of memories that makes him spiral. He thinks about the children and where they might have really ended up. If they had been separated, or whether or not they were with families that loved them.
I would have loved them…
Padme would have been a good mother…
He busies himself to try to drown out everything that’s been replaying in his head - her voice; Obi Wan’s…
A final hug shared between two very close friends, the kind that shouldn’t have been the ending between brothers before they had both fought. 
nothing makes sense anymore…
His hair in this type of heat feels matted against his forehead. It’s become too long now, so much so, that it’s falls into his eyelids, spilling over his brow. It makes him look angry and abrasive - the words overheard in the day time that others so often like to use, because they’re certainly not his own.
He wishes he could change his appearance, but what for? Nobody knows him anyway. No one’s ever cared to look. 
not true...
Trying his best to smooth the unruly waves out of his own way, he begins to fuss with tying up the back of it instead of focusing on his work. But the shred of material in his hands is just too short, he can’t seem to get a good grip on it. So easily becoming more and more stressed and frustrated.
If only Anakin could scream.
Shout into the void of clouds, and far away houses.
But each time he opens his mouth, he can only breathe out a huff of quiet.
how is it that there isn’t any sound?
Agitated with everything now, he begins to stare off without blinking, as if in a wordless trance - looking around for something. 
All of the flowers that once were planted, somehow are all gone.
They’ve all just disappeared, turning out beneath his boots to only be a patch of dust.
this isn’t real…
what’s going on?
And so, he grabs hold of his belt, where a pair of shears can be found. They’re the same ones he uses in the Winter to trim his sheep’s wool. It’s one of the only tools that he can reach right now to prove to himself that at least something in this place had been real.
these are sharp.
don’t touch them.
He remembers that kind interaction from long ago, telling you to be careful when working around him. The silhouette of your gentle face looking toward him so insistently, softening always in the light of dawn with a smile. An early morning mist each time adhering to your skin, before catching on.
I don’t care anymore…
I’ll just cut it all off…
enough’s enough…
“Wait! Lars! What are you doing?! Don’t!” you yell out toward him, like a startlingly beautiful sound. You think there must be something seriously wrong - that something else has been pulling at him inside that goes far beyond just getting overexerted at the farm. And so you run, afraid that he might hurt himself.
“Please…” you begin, patiently, before taking a soothing hold of his wrists. His mechanical arm, feeling smooth, and somewhat cold in your palms.
“Please…” you try again, “put those down. Let me, just…” 
So instead, you reach up, watching carefully as his eyes start to close, smoothing all the hair away for his eyes and the dampened skin of his face, careful not to pull at it all too tightly. That when his shoulders relax from all their tensing, he thinks perhaps your touch just might have saved him there - from the plague of all consuming torment; from the daydreams masquerading as all of his waking nightmares.
“Lars…Lars, dear, are you alright?”
Stirring himself awake, only then at the sound of your voice does Anakin realize that all the while he must have been dreaming. 
she called me…dear…
that’s funny.
“Sorry, there was some sort of earthquake. Must’ve passed out…”
“There certainly was. The whole village is somewhat destroyed…I think you actually might have been dreaming.”
“How…how did you…”
“I just had a strange feeling when I didn’t see you back home. Most of the people had already been accounted for. When I couldn’t find you I…”
“You were looking for me?”
Anakin sits up, finding now that since you’d been here, his inner strength had been enough.
“It’s fine, I just…wasn’t expecting this. I’m still a bit shaken up.”
she’s laughing…
did I just…
“Now there’s a real pun if I’ve ever heard one!”
Anakin smirks, brushing himself off and stretching before standing back up from the ground.
“Like that, don’t you, my lady?”
“Mhmm, almost as much as you calling me that! While you were sleeping, I’m pretty sure you were mumbling my name somehow…”
“I was?”
“Although…I’m probably wrong…”
There’s a slight moment of pause held in the space between you then. It isn’t awkward, in fact, it’s just enough of an enjoyable back and forth for him. If only you had known his true, given name, that would make all of this all the more fun. 
“Not wrong…”
“Oh…well, what were you thinking about?”
“Something awful, and weird. Then you showed up. Made everything better.”
Looking down, suddenly you’ve grown quite bashful.
“I did? Well…that’s lovely…I mean good.”
“You always do that.”
“Do what?”
Anakin steps closer, engaging you with his words as you stand before him, watching intently as you hang onto all of them.
“You always tend to look away from me. Don’t.”
He whispers, finding himself brushing the backs of his fingertips along your face; caressing your cheek, then gliding softly toward your chin.
Tilting it…
But before you are even able to say anything else, he does all the speaking for you.
Through wordless action, and a comfortable safety that comes from being held.
His arms wrapping all the way around you and bringing you further to him.
Your loving hands, reaching delicately for the back of his neck in order just to rest there.
Expecting him to kiss you slowly…
Though, being patient, was never on Anakin’s radar…
Leaving you as breathless as ever just to enjoy the impassioned way in which he does.
Thanks so much for reading! 💌 the response to this story has been wonderful, and so much fun! Thank you again to everyone for reading & sharing. I would love to hear your thoughts ! what has been your favorite part so far? 💫 xoxo
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bansurii · 7 months
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Sukuna • Reader | HC | just an idea of how Sukuna would be as a boyfriend humane and inhumane | dead dove but please proceed…
Inhumane {or OG Sukuna}
- to start, sukuna as his original self both before and after heightened cursed ability and fully realized self, is neither interested nor even cares about relationships. he would kill you without a second thought.
-but for the delulu’s like moi who don’t care for that fact… well, let’s proceed, shall we?
-if sukuna by some amazing miracle decided to waste his time on a puny human with a deeper pussy than mariana’s trench, then he probably wouldn’t care much for the type depending on some things like, do we all agree that he would prefer a stronger woman who doesn’t need to rely on him for reassurance or guidance for basic tasks? Sure. We can also agree he would not prefer a little girl in the form of a twenty-something and we can definitely rule out women that would make attempts to boss him around.
-uraume is the key here in my opinion. This one seems to know well how to work around sukuna and also how to think for him when he is too focused on playing or whatever else keeps him occupied. definitely would agree that sukuna would prefer a quiet yet strong and occasionally outspoken individual with a dark sense of humor.
-would even go so far as to say “dead b- jokes” probably would be of interest in the dark matter that is his mind
-being anything of value to Sukuna is not a walk in the park. It is not a harsh party with the ol’ toxic family or shitty friends who try to get you intoxicated and push you off a cliff, although you’re more likely to have better luck in those situations than calling Sukuna anything other than his name.
-back to it!
-Sukuna is not for the weak! Should he choose you to date him, it’s either bc he thinks you’re fun to torment or because he sees some sort of power in you that he’s all for testing out later in more ways than one
-should he date you or call you anything other than “brat” and “fool” and how much your existence is a waste of space, please know he will never not do that and expect it in the bedroom!
-maybe he’ll torture you, make you think he’s gonna go down on you but actually eats the 🐱 and then heals you slow but sure and does it again after a while
-maybe he will take you hunting and pretend you’re looking for a wild boar and while you are actually hunting, he’s got his bow arm trained on you and you better not look at him… he will shoot without hesitation
-oh and don’t forget to never run from him under any circumstances. he’s not always in the mood for hunting and honestly he gets bored so easily so if you run it won’t make it fun. he will kill you. And no amount of praying and sacrifices to great king will bring you back. count your blessings
-should he decide to actually lay with you, likelihood of you living to tell the story does depend on sukuna and his emotions. one minute he might want you facing him, the next you better have the deepest curve the finest bow in history and the future would be proud of. should he allow you to live beyond the sexy time he willingly allowed you to live through, don’t run and tell your friends or the nearest spirit that cannot speak and don’t even think about it. Just bow down as deep as you can until he leaves the room or goes to sleep. But you better stay that way until the morning if you truly want to live. he better not find you asleep in that position either…
-without all the sex, he actually would be a great boyfriend or husband as far as protection goes. Words alone will keep you out of harms way. However, idiots still exist and some have to test this theory that the king of curses is as massive and horrific as they say…
-so should a couple of thieves or dumb teens decide to test their luck with you, they better hope sukuna is out of the country. Or out of this world.
-sukuna may not value you the way a more humane individual would, but whatever is his remains his to do with what he likes. and he does not play well with others. And he hates! when those others play with his toys.
-no, those teens were never heard of again. Nothing left to bury. Nothing left to even show they ever existed. Let alone their ancestral homes or families. the nearest villages and places of origin never even knew they were living there.
-best believe if sukuna goes so far as to claim you, he will barely let you leave his shrine or whatever glorified hole he crawls out of. because what do you need to leave for? do you not have everything you need right here? does sukuna not provide for you what no one else could pay millions or even billions to provide for you? are you unsatisfied with his dedication to you? Are you unhappy? Why do you need to leave? The sharp nails at your throat are just for play… he actually is curious deep down. But you will never know.
-all in all, inhumane/OG kuna is… a tough one. irritable but patient… mostly. take your time working your way around this one. he certainly does not play fair. And why should? He is the king of curses after all. you’re gonna be fine. I hope.
Humane Sukuna / Kuna/ Yuji’s cold older brother/ the man we all have the hots for
-cold, distant, aloof, probably truly feels nothing… at least until he sees you. Yuji’s friend, or not. Somehow he sees you around and he’s interested whether you are a gloomy girl that sighs a lot or a smiley girl who’s never had a pinker aura! Or anyone in-between… either way you make him glitch.
-he never glitches. He is the matrix. Fuck you.
-yuji is frazzled (but when isn’t he?) and megumi is actually sobbing for you. And nobara literally never cries so count her sobbing in a far off corner while sukuna approaches you and tells you to meet him for lunch here at this time and if you’re not there… well you better be there.
-if you do not associate with the triplex, you can assure yourself that sukuna finds that even more attractive whether you have friends or not, you do not associate yourself with fools, boneheaded freaks, and the creepy blue eyes they call sensei even though he teaches them next to nothing and just shows off his eyes every five seconds
-did i mention this might not include sorcery?
-should it though, you probably are weak until proven strong because who is sukuna if not the master of knowledge and whisperers?
-either way, sukuna has you glued to him within weeks. And yea, that is a grace period because while he is patient, he cannot leave an opening and risk someone stealing his marked one and leave him the scraps. No. He will take it all.
-oh god you’re a virgin??? Please for your sake keep that to yourself until it super matters. He is a VK through and through. This man is in love with the untouched and the untouchable.
-should you tell him in the very beginning that you are, he will turn everything as sexual as possible when it calls for it just to fluster you and get off on your reactions whether you know the meaning or not
-should you tell him right before the time comes, less embarrassing here than before but he will tease you numb and then somehow bring all the sensation back ten fold and will edge you like crazy until he wants to taste what he’s been forcing you to save for him
-and even if you’re not a virgin, here’s to that pretty 🐱 turning into his pretty 🐱 and never to be had by another and even if it is had by another it will never forget him just as you would never forget him. maybe he’ll edge you and tease you but it’s different when it’s your first time.
-no worries. He does not discriminate against the have and have-not.
-should you decide to allow him to court you (not that you had a choice here anyway) he would actually take you out on cute dates. Never picnics. But cute dates and feed you with his long fingers that get in your mouth real deep…
-don’t worry, he won’t make it super embarrassing for you next time.
-sukuna is into shibari.
-expect to be tied up as his personal art piece, when he wants to get super “knotty” and maybe if he just wants to watch you “hang” around. perhaps he wants to feed you more than food when you’re dangling from the ceiling…
-should sukuna date you humanely, he will manipulate you here and there and have his mental and emotional intelligence overstand yours and use that his advantage and watch your pretty little bottom lip wobble as he forces you into mental submission to him
-he isn’t as humane as you assumed he would be? Oh honey! You’re just getting started.
-you thought Aizen was manipulative? You think Michael Jackson from Demon Slayer holds a candle to Sukuna?? Aw honey!
-he may not raise a hand to you but his words almost make you prefer it… however he rubs the wounds away with kisses and cuddles you to sleep only for you to wake up to a cold bed in the morning. Not all happy endings remain happy.
-should sukuna delight you with his time, expect it to be limited unless you have made it so far as to live together and do not expect it to be domesticated. he is distant and cold even if he has warmed up to you. he only provides less harsh words and more comfortable silence
-he is not mad. He is not bothered. He is not angry. He is not annoyed. He is okay. He just has nothing to say.
-but do not push him either.
-quick-tempered at times. but only if you ate his food or spilled something on his favorite pants or shoes. He barely wears shirts so it doesn’t matter.
-he does buy you nice things. Maybe a new car. A pretty necklace with a tracker in it just to be sure you are the getting yourself into trouble or trying to leave him.
-he is THE ORIGINAL Christian Grey. Please know shibari is not his limit on the knowledge of bdsm and the art of sex of any level. It is a deal breaker for him if you cannot meet him somewhere in the middle for bdsm. It is a part of his life. If he is not serious about you, he lets it go as easy as he lets you go. He doesn’t like to waste his time so why would he waste yours? Unless he is bored.
-uraume is his friend. Nothing more. Ignore.
-unless he wants uraume to watch you squirm as he plows through you in those sexy red ropes that match the red in his eyes and the pretty lines that adorn your chest, breast, thighs and shoulders and the bite marks he left all over your pretty body.
-if you want, uraume can join though…
-sukuna would be similar here to inhumane sukuna when it comes to protectiveness and only if you are to get past certain milestones with him. he would disappear someone just for looking at you wrong. Maybe not that extreme but if it calls for it, don’t expect news about them in the coning days. Not a magazine editorial could publish anything about them. They simply no longer exist. The government cannot even say who that person was. Sukuna knows what he is doing. Trust him.
-you will never meet his family unless you consider Yuji his brother. Yuji will love you either way but doubt your relationship every second of the way. Still supportive though. Sukuna seems happy which is startling to him but you don’t look like you’re searching for the door… however. if you are… BLINK TWICE!
-overall, sukuna isn’t that much different than OG Sukuna but he has his key differences and things he would prefer that are more humane. Survival rate here: depends on how smart you are. Or dumb. Average: 47%
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oleanderfox · 1 year
Palia Tips
Some things I have learned that might help others. 🩵
Game Controls
You can put away your tool by pressing X.
If you get stuck, type /unstuck in the chat window and you’ll be teleported to the nearest stable surface.
Right clicking with a tool equipped will let you switch between different types of ammo (for bug catching and hunting).
You can cancel without wasting ammo after entering "aim" mode by pressing the Shift key or right mouse button (h/t @sharky857 ).
You can climb ivy in addition to cliffs. (Like inside the lighthouse..!)
You can cancel climbing/drop from a cliff face by clicking X. (h/t @lazyadmiral )
You can jump (space bar) while climbing cliffs to climb faster.
You can hold down the mouse key when mining, tilling, and chopping down trees rather than clicking for each chop.
Camera & Photos
Press K to enter camera mode.
There’s a 🔁 button in the corner if you want to swap to a front-facing camera/“selfie mode”.
If you want to see your photos while in the game, you have to save them to the album. However all photos taken, even if you don’t do that step, will be saved to your computer’s hard drive.
To find your photos, open Windows Explorer and enter %appdata% in the location bar. From there navigate to %AppData%/Local/Palia/Saved/Screenshots. You should be able to pin this folder to your quick nav/favorites to find it again easily.
One hour of real time = one entire day in Palia. That means an hour in Palia passes in only 2.5 minutes of play.
You only get "credit" (for building friendships) for chatting with villagers once per villager per day.
Many bugs, fish, and plants can only be found at certain times. Time in Palia is divided into: ‣ Morning: 3-6am (rooster crows at 3) ‣ Day: 6am-6pm ‣ Evening: 6pm-9pm ‣ Night: 9pm-3am (owl hoots at 9)
Time in Palia is the same across all servers. Midnight (a new day) will always be on the hour in real world time, so 6am in Palia is at X:15, noon is at X:30, and 6pm is at X:45.
6am is a "new day" for crops, but midnight is a "new day" for chatting with villagers. Midnight also seems to be when the furniture in Tish’s shop refreshes.
Gifting runs on real world time, not Palia time. You can only give a villager one gift every 24 hours in the real world, and "Weekly Wants" are valid for one real world week. The week currently resets on Mondays at 12am Eastern.
Once you get a villager's key, you can talk to and visit them even when they are "asleep".
Mail is delivered and picked up (shipping bin sales) at 6am and 6pm.
To find rare spawns, arrive in the area 15-30 Palia minutes before the start of its catch period and clear all the common critters/plants. This will make it more likely your rare will spawn when the clock chimes.
Inventory & House
Furniture does not take up inventory space!!
A gold star on an item's icon means it's "star quality." Starred items fetch higher sales prices and are required for some quests.
Starred items will not stack with normal items.
Only star quality food can be placed in your house/lot.
More storage chests = more storage slots, but you are capped at 8.
You can hang items on the exterior walls of your home - including wallpaper!!
When in placement mode, you can rotate items using Q and E. You can turn off “grid mode” by pressing z, which allows more flexible item placement.
Your character level is a combination of your level in each of your skills.
Eating food increases your "focus," which applies a percentage bonus that will make you level faster.
You can increase that bonus by visiting the Dragon and Phoenix shrines and spending Renown to increase the percentage (Phoenix Shrine) and the amount of focus you can accumulate.
You can only "carry" 1,000 Renown at any time. If you're not spending it, you're throwing away Exp.
Renown is also needed to expand your housing plot (by buying "Writs").
You can get "displayable" food from Reth and Delaila, but it's based on RNG. Just keep buying the item until you get a star quality one.
The quickest way to get Chapaa Chase tickets is by completing the Achievements; some require you to party with others.
The drums are not obvious, but you only need to go back and forth between a pair of them interacting as they light up. Eventually the big fireworks will trigger and you will get the achievement and reward. (Do this 2 more times for the second achievement!)
The event achievements are on the Event tab, not the achievements one.
Skill-Specific Tips
Fishing: If you don’t click in time and the fish disappears, don’t panic — the same fish will keep trying again! And if you change your mind, you can pull your line in/cancel and you won’t spend any bait. This means you can wait to be sure you’ve hooked the fish you want before reeling it in so you don’t waste all your precious glow worms! The one caveat is that sparkle pools (and the guaranty of a star quality catch) disappear if you don’t catch the fish on the first nibble.
Hunting: The Proudhorn Sernuk can teleport and the Azure Chapaa can make an illusion of copies of itself that disappear when shot. They're both very difficult to hunt until you learn to make Dispel arrows. If you’re still struggling to have enough resources for everything, learn the lowest quality arrow that can kill something in one shot and hunt with those. (Kilima chapaa can be killed with a makeshift arrow while regular Kilima sernuk require a standard arrow. Bahari chapaa need at least a standard arrow while elder sernuk in Bahari will cost you several fine arrows.)
Looting: For hunting, mining, and chopping down trees, everyone who gets one "hit" in gets loot, and the loot is not diminished by sharing. So working together to find pallium nodes or hunt rare critters rewards everyone. :) (Note that you need to have the required equipment quality to be able to share, though - if you get a message saying “sorry, you need to upgrade your equipment” then you won’t get any loot.)
Mining: On the topic of Palium, it’s not as rare as you think. It has very specific spawn points, which it only shares with stone - you’ll never find palium where you found iron before. This means you should mine all the stone sharing those points to encourage palium to spawn for your next visit. Palium can be found in the caves hidden around the perimeter of Bahari and in the Pavel mines.
Foraging: Purple glowing trees are flow trees, and require more than one player to chop them down. Again, everyone gets "full" loot, no matter how many people get a swing in. For small trees, let them heal after each hit if needed to make sure everyone present can get a hit. If you’re looking for a specific resource, say, sweet leaf, look up what it shares spawn points with (in this case, morels) and pick three as well so sweet leaf has a chance to spawn. Also, brightshrooms are typically found in ruins right up against the structures so they can be easy to overlook or mistake for glowing bugs at night.
Cooking: You can find recipes in villager's homes, by fishing them up in bottles, lying around the wilderness, and completing quests or bundles in addition to buying them from Reth.
Cooking together: Like with looting, everyone gets the full reward, even if you don't contribute any ingredients.
Lore & Fun Stuff
There is a mysterious beast in the Elderwoods.
The mine's haunted.
Sooo much queer rep: All the romanceable characters don’t care about the player’s “body type.” Sifuu, the Duchess (Kenyara), and Eshe are canonically wlw. Chayne was raised by two dads. The former lighthouse keepers in Bahari Bay were a gay couple. 🏳️‍🌈
Critters that have been mentioned but don't have in-game models or released concept art yet so we just have to speculate: ‣ Kitsuu: Sacred companions, according to Hassian. There is a kitsuu constellation which has "floppy ears" and horns. Possibly the "fennec fox with antlers" creature drawn in the Vault of the Waves? (Confirmed by the official Discord emotes!) No longer unreleased as of 0.3.6. :) ‣ Peki: Palian version of chickens, or at least they lay eggs and have feathers, and according to Nai’o “there are at least 72 unique color and pattern combinations for peki breeds.” ‣ Riffroc: Palian mounts. Nai'o has a beloved one named Sugarfoot; Kenyatta’s is named Sundrop.
Bug Reporting, Suggestions, and Help
Report problems here.
Give feedback and request/suggest features here.
If you're stuck on a quest or where to find an item, there's an "Official" wiki and an "unofficial" wiki.
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hetalia-club · 6 months
Hetalia Characters & How I Think They Would Fare In a Teen Slasher Movie (Ain't gonna lie most of these bitches die & you know it)
(Based on a lil fic I started last Halloween and gave up on. I cleaned it up and made it sound more like a movie plot rather than just a messy fic outline.)
Movie Plot: (Just so you're like not confused on what is supposed to be happening here) After the untimely death of their beloved high school friend, a group of young adults meet up for their annual camping trip to honor the death of their old friend (Italy). They all have grown apart over the years getting their own lives and separate friends. They have proclaimed this to be the last camping trip they will do before going their separate ways for good. Most of the group is happy for the tradition to end, some saddened feeling like they are just forgetting their friend by ending his tradition. Their finale camping trip is cut short when the group is plagued by an hooded figure seemingly hunting the group for sport, or is revenge? wooooo~~ scaaary.
Nyo!America- Is the final girl aka the 'main girl' (This is how I will refer to her to save time) the movie is centered around. we are rooting for her the entire time. Think Sally in Texas Chainsaw, or Sidney Prescott in Scream. (Lives) America- America would be the mean jock/popular/rich guy, probably had a girlfriend he wasn't very nice too. Does not really want to be there. His sister is the main girl. (Gets killed but does get a few good swings in on the killer/monster though. You don't really care that he dies he was a dick anyway.) England- The nerdy book worm kid that you're like "surely the killer will take pity on him" but they don't. Probably one if the first few to die before everyone is really aware there is a killer about. They find his body later while running away (Gets killed and you are meant to feel bad a bout it. His death is uncalled for and not deserved. Used to set a tone for how cold hearted the killer/monster really is.) Canada- Ends up getting away. He's sent to get help with the only working care after the killer sabotages the rest of them. He drives to the nearest gas station 10 miles away and no one believes him. Instead of going back he leaves everyone there stranded. It's a real dick move. But he does end up coming back at the end to pick up the survivors. Like thanks I guess? (Lives, but a what cost honestly. Can you blame him though?) Russia- Is helping the killer/monster in some way. His betrayal is a big reveal at the end. It shows little flash backs showing him thwarting the heroes at every turn. He has a change of heart last second. (Gets killed by the killer close to the end after siding with the heroes.) China- He is pushed off a cliff by Russia (secretly) when they all split up to find help and everyone thinks he's dead but he comes back later limping out of the woods all cut up to rejoin with his friends after the killer is dead. Everyone who lived is really happy to see him. (Lives) Italy- Gets killed pretty brutally by the killer several years before the story stars. He was known to be someone that everyone generally liked. His gruesome death took their small town by storm. What's worse is his killer was never caught and remains at large getting away with it so it seems. The whole movie is centered around his friends getting together for an annual camping trip several years after his death. (Killed) Romano- Surprisingly, he survives! He is the one who is with the main girl the entire time. He probably get's hurt really bad at some point. Loses a finger, breaks his arm or leg, and or gets stabbed. You are lead to believe that he will die at one point and he confesses his feelings for the main girl. The main girl leaves him some place for awhile saying she will "go get help". She comes back with Japan. (Lives) ~Everyone else is down below~
Germany- The voice of reason. The one who ends up making a great sacrifice to take out the killer/ monster. Stand back to hold the door for everyone so they can run. It was his car Canada stole. He feels responsible for the group since it was his idea to go camping one more time in the first place. (Killed/sacrifices himself) Japan- Because he was driving in from out of state he was supposed to meet the group at the campsite. On his way he’s run off the road by the killer/monster. He never shows up and no one can get ahold of him (no cell service of course). We are lead to think he is dead him being the killers first victim but he’s found later knocked out in his car by the main girl. He’s hurt but only has a few cuts and bruises (lives) Prussia- At night he goes off by himself to wait for Japan's car to pull in to the camp site. So he could lead him to where they made camp. They are still hoping he'll show but he is instead found by the killer (Killed)
Austria- Thinks everyone is playing a joke on him. He does not think it's funny that everyone 'keeps disappearing' and thinks it's bad taste considering the reason they are all on this trip. Everyone begs him not to break off from the group but he goes off by himself anyway. (Killed) Spain- Is actually the killer hiding behind a charming personality & his devilishly good looks. Why was he so mad at his former friend group that he felt the need to pick them off one by one? Don't know never got that far tbh. Was going to work that out as I go. Probably a pretty shit reason though imo. Most likely jealousy over something.(Dies...OR DOES HE? Yeah he does.)
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bokettochild · 1 year
Does anyone remember Violet?
Okay, how about the Nancy LU animatic? Yeah, the fic I write for that, you remember? No? Yes? It doesn't matter
I wrote a sequel >:)
The Return of "Violet"
  Wind is going to owe Four big time.
  Of all the things to ever happen, he, a pirate, has been caught stealing, and honestly it’s probably the most ashamed he’s felt since he was seven and put a hole in the roof of their house while playing with Aryll. In this instance though, he’s not going to have his sweet and understanding granny that he’s answering too. No, this time he has to answer to Four, and probably someone else after that, because with the way things are going, he’s going to need more than just Four’s help to get out of this one.
  They’re in his era, visiting one of the islands that he and Tetra had discovered after their adventures together. That almost makes it worse though because they’re here with Tetra. After finding themselves on Dragon Roost Island he’d managed to get ahold of her through the gossip stones, and although she charges worse fees than even Ravio (as Legend had made a point of complaining about) she and her crew have agreed to let the heroes sail with them until they find whatever it is that caused them to be brought to this era. So far though, they’ve had little to no luck, and for the time being, the ship is docked here while they gather supplies and allow the land-lubbers now in their company to enjoy being on land for a short bit while Tetra and the others do… pirate-y things. That was what she said they’d be doing anyway, and the heroes, in the interest of not inviting trouble for once in their lives, hadn’t asked.
  Wind knows. Usually he’d be with them, but right now he’s a hero first and a pirate second, and so he’s with the heroes instead, picking his way through the bustling market with Four while the other heroes busy themselves at stands. Currently, Legend is trying to teach Wild some form of bartering, because the champion repeatedly has been overcharged already for basic items since, apparently, in his world those prices would fly. Not in this one though, and not with Legend in their group. 
  Twilight’s following after them, an amused expression on his face as he sits back and lets the vet have his way with teaching the champion, shaking his head and chuckling every so often at the duo as he turns and glances back to wherever the nearest brother is and exchanging silent words with them about it all.
  Time is the most frequent receiver of Twilight’s laden stares, and the old man himself likewise shakes his head with a small smile before turning back to the captain’s side as Warriors picks over a display of knives that has been laid out in one of the nearby stalls.
  The market is a colourful place, beautiful too, in its own unique way. Sea-salt breezes are carried up the island cliffs to them and play around their ears and hair, sending windchimes singing and overhanging fabrics and tarps swaying. Most are tightly tied down, providing brief shade to those who step beneath their protection and into the realm of one vendor or another, who will only too happily try and cheat newcomers out of their wages and will banter and barter in loud and fast moving phrases with the more experienced buyer.
  Honestly, he’s surprised that Legend’s keeping up.
  Colour surrounds them. In visiting the other eras, he’s come to understand that his is one of the more bright, Twilight’s being near drained of colour in most places by comparison. Here in the market though, that fact makes itself most apparent, the overhangs woven in bright jewel tones and tents and stalls hung about with the same over handcrafted poles and tables. The wares are bright and eye-catching too, and Hyrule is currently eyeing them all in awe, as though he’s never seen such an amalgamation of items and beautiful things in his life. He has though, because all of them have had at least a peek inside Legend’s storage shed, and that was truly a sight to see, even if it wasn’t nearly as attractively presented as the stalls and tables here.
  As for himself, Wind’s more looking around for anything relatively useful, but more than anything, he’s keeping his ears open for the telltale sound of bombs going off, just in case he needs to create a distraction to keep the others from investigating. That would be incredibly awkward and he’s not keen on having to answer for that particular set of crimes.
  Not that he ends up having to, because by the time that the bombs do go off (because of course they do) the heroes are too busy dealing with another issue.
  It’s an artefact that catches his eye. Not one from his time either, but one he remembers seeing at the Hero’s Shrine in Warriors Hyrule at the Skyview Temple. Well, it had been the Skyview Temple, back in Sky’s time, but he’s not sure what it was being called in the captain’s era. It’d become something of a hall of history to the Hylian people, and there were shrines there for the heroes of the past, set in different alcoves, and the item in question had been one laid in the one for the veteran hero himself.
  It was probably the first time he’d ever found out anything about Legend. Ravio had taken one look at the shrine and started talking about each of the items and their abilities, and while he’s not entirely sure what this particular rod does, he does know that Ravio had seemed very nervous about it being left at a shrine where someone could steal it. He’d been even more nervous though when someone had stolen it. Wind’s not sure who it had been, and at the merchant’s warnings the captain had had them all search and investigate, but the war took the most of their attention and the search had to be abandoned when the enemy had started moving again.
  He’s still not sure what the thing really does, but he knows it’s the same one as he remembers. It’s just too similar to what he remembers, and the sight of it causes a sinking feeling to make itself known in his stomach.
  “Language,” Four murmurs to him, distracted, “cap doesn’t like that kind of talk.”
  Usually he’d snicker at something like that, he imagines he’s probably half the reason that joke is still running (because Four knows he’ll still be laughing) but this time he’s too distracted for that.
  “Four, I have to commit a crime.”
  The smithy doesn’t even startle, just turns to him with a face far too calm as green eyes search his own. “What sort?” The question is spoken as calmly and casually as if asking after a flavour of pie, but he knows, based off of the fact that Four is looking at him at all, that he’s got the smithy’s full attention.
  “I need to steal something.”
  “Not so loud about it,” the smithy snorts, setting a hand on one hip and side-eyeing him with a playful look, “I thought you were supposed to be a pirate. Isn’t announcing your pillaging against some code?”
  “No, it’s not like that,” he catches the smithy’s wrist and tugs, and while Four stumbles just a bit, he lets himself be pulled a bit closer to the stall so Wind can point out the rod sitting innocuously amidst jewellery and fabric, like some sort of stylized cane or staff instead of a Cautious Ravio level of Dangerous Item. “I need to steal that.”
  Four hums. “Okay, and you’re telling me…”
  “I need your help.”
  He expects some hesitation or thought, but all Four does is cock his head, stare at the item, one hand reaching to stroke his chin before aborting with a shrug. “Okay.”
  He really thought Four would be more against crimes than this. Still, a partner in crime is a partner in crime (in this case literally) and Four seems to take no issue with following him over to the stall in question. He’s not sure, off the top of his head, how he plans to go about stealing the thing, but he’s a pirate and he’s good at theft, he can handle this.
  As it would turn out, he does not end up needing to handle this, which turns out to be for the better, because the merchant who owns the stall watches him like a hawk. Of course theft would be a common problem in a place such as this, and apparently Wind, lanky, young, still just this side of man-hood, looks all too well the part of a troublesome youth looking to score a steal, and no matter if a customer comes to the stall or not, the man seems to keep an eye on him at all times.
  Fortunately, Four, well dressed in bright jewel tones as he is, is not regarded with such distaste. If anything, the merchant motions to the smithy while speaking to a patron and points out “the cute lil’ lass” which Wind only very nearly prevents himself from laughing at.
  Dark eyes trail back to him coldly at the coughing he makes while trying to avoid laughter though, but then the man is turning back to his patron. “Recken she’s some small thing from these merchant folk, her da’ll pay well for whatever catches her fancy, all these rich folks are that way; coughin’ up rupees fer what’er pleased their kids.”
  With an eye on his customer and one on Wind, the merchant doesn’t have enough eyes to catch the scathing glance the smithy shoots the man’s way at hearing that.
  Four would usually correct someone, but considering they’re trying to keep a low profile, the smithy blessedly keeps his mouth shut.
  Wind turns back to a pile of jewellery. Absently, he wonders if he could barter a ring out of the man to provide a window for Four to stash the rod in his pack or something.
  He doesn’t get the chance to try.
  “Hoy there! Where do you think you’re going, lass!” 
  The sailor spins about just in time to see the merchant catch Four by the back of his bright tunic, and…
  Oh Spirits, Four didn’t even bother to stash the rod. Is this the first time the smithy has stollen something? 
  In hindsight, it probably is; Four’s fame in his home era after all did start with him vanquishing pirates and dealing with thieves.
  And that’s how they end up as they are. The merchant goes from laughing and smiling at the smithy to trying to twist the small hero’s arm and demanding answers about where he’s going, and- well, what was Wind supposed to do?
  “Hey!” He squawks, and yes, he most certainly did overturn that display on purpose as he rushes over to his brother’s side. “Let go!”
  “You’re together then,” the man hisses, narrowing his eyes, “I shoulda guessed. What respectable lass goes snoopin’ about without a guard or her mam around to watch that she ain’t taken? Thieves, the both of you!”
  “We’re not thieves!” Wind protests, despite the fact that they are, in fact, thieves. Well, he is anyway. “We’re just kids!” And then, as inspiration hits, he adds, “now let my little sister go!” Oh yeah, he’s so going to owe Four one after this.
  Luckily, Four doesn’t stumble once, instead squirming in the man’s hands and, somehow, managing to muster up a stream of tears as he fights weakly (as a small child would) against the hands restraining him. “Let me go!” The smithy squeaks, “I just wanted to show Mama!”
  “‘Show mama’?” the man mocks, and shakes Four harder than is probably safe to shake a child, “and where’s your mama at, little miss snitch?”
  “Right here.”
  Wind could kiss Legend on the cheek, although he’d probably owe the vet even more if he did after the man has just stepped in to save their asses, Twilight and Wild both on his heels.
  Oh crap, this is going to become another Violet situation isn’t it?
  “Mum!” it bursts out of him as he darts to the vet’s side, hands catching on red fabric as he looks up at the vet as though pleading for help, and he is, he is so pleading. He is pleading so very much and genuinely, see? 
  No really, he really is. He really didn’t think this one through. 
  “We were just looking, I swear, and Violet wanted to show you something, but this mean man-”
  Twilight is staring. Twilight and Wild are both starring in something between shock and confusion and Wild’s brows are very quickly disappearing under his hair as they rise higher and higher with every word out of Wind’s throat.
  Oh yeah, he’s going to owe Legend big time.
  “Mama!” Four wails, quite convincingly as he kicks at his captor, “make him let me go!”
  For a brief moment, Wind can see the resignation and pain in Legend’s eyes, but then the vet is steeling himself and then, at the very top of his lungs (which only drives home how much like last time this will be) shouts “let go of my child, you horrid man!” in what is possibly the most hystericaly angry voice Wind has heard from anyone, never mind from the vet.
  Wild chokes.
  The scream, however, has what he can only assume is the intended effect, because the crowd immediately near them all whips around so fast he’s sort of shocked they don’t downright fall over, and then all eyes are on them.
  Well, apparently if Legend’s going to cover up for your crimes and save your ass he’s going to do it by being as loud as possible. Honestly, Wind doesn’t care, as long as it works.
  It does work. The man immediately lets go of Four, and then the smithy is all but flinging himself into the veteran’s arms, where he’s immediately caught and held while Legend once more adopts the same act as the time before, fussing and murmuring with terrifyingly believable distress as he looks at the bruising on Four’s arm and then immediately pulls the smithy closer, looking up at the merchant with fury in his eyes. “How could you do this to a child! She was only looking, she wasn’t causing any harm!”
  Frosty violet eyes fix the merchant in place, and the man takes a step back at the sight of them.
  Two kids causing trouble, he was prepared for. What appears to be a finely dressed young mother who perceives her child to have been attacked, he was not prepared for at all. “She was stealing!”
  “She’s only eight!” Wind protests, wrapping an arm around Four’s shoulders and pouting up at the man accusingly, but also cutely because he needs to play up the role of a child right now, rather than even try and look at all serious and mature like he usually would try to. 
  “She’s only eight!” Legend repeats, likeways wrapping an arm around Wind. “How dare you! It’s her first time at a big market, how was she to know the rules! I’m teaching her the best I can but I can only be so many places at once!”
  Past the vet’s arm, and now that the attention is on Legend and not himself, Wind can glance out and see the crowd. Eyes are fixed on them, murmurs already rising and disapproving looks being shot at the merchant even as crystal tears in amethyst eyes begin to garner sympathy and pity from the onlookers while Legend switches out the furious mother act for the overworked and struggling one.
  Amidst it all, Wind can clearly see Time and Warriors, watching them. Time has the most confused expression on his face, neither privy to the events of last time or apparently aware of what’s happening now, but Warriors…
  Oh gods, Warriors looks so done already.
  “I don’t care how old she is, a thief is a thief!” The merchant yells, and with his words, Legend starts back, dragging Four and Wind with him and drawing the sailor’s attention back to the man before them. Said man is currently red in the face and huffing, both trying to uphold his right to punish the thieves who attempted to steal from him, but also under the judgemental stares of the whole market.
  “You can’t hold a child responsible for such a silly mistake!”
  “You’re right,” the man breathes, and while it almost sounds like he’s trying to contain and calm himself, Wind sees the flash of his eyes before the man steps closer and raises a hand, definitely and truly beyond reason at this point, “the parents are the ones to be held responsible.”
  Legend could catch that hand. Wind could, Four could. Any one of them could do something to avoid it, but that would come at the cost of dropping the act, and while unspoken, the rule remains to never drop an act, although at what cost he’s not sure.
  “Stop right there!”
  Hang on, is that-? And it is.
  Warriors is storming over, and it’s such a dramatic and poetic image; the captain stalking along the street, armour glistening and scarf billowing out behind, that if he wasn’t playing a part, Wind would definitely be grinning a bit at it. After all, it’s like something straight out of one of the stories he’d told Aryll when they were kids. Well, younger kids.
  To the merchant however, Wind knows that’s not the case. The merchant sees the blazing blue eyes and the silver sword and he stops mid-swing, face paling as the captain comes to stand beside the three younger heroes, hand settling on Legend’s shoulder and stare stone cold. As someone who's seen that stare employed before, Wind’s honestly surprised the man doesn’t piss himself.
 “Lay a hand on my family,” the captain growls, and yes, he actually growls, “and I’ll cut it off.”
  Twilight whistles lowly.
  Oh dang, add Warriors to the list of people he owes. This is really getting out of hand.
  “Who are you?” The man stammers, stepping back but not away, gaze trailing up and across the knight and taking in sparkling armour and steely stare, sweat beading across the salesman's face with each passing second.
  “Papa,” Four whimpers, and oh gosh he’s good, “I was just trying to show Mama the pretty staff…”
  “I see.” Warriors doesn’t even look down to the smithy still plastered across Legend’s front, instead staring until the merchant squirms under his gaze. “What pretty staff, precious?”
  Oh no. Oh Hylia, the endearments. Oh gods Wars is so going to sit him down about this. Endearments aren’t uncommon from the captain, but “precious”? Oh no, that one isn’t one he uses, and it’s a clear warning to the sailor at least that he’s going to be answering a lot of questions later.
  Dang it, all this over a stupid rod!
  “That one,” Four turns and points to the item lying on the ground by their feet, “I thought it looked like something Mama could use for her magic.”
  Ah, yes Four, drop the fact that Legend can do magic, that’ll definitely scare the shit out of those present and hopefully convince this guy to just let the scoot. Please? Please let that work?
  Except it doesn’t because Warriors recognizes the item too, and he’s bending to scoop up the troublesome rod in question even as the merchant protests and splutters.
  Oh yeah, someone’s screwed.
  “Is that…” Legend pauses, and the act drops for a moment, however brief, as he stares at the item. His item. His thing that Ravio never explained but said was his and which now looks very, very old.
  “Where did you get this?” Warriors demands, and now he really is mad. Someone threatening to hit his family is bad, but knowing Wars, he wasn’t really all that mad since he knows they can all defend themselves with ease. Stealing from a shrine? Yeah no, that’s territory even Wind isn’t willing to cross.
  The merchant huffs. He’s got guts, Wind will give him that. A lesser man would have caved or run away or even just tried to snivel and plead to avoid the wrath of this odd little family and the crowd watching them, but he doesn’t, and for that Wind has to give him props. He’s got guts. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I traded for it. It’s a powerful magical rod, capable of-”
  “Nothing.” Legend interjects, releasing his hold on Wind (rude) to reach for the rod in the captain’s hand, and Warriors lets him, gaze trailing down to watch the vet inspect the thing with a frown. “It’s damaged,” Legend continues, frowning as gnarled fingers trace the stone set on top, the actual source of the thing’s supposed magic. A sigh. “Violet, this was hardly worth the fuss,” the vet frowns and hands the item off, casually, to the captain.
  Warriors holds it, scowling. “Probably best if we didn't buy it then, love. Besides, it being stolen from a shrine, Hylia only knows what sort of curses the gods would have put on it.”
  Oh. Oh yes. Wind is very near smiling, but doesn’t even as he watches his older brothers play it out perfectly, not a word passed between to communicate, not even a look, but picking up the threads the other lays with all the skill of the most masterful weaver of lies, and it’s working too. While the heroes look at each other in confusion, and Twilight is sort of smirking in that utterly lost and confused but also humored way he does, the merchant is quickly paling again.
  “Of course,” Legend scoffs, straightening up but not shaking off the arm Warriors still has about his shoulders, “anything stolen from a shrine would be cursed. The souls of the dead never take kindly to people disrespecting them so blatantly.”
  “But I didn’t steal it!” The man protests.
  The vet sniffs, tossing his head and looking down his nose at the man, even as the captain follows his lead and likewise stares the man down with all the revulsion one would assume someone married to a great mage might have. “That hardly matters, sir. Frankly, anyone who disrespects such a sacred thing, be it in sale or theft, is simply begging suffering on themselves, and I’m hardly inclined to wish that upon my children.”  Violet eyes then turn to them, and both he and Four can feel the weight and warning in them as Legend stares, not dropping the act but also not entirely acting anymore. “Which is why I’ll be sure to make sure this never happens again.”
  It won’t.
  “All the same, love,” Warriors murmurs, and there’s a step made, and they pulled along, “it’s likely best if we finish our business as soon as possible. I’d rather we head back to the ship and leave port before whatever bad fortune that thing is cursed with reveals itself.” He shakes his head, staring at the item even as the vet takes his lead and starts ushering both younger heroes away. “They say that shrine was one for a goddess’ son, so I can only imagine how that will play out.”
  The weight of their words seems to hit as the captain makes a turn, and while Wind can’t see it, he can definitely hear the feet pattering after them and the man calling out, now suddenly closer. It makes him stop and try to peek around Legend, who sighs but follows his lead to look as the man thrusts the rod in question at their captain. “Please! If you know where it’s from, send it back! Maybe the spirits will forgive me if I restore what was taken from them. Please sir!”
  “After you attacked my wife and child?” And Warriors definitely learned that haughty, contemptuous voice from all the balls and dealings with nobles he’s suffered through after the war, “I don’t think so.”
  “But you know where it came from!” The man tries, “I don’t!”
  “Darling,” and the word almost grates off of Legend’s lips, hand coming to settle in the crook of the captain’s arm.
  Wind is going to owe Legend the best freaking thing ever, although what, he’s not sure, since Legend has everything already.
  “Perhaps we should help.”
  “Someone like this?” He has no clue why Warriors is making this harder than it has to be, and with the attention of all others on the captain and vet, he and Four exchange a quick glance of confusion.
  “Think of all the innocent people this fool has endangered,” Legend continues, still glaring at the man and item in question. “We can’t let his greed and foolishness cause their demise! Such a thing would surely disrupt the spirits even further.”
  Ah yes, the warning of a mage. It sets the people about them fussing and worrying, until there are others stepping out from the crowd and begging until at last Warriors 'concedes’ and accepts the rod, which is quickly handed back to its original owner and stashed away in the vet’s bag.
  That should be the end of it, but like last time, it’s not. Because people.
  Wind really loves people most times, but right now he’d rather they just… not. He’d rather they not watch, or worry, or fuss. He’d rather not, but he’s sure that even if they didn’t, Legend would still be catching Four’s hand as they walk and Warriors would still be setting a hand on his shoulder that is heavy, oh so very heavy.
  He’d also rather they not because when he sees Tetra staring at him from within the crowd, face red with unreleased laughter, he can’t do anything about it except keep his head down and silently bemoan the loss of whatever sort of respect he may have gained among his fellow pirates.
  He botched a simple theft. He had to be rescued by a soldier and a teenage boy in a dress pretending to be his mother.
  He is never going to live this down.
  “At least,” Four murmurs, once they’ve moved to the edge of the market, finished with their shopping and with the eyes of the others all trailing after them with innumerable questions, “I got to be older this time.”
  Legend sighs, releasing the smithy’s hand to rub at his temples, figure blocked by the captain’s own and thus out of sight of the market behind them. “Oy vey, you two.”
  “We owe you guys big time,” he tries.
  Warriors snorts, grip tightening on his shoulder. “You owe us an explanation, but yeah, big time, sailor.”
  Ahead, the ship is waiting, Tetra leaning against the bulwarks and smirking down at him with danger in her eyes and laughter already touching her lips, and Wind sighs.
  This is never going to go away.
  He kind of regrets teasing Legend now for last time.
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cybertron-after-dark · 9 months
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, here's how I think the tfa Decepticons would handle a Human Error incident (suddenly turned human with zero logical explanation)
-Megatron ain't doing great. God dammit he's fucking TINY. Just when he's gotten his body back after god knows how long of being a severed head on the floor, he's vulnerable AGAIN. He's still up and functional, doing whatever needs to be done and not letting his present weakness interfere with his goals, but he's in full on paranoia mode. He trusts nobody and he's not going outside if he doesn't have to. Too many things that could go terribly wrong while he's a pathetic creature of flesh with no fucking armor plating and no rotors to fly with. Doesn't give a fuck about trying anything he could only do as a human, he's too busy trying not to die. He'll only eat the nightmare that is organic food if he's in a human body long enough to nearly starve. He'll never admit that it actually tastes better than energon. His pride would never allow it.
-Starscream is miserable and will LOUDLY bitch to everyone present whether they care or not. Unlike Megs, however, it's less in a "I have no armor plating, anything could crush me" way and more in a "EW EW EW WHY IM I SQUISHY GET IT OFF GET IT OFF GET IT OFF OH PRIMUS IM HIDEOUS" way. He's grabbing the nearest paper bag and putting it over his head. He's not risking ANYONE taking pictures of this little incident to blackmail him. He's especially angry that he can't fly. What do you mean he has to walk everywhere like some kind of monoformer??? What the fuck??? He'd normally try to off Megatron while he's vulnerable, but slag that, he's vulnerable too, and he doesn't even have his null rays to slag him with anyway. Convinced human food is going to be disgusting, pleasantly surprised when it's not. Gets a little obsessed with garlic bread, but we've all been there.
-Blitzwing has lost not one altmode, but two, and given how reflexive his transformation is, he's going a bit stir crazy. Doesn't help that he's lost his wings either. To try and cope, he's got the zoomies something awful, and tries running around the mountain base, jumping off whatever high surfaces he thinks won't kill him for a taste of altitude again, laughing his ass off as Random when he hits the bottom (very uncomfortable for him that he only has one face, too). However, in spite of his physical discomfort, and how generally overwhelming the situation is, he is at least a little excited that he can partake in human culture without consequences. He gets swept up in an arcade for a couple hours and has the time of his life, and tries as much earth food as he can. He's generally the only reason his teammates haven't starved yet because he's the only one willing to go out and get it. He has decided he really likes pizza, beer and chocolate. Genuinely a little sad he won't be able to eat it in his normal form.
-Lugnut is a bit disappointed that he's been given such an unworthy form incapable of serving his liege. How can he aid the GLORY of Megatron and the Decepticon cause when he is so small, so weak, so... Organic? But, he picks himself up and vows to do everything in his power to remain useful. And that starts with testing his limits to see how much use he can be. When he sees Blitzwing jumping off cliffs, he's certain his comrade's had the same idea and joins in, determined to find the threshold for his new body's pain tolerance. It is not as high as he would like. He can't really see as well now that he has one eye instead of his usual five, so he kinda keeps falling off high places anyway even after he's done doing it intentionally. Eventually tries organic food because he needs to fuel up to be of any use, but still loudly condemns it as inferior to energon. He kinda gets a kick out of knowing it's made from organic beings, though. He feels like he's turning some of the life on this useless planet towards a good cause by using its energy.
-Shockwave was already having a really weird day, falling through the space bridge and ending up on earth of all places. But as nice as it was to eschew his cover for a bit and catch up with his true comrades, it was kind of undercut by being suddenly even tinier than his usual disguise and significantly less durable. Not too fond of losing his extendable reach, either. Though he may not be too thrilled, he's still determined to make himself useful. More useful than the two idiots launching themselves off a cliff, anyway. He does a bit of research into basic self care and how to not die in general, as well as trying to figure out what did this to them and how to reverse it. Not opposed to trying earth food, he admits he's curious, if a bit intimidated by how varied it is. Learns he's got a bit of a sweet tooth, ends up mildly addicted to baked goods. Especially cheesecake. Once this whole humanity business is over, he starts a small side project on an internal filter that makes some organic matter edible just so he can keep eating it.
-Nobody takes their newfound humanity worse than Blackarachnia. She already hated being partially organic, but now the detestable, disgusting side of her makes up 100% of her frame. It feels like the final nail in the coffin. She's completely shut down, she just can't take what she's become, unsure whether this nightmare will ever end. She's not holding out on Shockwave being able to fix the issue. It never got magically resolved the first time it happened, why would it now? Her only cold comfort is the other cons have to suffer with her. She's not eating human food. If she starves, she starves, but she's not stooping to that level. She didn't before, and she sure as hell won't now.
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mari-lair · 11 months
(terukaneaoi murderers au: part 1)
Warning: ooc, violence, self-harm, mild sadism.
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Teru started to help in the kitchen as an excuse to get injured often, his lack of skills with anything relating to cooking makes others a little worried, but not suspicious when Teru cuts himself. Teru doesn't seem bothered by it, so they just keep a band-aid box in the kitchen.
Akane was far more troubled by the smell of blood than Teru's murder attempts, exasperated when the mercenary tried to trip him down a cliff, but breathing hard and snarling with near panic when Teru cut his finger washing a knife. Teru loved it, finding his distress near intoxicating. If he gets to see such a nice show, there is no need to kill Akane yet.
Aoi judged Teru for hurting himself over something so pointless but shut up when he asked if she was worried about him. This minuscule hint of worry was the highlight of Teru's day, he spent the next hours bothering her, realizing she is worried about Akane too. It's insane that Akane accomplished in three weeks what took Teru nearly a year: He made Aoi care. 
Akane tried his best to not be alone with Teru, for when they were alone the mercenary didn't try to act sheepish, chasing after Akane with bloody fingers and blushing in the face of his distress instead of faking an apology and covering his cuts to "not bother Akane". He is sadistically delighted by how dazed Akane can get, going as far as to hold his hands once, the feeling of delicious blood on his skin made Akane visibly shake, dashing to the nearest sink before he lost to temptation and licked his hands clean like a beast.
Aoi watched it all from a distance, following Akane and acting worried, opening the faucet for him and guiding his shaky hands under the water, acting extra gentle while Akane was at his lowest. She was happy to hold his hands but she refused to acknowledge it, convincing herself the giggly feeling was pride, the awe in his eyes proof that her plan to get his trust so he lowers his guard was working.
Akane falls in love with Aoi right there, noticing she avoids coming near blood or anything violent even when she aims to kill, but she did not hesitate to touch his bloody hands to help him. His favoritism with Aoi skyrockets and after another day of cute smiles and no poison, his defenses disappear near her, not forgetting but forgiving all her murder attempts at the start of this trip. 
Akane gets increasingly more frustrated with Teru, the smell of blood is overwhelming and his cruel attitude in the face of his distress is sickening, the more time passes the more he wants to make an exception to his rule of never hurting humans and sink his fangs inside Teru's neck, see if he’ll keep smirking when he no longer has any blood to shove in his face. The number of animals Akane kills to satiate his thirst increases, he drinks triple as much as he would normally to not droll in public, and he hates it.
The uncertainty if Teru is dating Aoi bothers Akane now that he has a crush, so his view on Teru drops more and more by the day.
A week before the end of this camping trip, Aoi suggests to kidnap Akane instead of killing him, used to Teru always having an answer to all her problems regarding this part of her life. The mercenary shuts the idea down, admitting he would if he could, but he has no experience with kidnapping, only ever moving a person from location A to B after a lot of preparation and never keeping them alive for more than a day: If it was a familiar location maybe they could try it, but they don’t know their location nor do they have transportation available, they are dependent on a bus that will be full of campers to take them home.
They end up going back to the murder plan, Teru gives her a knife, claiming they should kill him together, and if she poisons him, it will take away his fun! Aoi is… Not happy about this idea but Teru likes Akane, and this time he doesn’t budge in the face of her protests, throwing her secret bottle of poison off a cliff and insisting Akane deserves a ‘hand on goodbye’, something personal.
Akane sees Teru as a cruel demon that occasionally uses him as a playmate, so he is always caught off guard by sweet acts from the older boy, be it sharing his food, acting excited and happy to talk with Akane like a normal person, or the wildest of them all, when the mercenary saved him from a falling tree branch, clearly trying to protect him and checking him for injuries after. Teru acts as if this behavior is normal, and every time it happens Akane frows because he is somewhat touched, but what the fuck is his deal? Asking directly just makes Teru go "I like you. Only me or Aoi-san can kill you, I won't accept anyone else."
He eventually asks what Teru's relationship with Aoi is, and while Teru's delay to answer is nerve-wracking, he is relieved when he settles on "We are best friends".
Akane asks Aoi to meet him in an isolated place three days before the camp trip is over, which makes her confused but intrigued, Teru follows quietly, mostly curious. Akane does notice him, but he isn't bothered by a lone audience, confessing to Aoi and gifting her a flower bouquet. Aoi gets flustered, which she isn't used to, and panics, when Akane grabs her hand to try to comfort her, she panics even harder at the physical contact and stabs him in the gut.
Teru freaks out, both at how sloppy her attack was, unsure if he could clean up before some camper came to check on them, and at how cold he feels: now that it was happening, he really doesn't want Akane to die, regardless of who kills him. Loss is a feeling he isn't very good at processing since his mercenary job makes him believe lives are disposable, yet… He cares so much when he gets attached, so he may not understand his feelings but he tries to help.
Akane is as caught off guard by the attack as Aoi is (mostly at how horrified she looks). Akane does not have the 'immortality' of a full-blood vampire, and his fangs instinctively pop out as his body begs him to replenish the lost blood with the two healthy humans available. It confuses Teru and Aoi, who swear his teeth have never been sharp, but that's not the priority over the wound. Teru can tell from experience that he is in critical condition and needs treatment. He gives Akane his arm, wanting to lift him up. Akane grabbed it, using it as support to lunge at his throat, trashing his hoodie to get to his meal.
Akane's mind is foggy and his hunger has been tested by Teru's blood for a while, the smell haunting Akane for days and days, so the vampire snaps, he isn't gentle, he bites like a feral animal and drinks Teru's blood in a rush, he could have killed Teru if the taller boy didn't elbow his injury to push him off and kicked him down for good measure.
Teru had too much blood loss, and he's only human, so he fainted after taking a few steps, not at risk of death but definitively weak. Aoi had no idea what to do, her distress, and Akane's own promise not to kill humans, made the vampire snap out of it, licking Teru's wound close and dragging him to his room. Aoi bandages them both as best she can.
Akane is still hungry, and the taste of human blood on his tongue makes him feel addicted and unbalanced, so he gently bites Teru's hand, his fangs barely piercing the mercenary skin: he doesn't suck it straight from his bloodstream, giving it kitten licks so he can satiate himself without Teru losing too much blood.
Akane apologizes to Aoi for keeping his true nature a secret, for overwhelming her with a confession out of the blue, and for hurting her best friend. Akane promises he won't drink from her, already regretting biting teru, for it is a strong taste and honestly, he feels bad for hurting him when the boy was clearly trying to help him.
He does not mention the injury she gave him, much less blames her for the pain he is clearly in. The way Akane apologizes for 'overwhelming her enough to stab him' makes her angry.
Aoi is wary about his nature, she didn't even know vampires existed, but she is far more worried about Teru's state, having never seen Teru being defeated before, so she offers Akane her arm, telling the vampire to let the mercenary rest and feeling bad for causing the wound in the first place, she can lose a bit of her own blood after making the only boys she ever cared about bleed.
She is a bit scared even with all his 'Are you sure?' and 'I wasn't fully lucid when I bit Teru, I'll be gentle with you. Tell me if it hurts.' reassurances, but once he gently licked her arm to numb her muscles and whispered that she is allowed to push him away anytime, a part of her was flustered, and she hoped her blood was just as addicting, if not more, than Teru's.
After a while, she gets dizzy and Akane lets her go. Aoi doesn't know if it's the blood loss talking or if it's some vampire genes, but Akane looks more beautiful after feeding on humans. She believes him when he promises he will look after her and Teru.
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koos-kave · 10 months
Satan isn’t the gentleman he usually is when under the weather…
I’ve never heard of proofreading or editing in my life.
Satan gave a hoarse moan, his throat sore from violently coughing and retching throughout the day. He laid flat on the living room couch, neck propped up by two pillows, arm hanging over the side of the couch. Two fingers were lazily hooked under the rim of a plastic container just in case he needed to vomit. 
He looked to be the teetering on the edge of the large cliff that is several minutes of consecutive vomiting  (you knew from experience that Satan could win a competition when it came to longest sessions of nonstop vomiting.)
“Fuck…” He moaned yet again, cringing in discomfort from the bright light violating him from the hallway as you sauntered into his room. “I’m genuinely going to die.”
“Don’t be melodramatic,” you chided, “It’s definitely just a stomach bug. You’ll be over it in under a week.” 
“You’ll be crying over my grave...” 
“Whatever you say, pretty boy.”
The move he made to bring the bucket up to his level was so sudden that it caused you to jump back in surprise. It took you only a second to process what was going on before you were rushing to his side to gently sweep his golden hair out of his face.
——————————— shit below—————————————
•What’s happened to your chivalrous and romantic boyfriend?! 
•If anyone had a problem with him acting all pretentious before they’ll certainly love him now since all of a sudden he’s sleazier than Mammon. (Sorry Mams.)
•You’ll notice that he doesn’t want to talk much when he’s ill. He instead opts for making noises and pestering you until you manage to figure out what it is he wants.
•Sometimes you won’t be able to find him. If that’s the case, check under a pile of your clothes or blankets. 
•Sometimes he’ll be in the strangest places.
•You screamed so loud when a hand reached out to grab your ankle from under the couch that Leviathan paused his game to come check on you.
•Satan is a little whiny bitch when he’s ill.
•A little whiny horny bitch.
•He tells you that it’s somehow your fault for not knocking. You’re sure he left the door unlocked on purpose for you, he would never run the risk of having one of his brothers walk in on him. 
•He gets a tad bit grumpy, often hurling insults at whoever gets on his nerves.
•For some strange reason he really loves watching reality television when sick. 
•And he absolutely despises reality television.
•Except for the Great British Baking Show, literally everyone knows that it’s the shit.
•If you find him wandering about when he’s sick he’s ALWAYS wrapped in his favorite Hello Kitty blanket.
•You think he manages to look even sexier when he’s sick. He’s absolutely slaying that fever.
•Whenever he runs to the nearest bathroom you’ll time him to see how long it takes him to stop retching. 
•Mammon takes bets on how long it’ll take him to be out, he also takes beatings from Satan if he manages to find out Mammon is trying to make a quick buck from his torment.
•He avoids Lucifer like the plague when sick.
•He loves it when you feed him, however, he doesn’t really like it when you announce “here comes the airplane!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Loud enough for everyone in the house to hear.
•Tells you increasingly strange factoids depending on how sick he’s feeling.
•Prefers to use a tablet to read when sick. 
•Sends you countless scientific articles and even more random facts if you go to school while he stays home sick.
•He’s not afraid to admit he enjoys your pampering.
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speedykiwi814 · 8 months
Fairytale Ending.
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Pairing: Lando Norris x Oscar Piastri
Part: 1/1 (maybe)
Tags: fluff, basically a love letter to oscar, angst, lando's massive celebrity crush, this was gonna be a cute get-together fic but ended up sad
Requested: yes/no
The thing about Lando is that he never seems to stop talking.
He goes on and on until someone stops him or he stops himself.
They often stop him with a joking remark or look at him blankly until he realises.
And it's embarrassing every time. All Lando wants to do is jump into the nearest car and run it off the edge of a cliff.
People always laugh and tell him it's fine while others politely act like they don't notice.
The ones who end up being used to it always tell him they'll listen if he ever wants to rant.
They never mean it though.
The thing about people saying they'll listen to you is that they really mean that they'll sit there and nod while thinking about something else.
Lando likes to say that it doesn't bother him whenever he jokingly talks about it, but in truth, it stings to see them looking unfocused.
Like they don't care.
Oscar's different though.
He listens.
He really, truly listens.
He listens and he smiles- fuck, that smile and he cares and engages in conversation.
No matter how long Lando can talk for, Oscar's always there to share his thoughts.
It doesn't matter what time of day it is. Oscar always seems to have time for Lando.
Even when he calls him at 3 am in a panic about an upcoming race.
It's just one of the many reasons why Lando loves Oscar.
In fact, he carries a little brown notebook wherever he goes so he can write down the little endearing things Oscar does.
It's so ridiculous that he sometimes laughs openly whenever he thinks about it.
It feels like it's something straight out of a cheesy romcom, but he loves it anyway.
Some of his favourite ones (but let's be real, they're all his favourites) include;
-Always having time for him no matter what
-The little grin he always gives Lando whenever they lock eyes, a secretive smile, just for them.
-His concentration face every time he does something because he always tries at everything he does, and it's ridiculous how much he cares.
Oscar isn't aware of any of this or of the photo album in Lando's phone with saved edits from tiktok and more fan art than he's willing to admit.
And all the pictures he's taken whenever he wasn't looking.
The pictures are just for him, to admire and to miss when he's all alone in a club trying to squash down his feelings.
It feels an awful lot like having a celebrity crush.
Lando always gets so giddy every time he sees him in person and finds himself stalking Oscar's social media's and looking at posts that mention him.
He's even thought about asking for his autograph as a 'joke' and hanging it on his wall.
It's an obsession.
And like most celebrity crushes, he'll never have a chance.
The most obvious reason why is because they're teammates.
It's so conflicting, and whenever they have to get together to do something for the media, he has to physically restrain himself from blurting out everything he wants to say about Oscar's too perfect hair.
The second reason is that Oscar is definitely straight.
He's pretty much the definition of 'just some guy'.
And really, Lando could have anyone, but his heart chose the person who is the literal standing guy emoji?
It's quite an interesting choice.
They have these moments late at night when they're both tired after a long day of posing for the camera or trying their best but still not being the best in a race.
It's these moments where they curl up on a bed together in one of their hotel rooms, and Oscar lets Lando talk about anything and everything while he listens and rubs comforting circles on Lando's back.
He would never admit it to anyone, but he's cried a few times like this, head buried in Oscar's shoulder while he frets about his performance on the track and whether or not he's good enough.
No matter how many tear stains he leaves in Oscar's annoying papaya colored shirts and boring plain white shirts, Oscar always lets him cry.
When Lando is willing, he'll even offer some supporting words and help him through it.
Lando really couldn't ask for a better teammate.
Because that's all they'll ever be, just team mates.
Sometimes, when he's all alone in his empty hotel room, he lets himself wonder if the only reason he's still on the grid is because he's young and popular.
If the only reason why anybody wants him is because of his personality and if he didn't have that, wouldn't he have nothing?
Wouldn't he be nothing?
He's expressed these thoughts to Oscar, who immediately shot them down with an offended look as if it was about him and not about Lando.
"Why would you even think like that?"
He'd whispered one night, holding Lando's hand in his and for one stupid, blinding second Lando felt like his feelings might actually be reciprocated.
He really thought that just maybe, maybe he wouldn't be alone in the confusing and conflicting feelings he felt.
Feelings that made him feel like he was doing something wrong.
But it would've been so easy, to just lean in and kiss him.
People don't understand Lando.
They say that they do, but they don't.
Oscar's the one who changes that.
With his understanding smile and sparkly eyes he's the one that Lando would pick out of a crowd in a heartbeat.
He may seem boring or uninteresting to other people, but to Lando, he's something way more than that.
Oscar listens and doesn't make fun of Lando in the way others do.
Don't get him wrong, he's fine with people laughing at him, and Oscar laughs too, but it's just.. different.
Different in a refreshing way that makes Lando want more.
When they got their first podium together at Suzuka, Lando glanced over at Oscar and really felt like he could just grab him right then and show how much he loved him in front of the whole world.
But he would never dare to.
He was standing with a blinding smile, basking in the cheering, and he looked straight out of a fairytale.
And Lando wished so badly that he could get a fairytale ending with this stupidly endearing boy.
A happy ending is all that he could ever want.
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lordgrimwing · 7 months
Friends and Family #09
[for Maedhros and Maglor week, hosted by @maedhrosmaglorweek]
“Everybody,” Maedhros’ voice echoed through the cave. “Be quiet.”
Maglor put a hand over Caranthir’s mouth to muffle his whimpering. Fingon hushed the cousins nearest him, scooping sobbing Utrass up in his arms. Celegorm, bleeding from several scrapes courtesy of tumbling down the cliff the rest of them climbed down, held the old mining helmet aloft and tried to ignite the carbide lamp again. Everyone heard the fruitless clicking of the sparker. 
“We’re going to be fine,” Maedhros continued now that he had their attention. 
Six sets of eyes blinked at him in the dark, waiting. Caranthir sniffled again.
“Uncle Fingolfin knows where we went. If we can’t get out, the adults will come looking for us in a few hours. But–” He said, knowing Celegorm and Turgon opened their mouths to object to waiting for rescue– “we’ll get ourselves out before that happens. We didn’t go very far, and Maglor, Fingon, and I’ve all been down here on our own. Celegorm and Turgon, you two need to help us keep the littluns safe so we all stay together.”
“I’m not little!” Curufin objected. This was quickly followed by a thud as he tripped over something and fell.
“I got him!” Eiliaduin assured everyone.
“Thanks,” Maglor said, reaching out blindly with his free hand until he felt someone’s head.
Aredhel screamed. Everyone flinched.
He grabbed her arm. “It’s just me.”
“Oh, sorry.”
Maedhros sighed, long-suffering and already weary. “We’re all going to hold hands and go back the way we came.”
“What about the ledge we came down?” Turgon asked. The darkness did nothing to hide his worry. “I can’t climb back up in the dark.”
“Me neither,” Maglor admitted. He was still horribly short in his mind. Even Fingon was taller than him now, and he was 2 years younger. 
“I’ll help everyone get up,” Maedhros said. “Now, come toward my voice and find a hand to grab.”
With a fair amount of shuffling and bumping and narrowly avoiding falls, they came together. Maglor, Fingon, Turgon, and Celegorm caught hold of the younger cousins’ hands, helping everyone join into a line behind the oldest. Maedhros called off everyone’s name to make sure they were all accounted for, then started shuffling slowly forward.
It was rough at first, but with a little trial and error (and Celegorm telling Caranthir to stop stepping on his feet, which the slightly younger boy insisted he was not doing on purpose) they fell into a rhythm. Maedhros described where they should be at regular intervals, warning when the passage sloped down or up again or the ceiling closed in low enough that they had to crawl awkwardly onward.
Before long—though it felt like an eternity to Maglor, blindly following everyone else from his spot in the back of the line—they arrived in the cavern with the dripping stalactites. Splashing through the shallow pool of mineral-rich water, they found the way forward blocked by a rough wall. 
Maedhros felt his way along the stone, fingers searching for the opening they all slipped through earlier. He found it, a smooth hole at shoulder height, just as he began to worry that he wouldn’t be able to or that he’d accidentally led them into a different part of the cave. Relieved, knowing that it was just a bit further now before they’d see daylight, he said, “We’re almost there everyone. This is the last hard part.”
A cheer went up as they all gathered around him, eager to get out.
“Fingon?” He asked when things quieted down. “You go first and help everyone get reconnected up there. There’s a couple side passages up there, and I don’t want anyone to wander off.”
“Right,” Fingon agreed. “Can someone take Utrass?”
After handing the slightly calmer five-year-old off to Turgon, Maedhros hoisted him up and he scrambled into the mouth of the tunnel. 
“I’m ready,” He said.
Maedhros called for another cousin. 
Soon, Maglor was the last one waiting. He reached out for his brother’s hands. They were rough and strong against his own, confident as they cupped together, forming a step for his muddy foot. Maedhros helped him get up into the trees for years like this when the branches were too high for him to reach on his own. If he was climbing the tree to look for fruits or nuts, he always made sure to find a few extra just for Maedhros. He laughed a little at the bright memory.
“What?” His brother asked.
“I just thought about climbing trees.”
Maedhros chuckled under his breath. A private sound, just for the two of them. “I wish there were plums at the end of this.”
“Aunt Anairë brought lots of jams. Maybe she has plum.” 
In the dark, Maedhros grinned. “We’ll have to ask when we get back.”
With that, he lifted him up.
Maglor climbed over the edge, surprised by the relief he suddenly felt at making it out of the deep dark in the cavern. While it wasn’t much, he could just make out the tracest, tiniest hit of light here. It wasn’t visible from below, but now he could see Fingon’s vague silhouette.
“Come on up, Mae,” His cousin said, gesturing Maglor a few feet up the tunnel so there was plenty of room.  
Maedhros reached over the ledge. There wasn’t anything for him to grab onto, and though he jumped and tried to find a purchase for his feet against the stone, he couldn’t get enough leverage to climb up. He landed in the puddle with a splash and frustrated grunt after every try.
“Is he stuck?” Eiliaduin asked, trying to look back at what was happening from her new spot between Celegorm and Caranthir.
“No,” Maedhros insisted. “I’m not stuck.”
He jumped again.
“Wait,” Maglor said after the inevitable splash. “Grab Fingon and my hands this time.”
“I don’t want to pull you back down,” Maedhros worried.
“You won’t!” Fingon quickly interjected. To Maglor he said, “Sit down and press your feet against the wall.”
When they were wedged tightly into place, they asked him to try one more time. He did, and, grunting and straining, they managed to pull him up. The children clapped and the three of them fell together in a pile of relief and exhaustion. Maedhros hugged them both.
After a moment’s reprieve, they stood up and started the last leg of the journey out of the caves.
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alicewritingstories · 3 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Scattered in the Mountains
Fandom: Linked Universe
[Previous] << Chapter 3 >> [Next]
Prompts for this chapter:
Alt 8: Broken bone
12: Trapped under rubble / "I can't move my legs"
13: Avalanche (if a rockslide counts) / Stuck in the mountains
20: "Get me out"
27: Concussion
Central characters: Hyrule and Time
When Time emerged from the portal, he was alone; even Hyrule, who had been right beside him as he entered, was gone. He looked round to see the portal just closing behind him with still no sign of any of his boys.
He took a deep breath and let it out again to quiet the thread of anxiety that was starting to twist in his heart. It wasn't the first time they'd been separated as they came through a portal and the others probably weren't too far away. Despite that, he always hated it. Alone, each of them was more vulnerable. While they had all gone through their adventures alone - with the exception of Warriors - they didn't know anything about their current enemy's motivations or capabilities that might help them outwit or fight it.
What was more, as he carefully looked around the rock-strewn, pathless pine forest in which he stood and smelled the air, he started to suspect that they were in a new era. That was dangerous; it meant that they had no idea what was in store for them and it would be even harder to prepare.
But standing around wasn't going to solve any of those problems and he set out between the thick trees, following the slight upward slope of the ground. If he could get onto higher ground, he would be able to get a better idea of his surroundings and hopefully some idea of where the others had gotten to.
Decided on a plan, he immediately hastened his steps, ears pricked for any sound from nearby.
All was quiet.
All afternoon, he walked, slowly climbing the hillside. Still, there was no sign of life except for birds and a couple of squirrels. The silence weighed on his heart but he kept trying to brush it aside. Worrying wouldn't solve anything.
In this sort of terrain, he could be a hundred yards from them and he might not know it.
At last, as the sun was beginning to set, he broke out of the trees onto a bare, rocky slope that led up to a mountain peak in the distance, and he sat down on a nearby rock to take a quick drink of water and a much-needed mouthful of trail rations.
The mountain didn't look like it would be possible to climb; it was all sheer cliffs and the scree slopes left behind by rockslides. His gaze instead went to the valleys that carved up its sides. The ones he could see all led down to a single larger valley between the nearest mountain and another. Some were steep-sided rocky gorges, especially higher up, but most were shallower, filled with grass and thick forests like the one he'd emerged in. When he looked back with that view in mind he could see that he had indeed walked up just such a valley.
The whole horizon was dominated by mountains, though this was the largest. He was evidently in the middle of a substantial range.
That would make it all the harder to find the others.
He sighed. Unfortunately, that was probably going to have to wait for morning; evening was beginning to draw in and he knew better than to stumble around an unfamiliar mountainside in the dark. He would be no use to any of them lying at the bottom of one of those unforgiving slopes.
He took another sip of water and another careful bite of his rations and set out again, edging into the next valley over to look for somewhere to shelter.
Just as it was starting to get dark enough that he was getting worried he found a thick stand of gorse bushes. It wasn't ideal, but he'd slept in worse places and he crawled under the spiny branches into the dry hollow underneath. Here, there was a little bit more space, carpeted with a thick bed of fallen needles that not only cushioned the ground but showed that water didn't run through here. He couldn't sit up in the confined space and felt claustrophobic and very aware of how impossible it would be to fight here if he had to, but it would have to do. He pulled out a dagger and laid it by his head, then closed his eye and did his best to rest, even if he couldn't sleep in an unfamiliar place with nobody to keep watch.
Goddesses, he hoped he found the others soon.
By morning he was cold and felt even more tired than when he'd laid down, but he dragged himself back out from under the bushes and looked around, blinking in the growing light. It was cloudy and there was a rain cloud hovering over a nearby slope. He watched it for a moment, wrinkling his nose and trying to work out whether it was moving in his direction. It seemed to be easing away, but as he watched, something on the mountainside shifted.
His eyes widened as the shift turned into a slide. It felt like he'd barely had a chance to draw breath before half of the mountainside was tumbling into the valley below in an ugly cascade of rocks and mud.
He was running before it had even settled, scrambling across the rough, rocky ground, navigating by dead reckoning and the rising cloud of dust that was rapidly beaten back down by the last of the rain. He didn't know if any of his boys might have been caught in that and that uncertainty alone meant he had to go and check.
Even though there would almost certainly be nothing he could do.
His own feet slid on wet ground as he ran and he caught himself on a rock, his heart leaping into his mouth. Once again, he reminded himself that he would be no use to anyone at the bottom of a cliff.
Still, it was almost impossible to force himself to go slowly and carefully, zig-zagging across the slope. He could feel the seconds ticking away. It wouldn't take long to die under a rockslide like that.
The rain was completely gone by the time he got there, running up the valley to the foot of the landslide, his eye flicking over the still-settling rocks and dirt. If someone was completely buried, he wouldn't be able to -
His gaze snagged on a gleam of metal.
He bit back a cry of horror as he made out the shape, the rubies set in the hilt of a sword poking out from an ominously-still heap of soil…
"Hyrule!" he gasped out and started running again.
He crashed to his knees beside the slide, only grateful for the fact that if Hyrule was still with his sword he was near the edge. Swallowing his panic as best he could, he started pulling rocks aside, forcing himself to be careful.
The second rock he moved revealed a shock of brown curls, matted with dirt and blood.
Golden Goddesses, may he still be alive…
One more rock had been mercifully keeping a pocket of air open around Hyrule's face. As he moved another, it caused a slide of soil into the space, but Time cleared that with a couple of quick swipes and held a hand in front of the traveler's nose and mouth.
Once again, he felt seconds tick by.
But just as fear and horror were closing a hand around his own chest, he felt the tickle of moving air. A breath. Hyrule was alive.
Time let out a relieved breath of his own and once again started carefully shifting rocks and clearing away dirt, revealing Hyrule's shoulders and one arm. The sword came free - the straps holding it to Hyrule's back had snapped - and Time laid it to one side, his eyes on one especially large rock that was resting against Hyrule's back at his waist.
Just then, Hyrule took a slightly deeper breath and moaned, the sound turning into a high-pitched, agonized whimper.
"Hyrule?" Time gently took the hand that he'd managed to dig out. "Link? Can you hear me?"
Hyrule twitched, pulling at the hand Time was holding. "Leggome…" he mumbled. "Won' le' y'..."
"It's OK, Hyrule. It's me, Time. I've got you. You're going to be OK."
Hyrule's bruise-ringed eyes drifted open, vague and distrustful, and he pulled at his hand again, then fell still with another whimper, his eyes screwing closed.
"Link, do you know who I am?"
Hyrule mumbled something incoherent, then his expression twitched and he made a soft choking noise. Time just shifted out of the way before he threw up.
Nausea, confusion, blood in his hair… Time cursed under his breath as he scuffed dirt over the vomit. He had no potions left and couldn't leave Hyrule alone in this state to go and search for a fairy. With a grimace, he wiped Hyrule's face as best he could and offered him a sip of water so he could rinse out his mouth. The fact that he was being cared for seemed to pierce the fog in Hyrule's mind and he looked up again, blinking slowly.
"Do you know who I am, Link?" Time asked again. At least he could see that Hyrule's pupils were the same size. The injury to his brain wasn't as serious as it could have been, at least not yet.
Hyrule's mouth opened and closed for a moment as he struggled to make sense of what was happening, then he murmured, "Time?"
Time grinned, a weight lifting off his shoulders. "Yes, well done. Do you remember anything about what happened?"
"We… w're 'bout… p'rt'l?" Hyrule looked around. "But… m'ntain?"
"Yes, we went through a portal. Do you remember anything after that?"
Hyrule started to shake his head, then moaned and his eyes screwed shut as sweat broke out across his forehead. For a few seconds he breathed shallowly through his mouth, swallowing hard once or twice, then he slowly looked up again. Time once again gently took his hand.
"Don' 'member…" He coughed and whimpered. Time gave him another sip of water and watched with relief as his gaze cleared a little more as he gradually crawled back to at least an approximation of full consciousness. "How'd I get… Time.. how'd… where's others?" he asked pitifully.
"I don't know where the others are," said Time, speaking slowly and clearly so the addled young hylian could follow his words. "The portal separated us. You're the first I've found. And I don't recognise these mountains."
Hyrule sighed. "'K," he murmured, unconcerned as ever about the prospect of being lost in the wilderness. Time couldn't help a small smile, but it faded again as he looked at the piles of rock still burying the lower half of Hyrule's body.
"Hyrule -"
"Th' others…"
"I'm sure the others are doing just fine," lied Time, keeping his voice calm. "You just worry about yourself for now. Can you tell me how you're injured?"
Hyrule stared at him.
"Where does it hurt?"
Hryule closed his eyes and Time was just trying to think of a way to rouse him that wouldn't worsen his concussion when he murmured, "Head… Ribs, left side… Ack…" He winced. "B-back… And… and…" His eyes flew open, blank with terror. "I can't feel my legs… Time, I can't feel my legs!"
Time swallowed down his own shock and fear almost as soon as he became aware of it and slipped a hand gently under Hyrule's cheek, taking his free hand again.
"OK, Hyrule. It's going to be OK. Just breathe. Tell me exactly what you feel."
"I…" Hyrule took a small, shivering breath and closed his eyes again. "Pain… pain in my back… something… twisty? Ngh…" He twitched and his hand tightened on Time's. "It… d'ffrnt…" Another shivering breath. "Bit… cutty-crackly…"
Time nodded. He knew that when Hyrule healed he felt the shape of what he was doing in his mind and had seen him struggling to put the feeling of different injuries into words before. "Cutty-crackly", concerningly, was new.
"Legs… oh… ugh…" Another twitch. "There, but… tingling? Half numb? Like… fallen 'sleep. There's blood… but…"
"You're bleeding?"
"I… don't… think so?" He relaxed his head against Time's supporting hand with a faint sigh and Time let him rest for a moment, wondering anxiously how much of the numbness and vagueness came from his head injury.
But his eyes drifted back to that huge rock resting against Hyrule's unarmoured spine.
An injury Hyrule struggled to describe. Numbness and tingling in his legs.
A broken back.
That was healable, but first they needed to get Hyrule free of the rockslide. Time couldn't do that alone, not without someone to shore up rocks and make sure nothing else fell on Hyrule, especially since with a serious concussion and a broken back Hyrule wouldn't be able to pull himself clear and would have to be very carefully handled.
He looked around with a frown, hoping for some sign of the others also coming to check this landslide, for some indication that there was someone nearby he could call on for help. But there was nothing. They were alone.
Well, this wasn't the first time he'd faced long odds alone.
Time took a deep breath and let it out again, then turned back to the injured boy whose head rested limply in his hand. "Hyrule, don't fall asleep, OK? I know you want to, but we need to work out how to get you out of there."
Hyrule's eyelids fluttered. "Wha…?"
Something about the vague tone sent a thrill of anxiety through Time's heart. "Hyrule?" He tilted his head to look more squarely at Hyrule's face. "Hyrule, can you tell me what we just talked about?"
Hyrule's eyes opened, vague and unfocussed once more. Time's heart skipped a beat as he saw that one of the pupils had shrunk to a pinprick. "Time…? Wha… where'm I?"
Normally, it was best to avoid healing when a broken bone was still being twisted out of place, though it could be done. Healing magic could do a lot to realign damage and Hyrule's magic in particular could do things that even fairies couldn't, but that was because of his excellent control and ability to sense what he was doing even if he didn't fully understand the underlying anatomy.
Seriously concussed, he wouldn't have that control. If he healed himself, the wash of unfocussed magic might heal his back out of place and permanently replace whatever had been cut to destroy the sensation in his legs with scarring that couldn't be healed away.
But the head injury was worsening, blood presumably pooling in his skull and pressing on his brain. That would kill him if left to itself.
"Hyrule," said Time, very gently cupping Hyrule's face in his hands. "I need you to listen to me very carefully."
Hyrule blinked, but murmured, "'K."
"You have a serious head injury. You need to heal the head injury. Only the head injury."
"But…" Awareness was seeping back, even if his previous lucidity wasn't. "Ev'rything hurts…"
"I know. I know. But only heal the head injury."
Hyrule stared at him for a moment, but then murmured, "OK," and closed his eyes. Gradually, a soft turquoise glow appeared under his skin. His breathing hitched and beads of sweat appeared on his brow and upper lip as he struggled against his scattered, tangled mind to control and limit the magic that he presumably so wanted to direct towards his other injuries. Time bit his lip, touched at the trust Hyrule was placing in him to follow what must have seemed like a nonsensical order.
The bruising around Hyrule's eyes faded, an odd rattle in his breathing Time hadn't even fully noticed vanished, and suddenly the traveler gasped and whimpered, his free arm coming up in a weak flail.
"Easy, Hyrule," said Time quickly, catching his hand while keeping his head supported. "It's OK. It's me, Time. I'm here."
Hyrule's eyes flew open, clear and present at last. He saw Time and relaxed, gasping for breath.
"Time…" he panted. "My back… I can't… I can't move my legs…"
Time nodded, rubbing a thumb comfortingly across the back of his hand. "Do you remember anything since I arrived?"
Hyrule blinked. "Bits… you told me just to heal my head injury. Is…" He started trying to sit up before Time even realized what he was doing, but fell still with a heart-rending shriek.
"Lie still," Time told him firmly, holding his head and hand as he shivered on the ground. "You're still half buried under a landslide and I think your back may be broken. You must stay still. Do you understand?"
Hyrule nodded with a whimper, his breathing speeding up as panic set in now that his awareness of the situation was no longer smothered under the concussion. "I… Time, please get me out…" he whispered. "Please…"
"I will. But you need to calm down and stay still." Time gently ran a hand over Hyrule's dirty, blood-caked hair. "It's going to take some time."
Hyrule gulped, another shudder going through him. "It hurts…"
Time sighed. "I know," he said as gently as he could. "Breathe, Link. Just hold on. I'm going to get you out of there. It's going to be OK."
He would find a way to make it true.
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sunnychuuya · 2 months
Time for my now nightly sally face vomit the one thing I dislike about this game so far is its lack of a save button
-6 minutes 34.94 seconds to get back to chapter five okay time to look up a tutorial..
-what the fuck. It was t h a t e a s y?? IT CAN BE COMPLETED IN LESS THAN 15 SECONDS?! IM ENDING IT ALL WTH
-didn't mention this before but I love the detail of the gear boy screen being scratched
-this is definitely foreshadowing
Hey guys look how much more coherent I am when I have the light off and am not on a fucking terrifying part
-well thats..creepy.
-Holt ahit the whole screen going black scared me so bad
-yea guys maybe yall should fucking move cuz that shit is terrifying leave before you all fucking die
-Ok I mean like it does sound like bullshit so u can't rlly blame him for not believing sal..
-fuck wait if the tree house has proof what traumatizing shit happens there later why can't a tree house ever just be silly
-the apartments were abandoned huh..
-why am I playing as m a n
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I mean I don't rlly know what sal did except kill someone but all the fanarts I see of him post killing someone say "I had no choice" in the background and he doesn't seem like the dude to just go and murder someone
Maybe I just rlly like sal lmao
-Why did Enon just die wth
-seeing a ghost take the form of Larry made me scream like not even joking I'm bawling my eyes out whay the fuck
-wait pookies this hopefully is not true and I don't see any reason in why it would be true of it is true I'm gonna find the nearest cliff but like sal murders someone and laryr is dead ...
No right that's not right it can't be they're bestie bros
Also it wouldn't make sense cuz Larry's tryna help sal
BUT HOW THE FUCK DID HE DIE THEN? one of my friends is being sus about it
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I know I haven't met Travis but I've developed an attachment to him bc of the fan content I've seen
Thats low-key sus
Thats really sus actuslly
Right as Enon is like finding out about smth he dies
-"white room eht ni em dnif. Ouy dlot I tahw tegrof t'nod" thanks I understand that
Dont forget what I told you. Find me in the white room.
HUH ??
GUYS am I forgetting smth or is this sposed to be mysterious
Omori ass shit
-oh it's the ghosty thing
-am I stupid I csnt even kinds decipher what should be in the blanks half the time
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Bad example. But sad!
Okay but run only has three letters what
Yes I'm smart
that scared me so fucking bad my vision low-key blacked out for a second I'm in the dark again lmao
-sal I love you but for the love of God (okay thst might not be a great thing to say from the foreshadowing we've been getting lol) fucking at least try to win the case
-oh someone told me j would be scared of bologna bc of this game
-"ugh" dude pls
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Yoo I'm finally gonna get rhe lore..
Im scared!
-Mr dood El is so real
-"Hello are you okay" *demonic garbling* fucking mood
-"now please leave us alone your head will frighten the children" LMAOKK
-okay so the truth stuff is sus obviously
-y aren't circle heads normal :(
-"Hello are yiu the great beast" "well, fuck you too friend." Teehee
-ik this is prolly gonna be some like deep foreshadowing but it's just this is so cool and funny?
-on the side of the fortune teller it looks like it says gae instead of green
-makes me kinda scared for late game tho!
-math class sleep >> all other sleep
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-"nobody likes a cliche bully traaavis" SAL ILY SM
-"yk if you took that stick out of ur ass you may actually enjoy yourself for once." DAMNNNN
-travis you hoe 😔
Bro ik this is like sposed to be serious but why was the panel kf travis punching sal so fucking funny to me
-but like sal ik you don't know but maybe don't talk about travis dad
Like j appreciate u trying to help but not the best move-
-larry.. how good.. to see you.. alive.. *sobbing*
-ash the ghosts are fucjing real stfu
-yea sal his dad is shit but like it doesn't rlly excuse it all idk
-mk yup there's smth up with the bologna
I hate that word it's not even close to how it's pronounced
-wtf is the hot dog incident???
Made with dog??
-"You're lucky it's bologna day" that is such a fucking sentence 💀
-"i don't know if this town has room for another conspiracy theory" there's prolly gonna be like 17 more this game
-I got a paperclip! And then I look at it and it says "I can use this paper clip to get into my friends lockers" lmal
-oh yea how old r they rn r they still freshman ? Assuming so
-sal is so short god
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-this is completely unrelated to sallt face but chat my leg is bleeding and it reallt burns uhh ow
It might be bc there's alcohol marjer in it but that's from a day ago so idk
i mean ik sla is canonically bi but when there's a gay relationship in canon it's so happy okay
wait through the past two years
What is their age in ep 3
Like someone pls answer this
Im trying to figure it out
They said if they killed Travis they'd have to deal with him for two years
Indicating two years of hs left
Ig thar makes sense
Im a liar I don't understand
-i wish u could runnnnnnn ahhhhhh
-"you butt nozzle" wtf does this mean
-actusllt maybe I shouldn't say I wish u could run bc the thing that happened earlier.. haha..
-yall that's sus why r there so many missing posters
-where am I sposed to be going ahh
-the textbook in Larry's locker is labeled "generic textbook" lmao
-mmm that's sus home made by a teacher.. nah..
-?? Travis is gone
-bruh gods whole thing is loving everyone stop being homophobuc
-"yk we aren't all actually gay, right? I mean besides forTodd. Todd is super gay." Good for Todd
-okay I have to go through all the dialog options
-"says the boy who hides behind a mask! Get lost, you mutant!" OUCHIE :<
-can I murder kenneth.. he shot sal and his mom.. and is la shitty dad to travis.. :/
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-empty envelope..
The note be from there
-i hate puzzles how am I sposed to know what the lock is
-sally has mental I'll
-me when uiuruy.rhoheitnruy.a,drwitoflsuynbusmo
-okay guys wrf was that cuz they're acting like it's a reoccurring thing
-ik is not that but dehydration rlly is a bitch
-im so on edge like it went into the bathroom and we saw gizmo qnd it had a record scratch sound and I jumped
-wow our dad actually says he'll do smrh with us soon.. shocker 😐
-oh ow that's sad but sals dad u bitch u fuckin got rid of photos of sals mom??? I like get ur also affected but be a better dad jeez
-welcom to windom guys
-time to try to geuss the password
-y r there empty letters randomly appearing eith my name that's sus!!
-Robert slays
-yo we can enter 403 now shouldn't they have fixed the doorframe by now tho lmao
-whyis she talking out her neck god I'm gonna vomit the sound effects are Not Neesxcaru
-I feel like that red eyed demon ain't really gone.
-it's 1:06 am have mercy on my orbs pls
-these letters r confusing
-samn what r Todd's parents on 💀
-did sal jusr say "good lord" beuh
-im scared.
-theres a lock on the freezer fuck fuck fuck
-okay. Ifs creepy, but at least it'd just a goat head. Could be worse. Could be human
Waych me end up regretting these words..
-she has a weird obsession with pi huh
-greem stuff in the tub
-whay am I sposed to do while waiting 4 Larry
I feel like there's a possibility the thing we found in her desk could be used to open the door but it'd not letting me
-clock puzzle..
-I did it
-yall I just killed a dude don't feel great about that haha...
-"if we don't make it out alive.. I.. I love you dude"
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-it's just ash fuckign great what the hell
-"damn." Valid reaction ngl like what r u sposed to say to thar
-this isn't very girlypop core
-ngl just googled the lock combo bc I'm uncomfy rn and don't feel like puzzles
-please don't go down the trash chute.
-welp she's dead okay Larry let's go!
-ripped carpet
-"whelp this looks bad" I love Larry
-"it's a good thing thr cult isn't around anymore.. the demon too" YA JUST FUCKIN JINXED IT THEYRE GONNA KILL YA SAL
-qere gonna die were gonna die were all gonna die oh god oh fuck
-why do these things always happen to me?" Idk why I thought if schooby doo
Wait he doesn't die here does he.
-great gonna be here for 7 hours
-no im not looking up a tutorial Ur looking up a tutorial
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Me when
I made itty
Qalk around in circles and you'll figure it out cool
-yipee I have to have a tutorial for sal too. End me.
-gwuss who's bleeding again! Different spot this time closer to my ankle
-following a tutorial
-does exactly what it says
-doesn't work
-runs around in rage and despair
-it fucking worked
Making a second part to this cuz my phones trying to die ill rb when thr other is finish
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mslanna · 7 months
How about Raphael (who is in love with interested in Tav) reacting to Tav, in a moment of desperation, transforming into a true dragon to save him from death.
The kicker? Tav did not remember that she was a true dragon due to the tadpole wrecking her memory and is just as caught off guard by this revelation as her lover is.
Well, this took a moment. 😂 Anyway. I finally got an idea and made it work. Enjoy. 😊 A Dragon Born on AO3
A Dragon Born
That's what you got for trying to outsmart a devil. Tav's war hammer crashes down on the nearest gelugon. A crown for a hammer. That was easy. That was predictable. But noooo. Another skull shatters under their weapon. They had to be smart. They wanted more and, what is worse, had their cunt allowed to do the thinking.
So here they are. Not on the frontline of Raphael's war, but balls-deep in it still. Bodyguard. Pah. A glorified breastplate is what they are. Just another layer between Raphael and his death.
The thought hones Tav's concentration back to the battle at hand. Thinking with their cunt had been one thing. And something Raphael had no qualms about. As things stood, they went well-satisfied despite Haarlep's warning. The devil was pliable to praise and eager to control. Characteristics that were easily exploited for pleasure.
On the flip side, he was as eager to conquer and the hells were offering ample resistance.
Should have been more careful with the duration of the terms, Tav thought not for the first time. Should have been more careful that my cunt doesn't drag other organs into the mess. Should, should, should.
It is too late for Tav. Raphael's current favourite plaything is hopelessly in love. A fact Raphael abuses shamelessly. Who better to keep him safe than somebody who can't stand the thought of losing him? Tav just swishes he wasn't so reckless with them in tow.
But he is and the tide of the battles turns against them ever so slowly. And Raphael, intent on still winning as he is, doesn't get any of the hints to move to a place easier to defend. The last thing they need is to be surrounded. Tav nudges the devil eastwards again, where rusty cliffs tower with the promise of stark ravines.
They can retreat there. Find a secluded space and at least get their own asses out of the fight intact. Tav has made peace with losing about the complete army at this point. But once again, Raphael doesn't budge.
Despite their situation, Tav has to admire the cambion. His helldusk armour is covered in blood and gore, his face splatters, hair almost ruffled. He looks positively vicious. Violence suits him well: Bare teeth emphasis the snarl of his lips. If they were not fighting for their lives – Tav shakes their head.
They are fighting for their lives and whatever thoughts cross their mind at the sight of Raphael in a battle frenzy, they will have to make a list for later. If there is a later. They push again, but the devil is too caught up ion the fight to react.
"Raphael," Tav hisses, leaning close. "We must retreat!"
Nobody tells n archduke of hell what to do. Raphael's eyes flare up, but the lunge harmlessly passes Tav's head, cutting through an imp behind them. In return Tav steps around their devil, swinging their war hammer in an expert curve that connects beautifully with an attackers temple. They drop dead on the spot only to be replaced by more opponents.
"Trust me," Raphael replies.
What can Tav say to that? The devil's trick almost cost them their lives as often as they save them. They hack on, keeping a small circle around them clear and hope Raphael will act soon. The press of enemies only gets thicker and Tav's arms tire from the prolonged fight.
Impossible. Tav inches closer to the devil. Enemies swamp them and still he doesn't move. Any moment now they will be overrun. From the corner of their eye, Tav sees him prepare a spell, one of the bin ones by the amount of preparation necessary. Taking a deep breath, Tav braces, ready to keep the flood at bay a little longer.
One of the devils breaks through though. Tav lunges, but only manages to shatter his skull once the curved blade ripped through Raphael's side and wing. They his, angry at themself, Raphael., the world. They hammer sweeps around the two of them in a wide arch. But every inch is hard won and lost as soon as their weapon moves on.
A wave of hellfire sweeps out from Raphael and incinerates most of the attackers close by. Tav shivers under the gust of warmth. Hellfire is a familiar comfort to them, another gift from Raphael. But they are not the only fighter with that advantage. The opposition closes in again, burnt bones of their companions crunching underfoot.
A gelugon drives their lance forwards. It catches on Tav's armour, bounces and slips to the ground behind Raphael's legs. Only when the devil falters slowly, does Tav realise it must have caught him behind the knee.
Curses fall from their lips as hits rain down on the surrounding foes. But it is never quite enough to buy a reprieve. And it gets more difficult with Raphael unable to fend for himself any longer. Tav prowls over his prone form. They will keep the blades away and if they have to use their own body for a shield.
Swords and arrows bounce from the helldusk plates, shaking Tav's balance each step. There is no thought left in their mind, just stay and protect. There is no way to get them both to safety now. But Tav will not leave Raphael undefended as long as they can still stand.
Tav lunges at the attacker, throwing themself at them chest first. The desperate movement expands and fills their whole perception. The world blinks out of existence for a moment before Tav lands on their forelegs, one arm reaching for a devil about to strike at Raphael's prone form.
A scaled claw closes around their waist. Without thinking, Tav sinks their claws into soft flesh and squeezes. The devil squelches in their grip, flowing apart on a soft mass of flesh, blood, and ground bone.
Tav stares it for a split second. They cannot afford to be distracted. Their long neck swerves and turns to take in the scene. The attackers seem to hesitate. Over their newly curved back, Tav finds a tail and gives it an experimental woosh that tales out a row of devils.
Alright then.
Tav inhales and roars their frustration at the surrounding enemies and their new scream comes with ice. A crescent patch of ground cracks as it is frozen and the devils stumble on the surface. Tav aims another blast at them directly and veins burst under the pressure of the freezing water in their bodies expanding beyond capacity.
It makes the others step back cautiously. Tav reaches out with their claws again, light blue scale glittering ominously in the red light of the hells, and sweeps the last devils standing on the icy patch off their feet. They slash deep gashes into their flesh through their armour. A very satisfactory feeling.
Cold violence bubbles under Tav's scales, but each time they lash out with claw, it gets worse instead of better. Their restraint melts away like the ice of their breath. If they are not careful this animal nature will take over. Tav concentrates on their objectives: protect Raphael. Stay alive. Save Raphael.
Tav looks around. There are to many foes even for this form that feels powerful enough to rip apart Asmodeus on his own throne.
With a roar, Tav crouches over their devil. Their wings expand and Tav understands now the display of power and unbridled ferocity it is. They push off the ground and cradle Raphael's from carefully in scaled claws. His cambion body is fragile compared to Tav's dragon form.
They rise slowly and their neck swings this way and that. Keeping arrows and thrown lances at bay. As soon as Tav flies out of reach, they check on their precious cargo. Raphael hangs limp in their grip, still knocked out.
It is alright. Tav will find a safe place for him. If they are lucky, they may be able to spin him a story, too. One that avoids the embarrassing subject of their transformation.
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freneticfloetry · 4 months
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We're halfway through the collaborative Carlos Whumpfest... so naturally here I am with an exchange from the RWRB fic that won't leave me alone. That totally tracks, right?
We're not even going to pretend that this is seven sentences. Thanks to @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @carlos-tk @nancys-braids @strandnreyes @paperstorm @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @tellmegoodbye @lemonlyman-dotcom and @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut for the tags.
She knows better than most the wide-open way that Alex loves, and he shouldn't have to explain how unfair it would have been to take its width and breadth and try to shove it into a box. Into a closet. Alex is an unstoppable force, Henry is an immovable object. And the only way to avoid a spectacular paradox was a return to the closest approximation of a world where they'd never met at all. Henry raises his chin and tries not to clench his fists at his sides. "I'm not sure what it is that you want from me, June." Her answering laugh is bright but not kind. It's the worst way he's ever seen the sibling resemblance. "You're not as subtle as you think you are, you know. You've been watching him since the second he got here. But the thing is, your highness, I've been watching him his whole life. I watched him shrink himself into a silent little ball, trying to hope our dad back home. I watched him tie himself into knots for years, trying to be what our mother wanted. Now he's burning the candle at every end there is, trying to follow in Raf's footsteps. He just... loves people permanently, no matter how they disappoint him. And he'll love like that 'til he has nothing left." She steps into his space so solidly that he's relieved there's no PPO present. "It doesn't matter that you broke him, back then," she says. "If you said 'jump' two seconds from now, he wouldn't ask 'how high,' he'd just find the nearest cliff. So what I want is for you to do exactly what you've done for the last two years, Henry, I want you to stay the hell away from my brother."
Tagging in @liminalmemories21 @never-blooms @reyesstrand @three-drink-amy @orchidscript @rmd-writes @walkinginland @herefortarlos @ladytessa74 and @welcometololaland! No pressure.
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