#whumperless whump event prompt 20
alicewritingstories · 3 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Scattered in the Mountains
Fandom: Linked Universe
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Prompts for this chapter:
Alt 8: Broken bone
12: Trapped under rubble / "I can't move my legs"
13: Avalanche (if a rockslide counts) / Stuck in the mountains
20: "Get me out"
27: Concussion
Central characters: Hyrule and Time
When Time emerged from the portal, he was alone; even Hyrule, who had been right beside him as he entered, was gone. He looked round to see the portal just closing behind him with still no sign of any of his boys.
He took a deep breath and let it out again to quiet the thread of anxiety that was starting to twist in his heart. It wasn't the first time they'd been separated as they came through a portal and the others probably weren't too far away. Despite that, he always hated it. Alone, each of them was more vulnerable. While they had all gone through their adventures alone - with the exception of Warriors - they didn't know anything about their current enemy's motivations or capabilities that might help them outwit or fight it.
What was more, as he carefully looked around the rock-strewn, pathless pine forest in which he stood and smelled the air, he started to suspect that they were in a new era. That was dangerous; it meant that they had no idea what was in store for them and it would be even harder to prepare.
But standing around wasn't going to solve any of those problems and he set out between the thick trees, following the slight upward slope of the ground. If he could get onto higher ground, he would be able to get a better idea of his surroundings and hopefully some idea of where the others had gotten to.
Decided on a plan, he immediately hastened his steps, ears pricked for any sound from nearby.
All was quiet.
All afternoon, he walked, slowly climbing the hillside. Still, there was no sign of life except for birds and a couple of squirrels. The silence weighed on his heart but he kept trying to brush it aside. Worrying wouldn't solve anything.
In this sort of terrain, he could be a hundred yards from them and he might not know it.
At last, as the sun was beginning to set, he broke out of the trees onto a bare, rocky slope that led up to a mountain peak in the distance, and he sat down on a nearby rock to take a quick drink of water and a much-needed mouthful of trail rations.
The mountain didn't look like it would be possible to climb; it was all sheer cliffs and the scree slopes left behind by rockslides. His gaze instead went to the valleys that carved up its sides. The ones he could see all led down to a single larger valley between the nearest mountain and another. Some were steep-sided rocky gorges, especially higher up, but most were shallower, filled with grass and thick forests like the one he'd emerged in. When he looked back with that view in mind he could see that he had indeed walked up just such a valley.
The whole horizon was dominated by mountains, though this was the largest. He was evidently in the middle of a substantial range.
That would make it all the harder to find the others.
He sighed. Unfortunately, that was probably going to have to wait for morning; evening was beginning to draw in and he knew better than to stumble around an unfamiliar mountainside in the dark. He would be no use to any of them lying at the bottom of one of those unforgiving slopes.
He took another sip of water and another careful bite of his rations and set out again, edging into the next valley over to look for somewhere to shelter.
Just as it was starting to get dark enough that he was getting worried he found a thick stand of gorse bushes. It wasn't ideal, but he'd slept in worse places and he crawled under the spiny branches into the dry hollow underneath. Here, there was a little bit more space, carpeted with a thick bed of fallen needles that not only cushioned the ground but showed that water didn't run through here. He couldn't sit up in the confined space and felt claustrophobic and very aware of how impossible it would be to fight here if he had to, but it would have to do. He pulled out a dagger and laid it by his head, then closed his eye and did his best to rest, even if he couldn't sleep in an unfamiliar place with nobody to keep watch.
Goddesses, he hoped he found the others soon.
By morning he was cold and felt even more tired than when he'd laid down, but he dragged himself back out from under the bushes and looked around, blinking in the growing light. It was cloudy and there was a rain cloud hovering over a nearby slope. He watched it for a moment, wrinkling his nose and trying to work out whether it was moving in his direction. It seemed to be easing away, but as he watched, something on the mountainside shifted.
His eyes widened as the shift turned into a slide. It felt like he'd barely had a chance to draw breath before half of the mountainside was tumbling into the valley below in an ugly cascade of rocks and mud.
He was running before it had even settled, scrambling across the rough, rocky ground, navigating by dead reckoning and the rising cloud of dust that was rapidly beaten back down by the last of the rain. He didn't know if any of his boys might have been caught in that and that uncertainty alone meant he had to go and check.
Even though there would almost certainly be nothing he could do.
His own feet slid on wet ground as he ran and he caught himself on a rock, his heart leaping into his mouth. Once again, he reminded himself that he would be no use to anyone at the bottom of a cliff.
Still, it was almost impossible to force himself to go slowly and carefully, zig-zagging across the slope. He could feel the seconds ticking away. It wouldn't take long to die under a rockslide like that.
The rain was completely gone by the time he got there, running up the valley to the foot of the landslide, his eye flicking over the still-settling rocks and dirt. If someone was completely buried, he wouldn't be able to -
His gaze snagged on a gleam of metal.
He bit back a cry of horror as he made out the shape, the rubies set in the hilt of a sword poking out from an ominously-still heap of soil…
"Hyrule!" he gasped out and started running again.
He crashed to his knees beside the slide, only grateful for the fact that if Hyrule was still with his sword he was near the edge. Swallowing his panic as best he could, he started pulling rocks aside, forcing himself to be careful.
The second rock he moved revealed a shock of brown curls, matted with dirt and blood.
Golden Goddesses, may he still be alive…
One more rock had been mercifully keeping a pocket of air open around Hyrule's face. As he moved another, it caused a slide of soil into the space, but Time cleared that with a couple of quick swipes and held a hand in front of the traveler's nose and mouth.
Once again, he felt seconds tick by.
But just as fear and horror were closing a hand around his own chest, he felt the tickle of moving air. A breath. Hyrule was alive.
Time let out a relieved breath of his own and once again started carefully shifting rocks and clearing away dirt, revealing Hyrule's shoulders and one arm. The sword came free - the straps holding it to Hyrule's back had snapped - and Time laid it to one side, his eyes on one especially large rock that was resting against Hyrule's back at his waist.
Just then, Hyrule took a slightly deeper breath and moaned, the sound turning into a high-pitched, agonized whimper.
"Hyrule?" Time gently took the hand that he'd managed to dig out. "Link? Can you hear me?"
Hyrule twitched, pulling at the hand Time was holding. "Leggome…" he mumbled. "Won' le' y'..."
"It's OK, Hyrule. It's me, Time. I've got you. You're going to be OK."
Hyrule's bruise-ringed eyes drifted open, vague and distrustful, and he pulled at his hand again, then fell still with another whimper, his eyes screwing closed.
"Link, do you know who I am?"
Hyrule mumbled something incoherent, then his expression twitched and he made a soft choking noise. Time just shifted out of the way before he threw up.
Nausea, confusion, blood in his hair… Time cursed under his breath as he scuffed dirt over the vomit. He had no potions left and couldn't leave Hyrule alone in this state to go and search for a fairy. With a grimace, he wiped Hyrule's face as best he could and offered him a sip of water so he could rinse out his mouth. The fact that he was being cared for seemed to pierce the fog in Hyrule's mind and he looked up again, blinking slowly.
"Do you know who I am, Link?" Time asked again. At least he could see that Hyrule's pupils were the same size. The injury to his brain wasn't as serious as it could have been, at least not yet.
Hyrule's mouth opened and closed for a moment as he struggled to make sense of what was happening, then he murmured, "Time?"
Time grinned, a weight lifting off his shoulders. "Yes, well done. Do you remember anything about what happened?"
"We… w're 'bout… p'rt'l?" Hyrule looked around. "But… m'ntain?"
"Yes, we went through a portal. Do you remember anything after that?"
Hyrule started to shake his head, then moaned and his eyes screwed shut as sweat broke out across his forehead. For a few seconds he breathed shallowly through his mouth, swallowing hard once or twice, then he slowly looked up again. Time once again gently took his hand.
"Don' 'member…" He coughed and whimpered. Time gave him another sip of water and watched with relief as his gaze cleared a little more as he gradually crawled back to at least an approximation of full consciousness. "How'd I get… Time.. how'd… where's others?" he asked pitifully.
"I don't know where the others are," said Time, speaking slowly and clearly so the addled young hylian could follow his words. "The portal separated us. You're the first I've found. And I don't recognise these mountains."
Hyrule sighed. "'K," he murmured, unconcerned as ever about the prospect of being lost in the wilderness. Time couldn't help a small smile, but it faded again as he looked at the piles of rock still burying the lower half of Hyrule's body.
"Hyrule -"
"Th' others…"
"I'm sure the others are doing just fine," lied Time, keeping his voice calm. "You just worry about yourself for now. Can you tell me how you're injured?"
Hyrule stared at him.
"Where does it hurt?"
Hryule closed his eyes and Time was just trying to think of a way to rouse him that wouldn't worsen his concussion when he murmured, "Head… Ribs, left side… Ack…" He winced. "B-back… And… and…" His eyes flew open, blank with terror. "I can't feel my legs… Time, I can't feel my legs!"
Time swallowed down his own shock and fear almost as soon as he became aware of it and slipped a hand gently under Hyrule's cheek, taking his free hand again.
"OK, Hyrule. It's going to be OK. Just breathe. Tell me exactly what you feel."
"I…" Hyrule took a small, shivering breath and closed his eyes again. "Pain… pain in my back… something… twisty? Ngh…" He twitched and his hand tightened on Time's. "It… d'ffrnt…" Another shivering breath. "Bit… cutty-crackly…"
Time nodded. He knew that when Hyrule healed he felt the shape of what he was doing in his mind and had seen him struggling to put the feeling of different injuries into words before. "Cutty-crackly", concerningly, was new.
"Legs… oh… ugh…" Another twitch. "There, but… tingling? Half numb? Like… fallen 'sleep. There's blood… but…"
"You're bleeding?"
"I… don't… think so?" He relaxed his head against Time's supporting hand with a faint sigh and Time let him rest for a moment, wondering anxiously how much of the numbness and vagueness came from his head injury.
But his eyes drifted back to that huge rock resting against Hyrule's unarmoured spine.
An injury Hyrule struggled to describe. Numbness and tingling in his legs.
A broken back.
That was healable, but first they needed to get Hyrule free of the rockslide. Time couldn't do that alone, not without someone to shore up rocks and make sure nothing else fell on Hyrule, especially since with a serious concussion and a broken back Hyrule wouldn't be able to pull himself clear and would have to be very carefully handled.
He looked around with a frown, hoping for some sign of the others also coming to check this landslide, for some indication that there was someone nearby he could call on for help. But there was nothing. They were alone.
Well, this wasn't the first time he'd faced long odds alone.
Time took a deep breath and let it out again, then turned back to the injured boy whose head rested limply in his hand. "Hyrule, don't fall asleep, OK? I know you want to, but we need to work out how to get you out of there."
Hyrule's eyelids fluttered. "Wha…?"
Something about the vague tone sent a thrill of anxiety through Time's heart. "Hyrule?" He tilted his head to look more squarely at Hyrule's face. "Hyrule, can you tell me what we just talked about?"
Hyrule's eyes opened, vague and unfocussed once more. Time's heart skipped a beat as he saw that one of the pupils had shrunk to a pinprick. "Time…? Wha… where'm I?"
Normally, it was best to avoid healing when a broken bone was still being twisted out of place, though it could be done. Healing magic could do a lot to realign damage and Hyrule's magic in particular could do things that even fairies couldn't, but that was because of his excellent control and ability to sense what he was doing even if he didn't fully understand the underlying anatomy.
Seriously concussed, he wouldn't have that control. If he healed himself, the wash of unfocussed magic might heal his back out of place and permanently replace whatever had been cut to destroy the sensation in his legs with scarring that couldn't be healed away.
But the head injury was worsening, blood presumably pooling in his skull and pressing on his brain. That would kill him if left to itself.
"Hyrule," said Time, very gently cupping Hyrule's face in his hands. "I need you to listen to me very carefully."
Hyrule blinked, but murmured, "'K."
"You have a serious head injury. You need to heal the head injury. Only the head injury."
"But…" Awareness was seeping back, even if his previous lucidity wasn't. "Ev'rything hurts…"
"I know. I know. But only heal the head injury."
Hyrule stared at him for a moment, but then murmured, "OK," and closed his eyes. Gradually, a soft turquoise glow appeared under his skin. His breathing hitched and beads of sweat appeared on his brow and upper lip as he struggled against his scattered, tangled mind to control and limit the magic that he presumably so wanted to direct towards his other injuries. Time bit his lip, touched at the trust Hyrule was placing in him to follow what must have seemed like a nonsensical order.
The bruising around Hyrule's eyes faded, an odd rattle in his breathing Time hadn't even fully noticed vanished, and suddenly the traveler gasped and whimpered, his free arm coming up in a weak flail.
"Easy, Hyrule," said Time quickly, catching his hand while keeping his head supported. "It's OK. It's me, Time. I'm here."
Hyrule's eyes flew open, clear and present at last. He saw Time and relaxed, gasping for breath.
"Time…" he panted. "My back… I can't… I can't move my legs…"
Time nodded, rubbing a thumb comfortingly across the back of his hand. "Do you remember anything since I arrived?"
Hyrule blinked. "Bits… you told me just to heal my head injury. Is…" He started trying to sit up before Time even realized what he was doing, but fell still with a heart-rending shriek.
"Lie still," Time told him firmly, holding his head and hand as he shivered on the ground. "You're still half buried under a landslide and I think your back may be broken. You must stay still. Do you understand?"
Hyrule nodded with a whimper, his breathing speeding up as panic set in now that his awareness of the situation was no longer smothered under the concussion. "I… Time, please get me out…" he whispered. "Please…"
"I will. But you need to calm down and stay still." Time gently ran a hand over Hyrule's dirty, blood-caked hair. "It's going to take some time."
Hyrule gulped, another shudder going through him. "It hurts…"
Time sighed. "I know," he said as gently as he could. "Breathe, Link. Just hold on. I'm going to get you out of there. It's going to be OK."
He would find a way to make it true.
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mellowwhumps · 3 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 11: Stuffy nose | Hate to be sick | “I’m fine, I can work.”
OCs: Twelve, Emmei/MC 
continued on days 20/21!!! truly a minor annoyance
It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence to wake up with a nose so blocked he could only breathe through his mouth; he never did have a good immune system. He can’t even blame them for being worried. 
That was the worst part of it all, housing someone with a vivid imagination and a clear lack of understanding towards illness. If they thought this was bad, they should see him during flu season.
“I’m fine, alright? I can work. It’s nothing bad, don’t worry.” Emmei put a hand to his forehead, huffing. His housemate stands their ground, blocking the door and shaking their head profusely. “I haven’t even called in sick yet! I need to get someone to take my job!”
“So? C-Care not! Stay here, or else…else…” They stumble over their words for once, struggling to think of a rebuttal and visibly contemplating his words. 
He sniffles, moments before they were about to close their mouth and probably stop arguing. Now they’re thinking again. He was so close…Time was ticking. He could just push them away, overpower them easily; they’re still injured. He doesn’t. They don’t move. They don’t move, and he’s been late before, and he doesn’t want to be late again, and they’re getting a little bit on his nerves now, and they’re still talking and talking and caring and—
“Look, we’ll go to the store to work, and if I’m not dead by then, that means I’m fine, okay? You’re not helping. Stop this.”
They flinch. 
They move away from the door and take a step back to the corridor outside. 
A long moment of uncomfortable silence. 
Then, they’re gone. Turned the corner, went down the stairs. Emmei doesn’t even move to stop them. He can’t move.
His voice was raised. He’s gone too far. Triggered something in them, because if he already wasn’t uncaring enough towards whatever customers there were, he sure was now. It was different. They flinched, and the recoil was so immediate, so tense, so unlike any other incident involving the both of them. 
It is quiet. Too quiet.
Emmei shuts the door behind him and runs, skips every second step and dashes into the busy city streets, out of breath by the time the crossroad even remotely comes into view. Fine, so he was sick. So his nose really was congested, and there wasn’t enough oxygen in his blood, and he had to stop every five seconds to catch a breath. Maybe he should have listened to them in the first place. Alright.
He sprints all the way to the shop. They’re not there. The only place they know how to get to alone, and they’re not there.
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augusnippets · 3 months
Prompts are out!
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plain text and "rules" under the cut
path of hurt:
day 1: gaslighting/hypnosis/brainwashing
day 4: amputation/degloving/vivisection
day 7: waterboarding/drowning/choking
day 10: execution/fake execution/begging for mercy
day 13: drugging/poisoning/cannibalism
day 16: humiliation/dehumanisation/conditioning
day 19: collared/branded/chipped
day 22: captivity/recapture/tearful goodbye
day 25: intimate whumper/sadistic whumper/reluctant whumper
day 28: mind control/body control/betrayal
bonus prompts: forced to watch/whipping/stalked
path of comfort:
day 2: platonic bathing/hair care/make-up
day 5: drunk caretaking/concussed caretaking/feverish caretaking
day 8: reunion/found family/friends
day 11: escape/breaking the conditioning/safe and sound
day 14: toys/gifts/celebration
day 17: forgiveness/grace/resolving a misunderstanding
day 20: homemade meal/quenched thirst/favourite treat
day 23: massage/wiping away tears/gentle touch
day 26: nightmare/warm blanket/snuggling
day 29: singing/first words/inside jokes
bonus prompts: tending to nonhuman whumpee's nonhuman parts/protective caretaker/whumpee wearing caretaker's clothes
secret third path — whumperless whump:
day 3: thunderstorm/blizzard/heat wave
day 6: car accident/plane crash/ship wreck
day 9: hypothermia/overheating/dehydration
day 12: lost/trapped/avalanche
day 15: food poisoning/starvation/throwing up
day 18: apocalypse/infection/self administered medicine
day 21: delirium/vertigo/hallucinations
day 24: animal attack/bear trap/land mine
day 27: migraines/chronic pain/phantom pains
day 30: self-harm/addiction/overdose
bonus prompts: flashbacks/relapse/medical complications
day 31 — bonus day :) write whatever you feel like writing today or have a nice day of rest
AuguSnippets is an event that encourages the short and sweet of the whump genre. Ideally, your drabbles would be under 500 or even under 100 words, maybe even just a dialogue prompt. This, however, does not mean I won't reblog longer prompt fills! Don't stress too much on that limit. I just think it's sometimes nice to challenge yourself to write shorter drabbles, and it can also work as a very good exercise to write daily or semi-daily, and it doesn't need a lot of prep.
As for tagging your work, please use the appropriate trigger warnings. This is so everyone can stay safe and avoid potentially triggering topics while participating. Also, if your work is nsfw, please don't forget to tag it as mature content! If your work is not tagged properly, I won't be able to reblog it! Thank you!
Our special tag will be "#augusnippets day [x]". On the first day that would be "#augusnippets day 1". This is so I and others can find your work easier! You can also tag the blog, that's an even more surefire way to get me to notice your prompt fill :)
Is this a writing only event?
Yeah, this one is exclusively writing focused.
Do I have to use the special tag or tag this blog?
Not if you don't want to get featured on this blog :) It's just so I can find your work easier and reblog it here! If that's not something you're interested in, just scribble away without it.
Is the "under 500" a hard limit for the word count?
No, but I encourage everyone to try and keep to it in the spirit of this event.
Can I submit nsfw works?
Yes! Just please tag it properly :)
Can I mix and match the prompts from different paths?
Yes! Have fun!
What do I need to do to get the completionist badge?
Either you need to complete one whole path, or complete 10 prompt fills altogether while mixing and matching. Those who complete all 30 days (and maybe even the bonus day) will get something extra special!
Can I write fandom related things?
Yes! This event is both for original characters and fandom related writing.
Will there be an AO3 collection?
Yes! Here
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autisticwriterblog · 2 months
Hiiii a little late but here are some Hunter prompts! Sorry it's a lot and I am absolutely not requesting you do all of these, just some ideas for you to pick and choose from if you like! :)
1 - self-done stitches: Hunter having to do his own stitches after Belos hurts him, because Belos won't let him see a healer as they might figure out Hunter's being abused. I headcanon Hunter first learned to sew clothes from doing his own stitches. Bonus points if the wound is on his back and he has to twist awkwardly in front of a mirror to try to see the wound well enough to stitch it up.
4 - massage: Hunter has chronic pain post-possession from all of the scars on his body. Someone he loves (your choice!) gives him a massage to help.
8 - migraine: Hunter gets a bad migraine one day when they're in the Human Realm. He tries really hard to get through the day without his friends finding out as he doesn't want to be a burden on them. Luz notices and asks him to come help her with planning for the portal, but once they're alone she just gets him to lie down and rest for a while.
10 - forced to work while ill: Hunter is suffering from a high fever, but Belos sends him on a mission, so he has to just try to get through it. He encounters Luz and Eda and attempts to be threatening/fight them, but he's extremely delirious. They decide to take him back to the Owl House to help him, despite his weak protests.
20 - get me out: When Hunter has his panic attack at the end of Hollow Mind, he tries to run out of the Owl House, but Eda has Hooty shut down the house before he can get out because he'll be safer there. His panic attack gets worse as he realizes he's trapped, and he tries frantically to find an exit, possibly even lashing out and attacking Eda or Hooty.
23 - allergic reaction: Camila is serving dinner when they're in the Human Realm, and when Hunter starts eating, his mouth stings so bad he wants to cry, but he looks at the rest of his friends and they don't seem to be in any pain, so he convinces himself he's just overly sensitive so he keeps eating. It's only when his skin starts breaking out and his breathing gets uneven that they realize something's wrong.
24- rescue breaths: When Hunter drowns in Thanks to Them, Camila and Luz take turns giving him CPR in an attempt to save him.
30 - breaking point: In For the Future, when Hunter starts tearing up at the picture of Flapjack and Willow and Gus leave the room, he doesn't run after them and instead collapses to his knees on the floor. He starts having a panic attack and Luz and Camila rush over to help him through it. He finally just breaks down crying over Flapjack, sobbing so much he can barely breathe, and they comfort him.
alternate prompt - seizure: Hunter develops epilepsy after drowning. Your choice if his first seizure is when he's alone and he has to suffer through not knowing what's happening to him or when it will be over, or if someone like Camila is there to comfort him.
I decided to pick the migraine prompt!
Rest a While Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hunter | The Golden Guard & Luz Noceda Characters: Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Luz Noceda Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Headaches & Migraines, During Timeskip in Episode: s03e01 Thanks to Them (The Owl House), The Human Realm (The Owl House), Hunter | The Golden Guard Needs a Hug (The Owl House), Protective Luz Noceda, Platonic Relationships, Friendship, Pain, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Caring, Whump, The Owl House Season 3, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, seth-whumps' Whumperless Whump Event July 2024, One Shot Summary: When Hunter has a migraine, he hides his pain from the others. But Luz notices and refuses to let him suffer in silence.
Written for @whumperless-whump-event day 8. Prompt: Put your head on my shoulder: Migraine / Light & Sound Sensitivity / “I can close the curtains…”
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wyvchard · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 20
Prompts for today: It's not fun if you're panicking: Stuck in an elevator / Claustrophobia / “Get me out.”
Prompt/s used: Stuck in an elevator / Claustrophobia / Get me out.
Content Warnings: Claustrophobia, past trauma, mentions of falling, panic attack
Event by: @whumperless-whump-event
Fandom: I Expect You to Die (Spoilers for the Spy and the Liar)
The agency often had a lot of agents moving to and fro floors, hence the need for elevators.
Prior to a certain John Juniper, Agent Phoenix happily takes the elevator to their office, usually staring at the number indicated in a tiny screen as they tap their foot to the music playing.
However, due to said events, Agent Phoenix often takes the stairs, not caring or counting the amount they have to climb every day just to avoid it.
Unfortunately, there are some days where they just have to grit their teeth and bear it as they're too tired from a mission. They have to fight the shallow breaths to focus on their lighter in order to avoid thinking about the snap of the cable wires, their handler screaming for them, for-
A rattle snapped them out of their thoughts as the lights flickered. For a second, the silver doors in front of them resembled the golden ones from Zoraxis.
They cupped a hand to their lips to quell the nausea as they used their other hand to press the button to open the elevator.
It's alright. They can just call for help. The agency has a lot of people. Someone will notice the elevator's stuck within a few minutes.
There's no reason to cry. Absolutely!
Phoenix tried to draw from their memories in training to calm down, trying to recall facts to distract themselves.
However, all they can feel was their body melting as the sensation of falling from that elevator shaft returned with a vengeance.
Memories of their helplessness in that cramp elevator shaft as sparks flew rewound over and over.
"Get me out." They heaved as they dug their fingers into their hair as they tried to avoid crying.
"Please. Let me out!"
By the time the agency managed to open the elevator doors, they had be dragged out by their handler as they were too catatonic to even move.
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soulless-angel25 · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Day 20 Prompt- It's not fun if you're panicking: Stuck in an elevator / Claustrophobia / “Get me out.” @seth-whumps
Fandom: Black Butler Characters: Ciel Phantomhive
Additional Warnings: Past trauma recalled
AO3 Link!
He couldn't see, that was the first thing that crossed Ciel's mind. Something was wrapped around his head and he couldn't see, a blindfold maybe?
He shifted and the bindings pulled and in an instant he was there. He wasn't Ciel Phantomhive, Earl of Phantomhive- he was simply the child he'd been.
The voices of the people bidding turns into the voices of the cultists speaking and making comments about them, about who to sacrifice next. The heavy dress turned into bodies on him and they wouldn't let go- why won't they let go? Please, please someone get him out- please
Someone was touching him- who was touching him? He couldn't see! Were they touching him again?
And his brother, oh gods... he could hear him being dragged- the sound of the cage opening and slamming! shut. no- no, they couldn't be.... nonononononononono
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brandileigh2003 · 2 months
New chapter: I've got you
Sirius is not having a good day when the elevator stops on the way to Remus' doctor's appointment.
Day 20 prompt: It's not fun if you're panicking: Stuck in an elevator / Claustrophobia / “Get me out.” @whumperless-whump-event
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Whumperless Whump Event Day 20
IT'S NOT FUN IF YOU'RE PANICKING: Stuck in an elevator / Claustrophobia / “Get me out.”
Tag this account ( @whumperless-whump-event ) to have your prompt fills reblogged here!
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soapy-soartp · 2 months
Day 20 of @whumperless-whump-event
Prompt: Stuck in an elevator / Claustrophobia / "Get me out."
Fandom: Og Short Story
Characters: Unnamed oc
The doors wouldn't open. They're stuck and the doors won't open. They bang on the doors, it clunks loudly. The sound echoes and makes everything worse. The doors wont open and the elevator wont move. They’re /stuck/.
“Get me out!” They screamed, over and over.
But no one is listening and their own panicked voice fills their ears. It makes the already small box feel even smaller. They hate it. They fear it. They need out. /NOW/.
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panthera-dei · 3 months
Whumperless Whump Event Day 3
Prompt: "Vertigo" / "Struggling to stand"
Fandom: n/a... All OCs this time.
Story Title: "Maggie and Macaw"
Story Info:
Characters: OFC, creature OC
Rating: G
No warnings apply
Cw: dinosaur / dragon creatures
Some background information: a dear friend of mine introduced me to the Story Engine, a deck of cards that are a lovely brainstorming tool for writers. These are the prompts I used to create this one: A genius wants to unravel the mystery of a portal but they must let go of something precious they are holding onto.
Story text beneath the cut!
Maggie knew she was in a dream, but it didn't feel like it. The pale yellow grass tickled her elbows and crunched beneath her feet as she pushed her way through the endless prairie. Blue and yellow flowers in colors too vivid swayed in a breeze that carried a sweet and unfamiliar scent. The sky above her was an emerald green, and while she was no expert in constellations, she didn't recognize a single star.
The dream was the same every time: she would fight her way through grass almost as tall as she was, and then she would stop when she heard the singing.
The voices were clear and harmonious, cutting through the atmosphere. They were reminiscent of bells or chimes, a song with no words, and yet the voices sounded human, or close to it. She never could see where they were coming from.
The same dream, every night for the past three weeks. One would assume that she'd be having nightmares about her upcoming first day of work, but no - instead, the 20-year-old college graduate was dreaming about a song on a distant planet.
She adjusted her faded cap - fortunately, she wasn't wearing anything weird in this dream - and stepped forward into a clearing where the grass was short. Three weeks of this dream, and tonight she was finally going to get to the bottom of it.
“Hello?” she called out, started by the way her voice echoed across the prairie.
All at once, the entire atmosphere fell silent, the song stilled. And then, everything erupted into sound again, as thousands of leathery wings beat the air in flight.
Maggie stumbled backwards in shock. Creatures in every color shot into the air out of the grass, squawking and screeching. Though they were mostly a colorful blur, they looked to Maggie almost like miniature pterodactyls, or maybe -
“Dragon!” Maggie squeaked in fear as one of the creatures landed less than two feet away from her sneakers.
It was about three feet tall and four feet wide, and it was a lot like a pterodactyl, with a skinny body that was mostly wings and leathery skin in an odd pastel yellow hue. Like a wyvern from a folklore book, it had two back legs and a long tail, and wings with talons rather than front legs. In the face, though, it looked like a fairy tale dragon.
Maggie scrambled backwards until she realized that the creature, rather than attacking, tilted its head in curiosity. It sniffed the air, and its beady eyes lit up upon seeing a blue flower that Maggie, in her attempt to escape, had crushed. It snapped up the flower in its jaws and swallowed it whole with an almost comical gulp.
“You're - you’re an herbivore? … Oh, what am I saying, there's no way you understand me.”
The dragon let out a chirp, and then it began to sing.
Following its lead, the other creatures settled themselves into the grass and joined the song.
“It's you,” Maggie whispered. “You're the ones who are singing in this dream.”
She still didn't know if the creature could understand her, but it did fall silent again and it looked at her.
Maggie woke up with a jolt, gasping for air. She bolted upright, and the entire room was spinning. She took a second to feel what was around her - she was in bed, in her pajamas, and her silver locket was still around her neck. She tried to get to her feet, fumbling for the lamp, but she was too dizzy, and she fell flat on her back, feeling her head collide with the hardwood floor.
Just before she blacked out, she thought she saw a yellow reptilian face with beady eyes looking down at her.
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cruentous-mell · 1 year
hello! call me trav, i'm in my mid 20s and this is a whump blog. i've been perceiving the whump scene for a while, but i'm pretty bad at posting in it!
i might post some heavy stuff- things like sexual violence, dubious relationships, extreme mental health situations, and pregnancy are all themes that may show up in my writing. i am not comfortable with minors interacting with this blog.
current characters include:
junko: a cult / very closed community survivor, she grew up directly under the leadership of her shitty dad who inevitably chased off both her mother and sister
ashtynn/"ty": the son of a notorious mafia boss who, after a string of unfortunate life events, ended up in prison after being framed for his father's murder (he's since been released and was then taken in by junko)
i might make up one-off characters to fill prompts, feel free to ask me about them still! they might become regulars if enough people like specific ones.
importantly, i don't really love whumper characters! i struggle getting into their heads, so a lot of the stuff here will be environmental/whumperless/similar. i'm also not that into caretaker whump, death angst, superheros, military/related, etc.
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