#thad young
xariarte · 8 months
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GTJ... 😂😭
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doublescribble · 2 years
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Jayson Tatum and Thaddeus Young
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fairygothmotherisgay · 6 months
DC Social Media AU Part 7
I'm back
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arttuff · 5 months
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bart ate his fav cereal and is hogging the xbox
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cryptocism · 2 years
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You think just anybody can qualify for a crush on Superboy? There's a vetting process. You have to submit an application to the board.
I continue to draw the silly bits of Frequency (this one is from Chapter 5, if context is a thing you like to have)
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ravendraculina · 12 days
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Bart Summer is over, time for Thad Fall!
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suzukiblu · 2 months
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Drew these concept sketches a few days ago while ruminating on the idea of magical girl YJ and if I wanted to do cisswap or crossdressing or gender neutrality or what for the boys; still undecided on that but it's a rough draft of concept sketches I just did for funzies so heck it, hahaha, I'll revisit 'em later.
The important thing is I got to stick Kon with being the pink one. 💖
no there are no meta jokes about cisswap pink kryptonite in this au why do u ask omg what a weird and baseless accusation
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melonlthawne · 1 month
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speedster babies left unattended. aka ANOTHER instagram reel redraw.
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faceless-ghostt · 13 days
well... welcome back to Meme redraw hell ig. Pt 5
will these ever end? idk, probably ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
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(references and rambles under the cut)
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I'm still not completely happy with how I draw Thad but I'm getting there slowly, incredibly slowly. Same with Kon, he's not there yet but he's much closer. and I swear that isn't the usual outfit I draw him in, I swear I can do better ToT
Mindless rambles about my struggles with designs aside I've been trying to post more, mainly to get me back in the habit of drawing, but I am working on a larger, not large, but larger project that may or may not have to do with a Young Justice 98 and FNAF mash up and one of the characters is absolutely fucking me over. So I'm just doing easy drawings until my brain agrees with my arms enough to actually draw what I want to draw. I don't think these drawings are things I'll put on the Internet because they are just random drawings, but I'll probably share them to the YJ98 discord server. but I personally think this is a fun AU I am currently making and it will be forced on the world soon, kicking and screaming.
idk why I'm even rambling, probably because it's 2:30 in the morning and my brain is melting from multiple weeks of shitty sleep but ajdgakudgshsixhsv
uh, shameless plug moment, Join the YJ98 discord server that is pinned on my profile, it's fun and great and I want to yap with more YJ fans!
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plutonicbees · 1 year
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2 fast 2 furious (they're brothers ur honor)
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nopes-and-dreams · 1 year
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kinda old but I was planning on putting it up on inprint and just never got around to making one
I think there was a time when Tad was primed for a redemption arc.
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xariarte · 8 months
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Thad Young tonight against the Clippers
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trashedinpluto-jpg · 2 years
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does anybody else think about this potential dynamic. no? okay.
("join my emo band" joke is fully inspired by this post)
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plutoslvr · 1 year
impulse 1995 is genuinely one of the best comics ever made because the way it balances the humour and serious topics and goes in depth about characters and their relationship is so perfect and each character has something to offer and how it shows how bart, a kid raised in a video game reality from the future, is adapting to live in the current times is so interesting and so well done because it highlights how bart has no concept of danger and how max is helping him learn that because he's too well, impulsive.
but i think my personal favourite thing about impulse 1995 is barts relationships with the characters around him like max, helen, preston, carol and the rest of his friend group etc because we can see how bart grows through them specifically max.
because with max it stats off wobbly because barts just a kid with no concept of danger and max is trying so hard to make bart slow down and just think for a moment but barts not used to doing that and in his eyes if a plan works then its fine. but then past the bickering and stuff you can clearly see how much max and bart care for each other and come to see each other as father/son.
its really shown during the mercury falling arc because bart is willing to do anything and everything it takes to help bruce and even ends up breaking down in one of the young justice issues because hes so worried about max whilst max didnt even want to tell bart because he didnt want to worry him.
and then bart gets replaced with thad and thad realises that all he's really wanted is a family and people who care for him and that hes JEALOUS of bart which is where his hatred of him stems from.
and as often as bart is aloof, he's equally as emotional and intelligent like when he talks about how people got used to thad and maybe would prefer thad more because thad was more "efficient" than he was and even before that when they were travelling to the speedforce and bart caught up to max and thad, max and bart offered for thad to come back and live with them and you could TELL that thad wanted it and it's just so interesting because thad and bart mirror each other so much and its so visible in this comic but WHATEVER im so normal about it
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arttuff · 5 months
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just some messy barto doodles
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peacerisendove · 1 year
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Behind that cold and calm stare Thad is plotting his revenge on Bart for getting the both of them arrested.
Flash Fact: The numbers are references to the volume, comic issue, and year of their first comic appearances.
Thad's is Impulse, vol 1, #50, and and the year 1999.
And Bart's is The Flash, vol 2, #92, and the year 1994.
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