#an old testament book 😭😭
xariarte · 8 months
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GTJ... 😂😭
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hiwaga-fucks-up · 8 months
good omens may just convince me to actually read the bible and i'm not ready
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cressthebest · 6 months
nobody could decide which stories they wanted me to share. they want me to share all of them 😭😭
i’ll start with jesus and john and why i think they’re gay for each other, supported by biblical evidence provided by Seton Catholic Homeschooling of America.
• i took this course in my tenth grade year. i was only homeschooled for 9th and 10th grade. i was public schooled before then, and later went to boarding school for my last two years of hs. but that’s another post.
this is a long post. buckle in. i’ll have it all below the cut
• i no longer have the textbook title, and only have pictures from this text book that i took in a delusional haze when reading this in my catholic mother’s household, hoping that she wouldn’t look through my phones photos to find these images.
this is all from a catholic standpoint, other forms of christianity are not accounted for. if you do not want to see GAY CONTENT ABOUT JESUS, move along
this post is about to unlock so much of my old hyperfixation on the catholic church that i had before leaving.
first of all, as backstory for those who don’t know john:
• john is one of jesus’ twelve disciples and wrote the Gospel of John (I, II, and III) which is a hella important book in the new testament (the second half of the bible.)
• the books of john tell the story of jesus’ life from birth to death. now, that’s kinda gay to write about another man that much, hmm.
• john has also earned the affectionate title of: “The Beloved Disciple”
• he is also traditionally credited with writing Revelations (also known as Apocalypse, which tells how the world is gonna end. fun right!!), though scholars are unsure if he wrote it, or a different john wrote it.
okay, now onto the gay stuff:
• most people jokingly ship judas and jesus because of the angst of judas’ betrayal to jesus. however, i disagree.
• though, knowing their ages, shipping jesus and john would be quite problematic these days, it was quite an acceptable age gap back then. jesus was around the ages of 30-33 at the time of his death, and john was a young adult, about 18. (yikes)
• my evidence begins with the way john writes about himself and jesus in the Gospel of John. in his gospel, he never calls himself john. you guys know what he calls himself in his gospel?? “the discipline whom jesus loved”
sir. could you be ANY more obvious??
so far, all of this info is directly from my catholic textbook.
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WOW! that page unpacks a lot. let me elaborate on the way john leaned up on jesus’ chest. first of all, that’s a real bible quote. let’s go:
John 13:23-25
• “23 One of his disciples, the one Jesus loved, was at the table to the right of Jesus in a place of honor. 24 So Simon Peter gestured to this disciple to ask Jesus who it was he was referring to. 25 Then the disciple whom Jesus loved leaned back against Jesus’ chest”
the passage then goes on to john (the disciple whom jesus loved) asking jesus who’s gonna betray him.
• to FURTHER add to this gay af moment, there are PAINTINGS of it, completed by MULTIPLE artists. i’m going to provide the image in my textbook, and then images found online that i particularly enjoy.
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above: lovely image! i cannot remember the artist for the life of me.
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above: Jesus and John at the Last Supper by Valentin de Boulonge
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above: Last Supper by Plautilla Nelli (portions of the image were cropped)
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above: cannot find artist’s name.
• if you are interested in finding hundreds more of images like this, all you need to type into google is “john leaning on jesus”. you’ll get the images you need. trust me
• those were my largest pieces of evidence, but there are smaller ones i’d like to share. the textbook helped “gay it up”. i think the author of this textbook was a closeted homosexual. cause no way did a straight person write this thinking “hmmm that’s totally platonic and not at all queer, cause that’s how i feel about MY best friend.”
here’s direct textbook images:
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• hmmm man who was closest to him you say???
• “intimate relationship with God”
• best friend? 🤔 are we sure about that?
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• symbol of his greater love?
• AND he was the first to recognize jesus??
• y’all. they’ve got to be shitting me atp. no way were they not In Love
and finally, from my study questions:
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y’all. special favors? exceptional love?
• i HIGHLY recommend you looking up more pictures of john laying on jesus.
• i think of john/jesus as canon. there’s too much evidence to support my point. including The Bible. judas/jesus is like what fanfics are for. they’re the pair that everyone wishes happened in canon, but the authors sucked, so it didn’t.
• literally, drop any questions in the reblogs and comments. i’ll be HAPPY to answer.
(and jesus/judas shippers, i hope i changed your mind.)
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supermaks · 1 year
what's crazy is that lewis never did do something like this even in his peak merc days and he was a monster fr so if max is able to do this im like excited/anticipated/scared about what max is gonna do next. he's already chewed the sport up and spit it out, now he feels like some kind of benevolent god.
Lewis dominant m£rc days were not aided by a team that operated to the same standard that rbr do. Covid also didn’t help . Mind u I’m not comparing drivers’ abilities here. m£rc relied on that brawn engine too much and it shows now, that’s it. Yk imo Zandvoort cud have gone to somebody else if Max was in fact a ‘benevolent god’. Bro never been benevolent and never will be and that’s why he took 9 in a row in a season that’s featured new formats, tires and different conditions. Like u said, who knows what he’ll do next. That pole, lap 7 on inters, the overtake on gasly, the whole weekend was classic verstappen Old Testament reckoning. Max had the f1 curse book thrown at him and he threw it back wid notes 😭😭
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malrie · 5 months
learning abt the bible in a completely secular way is actually super fun as im learning classic literature because what do you mean in the old testament all the 17 prophetic books spend their time on is “condemnation of foreign nations” which is just dear god please kill everybody we hate please please please! 😭
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nichknack · 2 years
My own vague and disjointed Black Phone headcanons
Autistic with a special interest in rockets and NASA
When he grows up he’d end up working in a science museum and sticking to the space section. He realised pretty early on that he doesn’t want to go to space, he just wants to learn as much about it as humanly possible
Cat person
Braids Gwen’s hair most mornings
Doesn’t like reading fiction books, but loves non-fiction.
Becomes an insomniac after escaping from The Grabber
Makes a point of eating three square meals a day after escaping since nothing makes you appreciate food more than going hungry for god-knows-how-long. This ends up with him getting really into cooking. Nothing extravagant, but the few dishes he can cook he cooks really well.
Believes in God, but in a passive way.
Has dyscalculia
Loves reading pulpy horror novels. Opposite to Finn in that he loves fiction, but can’t stand books that don’t have some kind of fantastical element to them.
Rents Bruce Lee Movies for the soul purpose of rewinding and copying the martial arts moves.
If he’d grown up (🥲) he would have become a nurse and worked in Urgent Care.
That doctor friend who always has a full first-aid kit in his bag.
Lives with his mom and uncle (dad’s brother).
Said mom and uncle get along really well and are basically platonic soul mates.
Shows he cares for people by just, existing in the same place. Like, reading while his Uncle works on his car, or just sitting watching TV with his mom.
Has a deal with the people who work at the video rental store in town so he gets their old movie posters instead of them being thrown away. His bedroom is basically covered in niche horror and action movie posters.
Can sew.
Became a Christian after being given a copy of the New Testament by a door-to-door preacher.
She read the whole thing, multiple times.
Despite this, she never attends church until she’s in her late teens. She goes to one service, vows to never go back and spends the next month ranting to Finney about how shit it was. She’s effectively a Christian witch.
She’s really interested in other religion and ends up researching them a lot.
Continued to work with Detective Wight and Miller after the incident with The Grabber.
Wight and Miller end up becoming something of a second/third dad to her.
She ends up becoming a Private Investigator as an adult and becomes somewhat well known for taking supernatural cases.
Keeps a dream journal.
Men-leaning bisexual.
Went vegetarian as an adult.
He and Amy are actually twins. He’s two minutes older than her and has fully commits to the ‘protective older brother’ role. (I’m aware that home rooms don’t have mixed ages in America but fuck it. My headcanon my rules)
Solid C-B student in most classes.
Usually pretty calm and chill, but has a bad habit of bottling up his feelings to keep up appearances. Him snapping is a rare occurrence, but a memorable one.
Biromantic demisexual
Would have tried to go pro with baseball(if he’d survived 😭), but quickly discovered that doing so kind of ruined the fun of it. Would have ended up as a sports teacher and little league coach.
Always snacking. Carries around a packet of cashews in his backpack.
The diplomatic friend who helps his friends out of trouble.
Because he and Amy hung out so much as kids, he’s very good at doing nail polish. Though he never wears any (mostly because he doesn’t like the feeling of it on his nails) he always does Amy’s.
His bedroom is organised chaos.
LOVES dogs, but can’t get one because their fur makes his mom sneeze.
Lives with his father. They do not get along.
Autistic (low empathy) with a special interest in pin ball.
Gay but hasn’t figured that out yet.
Has a massive crush on Robert Plant. Thinks he just respects him a lot.
If he’d grown up, he would have ended up working as a mechanic.
Speaking of. He’s one of those people who looks after their cars really well.
Bites his nails and hangnails, his hands are always covered in bandaids.
Thinks knives are for pussies and will bring his fists to a knife fight. The only time he will use a knife is if someone tries to use one on him to give them a taste of their own medicine.
In the real life Grab n’ Go incident he carved his high score into the boy’s arm, not the house numbers.
The Grabber didn’t use the ‘magic trick’ thing to get him because obviously that wouldn’t work. He was also the one who gave The Grabber the most trouble before Finney came along.
Knows how to make cherry bombs. Had blown up many a mailbox.
Has done community service multiple times.
Pierced his own ears with a safety pin and has done a stick n poke tattoo.
Loves reading, though because his dad gives him shit for it he hides most of his books out of the house.
Has read Rage by Richard Bachman (AKA, Stephen King)
Claims to like black coffee and mercilessly shits on anyone who puts so much as a drop of milk in theirs.
Weirdly enough, he never actually finished he own cup.
The most well-off of the boys.
His full name is William Showalter. Only his grandparents actually call him William.
Naturally a morning person, even before he started doing the paper round.
Struggles to stay up past 9.
Hates tomatoes.
Gets along really well with his folks. They’re the kind of family who unironically has family game nights and movie nights every week. He genuinely looks forward to these.
His dog is called Ladybird and she sleeps in his room each night. Has done since she was a puppy.
His room is immaculate.
He and his dad watch M*A*S*H together.
Has a weird collection of things in his pockets: pens, rubber bands, gum, bits of trash, etc.
I have more with him, but saying them would spoil my fic soooo. Sorry.
Is allergic to absolutely fucking everything.
When his hayfever isn’t acting up, he’s got a cold. That kid that’s always coughing and snotty.
Autistic and ADHD. Has a lot of verbal stims that are him quoting lines he thinks are funny from cartoons and comics. He usually masks this while he’s at school, but it’s not uncommon to hear him mumbling to himself when he thinks no one’s around.
His mom had him when she was 17. Dad was never in the picture but his mom wanted to raise him by herself. She gets along really well with her parents and they all help to co-parent him.
They’re not well-off by any means, but they manage and they’re happy.
He gets Mad Magazine whenever he can and thinks it’s hilarious. He’s also got a collection of joke books.
Griffin is quietly feral. He doesn’t talk much and keeps to himself most of the time but once he gets talking and out of his shell he’s a nutcase.
Plays pranks in class and no one is the wiser because he’s just the quiet kid in the back.
Scraped knees are a common occurrence.
Bullies tend to pick up on him being a bit weird. Though they don’t really know him by name, he did get picked on a lot with older students tricking him into doing silly things because he didn’t realise they were fucking with him. He ended up eating alone most of the time.
Falls asleep on the rug in his living room a lot. Honestly sleeps better there than his own bed.
Chews the hell out of the straws whenever he has a juice box. If he lived in modern day he’d wear chewlry.
Extremely susceptible to jump scares.
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thelovelygods · 1 year
For the book ask meme may I have 2, 33, and 43?
2. What is the worst book you have ever read?
For some reason the first one that came to mind is God, Sex, and Women of the Bible: Discovering Our Sensual, Spiritual Selves by Shoni Labowitz. I did a religion minor in college that mostly focused on the Old Testament, and during that time I was reading A LOT of books by female Jewish authors, so like...I was cool with feminist interpretations, etc. but I remember the author of this book presenting so many insane things as FACT that it drove me insane. (Now I want to go reread what exactly she said, but I think it'll just make me mad. 😭)
Other than that, there are very few books I actively hate.
33. What was your favorite childhood book?
Inkheart, and it's still one of my favorite books as an adult.
43. Do you donate books when you are finished or keep them to come back to later?
If I don't plan on reading it again I usually take it to the used bookstore to see if I can get some credit for it. If they don't offer me any credit I just leave it in the donation bin.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
I really like yr dissertations so ur fine lol i b writing novels as well wen i comment 😭
Yea honestly Kaias book club is good n she has great quesions for her guests n seems passionate about it. With her being so young and just the ignorance she has about nepotism/her priveldge it just makes her seem out of touch. Shes nt as bad as other nepo kids bt it dnt help her that shes moving away from the skill shes good at (modeling) and the thing she seems to want to do (acting), shes nt currently good at. This was the art comment: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ellendurney/kaia-gerber-said-nepotism-isnt-how-art-is-made. i remember ppl clowning her for it cuz she def got a starring role in AHS cuz she auditioned with her mom and her unintentionally calling her acting "art" is just 😬 (n like u said prob due to her being naive she mignt nt even realize her being ignorant). JE n Kaia looked miserable going to that Academy Musuem thing lmao bt they seemed fine IRL most of the time
Welp Kaia learned wat NOT to do after dating Zs ex lmaoo talking about loving that man wen they only lasted a yr.. gurl 🫣. She eems to b a fan of Z now so good for her lol
W/Austin i def agree Kaia seems like a safe choice. Theres a difference between a older woman (or just a woman around his age) who is prob established in her career and mayb wanting the nxt steps in her personal life (marriage or kids) vs a 21 yr old who is still figuring out wat she wants bt has the financial means to hang out with her bf a lot more and prob isnt thinkin bout her future rn. Austin is the best bf Kaias had so far based on how her parents seem to really like him so i think their all relieved in that aspect. i think Austin dsnt like to b single for too long either tbh. i really dnt know how this relationship bout to go lol
Thnx Anon! 🥰
Glad you enjoy my dissertations lol.
Yea Kaia's book club seems great. I've seen a couple of them over the years actually. I'm all for ppl enjoying whatever hobbies make them happy, and reading seems to be an avid hobby of hers.
Her mom Cindy is actually pretty smart. She graduated with honors and had a full scholarship to attend university for Chemical Engineering if I'm not mistaken. So maybe Kaia takes after her mom's intellectual side.🤷🏾‍♀️
But, like you said, she's still very young, naïve, and basically been living in a wealthy, southern CA bubble her whole entire life imo.
Granted, she's had some life experiences that many young women her age have never had, but she's still been pretty sheltered and just comes off as a little out of touch with the "real world" if you ask me.
Again, it's not a huge slight in itself, but more so just a testament to the fact that she was born in wealth, and she's only 21 lol 😅
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I'm sorry Anon lol 😅 I couldn't with this article you linked. See, yet again.... You can tell that she's a sweet girl, but very naïve..... just in MY opinion lol.
I don't think she realizes that her mom doesn't have to call in to beg people to put her on the runway or in films. I don't think she realizes that just by being Rande and Cindy's daughter, she automatically has a leg up just due to her name ONLY.
And ummm.... according to what I've heard... 👀 Supposedly, some hard-working actresses who've come from nothing and have had to WORK their way up, have complained about losing parts to Kaia Gerber, even though they are better actresses. 🥴 Again, sip or spit, but that's just what I've heard. 👀
So yea, some people aren't happy that she's been getting a lot of opportunities (even in the modeling world) just for her name and familial background only.
Re: Austin....
Like I said before, I REALLY don't seem him settling down anytime soon. I'm not getting those vibes from him. I'm sure he loves her and her family, but he seems more focused on his career rn imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Plus, they haven't even dated each other for 2 years yet. Idk why some fans are pushing marriage on them, or trying to make it seem like she's "the one".
I personally would not advise someone (especially an ACTOR) who travels a LOT for a living, and works away from home for months out of the year, to go and put a ring on a girl he's barely known not even two years yet. 🥴 Could it happen? Yes. But I wouldn't advise it.
I know he doesn't like to be single for too long (a lot of ppl don't lol 😂), but if he and Kaia do break up one day, my advice to him would be to take a sabbatical and just be SINGLE for a few months lol.
Based on what I saw during the awards season, I'm sure he'd have PLENTY of female options (young AND old! 👀) if he and Kaia were to ever spilt up rofl 🤣 So he doesn't have to worry about not having any options.
Idk how the rlshp will go, but they seem happy, and I can't hate on them. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I don't get the vibe that they're endgame though. Idk why, but as of right now, I'm just not seeing it. Plus, Leo DiCaprio has dated a ton of young, pretty models all his life. If they were really what they're cracked up to be, wouldn't you think he would have married one of those women by now, or at the very least, made one of these models his life partner by now? Leo's longest rlshp has been Gisele Bundchen, and they were together for 5 years. He to this day has not been in a rlshp longer than that. So, obviously, dating models isn't really the endgame for him either! You would think that after all these years, he would try smthg different since the young, 25 year old model thing hasn't been working out lol 😆
Anyway, I just hope Austin is staying smart in his decisions. Kaia's family has always kind of made me give them the side-eye.... Supposedly, female employees from Rande's business have accused him of sexual harassment.... 👀 I remember the days when Kaia looked like she may have had an ED 👀..... The son, Presley, has been giving signs to me that he's been crying out for help for years.... 🥴 They've allowed their daughter to date grown men ever since she was a teenager.... 🥴👀
Idk... part of me wants to tell Austin: "Austin run! Please run.... there's smthg off with this family!!!!" 😬
But hey, it's not my life lol 😆 And who knows? Maybe one day she will be Mrs. Kaia Butler. 🤭
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somedaytakethetime · 1 year
In the vein of writing my lost chapters of the Old Testament and just.. I don't know ranting about things I'm interested in or on my mind but I try not to bother my friends with because this is uninteresting, I'm using this mess as a personal diary again. After the jump that is, I'm still kind, you know?
So, in case anyone is reading this, which I doubt, and you're unaware I'm nearly 30 and thus lots and lots of introspect are happening lately. One of the things that has been most heavy on my mind is my wardrobe and how I dress. Yes, I know that's vain, but guess what? I'm vain. Also I don't want to look sloppy, I'm technically a grown woman even if I still feel like a child 😭😭
I've been thinking about comfort and practicality, not just trendy stuff that I like the look of but won't ever wear. I'm trying to wear things that make me look decent and possibly if everyone has been drinking even pretty. I've been hyper obsessed with the whole seasonal theory thing, and Kibbe body types, trying to figure out what I actually look like in terms of proportions and colouring, etc. I started years ago, actually, but I've been extra on it lately because I really want to create some sort of capsule wardrobe if you will.
Over the years I've acquired a few nifty talents: my mother taught me how to sew and I taught myself how to pattern draft a few years ago, she also taught me how to cross stitch and embroider, knit and crochet. I improved knitting and crocheting on my own over the years with the help of the internet, and books, and recently I've been trying to teach myself to pattern draft for knitted garments. The concept of drafting a pattern that will fit your body is almost the same in every medium you can use, but knitting up fabric is a tad different than cutting it out so there's a lot more maths, trial and error, involved. BUT with these skills in mind I've essentially gotten to point where I don't need to buy clothes at all, I can make everything I want or need, and embellish it accordingly.
I've narrowed down a few things: I won't ever wear low waisted things again. I lived through the 2000s, we had our 🍑 crack on show from how low waisted those jeans were... I don't ever want a low waist or a mid waist again because I'm only 1,57m (5'2'' I think, if that's your style) and I've convinced myself I have a long waist (I don't even know, the bottom of my ribs are nearly glued to the top of my hips but I still don't think I look short waisted..) so I don't want my legs to look even shorter. I also don't enjoy super tightly fitted clothes anymore. Not a fan of a skinny jean, not a fan of a top that's so tight I can't breathe (been there, done that), not a fan of tight dresses either because I don't love the way my body looks. I don't accessorise a ton anymore, a very simple thin chain necklace or two and very small earrings are the most I do. I have sausage fingers and wearing rings starts to get on my nerves after a while, bracelets are a no go except if I'm dressing up. But for dressing up I still keep things to the minimal of just metal jewellery. I'm not a high heels girl anymore, I'm also not really a ballet flats girl anymore. I prefer a trainer or a loafer because I'm still an old man at heart. Not a huge fan of a ton of ruffles, floof and huge prints anymore. My tops need to be cropped or at least only a fraction longer than waist length, because that's full length on me, everything I wear is high waisted. I sort of hate my legs but I've noticed they actually look better if I wear short skirts and shorts (mid thigh) vs if I wear midi length skirts. I look like a Jehovah's witness.. I think in order to combat that I need to keep the longer skirts to more fancy stuff and just wear short ones for daily wear. Possibly add a low back or a v neck with a long skirt, makes it less Catholic schoolgirl which was my mode of operation before...
As for colours I've noticed that I gravitate towards navy blue and greys a lot more than any other colour. I wear black, brown, jewel tones and even autumnal colours (which makes sense because if I'm doing it correctly I'm a dark autumn) but I tend to like navy blue and grey most. I barely own anything cream, beige or white... I don't look super good in bright white, for me it needs to be off white. Beige, taupe, cream, coffee and latte I can look decent in. Depends on the saturation. And so I need to fix the lack of lighter tones in my wardrobe because spring and summer are also seasons... and I'm not Scandinavian (no shade to their style at all, I take inspiration from them), I'm not super fond of wearing all black in the summer, it's hot as balls here and I would melt outside like that 😭
I've been clearing out my clothes and essentially stockpiling almost everything I own to donate to people that will want it and wear it, because I need to create a lot more things that I will wear instead of just having stuff hanging in my closet. So far I've reviewed some of my clothes, gone through all of my shoes. I need to go through all my accessories and bags, and look over the fix and mend pile of clothes that I have, to see what I actually want to keep and will realistically wear. I prefer trousers for daily wear, I need house clothes that are comfortable, loose and stretchy, and I'll add a few skirts, shorts and maybe a "fancy" dress or two in the mix for a more formal activity I might need to go to. I should probably make some summer dresses, realistically that's the season when I might gravitate towards them most because they're easier and a no brainer outfit. I still think I own too many coats because honestly? In the dead of winter I only really wear my big brown coat. It has a lining that's like... I don't know a skinned teddy bear... I think it's an imitation of sheep wool, at least it looks that way, and it's extra large on me which is perfect for the dozens of layers I wear. I need to dye my denim jacket, I don't like how light it is anymore, it looks dated to me now. I have two old lady oversized blazers, one in a posh 'I go hunting on the weekends' tweed (got it from a family friend and it's probably from like the 90s but I like the look of it) and one in black that I need to fix the length of. I'm keeping these even though I don't wear blazers... I feel like they might come in handy for something that's I might need to look put together for. Got a basic trench that swamps me a little and I'm unsure if I should keep, a grey teddy bear coat that I don't like the length of and I'm wondering if I should shorten it because it would probably get more wear that way, my Nancy Wheeler burgundy jacket (not like her actual jacket but it looks really close to it and I love it, bought it just because of that, it's staying 😤) and a short 80s fur short coat that a friend gifted my mum.. in the 80s. I'm don't support the fur business but I love that coat and I feel bad tossing it knowing animals died for it. There is no such thing as fur recycling or donation stores here, I know the US has things like that but here we don't, so the coat stays where it's been too even if it's a more rare wear for me because I feel like it's so.. over the top. I have a weird hung up on trying not to be too over the top now, I've been that for years.. 😅
I still have beef with my sweater collection. I have LOADS of yarn to knit up a few sweaters in the upcoming months using source images on pinterest (I'll address that in another post) and thus it's making me ponder the sweaters that I already own. I kept quite a few of them after the clear out but I'm still wondering if realistically I'm going to wear them or if I'm just saving them because I've grown attached to them... I barely have any trousers, I mean.. I have a few pairs, but they don't fit properly and I've been so lazy to fix them. I need to fix that in the upcoming months too if I'm going to have clothes to wear. I saved buttons ups and I'm still pondering why I'm saving some of them, two of them are EXTRA LARGE on me, but they belonged to my grandfather, who's died now, and I sort of like that connection to him.. I just need to find a way to style them that won't make me feel sloppy I guess... WHY DO WE CREATE EMOTIONAL BONDS WITH OBJECTS!? WHY??? THIS IS SICK!
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nancywheeeler · 2 years
Hi, I have seen your blog post about the upcoming show Daisy Jones and the Six based on the book and I wanna say I’m soooo excited to watch it! I just finished the book yesterday and it was so good! However, (spoiler alert) I’m really sad that Camila passed away in the end and I was shocked too. I had a feeling that at least one of the interviewees was gonna die but I didn’t think it would be her. Ugh, I really liked her so much and she was the one I related to the most out of all the women in the book. I really shipped Billy and Camila so hard. Yeah, Billy messed up a lot in the band’s early days and hasn’t been the best husband at times but other than that they had a very beautiful relationship. They were one of the most beautiful fictional couples I’ve ever seen. Like both Billy and Camila said really sweet things about each other in the interviews and it was so sweet how Billy wrote so many songs about Camila! Ugh. I really was hoping they’d both still be alive and that they would grow old together! I so wanted it to be possible for them to reach their 50th wedding anniversary! I also liked how Camila was such a nice person and a good friend to the band, especially to Karen and Daisy, even when it’s clear that Daisy was in love with Billy too. And also, Billy went through too much and had to watch so many loved ones dying. I didn’t think he’d lose his soulmate too. Like I thought Billy or one of the other band members would pass away before the documentary’s completion instead! Sorry for the long post but I really liked Camila and she deserved a long, healthy, and happy life! 😭💔
I am also very excited for the upcoming Daisy Jones series! I devoured that book in a day and I think given the cinematic quality of Reid's plots / writing, it should make for a great watch if done well (and the stills we've seen so far inspire a lot of confidence!)
I was definitely very sad to learn Camila died at the end of the book! Honestly, I thought Pete was the one who didn't make it given we didn't hear anything from him until the very end (but as it turns out, he's just a king who stays above all the drama and we love that for him). But back to Camila and Billy and Camila/Billy and the Daisy of it all, I think the book's greatest strength is how it never villainized any of the three even with how complicated and tangled all their feelings were towards each other. Camila was as much of a fully realized character as Billy and Daisy, which can't be said for a lot of music-based movies and TV shows (I've found biopics are the worst offenders when it comes to writing two-dimensional wives of "tortured geniuses"; hello Walking the Line...) Camila is very clearly the reason that Billy lives to see end of the book and I find their relationship beautiful, and messy, and sad and a testament to how infidelity isn't always the death of a marriage. I'm really hoping the series leans into all that messiness (and the love that survives it!) because, again, I think it's the ultimate strength of the book. Reid doesn't take shortcuts there, so crossing my fingers the series won't either
also! anyone who loved Daisy Jones and the Six and is looking for another band book, I highly recommend Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell. It's definitely a funkier ride, but if you're obsessed with band dynamics and the strange and surreal process of creating art with other people as much as I am, this book has got you
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fatheroligos · 2 years
الترجمة السبعينية Septuagint
الترجمة السبعينية
قام (72) شيخا بترجمة التوراة إلى اليونانية 🧐🧐🧐
إلا أن هناك أثنان رقدا (ماتا) أثناء الترجمة 😭😭😭
فتبقى (70) شيخا، لذا سميت بــ (السبعينية) 👌👌👌
The Septuagint:
It is the Greek translation of the Old Testament, where it is stated that
Ptolemy (Φιλάδελφος) II (246 - 285 BC)
He wanted to include in the Library of Alexandria the holy books of the Jews, at the request of (Demetrius), the head of the School of Alexandria, and because of the number of Jews (residing in Egypt), and they do not know Hebrew, so Ptolemy sent (Ptolemy) to the high priest (Eleazar) asking him to send him scholars From the Jews, to do the translation, so the high priest, in turn, sent six elders from each tribe, and Ptolemy sent them to an island, and put them separately, to translate the books, so each group of them translated them in 72 days, and the translations came identical, hence the name of the Septuagint, and symbolized by its Latin number: “LXX”, meaning: seventy, as some say: “Because it was the one who did the translation (72), but there were two who died (died) during the translation, so it was called the (Septuagint).” The Jews (Jerusalem) considered that the day on which The translation took place on a black day, because the law of the Jewish nation was leaked to the nations, ... while the Jews of the Diaspora rejoiced at this translation a lot.
The story of the Septuagint translation...
The first to tell us the story of the Septuagint translation was a Jew named Aristobulus who lived at the beginning of the second century BC. He said that the Book of the Law was translated into Greek during the reign of King Ptolemy Philadelphus. By Demetrius Valerius. The word book of the law either means the five books or it is a metaphor for the entire Old Testament. And since this Demetrius had died in the first reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus.
Therefore, we conclude that the translation, according to the testimony of this Aristotle, had begun in the era of Ptolemy Soter. All or at least most of them took place during the reign of Ptolemy Philadelphus (285 BC)
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supermaks · 1 year
I wanna hear all of ur thoughts on 3344!!! Please tell us everything!!!! my only addition is that that copse crash changed the trajectory of their lives immediately like they could be fighting for p15 and would be all up in each others business. there is a special kind of distrust and contempt and anger for the other that no one else recives bc they reserve it all for each other and this is why they’re best f1 rivalry of all time 😋 sorry alain
omfg yes lets go a lil crazy🌷🌷🌷🌷
My 4433/441 thoughts are always all over the place like I truly havent been able to pin them down since l started watching f1 because these 2 are both like super weird in very different ways and they have zero bridges u can cross between them except for this unreal fucking level of on sight hating that makes a rivalry soooo good u feel it in ur tummy
When I tell u in Austria the moment I heard Lewis impeded Max I knew the baddie was gonna unleash the wrath of an old testament god upon this incredibly inconsequential fl0p vehicle number 44 like. Sorry to the haters and losers but its very funny to ME 😭😭 Inspector Hamilton didnt even make much noise about this which is even funnier because either he knows he'll catch a stray for impeding first or he just cannot handle Max and his Raytheon hamilton sensors anymore like he's tired and his own tp is telling him to shut up like leave him alone. ((I doubt its the last we'll hear of it tho))
And yes 2021 like u said prolly changed the trajectory of their lives forever not just copse but like monza, brazil, Jeddah. Whats so fascinating about Max and Lewis is that for such enormously talented drivers they simply cannot let each other race normal. They leave each other more space and will still fumble because they want to pass so bad. As u put it, its distrust, but its also just racing. Its the purest form of racing there is lmfao these are both karting prodigies and they still revert back to that when they race each other. I said this once they're like 2 maddies from euphoria in 1 show. But this whole dynamic of uneasiness between them started way before 2021 tbh.
Even when Max was a teenager wid a cap and a dream and the rawest dawg inside that literally bit people and Lewis was settling back into the record books wid a glass of wine and an established, tamed dawg, he still made a point not to rate Max ever. Max was taboo. Didnt even call him by name sometimes like to his face literally called him 'guy' which is such an Hamilton ass old school way of acknowledging an Opp like look at this
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F1 drivers are so insane. Anyway I think Max still feels some type of way about all that. A job will have u 19 years old getting bullied by a 33 year old that refuses to say ur name. Max pissed everybody off those days. He just wanted to do the lil debrief and the old heads truly did not give a fuck they were so mean to him. Lewis went thru a divorce too so this was all wrong person wrong place wrong time wrong car wrong team wrong wrong wrong. All wrong.
They were doomed from the start like they were set on a collision course since Max was born that was as inevitable as he is. And the noise around them has always been too loud. But they do try which I find very charming and kind of sad. Like one thing about Max and Lewis they're gonna have a lil giggle together about something dumb and that hasn’t changed
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((I am convinced whatvr lewis showed him on his phone here was like deeply illegal))
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((this presser is soooo like at some point Lewis leans over and whispers that theres a lot of girls there for the weekend and Max is like umm and Lewis is like oh u have a girlfriend right ew 🙄))
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🫠🌷this was so cute pls
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They share sm history together in the one thing that matters the most to both of them which is racing. Like the way Abu Dhabi happened bro, all that led to it, the amount of new eyeballs on the sport just thru sheer force of narrative and hubris. They built that together. Nobody else cud have done it. Like they share thirty five 1-2s in F1. 35 times one of them was first and the other was second. I think 3 more times on the podium and they break a record for most podiums shared oat. Thats not unimportant it’s not meaningless especially not to these 2 in particular. They’re special. They’re both so special and mercurial and they save the worst parts of themselves. the best part of themselves. to each other . Everybody else takes scraps. The spray aligns
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Yeah. Like yk. the spray aligns
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