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Yeah, new sketches. Im Pidge here
#voltron#voltronlegendarydefender#lance mcclain#lance voltron#keith voltron#keith kogane#shiro voltron#takashi shirogane#hunk voltron#hunk garrett#Thace voltron#Ulaz voltron#Shance#Heith#pidge gunderson#voltron pidge
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The doodles 👐
Since they're just doodles they're a bit bad, but idc
Alr 🧍♂️i'm going downstairs and will continue my Voltron rewatch with my sketchbook
#voltron#voltron legendary defender#vld#rewatch#hand drawn#doodle#takashi shirogane#keith kogane#allura#lance mcclain#pidge gunderson#prince lotor#they fucking killed Thace#blade of marmora more like blade of sacrifice#slav wtf
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SBG as Voltron AU

Friends that wanted to be tagged: @blue-eyed-moon-child @niredsw @random-gamer1942
The roles
Black Lion: Tyler He's very much leadership material and with Ashlyn as Allura, it gives Tyler the perfect opportunity to be leader when she's not around yet give her the ability to run things like she does in the comic and Allura does in the show.
Blue Lion: Taylor She's thoughtful, caring, puts others first, like Lance did with everyone (LANCE STOP GETTING HURT), and Allura did at the end of the show.
Red Lion: Aiden Very loose and fast, likes to live on edge, very much a second hand man and doesn't take leadership even when he could, allowing Tyler and Ashlyn to take over. But also protective of everyone, like Keith is of Shiro and King Alfor was of Allura.
Green Lion: Logan Probably the smartest in the group when it comes to school like things. I think that he would struggle in the same way Pidge did when connecting to nature, in the "I like being inside but if I have to connect to the tree I will"
Yellow Lion: Ben Big guy, smart, compassionate, thoughtful, just like Hunk and Gyrgan.
Ashlyn is Allura Ashlyn is Allura because she fits the role of Red as much as Aiden does. So when/if Aiden gets the Keith running off to galra arc, Ashlyn gets the red lion :D
Alex is Coran
Maverick is Zarkon
Ryan is Thace
Jasmine is Haggar (without the weird, being honerva bit? like no romantic feelings please)
Charlie is Sendak (Maybe I'll draw these later)
Continue for Chapter 1: (This will be a continuing series & I will be splitting episodes into one-two chapters depending on length)
“You come up here to rock out?” Aiden asked, removing Logan’s headphones slightly. Logan jumped, whipping around to see who was behind him. “Oh, Aiden, Ben.” Logan greeted with a sigh of relief, “No, um, just looking at the stars,”
Aiden and Ben exchanged a glance. "Stars?" Aiden echoed, lifting his gaze to the empty canvas of the sky. "It's a little cloudy tonight, don't you think?"
Logan shrugged, “So?” “Where'd you get this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech.” Aiden frowned, giving Logan a confused look. “I built it,” Logan sat up proudly and grinned at Aiden and Ben. “You built all of this?” Aiden asked as Ben bent down to touch one of the pieces of equipment. Logan reached over and gently smacked Ben’s hand away, “Stop it!” He turned his attention back to Aiden, “With this thing, I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system.” “That right?” Aiden asked, a smug grin on his face, “Would you say, all the way to Kerberos?” Logan froze, slightly glaring at Aiden. “You go ballistic every time the instructors bring it up.”
Logan glared at Aiden. The blonde continued, “What's your deal?”
Ben reached towards Logan’s equipment again. “Second warning Ben!” Logan turned and scolded.
“Look, Logan, if we're going to bond as a team, we can't have any secrets.” Aiden squatted down to Logan’s eye level. Logan sighed, “Fine. The world as you know it is about to change. The Kerberos Mission wasn't lost because of some malfunction or crew mistake.” Ben reached over to touch Logan’s computer. “Stop touching my equipment!” Logan demanded.
Ben made a face of disgust before sitting back and nodding that he’d listen this time. Logan continued, “So, I've been scanning the system and picking up alien radio chatter,” “I’m sorry what?” Aiden asked, blinking in disbelief. “Aliens? Really?” Logan nodded.
“So, you're insane. Got it.” Ben’s phone spoke out for him. “I'm serious.” Logan promised, “They keep repeating one word, ‘Voltron.’ And tonight, it's going crazier than I have ever heard it.”
“What is Voltron?” Aiden asked as if Logan had all the answers.
“I have no clue,” Logan gave a helpless shrug.
Suddenly the PA activated, “Attention, students. This is not a drill. We are on lockdown! Security situation Zulu Niner.” The gentleman on the comms instructed, “Repeat: all students are to remain in barracks until further notice.” “What's going on?” Aiden asked, a frown as he looked up at the PA system. “Is that a meteor?” Logan asked, squinting through his glasses. “A very, very big meteor?” Aiden asked, in disbelief as he turned back around. Logan grabbed his binoculars from his bag and held them up to his face. “No. It's a ship,” Logan looked slightly panicked. Aiden grabbed the binoculars and pointed them at the sky. “Holy crow! I can't believe what I'm seeing! That's not one of ours.” “No. It’s one of theirs,” Logan shook his head and started packing up his stuff. “Where are you going? We’re under lock down,” Aiden furrowed his brow in confusion and upset.
“I've got to see that ship,” Logan told Aiden, grabbing his binoculars back before dipping over the short edge of the building they were on. Aiden watched for a moment as Logan hit the ground and started running towards the airship that had now crashed into the ground. “Come on Ben,” Ben grabbed Aiden’s arm before the blonde jumped off the building after Logan. “This is the worst team-building exercise ever,” He had typed into his phone. It read the message out loud before Aiden laughed and turned to jump off the building.
The sound of multiple Garrison vehicles departing to the crash site erupted from the building just before Aiden landed with a thud on softened earth, a cloud of dust billowing around him. Ben touched down more gracefully, landing on the balls of his feet. His eyes remained focused on Logan's receding form.
——— As soon as they approached the crash site, Ben and Aiden noticed that Logan had set up his computer behind a rock formation. Aiden and Ben ran over and crouched down with Logan. “What are you doing?” Aiden asked, looking over Logan’s shoulder to see the computer. “Trying to hack into their security cameras,” Logan shushed Aiden with his finger. “You can do that?” Ben’s phone spoke out for him. “Yeah,” Logan answered without anymore explanation. Aiden and Ben glanced at each other with concerned emotions etched onto their faces. “They set up a camera in there and I grabbed its feed.” Logan moved the computer for Ben and Aiden to both see.
“Look!” Aiden pointed at the screen at a teenage boy struggling against restrains. A staticky voice came through the feed, “Hey! What are you doing?” The boy asked, continuing to struggle. The head of cadet training, Iverson, motioned for two people in hazmat suits to hold the boy down. “Calm down, Tyler. We just need to keep you quarantined until we run some tests,” Tyler continued to struggle against the people in hazmat suits, “You have to listen to me! They destroy worlds!” He grunted as one of the people threw his shoulder into the table, “Aliens are coming!” “That's Tyler! The pilot of the Kerberos Mission! That guy was in our class!” Aiden looked completely shocked.
Ben watched the video feed for a moment longer, his fingers quickly tapping on the screen of his phone. “Guess he's not dead in space, after all,” the robotic voice echoed around him.
“But where's the rest of the crew?” Logan asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he scanned the screen for the other crew members.
“Do you know how long you've been gone?” Iverson asked Tyler. Tyler shot Iverson a disgusted look, “I don't know. Months? Years? Look, there's no time. Aliens are coming here for a weapon.” Tyler continued to ramble, “They're probably on their way. They'll destroy us. We have to find Voltron!” “Voltron?” Logan asked, staring at the screen in disbelief.
“Put him under,” Iverson instructed, “Until we figure out more,” Tyler freaked out, “Don't put me under! No! There's no time!” He assured them but one of the hazmat suited people stuck a needle into his arm.
The trio outside the tent watched as Tyler drifted off to sleep. “They didn't ask about the rest of the crew.” Logan frowned. “Why didn’t they ask about the rest of the crew?” “What are they doing? He's a legend. They're not even gonna listen to him?” Aiden exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.
“We have to get him out.” Logan decided, shutting his computer and stashing it into his backpack. Before Aiden and Logan could jump the gun and rush into the tent to save Tyler, Ben held up a hand as he tried to quickly type out his thoughts. “I hate to be the voice of reason, always, but weren't we watching on Logan’s computer because there was no way to get past the guards?” “That was before we were properly motivated,” Logan assured Ben with a pat on the shoulder before a large explosion rang out on the opposite side of the canyon.
“Is that the aliens? Are they here? They got here so quick!” Ben’s phone rang out after a moment. “No, those explosions were a distraction, for him.” Aiden pointed at a hooded figure parking a hover bike before they rushed into the tent where the Garrison was keeping Tyler.
“The Garrison's headed toward the blast, and he's sneaking in from the other side.” Aiden frowned.
“Who is that?” Ben’s phone asked before Logan and Aiden both jumped over the wall. “Only one way to find out!” Logan called up to the tall boy before the blonde and brunette started to sprint towards the tent.
Ben hesitated, glanced toward the distant explosion once more, then sprinted after them, his phone clutched tight in one hand.
Inside the tent, Tyler was still unconscious, his face pale against the cold metal table. Two people in hazmat suit were examining the unconscious boy as the hooded person walked into the tent. “These readings are off the chart,” One man said before the other noticed the hooded figure. “HEY!” The man shouted, pointing a gloved finger at the intruder.
But the hooded figure moved with a speed that didn’t seem quite possible. They knocked the two men unconscious swiftly and efficiently before rushing over to the table and yanking off their hood. “Tyler?” Taylor asked, her eyes seemingly playing a trick on her. She unbuckled her twin brother from the table before wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “Nope.” Aiden walked in with Logan right on his tail. “No, you— No, no, no. No, you don't. I'm saving Tyler,” “Who are you?” Taylor asked, before looking at Logan. “Logan?” “Hi Taylor,” Logan waved before looking around the tent. “Where’s the rest of the crew?” “No time for that! We need to get out of here before the Garrison grumps come back,” Aiden insisted.
Text from Logan’s phone rang out in the silence. “They’re on their way back. Now.” Logan pointed at the entrance where they had left Ben on look out.
Taylor glared at them, her eyes flitting between Aiden and Logan. But she could feel Tyler sagging against her, his breaths ragged. “Come on,” Taylor sighed, motioning with her free hand for Aiden to walk with her.
Logan followed after them, casting a nervous glance over his shoulder. "We're coming out," Logan sent a message to Ben, who was still outside the tent. As soon as they got outside, all 5 of them loaded onto Taylor’s hover bike, “Can we catch a ride with you? Thanks!” Aiden smiled at the hispanic girl as he climbed up on the bike after her.
“Is this thing going to be big enough for all of us?” Logan asked, as Aiden handed him Tyler. “No,” Taylor started the bike and took off as the Garrison professors and admin started to approach the tent. “Why am I holding this guy?” Logan asked, adjusting Tyler’s weight on him but careful not to let the boy fall off the bike.
“Can't this thing go any faster?” Aiden questioned, with a judgmental tone.
“We could toss out some non-essential weight,” Taylor shot back with a smirk on her face.
“Oh, right!” Aiden looked around for something to toss off the bike, “Okay, so that was an insult.” “Big guy! Lean left!” Taylor instructed to Ben. Ben leaned as instructed. His silent compliance added a much-needed stability to their chaotic escape. Tyler groaned softly in Logan's arms, stirring but not waking.
“Aw, man! Mr. Harris just wiped out Professor Montgomery! No, no. He's fine,” Logan assured the rest of the group. Taylor rolled her eyes.
“Big guy, lean right!” Taylor instructed Ben again and he did as he was told. “Guys? Is that a cliff up ahead?” Logan asked with stammer in his voice.
“Oh, no, no, no!” Aiden protested. “Yup,” Taylor smirked and pressed on the gas pedal. “No, no, no!” Logan and Aiden screamed as the bike approached the edge of the cliff.
“What are you doing? You're going to kill us all!” Logan asked, regret of this adventure seeping into his voice. “Shut up and trust me!” Taylor commanded, her grip tightening on the handlebars. As their speed increased, the ground beneath them dropped away and for a moment they were suspended in air.
————— In the morning, Taylor walked out to where Tyler had been admiring the sunset. “Hey Ty,” She greeted her brother.
"Hey Tay," Tyler responded, not taking his eyes off the horizon. He was sitting on a rock, legs folded beneath him in criss cross applesauce.
“It's good to have you back,” Taylor moved and sat down next to Tyler.
Tyler turned and looked at her with a faint smile on his face. “It's good to be back,” Taylor smiled back before laying into the questions, “So, what happened out there? Where were you?”
“I wish I could tell you, Tay. My head is still pretty scrambled from the whole experience,” Tyler shook his head softly. “I was on an alien ship, but somehow I escaped. It's all a blur. But, how did you know to come save me when I crashed?” “You should come see this,” Taylor stood up and offered Tyler her hand.
——— “What have you been working on, Taylor?” Tyler asked as Taylor yanked a cloth off the cork board on the wall. Logan, Aiden and Ben paused what they were doing and looked over at the twins.
“I can't explain it, really,” Taylor looked at the bulletin board, “After getting booted from the Garrison, I was kind of lost and found myself drawn out to this place. It's like something some energy, was telling me to search,” “Search for what?” Aiden asked. “Well, I didn't really know at the time until I stumbled across this area,” Taylor pointed at a picture that was almost out of her reach, “It's an outcropping of giant boulders with caves covered in these ancient markings. Each tells a slightly different story about a blue lion, but they all share clues leading to some event, some arrival happening last night,” She turned to Tyler, “Then, you showed up.” A thought dawned on Tyler, “I probably should thank you all for helping Tay get me out of there,” He extended his hand towards Aiden. “Aiden, right?”
Aiden nodded and took Tyler’s hand in his. After a firm handshake, Tyler moved to Logan and Ben. “The quiet guy is Ben. I’m Logan. So, did anyone else from your crew make it out?” “Uh, I’m not sure. Everything is a bit of a daze still,” Tyler frowned, “Sorry,” “It’s okay, don’t worry about it,” Logan assured Tyler.
Ben typed up something on his phone, “Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but back to the aliens. Where are they now? Are they coming? Are they coming for us? Where are they at this very moment?” Everyone chuckled at the automated voice messing up a few words at the general repetitiveness of the message. “I can't really put it together. I remember the word ‘Voltron.’ It's some kind of weapon they're looking for, but I don't know why,” Tyler paused, “Whatever it is, I think we need to find it before they do.” Ben quickly typed up another message, “Well, last night, I was rummaging through Logan’s stuff, and-” “Why were you going through my stuff?” Logan asked, cutting off the automated voice. Ben rolled his eyes softly before typing out a new message and letting it play. “I watched a lady bug crawl in. But, then, I started reading his diary.” “What?” Logan asked, grabbing the book Ben pulled out of his pocket away from the taller boy. Ben’s message kept playing out of the phone, “I noticed the repeating series of numbers the aliens are searching for -looks a lot like a Fraunhofer line.” “Frown who?” Taylor asked with a frown on her face.
Ben typed a reply quickly, “It's a number describing the emission spectrum of an element, only, this element doesn't exist on Earth. I thought it might be this Voltron. I think can build a machine to look for it, like a Voltron finder,” Aiden stared at his cousin in shock as the tall boy pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. Ben typed up one more message before opening the paper up. “The wavelength looks like this.” “Give me that!” Taylor demanded before holding it up to the picture she had pointed to earlier. The two pictures, the graph and photograph, matched up perfectly.
“Okay, I admit it. This is super freaky.” Aiden mumbled under his breath as the group traversed the desert plateaus. “I'm getting a reading.” Taylor looked at the small device that Ben had put together and given her to read. “This way,” She pulled Logan, who’s bag was filled with the rest of the equipment and attached to the device in Taylor’s hand, in the direction of the reading.
After a while of walking, they came across a cave. Adorning the walls was several carvings, no, hundreds of carvings of a female lion.
“Whoa.” The group looked around and gasped simultaneously. Tyler turned towards Taylor, “What are these?” “These are the lion carvings I was telling you about,” Taylor assured Tyler, before dragging her hand over the dust on the wall. Immediately the carving lit up bright blue and shined in Taylor’s face. Taylor jumped back into Tyler’s arms as the ground crumbled beneath the small group. Everyone screamed as the floor collapsed and shot them down a slide like earth fixture. “TAYLOR!” Aiden complained as soon they landed. “Why do you and Ben feel the need to touch everything?” Ben turned and glared at Aiden, but remained quiet as usual. “I didn’t know that touching the wall would make the floor collapse,” Taylor told Aiden, everyone turned toward a large giant Lion with a force field. “Is this it? Is this the Voltron?” Tyler asked. “It must be,” Logan took the tracker device out of Taylor’s hand. “This is what's been causing all of this crazy energy out here.” “Looks like there's a force field around it.” Aiden point out as Taylor and he started to walk up to it.
“Does anyone else get the feeling this is staring at them?” Taylor asked, moving slightly. “No,” Tyler followed his sister and the blonde up to the lion. “Hm, yeah no. It’s definitely following me,” Taylor decided. Aiden walked up and gently put his hands on the force field. “I wonder how we get through this,” Taylor smirked as a idea popped into her head, “Maybe you just have to knock,” She rapped her fingers against the cool energy field, it immediately fell away. “AH!” Taylor jumped back slightly. A vision of a large robotic man appeared in all five kids minds. “Woah,” Logan looked up at the lion.
“Uh, did everyone just see that?” Tyler asked, rubbing his head slightly. “Voltron is a robot.” Aiden muttered as if in a trance, “Voltron is a huge, huge, awesome robot.” “And this thing is only one part of it! I wonder where the rest of them are.” Taylor mused as she walked up to the lion. “This is what they're looking for,” Tyler whispered, mostly to himself. “Incredible.” The lion stood up as Taylor approached, and Ben and Logan screamed. “Come on babies! Let’s check it out!” “Hate to be a voice of reason, like ever, but Taylor stop touching things!” Aiden ran after the girl as she darted into the Lion.
Tyler motioned for Ben and Logan to follow him after the other two. Ben typed something up on his phone quickly, “Isn’t this a bad idea?” “Yeah but it’s a fun idea, live a little,” Tyler smirked before walking up into the lion as well. Ben and Logan glanced at each other once before following Tyler into the ship. As soon as they entered the lion, Aiden turned to them. “Okay, guys, I feel the need to point out, just so that we're all aware. We are in some kind of futuristic alien cat head right now.” “Yup,” Taylor smirked, moving to sit down. She put her hands on the controls.
As soon as she did, a deep purring spoke through her head. “Woah,” She turned to the rest of the group, “Did you guys just hear that?” “Hear what?” Logan asked, looking at Taylor. Taylor looked around the small cockpit, “I think it's talking to me.” She mumbled, before moving the controls around. The lion immediately took off, and the lion shot out of the cave.
Aiden, Logan and Ben grabbed each other and screamed. Tyler started at them in disbelief for a moment before turning his attention to Taylor. “Careful Tay,” He pointed out a rock formation. Taylor responded immediately, moving the controls around to avoid the obstacle. “You are the worst pilot ever!” Logan screamed as Taylor sent the Lion into a spiral.
With an eager grin, Taylor turned to the others and exclaimed, “Isn't this awesome?” Taylor asked. “Make it stop.” Logan begged, “Make it stop,” “I’m not doing anything.” Taylor promised, “It's like it's on autopilot.” The Lion steered itself towards the atmosphere, “Where are you going?” Aiden asked, stumbling as the lion rocked violently.
“I just said it's on autopilot!” Taylor insisted, “It says there's an alien ship approaching Earth. I think we're supposed to stop it.” “What did it say, exactly?” Tyler asked, leaning forward to look out the window.
“It's not like it's saying words.” Taylor felt the eyes of all 4 boys fall onto her in disgust and disbelief, “It's more like feeding ideas into my brain, kind of.”
“If this thing is the weapon they're coming for, why don't we just, I don't know, give it to them? Maybe they'll leave us alone.” Ben’s phone read out for him. Tyler turned, offended, “You don't understand,” He assured Ben, “These monsters spread like a plague throughout the galaxy, destroying everything in their path.” Ben gulped, clearly distressed but Tyler continued, “There's no bargaining with them. They won't stop until everything is dead.” “Okay, he gets it,” Aiden defending, “Don’t lay into him like that,” They all turned to see an alien ship entering the space around Earth’s atmosphere. Taylor interrupted the boys before a huge argument could erupt, “Okay, I think I know what to do.” She pushed the controls forward and the lion shot forward into the sky.
“Hey! This isn't a simulator,” Logan reminded Taylor as the Lion reached the exosphere. “That’s good. I always crashed the simulation when I was in school,” She smirked at Logan who gave her a panicked look. “That’s not calming!” Logan told Taylor as the girl moved the controls around. “Let’s try this!” She exclaimed as she pushed the controls forward. The jaw of the lion open and a beam of energy shot out towards the alien ship. The energy beam hit the side of the alien ship, causing a series of bright, violent explosions to ripple across its metallic hull. “Nice job, Tay,” “I think it's time to get these guys away from our planet.” Taylor said, piloting the lion away from Earth. They got a good distance before the alien ship started to follow them. “Oh no,” Tyler mumbled under his breath. “They're gaining on us!” Logan panicked, pushing the back of Taylor’s seat. “It's weird. They're not trying to shoot us. They're just chasing.” Taylor observed, her fingers nimbly adjusting the controls as she kept a steady eye on the pursuing ship. Aiden put his hands up to get everyone’s attention, “Okay, seriously, now we think having aliens follow us is good? I am not on board with this new direction, guys.” “Where are we?” Ben’s phone read out, the digital voice cutting through the noise in the cockpit.
“Edge of the solar system. There's Kerberos,” Logan pointed at the moon of Pluto. “That’s impossible, it took us months to get out here,” Tyler gasped in disbelief, “We got out here in five seconds.” A spherical opening, a distorted sphere with a glowing center opened up in front of the lion. It was a good distance away but the Lion seemed to be dead set on going through.
“A wormhole of sorts, where does it go?” Logan asked Taylor, who struggled and said she didn’t know.
“Tyler, you're the senior officer here. What should we do?” Taylor looked up at her brother.
Tyler looked at the other kids, “Whatever is happening, the lion knows more than we do.” Tyler looked at Aiden, who nodded, “I say we trust it, but we're a team now. We should decide together.” Taylor glanced around, all for boys nodded at her. “Alright, guess you’re all skipping class tomorrow,” She pushed the controls forward and the Lion shot into the wormhole.
———— As they exited the wormhole, an entirely new vista unfolded before their eyes. Kaleidoscopic patterns of nebulae painted the alien sky, with twinkling stars that seemed to breathe and pulse with life. “Where are we?” Ben’s phone read out again, its digital voice sounding even more surreal amidst this cosmic seascape.
“I have no clue,” Logan answered, “I don’t recognize any of these star patterns,” “Me neither,” Tyler looked out the window at the sky. “We must be a long, long way from Earth.” The lion approached a earth like planet, “The lion seems to want to go to this planet.” Taylor told the boys, “I think I think it's going home.” The lion soared into the planet’s atmosphere, plunging through plumes of vibrant, iridescent clouds. As they broke through the final layer, a sprawling cityscape came into view, nestled amidst a lush expanse of emerald-green forests and crystalline rivers.
"Doesn't look like anything from our textbooks," Aiden remarked, his eyes wide with awe.
“Um, is it just me or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole? Why are we listening to a robotic lion anyway?” Logan asked as the Lion approached a castle like building. “It got us away from that alien warship, didn't it?” Taylor shot back. “I don't know if you noticed, but we're in an alien warship.” Tyler pointed out, patting Taylor on the head.
“Oh, are you scared?” Taylor teased. “With you at the helm? Terrified,” Tyler poked the side of her face before turning his attention to the castle they were approaching.
The castle was enormous, a towering structure of gleaming spires and arching buttresses that seemed to shimmer with an ethereal light. As they landed, Tyler pulled everyone’s attention to him. “No one's happy to be in this situation, but we're here now. If we want to get through this, we've got to do it together.” “Yes sir,” Aiden gave a teasing salute.
“Don’t do that,” Tyler crossed his arms.
“Look at that castle though,” Taylor got out of the pilot seat and tried to book it out of the lion. Tyler grabbed her arm and stopped her, “Keep your guard up.” “Is something wrong Tyler?” Logan asked, cautiously prodding for information. Tyler turned to him, “My crew was captured by aliens once. I'm not going to let it happen again,” As soon as the kids were out of the lion and walking up to the castle, the lion moved. “No! I knew it was going to eat us! No!” Logan screeched, covering his head with his hands. The lion roared and the entrance to the castle opened. “No, it’s just opening the door for us,” Aiden pointed out, touching Logan’s shoulder. The slightly taller boy looked up and sighed in relief. Taylor ran into the castle, “Hello?” She called out into the pitch black foyer. “Taylor! Be careful!” Tyler scolded his sister as the boys walked in after her.
“I am!” Taylor promised, “Hello? Is anyone there?” “Please hold for identity scan,” A voice called out before a beam of light scanned over the five kids.
“What? Why are we here? What do you want with us?” Logan asked as the beam stopped scanning them. Lights leading down the hall flickered on, “Guess we’re going that way,” Aiden started walking down the hall. As they all walked down the hall, the lights continued to flick on, lighting and leading their way. Eventually, they were lead to a room with two cryo-pods. Ben typed up a quick message on his phone and played it out for everyone, “Where are we?” “It's some kind of control room,” Logan observed, scanning the unfamiliar technology around them with a hit of curiosity. “Are these guys dead?” Aiden asked, tapping onto one of the cryo-pods. The pod opened with a hiss of air and a red headed girl fell out, her knees buckling as she called out, “Dad!” Aiden leaped forward and caught her, “Hello there,”
“Who are you? Where am I?” The girl asked, looking up into Aiden’s eyes. Aiden smirked, “I’m Aiden, and you’re right here in my arms,”
"Quit the flirt, Aiden. We're not in a rom-com," Tyler grumbled, stepping forward and offering a hand to the girl. “Who are you people?” The girl asked, pushing Aiden to the ground as she took Tyler’s hand. Tyler helped her up. “Where is King Mike? What are you doing in my castle? “A blue lion brought us here,” Taylor butted in. “How do you have the Blue Lion? What happened to its paladin? What are you all doing here? Unless,” She paused, “How long has it been?” “We don’t know what your talking about,” Logan said as the girl pushed away from Tyler and walked over to a small panel sticking out of the floor and started typing on it. “Why don't you tell us who you are? Maybe we can help.” Tyler suggested, sticking his hands in his shorts pockets. “I am Princess Ashlyn of Planet Altea,” Ashlyn informed the earthlings, “I've got to find out where we are and how long we've been asleep.” Logan looked over her shoulder, “Okay, that's how that works. What is that language though?” A man groaned before Ashlyn could answer. He fell out of his pod before jumping up, “Enemy combatants!” “Nope! Nope!” Taylor assured him otherwise, “We’re friendly, I promise,” The man looked skeptical but stood at ease. “It can't be.” Ashlyn gasped, covering her mouth. “What is it?” The man asked, suddenly very worried for the princess. “We've been asleep for 10,000 years.” Ashlyn stared forward, “Planet Altea and all of the planets in our solar system have been destroyed. Alex, Father is gone. Our entire civilization,”
“Maverick,” Alex shook his head is disbelief. “Maverick?” Logan asked in confusion. “He was the King of the Galra. A vile creature and enemy to all free people.” Ashlyn started to sink onto the floor. “I remember now, I was his prisoner,” Tyler crossed his arms over his chest. “He's still alive? Impossible!” Alex stared at Tyler in disbelief and distrust. “I can't explain it, but it's true,” Tyler nodded, “He's searching for a super weapon called Voltron.” Ashlyn stood back up, “He's searching for it because he knows it's the only thing that can defeat him, and that's exactly why we must find it before he does,” “We?” Aiden interrupted, “Why us?
Word Count: 5,074
#school bus graveyard#school bus graveyard webtoon#ashlyn banner sbg#aiden clark sbg#tyler hernandez sbg#logan fields sbg#taylor hernandez sbg#ben clark sbg#alex sbg#voltron#voltron legendary defender#sbg voltron au#alternate universe#sbg au
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Llegué a la conclusión de que amo a Antok y a Kolivan y que necesito verlos siendo lindos y familiares, los adoro y la gente de Ao3 me ha alimentando con un montón de headcanons de ellos, y como no pienso matarme con el canon, acá La espada de Marmora vive (Ulaz, Thace, Antok, Regris) y Antok y Kolivan tienen un hijo que se llama Mako

Antok es un gigante que piensa que su hijo es muy pequeño, Kolivan intenta que entienda que Antok solo es muy grande en comparación
Lo tuvieron casi al final de la guerra así que nació sano y en época de paz(??)

Keith es un tío orgulloso y Lance conciente al niño cuando lo ve, y deja que juegue con sus propios hijos cuando no están ocupados en el espacio
(tengo más de estos, pero este es mi fav, eventualmente dibujare a Allura y a Romelle lo prometo)
#kolivan#kolivan vld#Antok vld#keith kogane#voltron#blade of marmora#voltron fanart#lance mcclain#fanchild#son gays su señoría#klance
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fic rec friday 60
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
Dream, Seam by @ardett and @maychorian
Lance is the blue paladin. The Galra realize this before he does.
y'all....this au is insane. like genuinely one of the coolest concepts i have seen in this fandom. lance, taken by the galra as an infant and raised by them (altho they treat him like shit, obviously, so fair warning for that), as an asset, because they know he is the blue paladin, because he can See things he should not be able to see? and then he has to get integrated into voltron...yall nothing i can say can do this au justice. there's this almost ethereal feel to the entire fic, there were several moments where my chest was swoopy and my breathing was off bc i was like oh god oh god oh god. the complicated relationships, lance's struggle, and ALSO BONUS!!! das thace!!! i miss dad thace!!! do my fellow voltron geriatrics remember when dad thace was everywhere!! bc i do!! and i miss it!!!
2. five times someone didn't know keith and lance were dating, and one time everyone did by Shorty
Keith shrugs nonchalantly. “I’m still mad about the whole ‘babe’ thing.” ... Or, exactly what the title says.
there is nothing i can say about this fic that isn't in the title 💀 it's exactly what it says it is. and it hits. but some crumbs to intrigue you: 1) one of the tags on this fic is 'hunk is a hunk', 2) it's a 2016 fic, and 3) trust me.
3. Some Secrets Don't Need To Be Kept by @squirenonny
Keith finds out he's part Galra. It's not as big a deal as he expects.
look. sometimes i just want things to be soft. what if keith had it easy? for once in his fucking life? what if people chilled the hell out? for ten minutes? this is seven thousand words of people being like hey keith u know what. take it easy. we got u babes. and i am grateful
4. How to Fake an Interest in Biochemical Engineering by @squirenonny
Shiro has a crush on Matt Holt. But every time he runs into Matt he ends up embarrassing himself. Shiro's best friend Allura is no help. His little brother Keith is even worse. But Shiro is going to make his move before graduation if it kills him. (And it just might kill him.)
SHATT SHATT SHATT SHATT SHATT. shockingly, i didn't just choose this one bc of the recent discourse lol. this is another 2016 fic that i adore. it's just -- disaster shiro, whipped shiro, down bad shiro, sweet matt, cackling keith, shiro who is dying of embarrassment, gay as all fuck shiro, etc etc. it hits. i laughed.
5. Neighbors by starryeyedchar
Lance stood in front of him, but it was a Lance he'd never seen before. Granted, Keith didn't know him well by any means, but he was positive that the regular Lance would be leaning against the doorframe with a smirk, maybe a couple finger-guns. Not this. This Lance had wrapped himself in a blanket, and was still shivering slightly. His skin was much paler than usual, with flushed cheeks and sweat on his brow. He sniffled. “Um.” Or the one where Keith and Lance live in apartments next to each other, and Lance is too sick for Keith to just leave him by himself.
this one is just very dorky and sweet. i love any fic that captures the exact moment in keiths brain when he goes oh no oh shit oh fuck hes HAWT and lance looks like genuine actual shit actually. its so funny to me
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
#sorry this is late i am. so tired#anyway#this is 300 fics yall!! crazy!!!!#and i still have like 500 to go 💀💀💀#vld#voltron#lance#lance mcclain#keith#keith kogane#klance#established klance#secret relationship#keith angst#shiro#takashi shirogane#matt holt#shatt#matt/shiro#disaster shiro#whipped keith#seer lance#langst#bamf lance#fic rec#fic rec friday#FRF#longpost
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Royal Greetings my love,
Your fics are a work of art, love it!! May I request something for Kolivan?
I think most galrans believe in love at first sight (like Zarkons brain was drowned in pink glitter when he saw Honerva for the first time) and what if Kolivan had this moment as well with (Female) Blade!Reader when he saw her the fist time without her mask on a mission (aka. the best time to fall in love with someone)?
If you're finding some time to write that scenario/headcanon: Take all the time you need honey, i know it's tough writing requests for others (and yours are so good and nice to read on top of that!)
You're doing great, thank you for everything!
- Fürstin Lya
I'm glad that you like my fics so much 🥰 I only wish that I had more time to write. Of course I can; this is a super cute idea 💖
I appreciate you being so patient with me. Without further ado, here it is 💕
(Y/n) was just the average Marmoran operative; she was trained by Krolia and Antok made her an official member after her trials because Kolivan had been away at the time, so Kolivan had never seen her face before. She'd been out on missions with Kolivan many times and over time she developed a little crush on her leader, unfortunately as far as she was aware he wasn't interested in a romantic relationship with anyone. The only people who knew about her crush on Kolivan were her close friends and Ulaz; Ulaz had a knack for knowing when someone was in love with someone else, even when they never actually told him. (Y/n) did her best to prove herself to Kolivan by taking only the most dangerous missions when they came up and she was successful with all of them, luckily the worst that happened to her during one mission in particular was that she almost lost her left arm.
Kolivan was aware of who (Y/n) was despite having never seen her face and he was very impressed by her success rate; he would eventually like to personally meet her on a more casual level. When he, Antok and (Y/n) went with Allura to galra central command it was (Y/n) who saved Antok’s life, putting herself in danger so that he wouldn't be killed. It was then that Kolivan made up his mind that he wanted to meet (Y/n) face to face as soon as they had time. After the battle at central command, Antok, (Y/n) and Thace had to stay in three of the castle's healing pods, although since (Y/n) wasn't too badly injured she was only asleep for about a day. Kolivan and Ulaz remained at the castle, waiting for their comrades to finish healing; right before (Y/n) was deemed healed Kolivan was in the lounge with the paladins.
“Wait, so you've never even seen (Y/n's) face? And you like her?” Lance asked Kolivan after he explained how he knew the young galran woman, dumbfounded that the Marmoran leader liked someone despite never actually seeing her face before.
“I never said that I held affection for her.” Kolivan corrected the blue paladin, feeling a little flustered.
“You didn't have to, I can tell when someone really likes someone else. That's why they call me the doctor of love.” Lance responded, bragging about his special gift.
“Lance, no one calls you that.” Keith responded flatly, hoping that Kolivan wouldn't take Lance seriously.
Lance gawked at Keith, immediately getting into an argument with the slightly older boy who always had to ruin his fun. Keith didn't see it as ruining Lance's fun, he just preferred to be realistic. Kolivan couldn't believe that mere children were able to fight in a ten-thousand year war and have some degree of success; Shiro had originally whipped them into shape, but without him around then Kolivan feared that team Voltron would fall apart. In the meantime, (Y/n) had come out of the healing pod she'd been staying in and Ulaz decided to go get Kolivan after he gave her a check-up just to make sure she was alright. Keith and Lance stopped arguing when Ulaz entered the lounge, listening as he told Kolivan that (Y/n) was ready.
“Go get her!” Lance said as he cheered Kolivan on, hoping that the older man would finally meet the woman of his dreams.
“Lance!” The other three paladins chided their friend in sync, each of them feeling a little embarrassed from the way he acted around Kolivan.
Kolivan wasn't expecting Lance to cheer him on when he didn't even have romantic tendencies towards (Y/n), he viewed her as his subordinate and nothing more because they were at war and there was no time for romance. Subconsciously he'd taken a slight interest in her, but consciously he'd convinced himself that he didn't see (Y/n) as a potential romantic partner. On the way to the infirmary Ulaz could tell that his leader was anxious and a little excited, and after talking to (Y/n) he knew she was really excited to finally have a little one-on-one time with Kolivan. When they arrived at their destination Ulaz left so he could give them some privacy, knowing that everything would go well between his friend and his leader. As soon as the door slid open and Kolivan saw (Y/n's) face he was awestruck; he just stood there for a moment, taking in her beauty while she looked at him with confusion, he wasn't expecting one of his most talented operatives to look so beautiful.
“You must be (Y/n).” Kolivan managed to choke out, feeling dizzy and lightheaded as he walked over to her; he felt embarrassed for not being able to speak clearly, it was the first time it happened and he wasn't sure how to handle being in the presence of such a fine young woman.
“That's me. Leader, are you feeling alright?” (Y/n) answered professionally prior to voicing her concern for him; she never thought that she would see the day when Kolivan got flustered, she thought it was really cute.
Before he saw (Y/n) without her mask Kolivan convinced himself that he could never fall in love with her, that changed as soon as he saw her without the hood and the mask of her uniform in the way. All he could do was stand there with his mouth slightly agape, staring at her face; if he was in one of those memes Regris had shown him, then he was sure that there would have been tiny beating hearts all around him. (Y/n) was a patient woman and she knew that Kolivan needed a moment to regain his composure; she didn't necessarily believe she was beautiful, but after breathing in his pheromones she could easily tell that he really liked what he saw.
“I just wanted to tell you that you did well yesterday, not everyone would save their superior in such a dangerous situation.” Kolivan said once his brain started working again, feeling the need to say something.
“I had to, he's one of us. Now that we have some time to recover from the mission, I would like to sit next to you during dinner this evening, if that's alright with you.” (Y/n) responded shyly, hoping to finally get to know her leader better, perhaps on a more personal level if he were to allow it.
“I would like that very much. But if you'll temporarily pardon me, I have something important to go discuss with Ulaz. I look forward to seeing you later.” Kolivan said before he excused himself, briefly smiling at (Y/n) on his way out of the infirmary.
(Y/n) reciprocated the smile and felt giddy; she assumed that he wanted to discuss Antok and Thace's health with Ulaz, although she felt giddy about sitting next to him at dinner. Since she felt better she decided to go to her temporary bedroom so that she could rest and get herself ready; there were a few hours left before dinner, and the young woman decided to wash up before dinnertime. While (Y/n) got herself ready for dinner, Kolivan went to go talk to Ulaz who was a known hopeless romantic, if anyone could give him love advice then it would be Ulaz. Just thinking about (Y/n) made him feel nervous because he'd never truly been in love before, but he wanted to get to know her better and with the possibility of a safer universe he was ready to open himself up to her and give love a chance. Until dinnertime, he and (Y/n) would get themselves ready for what would be the start to the rest of their lives together.
#Kolivan#VLD Kolivan#Kolivan x Reader#Galra#Kolivan x Reader Scenario#Voltron AU Where Everybody Lives#Voltron Legendary Defender#Voltron#VLD#SFW#Scenario#SFW Scenario#Pre Relationship#BoM Kolivan#BoM Reader#June 2024
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Fanfics I found enjoyable. Like a lot. My personal favs.
Masterkey override or the one time when everyone realised that Lance was smart ClaraCivry (Kat_of_Dresden)
No Archive Warnings Apply, Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron)Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Matt Holt, Coran (Voltron), Smart Lance, Surprised Team, Insecure Lance (Voltron), Awesome Pidge, Types of intelligence, Realisations, People appreciatng Lance, Fluff
Basically, Lance asks Pidge to teach him some technical stuff, and it turns out that he is more intelligent than any of them thought (including Lance himself). A smart Lance fic, for all your smart Lance needs, featuring awesome teacher Pidge and startstruck team.
Words: 1,323 - Chapters: 1/1
Monopoly was a bad idea - AuroraDownTheRabbitHole
No Archive Warnings Apply, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Keith & The Blade of Marmora, Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Kolivan (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Swearing, Team as Family, Board Games, Monopoly (Board Game) - Freeform, Chaos, Domestic Fluff, Dads of Marmora (Voltron)
The blade of marmora members really shouldn't have let the paladins play Monopoly,you know what they say you only play board games with the people you want to break bonds with ............. this was a big mistake.
Words: 660 - Chapters: 1/1
An Eye for an Eye - DpsMercy
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Martin Blackwood & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Sasha James & Tim Stoker, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist & Tim Stoker, Michael | The Distortion & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Helen | The Distortion & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood, Sasha James, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus, Not Them (The Magnus Archives), Michael | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives), Helen | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Jon is from Night Vale, Crack Treated Seriously, Friendship, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It of Sorts, Jon becomes friends with most avatars, Spooky shenanigans, Jon is too chill to be scared, No beta we die like Gertrude's assistants, Typical Night Vale Weirdness, Typical Night Vale Violence, Canon-Typical Worms (The Magnus Archives), typical TMA horror
In which Jonathan Sims is not from the UK but instead, if you took his origins and turned them sideways twice then flipped them over, he technically would be from the US, the town of Night Vale specifically. Elias can’t do shit about it and gets a headache and slowly creeping madness instead. ***** On indefinite hiatus
Words: 15,555 - Chapters: 9/?
Welcome to...The Magnus Institute? - princeetheo
No Archive Warnings Apply, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Carlos/Cecil Palmer, Georgie Barker/Melanie King, Elias Bouchard/Peter Lukas, Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Elias Bouchard, Peter Lukas, Rosie Zampano, Georgie Barker, Melanie King, Jessica Law (Fictionalized), Jordan Kennedy, Ben Below (fictionalized), Basira Hussain, Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil Palmer, Dana Cardinal, Steve Carlsberg, Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Abby Palmer, Cecilos are Jon sims parents AAAA, Non-Human Cecil Palmer, Cecil Palmer is Described, Autistic Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Trans Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Awkward Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), jon sims and dana cardinal are childhood besties, steve carlsberg is the best uncle, Cecil Palmer's Fashion Sense, Dork Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), eye avatar cecil palmer, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, FUCK CANON !, we ball, no beta we die like danny stoker, Pining Martin Blackwood, The Mechanisms Were Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist's College | University Band, Autistic Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Trans Martin Blackwood
Carlos 'The Scientist' Sims and Cecil Palmer are Jonathan Sims parents, that's it. that's the fic.
Words: 2,325 - Chapters: 3/?
jonathan sims: part-time archivist, part-time wanted murderer, full-time bitch
No Archive Warnings Apply, Jon & Several Cats, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Georgie Barker, Jude Perry, Michael "Mike" Crew, Basira Hussain, Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Elias Bouchard, Martin Blackwood, Humor, Comed, ya bit cracky, Based on a Tumblr Post, everyone thinks jon killed leitner and they revere him for it, Season 3, Season 3 AU, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Cats
Jon didn't kill Jurgen Leitner, but no matter how many times he tries to tell people that, they just don't seem to believe him! It's not all bad, though: while he is a wanted murderer on the run from the cops, Leitner was apparently so universally despised that Institute employees and Avatars alike are tripping over themselves to help him out. Now, he just has to figure out how to clear his name (though that's easier said than done).
Words: 17,189 - Chapters: 10/10
The White Wolf - JaskiersWolf
No Archive Warnings Apply, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Triss Merigold, Nenneke (The Witcher), Shapeshifting, Shapeshifter Jaskier | Dandelion, Wolf Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Non-Human Jaskier | Dandelion, Feral Jaskier | Dandelion, Established Relationship, Protective Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Protective Jaskier | Dandelion, Pack Cuddles, Sleepy Cuddles, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Blood
Following an unfortunate encounter with a mage, Geralt gets cursed into a wolf. Jaskier and Geralt must travel the Continent in search of someone that can help them. - Can be read as a stand alone
Words: 6,018 - Chapters: 3/3
Five times Jaskier hid nothing from Geralt and one time the Witcher finally noticed the obvious
No Archive Warnings Apply, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier can talk to animals, Geralt is so dense he might collapse into a black hole at any moment, can be read as pre relationship, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Cares About Jaskier | Dandelion, curses gone right, 5+1 Things
Jaskier has a special talent he never tried to hide from Geralt: He can understand and talk to animals. He never tried to hide this from Geralt, but our witcher is a bit dense.
Words: 6,747 - Chapters: 1/1
The Viscount - pukner
No Archive Warnings Apply, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Original Characters, Eskel (The Witcher), Essi Daven, Valdo Marx, 5+1 Things, POV Multiple, Human Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion Being a Feral Bastard, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia is So DoneIdentity Shenanigans, Trans Jaskier | Dandelion, Genderfluid Jaskier | Dandelion, we're spicing things up yk, canon-typical weird euphemisms, POV Outsider, update it has feelings now, and yennskierand geraskierand geraskifer, why is it getting long
"I can't imagine just telling people I'm from Lettenhove, though," the man says, a smile caught in his voice, "How do you do it?" "Can I tell you a secret?" asks Jaskier, tone taking on a conspiratory tilt. Then, in a whisper that is no quieter than his earlier speech, "I think it's funny." "Funny!" says the man, laughing. Funny, thinks Geralt, bemused. Lettenhove isn't actually a real place. But Jaskier is certainly the Viscount of it. (Or, five times Jaskier tells someone he's the Viscount of Lettenhove, and one time he tells the truth.)
Words: 14,584 - Chapters: 4/5
#vld lance#lance voltron#lance mcclain#voltron legendary defenders#voltron#smart lance#pidge gunderson#pidge#pidge holt#voltron pidge#vld pidge#welcome to night vale#wtnv#jonathan sims#jon sims#the magnus archives#tma#mag#martin blackwood#tim stoker#sasha james#the witcher#the witcher netflix#geralt z rivii#geralt of rivera#geralt of rivia#geralt x jaskier#geraskier#feral jaskier#jaskier
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We had thirty-one different ships submitted during our interest check! Unfortunately, four will have to be cut as per the guidelines of this zine, but that still leaves us with a lovely variety. The exact ships included will depend on the applicants.
Feel free to send any questions or comments to our ask box! As a reminder, creators can also choose to make the relationships romantic, queerplatonic, or anything else. We simply ask that it is some sort of "more than friends" relationship, since this is a ship zine.
Here is a breakdown of how many times each ship was submitted, sorted by popularity and alphabetical order, under the cut
Hunk/Keith - 10
Keith/Lance - 10
Adam/Shiro - 9
Allura/Keith/Lance - 8
Hunk/Lance - 8
Allura/Romelle - 6
Hunk/Shay - 5
Allura/Lotor - 4
Matt/Shiro - 4
Acxa/Veronica - 3
Allura/Hunk - 3
Allura/Keith - 3
Hunk/Keith/Lance - 3
Allura/Lance - 2
Hunk/Ryan - 2
Acxa/Allura - 1
Acxa/Allura/Romelle/Veronica - 1
Alfor/Coran - 1
Allura/Hunk/Keith/Lance - 1
Allura/Keith/Lance/Lotor - 1
Allura/Kolivan - 1 - To Be Omitted
Allura/Shiro - 1 - To Be Omitted
Coran/Shiro - 1
Curtis/Shiro - 1
Lance/Lotor - 1
Lance/Matt - 1 - To Be Omitted
Lance/Pidge - 1 - To Be Omitted
Shiro/A Nap - 1 (real and true !!)
Shiro/Slav - 1
Shiro/Ulaz - 1
Thace/Ulaz - 1
#the same cosmic dust#vld zine#interest check results#heith#klance#adashi#zine info#vld#voltron#voltron legendary defender#yes i know the shiro/nap one is not exactly viable for this zine but it was too perfect to leave out
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✮ ♫☀◈ for Munday asks :3
✮: Cairis is actually the only muse I’ve ever played; the only RP I’ve ever done as an actual RP. I mostly write fanfiction.
♫: Ahhh, let’s see: She’d definitely like classical Chinese music (she loves string and wind instruments; plays the ‘zihlaeth’ (pipa) and the ‘ziex’ (dizi)); also pop music; examples for her music for her would be: Pink Pony Club and Good Luck, Babe! by Chappell Roan; anything Fall Out Boy; New Perspective and Homesick by Noah Kahan; In A Week by Hozier (pretty much anything by Hozier); August and Juno by flipturn
☀: Since 2018; discovered Voltron Legendary Defender on Netflix, and then saw the RP for it on Tumblr, and decided I wanted in on that. It was definitely a learning experience in how to roleplay and other things.
◈: I’m very reluctant to create headcanons for other people’s OCs (although I am usually okay with it for anyone doing so for Cairis, just run it past me first), so for canon characters:
Sendak: His sense of humor is the best kept secret of the Empire; man cracks jokes whenever anyone least expects it just to watch subordinates or others struggle to not laugh for fear of offending him.
(I also, personally, headcanon him as becoming interested in and then fond of Cairis.)
Haxus: practitioner of the Galra version of Tai Chi; is so proficient in it that he teaches it to those who want to learn. He, himself, learned it after his temper nearly cost him his career AND life after he snapped off on an officer who was being unbearably prickish (and that’s saying a lot about canon Empire Galra). Decided if he didn’t want to be busted all the way down to basic and/or executed, he’d best learn how to control himself.
Throk: Likes to build ship models or whatever kind of models, really, in his spare time
Thace: *CRIES IN NOOOO WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE* Loves nothing more than a really good back or shoulder or head rub; let him get a rub down from a person he trusts and he is absolutely puddinized by the end of it
Krolia: I prefer to think of her as Kolivan’s daughter and, thus, Keith being his grandson. Also: she’s built kinda tiny for a Galra, so I REALLY love the thought of her absolutely tearing up and destroying bigger opponents in battle and they never see it coming
Kolivan: Just wants to take a damn NAP; to not have everything to do all of the time; to have even ONE DAY without an eff-wording headache; also enjoys learning about new cultures; has taken to learning Human dances; prefers Hunk’s cooking above all others; absolutely relishes trouncing Lance whenever the kid is dumb enough to challenge him to video games
Antok: I WISH HE’D LIVED. SO MUCH do I wish he’d lived! But for my Human OC that has not at all ever been used, I like to headcanon that she nicknames him “Mountainsmasher” simply because he looks like he could totally smash mountains if he wanted to.
Also: that he pretty much takes it upon himself to protect Pidge whenever they’re in physical proximity
Also: that Hunk is his favorite of the Humans and he would give his life to keep that precious bean of a boy safe
Ulaz: ANOTHER ONE I WISH HAD LIVED! I ship him with Shiro, tbh. I headcanon that he is quietly devoted to Shiro until Shiro finally catches on and speaks with him about it.
Also: that he secretly thinks Keith and Lance are very funny, especially when they bicker
Also: he’s slightly terrified of Allura
Also: he resents having to go through with cutting up Shiro and did before he ever caught feelings for the guy
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VLD fic rec - cosmic dust by @discordiansamba
cosmic dust (188990 words) by discordiansamba Chapters: 35/35 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt & Pidge | Katie Holt, Matt Holt & Keith, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro Characters: Keith (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Colleen Holt, Matt Holt, Te-osh (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Rolo (Voltron), Zarkon (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Sendak (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Olia (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Haxus (Voltron) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Galra Keith (Voltron) Series: Part 1 of cosmic dust Summary:
When her brother and father disappear without a trace during the Kerberos mission, Pidge sets out to find them. What she finds instead is an escaped half-alien fugitive, running from the same empire her family's been taken by. Convincing him to take her to space with him is the first step, and from there, well... as they say, when you look for trouble, it tends to find you.
Bookmarker's Notes:
I love how this fic completely reimagines canon while still retaining very similar goals. I feel like AUs that cover large swaths of the original media are often at risk of feeling monotonous, but this AU really breathes a completely new life into the story and progresses in a completely different way that lets the reader really get to know the depth of the characters. The overall vibe is a lot different, emphasizing a lot of the secrets you're waiting to see unfold. It makes every chapter incredibly exciting as new little nuggets of information are unearthed that contribute to the larger picture. There's a lot more I could say about this fic but I don't want to spoil the experience so go read it!!!
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My Lieutenant Ozar doodle dump
Not really unsafe- goofy and some hints to who I’d ship him with for fun! (Go to end for ship expo ^^)
I just really had to get him done! So much fun with doodling my blue man! Good for warming up to the future! Also…my first in a hot while post! And it’s actually a drawing! Wowza!
Anyways, He has big ears, they twitch in tune to emotions and whatnot.
He also got a tail (I hc) because…why not.
Matt and Ekkiki were waiting to wash that ol’ trench coat and a uh…shrunk (the shrikening incident which was fixed by Onito’s grace)
Fun story on the Ozar/Plaxum/Varkon ship I have as a bonus
Ozar met Plaxum first during a meeting with the Mers. Side he had been tangled up with the war and a previous Bad relationship, he didn’t exactly have the new feeling click till he was already gone. Though he did return when needed. On those times and before the would leave with those accompanying him, he did get back into contact with Plaxum. Overtime he would become familiar with her and the culture of the mers, and she would become more aquatinted with his type. Besides the paladins (Lance and hunk) she hadn’t interacted with many ‘land dwellers’ though he does find them weird yet charming.
Time passing by, Ozar would end up forming a closer bond with her over her interest in cooking and sea gardening. Learning a bit from her as she would from him and the land above. Eventually Ozar and Plaxum would enter a secret relationship before Olia found out as Plaxum questioned her on what types of fish he’d enjoy eating raw. After that nothing out of the ordinary occured besides a few swimming and diving scares. Once Olkarion was sought to be the headquarters of the Voltron coalition, Plaxum would become one of the first Mer, to fully become land bound by her own choosing. To which Ozar helped her become more accustomed and have better access due to the limited mobility.
Allura and the paladins opted to take some of the fighters out to the space mall for a day trip. Plaxum hadn’t gone far from her home so she jumped at the option. With some time and a bunch of patience on both ends- Ozar and Plaxum were able to make it work.
After an accident with the mall cop(s) and Keith, Varkon would end up spotting the two from afar after they made a run to the Mall’s food court, taking the chance of meeting these two new, if not oddly placed faces, he would figure an idea on approach them. Mostly by scootering over and blurting out an offer of soda from Vrepit-Sal’s. Which was one of the areas Plaxum had been wanting to try anyways. In the end— Varkon got to meet the two a bit more and sort of made a connection between them. Resulting in the trio having more little ‘dates’ in secret before Varkon ended up having to leave his position due to the connection with them. (And when they realized who was being affiliated with)).
Varkon would end up sticking with Plaxum on Olkarion as some extra hands with her cooking for the refugees and coalition members. Ozar drops by often and keeps in constant communication with the two. When he’s able to he’s often seen trying to learn a bit of cooking from Plaxum—though often ends up with Varkon having to put out the resulting flames from his attempts of cooking. Overall they live a fairly uneventful live during the period with the Voltron coalition and it’s expansion over the falling Galra empire.
Just a little brainstorm, I wanna draw more because…well, I love to ship and just do fun stuff with this stuff. Also! Another note…Alfor/Thace is still there just got this done to clear my mind up.
#;;my art#;;vld#lieutenant ozar#Ozar#rebels of voltron#freedom fighters vld#Varkon mention#Plaxum mention#((omfg I dunno why but I feel-know in my BONES- they would get along fairly well#they just seem like that-#voltron shipping#Plaxarkon [Plaxum/Ozar/Varkon]#((Matt’s fine he’s just scared lol)#((ekkiki can’t show emotions well or feel much - but they were terrified of Ozar’s reaction. for once they were terrified)
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✨️ Sapphics in Space ✨️
Have some headcanons for this very specific AU that absolutely no one asked for:
All of their names are nicknames that they go by, none of these ladies use their actual names
Keith's name is Akira Kogane, but she started to be called Keith as a joke from the other firefighters in her dad's department, but it kinda just stuck and she secretly liked having a special nickname from the firefighters anyway, even if it was a traditionally male name
Shiro's name is Tatsuo Shirogane, but she and her family are originally from Japan and during kindergarten in America her classmates began to call her Shiro since her name was hard for them to pronounce
Lance's name is Alejandra McClain, but got her nickname from her family when she was younger and always wanted to play soldier or guard. Veronica was the first one to use it and then everyone else started using it, too, and Lance absolutely loved it
Hunk's name is Halia Garrett, and her nickname came from, well, almost everyone. She's always been curvy, but the added on muscles she has gave her her nickname in late middle school
Keith and Lance are adoptive sisters in this AU, where Keith joined the McClain family at 16 after being in foster care since she was 8. Originally, she was there temporarily, but the McClain's adopted her a few months after she'd been in their care
Their one-sided rivalry started in middle school but only got worse after Keith moved in, but settled down after she was adopted and the two actually became friends, but in a I'm-not-going-to-acknowledge-that-I-care-about-you-outloud-but-will-always-protect-you kinda way
Lance teeses Keith about her crush on Shiro, and Keith teeses Lance about her crush on Hunk, and this almost always ends with the closest inanimate object being hurled at each other
Pidge is also cis swapped in this and he and Coran are the only two men on the Castleship and Lord help them, they are terrified
Keith and Acxa are twins, with Acxa being older by about seven minutes. Keith never knew she had a sister, let alone a twin, until she was stranded on a space whale with her long lost mother
Thace and Ulaz are mates, and Regris is their kid. Regris is about five years older than Keith and Acxa, and is their only cousin, as Thace is Krolia's little brother
Kolivan and Antok are in a queer platonic relationship, as Antok is aroace and Kolivan is pan and polyamorus. Kolivan and Krolia end up together and very much in love, eventually getting married
Speaking of, Keith is a lesbian, Shiro is a lesbian, Lance is bi, and Hunk is pan
Hunk as always been a phenomenal baker, as baking is a science, but cooking was something she had to grow into as it's more of an art. With time, practice, and a lot of encouragement from her moms, she became a master chef by the time she was fourteen
The shell on Lance's bracelet was the last shell she grabbed from the beach before her family left Cuba when she was fourteen and moved to the United States for her father's work. She wears that bracelet all of the time, feeling a sense of peace whenever she touches the shell when she's anxious or depressed
Shiro has an older sister named Mayumi, and the two are very close. Their whole family is close, actually, and their parents support both girls when Mayumi comes out as trans and Shiro comes out as a lesbian
Hunk and Lance have been best friends since their freshman year of high school. The two get into a lot of mischief together thanks to Lance, but almost always avoid actually getting into trouble thanks to Hunk
Pidge joined their group when they entered the Garrison and his first thought was "These girls are gonna get me into so much trouble." His second thought was "Lance is crushing so hard, how does Hunk not know??"
Allura absolutely loves to have Girls Nights with the Paladins, where they all get together in her room and have a giant sleepover, complete with blanket forts, unhealthy snacks, teasing, and so much nail painting that Keith is pretty sure she's gotten high on more than one occasion
While Allura is fascinated by Keith and Lance's sisterly relationship, Shiro and Hunk are simply Tired Of The Bickering
Keith is 18; Shiro is 21; Lance is 17; Hunk is 17; Pidge is 16
Shiro and Keith have been best friends since Keith stole Shiro's car and the older bailed her out of Juvie. They got very close while at the Garrison, and Shiro gave Keith her dogtags before leaving for Kerberos. She carries them with her at the bottom of the bags on her hip. There was an unspoken understanding between them that they loved each other, that they wanted to always be together and they cared about each other more than anything, but the time was never right
Shiro and Keith finally start dating while in space after realizing that love doesn't wait for the right time and there's no time like the preasent to let yourself be happy, but Hunk and Lance don't start dating until they get home to Earth because they are, somehow, more awkward about their feelings than Shiro and Keith
Eventually Krolia and Kolivan have a son together and name him Yorak and Keith absolutely adores her baby brother and Shiro absolutely adores seeing Keith with a baby
Kosmo is the bestest teleporting space wolf doggo 💙
#very very rough sketches of fem!paladins#as you might be able to tell these are not final designs#i gave lance long hair this time and i think it suits her so much better than the bob from the last sketch#and if anyone has any ideas for hunk's hair please let me know because i love hunk so much but this design just ain't it#she deserves so much better than what i gave her#hunk baby i'm so sorry 😭#voltron legendary defender#vld#cis swap au#cis swap#fem keith#fem lance#fem shiro#fem hunk#voltron fanart#fanart#my art#pencil on paper#sketch#✨️sapphics in space✨️#t draws stuff ✏️#keith kogane#lance mcclain#takashi shirogane#hunk garrett#fem sheith#fem hance#shiro/keith#lance/hunk#headcanons
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I will be reverting back to how things were before, not many changes, but to clarify, I was trying something I was not ready for and had discarded my other items that I had done.
I'll be posting/reposting those posts and as well better bios of muses. Which haven't changed much beyond adding in appearances and minor changes.
New updates
Muses added/changed
● Trigel, added with a bio and appearance alteration
Plaxum, Added with wip
●Oc's (future reference) Tavo, Vallen, Orok, Nell-tar, Haelie
●Lance, minor background change, apperance alteration
Muse alterations
●Alfor- clothing wise
●Trigel, Thace, clothing/added physical changes
● Acxa, Ozar, Kolivan, Keith, Major physical alterations
● Romelle changed clothing /Background
●Plaxum, Background change/role change
■Muses are all available to ask/roleplay with! Bios and appearances are for better references
■Verses section/link to be added; Contains Altean Empire AU - College AU - Zombie AU - Role SWAPPED UA (Universe alteration)
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Finished fic for WIP Big Bang
Story Title: The Rites of Courtship Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14355651/chapters/33135639 Summary:
During the raid on the Galactic Hub, Keith is captured alongside Allura. Trapped amid a multitude of Galra who think Keith smells like sex and have every intention of forcibly taking what they want, Keith has to rely on the one Galra soldier who seems to want to help him. Choosing a consort through an ancient Galran rite is much better than the alternative, but it still means sex with a virtual stranger that Keith isn't sure he can trust. This is just a temporary thing until his friends can arrive to help him escape; Keith can do this. (He's really not sure he can do this.)
Warnings: Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Past Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Threats of Rape/Non-Con, Mildly Dubious Consent, Alien Biology, Alien Culture, Alien Cultural Differences, Alien Gender/Sexuality, Alien Sex, Alien Rituals, Imprisonment, Alternate Universe, Keith has Galra Reproductive Anatomy, Keith Believes He's Intersex, Scents & Smells, Scent Kink, Keith and Shiro are Adoptive Siblings, Possible Mpreg, Keith has Three Parents, Quad-sexed Ovoviviparous Marsupial Galra Characters: Keith, Thace, Allura, Trugg, Throk, Original Galra characters, Zarkon, Hunk, Lance, Shiro, Pidge, Coran, Ulaz Pairings: Keith/Thace When I Started: 4/18/2018 How I Finished My Shit: The WIP Big Bang helped me find the motivation to finish!
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With Child | Alex
by Rubymoon_Snape
Half Galra Keith finds out he's pregnant and is nervous + scared about telling his boyfriend, Matt. | Keith and Matt introduce their son to Sam and Colleen.
Words: 1658, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of Sequels
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Matt Holt, Kolivan (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Sam Holt, Colleen Holt, Original Child Character(s)
Relationships: Keith & The Blade of Marmora, Matt Holt/Keith, Matt Holt & Keith & Original Character(s), Sam Holt & Keith, Colleen Holt & Keith, Colleen Holt/Sam Holt
Additional Tags: Dads of Marmora (Voltron), Katt - Freeform, Galra Keith (Voltron), Pregnant Keith (Voltron), New Parents
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/NcOv63r
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I have one thing to say about this. Wrong. The only reason Keith didn't want to lead is because he was forced into it. Because him taking over the Black Lion would be like admitting that Shiro really is gine, and Keith didn't want to think that.
Lance wanted the Black Lion for himself. Not for the team. That's why Black rejected him.
'He was already teammates with Pidge and Hunk,' yeah and he sucked. Episode One showed that with no filters. They crashed the simulator and, from Lance's own words later on, they always crash.
'Without him, the Blue Lion would have never went to space.' Um. Without Keith, he wouldn't have found the Blue Lion anyway? Without Pidge, he wouldn't have even gone to Shiro's crash site? Lance is not that pivotal. Keith and Shiro set things in motion.
And Lance making sure everyone got along well? He isolated Keith. He always started shit with him, even when Keith was obviously greiving Shiro. Yeah, for one scene, he set his jealousy aside, which somehow made him the Red Paladin (should have been Allura). But, if I were in any of their shoes, I would not be willing to follow someone who's already had their Lion stolen from them, constantly flirts with any pretty girl, gets jealous over the smallest of things, and has an ego bigger than the teleduv. Yeah, he's insecure, but it's not what he expresses to everyone else. To others, he's egotistical.
The Black Lion chose Keith specifically because Keith did not want the position for himself. Shiro didn't want Keith to lead because he's his brother and he wants the best for him. If that was the case, he wouldn't be encouraging him to lead them in a war. He chose Keith because Keith proved himself to have the potential to be a better leader than Shiro.
What do I mean by that? Well, I'm talking about how Keith is constantly the first one to issue orders when Shiro's not around or able to and it always works. He's constantly telling the guys what to do when Shiro can't. I'm talking about how Keith advised not going to get Allura. Because, as much as people give him shit for that scene, he was right.
If Thace hadn't been there, Voltron would have been taken and the mission would have been a collosal failure. Allura herself said that they should not have come. Shiro, right then, was not thinking clearly. There were others ways to get Allura back. They should have come up with an actual plan, as Keith suggested though with poorly-chosen words, instead of rushing back in.
Lance showed no affinity for leadership. As far as I'm aware, Lance stans think he should be the Balck Paladin because...? Why? Because you think it'd give him a good character arc? Because he's the everyday man and it makes you feel good about youself? You're sacrificing a well-written character arc for meaningless titles.
Lance did not have to be the Black Paladin to have his own character arc. That's just lazy writing and fans wishing he was Shiro.
I don't know why, but I'm on an angry V:LD rant. But Keith should NOT have been the black paladin. No matter what Shiro said.
Keith was hot-headed, he got frustrated easily, he held anger in. None of those are things that make a good leader. Those are all detrimental to both the functionality of a team, and if let simmer and stew it could even hurt the teammates.
The only reason Shiro said it was because of his relationship with Keith. They were brothers.. He loved him and wanted him to finish what he'd started. Their bond was too close and it clouded his judgement. Hell, Keith didnt even WANT to lead.
A leader is someone who looks out for their team. Makes sure their in the right headspace and are getting along nicely. Someone who holds the team together. A leader should be someone that eases tension between the group. Who did all of those things?
Lance McClain. He did all of those things and he wanted to lead. He literally set the whole plot into motion. Without him the blue lion would have never went to space. Without him The group of humans wouldve never met the Alteans. Hell, Hunk and Pidge wouldn't have even snuck out had it not been for lance. He brought the team together. He was already teammates with Hunk and Pidge. It's arguable, but Lance was Coran's favorite paladin. Once he set aside his crush he and Allura were good friends. He respected Shiro. He and Keith even became good friends. He did that. Lance did.
Lance deserved to lead, and I want to say that the only reason Black opened up to Keith was because of Shiro. He put that out there and as a last wish, and Black fulfilled it. But Lance should've become the Black paladin after Shiro.
#voltron#voltron ledgendary defender#VLD#black paladin shiro#black paladin keith#Shiro vld#keith vld#lance vld#Lance McClain#Keith Kogane#Takashi Shirogane#anti black paladin lance#anti bp lance#vld analysis#voltron analysis#character analysis
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