Thoughts, Theories, and Random Ponderings on Books I Like (But Probably, Most-Likely, about The Court of Thorn & Roses Series)
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Mystic vs. Seer
I'm thinking the Mystics power in CC and a Seers power in ACOTAR is really one and the same.
I think the raw power is the same - it's clairvoyance. It's the ability to see into the future.
Mystics in CC seem to be able to go further with their abilities (or lease further than what we've seen Elaine do so far) due to technology. It's the technology of the world of Midgard that has allowed Mystics to push the boundaries between realms and dive deeper into the cosmos.
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She read the next page, with a drawing of a Fae female. They did not see the old enemy who offered a hand through space and time. Like a fish to bait, they came, and they opened the gates to us willingly. They walked through them—to Midgard—at our invitation, leaving behind the world they knew.
“The Fae—Queen Theia and her two foolish daughters—realized that, though too late. Her people were already here, but she and the princesses discovered where my siblings had hidden the access points in their world.” Rage rippled through his every word. “Your Starborn ancestors shut the gates to stop us from invading their realm once more and reminding them who their true masters are. And in the process, they shut the gates to all other worlds, including those to Hel, their stalwart allies. And so we have been trapped here. Cut off from the cosmos. All that is left of our people, though our mystics beneath this palace have long sought to find any other survivors, any planets where they might be hiding.”
“Why do you think we allowed you to live this spring? You are the key to opening the doors between worlds again. You will undo the actions of one ignorant princess fifteen thousand years ago.”
An isle of near-permanent twilight, the home world of her breed of Fae … A land of Dusk.
“So that star will lead us back to that world. Through you. They overthrew our brethren who once ruled there—we have not forgotten. Our initial attempt at revenge was foiled by your ancestor who also bore that star on her chest. The Fae have still not atoned for the deaths of our brothers and sisters. Their home world was rich in magic. I crave more of it.”
“Nesta studied the carvings in the floor. They all seemed to spiral toward one point. “I think these are stars,” she breathed. “Constellations.” And like a golden sun, the Harp lay at the center of the system. “This is the Night Court,” Cassian said drily. But it felt … different from Night Court magic somehow.
She had the creeping feeling she’d been brought here. Not by the Cauldron or the Mother or the Harp. By something vaster. Something that stretched into the stars carved all around them.
Its cool, light hands guided her wrists as she picked up the Harp. Her fingers brushed the icy metal. The Harp hummed against her skin, as if it still held its final note, from the last time it had been used—
Fae screamed, pounding on stone that hadn’t been there a moment before, pleading for their children’s sakes, begging to be let out let out let out—
Nesta had the sensation of falling, tumbling through air and stars and time—
It was a trap, and our people were too blind to see it—
Eons and stars and darkness plunged around her—
The Fae clawed at stone, tearing their nails on rock where there had once been a door. But the way back was now forever sealed, and they begged as they tried to pass their children through the solid wall, if only their children could be spared—”
“Emerie’s eyes shone. “Long ago—so long ago they don’t even have a precise date for it—a great war was fought between the Fae and the ancient beings who oppressed them. One of its key battles was here, in these mountains. Our forces were battered and outnumbered, and for some reason, the enemy was desperate to reach the stone at the top of Ramiel. We were never taught the reason why; I think it’s been forgotten. But a young Illyrian warrior named Enalius held the line against the enemy soldiers for days. He found a natural archway of stone amongst the tangle of boulders and made that his bottleneck. He died in the end, but he held off the enemy long enough for our allies to reach us. This Rite is all to honor him. So much of the history has been lost, but the memory of his bravery remains.”
“They were based on truth. Based on ancient, near-primordial beings who existed here before the High Fae split into courts, before the High Lords. Some call them the First Gods. They were beings with almost no physical form, but a keen, vicious intelligence. Humans and Fae alike were their prey. Most were hunted and driven into hiding or imprisonment ages ago. But some remained, lurking in forgotten corners of the land.”
My mind is processing.
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HOSAB - Hunt's Lineage
Okay, so this is still a mystery to me. Throw some theories at me!
Here is a random list of things about Hunt, which I think are significant, but not sure how all these puzzle pieces fit together...yet.
1. His rare Lightning Power. Bryce can tap into and use his power, ...just like a Carranam in TOG. (I see you SJM.)
2. His true name. Orion in Greek mythology was favored by Artemis...who seems very similar to the goddess Luna in CC mythology (who is favored by the Fae.) Orion is also a constellation. The Asteri have names of stars. Some of their names are either a part of this constellation or very close to it.
3. Rigelus's comment that Hunt has the special ability to "scent demons because of his breeding".
4. Adias a prince of the pit thinks his father would be proud of him. Jesiba knew his father well.
5. Bloodhound doesn't think he smells like an Angel.
6. It's apparently rare/surprising to the characters in CC that a cross-species couple could be true-mates.
7. Bryce's star sometimes glows for, does he have some connection to her starborn power? Or is this similar to Feysand...simply an extension of them being mates and Bryce's star-power glows, when he makes her happy?
......Could Hunt possibly not be an angel...but descended from a winged Fae tribe from Prythian's long-lost Dusk Court? If the Dawn Court winged-fae have white wings, won't it make sense for the Dusk Court winged-fae to have dark wings? Did the Asteri breed this tribe of Fae to be the trackers/hunters of their greatest adversaries - the demons of Hel.
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HOSAB x ACOSF - Amren & Fury
The comment that Amren and Fury have a very similar look - has me thinking about the possible connection between these two characters. I suspect it might be a seed SJM planted to connect their origin story.
First Amren....
We know that Amren is a being from another world. Her species was created by young gods - and they served as the soldiers for these young (and vengeful) gods. When Amren revealed her true form at the end of the ACOTAR trilogy - she is described as a firey-being with wings. This description is similar to an "Old Testament" Angel. The insanely powerful and wrathful archangels that rain down sulfur and brimstone - and wipe out entire civilizations.
We know from CC2 that the Asteri created the angels...and that they went through several prototypes of powerful "winged warriors" before getting to the angels that we have in Crescent City today.
I speculate that Amren (and her brothers and sisters), were one of the angel prototype species that were created by the Asteri, when they ruled over another planet in the universe. They were likely a prototype to the powerful archangels that rule over Crescent City, today.
I also thought it was telling, when the IC first saw Bryce at the townhouse...and Amren (Amren!?!?) jumped out of her skin. This is really out of character for her. Amren is unflappable. She's old as Hel....she's seen it all. There is no reason why she should be startled by an unknown Fae Female (even if covered in blood), while the rest of the IC's reaction remains pretty chill.
I think Amren reacted the way she did because she scented the blood - and immediately recognized it as Angel Blood. A blood type that likely smells very similar to that of her own kind. It would be a shock to smell a blood type of a species that by all accounts doesn't exist in your world...and one you hadn't scented for over 15,000 years.
Now, Fury....
We know that Fury does work for the Asteri, but that she's also an Independent Agent. The Asteri don't really seem to be in full control of Fury. This means she's either got leverage on them or enough power that she scares them a bit.
TBH...I think it's a mix of both.
Fury's power is currently unknown. But the way it's referenced is very similar to that of Amren. While people don't know exactly what she is - they do know she's super powerful. It's also a level of power that makes other super-powerful characters wary enough of her.
I think it's possible that Fury is the same species/comes from the same origin world as Amren. She is one of these original "Old Testament" angels, that was created as a "warrior" for the Asteri. And similar to her "sister" Amren she fell through a portal into the world of CC - where she coincidentally bound herself in a very similar looking humanoid form so that she could function and operate within the social constructs of this new world.
I suspect that the Asteri and Fury both know what each other are.
Fury is well aware that the Asteri are the same deities/creator-gods/masters of her homeworld. This is likely why she works for them. There may still be a part of her that feels that is her duty. She was created to be their vengeful warrior.
However, this is also what gives Fury leverage on the Asteri in CC. She is one of the few people who knows what they are and what they're doing to the citizens of this world.
As for Fury's power....Amren, when released had enough power to wipe out whole armies. If provoked, I think Fury could cause permanent harm to the Asteri, likely even killing 1-2 of them, before they were able to put her down. I think the Asteri created this "Old Testament" Angel species with a dangerous amount of power - never thinking that they might turn that power against their creators.
I also like the idea of Fury having the fiery power of an "Old Testament" Angel - because of her promise to one day burn down the meat market, for June.
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Random Thoughts/Theories after HOSAB
- Merrill/Gwyn will be tapped by the IC to help with the Byrce situation. Nesta will clue the IC in on Gwyn's research. It's also likely that Merrill/Gwyn (who are scholars) know the Old Language. Especially Merrill - who I've previously written about as someone I think has ties to the Dusk Court, and could be very old (even by Fae standards.)
- If Bryce is in Prythian for an extended point of time...I really hope there is a "magic" spell that helps with the translation issue. It will be insanely annoying to have either Amren/Rhys/Merrill/Gwyn etc. constantly translating for her. Also, I really need Cassian and Bryce to have at least one conversation together....they'd become BFF in 18.5 seconds.
- Ruhn and Lidia are mates - and I think after their sexy times they're likely already mated. I suspect Lidia knows (probably suspected it for awhile with the number of times Ruhn was in danger and she was there to help.) feels like he was maybe on the cusp of figuring it out, and that deep-down he probably knew it and senses it. But when Agent Day was revealed to be The Hind...i think it's now taking a while for his mind to catch up, to what his heart and soul already know. I think he's in a place where he doesn't want to admit the truth. But also here is some food for thought.... is he ignoring the bond because he's freaked out that Agent Day is the Hind. OR he ignoring the bond (aka trying to mask it) because acknowledging it at this stage, will put Lidia in serious danger. Apparently, an individual's scent changes once you're fully mated...and if the Asteri or the Hammer catches wind of that it's game-over for Lidia's spy games.
- Ruhn has misinterpreted the Oracle's prophecy. Ruhn thinks/says more than once that the prophecy either means that he "dies young or is shooting blanks." Because SJM writes this several times - it's likely neither. What if after the epic battle he and Lidia (cuz they're mates) leave CC and go live in Prythian, where they help to restart the Dusk Court? The IRL representation of when Day and Night come together = Dusk.
- The CC Autumn King's ancestors originally hail from the ACOTAR Autumn court royal line. Beron and the Autum King share a lot of similarities - a similar title, red hair, firepower...not to mention their both cunning, brutal, ruthless, and ambitious AF. If the CC Fae originated in Prythian it stands to reason the Beron and the Autumn King likely share a common ancestor. It would be interesting for Eris and Bryce to meet. Suspect that there might be some similarities between their looks as it's mentioned more than once how much Bryce looks like her father.
- The eight-pointed star. It's on Bryce's Chest. It was Nesta's Tatoo (so has significance to her.) It's on the floor of the prison. Possible connections that take Bryce and Nesta on a trip to the prison. Or maybe Nesta sees it...and it reminds her of the Harp...something that the IC & Bryce will (eventually) confirm can help you travel through worlds.
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HOSAB - Sword & Knife Theory
So about that legend around the Starborn sword and knife....when sword and knife are reunited – so will our people be.
The end of HOSAB suggests this legend is MUCH bigger than Bryce and Ruhn, and their Starborn ancestry.
I have the theory that Theia Starborn's daughters split the sword and knife between them. Helena kept the sword in CC. While her sister took the knife/dagger back to Prythian (on her mission to save the ACOTAR world from the Asteri once more.)
So....the legend actually speaks about connecting the Fae people across worlds. Which in theory, could only happen once a Starborn Fae learned the truth about their ancestry and returns to the origin world. The legend is that the CC Fae and the ACOTAR Fae need to reunite.
Here are my thoughts/questions now... Bryce in Prythian as a layover on her way to Hel...merely to collect the knife and warn the IC about the Asteri wanting to re-enter their world. Oh, and also concretely establish for the IC that the Harp can be used to world travel (which, duh.) Bryce in Prythian to collect the knife, warn the IC about the Asteri, AND raise a Fae Army. I mean....does she even need to go to Hel if she can raise an Army in Prythian...would that not achieve her objectives?'s probably a mix of both. I do think that Bryce has a rendezvous with Aidas, in Hel. It's been hinted since CC1.
But I also think that once Rhys x Feyre x IC learns that the Asteri want to conquer their world they're going to rally the forces of Prythian to step the eff up. (Sidebar: This is likely leading to Rhys as The High King of Prythian someone will have to lead and command all of Prythian into battle). I think the IC will figure out how to activate the Horn (either Feysand's powers or Nesta's remaining power should do the trick). They're also gonna figure out that the Harp can be used to travel between worlds.
Ultimately, I get the sense that Bryce is gonna world-hop and pull and Aelin - aka uniting armies from across the worlds to come together and fight at the absolute crucial moment. We're gearing up for an epic cross-over battle at the end of CC3.
Crack Pot Theory 1 : Because of the parallels between Ruhn and Rhys – might there be a moment in which Ruhn & Rhys do something epic together (i.e. kill one of the asteri.)
Crack Pot Theory 2: The sword and dagger are opposites. The sword reacts/calls to Bryce’s light power. The knife calls to Az’s shadow powers. The same sort of shadow powers that Ruhn has. Bryce claims that the sword is Ruhn’s…but thought maybe the knife was hers. I think it’s the other way around. It will be Bryce with her light power using the sword and Rhun with his shadows using truth-teller = Something Epic. The question is…will Az give up the dagger? And how’d he get it in the first place? Did he “earn” it in his ordeal (aka the blood rite.)
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HOSAB & That Enalius Story
I suspect the other access points in Prythian are three mountains – The Prison. The Middle. Ramiel.
- I have a theory that the rock at the top of Ramiel is the same materials as the gates in CC. It’s a portal that can transport you to other worlds. It currently transports winners of the rite "where they're most needed."
- What if Enalius was working with Theia's second daughter to close the access points so that the Asteri couldn't return to their world. _ Not sure if some of the Asteri had already slipped back into Prythina, and therefore the race to the top of the mountain was to hold them of from connecting with their brothers and sisters...and every using the gates, again.
Also....that Truthteller Dagger/Starborn Knife:
- If Theia's daughter and Enalius were working together...I wonder if she gave him the dagger to defend himself on this mission, as it seems to have special powers to "kill that which cannot be killed".
- IIf Enalius lost it on the mountain - it may have laid unfound/unclaimed for centuries. It's possible this is how Az came to have the dagger in his possession. Az found/claimed the dagger during his own "Ordeal" aka the Bloodrite and the climb of Ramiel.
- Alternatively (and I don't love this as much) but Az could be a descendant of Enalius...and it came to him as a family heirloom. Although that feels less on-brand for Az's character and for the starborn knife. I like the idea that it has to be "claimed" by someone worthy....similar to the sword.
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HOSAB & ACOSF: Fae Legends
Dusk Court:
- Confirmation the legendary 8th court did exist and that it's likely the prison island. The pegasus originally hailed from this island. Therefore Bryce’s fan-girl fascination with Pegasus toys is a homage to the land of her ancestors.
Legends of the Fae:
- Theia was the Dusk Court’s Ruler. She became High Queen of the Fae when she wed the last High King, Fionn.
- At some point, Theia and Pelias (who was the High King's general) decided to betray (...or leave) Fionn.
- They stole Fionn's cache of weapons (the starborn sword, truth-teller, the horn, the harp, etc.). THen Theia, Pelias, and Theia's 2 daughters ran off to another world - using the horn and the harp to open the gatway. This world was CC. Theia and gang quickly figured out who the Asteri were - their old masters: The Daglan.
- Theia decides to join forces with the armies of Hel to destroy the Asteri. This is likely how Theia and Adias meet... and then fall in love.
- Pelais (who likely didn't like being replaced or demoted) decided to align with the Asteri. He killed Theia on the battlefield and then crowned himself prince by forcing the eldest Starborn daughter Helena to marry him.
- Jesibia's comment to Adias about “don't fuck us over this time” likely means that after Theia died, Adias and his brothers decided to take their armies back to Hel and leave Pelais and the Fae (as well as the rest of the people of CC) to fend for themselves against the Asteri. Obviously, that didn't end well. The people of CC are still fighting some version of this battle to this day.
- Helena was forced to marry Pelias against her will. Helena and her younger sister likely came-up with the plot to save the Fae from Asteri domination in both words.
- I think the "plan" was that Helena would remain in CC partly as a decoy, but also to use the horn to help close the gates into CC. Meanwhile, her younger sister sneaks off (into the night)....using the harp she travels back to their ACOTAR homeworld. Helena kept the Starsword and The Horn, but her sister got the dagger (truthteller) The Harp....and both travel back with her to the Dusk Court.
- The images Nesta saw when touching the Harp, are of the Fae in CC. They are trying to get back thru the gate into their ACOTAR homeworld – but there wasn’t enough time for everyone to make it through. Likely the Asteri were closing in. Thus the sisters used the horn and/or harp to close the access point. Some of the Fae were in fact trapped in the walls when this happened. Perhaps, this is the magical act that caused the island to die.
- Helena’s sister went on to close all the access points in the ACOTAR world. In Prythian the access points are likely the three mountains - The Middle, The Prison, and Ramiel. There may be others on the continent - maybe Koschei's lake? With the access points closed, Helena's sister had no way to return to CC. She lived in Prythian for the rest of her life.
- Given the resemblance that Ruhn and Rhys share....Theia's younger daughter likely became (through marriage) apart of the Night Court - and is Rhy's ancestor.
- Ruhn is a descendant of Helena. Rhys is a descendant of her younger sister. This is why they look alike.
- Theia's family name is Starborn. Helena’s last name was also Starborn – this is why in CC they’re known as "Starborn Fae".
- Rhy’s family name is Starborn!!! (It was passed on from the un-named sister.)
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I was just thinking that it feels like we are overdue for a storyline in which the Female senses & accepts the bond first - with an on-the-page, exploration of what that’s like from both the Female and Male characters POV.
The only main male character left to explore that with would be Az, really. And, I could actually see it being a really, big moment in Az’s self-healing journey. He’s got super low self-esteem, his since of self-worth is based solely on being good at his job, he’s been rejected a lot thru-out his life (by the folks who should have loved him (his family) and by the female he’s been in love with for centuries (Mor)), and now he’s feeling even more like a reject and outcast because his brothers are happily mated, but he’s still super lonely. Just think it would be a really powerful moment in life, for a Female to come along and claim him as her Mate, first. But even more so, for the Female to announce her desire to want him as her Mate. Like she not only acknowledges but also accepts the bond first and therefore is the one who faces the possible rejection vs. the male. (Which seems to be traditionally how things go down.).
It felt perhaps SMJ, could be gearing-up to go down that path with Gwyn. Cass inferred that she kept looking at Az the first day he joined training, because it was the first time she’d seen him since her assault and that it was likely bringing-up bad memories of that horrible day.....but I dunno...feels like that could have been a red-herring. Especially because, it IS the first time she’s seen him since the assault. Even though she’s still healing, perhaps she was at a point in her recovery (mentally and emotionally), where she had the capacity to pick-up on something. That scene made me feel, like something was sorta niggling at her senses. Could have been the bond. Could have been that she didn’t know that’s what it was at the time (and still might not)...but she felt something, which kept drawing her attention to him.

From Empire of Storms
The reason I am connecting this with both Azriel and Gwyn and the theory of them being mates is due to the fact the chance that both Azriel and Gwyn happened to be mates, they likely did not detect the mating bond because of how broken each of them were. How their pain veiled the bond from them.
Azriel was too infatuated with Mor and in a rage when they first met while Gwyn's trauma was still fresh.
Aelin for example, did not sense the mating bond until Rowan was hit by an arrow and this happened when they already have grown close to one another over the course of months (hell they slept in the same bed for months)
The workings of the mating bond are still unclear but it's been hinted that the bond snaps under different circumstances.
I think it would be refreshing to see a female character detect the bond first. I think it could explain some of Gwyn's reactions to Azriel especially that it's been noted she keeps glancing towards him very often. And since Azriel as a Shadowsinger, can hear things others can't, the beautiful singing he heard in his chapter to which his shadows sang back to could possibly be the mating bond.
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My vote is she’s Eris’s Grand-Daughter. I think this cuz:
- In ACOSF: “The not as far as the first born, goes.” comment.
- In ACOFAS: The scene at The Court of Nightmares were Eris and Mor get into a fight about their past. And, he says something like. “Maybe one day I’ll tell you the whole story...and what it cost me.” I think THE COST - was that Beron was PISSED at him for not going through with the arranged marriage to Mor. I don’t think Beron cared one bit that she’d lost her virginity to Cass. I think he just wanted The Court of Nightmares as an ally, and was fine with Eris marrying, her regardless. I think the cost was that Beron punished Eris for not following thru on his orders to go claim Mor and he did this by sending his daughter (who was living with him in The Forest House) away to live in Sangravah. I imagine that Beron was originally going to kill the girl to punish his son - like he did with Jasminda. But then Eris made some fools-bargain with his dad. He gave Beron something else he wanted ( something that cost him) and in return Beron limiting the sentence to banishment from court and that promise he’d have no future connection with the child. I think this is why Eris didn’t participate in Jasminda’s murder - it struck to close to home for him.
- Future Books: Gwyn as Eris’s granddaughter, feels like it could be a plotline for an Eris redemption-arc. Like after he finds out she’s his granddaughter - he’ll do some noble/sacrificing thing to save or help her in someway. I feel like that’s something that the IC could get behind - and would win him maybe a touch of forgiveness for how he treated Mor. But then also, whew, the tension when Az realizes that he’s going to have to put up with Eris at family gathers for all of eternity. Let’s all bring popcorn and watch that drama unfold.
I know the whole Gwyn is related to the Vanserras may seem outlandish but hear me out and thank you @shesnothere9 pointing it out.
There was no reason for Sarah to connect Gwyn to the Autumn Court which we know will be part of the overarching plot but she did because:
Gwyn has Autumn Court features;
“Beron—slender-faced and brown-haired—” Beron's hair is brown and his face is described as slender.
“The fox-masked faerie sank onto the edge of the table, the light catching in his long fire-red hair.” < Lucien's hair which means Lady of the Autumn Court has Fire-red hair.
“Eris lounged in a golden chair, legs crossed, his pale face the portrait of courtly arrogance.”
“Eris's long red hair[...]”
“Eris reached out a long, slender hand[...]”
“A pale, beautiful face appeared above her,” < Eris.
“The two males were similar-looking, in the way that people from individual courts tended to share characteristics: the Autumn skewed toward hair of varying shades of red, brown or gold eyes—sometimes green, and mostly pale skin.” < the two males here also had hair one that was auburn but more brown and the other bright copper.
Gwyn's description:
“Her hood was thrown back, and faelight danced in the rich coppery chestnut of her pin-straight hair. Her large teal eyes were as clear and depthless as the stone usually atop a preistess's hood, and a scattering of freckles lay across her nose and cheeks, as if someone had tossed them with a careless hand. She was young—almost coltish, with her slender, elegant limbs. High Fae, and yet ... Nesta couldn't explain the way she sensed that there was something else mixed into her. Some secret beneath that pretty face.”
“Gwyn's coppery-brown hair appeared. In the sunlight, the color of her hair was extraordinary, strands of gold glinting, and her teal eyes were a near-perfect match to the stones the other priestesses wore.”
“My grandmother was a river-nymph who seduced a High Fae male from the Autumn Court. So I'm a quarter nymph, but it's enough for this.” Gwyn gestured to her large eyes—blue so clear it could have been the shallow sea—and her lithe body.
Meanwhile, her fraternal twin Catrin had webbed fingers of the nymphs, black onyx hair and pale skin as the moon. It's not clear whether these features come from the father or the mother since it seems nymph blood is more dominant in Catrin.
And Gwyn's family history from that shared makes me suspect their connection to the Vanserras;
“My mother was unwanted by either of their people. She could not dwell in the rivers of the Spring Court, but was too untamed to endure the confinement of the forest house of Autumn. So she was given in her childhood to the temple at Sangravah.”
And we know her father is a mystery because when her mother came of age she took part in the Great Rite and then became pregnant with the twins. She never found out who the male was and no one came to ask about the twin girls.
What's interesting here is that it was not mentioned that her mother was too untamed for the Autumn Court, the Autumn Court is vast but what was specified is the Forest House.
Beron’s seat was so vast it took us three days to enter, pass through, and clear it. Lucien led us through the outskirts, tense at every call and rustle. The Forest House was a sprawling complex, Lucien informed me during the few times we risked or bothered to speak to each other. [...] No enemies approached Beron’s home without his knowledge.
Her mother as a child was living in the Forest House before she was sent to Sangravah. Why would she be there in the first place? There are the farmlands and other lands in the Autumn Court meanwhile the Forest House is Beron's home. Surprising especially if Gwyn's mother is half High Fae and half lesser Fae and we all know how Beron feels about lesser Fae.
I'm speculating that either Beron or Eris are the ones related to Gwyn, but the more I think of it the more I think Beron is the grandfather. I did speculate before about Eris because of the “not as far as the first born” line and the fact that he did not take part in the death of Jesminda.
How ironic it would be if Beron was indeed seduced by a lesser Fae and he had a child from that River nymph. It could've been a one time thingS The story may even be darker than that, Gwyn's grandmother realizing that her child can't live in the rivers being half High Fae so she brings her to the Autumn Court but Beron kills her (Gwyn's grandmother) and the child (Gwyn's mother) is saved because of Eris because she is still his baby sister but they can't keep her in the Forest House long because Beron wants her gone and as the text says, she was sent to the temple to Sangravah.. So that could make Eris and Lucien possibly Gwyn's uncles.
It's all speculation but it's interesting to find these connections in regards to Gwyn's family because it feels like SJM was specific about some details and the Autumn Court is part of the main plot. I mean come on it's the Autumn Court, out of all the Courts they're the ones with the family drama.
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What’s Up with Merrill from ACOSF?
Okay, so Merrill is going to be an important-ish character in the rest of the series. I can feel it my bones. Some thoughts:
- I think she’s going to become an advisor to the IC. Similarly to Amren. It seems to me that Merrill’s research lines-up with things the IC is going to need to know in future books. In Nesta’s book we know she was researching Valkyries (which obviously was hugely important to the plot.). But also it was mentioned she had done researched alternative worlds. 26 of them, with the last being Time. Well, that’s obviously connected to 2 things that are important to the IC. (1) The Harp. It helps you jump between works. It has 26 strings. The last of which is time. (2). The contraption in Rhys study that Cassian talked about - which is suppose to allow him to contemplate the same things that Merrill was researching.
- Merril was described as being super beautiful and she has eyes the color of twilight. Super specific. Almost the same as how Rhys’ eyes are always described as being a starry-violet or twinkling. (Because. High Lord of Night Court.) So this got me thinking....what if Merrill is from (or descended from) the legendary 8th Court...the Twilight Court?
- We don’t know how old she is..but she calls Nesta and Gwyn “Girl.” Kinda like Amren. So she could be super old.
- She’s got some cool wind-whispering power. It’s something that she got from an ancestor that was the Lord of Wind. That’s cool....but also not really something that fits in the current court system.. But The 8th Court / The Twilight Court fell before the current Solar and Season Court system came to maybe make then the Fae powers and the courts were more, elemental. So maybe...she’s descended from what Fae lived and ruled the 8th Court before it fell - was destroyed by The Harp.
- I’m thinking that the next thing Merrill will start researching is The Prison/The 8th Court. I think she might try to find away to help restore the court and save the people (who I think are still trapped in the stone walls of the prison.). Her research is something Gwyn will help on, and then she’ll tell Nesta about it. And Nesta will twig. Nesta is going to remember how she felt like she had been called to The Prison for something “bigger” than just to find The Harp.
- I think the island and the prison is Nesta’s story. She felt drawn to it. The eight pointed star is a symbol that has meaning to her, specifically. And there is a mystery to still be figured out there. What happen to the court and the people? Why the island is dead? Why the pegassi left the island and are no longer breading?
- I think Merrill is going to start down the path of research and Gwyn, Nesta, and likely Emerie, too - will pick-up the threads and go on a mission to figure out more.
- Solving this mystery might be something that needs to happen in order to also connect into the larger overarching plotline of defeating Koschei, the big baddie of the series.
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What’s Going Down at The Day Court?
So is ACOSF, when Helion comes to the Night Court riding on his pegasus (BDE) to help them ward The Trove. At the end of the meeting, he asks Rhys if he might spend a few hours enjoying and relaxing at the The Moon Place before going back to his court - because he’s in need of quiet and solitude. And Rhys is all like, “Oh? Trouble at Court?
It feels like a throw-away line, right? Like just two High Lords commiserating on the pressures of being a ruler. But I get the sense it’s going to mean something in future books. So, Helion, buddy - what’s going down in The Day Court?
My only thought is that the Inner Circle of the Day Court (assume there is one), might be pressuring him Helion to take a bride, so he can produce an heir.
I get the sense that Helion is like one generation before the, IC. We know that he courted Lucien’s mom before she married Beron, and then had an affair with her after - so I’ve always pegged Helion as being slightly older (a couple hundred years, maybe) than the IC, characters.
I’m think maybe The Day Court is getting anxious that good-times, swinging Helion, hasn’t settled down yet...and doesn’t have an heir. I think they’re nervous that if, something were to happen to Helion - he would be leaving his court with a lot of uncertainty on who the next High Lord of Day would be.
It would be the perfect issue for Helion to be facing down with his Court- because he actually has a heir...he just doesn’t know it. Yet.
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Theories on Elain’s Book
Mission # 1: The 4th Object of the Trove
- Nesta and Elain are the only two Made Fae, who can find and call the items of the Dread Trove. Nesta found three of them in her story - which means the remaining 4th will be Elain’s to find.
- As of right now, I don’t think Elain is even aware that there is the possiblity of a 4th Object. She was mysteriously absent for all the IC meetings discussing The Trove. And she wasn’t there when Nesta came back from the prison and asked if there could be a 4th Object, based on the vision she had. I highly doubt that anyone from the IC fills Elain in on the conversation. Because: Protect Elain from.all.the.things.
- I think Elain’s seer powers will come into play and help her find The Object. It might actually start as dreams. Amren said that those who are linked to The Trove, could dream of it. I think Elain will dismiss the dreams at first, not thinking it’s anything but a dream. But then because The Object wants to be found by her - her Seer powers will reawaken, and she’ll start getting visions again. I don’t think she’ll immediately know what she’s seeing - because she doesn’t know there could be a 4th Object, nor was she there to hear Nesta’s description of The Object. But eventually it will be figured out - and Elain will have to go on the mission to retrieve the item - because she’s the only one who can sense it or see it.
- Elain will have to be accompanied by someone from the IC on this mission. There is no-way, she’ll be allowed to do it herself. I’m into the theory that The 4th Object is at Ramiel - and so I think one of the Illyrians will have to go with her. My initial thought was that Rhys would assign Az to go with her. But after what went down between Rhys and Az at Solstice - I don’t think Rhys is going to be assigning Az to go anywhere with Elain.
- And the I thought: Nesta! Nesta has always been Elain’s guardian. And if Elain has to go on a mission - there is no-way Nesta isn’t going with her. Especially now that Nesta is a bad-ass warrior-queen, who will actually be able to handle herself and protect Elain in a fight, when the mission all goes wrong. (Which lets just assume that it will. It always does.) If Nesta is going to be there, then I think Rhys would be okay to assign Az to the mission - because there is no-way that Az is going to pull something with Elain, while Nesta is there watching over her like a mama bear.
- But if Nesta and Elain are going on a mission, then Feyre is going to want to go too! She’s been out of action for a year - she’s going to be itching to go on a quest. And if I’m honest...I really want an Archeron Sister Mission. We don’t get nearly enough page-time with the three sisters together. And to see them on a mission together - that would be Badass.
Mission 2: Elain, The Deathless, and The Seven Swans
- Elain is connected to Koschei. She had all those visions about him, the girls, and the onyx box back during the war. I think she’ll be instrumental in providing the IC with information they need to defeat Koschei. (Like maybe she’ll have a vision that helps them suss out where he keeps that Onyx Box - which I’m pretty sure is the key to destroying him.) But I think Elain’s main mission will be to help rescue Vassa and the other girls (the Seven Swans) that are trapped at the lake.
- I have a feeling that at the end of the second book (of this trilogy), Koschei will find a way to escape his lake. Which means in the third book (of this trilogy) the IC will have to fight and defeat him out in the open world. Koschei will likely do some really evil things (i.e enslave, and hurt, and kill a lot of people) in some part of the world, once he gets free. And this will lead to another war. I think this will cause the IC characters to be split up. Some of the IC will go off to fight in the war, and help defend people against Koschei (Ahem: I’m looking at you Valkyries.) While others in the IC will see this as their opportunity to go on a rescue mission to save Vassa and the other girls who are still trapped at the Lake under Koschei’s curse. I think Elain will be in the later group.
- I don’t see Elain going to war. But I do see her wanting to help free Vassa and the other girls from Koschei’s curse. Again, Elain was the first to see Vassa and the other girls trapped on the lake. And I think, Elain will have sympathy for these girls. Because she knows what it’s like to be trapped in a body (and a life) you don’t want. I think she’s going to feel the call to help rescue the girls, break the curse, and help them return to their true self - all while, coming to terms, that her Fae Identity, is now her own, true-self.
- Elain rescuing these girls from The Lake, will bear a certain amount of Nesta helping the priestess find their power and agency, again. But, even more than that, there is something poetic about Elain, the most traditionally female character of the series, defying the series big baddie and being the “knight-in-shinning armor” to a group of other females in need of rescuing.
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Thoughts On Elain
- On paper Elain is the most traditional female character, we’ve ever seen from SMJ. She literarily excels in all the things, we associate with a traditional, female character: She’s beautiful. She’s kind. She’ polite. She’s gracious. She likes flowers. She gardens. She bakes. She knows how to plan and throw a multi-course dinner party. She can run a household staff. She’s good at easing the tension in the room with a few sweet words and a smile. Additionally, SMJ goes out of the way to show how shocked Feyre is anytime she observes Elain doing something that would be considered “unlady-like” or showing her own agency. This is shown in everything: from when Elain curses the Human Queens, to kicking the hound that was attacking Az as he rescues her, to stabbing Hybern in the neck. I’ve enjoyed these little moments, when Elain shows us she is more than just the “picture-perfect lady”. She is: Sassy Elain. Badass Elain. Cunning & Ruthless Elain. I’m very excited for Elain to get her own story, and her own character arc. I hope that we get to see Elain’s agency develop side by side with her powerful femininity. I don’t want her to fore-sake her feminine side in order to claim her power - but rather have the two of them intertwine.
- Elain has always felt like the baby sister to Feyre and Nesta. Even before she was turned (and going through the trauma of loosing Greyson) Feyre and Nesta seemed to treat Elain as if she were their much, younger sibling. It seems like an unwritten rule of the Archeron Family: Elain is to be cherished and protected. Elain has been hugely protected and sheltered her entire life. She’s always had someone take care of her. She always had someone to do the hard and difficult things for her. As such, I don’t think Elain was ever given the opportunity to fully grow-up....or to develop into an independent, woman who can take care of herself. And as a human, I don’t think Elain was ever motivated to change or challenge that. She developed the skill-sets that were deemed appropriate for a woman of her standing, and a personality that her family and society expected of her. I think her life goals were pretty much: marry a handsome man, run his household, and find happiness being his wife and the mother of his children. The End.
- But now that she’s Fae, and has an immortal life...I get the sense that Elain is looking for more out of life. ACOSF is the first time we see Elain push back on her sisters for essentially “babying” her. This was fascinating insight to her character, because up until this moment, I assumed that Elain enjoyed her role as the “cherished one” and the “protected one” in the family. I had no-idea that she might be feeling stifled by the way she’s constantly being sheltered and taken care of (as oppose to taking care of herself.) I’d never seen Elain hint, she had any desire to become an independent woman, one who could do the hard and difficult things for herself.
- I think as of ACOSF, Elain is starting to feel more comfortable with her life as a Fae. And as a Fae she’s probably realized that Feyre and Nesta are both alpha-females (with a lot of traditionally male character traits) and she is not. But I also think, she’s realized that her sisters have unfairly, judged the skills and strengths she does have as being soft. They, believe she’s unequipped to do anything they perceive to be dangerous or difficult by herself or for herself. Now, I’m not saying Feyre and Nesta should send Elain off into battle. Gods no! She’d likely just stab herself. But I do think they need to stop, shielding her from all.the.things. She’s not a child. She’s an adult. Let her be one. She doesn’t need to be constantly mothered and protected. It’s time to cut the cord, ladies. It’s time to let Elain do things for herself - even if they’re hard and difficult (Especially if they’re hard and difficult, because that’s how people learn, and grow, and feel confidence in their independent). It’s time to let Elain grow-up.
- Elain doesn’t need to learn to become a badass fighter, to be a power-play for the IC. In fact, I feel like it would be totally off-brand for her. Plus we already have two badass fighters with Feyre and Nesta. I want to see a different story of female-strength. I want to see Elain finding her agency and power in something that isn’t all about learning to throw a punch or wield a sword. I think Elain could do a lot of great work for the IC, as the Night-Courts emissary to other courts. People love Elain. One of her strengths is getting people to do what she wants with a few kind words and a smile. I think she’d make an excellent courtier. Someone just needs to train her in the politics of the Fae Courts - and then let her work her charm. And while playing the role of courtier - she’d make the perfect little spy. She’s very observant. It’s been shown several times during the books how she sees everything, and picks up on little things that others don’t. Now, to be clear, I don’t see Elain being like a spy-assassin like the Black Widow. What I see her doing is observation and intelligence gathering. Basically, she goes into a court as an emissary/courtier from the Court of Night - and from there she just observes and collects information on what she sees and hears going on, and then reports it back to the IC. I think she’d be able to suss out things that others might miss, because no-one would ever expect her of spying on them. Plus, this helps us expand the story to other courts in The Realm - and gets us plotlines beyond The Court of Night.
- I love that Elain is starting to claim her independence from her sisters. I think she needs to in order to grow-up, become an independent-woman, and fully claim her power and agency. I love the idea of Elain, succeeding in this, while still maintain her Feminine power. She can be a badass-power player in the IC, and still throw a themed garden party, with the most perfect cucumber sandwiches, on fresh-baked bread she made that morning.
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Some Thoughts on Gwyn - Part 2
Gwyn as a LightSinger
- 1000%. yes.
- I think Gwyn’s grandma wasn’t a River Nymph but a LightSinger. I think Gwyn doesn’t know what her true heritage or powers are. I think she honestly believes that she’s a quarter Nymph - because that’s what she was told.
- LightSingers are Beautiful and Ethereal and find people who are feeling Lost. This is a really accurate description of Gwyn. Nesta describes her as being one of the most beautiful females she’s ever seen. She’s also described as being tall, lean, and lithe - which is what we envision as ethereal. And lastly Gwyn found Nesta, when she was feeling at her most lost.
- Gwyn’s singing is described as “drawing you in” or “pulling you in.” She also “glows” with “light” , “rays”, and “sunshine” when she sings. This sounds very on-brand for a LightSinger. I feel like LightSinger’s powers are similar to that of a Sirens - who could enchant and hypnotize people with their voice. I think we see Gwyn showcase these powers, especially when Nesta goes into the trance that leads her to the Harp, while listening to Gwyn’s voice.
Gwyn as Evil:
- Egh. I hope not. I really, really hope that Gwyn hasn’t befriended Nesta as a manipulative plot. That would be so heartbreaking.
- I know that Cass says that LightSinger’s are baddies - but I wonder if that’s not entirely true. I wonder if they just get a bad rap because their powers can be used for evil: essentially they can brainwash you. I think it could be like ShadowSingers - who are also feared for their powers, and what they can do as, assassins and spies. I know we all love Az - but that’s because he is a good guy. So I’d like to think that being a LightSinger (or a ShadowSinger) isn’t inherently good or bad - I think it’s based more on the person and how they choose to wield their power.
- I think Gwyn’s only a quarter LightSinger - so maybe that means whatever the “darker” and more “monstrous” traits of a LightSingers have been water-down. Or maybe she had the full powers but it’s a choice? Like, maybe she can shift, into her beast form (like Rhys can), but only when and if she chooses. Again, being able to do this doesn’t necessary make her evil. It’s just another power, a weapon - and she chooses how/when to yield it, for good or for bad.
- I love the idea of Gwyn getting some page time that is about her discovering her ancestry and coming into her power. I could see there being a storyline in which the IC decides that Gwyn needs to train - either to further develop her LightSinger powers, or more important learn to control them so she doesn’t unintentional hurt someone. Personally, with training, I think she’d make a badass Assassin for the IC. She’s already trained in physical combat, and now as a LightSinger, she could learn how to reel in her marks. They wouldn’t even know what hit them, till she landed the knife in their gut! With training, she might also make a really good interrogator. Unlike Az who uses torture, she might be able to get info out of people by just using her voice to bewitch them into confessing what they know. If either of these things are true, I’d imagine that the IC would select Az as the one to train her. This would give us a good master-apprentice story-arc, which we all know is one of SMJ’s favorite tropes. #trainingmontage.
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Some Thought on Gwyn - Part 1
For the record, Gwyn, is hands down, my favorite character in ACOSF. Solid character backstory & development; some interesting nuggets dropped about her powers and parentage (that clearly means there is more to her than meets the eye); plus - I just love a smart, spunky, sarcastic, red-headed heroine.
I hope she gets more page time, and that her character gets to be more than, Nesta’s spunky, BFF. It seems given the amount of page time dedicated to her in ACOSF and the little breadcrumb trail that SMJ planted in the pages that there will be more on Gwyn to come. Here are some thoughts and theories, I have on Gwyn’s continued story:
GWYN’s PARENTAGE: I’m thinking that Gwyn’s GRANDFATHER is Eris. This has likely been discussed elsewhere - I’m sure I’m not the only one to think it. But here are my reasonings:
- Gwyn says her Grandma seduced a noble in the Autumn Court. This noble was a young, Eris. Eris, is the same age, if not even older than the rest of the IC. He could totally have a grandkid that’s 28 years old. Additionally, I think Eris’s relationship with Gwyn’s Gran and the birth of their daughter, happened several years even before he was engaged to Mor.
- Eris (SMJ) has left us a breadcrumb trail of clues that lead me to believe that he’s fathered a child - but that he’s being super secret about it.
1.) In ACOSF when Eris says to Rhy he’d give him anything he wants for Nesta’s hand. Rhys toys with him saying “Anything....including your first born.” Eris replies, “Not my first born...but anything else.” On the surface level, you could read that and think: Eris is just being a territorial Fae male, protecting any future progeny. But, I think SMJ put that exchange in there, intentionally. Com’on?!? She could of had Rhy jokingly ask for anything (i.e. your beloved hounds, or all the money in the Autumn Court Vault, The Crown Jewels of Autumn etc.) But, instead she specifically had him jokingly asked for his first-born? Why?!? I think she’s dropping us a clue. Eris already has a first-born. I think Eris’s response isn’t about a theoretical, future child at all - but the (illegitimate) child he already has. I think Eris knows about this child - and so his response is actually about him protecting her, and refusing to give her up. (Awww...Eris, you do have a heart!)
2.). In ACOFAS Eris and Mor have an argument about their history and specifically in regards to his actions of leaving Mor where her parents dumped her on the edge of the Autumn Court. Eris cryptically says to the Inner Court “Perhaps one day I’ll tell you the whole story....and what it cost me.” I don’t know why Eris didn’t do more to help MOR - but I do think it’s interesting that his actions COST him something!?!? We’ve gotten the story so many times from Mor/IC’s POV - that we’ve all been conditioned to think that Eris was the villain. He left Mor in the woods, and went back to his happy life at Court. But what if that’s not true? What if Beron still wanted Eris to go thru with match, because he wanted the tie to the Court of Nightmares. Beron is bullish about what he wants, and I just get the vibe that he wouldn’t really give a shit about whether Mor was a virgin or not. I think Eris used Mor’s loss of virginity, as a way to get himself out of a match that neither he or Mor wanted. And I think when he made the choice to do this, Beron was pissed! So he punish Eris. We know from Lucien’s backstory that Beron punishes his sons when they don’t do exactly as he wishes. And we know that Beron’s punishments are cruel and vindictive - they focus on taking-away and destroying the thing his sons’ love most. I think the cost of Eris’s action in the Mor fiasco, was that he lost his daughter. I think Beron banished Eris’s daughter (Gwyn’s mom) from their family home and the Autumn Court. I think Beron, also forbid Eris to have any contact or to see her ever again.
I think Cass is right - I think that underneath it all Eris is a good male, but he’s too weak to stand-up to his bully of a father. I think Eris likely did love and care for his daughter. I think he was trying to do the right thing by bringing her up, and that she was living with him in his families home. (Gwyn said that her mother was too wild for the Autumn House - that would be Eris’ family home.) I think it’s likely that Eris knows very little of what became of his daughter. He might not know she had twin girls. He might not know that he’s a grandfather. I think that was the cost. He lost his first-born.
(Side Note: I think Eris having been punished by his father in this way, having gone through this loss is why Eris helped Lucien escape the Autumn Court, after Beron killed his lover. I think Eris felt a true sympathy for his brother’s loss - as it echoed his own.)
I’m thinking that the reason any of this is important, is that Gwyn will play a HUGE part in Eris’s redemption-arc. We can feel that SMJ is building-up to a redemption story for Eris. There might be something in which Eris recognizing what/who she is to him, sacrifices himself to save her. I think that would be something that would restore him in the eyes of the Inner Circle - who despite working with him, still hate his guts for what he did to Mor. Or maybe, Mor will stop dancing around the subject and just confess to everything that happened between them, which will prompt Eris to also admit “to the cost.” And the IC who know Gwyn will put 1 + 1 together.
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ACOSF Ramiel Theories
What are folks thinking about what’s going on with Mount Ramiel after reading ACOSF? It clearly will play a part in the following stories. There were way to many half-told stories and cryptic messages dropped in the text for it not to have BIG TIME further significance.
1. Eris Gives a Big Speech: He talks about the three sacred mountains, and how you can go underneath two of them (The Middle and The Prison). Then he makes a dig that no-one knows what’s under Ramiel, because the Illyrians have never bothered to check it out.
2. That Enalius Story: Both Emerie and her cousin go on about the great llyrian warrior Enalius, who gave his life to defend the mountain. We learn that Illyrians do the Blood Rite to honor Enalius - it’s suppose to be a tribute to his last stand, where he beat back an enemy horde from reaching the top of the mountain. We learn that Illyrians have been doing this Rite ceremony every year for centuries, YET no-one remembers the full story of Enalius. They don’t know WHY the enemy wanted to get to the top of the Mountain, or WHAT for? They don’t know WHY the Enalius held the pass for days and crawled on his belly to the summit to protect and defending SOMETHING with all is might.
- I’m thinking that Ramiel is the holder of the 4th object of the Dread Trove.
- I’m thinking it was hidden on or in Ramiel - like the Harp was hidden at the Prison Mountain.
- I’m think that the Illyrian Tribes specifically live in the territory surrounding the mountain because long, long ago their ancestors were assigned and entrusted to guard the mountain from any enemies who might try to seek the 4th object. I think that’s why the mountain is sacred to them. I think that might also be why the Illyrians as a race became and still to this day train to be fierce warriors, because long, long ago they, above all other Fae, were entrusted to protect The Object the mountain is hiding. I think these things have long been forgotten by the Illyrians - or the story only exists in bits and pieces and is, now consider a myth or a legend.
- I think someone at some point in history, someone figured out where the 4th object was and gathered a force to go claim it. I think this happened at a time when the Illyrians still knew what was hidden on the mountain. I think that’s why Enalius was on that mountain and why he fought to the death - because it was his duty to keep the 4th Object of the Trove from falling into enemy hands.
- I think Enalius was trying to hold the pass so that enemy couldn’t get to the top of the mountain which somehow, is connected to The 4th Object. Maybe the only way into the Mountain is from the top? Maybe touching the mountains summit somehow transports you inside the mountain to where the 4th Object is hidden? The top of the mountain clearly has powers. It’s able to transport you - not just back to your Illyrian Camp, but per ACOSF - “where you’re most needed.” Or alternative maybe the object is already at the top of the mountain. Perhaps it’s hidden inside whatever rock or alter you touch at the summit - aka the thing you touch to win the Blood Rite.
- I think the reason no-one can remember the full story of what Enalius was fighting for - is the same reason why no-one can remember the Trove, and in particular The 4th Object. A magical spell was cast that caused everyone to forget it...including any stories or histories around it. I think this same magical spell might also of had an effect on the Illyrians. It’s the reason why they’ve never had any curiosity to look under their mountain.
- I think all of this will be Az’s story - should he get one. Something will happen that causes Rhy to assign Az to go back to Illyria and to look into Ramiel. Unclear what...maybe the IC will either decide that Ramiel needs to be investigated for clues (as Eris not so subtly, hinted.), or maybe Elaine will have a vision that links Ramiel and the 4th Object together. Either way Rhys is going to assign Az his spymaster to be the one to go check it out. This assignment will be a major part of Az’s healing journey. He clearly has a lot of issues to resolve around his Illyrian heritage. Az will finally have to confront his personal history, while looking into the history of his people at the place the Illyrian race holds most sacred.
- The rules around Ramiel are unclear. We know it’s a sacred mountain, but what does that really even mean? A few thoughts.... I don’t think your everyday Illyrian is allowed to access Ramiel. I think being on the mountain, outside The Rite, is consider taboo. But, maybe those who have summited and won The Blood Rite have special privileges. Perhaps they are the ONLY ones allowed to access to the mountain - because they’ve proven themselves worthy of it. And if that’s true, then perhaps that will also be part of the magic of the claiming/retrieving The 4th Object. Only someone who has summited and won The Rite can summon/claim the 4th Object. After Enaluis’s fall, there might be some additional wards that were placed on The Object to ensure that it could only ever be claimed by someone of “worth.” (aka - someone who won The Rite.). So in addition to doing the Rite to honor Enaluis - it’s also about finding those warriors of worth that can claim The 4th Object should it ever need to be saved again.
- All of these things, again point to a great Azriel story. He is one of a handful that could both gain access to the mountain and/or the object. Interestingly, Gwynn, meets these same qualifications. This could be the thing that finally motivates Gwynn to go out into the world again and leave the library. The IC could asks for her help on this mission, and she rises to the challenge. This would also then give Az and Gwynn an important mission to work on together - which will be pivotal if there is to be any storyline between them at all.
So is Ramiel being discussed elsewhere? Would love to read others thoughts and theories on how Ramiel is going to bear importance in the following books.
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