#th pronunciation
susanhorak · 10 months
#spoken_english #تعلم #learn_english #تعلم_الانجليزية تعليم انجليزي - المنهج الامريكي لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية - لهجة الامريكان السود لما بنيجي نتعلم لغة إنجليزية من خلال المنهج الامريكي لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية بنلاقي نفسنا قدام حيرة شديدة، نتعلم إنجليزي أمريكي ولا إنجليزي بريطاني؟ إيه فيهم أسهل من التاني؟ وإيه فيهم أهم؟ ويا ترى هل الفرق بينهم كبير لدرجة أنه ممكن يلخبطني وأنا بتعلم اللغة؟ المنهج الامريكي لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية زيه زي أي لغة في العالم هتلاقي فيه لهجات بعدد الدول والمدن كمان اللي بتسخدمه؛ لكن أشهر لهجتين معتمدتين اللهجة البريطانية واللهجة الأمريكية.. ولأنهم مجرد لهجتين للغة واحدة، فلازم نعرف أن لهجة الامريكان السود مش بيختلف كتير عن الأمريكي بالدرجة اللي ممكن تلخبطنا لكن بيكون فيه بعض الاختلافات البسيطة في طريقة النطق وقواعد اللغة.
لو عجبك الفيديو اعمل مشاركة من اللينك ده تعليم انجليزي - المنهج الامريكي لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية - لهجة الامريكان السود https://youtu.be/5WI_e-h8X0M
ليصلك كل جديد اشترك بالقناه http://bit.ly/2HQGd4q
يمكنك الإستفادة من مزيد من الدروس تعليم انجليزي - المنهج الامريكي لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية - لهجة الامريكان السود https://youtu.be/5WI_e-h8X0M
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - اسئلة الانترفيو - مهارات المقابلة الشخصية https://youtu.be/kFWQACcN3qU
كيف اتعلم انجليزي - انواع الجرائم - الجرائم https://youtu.be/Ir37srWpHiQ
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - التعبير عن الالم - كلام عن الالم والجرح https://youtu.be/xfhlQ4zc-EM
تدريب اللغة الانجليزية - كلمات اساسية داخل الصف - الحوار https://youtu.be/kMbYTOsUUw8
دورات اللغة الانجليزية - ترجمة الى الانجليزية - المترجم الانجليزي https://youtu.be/-rHI9sGiFWQ
دورات اللغة الانجليزية - تعبير عن الاسرة - الاهل https://youtu.be/A0spa90P5Tc #مواقع_تعليم_انجليزي #برامج_تعليم_انجليزي #تعلم_اللغة_الانجليزية #تعلم #spoken_english #english_speaking_course_online #spoken_english_in_telugu #نهي_طلبة , Noha Tolba
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dire-vulture · 3 months
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Dragon that is the hardest to pronounce
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tomfoolerytime · 5 months
Top shabbos quotes
"You know what un shaloms your shabbat. Shabbat daagah!"
"Once you hear that sizzle (of the havdallah candle) I'm beating your ass"
"The second I see three stars it's over for you." "Light pollution is the only thing saving you right now"
"I'm going to learn the ashkenazi pronunciation and only use it when I sit next to you. Yisgadal vyiskadash." "Shabbat daagah" "Back to Egypt with you!"
"Baruch Hashem or whatever it is that jewish people say."
"You know what imma tell a bitch to spell yizkor"
"get ready to unshabbat my shalom with me (do havdallah)"
"If you get run over in the shul parking lot I'm sorry, but you're hashem's least favorite jew I don't make the rules."
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mars-ipan · 3 months
we should give another letter of the english alphabet vowel status. i’d like to nominate the humble “h”
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astralprisms · 2 months
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Help me name him
Some facts:
- from creche y'llek
- harbored by ko'kuu growing up, spared a culling at ko'kuu's intervention
- suffers debilitating chronic pain that nearly cost him his life as a liability; got vicious as a result
- actually a cleric but might become a warlock later to make a deal with his patron to lessen his pain
- possibly worships loviatar or ilmater
- possible galemancer
- Orpheus-aligned endgame
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a-lonely-dunedain · 5 months
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This meme is only funny if you try to sing it out loud
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ofravensflight · 8 months
You know I really wish I'd been properly medicated back in school and had been able to actually learn german when I took it because I really love using industrial music as a background hum when I'm working for concentration and most of the really good stuff I stumble across is all in german.
I guess it's a much bigger subgenre for EDM and techno over there than it is here in the states. I still love my german industrial, I just wish I had any clue what in the blue fuck they were saying in the songs.
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autistic-katara · 1 year
dont ask me why but W should be pronounced “Wee” not “Double You”
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kaabyi1 · 1 year
fun fact: the word "prosthetic" comes from the greek word πρόσθεση (prosthesi[1]), meaning addition
fun fact: the auto- prefix (e.g. automobile, autodefenestration, etc.), means "self" in English. But in Greek (at least, Modern Greek), "αυτό" just means "it" (3rd person neuter singular pronoun) and is pronounced "afto"
fun fact: "diaeresis" (those two dots on ä ë ï ö ü (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH GERMAN'S UMLAUT. VERY DIFFERENT THINGS), example: naïve) comes from the Greek word διαίρεση (dieresi[1][2]), meaning "division"
fun fact: there is a word in Spanish for "pulling an all-nighter", "trasnochar". It comes from "trans" (happy pride month), meaning "across", and "noche", meaning "night". Because you're staying awake across the entire night
fun fac-
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wasigoodtoyou · 1 year
hi! i actually do say reesees piecees sometimes
valid and allowed but i find it Incorrect and get annoyed when ppl argue with me that its reesees bc i do not Understand how people learn to say it that way when theres an apostrophe there and pieces is never said with the eeeeeeeeeee in any other context
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voidimp · 1 year
asked some friends for name suggestions for an oc but i cant decide so its time for a poll :)
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nvm their name is alix now bc the pronunciation thing was too annoying lmao
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amarantoestrella · 3 months
It feels so funny as a Puerto Rican to be made fun of for our dialect/accent when the people who made the language all have fucking lisps on purpose.
Me teneith thin cojoneth!
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mathmusicreading · 6 months
Xiè Lián: My surname is Xiè, my first name is Lián. Huā Chéng: You can call me your third husband. Xiè Lián: What happened to my first two husbands?!
I learned Huā Chéng was having Xiè Lián call him "husband" from Ty the Canasian on Kictor's YouTube, I found this when I was trying to corroborate the linguistics, and I indulged and bought the official Seven Seas Entertainment (translator and editor are on Tumblr!) English translations of the books so here's further confirmation from Volume 1:
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I made this post private because I was unhappy with it (misspelling/misformatting Wúmíng, knowing I wouldn't have good reach for larger and less biased sample size even if I could have tagged better for the fandoms and characters if Tumblr organized by more than the first five tags), but I'm making it public again since it finished and so did the similar poll that fun-mxtx-polls was kind enough to make for me.
Not to bias towards the first option, just to explain it, the first option and why I wanted this poll come from the naming pattern trivia for MXTX's love interests/male leads/gongs, which I think you can best read on Huā Chéng's page on the Heaven Official's Blessing/Tiān Guān Cì Fú wikia. I'm just using that as my citation given:
I'm not sure if MXTX has discussed this meta in-joke somewhere and if so, where.
The SSE Glossary: Terminology note (all volumes of all three MXTX novels) only explains the second and third gongs, and implies MXTX is doing this purposefully. Lán Wàngjī's wikia page explains only the three published gongs, and implies this started from fandom phenomena creating a proto-stage pattern (if you subscribe to "one is chance, two is coincidence, three is a pattern"). Huā Chéng's page linked above is the odd man out and so probably incorrect about Lán-èr-gē vs. Lán-èr-gēge, but it goes above and beyond by explaining the fourth gong, and it uses the most neutral language regarding this trivia.
I think citation is unnecessary for "gē" (哥 | 哥) meaning "big brother" and in certain contexts having the connotation or meaning of "eldest brother" (admittedly my unverified inference), "èr" (二 | 二) meaning "two", and "sān" (三 | 三) meaning "three".
I actually like so much because I like to think if it could use more wordplay and less literalism. Please forgive me for being a poor reader not remembering exactly, not buying the TGCF raws yet, not being able to buy the SVSSS and MDZS raws, and only being able to find old fan translations/interpretations of MXTX's fourth novel preview, but let me explain:
I believe Luò Bīnghé isn't being called "Luò Bīnghé-gē" (or rather "Bīng-gē" since I think? it's more usual to use the suffix with the single/first character of a person's given name, not with their full name, especially when the full name is three (or more? some of my reading has mentioned two-character last names but I didn't find if culture was strict about then making the given name be only one character) characters) for the usual reasons to address someone with "gē", but actually the PIDW!Luò Bīnghé is being called Luò Bīnggē (or "Bīng-gē") because he's more aggressive than canon/SVSSS!Luò Bīnggē who when being differentiated gets called Luò Bīngmèi (or "Bīng-mèi"), and I love that "very fitting reasoning for the naming, not strictly literal and not so bound to literal".
Then with Lán Wàngjī, I see the opportunity that his nickname could have used the natural naming of "erhua is used as a diminutive suffix", and the "er" would have been homophonous with "èr" (二 | 二) for "two" for him being the second gong, and homophonous to the potential "proper address for him as the second Lán son/brother".
In the most literal sense, you'll notice that the gongs so far have had their nicknames be using "(big) brother" and Huā Chéng's uses láng (郎 | 郎) "son" (his stated meaning, although it can also mean "man" and "husband" and the latter is how we can interpret he wanted it to be when coming from Xiè Lián). There's nothing wrong with that and the numbers are perfectly probable, and would still be so as they grow, but also they could feel more like "contrived" coincidence, which is part of my wanting to get away from literalism a little bit, not just my loving clever wordplay. With Huā Chéng, I don't have a homophone I can use for punning like with Lán Wàngjī, or really the "cultural language use where literal suffixes/honorifics get used figuratively for XYZ purposes", but I can make it fit with character interpretation. To me, Sān Láng doesn't have to be "Third Son" because "he has two older brothers" and in fact we aren't sure that he was telling the truth about that—instead, I think Huā Chéng could be being clever with not just getting Xiè Lián to call him (Third/surname "Three") Husband but in saying his name is "Third Man" because this is the third alias he gives Xiè Lián. (Some additional feels this gives me: It's like he's saying he's the same person Xiè Lián met before, that they shared all of that experience and it mattered, that he's the final form of that person wanting to be with Xiè Lián, that he's like a fairy-tale character with many names and forms and a true name and form and all along there was a trick or thread to follow in knowing and identifying him.) It just works out so perfectly because of the third way he introduces himself to Xiè Lián matching him being the third gong, and also the fairy-tale significant number of "three".
Finally, with the fourth gong, I've looked at Suika's TGCF Afterword translation, a NovelUpdates MDZS spoilers forum post by K.san crossposted to the Grim Reapers Have No Days Off spoilers forum by alexfilia, a reply to this post in r/tianguancifu by u/chenmochou, and also this post in r/tianguancifu by u/Loud_Daikon6167 which cites a TikTok I can't see either because of TikTok's thing about opening to a random page/the homepage or I assume the TikTok being removed or locked. Given the first NovelUpdates post maybe having more of a direct translation compared to the first Reddit post, it's still not definitive to me whether this is "actually more of a fandom thing, with MXTX acknowledging and participating in it enough to help make it possible" or it's "MXTX doing this on purpose with her name choices and character traits, whether she meant to have the pattern from the start or later, and yes could have been influenced by fandom" because I think "Other: 四少" is probably about the male lead(s) compared to it following "Protagonist: the uke's name is not determined yet" so it doesn't seem like the fandom came up with a nickname out of whole cloth. "Four young masters" is perfectly probable and could be equally reasonable, and "four ikemen" could even follow in reasonability; in fact it could be more likely and realistic since this is a modern setting, which would have different use of "young master" to me, and because we believe the gong to be the regular human and the shou to be the grim reaper. But for the wordplay, I would have liked it if the gong were the grim reaper and the "four theme naming" came from the famous "sì" (四 | 四) meaning "four" is homophonous with "sǐ" (死 | 死) meaning "die/death" and the latter being used in the Chinese for "grim reaper"/"death god".
#Tian Guan Ci Fu#TGCF#Heaven Official's Blessing#Mo Xiang Tong Xiu#MXTX#I'm sure this joke has already been made since I'm late to fandom as always#but congrats MXTX this is so perfect and I have to make this joke even if it's me jumping on a bandwagon and beating a dead horse#Thank you Netflix subtitles for having the perfect dialogue to make this joke work as compared to the Seven Seas Entertainment publication#and my research says this makes Xiè Lián’s dialogue match how a Chinese person would introduce themself so that's awesome!#Thank you to fandom.com for having more character name information than Wikipedia. I'm trusting the characters are right#and trusting Google Translate which matched the diacritics for the tones#I learned barely any Chinese from my parents so I'm not touching whether I think 儿 should be the full character or what I think of as#smaller writing for phonetic diminutive suffix and I'm not touching that Wikipedia gives it the rising tone diacritic so it's ér#And if that's a thing for which my parents were like “that's something interesting and complicated we're not going to explain at this level#then spacing and punctuation were also not really formalized for hanyu pinyin for me so I'm also not touching whether that dash#should be a space (I don't actually think this one) or no space or an apostrophe#To be clear the official translation also uses the hyphen but I can't trust the neutral vowel because the novels only use diacritics for th#and that's only for Book 1 they don't even do that for Book 2 where I confirmed -er#Book 3 with Hua Cheng as an unnamed soldier actually gives tonal marks for the whole Pronunciation Guide though!#main characters in the Pronunciation Guide and not in the rest of the book or even the appendices#Argh I forgot to remove the space for Wúmíng according to what I figured the spacing convention for names was and that Book 6 supports#What I WILL touch is PLEASE think of the vowel sound in gege as being on the eugh end of the spectrum as opposed to#uh or ugh and their different pronunciations#OR EVEN BETTER please just pronounce the phoneme gh#Forget the silent h after g given to you by Flemish typesetters working English printing presses#If I ask you to pronounce gh or to pronounce both letters in gh#what you think of for that is approximately how you should say ge for older brother/male friend#Yes I do feel bad for using fandom.com wikias instead of trying to find wikis#But I'm sorry I wasn't going to hunt for what the wiki URLs might be given the given translation and fandom#and what I could immediately see from Wikipedia and TVTropes
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susanhorak · 10 months
#spoken_english #تعلم #learn_english #تعلم_الانجليزية تعلم الإنجليزية - انطق TH صح - تعلم الطريقة الصحيحة لنطق TH كتير من الناس بتنطق TH بطريقة مش سليمة هنعرف في الفيديو دة ازاي انطقها بشكل صحيح تعلم الطريقة الصحيحة لنطق TH
لو عجبك الفيديو اعمل مشاركة https://youtu.be/wLyjOOsh-jg لي��لك كل جديد اشترك بالقناه http://bit.ly/2HQGd4q وانضم الينا على الفيسبوك https://www.facebook.com/groups/EnglishisfunwithNohaTolba
المزيد من الدروس المفيدة انطق TH صح - تعلم الطريقة الصحيحة لنطق TH https://youtu.be/wLyjOOsh-jg
الحب والعلاقات وال crush ونهى طلبه https://youtu.be/li7bs0_Bkhw
إنهاء العلاقة بالانجلش - الكلام عن ال EX https://youtu.be/N4FhDWOl4aw
زمن الماضى البسيط - past simple tense https://youtu.be/YrBi4L0YzEk #مواقع_تعليم_انجليزي #برامج_تعليم_انجليزي #تعلم_اللغة_الانجليزية #تعلم #spoken_english #english_speaking_course_online #spoken_english_in_telugu #نهي_طلبة , Noha Tolba
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holytrickster · 1 year
also i finally finished the silm earlier and oh my god i understood narn i chin hurin so much better this time. like i know the whole thing isn't included but the fact the main parts are mentioned *after* i knew who the heck everyone in it was and where everything was happening made it so much more understandable now than when i first read it back when i was like 14 bc i went like hobbit -> lotr -> children of hurin with a lot of time in between where i forgot stuff
#bc i remember the first time i read it i was so lost like “where the fuck is doriath and dor lomin and all these places who are these..#..people. why wont turin come back. why does this man have to change his name every five seconds. whos morgoth?“ and so on#like i especially remember going “why is anglachel/gurthang like...evil. yeah you said this guy who made em is 'the dark elf' but what does#..“does that actually mean? he could just be goth i dont fucking know why we don't like him” and reading it now i was like Oh. Haha. Fuck.#i think its funny the main thing i remembered was being like “damn i love beleg and mablung”. past aimenel knew what was up#unrelated the hunting of the wolf was metal as fuck?????#i say that like it doesn't apply to so much in the silm but like. bro#i thought the whole “of beren and luthien” chapter was gonna be kinda boring bc i knew about most of the main stuff that happens already but#i was actually getting back into it all as i was reading#its weird i thought the audiobook would help but i think it was too slow#bc i had like ~8 hours left but reading it myself it took nowhere near that#i like hearing how people read for different characters and stuff and also i like knowing how things are pronounced bc even with the..#basic pronunciation thing in the back i still definitely fumble some names when i read them in my head lol. thinking about how many..#...different ways ive heard Eärendil for instance#or like not knowing for YEARS that dh is th.#dont get me started on how fucked up i probably read anything thats in there in adunaic#butchering every name in the akallabeth speedrun any%
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Lowkey tempted to start using þ and ð
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