#English Education
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andrewdi8 · 6 months ago
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I love autumn, especially in September and October, when the weather is warm and the climate is mild where I live. The trees change their leaves' color and I enjoy walking on the fallen leaves. I love going to the local lake near my home. In summer I swim there but in autumb I go to relax and unwind.
Oter peopl visit this place too. They walk slowly, enjoing the moment, breathing in the fresh air, taking photos, playing with their dogs or sitting on banches reading books or chatting. The atmosphere is wonderful, people savor the last warm and gentle days befor the rainy and cold season begins in November.
Do you have a favorite place to visit in the fall?
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play-my-game · 1 year ago
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learningfromlosing · 1 year ago
English class taught me to embellish my stories with adjectives to draw it out for a word count when I should've learned how to cut it down for clarity.
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sspookyspoonss · 2 years ago
Legit got told that I need to go less college work at my parents evening tonight.
I have done it.
I have surpassed academic weapon, I have reached academic nuclear bomb… My creators wish they could go back, alas they cannot, all they can do is watch the fire of academics consume my life.
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prismolovessideblogs · 2 years ago
TROLL -> F/U, 0
DREADFUL -> 1, 2, G
POOR -> 3, E
ACCEPTABLE -> 4, 5, D, C
OUTSTANDING -> 8, 9, A*, A**
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the-greatest-fool · 4 months ago
i’m a little more ambivalent about charter schools—yes, there’s a huge issue where public funds get siphoned off to schools of ambiguous quality, but nonetheless markets can *theoretically* pressure schools to adapt and serve children better, IF markets are efficient—but this otherwise summarizes a huge number of issues i have personally dealt with in the education system.
parents are sometimes clueless and sometimes negligent, and not to mention of course they are overworked. phonics has, for some reason, been deprioritized. the culture wars and helicopter parenting have made teaching utter hell. a combo of bureaucracy and delusional parents has caused many teachers to give up on making sure students are truly competent enough before they go to the next grade.
resources aren’t genuinely, pragmatically, and fairly being allocated. ELD programs are barely supported, often in violation of state laws, and students suffer. the world of math is very much quite similar.
overall, i do wish we had conversations about education again as a country beyond banning the Woke TM and masks and whatever. our kids still need to learn how to read and add, how is that fundamental failure not one of the top national priorities????!!!!
do you have any ideas about why so many students are struggling with literacy now? I know that illiteracy and reading comprehension have been issues for years and most americans read at like a 5th grade reading level but I’m curious why it seems to be worse now (pandemic? no child left behind?)
It is everything. There’s not one answer. I could talk about this forever so instead I set a five minute timer on my phone and wrote a list of as many of the many things that are causing this on a systemic level that I could think of:
It’s parents not reading with their kids (a privilege, but some parents have that privilege to be able to do this and don’t.)
It’s youtube from birth and never being bored.
It’s phasing out phonics for sight words (memorizing without understanding sounds or meaning) in elementary schools in the early aughts.
It’s defunding public libraries that do all the community and youth outreach.
It’s NCLB and mandating standardized tests which center reading short passages as opposed to longform texts so students don’t build up the endurance or comprehension skills.
It’s NCLB preventing schools from holding students back if they lack the literacy skills to move onto the next grade because they can’t be left behind so they’re passed on.
It’s the chronic underfunding of ESL and Special Ed programs for students who need extra literacy support.
It’s the cultural devaluing of the humanities in favor of stem and business because those make more money which leads to a lot of students to completely disregard reading and writing.
It’s the learning loss from covid.
It’s covid trauma manifesting in a lot of students as learned helplessness, or an inability to “figure things out” or push through adversity to complete challenging tasks independently, especially reading difficult texts.
It’s covid normalizing cheating and copying.
It’s increasing phone use.
It’s damage to attention span exacerbated by increased phone use that leaves you without an ability to sit and be bored ever without 2-3 forms of constant stimulation.
It’s shortform video becoming the predominant form of social media content as opposed to anything text-based.
It’s starting to also be generative AI.
It’s the book bans.
what did I miss.
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marketingexpertrobin · 1 year ago
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Set Clear Goals: Clearly define your short-term and long-term academic goals. Break them down into smaller, manageable tasks, and create a realistic timeline for achievement.
Create a Study Schedule: Develop a consistent and structured study routine. Allocate specific time slots for each subject, and avoid cramming. A well-organized schedule helps in better time management.
Utilize Effective Study Techniques: Experiment with various study techniques to identify what works best for you. This may include active reading, summarization, flashcards, mind mapping, and group discussions.
Prioritize Subjects: Identify your strengths and weaknesses in different subjects. Allocate more time to subjects that require additional attention while maintaining a balance across all subjects.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to academic success. Stick to your study schedule, and try to avoid last-minute cramming. Regular, focused study sessions are more effective than sporadic intense ones.
Seek Help When Needed: Don't hesitate to ask for help when you're struggling with a particular concept or subject. Consult with teachers, classmates, or use online resources to gain a better understanding.
Stay Healthy: A healthy body supports a healthy mind. Ensure you get enough sleep, eat balanced meals, and engage in regular physical activity. This contributes to improved concentration and overall well-being.
Limit Distractions: Create a dedicated study environment free from distractions. Turn off unnecessary notifications on your devices, and find a quiet space where you can focus on your studies without interruptions.
Practice Regular Self-Assessment: Periodically assess your understanding of the material through self-tests or quizzes. This helps you identify areas that need further review and reinforces your learning.
Stay Positive and Manage Stress: Maintain a positive attitude, even in the face of challenges. Stress can negatively impact your performance, so practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or exercise.
Remember that everyone has a unique learning style, so adapt these tips to suit your individual needs. Consistency, determination, and a proactive approach to learning will contribute significantly to your educational success.
For more information visit: www.edu.bd.com
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smackamole1 · 4 months ago
still sad they replaced her in the new books. She still appears once in the third year book but she is no longer the ALT character in the New Horizon books. Its Ms. Cook now!
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andrewdi8 · 5 months ago
How do you stay professional while being friendly at work?
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In my experience, I've come to realize how crucial it is to maintain the right balance between friendship and professionalism in the workplace. Building and keeping good relationships is important but it's just as essential to establish clear boundaries between causual conversation and work tasks.
Here are some of key points I've found helpful:
Set boundaries - it's vital to differentiate between casual chats and focusing on the tasks at hand
Respect other's space and time - always keep in mind that we're at work and everyone has their duties that need attention and completion on time
Communicate respectfully - being polite and professional in all situations, even informal ones is key. One careless word can negatively affect the workplace dynamic
Stay positive - a supportive attitude makes a huge difference. Being in a constant bad mood can influence the entire team and make work progress harder
How do you balance being friendly while staying professional at work?
#workfromhome #workfromhomeonline #remotework
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susanhorak · 1 year ago
#spoken_english #تعلم #learn_english #تعلم_الانجليزية تعلم الإنجليزية - لماذا أتعلم الإنجليزية - تعليم اللغة الانجليزية لماذا أتعلم الإنجليزية يجب أن تتساءل عن سبب قيامك في تعلم لغة ما. لماذا قررت العودة للبداية وتعليم اللغة الانجليزية من قواعد واستثناءات ونحو وأفعال وتعبيرات ومفردات . إذا عرفت لماذا أتعلم الإنجليزية، يمكنك السفر بسهولة حول العالم،من المذهل رؤية أنه بإمكانك الحصول على أصدقاء جدد، حتى إذا كنت من دول مختلفة. قد يكون ذلك سبب شخصي، ولكنني أحب فهم كلمات الأغنيات التي استمع إليها.فى هذا الدرس سوف نتكلم عن اهمية تعليم اللغة الانجليزية من البداية وحتى الاحتراف
لو عجبك الفيديو اعمل مشاركة تعلم الإنجليزية - لماذا أتعلم الإنجليزية - تعليم اللغة الانجليزية https://youtu.be/lktv_TM5fVQ
ليصلك كل جديد اشترك بالقناه http://bit.ly/2HQGd4q
المزيد من الدروس المتميزة تعلم الإنجليزية - لماذا أتعلم الإنجليزية - تعليم اللغة الانجليزية https://youtu.be/lktv_TM5fVQ
تعلم الإنجليزية - كيفية ترجمة الافلام - كيف تترجم فيلم بنفسك https://youtu.be/lgofoaN7lcU
تعلم الإنجليزية - اتكلم عن الزحمه بالانجليزى - مصطلحات المرور بالانجليزي https://youtu.be/25KzBNhVVBQ
تعلم الإنجليزية - انطق t بالطريقة الصحيحة - النطق الصحيح https://youtu.be/c7jzxAbZM9k
تعلم الإنجليزية - العلاقات الأسرية - الاسرة https://youtu.be/fcj-SOX22Hk
تعلم الإنجليزية - النطق الصحيح للانجليزية - الجزء الرابع https://youtu.be/p9CMWdBQom8
#مواقع_تعليم_انجليزي #برامج_تعليم_انجليزي #تعلم_اللغة_الانجليزية #تعلم #spoken_english #english_speaking_course_online #spoken_english_in_telugu #نهي_طلبة , Noha Tolba
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0thello · 3 months ago
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Undine (sculpture), 1904 - 1988.
by Isamu Noguchi.
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nowwavingnotdrowning · 9 months ago
First thing I thought was that every aspect of this is at least a year too late.
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Under 8s play online games. Under 11s get sexually harassed. Under 12s are suicidal. Under 13s are sexually assaulted. And children have a right to know what's going to happen to their bodies before it happens, and to know basic facts about the world. That's not even mentioning that they're trying to ban mention of gender identity outright.
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languagelabsystem · 2 years ago
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SPEARS Language Lab is world class English language lab software integrated with information technology techniques to impart high standards in language teaching and learning. It is high quality multimedia based content, with proven teaching methodologies and an array of comprehensive study materials. 
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desimutiara25 · 2 years ago
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Talking about invitations, it has two kinds of invitations. They are formal invitations and informal invitations. Formal invitations include school events, graduation events, and etc. Meanwhile, informal invitations include birthday partiy, bridal showers, wedding invitations, etc.
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longliveblackness · 1 month ago
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George McLaurin, the first black man admitted to the University of Oklahoma in 1948 was forced to sit in a corner far from his classmates.
When he first applied he was denied based on his race. He went to court & it ruled that denying him was unconstitutional.
George W. McLaurin provided the Oklahoma civil rights case that irreparably damaged the "separate but equal" legal position established in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896.
Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision in which the Court ruled that racial segregation laws not violate the U.S. Constitution.
The justices affirmed that McLaurin's 14th Amendment rights means he must receive the same educational experience as OU's white students.
He earned a master's degree from the University of Kansas and taught at Langston University, an all-black institution, until 1968.
George McLaurin, el primer hombre negro que fue admitido a la Universidad de Oklahoma en 1948, fue obligado a sentarse en una esquina, lejos de sus compañeros de clase.
Cuando aplicó inicialmente, había sido negado debido a su raza. Fue a la corte y determinaron que negarle su solicitud era inconstitucional.
George W. McLaurin presentó el caso de derechos civiles de Oklahoma que le causó un dañó irreparable a la posición jurídica de "separados pero iguales" establecida en Plessy v. Ferguson en 1896.
Plessy v. Ferguson fue una decisión histórica de la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos en la que la Corte dictaminó que las leyes de segregación racial no violan la Constitución de los Estados Unidos.
La justicia afirmó que los derechos garantizados en la decimocuarta enmienda significan que McLaurin debía de recibir la misma experiencia educacional que un estudiante blanco de la Universidad de Oklahoma.
Obtuvo su maestría en la Universidad de Kansas y enseñó en la Universidad Langston, una institución para personas negras, hasta el año 1968.
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biboomerangboi · 17 days ago
People will get upset about poetry being a dying art and then will ignore almost all modern music with complex rhythm and lyricism because of classism and racism.
Like to say poetry isn’t dead they’ll have to admit that the best modern American poets are black people speaking in perfect iambic pentameter and critiquing the government.
Like don’t let your school lie to you poetry is supposed to be a spoken art form.
Some of the most famous poems have instrumental pieces to accompany them but they will literally go out of the way to not study songwriting as poetry.
Because if they do discuss someone like Hozier with W. B. Yeats they would then have to discuss Kendrick Lamar and Robert Frost and that would let you all know that those guys have more in common than they want you to realise and erase the myth that intellectualism is something only for the privileged. 
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