#texte automne
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November whispers. Slow down and breathe in the season’s calm. Nurture your mind with rest, reflection, and simplicity. Cherish the connections that bring warmth to your life. Find comfort in quiet moments and gentle rhythms. Remember what truly matters, especially in this slower season. Seek out small moments of gratitude in each day. Rediscover the quiet joy in the little things. Make space for what brings you a deep, lasting peace. Look back—not with regret, but for perspective and growth. Let November be a reminder to welcome the beauty of presence. Have a Blessed Sunday ahead
📍Lammerklamm, Austria
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Une symphonie de couleurs c'est bien l'automne, la saison qui se donne en spectacle, les feuilles se teintent de rouges, d'oranges et de jaunes. C'est le moment où la nature se prépare au repos. Les jours raccourcissent, les feuilles tombent et l'air frais emplit nos poumons. L'automne nous invite à ralentir, à apprécier les instants présents. Saison de récolte et de transition, elle est riche en symboles, le premier est l'équinoxe d'automne, qui représente un équilibre entre le jour et la nuit. Elle est également associée à des récoltes telles que les pommes, les poires, les châtaignes mais aussi les raisins et les citrouilles. La période des vendanges, où l'on récolte les raisins pour la fabrication du vin, est d'ailleurs un événement marquant. L'automne est aussi le temps des conserves un avant goût des fêtes à venir Halloween et Noël
A symphony of colors is autumn, the season that puts on a show, the leaves are tinged with reds, oranges and yellows. It is the time when nature prepares for rest. The days get shorter, the leaves fall and the fresh air fills our lungs. Autumn invites us to slow down, to appreciate the present moments. A season of harvest and transition, it is rich in symbols, the first is the autumn equinox, which represents a balance between day and night. It is also associated with harvests such as apples, pears, chestnuts but also grapes and pumpkins. The grape harvest period, when grapes are harvested for making wine, is also a significant event. Autumn is also the time for preserves, a foretaste of the upcoming holidays, Halloween and Christmas.
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Installé confortablement sur le rebord de la fenêtre, le chat observe les feuilles emportées par la brise d'automne. Ses yeux suivent avec curiosité cet étrange ballet. Il semble comprendre, d’une façon instinctive, que l'hiver approche et que l'automne est une invitation à ralentir, à se lover dans la chaleur de la maison. Les saisons passent, doucement mais inexorablement, et dans le regard tranquille du chat, il y a la sagesse de ceux qui savent que tout à son temps.
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Dernier souffle d’automne
Dans l'air tiède s'envolent les feuilles dorées, Comme des murmures d’un passé oublié, Chaque brise emporte un rêve fané, Dernier écho d’un amour envolé.
Les arbres se dénudent, gardiens silencieux, Témoins du départ, du silence des cieux, Tes pas se perdent sur les chemins glacés, Et mon cœur se fige, par l’absence blessé.
L’automne te suit, dans son manteau léger, Ses couleurs s’éteignent, dans un ciel blessé, Et je guette, en vain, un signe, un retour, Mais l’automne emporte les restes de l’amour.
Sous le voile du crépuscule roux, Je laisse partir, malgré moi, tout de nous, Dernier souffle d’automne, dernier soupir, Dans les bras du vent, je te laisse partir.
#poèsie#poème#poème français#textes en poème#french poetry#poème court#automne#poèsie automnal#vie#astuce#astuces
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Un beau dimanche d'été.
Mille fleurs embaument de leur parfum miellé l'air frémissant :
Promesses de temps radieux et de ciel bleu.
Par ce matin ensoleillé, elle choisit sa robe lilas et s'en alla sous les frondaisons.
Ses pas rêveurs la conduisirent vers l'école.
Elle avait sa pièce d'identité,
Sésame lui permettant de faire entendre sa voix au monde.
Mais le soir apporta la tempête.
Un écran de fumée néfaste l'enveloppa.
Cette émanation axphysiante s'insinua par ses narines, pour atteindre son cerveau.
Éther funeste.
Tout devient noir.
La nuit brune s'abat.
Une nuée ardente fossilise les coquelicots poético-politiques.
Les nuages brunâtres masquent la lune d'un rire grimaçant.
Les arbres sous le souffle violent, passent leur robe d'automne.
Un seul plaisir lui reste :
Prendre son café en compagnie des tourterelles.
#30jourspourécrire#texte court#texte libre#texte français#tristesse#souffrance#lilas#café#lune#automne#coquelicot#textes en poème#fumée#nuit
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Deux vieux marins des mers du Nord s’en revenaient, un soir d’automne. De la Sicile et de ses îles souveraines, avec un peuple de Sirènes, a bord. Joyeux d’orgueil, ils regagnaient leur fiord, parmi les brumes mensongères, joyeux d’orgueil, ils regagnaient le Nord. Sous un vent morne et monotone, un soir de tristesse et d’automne. De la rive, les gens du port les regardaient, sans faire un signe. Aux cordages le long des mâts, les Sirènes, couvertes d’or, tordaient, comme des vignes, les lignes sinueuses de leurs corps. Et les gens se taisaient, ne sachant pas ce qui venait de l’océan, là-bas, a travers brumes. Le navire voguait comme un panier d’argent rempli de chair, de fruits et d’or qui s’avançait, porté sur des ailes d’écume. Les Sirènes chantaient dans les cordages du navire, les bras tendus en lyres, les seins levés comme des feux elles chantaient devant le soir houleux, qui fauchait sur la mer les lumières diurnes, le corps serré autour des mâts. Mais les hommes du port, frustes et taciturnes, ne les entendaient pas. Ils ne reconnurent ni leurs amis marins ni le navire de leur pays, ni les focs, ni les voiles
dont ils avaient cousu la toile. Ils ne comprirent rien à ce grand songe qui enchantait la mer de ses voyages, puisqu’il n’était pas le même mensonge qu’on enseignait dans leur village. Et le navire auprès du bord passa, les alléchant vers sa merveille, sans que personne, entre les treilles, ne recueillît les fruits de chair et l’or par Emile Verhaeren
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Amour d’automne 🧸🍂💌
L’automne est ma saison préférée car c’est la période où je ressors mes bottines préférées
Octobre s’approche et j’ai toujours voulu écrire une histoire d’amour
Je voudrais voler le cœur de quelqu’un
Je n’ai jamais dit que l’amour n’existait pas
L’amour c’est beau chez les autres
Octobre s’approche et j’attends toujours qu’il arrive
Mon cœur veut le conquérir et qu’il soit avec moi
Je n’imagine même pas toutes les filles qui ont pu être avec lui
Je veux réparer son cœur et qu’il voit ma douceur
Je suis celle qui l’attendait le moins et je peux être meilleure qu’elles
Octobre c’est son mois d’anniversaire et si on était déjà ensemble je voudrais qu’il me regarde dans les yeux et que je suis son plus beau cadeau
Si seulement nos âmes pouvaient se rencontrer ?
L’automne c’est la saison où on trouve l’amour et réchauffer le cœur de l’autre
Je voudrais réchauffer son cœur et sentir sa peau sur ma peau
Me réchauffer avec un plaid et poser ma tête sur sa poitrine
Je voudrais qu’il soit mon mémoire d’automne
Ce roman d’amour qui attend toujours le début d’une vie amoureuse comme dans mes films préférés
Je voudrais être son ange gardien et le protéger pour qu’il puisse être heureux avec moi
Même si l’amour me fait peur je peux sentir sa présence lorsque je ferme les yeux
Alors que je m’attendais pas du tout que ça soit lui
Un amour d’automne qui n’a jamais été aussi fort
Je n’ai jamais pleuré pour quelqu’un d’autre que lui
Je veux qu’il soit mon premier et mon dernier amour
L’automne arrive et à chaque fois je penserais toujours à lui jusqu’à le jour viendra où nos cœurs se rencontreront
#artists on tumblr#poems on tumblr#poetry#santé mentale#texte français#writers on tumblr#écrire#ecriture#french#littérature française#poésie#original poem#original character#textes en poème#texte libre#texte#relation amoureuse#amour et tendresse et amitié#amoureux#automne#autumn#love#amour#couple#mon rêve#littérature#litterature#mon amour#poème#poetry community
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Dans un jardin aux mille senteurs, aux mille atours, où les récits s'élèvent comme des tours, au détour d'un bosquet laissez-vous charmer, par les contes qui vous invitent à rêver.
Les hortensias et les iris en bordure fleurie, les myosotis jonchant les allées en harmonie, sous les pergolas de sollya, un théâtre se dessine où les saisons dansent et s'entrem��lent, divines.
Laissez-vous guider par le chemin tracé, au gré de vos envies, sans vous prélasser car chaque pas révèle une nouvelle histoire, dans ce jardin où la magie est notoire.
Que vous choisissiez de faire demi-tour ou d'avancer, attirés par le jour, le jardin des mille conteurs vous appelle pour une balade où le merveilleux s'éveille.
Cycle I - Les Glycines Pourpres 🪄
1 - 2
Cycle II - Les Misères des Revenants 🩸
Cycle III - Les Amours en Cage 🌊
Cycle IV - La Faiseuse de Vœux 🔮
Maintenant que j'ai fait l'effort d'être un tant soit peu poétique, entrons dans ce que l'on appelle des "disclaimer" (comme disent les jeunes).
J'écris, mais je ne suis pas écrivaine pour autant. J'essaye de raconter les choses aussi clairement qu'elles le sont dans ma tête.
Ce sont des histoires originales. Cependant, je m'inspire beaucoup de ce que je vois, entends. Il y a des références qui ne sont pas spécialement ... discrètes à mes yeux ... sûrement peut-être parce que je le sais ?
J'accepte la critique pourvu qu'elle soit constructive ET bienveillante.
J'écris chaque histoire de façon saisonnière car étrangement ce sont les saisons qui m'inspirent. Je m'explique : une histoire en automne, une autre en hiver et ainsi de suite. Du coup une partie de l’histoire sera écrite/paraîtra en automne et la suite apparaître à l’automne suivant. Un peu comme une série !
J'essaye de rendre les histoires indépendantes des unes des autres. Mais il y aura forcément des références de la première dans les suivantes.
Début de parussions : Automne 2024 (mais je vous présenterai un peu de lore ainsi que les personnages)
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Automne 2023
Apotheosis _ Vassily Vereschchagin/AFP
Rien que de bonnes nouvelles...
L'année 2023 sera la plus chaude de l'histoire
Tremblement de terre au Maroc 8 septembre
Inondations monstres en Libye 10 septembre
Guerre Israël - Hamas 7 octobre
Accord laxiste Cop 28 à Dubai 13 décembre
665 ème jour de guerre en Ukraine 21 décembre
Cancer: en principe tout va bien mais...
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Automne 1922 - Louxor (Egypte)
Je constate en tous cas que Jules semble tenter de se racheter, à sa manière pour sûr, mais j'ai l'impression que vous y trouvez une forme de sincérité cette fois. C'est en tous cas ce que semblent indiquer vos mots. Il est bien altruiste de prendre sous son aile la petite Gizelle, mais il est vrai que dans un couple, la communication et le compromis sont supposées être les valeurs reines. Et si vous tentiez de vous imposer ? Après tout, qu'il l'ait avoué ou non, il a bien du s'adapter à votre décision d'accueillir Layan et Leyla. Faites lui sentir qu'il a tout intérêt à avoir votre assentiment.
Cela me fait penser que Constantin m'a demandé il y a peu si nous pourrions nous installer en Egypte pour nos vieux jours, quand les enfants seront adultes. C'est très lointain, mais je suis très partagée sur cette question. D'un côté, il me suffit d'embrasser du regard ces paysages magnifiques et de sentir les palpitations que me provoquent les ruines antiques pour avoir envie de dire oui sans un regret. Et vivre sans Madame Eugénie au quotidien semble justifier l'effort. Mais pourrai-je laisser mes enfants, mêmes adultes, aussi loin de moi ? Je sais que j'ai encore bien le temps, Eugénie est en particulier bien trop jeune pour se passer de moi. Mais étant donné que j'ai en vous une oreille attentive et un regard bienveillant, qu'en pensez vous ?
Transcription :
Albertine « C’est la grande salle hypostyle de Karnak. J’avais tellement envie de la revoir. »
Constantin « C’est ici que nous nous sommes mariés. Je pensais bien que cela te ferait plaisir. »
Albertine « Raconte moi cette salle Constantin. Je dois la connaître mieux, puisqu’elle est si importante pour nous. »
Constantin « Hum… Et bien ses plans ont été dessinés sous la reine Hatshepsout. Elle a laissé sa marque un peu partout sur l’édifice, il faut le dire, pour asseoir sa légitimité. »
Albertine « Une femme pharaon, cela n’a pas du être facile. »
Constantin « Certainement pas non, son nom a subit un méthodique martelage après sa mort. Vois-tu son obélisque là-bas qui domine le site ? »
Constantin « En ce qui concerne l’édification en elle-même, il y a des spéculations. »
Albertine « Lesquelles ? »
Constantin « Beaucoup s’accordent sur une fin de XVIIIème dynastie. Horemheb certainement, quoique cela me semble peu plausible. »
Albertine « C’est ton avis qui m’intéresse. Dis-moi donc. Je ne t’ai pas épousé pour que tu te contente de me répéter ce que disent les autres. »
Constantin « Je pense que c’est plus tardif. La terminologie m’indique un début de XIXème dynastie. Pour ne pas trop se malmener l’esprit, autant prendre ce que les textes nous donnent, à savoir une profusion d’inscriptions au nom de Séthi Ier. On retrouve également la marque de ses successeurs, mais je suis certain que c’est à lui que nous devons ce monument. »
Albertine « Merci à lui dans ce cas. Cet endroit est tout simplement grandiose. »
Constantin « Puisque nous sommes non loin de l’endroit où nous nous sommes mariés… »
Albertine « Nous y sommes. »
Constantin « Non, c’était bien là-bas. Nous en sommes éloignés d’une bonne trentaine de pas. Bref, comme cet endroit est d’une certaine importance pour nous, je me disais que ce serait mieux de procéder à cette demande importante pour notre mariage ici. »
Albertine « C’est dit… d’une telle façon. J’en suis à la fois curieuse et un peu soucieuse. »
Constantin « J’ai une demande à formuler, mais tu ne seras pas d’accord. »
Albertine « Belle entrée en matière. Et tu espères encore me convaincre ? »
Constantin « Cesse donc de te moquer de moi ! Il s’agit de quelque chose qui me tient à coeur et tu m’angoisse. »
Albertine « Pardon, pardon. Je me tais. »
Constantin « Avec la guerre et ces histoires de guerre civile, j’ai été tenu loin d’Egypte pendant longtemps. De plus, nous avons des enfants dont il faut s’occuper de l’éducation. Et puis avec Grand-Mère qui n’est plus si jeune, je me dois de rester avec elle. Mais je pense de plus en plus à après. »
Albertine « Vas-y, je t’écoute. »
Constantin « Quand les enfants seront grands et n’auront plus besoin de nous, j’aimerais que nous nous installions en Egypte. Définitivement. A Port-Saïd ou Alexandrie peut-être. Nous y aurions un climat agréable au bord de la mer, nous pourrions facilement descendre vers le sud pour mon travail, ou prendre un bateau pour rentrer en France de temps à autres. Alors, qu’est-ce que tu en pense ? »
Albertine « Je ne sais pas, pas encore. Notre petite Eugénie n’a que cinq ans, c’est si tôt pour envisager de la quitter un jour. »
Constantin « Nous attendrons aussi longtemps que tu le souhaites. »
Albertine « Mais j’avoue que l’idée me plait. Nous aurions notre propre maison, notre propre rythme… J’aime l’idée. Je te promets d’y réfléchir sérieusement. »
Constantin « Merci mon amour. »
#lebris#lebrisgens4#history challenge#legacy challenge#decades challenge#nohomechallenge#sims 3#ts3#simblr#sims stories#eugénie le bris#Albertine Maigret#Eugénie Bernard#Constantin Le Bris#Arsinoé Le Bris#Cléopâtre Le Bris#Sélène Le Bris#Marc-Antoine Le Bris#Jean-François Le Bris#Eugénie Le Bris II#Layan Adli#Leyla Le Bris#Jules Le Bris#Gizelle Le Bris
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A detour in territories I never trod peacefully
I have very much a love-hate relationship with the French language, and French literature. Not surprisingly, it might have something to do with school and how I was taught French, as well as how I was taught to study literature then.
It took me almost a decade to start feeling comfortable reading French books again, and discovering writers who could be considered outsiders of the "culture classique" helped quite in the matter : the queer novels of Jeanne Galzy, Rachilde and Genet where, in that aspect, true revelations. So what about really diving in that infamous French Literature?
Well, I am still not 100% comfortable confronting myself to more traditional French "classics" (those Names that All The Right People know etc...). It is a shame (or at least it feels so) because sometimes, I'll happen on some books and read summaries which makes them sound right up my alley! But then I'll see the name of the writer and straight up freeze. A great reaction there, truly.
So, taking myself by the hand, I've decided to give it a try and jump into two classics of French literature, trying to decide for myself whether or not they are as good as they're said to be.
[Would I be missing something if I never persevered in reading French "classics" ? No. Honestly, I don't think one can miss something by not reading a book. If people speak about it enough around you, or you read enough about it, it's just as if you had read it really (see : Comment parler des livres que l'on n'a pas lus ? by Pierre Bayard, which is exactly about the cultural aspect of not reading books yet knowing about them !). So nothing will be missed. Unless you're really interested by it ! It's really all about the experience, and the enjoyment of the text. Why do I persist then ? Is this lead by an ingrained training that French classics have to be better than other non classic books ? - Arrêtez-vous là Madame Borne. You're not my therapist. Yet. ]
Those That Might Just Break The Curse
Les Diaboliques, Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
First published in 1874, Les Diaboliques caused an uproar and all the copies of the book were seized on the orders of the Ministry of Justice as the book was a danger to public morality. In Les Diaboliques there are six tales of female temptresses--she-devils--in which horror and the wild Normandy countryside combine to send a shiver down the spine of the reader.
Les contes de la bécasse, Guy de Maupassant
Chaque automne, un vieux chasseur régalait ses amis de bécasses. Les têtes de ces délicieux oiseaux étaient donnés à un seul convive désigné par le sort. Et ce dernier, pour dédommager les autres, devait raconter une histoire.
General themes
As you might have noticed, they are both short stories / novella collections by two 19th century writers. I didn't go much out of my comfort zone in terms of context (I love the 19th century), and the shortness of the texts is also less stressful to get into (although Les Diaboliques is actually 500p long...).
The part about "female temptresses" in Les Diaboliques is really what caught my eye about that one. I went into it looking for awful / corrupted Ladies who will bring Hell down on the men that bother them (or just live in their vicinity - I am really not picky). As for Les Contes de la Becasse, it's the summary of my edition mentioning how funny and yet dark they are that made me pick them up.
(The prices of both those books helped a lot as well : they cost less than 3 / 5 euros a piece brand new - which is always a good incentive as far as I'm concerned)
The Reading Experience
I started straight away with Maupassant, reading in one setting 4 stories. They are well-written for sure, I didn't see the time go by as I read them. The first one is very peculiar to read right now (as it is concerned with a sexual assault and how it is handled afterwards by the man who committed it... And his friends), and I can't help but wish to write in turn a short story where they all get what they deserve. So far, I've kept on reading the other short stories, and I can say that while they are definitely of their time (misogyny abound ! orientalism !!), Maupassant truly has a way with writing chilling stories. I'll give him that.
Once closed, I jumped straight into Les Diaboliques (leaving my other books on hold for the time being). I was on a roll, and I really wanted to read about malicious ladies it seems. It was from the beginning harder to get into Barbey d'Aurevilly's style. Much more pompous, involved.... A lesser, more boring version of Victor Hugo in a way. But nonetheless, I was intrigued by the name of the first story I read "La vengeance d'une femme", and Damn. My God. It caught me unaware because the story of the woman in question crossed a few of the tropes I love and almost never read about (none less than " Woman eating/wanting to eat their lover's heart" ?? And that's an adjacent point in the story to the main vengeance????). I am aghast. I am shaking. It was fabulous. Best vengeance ever. So, still pompous writing, but great ideas and female characters. Good job Barbey d'Aurevilly!
Maupassant - Les contes de la becasse
I finished Maupassant in less than a day, so fascinated I was by the various slices of life his short stories offer. Most of them are concerned with a haunting : whether supernatural or man-made, the suffocating influence permeates almost all of the stories in the book. The mistreatment of women by men is also a recurring theme, so be warned for the accounts of sexual assaults taking place in maybe a quarter of the short stories. But I always find Maupassant to have a way to guilt-trip the men involved, who either assaulted a woman or witnessed the mistreatment. There's also a lot of cynicism in the stories, and I didn't think so, but also many references to the Franco-Prussian conflict of the 1870s. All in all, a good discovery!
Barbey d'Aurevilly - Les Diaboliques
Much denser than Maupassant's collection, and again much more affected (I did not read the stories as quickly, that's for sure), but still an honestly fascinating surprise. That man is unhinged. I can see why this would have been censored. He certainly was a man with ideas. I really thought "Dead Dove: do not eat" many times, which is saying something (good, I believe). It's a shame truly that otherwise is style is not really palatable with how involved it is, but the potential surprise I could get at reading his stories is what kept me going nonetheless. The man had ideas. I am honestly fascinated. I'll be recommending it around (in a weird, cautionary way but still).
I'd say : it's a win!
#saintsaens reads 2024 edition#littérature#littérature française#french literature#breaking the godforsaken curse!!!
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Quand chutent les secondes avec le passé pour cible aucune heure qui vaille. Automne pluvieux les jours raccourcissent Mon bien-être aussi. Orageux problèmes mais derrière tout nuage il y a un ciel bleu.
Stéphen Moysan des espoirs, ô désespoir
🔊 Cole Nat King Miscellaneous. Autumn Leaves (Les Feuilles Mortes)
The falling leaves drift by the window. The autumn leaves of red and gold. I see your lips, the summer kisses. The sun-burned hands I used to hold. Since you went away the days grow long ...
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Jake x MC
Plot : MC goes to DUSKWOOD even though Jake told her not too. First time meeting.
- "I love you, MC." I read his text message.
- "I love you, too, Jake." I replied back to which he left a "read" underneath my message.
That's the last thing this idiot told me. Those three little words meant so much to me. Even more after living that crazy adventure in Dusk wood along side with him. I refused for him to go there but he is so damn stubborn that he didn't listen! He f**king went there! He didn't think for one moment that people who loved him could get scared for him! He didn't think that his disappearance would have been painful and certainly a trauma for me... I know don't know him personally. I know we just talked through a screen. But we developed a connection together. Even through a screen, I could tell his feelings for me and it made my heart go more and more crazy every single message I received from me. He had such a big impact in my life that... If I happen to lose him, I'll blame myself for the rest of my life... Because, I couldn't stop him from losing his life...
That's why I took the decision to disobey his words. He went to Duskwood when he promised me he wouldn't. He was probably there this whole time since he had to flee his persuiers and left me for a few days... And he also probably lied to me to keep me safe and to not worry for him. Now, I guess it's my turn. Maybe I won't find him. Maybe I'll never meet him. Maybe I actually go there for nothing. Maybe it's too late... But I need to go and I need to know if he is alive!
I couldn't sleep much that night, so, at 3a.m., I got up, I packed a luggage, I took all the stuff I knew I needed for this trip, I put my phone in charge while taking a shower, I got ready, I grabbed some food with me, and I left. I have a long drive ahead of me. Leaving early this morning was a good idea. Now, it will take a few hours before I get to Duskwood...
Around 3:30p.m., after driving through highways, national roads, even mountains and tunnels, I finally reached that legendary small town. Duskwood. I have never been here before, but with the pictures Jessy sent me, I manage to recognize a few spot while driving. The pictures were amazing, but now that I'm here, I can tell that it's even more beautiful than I thought. I barely drove through this small town and I already see the charm it offers. Moreover, the automnal colored leaves lying on the ground gives it some kind of magic. Duskwood is definitely a special town...
After driving through Duskwood, briefly visiting the town at the same time, I finally reach a giant woods. I know what you're going to say. How do you know this is the woods where Jake went to? Woods are just giant trees standing next to each other, they all look alike... True. But seeing the police cars, the F.B.I., and ambulances parked in front of it, it can only be here... I park my car a bit further from those and step down.
It feels weird... Being here... Alone. Usually, Jake is on the other side of my phone... He is there to comfort me if I feel the need to get comforted. And I do now... I need him. I'm scared. Standing in front of these woods, in Duskwood itself, scares me. Everything seems more real... What if it was a mistake coming here? What if it was wrong? Am I going crazy? Ugh...!
Watching the woods, I stand next to my car, motionless. I can't bring myself to move yet. Too many questions are burning my mind. They keep popping up, some of them are on repeat which scares and anxious me... Is he still live? Is he still breathing? Why still so many police cars?
My heart is pounding so hard right now, almost reminding me that I need to breathe. I take a deep breath in and finally manage to take a step forward. My legs feel heavy. Each steps I take makes me more and more nervous because I know I am getting closer and closer to that spot... Everything will change once I'll be there. Good or bad... It will change, and it scares the hell out of me.
Walking and climbing on dead leaves and branches, I slowly reach the entry of that site. The feeling is definitely different... Being here in person and watching it from behind a screen... It's different. The FBI are roaming around, most certainly searching for clues and evidence. Police officers from Duskwood are even here. I wonder if Alan Bloomgate is here. Okay... It's pretty serious. Usually, you see this on TV... I look around until my eyes stop at the entrance of that cave. He went in there... He must have been so scared... What if he is still down there? What if he couldn't come back up? What if they found him? Oh God...
I take a step back as stress and anxiousness take over me. My heart is palpitating so fast in my chest. I can even hear my heartbeat in my ears... My hands are becoming very sweaty and my breathing is getting heavy...
- Excuse me, miss! I rapidly look up and see a man approaching me. You can't come here, tells me, a police officer from Duskwood. I notice it just by the uniform he wears.
- Wait, no, my friends were in there! I exclaim with a point of fear mixed with despair in my voice.
- I'm sorry but you have to step back, he insists seriously, not caring of what I just told him.
- Please, just tell me how they're doing. Please! I plead him, impossible for me to give up. What if Jake...? No! I refuse to believe it. And besides, the FBI wouldn't still be here if they found him.
- Miss, step back now! I won't repeat myself! He tells me, slightly raising his voice. He spoke with such a stern tone. As if I was a child not listening to him.
- I'm just asking how they're doing! Please, I need to know! I repeat myself, disliking the way he talked to me. I'm not touching or pushing him. I haven't raised my voice on him. And I haven't insulted him. Why losing it on me?
- Miss!... He half screams at me. He grabs me by my shoulder and pushes me backwards.
- Hey! I suddenly hear a man exclaiming behind him, before I could say something. The police officer takes his hand off and turns around as I look up to see who it was. Another one... Great... Let her to me. Go see if agent Shepherds needs you. He's on site at the entrance of the mine, he tells his coworker with a dead serious tone.
- Yes, sir, replies the police officer before leaving. He didn't argue... Is he his superior? I stay quiet and watch the man leave.
- Hi, I'm Alan Bloomgate. How may I help you? He introduced himself to me before kindly offering his attention. Bloomgate?
- Alan... Bloomgate? Police Chief Department of Duskwood? I question with a surprised tone.
- In person. Why do you look so surprised? He asks back, looking confused himself.
- I just... I thought you were going to look much older. Sorry, I reply with honesty. The man nods. He doesn't seem to know how to react on my comment. Yet, a small smile appeared on his face. But it didn't last for long.
- You said your friends were in there. I believe you are MC, he suddenly tells me. Oh... How...? He didn't see my face when we were on a call...
- How do you...? We just talked on... Are they okay-Wait, I... I blabber so fast that I don't know which question I want to ask first. Suddenly, a wave of dizziness hits me. The ground feels like it's wobbly.
- Wow, are you okay? He asks as he catches me. The police Chief Department of Duskwood helps me sit on cut tree trunk that wasn't too far. Do you want me to call emergency? He kindly offers.
- No, I just need to sit a bit. I'm sorry, it's... The tiredness, all the sudden emotions,... The situation itself. A mixed of everything, I answer sincerely and seriously as I take a few breaths.
- I understand. But don't worry, thanks to you, everything is over, he answers, giving a small comforting smile. Over? I look at him with a shocked expression when the tears began to come up. Over... I don't know if I like the sound of that. Could over means no more Jake? I'm sorry about Richy Rogers. I believe he was also a friend of yours, he suddenly tells me as I see on his face that he doesn't know what to do.
- I thought so too... I whisper shakily due to my tears.
- Let me get you a coffee and then we can talk? He kindly suggests. I nod as I saw he was waiting for an answer from me. The Police Chief Department leaves, walking towards his colleagues. What am I doing here? Was I wrong to come here? Suddenly, I feel my phone buzzing. My heart skips a beat, hoping it is Jake... Oh Thank God!
- "MC. I thought I told you not to come here until I contacted you again. Are you okay?" I read the text message from none other than Jake himself. A part of me feels happy because if he contacted me, that means he is still alive. I have been waiting for days for his message! Yet, I don't like the sound of his message. I look up and look around me as discreetly as I can. I don't see anyone... Oh! This silhouette hiding behind the tree...
- Jake... I whisper with a sudden hope in my voice. I don't know where it came from. I want to run up to him... I want to run up to Jake and hug him. After everything that happened, after every message we shared, the happy and the sad moments... I want to see his face. To discover the real face of who I have been talking with the whole time.
- "Are you okay?" I look at the screen of my phone as it buzzed again. What kind of question is this? Who is okay right now? I get up, still looking in his direction.
- Miss, MC? startled, I turn around to face Mr. Bloomgate. Here's your coffee, he tells me as he hands me the coffee. I accept it despite disliking it and smile to thank him. As if nothing happened... I glance quickly back at where Jake was but I cannot see him anymore. Did he leave? Where is he? I didn't know if you wanted sugar so I brought some, tells me the Police Chief Department. I look at the sugar, staying quiet. Are you okay? He asks me with concern.
- Yes, I'm okay. Well... As okay as I can be after all of this, I state sincerely, not really knowing what else I could say.
- Do you mind me asking you a few questions? He gently asks. Whatever answer I will give him won't change the fact that I need to answer them. If not now, it'll be later...
- No, I... Please, ask them, I reply with a small voice. Where's Jake? Why is he still around? I watch Bloomgate get a pen and a piece of paper to take notes.
- How did you get in contact with everyone? He starts asking.
- They contacted me first. But I don't know how they found my phone number, I reply, trying not to lie too much about this situation. Well, I don't have much to hide except everything that concerns Jake.
- Who contacted you? He asks me as he finishes taking notes from the previous question.
- Thomas. He made a group chat with all of the others, I respond as I keep my eyes on the ground. It's like I am scared to look up and to see Jake around. If I see him, everyone can as well. I don't like that.
- There was a Hacker helping you, right? Or was he a nuisance at finding Hannah? He continues to ask me. A nuisance? Jake... I need to be extra careful of what I'm telling him now. I look at the police chief with a slight upset frown.
- A nuisance? The hacker was our best friend in this investigation. He helped us in so many ways, even the police couldn't do. No offense, I answer with a defensive tone. Maybe I shouldn't have react like this. It will make things obvious...
- None taken. Has the Hacker ever threatened you in any way? He asks me. How many questions does he have? Why would Jake threaten us?
- No, I simply reply.
- Did he forced you to say that? I look at Bloomgate for a second, surprised by the question. What is he doing? Trying to reach me emotionally so I would give answers he couldn't get?
- No. Of course not, I say seriously. Suddenly, Alan lowers his notes and cut his radio. What is he doing? I watch the Police Chief Department looking around, as if he doesn't want anyone to hear us. Why?
- He was in there, wasn't he? He questions with a small voice, making sure no one hears us.
- No, he wasn't, I answer, giving him a lie.
- You love him, don't you? He states. He already knows the answer, why ask?
- I thought you were going to ask questions about this investigation, I remind him with a calm tone. I can't let him get to me.
- He loves you too, doesn't he? He continues to state, as if he slowly got all the pieces. And maybe he actually has some of them...
- I don't know, I reply. It's true, maybe he was just playing a game with me after all...
- I don't believe you, miss, I quietly stare at the Police Chief Department. I watch him grab his radio and turn a button. It makes a sound and then nothing. Please, tell me the truth. It's just between us. My radio is off. I do not write your answers anymore. And we're alone, he calmly says to me, speaking with a gentle tone. He almost seems to be a friend. He spoke with a small voice, like someone wanting to know a secret. Well, it's kind of the case...
- He wasn't in the mine. How could he? I reply seriously and gently, still following Jake's demand.
- The FBI is here. They would have never came for Hannah or Richy. So I'm guessing this hacker of yours is wanted. And he was here. I'm also guessing that you wouldn't be here if he wasn't in there, he tells me, giving me more and more proof that he already knows half the truth. Well, some of those things are hard to hide and hard not to link.
- Maybe... But I honestly don't know if he was in there or not, I respond sincerely as I shrug. Mr. Bloomgate nods. I can't tell if he believes me or not. His expressions are pretty stoic.
- Do you know what he looks like? He asks me as I see him holding his pen and block note up. I wish I knew...
- No, he never showed his face and he never let us hear his real voice either. He always made sure that his identity was hidden, I answer with sincerity once again. Now that I think about it, I went to look for a guy I fell in love over a crazy adventure across my phone with people living at the other side of the country and I don't even know my lover's face. Damn... How crazy is that?
- I can sense strong emotions coming from you when you talk about him. How come? He says seriously. He knows he isn't going to get much answers from me, so he analyzes me. Smart... But I'm smart too.
- I'm a pretty emotive person. Too emotive maybe, I reply, avoiding what he's truly trying to do.
- Phil Hawkins was released. He called someone from prison. Was it you? He slightly changed the subject. Phil... Jessy's brother. I almost forgot about him.
- Yes, it was, I answer.
- Weird. He could have called his sister instead. He doesn't know you but he trusts you than them. Can you explain this to me? He says, frowning as he seems curious. Well... I can't tell either why he called me to be honest... So how can I explain this?
- You will have to ask him this in person. I do not know why he trusts me so much or why he called me, I respond to the Police Chief Department. He nods once more.
- What about your friends? Why not believing Phil Hawkins, someone they know? Why believing you, a stranger? He continues to ask me his questions. More and more... When is this interrogation ending?
- I don't know. I guess... They sort of put everything on my shoulders. Their trust must have come slowly as I was helping them step by step, I answer, giving him the truth. Well, I think it is. I don't see why else they would trust me so blindly. The man nods as he seems a bit defeated. There aren't many answers I can give him to be honest...
- Thank you. That's all I'll ask for today, he tells me as he puts his pen and block note in his pocket and turns back on his radio.
- I'm not a bad person Mr Bloomgate, the Police Chief Department looks at me attentively. None of us are. Except... Richy. I misjudged him. I let him fooled me. I really thought he was one of us. I know why you're asking those questions. And I'm answering them truthfully. There's no point for me to lie to you, I reply sincerely to him. I have no reason to lie. My only reason is to protect Jake but the rest, I don't have any reason to lie. I'm just telling him what he needs to know. No more.
- I believe you. But I think you need to rest before we finish this. You look very tired, he says with an actual caring tone.
- I am. I haven't slept in the last 23h, I admit to the man.
- Do you know where you're sleeping? He gently asks me. I shake my head negatively. I didn't really think about that. I guess I thought my car was going to be enough... There's a motel in town. I'll give a call for you and make a reservation. When you arrive there, your room will be ready for you. The person will greet you warmly, he says as I see him taking his phone out. Maybe a phone only for work? I doubt that's his personal one...
- Thank you very much, Mr. Bloomgate, I thank the Police Chief Department with a smile.
- Please, if you need anything, contact me, he says with seriousness.
- Thank you, I smile once more, appreciating his gesture.
- One last thing. Did the hacker do things for you that he would have not done for anyone else? He asks me. Is it part of the interrogation or is he just curious? Is he testing me to see if I lie or not?
- Yes. He has I confess. Mr. Bloomgate smiles.
- Have a nice day, miss MC, he says politely.
- You too, Mr. Bloomgate, I wish back before watching him walk away. Mr. Bloomgate is kind but not stupid. He knows I lied a bit to him. He'll certainly contact me again soon... In what kind of situation am I in? Suddenly, my phone buzzes.
- "MC..." I read the first text from Jake. "Don't say too much. Be careful with his tricky questions.", He added. "MC, tell me once he is done asking you questions.", I read the third text. Don't say too much... He knows I will never sell him away. Of course I wouldn't say too much...
- "It's over.", I simply sent him back, not in the mood to talk. I love Jake with everything in me despite never meeting. But I... I'm so tired right now, so stressed, so... Overwhelmed. Why can't things be easier?
- "Are you okay? What did he ask you?" I read his new message. Am I okay? I don't know. Probably not, just like he is. I sigh and pass my hand in my hair before lowering my phone. I don't take time to answer. My phone buzzes again. "You are angry.", He texted me. Oh. So he is still watching me. He isn't far... If he can see me, why ask if I'm okay? He must see that I'm not... I'm so tired. Emotionally, mentally, physically... I don't answer him once again. "MC, I can see that you read my text messages. Please, answer me.", He adds, seeming worried. I sigh one more time as I feel the tears coming up.
- "You want answers? Let's meet then. This has to stop, Jake. No more lies. I need to see you! I need to hear your voice! I need you to hold me! To tell me everything will be alright now! That everything I did for you was worth it! I need you because I feel absolutely terrified right now.. You've become my safe place, Jake..", I responded to the man before hearing policemen shouting behind me. I turn around and see them all still focused on the cave. Oh God, I thought they saw him. Where is he by the way? If he can see me, I should be able to see him too. And he isn't standing where I saw him before...
- "Tonight. I will send you a location." He replied. Tonight? More hours to wait... I let my first tear roll down my face. Why does everything feel like time has stopped? It's so long...
- "Will you?" I reply before wiping my tears. I'm even starting to doubt everything now... Everything. I turn back around and take a deep breath in when I notice a shadow next to a tree farther from where I am standing. It's half hiding behind the tree trunk. That hoodie... Jake.
- "I know you see me. I wanted to show you that I am here. With you, MC. But don't come up to me. They could find me. I'm already putting myself at risk by standing here.", He sent me. My heart keeps beating so fast down my chest. Even watching him from afar makes me feel like a wave of energy just hit me. Like I sort of live again. He is here. For me. He came and stayed. He waited despite the danger for him. And I'm there complaining... How selfish am I? Still, now that I saw him, I can't wait until tonight. We could leave right now while they are bothered with the cave.
- "I don't want to wait until tonight. I want to see you, Jake. Now.", I sent him before biting my lower lip out of nervousness.
- "MC, I want to see you too, more than anything. But I can't for the moment. It's too dangerous for both of us. I need to find a spot to stay safe and I need you to stay safe too.", He replied. Oh... Well... I lower my phone, not answering him and start to walk away. I think I should just regain my car then... Mr. Bloomgate will call me if he has more questions. Right now, it's the perfect timing to leave. "MC, where are you going?" I read his new text message without unlocking my phone. I sigh and unlock it to answer him.
- "I'm leaving. I don't think you actually want to see me.", I press on "sent" as I keep walking.
- "MC, of course I want to see you!" He quickly replied. He never replied that fast before. I shake my head negatively and just follow the way I took to go back to my car. "MC, don't leave. Please. Tonight, we see each other. I promise you.", He added.
- "I haven't slept since yesterday, and the nights before, I slept maybe 3 or 4 hours. I was damn worried for you! To the point I even had anxiety! All police officers and F.B.I agents are there! We could have seen each other somewhere far from here since they are bothered with the cave. We could have left together right now! But you prefer waiting tonight? Really??" I reply back as I feel a new tear rolling down my face. Tears of anger, fear, and tiredness...
Jake read my text message but didn't reply. Seriously? What does his silence mean? Upset, I wipe my tears only to have more falling down my cheeks.
Under my feet, I can hear the leaves cracking. I stepped over a root, almost falling as I barely saw it with my tears. Jake... Why is everything so complicated?
I rapidly step out of the woods and reach my car. I was so into my thoughts that I barely noticed the time I put to exit the woods... Standing next to my car, I take my keys out of my pocket to unlock it but, I accidentally drop them along with the coffee. Great! I pick them up and wipe my cheeks before hearing my car beeping. Unlocked. Oh... What the...?
On my car window, I see the reflection of a man standing right behind me. I stopped. I freeze. I completely stopped moving or even breathing for a second. The man sounds breathless, like he ran for his life. He is wearing a hoodie, I can't see his face, just like... Staring at him through the window, I take a deep breath before sniffling. He came...
I watch him slowly take off his hoodie, revealing his face to me. Jake looks down and slightly titles his head on the side. Oh God... I close my eyes and lean against my car as I cry silently.
- MC... He softly calls me. The sound of his voice is just so heavenly. No electronic background, not modified by a computer... It's real. I lift my hand up for him to stay quiet. Jake stays silent. I wipe my cheeks and slowly turn around to face the man I've been dying to meet for months. Damn... I sniffle as I bring my hand towards his arm. I can touch him... He's real. He's in front of me and real. That bastard. I push the man twice, tears rolling down before he catches my wrists and pulls me against him. I am wrapped by his arms, engulfed in his chest. I let a sob out as I feel like everything needs to get out. He is here now... I'm here, I hear him whispering softly.
- I hate you... I say, even though I don't mean it. Why do you have to scare me like that? I question him as I hold tightly onto the man.
- I'm sorry, he whispers. His hold is so comforting, so soft. I thought he would pull away from me, having enough. But instead, he rests his head in my neck. His perfume smells so nice. The two of us stay like this for a moment, enjoying this type of freedom. But everything has sadly an end. I pull away from Jake and look up at him. The both of us stay quiet, still enjoying the moment a little longer. Jake wipes my tears away, his touch being so soft.
- Ugh, you have blue eyes...! I exclaim in awe, making him smile. And a beautiful smile. Such a waste to hide that from the world, I add sincerely with a point of flirting.
- Maybe, but if I didn't hide from the world, it wouldn't just be for you, he replies with his adorable smile. I stare at him, enjoying the view and the moment. I hope this won't be the last one... I hope it won't be the only time I see him. Suddenly, Jake passes his hand behind my neck as I step backwards and him forward. My back bumps against my car. My arms are around his back, keeping him close. My heart is racing so bad despite feeling like time has suddenly stopped. The boy takes a bit of time but he eventually leans in, slowly. I do the same and close my eyes when I feel his lips connecting with mines. God, they're so soft! The kiss... Is so passionate, so deep. I answer his kiss, moving one of my hands to place it behind his neck to put some more pressure. I didn't think he would have made the first move.. I didn't see him as this kind of confident guy. But I like it. Eventually, after a moment, the both of us pulled away to catch our breath. I was about to pull him against me, but he did it first, hiding his face in my neck again. I love you, MC. Maybe you'll find this ridiculous but... You make me feel safe and loved, he whispers softly. I rub his back to comfort him. I don't want to let him go. He is so close to me. I dreamed of that moment for months.
- It's not ridiculous at all. You make me feel the same way, I whisper back as I feel him pull me even closer to him. He places a kiss on my neck before pulling away from me. It's crazy but, despite the actual situation and the FBI or the Police Department potentially coming out from the woods, I feel like a bubble of happiness just got created around us. It's like it is keeping us away from everything. Like we are in our own little world. how's that possible? What's that feeling... Love? Softly, he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. I'm selfish, aren't I? I add with a sorry tone, still whispering.
- No. I was dying to see you too, he rapidly answered, comforting me in the idea of being selfish and potentially putting him in danger. I crack a smile and nod positively.
- Where are you going to go now? I ask him as I lose my smile. I squeezed his hand, scared of his answer. He can go anywhere once again. He is "free" in a way. He can disappear... Jake puts some time to answer, seeming to think.
- Where are you going? He asks me with a soft smile. Oh..!
- I don't know. Anywhere. Everywhere, I reply, making him chuckle. Honestly, I really don't know where to go. to my house and live my boring life like before? After all of this? No... You have to go, don't you? I ask him with a disappointed tone, unable to bring myself to smile at him. Jake looks up, thinking as he leans on the car, still holding my hand.
- Before they come and find me, yeah... But I don't have to leave alone this time. Maybe we could leave together. To go anywhere, everywhere, he tells me as he softly rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. Anywhere and everywhere... That's what I said. I smile, still surprised by his answer. I didn't think he would propose such an idea. That's... Everything I wished actually. As long as I'm not visible to the FBI and my pursuers, we can go anywhere you'd like, MC, he tells me with a smile. Anywhere... That sounds like a wild adventure, but also like heaven to my ears.
I smile at Jake before stepping forward and crashing my lips onto his. The boy answers to my move, giving me back the same love I am giving.
An adventure is waiting for the both of us. It doesn't matter where we go, it's there. Now that we met, that we survived this crazy adventure with Thomas, Jessy, Phil,.., We need to go forward. We need to move one. And it's just starting. Jake and I have grown feelings over the months, after all of those messages. There's so much that we have live together, to experience, so much that we can share. Yes, it will have to be secretive and we'll have to be extra careful. But it is worth a try. He knows what he is doing. And I'm ready to follow him wherever he goes. It might sound crazy. But I just... I love him with everything in me, I can't just let him go.
Not wasting time, the two of us get inside my car and I start driving where he indicated me. We had to go get his stuff before leaving. I still don't know where we're going, but I'm pretty sure once we reach our destination, I'll have to leave my car there. I'll actually have to leave everything I had and knew behind me. My life is changing completely. It scares me. The unknown scares me. But I'm doing it with Jake. I should be fine. I trust him. Maybe it's actually what's best to do. Starting a new life, full of love and adventures, living incredible moments for the both of us to share. Love is a mysterious feeling and unexplainable, but when you know you are with the right person, nothing feels impossible. It's you two against the world, and that's what we're going to do. We'll fight together, hide together, live those adventures together, and most importantly, love each other. We'll see what the future holds for us..
#jake duskwood#jakexmc#duskwood jake#duskwood#duskwood hacker#duskwood game#duskwood everbyte#phil duskwood#everbyte studios#jessy duskwood#duskwood thomas#video games
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This is by far one of the stupidest things I've ever made but I love it. It was an illustration made from a drabble made from an image prompt. The whole thing was stupid and it was probably 3 a.m. when I drew this.
The drabble in English
Once upon a time there was a snake that found a wig. He found it very tasteful and wore it all the time, even if the other snakes found him quite bizarre. But he had a fantastic style and he knew it: his undulations were even more enchanting than before and even humans turned around wherever he went. Eventually, by dint of making his hair crawl as he did his body, the wig got all watery and mushrooms began to grow on it. It gave him white hair and, in autumn, cute little decorations for his hair. Absolute win.
The original text in French
Il était une fois un serpent qui trouva une perruque. Il la trouvait fort à son goût et la porta tout le temps, même si les autres serpents le trouvaient bizarre. Mais il avait une classe fantastique et le savait : ses ondulations étaient encore plus envoûtantes qu’avant et même les humains se retournaient sur son passage. Or, à force de faire ramper ses cheveux comme il le faisait avec son corps, la perruque prit l’eau et des champignons se mirent à pousser dessus. Ça lui donnait des cheveux blancs et, en automne, des décorations mignonnes pour ses cheveux. Victoire totale.
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Les châtaignes, appelées à tort "marrons", sont pour moi une véritable gourmandise, quelle que soit leur préparation. Aller les ramasser sur les sentiers de campagne fait partie de ces plaisirs simples et précieux de l'automne. Mais le meilleur reste de les griller au coin du feu, en savourant leur chaleur et leur goût unique, même si cela implique de se brûler un peu les doigts. Impossible de résister à ce petit plaisir sans conséquence !
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Murmures d'Automne sous la Pluie
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