#textbook publishers in india
pragatiprakashan · 2 years
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vivaeducation · 2 months
Top School Book Publishers in India - Viva Education
Discover the excellence of education with Viva Education, one of India's Top School Book Publishers! Dive into a world of knowledge tailored for schools, aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP)2022 and NCF 2023. Our books feature simple language and warm-up activities to assess prior knowledge. Explore additional information in the "Learn More" sections and engage with NEP-based activities for enhanced learning. Plus, enjoy skill-based projects to make learning joyful and lasting. Elevate your educational journey with Viva Education's enriching content Explore the school books collection at Viva Education!
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philearning · 2 years
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Panel Discussion on Publishing In Digital World
Our Chairman and Managing Director, Mr. Asoke K. Ghosh giving the inaugural speech for a session on panel discussion on “Publishing in Digital World” on the occasion of its Annual Festival of Letters – Sahityotsav organized by Sahitya Akademi from 11th -16th March 2023. The panel discussion took place on 15th March, 2023. In his inaugural speech he touched upon the challenges and the scope of publishing in India as technology transforms the face of publishing.
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metamatar · 7 months
This is maybe a stupid question but do you think there's any ties between like orientalist trends in western countries that glorify dharmic religions and Hindutva? Like I've heard 'Hinduism is the oldest religion on Earth' and 'Hinduism/Buddhism are just so much more enlightened than savage Abrahamic religions' and 'how could there be war and oppression in India? Hindus don't believe in violence' from white liberals and it certainly seems *convenient* for Hindutva propaganda, at least.
Not stupid at all! Historically, orientalism precedes modern Hindutva. The notion of a unified Hinduism is actually constructed in the echo of oriental constructions of India, with Savarkar clearly modelling One Nation, One Race, One Language on westphalian nationhood. He will often draw on Max Mueller type of indology orientalists in his writing in constructing the Hindu claim to a golden past and thus an ethnostate.
In terms of modern connections you can see the use and abuse of orientalism in South Asian postcolonial studies depts in the west that end up peddling Hindutva ideology –
The geographer Sanjoy Chakravorty recently promised that, in his new book, he would “show how the social categories of religion and caste as they are perceived in modern-day India were developed during the British colonial rule…” The air of originality amused me. This notion has been in vogue in South Asian postcolonial studies for at least two decades. The highest expression of the genre, Nicholas Dirks’s Castes of Mind, was published in 2001. I take no issue with claiming originality for warmed-over ideas: following the neoliberal mantra of “publish or perish,” we academics do it all the time. But reading Chakravorty’s essay, I was shocked at the longevity of this particular idea, that caste as we know it is an artefact of British colonialism. For any historian of pre-colonial India, the idea is absurd. Therefore, its persistence has less to do with empirical merit, than with the peculiar dynamics of the global South Asian academy.
[...] No wonder that Hindutvadis in both countries are now quoting their works to claim that caste was never a Hindu phenomenon. As Dalits are lynched across India and upper-caste South Asian-Americans lobby to erase the history of their lower-caste compatriots from US textbooks, to traffic in this self-serving theory is unconscionable.
You can see writer sociologists beloved of western academia like Ashish Nandy argue for the "inherent difference of indian civilization makes secularism impossible" and posit that the caste ridden gandhian hinduism is the answer as though the congress wasn't full of hindutva-lites and that the capture of dalit radicalism by electoralism and grift is actually a form of redistribution. Sorry if thats not necessarily relevant I like to hate on him.
Then most importantly is the deployment of "Islamic Colonization" that Hindu India must be rescued from, which is merely cover for the rebrahmanization of the country. This periodization and perspective of Indian history is obviously riven up in British colonial orientalism, see Romila Thapar's work on precolonial India. Good piece on what the former means if you've not engaged with it, fundamentally it posits an eternal Hindu innocence.
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By: Dyani Lewis
Published: May 31, 2023
In India, children under 16 returning to school this month at the start of the school year will no longer be taught about evolution, the periodic table of elements or sources of energy.
The news that evolution would be cut from the curriculum for students aged 15–16 was widely reported last month, when thousands of people signed a petition in protest. But official guidance has revealed that a chapter on the periodic table will be cut, too, along with other foundational topics such as sources of energy and environmental sustainability. Younger learners will no longer be taught certain pollution- and climate-related topics, and there are cuts to biology, chemistry, geography, mathematics and physics subjects for older school students.
Overall, the changes affect some 134 million 11–18-year-olds in India’s schools. The extent of what has changed became clearer last month when the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) — the public body that develops the Indian school curriculum and textbooks — released textbooks for the new academic year that started in May.
Researchers, including those who study science education, are shocked. “Anybody who’s trying to teach biology without dealing with evolution is not teaching biology as we currently understand it,” says Jonathan Osborne, a science-education researcher at Stanford University in California. “It’s that fundamental to biology.” The periodic table explains how life’s building blocks combine to generate substances with vastly different properties, he adds, and “is one of the great intellectual achievements of chemists”.
Mythili Ramchand, a science-teacher trainer at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, India, says that “everything related to water, air pollution, resource management has been removed. “I don’t see how conservation of water, and air [pollution], is not relevant for us. It’s all the more so currently,” she adds. A chapter on different sources of energy — from fossil fuels to renewables — has also been removed. “That’s a bit strange, quite honestly, given the relevance in today’s world,” says Osborne.
More than 4,500 scientists, teachers and science communicators have signed an appeal organized by Breakthrough Science Society, a campaign group based in Kolkata, India, to reinstate the axed content on evolution.
NCERT has not responded to the appeal. And although it relied on expert committees to oversee the changes, it has not yet engaged with parents and teachers to explain its rationale for making them. NCERT also did not reply to Nature’s request for comment.
Chapters closed
A chapter on the periodic table of elements has been removed from the syllabus for class-10 students, who are typically 15–16 years old. Whole chapters on sources of energy and the sustainable management of natural resources have also been removed.
A small section on Michael Faraday’s contributions to the understanding of electricity and magnetism in the nineteenth century has also been stripped from the class-10 syllabus. In non-science content, chapters on democracy and diversity; political parties; and challenges to democracy have been scrapped. And a chapter on the industrial revolution has been removed for older students.
In explaining its changes, NCERT states on its website that it considered whether content overlapped with similar content covered elsewhere, the difficulty of the content, and whether the content was irrelevant. It also aims to provide opportunities for experiential learning and creativity.
NCERT announced the cuts last year, saying that they would ease pressures on students studying online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Amitabh Joshi, an evolutionary biologist at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research in Bengaluru, India, says that science teachers and researchers expected that the content would be reinstated once students returned to classrooms. Instead, the NCERT shocked everyone by printing textbooks for the new academic year with a statement that the changes will remain for the next two academic years, in line with India’s revised education policy approved by government in July 2020.
“The idea [behind the new policy] is that you make students ask questions,” says Anindita Bhadra, an evolutionary biologist at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research in Kolkata. But she says that removing fundamental concepts is likely to stifle curiosity, rather than encourage it. “The way this is being done, by saying ‘drop content and teach less’”, she says, “that’s not the way you do it”.
Evolution axed
Science educators are particularly concerned about the removal of evolution. A chapter on diversity in living organisms and one called ‘Why do we fall ill’ has been removed from the syllabus for class-9 students, who are typically 14–15 years old. Darwin’s contributions to evolution, how fossils form and human evolution have all been removed from the chapter on heredity and evolution for class-10 pupils. That chapter is now called just ‘Heredity’. Evolution, says Joshi, is essential to understanding human diversity and “our place in the world”.
In India, class 10 is the last year in which science is taught to every student. Only students who elect to study biology in the final two years of education (before university) will learn about the topic.
Joshi says that the curriculum revision process has lacked transparency. But in the case of evolution, “more religious groups in India are beginning to take anti-evolution stances”, he says. Some members of the public also think that evolution lacks relevance outside academic institutions.
Aditya Mukherjee, a historian at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Dehli, says that changes to the curriculum are being driven by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a mass-membership volunteer organization that has close ties to India’s governing Bharatiya Janata Party. The RSS feels that Hinduism is under threat from India’s other religions and cultures.
“There is a movement away from rational thinking, against the enlightenment and Western ideas” in India, adds Sucheta Mahajan, a historian at Jawaharlal Nehru University who collaborates with Mukherjee on studies of RSS influence on school texts. Evolution conflicts with creation stories, adds Mukherjee. History is the main target, but “science is one of the victims”, she adds.
Well, at least it'll put them on par with the anti-science and biology-denial of US classrooms. China no longer has anything to worry about.
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justforbooks · 8 months
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The much-quoted phrase “Grief is the price we pay for love” reached a global audience in 2001 when Queen Elizabeth II used it in her message of condolence to those affected by the 9/11 attacks in the US.
But it was the psychiatrist Colin Murray Parkes, who has died aged 95, who first came up with the words that have given solace to so many. In his 1972 book Bereavement: Studies of Grief in Adult Life, he wrote: “The pain of grief is just as much a part of life as the joy of love; it is, perhaps, the price we pay for love.”
When Parkes first proposed a research project on bereavement while working as a psychiatrist at the Maudsley hospital in south London in the 1960s, a professor responded: “What you have described isn’t a project, it’s a life’s work.” And so it proved.
Having noted that grief rarely featured in the indexes of the best-known psychiatry textbooks, he went on to write and co-author hundreds of research papers, and further books including Facing Death (1981); Death and Bereavement Across Cultures (1997); and Love and Loss: The Roots of Grief and Its Complications (2006). A selection of his works was published in 2015 as The Price of Love.
He was regularly called upon to provide assistance in the aftermath of large-scale disasters and admitted to finding this harrowing. Recalling his visit to Aberfan, the Welsh village near Merthyr Tydfil where a colliery waste tip collapsed on 21 October 1966, killing 116 children and 28 adults, he said: “The first time I drove away from the village I felt utterly helpless. Everyone I talked to had been desperate. I had to stop the car three times because I couldn’t carry on. I just needed to stop and cry.”
In April 1995 he was in Rwanda at the invitation of Unicef, who asked for his help in setting up a recovery programme following the previous year’s genocide there. He attended the reburial of 10,000 bodies that had been dug up from mass graves and felt haunted by his experiences in the country for the rest of his life.
After the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in September 2001, in which 2,977 people died, Cruse – the bereavement charity of which Parkes was life president – was asked to send a team to New York to support the families of British victims. The biggest problem, he recalled, was making real to those families the unimaginable horror that their loved one was never going to come back. “Bereaved people can make it real, but it does take a long time. They have to go over it again and again, and think their way through it,” he said in an interview in the Independent shortly afterwards.
He also worked with those affected by the 1973 air crash near Basel, Switzerland, in which 108 died, mainly women from Axbridge, Somerset; the Bradford City stadium fire in 1985, in which 56 lost their lives; the Herald of Free Enterprise disaster in which 193 died after the ferry capsized near Zeebrugge, Belgium, in 1987; and the bomb explosion in a flight over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 that killed 243 passengers, 16 crew and 11 residents. Parkes also travelled to India to assess the psychological needs of people bereaved by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
He said: “One of the most awful things about bereavement is that the world goes on as if nothing had happened. For bereaved people the world is never going to be the same again.”
Born in London, Colin was the son of Gwen (nee Roberts), and Eric Parkes, a solicitor. After attending Epsom college, in Surrey, he went to Westminster hospital medical school (now part of Imperial College London), qualifying as a doctor in 1951.
He worked for two years as a junior house physician at Westminster, then at Kettering general hospital in the Midlands. After two years’ national service with the RAF medical corps, he joined the Institute of Psychiatry, based at the Maudsley.
Following the publication of his research into bereavement in 1962, he joined the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. There he worked with the psychologist John Bowlby for 13 years, disseminating the model of grief as consisting of four stages: numbness; pining; disorganisation and despair; and recovery.
Parkes was also instrumental in the introduction of bereavement services in hospices from the 1960s. He worked closely with Cicely Saunders – “the single-minded mother of palliative care with whom I shared angst at the scandalous ways our fellow doctors were treating patients faced with death and their families” – on the planning and launch of St Christopher’s hospice, Sydenham, in south London, in 1967.
Both were convinced that good care must involve families as well as patients. Parkes set up a bereavement service of trained volunteers who went into families’ homes and organised support groups, including some for staff, in the hospice. He remained involved with St Christopher’s until 2014, active as a consultant psychiatrist until 2007. He also performed this role at St Joseph’s hospice in Hackney, east London (1993-2007).
“He was a towering intellectual and hugely influential, but never took himself too seriously,” said the former chief executive of St Christopher’s Barbara Monroe. “He always remained a great clinician – very good at talking to patients and staff. And listening.”
In 1975 Parkes left the Tavistock to take up a senior lecturer role in psychiatry at Royal London hospital medical school, retiring from that post in 1993. His association with Cruse began in 1964, as a member of the council. He became chairman in 1972, and was made life president in 1992. Four years later he was appointed OBE.
Parkes edited the journal Bereavement from its launch in 1982 until 2019. Given the Times/Sternberg award – which celebrates the achievements of those over 70 – in 2012, when he was 84, he urged people to spend the last part of their lives in worthwhile work. “I was basically forced to retire at 65 and I got lots of cards with old men fishing on the front. But life is too short for retirement and the time has given me the opportunity to do things I would not otherwise have done,” he said.
In 1957 he married Patricia Ainsworth. She and their daughters, Liz, Jenny and Caz, survive him.
🔔 Colin Murray Parkes, psychiatrist and author, born 28 March 1928; died 13 January 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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questpix · 7 months
Important tips on how to crack IIT JEE exam
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Are you gearing up for the ultimate academic challenge, the IIT JEE exam? As one of the most competitive and prestigious exams in India, cracking the IIT JEE requires meticulous planning, dedicated effort, and a strategic approach. With the right guidance and preparation, you can turn your aspirations into achievements. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into essential tips and strategies to help you ace the IIT JEE exam with confidence.
Understanding the Exam:
Before diving into preparation strategies, it's crucial to understand the structure and format of the IIT JEE exam. The exam consists of two stages: JEE Main and JEE Advanced. JEE Main serves as a qualifying exam for JEE Advanced, which is the gateway to prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). Both exams assess candidates' knowledge and problem-solving skills in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.
Start Early, Stay Consistent:
The journey to cracking the IIT JEE exam begins well in advance. Starting early allows you to cover the vast syllabus thoroughly and revise multiple times. Establish a study routine that suits your pace and stick to it consistently. Consistent effort over an extended period is more effective than last-minute cramming.
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Plan Your Preparation:
Create a well-structured study plan tailored to your strengths and weaknesses. Break down the syllabus into manageable sections and allocate sufficient time for each topic. Prioritize topics based on their weightage and your proficiency level. A balanced approach ensures comprehensive coverage of the syllabus.
Comprehensive Study Material:
Invest in high-quality study material, including textbooks, reference books, and online resources. Choose renowned authors and publishers known for their clarity and accuracy. Additionally, solve previous years' question papers and sample papers to familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and improve time management skills.
Conceptual Clarity:
Focus on building a strong conceptual foundation in each subject. Instead of rote memorization, strive to understand the underlying principles and theories. Practice solving problems from basic to advanced levels to reinforce your understanding and develop problem-solving skills.
Effective Time Management:
Time management is a critical aspect of exam preparation. Allocate time judiciously to cover all subjects and topics adequately. Break your study sessions into smaller intervals with short breaks to maintain focus and productivity. Identify your peak hours of concentration and schedule challenging tasks accordingly.
Regular Revision and Practice:
Revision is key to retention and reinforcement of concepts. Schedule regular revision sessions to consolidate your learning and identify areas that need further improvement. Additionally, practice solving mock tests and quizzes to gauge your progress and simulate exam conditions. Analyze your performance, identify mistakes, and work on improving accuracy and speed.
Seek Guidance and Support:
Don't hesitate to seek guidance from experienced mentors, teachers, or coaching institutes specializing in JEE exam preparation. Join study groups or online forums to exchange ideas, clarify doubts, and stay motivated. Surround yourself with peers who share similar goals and aspirations, fostering a competitive yet supportive environment.
Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:
Amidst rigorous preparation, don't neglect your health and well-being. Ensure an adequate amount of sleep, nutritious diet, and regular exercise to stay physically and mentally fit. Manage stress effectively through relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or pursuing hobbies and interests.
Stay Positive and Motivated:
Maintain a positive mindset throughout your preparation journey. Believe in your abilities and stay motivated, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. Celebrate small victories and milestones to boost your confidence and momentum. Visualize success and keep your eye on the ultimate goal of cracking the IIT JEE exam.
cracking the IIT JEE exam requires a combination of hard work, dedication, and strategic planning. By following these essential tips and strategies, you can enhance your preparation and maximize your chances of success. Remember, the journey may be challenging, but the rewards are undoubtedly worth the effort. Stay focused, stay determined, and embark on your journey to academic excellence with confidence!
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For further assistance and guidance on IIT JEE exam preparation, feel free to contact us at - Email  -  [email protected] , Phone Number - +91 95098 42965 Our team of experienced educators and mentors is dedicated to helping you achieve your academic goals.
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You could read a few of our school textbooks btw. Almost all Indian schools use the same textbooks from grade 6th and they are all available for free online. You can just go to the official NCERT website who are the publishers of these books. I think you'll find quite a bit in grade 8th textbooks and grade 10th textbooks. There might be some in 7th, I really don't remember it that well and there could be a lot in 11th and 12th grade books, I never took history in those years, so I don't really know. India was occupied by Britain for over 300 years so it's a really vast topic.
You could read the translation of the poem 'Jhasi Ki Rani' as well, it is by a poetess named Subhadra Kumari Chauhan and it is one of my favourites.
I completely agree that CMQ did not try to hurt people, it was definitely an accident.
And we would love to see a post discussing the way Nora was portrayed
- Madhuri
I just bookmarked the textbook website for this weekend when I have time to go through them! I wouldn’t have thought about your textbooks, so thanks! (Just don’t quiz me haha, it’s been years since I’ve had a history exam and I think I’d cry😂)
I love poetry! Here’s a link for anyone wanting to read it too! It’s about the Queen of Jhansi, who (from what I’ve seen) basically exudes Girl Power and strength in the face of animosity.
And okay!! I’ll write up a new post about how Casey wrote Nora using cliches and lack of wider understanding tomorrow :)
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redigostudio · 2 years
What is Redígo?
Hi there! My first post on Tumblr! Here’s who I am and what I’m doing here:
My name’s David, I’m a teacher and a game designer, and I’ve just recently published “Redígo: the ready-to-go roleplaying game”. It’s a game that uses hand signs instead of dice and plain old creativity and memory instead of pen and paper. You can even ditch the tabletop and play it on a walk, in the car, while having a picnic, even during class! Wherever you are, this game can transport you to another world just. like. that. (and to be fair, you can play it with dice too, if you prefer.)
You might be surprised to know, given how simple and easy to learn it is, that I’ve been developing it for the last 10 years or so. That’s about the time that I had the idea of using roleplaying to help my students learn English and develop their writing skills instead of forcing them to learn with textbooks written by other people. I found that this technique makes them invest in their story (and therefore, in themselves) to become better communicators, more creative thinkers, and even happier people.
I developed my game by learning from other roleplaying games and slowly cutting away everything that seemed to get in the way of my students joyful learning (and sometimes adding things back in when I’d cut out too much). The Redígo system is the result, and now it’s time to share it with the world!
You can find it in PDF form here:
And on the web too:
You can even read a review of the game by the amazing TTRPGkids.com here:
As for the personal stuff: I was born in the US, but I’ve spent the last two decades living in Asia, mostly in China, but since before the pandemic my wife and two sons have been living in India, where I’ve been going full time with online classes and homeschooling my kids. I have to admit I don’t really understand the US anymore aside from what I read in the news (which doesn’t really make sense), but I’m always learning! It’s a dream to be living free of the restrictions of typical education systems, using Redígo to help kids learn.
Always open to questions! Feel free to ask me anything. 😊
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onlinesikhstore · 1 year
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1984 sikh virodhi dangay sikh genocide riots sanjay suri punjabi gurmukhi book punjab b18 1984 Sikh Virodhi Dangay ਸਿੱਖ - ਵਿਰੋਧੀ ਦੰਗੇ Sikh Genocide Riots Sanjay Suri Punjabi Gurmukhi Book Book on Sikh Genocide in Punjab - Indian Punjabi Reading Literature Book History - Pages 320; Hardback withDust coverAuthor: Sanjay SuriTranslated by - Gurnam KanwarLanguage:Indian Punjabi/Gurmukhi We have PunjabiLiterature books of several Popular writes in stock, please message more information. We have many other Punjabi books (Punjabi Alphabets, Punjabi Mini Stories, Punjabi word Sounds, Punjabi Pronunciation, Grand mother's Punjabi Stories with Morals etc.) listed in our eBay shop to learn Punjabi and will personally recommend you all. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us. We are UK based supplier OnlineSikhStore. Items can be collected from our shop in Rochester, Kent, UK.We have 100% positive feedback. Please bid with confidence and check our other fantastic listings. If you are not happy with your purchase we will give you 100% refund on return of item. No hard and fast rules for refunds and returns. Free Royal Mail Economy Postage in UK. Postage discounts will be given to International buyers for multi-buys. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook: #OnlineSikhStore P.S. Colour of item may slightly vary due to camera flash and light conditions. Please note cover of paper may vary as publishers keep on changing front of books each time they publish new edition. This book is new and never used but it has rub marks on the cover that happened in transport/courier. It doesn't affect the reading of the book. Please buy with confidence. Country/Region of Manufacture: India Topic: Sikh Genocide 1984 Format: Hardcover Title: Sikh Virodhi Dangay 1984 Type: Textbook Field of Study: History Author: Sanjay Suri,Gurnam Kanwar Publication Year: 2017 Language: Punjabi Publisher: Forever Learning http://www-onlinesikhstore-com.myshopify.com/products/1984-sikh-virodhi-dangay-sikh-genocide-riots-sanjay-suri-punjabi-gurmukhi-book-punjab-b18
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vivaeducation · 3 months
Discover the Best Hindi Books with Viva Education!
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Viva Education, one of the best Hindi book publishers in India, offers NEP-aligned books for schools. Our Hindi books for schools match the National Curriculum 2022 and 2023, featuring themed lessons on family, environment, nature, and patriotism. They focus on 21st-century skills, creative activities, and clear learning objectives. Prepare for exams with model question papers. Embrace the beauty of Hindi with Viva Education's unique, engaging books. Buy Hindi school books today and start your journey with Viva Digital!
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rajiasacademy1 · 9 days
Best NCERT Foundation Course for UPSC at Raj IAS Academy
The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination is one of the toughest competitive exams in India, attracting thousands of aspirants every year. Clearing the UPSC exam requires not just dedication but a strong foundation of knowledge. One crucial element in cracking this exam is mastering the NCERT textbooks, which lay the groundwork for understanding complex concepts. Recognizing this need, Raj IAS Academy has developed the Best NCERT Foundation Course for UPSC, designed to offer comprehensive coverage of essential NCERT topics and more.
In this blog, we will explore why NCERTs are vital for UPSC preparation, how Raj IAS Academy’s course provides unparalleled support, and why it stands out as the best foundation course for aspirants aiming to clear the prestigious UPSC exam.
Why Are NCERT Books Important for UPSC Preparation?
NCERT textbooks form the cornerstone of UPSC preparation due to their simplicity, clarity, and well-structured content. These books are often regarded as the most reliable source for building a strong foundation, especially in subjects like History, Geography, Political Science, and Economics.
Some reasons why NCERT books are essential for UPSC preparation include:
Conceptual Clarity: The UPSC syllabus requires a deep understanding of basic concepts. NCERT books, written in simple language, offer detailed explanations of fundamental ideas, making them ideal for beginners.
Accuracy: Since NCERT textbooks are published by the Government of India, they provide accurate and reliable information. UPSC aspirants can rely on these books without worrying about incorrect facts or outdated content.
Balanced Approach: NCERT books maintain a balanced perspective on various topics, ensuring that students gain a neutral and unbiased understanding of subjects like history and politics.
Simplified Language: Unlike other study materials that can sometimes be overly complex, NCERT textbooks present information in a concise and straightforward manner. This makes it easier for aspirants to absorb and retain critical knowledge.
Understanding these basics is critical, and at Raj IAS Academy, we know that success in the UPSC exam begins with mastering the fundamentals. That’s why we offer the Best NCERT Foundation Course for UPSC to help aspirants strengthen their base and prepare effectively.
Features of the Best NCERT Foundation Course for UPSC at Raj IAS Academy
Raj IAS Academy has designed the Best NCERT Foundation Course for UPSC to meet the specific needs of UPSC aspirants. Below are some of the features that make this course stand out from the rest:
1. Comprehensive Coverage of NCERT Books
Our NCERT Foundation Course provides extensive coverage of all relevant NCERT books from Classes 6 to 12. We focus on subjects such as History, Geography, Political Science, Economics, and Science, ensuring that aspirants are thoroughly prepared.
The course is structured to ensure that students understand every concept in detail, making it easier for them to grasp complex topics during their advanced UPSC preparation.
2. Subject-wise Expert Faculty
Raj IAS Academy takes pride in its team of highly qualified and experienced faculty members who specialize in different subjects. Our instructors not only teach the NCERT syllabus but also guide students on how to approach each topic from the UPSC perspective. This unique approach helps aspirants connect NCERT concepts with the larger UPSC syllabus.
3. Interactive Learning Environment
We believe that active participation is key to effective learning. Our classes are interactive, allowing students to ask questions, participate in discussions, and clarify their doubts in real-time. This helps in better retention of knowledge and boosts confidence in tackling the exam.
4. Regular Assessments and Feedback
Our course includes regular assessments, quizzes, and mock tests to evaluate students’ progress. These assessments are modeled on UPSC exam patterns, helping aspirants get used to the style of questioning. Detailed feedback is provided after each test, allowing students to work on their weaknesses and improve continuously.
5. Integrated Learning Approach
At Raj IAS Academy, we go beyond just NCERTs. Our Best NCERT Foundation Course for UPSC integrates NCERT learning with current affairs and additional reference materials. This ensures that aspirants develop a holistic understanding of each subject. By connecting fundamental concepts with contemporary issues, students are better equipped to tackle the UPSC examination.
6. Personalized Mentorship
Each student has unique learning needs, and we recognize that. Our course provides one-on-one mentorship where students receive personalized guidance from experienced mentors. This mentorship ensures that aspirants stay on track with their preparation and receive timely advice on improving their study plans and exam strategies.
How the NCERT Foundation Course Prepares You for the UPSC Exam
The Best NCERT Foundation Course for UPSC at Raj IAS Academy not only prepares aspirants academically but also equips them with the tools and techniques needed to succeed in the examination. Here’s how our course plays a pivotal role in UPSC preparation:
1. Strong Conceptual Base
UPSC is known for asking questions that test your conceptual understanding rather than rote learning. Our course ensures that aspirants build a strong base of knowledge by deeply understanding NCERT concepts. This foundational knowledge helps students in both the preliminary and main stages of the exam.
2. Enhances Answer Writing Skills
Answer writing is a crucial part of the UPSC mains exam. Our course trains students on how to effectively use NCERT knowledge in their answers. We conduct regular answer writing practice sessions where students are taught how to structure their responses, include relevant examples, and present balanced viewpoints.
3. Time Management and Exam Strategy
With an extensive syllabus like UPSC, time management becomes crucial. Our faculty and mentors help students devise a study plan that balances the NCERT syllabus with other UPSC materials. We also teach students how to approach the exam smartly, focusing on high-yield topics and quick revision techniques.
4. Holistic Approach to General Studies
NCERT books form a significant portion of the General Studies paper in both prelims and mains. Our course prepares students to tackle the General Studies syllabus comprehensively, connecting NCERT topics with current events, government policies, and international affairs. This integrated approach ensures a well-rounded preparation.
Why Choose Raj IAS Academy for the Best NCERT Foundation Course for UPSC?
With numerous UPSC coaching institutes available, why should aspirants choose Raj IAS Academy? Here’s what sets us apart:
1. Proven Track Record
Raj IAS Academy has a legacy of producing successful UPSC candidates year after year. Our students have consistently cleared the exam with flying colors, and a significant part of their success can be attributed to our focus on building a solid foundation with NCERTs.
2. Experienced Faculty
Our team of faculty members consists of subject experts who have years of experience in teaching and mentoring UPSC aspirants. Their guidance ensures that students get the best academic support and real-world insights into the exam process.
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sagarrachnagrp · 23 days
Learning is true fun via ‘Together with’ Phygital Question Banks 2024-25
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Rachna Sagar is India’s most reputed educational publishers have been providing the best study resource to the learners since last 3 decades. Now to match the pace of learning in the modern era, Together with Phygital Question Banks for Grades 10 & 12 have been released.
In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the integration of digital resources into traditional teaching methods has become imperative to enhance the learning experience. It caters to the diverse needs of the students, & hence the learning becomes more interactive and effective. Combination of the power of physical books with the dynamism of digital learning resources, provides a holistic approach to academic accomplishment.
Phygital Question Banks for Grades 10 & 12 gives access to a wealth of information and interactive content to gain knowledge beyond the confines of traditional textbooks, preparing them better for the challenges of modern education, especially in critical years of education. ‘Together with’ Class 12 Phygital Question Banks perfectly embodies the blend of two different modes of learning to prepare for 2024-25 Board Exams. QR Codes given in E-edition of CBSE Question Banks offer a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to prepare the concepts. On one hand, the printed content of physical books provide well-structured content, and practice questions that are crucial to understand a subject thoroughly. On the other hand, the digital resources complement this by allowing students to access content anytime, anywhere.
Read More: https://blog.rachnasagar.in/learning-is-true-fun-via-together-with-phygital-question-banks-2024-25/
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digitalsanshta · 27 days
In the digital age, the landscape of education is rapidly evolving, and so are the resources that support it. Gone are the days when parents and students had to visit multiple physical bookstores, searching for specific textbooks or study materials. Today, online bookstores have become a crucial part of the educational ecosystem, offering convenience, variety, and accessibility. Among the top online bookstores, Indian Books Distributor stands out as a premier choice for school books and educational materials.
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By choosing Indian Books Distributor, you are not just purchasing books — you are investing in a future of knowledge, growth, and success.
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bookbazaarwebsite · 1 month
Affordable School Books in Ahmedabad: Shop Online at BookBazaar
As the new academic year approaches, students and parents are on the hunt for school books that meet their educational needs without breaking the bank. For those in Ahmedabad, finding affordable, high-quality school books can be a challenge. However, with the rise of online book stores, the search for the right books has become easier and more budget-friendly than ever before. BookBazaar, a trusted online book store, stands out as the go-to destination for school books in Ahmedabad.
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If you’re in Ahmedabad and searching for "school books near me," look no further than BookBazaar. Our commitment to providing affordable, high-quality school books makes us the best choice for students and parents alike. Don’t let the cost of textbooks hinder your educational journey—shop online at BookBazaar today and ensure that you have everything you need for a successful academic year. Read our more blogs here : https://www.bookbazaar.com/blog
BookBazaar is more than just an online book store—it’s a partner in your educational journey. By offering affordable school books in Ahmedabad, we make it easier for students to access the materials they need to excel in their studies. Start shopping today and discover the convenience and savings that come with choosing BookBazaar.
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wvgsvf · 1 month
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New Delhi: The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has recently made a significant change to the Class 12 Political Science textbook, removing a political cartoon that depicted the challenges faced by coalition governments in India during the 1990s. The decision, which has sparked conversations among educators and students alike, was reportedly made to avoid casting India in a "negative light."
Background of the Cartoon
The cartoon in question, originally drawn by Ravishankar and first published in India Today magazine, featured prominent political figures from the era of coalition governments in India. Among those depicted were V.P. Singh, Chandra Shekhar, P.V. Narasimha Rao, H.D. Deve Gowda, I.K. Gujral, and Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The cartoon posed pointed questions about the survival of their respective governments and the stability of Indian democracy during that period.
NCERT's Rationale Behind the Removal
According to an official NCERT document, the decision to remove the cartoon was based on concerns that it portrayed India in a negative manner. The cartoon, which supplemented the chapter titled "Recent Developments in Indian Politics," highlighted the political instability and short tenures of several prime ministers during the 1990s, a time when coalition politics was at its peak in India.
This was a period when no single party could secure a majority, leading to the formation of various coalition governments. The cartoon captured the uncertainty and fragility of these governments, raising questions about the future of democracy in India.
However, the NCERT's recent revisions to the textbook have replaced this cartoon with an illustration featuring two students discussing the potential future of coalition politics in India. In the new content, one student asks, "Does that mean we will always have coalitions? Or can national parties consolidate their positions again?" The other student responds, "I am not worried about whether it is a single party or a coalition government. I am more concerned about what they do. Does a coalition government involve more compromises? Can we not have bold and imaginative policies in a coalition?"
Impact on the Understanding of Indian Politics
This change has raised questions about how students will now perceive the coalition era in Indian politics. For many years, the cartoon served as a visual tool to help students understand the complexities of coalition governments and the challenges they posed to the stability of Indian democracy. The removal of this cartoon could lead to a shift in how this important period in Indian political history is taught and understood.
Some educators argue that the cartoon provided a balanced view of the challenges faced by India during the coalition era, allowing students to critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of coalition governments. By replacing it with a more generalized discussion, there is concern that the nuances of coalition politics may be lost.
Reactions from the Education Community
The NCERT’s decision has elicited mixed reactions from educators, students, and parents. Some believe that the removal of the cartoon is a step towards ensuring that students have a more positive perception of India’s political history, while others see it as an attempt to sanitize and simplify the complexities of the coalition era.
A political science teacher at a Delhi-based school, who wished to remain anonymous, expressed concern over the removal of the cartoon. "This cartoon was an important teaching tool. It visually represented the political instability of the time, making it easier for students to grasp the concept of coalition politics. By removing it, we might be losing a valuable element of critical analysis in our teaching."
On the other hand, some educators support the change, arguing that the new content still encourages students to think critically about the future of Indian politics without focusing on past instability. "The revised text encourages students to think about the future of our democracy, which is equally important," said another teacher from a CBSE-affiliated school in Mumbai.
What This Means for Students and Parents
For students, this change in the textbook could alter the way they learn about India’s political history. The cartoon served as a visual representation of the coalition era’s complexities, offering a tangible way to understand the dynamics of multiple parties coming together to form a government. Without it, students may need to rely more heavily on textual descriptions and discussions led by their teachers.
Parents, too, may find this change significant as it impacts the way political history is taught to their children. The NCERT’s decision reflects a broader trend in educational materials to align more closely with the current political environment, which could influence how future generations understand and engage with India’s political system.
Looking Forward: The Role of Textbooks in Shaping Perspectives
The removal of the cartoon from the Class 12 textbook is not just a change in curriculum but also a reflection of how educational content can be shaped by the socio-political context of the time. Textbooks play a crucial role in shaping students’ understanding of history and politics, and changes like these can significantly influence their perspectives.
The NCERT has stated that the revision was made in light of the post-2014 political scenario, where India has seen more stable governments, particularly under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The removal of the cartoon aligns with the current narrative of political stability and progress, rather than focusing on the instability of the past.
However, this raises an important question: Should educational content be modified to reflect the current political environment, or should it strive to present a balanced view of history, including its challenges and complexities?
Conclusion: A New Chapter in Indian Political Education
As the NCERT continues to revise and update its textbooks, this latest change serves as a reminder of the ongoing debates about how history and politics should be taught in schools. For students and parents, it underscores the importance of engaging with educational content critically, asking questions, and seeking to understand the full picture of India’s political journey.
While the removal of the cartoon may simplify the narrative of coalition politics, it also provides an opportunity for teachers and students to explore these topics in greater depth through discussion and analysis. As India’s political landscape continues to evolve, so too will the way we teach and learn about it.
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