#textbook chapters
cassiiia · 4 months
AP Psychology notes + Resources and stuff
notes + flashcards that I used 2 study (not all my resources, found online)
Summary of every unit (16 pages)
A longer summary of every unit (53 pages)
Knowt AP Psych Guide
Doc for Notes
Unit 1 Notes - Intro to Psychology
Unit 2 Notes - Biological Psychology
Consciousness/Drugs Notes
Unit 3 Notes - Sensation/Perception
Unit 4 Notes - Learning
Unit 5 Notes - Cognitive
Intelligence Notes
Unit 6 - Developmental Psychology
Unit 7 - Motivation/Emotion/Stress
Personality Notes
Unit 8 - Disorders
Clinical Treatment Notes
Unit 9 - Social Psychology Notes
Important People
Domains of Psychology
AP Psychology Ultimate Guide
AMSCO AP Psych Chapters
Ch. 1 - Intro to Psychology
Ch. 2 - Research Methods
Ch. 3 - Statistics
Ch. 4 - Understanding the Brain: Its Structures and Functions
Ch. 5 - Neurons, Neural Communication, and Behavioral Genetics
Ch. 7 - Perception
Ch. 13 - Motivation
Ch. 15 - Infancy and Childhood
Ch. 16 - Adolescence and Adulthood
Ch. 17 - Personality Theories, Approaches, and Assessment
Ch. 20 + 21 - Abnormal Behavior
Ch. 22 + 23 - Treatment of Abnormal Behavior
Ch. 24 + 25 - Social Psychology
Fiveable Study Guides for each unit
Youtube - Tim Steadman
Youtube - The School of Ireland
Youtube - Crash Course Playlist - Psychology Playlist
Youtube - Mandy Rice
Youtube - College Board - AP Psychology Playlist
Youtube - Social Science Simplified
AP Psychology Reddit
Other Tumblr blogs with more resources!
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I'm getting whumperflies from my textbook's chapter on behaviorism. The cold, calculated way it talks about behaviors completely separate from the person doing them and the emphasis on reinforcement and punishment are just so very whumpy. Generally it uses attention as an example of reinforcement, which leads to stuff like "it's effective to avoid eye contact and conversation while restraining a patient so that misbehaving isn't unintentionally reinforced through attention." Like that's one of the whumpiest things I've ever read and it's in a psychology textbook. Imagine a whumper just completely ceasing any eye contact or conversation while Whumpee is being punished because attention is a reinforcer
Behaviorism is so fucked up
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stop-entropy-lie-down · 5 months
its actually freakish that the exploitative trade policies of the imperial core directly cause diseases like kwashiokor (abdominal distention after prolonged protein deficiency) and then we learn about them in school biology as unfortunate but unsolvable facts
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alluralater · 8 months
it’s pretty horrifying to know that however this genocide ends, the united states government- my government, will take no accountability for it’s war crimes, the global destabilization, the cultural impact of casually assisting in the murder of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. the media outlets will pretend they were non bias and still have journalistic integrity as if they told the truth to the core population. history textbooks will be published with fake reasons this ‘war’ began and how america was somehow heroic in involvement. politicians will use their involvement as a stepping stone to even more power. it literally turns my fucking stomach thinking about the future because i know what the past has been. indigenous people being removed from their lands, brutally murdered and/or tortured for one reason only. greed. however it ends, we cannot just forget and move on. palestinians deserve our fucking support. ‘to the victor goes the spoils’ how about no. how about we take this as the turning point in history that it is and stop pretending things will magically get better if we avert our eyes from the subject. barbaric acts of senseless murder should be met with extreme vocal condemnation by those who are left standing to talk about it. there is no world in which this is justified. however it ends— do not forget that this has set a precedent for governments to begin globally murdering indigenous people en masse and get away with it. the past will always be the future until we decide to change it.
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"are we not lucky plants reproduce sexually?" is a wild sentence to start the chapter with ncert
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crimson-dianxia · 8 months
listening to my textbook is going great why do you ask
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stuckinapril · 3 months
How the fuck do I think more like a physicist
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bpdohwhatajoy · 1 month
When you’ve dealt with toxic and abusive people your entire life, you see the patterns and simplify them into archetypes. These people always get mad when you point out that they’re acting like a certain person but the data doesn’t lie.
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palebonedry · 11 months
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fantasy has become reality
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slicedblackolives · 8 months
I regret tossing out my NCERT SST textbooks in the raddi, they were proof of how far the overton window has shifted in less than a decade, with standard government approved textbook material about minority rights in 2015 being borderline seditious in 2024. my political science and sociology textbooks in 2016 and 2017 had entire chapters on babri masjid demolition and the 2002 pogroms and how BJP rode that wave of hate into electoral victory, and now that same material can only be published in online-only paywalled journals at the threat of lawsuits, violence, and denial of FCRA licenses.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
You know, something that's been healing in ways I never really anticipated was buying secondhand books.
I have a physiology textbook that has the name Ernest written in beautiful cursive on the inside cover. Throughout the book, passages are highlighted, and I wonder: What is the difference between a passage underlined in red pen and one highlighted in yellow? Did he have a system, or did he use whatever was around him at the time? What kind of courses did he take? I wonder what he did after his degree... what if he became a renowned physiologist? Or, what if he abandoned everything to run away to chase dreams he knew were unwise?
It's something small you don't really think about, but there really is something holy about not being the first. This book isn't just the sum of knowledge anymore, it's become a love letter, with a completely separate story attached. That's something I will keep with me forever. We have always been here. We will pass down a tiny bit of ourselves no matter how long it has been. We will yet live.
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xiaojunsdino · 1 month
….::::•°✾°•::::…. textbook (love) notes
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・❥・chapter 1!
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and so it begins… ・❥・
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phe-purple-parade · 5 months
Lmao just realised my morphosyntax textbook makes reference to The Princess Bride in MULTIPLE example sentences
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kaurwreck · 2 months
I've seen a few posts about how if you were bookish as a kiddo, then you have an author with whom you have an irrational vendetta because of an English teacher. I keep trying to consider if I have one, but I don't think I do. I've definitely had English teachers I didn't respect, but I can't fathom taking them seriously enough to feel anything about their opinions on lit.
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When you’re reading dune and get water on it
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Wrong #746
He’s discovered some book of Freudian psychology and I think Kiara is actually trying to explode him with her mind whenever he talks about it
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