#text quirk
anime-as-textposts · 6 months
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animestsstuff2 · 2 months
DynamightX is typing…
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Bakugou Katsuki! X FemReader
Prompt: in which you are unknowingly texting Bakugou Katsuki
There will be abbreviations used for the messaging parts just things like u instead of you to fit todays texting!
Content warning: bakugou insulting you, slight crushing on Kirishima! (Lowkey love Kiri)
You rolled over from your previous position snatching your phone from the charging cable and squinting at the bright light. You couldn’t sleep at all. A sigh left your lips as you opened the messaging app you had downloaded a while ago.
Denki likes to use it when you guys are playing online games. You scrolled past your usual group chat which had a few notifications, most likely Denki can’t sleep either and is begging someone to play with him. You had joined a few different chat rooms, one was related to your quirk and a few others just had relating interests to you.
You scrolled down finding an active one and just as you went to join your message request pinged. Your brows pinched together as you checked the message box. You didn’t recognise the name at all.
DynamightX has sent you a message request!
None of your friends from UA had this username and you couldn’t think of anyone else. You clicked onto it. It was late and you were bored, what harm could come of it?.
DynamightX: why ya even in that chat if you’re not gonna talk about your quirk.
Your brows furrowed as you read the message. Who was this guy? Your mind quickly went to the chat you were in for quirks. It had a few people in it with varying quirks. You swiped onto the chat and typed their name.
Nothing—they hadn’t talked about their quirk once. They only ever spoke to insult someone else’s quirk—jerk. You clicked the profile and scrolled seeing they weren’t in any other chats except that one and had nothing in their bio. You swiped back onto the message request and began typing. Your knees bent and legs swaying in the air as you pulled your pillow further under your chin.
XAmethysta_: you’ve never talked about ur quirk either so why are u bothering me for?
DynamightX: i at least talk in that chat room. Bet ur some quirkless loser nerding out over other peoples.
Your jaw literally dropped as you felt yourself grow angry. Who the hell was this person? You typed back furiously.
XAmethysta_: i am not quirkless and even if i was that doesn’t make me a loser. Ur a loser for msging me about this, got nothing better to do?
DynamightX: I obviously have something better to do. U clearly don’t tho stalking that dumb chat.
XAymethysta_: good go do it then and stop bothering me.
You swiped off the app and turned your phone off rolling back over and closing your eyes. You eventually drifted off to sleep after continuously tossing and turning in frustration over what that person said to you.
He must absolutely hate his quirk if he gets on like that
You sat in class Jirou to your left and Mina to your right as you talked about the shopping trip after school today. It was almost the end of school lunch was soon and then you’d be out in no time to hang out with your friends.
“So who is all coming again?” You asked and Mina immediately began listing names.
“Uraraka, Kaminari um—Shoto I think obviously Kirishima. I don’t know if Bakugou is coming” Your cheeks tinged and Mina rolled her eyes. You had a bit of a crush on the red head.
“Hey Kirishima! Are you and Bakugou coming after school today?” Your eyes darted over to the group of boys. Kirishima glanced at all three of you and you quickly averted your gaze from his sharp grin.
“Heck yeah! What time we meetin’? And just at the usual spot?” He asked.
“Hmm say an hour after school ends?” Mina told him. You looked back to see him nod with confirmation and swivel back round in his seat to face his friends.
Your eyes caught the all too familiar narrowed red eyes of his best friend and you just puffed your cheeks out, rolling your eyes at the rude blonde boy who just glowered more at you. The pencil he held smoking from his overheated palm.
“Gosh he really hates you Y/N” Jirou snickered and you just shrugged.
“Good. I’d never be friends with someone like him” You grimaced hearing the bell ring and heading out for lunch.
“Bakugous not that bad. He helped Kirishima study for the final exams” Mina pipped up.
“Yeah plus he sometimes shares the food he makes in the dorm with whoever’s there” Jirou added. You just shook your head.
“Don’t care—guy’s a big bully. Y’couldn’t even pay me to like him” You shot back.
You actually didn’t mind him when you first joined. You kinda assumed his personality was a result of having a great quirk, well off parents and being both academically talented and attractive but after getting to know him better—well slightly nothing was redeeming.
He also hated you from the first day. If he wasn’t ignoring your entire existence he was constantly berating you. He found you training one day and went on about how he’d be so much better at using your quirk than you and that you sucked at using it.
You stared down at the buffet of food before you in the line with your friends, swallowing dryly.
Plus thinking about him makes you lose your appetite he sucks that much!
You walked to the food court with your friends. Your hand full of bags from your favourite shops as you spotted the rest of your group. The only seat now left was between Kirishima and Bakugou. Your cheeks tinged a bit as you sat down, scooting your chair closer to Kirishima and away from the blonde who was on his phone having it faced away from you and typing furiously.
“Hey Y/N, get anything nice?” You turned your head and found Kirishima leaning quite close. Your cheeks warming as you embarrassingly cleared your throat.
“Y-Yeah! Um, just—y’know clothes and stuff nothing crazy” You literally wanted to crawl into a hole and die. That was so embarrassing.
“Yeah? I got this new jumper, what’dya think?” He pulled a red and black designed hoodie from a bag. A classic colour for him.
“Mm! It’s super nice, looks really comfy too!” He nodded in agreement. Your eyes darted behind you to Mina who was giving a pink thumbs up.
“Kirishima man, c’mon i’m starvin’ you said we’d get food when the girls got here” Kaminari moaned as he flopped back in his chair.
“Okay okay chill out dude. Its chivalrous to wait on the girls y’know” he got up from his seat and looked back down at you.
“You hungry Y/N? Want me to get you something?” He asked and you quickly shook your head, face burning.
“N-No thank you so much! B-but I can get myself—please it’s okay!” You rushed out, skin warm and mouth dry. He just gave you a grin and nodded heading off with Kaminari.
You turned to speak to Mina and cry about how embarrassing that was when your phone buzzed in your pocket. You pulled it out checking to see if it was your parents trying to reach you. Your brows furrowed at the notification from that app.
DynamightX has sent you a message!
You opened the app and clicked onto the chat between the two of you. Your brows pulled together.
DynamightX: finally spoke today in the group chat about ur quirk.
XAmethysta_: ok? What u coming here to insult me privately?
DynamightX: u should train with someone who can send high level blasts or hits at ur forcefields if u wanna make them more durable
Your lips parted in a slight shock, brows raising before pulling together again. Who the hell was this person? Why were they complimenting you. They always, always insult every other person who even speaks in that chat room. You didn’t really know how to respond fingers twitching but not typing.
DynamightX: or u can stay a weak ass nerd for all I care. Ur parents not teach u to thank someone when they’re helpin ya.
Your face warmed at their message. You chewed on your lip, glancing up and seeing your friends engrossed in conversation with one another as you quickly typed a response.
XAmethysta_: sorry thanks i’ll have to try that. Whats your quirk?
DynamightX is typing…
You sat staring a little longer when the text bubble disappeared, shrugging you stuck your phone back into your pocket and seen Kirishima and Kaminari had returned. He placed a tray of your favourite food in front of you and your eyes lit up as you looked at him.
“Aw my favourite!” You grinned as his own crinkled eyes met yours. “You didn’t have to Kirishima but thank you”
“Y-Yeah well I just seen it and y’know I know you’ve mentioned its your favourite so-“ he rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks matched his hair. You just blushed and smiled back as you turned to dig in.
Bakugou glanced at the food you were eating and then back at you. You were completely unaware of the blondes eyes on you as you spoke to Uraraka who sat across from you. He looked back down at his phone which sat under the table in his lap as he stared at the message which he didn’t want to send.
He wanted to keep who he was a secret to whoever this person he was texting was. It was..nice not having any expectations.
There you were again tossing and turning unable to sleep as you groaned and tossed the blanket from your body. You would think with how impressive and highly modernised UA was that they could at least install better air conditioning.
You sat up shifting some pillows behind your back and grabbing your phone. It had been just over a week of messaging this boy something you had found out after talking about a new clothing line and being told to shut up because he was a boy and he didn’t care.
XAmethysta_: u awake?
Your fingers twiddled with one another as you stared at the message. He probably wasn’t he went to bed every single night between 10 and 11pm, sometimes earlier but never later than 11. You wished you had that sleep schedule. You always stayed up late.
You sighed and moved to set your phone back down when it buzzed and you flicked it back on seeing his username beside the notification. You couldn’t stop the grin sneaking its way onto your face as your toes curled into the sheets. You were just happy to have someone to talk to.
It would he weird to be crushing on someone you don’t even know even if you have been talking non-stop for over a week.
DynamightX: i was till u texted me. What’dya want loser
You chewed your lips and rolled your eyes.
XAmethysta_: shut up u grump. I can’t sleep.
DynamightX: so why is that my problem??
XAmethysta: because everyone else is asleep rn and ur not! C’mon theres a reason why ur awake, tell me.
You waited for a response and whilst you waited Bakugou sat against his head board staring at the same string of messages. His own skin warm and face relaxed for once. A whisper of a smile on his face as he typed then deleted and then retyped but then deleted again the same string of words just laid out differently. His cheeks puffed out as he finally decided to share some personal information and hit send.
DynamightX: this girl I go to school with was annoying me today
XAmethysta_: oh what did she do?
DynamightX: nothing specific she just is annoying. Her face or something idk
You snorted at his response. This poor girl she probably is very nice and just goes about her day and this guy just finds her annoying for some reason. Bakugou waited for your response after sharing that information. He didn’t share a lot about himself to you, maybe it was the stranger danger instilled within him from a child or because you shared enough for the both of you.
He knew a lot about you already after such a short time. He knew your favourite song, animal and colour. The way you like to organise your clothes and the food you like the most. He even knew about some of your friends but you didn’t mention names. He knew things about you except your actual name and what you looked like.
XAmethysta_: lol her face or something? Shut up you probably hate her cuz shes better than u
DynamightX: shut up loser. I’m better than everyone at this school
XAmethysta_: yeah sureee if thats not why u dislike her then ask her to train with u and beat her
DynamightX: don’t tell me what to do. Why are u up anyways
XAmethysta_: AC in my schools dorms suck. Too warm rn
DynamightX: try sweatin all the time cuz of your quirk then complain to me about bein too warm
XAmethysta: omg! Is your quirk sweat?! Is that why you insult other people is being able to sweat loads your quirk!
DynamightX: shut up u ass it is not my quirk and that counts as ur guess for today.
XAmethysta: noo cmon that can’t count as my guess. Its not even the morning
DynamightX: it counts so quit yappin at me and accept it. I’m going to bed now to don’t msg me botherin me.
XAmethysta: okayyy ur so dramatic ! Sweet dreams sweaty boy!
DynamightX is typing…
You clicked your phone off and rolled over to bed closing your eyes and smiling slightly as you thought of the boy you were messaging. You eyes closing as you fell asleep.
Bakugou, however, was sat chewing his lip as he stared at his message to you.
:My quirk is Explosion. I could beat you any day loser.
He deleted it and threw his phone aside as he pulled the sheets over him, thinking about who he was texting and feeling his skin prickle. His mind going to the advice you gave him and the feeling turned sour as he thought about you. The girl he went to school with. He really disliked you. He didn’t know why nor did he care but he knew now what he was going to do
He was going to take your advice and confront you with a battle.
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nyxronomicon · 8 months
But Endeavor, whose only been a perfunctory fucker now eating pussy, your pussy, for the first time and he just does the messiest job of it. Just down there exploring every fold with his fat fingers- hearts in his eyes and juice in his chin
ANON... 🥴🥴🥴 please you are so right all he knows is breeding... (RIP don't look at me) he's gotta learn how to eat someone out sometime...
Endeavor x gn!reader (w vagina) cw: messy messy oral, fingering (thick fingers...), rough, overstim, reader squirts pet names: baby
"Higher- ah!" Your sharp moan told him that he found the right spot, his tongue flicking your clit. He was clumsy and awkward, like he didn't quite know how to move his mouth now that he'd found your sweet spot. Your fingers slid into his hair as his lips wrapped around your bundle of nerves.
You briefly looked at him, seeing his piercing blue eyes gazing back at you. There was a dusting of pink on his cheeks, uncertainty seeping onto his features. You wanted to tell him how adorable it was, how much you were in love with this version of Enji Todoroki. But you knew better, he wouldn't take that compliment well. He'd get hyper masculine, pin you down before getting rough and pounding his heavy cock into you.
He tried to pull away out of insecurity, but you tugged his hair with just enough force to keep him between your thighs. "Want you right here." You held him in place, seeing his eyes widen slightly and the flush of his cheeks become a deeper red.
The bashful expression lasted less than a moment, his eyes flickering closed as he sucked your clit. When he opened them again, they were full of determination. Enji suddenly pulled your hips closer to the edge of the bed to get a better angle. You felt his thick fingers dance between your folds, throwing your head back as he teased you.
"Enji," you moaned his name, arching your back as a finger pushed into you. Your cunt practically sucked him in, and he groaned as he imagined his throbbing cock getting the same treatment.
There was a glisten of sweat clinging to your skin. Your fingernails dug into his scalp as he sucked your clit hard, flicking at the bud with his tongue as his finger searched your pussy for your g-spot. A second finger pushed into you, your core throbbing for more. You threw your head back, losing control of your body as you could feel pleasure creeping up your spine.
You were so fucking sexy. He needed to taste your cum on his lips. It was all he could think as his fingers pressed your g-spot, instantly pulling lewd sounds from your lips. He smirked, his tongue now only lightly swirling around your clit as he focused on finger-fucking you. You were close, he could tell from the way you tightened around him.
"That's it, baby." He growled into your pussy, "cum for me." With another rough suck on your bundle of nerves, he prodded your g-spot relentlessly. His blue eyes were trained on you, watching every minute change as your breath hitched.
Your cunt tipped over the edge with ecstasy, Enji holding you in place as he continued his ministrations. It quickly spread through your whole body, thighs twitching as you felt yourself getting oversensitive. You mumbled his name, writhing in his grip as you rode out the orgasm.
"Just a lil' more..." He continued, "c'mon baby," his motions intensified, sensitivity instantly sending a more intense wave of pleasure through you. You could feel yourself squirt into his mouth, almost embarrassing had he not immediately started licking the essence from your folds.
He cleaned you out like a starved man, slowly and gently letting you come down from your high. He continued to watch you with adoration in his gaze, his cock throbbing with desire. When he finally pulled away from your cunt, you saw his smirk drenched in your juices.
"How was that?" He spoke quietly, but with confidence. Your expression and the fact that you were still catching your breath told him the answer.
"Not bad for a first timer." You chuckled through heavy breaths.
"Oh?" He climbed on top of you with a grin, pinning your arms above your head. "How 'bout I show you my expertise?"
@rottiens if I have to brainrot about this man you do too
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stuckinapril · 9 months
when you accept that the unique things about you are the best things about you. when you fall in love w your uniqueness and become obsessed w it and reject conformity. when you think for yourself and draw your own conclusions and adore that you don’t perfectly fit into a mold. that’s when you’ll know true peace
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even-the-sparrow · 2 years
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shaylogic · 3 months
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fun brow quirk reaction gif <3
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autismcreature7 · 5 months
N0 W@/7!!!!! >w<
Translation: NO WAY!!!!!
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satellites-halo · 9 months
Hey can we talk about how typing quirks are genuinely inaccessible and hurt people with screen readers without being called ableist?? It isn't ableism to want to be able to read what people say and to ask them to provide a plain text alternative to their typing. It's actually kind of ridiculous that I have to ask for plain text when people [heavy typing quirk] "7yp3 l1k3 th1z" [PT: type like this. End PT], especially when it's in disability advocacy spaces (like cripplepunk)
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crismakesstuff · 8 months
everytime I see someone bitch and moan about “the animation in invincible sucks” “they should treat the animators the same way MAPPA does”
i just ,,,,,
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maybe we should sit YOU down in front of the computer and id like to see YOU animate smoothly and cleanly at 12-24 fps since y’all want that so bad !
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annabelle--cane · 1 month
browsing through my school's online streaming databases for fun things and found this one audio production of dracula and
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moira quirk from my locked tomb audio books??
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saccharinescorpion · 2 years
things i’m super curious about regarding the original Japanese text of Pokémon Scarlet Violet
- the fact that Arven has a very unique way of speaking where he uses the -chan honorific a lot, for expected things like addressing Mabosstiff (”wan-chan” [”wan” referring to a dog’s bark]) but also for things like referring to the Titans and even the Herba Mystica (”spice-chan”) and even in more abstract ways or using it to modify descriptors (describing a bad situation with the phrase “yabai-chan,” scolding you if you agree to his request without actually knowing what it is while using the phrase “yes-chan” [”What kind of little maniac says yes to something without even knowing what they’re agreeing to?!”]) and if it’s meant to tie into characterization, both in his love of cute things (Floette phone case) but also in his need to try and take control of things (going to Area Zero alone to try and reach the Professor) and act more mature/older/independent than he actually is (talking very casually about skipping school all the time) which pretty obviously stems from being without a guardian for so long
-what the original version of Nemona’s “fruitful battle” thing was
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doubledyke · 28 days
Which are your Top 5 EddEddy best (ie. ''gayer'') moments? The moments where they are the most ''explicit''?
(For me, it's are the ending of Little Momma Ed, the beginning of True or Ed, the beginning of Tinker Ed, the ''wife'' moment in The Dawn of the Eds, and the totality of BPS).
those are good moments for sure
most of my favorite "eddeddy" moments aren't necessarily overtly shippy or super fruity. i enjoy getting a look at their dynamic mainly. i.e. moments that show how close or comfortable they are with each other.
one of my very favorite moments is in 'thick as an ed' when edd is losing his ever loving mind about the cheese and eddy has to tell him, "quit yellin in my earrrrr" lol. i just love the line delivery, it's so casual and realistic to how close friends would talk to each other. fave fave fave, love it.
there are a couple times throughout the series where one of them will say something along the lines of "don't leave me here" (usually edd). it's cute i dunno. oooh or " i hate when you do that" choice 👌
i enjoy episodes like 'a glass of warm ed' and 'the day the ed stood still', where edd and eddy are chasing after ed, trying to stop/clean up after his antics or figure out what's wrong with him, etc. there are several episodes like that, and i enjoy seeing them interact with each other one on one. edd's anxious hand wringing juxtaposed with eddy's irreverent cackling is very fun.
there are also lines like eddy's "WHY DO YOU ENCOURAGE HIM?!" that make them sound like divorced parents trying to come together for the sake of their kid (ed). people say it all the time because it's true, they really do act like an old married couple.
then the more subtle things, like how edd never laughs at eddy's misfortune. at least never in front of the other kids. the way he defends him (impersonating the principal for example), and covers for him. eddy doesn't exactly return the favor other than in 'tag yer ed', but he has a soft spot for edd- as soft a spot as someone like eddy can have. the fact that he let edd take his bed and read him a "bedtime story" at the end of 'momma's little ed'... pretty cute pretty gay.
i could probably go on but my laptop is about to die and im too lazy to get my charger so im gonna leave it here, but thanks for asking!
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okieukie · 1 year
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mishy-mashy · 7 months
Theory: All For One gave Tomura the Decay Quirk
I was thinking this for a while. Midoriya learned that Tenko was originally Quirkless, already being five, so there was no way for him to have the Decay Quirk; All For One gave it to him
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Isn't it awfully convenient that right as Midoriya wonders "Who is this guy?", that All For One showed up?
All For One knew Tenko was a blank slate without a Quirk (yet, or at all).
Going back to ch. 235, we see that after Tenko was playing heroes with other kids, he got walked home by a man in a suit
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Suit, shadowed face, hat, tall, and Tenko still has black hair? This matches this memory, and we can see there's a lot of shading in the palms
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All For One walked home Tenko. He could've given him a Quirk during that time. Right after he brought him home, Kotaro got mad that Tenko was playing and talking about heroes. Already, while Kotaro is upset at him, we see Tenko scratching. According to Nao, his allergies got worse, and if he was just given a Quirk, his allergies could've been fueled by the new Quirk as his body adjusts
Even if it's just a mutation, we do know that his itchiness was related to Decay, since the itching went away after he destroyed what he didn't like (his Quirk revolves around de-constructing and destroying, so natural leanings toward those urges, etc)
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Yes, Tenko's Decay may very well just be a mutation like Eri, but I just want to bring one more thing to attention about the theory (All For One gave Decay when walking Tenko home):
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When Tomura used Decay and was fighting Re-Destro, back when he only had Decay, Machia was in shock, because it reminds him of All For One long ago. Not only his figure as a ruler that Machia remembers, but All For One could've done the same thing as Tomura (Decay), long ago
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