#text issue box
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abyss-boxes · 7 months ago
Hello, hope you're having a good day!
Um, sorry for any awkwardness. We're very anxious and struggle with text.
Was wondering if you have the spare energy for a purple userbox with the text "this user struggles with text, pls be patient" or "this user stutters in text, pls be patient" ?
It's okay if not! No pressure to do this. Just wanted to ask. Um. Yeah.
Thank you and take care!
{ 👁️🪻🪽 }
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[TEXT ID 1:”This user struggles with text, please be patient”]
[TEXT ID 2:”This user stutters in text, please be patient”]
No need to apologise!! Thank you for the ask anon, and i hope these help!!
Request for { 👁️🪻🪽 } anon
Credit appreciated but not required !!
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impossiblepluto · 2 months ago
Jack strolls into the house, heading immediately for the kitchen, and continuing the animated conversation that occupied the entire drive over. That he was alone in the car and upon entrance has gained an audience doesn't break his stride-- pace or verbal deluge. Mac's a smart guy, he'll pick up the topic and register his opinions-
Within the depths of the fridge, Jack stops short, bumping the back of his head as he quickly backs up, straightening, and staring intently into the living room.
Sitting on the sofa, Mac stares back. 
Jack crosses his arms as the refrigerator door swings closed. "What's wrong?"
Mac's gaze darts around the room as though searching for whatever raised Jack's hackles, before returning to Jack. "What do you mean?"
"Something's wrong." Jack takes a step toward the living room. He too scans the room, though his stare is slower, piercing and precise before lingering on Mac. 
"Something's wrong?" Mac repeats with an air of skepticism.
"Yeah. Why are you repeating me?"
Mac scoffs. "I'm not repeating you." Before Jack can retort, Mac shakes his head and continues. "I'm trying to figure out how you can walk in here, distracted by an argument you were waging against yourself, yet still apparently losing, barely look around and declare that something is wrong.” 
"Oh ho,” Jack leans a shoulder against the wall. “You are good."
"I'm good? Wait. No. I'm still not repeating." Mac squeezes the bridge of his nose. "I am just sitting here."
"Yeah,” Jack’s brow furrows. He straightens, feeling the pieces of the puzzle beginning to come together like he’s that one French detective from the movies Bozer makes them watch, and steps into the living room. “You’re sitting. On the couch."
"That is why I brought it. It's not just for you to sleep on."
"Sitting on the couch like a normal person sits on the couch. Not sprawled across it like a teenager with limbs askew in all directions just begging for back pain and bad posture.” 
Mac snorts but it lacks amusement. He doesn’t rise to the usual ‘tease Jack about getting old’ bait like he normally would. 
“So, you want to tell me what’s up?” Jack sits on the old trunk which doubles as a coffee table. 
"I... " Mac sighs and splices together three or four words under his breath.
Jack squints, tipping one ear closer to Mac, trying to decipher the mangled phrase. “Say again?” 
Looking up, Mac enunciates, "I tweaked my knee."
Jack winces. "Trail running? I told you you need some better shoes if you're gonna be out there jumping over logs and scaling mountains."
"I wasn't trail running." Mac pauses between his words as though each one is painfully eking out.
Jack cants his head.
"I stood up wrong."
Jack's face twitches. He's a government agent, damn it. He's got a better poker face than this.
"Shut up," Mac glowers.
"I'm sorry." Jack swallows his emotions. It’s not amusement. He’s not sure what emotion he would call it, but it’s sure not amusement. He’d never find anything funny about Mac getting injured. If anything, this emotion is concern. “You stood up... wrong?"
“It’s not funny.”
“No. It’s not funny. I’ve been sitting here thinking it’s not funny,” Jack defends himself. 
“You’re smirking.”
“I’m not smirking. I wouldn’t smirk if I heard you got hurt.”
“Even if I hurt myself by standing up weird?” 
“Oh. Thought maybe you’d see this as some sort of payback.”
“You mean for the fifteen years I’ve spent sharing my wisdom with you and you ignore it because you’re young and your joints still work like they’re supposed to and you couldn’t imagine waking up one day and suddenly something as simple as standing up can leave you limping and hobbling around for the rest of the day?” 
“Oh okay. Thought maybe it would be something like that.” 
“And I could see how you might think that. A less sensitive, empathetic man might.” 
Mac hums. 
“You need an ice pack?” 
“I’ve been thinking about getting one.” Mac sighs, looking toward the kitchen. “Don’t want to try getting up yet though.”
“Do you need a doctor?”
Jack eyes him carefully.
“I did think about it-” Mac hurries to continue as Jack stares harder. “I want to wait it out. If I’m wrong you can gloat.” 
“I wouldn’t gloat either.” 
“Right. No smirking. No gloating. Got it. I’ll remind you.” 
Jack stands, knees creaking. “No smirking from over there either.” 
“No smirking.” Mac winces in sympathy at the sound. 
Jack pats Mac’s shoulder as he passes. 
“You were like my age when we met.” 
“Huh, I guess so. About a year older.” Jack grabs an ice pack from the freezer and returns to the living room. 
“I remember thinking you were ancient.” Mac reaches out to accept the proffered ice pack.
“Hey!” Jack withdraws his hand before the exchange is made.  
“At twenty-one you seemed old. Listening to the way you groaned when you got out of the humvee, that seemed a whole lot older than I feel now. Or at least older than I felt this morning.”
Jack nods in concession as he settles on the couch next to Mac and passes over the ice pack. Mac claps it on his knee. With a groan he raises his leg and positions it on a pillow.
“One day you’re able to sit all curled up like a pretzel, and the next you sneeze and can’t turn your neck for three weeks.” 
“I am almost sorry I teased you all these years.”
“Well, I mean, compared to me you’re still like ancient. I have a few good years of teasing before it comes back to bite me.”
Jack opens his mouth to protest, then purses his lip. “You know, I’d grab that ice pack and run but honestly, watching you try to move that leg makes me hesitant to try it.” 
“It wasn’t fun.”
“Didn’t look like it was. Last thing we need is to explain to Matty how the both of us got taken out getting up from the couch.” 
Mac flops back on the sofa, blond hair splaying against the cushions. He drops his arm across his eyes. “That’s going to be almost as much fun as moving my leg.”
“I don’t envy that.” Jack leans forward with a grunt and scoops up the remote control. “Die Hard?”
Mac shrugs, eyes still covered by his arm. “Might as well. Don’t think I’m moving for a bit.” 
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daily-hanamura · 2 years ago
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#persona 4#p4#persona 4 magician manga#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#you know despite all the evidence i dont think yosuke actually realises that he's actually quite attractive and good looking#kou talks about girls coming over to check him out and sure maybe it's just the novelty of him being a new student#but his hometown friend katsuragi FOR SURE has a crush on him look at this classic shoujo scene where katsuragi sees a text from yosuke and#smiles in a way that has him being teased like ooooh is that from a girl#getting a text from yosuke makes katsuragi smile in a way like one would when they havr a crush OK I DONT HAVE TO EXPLAIN THIS FURTHER#ITS TOO OBVIOUS AND I LOVE IT BUT#this is a yosuke centric blog and all these to say.... i wonder if yosuke is actually just seriously oblivious#to when people are interested in him#i think it stems from a place of low self esteem like “oh who could possibly like me” even when hes actually quite a solid catch#yosuke probably receives letters of confession in his shoebox and thinks they were placed in the wrong box so he politely returns them#when they actually have his name on it he just laughs and says wow theres another yosuke/hanamura in this school?#or assumes its a prank by someone else#i swear this boy had the most OUT THERE mental gymnastics going on#yosuke talks endlessly about how he wants a girlfriend but i bet you if a girl asks him out his response will be “go where?”#“oh maybe later? i have a shift today but if it's a junes related issue you can find me at the grocery dept! seeya!”#theres the whole “disappointment the moment he opens his mouth” thing but come on#theres going to be at least some confessions from people who have only seen him from afar#not to mention that yosuke canonically likes fashion and always dresses well#honestly maybe yosuke's rizz lvl is so high that it just circles down into the negatives#only joking i think he does get interest but he doesnt realise#and because everytime he does attempt to flirt hes immediately rejected he thinks hes never had any interest#which i think is just not true#and i havent even started talking about yu lmao#anyway the magician manga was devastating for my mental health and i beseech all of you to resd it as well and then cry about it with me#he's good with his queue
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snekdood · 2 years ago
"people shouldnt keep cold weather dogs in hot climates" dude thats so cool and wise of you!! Now what do people do with their cold weather dogs in their hot climates? Whats the next best move, jackass?
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year ago
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“Tigra,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 2/2024), #2.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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bonemeal12 · 4 months ago
i wish there was more CRAYDL in Impulse (1995). I need more CRAYDL in my life.
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jerichogender · 1 year ago
thinking about the time they actually gave joey dialogue in the new teen titans: games…
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“He could be role-playing with us. Art represents civilization. Maybe he’s showing us his end game?”
this says sooo much about him: his deductive reasoning skills, his appreciation for art, his understanding of other people’s psychology. i need more stories where joey gets to play detective, especially in an art or music history context, and i NEED him to have proper dialogue
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hbosscreations · 7 months ago
I'm frustrated and the well for people willing to put up with me talking to them about comics in meatspace has run dry, so this feels like the perfect opportunity to shout to the void.
If you intend to write in an unfamiliar language and don't have a native speaker you can talk to, try googling the signs you're going to reference before you commit to anything. If Noah is using the signs 'going' and 'where' he needs both hands to make those signs using BSL.
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As a general rule, it seems strange to deliberately choose to have a character who speaks using SIGN LANGUAGE do things that PREVENT THEM FROM SIGNING. And it's deliberate, because just a few panels before, John is a dick to Noah about trying to speak.
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And if the creative team decides against letting the conversation happen where the signing character can use both hands and actually be a part of the conversation, maybe it's a stupid decision to position the character who is speaking with the signing character BEHIND HIM AND LOOKING AWAY FROM HIM where he PHYSICALLY CANNOT SEE THE SIGNS BEING MADE.
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I understand that comics are hard, I certainly can't do it, but I feel weird about these panels knowing that Noah NEEDS both hands to sign and that Noah needs the person he's speaking to, to be positioned at least partially in front of him to communicate.
You know what doesn't need either of those things?
While yes, texting and driving is bad, is it worse than looking behind yourself and taking both hands off the wheel of a double decker bus in the middle of the night?
And don't tell me John Constantine couldn't hypnotize someone to get some free phones, he hypnotized a whole ass bus away.
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eremes · 1 year ago
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lucielovekj · 11 months ago
When I was in uni we had to do a presentation on an artist chosen from a provided list and I chose Mark Ryden and the lecturer who I presented it to laughed and asked mockingly why I would make the presentation pink because it’s extremely unprofessional and I was like you mean this guy?
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Why did I make a presentation on this guy pink???
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shironezuninja · 2 months ago
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I love how Spidey Unlimited got away with lines like this.😏😈.
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erisolkat · 3 months ago
i know its nitpicky and just me being sensitive probably but i dont like it when famous blogs screenshot peoples tags on their posts with 60k notes to make fun of them
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angelbitezzz · 1 year ago
How are you settling into Starlight Aisles, Angel? It must be super hard falling from the surface into this new world
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adamwarlock · 1 year ago
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I'm making so many poor financial decisions lately but I cannot wait for this bad boy to show up in the mail
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age-of-moonknight · 7 months ago
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“The Once and Future Knight,” Phases of the Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2024), #1.
Writer: Erica Schultz; Penciler: Manuel García; Inker: Sean Parsons; Colorist: Ceci de la Cruz; Letterer: Cory Petit
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lapdogchase · 2 years ago
the state of the gun control debate in america is so crazy cuz it's viewed as this false binary where either youre a blue-haired liberal who hates guns and wants to restrict all Hardworking Americans from owning one and hates basic human rights, OR you're a gun-toting racist conservative who drives a pickup truck and drinks beer and wants children to die from gun violence more than anything in the world.
and personally i really think that when it comes to an issue as complex as gun control, where people's lives are in the balance, creating two opposing sides and trying to sort everyone into one or the other so we can make fun of the Group Of People Who Are Wrong And Bad is unhelpful and diminishes the conversation thats actually important.
and instead of actually talking about the causes behind gun violence and how it could be stopped, and also the closely linked conversation about cops & police brutality & abolishing the police, people are too busy sorting people into the Red Box or the Blue Box and then getting mad at them than actually thinking about the issue. or people choose a box without fully considering their opinions because theyre not aware that you dont have to fall into either of those categories. and i think arguing about Red Box Vs Blue Box is possibly the Worst way to address gun violence and is helping absolutely nothing
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