#tessa's real husband
virtchandmoir · 7 months
Video: The PWHL
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tessasbrainrotbin · 8 months
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and now, for the au that absolutely no one asked for: omenstale
[ not a serious au i just wanted to make good omens characters as undertale characters :3 ]
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 3 months
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Literally all of The Shadowhunter Chronicle romances are completely unhinged it’s not even funny (I lied, it’s very funny). Here’s just some examples:
William “Will” Herondale/James “Jem” Carstairs + Theresa “Tessa” Gray: It totally would have been a vee type polyamorous situation if it wasn’t for all the death and 1800s London society going on.
Henry Branwell + Charlotte Fairchild: How dare this misogynistic society put us together, I mean, we wanted to get together anyway, but not for those reasons. Welp, time to be as unconventional as possible.
Gabriel Lightwood + Cecily Herondale: Look, you made fun of my sister, it’s only fair that I marry your sister; that’s the rules.
Gideon Lightwood + Sophia “Sophie” Collins: Dad, I have a perfectly valid reason to betray you and go to the other side. What your doing is wrong and – nO tHiS haS nOThiNG to do wiTh tHeIR mAid wHy wOUlD yoU eVEn sAy tHat?
Jesse Blackthorn + Lucie Herondale: Your request to not be brought back to life has been denied, deal with it.
James “Jamie” Herondale + Cordelia Carstairs: He didn’t commit arson we were just having sex – why are you all looking at me like that’s worse?
Anna Lightwood + Ariadne Bridgestock: Listen, there’s a lot of society going on right now, so we’re going to have to get together in secret. Oh, you don’t want to? Okay, never mind, fuck society, let me win you back real quick.
Christopher Lightwood + Grace Cartwright: Oh good, you broke into my house, now we can talk about science.
Thomas Lightwood + Alastair Carstairs: I’d really like to hate you, but I think the biggest problem with that is that I love you. Once I get over that hurdle, I think we’ll be in the clear.
Lucian “Luke” Graymark + Jocelyn Fairchild: Good job on us for breaking away from the genocidal cult run by our best friend/husband; we should hook up, you know, as a reward.
Jonathan “Jace” Herondale + Clarissa “Clary” Fairchild: Ayo the same guy conducted experiments on our blood, that’s crazy; btw so glad we’re not actually siblings.
Alexander “Alec” Lightwood + Magnus Bane: Marrying each other is against the law? Okay, fine, I’m a law biding citizen. Oh oops, I made it legal. I am the law now, and I want a wedding on the beach.
Simon Lovelace + Isabelle Lightwood: It makes sense to have our engagement party on the day of my brother’s death, that’s when we really started bonding.
Helen “Alessa” Blackthorn + Aline Penhallow: Well, I guess we’re going to go in exile together. Yes, I said together; your exile is my exile, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine, that’s how relationships work.
Julian Blackthorn + Emma Carstairs: Yes, it’s a technical war crime to love each other, but the law itself is not really our main concern about it.
Kieran Hunter + Mark “Miach” Blackthorn + Cristina Rosales: We’re really living that cottage core aesthetic, and all we had to do to get here was do a small war and some amnesia. Worth it.
Gwyn ap Nudd + Diana Wrayburn: I’m going to stand by just in case something happens, but it probably won’t, she knows what she’s doing – WHY IS SHE JUMPING OUT THE TENTH STORY WINDOW OH MY GOD WAIT
Tiberius “Ty” Blackthorn + Christopher “Kit” Herondale: We take cosplaying Sherlock and Watson VERY seriously, so of course we needed to go to all the most illegal places, it’s only natural.
Ash Morgenstern + Drusilla “Dru” Blackthorn: So anyway I saw them in a sort of fever dream like state this one time and they’ve still been on my mind for years.
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dreamii-krybaby · 1 year
I am betting my soul that Doll’s parent’s death took outside of the colony.
And yes I have taken screenshots from the flashback scene from EP3 and saw it frame by frame bc am that insane. Imma post an upcoming post regarding the details found in the scene.
The reason why am saying this is bc the murder drones wiki estates that their death took at doll’s house. Not outside (which makes my ADHD ass go insane)
Now after I figured this out I went “wtf where they doing outside in the first place???”
And then it clicked.
They where probably in search for whatever Doll is looking for. Perhaps a cure for the AS as some people infer. Which to me is plausible.
Bc I infer Yeva knows the danger of the AS. Why would she risk giving her kid the AS??? Unless of course, there is a cure.
Also IF Tessa’s comment at the beginning of EP6 is true. Doll’s dad also has the AS (as it mutates in damaged AI, this may include WD’s who have damaged AI bc of a manufactory defect)
and IF both him and Yeva KNEW that both had the AS. It makes even less sense why would they have a kid and pass down the AS (ofc there is a possibility that Doll’s dad or Yeva didn’t know he was infected)
Unless there is a cure. They could have gone outside to explore the labs perhaps, after all, Yeva probably knows most of the lab’s layout.
Perhaps they already took this cure, maybe that’s why they didn’t come back after death, but I believe there are more reasons why an infected WD won’t come back, but its a possibility.
Is there a possibility that the whole reason they decided to risk themselves was for…Doll?
Because IF Yeva or/and her husband took this cure, maybe there wasn’t any left for their kid. That’s why they decided to go outside again.
Or they where simply looking for a cure for themselves and doll.
Either way, these two probably risked it FOR THEIR KID (IF the whole AS cure is real)
*Sobs in having her fav characters being dead*
I also am a firm beliver that Doll’s parents (Especially Yeva, obvious reasons) know a lot more than the series let’s us know. I mean- just look at their expressions in EP4. They’ve seen shit. They’ve seen something they probably shouldn’t.
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Welcome to Summer in Pleasantview! 🌞
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As the sun scorches the town and whispers of intrigue swirl through the humid air, Pleasantview's residents brace themselves for a summer of sizzling drama. From steamy romances to secrets that threaten to bubble over, each household is teetering on the brink of a summer to remember. Household summaries below the cut and summer plans!
The Langerak Household
Kaylynn Langerak's secret pregnancy (with twins! Or is it?) by Daniel Pleasant has left her basking in a glow that’s half maternal joy, half scandalous secret. Will the truth come out at the neighborhood BBQ, or will Kaylynn’s growing belly be the summer’s most talked-about mystery?
The Lothario Household
Cassandra Goth, cloaked in a fog of sorrow and haunted by her personal loss, watches her husband, Don, drift further away as he spends long nights at the hospital. Or is he? With Don’s love child, Ezra, and their ongoing marriage charade, Cassandra is desperate to keep it all together. But will a summer storm blow apart her fragile world?
The Goth Household
As Mortimer and Dina rekindle their romance, young Alexander's quest to uncover the truth about Bella’s disappearance intensifies. Little Ezra, under the mischievous tutelage of “Uncle” Don, adds to the household’s chaos. Can Mortimer’s heart find solace, or will the shadows of the past cast a dark cloud over their summer love?
The Caliente Household
Nina Caliente, wrapped in the warmth of motherhood, can’t shake the chill of guilt over her firstborn, Axel. As Malcolm dreams of city life and a settled future, will Nina embrace this new chapter, or will her past catch up with her under the blazing summer sun?
The Broke Household
Brandi Broke’s romance with Peter has blossomed, but with Dustin saving to move out and raise his daughter, Sienna, reality threatens to bite. Can Brandi navigate the treacherous waters of teenage angst with Beau and the boundless energy of Skip Jr., or will summer's heat expose cracks in the Broke family’s foundation?
The Dreamer Household
Darren Dreamer finds unexpected joy in his grandchildren, sparking new artistic inspiration. But Dirk’s college dreams are now tangled with his new parental responsibilities. Will the Dreamers paint a masterpiece of their future, or will financial woes and shattered plans mar their summer canvas?
The Pleasant Household
Mary-Sue Pleasant ponders adding another baby to the family, blissfully unaware of Kaylynn’s secret pregnancy. As Daniel juggles deceit and double lives, will his web of lies unravel in the summer heat, leaving the Pleasant household in shambles?
The Pleasant Twins Household
Angela and Lilith Pleasant have parted ways, each embarking on their own journey. Angela heads to Sol Del Valley with Sienna, while Lilith navigates single motherhood. Will distance sever the bond between best friends Sienna and Orion, or will summer bring them back together? And can Lilith stand strong without Angela's support?
The Burb Household
John and Jennifer Burb’s picture-perfect life faces real-world challenges as bills mount and dreams of higher education clash with family obligations. Will Lucy find summer love at the boardwalk, or will the winds of change blow her heart in unexpected directions? And can Kody complete his ultimate summer bucket list?
The Ramirez Household
Lisa Ramirez, back from the brink of death twice, clings to her family as Checo stands firm beside her. Tessa’s bold confidence faces its first real test, while middle-child Gloria feels adrift. Will Gloria find her place this summer, or will her search for friendship leave her out in the cold?
My Simself Household
Kaity and Nick’s idyllic farm life is put to the test as they open their home to Axel Caliente. Will the tranquility of the countryside heal his wounds, or will the chaos of farm life prove too much? And with dreams of expanding their family, will Kaity and Nick find the balance they seek?
Summer Hiatus
I wanted to come back finish and at least finish off the Ramirez rotation. Knowing I was sooo close to completing the spring season was enough to help me finish. It seems like the perfect place to pause and let things be.
I don’t want to go too much into my thought process as it’s somehow a bit personal- considering all of my feelings are connected to childhood. But what I will say is I want to be able to move on from the sims franchise. It’s hard. There’s a deep emotional connection that I have to the game that creates a really unhealthy cycle and EA keeps profiting off of that and they don’t deserve my money. I want so badly to pretend that isn’t the case. I want to defend and say I’m having fun. But the reality is: dealing with a buggy game, crashing, lacking basic gameplay mechanics is not fun. The sims franchise to me- is but a shell of what it used to be.
I’m at a bit of a cross roads with what I want to do. For now- with Life By You dropping around the corner. I think it’s best I let the ink dry in the Pleasantview saga. That said- if one of the household stories has inspired you and you’d like to continue the narrative please feel free to continue it and give me a tag so I can read along! 🫶🏻 UPDATE: 05/20/24 at 6:13 PM (CST) Well, I've heard the news the LBY has yet again been delayed... T.T So- I'll likely keep sharing the stories and updating- but also, I may not be consistent. We'll see what happens here. But huge bummer.
I do want to say thank you to all the lovely neighbors. There are so many of you who have been so supportive and encouraging on my blog, and it’s just been so fun having a community to share my pixel dolls with! 🥰
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edwinspaynes · 9 months
the nature of love
Love is complex. It's a convoluted, messy web, and no one knew that like the girl with the second clockwork heart. With clever eyes as gray as her name, she looked on at those around her scrambling to grasp love's straws between world-weary fingers, trapped in a spiderweb of her own that tore her heart into two evenly-broken parts.
But love was also devastatingly simple.
She sat on the couch with her husband, meeting his bright laugh and blue gaze with a smile as he looked down at her. Her head rested against his shoulder, the stubble on his face scratchy and comforting against her skin, and suddenly she was overwhelmed by raw emotion. His warmth, his smile, his silly songs and ridiculous notions. Everything that made him Will was the perfect mesh for everything that made her Tessa, azure and slate paints stirred into the hue of a stormy sky.
She couldn't help herself. She kissed his shoulder.
Tessa Gray-eyes-and-painfully-real-emotions was not the only one who understood the devastatingly easy affection of a shoulder kiss. Her son did, too. He sat across from his wife in front of a chess board, her blazing red hair framing her shoulders in thick curls, her kind but capable mouth twisted into an expression of contemplation. She reached out one elegant hand to move her pawn before his king, and he realized with a daunting feeling that those lips were shaping the words "checkmate."
The light gleamed off the golden globe necklace around her neck, and James Herondale thought in that moment that no one could ever be as blazing as his brave Cordelia, the woman who could slay armies with nothing more than a pawn.
So he stood up to get her more chai from their kitchen, placing a hand on one of her silk-cloaked shoulders as he moved around her. When she turned to giggle, he placed a quick but heartbreaking kiss on her breathtaking shoulder.
Sometimes, though, a shoulder kiss could breathe life into another. Across London, Cordelia's brother sat before a fire with his arm intertwined around his partner's, his hamsar-am's, his breath's. The fire crackled in both dark brown and hazel irises as they quipped over the film reviews between the newspaper's black-and-white lines.
Alastair, whose inkstained fingers were getting smudges onto Thomas's arm, insisted that the ridiculous columnist simply did not see the vision of the story; Thomas, who noticed the smudges but accepted them with grace, listened to the animated brushstrokes of his voice speak in the bright, colorful hues that a film reel could not yet capture.
He spoke deeply; he spoke with feeling. There was passion there, but Thomas's heart was calm as he leaned down and kissed Alastair's shoulder with an almost devastating gentleness.
With that tenderness, Alastair stopped quibbling. Instead, he exhaled, at peace with both hands now resting on Thomas's.
Shoulder kisses were for both children and their parents, and somewhere far, far away, Thomas's mother was getting one of her own. Sophie Lightwood slept peacefully in bed, her head resting on her husband's lap as he stuck his finger in the raspberry jam on his plate. He did not like scones, never had, but he enjoyed the sweetness of the jelly as he brought it to his mouth. The explosion of flavor was a confection, a conglomeration, as complex as the idea of love was.
But Sophie slept on, and love felt easy. Love felt like peace. Much like it did for his son, love felt like home to Gideon Lightwood.
So he set the jam aside on his nightstand. He lay down beside his wife and reached out to pull her in close with still-sticky fingers. And he pressed a kiss to her shoulder before falling asleep with his face resting there, quietly and quickly, asleep but alive in all the ways that mattered.
But shoulder kisses were not only for the living.
There was a girl, once, who tried hard to forget her name, the name that her mother had told her in a hard voice between harder slaps. That monster of a woman was gone now, but she still could not get it out of her mind.
Now, she sat before a lab table, mixing chemicals and starting the fires that her love had once adored so. Sometimes, if she got a formulation perfectly, she would hear the name that she only loved on Christopher Lightwood's lips: Grace.
Sometimes, when an experiment went perfectly, she could feel the ghost of soft pressure on her shoulder. And somehow, she knew that he was there. That she was not alone, and that she was not a monster.
And some people did not even need another to give them the love that lay in a shoulder kiss. A boy with golden hair sat somewhere in South America, his arms wrapped around a mug of black coffee and his elbows resting on a copy of Dorian Gray. But he was not paying attention to any of that; he sipped idly, watching the people go by in their colorful clothes, with their bright personalities.
Hand-in-hand. Arm-in-arm. Love was simple for them in a way that it had never been for Matthew, who had felt it as bitter as his coffee.
But loving himself had proven a simple challenge that he had not foreseen conquering, so when no one was looking, he pressed his fingers to his lips and tapped the pads in the shoulders of his brocade jacket.
Many years later, Tessa Gray-skies-but-the-sun-is-coming-out did the same thing. Matthew was long gone by then, in America or China or South Africa, and her beloved Will had gone to the place where memories were silent.
She had thought there would be no more shoulder kisses, but love in all of its simplicity was also complex.
One day, it would all come back to her.
And eventually, decades later she sat on the couch of a massive manor house, one that had known many shoulder kisses from when Thomas and Alastair had made their home there. And her second husband would smile as she rocked their daughter, and he would walk over to her. "Wo ai ni," Jem Carstairs would whisper to both of them, his rune-scarred cheeks pulled upward into a smile and his dark eyes danced with life.
He leaned down and kissed Tessa's shoulder.
He kissed Mina's, and Tessa's heart melted.
Because love was not temporary. Love was not an ephemeral thing meant only to last one lifetime. It binds us through the ages, a pulse that beats after all other pulses stop.
Love, in all of its complexities, is the best thing we do.
@themimsyborogove, thanks for ruining me with that shoulder kiss post!
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zibiscusloon · 2 years
Mrs. Tessa Arch I wonder what shit you have to deal with everyday..
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Gal deals with a well meaning dope of a husband and a psychotic son who got several people killed because he wanted to make his OC real. Iconic lady.
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angelasscribbles · 8 months
Getting to Know You Better
First of all, thank you so much to @peonierose, @queenmiarys
@dcbbw and @bebepac for the tag!!!
Second of all, I apologize for how utterly late I am in my response.
Here are my answers:
Last Song: Another Level by Oh the Larceny
Favorite color(s): blue
Currently watching: Found and Irrational (I do love the crime procedurals!)
Last movie: The Creator
Currently reading: Spare
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory all the way! I don’t like spicy food generally (unless it’s cream cheese stuffed jalapenos) but I love Mexican food. My husband tells me this is an oxymoron, but I stand by it. And though I like savory food, I cannot live without my sweet tea! (That’s the Texas girl in me, Yee Haw!)
Last thing I googled: “Hell or Highwater Walkthrough” (it’s a romance club game and there is a free diamond rush event going on right now)
Current obsession(s): 1. My playlist for Insurrection. 2. historical research on King Louis the 14th and prominent members of his court, emphasis on the openly queer folks (despite it being against the law, but if you were a prince then hey). 3. LGBTQ stickers. I have them on everything…my laptop, my water bottles, the back of my car…..
Currently working on: A Valentine’s Day one-shot from The Agreement. It’s a flashback to when Riley and Drake’s marriage started to become real.
Clean copy:
Last Song:
Favorite color(s):
Currently watching:
Last movie:
Currently reading:
Last thing I googled:
Current obsession(s):
Currently working on:
Tagging some peeps under the cut, but please, anyone and everyone who wants to is welcome to play!!!!
@karahalloway, @harleybeaumont @alj4890 @aussiegurl1234 @nestledonthaveone
@walkerdrakewalker @kingliam2019 @bascmve01 @twinkleallnight
@lovingchoices14  @tinkie1973
@secretaryunpaid  @irishgrl2022
@kristinamae093 @tessa-liam @gabesmommie1130 @queenmiarys
@differenttyphoonwerewolf  @jared2612  @belencha77
@dcbbw  @amandablink @indiacater 
@bebepac @twinkle-320 @mattiematt1234
@emersyn-in-cordonia @lunaseasblog  
@hollygirl1269 @mainstreetreader
@ladyangel70 @ohmyeightpastlives  @gardeningourmet
@sillydg @phoenixrising0308
@3pawandme @21-wishes @73geenalove @jennieausten
@princessleac1 @kachrisberry @tornbetween2loves
@fangirling12566  @pinklipsandmasonjars @savannahdix
@jerzwriter @petiteboheme @storyofmychoices
@thetruearchmagos @talesofsorrowandruin @apollowritesstuff @eli-writes-believe-it-or-not @little-mouse-gardens @brieflyinfatuated @justafunctionalmess @writingpotato07 @hannahsrambles2
@aallotarenunelma @inlocusmads
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
I've recently read a book where the point was to have an heir and the hero is becoming more and more obssesed with the heroine and won't admitted bc IM DOING THIS FOR THE SAKE OF HAVING AND HEIR AND NOTHING MORE lol, do yoi have more books like that to recommend?
I appreciated the reviews you do ☺️ more than usual people get waaaay to serious about a book and it gets tiring to read their thoughts after a while
Hi! Thank you lol, I think people need to read romance novels for fun and it's a little irritating for me when they get like... guilty? About liking what they like. I think romance novels can definitely be emotionally deep and compelling, but the main point is fun.
Soooo I think some breeding kink or breeding kink adjacent vibes will give you these vibes!
The Duchess in His Bed by Lorraine Heath--In this one, the heroine is the one that propositions the hero to put a baby in her because she needs a baby in order to secure her safety right after her husband dies. She spends a good chunk of the book showing him the kind of life his baby will have because he was a bastard and is worried about the kid having a good home, etc. But once they do get to babymaking, it's like feeeelings.
Waking Up with the Duke by Lorraine Heath--This is the ideal book for this setup, except a) they're making an heir on behalf of her husband, who's impotent after a carriage accident and pressures the hero to get his wife pregnant b) the hero isn't TOTALLY detached, even though he puts on a good front, because he has carried a torch for the heroine. However, the babymaking process is when he REALLY starts falling and it's delicious and one of my favorite books of all time. AINSLEY!!!!
Private Arrangements by Sherry Thomas--These two are married, and had feelings, but he left her the day after the wedding and they've been separated for like a decade. She wants a divorce so she can marry her lover, and he's like "fine"--if you give me an heir first. So it's really like... a reawakening via babymaking. I shall always remember the first sex scene when he like, bends her over a desk to KEEP IT PROFESH.
Lord of Darkness by Elizabeth Hoyt--This is the one where they got married because she was pregnant with another guy's baby and and the guy died before they could marry. Then she lost the baby and they separated without consummating the marriage. A few years later, she returns to town like "I want a baby, put it in me" and they start having sex... During which he gets FEELINGS.
The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare--The hero is a super scarred duke whose fiancee leaves him right before the wedding, and the heroine is the seamstress who made the wedding dress and shows up on his doorstep wearing it all "PAY UP". He realizes he has a ready-made bride, and he just needs an heir, so... they've got a deal. Obvi, he begins falling for her as they start working on the baby.
The Duke I Tempted by Scarlet Peckham--This is another "duke marries local woman for an heir" book, with the twist that his secret is... He's sexually submissive and likes to be dominated and whipped during sex.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez--This is the crazy one wherein the heroine is like, a billionaire, the hero is the prince of a tiny nation with a genius IQ. She wants a smart royal baby, so she offers to bail out his nation financially if he marries her and gets her pregnant. He actually hates her, but he's a man of his word, so he starts workin' on it. Workin' REAL hard.
Mafia Virgin by Mila Finelli--In this one, a mob boss and a mafia princess (who wants to be a doctor lmao) are forced to marry, and then the boss is blackmailed.... he has to get her pregnant within six months, or Something Bad Will Happen. However, it turns out that they both have a breeding kink, so they get SUPER into it and feelings start to develop. This is the one where he makes her kiss his balls and thank them for all the cum they're about to give her (she's about it).
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson--The hero conquers the heroine's kingdom, and part of the treaty is her being forced to marry him and give him an heir within a year. VERY hot.
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passingreviews · 6 months
Searching for Self: “Passing” Review
By Danielle Bing
Director Rebecca Hall’s debut feature length film Passing by Rebecca Hall was inspired by the 1929 novel Passing by author Nella Larsen. Hall’s career has been as an actress but in 2021 she made her directorial debut with this film. Passing follows two Black women, Irene Redfield played by Tessa Thompson and Clare Bellow played by Ruth Negga are old friends who have recently reunited. As Irene and Clare become reacquainted with each other Irene soon discovers that her childhood friend has been “passing” as a white woman. While Irene’s complexion is also light enough for to pass as well, she instead chose to live her life as a Black woman. As the film unfolds, the audience watches Irene as she questions her identity through Clare’s expression of her identity.   
Rebecca Hall’s film adaptation of Larsen’s novel came into fruition as a personal journey to understand her family’s background. During an interview with actress Uzo Aduba entitled “How Passing Was Adapted From Book To Netflix” for the But Have You Read the Book? Youtube book club webseries–Hall explained that throughout her childhood her mother seemed to have African American features however, when she questioned her mom about it she would dismiss the question. Eventually Hall’s mother revealed to her that her maternal grandfather was an African American man who chose to pass for white and the family never spoke about it. How Passing Was Adapted From Book To Netflix | But Have You Read The Book? The film, like the book, is a narrative that explores the aspects of identity and how identity forms perceptions of one’s own self and the external perceptions of other people.
What Really Made The Movie: The Details or The Acting? 
The cinematography of Passing is absolutely breathtaking! Given that this is Hall’s first feature length film one might not expect the level of intricate detail that is captured in this film. One of the strengths that can be seen throughout the film in both the details and the acting is ambiguity. The film is beautifully shot in Black and White during the 1920s in New York. This gives the film a more authentic feeling as it is a period piece. Had the movie been shot in color it would have taken away from a sense of realness that would have come from a colorized film. When the viewer watches the film closely they can see the many tones of gray and the shadows which enhance the costuming and settings. The absence of color forces the viewer to watch more closely in order to really see the details in the costumes, makeup, and props. By shooting the film in Black and White it enhances Irene and Clare’s ability to perform varying aspects of identity like race and class. Additionally, the film being shot in Black and White also makes it more difficult for the viewer to determine the skin complexions of Irene and Clare and complicates how they are perceived by others.
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One of the scenes that captures the perception of how Clare and Irene are viewed well is towards the beginning of the film when Clare introduces Irene to her white husband John. Irene is surprised that Clare has a white husband. During their short conversation John makes several derogatory statements about African Americans. Irene in a sharp and direct tone asks “So, you dislike Negroes, Mr. Bellew?” John, without hesitation and in an assertive tone responds to Irene’s question stating “No, no, no, not at all. I hate them” as John and Clare laugh (Passing, 2021, 17:10 to 17:18). Irene abruptly begins to laugh in an off-putting and hysterical manner as she masks how she truly feels and does not draw any curiosity from John that would make him pay closer attention to her risking her true racial identity. This mask of laughter while uncomfortable for Irene affirms John’s racist behavior. Irene knows that if she says something to challenge John’s blatant racism she could be caught and her and potentially Clare’s safety could be jeopardized.         
The camera shots and angles force the viewer to focus on the acting of one or two characters at a time. Hall has discussed in several interviews such as: Tessa Thompson & Rebecca Hall Break Down the Dance Scene from 'Passing' | Vanity Fair and MVFF44: 'Passing' - Conversation with Rebecca Hall, Ruth Negga, Nina Yang Bongiovi that she used a 4:3 frame for most of the film which concentrates on the actor and blurs out the edges of the frame. One of scenes that shows this framing really well is during the dance scene.
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The camera lens focuses on Irene and Hugh and blurs the space and background allowing the viewer to pay close attention to their conversation. Both Irene and Hugh are observing and commenting on the people in the room. As they are talking Hugh is commenting and questioning Clare because she has a commanding presence. Suddenly Hugh realizes that Clare is actually a Black woman who is “passing.” Along with Clare’s light complexion, her speech and dress simulate those of a middle-class white woman. Not only is Clare passing by race but also by socio-economic status as well making her seem so believable as a white woman. If you are not watching her very closely most people would not realize that she is a Black woman. Clare performs her whiteness so well that her own husband does not even notice that she is actually a Black woman.
Sound is one of  the most intricate aspects incorporated throughout the film. Sound makes the film compelling in several ways. From the opening seconds to the very ending of the film, sound enhances the film and supports the pace of the film. The sounds throughout the film help to signal the viewers feelings in particular moments, especially the moments when Irene’s inner self feels seen or when she is the one observing others. The undersounds of the film help to capture what is happening in a particular scene and how a character might be feeling.
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The acting of the main characters: Clare and Irene make the narrative believable. Clare and Irene in particular, need one another in order for the film to work because of the personality differences of the characters. Irene needs Clare to self-reflect on her identity and who she thinks she is as she is going through a personal identity crisis. The exceptional acting by Tessa Thompson (Irene) and Ruth Negga (Clare) shine through their respectable characters. Thompson’s ability to play a character who is so uncertain of herself and Negga’s portrayal of a woman who is so free and does not conform to the labels of society are difficult to play. Once the viewer thinks that they understand a character something happens and disrupts their beliefs and makes them begin to question their knowledge of the character once again.
The Binaries of Identity: What Does It Mean to Pass?
Historically, American social structures have formed hierarchies which have shaped our understanding of identity. Social-hierarchical structures place value and provide meaning which impact how people are perceived. While a person can move between economic classes, race is often considered as a fixed category of identity. During the early-twentieth century the “one-drop” law was enacted to legally define racial status. Essentially, any person with any African ancestry became part of the Black racial group. Race is one of the most powerful social constructs, especially in America. Someone being labeled as a Black person created many societal disadvantages especially during the early-twentieth century. When a person steps outside of their assigned or assumed “category” it causes concern because they are disrupting social norms. Irene demonstrates this well in the film. Before Irene reunites with Clare, she was living a life where she conformed to society's expectations of a woman. Irene is a middle-class Black woman who adheres to the politics of respectability and tries not to draw attention to herself. Whereas Clare does not fit into a binary, does what is expected of a middle-class white woman, and welcomes the attention of others. By refusing to label herself she appears free to the viewer. So free that it can become uncomfortable or even frustrating when trying to understand Clare. 
Clare welcomes the gaze of other people, and she enjoys it. Rebecca Hall describes Clare as someone who has an identity without boundaries. During the same interview with Uzo Aduba Hall explains  “Clare is gay when she needs to be. She’s straight when she needs to be. She behaves like a man when she needs to be. She behaves like a woman when she needs to be. She’s black. She’s white. She’s this walking duality.” (How Passing Was Adapted From Book To Netflix | But Have You Read The Book?, 2021, How Passing Was Adapted From Book To Netflix | But Have You Read The Book?) She is constantly “passing”. Passing brilliantly shows the fluidity of identity rather than identity as being a fixed state. Clare’s character portrays this throughout the film as she continuously moves between race, class, sexuality, and culture. She is visible and invisible at the same time.
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When viewing the film ,it is important to do so when you can focus without distractions because symbolism is incorporated everywhere in the film. From the costumes, accessories, and makeup to each prop. Hall’s usage of symbolism and foreshadowing through props and sound helps to control the pace and the feeling in different scenes. Irene is constantly dropping and breaking things. We first see her drop a flowerpot out of the front window of her home. Later , we see her at a party strongly gripping a teapot and dropping it as she stares at Clare who is receiving attention from everyone. These moments lead up to the ambiguous ending of the film. Symbolism also allows the viewer to form their own interpretations of Irene and Clare’s behaviors and emotions.
Was She Pushed? Did She Jump? Or Was It Something Else…?
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Hall, like Larsen, purposely left many aspects of the film ambiguous. Making the decision not to provide all the answers to a film is unusual. However, by doing so the viewer's interpretation allows them to create their own conclusions about the characters identities, actions, and feelings. This also allows for the viewer to project their own beliefs and then reflect on them. This is skillfully done and keeps the viewer questioning, guessing, and rethinking what the characters are thinking and feeling throughout the movie and creates a constant reexamining of one’s self. 
The ending of the film leaves the audience in suspense because what happens to Clare is left untold. The ending allows the audience the ability to choose their own ending. The lack of knowing strengthens the film because it further complicates the narrative and themes within the film. As well as invites interaction from the audience by causing them to grapple with the ending of the movie and how they come to their conclusion. This allows all assumptions to be true and the film reveals that there can be more than one truth.
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ourlovelyartmorgan · 5 months
Hi, i'm addicted to create characters for games, movies, series, etc; so, i just want to share with someone :p OBS: Yes, I do use AI Art because I CAN'T draw and I know some people may hate the idea of using AI, but I can't draw :) I have two characters for RDR2, they are quite similar because the sh*t AI has a standard for women appearance ¬¬' But it's just a idea, the won't be real anyway T.T
Is just a "RPG" thing, don't take to personal lol, is just for fun, I wish a could find more people who does that too T.T
PS: English is not my first language, any mistake, punch me. Please don't, I'm joking. ================================================
Character Info
Role: Companion Name: Emily Doyle Gender: Female Age: 32 High: 1,70 (5,6) Born In Year: 1867 (32 years old in 1899) Nationality: Australian ( 🇦🇺 ) Also Known as: Emy Cooper; Beth Themar. Affiliation: The Doyles, Vanoski Gang, Van Der Linde. Horse: Kentuck Saddler (Female; Name: Sydney) Family: Blake Doyle (Father), Ellie Murphy (Doyle) (Mother), Ryan Doyle (Brother) and Tessa Doyle (Sister).
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Emily Doyle was born in 1867 to a family of outlaws in Molong, Australia. She learned to survive in the world of crime since her 10 years old, when her old brother, Ryan Doyle, started to teach her how to use guns, to steal and ride horses. Emily has always been very good at shooting and she started to steal wagons with her brother when she was 14 years old. In other hand, her sister Tessa never liked the idea of been an outlaw, she used to always ride books of romance and dreamed of marriage and live in America; Tessa hates the fact that her young sister, Emily, would become such a terrible person as an outlaw, so she promised her that would take her together to America when she got married, but Emily refused. Tessa did married a man called Roger Vanoski, an american-russian months later and dragged Emily with her to a boat to America. Tessa became addicted to money; her husband, Roger, lives two different life: Crime and Business. Roger had a gang called Vanoski Gang, a very well hid organization inside of America. Tessa locked Emily inside their mansion because she thought that Emily was addicted to violence and money, because of the outlaw lifestyle they had in Australia, also didn't feed her well or gave her good clothes, because she didn't want to spend money with Emily, but also, didn't want to let her go, afraid that she would became a real outlaw in America. Tessa promised to Emily that was everything for love and care. Emily tried to run away a bunch of times, but Roger always found her. When Emily turned 25 years old, Tessa get sick for money and discussed with her husband, making him, in a impulsive action, killed Tessa with a shot in the head. Emily heard everything in her room. Roger didn't felt remorse and dragged Emily with him to his gang and worked for him only for survive, even seeing him as a enemy. Even if her sister "torture" her for years, she still loved her. In the time she was with Vanoski gang, she received a latter from Australia from her parents saying that her brother have died from sickness, but Emily did not send another letter telling about Tessa's death. Emily worked in the gang for 8 years, later she managed to ran away after killing Roger, now being hunted by the Vanoski gang through America. Emily travels and survived by herself, living a life of outlaw like she always lived in Australia.
(Young Emily Doyle)
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Emily would be found by Hosea and Arthur in one of they hunts or fishing missions, alone in a campfire near they first camp in Horseshoe Overlook, they would get to know her and ask if she was lost, but she says "no, actually the world is my home". After coming back to camp, you can see Hosea speaking about her with Dutch, both wondering if she was an lonely outlaw by her looks and guns. Later, Dutch would ask Arthur to find the lady and invite her to the gang, cause he thinks that it may be good for her and she looks expert, Hosea's words. Arthur would be directed on the map to Rhodes, where you find Emily being in trouble with some men, the Vanoski men (adding a new gang to the know gangs in RDR2). After Arthur helped Emily and take her to Van Der Linde gang to treat some smalls bruises, Dutch tries to convince the lady to stay with them, but she don't want to work with gangs anymore after what happened. Emily tells her story for Arthur while backing to Rhodes to try to find clues about the Vanoski gang and see if the Roger's men were still close; she tells Arthur about a hidden money of her sister in a land close to BlackWater where she used to live with Vanoski gang, and after Arthur tells that to Dutch, Emily help the gang to get the money and fight against some Vanoski gang. After the five missions that called: "Fall of Vanoski (I, II, III, IV and V)", Emily, in the last mission, she discovered that her parents have been dead 5 years ago hanged by the law in Sydney trying to escape to America by Roger substitute, his right-hand Mike Litton. Emily have a angry attack managing, with some members of Van Der Linde, to exterminate the last Vanoski men on that part of America. In the final of the last mission, Emily stayed with the Van Der Linde gang making good friends with Sadie, Arthur and even little Jack, being his favorite "aunt" in camp.
Arthur's side, of course, but she wouldn't be there in the final missions. She travels alone a while to look for trace elements of Vanoski and money to go back to Australia. After she came back, not managing to come back to her country, she didn't find no member of Van Der Linde gang and again find herself alone, but she restart her life buying a small house in the woods close to Strawberry and living a civilian life as a single woman.
In the Epilogue, with John, you would have a secondary mission where John finds Emily in the city of Saint Denis trying to find work and in the mission you would just help her out and John tells about Arthur's death what breaks her heart apart. After that mission, you're not able to find her anymore cause the moved back to Australia and let a letter for John on his house to let her old friends know.
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(Writers note: Of course I ship her with Arthur lol I'm not a fan of Mary XD Sorry Mary, but in my world, you're gone, my Arthur deserve love... like in my fanfics >:) )
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girljeremystrong · 7 months
i've been following you for a long time, i don't remember why, but it wasn't hockey (but i'm not gonna stop following lol) anyway, i'm a big figure skating fan so when you start hockey blogging i'm like "oh, updates on Tessa Virtue's husband's team, nice"
we love tessa virtue's husband!!!!!! :-) thanks for following me you're a real one lol ❤️ hope you're having a nice night!!!!
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purplebass · 9 months
Getting Acquainted With Santa / Wessa (+ little Lucie and James)
Will dresses as Santa Claus to surprise little James and Lucie, but someone may be scared of Santa ;) Set around Christmas 1888. I just love writing about Wessa when their kids are little.
I may have one more idea involving some of the characters in this fic set on Christmas but in the future, but we'll see if I can write it. Also, if you have requests, please send them to me.
Words: 971 Rating: T Read on A03 💜
Will bought the costume in a shop downtown without thinking, and he first showed it to his wife.
“You’re not thinking about –” Tessa said, looking at the red and white cloth with a frown. “For the Christmas party?”
He nodded. “The children will love it,” he replied giddily. “Or would you rather I dress as Mari Lwyd? You don’t seem too sure, Tess.”
She just shrugged and managed a tight smile. “I don’t want them to be scared so young.”
“By Santa Claus?” Will frowned, and put a hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Is there something I should know?”
Tessa sighed, and covered her face with her hands for a moment. “When I was six or seven,” she began, “I was deeply frightened by Kris Kringle. I was with my aunt, and it was one of those rare occasions she allowed me to go out with her. I had never seen Santa, and you can imagine my shock when he appeared out of nowhere and asked me which gift I wanted for Christmas.”
“I’m sorry, Tess,” he caressed her shoulder. “I should’ve asked you first. Maybe I should really dress as Mari Lwyd, then. They also know about her.”
“Please, no,” she laughed. “I can get acquainted with Santa. Perhaps if you wear that costume in front of me, my fear could subside. I could associate you with it, and thus face my fear.”
“Do you think it could work? I don’t want to startle you, my dear,” he squeezed her hand. 
“Let’s try it now,” she tilted her head to the side. “While the children are still asleep.”
Will smirked. “I’ve got the feeling you will want to remove the costume real quick.”
“Well,” she teased. “Let’s see if you are right.”
In the end, they were right. Seeing her husband dressing – and undressing – as Santa reframed Tessa’s childhood memory after a while. He didn’t frighten her anymore. If any, he looked –
“Amazing,” she commented, fixing his jacket. “You’re all set, Will.”
“Santa Claus is coming to town!” he exclaimed, and Tessa couldn’t help but laugh.
She went to the nursery to get Lucie and James, who were one and two respectively, and took them to the drawing room. They agreed that it was better to dress as Santa in front of them first. Tessa thought they should ask their friends if it was okay for Will to surprise the other children, since one of them could be scared like she used to be. 
Tessa sat on the rug. Lucie sat on her lap, while James sat beside her. When Will entered the room and chanted, they both looked up. 
“Hello, James and Lucie,” Will chirped, and sat on the rug. “How are you?” Tessa frowned at her husband. “What? It’s friendly,” he muttered. “I am Santa Claus, an old friend of your papa’s.”
James glanced at his mother. He was a little shy, and Tessa smiled to encourage him. 
“Good,” he said quietly. 
“Do you want to sit here with Santa, James? You can tell me what you want for Christmas,” Will wondered, and opened his welcoming arms. 
James hesitated at first, and looked at his mother again. “Go,” she told him, and that seemed to put him at ease. “It is fine.”
Will and Tessa’s first born son sat on his leg. “Yes, Jamie, you are safe with me. I’ve known your papa for a long time, and granted a lot of his wishes,” he explained. “Let’s hear what you wish for Christmas. I can make it come true.” James bit his lip but then he whispered something into his father’s ear. Will smiled when he was done, and looked at his wife. She also seemed pleased. “Only that? Okay, let’s see what Santa can do,” he kissed his boy’s hair, and he ran back into his mother’s arms. “Lucie’s turn.”
“Do you want to sit on Santa’s leg too, Lucie?” Tessa asked her youngest child, who observed the intruder curiously. She stretched her arms out and her father picked her up without a fuss. “This was easy,” she told Will with a knowing grin. 
Lucie was less wary about the world compared to her older brother. Will often said she reminded me of him when he was little, while Tessa agreed that James was more like her. Their children seemed the perfect blending of their attitudes, even though they were still too young so this could likely change someday.
Lucie grabbed his fake beard, which she found fluffy. “Do you like this?” he inquired softly, and she bobbed her head, and it looked like a nod to him. “Later, cariad. Later,” he said, but his daughter tugged at the white wool too much that it fell off his face. “Oops,” Will muttered, and Tessa covered her mouth with her hand to hide a laugh. 
“Pa,” Lucie touched her father’s face with her tiny hand, and their eyes met. “Pa!”
“What did you say, little one?”
“Pa,” she repeated. It was the first time she had uttered that word. Will and Tessa melt just like they did when James said it a few months before.
“Papa,” James echoed from Tessa’s lap, and he ran to Will’s other side. “Papa!”
Will and Tessa exchanged a quick glance and smiled at each other. “Yes, that’s your papa Claus here,” he hugged his children. “Can papa get a kiss from you?” he offered his cheek, and James kissed him first. He put a finger on his face and Lucie also gave him a kiss. 
“Can I also kiss papa Claus?” Tessa wondered. 
“I’d be offended if you didn’t,” Will said. “Considering how fond of him you’ve become.”
Tessa rolled her eyes and kissed him, and sat down next to him on the rug, basking in the happiness of her beloved family.
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karahalloway · 2 years
Kara Halloway - WIPs Update
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Happy Friday Everyone!
First off, thank you to everyone who's taken the time to read, reblog and comment on my latest fic, which was Polo! Hope you enjoyed my weird and slightly crazy HC! The things I subject Drake to, eh? 😅
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that while I know that I have a lot of WIPs in the works (Sleepless in New York, (Less Than) Noble Intentions, Thanksgiving, and various requests, etc.) I have finally started something that I have been putting off doing for the past 2 years (much to my husband's disgust lol), which is... working to publish an actual, real-life book 😱
I have had various original story ideas over the years, but TRR kept pulling me back into fanfic. But, a few months ago, I decided that rather than try to fight the tide, I should maybe adapt to it. So, this was how the idea of converting Sleepless in New York into a non-TRR original story was born, and last night, I finally took the pluge and decided to start working on it.
As a result, I don't know when I will go back to working on my various TRR stories (though I do want to finish them, as I have all the endings in my head, I just need to get to writing it all!!). It really depends on how the muse flows...
But I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that over the next several months, my Tumblr posting frequency will probably be a bit haphazard as a result of this new project that I've started.
At the moment, I am not planning on posting chapters of this original story (I don't even have a working title or a cover yet!) as I am hoping that you will all buy the book when it gets published 😇, but when the time comes, if anyone is interested, I am happy to provide advance copies for beta-reading, Amazon/Goodreads reviews, spreading the word, etc.
In the meantime, I hope you will bear with me and thank you to everyone who has read my stuff and encouraged me to keep writing! 😘 I would not have gotten here, or built up the courage to actually try and publish an actual friggin' novel!
@twinkleallnight @lovingchoices14 @kingliam2019 @petiteboheme @aussiegurl1234 @queen-arabella-of-cordonia @tessa-liam @alyshak92 @secretaryunpaid @princessleac1 @walkerdrakewalker @angelasscribbles @nestledonthaveone @tinkie1973 @twinkle-320 @knaussal @nikkis1983 @lunaseasblog @ficloverevie @indiana-jr @differenttyphoonwerewolf @xpandass420x @eversoaringqueen12 @peonierose @3pawandme @alexabeta @veebug8 @fangirling12566 @queenmiarys @berriesandpixels​ @coco-lina-s @lolablackwrites @ivyflowers13 @persephone13 @hollygirl1269 @adri-ja-96 @harleybeaumont @katedrakeohd @uneravine @bebepac
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nikkiruncks · 4 months
If you had to choose...Jay or Nate? Nikki or Gwen? Donna or Jackie? Eric or Hyde? Blair or Serena? Lorelai or Rory? Jess or Logan? And feel free to add why you chose each one if you want to. Have fun!
1. Jay. I love Nate, but Jay is just my blorbo husband who I will protect at all costs. He is just so gr8.
2. Both. Sorry but I cannot choose between them. Maybe Nikki, but idk. Both make my heart.
3. Honestly idk anymore. On one hand, Jackie is starting to take Donna’s place as being my fave female character. But I’d also rather have someone like Donna in my real life than Jackie.
4. Eric. I love Hyde, but he pisses me off quite a bit.
5. Neither tbh. At least when I think about it from an irl perspective, I just don’t want either of them as friends irl. But I guess I’ll pick Serena (sorry Tessa!), because I’m very sensitive and cannot handle Blair’s insults.
6. I love both, but maybe Rory because I feel like I am her (except that I’m not rich nor white haha). I’m a coffee addict, I love writing, and I am very loved.
7. Logan. Jess is not exactly my fave for some reasons.
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