#tenor talks
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infernaltenor · 9 months ago
one more niki analysis.
for now.
ok this one technically i've had in mind for MONTHS but couldn't figure out how to word it until just now because i a) read hot limit about three months ago and it hasn't left my head since b) the idol exploration event.
anyway. the actual crux of this is: niki's character is specifically written to be content, not happy. these often get confused imo. the second part of this is his contentedness isn't natural, it's forced. the third part of this is no one fucking notices, except for one rinne amagi, because of course he does. by no one, i'm talking specifically character-wise here; niki in game tends to get written off as childish or otherwise doing well, and that comes directly from his other unit members.
side note: i'm fairly confident in my own reading of "niki will pretend to not be bothered by anything, ever" and this is bolstered by a few different things; a) the honeycomb summer lyrics in my last post where there's a part of the intro, "hidden the true feelings out of habit / and now you're regretting it" (rinne amagi you slick bastard) b) hot limit. like the entire story. mostly because he was being troubled by multiple different things throughout it (work, idol activities, and his family last name/father's scandal) and the only person who noticed was rinne, and that's probably because he knew the damn guy for five years c) also in hot limit, the exploration into niki seeing himself as a burden because of his illness. why did they add this into his character and then not elaborate further? i don't know. if it never gets elaboration, i'll implode. anyway, it's a part of his character that he usually doesn't show, but he references it as "not wanting to inconvenience the people around him" REGARDLESS of if the people in question don't mind him inconveniencing them (rinne). in general, the only thing he makes a fuss about is food, likely because of his metabolism and the fact that he does become more of a danger to people when extremely hungry (he has bitten hiiro before.); i.e. the inconvenience for everyone else is a 19-20yro trying to bite them, not complaining that he's hungry.
i digress.
niki has referenced himself as being content with certain things before. for instance, in hot limit, it's phrased distinctly as "just getting to eat every day is a bliss to me - i need to be satisfied with that", which comes up again in his letter from the idol exploration:
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"it feels like happiness is there to fill my stomach, too!" oh, is it? is it niki? is it now?
basically, what i'm getting at is niki's expectations for life are so incredibly low, so he's satisfied with getting to eat every day. that's it. just satisfied. side note: this is why i went insane when survival was added to his profile; the way he lives/talks about living, he's been surviving more than living. this is also why i think rinne and niki work so well as a pair, rinne's into living and niki's busy surviving. though, to be fair, rinne and niki's relationship is built on this crux anyway. rinne intends (hopes, maybe? his goal?) is to help niki with what he has identified as a problem. thank you rinne amagi.
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(for the record, right after i read this, my live reaction was "WHAT IF I KILLED MYSELF". that's quite dramatic, and i won't, but i figured someone might get a laugh out of that.)
this isn't the first time that rinne has referred to niki (well, more so implied) as "not happy", as it happens in hot limit, too.
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"that's why i'll grant his wish and make him happy" oh ok i see.
anyway. niki's fascinating, because this forced contentedness vs happiness is so interesting to me, because beyond rinne's own read of niki, it's easily bought by everyone else he knows. most notably, kohaku and himeru, as their impressions come off of reading niki quite differently to rinne's:
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(i grabbed these screenshots after i finished the event for the time being. rinne's i grabbed before LMAO)
both of them appreciate and even look up to niki in certain ways, and they both like his focus on food. but what's interesting is how both of them see him vastly different from rinne; where rinne focuses on his low self impression, himeru thinks niki's perspective of the world is interesting, as well as i think he gives credence to niki being selfless, which kohaku sees him as both childish and reckless. i'm pretty sure both himeru and kohaku see him as more naive than themselves, which is a fair read. this also does line up with what happens in hot limit; while rinne is aware of the troubles niki's going through, himeru and kohaku are both surprised at the end.
niki's own effort, i think, to convince himself of being satisfied and content pays off, because the only person who notices otherwise is rinne. which, imo, is a whole other source of depth to their relationship; rinne probably saw niki working that out. he was 14 when they met, and likely the shiina parents leaving was recent (side note: i'm a certified niki's parents hater. i know we don't have much info on them, but i don't trust them after that burden thing), which is something i've mostly extrapolated by the contact he seems to have at 14 vs at 19, where they're pretty much never mentioned. yes, i know, niki chose to stay in japan. i just don't think you get through your parents leaving you in your native country at 14 while they gallivant around the globe and your communication with them steadily dwindles results in anything good.
ok. i'm sorry for the parent hating.
but unless proven otherwise i'm expecting them to be the source of these problems.
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timelyquantums · 14 days ago
tribbie characterization and my own personal grievances
these are purely based off of what ive seen floating around, but i digress. its been super annoying to me to see the way her character gets misconstrued. first things first to establish, however, is that tribbie's character tropes combines a lot of strange concepts; she's both multiple entities and one entity, as well as being simultaneously older and younger than the whole cast (and also, in this case, i'm not going to debate the anime trope of "younger characters who are actually older," simply because that's not what this is here for), and so, in general, i think it's good to pin down.
my main points are, of course: tribbie, trianne, and triannon are simultaneously the same entity, while also being different entities and the question of pronouns; the question of tribios; and tribbie is the oldest chrysos heir, but her younger stature makes sense with the information given in amphoreus so far.
to start off with tribbie, trianne, and triannon; i've seen a lot of posts refer to them as sisters or triplets. this isn't necessarily correct to the actual aspect: for one, tribbie, trianne, and triannon typically refer to themselves as "us/we" when in first person. additionally, there is explicit evidence in the book (unlocked at the end of the first section of the quest) that they are part of the original larger whole of tribios, someone who was split into a lot more pieces than the three we know (this lines up with a quote from phainon, who states that "tribbie has given a lot up for amphoreus," albeit this is a paraphrased quote from my memory), meaning that, by all technicalities, the three are simply aspects of a larger soul. for this reason, i refuse to refer to them as sisters - primarily because they aren't. additionally, getting to the question of pronouns; there's no reason to maintain using they/them when talking about tribbie herself. the reason i state this is because the use of "us/we" from the three, when talking to one directly, they are completely fine with being referred to as she/her. additionally, as a factor that i feel is likely easily missed, occasionally tribbie herself (and this is specifially tribbie, as i have not seen this happen when trianne or triannon speak) will drop the "us/we" and refer to herself with the pronoun of "i". this is something im tying into my next point:
the closest to the original entity of tribios is tribbie. this seems like it should be a no brainer - tribbie's name is the closest to tribios, afterall, contrarily to trianne or triannon - and when combined with tribbie occasionally dropping an "i" instead of "us/we", it's something to keep in mind. additionally, shown in tribbies original drip, as well as one of her eidolons, trianne and triannon are showcased as plushies. not to mention that tribbie is shown preference in who is named for the actual playable character: why skip trianne and triannon in the name, if not for tribbie being the closest to the original person of tribios?
my last point is tribbie as the first chrysos heir. this isn't easy to miss in the slightest, in my opinion, (although i have seen people completely miss it on instagram), what with every other chrysos heir we've met so far not only showing deference to her, but referring to her as "teacher". bringing back to the point of phainon saying that "tribbie has given a lot up for amphoreus," and that we already know tribbie has janus' coreflame, it's likely the coreflame itself caused the split in the entity of tribios. i don't think it's impossible that the split also caused a regression, which is why tribbie's age is in such a weird area: she clearly has knowledge that transcends the rest of the chrysos heirs, but commonly is childish because she is, in her current state, a child. i cannot stress enough that this seems to have been used in a way to specifically showcase that of what she gave up. this leaves out the parts from the book that we know were lost prior to arriving at amphoreus, meaning that a lot of tribbie's character ends up being tied very specifically into the concept of "losing yourself."
"why write this post, tenor?" well you see, tribbie happens to have instantly become one of my favorite characters from the entire amphoreus quest, and seeing her characterization get missed has been incredibly annoying, so i guess the main goal was just to make a little short stop to understand the character better. another big reason for this is a personal grievance of my own: the parentification of the relationships tribbie has, either with characters she actually knows (mostly, i've seen it with mydei) or that of the (what i presume to be a joke, but it grates on me nonetheless) constant pairings with argenti due to their red hair. lore wise, i cannot stress enough how much i fucking hate this bit: tribbie is from amphoreus, a planet which you cannot find without a member of the garden of recollection - and thus if argenti shows up during amphoreus' plot at all i might actually throw something - meaning that there is literally no way for tribbie to even know argenti at all. speaking generally, taken as a legitimate headcanon of a parent and child, this does a disservice to both characters; not to mention that there is feasibly no way for them to interact at all. this is ignoring that she's likely older than every character currently in game (or, well, it's pointing towards that. amphoreus' timeline is confusing at best, which works in setting, but is super annoying when i have a headache), which makes me feel that parentifiying any relationship tribbie has with, quite frankly anyone, does a disservice to her character as a whole, especially because it ignores the complexities in her character and relationships with everyone else (i use tribbie here, but i'm talking about all three - trianne and triannon do have different personalities and seem to have slightly different relationships with the people of okhema and the chrysos heirs - but i digress), and ultimately even taking it as the joke its likely to be read as is downright insulting to her character as a whole.
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two-entire-bits · 2 months ago
Baritone Darry you are always in my thoughts
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sare11aa11eras · 2 years ago
Theon is 19 in AGOT which means that yes absolutely Jon is right that he’s an ass. How many 19yo kids have you met that weren’t kind of cringe & annoying. College is full of guys exactly like Theon. I am so sorry but it’s true. 🙏🙏🙏 it’s rly not his fault!! plus. the horrors.
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richkidcityfriends · 7 months ago
people's absolute inability to understand the purpose of metaphor will i think be the thing that kills me
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muchadoabout · 7 months ago
Tosca at the Bavarian State Opera
Music Direction Andrea Battistoni Producer Kornél Mundruczó Mario Cavaradossi Jonas Kaufmann Floria Tosca Eleonora Buratto Baron Scarpia Ludovic Tézier | 27.07.2024
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I attended this run with a renewed mindset, hoping that Kaufmann could rise above the distracting direction. Unfortunately, the issues were too irredeemable for even his star power to overcome. The production's best part was the Te Deum scene. Tézier was able to sing a menacing rendition of Scarpia's aria, "Tre Sbirri" free from the interference of background activities. Meanwhile, Kaufmann's Cavarodossi was preoccupied with taking photos during "Recondita armonia" or arranging film projectors while singing his lament, "E lucevan le stelle". The audience was distracted; Kaufmann appeared even more so.
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The director's vision, while ambitious, was also uneven. Scarpia's den-torture room duplex was a smart design, adding more dimension to the second act. However, the production awkwardly repurposed the same torture room (minus Scarpia's den) for Tosca's leap to her death. The height could not be more a few meters tall, making what should have been a dramatic conclusion feel unconvincing and anticlimatic.
The audience's reaction that evening was more despondent compared to the first performance I attended in June. Kaufmann was in healthy vocal condition, and his acting was reliable. Tézier could play Scarpia in any circumstances; he completely owned the role. Buratto was consistent throughout the course of her performance.
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widevibratobitch · 6 months ago
this is what i get for logging back in. a pretentious don g aNaLySiS post on my dash. leave me alone havent i suffered enough
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pizza-feverdream · 8 months ago
Choir director gene reallll
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freddieandflorence · 2 months ago
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nia1sworld · 1 year ago
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infernaltenor · 9 months ago
honeycomb summer and niki shiina
"didnt you say the last post was your last analysis" yeah, well, i lied.
hot limit is much less a story from niki and more a story about niki. this distinction will carry throughout this post, as i think it says not only a lot about niki himself, but also the relationship between niki and rinne, which i think is a vital part of both their characterizations.
i mean, oddly enough, niki doesn't even show up much in his own center event! this is because, of course, he's trying to juggle three different things (work/cooking opportunities, idol activities, and his family name), but it does show a decent amount into his characterization. namely, niki's reluctance to ask for help (rinne acts of his own accord in hot limit, not because he's prompted), his low self esteem, and the way his illness actually affects him in his day to day life. i think its worth it to note that his low self esteem is intertwined with his chronic illness, as he specifically references himself as a buden and having to be thankful he's lasted as long as he has. (side note: the new profile for niki having survival in his skills is both aggravating and justifying to me in equal measure. he would look at his 20 years of life and go "wild how i survived that huh!" and then move on.)
ultimately, though, i think the most important part of hot limit is niki and rinne. they're central to the narrative, but more than that, hot limit makes it clear what their relationship is. there's a heavy level of devotion in their relationship, but what's particularly interesting to me is rinne's perspective about niki. not only does rinne want to fundamentally "change fate", as he absolutely hates the perspective niki currently has, but he interestingly refuses to be clear about it, except for at the end of hot limit, when he outright states it to himeru and kohaku.
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ive been sitting on this screenshot for months. they make me so ill.
anyway. that's not the point, my point is to talk about honeycomb summer, the song that came out with hot limit. because much in the way that hot limit is a story about niki, honeycomb summer is a song talking to niki.
there's two places in particular in the lyrics that standout as direct lines that are attempts from rinne to talk to niki. this is more than likely part of his campaign to "change fate".
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niki fucking hates talking about his issues (see: hot limit) so the first part makes sense. basically, hes a master at deflecting. laugh, smile, move on, don't elaborate further. help him.
the second part is a bit more interesting, because it's both a typical crazy:b lyric and a typical rinne amagi-ism. but under the lens of honeycomb summer, and particularly the quote at the end of hot limit, this is a direct fucking plea to niki shiina. you can want more than just to survive. it's okay to be greedy.
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timelyquantums · 3 months ago
hi hi!! i'm quantums lover georg, (but you can call me tenor!) so finally succumbed to the desire to make an account centered around them! it should be mostly reblogs but i might make some original posts, so just join me for the ride!
wanna look at a specific quantum character? directory here: seele qingque silver wolf fu xuan lynx xueyi sparkle jade tribbie castorice
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violethursday · 3 months ago
Being the oldest sibling is nice and all, but I'd prefer if I was the younger/middle sibling instead. It's a lot of pressuring being the oldest (especially since I'm the firstborn daughter to immigrant parents who worked hard to get here) as you're the first one to do things, almost like a leader. Being a leader is very pressuring though, and I like being a follower more. With high school, it's nice hanging with the sophomores and seniors (surprisingly I don't really interact with the juniors as much). I get to listen to their difference experiences in life, and they can listen attentively to mine.
So yeah. I just wish that I had an older sibling(s) instead of me being the older sister to my younger sister. Too pressuring tbh.
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echotunes · 3 months ago
"it seems to be written to be played with a guitar" king it really really does not. that's not what guitar sheet music looks like
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markiafc · 3 months ago
supernatural is also further studies for summer sons. for reasons like it definitely influencing lee mandelo, for the classic horror, for the in-text reference to their lives being akin to "an episode of supernatural", for the blood-drinking violations, for the incest dynamics, and so on... but people don't take supernatural seriously either, do they.
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soupy-girl · 1 year ago
unrelated to anything but i would kill and die to play grace chasity
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