#i realize this doesnt have a good conclusion either. you see your honor i dont care.
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infernaltenor · 9 months ago
one more niki analysis.
for now.
ok this one technically i've had in mind for MONTHS but couldn't figure out how to word it until just now because i a) read hot limit about three months ago and it hasn't left my head since b) the idol exploration event.
anyway. the actual crux of this is: niki's character is specifically written to be content, not happy. these often get confused imo. the second part of this is his contentedness isn't natural, it's forced. the third part of this is no one fucking notices, except for one rinne amagi, because of course he does. by no one, i'm talking specifically character-wise here; niki in game tends to get written off as childish or otherwise doing well, and that comes directly from his other unit members.
side note: i'm fairly confident in my own reading of "niki will pretend to not be bothered by anything, ever" and this is bolstered by a few different things; a) the honeycomb summer lyrics in my last post where there's a part of the intro, "hidden the true feelings out of habit / and now you're regretting it" (rinne amagi you slick bastard) b) hot limit. like the entire story. mostly because he was being troubled by multiple different things throughout it (work, idol activities, and his family last name/father's scandal) and the only person who noticed was rinne, and that's probably because he knew the damn guy for five years c) also in hot limit, the exploration into niki seeing himself as a burden because of his illness. why did they add this into his character and then not elaborate further? i don't know. if it never gets elaboration, i'll implode. anyway, it's a part of his character that he usually doesn't show, but he references it as "not wanting to inconvenience the people around him" REGARDLESS of if the people in question don't mind him inconveniencing them (rinne). in general, the only thing he makes a fuss about is food, likely because of his metabolism and the fact that he does become more of a danger to people when extremely hungry (he has bitten hiiro before.); i.e. the inconvenience for everyone else is a 19-20yro trying to bite them, not complaining that he's hungry.
i digress.
niki has referenced himself as being content with certain things before. for instance, in hot limit, it's phrased distinctly as "just getting to eat every day is a bliss to me - i need to be satisfied with that", which comes up again in his letter from the idol exploration:
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"it feels like happiness is there to fill my stomach, too!" oh, is it? is it niki? is it now?
basically, what i'm getting at is niki's expectations for life are so incredibly low, so he's satisfied with getting to eat every day. that's it. just satisfied. side note: this is why i went insane when survival was added to his profile; the way he lives/talks about living, he's been surviving more than living. this is also why i think rinne and niki work so well as a pair, rinne's into living and niki's busy surviving. though, to be fair, rinne and niki's relationship is built on this crux anyway. rinne intends (hopes, maybe? his goal?) is to help niki with what he has identified as a problem. thank you rinne amagi.
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(for the record, right after i read this, my live reaction was "WHAT IF I KILLED MYSELF". that's quite dramatic, and i won't, but i figured someone might get a laugh out of that.)
this isn't the first time that rinne has referred to niki (well, more so implied) as "not happy", as it happens in hot limit, too.
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"that's why i'll grant his wish and make him happy" oh ok i see.
anyway. niki's fascinating, because this forced contentedness vs happiness is so interesting to me, because beyond rinne's own read of niki, it's easily bought by everyone else he knows. most notably, kohaku and himeru, as their impressions come off of reading niki quite differently to rinne's:
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(i grabbed these screenshots after i finished the event for the time being. rinne's i grabbed before LMAO)
both of them appreciate and even look up to niki in certain ways, and they both like his focus on food. but what's interesting is how both of them see him vastly different from rinne; where rinne focuses on his low self impression, himeru thinks niki's perspective of the world is interesting, as well as i think he gives credence to niki being selfless, which kohaku sees him as both childish and reckless. i'm pretty sure both himeru and kohaku see him as more naive than themselves, which is a fair read. this also does line up with what happens in hot limit; while rinne is aware of the troubles niki's going through, himeru and kohaku are both surprised at the end.
niki's own effort, i think, to convince himself of being satisfied and content pays off, because the only person who notices otherwise is rinne. which, imo, is a whole other source of depth to their relationship; rinne probably saw niki working that out. he was 14 when they met, and likely the shiina parents leaving was recent (side note: i'm a certified niki's parents hater. i know we don't have much info on them, but i don't trust them after that burden thing), which is something i've mostly extrapolated by the contact he seems to have at 14 vs at 19, where they're pretty much never mentioned. yes, i know, niki chose to stay in japan. i just don't think you get through your parents leaving you in your native country at 14 while they gallivant around the globe and your communication with them steadily dwindles results in anything good.
ok. i'm sorry for the parent hating.
but unless proven otherwise i'm expecting them to be the source of these problems.
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vminvisiblestring · 4 years ago
How Robert Berens Made Destiel Canon
or The Beautifully Tragic Road to Destiel
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in honor of their one month anniversary, i want to talk about robert berens and how he made it his mission to make destiel canon and the care he took approaching their relationship...
i dont know if this has been pointed out before, but i was looking at the episodes bobo berens wrote when i realized something: he wrote all the significant destiel episodes in s15. i think that means he probably planned to make destiel canon long before s15 started:
he hid a love story inside the monster story. a love story told in five parts:
• initiating event
• rising action
• climax (first twist)
• falling action
• second twist (no resolution)
14x18: absence - “initiating event”
the initiating event introduces the conflict and sets events into motion in a story.
in absence, cas reveals to dean that jack might not have a soul and therefore might not know that hurting his mother was wrong. this angers dean and results in dean telling cas “youre dead to me”. this initiates a chain of events that lead their relationship to experience a tear (or rupture).
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15x03: the rupture - “rising action”
the rising action is the result of a character trying to (in this case) solve a problem but a force is at conflict with the character. for every step taken, there is either a successful or failed outcome; this pattern continues all the way to the climax.
complications in dean and cas’s relationship continue to widen the distance between them into the start of season 15 with the deaths of rowena and belphagor (for which dean blames cas) culminating in the infamous “breakup” scene. cas said there was nothing left for him anymore and leaves dean.
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15x08: our father who arent in heaven - “rising action”
bobo didnt write this episode but its important to the path because rowena tells dean and cas to fix their relationship in the same episode that michael sends them to purgatory (aka the place dean realized he was in love with cas all those years ago and where they fixed their relationship the first time)
15x09: the trap - ‘climax & first twist”
the climax is the most emotional part of the story and is reached when the character takes the final step to resolve their problem. this is also where the turning point of the story begins and descends to the falling action (and if there is a plot twist, it happens here).
the first twist: dean confesses first. this scene is deans confession disguised as an apology. he might lose cas and needed him to know hes sorry. the prayer scene is so important because, if we read the scene, this is in fact, an apology, but its so much more than that. dean responds to cas’s “i left but you didnt stop me” with “i should have stopped you”. this scene showed just how much dean has grown, how much he’s trying and how much he wants to be free of the anger he feels because he realized it was what separated him from the man he loves on multiple occasions. this is deans way of saying “im sorry. i didnt mean anything i said. you are the most important person in my life and i let you leave. i shouldnt have let you leave. thats my fault. im trying to get better. please tell me you’re gonna be okay. tell me this isnt the last time i’ll ever see you. please. i love you”.
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dean and cas reunite near the rift but dean doesnt want to leave before telling cas something. we know it cant be the prayer because its obvious cas heard that; this is something else, but cas stops him. this scene is them making amends with each other the best way they know how: a silent knowing. the conflict has finally been resolved.
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15x12: galaxy brain - “falling action”
the falling action consists of the after-effects of the climax and every event from here onward should lead to a logical conclusion.
dean and cas’s relationship is better, they seem at peace. the silent knowing is definitely there, and they both seem comfortable the way they left things. the way things are going, they’ll likely have as much a “happy” ending as a fallen angel and a hunter can have without talking about this silent knowing. we cant forget about the looming empty deal, but knowing cas will never be truly happy, it seems like dean and cas are going to be friends for a long time...
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15x18: despair - “second twist”
after the falling action comes the resolution. sometimes in film and television, a surprise second twist will occur after the climax and toss the characters into another fight. the second twist is resolved quicker than the first and leads to a speedy resolution.
the second twist here, however, replaces the resolution because the story of destiel sadly and infuriatingly, never got its resolution.
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i feel like bobo was told cas was going to get killed off and thats why he knew there was no way the network would allow dean to reciprocate so he did the best he could to work around the homophobia and make destiel canon as much as possible for us.
this is the most “resolution” we were given by a show we spent years watching and loving. we rooted for the characters, we fought as much for their happiness as they did themselves. and it ended up stabbing jensen, misha, bobo, other cast members, some writers and the fans in the back.
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deans face here is all i have left to hold on to and thats not fair. and its not fair that after all these years this is what they did to one of the most complex love stories ever told. not only that, but dean and cas were also some of the complex characters ever put to screen. this is not a good ending for them and it never will be. not until they both get the endings they deserve, as individuals and as one. and im sorry for the pain all this mess has caused and would like nothing more than to squeeze everyone really tight and tell you it’ll be okay.
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nicomrade · 4 years ago
hi op here's one of my fav emojis: ✨
some thoughts on your fav stupeflip album?
😭 you have NO idea what uve started im not even sure i have a Fave (i do its the hypnoflip invasion but also i dont) and stup makes me analyze media for hours.... OH an interesting thing about THI is uh ok so ... julien barthélémy plays king ju and pop hip and in stupeflip (2003) we learn that king ju died in a bicycle accident
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and in THI pop hip gets shot and dies (and then in stup virus we hear him sing from stup hell, implying he might also get brought back to life) and like of course i love the death theme im obsessed w the death themes and i love undead type characters and having those two characters played by the same guy both be dead is very.... its Interesting.. its Juicy... u know.. its really.... mm.. the parallels thinking about them. AND pop hip's death gets sort of foreshadowed w him jumping in songs hes not invited in and attacked by dogs n shit... sort of reminding u that everyone fucking hates the guy and he either doesnt realize or doesnt care.. OH ALSO pop hip dies partway through but the last song on the album before the interlude + outro is a pop hip song so like maleboss behavior ♥ really stole the show
OH ALSO FROM THI in la menuiserie uve got
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which... omg amuro in stupeflip crossover cant believe it amuro detective conan is stup coded i have to stan him now 🙈
le spleen des petits is one of the two childhood trauma stup songs (imo, all of stup is childhood trauma music but le spleen des petits + l'enfant fou especially touch on it) and its got some really graceful writing i wont screenshot it here but i absolutely encourage lookin it up n reading along cause its so.. its so !!!! it sets a mood sooo effectively like calling it poetry is dumb cause its... a song. but u genuinely have really good storytelling and a motif w citrus fruits and thats true of most stup songs i adore their lyric writing but le spleen des petits is especially vivid w it weve got 2 fujiluppy songs in THI w gem lé moch' and le coeur qui cogne but i dont wanna... go on about them they just get an honorable mention for being fujilup instead u know what song i think about way too often... ce petit blouson en daim. this ones about compulsive buying? like the song is basically just pop hip seeing stuff he likes in stores and thinking about the 1 item for weeks convinced itll cure his depression to have it until he buys it and then he moves on to the next thing. and the last verse has him have that thought pattern about a woman instead and it idk. its already so very clearly unhealthy when its about clothes n shit (because the cycle continues, u know the jacket didnt actually cure his depression) so when its turned around to objectifying women its like. he thinks this girl will fix all his problems and we know it wont and its pointless and at this point its straight up off-putting hes literally objectifying her and its just ... wow pop hip u have issues and i hate you im glad u die 5 tracks later... AND its a fujiko song because of course it is ♥
i keep trying to type more but tumblr censors me... honorable mention to apocalypse 894 for being top 3 fave stup songs, sinode pibouin for being explicitly against capitalism/right wingers/the gov and stupeflip vite for being the absolute banger it is.... it has lyrics that hashtag hurt me in it but i wont point them out cause itd be revealing a bit too much about myself
wait nvmd its been so long since ive listened to région est its got me emotional i used to listen to it A LOT for reasons i again wont specify... im so in love w all the stup outros genuinely theyre all REALLY GOOD strange traps (terrora!!'s outro) might be my fave but god région est is immaculate stup outro is a genre in itself i wish there was more of them
IN CONCLUSION: le crayon titi..... the real conclusion is i typed in english about a band that writes in french but theres like crumbs of english lyrics in their songs so u have no excuse and listen to stupeflip now !!!!!!!
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1rosex · 7 years ago
BTS reaction to sleeping with their best friend when drunk
Request: ¡Hola! Can I request a bts reaction to them sleeping with their bbf when they are both drunk and the morning after , since they don't have romantic feeling for one another they just take it as a joke ( something like " omg I didn't know you were that good at it"idk😂) and go on being friends thank you !
Warnings: smut
Jin woke up, despite being drunk he could actually remember last nights events. He narrowed his eyes, laying there with a headache trying to recall every last bit. You were both drinking and joking around, next thing he knew you were kissing him. Soon, you two were moving rhythmically under the sheets.
Jin smacked his lips together and felt along his waist, seems he'd passed out before he could get dressed. You shuffled besides him, sitting up and yawning as Jin kept remembering memories and piecing them together. All of a sudden, he shot up into a sitting position and glared at you.
"Whoa Jin- what's wrong?" You asked, he'd scared you when he moved so fast.
"You didn't give me a blowjob last night!" He suddenly said, offended. You were trying really hard not to laugh, but you couldn't help it. Your lips pulled up into a dumbfounded smile.
"I make you spaghetti, and this is how you repay me. I thought we were friends Y/N." He shook his head as he hurried to get changed, leaving you behind laughing at his reaction.
"I was tired!" You called out after him.
He eventually made you two breakfast and made sure to tend to your hungover pain, because Jin's the best friend out there no matter what.
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Namjoon struggled to get up, his head was pounding. His mouth was sour with the aftertaste of beer, he didn't remember how drunk he'd gotten. That was usually not a good sign. Namjoon jumped when he realized he didn't even have a shirt on, and he definitely didn't have pants on either. Namjoon took a minute to collect his thoughts before looking over at the other side of the bed. You were barely starting to wake up, realizing the same thing he had. You both stared at each other for a long time.
"Did we..." He asked, trailing off.
"I think we did." You nodded, looking around. Namjoin nodded, calmly. "We're not like.. Anything else though..?"
You shook your head. Namjoon nodded again. He didn't want to ruin the friendship between the two of you, even if last night had been nice. He'd rather not focus your friendship on it, he didn't want to use you.
"A lot bigger than you thought huh?" Namjoon suddenly said, turning to look at you knowingly. You rolled your eyes and looked away, throwing the pillow at him. "Oh shush! I'm going to be sore for the next few months thanks to you."
"What'd you expect Y/N? You didn't go so easy yourself, my makeup artist is gonna be curious." He rubbed the tight muscles over his chest and neck before yawning. "You want to go get some pancakes? Im starving."
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You were abruptly pulled out of your dream when a pillow made contact with the side of your face. You grunted, your eyes popping open and searching your surroundings. You were in Yoongi's bed, and you were cold. You looked up, Yoongi was standing over without a shirt holding a pillow above his head.
"About time. You were drooling all over the sheets." He grinned slightly before handing you a clean shirt. You didnt quite realize why, until you felt your bare skin against the sheets.
"Oh dont tell me we...." You groaned as you grabbed the shirt and sat up to get it on. The dresser had a glass of water and a pair of bottoms too. The pounding in your head told you you'd been terribly drunk the night before, and the fact that you were naked in Yoongi's bed was enough for you to assume the rest.
"Oh we did. Why? Are you that disappointed?" Yoongi joked. You quickly shook your head, of course you weren't. He was your best friend, you were just hoping it hadn't ruined that friendship. But judging by how Yoongi was acting, it hadn't. "Your voice isn't quite so annoying when its calling out my name." Yoongi grabbed some clean clothes out of the dresser by the bed and started to head for the bathroom.
"Im taking a shower, you can take one here when I'm done." Yoongi disappeared behind the door before you could say anything. You shook your head as you fell back onto the bed and curled up into the sheets. This wouldn't ruin your friendship, but wow was it a story.
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Hoseok sat up, stretched with a smile on his face. He gave a refreshed sigh, then turned to see you curled up besides him. Hoseok screamed and fell off the bed, yanking you out of your dreams and causing you to sit up. "Hobi whats going on?" You asked, groggily. You remembered the night before faintly, and it seemed that he was starting to remember too. You'd been drinking, gone home with him, and the rest was history. That might explain why you were laying in his bed.
"Oh my god you saw me naked!" Hoseok yelled, even though he was standing in front of you still naked since he'd passed out before he could change, and still hadn't changed. You watched him for a second before looking away. "Yeah, and I still am seeing it. Stop jumping around.."
"You already saw my dick last night why are you looking away now!" Hoseok threw his hands up in the air. After a short pause of silence, both of you burst out into laughter.
"Seriously?" You laughed as you reached for your shirt to get on, Hoseok looking for a clean change of clothes as well.
"Im just saying! If anyone asks though, you've never seen your best friend naked. That includes the incident at the pool. I am pure."
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Jimin looked over at you, who was finally waking up and trying to understand the situation. Jimin had been up for a while now, piecing the events of last night together. Jin had bought you guys drinks, and then he had to go take the rest of the members to McDonald's because they wanted McDonald's. They'd left you two alone, and after a while things had escalated. Jimin had come to the conclusion that he had slept with you, and he didn't regret it. You two were so close that it hadn't been awkward at all, he'd felt relaxed.
"Good morning." He smiled at you as just sat up.
"I feel like im dying. I cant believe we actually got so drunk that we made out." You whined, rubbing your head. The morning after was definitely not an enjoyable time, espicially not when you had the sore muscles to prove the night before too.
"Guess you can't me a small mochi anymore?" Jimin asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
"Yeah you're right." You said. "I can now call you a tiny mochi."
Jimin smacked you with the pillow as you burst out into laughter, falling back onto the bed. Jimin blushed, smiling as he put the pillow back down and stretched his sore muscles.
"Lets go out and eat something. Im seriously drained after last night."
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Taehyung was so tired the next morning, he didn't budge at all even after your multiple attempts to awaken him. After a while you just gave up, laying besides him and waiting for him to come around on his own time. After a few more moments of Taehyung snoring, his breath hitched as his eyes started to open. He gave a big yawn, groaning at the sudden pang of pain in his head. Taehyung rolled over, seeing you curled up besides him.
"Oh that's why." Taehyung muttered to himself, realizing now why his lower half was bare.
"Morning." You muttered. It went quiet for a while, the two of you breathing in sync.
"You know to be honest, I thought you'd be a whole lot worse at that." Taehyung said bluntly. You laughed, shaking your head as you rolled in the other direction. "Good teamwork!" He called after you too, making you laugh even harder. "You know just how to ruin the mood don't you?" You asked him. Taehyung just grinned.
"This doesnt change us does it?" Taehyung asked. He definitely didn't regret the events that had taken place last night, but he also didnt want to ruin the good friendship you two had going on. You sat up and shook your head. "Well, we were drunk."
Taehyung nodded. He gave a fully body stretch, looking like a cat that had just awoken from a long nap.
"I think I drank way too much. Can we go get some water? Then some pizza? I don't even want to look at what I sent out last night."
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Jungkook woke up that morning, groaning about the pain in his head. He didnt know getting that drunk could cause so much pain. He yawned, then carefully pulled himself up into a sitting position. He felt someone else on the bed, whipping around to see you in the midst of waking up. His eyes went wide, slapping his hands over his chest to realize he was shirtless. He lifted the sheets too, examined down there for a second before slamming the blanket back down around his waist. You rolled over and looked at him, half awake, half asleep.
"Holy shit I just got laid." He said, his eyes wide.
"Yeah, by your own best friend. Can you even be proud?" You joked as you rubbed your eyes.
"Yeah thanks. You know, its an absolute honor. Plus, I don't think you were so against the idea of it being your best friend either last night." Jungkook winked at you.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked while propping yourself up on your elbow, arching an eyebrow.
"Oh jungkook!~" Jungkook yelled out, mimicking your voice. Your face went red as you pushed him, laughing. Jungkook fell over and giggled before looking back at you.
"Im pretty sure we're both naked right now. Who's getting out of bed first?" He asked. He'd been okay with it last night of course, since he was so drunk. Thats not to say he regretted it, he'd slept with you by choice. But you were still just best friends and now, being sober, he'd gotten shy again. "Rock paper scissors." You shrugged. Jungkook agreed, but soon regretted it when he lost.
"Im going to make a beeline for the bathroom and if you look at or say anything to me I swear I'm never sharing my kimchi with you again"
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