#ten sentence sneak peeks!
inkblot22 · 5 months
Hello, hi. Okay, I'm terribly sorry about that request that has been waiting (Ruggie.) I am filling out the draft I had, and it is currently at 5.5k words and not as plump and weird as I'd personally like it. I need more drama, more buildup and break, yk? Also I had a very nice migraine and dumb boring adult stuff to do when I had allocated time to working on this fic. It was supposed to be out today but I have not slept and I am crashing, and that tends to lead to unintelligible nonsense, so I am going to rest. I'll put a sneak peek under a cut (10 sentences) if you'd like to see it, but the whole thing should be out tomorrow unless I die in my sleep. Big shoutout to my wonderful girlfriend for helping me out with this one.
To the anon who sent me an ask very recently: Your brain is massive and very wrinkly, that shit is my jam and I was in the process of brainstorming for a Vil fic anyhow, so you will absolutely get what you desire. (Poly is completely fine and welcomed, btw. If I do not want to write something, I will let you know.)
Okay, here's the 10 sentences! Thank you for your patience!
The roof was thatched, but beyond the light being streamed in by the afternoon sun, you couldn’t see very well inside the place after Ruggie opened the door. He poked his head in and pressed a hand against your belly, a silent “back up.”
You took a step back and sharply turned your head to the sound of a twig snapping. There wasn’t anything there, but you also couldn’t see the twig. For a place called the Afterglow, this area of it was honestly kind of shadowy. It was pretty unsettling, like a blanket that had a spider hiding in it somewhere, but you didn’t know where. You stared out into the dim distance and a gentle touch on your arm scared you out of your skin.
Ruggie’s hand retracted as he looked at you as though you'd lost it, “What’s wrong?”
“I- Sorry, I thought I heard something.”
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voch · 25 days
I absolutely adored @firecurls-27’s idea of What If Chalice Was Adopted By Other DLC Bosses? and I decided to do that with the cupbros!
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More info about these designs:
King’s Leap Prince Cup and Prince Mug were taken in by the King and Queen of games and raised to be proper Gamemasters. However, Prince Cup found he liked participating in the games way more than controlling them, and rebelled, living a double life. Every night he sneaks out and lives with the Mice, enjoying their jovial parties. Little does he know they’re planning to overthrow and execute the Queen. Mugman knows of his brother’s secret, but won’t give him away. However, he is very suspicious of the Mice, and isn’t afraid to go to any lengths to protect his kingdom. Where will each brother find their loyalties lies, and will they figure it out before it’s too late?
Esther Winchester Two Shots and Ten Gallon are the West’s most fearsome nogoodniks. Two Shots is small, rough, and rowdy, and has a shorter fuse than Mama Esther’s dynamite, but he’s an eagle eye capable of shooting a gold coin from across the town. Ten Gallon runs his Mama’s spaghetti saloon, but don’t be fooled by his more passive demeanor: he’s a professional con artist with more than a few tricks up his sleeve. Ten Gallon constantly worries Two Shots is gonna end up being picked by vultures in a ditch with his attitude, but there’s no stopping the sharpest shooter in the Isles… right?
Moonshine Mob Big Cup and Mugsy Smiles are actually raised by different members of the Mob, so they’re more distant than other Cupheads and Mugmen. Big Cup was taken under the Snail’s proverbial wing and Mugsy Smiles was adopted by Charlie and Lightbug. Big Cup is pretty tough and never takes no guff from nobody, but he feels pretty lonely in the mob. He has respect, but no real friends. He stuck the antennae into his hat to feel a bit more part of the family (just don’t ask where he got the antennae from). Mugsy Smiles, meanwhile, is more of an entertainer. He can play many instruments, he can sing, and he can dance. He’s not afraid to get his dirty in the real whiskey business, though. Big Cup and Mugsy Smiles don’t really connect the dots that they’re brothers, but they both feel like something is missing from their past…
Glumstone Cuppy and Muggy are beloved by the gnomes. Cuppy has gotten a real knack for mining and loves the shiniest of ores and gems. He even uses gold to fix cracks in his skin. Muggy tends to growing the Gnomeberry gardens, making sure they’re as bright and juicy as possible. Being raised how they were, they picked up many more talents, including storytelling, making every sentence a rhyme, and of course, mountain climbing. In fact, Porkrind often recalls the tale of how they rescued his beloved wife from her demise in the snowy hills. And every summer, when the happy campers dare to venture through the mountains, they may get to sneak a peek of the two tallest gnomes in the Isle…
Mortimer Freeze Cold Cup and Snow Milk, aka the Ice Cream Brothers, are not to be trifled with. The most powerful magicians in the Isles, their combined magic is said to be strong enough to freeze over Hell itself. Cold Cup uses Ice Cream and similarly delicious frozen treats to lure in new members, while Snow Milk… deals with them. Details in their design I’m proud of? Cold Cup has a Pentacle in his hat while Snow Milk has a Sword necklace. Pentacles are the replacement for Diamonds in Tarot, and Swords are the replacement for Spades.
Howling Aces Cast and Mike (named after “C” and “M” in the RAF Radiophonic alphabet, respectively) were raised as Yankee Yippers to be the new Top Dogs of the Howling Aces. Cast, who takes more after Hugo Bulldog — and even has the same bones tattoo to prove it — is serious and well-trained soldier. Mike, who has a more natural love of aeroplanes and leadership, takes more after Sargent O’Fera. However, Mike has a long-standing rivalry with local boy genius Canteen Hughes, who seems to have a bone to pick with the Aces, for some reason. Guess he and Mugman can’t be best friends in every universe…
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fan-goddess · 1 year
Hello lovely xo, can I request Aemond reuniting with his childhood love/crush at a feast after not seeing her for six years.
Author Note: Hi love of course you can! I wrote so much more for this than I thought I was gonna write I really took of, plus after looking back at the request I didn’t make them meet at a feast… still I hope your happy!
Word count: 5.3K words
Warnings: None explicitly needed, though reader is described as being female, kissing stuff and insecurities
Other Links: My Ewan Mitchell masterlist for more Aemond content
Taglist: @blue-serendipity
Aemond was one and ten when he first laid his eyes on you, the daughter of Tyland Lannister.
You had golden hair that resembled Sunfyres scales. Your eyes were green like grass. Oh and your smile, it could light over a thousand lanterns. He easily thinks the best part about you was that smile…
The first time Aemond saw you up close was in the library. He was researching Daenys’ prophecies when he heard a strange thumping noise go off within the shelves.
“Hello?” He called out. “Is anyone here?” An annoyed scowl taking over his face when no one showed up immediately to take credit. He went back to reading, though soon he became too on edge to even get past another sentence. What if there was actually a person hidden in the shelves and they wish to kill him?
Aemond put down his book and walked into the shelves, peeking round the corners to see if anyone lurked there. He looked for a couple minutes, shifting from his least favourite section the poetry books to his favourite the section on Targaryen history.
That’s however, when he sees golden hair peeking from the sides of the display. He doesn’t choose to call out to them, in fear the mysterious person will flee and he’ll never get to see them. Aemond slowly takes out his dagger and stalks towards the person, his heart beating rapidly at the possibility of a fight taking place.
When he turns the corner though, with his dagger held high and stance ready to take a fight, he feels his heart is about to burst from his chest when he sees you innocently sitting on the ground with a book in your lap. You seem to be asleep, as the pages aren’t being turned and your neck seems to have laid itself in an uncomfortable position.
He places his dagger back in its hold and kneels forward to take a look, and to see if you truly are sleeping. He nearly smiles when he sees how innocent you look in this view. Though Aemond knows he should not be jealous at that moment, and goes to wake you up as carefully as he can.
“M-my lady…” He all but whispers, gently taking the book from your lap. His restraint shows well as his hands attempt to not caress the skin that’s being revealed from your slightly ridden up skirt. “My lady, I think you need to wake now.” He uses one hand to gently shake your shoulder and the other to grasp your chin and pull your head up. His restraint is tested once more when his thumb nearly brushes over your lips.
Aemond is ever so grateful when you let out a small groan and groggily open your eyes. It’s almost amusing when your eyes turn panicked when you realise the situation you were in. “M-my prince I am so sorry!” You shout. Attempting to stand up but you nearly fall over in the struggle. “P-please do not punish me for being here!”
Aemond cannot help but give an amused smile at your panic. “It’s okay my lady!” He smiled, now standing up to be level with you only to embarrassingly realise you were taller then him… “What is it you were reading?”
You look confused now. Probably wondering why he isn’t kicking you out and demanding your head for sneaking in. “It is not a trick question my lady. What is you were reading?”
“I was reading about your own dragon my prince…” Aemond had to strain his ears to hear what you said, but when he does his ears turn scarlet. You were specifically looking at his dragon and not Sunfyre or Caraxes? Even the book of Balerions journey could’ve been the one you were reading about but no, you chose to look into Vhagar. It made him smile almost cockily.
“And why my dragon in particular?” He grinned. If his mother was there she’d not be happy he was fishing for compliments from a Lannister, yet she wasn’t here at that moment to see the pride that filled him so he carried on anyways.
“She’s an important part of your family’s history! Her nickname is Queen of the dragons which is one of the best names for any of the dragons both still alive and dead!” The way you ramble about his dragons makes his ears burn and smile somehow both bashful and yet cocky at the same time.
Aemond nearly invites you to go meet Vhagar the moment he sees you begin to smile at him, though it takes all his restraint to just talk to you about Vhagar. The two of you become more and more passionate in your conversation and continue to talk until the shelves become dark and nearly impossible to see.
Aemond insists on escorting you to your temporary chambers, secretly relishing when you insist bashfully that you could very easily escort yourself. “I insist my lady you do not know the sort of people that hang around in the corridors of this castle. My brother being one of them…” He relishes even more when he hears you giggle and shyly accept his offer.
The next morning though, when he’s washed himself thoroughly and dressed himself as fancy as he could without Aegon picking up on his intentions, Aemond walks to your chamber doors and knocks nervously. For all he knows you could be half dressed, or still asleep, or even taking a bath… He’s only half sorry when his mind begins to wonder.
Aemond does begin to worry when he stands outside of your chambers for nearly ten minutes and he hears no movements. He takes a deep breath before heading into your chambers, and takes notice of its near pristine state. “My lady?” He calls, even though he knew secretly that it was useless to call for you. He does a little walk around the room to see if he could tell why your presence seems to have left the room.
The sheets and the bed covers are pulled tightly and tucked into the bed. The personal items Aemond had managed to get a small peek at when he brought you to your room last night looking as if they were never their in the first place. The room looked as if nobody had ever slept their that night.
The lack of life in the room made Aemonds skin crawl. Maybe you weren’t even there in the first place? A cruel figment of his imagination that made him believe for a short time he was normal. So he went to the first person he thought could help. His mother.
“Mother, I visited the Lannister daughter this morn to invite her to break fast with us, but she was not there and her room was empty. Do you know why this is?”
“Yes my sweet boy. The girl and her father were summoned back to Casterly Rock near late last night. It seems the lady Lannister had started her labours earlier than the maesters would have liked.” His mother said, looking to her son in sympathy when she saw the saddened look on his face.
“Do you know if she- I mean if they’ll return when her mother has given birth?” Aemond could not help but try and be hopeful, even if he knew their was no chance of it being anything like that.
“I doubt it, sweet boy. The mother has gone into labour nearly a month earlier than expected. I highly suspect the babe may not survive, so they will no doubt wish to mourn the child if it does pass.”
Aemond tried to stop the frown that he could feel was stretching on his face, though it was no use. His mother had already seen it and was looking at him like he was weak. Like he was a silly boy with just a silly crush on a silly girl.
That was the moment Aemond devoted himself to leaving that silly boy behind. Soon he’ll become a man. Maybe it was all secretly so you’ll want to marry him just as much as he secretly wishes to marry you… but he’ll never admit to that.
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It’s been six years since Aemond last saw you. He secretly writes letters to you every week, imagining you receiving them and holding them to your chest in excitement. He has never forgotten you. Late at night when he goes to sleep he secretly always wishes for dreams of you to keep him company. None that are dirty of course! Though Aemond didn’t complain when he had one every once in a while…
“Aemond did you hear what I just said?” His mothers voice broke him out of his thoughts.
“No mother I was thinking about, things.”
“Well, as I was saying. We will be hosting the Lannisters for a ball for their eldest daughter starting next week. Her father wishes for her to stay here in kingslanding for a year to give her a better chance at finding a potential and acceptable suitor for her. I believe she’s around your age Aemond...” Aemond could feel his heart beating out of his chest. You were coming back here? He’ll finally get to see you again and see how much you’ve no doubt changed after all these years…
“A marriage with the Lannisters will no doubt be helpful in the long run. I suggest talking to her before anyone else. Her house is a useful ally, though her father will no doubt attempt to go for whoever possess the larger coin pouch.” His grandsire commented halfheartedly as he tucked into his food. Aemond only gave a simple nod before retreating back to his mind, indulging in the simple fantasy of seeing you again.
The rest of that week, Aemond could not take you out of his mind. He had not acted like this since you left six years ago, and it was easy to tell. He was less enthusiastic in his training with ser Cole, thinking of how when you were his bride you’d be sitting proudly on the balcony watching him. He couldn’t read peacefully in the library, only thinking back to how he first met you and how much you truly made him smile that day.
Thankfully to Aemond though the week went surprisingly quickly, and before Aemond knew it he was standing proudly yet nervously for your carriage to pull up and for you to come out.
He’d put on fresh clothes that morning and requested to have a bath drawn for him. He took an awful long time making sure every single part of him was clean and that his hair held no sweat or grease of any kind. Aemond could not shake the look of amusement from both Aegon and his mother, both taking notice of Aemonds sudden pristine condition and nervous exterior.
When the carriage carrying your house colours arrived, Aemond felt like his heart would beat out of his chest. Would you even recognise him? Would you even be the same girl he met and talked to all those years ago?
Aemond nearly lets his mouth fall open when you walk out of the carriage, and only just catches the actions before he could embarrass himself anymore than Aegon will no doubt bring upon them.
Your hair still holds the same golden colouring to it, the sun looking like it was reflecting off it. Your figure has quite obviously changed in the years you were gone, the most prominent ones being the fact you’ve… matured. It’s almost amusing to him that you’re shorter than him, when before you were the one who looked down at him as children. Your smile though, that has not changed at all.
He sees the way Aegon leers at you when you curtsy to his mother and thank her for his families hospitality. It brings him such a great amount of joy to kick Aegon swiftly and firmly in the legs when your back is turned talking to Helaena.
Over the next few days, as much as Aemond hates to admit it, he has been hiding from you. Aemond cannot bring himself to strike up a conversation with you, possibly due to a fear that he refuses to acknowledge.
Though he cannot deny the jealousy that takes over him when he sees you laughing with Aegon of all people. When you laugh, you hold your hand in front of your mouth, a trick taught to all young ladies according to Helaena. Though he believes it to be a terrible thing, as it hides the way your face lights up when you’re overcome by laughter.
Aemond even finds himself jealous of Helaena, who you seemed to have grown close to in the last few days. From what he has observed, the two of you like to sit under the tree in the courtyard and discuss a whole manner of items Aemond cannot hear from where he observes on a nearby balcony.
He’s disgusted with himself for acting like some common man, though even though he knows it’s morally wrong he still cannot bring himself to stop. As long as he cannot bring himself to talk to you, he watches you to bring himself a strange sort of comfort. To know that you are okay and safe and nowhere near himself.
Though it seems that you have been upholding a different idea, as one moment when Aemond is looking at you talking with Helaena, he sees you turn to him, look him dead in the eye and show him a kind smile. He can feel his eye widen in the sudden acknowledgement and hide behind a nearby pillar. It brings secret relief to hear your giggle. Assuring him that you are not disgusted as he is in his nature, and that instead you are amused by it for some unknown reason…
Aemond looks around the corner, expecting to see you resuming your conversation with another one of your beautiful smiles on your face, though he is scared nearly out of his skin to find you face to face with himself. It takes him a near minute to find words. No amount of words that he had read over the years seemed to come to him no matter how much he willed it.
“I-I’m sorry for intruding on you my lady Lannister!” He stammered with a bright red face. Aemond does not think he has ever felt as sheepish or as shy as he has at that moment. His face only reddens though when you seem to giggle at him, whether in amusement or in mocking he does not know.
“It is fine my prince.” You smile. Aemond cannot help himself from comparing your voice to the one you possessed as a child. It’s gotten lighter, he thinks. Before you seemed to be shy to talk to him, though that may have been more to do with circumstances rather than who you were talking to, and now your voice held a sense of ease. “Me and your sister were merely nibbling on some honey cakes and talking about the silly things? Would you care to join us?”
When he takes too long to respond, purely out of surprise that you wished for him of all people to join you, you seem to have taken his silence in the wrong context. “You do not have to join if you do not wish to participate in silly lady gossip-“
“Nonsense!” Aemond blurts with a shyness that brings him nearly straight back to his boyhood. “I would be honoured to join a lady such as yourself my lady for what you called, silly lady gossip.” Aemond cannot describe the joy he feels when he sees your reddened cheeks and happy smile. It should be you the painters should be painting, not himself when there’s such obvious other beauties in this world.
The roles are reversed however, when you take his hand in your own and lead him to where you and Helaena were previously conversing. It takes every fibre of his being to not send a cold glare in Helaenas direction. Especially when she sends an amused look and a raised eyebrow his way at the sight of his flushed cheeks and awkward expression.
It surprises Aemond though, when he finds himself enjoying what he had thought would be a dreary conversation. It brings a smile to his face when he makes you laugh so hard you forget to put your hand in front of your face. He even nibbles politely on a couple of the fresh honey cakes you offer him bashfully.
When the supposed picnic is over, Aemond is prepared for you to go off with Helaena and leave him. Though it surprises him when Helaena says her goodbyes, claiming she has a duty she needs to fulfil, and you turn to him with a small sheepish smile. “Do you wish to head to the library with me, my prince? I feel it has been an age since we had a conversation.”
It brings every part of him to answer normally. “I would love to my lady.” With a small smile. One that he doesn’t think he’s ever displayed to anyone else outside his family. He’s delighted that you also share a similar blush that’s painted across both of your cheeks.
Aemond wishes he could start a conversation with you. Though whenever he turns to you all he finds himself doing is turning straight back to the corridor looking straight ahead.
When he and you get to the library, he shyly holds the door open for you to go first. Delighted in the slight blush that appeared at his politeness. He notices how you seem to look around in awe and is delighted that you seem to hold the same love for books as you did as children.
“The library has expanded since the years you have been gone, my lady. I believe near a few hundred couple books were added since.” Aemond smirked. It was a strange get definitely not an unwelcome sight to see someone be as passionate about literature as he did. It easily became a bore when he had to handle people like his brother, who he doubted at this point of his life could even read at all…
“It’s still as beautiful as it looked the last time I saw it…” You whispered, looking at him in an awe. Aemond cannot help himself from wishfully thinking that you were saying that to him. That you’d whisper into his ear how you believe he’s beautiful even after all those years apart.
He’s soon knocked from those blissful thoughts when a pain hits his eye socket and he hisses lightly, gaining your attention. “Are you alright my prince?” You asked in concern, moving to be before him.
“It is alright my lady…” Aemond hisses. “It’s merely a side effect of my deformity…”
“Is there any way I could help?” Aemond could not help but look up at you to see if you were genuine, and by the way you anxiously held a hand to his shoulder and knelt down to him to get a look at his injury he felt like you were.
“I have a balm which the maesters found to help when the pain flared like this…” Aemond cannot help himself from confessing. It felt so strange and unnatural to be talking so freely about his ailment with another person. Though you weren’t just another person. It was you. “It should be in my left breech pocket. If you would be so kind as to grab it for me, my lady, I can apply it myself.”
Aemond attempts to hide the way he gulps when he feels your warm hands on his thighs, fumbling to find the small tube containing the balm. It probably would’ve been more effective if he had told you what the balm was in, though at that moment he cannot stop himself from indulging in your touch as you modestly fumble for it. Even when you do find the tube and remove your hands from him he finds himself missing that small warmth. “Thank you, my lady.” He murmurs, releasing his hold on his eye to unscrew the tube lid.
He’s about to apply it to his eye, when Aemond realises something vital about the process. He’d need to take off his eyepatch, and you’re still in the room watching him concerned. “I’m about to take my eyepatch and I don’t wish for you to be disgusted and feel like you need to watch this…” Aemond cannot bring himself to look at you, in fear you’ll look as disgusted at the mention of looking at him without his patch.
He’s brought out of his self pity though when he feels a sudden warmth on his cheek. Your hand. It’s almost embarrassing the way his cheeks suddenly flush at the realisation.
“I don’t care about your scar, my prince. I have seen far worse from my brothers in the training field.” You smile. The blush on his cheeks does not seem to want to leave, though by the matching colouring that appears on your own cheeks he’s glad.
“You do not need to continue calling me my prince, my lady. You can call me by my name.”
“Okay Aemond. Then I must then insist you call me by mine.”
“If you say so Daena. Though like I said, if you truly do not wish to see my ailment then I suggest you turn away now…” Aemond cannot help himself from near preening at the honour of saying your name out loud in your presence.
“And like I said to you Aemond, you strike no such thing as disgust nor fear in me. In fact, I think I’d dare say what it is you strike me with are the exact opposite.” You smile, not realising just how effective your words were affecting him. Maybe if he was braver, then he would’ve asked exactly what you meant by that. But he didn’t. Instead, Aemond removed his eyepatch and applied the balm to his eye, before covering the area once more and acting like the moment never happened.
Over the next few days, Aemond spent all he could with you, abandoning all his previous plans so he could see you and make you smile. It still brought a chill down his spine to hear you speak his name while you smile and place a delicate hand on his arm. This new pattern that Aemond has developed though is broken, when he heads to your usual spot to find you conversing with Aegon. Or more accurately, Aegon conversing with you while you looked uncomfortable. It only gets worse when Aegon spots him marching towards him.
“Ahh brother! I was just telling lady Lannister all about the pink dread!” Aegon smiled with a cup of some unknown substance. Aemond felt his heart stop in panic. He does not dare to look in your direction, in fear he will see pity within your sweet green eyes. Aemond does not even dare to utter a response to Aegon’s taunt, leaving with his hands clasped firmly behind his back as he feared if he wasn’t clutching his hands, he’d be clenching his fists and punching Aegon’s face till it was shining red with blood.
When Aemond arrives in the library, he attempts to distract himself from his horrid self-pity by rereading one of his favourite pieces of literature, Valyrian dragons and where to find them. A fantastic book playing on both fiction and non. He becomes so enamoured with the writing he does not hear the doors open and delicate footsteps coming towards him. It’s only until he hears a small cough he looks up only to meet your eyes.
“Hello Lady Lannister. What brings you here? Has my brother either bored you of my childhood sorrow or run out of stories to tell?” Aemond scoffs, returning to the page on Dreamfyre.
“I though I told you to call me by my name Aemond?” You said, not moving from your spot.
“Apologies Daena. Tell me, did you enjoy when my brother was telling you tales of how he humiliated me as a boy?” Aemond closes the book, marking the page with a random piece of paper before looking at you.
“No, I must confess I did not. If I am to put it plainly and honestly Aemond, I believe your brother to be an absolute pest and a prat.” Aemond let’s a scoff of laughter at your unladylike language, though it certainly is correct.
“I cannot agree more with you Daena. It’s a surprise my brother has even lived till now. I believe any day well here such sad news on Aegon dying in some brother or ale house. Maybe both if he’s lucky?” Aemond cannot describe the joy he’s feeling, nor can he begin to fathom just how much his heart is racing.
“I think I walked about not long after you did. It took everything in me to not strike him there and then. Especially after seeing how unhappy you seemed to become when he mentioned that pink dread.” Aemond once again looks away at the mention of that dreaded tale. He cannot bring himself to see the pity once more than used to fill so many eyes at the sight of him.
“Do you, do you feel disgust for me? Or even pity?” Aemond murmurs so quietly he didn’t even know if you had truly heard him until you knelt down to be level with him.
“Aemond, I feel a lot of things for you. None of them are anything of the sort that could be even compared to disgust or pity.” You smile again and Aemond feels like his heart will burst from his chest. If you requested it at that moment, Aemond would’ve ripped his heart out then and there and handed it to you on a plate made of pure Valyrian steel. It takes everything in him to swallow the lump in his throat and speak. “May I ask what these emotions you feel for me are? The ones that you claim cannot be compared to disgust, or pity…”
“The feelings I feel for you Aemond are ones that I do not think I am even allowed to tell you of…”
“I do not care,” Aemond now almost desperately grasps onto your hands within his own. He is so close to possibly hearing what he has wanted for more than six years. Your love. “I would kill any who dare to oppose you sweet Daena.”
“You are beginning to sound like your ancestor Maegor the cruel Aemond.”
“It is worth the title and the bloodshed if I am to hear what I hope to hear be uttered from your lips.”
“And what is it you wish uttered from my lips?”
“That you feel a fraction of the same way I feel for you…” Aemond can feel his heart beat from his chest. The library has gone silent. A notion he used to enjoy but now hates more than ever. “Please Daena. Tell me what it is you feel for me so I can no longer feel like my heart is beating straight out of my chest when I see you! So I can no longer think of you as I have been doing for the last six years you have been gone! So I can leave you and never bother you again with my unrequited devotion for you…”
Once again the library’s silence becomes overwhelming as Aemond stares at you in both hope and fear. Your face does not betray you, staring only blankly at the intertwined hands of yours and his.
“What I feel for you Aemond, I think in all the books we have both read and the stories we have shared amongst each other, can only be described as pure devotion to you and only you…” This is when your face reveals a sweet sweet smile that sends Aemonds own face into a blood red blush. “I too thought of you, nearly everyday since my departure. Of that sweet boy who listened to me while I rambled on about a topic he already know plenty of yet still craved for more. That sweet boy who insisted on walking me to my chambers even though he did not have to. That sweet boy, who has grown into such a handsome man, that I think my heart grew fonder the moment I saw you when I stepped from my carriage. I must say though, I was disappointed that you did not send any letters to me in all these years.” You seem to jest.
“I didn’t want you to think of me as an eager boy and a prat…” Aemond reveals with a slight blush, looking down at the ground. It only worsens when he feels you take a hand from his grip and place it on his left cheek to tilt his head up. “I could never think of you like that my sweet Aemond…” He feels his face grow to a deeper red as it spreads all over. He can even feel his ears burning. He stays content in your hold though, Aemond does not think he has ever felt safer in your grasp than he ever felt in his life.
“I do not know if you read those sorts of books, Aemond,” You begin to speak, drawing Aemond from his daze. “But when I was younger and read those old romantic books where the man got the girl he loved, he’d always kiss her…” You grin. Aemond reciprocates it fully, picking up on your definitely not so subtle suggestion.
“Are you suggesting sweet Daena I kiss an unmarried woman in this very room, where there is no one but us?”
“No no my darling,” Aemond can feel his heart go mad at the name you give him. “I am simply asking you to kiss the woman who loves you back with all her heart.”
“Then I guess I have to make my darling love happy then.” Aemond wastes no time in reaching forward to grab your hips, pulling you onto his lap. He relishes in the giggles you make for a moment before colliding his lips with your own.
It’s an awkward moment at first, since the two of you have never done this before, but eventually Aemond finds a pace that suits him and you. He finds himself letting out a deep groan from his throat when he tastes your sweet lips for the first time, the taste of strawberries and cherries overcoming his senses. That groan is released once more when he feels your hand make a place for itself in his hair and holding him firmly, Aemonds own hands staying in a near iron grip on your waist.
It is a great shame when he is forced to pull away from you, though he does get the great view of your swollen lips, red cheeks and panting form. “I believe I should talk to your father so I can get his permission to marry you, my sweet girl.” Aemond speaks, a hand removing itself from your waist to go to your face and stroke your warm cheek fondly.
“You truly wish to marry me?” You whisper, making Aemond raise a brow in surprise. “Of course I do. I would not be kissing you and finally confessing my love for you if I didn’t. Besides, the servants will no doubt talk if they are to see us alone here together and I would not wish to besmirch your honour like that.”
“I think that supposed honour left the moment your lips kissed my own…” You smile.
“Mine left the moment you smiled at me when we were children. I’ve never cared for another woman since… Are you truly happy? That I am to hopefully marry you?” Aemond asks, that insecurity creeping back in.
“Of course I am happy, my sweet boy.” You stroke the edge of his scar with your thumb and for the first time Aemond does not immediately jerk away at the contact. For once, he does not feel so ugly. For once he feels wanted and loved. “I would have no one else but you in my arms to love and cherish.”
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bradshawssugarbaby · 8 months
☆ { going } down on them in the backseat of a car with Bradley please 🙏
you got it babe! xo
smut below the cut, minors dni.
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"Bradley, someone's going to notice a pair of gangly legs hanging out the back door of the Bronco."
"Trust me, honey, no one will notice. Nor will they care. I got Hangman keepin' an eye out." "You trusted Hangman?! Hangman. The same guy who can't talk to my face half the time?" You scoffed, shaking your head as Bradley's lips made their way down your neck and collarbone, peppering the exposed skin of your breasts with hot, wet kisses. "I paid him twenty bucks to keep look out so we could have some alone time. It's not like we're needed at this dinner anyway. Ten for him to actually watch, five for him to keep it a secret, and another five for him to not be a little pervert and sneak a peek," He said breathlessly as he continued to cover every inch of your exposed skin with his lips, leaving your body tingling with excitement at his touch. "Fine," you laughed softly, shaking your head, "I'm only agreeing because you look ridiculously good in that hideous shirt you have on." "Everyone knows the ladies love an ugly Hawaiian print shirt, babe. It's just how it is. I don't make the rules."
Bradley smirked, shrugging his shoulders before scooting his body back on the seat of the car. He tapped your knees with his hand gently, gesturing for you to part your legs. When you playfully refused, he pushed your knees apart, licking his bottom lip at the sight of you. Conveniently for both of you, you'd decided against wearing underwear under the sundress you'd chosen to wear to Bob's birthday party - a barbecue hosted by Maverick at his house to celebrate the WSO, and an excuse to have everyone together. Bradley ducked his head between your thighs, licking a long, slow strip up your slit, your arousal coating his tongue as he lapped at you. You groaned loudly in response, your back arching at the sensation of Bradley's tongue making contact with your clit. He pulled his mouth away for a moment, pressing two fingers into your dripping core, his amber coloured eyes looking up at you as he watched your facial expressions, loving every whimper, whine and moan that accompanied them. "Lookin' so pretty like this babygirl, look at how wet you are for me already, barely even touched ya and you're just dripping," he lilted, his normally subtle Virginian accent coming out stronger as he became aroused. You whimpered as his tongue met with your clit again, lapping at it while his fingers pumped into the spongey wall of your core. His lips sucked at your nub while his fingers worked at you, eliciting a loud moan of delight out of you as you got closer and closer to your climax. "Bradley, so fucking good," you managed to get out before being cut off by another loud moan, unable to finish a sentence without the orgasm that was threatening to come taking over your thoughts. "That's it, pretty girl," Bradley purred, grinning as he looked down, watching his fingers glide in and out of you with ease, "You look so good with my fingers fucking your tight little pussy like this," he said as a third finger made its way into your core. You let out a sharp gasp, one that you're almost positive Hangman would have heard if he's within a ten yard radius of the car. You mewled as you felt your hips thrust forwards into his hand, his fingers drawing you to your orgasm. As Bradley watched you throw your head back in ecstasy at his touch, he ducked his head down once again, licking and sucking at your sensitive nub as you rode out the high you'd reached. Once finished, Bradley pulled his mouth away from you. His chin glistened with arousal as he grinned down at you, shimmying out of his Hawaiian print shirt, revealing the simple white tank top that he always sported underneath. He took the Hawaiian shirt and used the fabric to wipe his mouth clean before discarding it to the floor in the backseat. You sat up, grinning at him, your cheeks rosy and flushed from the orgasm that'd just come over you. "Alright, Bradshaw, now it's your turn."
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pinkgrapefloyd · 3 days
wip word game
tagged by the amazing @zannolin! tysm!
Rules: you will be given a word. share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word. my word was RUIN.
R (little excerpt from Ruin My Life (anti hero sequel). in this household, R is for Robby <3 have a little snippet of the miyagi fang gang playing never have i ever)
Robby crosses his arms. “I’m not, like, morally opposed to it. Just never happened. Didn’t know I was on trial here.” “You’re not,” Sam interjects. “Let’s move on.” “Hell no!” Demetri protests. “So you and Diaz never made out?” Miguel coughs into his drink next to Robby and honestly, Robby doesn’t blame him. This is just ridiculous.
U (from my spirk WIP. part of a little conversation between kirk and uhura which i really love)
Unfortunately, his mouth didn’t care much for his brain’s command orders. Mutinous bastard. “Dinner was great. So great, in fact, that I… um... tried to have the good old ‘what are we’ conversation with Spock.” Her face softened. She didn’t seem surprised by the monumental implications of such an announcement, and Jim couldn’t decide if he found that insulting or comforting.
I (garashir WIP my beloved... still in the very early stages but it's a ten course menu of miscommunication. fifty percent silly, fifty percent vulnerable. i cannot wait for you to read it)
It’s in his body, and it’s in the implication of his body, and in the air between them. I was trained to break people like you. Maybe it’s unwise to ask me to unearth the kindness I buried in the yard like a dead pet before you were even born. I’m not so sure what’s left of it now. I’m not sure you’d like looking at it.
N (another Ruin My Life snippet because I feel like most of you aren't here for Star Trek lmao. The worlds needs more Sam and Johnny scenes in my opinion!)
“No, I meant… singular they. Like when you…” Sam takes a deep breath. This day is already stressful enough without the prospect of explaining singular they to Johnny Lawrence. “It’s a girl.” Johnny frowns. “Why are you looking at me like that? I got a boyfriend, man. What do you think I’m gonna say, your father and I are super disappointed in you? You can have six girlfriends for all I care. Just don’t come home with that vegan shit.”
my word is STAR and I'm tagging @vimesbootstheory and @blinkasaurus and anyone else who sees this and is looking for a good excuse to share wip sneak peeks! :D
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 4 months
I so badly want to give y'all another sneak peek of What is Broken IV but there's really not a snippet I can post that wouldn't be super spoilery. So, I've decided the best solution is to simply give y'all ten individual and unconnected sentences. Enjoy!
What is Broken IV Sneak Peek (Kinda)
Gods, she even wished for a moment that Alys was there, holding her hand.
How could he ever forgive the child for doing this to his own mother?
Aemond pushed against the door, opening it as far as he could to try and catch the barest glimpse of her.
They would not repeat the mistakes of the past.
The maester sighed.
Her mother who had begged her to forgive the husband who betrayed her and broke her heart.
He was crying – weeping like a little boy.
But it was easy.
Oh, he had no name.
It was silent.
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ladyveronikawrites · 19 days
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WIP: Kinktober Edition
@sitkowski and I need a push to write for kinktober and we want to encourage those participating in Kinktober to do the same!
I will be sharing sneak peeks from both my Motionless in White Fics as well as Bad Omens- any and all kinktober related fics are welcome to participate!
MIW Kinktober 2024 Bad Omens Kinktober 2024
HOW IT WORKS (rules modified):
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; with pairings and kinks included. (You can post more if you are doing both BO and MIW kinktober - keep it to at most 5 files for each band you are participating in, no more than TEN(10) total.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people (any and all readers and writers!) can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write at least three NEW sentences as a reply to the ask.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
Friday 9 AM EST to Sunday 11:59EST
Have a question? my DMs are open, feel free to ask!
Please use appropriate warnings, tags, and 'read more' cuts in replies to asks
BRIDGE PART THREE (Omens! gang bang - leather fetish, boots)
You take his cock so well, doll You want another? (Ruffilo x Jolly x Noah x Reader - Sensory Deprivation, voice kink)
IMPOLITE PART FIVE (Noah x Jolly x oc - Service Submission, tasks, and assignments)
Puppy Play Date! (Pup!Noah x Pup!Folio x Owner!Ruffilo - collaring)
IF PAIN IS BEAUTY, I'M A PRETTY BITCH (Noah x FemDom OC Vivian - Chastity, Humiliation, Sissification//feminization)
oh no, my boyfriend's a vampire (Chris x Nicky - vampire boyfriends/breath play)
Come on Chloe, It's just a haunted house (Stepbrother!Justin x Bio Brother’s Best Friend!Vinny x OC -boots/haunted house)
more cocks more fun right? (Chris x Justin x Rick x Ryan x vinny x oc - multiple penetration /voyeurism) 
You got that dawg in you? (Owner!Ryan x Pup!Vinny x oc - tasks and assignments - body worship)
She's going to drive them wild (Chris x Rick x reader - leather/latex -femdom)
A little gift for you👑-You take his cock so well, doll You want another? Ruffilo x Jolly x Noah x Ruby
“Haven’t seen you in a while,” his familiar twang wraps around her like a warm blanket. She should probably be sobbing into her wine glass in a rose-scented bubble bath in the comfort of her home instead she replies with “Whiskey neat, double.”
“That kinda night?” he asks, sliding her the glass of liquor. Ruby just downs the drink and makes her way to the old jukebox in the corner of the bar. She scrolls through the CDs not really impressed with the selection. 
Writers and Readers are welcome to make requests for snippets of what you would like to see! You can ask for a moodboard too!
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gayhoediaz · 1 year
wip wednesday
tagged by @messyhairdiaz and @wikiangela (+ @rewritetheending and @housewifebuck for yesterday’s tidbit tuesday ✨)
my wip sneak peeks aren’t very interesting plot wise right now because i’m writing something that is very. uh. me. regardless, here are them being in disgustingly in love. and gross. as always. 💕
“Put your socks back on,” Eddie sighs, retrieving them out of the pile of his clothes, handing them over with a lift of his brows.
“You said naked,” Buck argues, but accepts them nonetheless, quickly slipping them back on.
“Yeah…” Eddie agrees when Buck leans back into the couch, his feet once again warm and happy. “But your feet get cold,” he explains, smiling as he picks the lube up again and lets his knee take its place, smoothly swinging his other leg over until he’s settling his weight back into Buck’s lap. “That’s not okay,” he says, still smiling, voice soft as he settles one of his arms across Buck’s shoulders, the other one gently grasping his chin.
Suddenly, Buck’s throat feels thick with emotion.
It’s not even that important - yes, his feet do get cold, and he’s not sure if it’s because he’s cut down on the cardio in order to focus more on weight lifting, or if he simply started wearing thicker socks and is just now noticing the difference whenever he’s without them, but - it’s not that big of a deal. He’s okay with his feet being a little bit cold - but Eddie isn’t. Not if he can stop it.
“I fucking lo-” Buck hums, not bothering to finish his own sentence before he grasps the back of Eddie’s neck to kiss him absolutely fucking senseless. I’m gonna marry you so fucking hard. One day.
Their cocks bump lightly, but neither of them make an effort to roll their hips right now - far too focused on the deep, desperate slide of their tongues, their teeth nipping and scratching - too focused on swallowing each other whole.
“Besides, they’re uh…” Eddie pants between kisses; Buck has all ten of his fingers carding through his hair, curling them into a soft grip, feeling Eddie’s free hand do the same as they steal another deep kiss. “...kind of sexy,” he huffs, shoving his tongue back down Buck’s throat before he can even start to think of a response. It doesn’t take long, enough, before they’re both grinning, quiet chuckles rumbling throughout their bodies, forcing them to steal their own tongues back.
“That so?” Buck mumbles into his mouth. Sexy isn’t exactly a word they tend to use earnestly, and Eddie’s clearly making fun of him - but he knows what he sounds like when he’s only poking fun at him, and that’s not this.
“Mhm,” Eddie hums, sliding his tongue back over Buck’s - a little bit softer this time - his short nails lightly scratching his scalp as he takes his time, leisurely exploring his mouth as if there’s actually something left for him to discover.
They both shift a little bit, Eddie rocking down to slide their cocks together - and that’s good, it’s so good - but Buck still knows that the kiss is to blame for the way his brain goes fuzzy; for the goosebumps appearing all over his body.
“It’s uh…” Eddie speaks against his lips; Buck keeps one hand in his hair, shifting his fingers, gently massaging his scalp, drinking in the warm breath washing over his face, and the familiar press of his nose in his own cheek as he brings his other hand down to his hip, guiding him into the next roll of his hips. “Not sexy at all,” Eddie manages before they steal another kiss, this one somewhat more brief. “Shouldn’t be doing it for me, but uh…” he pants into his mouth when Buck abandons his hip to find a handful of his ass, kneading the flesh. “...think that’s why it’s so fucking hot.”
“Your old superman boxers really do it for me,” Buck admits earnestly, catching Eddie’s grin with his own.
Most of Eddie’s boxer briefs are just black - the occasional gray or white pair - but he has that one pair of blue superman boxers, left over from his teenage years. They’re washed out, and a little bit too small, a sizeable hole where the waistband has separated from the remainder of the boxers; he only wears them when he doesn’t have anything else. They’re not the least bit sexy on their own, but seeing him in them? Being allowed to see him in them? God, he wants to jump his bones every single time.
So yes. Buck gets it.
no pressure tagging @homerforsure @like-the-rest-of-la @brokenribsdiaz @wh0re-behavi0r @rewritetheending @fleurdebeton @captain-hen @queertartt @barbiebuckley-han @housewifebuck @oliverstaark
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pas-de-duex · 2 months
I Grow Maddened
A sneak peek at a fic I’m working on on my ao3, inspired by this lovely challenge by @sometimes-love-is-enough. I rolled a 3 on my d20 for the prompt: Each sentence is ten words or less.
Read it on ao3 here!
July 12
Dr. Sanders gave me this book to write in.
I think it’s stupid.
July 14
Roman was supposed to come see me today.
He didn’t.
July 15
Janus came and saw me. I like seeing him.
We played uno. It was fun.
I wish he could come more often.
July 19
Roman was supposed to come see me today.
He didn’t.
July 20
The nurses gave me a blue pill today. I told them my pills were supposed to be green. They said Dr. Sanders said to take the blue pill. I don’t want the blue pill. I don’t like the blue pill.
The blue pill lets them in.
July 21
I hate the blue pill. I hate the blue pill. I hate the blue pill. I hate the blue pill-
July 25
They had to put me in the dark place. I haven’t been there in a long time.
Roman was supposed to come see me today.
He didn’t.
July 26
They admitted someone new today. I don’t know his name. I saw him come in. He was wearing a lot of purple. His hair is even purple. I hope they let me out today. I want to ask him why his hair is purple. Was he born that way? Or is it his art?
I miss doing art. I haven’t been allowed to paint in three months. Ever since I drew the monsters and freaked out Patton.
He hasn’t been around me since.
I don’t understand why people don’t like me.
I just want to be myself.
July 27
Janus came and saw me. I like seeing him.
He got very upset with the nurses. He didn’t like that they gave me the blue pill. He said I was supposed to have the green pill. Never the blue pill. Only the green pill.
He said maybe I can leave here soon. I can go and stay with him and Logan. They have a room for me and everything. I asked if I would be allowed to paint. He said of course. Was I not allowed to paint here? I shook my head.
That made him even angrier.
I don’t like it when Janus is angry. Even if he’s not angry at me. I cried a lot. He said he was very sorry.
He’s going to talk to Logan.
July 29
They tried to give me the blue pill again. I refused to take it. Dr. Sanders had to come and talk me into it.
‘It will make you feel better, Remus.’
I told him about the monsters. How they came back last time. The blue pill didn’t help. Only the green pill helped.
‘How about this, Remus? Take the blue pill. Then, I’ll sign off on you returning to art class.’
I… I could go back to art class?
It wasn’t a tough choice. I nodded. I took the cup with the blue pill. I drank the water. I lifted my tongue so he knew I took it.
‘Good job, Remus. You can return to art class tomorrow.’
‘But Roman’s coming tomorrow.’
Dr. Sanders left without saying anything else.
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budgie-city · 1 year
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Welcome to this informational article where I will be explaining what exactly this "Budgie City" is, where it came from, and in which direction it will be going. So, sit down comfortably - there are some interesting things waiting ahead of you! If you are interested in the lore, visit this article.
What exactly is "Budgie City"?
It is a fictional world that I am actively developing. At the moment, I’m in the process of writing it in the form of a paper draft. I write long texts by hand, and it seems to me that spelling out each letter, unlike typing, helps to approach the composition of sentences more thoughtfully, and to more successfully avoid strange and crooked constructions that will then have to be rewritten and corrected. It is far from the final, but I want to warm up people's interest in this world before the release of a full-fledged work, which is what I am doing now. I will not publish too many pieces of text until I have finished the story completely (though I probably will show some sneak-peeks). For now the content on "Budgie City" is mostly limited to drawings — concepts, sketches and character designs. Gradually, I've been starting to bring this topic to my YouTube channel in order to introduce the setting and concept to my viewers.
You may have seen my first video of Budgie City since 2014, which I have released quite recently — “I am not insane”, a video that focuses on one of the secondary conflicts of the story.
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Where did this concept even come from?
It's quite a long story, and it's funny that this year is the ten year anniversary of me registering on the forum called "Budgie City". Yes, it all started with a regular internet forum — a by now almost extinct site format, which in the early 2000s and until about 2016-17 was the main place for interest groups on the internet. Now this has moved almost completely to social media, but before almost any hobby or interest had its own forum with different sections and topics. It saddens me a little that the golden age of forums has already passed.
In 2012, for the New Year, my parents bought me my first budgie — a classic green one, and I named him Gesha. At that time, I was not a regular "user" of the Internet yet. I only started to comprehend the vastness of the virtual network a few months later, and at first it leaned purely on me viewing memes in Google pictures and all sorts of videos on YouTube.
But in the spring of 2013, I discovered these wonderful things known as forums. And it was that point in time when I, having had a budgie with me for a year, decided to find a forum thematically fitting. Upon the request from my country, Google led me straight to the “Budgie City” forum.
The topics on there were something like rooms in a big house. The users randomly surfed through them and followed each other's daily lives. Therefore, Budgie City did actually feel really like being in a virtual society where everyone knows each other. I was getting used to the frequent people, getting to know each person individually. I went to their topics to write comments and answers, they wrote in mine. That's how we existed as this cozy club of interests.
There is an interesting thing with almost every child that is on the Internet — no matter where, in which community — a person with the admin/moder status is perceived as an absolute authority, any response from which causes awe and delight. And there were certain, more active and sociable admins in Budgie City — Anya under the nickname "Phoenix Bird" and Olga under the nickname "Olivka". The "Phoenix Bird" nickname spoke for itself — the image of a large bird of fire that walks around the city and receives admiring glances from everyone, was drawn in my head almost instantly. Olivka didn't have an image yet; I started turning her into a character much later.
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Phoenix and Olivka in their modern designs (2022)
In the early summer of 2014, I read "Warrior Cats", and that’s where the whole story took off. I suddenly felt like I should become a writer too and write my own book. And 12-year-old me, who was spending 80% of my online traffic on the forum, decided to write a story, turning part of the admin staff and the budgies of familiar forum members into their own characters. Phoenix and Olivka turned into birds, the latter in particular acquired an image in the form of a wompoo fruit dove with olive-tinged wings, the budgies of the forum were also turned into their respective characters: Gesha and Yasha (mine); Glasha and Gosha (Hoatzin); Clementine, Jack, Fenya, Nira, Mouse, Castorka, Mithril and Small (Phoenix); Kuzya (Dmitriy68), Milana (Radujniy), Raisin (yyna) and others.
Sections of the forum have turned into parts of the city — the restaurant, the mayor's office, the registry office and nursery, and suburbs with parrots of other species, located on trees surrounding baobabs.
This is how the novel of the same name with the slogan "Feathered Metropolis" was born from the "Budgie City" forum. I posted it in its own topic, had about a dozen readers and, judging by the reviews, they all really liked reading the story. Although, looking back at the writing now... I wouldn't call it something breathtaking. Rather the opposite. But then again, I am now judging from the perspective of a third-year animation director student, and not the fifth grader I was at that time.
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A couple of my original illustrations from 2014
The story was successfully brought to an end in about seven months, and after a while I started writing a sequel — however, the central conflict wasn’t thought out the slightest, so the plot quickly crumbled and was abandoned after several chapters.
Now the original text is lost in the vastness of the web — somewhere there is a piece of the prologue, somewhere even a couple of chapters. But the full version no longer exists — it was published only on the forum, and the said forum, unfortunately was — somewhere around 2019 — ruthlessly deleted from the Internet due to the desolation. All that's left of it are snapshots in the Wayback Machine.
Rewriting from the old version into a new one
In 2017, three years later, I made an attempt to rewrite "Budgie City" from scratch — leaving only the main conflict, the structure of the world, and the set of characters the same, to write a new text out of this "skeleton". Progress did not go beyond the prologue and the first chapter however, and rewriting was abandoned.
The same story with 2019 — a couple of pages, that’s all.
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Two artworks from 2019
The next approach took till early 2021 to happen, when the original story turned almost six and a half years old. At that time I was already in the middle of my first year of animation directing at SPbGIKiT (Saint Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television). I wrote the prologue and part of the first chapter and went to proudly tell our master Galina Voropai about my "really cool" world. Galina interrupted me in the middle of the impromptu presentation, after which followed a forty-minute roast, thoroughly and in detail explaining that the "Budgie City" in its concept is a piece of junk that does not have the right to exist in its current form. And all this was in the presence of my classmates in the workshop. I gave up trying to defend myself halfway through, and when it was all over, I got up, quietly thanked Galina for a detailed objective analysis of the shortcomings of my project, went down to the first floor, huddled in a bathroom stall, and burst into tears.
It was the first (and yet the only) time in my life where I was literally crying over my work, and the girls from senior courses came to my howls, and we sat together on the windowsill of a public toilet. I was all red, shaking, and dropping snot, as they tried to calm me down.
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(my mental state that day)
After that, I did not return to those written several pages for about a year and a half. I began to doubt whether I should continue at all or if it would just be a waste of time.
After the roast from the master, I went through all five stages of grief:
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Yes, that was tough. But after so much time, I was finally able to evaluate the message of this scolding with a cool head and understand that most of the comments were actually really helpful - the conflict and the world did require a lot more careful study and rework. With the next approach, I wrote out all the conflicts, all the character motivations, and made a proper plan. And since the end of last autumn, I have returned to writing. Now I know where the story will begin, where it will head, and how it will end. All the actions performed by the heroes are finally based in actual logic. And, although Galina will not see the final result (she sadly passed away at the end of 2021), I hope that the new version will be one that she would have approved of.
A small FAQ:
Q: When will the book be released?
A: I don't want to make any promises as of now, because writing is a rather spontaneous and uneven process. I write more when I am inspired, and inspiration is impossible to predict. So the answer is simple — it will come out when it's finished :D
Q: Will it be released electronically or in a printed book form? Will I have to pay for reading it?
A: I plan to release the final version "Budgie City" in the same way as the old one — in open access, so that everyone can read it at any time. I will not charge money for reading the electronic version, but if there will be a demand for physical copies, I may release a small print run, which will cost money for those who want to get a copy. But it's a little early to think about that anyway.
Q: How does the world in Budgie City work? How do they live? What is the main conflict of the story?
A: All of this you can find out in this article!
Q: Where can I find more content to this world and story?
A: On this very blog or on my YouTube channel
I hope this article was helpful and informative enough for you to know where "Budgie City" comes from and in which direction it is currently heading. Thank you for reading!
Huge thanks to @annchanorsomethin for helping with translation of this article!
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bluelolblue · 2 months
AYYY got tagged by @mrssimply and went crazy when I saw THIS. Go check it out :)
Ten sentences tuesday interesting :P
10 sentences 👀 ALRIGHT Good time to give a little sneak peak into the first chapter for the sequel of The Other Side Of Paradise
(I got carried away HEHEHS)
John rubbed his back in a comforting way, letting Santino take the lead with their embrace. Both humming softly in each other's mouth, Santino pulled back, a bit out of breath.
He did smile a little at John, but he still looked... sad? Something wasn't right here. It was probable he was still upset about what happened yesterday.
“What are we going to do?” Santino whispered and pressed his forehead against John's shoulder, hugging him again. John hugged him back, getting him closer before sighing softly, still rubbing his back.
“We'll figure something out. Don't worry,” John told him with that soothing tone in his voice. “We'll figure it out together,” John nuzzled his head against Santino's, letting him know he was here for him. “Okay?” he asked, just to hear his voice.
“Okay,” Santino murmured, brushing his fingertips against John's back.
Time to yap a little bit about it. First chapter is done and was beta read by mrssimply, I gave a little fluff moment sneak peek. Still not sure when the whole sequel will be done, but it's getting there slowly. Yay ^ ^
I am tagging @thewhumpcaretaker if you want to share anything :]
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gurugirl · 1 year
I love stepdad Harry! Always brings a smile to my face when i see youve posted (guilty pleasure yum). Thank you for the last one!
but i cannot get enough of stepmom reader. You’ve made that one into something really special. In fact I told someone about it last week and they were like ~ nope. Not into stepmom stuff or older yn. Nope ~
but then guess what? they wound up reading it and binged all three parts and admitted to me that they were wrong 😂 I’m like ‘yeah I know’
just wanted to share that with you! Your stepmom fic is so shockingly good (not shocking bc you’re not a good writer, shocking bc it’s a trope most of us were not interested in) that it’s quickly become my top 5 all time favorite.
i cannot wait for part 4! I adore them and you so much. Do you have any idea when part 4 will come out? Any sneaky???
ps.. sorry for the weird capitalization stuff going on there. My phone decided when to capitalize randomly and I’m too lazy to fix.
A Good Boy sneak peek under the cut below!
🥹 thank you so much, babe. Really glad you liked the stepdad!harry from yesterday! That was a quick little fun thing to write.
As for stepmom!reader - wow! I really love that you're liking it so much and talking about it with other people and that your friend changed their mind 😂 Seems to be the theme for that fic. So many of y'all didn't think you'd like it based on the trope alone but I'm surprised that you guys did enjoy it anyway! Makes me smile.
So, I'm almost done with part 4. I think I can have it out by Thursday? Maybe? I'm super busy today (well, busy for me LOL) and gonna try to write but I've also got something I'm working on that someone paid me to write so I'm prioritizing that. Thursday at the earliest I'll post part 4 but I'll let y'all know.
And the random capitalization? My phone does the same. 😂 The words can't, can, and don't often get capitalized in the middle of sentences and it's a crapshoot on when the beginning of a sentence will be capitalized or not. I need to turn it off so it just leaves everything lowercase. So no judgement from me!
Sneak peek below !! (just remember this is literally copied from the word doc I'm writing in and hasn't been proofread or edited so some changed may be made before I post part 4)
Y/n was wearing her newly altered peach silk dress. The alterations were simple. The straps and hem were adjusted and the back column was dropped down a bit to drape to her low back. Her strappy nude heels were well-worn but comfortable because she was just simply not in the mood to wear the stiff, new heels she’d just bought.
The estate of Rebecca Manera was impressive. Probably equally as impressive as Leonardo Styles’. Most of the guests had already arrived by the time the Styles’ walked through the front door a little late.
Leo scolded Y/n for taking so long to get ready and making them run behind but in all honesty, she didn’t give a fuck. They could be half an hour late. No one would care. Why rush to go to a party? It’s not like they needed to clock in and earn a paycheck.
“It’s rude, Y/n. That’s why it matters. You’re so goddamn rude sometimes. You only think about yourself.”
She turned sharply to look at her husband in shock. That was the first time he’d ever said such a thing to her. Normally he had no opinion on how she conducted herself. She was chronically late. Yes, she could admit that was a flaw in her character but she was on time when it really counted. But to get so worked up over a party? And to insult her on top of it?
That had set the whole mood for the night. And now she was even more suspicious about this Rebecca.
But when Rebecca did make her appearance and introduced herself to Y/n she was taken aback. The woman had to be in her 50s. She was pretty, sure, but not quite Leo’s type. If Y/n were any sort of indicator of a type.
Servers walked around with trays and served the couples in attendance. There were only ten couples there as well as Rebecca’s two daughters, Y/n learned. Quite the intimate affair really.
Leo brought a glass of wine to Y/n as she chatted with Mrs. Topman (she never learned her first name, as the woman literally introduced herself as Mrs. Topman).
“Here you are darling.” His green eyes shined down at her before searching the room casually. She was on to Leo. But she found it odd that the woman he was with in the Hamptons was Rebecca. She was intrigued.
She watched Rebecca mingle and sip wine and laugh and there was nothing there that made Y/n think Leo would be interested in her sexually. But maybe that was it, Y/n thought to herself as she cocked her head to the side watching the woman speak boisterously. Maybe it wasn’t sexual. Maybe it was a woman he felt a deeper connection with than he did with Y/n. Perhaps it hadn’t started sexual but led there.
The snack table was set up with decadent treats. Y/n picked up a toast smeared with something pink, topped with heart-shaped tomatoes on top as she scanned the room for Leo, wondering where he’d gone off to. It hadn’t been that long but knowing about Rebecca being with him made things feel like she was in some kind of true crime detective story and was trying to get to the bottom of a mystery. Though there was no crime being committed, she could entertain herself with that thought.
“Are you enjoying your time tonight?”
Y/n turned her sight to Rebecca who was next to her picking up the same toast with pink schmear.
“It’s amazing. Your home is so lovely, Mrs. Manera,” she smiled and noted the woman’s massive diamond ring in addition to her massive diamond wedding ring.
“Why thank you. Phineas has put in so much work to make this large shell into a lovely cozy home.”
Y/n nearly spat her bite out. The home was anything but cozy.
“It’s incredible. Where is Mr. Manera tonight?”
“Oh, just over there,” she pointed to a man in tweed with thick black-framed glasses, “You haven’t met yet?”
Rebecca led the way as Y/n walked in her wake to meet Mr. Manera. She had still not spotted her own husband.
“Phineas, dear, this is Mrs. Styles. Leonardo’s wife.”
The man held his hand out, “Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Styles.”
“Likewise. You can call me Y/n.”
 “Well, Y/n. We’re happy to have you here. Where’s Leo anyway? Haven’t seen him.”
Turning around quickly to look over her shoulder she shrugged and faced the man and his wife again, “Not sure actually. I haven’t seen him in a bit myself,” she laughed. And before she could even think about what she was implying she spoke to Rebecca, “But I’m sure you’ve seen enough of him since you saw him in the Hampton’s this weekend.”
Rebecca and Phineas’ smiles dropped as they looked at one another and then back to Y/n, “I haven’t been to the Hamptons in over a decade. Are you sure you’re not mistaking me for Parker? Our daughter? She was just there all weekend with her girlfriends.”
A Good Boy Masterlist
A Good Boy tags: @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @shishcabobsworld @daphnesutton @spinnerswife69 @holy-macncheese-balls @cookielovesbook-akie @lilfreakjez @itsgigikay @amateurduck
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lemonluvgirl · 1 year
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
Sneak Peek for The Designation Games Upcoming Chapter
How much do you know about what just happened to you and which Alpha were you exposed to recently that could have triggered your heat?"  Katniss stared at him for a full ten seconds. He looked completely serious.  "Know? What am I supposed to know?" She paused, searching for the words he used, "You said I was having a reactionary heat? What-what is that?"  Cinna's face registers surprise before it takes on a more grave expression. "I take it to you aren't familiar with the term." He states in a softer tone.  "I have no idea what you're talking about. But I want answers." She says, with an edge in her tone. Cinna breathed out a deep sigh.  "What do you remember from your designation health and history classes?" He asked gently.  Katniss blinked at him. "Honestly, not much." She replied, and Cinna winced.  "Let me call for some lunch, so we can chat and eat."
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biscuitblinkeu · 2 years
And It’s Mysterious Owner [3]
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Jennie Kim x Fem!reader
Your home, a small stone cottage with three rooms. A bathroom, bedroom, and the open space area that’s combined with a kitchen area and a makeshift living room.
This living room consists of a fireplace, two small couches, a rug, and a coffee table you should break apart and throw out, but never have the energy to. You weren’t the best at decorating, but it’s not like you have company constantly coming over, and besides, you live alone.
You opened the door, who’s hinges creaked a bit too loudly for your liking, making you puff in annoyance. You set the grocery bags down on the kitchen counter and began unloading everything, putting it in its rightful spots. Cleaning up your house, you realize it’s gotten even later and you should go to sleep. You have work tomorrow.
The sun peeked through your curtains, alerting you it’s time to wake. You always seemed to get up the same time the sun rises and reaches your window. That means you have about an hour and twenty-five minutes to get ready and head to work. Begrudgingly, you roll to your left, miscalculating that it was the edge of the bed and there was nowhere left to roll, and you fall to the floor back-first with a thud. Pain instantly shoots up your back and you groan. You lie there for a couple minutes before getting up. You walk to your mirror and lift up your shirt, a nasty bruise indeed.
“Fuck,” you curse as you look at it, rubbing your fingers across the tender skin and flinching. You were definitely going to need some ointment or ice.
After brushing your teeth, showering, and carefully changing into your clothes— which consists of black pants and a white button up long-sleeve shirt tucked into them, you took an apple and left. About ten minutes into your walk, you find yourself stopping at a bakery at the marketplace. You decide to grab yourself a coffee, and a honey cake for lunch later. You thank the owner of the small cafe before heading on your way, paper bag in one hand and other pocketed.
Approaching the shop you can tell the others have already arrived. Soft jazz music meandered through the open windows, as did their voices.
The three were talking to a woman, laughing and conversing like old friends. She was slightly taller than Jisoo, but shorter than Lisa. She adorned a silky white dress and her dark-brown hair flowed down her back with a black bow clip to accessorize.
Even looking at her backside, you could tell she carried herself with a sort of elegance. You wondered if her face would match the air around her.
You stopped short of the entrance, pondering whether you should walk in or not.
You had hoped to sneak by. But Lisa spotted you, she immediately stopped in the middle of her sentence, her smile growing wider.
“When will I meet her?” The woman asked.
She opened her mouth, going to address you but you rapidly shook your head, mouthing “no” over and over. She looked at you confused. Although your warning proved a little too late. The others noticed her little pause and turned their attention to what she was looking at.
“Right now, actually.”
You stood by the door, fist clenched at your side for a couple seconds. You quietly breathed out a sigh before smiling and walking in.
Everyone’s eyes followed you as you walked past the counter, sitting beside the group and taking a seat next to Lisa. Lisa immediately side hugged you, and Jisoo sitting on your other side plopped her head on your shoulder. You set the cake on the table’s cake stand, and covered it.
“You know we saw each other two days ago, right?” You muttered tracing the counter’s carvings. They just shrugged.
You looked up, smiling at Roseanne before looking at the woman. You froze, eyes widening slightly.
Angelic- alluring- belle. She was beautiful, really something out of a fairytale. She had perfectly sculpted eyebrows, a mole sitting under one. Her eyes, dark brown and shaped almost cat-like, were strong and warm. They lured you in like a moth to a flame. Her lips, red and full, stretched into a gummy smile that took your breath away. The corners quirked upwards like she knew something you didn't.
You wanted to gawk, but you kept your jaw firmly closed, tongue tied at best. You had a strange feeling she wouldn’t like that- and you wouldn’t like that if you were her.
You cleared your throat, effectively knocking yourself out of your stupor.
“Hello, and you are?” you asked politely, curious as to why you’ve never seen her, as small as the village was.
“Jennie Kim. It’s nice to put a name to a face, (Y/n).” You quickly looked at Roseanne, Jisoo and Lisa who avoided your gaze. “So you already know about me from these three?” You trailed off, your lips pouty.
“Don’t worry, they talk a lot about you. All good things, of course. I heard all about the mysterious woman who’s pulling a loaded cart as well as a boy. ” You did your best to ignore the hidden compliment and her gaze sweeping over you.
Although you were a bit skeptical, knowing you had some embarrassing moments with the three.
“She’s right!” Jisoo confirmed. You hummed, returning your gaze to your hands as they began to talk with each other again.
“How is mandu?” Roseanne asked, turning to Jennie. “She’s doing fine. Maybe a bit tired being outside all day. But she actually comes back home happier some days.”
Who are they talking about?
“Really? That’s great.” Roseanne mused.
“She’s been going to The Willow more, now that those brutes are expanding their search.”
“(Y/n) goes there on lunch breaks, your cat seems to like her now. I’m surprised she didn’t give up the first time Mandu tried to scratch her face off.” Lisa teased.
You put two and two together. Jennie Kim owns the cat with the key- so this is the woman who turned the village upside down. You finally met the mystery woman.
You could understand, from a boundary, why she's sought after by the villagers- she's very beautiful; and beautiful things are coveted.
“Is that so?” She glanced back to you, piercing feline-like eyes stared into yours.
You fidgeted under her gaze, not wanting her to get the wrong idea- what if she thought you were another lovesick fool who wanted the key for themselves? You truly didn’t have any ulterior motives for befriending her cat. Just simply wanting to have somewhere quiet to relax and possibly, a friend.
But how could you say that and expect her to believe it true? You've only just met.
“I didn't know that was your cat,” you swallowed, “but yes, I'd say your cat is more friendly than the first encounter. I just really wanted to have a quiet place to relax.”
“You only wanted the spot?” Jennie pried with a tilt of her head, she grinned knowingly. The tea she was drinking was cold and untouched.
“Well, maybe a friend too.” You bashfully admitted, dipping your head. You felt detached from most of the villagers, like you didn't belong. Most people you've interacted with were kind, but there was always that wall that lingered. Some of them looked at you like an outsider, as you were. You seemed to subtly rile up the Hunters- who acted like you took something from them, strange enough.
“You see I love animals, I-”
“Well! You must be on your way Jennie? Wouldn't want you to run into any stray men as the sun gets higher.” Jisoo cuts you off, gesturing towards the clock.
“Ah..you're right.” Roseanne handed Jennie a bouquet of flowers, along with some herbs.
“It was nice meeting you, (Y/n).”
And with that she left.
You turned to Roseanne. “You didn't tell me you guys knew the mystery woman! Maybe a heads-up next time?” You sighed, running your hands down your face.
“You didn't ask?..” Roseanne trailed off, laughing at the eye roll you gave her.
Lisa shuffled in the chair across from you. “What did you think of Jennie?”
“She’s intimidating” You said with a blank expression. The three bursted out laughing. None of them expected that answer, as it would be their first time hearing it.
“Really? I thought you would say something along the lines of how pretty she is.” Jisoo spoke.
Your face heated up, “Of course I thought she was. She makes me nervous.”
“In a good way or a bad way?”
Lisa laughed and leaned forward, resting her chin in her hand. “Why both?”
“Nervous as in I'm sitting in front of Aphrodie, and that glint in her eye. It just feels like I'm getting thrown into something weird."
You narrowed your eyes, looking at the three. "You three give off that vibe too. Like you know things that I don't. Like your a...," you snapped your finger trying to think of a comparison.
"Like a fortune teller?" Jisoo cut in, a sly grin appearing on her face. You nodded. "Something like that."
"Well, I'd say you had quite the day, hm? Getting to meet the famous mystery woman and all.”
“I'm surprised I've never seen her around the village though.”
“Maybe you weren't looking close enough?”
“I'm sure I would notice someone like her.”
“Everyone does, it seems like.” Roseanne spoke quietly, picking at her fingernails.
“You know what I mean-”
“I don't. Jennie doesn't need another admirer. What she needs is a friend. I hope you can be like that to her, you've already befriended her cat, and they are alike in a way.”
A/N: Im so disappointed in this chapter, it definitely could’ve been longer. 😭
Would you like to continue? ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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stereopticons · 1 year
fuck it sneak peek inspiration snippet sentence day
Thanks for the tags, @hippolotamus @apothecarose @rosedavid @tyfinn @rmd-writes
Patrick: I’m in your neighborhood, maybe I could buy you a coffee?
David: you don’t have to do that
Patrick: I’d like to
David: ok
David: the la colombe on prince?
Patrick: Great! Shall we say 20 minutes?
David: make it 30
David paces back and forth inside his closet as the minutes tick by. He’d already chosen an outfit for the day but that was before the day included coffee with Patrick. It’s possible that he’s overthinking this, especially considering it is definitely not a date. It’s just coffee with a friend who happened to be nearby.
(Though David does wonder what, exactly, Patrick is doing in Soho on a Saturday afternoon when he knows that Patrick shares an apartment with Ted in Hell’s Kitchen.)
He glances at his phone, sighing when he realizes he only has five minutes to make the ten minute walk to Prince Street. It literally does not matter, he just needs to pick a sweater and go. He finally grabs a sweater and a pair of joggers off their respective shelves and heads to the bathroom.
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I don’t know who to tag so if you want to share anything, please consider this your invitation!
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ladyveronikawrites · 26 days
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WIP: Kinktober Edition
@sitkowski and I need a push to write for kinktober and we want to encourage those participating in Kinktober to do the same!
I will be sharing sneak peeks from both my Motionless in White Fics as well as Bad Omens- any and all kinktober related fics are welcome to participate!
MIW Kinktober 2024 Bad Omens Kinktober 2024
HOW IT WORKS (rules modified):
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; with pairings and kinks included. (You can post more if you are doing both BO and MIW kinktober - keep it to at most 5 files for each band you are participating in, no more than TEN(10) total.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people (any and all readers and writers!) can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write at least three NEW sentences as a reply to the ask.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post.
Friday 9 AM EST to Sunday 11:59EST
Have a question? my DMs are open, feel free to ask!
Please use appropriate warnings, tags, and 'read more' cuts in replies to asks
BRIDGE PART THREE (Omens! gang bang - leather fetish, boots)
You take his cock so well, doll You want another? (Ruffilo x Jolly x Noah x Reader - Sensory Deprivation, voice kink)
IMPOLITE PART FIVE (Noah x Jolly x oc - Service Submission, tasks, and assignments)
Puppy Play Date! (Pup!Noah x Pup!Folio x Owner!Ruffilo - collaring)
IF PAIN IS BEAUTY, I'M A PRETTY BITCH (Noah x FemDom OC Vivian - Chastity, Humiliation, Sissification//feminization)
oh no, my boyfriend's a vampire (Chris x Nicky - vampire boyfriends/breath play)
Come on Chloe, It's just a haunted house (Stepbrother!Justin x Bio Brother’s Best Friend!Vinny x OC -boots/haunted house)
more cocks more fun right? (Chris x Justin x Rick x Ryan x vinny x oc - multiple penetration /voyeurism) 
You got that dawg in you? (Owner!Ryan x Pup!Vinny x oc - tasks and assignments - body worship)
She's going to drive them wild (Chris x Rick x reader - leather/latex -femdom)
A little gift for you👑- Ryan x Vinny x Sasha
“Yes, master,” Vinny nods his head excitedly and starts to pant.
“Dash, come here,” Sasha pats on the bed beside her. Vinny leaps onto the bed without a second thought, sitting prettily near his master’s girlfriend. “Good boy,” she coos caressing his cheek before scratching behind his ears.
Writers and Readers are welcome to make requests for snippets of what you would like to see! You can ask for a moodboard too!
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