#teenage Luke Skywalker
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25centsoda · 1 year ago
Whumptober 2023 - Day 10, Luke & Vader
No. 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?” Broken Phone | Stranded | “You said you'd never leave.” Raised for the first five years on Tatooine by the Lars’, and the next ten on Coruscant by his father Emperor Vader, Luke Skywalker has always known who he is. But now, he doesn’t want to be.
Luke, return to me, his father said through their bond, low and commanding. It took all of Luke’s strength to resist the pull of his father. As Father reminded him often, he was still a juvenile. Still subject to the instincts baked deep in all juvenile krayts, the urge to stay near home, stay near parents, to listen to them and obey, because distance and disobedience could mean death in the desert.
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musewrangler · 2 years ago
Obi Wan heard Owen's rifle fire though he didn’t turn to look.
He kept his full attention on the five individuals before him. He could sense their dark torment, but he could not stay his hand in sympathy at what had caused their turn.
Luke’s life was on the line. Owen and Beru as well. They would be mercilessly slaughtered, and Luke would either be killed with them or he would be taken to a worse fate, just as his father had been.
“Kenobi,” laughed the leader. “We shall be doubly rewarded then when we present your head to His Majesty.”
Obi-Wan watched all the red blades ignite and he held the gaze of the leader.
“Sidious does not give rewards,” he said. “He gives only pain and death.”
“Which we get to deliver,” stated one of the women. The Third Sister, Obi-Wan saw. “You got away last time, Kenobi. And all to guard the spawn of Anakin Skywalker.”
“He is dead,” Obi-Wan said, flicking his own blue blade on. “But yes, I will protect the boy.”
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theartofnieriel · 1 year ago
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For the first time in his life, Darth Vader, the greatest nightmare of those who oppose the Empire, has met his match.
The Ghost crew can’t believe what they’re seeing.
[part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  
reblog, don’t repost. thank you
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magnetarbeam · 4 months ago
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I love time travel fics because I can get my two favorite Star Wars characters to interact.
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alannacouture · 23 days ago
I’ve seriously reached the point where I’m waiting for a teenage girl who’s really skilled with a bow and arrow, a few magical British teenagers, or some teenagers from a galaxy far, far away, their sarcastic pilot, and his furry bestie, to show up and save us bc I’m not sure there’s going to be much of an America/world left after the next 4 years. We’ve officially crossed the threshold into Dystopia Land and our only hope is teens with random skills ready to bring down the oppressive system (or burn it to the ground).
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nipnipps · 2 years ago
obi wan is chronically just a guy
I personally find it very funny that people say that Obi Wan is a pure being who can do no wrong, that he has suffered the most in the whole story and that he is just a poor meow meow. I mean, don't get me wrong, I also think of him as a poor meow meow! But mostly... he's just a guy, like he's just some random dude who unfortunately got caught up in the Skywalker drama and found no way out. he's not the space Jesus or the co-chosen one, he's just a guy who's trying his best and failing miserably And you guys should appreciate him for it!!!!!!
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misscrawfords · 6 months ago
Had an amazing afternoon today. Odeon in the UK are currently re-releasing Star Wars in cinemas and I booked to go and see A New Hope. And then, checking when Empire Strikes Back was on, it turned out it was only on... immediately afterwards or during my choir rehearsal later in the week! So I did what I haven't done since I was a teenager and did a double bill at the cinema. Watching Return of the Jedi straight afterwards was too much though and I'll see that next week, hopefully.
Guys, it was SO GOOD. I feel so priviledged to see these films on the big screen. They stand up so well! Seeing that star destroyer come over my head in the opening scene of ANH, watching Han say "I know" in full technicolour, hearing The Imperial March fully blast through the cinema... I felt such a connection with my cousin (who is 20 years older than me) who apparently was obsessed with SW as a boy when they first came out, and I thought of my late uncle who introduced me to the OT on VHS as a teenager. It was so, so special.
It makes me so sad to see what Disney has turned this into and what so-called fanboys and antis have done. Maybe there always was a gatekeeping and nasty side to the SW fandom even in the 70s and 80s but it's such a shame. These are magical, perfect films telling a beautiful story. I hate that that's been ruined in so many ways.
In other unrelated news, I've put myself forward to give a talk on Star Wars and fandom to the school's feminist society. My only trouble will be only talking about it for half an hour!!
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vidfreak727 · 8 months ago
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Rearranging the July Display
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jessicas-pi · 2 years ago
this incorrect quote thing is becoming an addiction i think
more teenage rebellion AU!
Sabine: I'm so tired of this life. I want to be a roomba. I want knives taped to me. And I want to be set loose.
Sabine: I feel like I can be myself around you. Youngest Brother: You’re weird and quiet around me. Sabine: Yes.
Katka, opening a Space Capri Sun: Guess I'll drink my sorrows away.
Sabine: Please say words of encouragement to me so I don’t murder someone right now. Leia: You don't get to paint in prison. Sabine: *sighs* Thank you.
Youngest Brother: Dear Diary. My teenage angst banthacrap has a body count.
Leia: Do you ever get pre-annoyed? Like you already know someone is going to tick you off? Luke: What? No, I— Youngest Brother: *enters room* Leia: *jaw clenches*
Luke, about Youngest Sister: I could fix her, but honestly whatever the heck is wrong with her is way funnier. Katka: That's what any god probably thinks about me.
Youngest Sister: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
Youngest Sister: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with that Wren girl recently. Youngest Brother: No, Mara, it's not what it looks like, I swear. Youngest Sister: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous? Youngest Brother: No! You’re the only one for me. Youngest Sister: Is that so? Youngest Brother: I promise! She and I are just... together... sort of... okay?! She’s my partner. Youngest Sister: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved? Youngest Brother: You are still my one and only best friend! She’s just the love of my life, nothing more! Youngest Sister: But I’m still the platonic love of your life, right? Youngest Brother: Of course bro! Youngest Sister: Bro... Sabine: What the-
Sabine: I see the red flags, I acknowledge that they're there, and then I completely ignore them. Leia: *facepalm*
Youngest Brother: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm? Youngest Sister: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
Katka: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
[at the sleepover in GItN] Leia: Youngest Brother, can I ask you a question? Youngest Brother: Yes? Leia: Why don't you go back to your Depression Fortress and leave us alone?
Youngest Brother: Unfortunately, due to several experiences in my youth, I cannot just 'walk up and join a circle of people talking', but it does sound lovely, thank you.
Sabine: Do you ever wonder why you're still single? Katka, eating mayonnaise straight out of the jar with a spoon: Yeah... I mean, I'm perfect! Who wouldn't want to date me? Sabine: I can name a few people...
Youngest Sister: Are you having another depressive episode? Youngest Brother: A depressive episode? Youngest Brother: I'm having a depressive series and we're just on season one.
Leia: If looking good was a crime, you’d be a law abiding citizen.
Katka: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
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toomanyincorrectquotes · 2 years ago
Luke: i think jaina and her friends are talking about us
Mara Jade: no, they’re not. don’t be so paranoid, luke
Luke: they’re pointing and laughing at us
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musewrangler · 7 months ago
Anakin felt his presence long before he saw his old master. Even here, where the Force swirled in wounded and broken fragments, it was possible to sense that potent, bright power that he knew so well all these years later.
Jedha was an excellent choice of location.
Because it was already a potent Force location, and then of course, because it had been so terribly damaged by the Death Star, only scavengers and criminals came here now. But it would easily mask the fact that two very powerful Force users were using it as a meeting point.
Anakin drew his hood closer around his face to protect himself from the grit and dust in the atmosphere, which was a constant thing. There was also the occasional large piece of debris that still rained down. But Obi-Wan had directed him to an old Imperial outpost which, while abandoned, still functioned to keep the worst of the ravaged planet’s detritus away from them.
Speaking of whom…
He too was hooded, though his tattered robe was brown not black. Anakin could sense Kenobi’s uncertainty, and he could glimpse the flash of silver at his belt every time he took a step.
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ssjrodimus · 1 year ago
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Funko Camp Fundays 2023 Team Chaseapeak Eagles Box
Chaseapeak Eagles [SE] [LE of 6500] - Camp Fundays 2023 Exclusive - Funko Pop!
Freddy Funko as Number Five [SE] [LE of 4500] - Camp Fundays 2023 Exclusive - Funko Pop!
Freddy Funko as Luke Skywalker w/ Grogu [SE] [LE of 4000] - Camp Fundays 2023 Exclusive - Funko Pop!
Freddy Funko as Peacemaker [SE] [LE of 5000] - Camp Fundays 2023 Exclusive - Funko Pop!
Freddy Funko as Leonardo Soda Figure [LE of 5000] - Camp Fundays 2023 Exclusive - Funko Soda
Freddy Funko as Big Boy Soda Figure [LE of 5000] - Camp Fundays 2023 Exclusive - Funko Soda
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magnetarbeam · 1 year ago
Ahsoka Tano: Listen: Don't be afraid, but I am from the past.
Ben Skywalker: Why would I be afraid of someone from the past? People from the future are scary. People from the past are savages and idiots.
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fanfictasia · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/11 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Original Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader & Ahsoka Tano, Luke Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Leia Organa & Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex & Ahsoka Tano (minor) Characters: Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CT-7567 | Rex (minor), Padme Amidala (minor) Additional Tags: CT-7567 | Rex and Anakin Skywalker Adopt Ahsoka Tano, Protective Ahsoka Tano, Ahsoka Tano Needs a Hug, Darth Vader Needs a Hug, Darth Vader is a Fluffball, Slave Darth Vader, Reincarnation, POV Ahsoka Tano, POV First Person, Family, Friendship, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Flashbacks, Eventual Happy Ending
Killed on Mustafar by Sidious while attempting to rescue Vader, Ahsoka is reborn as Luke's adopted younger sister. She struggles with constantly remembering flashes of her life as Ahsoka as she remembers more about Anakin. More than anything, she wants to find out more about her past, wants to find Anakin again in person but he's dead. Right?
Read on:
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vidfreak727 · 11 months ago
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Today’s acquisition
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magnetarbeam · 8 months ago
Ahsoka, maybe three months after her trìal, getting dumped six decades into the future and finding out about this, and she gets to tell Luke something to the effect of "you did a good job rebuilding the Jedi, despite your teachers' best efforts."
its actually so sickening the way luke was trained as an attack dog more than as a jedi. he has to seek out the gentler uses of the force on his own because obiwan and yoda wanted him ready to kill vader and werent really thinking too far past that part. its so fucked up cuz like . did they even expect him to live himself? or was killing vader the more important part. when did he learn about force healing? and how many lives were lost because he didnt know it sooner. crusty old men. fr.
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