#dragon darth vader
25centsoda · 7 months
Whumptober 2023 - Day 10, Luke & Vader
No. 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?” Broken Phone | Stranded | “You said you'd never leave.” Raised for the first five years on Tatooine by the Lars’, and the next ten on Coruscant by his father Emperor Vader, Luke Skywalker has always known who he is. But now, he doesn’t want to be.
Luke, return to me, his father said through their bond, low and commanding. It took all of Luke’s strength to resist the pull of his father. As Father reminded him often, he was still a juvenile. Still subject to the instincts baked deep in all juvenile krayts, the urge to stay near home, stay near parents, to listen to them and obey, because distance and disobedience could mean death in the desert.
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sinvulkt · 1 year
The Monster and the Child
The dragon has been trapped for years. It lost its name. It lost its body. It lost most of its memories of not being a dragon. It is everything its Master wanted.
Then, one day, its Master brings it a child. A sand-haired boy smelling of blood, grief and terror.
@whumptober-archive @angstober
Chapter 1: Meeting
The dragon slept, curled on itself in the cold cell that was its home.
It hadn’t always been so. Once, when the dragon hadn’t been a dragon yet, it had been free. It had a name and an inferno burning in its chest. It had a will with no one powerful enough to stop it.
It was different now.
Now the inferno was reduced to sizzling embers, doused by too many cycles of isolation and silence. Now its name was gone, devoured by the scales covering its new skin. Now it layed in chains, trapped behind bars no teeth or claws could break.
Read more on ao3 or bellow the line.
A metallic noise echoed further above.
The dragon raised its head, suddenly attentive. No one ever came into this part of the palace except for its Master, his guards, and the occasional food offering. As if on cue its stomach growled, the rumbling noise echoing on the closed walls of the room. The dragon had since long gotten used to the nausea hunger brought, but a reprieve from it always felt welcome. It was better to think about than the alternative.
For if it wasn’t food being brought to it… a shudder ran down the dragon’s spine, its mane flexing in remembrance. It still sported open wounds from its Master’s last visit. Between the dampness of the cell and the growing weakness of its body, injuries became infected more often than not.
Figures appeared beyond the red hue of the ray shield. A rush of fear overwhelmed the dragon as it recognised the Emperor, surrounded by his Imperial guard. Cold slowly filled his veins. The terror soon gave way to confusion as the dragon noticed a small sniveling form between the guards.
There was a child there, half pushed, half dragged by the faceless soldiers. A boy, with sandy hair dirtied by blood and a snotty face covered in tears. He was struggling weakly against their iron grip, though in vain. The dragon tilted its head, curious. The Emperor had fed it children before, but he seldomly assisted the feeding himself.
The group stopped in front of it.
"Hello, old friend," its Master began. "I have a gift for you."
His oily presence reached out to it, slithering inside the dragon’s mind, probing its reaction. Something about the boy he brought was special. His Master was excited today, the infantile excitement of a new toy discovered. The dragon curled on itself and tried not to fight the invasive presence, knowing it would only make it worse.
"Put him inside," Palpatine ordered the guards.
The ray shield dropped and the guards threw the boy inside. A pungent smell of piss, blood and ash assailed the dragon’s nostrils as the child collapsed on his front paw. Wherever the child had been, showers had not been an option.
The dragon's Master studied them. His presence was everywhere, filling the dragon’s lungs, dragging the dragon’s heart, pushing the dragon’s mind.
"Do as you please," its Master said. There was a lightness to his tone the dragon didn’t like. It felt like the warning ozone before the lightning.
The Emperor took a last glance at the situation, a pleasant hum on his lips, and turned away, faceless guards trailing behind. The dragon didn’t dare to move before the oily presence left his mind too - or as much as it ever would.
His Master reduced to an icy point in the back of its’ mind, the dragon turned towards the foul smelling child. He hadn’t dared to move either and was still sprawled on one of the dragon paws. When its immense head turned towards him, the boy scrambled to his feet, taking shelter in one of the corners of the cell. It didn’t take him very far away. If it wanted to, the dragon could snatch him in one snap, and get rid of the hunger plaguing its stomach.
The dragon hesitated. Its Master hadn’t exactly ordered it to eat the child. He had offered for it to do as it pleased, but the dragon’s wants were never of importance to its Master. It was always a trap. An open question with a single answer.
An odd feeling froze its body though; a whisper, a warning hanging in the air. It observed the child.
The boy stood as straight as he could, clearly trying to seem brave despite the terror shaking his bones. He was a shivering mess. When neither of them moved, the child's heart rate slowly calmed down. He began to observe the dragon in return.
He raised a timid hand. “Hi.”
The dragon waited to see what the boy would do next.
“Please don’t eat me,” the boy squeaked. “I wouldn’t make a good meal."
The human words hurt the dragon's ears. They were too loud, too high pitched, too fast. Most of their meaning got lost on the way, but the cold fire that burned in its chest translated for it. The child’s fire was strong too, the dragon noticed, as strong as the laser wielding soldiers, that his Master made it fight and sometimes eat.
It stepped closer, curious about the child’s fire. Curiosity was something it hadn’t felt in a long time.
The boy tensed and scrunched his eyes closed as the dragon approached, but he didn’t run away. There was nowhere to run to.
The dragon assessed the human smell flooding the room. It was oddly familiar. The blood on the child’s skin woke up old memories, memories of a time with a name that belonged locked away in a box. It breathed on the boy's face, letting a few hairs billow. If it ate the boy, the silk-like threads would drag on its tongue and accumulate in its throat, making it cough for days. But the flesh would warm its belly, and the dragon was cold.
The boy stilled. Then slowly, very slowly, he opened his eyes. Clear blue eyes, as vast as the sky spreading beyond horizons.
‘I trust you,’ they said.
The dragon licked the boy. A small grain of sand rolled on its tongue. The boy tasted like blood and flesh and sun. He tasted like chains broken and forged anew, like golden dunes trapping feet in their embrace. He tasted like a small moisture farm lost in the desert, filled and yet empty for it lacked its most important person. Most surprising of all, behind the sand and the sun, behind the blood and the chains, he tasted like Naboo.
The child tasted like family.
The dragon licked him more, reveling in the various smells coming from him. The blood on the boy’s face woke up names in its mind. It swept them away. The grains on the boy’s skin tore open old scars in its soul. It rubbed them away. The bitter taste of the boy’s pain and fear made its stomach swirl with nausea. It wiped them away.
The dragon licked the child clean, until his only stench was the dragon’s smell. It licked the child clean until his fear was gone and it giggled against his muzzle, crying for him to stop because it tickled so much. It licked the boy clean until its stomach stopped rumbling, fed by the dead blood that covered him.
Vader licked the child clean, and decided there and then not to eat him.
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pebblish · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader Characters: Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker Additional Tags: Dragon Luke Skywalker, hatchling!Luke Skywalker, Kidnapping, Luke raised by Vader, dragon!AU, Angry Darth Vader, 12daysofficmas Series: Part 1 of 12 Days of Ficmas Summary:
What if the Skywalkers were dragons? Shapeshifters, gifted through the Force with the ability to change into enormous, fearsome dragons?
Luke hasn't gotten to that point yet- he's still just a little hatchling. He counts on his brood father, the fierce black dread, Darth Vader, to protect him. The little hatchling can't even fly on his own yet.
And what if Luke goes missing one day, right when the demand for dragon scales and exotic pets is at its highest in the Galaxy?
Chapter Two is out!!! Hope y’all enjoy :)
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manny-jacinto · 2 months
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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 02x05 + reddit text posts (02x02) // (02x03) // (02x04 part 1 + part 2)
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campichor · 1 year
i have a type
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it's characters with horrible life decisions
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councilofcastamere · 8 months
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no fics yet… but requests are always welcome 🪐
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no fics, but please feel free to request 🔪👻
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psykopaths · 5 months
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nerd-elf · 3 months
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You were my brother, I loved you
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fancyfrey · 4 months
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Another piece for the Vaderkin Creative Exchange, from @sinvulkt ‘s prompt “Anakin horrified as his body eldritchly transforms (wings, scales?) and Vader’s shadow looms
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Callum & Viren: Are they similar? Is Callum on the same path as Viren? - Star Wars Analogies
I know there have been posts made before in the Dragon Prince fandom comparing characters from tdp to Star Wars characters, esp Callum to Anakin/Vader as someone who will eventually get corrupted/turn to the dark side and become a potential apprentice to Aaravos, as well as Rayllum to Anidala in terms of Callum being seen as being bound to doom the world for Rayla.
I wanted to share a different perspective of mine as to which characters/relationship dynamics (outside of romantic ones included) from tdp I believe compare the most to which Star Wars characters as a massive fan of both sagas myself.
The number one character from Star Wars that I see Callum being most similar to is Luke Skywalker, whereas a character I think is the best comparison to Anakin/Vader, especially after watching Season 6 of the Dragon Prince, would be none other than Viren himself. While I do know for a fact that the tdp characters aren’t carbon copies of the SW characters I’m comparing them to, I still think that their overall arcs are quite matching.
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Starting with Callum and Luke, on the surface, both are the hero who prevails and saves everyone & the whole world/galaxy from doom, but on a deeper level, they both struggle with a dark side inside of them & temptations to give in to it. And before I continue, I wanted to emphasize that I DO NOT see Callum as someone who’s morally dubious, as there are several instances in canon which prove otherwise, specifically his immense guilt over using dark magic and his fear of becoming corrupted and consumed by darkness in S6 (his nightmare at the beginning of episode 3 perfectly illustrates this), the latter of which is a challenge we also see Luke dealing with in The Empire Strikes Back.
Throughout the Original trilogy, mainly in ESB & Return of the Jedi, we see so many “hints” and “indicators” that Luke might turn to the dark side, who unlike Callum, actually shares many personality traits with his father such as his impatience and recklessness. We see Yoda fear that he might follow in his father’s footsteps before reluctantly training him, we see Vader and eventually Palpatine try to lure Luke to the dark side, even pointing out that they could sense his anger which is a major precursor for that. But in the end, despite all of those temptations, despite all of his anger and eventual fear & rage for his sister’s safety, he ultimately resisted and refused to join the sith.
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Along with seeing many protagonists who may be put in similar situations or even in some cases share some similarities with the main/major antagonist, such as Harry and Voldemort being another example of this, this is why I am a firm believer that Callum will be tested in Season 7, he may be faced with temptations to use dark magic again perhaps as a quick means to defeat Aaravos or potentially save Rayla if it gets to that, or even Aaravos trying to bribe him to join him, but in the end he will ultimately resist, since dark magic, as stated several times before, is merely a shortcut that leads to much bigger long term harm (which I don’t think there would be enough time to even flesh this out in the final season of the Mystery of Aaravos arc). As we’ve seen Callum reject succumbing to his dark side after he used dark magic for the first time, and seeing him willingly do the purification ritual to rid himself of his darkness/corruption in his soul, I do believe that Callum has the power to reject dark magic once and for all and do the right thing (this does not necessarily mean he would sacrifice Rayla if the plot does get to that, but I do think he would find a third option aside from dark magic to save her, like he did back in S3 when he cast the mage wing spell to save her). After all, a major theme in the Dragon Prince is breaking cycles and not repeating previous mistakes, so what would be the point in having those themes or specifically Harrow’s letter in the first place, or better yet have the whole “destiny’s a book you write yourself” line be brought up multiple times if Callum’s just fated keep repeating past mistakes over and over again?
Now onto my next analogy: Viren & Anakin/Vader, the characters who I genuinely saw as those whose corruption & downfalls may have started out of desperation to save a loved one from dying, but ultimately grew into greed and hunger for power.
I could go on about the complexities of Anakin’s character, specifically the ones that got fleshed out even more in the Clone Wars and how there are multiple factors that led to his turn to the dark side, but that’s not the whole point of this post. I know that there are some differing factors between both Viren and Anakin in terms of their dark sides/stories, but ultimately the last straw that led to their corruption was the fact that they were both terrified of losing an important loved one and both were completely unwilling to let that happen, whatever the price they had to pay. We also see them seek some sort of counsel/beg for help, like when Anakin vaguely told Yoda about his visions and fears, and Viren telling Kpp’Ar about Soren’s condition and needing the staff, ultimately both Anakin and Viren were told that there wasn’t really anything that could be done and they both needed to learn to let go. However neither of them were having that, so we somewhat see them both resort to another counsel, both very different but leading to same outcome. Anakin starts to open up more to Palpatine, who in turn manipulates him and convinces him that he has his “solution.” While Viren on the other hand, may have offered advice to Harrow to “do what he must” over his own dilemma, he in turn used that same advice but in a more twisted, corrupted manner. So then, both Anakin and Viren resort to darker approaches to solve their own problems and completely give in to their own darknesses.
I won’t go into deep detail about what they each did, since you can just rewatch these scenes in Revenge of the Sith and Episode 6 of TDP for that, but now I wanted to talk about how despite having the desire to save their loved ones, they ultimately caused massive harm to them. Anakin desperately did whatever he could to save Padme, but in the end, when he thought she betrayed him, he force-choked her then afterwards, she was shattered and heartbroken over his downfall that it led to her death, the very thing that Anakin tried so hard to prevent. While Viren on the other hand may have succeeded in healing and saving Soren, he grew to treat him coldly and abusively to the point where he completely damaged & even destroyed his relationship with his very son that he corrupted himself completely to save in the first place.
Even though I primarily focused on the similarities between Viren saving Soren & Anakin trying to save Padme, I also wanted to point out how similar the impacts were on Lissa and Padme as well, namely how they were both horrified when they saw what became of their husbands.
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Sadly both of them ended up getting assaulted by their corrupted husbands, which then led up to the destruction of their families. And ultimately both Viren and Anakin continued on their dark paths and grew more ruthless, evil, and corrupted until they finally reached their eventual redemptions (I know not everyone thinks that Viren got redeemed but I do believe that his redemption arc was him accepting that he’s done far too much and accepting the consequences for his actions).
So far these are the thoughts that I have on which Dragon Prince characters/relationships I think compare best to which Star Wars ones. And I know that Claudia would also be a good comparison to Anakin since she too struggles a lot with loss and refuses to let go, but at the same time, I see her still being in Anakin’s early villain phase during Revenge of the Sith, not yet having reached the Vader levels that we see during the Original Trilogy era. The way I see Vader & Viren relationships with Luke and Callum’s characters, it’s that the former two represent what the latter two fear of becoming if they do not overcome their dark sides.
But to answer my questions in the header, I do not think that Callum is bound to be on the same path as Viren or that he will let himself be consumed by darkness. Season 6 dealt with his overall guilt over using dark magic, his fear of being consumed by it/being used as by Aaravos, and ultimately his choice to purify himself of his darkness and understanding the consequences of doing dark magic again beforehand. Just as many protagonists get put through the wringer in their final battles, but ultimately persevere and do the right thing, I do believe that Callum will win and not fall victim to his temptations once again.
That’s all I have folks! Thanks for reading this far if you have! And an important friendly reminder (as mentioned already in my bio) if you have differing opinions and would like to disagree and discuss, please be sure to do so respectfully. Otherwise scroll by or I’ll be more than glad to press that block button! 😊🙌🏽
(Screenshot+caption of Lissa scene by @stuck-in-jelly)
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miatressforsissy · 22 days
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I’m really ready and active to dominate you and make you as loyal and have your dick turned to pussy
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25centsoda · 11 months
Whumptober 2023 - Day 17
Luke's time with his father post-kidnapping
Vader let go of Luke’s hand with one hand and brushed the hair off of Luke’s forehead. Luke shuddered at the touch. Unpleasant prickles shivered all over his skin. He tried to squirm away and hit the back of the couch; there was nowhere to go. Vader didn’t seem to notice Luke’s reaction. He just continued to stroke and pet Luke’s hair, apparently under the delusion that it was providing some sort of comfort.
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sinvulkt · 6 months
Chapters: 4/8 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Luke Skywalker & Darth Vader, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious & Darth Vader Characters: Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious Additional Tags: Dragon Darth Vader, yes it’s a tag, We made it, Child Luke Skywalker, things are rather messed up for them right now, Dehumanization, for Vader, Hurt Darth Vader, Hurt Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader Needs a Hug, POV Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker Needs A Hug, can't promise they'll get one :p, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Cannibalism, In a way, It’s Vader’s fault. He keeps eating people., Child Abuse, That one is Palpatine’s fault entirely, I’m putting it to be safe but it’s more a consequence of ’palpatine kidnap luke’ setting Series: Part 4 of In The Midst Of Darkness Lays A Sleeping Light
Summary: The dragon has been trapped for years. It lost its name. It lost its body. It lost most of its memories of not being a dragon. It is everything its Master wanted.
Then, one day, its Master brings it a child. A sand-haired boy smelling of blood, grief and terror.
*** ** * 𓌹.𓌺 * ** ***
With the amazing fanart of @ravenite-void 🎶
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ladydreamfyyreee · 2 months
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𝐊𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐳 𝐇𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐡, 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐕𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐀𝐳𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐡𝐚𝐢
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬
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sinvulkt-art · 4 months
The Dark Wyrm
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Here is my gift to MillionLights on ao3, as part of the Vaderkin creative exchange 2024 organised by @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod
Once I’ve read your prompt, the picture wouldn’t leave my head, so here it is!
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marvelstars · 1 year
How Vader sees Luke
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How the Emperor sees Luke
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How Luke sees himself
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