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d'bill. you get it
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Whenever Jonny is feeling cuddly he always listens to the others heartbeat change my mind. doesn)t like to admit it like so many other things and the others very quickly learned to not mention it at all lol
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Cats can have Asthma, so imagine Tim tryna take care of one of the octokittens that apparently has asthma lmao, aurora like "hey you gotta give mustard his meds" "fuck i forgot" "yeah ik" "shut up."
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I wrote this with a chesire cat pencil:D
For enrichment
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You know what the Toy Soldier is hot actually
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Jonny's tail is very sensitive, TS once tugged it to get his attention and he was like "WHAAHH- HUH-" probs made a squeak lmao and demanded TS to not tell anyone
Hia tail indicates his emitins :3
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No one:
Jonny talking with TS during Moon Kaiser war: he's a 10, alright, more like 12.
TS: That Breaks The Scale
Jonny, who just saw Tim covered in blood and pissed tf off: ..... Shit he broke the scale again.
Zhey tirally fkcked
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I t
Jonny: Oh my fucking god you're so tall wtf are you a giraffe.
Tim: And you're built like a baked bean :)
Jonny: BITCH- BAKED BEAN THAT *kicking his ass cus short lol*
Goblin man
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Bring fear and death
Fuck it Jonny gets rib pain now carmilla made a right mess of them when she replaced his heart and I’m projecting!
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Name: Adelaine Taryn Winchester
Position/Side: the White queens sister, she fought by her side-until she was taken and killed by the queen of hearts, her head was chopped off and her skin was put over a robot, then the alterations were made to turn her into a rose red
-but during the process, her brain was also re-Used, and despite the memory loss and brainwash, the memories of her past life were Still dormant
-often she was used as a show off, especially when the white queen was present on the battlefield to stir up unease
-but when she saw her sister being attacked by the infamous jabberwocky, the tiby fragments of own memories and own will that had been harboring themselves over time flashed up and slowly pieced themselves together..
-the result? She eventually went rogue, in a fit of rage as she dimly remembered emotions and brief flashes of memories and she just ran away, getting hit by bullets but she kept on running- this was onserved by the mechanisms, snd jonny, abit tipsy on whiskey, felt reminded of briar rose and suggested they tale her aboard- which they did fixing her up so any remnants of the brainwash would be gone
-deadly in battle, but mostly VERY silent and tries to remember more, also she hates mirrors as she sees the image of a stranger whose face shes wearing but who is not quite her…she has issues with identity, her own will and freedom and memories, often getting hit by a flashback that makes no sense to her and she sits thete, clutching her head
-when the white queen first Saw her, she shot her out of anger, grief and shock. Adelaine let it happen, timid as she is..
-she tries to make the white queen warm up to her, to learn more about her past, but with little success…her and alice sometikes sit together and clutch their heads during a flashback..or her and jabberwocky talk about their experiences…
Another oc for the song alice!
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Once a sister, now a nobody”
We were sisters, you and i/ birds of a feather, two white doves flying through the sunlit sky
You taught me how to play piano, i taught you the names of flowers
We both were taught how to fight, i favoured the rapier, thin and pointy, you the sword, abit more broad, yet our style was similiar
My mind is a empty palace with pictures on the wall, old and torn, i try to make the faces out but i cant!
A trail of crimson on the white floor, caused by me or from me, i dont know
Pray tell, who am i? Who was the person whose face i wear? Am i still your sister or jsut a nobody?
The war started to rage and i to fight, despite you not wanting me to
Your white knight was by my side, until i was taken by force, the queen of hearts troops outnumbered us, i screamed and begged, i was afraid
But my futile cries just echoed through the empty nightsky, never reaching your ears
I wonder if you cried and begged too, begging life to return me to you- you got ypur wish jut it wasnt what you wanted in the end
My mind is a empty palace with pictures on the wall, old and torn, i try to make the faces out but i cant!
A trail of crimson on the white floor, caused by me or from me, i dont know
Pray tell, who am i? Who was the person whose face i wear? Am i still your sister or jsut a nobody?
They beheaded me and stripped me of my skin and brain, implanted it into a metallic vessel, i became just another rose in the garden of the queen of hearts
My mind was scattered, memory fragments and bits of free will existed yet were hiding
I was used as a trophy that the queen showed off, just wanting to show how she was better than my sister
My mind is a empty palace with pictures on the wall, old and torn, i try to make the faces out but i cant!
A trail of crimson on the white floor, caused by me or from me, i dont know
Pray tell, who am i? Who was the person whose face i wear? Am i still your sister or jsut a nobody?
One day, i did saw my sister being attacked by the jabberwocky, it took her eye
In that moment, it came back to me in a flash and my mind started to reassemble itself
A few days later i went rogue, rage boiled in me and i let it all out, before i ran, not caring about anything
Got picked up by a crew of space pirates, they cleaned my mind of the queens influence, yet i still didnt quite know who i was
My beloved sister, she joined the Crew- but shot me in the stomach when she first saw me, terror, grief and disgust all written on her face..i didnt dodge it.i deserve it…
After all, i was jsut a Robot wearing her sisters skin
My mind is a empty palace with pictures on the wall, old and torn, i try to make the faces out but i cant!
A trail of crimson on the white floor, caused by me or from me, i dont know
Pray tell, who am i? Who was the person whose face i wear? Am i still your sister or jsut a nobody?
Her song
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WELL MY ROOM is very full and maximalist ^^
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Beetlejuice ..bug wine...insect beverage
hehehe inspired fit :3
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We ride at dawn
Fuck it Jonny gets rib pain now carmilla made a right mess of them when she replaced his heart and I’m projecting!
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*i, as german agree
Fuck it Jonny gets rib pain now carmilla made a right mess of them when she replaced his heart and I’m projecting!
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Beetlejuice ..bug wine...insect beverage
hehehe inspired fit :3
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I cant speak englsih soemtimes
Fuck it Jonny gets rib pain now carmilla made a right mess of them when she replaced his heart and I’m projecting!
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