#teen angs
afictionaladventure16 · 6 months
Safe & Sound (Tim Bradford x Adopted!Teen!Reader)
The Rookie Masterlist
Summary: While Tim and Lucy are on their first date, Y/N and Tamara face some challenges that ends with the realization that Y/N's past has come back to her new life.
Author's Note: I know Tamara technically doesn't find out that Tim and Lucy are dating until later on but uhhh this is fiction so yee. All requests are open!
Warnings: Mentions of fights and stabbing
Word Count: 4,630
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You watched from the distance as your dad tried on different dress shirts in his bedroom. You had seen your father go on many first dates… maybe ‘many’ is an exaggeration, but that was beside the point, the point was that you had never seen him this nervous. He looked like a girl trying to find the right dress for the school dance, you couldn’t help but smile. He was in love. 
You pulled out your phone, sending a quick text to Tamara
 He’s a mess, you sent. 
A few seconds later your phone buzzed in your hands, 
So is she lol. 
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, “What’s so funny?” Your dad asked as he gave you a quick glance. 
You shook your head, “you guys have no idea how nervous you both are.” 
He sighed, “Should I call her?” You gave him a nod. Tim gave you a smile, “First, what do you think?” he raised up a dark grey shirt next to a light gray one. 
You rolled your eyes, “Does it even matter?” 
“What if it clashes with her outfit?” He asked. After the two years you had lived with the man, this was the first time you had heard him say that phrase. 
“I think all that matters is that you both are enjoying the date,” you suggested. 
Tim looked at you with a smile on his face. After Isobel, he felt so lost within himself and somehow he found himself becoming a foster father to a young ten-year-old. It was only a year later that he began the adoption process. It was a long one, especially with the history with Isobel, he had waited a year and a half until the adoption was finalized. It was the best day of his life and he knows that there will be other days in his future that will try to complete, but he will always hold that day close to his heart. It was the day he learned how to be himself again, the day he learned that family didn’t always have to be by blood. 
Now you were fourteen, looking forward to your fifteenth birthday coming up soon. A day that Angela was so busy preparing for because she knew as a Latina that you had to have a quinceanera, and Tim always tried his best to help you grow within your culture. It was one of the main reasons why he learned Spanish. 
He let out a sigh as he reached for his phone, “do you-” 
“If you don’t call her right now, I will call her myself, but I will video call her so she can see-” 
“Alright, alright!” Tim chuckled as he dialed Lucy’s number. 
You walked out of the room, sending Tamara another text. 
I’m assuming you’re coming over with pizza? You sent. 
You know me too well. 
Ever since you met Tamara, she has been like an older sister. Maybe it was because the two of you were in the system and bonded over the traumatic shit both went through. Or because you both lived with cops that took you in and, although Chen is technically just her roommate, they were now your family. 
Tim walked out of his room minutes later, “Alright, I am just a phone call away. Don’t forget to let Kojo out and please tell Tamara I said hi. Um- Am I forgetting anything?” He asked as he began patting his pants pockets. 
“Keys and they’re in the key bowl by the door,” you stated as you scrolled through Netflix, Tim walked over to the key bowl, rolling his eyes as he grabbed his keys, “Bold of you to assume Tamara is coming over.” 
“Is she not?” He asked. 
“No, she is,” you smiled. 
“That’s what I thought,” he sighed, “Don’t open the door for anyone but Tamara. You know the drill, make sure it’s her before you even op-” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Can you go already so we can get this whole Lucy and Tim being continuously nervous over with?” 
Tim took in a small breath, he couldn’t help but catch that you had called him by his first name. It had been two years already and you were still calling him Tim. Of course, he didn’t know how to tell you that calling him dad was okay with him and he didn’t want you to feel pressured to do so; but just hearing it would mean everything to him. 
He gave you a small nod, “Call me if anything, alright? And make sure to turn on the alarm when I leave.” 
“Yes, sir,” you watched as he walked out of the house, you waited for the sound of the lock before turning back around to continue your scrolling. 
Twenty minutes later, you heard the doorbell ring, which was then followed by a phone call. 
You quickly answered, “I assume you’re outside,” you said as you got up from the couch. 
“Your assumptions are correct,” Tamara said. You opened the door to let Tamara in. She had been carrying a bag, of what you assumed is junk food, along with a box of pizza. “Alright, so I found this new candy that you just have to try!” 
You locked the door behind Tamara, “Alright, but first I need a slice of pizza because I am starving!” You followed Tamara as she walked into the kitchen to put down the box of pizza. You instantly opened it and grabbed a slice, “I can’t believe I watched Tim go through every single nice shirt in his closet like he didn’t even do that on his first date with Asley!” 
“Oh, you think that’s bad? Lucy’s whole closet is now on her bed,” Tamara commented as she unpacked the bag of junk food. “Do you guys have sodas?” 
“Yeah, in the fridge,” you gestured towards the fridge. Tamara helped herself, as she always does when she comes over, and she came over quite a bit. “Why do you call your dad by your first name?” Tamara blurted out. 
You shrugged, “I dunno, I guess… I guess I just feel like I am not allowed to call him dad.” 
“But he adopted you” 
“Yeah, but… I don’t know. I’ve wanted to, I just feel like I lost the moment to do so since it’s been two years since the adoption.” Tamara opened the box for a slice of pizza, “Has he talked to you about it? Or Lucy?” 
Tamara looked down, “I know Lucy’s mentioned it. Something about he feels like he’s doing something wrong.” 
You sighed, “What do you think?” 
“I’m the last person you want to ask that.” You gave her a pleading look, and she let out a sigh, “Look, if it were me, the timing wouldn’t matter. He gave you a family, a home, he made you feel loved after everything you had been through in life… in a way, he gave you a second chance that not a lot of us get.” 
She was right and you knew that. It had meant a lot coming from Tamara since she never got the opportunity to get this chance. She would argue that she did when Lucy took her in, but in a way it was different. 
“Should I just do it randomly? Like just ‘Good morning, dad,’ just nonchalant about it?” You asked. 
“Something like that,” Tamara smiled, “You’ll know how to do it when you feel ready and I think you know that you are.” 
The two of you ate pizza and watched Game of Thrones for the next hour. At some point, you had gotten up and let Kojo out to the backyard, he had been whining by the door for a while.  Tamara had taken that opportunity to get up to grab some snacks when all the lights went out, you looked over at Tamara. 
“Whoa,” She exclaimed.
“This is fine,” you stated as you got up from the couch. “Tim usually keeps a flashlight in a drawer in the kitchen,” you walked over to the kitchen, rummaging through the drawers. It didn’t take you long to find the flashlight. You shined it at Tamara who had her phone flashlight on.
Tamara sighed as she walked over to the window, “That’s weird.” 
“What?” you walked over to her. You were quick to notice that the houses across the street still had power. 
“Looks like the neighbors next door also have power,” Tamara pointed out. You looked over at the neighbors to your left, she was right, “Did Tim forget to pay something?” 
You scoffed, “No, he’s pretty good at paying the bills on time.” 
The sound of the floorboard creaking caused the two of you to quickly turn your heads, “I didn’t move,” Tamara whispered. 
“Neither did I,” you whispered back. You felt your heart leap into your throat, “Maybe I should call Tim,” you whispered as you took your phone out of your pocket. As soon as you had unlocked it you noticed the no bar signal on the top right corner. “Fuck,” you whispered. Kojo was scratching at the door, whining to get back in. 
You showed her your phone, “I have no signal.” 
“W-what? How?” 
You looked around for something to use as a weapon, “I’ve heard Tim mentioned this before. Some people use jammers in order to block a phone’s signal.” 
“You think someone is-” You held up your finger, Tamara stopped talking. The two of you fell silent, listening to the floorboards creaking increasingly. 
“We need to get out of here,” you whispered. You glanced over at the door, “I’m gonna grab kojo-” 
“No, if Tim were here he’d want you out, Kojo can fend for himself,” Tamara stated. Tamara quietly walked over to the kitchen grabbing a pan that was on the stove. You slowly walked through the living room, you knew Tim had a bat lying around somewhere for emergencies. 
What happened next was a blur. One second you were looking over at Tamara as she inched closer to the front door and the next you were on the ground and you heard yelling. You fought back as the person who was attacking you pulled out a knife. You were trying your best to use the techniques Tim had shown you, but this man was tougher than you had ever imagined. You knew that it wasn’t an excuse, that even if he was tougher and bigger than you, you had to find a way to defend yourself. 
“I got the other one,” you heard another voice yell out. You hadn’t realized there were two of them. 
You looked over at where Tamara was, “Tamara, run!” You yelled out. You could see the hesitation in her, “Go!” 
Tamara felt like running would be the biggest mistake, but she knew there was no way of getting help by staying here. The second man inched closer to her, she swung the pan that she had in her hands, hitting the man in the head, it was enough to stun him so she could get a running start. She ran out of the house and into the neighbor's front yard, running up to the door; she began banging on it, “Help!” 
You, on the other hand, were trying to get out of the man's grip. You sucked in a breath knowing that you had to do something you never wanted to do. You opened your mouth and bit the man's arm as hard as you could, he let out a loud yell and let go of you. 
“You bitch!” he yelled out as he lunged towards you with his knife. 
You lunged away from him, trying to dodge the knife, but he was bigger than you and still quicker than you. You felt a sharp pain in your side, “What the fuck did you do, Rick?!” The other guy asked as he came back inside. “Do you have any idea what he’ll do to us if we bring her in like this?” You reached down to where you felt the pain coming from, feeling something sticky. The more you touched it, the more pain you felt. Your knees buckled and you fell to the ground. 
“Fuck,” the man named Rick, looked at the knife and then at you. “I-I can fix this.” 
“No! Forget it! It’s been compromised! We have to go, the other girl ratted us out!” The man began to make his way to the back door. “Let’s go!” he yelled out again. You lay on the ground, watching as the blurry image of them ran out of the house. 
Tim couldn’t help but look towards the door every other second. Was part of him worried someone from the station would see him? Yes. But also, he had a habit of looking at the door every time someone walked in, especially when he was nervous. 
“Are you worried someone from the station is gonna walk in?” Lucy asked. 
“You are,” Lucy said in disbelief. 
“No, I-” 
“What are the odds?” 
Lucy rolled her eyes, “It’s likely.” She cleared her throat, she didn’t want to have this discussion right now. “So, Y/N’s quince is coming up, how is that coming?” 
“Good, good. I um probably going to be in debt for the next year so you can expect a nice Christmas card from us rather than nothing but emptiness inside.” 
Lucy chuckled, “Angela is running you dry with this quince.” 
“That she is. Anything Y/N wants, she gets. I swear she spoils her like she's her own kid.” 
Lucy smiled, “I’ve noticed.” Lucy’s phone began to ring, she took it out, letting out a small chuckle at the sight of the name. “It’s Tamara, the girls are probably trying to check in on us,” she rolled her eyes. “Should I let it go to voicemail?” 
Tim wanted to say yes let it go to voicemail, but there was a voice in the back of his head telling him not to. “Answer it,” he smiled, “Two can play this game,” he teased. 
Lucy placed the phone on speaker, “Before you even ask, yes we are still at the restaurant and no I am not bringing you leftovers, I know you guys had pizza,” Lucy said with a hint of laughter behind her voice. 
“Lucy,” Tamara cried out. 
Lucy and Tim’s facial expressions changed, “Tamara, what’s wrong?” Tim spoke up. 
“It all happened so quickly,” Tamara began. 
“Just take a deep breath, Tamara,” Lucy began, “What happened?” 
Tamara let out a soft sob, “Someone broke in the house. They cut the power and we had no way to call anyone. I-I ran to the neighbors for help, but Y/N was still inside, I-I’m sorry, I couldn’t get to her.” 
Tim felt his chest tightened, suddenly this world no longer felt safe. In all his years working as an officer, he never imagined this to happen. Yes, he was prepared for it, or so he thought he was, but now, this world was more of a menacing place than he had realized. 
Tim wanted to tell Tamara that it was okay, but he couldn’t, because to him, nothing was okay at the moment. He had failed the one promise he had kept to himself the day he took you in and that was to keep you safe. Now the one day he decided to be vulnerable and comfortable, it all came crashing down. 
Tim got up from his seat, “Where are you?” Lucy asked. 
“St. Vincents,” He heard Tamara say as he left a few bills on the table and began walking away. Lucy told Tamara that they’d be there in a few before catching up with Tim. 
“Tim,” Lucy began, you could hear the pain within her voice. “Tim,” Lucy pleaded. Tim quickly turned around as they got outside. “I’m driving,” Lucy stated as the exited the restaurant. 
“No,” Lucy exclaimed as she got in front of Tim, “you’re not in the right mindset to be driving right now.” Tim opened his mouth to argue with her, “I’m driving.” 
Tim closed his mouth and gave her a nod. They got into Lucy’s car and drove off to the hospital. Lucy broke a few laws that day, but Tim probably would’ve broken a hundred just to get there sooner. Tim didn’t wait for the car to be fully parked to hop out, he was already inside the emergency room making his way to the receptionist when Lucy made her way into the hospital. 
“My daughter was just brought in, her name is-” 
“Tim,” Lucy choked out, her eyes had landed on a horrific sight in front of her. 
“Lucy!” Tamara called out, Tim turned around just in time to see Tamara running over to Lucy. He looked around for you, hoping to see you running up to him, but his heart sank deeper every second that passed. He walked over to the girls, his eyes landed on what Lucy was focusing on. 
“Oh God,” he let out a shaky breath, as he watched nurses surrounding work on your wounds. He ran up to you, one hand grabbing yours and the other brushing the hair out of your face. “Y/N, sweetie, it’s me,” Tim began, “I'm here, okay?” he brought your hand up to his lips and placed a small kiss on them. He felt the tears begin to stream down his cheeks. “Is she going to be okay?” 
One of the nurses let out a deep sigh, “The stab wound barely missed one of her aorta’s by an inch, it did knick her one of her lungs causing her to loose a significant amount of blood.” one of the other nurses began to lift the handles on the side. 
“We’ll be needing to take her up to surgery now, to repair the damages,” another nurse said. 
Tim couldn’t find the strength to let go, but he knew he had to. “Tim,” Lucy began, “they need to take her.” She placed a loving hand on his shoulder. 
Tim felt tears begin to well up in his eyes, he placed a small kiss on your forehead, “We’ll get through this okay? You can’t leave me.” 
Lucy felt like the villain as she pulled Tim away from you, but she knew he wouldn’t have been able to do it on his own. 
Tim looked over at Tamara, “What happened?” 
Tamara let out a small sob, “I-I don’t know. One second we were watching Game of Thrones and the next the power goes off.” She took in a deep breath, “We decided it was safer to be outside of the house once we realized we had no signal, she wanted to get Kojo but I told her to just leave him outside and that’s when they attacked her. I should’ve stayed with her,” she looked at Tim with remorseful eyes, “I’m so sorry, she told me to run, but I should’ve stayed.” 
Tim shook his head, “No, you got help, if it weren’t for you, you both would’ve probably been worse off.” 
“Tim,” Lucy called as she spotted Sgt. Grey walks towards them. 
“Sir,” Tim began. 
 “I came as fast as I could, How is she?” he asked. 
Tim sighed, shaking his head, “She’s in surgery, the stab wound hit one of her lungs.” 
Sgt. Grey shook his head, before turning to Tamara, “We’re going to need your statement if you’re up to it, if not we can always wait for tomorrow.” 
“I think after all they’ve been through, I think it’s best if we wait for tomorrow,” Lucy chimed in. 
Tamara gave him a nod, “Tomorrow it is.” Sgt. Grey stated. He looked over at Tim, he noticed he hadn’t said much. His eyes were focused on the double doors where they had just wheeled you through. He walked closer to Tim as Lucy and Tamara walked over to some nearby chairs to sit down. “How are you holding up?” Sgt. Grey asked. 
Tim shook his head, “I wasn’t there.” 
“And you won’t always be there,” Sgt. Grey confirmed. “You can’t always be there, it’s one of the things we have to get used to when being a parent. We have to hope we raise them with enough knowledge so they know what to do in situations like this.” He let out a sigh, “trust me, it isn’t easy.” 
Tim nodded, “I’ve noticed.” 
“You let me know if you need anything,” Sgt. Grey gave Tim a soft smile before walking over to the nurse's station. Tim walked over to Lucy, sitting down beside her. No words were exchanged and somehow he preferred it this way. Lucy held his hand, squeezing it every once in a while as if she were checking in on him and he would squeeze back. 
Tim felt like he had been waiting for days when in reality it had only been an hour. His eyes never left the double doors that were ahead of them, his body would jump every time someone would walk through them. 
Eventually, a man in scrubs walked through them, his eyes scanning the lobby of people waiting to be seen or waiting for a patient. “Family of Y/N Bradford?” He called out. 
Tim quickly got up from his seat, “I’m her father,” he quickly stated as he walked up to the man. “How is she?” 
“Hello, I’m Dr. Avery, I was the lead surgeon. I am happy to say that the surgery was a success,” Tim let out a relieved sigh. “We’ll need to keep her for a few days for observation of course, but she’ll be good to go home after.” 
Tim smiled at the man, “Thank you, when can I see her?” 
“She’s in recovery right now, I can only allow one visitor,” The doctor stated. 
Tim looked at Lucy, “Go, we’ll come back in the morning,” Lucy said. 
“Do you mind stopping by my place and picking up Kojo? I think Y/N would kill me if she knew he stayed the night outside.” 
Lucy let out a small chuckle, “Yeah, we’ll pick him up.” 
“I’ll have you follow me,” the doctor gestured for Tim to follow him. 
Tim followed Dr. Avery to the recovery room, he knew this hospital too well to know where he was going, but he never thought he would have to be here for a reason like this and he never wanted to be in this hospital again unless it was for work. Once he got to the room, the doctor left to finish up some paperwork. 
Tim sat beside the bed, he gently held your hand. You looked so fragile to him as if you were a newborn, he was scared that one wrong move would hurt you. He waited by your bedside throughout the night. The morning sunlight began to peak through the windows, causing him to wake up. He gave you a small glance, sighing once he realized you were still asleep.  
He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes once again, hoping to get some extra sleep. 
You began to stir, you could feel the pain in your abdomen and you heard beeping. Slowly opening your eyes, beginning to realize that you were now in the hospital, the last thing you remember was watching the two men run out of the house. “Dad?” you called out with panic in your voice. 
Tim’s eyes darted open, “Hey,” he said as he sat up in his chair. He grabbed your hand, he was overjoyed that you were awake, but also overjoyed of the fact that you had just called him dad for the first time. Although he was trying to hide his excitement because he didn’t know how to react to it, he had been waiting for this moment for so long and now it was here but the situation was overshadowing it. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked. 
“Like shit,” you stated. 
You winced as you tried to sit up, “Let’s try not to do that for now, alright? I know you’re uncomfortable, but I can get the nurses in-” 
You waved your hand to stop him, “No, I’m fine.” 
“You want to talk about what happened?” He asked. 
You shrugged, “It all happened so quickly. The lights went out and Tamara noticed that the neighbors had electricity and that’s when we tried to call you, but our phones had no signal.” 
“Looks like they used a jammer,” Tim speculated. 
“That’s what I thought, we decided to leave but I wanted to get Kojo-” 
“Kojo can take care of himself,” he stated. 
“Tamara said you would say that, but someone attacked me as I got into the living room. Tamra was already at the door and she hit the other guy with a pan before running to the neighbors. I used all the techniques you taught me,” you felt tears well up in your eyes, “I tried-” 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. You fought back and you’re alive. That’s what matters right now,” Tim placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I remember one more thing,” you began. “When the guy that attacked me stabbed me, the other guy got mad. He said ‘Do you have any idea what he’ll do to us if we bring her in like this?’ in those exact words.” 
Tim felt the panic rush through his body, if his gut was right, he knew what these men were talking about. “Do you think they were planning on taking me?” You asked. 
Tim didn’t want you panicking, he didn’t want you to feel like you couldn’t be safe because someone was looking for you. “I don’t think so,” he began, “But Angela is on the case, you’ll tell her what you told me and we’ll get this straightened out.” You nodded, “Now, how about we talk about the elephant in the room.” 
You looked at him with a confused expression “What elephant?” 
“You called me dad,” he smiled. 
You rolled your eyes, “I can go back to calling you Tim.” 
He chuckled, “No, no, it’s about time you called me dad. I was starting to worry you weren’t going to.” 
“I felt like I lost my chance to do so,” you confessed. 
“Honestly, if you had waited twenty years to call me dad, I would probably be sad that you waited twenty years but, overjoyed that you did,” he smiled.
“Be honest with me,” You began. “There isn’t anyone from my past that’s looking for me right?” You hadn’t spoken about your past in a few years, it was something you wanted to leave behind. “The last thing I need is these fantasmas (ghosts) coming back,” you added. 
Tim sighed, “I don’t know, but you have me there and I can promise that from here on out–” 
You shook your head, “You can promise to keep me safe but let’s face it, you’re not there with me when I’m at school or when you’re at work.” 
“You’re right, I’m not. But I’m a cop. I have my ways and I know you too well.” 
You smiled, “Yeah, I think you do.” 
“Plus, if anyone does kidnap you, they’ll return you in two minutes.” 
Your face turned into shock, “Wh-what?” 
“Trust me, I don’t think they’ll be able to stand the twenty questions they’ll be getting from you or even the karaoke. I give them two minutes before they return you,” you let out a small laugh before you winced in pain. Tim sighed, he knew no matter what that he was going to protect you, and if he failed to do so, he was going to do everything he possibly could do, to get you back. 
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sorry i’m on my bullshit again but i CANNOT imagine taking the line “i loved him” —past tense lol—and making that the basis of proof for my endgame ship.
like yeah “loved him more than i will ever love anything” blah blah. she’s clearly saying it in an extremely emotional moment trying to appeal to her friend who also loved someone a lot. (not to mention dawn the sister she sacrificed herself for instead of put a sword through to save the world is RIGHT THERE.)
still past tense! still “loved” as in not love presently.
still ends her own story saying “i love you” —meaning actively right now loves— someone else directly to his face.
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spinnenpfote6 · 2 months
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Elijah Wood as Mikey Carver in The Ice Storm, 1997
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mamahalin, pagsisilbihan, papakasalan, luluhudan, magpapaalipin, didilaan, susubuan, susuklayan, lalapain, hahalikan, paglalabhan, papakainin, magpapakain, yes na yes for you.
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eclipsecrowned · 7 months
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rotates v*llioth rotates v*llioth rotates v*llioth
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Thomas:Oh no,you're getting an idea,aren’t you?
Thomas:Is this idea gonna get me in trouble?
Thomas:Is this idea gonna cause me physical pain?
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anaryllis · 2 years
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teaching high school is rly funny sometimes
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fatimajpeg · 2 years
ok im late but. if you have watched the early 00s x-men movies, do you view them as camp? on the one hand they definitely embody a lot of the darker, leathery, blue-tinted comics of the time since 9/11 really affected comics tone a lot, but on the other hand they were silly and goofy and didnt try to separate themselves from the campiness of the superhero genre the way the mcu does
i HAVE seen them but it was sooo long ago, and probably not in full cuz they were always playing on tv. i’ll need to rewatch them because i do understand what you mean but from my vague memory of them, it felt like they were afraid of going too camp like the source material. they were definitely very melodramatic tho
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demonio-fleurs · 2 months
went to see jaws in 35mm yesterday and it was fantastic. really solidified that it’s my favorite film of all time.
kinda pissed off that people laughed at quints death tho
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literaryspinster · 8 months
people will swear up and down that it’s disgusting and predatory for an 18 year old and a 16 year old to date but then turn around and ship z*tara 🤦🏾‍♀️
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blackypanther9 · 7 months
Boys ask you out – Teen!Daughter!Reader x Father!Alastor
A/N: Human!Alive!Alastor and Human!Alive!Daughter Reader.
Headcanon(?) THIS IS NOT ROMANTIC !!!
(picture belongs to rightful owner)
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Alastor and you were just eating out in a restaurant, as a teenage boy came up to them and asked you out on a date.
You felt slightly caught off guard and shy, but agreed softly.
Alastor just looked at you and then at the boy, clearing his throat, which made the boy look at him.
“And who may you be, my good fellow ? Boldly asking my daughter out in front of me ?”
“My n-name is Finn, Sir.”
“When did you ask me for my permission to ask my daughter out, Finn ?”
You could tell that your Father was losing his last bits of patience with this teen. You found it quite amusing how protective your Dad was, yet...you understood why. A killer was roaming around after all.
“I didn’t know this charming woman needed her Father’s approval to go out on a date.”
Oh...wrong, overconfident answer and you knew that. You always looked at your Father for approval. He could read people a bit better than you and you trusted his judgment.
“She needs it indeed. That is my daughter after all.”
“You treat her like an object right now.”
Your Father’s eye twitched slightly at the boy’s comment.
“I don’t. There is a murderer running around and you expect me to let my daughter run around freely and alone, in the middle of the night, with some stranger ? Ha ! No.”
You gave your Father a small smile, grateful he looked after you so much. Even though he was the Killer.
The boy scoffed and looked at you again, smile gentle, but fake.
“Tomorrow evening at 6PM in front of this very restaurant, beautiful ?”
You were speechless and looked at your Dad for help. Alastor had a look of annoyance on his face, but his smile didn’t drop yet.
“She is not going anywhere with you, boy. She has no permission to go out with you. Now shoo off.”
The boy scoffed and left. You looked at your Dad.
“Thank you, Papa.”
“No problem, mon ange (My angel).”
That boy was Alastor’s Dinner the next evening, for his lack of manners.
-Another day-
The both of you took a stroll through the park as a group of boys spotted you with your Father.
A blond haired boy approached you, very confident and he seemed to have a very highly stroked ego, like no one can say no to him.
He ran a hand over his hair and gave a flirty smirk towards you.
“Hey there, beautiful~ Wanna go out with me tonight~?”
You got nervous and looked at your Dad, this boy made you uncomfortable.
“My face is over here, pretty girl~”
The boy TOUCHED your chin and had the AUDACITY to turn your face back on himself, forcefully, IN FRONT of Alastor !
Alastor smacked the boy’s hand harshly, the guy yelped and let go, shaking his hand, glaring at your Father.
“What is your Problem, man ?!”, the boy snarled.
“What is MY problem ? Has your Mother never taught you how to treat a woman ? How dare you touch her without asking for permission ? And that in front of ME !”
Your Father was positively boiling in anger. He pulled you into his side, glaring down at the boy. He was the next to die tonight.
“Who even are you ? Her lover ?”, he asked in disgust.
“I am her FATHER.”
At that the blond boy grew a smirk.
“Then shouldn’t you be thrilled that someone like me even bothers to ask your daughter out ?”
This boy was on thin ice and your jaw dropped open in offence. You glared at the boy in disgust.
“Papa ?”, you called out.
“Yes, Darling ?”, Alastor responded, looking at you gently.
“I would like to go HOME. This disgraceful human being ruined my mood. I wish to return home and read a good book.”
The blond boy stared at you in offence, then disgust.
“How dare you call me that ?! I can get any woman I WANT !”
You gave him an unimpressed glare.
“Well, you didn’t get me now, did you ? You have a foul mouth with a disgusting attitude and now, I wish to retreat home, Papa.”
“Of course, Cher.”
The blond boy’s hand formed into a fist and he swung his fist. You closed your eyes tightly, but the impact never came.
You opened your eyes and saw that your Father caught the boy’s hand. His smile and eyes were wide and filled with rage. The boy quivered at that, turning pale.
“You try that again, young man, and we will have very big problems. Understood ?”, Alastor said calmly.
“Y-yes, Sir.”
“Good. Now go away.”
As soon as your Father let go of the boy’s hand, the guy ran away and back to his friends, who laughed at him.
Your Father put a hand on your back and guided you back home.
Overall, Alastor would observe every young man that approaches you, to ask you out.
He would interfere when he doesn’t like them at all.
He would force them to ask for his permission first, because that was how it was usually done in his time anyways and he knew, for a fact, that tradition didn’t stop yet.
Usually a lot of boys back down as soon as he demanded them to ask for his permission first, others would ask and get a big, fat NO from him anyways, which amused you to no ends.
Alastor would be overprotective of you and he was NOT afraid to show it.
He would pull you into his side and wrap an arm protectively over you, showing that you had someone to protect you and that he didn’t take any Bullshit from anyone.
A boy tried to force you to go out with them, they would be found dead soon enough.
Alastor was possessive of you, not in a romantic or perverted sense, but you were his daughter and he knew what young men usually thought when they saw a beautiful woman. He hated the thought of you leaving one day and never coming back. He had some enemies. What if they got you ? No, no, no, he can’t let that happen.
He glared every young man down, that dared to give you nicknames, just to butter you up. Usually they would be his next Dinner too.
As soon as he sees a young lad eying you with impure thoughts, he will end them in the week. If they dare to approach you too and ask you out, clearly just looking to disgrace you, he would go so far as to be very aggressive.
Alastor, your Father, saw no boy worthy enough to date you, in his eyes, they were all way too beneath his Angel. So get ready to have a very long time to staying single and left at peace.
You couldn’t have asked for a better Dad. Alastor was a top #1 Dad in the world. No matter what.
-Addition if you both land in Hell together-
He will NOT let you date in Hell. Absolutely NOT.
He would constantly worry over your safety and send his shadows after you.
Alright...he let you date ONCE in hell and it was an absolute disaster !
That pig just wanted to get into your underwear and the Radio Demon was FURIOUS !
Save to say he ate that guy and then forbid you from dating in Hell. FORGET IT. NO DATES AND LOVE LIFE IN HELL.
And you are not allowed to leave his side for a long while after that either !
He is still your #1 Dad in the whole world though.  <3
A/N: So....what do ya think?
(Words: 1 372)
Masterlist HERE !
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natailiatulls07 · 1 year
Still the little baby
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Arthur Leclerc Charles Leclerc Lorenzo Leclerc Pascale Leclerc & Leclerc!reader
Summary - The Leclerc little sister is going out, much to her brother’s dismay
Warning - violence, crying
A random Friday night during the summer night, the little Leclerc was getting ready for a date. She had bought a new dress especially for the occasion, a dress that she hoped her brother wouldn’t see her wearing. With curled hair and little natural makeup, Y/n picked up her small bag.
Checking herself in the body length mirror, before slipping into her heels. Arthur and Charles were watching a movie in the living room, Lorenzo out with his girlfriend and Pascale was over her friends house for drinks.
Stepping down the stairs, quietly as possible so her brothers wouldn’t notice her sneaking out. Taking advantage of the loud sound of violence, Y/n ran to the front door.
Slipping out, the teen made her way into town to meet up with her date.
“I had a great night Tom, I’d love to do it again” Y/n could be seen walking down the street after coming out of the restaurant.
Hand in hand the two continued walk down the street. “Me too. You’re a really sweet and hot girl, I’d love to get to know you more” His hand finding her cheek, as they both stared deep into each others eyes.
Leaning up, the two connected lips into a soft kiss.
However that only lasted until a pair of arms curled around Y/n’s waist, pulling her away and into a tight hug. Before she or her date, Tom, could process what happened, a fist collided with his cheek. Stumbling over due to the impact.
“Keep your hands of my baby sister!” Arthur’s angered voice had managed to bring Y/n back to reality, looking over her shoulder and seeing Charles looking just as angry.
Pushing his hand off of her, she made her way over to the slightly confused boy. “Wtf, I am on a date! And you two decide to ruin it for me!”
She pulled up Tom, quick to check his swelling nose which had blood pool down out of his nostrils. “Are you okay?” Y/n had visibly concerned interwoven in her voice.
The two older brothers watched on the couple, both protectiveness and regretful fresh on their minds. They didn’t want their baby sister to date, this was something that meant she was growing up.
“Yeah um…I think um. I think I’m gonna head home…bye” Tom was quick to run off before any of the Leclerc could say anything.
Y/n stood by watching her date run off, holding his nose. She felt tears brimming her waterline.
“Look ange, we were just protecting you” Charles’ sheepish voice piped up. “You never know what will happen. He might of-“ He cut himself off when Y/n raised her head, eyes showing her annoyance.
“Comment oses-tu penser que tu peux faire ça!” She drew in a long breath. “He was really sweet, paid for my meal. And walking me home! Right I’m going home, to my room. So fuck off”
Speechless. The brothers were speechless as the crying girl walked herself home.
Later that evening after the three youngest arrived home, Pascale came through the front door. She noticed her two youngest boys sat on the sofa in shame. “What’s got you to so shamefully mes garçons?”
Charles sighed before telling his mother the truth, she nodded along patently. “So now she is in her room. And I think she’s crying.”
Pascale was a bit annoyed that her sons ruined her only daughters date however equally proud that Arthur and Charles had that love for her daughter. “Ok well I’m not mad, truthful I’m proud. Proud that you two are looking out for your sister. However, she is growing up and you have to let her out of the bird nest sometimes”
The two listened to their mother intently. “Right I’m going to go and check on her. I’ll talk to her for you”
“Mon bébé please can I come in?” Pascale softly knocked on Y/n’s door. Without a response, she took her entrance. On the bed, lay Y/n still dressed in her outfit and makeup smeared down her face.
She had her childhood teddy bear in arms. The teddy bear Lorenzo got for her when Pascale had announced her pregnancy.
“Maman, all I was doing was going on an innocent date but then they showed up and ruined it” The once dried tears had started to flow once again.
“I know bébé, you nor your date did nothing wrong. It’s just that your brothers are very protective and loving of you, and you’re still the little baby to them. So please take it easy on them, they feel horrible” Y/n nodding her head understandingly.
“I’m going to go see them…” Y/n peeled herself away from her bed, teddy bear in hand. She made her way down the stairs, before reaching the living room.
Almost as if on cue, Arthur and Charles raised their heads to see Y/n walking. They had a sort of déjà vu, their little sister walking up to them clutching her teddy bear.
“I’m sorry…” Her timid voice, a contrast to earlier. Her big brother tackled her into a hug, wanting nothing more than comforting their little sister.
“It’s okay, we just wanted to protect you” Arthur shushed her continuous apologies.
That evening, Lorenzo had returned home from his girlfriend’s house to a surprising site. Y/n still holding her teddy bear, her head laid on Charles shoulder and legs across Arthur’s lap, deep into sleep. Unlike their sister, Arthur and Charles were both still awake.
“What happened? What did you guys do?” Lorenzo asked in a hushed manner. Noticing the dried smeared makeup down Y/n’s face.
“Long story…I’m sure she’ll tell you in the morning” Charles replied in the same hushed tone.
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fraugwinska · 3 months
Since your the queen of fluff, I had to make this request.
It’s more an angst/comfort/fluff, but I want to see Alastor dealing with his girlfriend/lover having body dysmorphia. The comfort in O Mother Mine for him was beautifully portrayed and I want Alastor to provide comfort back. Cant wait to see what you write🩷💖❤️
This was - and still is - an ask that hit very much home for me. Struggling with my self image and a long, very taxing time living with an ED since my teens, I had to take my time writing this - Because with all this history weighing in my own back pocket, I wanted to write something my younger self would've found comfort in reading. Which is why there's a lot of my own experiences woven in. Thank you for this ask, my dear. And to all who fight the fight against their own head each day - I see you. And you are worthy of every bit and piece of love, external and internal. I let our dear deer take it from here.
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TW: Explicit depictions & mentions of ED and body dysmorphia - 3k words
“Why don't you want one? Do they look bad? Don't you like my chocolate chip cookies?”
Niffty stared at you, her one big eye glazed and watery, and you felt that at her whining remark all eyes were on you. Shit.
You had been at Charlie's group therapy activities for hours by now, everyone was exhausted and hangry enough for Vaggie to intervene and propose a lunch break. You managed to discreetly dodge every dish that was going around the table, making sure to have an alibi piece of bread and a few leaves of salad on your plate, just in case anyone would look at you funny, and it was good that you did. You glanced around the table to find Alastor of all people staring at you from the other side, and pretending obliviousness you turned to Angel with a smile, laughing at whatever he said, and shoved a few bits of salad into your mouth. ‘See, I'm eating, all good.’ 
You thought the worst was over when the others pushed their dishes into the middle of the table with content sighs and filled bellies. But then Niffty had been hopping around, offering everyone the masses of cookies she had been baking with Pentious the evening before, and Niffty was just not dodgeable. 
“Aw Niff, of course I do, and they look amazing! But I'm so full, stuffed, I really can't take another bite.” Perhaps you imagined it, but you thought you heard a static crack of feedback and you shot a quick glance over to Alastor, but he was drinking his After-Lunch coffee with closed eyes, detached and apparently trying to drown out the babbling sinners around him. Irritated, you turned to the little, pouting cyclops girl again, your voice purposely louder as you said “Tell you what, I'll take one now and save it for later, okay? I can't pass up on your delicious treats, can I?”
That seemed to do the trick, and when you wrapped the cookie you took from a beaming Niffty into a napkin and slid it in your pocket, she and everyone else seemed satisfied and they turned their attention elsewhere - At least you hoped they were.
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Another few long, dragging hours later Charlie finally released you all, and the communal groan of relief was only overlapped by the pitter-patter of multiple pairs of feet rushing behind Husk to the bar in desperate need for a strong drink. You were contemplating to join them, even if it was just for a glass of water, but that thought was instantly buried when Angel called over to you.
“Oy, toots, come on and drag ‘ya fat ass over here, I need ‘ya to tell sourpuss here to let me pluck his overgrown eyebrows. Bitch is starting to look like Frieda Kahlo.”
It was an innocent, friendly-meant remark. You knew that. Angel was your friend, you knew that. The laughter that followed his call was a reaction to his crassness. You knew that. But your already aching stomach twisted, and it took everything in you to keep your face from crumbling, and the smile on your lips felt fragile when you answered.
“No can do, Ange, I’m heading to my room. I feel a headache coming up. See you guys later.”
You hurried out the hall as fast as you allowed yourself without looking like you’re fleeing, passing Charlie in vivid conversation with Alastor, throwing her a dismissive wave of the hand when she broke off in the middle of her sentence to ask if you needed anything and ignored the red eyes that were burning your back as you speeded to the lift.
For a moment you felt safe inside the elevator, closing your eyes and leaning back against the wall to deeply breathe in and out to calm your racing thoughts when the doors closed. But then you opened them again, your reflection was staring back at you from the mirrored wide wall of the lift cabin. You stared blankly at the hated body in front of you, eyes mapping every curve that was too wide, every point your clothes wrinkled over a roll of fat. 
Oy toots, get your fat ass over here…Fat ass..Fat...
You ran out of the cabin the moment the 'ding' announced your arrival at your floor and the doors opened, vision blurry from the pooling tears. As soon as you slammed the door to your room shut and turned the key in the lock behind you, you sobbed, leaning your head on the hard wood of your bedroom door. Tears were streaking your face as you sank down to sit on the floor and wrapped your arms around yourself, shoulders shaking from suppressed and failed attempts to cry silently. The room was silent, but your head was loud. Too loud.
Honey, you can't go to school like that, you look like a stuffed sausage. Go back and change…
No, pumpkin, the hamburger is for daddy. You’ll eat a salad, like mommy. Don’t you want to be as beautiful as mommy…
A Bikini? Wow, someone's feeling brave today...
You'd look so beautiful babe, if you'd only lose a few pounds...
Oy toots, get your fat ass over here...
"Shut up, shut up, shut up." It was no use. Begging them to stop never helped. Your hands pressed down on your ears but they couldn’t silence the insistent, ghostly voices inside, louder and louder and louder, repeating the same sentences over and over again and you wanted to rip them off, just to maybe get them out, deafen them, make them…
“Stop that now, Darling." Two hands that were not your own were on yours, long fingers peeling them away from your ears and taking them in tender but firm grips to pull your arms apart. Those foreign hands were dark and warm and much bigger than yours, holding you by the wrists as they pulled you away from the door and back onto your feet. Without releasing them, you felt a chest pressing against your back as the hands on your wrists guided them into an embrace, cageing you with crossed arms in front of you in warmth and the firm, humming body of Alastor. "There now, that's much better isn't it. Now breathe, dearest, with me. Do it with me."
Your mind was a haze of scattered and pained thoughts and fears that were struggling and lashing out to the surface, but they quieted into soft whimpers and whizzing like a dying steam train with every steady, deep inhale Alastor took with you, his chest rising against your back and his breath steady in your ears. He waited a few moments after he had made you breathe normally again before letting go and gently turning you to face him, hands now on your shoulders as you avoided his eyes, but when he looked at your face and your tear streaked cheeks he wiped the wetness away from your skin with the pad of his thumb.
"Why did you come?" You sounded husk and defeated. You knew your jig was up. You've been found out. At last.
"How did I not come sooner would be the better question, darling." Alastor answered, leaving his hand cupped on your cheek, thumb still in mid-stroke as he talked to your averted face. His voice was clear, even-keel, just loud enough for you to hear. And you heard him all the better for not facing him, his signature transatlantic accent and theatrical flourish in his tone, always so strong and prominent, was missing entirely as he continued. "For a few weeks now I've suspected that something was not right with you, my dear. Though I didn't want to press the matter, today has confirmed this. You've not eaten any of the food prepared, spare the few bits of greenery that wouldn't even nourish the roaches that pester this hotel, and we both know you only did because you knew you were being watched."
Watched by him. You sighed quietly at the accuracy, finally turning to look at him, awaiting to find judgment and ridicule, though the red deer demon didn't move at all. He just carried on his stroke with the thumb under your eyes, which started tearing up again, his expression strangely soft.
"My shadows reported that you were hiding food given to you just to throw it away later, and I took notice how you constantly avoided reflective surfaces. Darling, your image must haunt you and I cannot imagine the reason why. I find myself asking: What would drive you to starve yourself, to hide from mirrors and cut your eyes to any remarks looking for underlying maliciousness?"
What a loaded question, asked so simply. And he seemed honestly confused. No smirk, no tilted head. You paused for a long while before answering him.
"You... you won't understand, Alastor."
"Then help me to, darling." He coaxed you, now moving both his hands to hold your face and pull your head closer to lean his forehead to yours, looking firmly in your eyes. And it dawned on you then that the radio demon, the overlord who never revealed weakness, never showed real emotions or shared much with anyone, the one demon who walked these halls smiling and sneering with menace and mystery and endless pride, was purposely and genuinely showing you that he cared.
Maybe it was the fatigue and the despair finally getting the best of your defense system. Maybe it was because he wasn't just anybody. Alastor was so many things but most importantly, he was your friend, had been ever since you and him found mutual interests in each other in countless nights that were spent in quiet by the fireplace in the hall. He liked your level-headedness, your ability to listen, really listen, patiently and actively. You liked his vivaciousness, the vast knowledge of him that he could share when one was just willing to let him talk. Yes, the others were nice, and yes, you felt close to all of them after a few months. But you felt the closest to him, proven by the fact that not Charlie knocked on your door, or Angel noticed you were paler and thinner than weeks ago. But Alastor. Maybe you just needed that final push and he had given it to you.
So you spilled. Through sobs, tears and sighs, you told him everything:
From your family that wouldn't stop comparing you with your thinner friends, fostering a hatred for food because of misguided care. You shared that your health became less and less important with every diet and lost pound, seeing your aching stomach as a sign of sucess. How you'd hate yourself for lack of discipline when you starved yourself so much your brain snapped and you ate any- and everything you found until you felt sick and disgusting. How your friends while alive were never intentionally hurtful, yet dismissive about your insecurities, complaining to you about their sizes while you felt like they were mocking you, being stick thin and conventionally beautiful. And you told him about your one and only boyfriend, who accepted the relationship under the pretense that you'd change to fit his preferences, always waiting for you to drop weight he saw as too much, to shape you the way he wanted you to be, threatening to keep you secret from his friends and family until you did. And you did. But you paid the bitter price - got cheated on while you counted calories, and when you finally reached the set weight he dictated, he left. Leaving you hungry and confused, thin and sick and so, so lost.
With every word his hold on you grew tighter and tighter. But so did yours on him. This time, it was him who listened quietly, never interrupting, and only at the mention of that asshole ex is when he made a sound, his ears went flat against his skull as a low growl rumbled in his throat, but his expression remained perfectly stoic, absorbing your words quietly. After you finished you leaned heavily against Alastors chest and hid your face there, feeling drained and guilty for soaking his expensive coat with your pitiful tears. Your entire body was numb with exhaustion and pain, so was the emptiness inside of you that your self-deprecating thoughts have been inhabiting for years, and you dreaded the response Alastor could give to your pathetic life-story.
"All those people have proven to you to be thoroughly disappointing." was what Alastor said first, speaking very softly with his chin leaning against your scalp. "It makes the blood call for revenge when thinking about the throes you've had to put up with. You don't owe anybody to change anything about yourself that you do not wish to."
You couldn't hold back another tear that rolled down your nose and onto Alastor's shirt, clinging tighter to him and shaking your head against his shoulder, nuzzling his shirt in desperate and trained denial of comforting words.
"Aren't they right though? I'm not like Charlie, or Angel, or even you. I'm not...they are so… just... look at me." You muttered and tried to push out of the hug to avoid looking him in the eye, but the demon didn't give.
"Oh, I am." He gave you a stern stare, unintimidating and almost tender as he pulled you back closer. "Darling, I am looking at you, more than you think. And all I see is a strong, intelligent and beautiful little sinner, so willing to give everyone more grace and gentleness than herself that she hides from every compliment she deems unworthy of her, ashamed of her lovely shape that was the source of so much torment." Alastor sighed, cupping your face in a loose grip, shaking his head in disbelief. "Everyone of us has flaws, we are inherently imperfect creatures, some more than others, and yet you've managed to convince yourself those flaws and imperfections define you in their entirety."
Your instincts told you to flee, to run from this kindness that was offered to you so alluringly. It has to be a trap, your head told you, don't trust those words, don't give in. And you almost tried to, your muscles tensed as if to bolt, your breath quickened as if about to run, your heart pounded as if preparing to fight his arms for release. But you didn't.
Maybe, a long forgotten voice spoke in your mind, maybe it wasn't a trick. Maybe he was earnest, like he had been the past couple months in your company. He's here now, isn't he? Holding you and reassuring you and calming you in a way no one ever had. He hadn't put an inch between him and you to allow your doubts space to creep back in, keeping you at his side - not just now, but over the last weeks continuously, had never spoken ill of you or tried to change you, had no agenda, nothing to gain from lying to you.
Alastor smiled when you sank back into his arms, and this time when he stroked your tears away, he let his fingers come to rest at your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. And without a word he leaned forward, eyes half closed, and kissed you on your cheek. His lips lingered for a moment, as if to wait for your reaction, asking a question without words. And you answered it ever so silently, turning your head to meet them with your own.
The kiss was a revelation of truth. Because he was kissing you the way you always longed to be kissed.
There wasn't passion in it, it wasn't hungry and fast or hard and demanding. It wasn't meant to make you hot or make your legs weak, but to tell you that you were cared for, that you were accepted exactly the way you were, imperfections included, and that all the days you've suffered for the wrong reasons were gone with the past and needn't to be re-visited. That you were enough. You always have been.
When he parted from you, Alastor looked content. More than that, actually. Not smiling wide as usually but with eyes sparkling in mirth that could have easily matched that of Charlie on a particularly good day. When he leaned into you again, you almost expected another kiss, but he reached into your pocket, pulling the napkin with Niffty's cookie inside out of your pocket, holding it up expectantly.
"Now, I think it's high time you feed yourself, darling - and you did promise our little Niffty you'd enjoy this later, which it is now."
You stared, first at Alastor, then at the baked good, the guilty conscience you've nursed for so many years creeping back into your thoughts.
"Alastor, I don't know... if I can."
He tilted his head contemplating, turning the cookie in his hand before he snapped it in half, handing you one half while he brought the other to his mouth and raised a brow.
"We'll share it then."
This gesture was everything. It was everything, because you knew he really didn't care for sweet treats. But he cared for you.
You took your half from his hands, feeling the corners of your lips pull into a small smile at the way he scrunched his nose at the sticky thing in his hands when you both bit in. But his free hand found yours, entwining your fingers as he suffered through his bite, and as you watched him him struggling to keep an unfazed expression, you thought that - while Niffty might've put in her best efforts - nothing she or anyone could make could ever sate your hunger more than his lips could.
Tagging my lovely testreaders @bapple117 and @macabr3-barbi3, who really encouraged and reassured me. I love you both, as well as the others in Bapples discord server (TRUST US and join NOW) who never tire of lifting me up when I'm struggling <3
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russellsppttemplates · 5 months
Could you please please do one with lando and with Charles where the kids are having a hard time dealing with the driver leaving for races and get sad saying bye
Maybe one driver with the younger kids and one with teen kids
Note: I have this one with Lando and teenagers so I chose to do Charles!
"Bye-bye, Amélie, yoi have to be a good girl for mama, and I will be home soon", Charles said, kneeling down in front of the little girl in her bouncer and then turning to face Hervé who sat next to his sister.
"No, papa", Hervé whispered, shaking his head no as tears filled his green eyes, "who is going to play with me and give me cuddles?", he wondered as his bottom lip trembled. As much as he was a mama's boy, he was starting to understand what Charles leaving for races entailed.
Charles sighed, his heart breaking at seeing the little boy so upset, "mama is here with you, and Amélie. She gives good cuddles and if you're gentle enough, Amélie will too", Charles sat in front of him and let Hervé wrap his arms around his neck, "Hey, mon ange, it's okay", he whispered and kissed his cheek, feeling his tears on his neck.
Hervé snuggled into him, his grip tightening around your husband's neck, "how about some papa tickles so you can remember me? Hm? How does that sound?", Charles said as he tickled the little boy, his cries being substituted by loud laughs along with Amélie's and yours.
"Papa will be back soon, but until then, you two behave for mama, okay? And make sure she gets loads of cuddles and kisses everyday for me, hm?", Charles checked.
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obsessive-valentine · 10 months
Yandere!childhood-Friend!Fae x F!reader
You grew up with a mysterious but kind friend, but when you learn the truth about him you become distant from fear that the stories about his kind are true. Despite this you still loved him and gathered up courage to see him one last time before you left town. Did you really think he’d let you leave again? Fae are know to abduct humans to be servants, entertainment or even lovers.
Use of y/n
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You grew up on the edge of a small town, in a house with little garden space, enough for a small bed of vegetables and some pretty flowers. However there was plenty of wild land stretching till the next town over, most of it a forest with healthy oak trees and soft mossy ground. Some land was a meadow that always seemed to be glow with a golden hue and and sprout the most beautiful flowers and large daisies even on the gloomy days. Other bits of land had desire paths stomped into the ground, some by your own doing and some by strangers, there was a creek that ran through the town and into the forest then over to the next town. You liked to sit there as a child with the daisies from the meadow and make daisy chains and to fashion into jewellery and crowns.
Your parents though you were a unusually quiet child, never really playing with other kids to long not because of a fault on yours or theirs part; were just happily reserved. So they didn’t bother you to much, believing you were just a thinker who enjoys their own pace, maybe you could grow to be a great poet. However while some of that true you were quieter for other reasons.
You were content with with the friend you had already, you understood early on that one close friend is better than all the friend in the world (maybe with slight persuasion of the friend). You in fact wasn’t slinking out the back door to the forest, promising you’d be home before tea time, to be alone but instead to meet your woodland friend.
You never connected the dots that the friend that you had grown up with was far from human until you began to read more widely, therefore learning about old tales and creatures like werewolf’s, witches and... fae ? Fae that sounded eerily similar to the now young teen in the forest, small horns that will sometimes poke from his hair that you shrugged off to be knotty hair or odd lighting, or the sharp black nails you’d assumed to be a odd fashion statement, or the odd colour of his eyes that you didn’t know was possible but blamed good genetics.
You freaked out a bit when you first realised that this boy wasn’t just a boy from the neighbouring town who enjoyed the forest but rather a fae who are usually depicted as evil, cunning and unpredictable. Maybe the stories are dramatic or just false, he’d never lay a rough hand on you before, rather he’d gently wind together plants and branches with your daisy chain to make you a more extravagant crown, and when he’d gently coax you over the creek holding your hand telling you what rocks to step on, or rub certain leaves on your cuts carefully that ease the pain almost crying himself from seeing you tear up.
You found it hard to believe he was anything like the stories, so after a few days to process the possibility you set out to meet him again. Hopeful that you were over exaggerating and he was just a human boy.
Fiddling with the hem of your shirt you walked deeper into the woods following the desire path you and your friend had made through the years, reaching the creek you stepped on the rocks he had guided you over and met the muddy bank on the other side with a squelch as your boots sunk a bit. You watched your footing as you trudged back onto the dry mossy ground, having made the clumsy mistake of falling into the mud many times before, you missed the boy dropping what he was doing and jumping down from a tree before rushing to you.
“Where were you?” The boy sighs frustrated, you jolted on edge from the sudden intrusion but relaxed when you saw it was just him. Although he looked angry as he stomped closer you could understand why “I’m sorry, I was just a bit busy” you chewed your lip, annoyed you hadn’t come up with a better excuse “I’m here now though” you said more like a question and forced a smiled, searching his face for forgiveness.
His eyes softened and a toothy grin crept onto his face “you’re excused” he half joked and your shoulders relaxed fully and almost forgot why you were here when he slipped his hand into yours. Looking down at your fingers intertwined with his soft fingers with talon like nails at the end you couldn’t hide the was your face dropped, he luckily wasn’t looking but rather guiding you to the meadow.
Walking beside him you were as silent as a church mouse, even treading carefully on the forest floor. You couldn’t help but be fearful of what he might be, taking a quiet breath you decided to walk along side him instead of being dragged behind. Now beside him you tried looking at his hair hoping you had made this all up in you’re head, but you saw no horns. Maybe you had just been dramatic so you tried to enjoy the walk with peace of mind.
Finally reaching the meadow you both collapsed into some taller grass that would make a padded place to lay, laying side by your side he talked about his week while looking up at the clouds and occasional butterflies. His parents always sounded strict and unloving, his brother sounded cruel and he had no friends from what you heard, maybe one day he could come for tea ‘mom would love him and maybe that would make him happier’ you thought; feeling guilty you had such a idillic live and him not so much.
Turning your head to face his with a sad smile as he ranted wanting to emphasise or comfort somehow but you found yourself become chocked up, he turned his head to and saw your sour face “but never mind that, I’m here with you and the forest that’s what makes me the most happy”. You however weren’t comforted not even hearing his attempt of lighting the mood, no you were sickly unsettled for another reason. Small but sharp horns that glimmered under the sun, now exposed slightly as his black curls fell oddly when he turned his head uncovering all the evidence you needed.
You jolted up so fast from the grass that your hair ribbon that wrapped around your head keeping stray stands from you face had unraveled from its lovingly tied bow and fell to the grass, the wind began picking up and everything around you became chaotic with the sound of the trees groaning and leaves shaking violently you stumbled back away from the grass that tickled your legs, every piece of grass now feeling like needles. He jumped to his feet just as fast or maybe quicker and grabbed your arm “what is it? Are you okay?” He pushed the hair from your face and tried pulling you closer, there they were again, the horns exposed from the wind. He saw you looking at them and his face dropped his mouth opened to protest but you didn’t give him a chance as you ripped your wrist from his hand and began running for the forest.
He followed closely yelling for you to come back, it started desperate then became frantic before turning demanding , you could have sworn the woods were becoming darker and branches were reaching to trip you. However you got to the creek and ran straight through instead of minding the stepping stones, it’s reached your knees but splashed higher. Climbing the muddy bank with your hands before you became steady enough to climb the rest on your feet you glanced back seeing him run up to the creek and stand there as you ran further away. You never saw him look so angry, fully convinced he was a malicious fae like the ones from the book you ran all the way home.
It might have been slightly naive to believe that he would still be in the woods after all these years but you needed closure, needed to walk through the woods and see there was never any threat, that afternoon you had accused a harmless boy of being something he’s not, something that didn’t exist, and the woods hadn’t grown a conscience and tried to trip you and consume you or left a story book monster decide your fate. You wanted to remember this place for what it was, a wild but joyful escape from ordinary life.
Memories change and you believed whole heartedly that everything you experienced that last afternoon in this place was all childish imagination from reading to many books. So it did come as a disturbing realisation as you faced a young man, probably your age with curly dark hair, bright unnatural eyes and shiny dark but sharp winding horns. “It’s okay y/n, just come here for me okay? Then I’ll explain it all to you” he spoke softly just like he used to when attempting to soothe your scrapes. He stood tall with a hand outstretched persuading you to cross the creek and for some reason you couldn’t take another step back but only forwards, it was like you were in a trance like state but still partially conscious.
Maybe if you and done your research, and learned that giving your name to a fae means bad news, you might have had a clue as to what was happing as to why you were compelled to cross the water and let him pull you into a desperate and crushing hug “it’s okay now my love, I’ll never let you leave like I foolishly had before, I’m so sorry” he pulled back a bit to hold your cold cheeks and look into your terrified eyes, his eyes softened from their frantic state as he pushed the stray stands from your face.
He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a ribbon, no it was your ribbon the one that unraveled from your hair as you fled the forest. He wrapped it under your hair and around your head, keeping your hair from your face he kissed your forehead. Had he been here the whole time waiting for you with your old flimsy ribbon? “We’re going to go home now okay?” He spoke slow and condescendingly, holding your face to look him in the eyes. You nodded slightly but stopped when you noticed the subconscious action, he was however satisfied with that and began dragging you into the woods with a hand in yours.
He had only walked about a minute before he heard your sobbing, turning quickly he saw your reluctance in your eyes and your mumbled pleas, but as much as his heart broke seeing you so upset he refused to let you out of the trance he had over you and risk you leaving for good. Instead he slowly picked you up and held you close encouraging you to hide your face from the cold bite of winter and cry into his shoulder.
He continued walking deeper into the woods without regret, he would have taken you kicking and screaming over his shoulder if he had to. Just this way he can rub your back, talk to you calmly and comfortably walk through the entryway to the world where most fae beings reside to take you to his home.
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n04hfiction · 5 months
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Girl Dad Huskerdust HCs
Content/Warnings (If applicable) : fem!implied reader, profanity, daughter!reader goes to the age ranges of a young toddler to a teenager, brief mentions of alcohol + profanity
Proofread? : ✅
A/n : I think it’s a serious problem that I have parental HCs for nearly every Hellaverse character. I need to be stopped. (Or don’t, I don’t care)
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Honestly, depending on your age, the “stricter” father definitely flip-flops here and there
For instance, when you are a young child, Angel is the “stricter” father, even if you don’t have the concept to understand what that entirely means, he’s the one who baby-proofs every thing while Husk kinda lets you run wild
But as you grow and get into your teen years, Angel becomes a lot more laid back, while Husk tends to be more picky about what he allows you to do
Mainly because Husk never imagined himself as a father, so in the beginning, he is sorta unsure, so for him, anything goes, but as you start to age he gets a grip and with that, comes strictness
When you are a younger child, Angel is 100% dressing you until you decide to do that on your own (part of him hopes you’ll let him dress you forever). He’s very protective of you when you’re a toddler/younger child, Hell isn’t always a safe place, everything even slightly unsafe or tempting is gated or baby-proofed
As you age, like I said, Ange is much more lenient. He’s ready to watch you rock the world! Wanna go out to a party? For sure! Be home by 2, go nuts! Have a crush? Great! Your old man will help ya out! Wanna get drunk as fuck? Fine, just do it in the house!
Honestly, Husk is a bit of a confusing father, to say the least. He’s lowkey freaked out by the idea of toddlers and younger children, so when you’re in your first few years he lets Angel take the lead, he kinda watched and observes his behaviors.
Which leads Husk to being more cautious of a parent as an adult (Learned from his hubby, that’s for sure). Even though him and Angel are far from over, he’s still very cautious about the idea of love, so he’s very sketchy about your relationships with boys (or girls! He doesn’t judge!)
When events like your first day of school, first boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, first heartbreak, homecoming, prom, etc - You may think Angel is the one to get emotional, but it’s actually Husk - Angel is just as excited as you are, getting you dolled up and whipping out his camera to take pictures, but deep down, Husk is honestly sad that his baby girl is growing up - Especially cause he was too tense in the beginning to really enjoy your younger years
Seriously though, Husk is happy you’re a bit older, he feels like he’s able to have more of a connection with you. He likes it when you come to the bar and just sit there and talk, even if you’re only drinking a juice box.
Husk still doesn’t know how to talk with a teenager all that well, but he’ll ask you how school is, and how you’re friends are, he wants to show that he takes a genuine interest in the other aspects of your life.
Angel on the other hand is very eager to walk with you through your teenage years, he’s the dad that all of your friends think is cool as fuck, but you think he’s crazy embarrassing. He’s the kind of dad to also be friends with your friends. He’ll come in your room during sleepovers and do your friends makeup, skincare, nails, ect
Despite the fact that Angel does pretty much let you run wild once you get older, he’s very strict on safety, in every aspect. - He doesn’t want you to get fucked over like he did, and he doesn’t want that to destroy you, he really does try his best to guide you on a different path, any path that isn’t the one he fell down
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