#The rookie fanfic
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justabigassnerd · 8 months ago
Finally Safe
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Pairing - Tim Bradford x reader
Word count - 6,179
Warnings - kidnapping, drugging, talks of malnourishment, sad Tim hours, angst, fluff, inaccurate medical scenes, swearing
Summary - after being missing for years, you and Tim are finally reunited
A/N - hey y'all! this was an idea suggested to me by @scarletstarrs so I hope I did your idea justice because I loved exploring this idea so much (and all the angst that came with it). anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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When Lucy entered the station, ready for the morning roll call, she was both shocked and confused to find Tim Bradford missing from the building. Other than being forced to take leave after being shot, Tim had always shown up to work no matter what.
“Hey, have you seen Tim?” Lucy asks, sitting down in between Jackson and Nolan who both shrug, shaking their heads. Before the three could begin theorising about where Lucy’s training officer had gone, Sergeant Grey stepped up to the podium and began to talk, detailing what was going to be happening during the day. Just before he sends everyone off to start the day, he addresses Lucy.
“Officer Chen, you’ll be riding with me today. Dismissed.” Grey says, his dismissal causing everyone to stand up and make their way out of the room to start their day. As Grey begins to exit, Lucy follows after him.
“Sergeant Grey, while it’s an honour to ride with you today. Where’s Officer Bradford?” Lucy asks, trying her best to sound respectful while enquiring about where Tim is.
“Officer Bradford is taking a personal day,” Grey replies simply, gesturing for Lucy to go and get the war bags to load the shop. At Grey’s gesture, Lucy began to make her way to get the bags, silently wondering to herself why Tim had taken a personal day and whether he was okay.
Across LA, Tim was sitting at home. He had barely had the energy to move out of bed when he woke up but he had managed to drag himself over to the sofa after making sure Kojo had his breakfast. Kojo, while not having lived with Tim long, had picked up on Tim’s melancholy mood and curled up next to him, whining softly as Tim studied a picture on his phone. Tim let out a soft sigh, tears filling his eyes as he studied the picture, a picture of him and you, his wife, on your wedding day. He was embracing you happily, lips pressed to yours.
“I miss you so much,” Tim whispers, unable to remove his gaze from the image of you. You had gone missing three years ago to the day, and Tim could never forgive himself for it. At Tim’s whisper, Kojo shuffled around, resting his head on Tim’s lap, sensing Tim’s pain. Kojo’s movement briefly pulled Tim’s attention away from his phone.
“I’m sorry buddy,” Tim says softly, stroking the top of Kojo’s head. Since you had been taken, Tim had consistently taken a personal day on the date you were taken with each passing year you remained missing. Most detectives involved in your case had told Tim that it was time to give up. The chances were high that whoever had taken you had killed you and had moved on. But Tim wouldn’t just give up on you. He couldn’t. Deep down he knew you were still out there somewhere, and he needed to find you. As Tim continued to swipe through the album of photos he had of you and him, Kojo began to paw at his leg slightly, as if trying to drag him out of his slump.
“I know. Come on, I’ll take you for a walk.” Tim says, knowing that keeping Kojo inside because of his upset would just not be worth it. Tim manages to get up from the sofa, shower and change before grabbing Kojo’s lead. As he left the house with Kojo trotting along by his side, he was silently grateful for the dog’s presence in his life. Before Kojo came around, Tim just wallowed in his house, hiding away from the world when he missed you too much. But now he had someone relying on him, and he couldn’t let Kojo down. After reaching the park, Tim let Kojo off the lead so he could explore while he sat on a bench. As he watched Kojo, he couldn’t help but imagine you sat by his side. You had always wanted to get a dog since long before marrying Tim and he had always put it off, claiming he wanted to wait. He felt so guilty for owning Kojo while you were missing but he knew that when he found you, you’d love Kojo and you’d so quickly become his new favourite person.
After a while, Tim whistled for Kojo to come back over so they could walk back home and as they made their way home, Tim’s phone buzzed, alerting him that he had a message but he opted to wait until he was home to see what it was. When he finally made it home, Tim collapsed onto the sofa and pulled out his phone to see a text from Angela.
‘How are you?’
That simple message was enough to bring the smallest of smiles to Tim’s face. Angela had been Tim’s entire support system since the day you went missing. She had checked in with him regularly and was someone to lean on during his bad days. When she had been promoted to detective, Angela had promised Tim she would do what she could to try and pick up any leads in your missing persons case. Tim had been so grateful for Angela’s support over the last few years, she was the person he needed to help him navigate your absence in his life.
‘Could be better.’
Tim could never lie to Angela. She had ways to see right through him, even over text so he knew there was no point even attempting to act like he was feeling okay on a day like this.
‘Do you want to come over? Have some company?’
Angela’s offer of company was not unusual, although the last few times Angela had asked if he wanted her to come over after her shift had finished, but now with her on maternity leave, both she and Tim had a whole day to console each other.
‘That would be nice. I’ll be over in a few.’ 
Tim types out and sends his response, once again forcing himself up from the sofa and petting Kojo, promising him he’d be back soon before grabbing the keys to his truck and making his way to Angela’s house.
When he arrived he barely even knocked on the door before Angela opened it, a soft gentle smile on her face as she took in Tim’s appearance. It was obvious to her that he hadn’t slept well the night before but she couldn’t blame him. If Wesley had gone missing she knows she’d be absolutely beside herself with worry and anticipatory grief.
“Come and sit down,” Angela says softly, resting a hand on Tim’s back and guiding him to the sofa, easing herself down alongside him, her gentle hand never leaving his back as she moves it up to rub his shoulder lightly. For a few minutes, the two of them sit in silence before Tim lets out a shuddering breath.
“I miss her so much.” Tim manages to say, his voice choking as tears begin to well in his eyes.
“I know, Tim,” Angela says sympathetically, her hand continuing to rub soothing circles on his shoulder in an attempt to keep his breathing steady.
“It hurts.” Tim manages to say, hand hovering near his heart, swearing he could feel his heart pounding louder and stronger with each second.
“I can’t imagine the pain. But I’m here for you. You’re not alone.” Angela says softly, feeling her heart break more and more at Tim’s broken state. She was the only person who got to see this side of Tim in these moments and it made her more and more determined to find you. After a few moments of comforting whispers from Angela and teary sniffles from Tim, he turned to face her, eyes still shining with unshed tears.
“Do you think we’ll even find her alive?” Tim asked, uncharacteristically pessimistic about your case, making Angela shocked.
“She’s got to be out there somewhere. And we’ll find her.” Angela says, pulling Tim into a careful hug.
“It’s my fault she’s gone,” Tim mutters against her shoulder, a confession no one had heard from him before.
“Don’t say that. You’re not to blame.” Angela says, pulling away slightly to look him in the eyes as he shakes his head.
“I am.” Tim insists, his right hand moving to fiddle with his wedding ring, a movement Angela didn’t miss. She knew he would take the ring off when he was on duty, but when he was off duty it would be restored to its rightful place and he’d often find himself twisting it around on his finger out of habit.
“Why do you say it’s your fault?” Angela asks tenderly, hoping she’d be able to help Tim realise that it wasn’t his fault.
“We had an argument that night. A stupid one at that, I can’t even remember what it was about, maybe about chores or something? But y/n got pissed at me and she said she needed to go on a walk to clear her head. I was pissed too and the moment she left I just decided to go to bed. I was too angry to do anything else. If I had gone after her none of this would’ve happened. She’d still be here with me.” Tim whispers, feeling like his throat is closing more tears welling in his eyes as he relives that night.
“Where are you going?” Tim asks, pausing his angry pacing to glare at you from across the room.
“For a walk. I can’t be around you right now.” You reply, your voice just as venomous as his as you grab your keys, reaching for the door handle.
“Fine.” Tim spits angrily, turning on his heel and stalking off again as you open the door, exiting and angrily closing the door behind you while Tim storms to the kitchen, grabbing himself a beer from the fridge.
After a couple of beers, Tim decided it wasn’t worth staying up waiting for you any longer. You had taken your keys and he knew you’d come back whenever you were ready to so he took himself to bed, practically passing out as soon as his head hit the pillow.
The next morning, Tim woke up and found your side of the bed still empty, and when he reached across to search for any remaining body heat, he found that your side was still cold, like no one had slept in it all night. Figuring you had spent the night on the sofa, Tim sat up and got himself out of bed, all anger from the night before gone.
“Hey, Baby, I’m sorry about last night.” Tim enters the living room, rubbing his eyes as he enters, stopping in his tracks when he realises you’re not in the room, nor was there any evidence you had even slept on the sofa. At the sight of the empty room, and your keys still missing from the key bowl, Tim felt his stomach turning with anxiety. He just knew something bad had happened to you. You wouldn’t just go silent on him or not come home at all.
After trying to call your phone and getting no answers, Tim knew he had to file a missing persons case when he got to work. He wasn’t going to rest until he found you.
“Tim, listen to me. It is not your fault. You couldn’t have known. Neither of you could’ve known there would be a psycho out there. You can’t blame yourself for something you never could’ve anticipated.” Angela says softly, her voice shaking Tim from his thoughts. She could imagine the guilt Tim was feeling, but she knew it wasn’t his fault.
“It is. If I had just-”
“Okay, I’m going to stop you right there. There’s nothing you could’ve done. I know just as well as you that y/n is stubborn as anything, so if she wanted to go and get some air after your argument then she would’ve done it regardless. You can’t predict the future and y/n wouldn’t want you to blame yourself.” Angela says, her voice was soft yet firm so she can get her point across to Tim. She knew Tim had a habit of blaming himself for things out of his control but she had no idea that he had carried guilt from your disappearance silently and had been beating himself up about it for so long.
“I just need to find her. I need her safe and home with me. I didn’t even tell her I loved her the last time I saw her.” Tim says, fiercely wiping at his eyes to stop any tears from falling.
“I’m working with detectives to pick up the dead ends from y/n’s case. One of them will lead us somewhere I’m sure. Between you and me, working y/n’s case is the only work Wesley is okay with me doing while on maternity leave. He knows how important it is to us and he’s promised me that if we catch the asshole he’d ensure he spends the rest of his life behind bars.” Angela says reassuringly, wanting to help restore Tim’s faith in finding you.
“Thank you, Angela,” Tim says quietly with a nod. With the topic seeming to be at an end, Angela decides to change the subject and while Tim had always jokingly complained about helping Angela with wedding planning, he was more than happy to do so on this day. While he helped Angela plan various parts of her wedding, he couldn’t help but think about the time he had spent planning his wedding with you.
“Tim, we can’t seat my uncle next to your brother-in-law!” You exclaimed with a laugh, curling further into Tim’s side as he wrapped his arm around you, chuckling lightly to himself, both of you focusing on the seating chart Tim had drafted.
“Sure we can. It would be hilarious.” Tim says, squeezing you closer, his hand winding around your waist.
“You want our wedding to result in a fistfight?” You say, an amused tone to your voice as you raise an eyebrow.
 “Mmm, might not be the best idea then,” Tim murmurs, leaning close to press a kiss to your cheek.
“The best idea is to make sure they stay as far away from each other as possible.” You muse, unable to stop the smile covering your face as Tim continued to press kisses to your cheek.
“We’ll figure it out.”
By the end of the day, Tim had spent most of his time at Angela’s house and he had been beyond grateful for her company and her willingness to help him through a day like this. When Wesley got home, Tim decided that was when he should be heading home himself, knowing Kojo was probably waiting for him.
“I’ll see you around,” Tim says quietly, giving Angela a gentle hug, pulling away and giving Wesley a friendly nod before making his way out of their house, heading to his truck to head home. Unbeknownst to Tim, the moment he left, Angela’s phone buzzed and when she read the text she knew she had to step into work again. Whether Wesley liked it or not.
The next morning, Angela made her way to the hospital, meeting with other detectives once she got there before being led to a room that had a girl inside. Angela figured she couldn’t be any older than her early twenties. After getting a quick brief from the other detectives, Angela made her way into the room, smiling softly to let her know she wasn’t a threat.
“Hi, Bella. I’m Detective Lopez, but you can just call me Angela.” Angela introduces herself, easing herself down onto one of the hospital room chairs as Bella eyes her carefully. Angela could tell that the last thing Bella wanted was to be questioned but it was protocol, whether she liked it or not.
“I promise I’ll make this quick, just tell me what happened,” Angela assures, pulling out her notepad and pen.
“A few months ago, some guy grabbed me off the street while I was making my way home. He kept calling me ‘Samantha’ the whole time. No matter how many times I told him my name was Bella he just ignored it.” Bella explains, tears welling in her eyes as her arms wound around her middle.
“Can you describe this man? And where he was keeping you?” Angela asks carefully, making notes on her notepad as Bella nods.
“He looked like he was in his forties, his hair was greying and he had a huge burn scar on his right arm, like all up it. He was keeping us in the woods. It sounds really cliche now that I say it out loud. He’d moved us around a bit before he found this old abandoned cabin on the outskirts of the city. He managed to get power and water so he figured we could just stay out there, like some delusional family or something.” Bella says, and Angela immediately picks up on her choice of words.
“I’m sorry, you said ‘us’. Was there someone else?” Angela enquires, glancing up from her notebook.
“Yeah, there was another woman, she might’ve been in her thirties? The guy kept calling her ‘Vivian’ but I’m guessing that wasn’t her name.” Bella explains with a nod while Angela pulls her phone out of her pocket, hurriedly scrolling through it and finding a picture with you in.
“This other woman. Did she look like this?” Angela flips the phone around, showing Bella the picture, watching as her eyes widen in recognition.
“Yes! That’s her!” Bella exclaims, looking over at Angela.
“She’s alive,” Angela mutters to herself, unable to believe the news.
“Do you know her?” Bella asks, noticing Angela’s reaction and how hurriedly she was typing into her phone.
“She’s a friend of mine. She’s been missing for a while.” Angela says, tucking her phone away as she talks.
“She’s the one who helped me escape. She saw the opportunity and she encouraged me to go for it.” Bella says, watching Angela’s reaction carefully.
“That sounds like y/n. She always looked out for others.” Angela says with fondness, remembering how you had always put others above yourself.
“I want to help her,” Bella says, a strong, newfound determination in her voice.
“Can you recall where the cabin was? If you can that would help us track her down.” Angela asks, listening carefully as Bella explains all the details she can remember of her escape from that cabin. After getting as many details as Bella could remember, Angela excused herself, exiting the room and immediately calling Grey on her way out, informing him of everything and letting him know that he and the LAPD needed to act fast before you were moved again.
Back at the Mid-Wilshire police station, police officers were starting to prepare for an operation on the outskirts of Los Angeles just as Lucy and Tim entered, ushering their recent arrest to be processed. They quickly became aware of the atmosphere around them so while Lucy was processing the arrest, Tim stepped out to find Grey.
“What’s going on?” Tim asks after tracking down Grey.
“I’m getting some people together for an operation. But I need you and Officer Chen to stay on patrol.” Grey says, gathering his war bags and barely glancing Tim’s way.
“I want to help,” Tim says, confused as to why Grey isn’t letting him get involved with an operation, not when he had as much experience as he did.
“This isn’t a matter to discuss Officer Bradford. You’re one of my best patrol officers and I need you out on the streets with Officer Chen while we do this. Is that understood?” Grey asserts, facing Tim and staring him down as Tim straightens up.
“Understood, Sir,” Tim says, feeling his heart sink at not getting to be involved with an operation.
“You’ll get in on the next operation,” Grey says, clapping Tim on the shoulder quickly before making his way towards his shop, leaving Tim to head back to Lucy, finding her after she had just finished processing their arrest.
“Hey, did you find out what everyone’s doing?” Lucy asks, looking up at Tim curiously.
“There’s an operation going down. I don’t know what it’s for but Grey wants us on patrol.” Tim says with a shrug, beginning to turn on his heel and make his way towards their shop, annoyance evident in in his body language.
“Do they know this would be a great learning opportunity for me? I want to get as much experience in operations as possible. Why aren’t they letting us help?” Lucy asks, following behind Tim.
“I don’t know, Boot. But it’s not my place to challenge Sergeant Grey’s orders.” Tim says firmly, glancing over his shoulder at Lucy who nods, still obviously upset about not getting to help with an operation while she’s still in training.
“Come on, get in. We’ve got a patrol to finish.” Tim then says with a shrug, both of them reaching the shop and getting in, ready to continue their patrol.
After a couple of hours of patrolling, Tim and Lucy had stopped to grab some coffee and while they stood outside their shop, talking and sipping at their drinks, Tim’s phone rang, making his eyebrows furrow when he saw Angela’s name displayed across his screen.
“Angela.” Tim greets as the phone reaches his ear.
“Tim, you need to get your ass to the hospital right now,” Angela says, making Tim raise an eyebrow before he thinks of a reason why she’d be asking him to come to the hospital.
“Are you having the baby already?” Tim asks, a panicked expression crossing his face.
“What? No. Look, just come to Shaw Memorial as soon as you can.” Angela says, an urgency in her voice that Tim hasn’t heard in a while.
“Okay, I’ll head over now.” Tim concedes, bidding Angela goodbye before hanging up the phone and shoving it away in his pocket.
“We’re going to the hospital. And no Angela is not giving birth.” Tim says, able to predict what Lucy was about to ask from a single look.
“Then why are we going to the hospital?” Lucy then questions, both of them getting into their seats just before Tim starts the drive to the hospital.
“No idea. Maybe one of my C.I’s ended up in hospital and they wanted to talk to me.” Tim says, shrugging lightly, wondering to himself why it was Angela had summoned him to the hospital when she’s not supposed to be working. The closer they get to the hospital, the more Tim starts to suspect that it has something to do with you. Angela had assured him that the only case she was working while on maternity leave was yours. But as he parked in the car park for the hospital, he started to picture the worst possible case scenario as he bursts through the hospital, tracking down Angela within minutes, practically leaving Lucy behind.
“What’s happened?” Tim asks, studying Angela’s expression carefully as she grabs his wrist leading him to a nearby hospital room and letting him look through the window. At the sight, tears immediately began to well in his eyes, stepping forward slightly towards the door before Angela stopped him.
“The doctors are working on her now. They’ll get you when she’s stable. I just wanted to show you that we found her.” Angela explains softly, watching as Tim refuses to tear his gaze away from the window.
“She’s alive,” Tim whispers, tears in his eyes as he watches the doctors hooking you up to an IV drip and heart monitors.
“She is. We found her.” Angela says softly, carefully guiding Tim back to the waiting room and helping him ease himself into a chair just as Lucy finally found the pair.
“What the hell? Why did you leave me behind?” Lucy demands, approaching Tim who barely processes her words, his gaze locked on the floor in front of him as his knee bounces impatiently.
“Not now, Lucy,” Angela says, holding a hand out towards Lucy to silence her while her other hand rests on Tim’s shoulder, squeezing it softly.
“Wait, what’s going on?” Lucy then asks, noticing the unusual behaviour Tim was exhibiting and how Angela was protecting him fiercely.
“We’ll tell you later,” Angela says, knowing that with the state Tim was in, she shouldn’t go spilling his personal life.
After half an hour of waiting, a doctor approached Angela since they only recognised her but she made sure to bring Tim into the conversation as well as make sure the doctors knew he was your husband so that he would make any and all medical decisions that you couldn’t make.
“y/n had been drugged upon being found, I assume something that was something done so that the perpetrator could move her without the risk of her running away. She’s also showing clear signs of dehydration and malnourishment so we’ve got her on IVs to give her what her body needs. She’s still asleep but would you like to see her?” The doctor explains, glancing at the tablet in his hand before looking at Tim who nods. The doctor gestures for Tim to follow him to your room but before he leaves he turns to Angela.
“Message me if you need me,” Angela says softly, watching as he nods once more before following the doctor and being granted access to your room. As soon as he enters the room, he grabs a chair and pulls it up along your bedside, one hand taking your hand in his while his other hand runs through your hair.
“I’m here, Baby. I’m so sorry. I love you.” Tim says, repeating the three sentences like a mantra as he squeezes your hand softly. He felt more tears welling in his eyes as he took in your form. Your cheeks were hollowed and you had dark circles under your eyes. The more Tim watched you as you slept, the worse his guilt got. He couldn’t help but hate himself more and more for letting you leave the house that night. As the day progressed, Tim found himself uncharacteristically talkative with you, rambling about everything you had missed.
“I’ve got a new rookie. Her name’s Lucy Chen. You’d like her a lot actually. She reminds me of you in a way.” Tim says, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing the back of your hand as he talks. He knew you and Lucy would get on well. After all, Lucy was someone who was unafraid to speak her mind around Tim and you’d admire her fire. By the time night fell, Tim was sure he’d covered everything that had happened since you had gone missing. He felt a yawn slip past his lips which made him attempt to shake the sleepiness off. He didn’t want to fall asleep and then risk waking up to find out that this had been a dream. He couldn’t bare to wake up to find you missing again. However, as the night progressed, Tim got more and more tired and he began to struggle to keep his eyes open so he laid his head down on your bed, making sure he was facing up at you, keeping your hand in his the whole time before letting his eyes slip closed, hoping this wasn’t all a dream.
You woke up slowly in the early hours of the morning and as you slowly open your eyes, you couldn’t help but smile tearily when you recognised the sleeping face of your husband. The face you had dreamed of seeing for years. You watched Tim quietly for a moment, admiring the man you loved so much before your need to talk to him overtook you and you squeezed his hand softly, rousing him almost instantly. His eyes blinked open and you felt a tear slip down your cheek.
“Hey, Tim.” You whisper softly, your voice slightly hoarse from lack of use. Tim couldn’t even bring himself to talk, he just squeezed your hand, tears welling in his own eyes.
“You’ve grown your hair out a bit.” You observe quietly, gently extracting your hand from his to run your hand through his hair, having been used to his shorter haircut for too long.
“You like it?” Tim asks with a teary laugh.
“I love it. I did always tell you it would look nicer if you grew it out a little.” You muse softly, enjoying the feeling of running your hand through his hair with the slight added length. As another tear rolls down your cheek, Tim reaches out and wipes it away, his touch as soft and as gentle as you remembered it.
“I’m so sorry, Baby. I let you down.” Tim apologises, his hand lingering on your cheek as you lean into his touch, desperately craving the love and comfort only Tim could provide you with.
“It’s not your fault. I’m the one who left that night.” You say, slowly retracting your hand from Tim’s hair, returning it to your lap as Tim shakes his head.
“I should’ve stopped you.” Tim argues, making you shake your head in response.
“You couldn’t have known, Tim. Look, let’s not argue. We haven’t seen each other in years I don’t want to ruin this by arguing. It’s no ones fault but the ass who took me.” You say, your voice soft yet firm as Tim nods lightly in understanding.
“I missed you so much.” Tim then whispers, his face displaying every emotion he was feeling in the moment.
“I missed you too.” You reply softly. Glad you were reunited with your husband again.
After a few days stay in hospital, you had finally been cleared to go home which you were excited for. Your days in the hospital were mostly spent talking to lawyers and detectives to get all the evidence needed for the case against your kidnapper. But Tim had all but refused to leave your side through it all, and some of your friends came to visit you after news had spread that you had been found. You even got to meet Tim’s newest rookie, Lucy, who like Tim predicted, you got on brilliantly with. And while you had appreciated people wanting to visit you, and that the detectives and lawyers wanted to get that guy behind bars as soon as possible. But you just wanted to go home, to spend some time with Tim in the comfort of your own house, as well as getting to know the family member you had missed the arrival of. When Tim had told you about Kojo, he had not missed the way your eyes lit up and he knew it was going to be love at first sight for both you and Kojo. After all the paperwork had been sorted and Tim had brought you a comfy change of clothes from home, you finally headed out to Tim’s truck, letting him help you into the vehicle and settling in to the passenger seat.
The drive back to yours and Tim’s shared house was relatively silent, you listened to what was on the radio and occasionally chatted with Tim until he pulled into the driveway. You waited upon Tim’s orders for him to round the truck and open the door for you, helping you out carefully before leading you to the front door.
“Are you ready?” Tim asks softly, hand interlocked with yours as you both stand in front of the door, staring it down before you nod lightly, giving Tim the sign he needed to unlock the front door, easing it open and ushering both you and him inside, quickly coming face to face with Kojo.
“Hey, you must be Kojo. Tim’s told me all about you. I’m y/n.” You introduce yourself to the dog, watching his reaction carefully as he approaches you, sniffing at your outstretched hand for a few seconds before gently licking your hand and allowing you to pet him.
“Oh, aren’t you the sweetest boy?” You praise, petting Kojo happily while Tim jokingly rolls his eyes.
“It took less than a minute for me to be replaced by the dog.” Tim jokes, making his way into the kitchen to grab some drinks and by the time he returned, you had curled up on the sofa with Kojo and Tim couldn’t help but smile at the sight of having you home again. After placing the drinks on the coffee table, Tim sat down on your other side and wrapped his arm around your middle, pulling you into him and pressing multiple kisses to the side of your head as you smile softly, cherishing the attention and love Tim was giving you.
By the time night fell, you were ready to crash and Tim knew it. He chose to carry you to the bedroom, sitting you down on the bed and finding one of his old police academy shirts he knew you loved to wear and a pair of flannel pyjama bottoms, handing them to you before turning around to get changed himself. When you were both ready for bed, you climbed under the covers while Kojo curled up at the foot of the bed. You instantly curled into Tim’s side, burying your face in his chest.
“I’ve missed this so much.” You mumbled, smiling to yourself when Tim tightens his grip around your waist.
“Me too. I love you so much.” Tim whispers, kissing the top of your head before you tipped your head up so Tim could press the softest of kisses upon your lips.
“I love you too.” You reply softly, eyes full of love as you look up at Tim before curling back into him, quickly falling asleep in his arms the way you had been dreaming off the past few years.
In the middle of the night, Tim stirred, aware of the way the two of you had shifted throughout the night. You were now lying with your back to Tim and his arm was wrapped around your middle but he quickly withdrew it when he noticed you twitching and crying in your sleep. He instantly knew you were having a nightmare so he flicked his bedside lamp on and reached out to gently rouse you, placing his hand on your shoulder and calling your name softly until you bolted upright, eyes wide open and tears staining your cheeks.
“y/n. Baby. It’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe.” Tim says softly, his hand reaching down to hold yours, his actions only stopping when you practically curled into him instantly, changing his action from holding your hand to holding your sobbing, shaking form instead. Tim continued to reassure you and comfort you quietly, his hand rubbing up and down your back while Kojo rested his head on your leg, whining softly in his own way to comfort you. Tim then began to coach you through slowing your breathing, using techniques you had used when he suffered with nightmares and when you began to calm down, he began to wipe your tears away.
“I thought I was really back in that cabin.” You admit with a sniffle, making Tim hold you closer, taking your hand in his and placing it above his heart.
“You feel that? I’m here and so are you. I’m not going to let anything happen to you again.” Tim promises quietly as you focus on the steady thumping of his heartbeat while your other hand reached down to pet Kojo softly.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” You apologise, pulling away with your eyes still shining with tears as Tim shakes his head.
“Don’t apologise. I’m going to be here for you when you need me to. I’m your husband and after what you went through I’d be a shit excuse of a husband if I did anything but look after you when you needed me. Don’t ever apologise for having a nightmare. I love you and I’m going to help you through this.” Tim says, pulling you back into his arms and feeling you settle your head perfectly above his heart so you could focus on his heartbeat once again.
“I love you too.” You mumble, soothed by Tim’s repeated action of running his hand up and down your back as well as his melodic heartbeat and soon your eyes slipped closed again. In the arms of the love of your life and feeling safe for the first time in years.
Tim watched you sleep peacefully for a few minutes, just to make sure no nightmares tried to attack you again as you slept but after not as much as a twitch, Tim switched his lamp off and cuddled you closer as he let himself drift off to sleep. You were finally back where you belonged. And Tim wasn’t going to let anyone hurt you again.
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cherryxbooo · 1 month ago
Please a “the rookie” Tim Bradford fluff. For Valentine day, when Tim and Lucy are patrolling, Lucy is surprised that Tim is dating for couple days and Lucy wants to meet her. The end of the day, lucy saw Tim walking towards shy!reader. Couple minutes later, Lucy caught Tim and Shyreader making out in the breaking room. https://youtu.be/7MqzwaO-eQE?si=K1M4TDlFaIehiDoU
You deserve all of this and more
Summary: Lucy is shocked to discover that Tim isn’t single and sets out to uncover the mystery of his girlfriend.
Note: I'm back! Thank you for your request! Even though I still have one more exam to go, I decided to give you all an early present! You know me by now and how I like to put my own spin on the stories I write, so it’s not just a direct copy of the original scene. Hope you like it!
Shy reader x Tim Bradford
Genre: Fluff
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The morning sun shone down brightly, casting a soft golden glow over the city streets.
The sky stretched out in a crisp shade of blue, unmarred by a single cloud.
It was one of those perfect mornings, cool but not too cold, with the promise of a calm day ahead.
As Officer Lucy Chen approached the patrol car, she couldn’t help but feel a small sense of relief.
After the chaos of the past few shifts, today seemed like it might be a breeze.
Sliding into the passenger seat, Lucy clicked her seatbelt into place with a practiced motion.
She shifted in her seat, adjusting herself for comfort as she stole a quick glance at her training officer, Sergeant Tim Bradford.
His presence, as always, was commanding.
Even though they were just about to start their routine patrol, Tim had that same focused, unflappable demeanor that made him so intimidating to most.
But Lucy had been through enough shifts with him to know there was more to him than the steely exterior he projected.
Tim was staring down at the patrol car’s navigation screen, his fingers tapping rhythmically against the steering wheel.
The sound of his fingers drumming lightly filled the car, a sound she had become intimately familiar with over the months of riding along with him.
It was his way of staying grounded, of keeping himself in control.
He wasn’t the kind of person who liked to feel rushed or out of sorts, even on a simple day like today.
"Alright, Chen," Tim said without looking up from the screen, his voice flat and businesslike as usual.
"Looks like we’re covering the usual sectors today. Try not to get distracted."
Lucy raised an eyebrow. "Distracted? Me?" she asked with mock innocence.
"Never." She leaned back in her seat and grinned, knowing exactly how to push his buttons.
Tim shot her a quick, side-long glance, his lips twitching just slightly. He was trying to hide it, but Lucy could tell, his mood was a little different today.
Normally, he was calm and collected to the point of being nearly emotionless, but today there was a subtle shift in his energy, a lightness to his presence that didn’t quite match his usual serious tone.
Lucy, ever the observant one, picked up on these small changes faster than most.
She studied him a bit longer, trying to gauge what was going on. Something was off, no, wait.
Something was better.
The way his posture was just a little less stiff, the way his eyes seemed more focused on the present moment rather than scanning the horizon for potential trouble.
Tim wasn’t just going through the motions today.
There was something in his demeanor that told her he was… happier?
Her curiosity piqued, Lucy narrowed her eyes, leaning forward slightly.
"Okay, what's up?"
Tim sighed, but it wasn’t the usual exasperated sigh he gave when Lucy’s questions got too personal.
No, this time it felt almost... indulgent? He didn’t answer immediately, instead focusing on pulling the car away from the curb with a smooth, practiced motion.
His eyes were still locked on the road ahead, but the subtle hint of a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"Nothing’s up," Tim replied, but Lucy wasn’t buying it.
She studied him intently, her brow furrowing.
Something in the way he said it, the slight change in his voice, told her that something was definitely up.
"You’re different today," she pressed, her tone more inquisitive now.
"You seem... I don’t know. Lighter? Did you actually get a full eight hours of sleep for once?"
Tim scoffed and glanced at her from the corner of his eye, his lips curling into a small, wry grin.
"Yeah, right. Like that ever happens."
Lucy smiled to herself, but she wasn’t going to let him off the hook so easily.
She tilted her head, her gaze lingering on him as she continued to study his expression, trying to unlock the mystery of this odd shift in his usual mood.
Tim wasn’t the type to be so… light. He was always on guard, always the professional, always a little bit closed off.
But now, there was something different. She could feel it in the air between them.
Regardless she decided to let it rest. For now.
"You know Angela asked me earlier who I thought was more difficult. Her or you."
Tim frowned at what Lucy said, before rolling his eyes.
"Of course you're going to choose me."
Lucy laughed at his behaviour.
"You know, Angela knew you were going to say that. Now I understand why she said that you're the most stubborn person alive."
Tim looked offended. "Me? Stubborn? Yeah sure."
Lucy couldn't help but annoy him more.
"Yeah, she also said that was probably the reason why you're still single."
Tim looked once again very offended before defending himself.
"First of all, I'm not stubborn like she makes me out to be, and second of all who said that I'm still single huh?
A sudden thought hit her, sharp and startling. Her eyes widened in realization.
"Oh my god," she whispered, the realization dawning on her like a flash of lightning.
"You’re seeing someone?"
Tim’s grip on the steering wheel tightened just a fraction, his jaw clenching for a split second before he forced his muscles to relax.
But Lucy saw it, the small, almost imperceptible shift in his body language that confirmed her suspicion.
Lucy’s mouth dropped open, unable to contain her surprise.
"You? Tim Bradford, the man who never lets his guard down, is in a relationship?"
Her voice was tinged with disbelief and excitement. She smacked his arm lightly, unable to help herself.
"Why didn’t you tell me?!"
"Because it’s none of your business,"
Tim said flatly, his usual deadpan tone back in full force.
But Lucy wasn’t having it. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she leaned in, pressing him for more.
"Oh, come on. How long has this been going on?" she asked, crossing her arms in mock indignation.
"A week? A month?"
"That doesn't concern you Chen," Tim admitted reluctantly, his voice quiet and almost defensive.
Lucy’s eyes grew even wider. "Yes it does concern me!" she repeated, stunned.
"And you don't want to tell your best friend?"
Tim scoffed and shot her a dry look. "You’re not my best friend."
Lucy put a hand to her heart in mock offense.
"Fine. Your work best friend," she corrected with a grin, clearly enjoying this newfound tidbit of information.
"So, who is she? Someone I know? Ooh, is it a nurse? You do have a thing for tough women."
Tim let out a slow, controlled breath, clearly fighting the urge to roll his eyes.
"You’re relentless, you know that?"
Lucy just grinned wider, her curiosity burning with every new question.
She wasn’t going to let him get away with being so mysterious.
"You know you’re going to have to introduce me, right?"
Tim’s lips quirked into a smirk, but he didn’t answer.
He just shifted the car into gear and pressed down on the accelerator, clearly choosing to leave the conversation there for now.
But Lucy wasn’t done yet.
She knew better than to let something like this slide. No, she was going to find out everything.
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After a long, relatively uneventful shift, Lucy still couldn’t shake the feeling of curiosity off.
She had spent the entire day trying to crack the mystery of who Tim was dating.
Every time she threw a playful guess at him,
"Is she a dispatcher, a nurse, oh no maybe a fellow officer? No no that seems unusual. A firefighter perhaps?".
Tim just gave her that same tight-lipped response, his eyes flicking to her for just a moment before his expression slipped back into its usual mask.
But Lucy had been riding along with him for long enough to know when he was holding back, and right now, everything about him felt different.
He was still the same Tim, the solid, reliable training officer, but there was an unfamiliar lightness to him.
And she needed to know who caused it.
When they finally finished their last call and the end of the shift was in sight, Lucy was practically bouncing in her seat.
Her mind was racing with possibilities.
She threw out her last guess of the day:
“Someone from the gym, right? Is that it? Did you finally get tired of the ‘no-strings-attached’ thing?”
Tim didn’t even look at her, his eyes firmly on the road ahead, his jaw set in that familiar way.
He didn’t respond, not even with his typical sarcastic quip.
That only fueled her curiosity more. The silence was unbearable.
As they pulled into the station parking lot, the car’s tires made a soft hum against the concrete, signaling the end of another long shift.
Tim parked with his usual precision, and Lucy immediately hopped out of the shop, stretching her arms over her head to shake off the fatigue.
The cool air nipped at her skin, but she barely noticed. Her mind was still on him.
“Alright, I’m calling it now. You are introducing me to her at some point, right?”
Lucy asked, her voice light but with an edge of excitement.
She wasn’t about to let this drop, not when she was so close to the truth.
Tim shot her a quick glance, lips barely twitching.
“See you tomorrow, Chen,” he said in his usual deadpan voice, but there was something a little too… casual about it, like he was almost trying to brush her off.
Lucy narrowed her eyes, but before she could reply, Tim turned and started walking away toward the parking lot.
“Hey, wait-!”
She was about to call after him when something or better said someone, caught her eye.
There, standing a little off to the side, was a woman.
She was fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweater, her posture slightly hunched like she was nervous, waiting for something or someone.
The moment Lucy noticed her, a jolt of realization hit her hard.
No. It couldn’t be…
Lucy’s heart skipped a beat as she watched Tim’s figure slow as he approached the woman.
There was no mistaking it now.
This had to be the woman he was seeing.
Lucy lingered near the door, pretending to check her phone, but her eyes never left the scene unfolding before her.
She wasn’t trying to spy, but she was trying to understand.
Tim’s steps grew slower as he neared her, and Lucy’s breath caught in her throat when she saw his expression shift.
The usual, ever-present stoic mask that Tim wore like armor, shattered in an instant.
His face softened as he looked at the woman.
He wasn’t the unapproachable Sergeant now; he was just… Tim.
Lucy blinked, her mind racing.
“No way…” she muttered under her breath, her heart pounding in her chest.
She couldn’t take her eyes off them.
She watched in amusement, having never seen Tim like this before.
The woman looked up, her face lighting up like the sun at the sight of him.
She smiled, shy but warm, and Lucy felt a pang of something unfamiliar at the sight.
Something inside her, a strange blend of awe and curiosity stirred. It was as though she was witnessing something sacred.
Tim’s lips curled into the faintest of smiles in return. His hand, which had been at his side, moved slowly toward the woman.
Lucy saw his fingers brush against hers, tentative at first, as though testing the waters.
Then, with a smooth, fluid motion, he took her hand completely, holding it gently.
His thumb moved across her knuckles in a soft, comforting motion as he squeezed her hand, his touch reassuring and intimate.
Lucy’s mouth went dry. She had to blink a few times to process what she was seeing.
This was a side of Tim she hadn’t even imagined before.
The stern, unflappable Tim who had always been so professional, so untouchable, was now showing a side of himself that was raw, unguarded, and, dare she say, in love?
It was like she was seeing him for the first time.
The woman looked up at him, her eyes full of something that Lucy didn’t quite understand but recognized immediately.
Adoration? Trust? The kind of quiet affection that only came from knowing someone in the most real, vulnerable way.
Tim’s voice, when it broke the silence, was lower than usual, softer somehow.
She couldn’t hear the words, but the tone was unmistakable, a kind of tenderness that had never been directed her way.
Lucy could almost feel the warmth between them, and for a brief moment, she felt like an intruder, a third wheel to this incredibly private moment.
Should I walk over? Should I say something?
The thought crossed her mind, but as quickly as it came, she dismissed it.
No, she couldn’t interrupt this.
Not when it was so obvious how much this moment meant to both of them.
She stood frozen, watching Tim lean down a bit, his voice even softer now as he spoke to her.
The way the woman’s face lit up when he said something, there was a spark in her eyes, a knowing smile that made Lucy’s heart flutter.
The connection between them was so palpable, it almost felt like something she shouldn’t witness.
Lucy could feel the curiosity still eating away at her, she was dying to know more, to meet the woman who had somehow unlocked this side of Tim, this version of him.
But something told her that now was not the time.
No, if she interrupted this moment, if she said anything, it would ruin it.
She wasn’t sure why, but she knew in her gut that this was their time, not hers.
With one last lingering look at them, Lucy stepped back toward the door, a plan forming in her mind.
She didn’t need to rush this.
She could wait. But she was definitely getting answers later.
No one keeps secrets from Officer Lucy Chen for long.
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Meanwhile, before Lucy started spying on the both of you:
The clock on my dashboard blinked 6:30 PM, casting a soft glow in the otherwise dim interior of my car.
The day had stretched on longer than I’d expected, and now, the world outside was slowly shifting from the golden light of late afternoon into the cool, gentle hues of evening.
The city lights were beginning to twinkle in the distance, like tiny stars scattered across the darkening sky, and the air had a slight chill to it, carrying the faint scent of rain from earlier.
I was standing next to my car in the parking lot of the police station.
My fingers nervously drummed on the steering wheel as I glanced back at the clock again.
I had been waiting for a little while now.
6:30, Tim should be done soon.
The thought of seeing him again had my stomach fluttering in a way I couldn’t quite explain.
I had spent the whole day surrounded by the chaos of my kindergarten class, the kids bouncing off the walls, asking questions I could barely keep up with.
But now, here I was, finally getting a quiet moment.
A moment with him. The thought was enough to make me smile softly to myself.
It wasn’t just the anticipation that had me feeling all soft inside.
It was him. Tim.
Ever since he’d stepped into my life, things had felt... different.
Better. His presence was like this quiet anchor that grounded me, even in the most chaotic moments.
I remembered how shy and awkward I’d been at the start, fumbling over my words, avoiding his gaze, terrified that I wasn’t good enough for him.
But he never seemed to mind.
Tim had a way of making me feel seen in a way no one else ever had.
And with each passing day, I grew more comfortable around him.
I was still shy, so shy, but Tim made it feel like being myself was exactly enough.
His words, his gentle touches, his quiet but steady affection, it all added up to something that made my heart race every time I thought about it.
And tonight, I was lucky enough to be spending time with him, just the two of us, away from the noise of the world.
As I sat there, staring out at the parking lot, I couldn’t help but feel my heart pick up its pace.
It was ridiculous how excited I was to see him.
I was probably blushing just thinking about him.
But it was impossible not to.
Tim had a way of making everything seem so effortless, yet so real.
I was in love with him. It was that simple. (real girl so so real)
A soft sound broke through my reverie, the rhythmic tap of boots against concrete.
I snapped my head toward the sound, my pulse quickening, and there he was.
Tim. Walking toward me, his figure cutting through the soft twilight as if he belonged in this moment, like everything in the world was right because he was here.
I couldn’t help but stare.
Even in his police uniform, looking all serious, he had this effortlessly handsome way about him.
His jacket sleeves were rolled up, giving him a slightly more relaxed look than usual.
Yet, even with all of that, the power and authority in his stance were still there.
He was... just Tim, and in his presence, I felt both completely small and incredibly safe at the same time.
His eyes softened when they met mine, and that subtle smile, oh, that smile, stretched across his face.
My heart skipped a beat.
The usual confident, almost stoic Tim had this side to him that he only ever showed to me, and it made me feel like the luckiest person alive.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he greeted me, his voice low and soothing, as he came to a stop in front of my car.
There was a softness there, a tenderness that never failed to make my insides flutter.
“Sorry I kept you waiting. I was wrapping up some stuff. Didn’t mean to make you hang around.”
I smiled up at him, my cheeks flushing a little.
“It’s okay, Tim. I didn’t mind. I’ve been thinking about you, actually.”
His brow quirked, and he stepped closer, his body just barely brushing mine as he leaned against my car.
“Oh really?” His voice dropped an octave, and I could hear that teasing edge.
He was so good at it. “What exactly were you thinking about, hmm?”
I could feel the butterflies swirl in my stomach, and I dropped my gaze for a moment, my heart thudding harder in my chest.
“I—uh, I don’t know,” I muttered, too shy to meet his eyes.
“I’ve just been thinking about... us. About how happy I am when I’m with you.”
Tim’s gaze softened immediately, and he stepped even closer, his hand brushing against mine as if by accident, but I knew it wasn’t.
Tim was never the type to do anything by accident.
Every touch from him felt deliberate, and that made my heart race even more.
“You make me happy too, Y/n,” he said, his voice so sincere it almost took my breath away.
“I’m really glad you’re here. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you all day.”
His hand found mine, and his fingers interlaced with mine, the warmth of his touch sending a shiver of comfort through me.
There was this quiet moment where neither of us said anything, just stood there, fingers intertwined, breathing in the cool air of the evening.
I felt like time had slowed down, like the world outside us didn’t matter anymore.
It was just him and me in this little bubble we had created for ourselves.
“I didn’t think I’d ever be here with you, Tim,” I whispered, voice barely above a breath.
I didn't know where this was coming from, but for some reason, my insecurities spilled out just like that.
“I didn’t think someone like you would even notice someone like me.”
Tim’s eyes softened, and he gently cupped my face with his other hand.
His thumb brushed across my cheek in a slow, comforting motion.
“I notice you, sweetheart. I see you. And I’ve been wanting this... wanting us... for longer than you think.”
His voice was so steady, so sure, that it melted any lingering doubts I had.
“I’m really lucky,” I murmured, my voice small but sincere.
“I don’t deserve you, but I’m really lucky.”
“Don’t say that,”
Tim murmured, his gaze intense and warm.
“You deserve all of this and more.”
He smiled again, and his thumb brushed my lip this time, sending a jolt of warmth through me.
“You’ve got no idea how much you mean to me, babe.”
My heart fluttered in my chest, my face burning as I looked up at him, not sure if I could handle the weight of his words.
But just the fact that he was saying them, just the fact that Tim Bradford, this strong, serious man, was sharing his heart with me, made everything feel right.
“I... I feel the same,” I whispered, my voice barely audible.
Tim’s eyes never left mine. “Yeah? You feel the same?”
His tone was soft now, teasing, but there was a quiet edge to it.
“Good, because I’m not letting you go, Y/n. Not now, not ever.”
My stomach flipped with a combination of nerves and excitement, and I couldn’t help the tiny laugh that escaped me.
“I wouldn’t want you to,” I said quietly, the words leaving my lips before I could stop them.
Tim chuckled lowly, his hand sliding from my cheek to the back of my neck, pulling me in closer until our foreheads were nearly touching.
“Good,” he murmured, his breath warm against my skin.
“Because I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart.”
Tim suddenly took a step back as if he just remembered something.
“I just remembered that I still have to change and get some things from the break room. So what do you say? Mind joining me inside for a bit?”
I nodded, grateful for his company, even though I felt my cheeks flush a little.
He had this effect on me, making me feel both nervous and at ease at the same time.
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We walked together into the station, the quiet hum of the fluorescent lights above creating a steady, almost comforting rhythm.
The sound was oddly relaxing, predictable in its way, like the background music to a peaceful evening.
My steps naturally matched Tim’s, and I found myself gravitating toward him, enjoying the steady pace of his stride as he led me through the hallways.
There was something about the way Tim walked, so assured, so composed, that made me feel small in the best way possible.
Like I could follow him anywhere and feel completely safe doing so.
His presence seemed to fill the space around us, creating an invisible bubble of calm that I didn’t want to escape.
As we turned corners and passed through doors, I realized how easily I’d fallen into step with him.
It wasn’t just his confidence that made me follow; it was the way he made me feel.
Like everything was just right, even when things weren’t perfect.
When we reached the break room, Tim reached for the door handle, holding it open for me with that familiar soft smile of his.
I stepped inside first, taking in the simple surroundings. The room was nothing special, just a standard break room.
The coffee machine sat against the far wall, the usual clutter of papers scattered across the table.
But with Tim here, everything felt different.
Like the room had been transformed by his presence as if it was no longer just a mundane spot to take a break, but a space where something... special could happen.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Tim said as he closed the door behind us, his voice smooth and reassuring.
“I’ll just be a minute. Need to finish up some last details from the shift.”
I nodded, settling into one of the chairs at the table as he moved to sort through some papers.
He always looked so focused when he worked, his brows furrowing slightly in concentration, yet there was a gentleness to his movements, as though nothing about this, nothing about me, was ever a chore.
I watched him for a moment, taking in the way he moved with a quiet grace, confident but never rushed.
There was something magnetic about him, something I couldn’t quite put into words.
I sighed quietly, half from contentment and half from the nagging realization that I was once again struck by how lucky I was to be here with him.
It was a strange, unfamiliar feeling, this peaceful, giddy joy that washed over me whenever Tim was near.
But it was real, and every moment spent with him only deepened the warmth in my chest.
I glanced up, finding Tim’s eyes on me.
His lips quirked into that mischievous little smirk, the one that always made my heart skip a beat.
“What?” he asked, his tone playful, his voice lowering just enough to make me feel like I was the only one who mattered in the room.
“Nothing,” I mumbled quickly, my face heating up as I averted my gaze, looking down at my hands folded in my lap.
But Tim wasn’t about to let me off that easily.
He took a few steps toward me, his boots making a soft, rhythmic sound on the floor, and I could feel his presence all around me.
When he stopped beside me, I couldn’t help but notice the way his tall frame seemed to fill the space.
His body language confident and sure, but there was that warmth in his eyes that made me feel like he was looking at me in a way that was all his own.
He leaned in just enough that I could feel his breath against my cheek, his voice a soft, teasing whisper.
“You’re so cute when you’re shy,” he murmured, the affection in his words sending a flutter of warmth straight to my heart.
My breath caught in my throat, and I felt the heat flood my face, turning me into a blushing mess.
“I’m not… I’m not shy,”
I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper, but my trembling hands were betraying me, making it obvious that he was right.
Tim chuckled, the sound low and warm, like a comforting melody I never wanted to end.
“You are,"
He said gently, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, his touch soft and deliberate, sending shivers down my spine.
“And I like it. I like everything about you.”
The world seemed to tilt just a little bit as my heart skipped a beat.
How could he do this to me?
How could he make my chest feel so full and my stomach feel like it was filled with butterflies every time he touched me, every time he spoke?
“I—” I started, but the words caught in my throat.
I swear he does it on purpose.
I didn’t know what to say.
Tim’s gaze softened as if he could read every thought that flickered across my face, and without another word, his hand moved to cup my cheek, gently guiding my face toward his.
I looked up at him, eyes wide, lips parted in surprise.
He smiled tenderly at me, and his thumb brushed along my cheekbone, a quiet caress that made my pulse race.
“You’re beautiful,” he said softly, his voice low and full of sincerity.
“You know that?”
I could barely breathe, let alone respond. My words tumbled out in a rush, shaky and uncertain.
“You’re… too nice,”
I whispered, not feeling like I deserved such sweetness from him, even though every fiber of my being longed to believe him.
“I mean it, Y/n,” Tim said, his expression unwavering.
“You’re perfect. Every little thing about you is perfect.”
Before I could respond, before I could say anything more, his lips were on mine.
The kiss was slow, deliberate, timeless, almost, as if he was savoring every second of it.
I felt my whole body go warm like the world around us had disappeared, and there was nothing but the two of us in this quiet room.
His lips were soft but insistent, and I couldn’t help but melt into him, my hands instinctively finding their way to his shirt, gripping it as if I were afraid I might float away.
Tim’s other hand slid to the small of my back, pulling me in closer, and I could feel the warmth of his body against mine, the strength of his arms, the tenderness in his touch.
I was lost in the feeling, in the sweetness of the moment, the connection we shared.
This kiss soon turns into a make-out session.
But just as I was about to lose myself completely in him, the door to the break room slammed open with such force that it startled both of us.
The loud crash echoed through the room, and I gasped, pulling away from Tim in shock.
I blinked rapidly, trying to process what had just happened.
And there, standing in the doorway, was a woman.
Her eyes were wide with a mixture of disbelief and amusement, her mouth hanging open in a perfect expression of
"I can't believe what I'm seeing."
Her gaze flickered between Tim and me, and I felt my face go bright red in an instant.
I instinctively took a small step back, trying to hide behind Tim, but I could still feel the heat of my embarrassment creeping up my neck.
“Aha!” Lucy’s voice rang out, filled with mock triumph.
“I knew it!” she added, a teasing lilt in her tone that made my heart race even faster.
Tim groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose, clearly frustrated by the interruption.
I could feel the tension in his body, but it didn’t seem to bother Lucy in the slightest.
She was practically glowing with amusement.
“Well, well, well,” she drawled, taking a few steps into the room.
“So this is the mystery woman who’s been making Tim Bradford smile.”
My heart thudded in my chest, and I peeked out from behind Tim, too shy to look her in the eye directly.
My voice was a soft whisper as I managed a tiny “Hi,” my cheeks still burning with embarrassment.
Lucy’s expression softened as she looked at me, and a warm smile spread across her face.
“Oh, you’re adorable,” she said genuinely, her voice much kinder than I’d expected.
“I’m Lucy, by the way. Tim’s very annoying work best friend as he likes to call me.”
I smiled shyly, feeling the weight of the moment, but I managed to squeak out,
“I’m Y/n. Nice to meet you.”
Lucy’s gaze flickered back to Tim, and her eyebrow raised playfully.
“What did you do to him?” she asked, her voice dripping with exaggerated curiosity.
“I’ve known this grumpy guy for years, and I’ve never seen him this soft.”
Tim groaned, rubbing his forehead in frustration.
“Lucy, leave it alone,” he muttered, but it was clear he wasn’t actually mad.
He was just trying to hide the softness I’d seen in him.
But Lucy wasn’t about to let this go.
“Oh, I’m not going anywhere,” she teased, shooting us one last playful glance.
“You two are too cute.”
I couldn’t stop the soft giggle that escaped me, my heart still racing with nerves and happiness.
Tim’s arm went around me instinctively, pulling me a little closer to his side as he shot Lucy a mock warning glare.
“Alright, Chen,” he sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes.
“Leave us alone.”
Lucy flashed me one last, teasing smile before she backed out of the room, her voice carrying through the door.
“Fine, fine. But I’m getting the full scoop later, you two. Oh everyone in the station is going to love this! Especially Angela!”
As the door clicked shut behind Lucy, the room felt quieter, and I finally exhaled.
Tim turned to face me, his gaze softening as he took a step closer.
He reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair behind my ear, his touch gentle but deliberate.
"Sorry about that," he said, his voice low and smooth, almost teasing.
There was no real apology behind it, more like a recognition of the awkwardness in the air.
I didn’t know what to say, so I just nodded, looking down at my hands, suddenly feeling self-conscious again.
My heart was still racing, and I couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.
“It’s fine,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. “Really.”
Tim chuckled softly, that familiar glint in his eyes.
“I didn’t think you’d be so shy even after everything we’ve been through and how long we've been together,”
he teased, his hand still resting lightly on my shoulder, just enough to make me feel grounded.
“I’m not shy,” I muttered quickly, though the way my cheeks burned probably said otherwise.
I tried to meet his gaze, but I quickly found myself looking down again.
“I just... don’t like being caught off guard.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” Tim said, his voice full of amusement.
He gently cupped my chin, lifting it so I had to look at him.
“It’s okay, Y/n. You know I don’t mind seeing you blush.”
My heart skipped a beat at his words, and I felt my face heat up even more.
I was sure I looked like a mess, but I didn’t want to pull away.
He was so close, his presence overwhelming in the best way.
“You’re impossible,” I whispered, but the words had no real bite.
It was hard to stay frustrated when he was standing there, looking at me like that.
Tim’s grin only widened.
“You like it, though,” he said softly, his thumb brushing along the curve of my jaw.
“Admit it.”
I shook my head slightly, trying to hold onto some sense of control, but the way his hand was so steady on me made it hard to think straight.
“I—" I started, but the words seemed to get stuck.
Tim leaned in just a little, his breath warm against my ear as he murmured,
“It’s okay baby. You don’t have to say anything.”
I took a deep breath, feeling my hands shake slightly.
“I’m just not used to... this,” I confessed, still unsure of how to explain the mix of feelings I was experiencing.
“Not used to being... with someone like you.”
Tim’s smile softened, but there was still that playful edge in his voice when he spoke again.
“Someone like me?” he repeated, teasing.
“You make it sound like I’m some kind of monster.”
I gave a small, nervous laugh, finally managing to look up at him.
“No, it’s not that,” I said quickly, though I wasn’t sure if I was making it better or worse.
“It’s just... you’re so... confident.”
Tim’s eyes softened a little, and he stepped even closer, his hand now resting lightly on my waist.
“And you like that about me,” he said simply.
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement, and I couldn’t help but nod slightly.
“Yeah... I do,” I admitted, the words feeling more natural than I expected.
Tim’s grin returned, and he brushed his thumb over the back of my hand, his gaze warm but filled with that teasing spark.
“Good,” he murmured.
“Because you’re the only one who gets to see this side of me, Y/n. The side that doesn’t mind making you blush.”
I couldn’t hold back a small smile at that, and for the first time, the awkwardness of the situation didn’t feel so heavy.
I liked this, the way Tim knew just how to make me feel at ease, even when I was a mess of nerves.
“You’re lucky I’m still standing here, huh?”
I said quietly, but there was a hint of a smile in my voice, something I couldn’t quite hide.
Tim chuckled, the sound rich and easy.
“I’m lucky every time you’re here with me,” he said softly, his hand now settling more firmly on my back, pulling me in just a little.
I looked up at him, heart beating faster but with a little more steadiness now.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” I murmured, not really meaning it, but not sure what else to say.
Tim leaned down just enough to place a quick, soft kiss on my forehead.
“I wouldn’t count on it,” he said, his voice warm, but still carrying that edge of playfulness.
“Not anytime soon, at least.”
I couldn’t help but smile at that.
Even though we’d just had a somewhat awkward moment, everything felt... okay.
It felt like it always did when I was with him, comfortable, easy, but still full of that undeniable connection.
“I’m just glad I’m here with you,”
I whispered, and this time, it felt like I actually meant it, fully and completely.
Tim’s hand lingered on my back, and for a second, the world outside the break room felt distant, irrelevant.
“Me too, sweetheart,” he said quietly, his voice steady and real. “Me too.”
The end
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strawberryforks · 2 months ago
Can you please write something for Tim Bradford where the reader is his rookie? Kind of like a grumpy /sunshine fic?? I just started watching the rookie and I'm literally in love with him😩
reckless smiles
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warnings: probably swearing, mentions of DV & guns, other police stuff, nepotism (oops)
a/n: got you anon! hope this works! 🙈🙈 as always, asks are SO open! i’m working on a part two to the other TR fic i posted (per request) and if anyone likes this one there’s another small fic in this little mini series already written that i could post! it’s the call with barnaby <3 anyways, ENJOY!!
Sergeant Grey stands at the front of the briefing room. You’re sitting in the front row (like all rookies do), just happy to be here, beside fellow trainees Nolan, West, and Chen. “Rookies!” booms the sergeant, “today, we’re going to switch things up. Nolan you’re with Lopez, Chen with Bishop, West with me,” your face falls, smile collapsing completely, morphing into something else as you realize who's left to pair up with. Who you’ll be riding with today.
Tim Bradford.
Nolan leans over from his chair. He rests his hand on your shoulder while standing up and moving past you. But first, “You’ll be okay,” he assures—Chen, Bradford’s usual victim, doesn’t say a thing. Instead she shoots you a squashed smile and mouths “good luck,” you know you’ll need it but… but you’ll make the best out of it. Like always.
You steel your expression, trying to wipe away the upset that slipped onto your face momentarily. Despite Tim Bradford being the biggest asshole in the LAPD he’s your superior and you were raised to respect rank… even if you don’t respect the person.
“L/n, you’re with Bradford. Try not to kill each other. You’re good cops, we need you both.”
“She’s a boot. Hardly a cop,” Tim Bradford, asshole extraordinaire, chimes in.
“This batch of rookies is a good one and you know that. L/n is a legacy, top scores in the academy and a record number of arrests for her first year on the force. That’s not easily dismissable.”
Officers began to trickle out of the room, Lopez and Bishop were the first to leave, and then your friends—their rookies, Nolan and Chen, with.
“Feeding me to the wolves, West?” Jackson grins back at you, shrugs, and the door shuts behind him. Even Grey leaves, not wanting to be a part of this. The entire briefing room is empty save from you, Tim Bradford, and Smitty. Smitty, who has his hand inside a miniature bag of popcorn and his feet crossed at the ankles and stacked on top of the desk in front of him. He smacks loudly and Tim shoots him a withering glare. “Fine, fine,” he says, palms raised, “I’ll go. Just uh… tell me how it–”
He leaves the briefing room and then you’re left alone.
“Sir,” you echo.
“I know you’re used to special treatment but that’s not how I work. I’ll be driving,” sure you (with your history) love to be behind the wheel but that’s not a problem, Tim doesn’t let Lucy drive either, it isn’t bias, just how he does things. “You do what I say when I say–none of that reckless idiotic behaviour I hear about from Harper. Just because she has unorthodox methods does not mean you should be copying them. You’re a rookie. Today, my rookie.”
“I don’t expect special treatment. And yes sir.”
Tim crosses his arms across his chest and tilts his head ever so slightly. He can’t figure you out–it frustrates him that he wants to. You’re always smiling and even now, looking at him with as close to a frown as he’s ever seen on your face, there’s something in your eyes. Not happiness but challenge, maybe? Determination. A sparkle that can’t be dimmed. Not with his shouting, not with his Tim-Tests. He almost takes it as a challenge. He almost tries to break you, to interrupt that inability to back down–the one he knows will get you killed.
The next week is awful but every day you show up to work with a smile (sometimes faux–but fake it until you make it and all that) and the drive to do better, to impress him.
You can’t.
At a DV call, the assaulted woman is terrified. Tim, he would leave that detail out, instead focusing on your shortcomings (how he had threatened to give you a blue page, how you sat there and took it: “I’d understand, is all I’m saying. If you need to put that blue page in my file, go ahead. And I know my lack of regret is not making this better for myself but… I’d do it again,”) that when the victim pulled a gun and pointed it at your head, after you arrested her husband, you decided to take away Tim’s shot. She was frantic and angry, losing her absolute mind, but moreover she was scared and when she pointed the gun at you–safety off, finger pulsing over the trigger because all of her was shaking. Tim had her in his crosshairs. You saw this and moved. You moved, knowing she would follow, and putting yourself at risk while making sure she couldn’t be killed. In your eyes, she was still the victim. She did fire her weapon. Into the ceiling, after you knocked the gun away.
Two similar incidents follow. Ones where you put yourself in needless danger.
You’re reckless. Impulsive. He’s seen you speed off duty, seen you sweet-talk the would-be arresting officer, give him your number and drive away scott free. All because of your smile, because of the twinkle in your eyes. The brightness, the innocent glow. Tim has seen you out at the club, drinking your bodyweight in booze, dancing and singing karaoke, and even a Clip Tok video of you soaking wet after diving into a partially frozen lake to rescue a dog. The public went wild over that one–Aaron Thorsen was in frame too, boosting the videos popularity. Tim could recognize the sentiment. It was great how determined you were, how kind you were, and the soft spot you had for animals and people alike but he was there and had hated every second of that terrifying call.
Tim corrects you, you smile and take it, switching your coffee into your other hand, handing the one you bought him over.
Tim shouts at you, that’s fine, you smile and take it.
That’s what you do, what you’ve always done: smile and endure.
“It’s downpouring, good thing our shift is almost over.”
“I’ve always liked the rain. It’s nice,”
“What part of getting rained on is nice, Boot? It’s basically the sky crying.”
“We need rain. If it’s good for plants it can’t be bad for us.”
“I find that logic flawed.”
“You find a lot of logic flawed, sir.”
“What was that?”
You tell him nothing, that you didn’t mean it, and your shift is over. Heading back to the station to grab your things you make your way into the locker room. Lucy’s there, pulling on her jacket and taking out her umbrella. “How do you do it, Luce?” you ask.
“Do what?”
“Deal with Tim. He hates me. I try so hard and he just hates me,”
“I don’t think…”
“He does. You know he does. He hates me because of my last name, because he doesn’t think I’m a good cop. Because I smile. I don’t know what to do. No one’s ever hated me for smiling before…”
“I’m sorry,” she says. “Just hang in there. We’ve only got a few months left before we’re P2s then Grey’ll let you ride with someone else, I’m sure. Maybe with me–how about it?”
You nod, and give Lucy a small smile. She sees through it, how tired you look, how defeated. She rests her hand on your shoulder. “I’ve got to get going. Jackson’s waiting for me–I said I’d cook tonight.”
“See ya, Luce. Have a goodnight and say ‘hi’ to West for me.”
“Of course.”
Lucy slings her bag over her shoulder and leaves the locker room. The door swings open a second time and in walks Tim. He’s silent as he walks over to you. As he mirrors your movements across the small room, grabbing his own things from the cubby space.
You paste a smile on, almost wincing as you slip past him and– “Boo–Y/n.”
Your back faces him and all of you wants to keep it that way. My shift is over–I don’t have to endure, you think, but then you hear your father’s voice. Hear his lessons on respect, on how things should work in the department, how to interact with coworkers, superiors–even the awful ones. You turn to him, you look up, meet his icy blue eyes and repress a shiver. You forget to smile. Your slips stay pressed into a small line as you look at him, realizing that you are too close. You’re too close and you should back up but you can’t. Your breathing heavily, you realize Tim is too. He’s looking down at you with melting eyes. The frost, the coldness, seem to fade away as his hand flys to the back of your neck.
Your tongue darts out, wets your lips, and then his press to yours. Your eyes flutter shut, your body reacting to his touch while your mind hasn’t caught up. TimBradfordiskissingme. MyTOiskissingme. Those thoughts are the only ones that make it through the fog. The questions are satiated by how he’s making you feel. His lips are warm and soft, like his breath, when he pulls away for a moment, eyes boring into your own. “Is this–”
“Yes,” you say. It’s okay. It’ssookay. Betterthanokay.You nod a few times for clarification and one of his large hands lands on the small of your back, pressing you to him, the other moves beside your head as he pushes you against the wall, caging you in.
You’ve never been more okay with being trapped. By him, by his mouth.
His kisses were talking and when they stopped, he was ready to.
Staring down at you with a fast beating heart (no match for the rate your own was thumping in your chest at) he smiled back, for once. It was infectious. A grin split your face and you felt blissful, for a moment. Like you and Tim were the only two in the world, like nothing else mattered, like you were floating in a bubble, transcending your problems and surroundings.
It was a nice bubble, “I don’t hate you.”
Until he popped it. Until he reminded you of what had just happened, of what led to this and the conversation you had with Lucy–the one he overheard.
“I don’t hate you,” he said.
“I don’t believe you,” you blurt.
He raises a brow. His expression says ‘you don’t believe me? After that?’ and fair enough, because all you believe now is that you’re incredibly confused. Incredibly, very confused.
“You yell at me, you constantly talk about how I’m not ready to be a cop, you regularly threaten to give me blue pages and criticize what I do in my freetime–”
“None of that means I hate you.”
“It doesn’t make it seem like you like me! You get mad at me for smiling!”
“I don’t… okay, I get annoyed sometimes but it’s situational. When I’m reaming you out, you shouldn’t be smiling.”
“It’s that or cry! I don’t like being yelled at.”
“I don’t like when you put yourself at risk constantly. That’s why I yell, that’ why I reprimand you. You’ll make a damn good cop but no one wants you to make yourself a fucking martyr. No one wants you to put everything else–the job, a dog–above your own life! I get mad because I care,” he argues. Then lowly, “too damn much.”
“It’s Tim, to you.”
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to worry anyone. I just…” you trail off, Tim still watching you closely. “I can’t not try to save someone. I became a cop to do good, to help people, not to hurt them, to shoot them, to arrest innocents and victims of circumstance. There’s enough awfulness in the world that I don't want to contribute. I didn’t…”
“Didn’t what?”
“I didn’t want to be a cop but it’s what my family does–I like the job now, but the way I work it, you know?”
“I get it. I do. You just need to be more careful. You weren’t even on the clock on that call,”
You’re not exactly sure which call he’s referencing. You’ve intervened a few too many times when you shouldn’t have been on duty. It’s how you have (as said by Grey) ‘a record number of arrests for your first year on the force’ because you don’t let injustice slide just because you’re not getting paid. That, and because you’re ridiculously nosey.
“What call?”
“With the drug dealer and that stupid dog.”
“Hey,” you scold. “Barnaby is far from stupid.”
“Yeah. He was a stray so I kept and named him. We trauma bonded–no way I was letting him go to a shelter after that.”
“No, no, that makes sense. I’m just wondering how the hell you came up with Barnaby.
You shrug; it’s a good name.
“Bradford!” shouts Grey, “you in there?”
Tim walks towards the door, shouting back and confirming his presence.
“My office! There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“Alright!” Tim turns to you, he mouths his goodbyes and slips from the room leaving you incredibly confused.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year ago
Forever Yours 18+
Request: How are we feeling about Tim Bradford meeting his high school girlfriend again as he's on patrol with Lucy and gets all flustered again cause you're the one for him (like you separated ways as he went to the police and you did something else but are back now) and you just feel the same old feelings. Later Lucy won't stop making fun of him cause he's always badass and now you seem to be his weak spot. Next day you visit him at the department with his favorite food and he asks you out on a date which you gladly accept. Just some fluffy cute Tim, with maaaaaybe smut at the end of their date and he won't let her leave him ever again? 😊 
Next week is my bday, so I thought some Tim would be adorable !
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Teacher!Reader
Warnings: fluff, smut, swearing, pregnancy
A/N: Happy birthday or belated birthday to the anon that sent this in!
A/N 2: @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms some steamy Tim smut for you!
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Los Angeles. You never thought you would come back here but after being away for so long you were itching to come back. Most importantly you were missing your high school crush and boyfriend, Tim Bradford. You two only split when he decided to go into the military and you wanted to become a teacher. It was a mutual break up but man did it still hurt. You two had lost contact and both of you had been too busy to try and reconnect with each other but now you were back having gotten your teaching degree and took the position as a first-grade teacher. You loved kids and they seemed to be drawn to you. It was really your true calling.
Last you heard of Tim was that he had gotten out of the military and had gone to the police academy, was married but then got divorced and he was working as a TO for LAPD. You heard all of this through his sister that you were best friends with. You had wanted to get in contact with him but school and kids kept you busy so you just let it go.
The new school year was just about to start and you were excited. A few weeks before you had gone in and set up the classroom how you wanted and then started to figure out teaching material. A week before school actually starts you would be meeting the students and their parents for the first time. Overall, you were excited and couldn’t wait.
There was one week before school and you had gotten there early to start meeting the students and parents. The time had started and the students and parents started to slowly trickle in. Everyone you met were friendly and some of the dads even tried to flirt with you but you just smiled and continued on. You had your mind on one person and that was Tim Bradford. 
It was finally the end of the day and you were exhausted but you had a lot of fun and loved seeing the kids. You made sure everything was in order and everything was cleaned then you were walking you out of the classroom and locking the door behind you. You left the school with a smile on your face. You couldn’t wait for Friday next week. 
Your alarm on Friday went off early and you were getting up with a smile on your face. You turned it off and got in the shower and brushed your teeth. You walked out into your room in just a towel and started to get dressed. As you were doing so your cat, Biscuit, walked in and jumped on the bed and meowed at you, you turned and gave him some love and then you were back to getting ready. When you were done in there you walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where your German Shepherd, Steel, greeted you. You gave Steel his food and then fed Biscuit and now you were getting yourself coffee as it was brewing you let Steel out and then when he was done, he was at the door wanting back in. You finished getting ready to leave the house. The coffee chimed when it was done and you grabbed the travel mug and headed out to your blue Toyota Tacoma.
It was a quick drive to the school and you got there with no trouble. As you were driving you looked like Tim but you were too busy paying attention to the road. You pulled into the parking lot and into the parking lot for the teachers. You parked and turned the engine off and then you were getting out and grabbing your bag. As you were walking into the building you greeted some of the other staff who were all so friendly and that made you smile. 
You walked to your room and unlocked it and started to get everything ready for the day. About 7:50 AM students started to trickle in and you were at the door greeting everyone. Once everyone was in you closed the door and walked to the front of the classroom smiling and made sure everyone was sitting down. “Good morning, kiddos. My name is Ms. Y/L/N and I’m gonna be your teacher for this year. I’m excited to learn about each and every one of you and I can’t wait for the fun things I have planned for you all. It’s going to be a fun year. Now does anyone have questions for me or about me?” You asked and a few raised their hands. You looked over at them and smiled “Benson, what is your question?” You asked.
“Do you have any animals?” He asked with sweet innocent eyes and you smiled.
“I do, I have a dog named Steel and a cat named Biscuit.” You said
“Do you have pictures?” He asked and you smiled and pulled up a picture of your animals. 
The rest of the morning went without a hitch. When they were at lunch you smiled and sat in your room thinking about what the plan was for the second half of the day. You were scrolling through your email and noticed there was going to be a fire drill and that they were going to bring the fire trucks, ambulances, and police in. 
All the kids were back and you let them know what was going to be happening and you assured them that there was nothing to be afraid of and it was all a drill. Some still seemed scared so you said that they could come to you if they got too scared and that seemed like that helped ease them up a little bit. For now, the day went like normal and it would be happening close to the end of the day.
“Did you hear that we have to go to the elementary school for a fire drill?” Lucy said as she and Tim were driving around making calls and making sure everything was good to go.
“Yes, I did.” Tim said, making his response short.
“How do you feel about that?” She asked
“I’m fine with it. It lets kids see the importance of what we do.” He said and she nodded seeing that he wasn’t up for any more discussing it. While they were waiting to be called to the school Tim was thinking about you and where you were. You were his high school love and he never stopped loving you even when he was married, he wanted to get back into contact with you but never seemed able to find the time but boy was he in or a surprise today. The time came and they were heading to the school along with the ambulance, firefighters, and two other shops. The point of this was to first have a fire drill and then show the importance of the first responders. Tim parked next to Talia and Nolan’s car and they headed over to the kids. Everyone was answering questions and then something, more like someone, caught Tim’s eye. He looked closer and it was you. You were bent down talking to a kid who was crying and you were trying to console them but it wasn’t working and so you picked the kid up and let them cry into your neck. He needed to see you and talk to you. “I’ll be right back.” He told Lucy and then was gone before she could say anything. 
“Hey, shhhhhh. You’re ok.” You said consoling the little boy. You were bouncing them around trying to soothe him. You didn’t even know Tim was walking up to you. “It’s nothing to be scared about. It just means that it helps on the way and they save people.” You said and he came out from your neck and sniffled.
“Really?” He asked and you smiled and were about to answer but a familiar male voice answered before for you.
“Absolutely. It means that we are on our way to save you.” Tim said and you looked up and saw him and the little boy looked at him.
“Really?” He asked and Tim smiled.
“Yup, my fellow officer John Nolan will be happy to show you and talk to you about it.” He said and then pointed over to him “He is right over there.” Tim said and the boy sniffled and nodded and you sat him down and watched him scamper off to John. Making sure he was safe before turning to Tim smiling. “You've always been so good with kids.” He said and you chuckled.
“You have too. One of the many reasons I fell in love with you.” You said and he smiled and looked down. 
“It's been a while.” He said looking up at you and you nodded agreeing.
“Too long and that is my fault.” You said and his smile turned into a frown and he shook his head.
“No. That is not true. I'm the one that took off and didn't even try to contact.” He said and you shook your head.
“I'm to blame too.” You said and once again he was denying it. 
“We can discuss this over dinner.” He said and you looked at him.
“Like a date?” You asked 
“Exactly like that. My number is the same if you wanted to text me anytime.” He said and you smiled and nodded.
“Mine is too.” You said 
“Ms. Y/L/N! She hit me!” Your student, Amber, said pointing to another student, Emma, as they ran up to you. You looked at Tim and he smiled and nodded. You bent down to the two girls. You walked back over to Lucy and the others watching you handle the situation with a smile. All he could think about was how you would deal with your and his kids and that put a smile on his face.
Tim walked back over to the group smiling. “Is The Tim Bradford actually smiling?” Lucy asked and everyone turned to see and he actually started to blush.
“He's blushing!” Angela said with a smile. 
“I am not.” He said and tried to stop but he just saw the love of his life again. 
“You so are! Is it because of that teacher you were flirting with?” Lucy asked and he didn't say anything and then the radio saved him and then he was quick to answer it. 
“Come on Boot. We have work to do.” Tim said and walked over to his shop and she quickly followed behind him. When they got back to the shop his phone dinged and he was quick to pull it out and smiled when he saw it was you. Lucy took notice of this and she smirked.
“Is that her?” Lucy asked and Tim was quick to drop the smile and look at her.
“It’s none of your business.” He said and she rolled her eyes but smirked when she looked away, he was smiling and was quick to send a reply back and it was back to work for the both of you.
You and Tim had been talking all week and the same old feelings were coming back. Saturday rolled around and you found out he was working and you decided to bring him and his coworkers. You loved baking and Tim knew this. You parked in a parking spot and then walked into the police station smiling. You greeted the front desk person and they smiled. “What can I do for you?” She asked.
“I’m here to see Tim Bradford.” You said and she smiled and then she paged him and he was coming down in time.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” He asked and you smiled and turned to him.
“Well, you mentioned you were working today and thought you and your coworkers could use some baked goods.” You said and he smiled.
“Come on.” He said and you walked with him into where everyone was. It looked like they were just in for lunch. “Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N this is Angela, Talia, Lucy, Jackson, and Nolan.” He said and everyone waved as they were introduced.
“Nice to meet you all.” You said “I figured you all could use some goodies.” You said you waved your basket.
“Her cookies are to die for. They are my favorite” Tim said as you set the basket down in the break room. Tim wasn’t looking at anyone but you, everyone was smiling and looking at how lovesick he was and they were happy for him. Everyone got a cookie and they absolutely fell in love with them and they voiced this and that made you smile. “Hey, would you follow me?” He asked you and you nodded and he took your hand and led you to the briefing room.
“What’s up?” You asked as you sat on the edge of one of the tables.
“Will you go on a date with me?” He asked and you smiled and nodded.
“I would love to go on a date with you.” You said and that made him smile.
“Great! I’ll pick you up at 7 tonight?” He asked and you once again smiled.
“That sounds perfect.” You said and then you both continued to talk until he had to leave and that was cue now you had to go home and get ready for your date.
7 PM rolled around quickly and before you knew it you were opening the door to a smiling and well-dressed Timothy Bradford. “Wow.” He said and you blushed but Steel was quick to rush the door.
“Steel, off.” You said and he backed up and moved away from the door and that made Tim fall in love with you even more. You made sure to grab your keys, locking the door behind you, and the both of you headed to his truck where he helped you in and then closed the door and walked to the other side and got in and headed to the restaurant that he had picked out that he knew you would love. “So where are we going?” You asked and he smiled.
“It's a surprise but you’re going to love it. They have sushi.” He said when he looked over and saw you were about to say something and then your smile came back. “I’ve missed you. I’m sorry that I didn’t stay in contact.” He said and you shook your head.
“Nonsense. It was my fault too.” You said
“I guess it is both of our faults.” He said and you chuckled but agreed. You both were quick to get to the restaurant and he was quick to park and then was getting out and helping you out. You both walked into the restaurant and he walked up to the receptionist and he was quick to get you seated. You two talked and caught up and just had a delightful time, it was just like old times. You both ordered and now the wait for food has started. 
“I missed you.” You said and he smiled and nodded.
“I missed you too. It was hard to go on not knowing how you were but I was too selfish to actually text you.” He said and you nodded looking at him.
“It was hard finding out through your sister about what you were doing but it helped.” You said and he nodded and just then the food came and you both started eating and finished the date and now you were back at your house inviting him. Steel greeted you and so did Biscuit and they immediately fell in love with him and you fell back in love with him, though you never truly fell out of love with him. 
You sat on the couch with a glass of wine, both of your animals had left the room so it was just the both of you, and you both leaned in and now you were kissing him and he was kissing back and neither of you were stopping each other. “Tell me to stop if you want me to stop.” He said when he pulled away and you looked him in the eye.
“I don’t want you to stop.” You said and he smiled.
“I was hoping you were going to say that.” He said and crashed his lips back into yours and he laid you down on the couch. He started to kiss your neck and then got to your sweet spot and gently bit it and that made you moan.
“Tim.” You moaned and he smirked and did it again. You clenched around nothing. You both worked on getting each other clothes off and everything was off in no time in a pile on the floor beside the couch. “I love you.” You said and he trailed down your body peppering it.
“I love you too.” He said in between kisses. He ghosted over nipples giving them equal attention but he knew where you needed him the most. This was not the first time you had sex with this man, he was your first in high school, sure you had sex with other men but nothing compared to him. He still knew how you liked it and knew all the right places to please you. He trailed down to your heated core and was quick to dive in and you moaned out throwing your head back and hands going to his head. He let up for just a second. “We can take this to the bedroom if you want.” He said and you shook your head.
“No, it's perfect here.�� You said and he nodded and he was diving back into your pussy licking and sucking on your clit knowing exactly where to use his tongue to please you. “Tim.” You moaned out and bucked your hips towards him and he was quick to hold you down. Your hands left his head and they came up to clutch the couch cushions and your legs spread wider. He started swirling his tongue around your entrance and was tongue fucking you and you felt that rubber band feeling starting to tighten. “‘M close.” You moaned out but he stopped just as soon as you were about to cum. “Tim.” You moaned out in frustration but he was moving up to be face to face with you.
“What?” He asked his breath fanning you and you could smell the wine on this breath.
“I was about to cum.” You said and he smirked.
“You’ll get what you want soon.” He said and kissed you as he rubbed his cock up and down your wet folds and then let up on the kiss as he pushed into you and you both moaned. “See? I told you.” He said and all you did was moan. He stretched you in all the right places and it was like you were back in high school with him all over again. 
“Tim.” You moaned and he smirked, loving the way he made you moan and the way you were gripping him. He started to move and you both moaned out.
“You’re still as tight as ever.” He said and attacked your neck with more kisses and love bites. 
“You ruined all the other guys for me.” You moaned out and he gave a sharp thrust that hit your g-spot perfectly.
“Good.” He said 
“You’re the only one for me.” You said and he gave another sharp thrust and then he started to go faster and you didn’t even have to ask for it. You both wanted this and you both needed it. Everything was perfect. Ever since he started to go faster it was making that rubber band feeling coming back. Each thrust was like heaven and you never wanted it to end. “I’m about to cum.” You moaned out.
“Me too.” He moaned out and picked up his pace and trailed one hand, leaving the other to keep his weight off of you, down to your body to your clit and he started to rub it, flick it, and pinch it all it was doing was making you come closer to the edge. Your orgasm was just right there and so was his. 
“Tim!” You yelled out not caring who heard you. 
“Cum for me.” He said and sent a flick to your clit and leaned down to bite your nipple and then you were seeing stars. Not a few seconds later his thrusts were getting sloppy “I’m gonna cum.” He said and then his hips stilled and he painted your walls right. It was a good thing you were on birth control, you thought as you and Tim came down from your highs. Tim slowly slipped out of you and then got behind you and threw an arm around you. He grabbed the blanket from off the back of the couch and threw it over you both. “I’m never gonna let you leave again.” He said and you smiled and nodded and turned to look at him.
“I’m never going to leave. Ever.” You said and he smiled and leaned down to kiss you. 
“I love you.” He said 
“I love you too.” You replied
You wanted this. You wanted forever with him and he wanted that with you too. You both wanted to marry each other and start a family with each other. Neither of you could wait to finally be with each other forever. You both wanted this since high school and nothing is going to get in the way of you both being together forever, not again. 
2 years later………
You and Tim had been married for 2 years now and had a 2-year-old son, Dakota. Your son was conceived on the last day of your honeymoon. Now you are 6 months pregnant with your second child, this one being a girl. Your jobs were going great and Tim had just been promoted to Sergeant which meant a bigger paycheck. Now you and Dakota were walking into the precinct to meet with your husband. You had just parked the car and got out and got Dakota out. “Kota, hold my hand when crossing the street.” You said and he nodded.
“Otay momma.” He said and you smiled and ran a hand through his hair, he was the exact copy of his father. You grabbed his hand and the both of you walked across the street and into the precinct.
“Good morning, Mrs. Bradford and Dakota.” The receptionist said and you smiled. 
“Good morning, Veronica.” You said “Tim in?” You asked and she nodded.
“Yup, you know where to find him.” She said and you nodded and then you were heading to him with a hand on your sons and one on your stomach.
“Y/N! Dakota!” Lucy said and you smiled.
“Hello, Lucy.” You said and your son waved at her.
“Tim is in his office.” She said and you smiled and walked to his office. You looked into the room and saw him focusing on his work and you looked down at Dakota.
“Knock, Baby.” You said and he smiled and did so.
“Come in.” He said and you opened the door and you both stepped in.
“Daddy!” Dakota said and he looked up and smiled and walked around his desk and scooped his son up.
“Hello there, handsome. Have you been good for mommy?” He asked and he nodded.
“We went to the store, I helped!” Dakota rambled on and Tim smiled.
“You helped mommy?” He asked and looked at you and you nodded.
“Uh huh. I helped carry!” He said and he smiled.
“That’s my boy.” He said and kissed his cheek and then walked over and kissed you. “How is our little girl doing?” He asked.
“Currently being still for once but using my bladder as a soccer ball a lot.” You said and he chuckled. He put Dakota down and he walked over to the table with toys and coloring books that Tim kept for him. Tim put his hand on your stomach and immediately the baby kicked. “She must know that she has her daddy here.” You said and he chuckled and leaned down to kiss you. 
“Mommy! Daddy! Come help!” Dakota all but shouted and you two broke apart. 
“Ok, we’re coming.” Tim said and you followed him over there and he sat down on the ground and you sat in a chair which he helped you sit in. Tim got into helping Dakota so that you were able to lean back and watch with a smile on your face. This was the dream you always wanted with him and you got it finally after so long. You were married to the man of your dreams, had a son together, and have a daughter on the way. You rubbed your stomach as she kicked and that made you smile.
You were finally happy and couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your years with the man of your dreams since high school. They were your world and you wouldn’t trade anything for it. You loved your growing family and you knew Tim did and that made you happy. Tim looked over at you and smiled. “I love you.” You mouthed and he smiled.
“I love you too.” He mouthed and then Dakota was grabbing his attention again and you chuckled, yup you loved little growing family.
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crownremonique · 7 months ago
I Need Your Help
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Fandom: The Rookie
Summary: When you find yourself in danger walking late at night, You think it's best to give Tim a call rather than trying to deal with it yourself.
Warnings: Mentions of attacking with weapon, Fluff, crying, comfort, (Tim being a huge softie)
Word count: 1.2k+ words
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Bright rays of sunshine slipped through the gap in the curtains, illuminating the room in soft hues of orange. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, trying to turn but stopping when you realised you couldn't. The weight of Tim's arm kept you pinned down to the mattress, his soft little snores vibrating on your skin. You craned your neck, just enough for his face to come into view. 
You always loved seeing Tim sleep peacefully, although it was becoming more rare. His job was taxing, draining him by the end of the day, and it filled you with happiness beyond words to see him relax by your side. The harsh furrow between his brows had disappeared, his face devoid of any signs of stress. 
“I can feel your eyes on me, honey” Tim spoke, his eyes still shut. 
“How long have you been awake?” You questioned, clearly being caught off guard. Tim's face broke into a smile as he opened his eyes, pulling you closer. 
“I just wish I didn't have to leave you so soon..” Tim spoke into your hair, drawing little patterns on your forearm. You hummed in agreement, inching closer. Eventually, Tim pulled himself away from you and started getting ready for the day, asking you your own plans. 
“I have some books I gotta return to the library, It’s the last day and I am NOT paying any late fees.” You concluded. Tim chuckled and kissed the top of your head. 
“Need me to drop you there? I can come pick you up on my break” He offered, with a gentle smile. 
“No need, I'll walk. I have to pick up some milk from the grocery store too.” You said. Tim shrugged one of his shoulders with a look that said “Whatever you say” and left the house, with a quick reminder for you to be careful. 
You also decided to get up and get started with some breakfast and then go out for the errands you had planned. What you didn't know was that you would come across a brownie cookie recipe on Pinterest, spend more than a few hours getting them perfect, and then surprise Tim with them at the station. 
When the realisation of how your time had flown by finally settled in, the thought of the unreturned books struck your mind. It was already well past eight, and you would be able to get to the library and back by ten if you hurried up. You briefly thought about Tim’s offer, but shut the idea down, not wanting to disturb him again after you already wasted plenty of his time dropping off your cookies. 
Pulling a jacket around your shoulders, you set out to the library. You were thankful that you got there soon, not wanting to carry the heavy books any longer. Dropping them off with the librarian, you made your way down the dark street, deciding if the milk could wait till tomorrow. 
Seeing the shortcut back through a narrow alley, you decided to take it, wanting to get out of the chilly night as soon as you could. You had taken that very shortcut lots of times, but always when it was light out. You were already halfway into the alley when you heard something shuffle behind you.
You turned around swiftly, planting your feet into the ground to steady yourself. 
You weren't stupid, you knew what was happening as soon as a man stepped out from behind the trash can, weapon in hand. Calming your breathing, you called out to the man. 
“I may not look like much, but I sure as hell can take you out” You said, making sure to raise your voice to get someone's attention in case things got out of hand. The man rushed forward, taking your words as an open challenge. He swung at your side with his knife, grunting when you seemingly dodged his attack with ease. All the time Tim spent teaching you self-defense really did come in handy after all. You managed to kick the man in his groin, stepping away when he doubled over in pain. 
You decided pretty quickly to run when you saw more people emerging from the shadows. You took off down the alley, as you heard the rest of the thugs follow behind. Your heart pounded in your ears, fear flowing through your veins. You definitely wouldn't be able to defend yourself alone from that many people, and the nearest public place was more than a mile away. Your last option? Call Tim. 
You ducked into one of the diversions of the road, and crouched down behind one of the storage units. Pulling out your phone and quickly dialling your boyfriend's number, you prayed that he would pick up. The phone had to ring only a few times before his voice came through. 
“I need your help. I'm being chased and cornered by some thugs. 822 E, 20th street” You cut him off, your voice trembling with fear. You heard the line go silent as he processed the information. 
“I'm on my way.” He said curtly, hanging up the phone. Tim rushed to the parking lot, shoving people out of the way. He barked at Lucy to get in the shop, ordering an entire team of cops to follow him. 
“Geez, what's gotten into him?” Nolan asked, staring at Tim's sudden change in behaviour. Nyla shrugged dismissively.
 “No idea, but with that enthusiasm, I can only assume he's going to come back with the greatest criminal in the history of LAPD.” 
You crouched on the floor, pulling your legs closer to you and hoping that Tim would get to you before the thugs did. The time you spent waiting for the cops was agonising, each moment stretching on for what seemed like forever, filled with anticipation of your fate. Your ears were just starting to ring from the silence when you heard the shuffling of footsteps a few metres from where you were hiding.
Your body had started shivering with terror as you tried to calm your breathing. Clasping a hand over your mouth, you tried not to let your shallow whimpers be heard. You jumped when the storage unit hiding you was ripped away, the man smirking and looking down at your trembling form.
“There you are..” the man taunted, grabbing you by your hair. You cried out in pain, as he tugged harder. He pulled you up to meet his eye, but dropped you immediately as a dozen flashlights pointed at you both, blinding him temporarily. 
“LAPD, Drop the weapon! Hands where we can see them, interlock them behind your head and get on your knees.” You heard Tim call out. Relief washed over you, the sight of Tim flooding you with a sense of safety. He kept his gun high and side stepped over to where you were crouched down. You fell into his embrace as you saw Lucy handcuff the man on the hood of their car. 
“Are you okay? Did he hurt you? I swear to god if he laid a finger on you I'm gonna-” You cut him off with a searing kiss, his shoulders relaxing as he felt you, safe in his arms. 
“I'm fine, don't worry about me..” You mumbled against his lips, running your hand through his hair. He buried his nose into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply as he loosened his grip on your waist. “With you up my alley, I’ll be just fine.” You continued, your eyes welling up again as thoughts of what could have happened flooded your head.
“I am never letting you go anywhere alone again.” Tim declared, searching your eyes for any sign of objection. He never did find any.
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callsigns-haze · 7 months ago
Unexpected twist
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Pairing: Tim Bradford x Reader
Chapter Summary: Tim and Y/N's first date at a fancy restaurant is interrupted by a robbery, turning a romantic evening into a spontaneous takedown and leaving their relationship exposed to their curious colleagues.
Chapter Warning: This chapter contains a sudden shift from a romantic date to an intense, potentially dangerous situation involving a robbery, with moments of suspense, gun use, and police intervention.
A/N: My first fic about the rookie eeeeeeeeek
The evening was perfect—the kind of night that begged for romance. The sun had just set, leaving behind a soft twilight that bathed Los Angeles in shades of purple and gold. The upscale restaurant Tim Bradford had chosen was nestled in a quiet corner of the city, known for its elegance and discretion. It was the kind of place where celebrities could dine without being disturbed, and tonight, it was the stage for a first date that had been a long time coming.
Tim arrived first, feeling a strange mix of anticipation and nerves. His usually steady hands betrayed a slight tremor as he adjusted the cuffs of his navy-blue suit. The suit was perfectly tailored, accentuating his broad shoulders and athletic build, the sharp lines giving him an air of authority even out of uniform. The crisp white shirt he wore beneath it was open at the collar, revealing a hint of tanned skin, and his dark leather shoes were polished to a mirror shine. His hair was neatly styled, though a few rebellious strands fell across his forehead, softening the hard lines of his face. He glanced at his reflection in the window, making a mental note to ease up on the cologne—he wanted to make an impression, not overwhelm her.
Just as Tim settled into his seat, Y/N Y/L/N entered the restaurant, and for a moment, he forgot how to breathe. She was a vision in an emerald-green dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, the rich color bringing out the warmth of her skin. The neckline was a perfect balance—elegant yet suggestive, hinting at the strength beneath the softness. Her hair was styled in loose waves that cascaded over her shoulders, and her makeup was subtle but impeccable, with a soft shimmer on her eyelids that caught the light just so. A delicate gold necklace adorned her neck, matching the small, sparkling earrings that completed her look. She moved with a grace that was both natural and practiced, each step exuding confidence.
Tim stood as she approached, his heart beating a little faster than usual. "Wow," he said, his voice dropping an octave, full of genuine admiration. "You look... stunning."
Y/N smiled, a hint of a blush rising to her cheeks. "Thank you. You clean up pretty well yourself, Bradford. I almost didn't recognize you without the uniform and scowl."
He chuckled, the tension easing slightly. "I save the scowl for the rookies. And for bad guys. I promise you won't see it tonight."
She raised an eyebrow playfully as she took her seat. "We'll see about that. I’m sure I could get it out of you if I tried."
Tim’s eyes sparkled with amusement. "Careful, Detective. You don’t want to see me at my worst tonight."
"Oh, I’m not afraid of you," Y/N teased, her voice dropping to a flirtatious whisper. "In fact, I’m looking forward to it."
Tim leaned in slightly, his gaze locking with hers. "You know, I wasn't sure you'd actually say yes to this. We've worked together for a while, and I didn’t know if you’d be interested in mixing business with… pleasure."
Y/N's lips curled into a slow, seductive smile. "Who says I’m interested in pleasure, Bradford? Maybe I just wanted to see if you’re as tough off-duty as you are on."
His grin widened, clearly enjoying the banter. "Oh, I’m just as tough, but I can be pretty charming when I want to be."
"Charming, huh?" Y/N’s tone was light, teasing. "I’ll believe it when I see it."
They continued to flirt as the evening progressed, their conversations flowing easily from work to personal interests, each revelation bringing them closer. The chemistry between them crackled like electricity, unspoken but undeniable. Every now and then, they would exchange a glance, both of them half-expecting a familiar face from the station to walk through the door.
"You know," Y/N said, breaking the momentary silence, "I keep thinking someone from work is going to walk in and ruin this."
Tim nodded, his expression softening. "Same here. It’s like we can’t escape the job, even on a night like this."
"Well, if they do show up, we’ll just tell them we’re working undercover," she suggested with a mischievous grin.
Tim smirked. "Yeah? And what exactly are we investigating?"
"Restaurant quality," she replied with a wink, making Tim chuckle.
Just as they were starting to relax, the door to the restaurant was thrown open with a loud crash, and the once tranquil atmosphere shattered like glass. A man in a black ski mask stormed in, waving a gun wildly in the air. The room fell into a stunned silence, every patron freezing in fear.
"Everyone stay where you are!" the man shouted, his voice edged with desperation. "Empty your wallets, your purses—now!"
Tim’s eyes sharpened, his instincts kicking in immediately. He looked at Y/N, who had already reached under the table, her hand on her off-duty weapon. Her expression had gone from flirty to deadly serious in an instant. She gave Tim a quick nod, and they both moved with a speed and precision that spoke to years of training and experience.
"Hey!" Tim barked, standing up suddenly. His voice was authoritative, commanding the room. "LAPD! Drop the weapon and get on the ground, now!"
The robber spun around, momentarily thrown off by the unexpected confrontation. His gun wavered, but his desperation outweighed his common sense.
"Don’t move!" he yelled, his voice cracking. But it was too late—Y/N was already moving, her gun drawn and trained on him with deadly accuracy.
"Put the gun down!" Y/N ordered, her voice steady, every bit the seasoned detective. "This doesn’t have to end badly for you."
The man hesitated, his eyes darting between the two officers and the terrified patrons around him. The tension in the room was palpable, everyone holding their breath, waiting for the situation to explode.
Tim slowly approached, his gun also drawn. "You’re outnumbered, and we’re not going to ask again," he warned, his voice low and threatening. "Drop it."
The robber’s resolve broke. His hand shook violently as he looked from Tim to Y/N, realizing he had no way out. With a defeated sigh, he let the gun slip from his fingers and clatter to the floor. Y/N was on him in an instant, kicking the weapon away and securing his wrists with a pair of handcuffs.
Tim kept his gun trained on the man until he was sure the situation was under control. As the adrenaline began to fade, he glanced around the restaurant, noticing the wide-eyed stares of the other patrons. Applause broke out, tentative at first, then growing louder as relief washed over the room.
Y/N looked up at Tim, a grin spreading across her face. "So much for a quiet evening, huh?"
Tim couldn’t help but smile back. "Yeah, I guess we have a talent for finding trouble."
Y/N stood, pulling the cuffed robber to his feet. "Or maybe trouble just finds us."
Before they could share another quip, the sound of police sirens filled the air outside, and moments later, a familiar group of officers burst into the restaurant, weapons drawn, ready to respond.
Nolan was the first through the door, followed by Harper, Aaron, and Lucy. Their faces were a mix of surprise and confusion as they took in the scene—Y/N and Tim standing over a cuffed suspect, both looking more like they were on a night out than responding to a robbery.
"What the hell is going on here?" Harper demanded, her sharp eyes narrowing as she holstered her weapon.
Tim and Y/N exchanged a quick look, trying to come up with a plausible explanation. Y/N opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Lucy chimed in, her eyes wide with curiosity.
"Were you guys on a date?" Lucy blurted out, the question hanging in the air like a bomb waiting to explode.
Tim felt his face flush, the color rising from his neck to his ears. Y/N seemed equally flustered, though she quickly tried to recover.
"Uh, we were just… grabbing a bite to eat," Y/N said, her voice a little too casual.
"Yeah, just happened to be in the right place at the right time," Tim added, though his tone didn’t quite carry the confidence he hoped for.
Nolan raised an eyebrow, a slow grin spreading across his face. "A bite to eat? In suits and fancy dresses?"
Harper crossed her arms, clearly amused. "Right place, right time, huh? Sounds more like a date to me."
Y/N sighed, knowing they were caught. "Fine, it was a date. But in our defence, we didn’t expect to be playing hero tonight."
"Well, you certainly picked a memorable first date," Aaron remarked with a smirk, looking at the subdued robber. "Though, maybe next time choose a place that’s less likely to get held up."
Lucy’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "I knew it! I knew there was something going on between you two!"
Tim shot her a look, though there was no real heat behind it. "Can we maybe focus on the fact that we just stopped a robbery?"
Harper chuckled, clearly enjoying the situation. "Sure, Bradford. But you know this is going to be all over the station by morning."
Y/N groaned, rubbing her forehead. "Great. Just what I wanted."
Nolan grinned, clapping Tim on the shoulder. "Hey, at least you didn’t have to pay for dinner."
Tim couldn’t help but laugh, shaking his head. "Yeah, I guess there’s that, still get to keep the two hundred in the budget."
As their colleagues began to process the scene and take the suspect away, Y/N leaned in close to Tim, her voice low and playful. "So, how about round two? Somewhere a little less public?"
Tim’s eyes lit up with a mix of humour and affection. "Sounds perfect. And maybe this time we can actually finish a meal."
As Tim and Y/N walk out of the restaurant, still riding the adrenaline from the robbery, Tim glances at her with a playful grin. “So, any ideas for our second date? Preferably somewhere without armed robbers?”
Y/N laughs, shaking her head. “Yeah, I think we’ve had enough excitement for one night. How about something a little more low-key? Maybe a quiet dinner at my place? I make a mean lasagna.”
Tim’s eyes light up at the suggestion, and he nods. “That sounds perfect. But just so you know, I’m bringing dessert.”
“Deal,” Y/N replies, smiling warmly. “And this time, let’s keep our badges out of sight.”
They exchange a look filled with anticipation, both eager for a date that will hopefully be free of interruptions—and a chance to really get to know each other.
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daydreamabout · 24 days ago
Unspoken Comfort [Tim Bradford Imagine]
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Summary: Tim shows up at Y/N's place after she called in sick because of a breakup.
The morning had been quiet, almost eerily so. Y/N had woken up with a heavy heart, the realization of what had happened the night before still fresh in her mind. She’d spent most of the night staring at the ceiling, wondering if she had done the right thing. And when the sun finally came up, it didn’t bring any sense of clarity. She had broken up with Alex—her boyfriend of the past year—after months of growing apart. The decision had been hard, emotionally draining. In the end, she knew it was the right choice. She couldn’t keep pretending everything was okay when it wasn’t.
Still, the pain lingered. Her chest felt tight, her body felt heavy, and the last thing she wanted to do was go into work and pretend like everything was fine. She couldn't focus on the job, not today. She needed time to heal, to think, to process. So, she did what she always did —texted Tim.
“Hey, I called in sick today. Broke up with Alex last night. Need some space.”
In the evening the doorbell rang, and for a moment, Y/N didn’t move. She knew who it was. She’d been dreading this moment all day, but here it was. The knock, the familiar voice calling her name, like it always did. But today was different. She’d been lying on the couch in her worn-out pajamas, staring at the TV screen as if it might offer some solace. Her mind was heavy, heart aching from the mess her life felt like—another failed attempt at something she’d wanted so badly, a relationship that had crumbled like the walls she’d tried so hard to build around herself.
Tim wasn’t supposed to be here. She hadn’t asked for him to show up after his shift. Y/N dragged herself to the door and opened it slowly, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. She barely looked at him, just stood there, holding the door halfway open, as if trying to keep some kind of distance between them.
"Hey," Tim’s voice was softer than usual, but he didn’t push. He didn’t ask her how she was, didn’t make any comment about how messy she looked. Instead, he simply nodded toward the apartment, his eyes searching her face with a mixture of concern.
Without a word, Y/N stepped back and let him in, her movements slow, as if the weight of everything pressing on her made it hard to move. She didn’t offer him a drink or a seat—she didn’t even tell him she was fine, though she knew he wouldn’t believe it anyway.
Tim set his jacket on the back of the chair and moved toward the couch where she was curled up again. His steps were quiet, almost reverent, as though he was treading carefully around the fragile silence that filled the room.
“The shift was kind of boring without you,” he said softly, sitting on the edge of the couch, not too close but close enough to be there if she needed him. Y/N didn’t respond at first. She just let out a long, tired breath, her body sinking further into the couch cushions as if she wanted to disappear into them. Tim then didn’t speak for a while. He just sat there, the silence between them stretching on, the only sound coming from the hum of the refrigerator in the kitchen and the faint noise of a sports game playing in the background.
After a few moments, Tim shifted slightly. He looked at her, and then without asking, he made the decision. Gently, he reached out, touching her shoulder, just the slightest pressure. Her breath hitched slightly, and for a second, she just lay there. Then, almost like her body finally surrendered, she rolled over, curling up against him. She didn’t say anything, but the subtle way she leaned into him, the way her body melted into his, told him everything.
He didn’t hesitate. His arm wrapped around her, pulling her in, careful not to disturb her too much, as if she were fragile. She was warm, soft, and it felt so natural, as if they had been doing this for years. The weight of her head against his chest, the way she fit perfectly against him, was something that felt comforting and safe. He leaned back slightly, making himself comfortable on the couch while she just… existed with him. They didn’t speak for a long while, but he didn’t mind. He was there, in the quiet, offering what little comfort he could. Her breathing started to slow as she settled deeper into his embrace, exhaustion taking over as she let herself be held. The sports game on the TV continued to play in the background—something mundane, something mindless that didn’t require either of them to engage. It was the perfect distraction, the kind of noise that didn’t demand attention but was just enough to fill the silence between them. It was familiar, grounding, in a way that made everything feel just a little less heavy.
“Thank you,” Y/N whispered, her voice so quiet that it could have been mistaken for a dream. She felt his chest rise and fall beneath her as he exhaled, her words hanging in the air for a moment. Tim pressed his cheek against the top of her head, the soft strands of her hair brushing against his face. “You don’t have to thank me,” he said quietly. “I’m here for as long as you want me to.”
She didn’t say anything more. There was nothing else to say. Just the steady rhythm of their breathing, the sound of the game on TV, and the feeling of warmth that surrounded them both in that small space.
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goaways-stuff · 1 year ago
Sunshine's Baked Goods
Tim Bradford x gn!baker!reader
Summary: Long shifts rarely end in such wonderful things
Rating: PG, but I'm an 18+ page
Warnings: none! fluff. No physical descriptions of reader, just that they like pink.
a/n: requested! To the person who requested, I'm so sorry, tumblr deleted my og post & I lost the request & user. Please comment & I'll tag you!! Briefly looked over, but not Beta'd
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It was the morning after a long night shift, and all Tim wanted to do was go home and crash on the closest soft surface, but his stomach was ravenous for a bite to eat first. He tried to ignore it as he packed his stuff to go home, though he knew he would need something. 
It was still pretty early, the sun had barely risen, and not many places were open yet as he drove around, looking for something to eat. His stomach rumbled as he finally saw an open sign lit up. A small bakery right outside of town. His eyes were heavy as he stepped out, his senses overwhelmed with the sweet scent of fresh baked goods and…coffee? Oh, he had hit the jackpot. Definitely not his normal post shift snack choice, with the pink decor looking like a barbie puked on it, but it was open, and it smelled good.
The store was barren as he stepped in, the only sound was the little bell attached to the door, alerting you that a customer had come in. You furrowed your brows and looked up at the clock on the wall. Just past 6 in the morning. Yeah, you were open, but you never got customers this early. You just came in early to get a headstart on baking and decorating cakes. You wiped your hands, though you were sure you still had frosting stains somewhere on your body as you went out to the front with your signature customer service smile. 
“Good morning, what can I-” You were awestruck by the man standing in front of the counter. Tall, muscular, a hunk of a man. “...do for you.” You finished quickly, trying not to ogle. 
Tim looked over the small menu above you, seeing the variety of baked goods available. He looked in the glass, settling on a plain donut and black coffee. As you got a second look at him, you noticed the bags under his eyes and the look of exhaustion on his face and in his body.
“Do you want me to make that an espresso for you?” You asked as you rang him up.
“Not this time, thanks. ‘Bout to head home and crash.” He chuckled, the small smile lighting up the whole room, causing your heart to speed up. 
“Professionalism!” You reminded yourself as you nodded, ringing in the coffee as a water. It was your business, after all. A little discount for a nice customer every once in a while is just good customer service.  
You turned around, pouring a cup of the freshly brewed coffee and making sure to grab the best-looking donut. 
Tim swore to himself he saw you glancing at him. He tried to convince himself that he was just tired, and the attractive person behind the counter was just being polite. He couldn't help but glance back as he watched you make the coffee. And when he finally took the first sip, he swore you had to have put something extra in there. Perfectly brewed, smooth, not too bitter. The donut was soft and melted in his mouth. He thanked you and went on his way, sure that he was just so sleep deprived that he was imagining things. Imagining a connection.
But that didn't stop him from coming back. It became a regular thing after, especially long shifts. You always greeted him with a smile, but he swore again that there was an extra sparkle that wasn't there with other customers. The hot, grumpy man is what he became to you. All your employees made sure to get you when he came around. Though he was never rude, just quiet and to the point. 
You always made sure he had the freshest brew of coffee and the best donut, even if that meant going to the back to the warmer to get one. His order was so simple, yet perfection every single time. 
It was another late night, and you were getting ready to close shop when he came in. You smiled. It was easy to get annoyed when customers came in so close to closing, but you didn't care for him. He looked especially tired, so you brewed him a fresh coffee since you had already discarded the batch that had been sitting for a while. You took care to warm the donut up as something in your body pulled you to take a risk. As he sat down, you wrote your number down on the receipt, at the very bottom. You had to take a chance at some point.
You handed him his food. He always stayed to eat, though it never took him more than ten minutes. You went to the back to finish closing, not wanting to admit to yourself that you were too much of a coward to face him. He left as normal, and you were a little disheartened. Maybe he just didn't see it yet, you told yourself. Or maybe he's taken. Or maybe he just doesn't like you. You tried to calm your spiraling thoughts as you closed, turning off the pink neon open sign. 
You tried not to, but you checked your phone far too often that night, hoping for a text. It wasn't until the next afternoon when you got a text from a new number. You were over the moon, clutching the phone to your chest as your life played out like a movie. The chat ended with a date at a higher end restaurant across town that weekend. It was all you could think about that week. You hummed love songs and made more couple's themed cakes than normal. 
Even at the station, Tim's coworkers noticed his good mood. A little less harsh on all the “Tim Tests,” a little less snappy with his orders. It was the talk between all of his coworkers. 
Date night came, and you scrambled to pit yourself together. Everything about you had to be perfect. Pink accents complimented your outfit. He was even coming to pick you up like a true gentleman, a bouquet of pink roses in hand. So he picked up on that. 
You gracefully took his arm as he led you to his car, his hand right above your knee the whole way. Protective but gentle, not wanting to push any boundaries. He smiled the whole time, more than you had ever seen him before. 
And, of course, the night went great, starting off with the essentials of getting to know each other, but diving a little deeper into what the both of you are looking for in a relationship. He had you giddy the whole night, drowning you in compliments, giving a pink flush to your face. You were no stranger to the flirtations either, compliments flowing about his suit, his freshly cut hair, and how it enhanced his sharp features. 
Your heart fluttered from the butterflies flying in your stomach the whole night, and a longing for more had already set in before the night had ended. He drove you home, walking you to your door step.
“So, next Friday?” He smiled, wanting to hear the reassurance for the next date.
“Yep.” You responded, hearts for eyes. He looked at you, his eyes soft, flashing to your lips, plush and strawberry tinted. It aas a moment of silence, but not the awkward kind. It was filled with tension, begging for one of you to break it. Ultimately, he brought a hand to your face, rough and calloused with a gentle touch, bring you to him as he connected his lips to yours. For such a brooding guy, his lips were soft as ever, lovingly exploring yours. You hands wrapped around his neck as his other hand made it to your waist. It lasted forever but not long enough as you had to pull away for a breath of hair. He followed up with a small peck to the lips and a confident smile. 
“I'll see you then,” He said, though you both knew he'd be coming to the shop before then. 
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whump-imagines · 2 months ago
Just a Sprain
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Tim x reader
WC: 1200 ish
For @whumpcember walking on injuries
You’d been sitting on the couch for two hours when you heard the front door unlock.
“Hey, babe,” you greet. “How do you feel about delivery for dinner? I'm thinking maybe pizza.”
“I thought you wanted to try that new recipe you–” he stopped as he rounded the couch and took you in. “What happened?”
You leaned forward and pulled the ice pack and towel off your very swollen ankle. “Ugh, I tripped off a curb like a total klutz and then I walked on it for four blocks.”
He sat, carefully avoiding your foot, then gently rubbed his hand up and down your calf. “Why didn't you call me? I would have come to get you.”
“Well it was after lunch with Sam when we were walking to the bar and I might have already been tipsy. So it didn't really hurt at the time,” you explained.
Tim chuckled. “Of course. Does it hurt now?”
You shook your head. “No. I took some ibuprofen when I got home and I've been icing it, too.”
He took the mostly melted ice pack and stood. “ER tonight or urgent care tomorrow?”
You looked up at him, confused. “For what? I'm sure it's a sprain.”
He pulls out his phone and starts typing before he explains. “That's a lot of swelling for a sprain. You're getting x-rays to make sure it's not broken.” His phone dings and he checks the screen. “Grace says you should get in pretty quick. We can grab fast food on the way.”
You let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine. Can we get Jack in the Box?”
“Whatever you want.” He stands from the couch and turns to lift you.
You swat at his hands. “I can walk. Or hobble slowly, anyway.”
He easily lifts you into his arms. “I think you walked on it too much already.”
“I bet you it's just a sprain.”
He smiles at you. “What do I get when you're wrong?”
“Um, a foot rub?” you suggested.
He set you in the passenger seat of his truck and started to pull out the seatbelt. “And what do you get?”
You took the buckle for him and latched it. “I got it, my arms still work. I get a dressed up dinner date.”
He chuckled and closed your door. He rounded the front and hopped into the drivers seat. “Dress shirt?”
You shook your head. “Three piece suit.”
He rolled his eyes. “Okay, deal.”
Ten minutes later, he was pulling into the drive-thru and ordering your dinner.
As soon as he pulled back into traffic, you pulled out sandwiches and fries. Arranging them carefully on the center armrest, you stuffed a few fries in your mouth. “This was a better idea than cooking.”
“Of course it was. You can't stand on that ankle.”
“Well, yeah. But that’s not what I meant. I wasn't really sold on that new recipe.”
While you sat in traffic on the way to the hospital, you both finished your food. Soon after, he pulled up to the emergency room entrance. He got out and rounded the truck, lifting you again and carrying you into the waiting room.
He walked up to the desk to check you in and returned a moment later with a clipboard. “You fill this out and I'm going to go park. I'll be right back.”
Shortly after he returned, you finished all the paperwork and he returned it to the check in desk. When he sat, you leaned your head on his shoulder. He kissed the crown of your head before resting his cheek against your head. Both of you pulled out your phones to pass the time.
As Grace had promised, you didn't have to wait long. It had only been about half an hour a nurse was calling you back.
“Can we grab a wheelchair?” Tim requested.
“Oh, of course. I'll be right back.” She disappeared around the corner and then pushed the chair over to you.
Tim helped you stand on your good leg and rotate to the wheelchair.
The nurse took you back to a room and Tim helped again with getting you situated on the bed. She quickly collected a set of vitals and left with a promise that a doctor would be in soon.
Grace came into the room a couple minutes later. “Hey, guys. How are you?”
“I'm fine,” you started. “I tripped over a curb earlier and Tim thinks it's broken. I think he's paranoid.”
“Alright, well let's take a look.” She looked at your foot and carefully examined it. Once she'd checked everything over she asked, “So you said you tripped on a curb? Going up or down?”
“Down,” you explained. “I wasn't paying attention and I was closer to it than I thought and I guess, technically, kind of rolled my ankle on the top and then my foot slid and I fell. But it really didn't hurt that much. Not even after I walked four more blocks to the bar.”
She hummed. “Well let's get an x-ray and see what we've got, okay?”
“They'll come get you shortly and take you down to radiology.”
“Thanks, Grace,” Tim said. “Could we get an ice pack to put on it while we wait?”
“Already on it. The nurse will bring that in–” She was interrupted by the door swinging open to reveal the same nurse that'd brought you back. “Right now.” Grace laughed. “I'll be back as soon as I get those x-rays. Just call a nurse or text me if you need anything.”
A few minutes later, a guy came in pushing a wheelchair. “Evening, I'm Matt. I'll be your ride to x-ray.”
He and Tim helped you maneuver into the wheelchair. “I should have just stayed in the one I was in a minute ago.”
“You can wait here,” Matt told Tim. “You can't go into radiology. We'll be back in a few minutes.”
Soon you were back in the same room in the ER waiting for Grace to come tell you the results of the x-ray.
“Okay, so you do have a small hairline fracture,” Grace announced as she entered. She took the x-ray and slid it onto the light board. She traced a small dark line across the bone. “I'm pretty sure it is a stress fracture from walking on the sprain.”
“Ugh. So cast?” You ask.
“No. You'll get a boot for a few weeks and then a brace after that,” she explains. “Once the fracture heals, you'll likely need some physical therapy.”
She quickly got you set up with the boot and a referral to PT. Then she got you discharged and Tim walked you back to the truck.
Once he buckled his seat belt, he looked over at you. “So, I think you owe me a foot rub.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, yeah. You win.”
“I'll hold off on cashing in until you're healed, deal?” He offers.
“Okay,” you agree.
He takes your hand in his. “How about some ice cream on the way home?”
“Yes, please!”
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afictionaladventure16 · 11 months ago
Safe & Sound (Tim Bradford x Adopted!Teen!Reader)
The Rookie Masterlist
Summary: While Tim and Lucy are on their first date, Y/N and Tamara face some challenges that ends with the realization that Y/N's past has come back to her new life.
Author's Note: I know Tamara technically doesn't find out that Tim and Lucy are dating until later on but uhhh this is fiction so yee. All requests are open!
Warnings: Mentions of fights and stabbing
Word Count: 4,630
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You watched from the distance as your dad tried on different dress shirts in his bedroom. You had seen your father go on many first dates… maybe ‘many’ is an exaggeration, but that was beside the point, the point was that you had never seen him this nervous. He looked like a girl trying to find the right dress for the school dance, you couldn’t help but smile. He was in love. 
You pulled out your phone, sending a quick text to Tamara
 He’s a mess, you sent. 
A few seconds later your phone buzzed in your hands, 
So is she lol. 
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle, “What’s so funny?” Your dad asked as he gave you a quick glance. 
You shook your head, “you guys have no idea how nervous you both are.” 
He sighed, “Should I call her?” You gave him a nod. Tim gave you a smile, “First, what do you think?” he raised up a dark grey shirt next to a light gray one. 
You rolled your eyes, “Does it even matter?” 
“What if it clashes with her outfit?” He asked. After the two years you had lived with the man, this was the first time you had heard him say that phrase. 
“I think all that matters is that you both are enjoying the date,” you suggested. 
Tim looked at you with a smile on his face. After Isobel, he felt so lost within himself and somehow he found himself becoming a foster father to a young ten-year-old. It was only a year later that he began the adoption process. It was a long one, especially with the history with Isobel, he had waited a year and a half until the adoption was finalized. It was the best day of his life and he knows that there will be other days in his future that will try to complete, but he will always hold that day close to his heart. It was the day he learned how to be himself again, the day he learned that family didn’t always have to be by blood. 
Now you were fourteen, looking forward to your fifteenth birthday coming up soon. A day that Angela was so busy preparing for because she knew as a Latina that you had to have a quinceanera, and Tim always tried his best to help you grow within your culture. It was one of the main reasons why he learned Spanish. 
He let out a sigh as he reached for his phone, “do you-” 
“If you don’t call her right now, I will call her myself, but I will video call her so she can see-” 
“Alright, alright!” Tim chuckled as he dialed Lucy’s number. 
You walked out of the room, sending Tamara another text. 
I’m assuming you’re coming over with pizza? You sent. 
You know me too well. 
Ever since you met Tamara, she has been like an older sister. Maybe it was because the two of you were in the system and bonded over the traumatic shit both went through. Or because you both lived with cops that took you in and, although Chen is technically just her roommate, they were now your family. 
Tim walked out of his room minutes later, “Alright, I am just a phone call away. Don’t forget to let Kojo out and please tell Tamara I said hi. Um- Am I forgetting anything?” He asked as he began patting his pants pockets. 
“Keys and they’re in the key bowl by the door,” you stated as you scrolled through Netflix, Tim walked over to the key bowl, rolling his eyes as he grabbed his keys, “Bold of you to assume Tamara is coming over.” 
“Is she not?” He asked. 
“No, she is,” you smiled. 
“That’s what I thought,” he sighed, “Don’t open the door for anyone but Tamara. You know the drill, make sure it’s her before you even op-” 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Can you go already so we can get this whole Lucy and Tim being continuously nervous over with?” 
Tim took in a small breath, he couldn’t help but catch that you had called him by his first name. It had been two years already and you were still calling him Tim. Of course, he didn’t know how to tell you that calling him dad was okay with him and he didn’t want you to feel pressured to do so; but just hearing it would mean everything to him. 
He gave you a small nod, “Call me if anything, alright? And make sure to turn on the alarm when I leave.” 
“Yes, sir,” you watched as he walked out of the house, you waited for the sound of the lock before turning back around to continue your scrolling. 
Twenty minutes later, you heard the doorbell ring, which was then followed by a phone call. 
You quickly answered, “I assume you’re outside,” you said as you got up from the couch. 
“Your assumptions are correct,” Tamara said. You opened the door to let Tamara in. She had been carrying a bag, of what you assumed is junk food, along with a box of pizza. “Alright, so I found this new candy that you just have to try!” 
You locked the door behind Tamara, “Alright, but first I need a slice of pizza because I am starving!” You followed Tamara as she walked into the kitchen to put down the box of pizza. You instantly opened it and grabbed a slice, “I can’t believe I watched Tim go through every single nice shirt in his closet like he didn’t even do that on his first date with Asley!” 
“Oh, you think that’s bad? Lucy’s whole closet is now on her bed,” Tamara commented as she unpacked the bag of junk food. “Do you guys have sodas?” 
“Yeah, in the fridge,” you gestured towards the fridge. Tamara helped herself, as she always does when she comes over, and she came over quite a bit. “Why do you call your dad by your first name?” Tamara blurted out. 
You shrugged, “I dunno, I guess… I guess I just feel like I am not allowed to call him dad.” 
“But he adopted you” 
“Yeah, but… I don’t know. I’ve wanted to, I just feel like I lost the moment to do so since it’s been two years since the adoption.” Tamara opened the box for a slice of pizza, “Has he talked to you about it? Or Lucy?” 
Tamara looked down, “I know Lucy’s mentioned it. Something about he feels like he’s doing something wrong.” 
You sighed, “What do you think?” 
“I’m the last person you want to ask that.” You gave her a pleading look, and she let out a sigh, “Look, if it were me, the timing wouldn’t matter. He gave you a family, a home, he made you feel loved after everything you had been through in life… in a way, he gave you a second chance that not a lot of us get.” 
She was right and you knew that. It had meant a lot coming from Tamara since she never got the opportunity to get this chance. She would argue that she did when Lucy took her in, but in a way it was different. 
“Should I just do it randomly? Like just ‘Good morning, dad,’ just nonchalant about it?” You asked. 
“Something like that,” Tamara smiled, “You’ll know how to do it when you feel ready and I think you know that you are.” 
The two of you ate pizza and watched Game of Thrones for the next hour. At some point, you had gotten up and let Kojo out to the backyard, he had been whining by the door for a while.  Tamara had taken that opportunity to get up to grab some snacks when all the lights went out, you looked over at Tamara. 
“Whoa,” She exclaimed.
“This is fine,” you stated as you got up from the couch. “Tim usually keeps a flashlight in a drawer in the kitchen,” you walked over to the kitchen, rummaging through the drawers. It didn’t take you long to find the flashlight. You shined it at Tamara who had her phone flashlight on.
Tamara sighed as she walked over to the window, “That’s weird.” 
“What?” you walked over to her. You were quick to notice that the houses across the street still had power. 
“Looks like the neighbors next door also have power,” Tamara pointed out. You looked over at the neighbors to your left, she was right, “Did Tim forget to pay something?” 
You scoffed, “No, he’s pretty good at paying the bills on time.” 
The sound of the floorboard creaking caused the two of you to quickly turn your heads, “I didn’t move,” Tamara whispered. 
“Neither did I,” you whispered back. You felt your heart leap into your throat, “Maybe I should call Tim,” you whispered as you took your phone out of your pocket. As soon as you had unlocked it you noticed the no bar signal on the top right corner. “Fuck,” you whispered. Kojo was scratching at the door, whining to get back in. 
You showed her your phone, “I have no signal.” 
“W-what? How?” 
You looked around for something to use as a weapon, “I’ve heard Tim mentioned this before. Some people use jammers in order to block a phone’s signal.” 
“You think someone is-” You held up your finger, Tamara stopped talking. The two of you fell silent, listening to the floorboards creaking increasingly. 
“We need to get out of here,” you whispered. You glanced over at the door, “I’m gonna grab kojo-” 
“No, if Tim were here he’d want you out, Kojo can fend for himself,” Tamara stated. Tamara quietly walked over to the kitchen grabbing a pan that was on the stove. You slowly walked through the living room, you knew Tim had a bat lying around somewhere for emergencies. 
What happened next was a blur. One second you were looking over at Tamara as she inched closer to the front door and the next you were on the ground and you heard yelling. You fought back as the person who was attacking you pulled out a knife. You were trying your best to use the techniques Tim had shown you, but this man was tougher than you had ever imagined. You knew that it wasn’t an excuse, that even if he was tougher and bigger than you, you had to find a way to defend yourself. 
“I got the other one,” you heard another voice yell out. You hadn’t realized there were two of them. 
You looked over at where Tamara was, “Tamara, run!” You yelled out. You could see the hesitation in her, “Go!” 
Tamara felt like running would be the biggest mistake, but she knew there was no way of getting help by staying here. The second man inched closer to her, she swung the pan that she had in her hands, hitting the man in the head, it was enough to stun him so she could get a running start. She ran out of the house and into the neighbor's front yard, running up to the door; she began banging on it, “Help!” 
You, on the other hand, were trying to get out of the man's grip. You sucked in a breath knowing that you had to do something you never wanted to do. You opened your mouth and bit the man's arm as hard as you could, he let out a loud yell and let go of you. 
“You bitch!” he yelled out as he lunged towards you with his knife. 
You lunged away from him, trying to dodge the knife, but he was bigger than you and still quicker than you. You felt a sharp pain in your side, “What the fuck did you do, Rick?!” The other guy asked as he came back inside. “Do you have any idea what he’ll do to us if we bring her in like this?” You reached down to where you felt the pain coming from, feeling something sticky. The more you touched it, the more pain you felt. Your knees buckled and you fell to the ground. 
“Fuck,” the man named Rick, looked at the knife and then at you. “I-I can fix this.” 
“No! Forget it! It’s been compromised! We have to go, the other girl ratted us out!” The man began to make his way to the back door. “Let’s go!” he yelled out again. You lay on the ground, watching as the blurry image of them ran out of the house. 
Tim couldn’t help but look towards the door every other second. Was part of him worried someone from the station would see him? Yes. But also, he had a habit of looking at the door every time someone walked in, especially when he was nervous. 
“Are you worried someone from the station is gonna walk in?” Lucy asked. 
“You are,” Lucy said in disbelief. 
“No, I-” 
“What are the odds?” 
Lucy rolled her eyes, “It’s likely.” She cleared her throat, she didn’t want to have this discussion right now. “So, Y/N’s quince is coming up, how is that coming?” 
“Good, good. I um probably going to be in debt for the next year so you can expect a nice Christmas card from us rather than nothing but emptiness inside.” 
Lucy chuckled, “Angela is running you dry with this quince.” 
“That she is. Anything Y/N wants, she gets. I swear she spoils her like she's her own kid.” 
Lucy smiled, “I’ve noticed.” Lucy’s phone began to ring, she took it out, letting out a small chuckle at the sight of the name. “It’s Tamara, the girls are probably trying to check in on us,” she rolled her eyes. “Should I let it go to voicemail?” 
Tim wanted to say yes let it go to voicemail, but there was a voice in the back of his head telling him not to. “Answer it,” he smiled, “Two can play this game,” he teased. 
Lucy placed the phone on speaker, “Before you even ask, yes we are still at the restaurant and no I am not bringing you leftovers, I know you guys had pizza,” Lucy said with a hint of laughter behind her voice. 
“Lucy,” Tamara cried out. 
Lucy and Tim’s facial expressions changed, “Tamara, what’s wrong?” Tim spoke up. 
“It all happened so quickly,” Tamara began. 
“Just take a deep breath, Tamara,” Lucy began, “What happened?” 
Tamara let out a soft sob, “Someone broke in the house. They cut the power and we had no way to call anyone. I-I ran to the neighbors for help, but Y/N was still inside, I-I’m sorry, I couldn’t get to her.” 
Tim felt his chest tightened, suddenly this world no longer felt safe. In all his years working as an officer, he never imagined this to happen. Yes, he was prepared for it, or so he thought he was, but now, this world was more of a menacing place than he had realized. 
Tim wanted to tell Tamara that it was okay, but he couldn’t, because to him, nothing was okay at the moment. He had failed the one promise he had kept to himself the day he took you in and that was to keep you safe. Now the one day he decided to be vulnerable and comfortable, it all came crashing down. 
Tim got up from his seat, “Where are you?” Lucy asked. 
“St. Vincents,” He heard Tamara say as he left a few bills on the table and began walking away. Lucy told Tamara that they’d be there in a few before catching up with Tim. 
“Tim,” Lucy began, you could hear the pain within her voice. “Tim,” Lucy pleaded. Tim quickly turned around as they got outside. “I’m driving,” Lucy stated as the exited the restaurant. 
“No,” Lucy exclaimed as she got in front of Tim, “you’re not in the right mindset to be driving right now.” Tim opened his mouth to argue with her, “I’m driving.” 
Tim closed his mouth and gave her a nod. They got into Lucy’s car and drove off to the hospital. Lucy broke a few laws that day, but Tim probably would’ve broken a hundred just to get there sooner. Tim didn’t wait for the car to be fully parked to hop out, he was already inside the emergency room making his way to the receptionist when Lucy made her way into the hospital. 
“My daughter was just brought in, her name is-” 
“Tim,” Lucy choked out, her eyes had landed on a horrific sight in front of her. 
“Lucy!” Tamara called out, Tim turned around just in time to see Tamara running over to Lucy. He looked around for you, hoping to see you running up to him, but his heart sank deeper every second that passed. He walked over to the girls, his eyes landed on what Lucy was focusing on. 
“Oh God,” he let out a shaky breath, as he watched nurses surrounding work on your wounds. He ran up to you, one hand grabbing yours and the other brushing the hair out of your face. “Y/N, sweetie, it’s me,” Tim began, “I'm here, okay?” he brought your hand up to his lips and placed a small kiss on them. He felt the tears begin to stream down his cheeks. “Is she going to be okay?” 
One of the nurses let out a deep sigh, “The stab wound barely missed one of her aorta’s by an inch, it did knick her one of her lungs causing her to loose a significant amount of blood.” one of the other nurses began to lift the handles on the side. 
“We’ll be needing to take her up to surgery now, to repair the damages,” another nurse said. 
Tim couldn’t find the strength to let go, but he knew he had to. “Tim,” Lucy began, “they need to take her.” She placed a loving hand on his shoulder. 
Tim felt tears begin to well up in his eyes, he placed a small kiss on your forehead, “We’ll get through this okay? You can’t leave me.” 
Lucy felt like the villain as she pulled Tim away from you, but she knew he wouldn’t have been able to do it on his own. 
Tim looked over at Tamara, “What happened?” 
Tamara let out a small sob, “I-I don’t know. One second we were watching Game of Thrones and the next the power goes off.” She took in a deep breath, “We decided it was safer to be outside of the house once we realized we had no signal, she wanted to get Kojo but I told her to just leave him outside and that’s when they attacked her. I should’ve stayed with her,” she looked at Tim with remorseful eyes, “I’m so sorry, she told me to run, but I should’ve stayed.” 
Tim shook his head, “No, you got help, if it weren’t for you, you both would’ve probably been worse off.” 
“Tim,” Lucy called as she spotted Sgt. Grey walks towards them. 
“Sir,” Tim began. 
 “I came as fast as I could, How is she?” he asked. 
Tim sighed, shaking his head, “She’s in surgery, the stab wound hit one of her lungs.” 
Sgt. Grey shook his head, before turning to Tamara, “We’re going to need your statement if you’re up to it, if not we can always wait for tomorrow.” 
“I think after all they’ve been through, I think it’s best if we wait for tomorrow,” Lucy chimed in. 
Tamara gave him a nod, “Tomorrow it is.” Sgt. Grey stated. He looked over at Tim, he noticed he hadn’t said much. His eyes were focused on the double doors where they had just wheeled you through. He walked closer to Tim as Lucy and Tamara walked over to some nearby chairs to sit down. “How are you holding up?” Sgt. Grey asked. 
Tim shook his head, “I wasn’t there.” 
“And you won’t always be there,” Sgt. Grey confirmed. “You can’t always be there, it’s one of the things we have to get used to when being a parent. We have to hope we raise them with enough knowledge so they know what to do in situations like this.” He let out a sigh, “trust me, it isn’t easy.” 
Tim nodded, “I’ve noticed.” 
“You let me know if you need anything,” Sgt. Grey gave Tim a soft smile before walking over to the nurse's station. Tim walked over to Lucy, sitting down beside her. No words were exchanged and somehow he preferred it this way. Lucy held his hand, squeezing it every once in a while as if she were checking in on him and he would squeeze back. 
Tim felt like he had been waiting for days when in reality it had only been an hour. His eyes never left the double doors that were ahead of them, his body would jump every time someone would walk through them. 
Eventually, a man in scrubs walked through them, his eyes scanning the lobby of people waiting to be seen or waiting for a patient. “Family of Y/N Bradford?” He called out. 
Tim quickly got up from his seat, “I’m her father,” he quickly stated as he walked up to the man. “How is she?” 
“Hello, I’m Dr. Avery, I was the lead surgeon. I am happy to say that the surgery was a success,” Tim let out a relieved sigh. “We’ll need to keep her for a few days for observation of course, but she’ll be good to go home after.” 
Tim smiled at the man, “Thank you, when can I see her?” 
“She’s in recovery right now, I can only allow one visitor,” The doctor stated. 
Tim looked at Lucy, “Go, we’ll come back in the morning,” Lucy said. 
“Do you mind stopping by my place and picking up Kojo? I think Y/N would kill me if she knew he stayed the night outside.” 
Lucy let out a small chuckle, “Yeah, we’ll pick him up.” 
“I’ll have you follow me,” the doctor gestured for Tim to follow him. 
Tim followed Dr. Avery to the recovery room, he knew this hospital too well to know where he was going, but he never thought he would have to be here for a reason like this and he never wanted to be in this hospital again unless it was for work. Once he got to the room, the doctor left to finish up some paperwork. 
Tim sat beside the bed, he gently held your hand. You looked so fragile to him as if you were a newborn, he was scared that one wrong move would hurt you. He waited by your bedside throughout the night. The morning sunlight began to peak through the windows, causing him to wake up. He gave you a small glance, sighing once he realized you were still asleep.  
He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes once again, hoping to get some extra sleep. 
You began to stir, you could feel the pain in your abdomen and you heard beeping. Slowly opening your eyes, beginning to realize that you were now in the hospital, the last thing you remember was watching the two men run out of the house. “Dad?” you called out with panic in your voice. 
Tim’s eyes darted open, “Hey,” he said as he sat up in his chair. He grabbed your hand, he was overjoyed that you were awake, but also overjoyed of the fact that you had just called him dad for the first time. Although he was trying to hide his excitement because he didn’t know how to react to it, he had been waiting for this moment for so long and now it was here but the situation was overshadowing it. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked. 
“Like shit,” you stated. 
You winced as you tried to sit up, “Let’s try not to do that for now, alright? I know you’re uncomfortable, but I can get the nurses in-” 
You waved your hand to stop him, “No, I’m fine.” 
“You want to talk about what happened?” He asked. 
You shrugged, “It all happened so quickly. The lights went out and Tamara noticed that the neighbors had electricity and that’s when we tried to call you, but our phones had no signal.” 
“Looks like they used a jammer,” Tim speculated. 
“That’s what I thought, we decided to leave but I wanted to get Kojo-” 
“Kojo can take care of himself,” he stated. 
“Tamara said you would say that, but someone attacked me as I got into the living room. Tamra was already at the door and she hit the other guy with a pan before running to the neighbors. I used all the techniques you taught me,” you felt tears well up in your eyes, “I tried-” 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. You fought back and you’re alive. That’s what matters right now,” Tim placed a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I remember one more thing,” you began. “When the guy that attacked me stabbed me, the other guy got mad. He said ‘Do you have any idea what he’ll do to us if we bring her in like this?’ in those exact words.” 
Tim felt the panic rush through his body, if his gut was right, he knew what these men were talking about. “Do you think they were planning on taking me?” You asked. 
Tim didn’t want you panicking, he didn’t want you to feel like you couldn’t be safe because someone was looking for you. “I don’t think so,” he began, “But Angela is on the case, you’ll tell her what you told me and we’ll get this straightened out.” You nodded, “Now, how about we talk about the elephant in the room.” 
You looked at him with a confused expression “What elephant?” 
“You called me dad,” he smiled. 
You rolled your eyes, “I can go back to calling you Tim.” 
He chuckled, “No, no, it’s about time you called me dad. I was starting to worry you weren’t going to.” 
“I felt like I lost my chance to do so,” you confessed. 
“Honestly, if you had waited twenty years to call me dad, I would probably be sad that you waited twenty years but, overjoyed that you did,” he smiled.
“Be honest with me,” You began. “There isn’t anyone from my past that’s looking for me right?” You hadn’t spoken about your past in a few years, it was something you wanted to leave behind. “The last thing I need is these fantasmas (ghosts) coming back,” you added. 
Tim sighed, “I don’t know, but you have me there and I can promise that from here on out–” 
You shook your head, “You can promise to keep me safe but let’s face it, you’re not there with me when I’m at school or when you’re at work.” 
“You’re right, I’m not. But I’m a cop. I have my ways and I know you too well.” 
You smiled, “Yeah, I think you do.” 
“Plus, if anyone does kidnap you, they’ll return you in two minutes.” 
Your face turned into shock, “Wh-what?” 
“Trust me, I don’t think they’ll be able to stand the twenty questions they’ll be getting from you or even the karaoke. I give them two minutes before they return you,” you let out a small laugh before you winced in pain. Tim sighed, he knew no matter what that he was going to protect you, and if he failed to do so, he was going to do everything he possibly could do, to get you back. 
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garbinge · 9 months ago
Shot To The Heart
Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader (turned SWAT/TEMS) 30 Day Fic Challenge (13/30)
Word Count: 1.3k A/N: Just something small for this wife reader/Tim universe I occasionally write for. Looking forward to season 7, and hopefully a Chenford reunion lol.
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Mentions of violence, gunshot wounds, ptsd, wat flashbacks, hospitalization, light angst. The Rookie Taglist: @simrah1012 @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @kmc1989 @afuckingshituniverse Other fics with this reader: Clean Cut - Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader Earthquakes and Promotions - Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader
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“Hey I was just about to call you, I’m wrapping up my shift but the team is heading to get drinks, figured you could meet us there? We’re going to that spot that has those mojitos you like.” Tim had a smile on his face as he answered your phone call. He was walking through the station towards the men’s locker room, ready to change out of the stench of a long patrol day.
“Before you freak out, I want you to know I’m okay.” Your voice was completely opposite of his. It wasn’t shaky for what happened, but you were solemn and still in your delivery. It was honestly silly to start your conversation this way, Tim wasn’t one to freak out, but he was one to think the worst first. 
“What happened?” His voice immediately matched yours. Very typical for people that held the positions you did, to be calm under crisis. 
“I got shot on shift today. I’m at the hospital.” 
“You what?” Tim had stopped in his tracks immediately waiting for more information. 
“My thigh, it’s not a big deal. It missed my artery but protocol is for me to be here for the next couple days.” You didn’t exactly want to get into details but you knew you had to give him some information. 
“Why am I just finding this out?” Tim was now rushing to the exit doors. 
“I told them not to call you, I wanted you to hear it from me, not some random SWAT member.” 
“You do realize they’re not random, they come to all our barbecues, we’ve been to their weddings…” Tim was starting to argue with you. “Not to mention, I should’ve heard it on the radio.” 
“Really wanna argue with me right now, Bradford?” You sighed despite the smile on your face. 
“I really wanna know what happened.” 
You could hear his truck engine start in the background and from that you knew he was going to be at the hospital in minutes. 
“We got called in on some cartel tip, it was off-channel, stealth.” You explained knowing he wasn’t going to let it go. “I was applying aid to a hostage and it just happened.” 
“I really hope you didn’t write your report that way.” Annoyance was dripping off his tone. 
“Tim.” You said with the same amount of annoyance. 
“No, you don’t get to be mad at me for being mad.” He was on the highway now, you could hear the change in background noise. “I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” 
With that he hung up, and was in front of you within minutes. It made you wonder where he left his truck and who he talked to before getting to your room. 
“Jesus.” He was at the edge of the bed looking down at you. “How you holdin’ up?” 
“I’m fine, I just wanna go home.” You brushed him off. 
“What the hell happened out there?” His voice didn’t sound angry like it did on the phone, he was genuinely upset. 
“I told you, it happened fast, I was applying aid and then the next we were under fire.” You shook your head, not able to look him in the eye. 
At that motion he walked over to the side of the bed, quickly engulfing you in a hug. “I know when you’re lying to me.” He mumbled into the top of your head before placing a kiss there. 
You leaned into him, despite all his gear from his belt making it rather unpleasant to be in his embrace, it was the most comfortable you’ve felt since everything happened. You leaned into him more, gripping him closer to you when you let out a little sob. 
He gently scooted you over, making sure he didn’t aggravate or even touch the leg with the bullet wound. It was just enough so that he could sit next to you in the bed and shield you from prying eyes outside. 
“It’s alright.” He hummed as he rubbed your back up and down. A nurse had entered at one point and Tim just politely smiled and asked if the two of you could have a couple minutes. 
The tears you let escape you were some that you hadn’t shed in years. It was buried down deep, being in your field, being at war, it did that to you, it bottled everything up and left you to deal with it at another time, and each time being more inconvenient than the last left for it to overflow now. 
As you calmed down, you took a deep breath and wiped your face before looking at Tim. 
“You went back.” Tim said not needing you to say anything in explanation about what happened. 
“It was like I was right back in Afghanistan.” You nodded. 
“Protocols are different here.” Tim tilted his head to look at you, wondering if he pushed you into this too soon. 
“Yea, they got me on probation. Seeing the shrink tomorrow where they’ll figure out when I’m cleared for active duty.” 
“You know, if you wanted to go back to work at the hospital, no one would hold it against you.” Tim offered up a solution that was more for him than it was for you. 
“I was doing fine up until now, I think all the dust from the desert we were in, my hands wrist deep into this guys abdomen, brought me back to when you were bleeding out in front of me. Getting shot brought me back to the moment, it was like the shake back to reality I needed.” You shook your head as you thought through it all. 
“Yea the shrinks gonna have a ball with you.” Tim teased you before getting serious. “You’ve always been self-aware. On top of your shit, you’ll be back on active duty in no time.” 
“You sound worried.” It was obvious to notice the hesitancy in his voice. 
“Just can’t help but feel like I pushed you to this.” Tim sighed deeply. 
“I chose this.” You began to argue with him. 
“But I planted the seed.” He argued back. 
“You give yourself too much credit.” You laughed and squeezed his hand. “Remember when the Chief’s daughter came in, and I took her on as my patient, he saw how I handled everything, when they checked out, he mentioned how I might be good in TEMS. I brushed it off, but when you brought it up again, it just was harder and harder to brush it off. It just made sense.” 
Tim looked down at you shocked that you never mentioned what his boss said to you. 
“I’m just saying, don’t give yourself the credit for this.” You shrugged and teased him. 
“I just want to make sure you’re good.” Tim got serious again after letting out a laugh from your tease. 
“I’m fine, and after I see Dr. Shrink tomorrow I’ll be even better.” 
“You’re not opposed to it, which is already how I know you’re fine.” Tim joked as he brought you closer to him as both of you relaxed in the bed. 
“That’s that machismo stigma, I love talking to people about my problems. Which, speaking of, you didn’t take the trash out this morning.” 
Tim let out a belly laugh, “I’ll be sure to take it out tonight.” 
“No you won’t. You’re staying with me, Sarge.” And with that you cuddled into him as best as you could and closed your eyes so you could get as many minutes in the the most comfortable sleep you’d get while being in the hospital. 
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justabigassnerd · 8 months ago
A Different Man
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Pairing - Tim Bradford x reader
Word count - 5,241
Warnings - inaccurate hospital scenes, mentions of needles, drugs, medicines, angst, fluff
Summary - after an incident with Lucy, Tim wonders if it's time to be honest about his marital status
A/N - hey y'all I'm back with another anon request which I hope I did justice! we all know I love writing for my pookie Tim so I had a blast writing this. I won't ramble but as per y'all please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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If it was up to Tim, he wouldn’t be at work right now. But the Vice President chose to visit Los Angeles meaning he had to go to work when he would rather be relaxing at home. Now, Tim was patrolling LA with his rookie Lucy Chen, keeping a careful eye on their surroundings as they drove around. Eventually, the duo are directed to a homeless encampment where Tim makes an announcement that all the people living there have to pack up and move so that the stretch of road they were living on was going to be used for the visit. As they all packed up their belongings, a fight broke out between two women and Lucy was quick to step in yet her best efforts still got her caught up in the tussle, when the women dragged each other, and Lucy, to the ground, Tim was quick to step in, handcuffing one woman while Lucy got up and handcuffed the other. As Lucy got to her feet, Tim glanced over at her, stopping when he noticed something.
“Chen. Stop. Don’t move.” He instructs, watching as she looks at him confused before following his gaze down to the used needle sticking out of her thigh. At that moment, it was like Lucy could focus on nothing but the needle and all the diseases it could bring if it had actually embedded in her leg. Noticing Lucy’s distant gaze, Tim instructs other officers to take both women away so he can focus on making sure Lucy is okay and gets taken to the hospital.
“I didn’t see it,” Lucy mutters, looking up at Tim with a terrified expression.
“I have to pull the needle out. Stay still.” Tim says, feeling bad upon seeing the expression on his rookie’s face but he knew he couldn’t show any signs of worry because that would only panic her further. Tim pulls on a pair of gloves and grabs a box to put the needle in and he crouches down alongside Lucy, carefully extracting the needle from her leg and trying not to react when he sees the small traces of blood on the tip of the needle from where it had clearly made contact with her leg.
“What’s the protocol for when an officer is exposed on duty?” Tim then asks, straightening up after putting the needle away. He already had a good idea of how worried and panicked Lucy was and he needed to keep her focused on her job to stop her from spiralling. When he clocked that Lucy wasn’t focused he calmly gained her attention and got her to tell him what it was they needed to take as next steps. Lucy wasn’t used to Tim being so calm and gentle towards her but she appreciated it nonetheless.
“Where’s the nearest hospital?” Tim asks after Lucy tells him what protocol is for an incident like this.
“Shaw Memorial,” Lucy replies, getting a nod in return from Tim before he turns to another officer, making sure they know to keep an officer posted in the area while he takes Lucy to the hospital. Tim drives Lucy to the hospital and when he’s parked the shop, he escorts her to the first nurse desk he can find, letting her approach the desk herself.
“I need to get my blood tested. I got stuck with a used hypodermic needle.” Lucy says, trying to keep her voice steady as the nurse begins to look around, apologising before he grabs a clipboard, holding out to her.
“Just fill this out for us and take a seat in the waiting room. A doctor will be with you shortly.” Gino says with a friendly smile.
“You must be new. She’s got a weapon, so what if someone tried to grab her weapon? The hospital protocol dictates that an armed officer be seen immediately. So set her up in a room right now and find a doctor.” Tim says, an authoritative tone to his voice as Gino straightens up, nodding nervously before leading Lucy and Tim to a private room so she can safely fill out her information and wait for a doctor while he goes to grab one. Gino heads straight to your office, knocking on the door and entering with permission.
“Gino, what can I do for you?” You ask with a sweet smile, removing your gaze from your computer to Gino.
“Doctor Bradford, there’s a police officer who’s been stabbed with a used needle and needs bloodwork done,” Gino explains, watching as you nod, shutting off your computer and getting up from your seat.
“I’ll go and get acquainted with my patient if you could get the equipment I need. And Gino? Please call me y/n, Doctor Bradford is too formal.” You say with a slight chuckle as you follow Gino to the door of your office.
“Sorry.” Gino apologises as you both step into the hallway.
“No harm done.” You say dismissively, waving your hand loosely, turning in the direction of the room Gino tells you your patient is in.
“Oh just a heads up, the police officer's partner is a really grumpy guy,” Gino warns, and at the warning, you had a feeling you knew who was going to be in that room.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Bradford.” You introduce yourself as you walk into the room, smiling sweetly at the woman sitting on the end of a bed, not missing how her eyes flicked between you and your husband who was standing across the room, his arms across his chest.
“B-Bradford?” Lucy asks, eyes widening slightly as Tim scoffs, rolling his eyes at Lucy’s miraculous mood switch.
“Yes. Tim’s my husband.” You say with a soft laugh as you pick up the completed form from alongside Lucy, eyes scanning it and inputting the information into a file for Lucy.
“Sorry, that was so rude of me. I’m Lucy Chen. I’m Officer Bradford’s rookie and I just didn’t know he was-”
“Chen,” Tim said simply, making Lucy stop talking, apologising as she relaxed slightly.
“Don’t apologise Lucy. In fact, excuse me one second.” You say, walking over to Tim, taking his hand, leading him to the corner and glaring at him.
“What?” Tim asks, looking at you, confused.
“Do you seriously talk to everyone like that? Even the rookie’s you’re teaching?” You scold, watching as Tim sighs lightly.
“I gotta be tough. That’s my way of teaching. It’s how I learnt in the Army and how I learnt when I joined the force.” Tim says, explaining himself.
“I get that Tim but in the hospital? The poor girl is probably terrified and thinking of all the worst-case scenarios possible. Just tone it down a little.” You ask, eyes flicking over to Lucy who was wringing her hands nervously, eyes flicking all over the room as she takes deep breaths. At your words, Tim lets out a soft sigh, nodding lightly.
“Okay. I’ll tone it down for now.” He agrees quietly, getting a nod in response from you and a soft squeeze of the hand before you drop it focusing back on Lucy just as Gino enters the room with all the stuff you need to draw blood.
“Thank you, Gino.” You chirp happily, taking the tray from him and beginning to prep yourself.
“You can go back out to the desk, I’ll page you when I need you to run this down to the labs.” You then say, glancing over your shoulder to smile at Gino who nods and exits the room.
“He’s new, isn’t he? He didn’t know the rules about what to do when an armed officer needs to see a doctor.” Tim says, sidling up alongside you as you pull on gloves, sitting on a stool in front of Lucy and rolling your eyes.
“Yes, he’s new. I take it you were the one who made sure he knew the protocol?” You say glancing over your shoulder at Tim before focusing back on the needle as you prep it.
“I think he would’ve found a room for me if Gino hadn’t corrected himself,” Lucy says with a soft laugh.
“That doesn’t surprise me. Tim’s always been one to find his own solutions to things.” You say, smiling fondly at the many memories you have of Tim fixing situations himself when he wasn’t satisfied with the options he had.
“You must have some great stories about Tim,” Lucy asks, making your eyebrow rise as you catch on to what she was hinting at.
“What kind of story would you like? I’ve got some good ones from when we first started dating.” You say, making sure the needle is in Lucy’s arm and drawing blood.
“Hey, no.” Tim attempts to cut in and you just hold a hand up, silencing him quickly which makes Lucy giggle at how quickly her training officer was silenced. At first, Tim pulled a slight face behind your back when you held your hand up, but when you looked over your shoulder and blew him a little kiss, Lucy saw how quickly Tim melted at the gesture. Even if he was trying to be his normal, tough self, she could see how he had a huge soft spot for you.
“Tim, could you go and get Gino for me? I’m almost done. Ooh and could you grab me a snack from the vending machine?” You say sweetly, smiling over your shoulder at Tim before you pop one of the last vials of blood into the holder.
“You better not start gossiping the moment I leave.” He says lightly in response, a small smile on his face as he crosses over to you to give you a quick kiss on the top of your head before exiting the room.
“I’ve never seen him act like that before,” Lucy says as you finish putting things away before focusing on cleaning Lucy’s arm and giving her a cotton ball to put on the puncture wound to stop any extra bleeding.
“Seen him act like what? A big softie?” You ask jokingly, smiling at Lucy.
“Well I mean he was nicer than he usually is when the needle first pricked me but he’s like a whole different person with you. He actually listens to you for starters.” Lucy says, explaining herself while she thinks of the man who had put her through so many Tim Tests.
“This conversation doesn’t leave this room, okay? He’s a tough nut to crack but he’s strict because he knows you can handle yourself. He wants you to be the best police officer you can be. I’m not involved in the work aspect of Tim’s life. He likes to keep it that way and I just guess he feels he doesn’t have to put up a front when he’s with me.” You explain with a small shrug. You remembered what Tim had been like when you first met. He was closed off and it took you a while to even talk to him enough to form a friendship, and then it took another year and a half before you both had the courage to act on your romantic feelings for each other. Before Lucy could reply, Gino entered the room again to take the bloodwork to the labs to be run through tests to see if the needle infected Lucy with anything. After Gino left and there was still no sign of Tim, you continued to chat with Lucy.
“It’s nice to see him so relaxed with you. It’s like he’s a whole different person with you.” Lucy says, smiling softly.
“That’s the Tim I’m used to. I’m sure with time he’ll learn to be a little less military towards you.” You say softly, smiling at Lucy who nods lightly.
“I hope so. There’s only so many Tim Tests I can handle.” Lucy says with a gentle laugh.
“Oh, he’s told me all about them. I don’t think I would be able to handle them.” You say with a chuckle, and before either of you can say something else, the door opens and Tim enters the room.
“You took your time.” You tease lightly, swivelling around on the stool to face him.
“The nearest vending machine didn’t have your favourite so I just kept looking until I found one that did,” Tim explains, holding your favourite snack out towards you while you smile softly, taking it and standing.
“You didn’t need to do that. I would’ve been fine with anything.” You say softly, smiling up at Tim who smiles back.
“I wanted to,” Tim says, his voice matching yours in softness as he pulls you closer for a kiss.
“Aw, you two are so cute!” Lucy gushes as you pull away from the kiss, giggling lightly as Tim looks over at Lucy.
“Chen, this doesn’t leave this room,” Tim warns, pointing a finger at her as she frowns, caught out in her plans to tell Jackson and Nolan.
“Okay fine. But I need to go to the restroom.” Lucy says, standing and crossing to the door. You bid her a quiet goodbye before turning to Tim.
“I should probably go back on my rounds. You and Lucy are welcome to keep using this room until I get her results from the lab. I’ll come back when I have the results, promise.” You say to Tim, taking his hand and squeezing it softly while your other hand tucks the snack Tim had bought you into your pocket.
“Take care of yourself, won’t you?” Tim asks softly, trying to hide his worry. He knew some patients could get rough with doctors and he always worried about whether someone was going to hurt you.
“I’ll be okay. We have security and if I really need help, I do have my handsome, strong, police officer husband around.” You say softly, your smile widening slightly as Tim raises an eyebrow, hands drifting down to your waist.
“Handsome, huh?” Tim teases, moving to kiss you again as your hands move to his shoulders, one hand resting on his shoulder while your other moves around to the back of his neck, cupping it as you deepen the kiss before your brain kicks in and reminds you of what you’re supposed to be doing.
“As much as I’d love to stay here with you. I have to go. I love you.” You say after pulling away from the kiss. You wished you could stay with your husband but you knew you had a job to do.
“I love you too,” Tim says, giving you one last quick kiss before letting you leave the room so you could go on your rounds.
You visit the various patients that you need to check in on, checking their progress and giving out advice that they need to aid their recovery. You loved checking in with your patients. Sure, there were some who were permanently grumpy and barely acknowledged you or the work you and the nurses were doing for them, but the majority of your patients were sweet and made the job worth it. As you finish up with a patient who was in recovery from a surgery they had the day before, you exit into the hallway and see a few nurses gathered by a door as they cart a woman out on a gurney. You head towards the gathered group and just as you approach the room, Tim and Lucy step out of it.
“What happened? Are you both okay?” You ask worriedly, reaching to grab Tim’s shoulders, eyes scanning him worriedly, checking him over for any injuries.
“y/n, I’m fine. We’re both fine.” Tim says softly, reaching up to his shoulders to gently lift your hands off, holding them in his hands and squeezing softly.
“What happened?” You ask, eyes flicking between both Lucy and Tim waiting for an answer.
“I bumped into this woman in the restroom, she told me about her brother who had been involved in a car accident and after she left I noticed a bottle of bleach on the floor. She was going to inject her brother with it to kill him. She claimed he wouldn’t want to live like how he is now but I just couldn’t let her go through with it so I had no choice but to tase her.” Lucy explains, her voice was shaky as she recounts the events.
“Is everyone okay?” You ask, glancing behind Tim at the room.
“The patient is being checked over now but thanks to Officer Chen’s swift actions, the sister never pushed the plunger,” Tim says, smiling over at Lucy who smiles back weakly.
“I was just doing what needed to be done,” Lucy says with a shrug.
“Look, Grey’s called me back to the station,” Tim says, looking between you and Lucy.
“Do you need me to come with you?” Lucy asks, looking up at Tim who shakes his head.
“No, you stay here and wait for your results. I’ll come back when I’m done. If you need anything I’m sure y/n will help you.” Tim says as you nod.
“Of course. Lucy if you need anything at all while you’re waiting, just shoot me a text.” You say pulling your notebook out of your pocket and scribbling down your phone number to hand to Lucy who takes it with a nod.
“Thank you,” Lucy says gratefully, tucking the paper away in her pocket before you both look over at Tim.
“I’ve got to go. I love you.” Tim says, giving you a quick kiss and hug before turning to Lucy.
“Chen, take care of yourself.” He then says, patting her shoulder before excusing himself, heading down the hallway and disappearing around a corner.
“I said it to Tim earlier but you’re welcome to keep using the room Gino put you in until I have your results.” You say softly, reaching to rest a hand on Lucy’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze before quietly excusing yourself so you could continue your rounds until the lab results came back.
As it pushes into the afternoon, you finish your rounds and take care of some appointments you had booked for the day and eventually you get paged by the lab and you head down, picking up Lucy’s blood test results and reading them over before heading back to the room Lucy had been using. However, when you entered the room it was empty, so you walked to the waiting room to see if she was there and you soon found her sitting alongside another police officer.
“Officer Chen.” You say softly, getting Lucy’s attention as she shoots out of the seat, the other officer following suit, resting a supportive hand on her shoulder.
“Yes?” Lucy says watching you as you smile softly.
“I have your results. Would you like to follow me to my-”
“No, sorry, can you just tell me now please?” Lucy asks, cutting in and watching carefully as you nod, eyes moving down to your clipboard to flip through the paperwork.
“So your initial tests came back negative for any viral infections like HIV or hepatitis. But your bloodwork indicated the presence of a staph infection.” You explain, seeing how Lucy relaxed at your first sentence before she grew worried again.
“What does that mean?” Lucy asks, her eyebrows furrowed as she worries about what it could mean for her future.
“It just means we need to get you started on some intravenous antibiotics right away. Some strains of staph infection are drug-resistant so we’ll monitor the wound for any abscesses or cellulitis.” You explain to Lucy, watching as she releases a big breath before turning to the police officer standing behind her.
“Go. I’ll call Tim. He’ll be here for you by the time you’re out.” He says softly before Lucy pulls him into a hug, thanking him quietly before she releases him and turns to you with a small smile and nod.
“If you just follow me.” You say, gesturing with your head for Lucy to follow you to your office which she does and while you settle in your office chair, Lucy eases herself down on the chair opposite your desk. You copy the bloodwork data onto Lucy’s file and print out a prescription, informing her of how to best care for her wound, when to take her medication and where she can pick it up from. After talking her through everything and checking Lucy’s wound over just to be sure it was okay for now, you stood in front of her with a small smile.
“I’ll walk you out, I’m sure Tim’s here now.” You say softly, leading Lucy back to the waiting room where Tim was waiting, rising from the seat he was sitting in when he noticed the two of you approaching.
“Hey, is everything okay?” Tim asks, looking down at Lucy who nods, finally able to relax for the first time since the incident.
“Everything’s good,” Lucy replies, smiling at Tim who nods lightly, a small smile of his own on his face.
“If you have any concerns about anything Lucy, you’re free to give me a call whenever.” You say, making sure Lucy knew that you’d help her no matter the time.
“Thank you for everything, Doctor Bradford.” Lucy thanks you gratefully.
“Please, call me y/n.” You say with a small laugh, not missing how the police officer stood behind Tim gasped lightly with widened eyes as he realised what Lucy said.
“Sorry, did you say-?”
“Yes, she said Bradford. Tim is my husband.” You say, moving to stand next to Tim, taking his hand in yours as you smile up at your husband.
“If I find out you and Officer Chen have been spreading this around later Officer West, I will put you both through the most intense Tim Tests I can think of and it’ll have you questioning whether you want to even continue in the LAPD,” Tim warns lowly.
“Jackson and I would never do that,” Lucy says quickly, standing up for her friend as you sigh lightly.
“Tim, surely you’re tired of dancing around everyone. I don’t mind if people know about me. In fact, I’d like to get to know your colleagues. They’re part of your life too.” You say softly, turning to face Tim as he mirrors your actions.
“Are you sure?” Tim asks quietly, watching you nod.
“I’m sure, Tim. I’d love to get to know the people you work with. I’m your wife and I would like to be more than just a secret.” You admit, watching as Tim’s eyes drop to the floor briefly before looking back up at you. You understood why he had been so hesitant to tell people about you, he was worried that he’d somehow get involved in a case involving a dangerous person which could put you at risk. But you were capable of making your own choices, and you knew that even if you were at risk, knowing Tim’s work friends would make you feel safer.
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to keep you safe.” Tim mutters softly, taking your hands in his.
“Don’t apologise. I know you wanted to keep me safe and I appreciate that. But you can’t hide me forever.” You say, squeezing hands softly and reaching up to press a kiss on his lips.
“Okay, I’ll stop trying to hide you,” Tim replies after you pull away from the kiss, his smile soft as you glance over to Jackson and Lucy.
“I think you two are safe.” You say with a laugh watching as they exchange a quick fist bump.
“I won’t give you any Tim Tests yet,” Tim says, releasing your hands and turning to face the two.
“You won’t give them any unless it’s part of training.” You say, nudging Tim in his side as he lets out a small grunt of pain at the jab.
“Does that mean we can tell Nolan?” Lucy asks, testing the waters and watching Tim’s reaction carefully. When you hear Tim let out a small huff of a sigh, you speak up.
“You can tell Nolan but only Nolan. Let Tim do the rest.” You say. You didn’t know who Nolan was but you could only guess he was the third rookie that had joined the LAPD alongside Jackson and Lucy.
“What she said. Anyone else knows before I tell them, you know what the punishment will be.” Tim says, raising an eyebrow as both Jackson and Lucy nod hurriedly, aware of what Tim Tests he could potentially put them through.
“I should probably get back to work.” You mutter, noticing the time on the clock behind the nurse’s desk.
“Yeah, I’ve got to take Lucy back to the station,” Tim says with a nod, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“I’ll see you when I get home.” You whisper softly smiling up at your husband before watching him leave with Lucy following close behind while Jackson stays put.
“I know you have to get back to work but it’s honestly incredible how different Tim is with you,” Jackson speaks up quickly, catching your attention as you laugh softly.
“Funnily enough Lucy said a similar thing.” You say with a soft laugh as you shrug, making Jackson let out a gentle laugh of his own.
“I won’t keep you. I should probably find my TO.” Jackson says, nodding with a soft smile as you smile back.
“If your TO is Angela, tell her I say ‘hi’ will you?” You say, beginning to back away and shooting Jackson a quick wink when his jaw drops before turning around and making your way back to your office to continue with the rest of your shift.
By the time your shift came to an end, you were just about ready to drop. It had been a long day and when you got home you were greeted by Tim who pulled you into his arms almost the moment you walked through the door.
“Tim. I love you but I need a shower.” You giggle as you feel Tim press a kiss to the top of your head.
“I’ll get dinner sorted then.” He replies softly, releasing you from the embrace and letting you go off and shower and change into something comfier. By the time you had finished showering and changing, you could smell the dinner Tim was preparing.
“It smells good.” You say as you enter the kitchen, sidling up alongside Tim and winding your arms around his middle as he turns the stove off.
“I could’ve had a career as a chef.” Tim jokes lightly, welcoming your embrace. When you release Tim from your embrace so he can finish up the food, you begin to grab some plates and cutlery for when Tim is ready to plate up the food. Once the food is plated up, you sit at the table and eat your dinner, conversing the whole time. When you finish your meal, you both tidy away everything before retiring to the sofa, cuddling into each other while Tim finds a tv show to put on in the background.
“Are you really okay with telling people about us? I feel like I put you on the spot.” You mumble, resting your head on Tim’s chest and looking up at him.
“I’m more than okay with telling people about us. You’re right. You deserve to know my colleagues, and I don’t know how much longer I can go hiding you. You deserve to be shown off.” Tim replies, squeezing you tighter as a smile crosses your face.
A week later, you pulled up outside the Mid-Wilshire police station, parked your car, and stepped out. You headed into the building with a smile as you met Tim in the reception area.
“Hey.” He greets you with a smile, capturing your lips in his for a soft kiss as he pulls you into his arms.
“That’s a nice welcome.” You say with a smile as you pull away from the kiss.
“Only the best for you,” Tim mutters softly.
“You big softie.” You say with a laugh as Tim rolls his eyes.
“y/n!” You hear Lucy’s excited voice say as she rushes over to you, hugging you close as you reciprocate the embrace, smiling widely.
“Hey, Lucy. How have you been?” You ask. Since Tim had started telling people about you, you’d met various people from Mid-Wilshire station as you swung by the station every so often but Lucy had been the one you’d formed the closest friendship with.
“I’ve been doing well! But between you and me I think you need to stop by more. Tim’s always happier after you visit.” Lucy says, muttering her words lowly so Tim doesn’t hear her as you laugh lightly.
“Well, hopefully, these make everyone a little happier.” You say with a smile, holding up the bag of various cakes you had gotten from a bakery you and Tim frequented.
“Oh yes! I knew there was a reason you were my favourite Bradford!” You hear Jackson exclaim as he approaches you, making you laugh as you hand the bag to Nolan who also joins the group as you glance over at Tim who rolls his eyes and shrugs at Jackson’s comment.
“Everyone’s going to love that you’ve done this. You and Tim have been talking this bakery up for a week now.” Nolan says, opening the bag enough to peek in at the goodies inside.
“I just got things I thought everyone would like.” You say, watching as the three rookies take it in turns peeking inside the bag and trying to figure out what each thing is. As you watch them discussing their theories quietly, Tim walks up alongside you, wrapping an arm around your middle and tugging you into his side.
“I can’t believe I have to share you with all these guys now,” Tim mutters, and this time it is your turn to jokingly roll your eyes.
“Well, just remember, I married you. So you don’t need to worry about someone ‘stealing’ me away.” You joke, leaning into Tim’s side.
“It’s relieving to hear that.” Tim jokes in return, chuckling lightly.
“I hate to do this so soon after arriving but I need to head back to the hospital. I don’t want to see any of you guys in there as patients. Got it?” You say, pointing at Tim and the three rookies who all nod hurriedly before you turn to face Tim.
“Stay safe out there.” You whisper before giving him a soft kiss.
“Always,” Tim replies after you pull away, letting you say your goodbyes to the rookies before walking you out to your car and giving you one last kiss before watching as you get in your car and drive away to head back to work.
Since you had made friends with the people he worked with, Tim found himself more willing to be friendly with those around him at work. Most of the time he was still the tough training officer that everyone was used to, but you had taught him not to burn all his bridges too soon, and that it was okay to have friends at work.
And with you making the effort to know those he worked with, Tim was sure he fell in love with you all over again.
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cherryxbooo · 2 months ago
You’re everything to me
Summary: A day in the life with baby Bradford on the way.
Note: First of all my apologies, this is a very short one, but I hope you guys enjoy it! 🤍
Reader x Tim Bradford
Genre: fluff
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The morning sunlight peeked through the curtains as I lay in bed, one hand on my belly and the other scrolling lazily through my phone.
Tim had already been up for an hour, starting his usual workout routine.
I smiled as I heard faint grunts and the rhythmic clinking of weights coming from the garage.
It was comforting, knowing he’d never miss a beat, whether it was his job, his routine, or doting on me.
The flutter in my belly drew my attention back to the life growing inside me.
I couldn’t help but talk to the baby sometimes.
“Your daddy’s so tough, isn’t he? But don’t let him fool you, he’s a big softie for us.”
As if summoned by my words, Tim appeared in the doorway, towel slung over his shoulder, his face glistening with sweat.
“Morning beautiful,” he said, a grin spreading across his face as he noticed me still curled up in bed.
“Morning, hotshot,” I teased, propping myself up on an elbow.
“Did you win your battle with the weights today?”
“They never stood a chance,” he replied, walking over to kiss my forehead.
His hand instinctively found its way to my bump, resting there gently.
“How’s my team doing this morning?”
“We’re hungry,” I said with mock seriousness.
“Say less,” Tim said, smirking. “Pancakes again?”
“Pancakes are always the answer,” I replied, grinning.
After breakfast, Tim got ready for work.
As he buttoned up his uniform shirt, I couldn’t help but admire him.
Even after all these years, there was something undeniably comforting and attractive about the way he carried himself.
“Don’t work too hard today,” I said, wrapping my arms around him from behind as he stood by the mirror.
He turned, his eyes softening.
“I’ll try, but you know how it is.” He leaned down to kiss me, lingering for a moment.
“Promise me you’ll rest today?”
“I promise,” I said, though we both knew I had a hard time sitting still.
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The precinct was bustling when Tim arrived.
Officers were briefing each other on cases, phones were ringing, and the coffee machine in the corner had a line of tired officers waiting.
As Tim made his way to his desk, Angela intercepted him with a knowing smirk.
“How’s Y/n?” she asked, leaning against his desk as he set down his gear.
“She’s good,” Tim replied, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Still craving pancakes every morning, though.”
Angela laughed.
“That baby’s already got good taste. How’s she holding up with you being at work all day?”
Tim chuckled. “She says she’s fine, but I know she gets bored. She’s been texting me baby name ideas all week.”
Angela raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Any winners yet?”
He shrugged, but his grin gave him away.
“We’ll figure it out together. She’s got some good ones.”
Angela patted his arm.
“You’re going to be a great dad, Tim. Just don’t turn the kid into a mini drill sergeant, okay?”
He rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide his amusement. “No promises.”
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By mid-afternoon, I found myself restless.
The baby’s kicks were getting more frequent, and while I loved our home, it felt too quiet without Tim.
On a whim, I decided to visit him at the station.
When I walked in, the familiar hum of activity greeted me.
Officers walking about, some deep in conversation, others typing furiously at their desks.
I spotted Lucy first. Her face lit up as she saw me.
“Y/n! What are you doing here?” she asked, hurrying over to hug me.
“I got bored,” I admitted, laughing.
“And I missed Tim.”
“Well, you’re in luck. He’s over there pretending to be grumpy about paperwork,” she said, pointing to his desk.
Tim looked up just as I approached, his expression softening immediately.
“Hey,” he said, standing up to greet me.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were resting.”
“I was,” I replied, smiling.
“But I needed a change of scenery. Plus, I figured you might need some moral support with all that paperwork.”
He smirked, pulling out his chair and motioning for me to sit.
“You’re the best distraction I could ask for.”
As we chatted, more of his colleagues came by to say hello.
Angela joked about how I was keeping Tim in line, and Lucy started quizzing me about baby names.
“You guys are going to have the cutest kid,” Lucy gushed, her excitement contagious.
Tim, who had been standing protectively close to me, placed a hand on my shoulder.
“As long as they don’t take after Lucy’s sense of humor, we’ll be fine.”
“Hey!” Lucy protested, laughing.
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That evening, the soft glow of the living room lamp bathed the room in warmth as we settled on the couch together.
Tim had pulled me close, his arm draped protectively around my shoulders while his free hand rested on my growing belly.
The rhythmic motion of his fingers tracing gentle circles on my skin sent a wave of calm through me.
It was as if, without even trying, he could communicate love and reassurance in the simplest ways.
I tilted my head to rest against his shoulder, breathing in the familiar scent of his aftershave mixed with the faint hint of coffee from his shift.
“Today was nice,” I said softly, breaking the comfortable silence.
His hand stilled for a moment, and I felt his head turn slightly toward me.
“Yeah?” he asked, his voice warm with curiosity.
“Mmhmm,” I murmured.
“It felt good to see you in your element, and to remind your colleagues how lucky they are to work with you.”
Tim chuckled, a deep sound that reverberated through his chest.
“Lucky to work with me? You sure we were talking about the same group of people? Because they spend half their time teasing me about being a grump.”
I smirked, reaching up to run my fingers along his jawline.
“That’s just because they don’t know you the way I do.”
He turned his head fully to look at me now, his lips curving into that rare, unguarded smile that he reserved for moments like this.
“Oh yeah? And how do you know me, exactly?”
I raised an eyebrow, playing along.
“Well, for starters, I know the grumpy act is just that, an act. Underneath it all, you’re nothing but a big softie.”
Tim scoffed in mock offense, though the smile never left his face.
“Softie? You’re pushing it, sweetheart.”
“Oh, come on,” I teased, sitting up slightly so I could look him directly in the eye.
“Who was it that stayed up all night reading parenting books last week because he wanted to be prepared for every possible scenario?”
“That’s just called being responsible,” he argued, though his ears turned pink, betraying his embarrassment.
“And who bought three different brands of prenatal vitamins because he wasn’t sure which one was the best?”
I pressed, my grin widening.
“I was being thorough,” he muttered, trying to look annoyed but failing miserably.
“And who talks to the baby every morning before work?"
I added, my voice softening as I placed my hand over his where it rested on my belly.
Tim’s eyes flickered to mine, and his expression shifted into something tender.
“Okay, you’ve made your point,” he conceded, his thumb brushing over the back of my hand.
“But for the record, I’m not the only one completely wrapped around this kid’s finger already.”
I laughed, leaning into him again.
“Fair enough. We make a pretty good team, don’t we?”
“The best,”
he said, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of my head.
For a while, we sat in companionable silence, the only sounds the faint hum of the heater and the occasional creak of the couch as we adjusted.
Tim’s hand resumed its gentle circles on my belly, and I couldn’t resist placing my hand over his again, lacing our fingers together.
“I can’t wait for this little one to join us,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
I tilted my head up to look at him, my heart swelling at the way his blue eyes shone with a mixture of excitement and vulnerability.
“Me too,” I whispered, my own voice trembling slightly.
Tim leaned down to kiss me, his lips lingering on mine in a way that felt like a promise, a promise of love, of commitment, of a future we were building together.
When he pulled back, I saw the faintest hint of moisture in his eyes, though he quickly blinked it away.
“You’re everything to me, you know that?” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Tears prickled my own eyes as I smiled up at him, my hormones coming through.
“And you’re everything to me.”
In that moment, surrounded by the quiet comfort of our home and the palpable anticipation of the life we were about to bring into the world.
I knew this was what happiness felt like, simple, messy, and filled with more love than I ever thought possible.
The end
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strawberryforks · 2 months ago
slipping smiles//tim bradford x reader
reckless smiles adjacent (call fic)
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warnings: you could have died, swearing, animal-in-danger, no beta we die like my sleep schedule
a/n: writing calls is surprisingly fun! SORRY for the (definite) inconsistencies. asks are open! dedicated to @scenesofobx because your comments have made my day <33 enjoy!
You’re dressed in a cute little workout outfit. Leggings, a cropped skintight long sleeve top with thumb-holes, overtop of that a gray sweater, and over that, a puffer vest that you leave open because it’s not as cold as you thought it would be. The vest you realize, might be a little extra, but you’re already committed now, halfway to your favourite taco truck. It’s your day off and since you can’t just do nothing, you’ve decided to go on a jog. It’s around lunchtime (you’re headed to get yours) and you pick this time purposely—you’re a cop, you’ve seen a lot. Enough that you don’t go running when it’s dark out and when there aren’t other people around—12PM ensures witnesses and sunlight and since you’re jogging on a sidewalk in the suburbs; in a relatively wealthy neighborhood, you don’t expect anything to happen. You run this route often and know that in a little bit, you’ll run across a bridge, that the small lake running underneath will be frost kissed, reflecting sun back at you. You know you might stop to take a picture—what you don’t know is that the group you’re nearing, jogging towards, are buying.
Up ahead, a man with a hood pulled down, obscuring his face passes a brick—not a baggy, a brick—of something into the hands of another man, this one wearing a ball cap and baggy jeans, sans face covering. You reach for your off-duty weapon and the badge you keep tucked into your wallet. “LAPD, hands in the air!”
Because nothing is easy and karma is against you, all hell breaks loose. Two of the guys pull out their guns, one shoots bullet after bullet in quick succession—you dive out of the way, ducking behind a grey civic that acts as a shield, absorbing bullets so you don’t have to. The other two start running and dammit, those ones are the guys who brought the drugs. The ones you really need in custody. You dial 911 and give your general address, you give your name and badge number, “10-57, requesting backup,” then you hangup. You call Chen—knowing she should be patrolling in the area; that she usually does, at least. “Hey! Pursuing armed suspects or about to… would love some help. Drug deal gone—“ and then you hear dispatch regurgitating your earlier words, hear her TO accept the call and then you’re shooting back, running behind other cars paralell parked on the sides of the road, using them as cover, and darting after the two escaping. A bullet whizzes past your side—you turn and bury one in the shooters shoulder. The other man, you shoot in the hand, causing his gun to go flying. Then you’re sprinting after the two. Distantly you hear sirens. Up ahead, alongside the criminals, is a scraggly looking stray. A cop car skids to a halt on the other side of the men, Chen and Bishop jumping out, guns raised. The criminals are now paused atop the bridge, looking at you like they’re planning to go through you, like it's the easier option now that the cavalry has arrived. You approach, another car sliding behind you. This one, Tim Bradford climbs out of, looking like the soldier he was—dangerous, determined. “It’s over! Interlace your hands behind your head!” you shout. The two men, both shot by you, are already stuffed into the backseat of a shop, headed for hospital before they’re to be booked.
The criminals are outnumbered and outgunned. They raise their hands slowly, fingers splaying, guns clattering to the ground and you approach, wrenching brick-boy’s hands behind his back, your own outstretched, waiting for a pair of cuffs to be thrown into them. Tim passes you a pair and you shove the restrained criminal towards your TO, past the cowering stray who the asshole swipes his foot at. The criminal kicks the dog who yelps and is knocked under the guardrail. You shove him harder then, forcing him to his knees in front of officer Bradford as you throw yourself at the fence, peering over where you see water. The dog fell through the thin layer of ice. You see him paddle up once, twice, and then he dips under again. Comeon, comeoncomeoncomeon, you plead. He doesn’t surface. Tim Bradford’s the last person you look at, the one who reaches for you as you vault over the guardrail and take the plunge yourself.
The water is cold. So cold that it seems to slow time down. Everything takes an extra minute, everything slowed as your eyes shoot open, blinking to adjust to the feeling of wetness against them. Underwater, you paddle, spinning around, looking for the dog. You see him, his little legs are frantic, pawing against the water. Still holding your breath, cheeks puffed up, full of air you’re losing faster than you’d like, you make large strides and close the distance between you and the pup. With the dog in your arms you try to surface. A layer of cold glass stops you. You bang your fist against it—breakbreakbreak. Weighed down by panic you climb along the underneath, looking for the crater you fell through. You claw your way to the hole in the ice and the dog surfaces before you do because you stick your hands out, up in the air, and pump your legs as quickly as you can. Your head breaches the water and you grab the ledge of the ice, wincing, terrified, when it gives way, only widening the break in the ice. You push the dog up onto the ice—the solid kind, and watch as it coughs up the cold water you’re still in. The cold water that’s feeling less cold. It's not the water, you know, it’s just you feeling less. Your feet are numb, your hands too. People are shouting but it still feels like you’re underwater. Still feels like something’s blocking your ears. Vaguely, as you attempt to pull yourself onto the ice you see flashing lights. Cop ones, ones from LAFD vehicles, too. There’s an ambulance here—as much for you as the men you shot, if only you could make it to them. If only. You’re getting tired. Sounds blur together, sensations, and colours too. You’re cocooned in a haze, a fog that just keeps getting thicker and thicker. A voice breaks it.
“Boot!” snaps Bradford. He’s closer than the others, you think. “Look at me,” he demands. You do, of course you do. He’s lying on the ice, body weight dispersed over a larger part of it so nothing shatters and he’s reaching out for you. There’s a few blurs behind him, firefighters, you think, telling—yelling at him, but all you can focus on is the words he’s saying. “Focus!”
You do your best.
“I need you to grab my arm. I’ll pull you up,” his hand is reaching towards your own and even though you can place your fingers—can’t feel them, you watch them carefully, making sure you direct your hand into his. Then, Tim pulls you from the water, sliding you along beside him and shifting so you’re between his legs, his forearms wrapped around your chest, holding you tightly. You’re shaking—still are, as two LAFD members drag Tim backwards to the bank, you with him. They take you from him and you didn’t fight his hold but you squirm in theirs, remembering the reason you took the ice-bath in the first place: the dog. “They’re going to help you,” Tim says, “you need to get warmed up.”
Your teeth clash with each other brutally in agreeance but you shake your head. “The d-dog. I-I have to get him, make sure he’s okay.”
Tim shakes his head incredulously. You don’t budge, insistent as ever and finally he relents. “I’ll get the damn dog. You, get warmed up. Listen to them.”
The dog would be okay, Tim would make sure of it—he’d take it to the vet himself, pay the bills, buy it a fucking sweater. Tim would do anything as long as you get seen by the paramedics because your lips were blue and he was terrified.
He hides that fear under a scowl as he searches for the pup and pulls him into his arms. The dog is small—a scraggly chihuahua mix of some kind—and he’s just as cold as you; a little less, thanks to the matted fur he’s covered in. Tim unzipped his jacket and wrapped the dog in it, then he headed up the bank to check on you. You, who had been ushered into the back of the ambulance and despite your assurances, “I’m fine, I’m fine, just a little chilly. Guys, this really isn’t necessary, I could warm up just as easily at home—“ shut in. A woman climbed into the driver's seat, her partner in the back with you and the doors were wrenched open a second time, your TO and the stray in his arms joining you. “I’m riding with her,” he tells the paramedics. He sits down on one of the small half-benches. “You’re okay?”
“Is the dog?”
He rolls his eyes. “Yes, I’ll take him to the vet to be sure but he seems okay. Now, Boot, answer.”
“I’m okay, just a little cold and sore. Don’t take him to the shelter after the vet. I’ll pay the bill just let me know how much.”
“You want to adopt him?”
“Yeah, I could use a roommate.”
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gemstone-roses · 2 years ago
Attitude adjustment
Summary: Tim is sick of your attitude.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+. Praise, eventual smut (not in this part) teasing.
Note: ah I love Tim bradford okay that's all. Likes comments and reblogs much appreciated , please be kind this is my first fic for weeks.
There will be a part 2 coming soon! 👀
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It's ridiculous, you long graduated from being a rookie and Tim still treats you like he did your first year on the job.
Only difference is now, you give as good as you get.
And Tim? He's sick of it
Every time you open that pretty mouth of yours and respond with that teasing tone, that small smile that knows he can't get rid of you now, his cock strains in his pants. The way you stick your tongue between your teeth after you've talked back to him makes him think so many sinful things he struggles to reign in his composure. His knuckles turn white around the steering wheel, because of course he's not letting you drive.
He corners you in the locker room, both hands on either side of you, trapping you.
"You, are driving me nuts" he sneers, taking a deep breath.
Your heart thumps in your chest.
"You have a bad attitude, boot"
"Im not your boot anymore"
"Yeah? You should be, thought I did a pretty good job of snuffing out that little bit of defiance, I guess not" he runs his thumb across your lip as he speaks.
His eyes bore into you, watching, waiting, he doesn't miss the way your eyes go wide with lust at his actions.
"You like them fiesty, officer bradford" you sneer out the last part, or try to, but you are far too turned on for it to sound mean at all.
Tim leans in, places his forehead on yours.
"I am going to fuck that attitude out of you" he whispers.
Arousal pools between your legs at his words.
"That's what you need? Isn't it?" His hand grips your jaw.
You nod.
"No, I need words" he states softly, his finger tracing your jawline as he waits for your consent.
"Yes" you say firmly
"I want this- I need this, need you" you continue.
Tim smiles, moving his hand to the back of your neck.
"God, I was hoping you'd say that" he tightens his grip on your neck before crashing his lips into yours.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year ago
Love in the Moonlight 18+
Request: Hiya ❤️ hope you don't mind me sending in a Tim Bradford idea 😊 I thought about something where they're colleagues and close friends (with crushes) but she distances from him as he starts going out for dates. He notices that and one night comes to her apartment to confront her. But as he sees her in her nightgown he can't resist and kisses her, making love to her, and she never stops him. Afterwards they cuddle and he admits that he just went on dates to get rid of the feelings he has towards her, but now all he wants is her to be his girl, which she happily accepts. Thank you in advance sweetheart 💋 you're the best !
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Police Officer!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, smut
A/N: @talesofreading and @imagine-all-the-fandoms Tim smut for ya hope you're prepared....
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Love can make you do some crazy things. Love could make you jealous to the point of doing something you regret. Love can make you think of nobody else besides that person. Love is just unpredictable. Love is something you want with Tim but it seems like you were the only one that wants that. Tim doesn’t even seem that interested in you and you hated that. Every time you saw Tim you fell further in love but he just seems to see you as one of the guys and that kills you. What you didn’t know was that he loved you too but was too afraid to show. Every date you went on made him jealous and every date he went on shattered your heart a little more each time. You wanted that to be you. You wanted to be the one wrapped in his coat on a windy night or under his arm sleeping in his bed. 
Tim and you were very close and the crush started when you both got out of the academy and then when you both got accepted at the same precinct. Where he became a TO you just became a regular officer and you loved it. You and Tim did everything together from texting each other 24/7, eating lunch together, having each other over at each other’s apartments, crashing at each other places when one became too drunk, even to the point of going to the movies together. You both had everything from bathroom necessities to both of your favorite types of coffee at each other’s apartments.  How were you not supposed to fall in love with the man you hang out with all the time? 
The only people that knew of this crush was your two best friends Angela and Talia who had sworn to secrecy not to say anything. You had girls’ night often and you would rant and rave about it and they would sympathize with you. You even talked to them about maybe transferring to another unit or taking the offer that the FBI that you kept getting offers from. Currently you were out with the girls, that included Lucy now, at a bar that you visited frequently. Everyone was a few drinks in but you were further into them and feeling it. “I just don’t know what to do anymore. Clearly, he doesn’t like me like that and he only sees me as one of his guy friends. I can’t keep going on with this burning aching feeling of love for him. It’s to the point that I’m considering taking that offer that the FBI has been sending me. I would be in Quantico, VA and far away from him.” You said taking a drink of your beer that had been freshly poured. 
“Oh honey, he feels so much more towards you.” Lucy said and you scuffed.
“Bullshit. He has a funny way of showing it.” You said. You were definitely drunk. “I just want to have hot crazy sex with him.” You said and everyone chuckled.
“Ok, that is enough for you.” Angela said “I’m gonna call Tim to come and get you.” She said and you looked at her horrified. You all had taken a cab to the bar since you all were drinking and then you had planned for Nolan or Jackson to come and get you all. You had taken one earlier to secure a spot and started drinking about 3 minutes before them starting with the hard stuff aka Fireball. 
“Nooooo, you can’t do that.” You said beginning to slur. That was the thing about you two, the both of you would drop everything to come to each other aid no matter what and no matter where.
“Yes, I’m calling him.” Angela said and pulled out her phone and dialed his number in. “I’m also calling Nolan afterwards to come and get us. We’re calling it a night.” She said and then Tim answered she started talking to him. 
Tim was out having a date with Teresa and was not having a good time. He really wished that he was with you at the moment with you cuddled in his arms. Tim was bored. She was going on about something that happened at work and he was halfway paying attention to her. Suddenly he heard his phone ringing and he mentally sighed in relief, he pulled it out and saw that it was Angela calling and he frowned, a million questions ran through his head: ‘Did something happen?’, ‘Were you alright?’. He answered it without hesitation.
“Angela, is everything ok?” He asked right out of the gate.
“Tim, hi. I know you’re on a date right now but Y/N is absolutely hammered. Can you come and get her?” She asked
“Of course. Is she ok?” He asked, reaching for his wallet.
“If you would consider her about to get into a bar fight with a guy that touched her ass, then yeah.” She said and that made his eyes widened in panic.
“I’ll be there soon. Just keep her contained. I’m 5 minutes away.” He said
“We’ll try our best. But you know your girl is strong as hell.” She said and his heart skipped a beat when she said that. “Just hurry.” She said and then hung up and so did he.
Teresa was looking at him as he finished the call. “Let me guess you need to go.” She said and he nodded.
“I’m sorry.” He said and she smiled.
“It’s ok. Raincheck?” She said and he nodded. He got in and started the trip to the bar that was only 5 minutes away. He was quick to spot you and Angela outside and you were sitting on the curb looking drunk as all get out and he knew you would be feeling it in the morning. 
Angela saw the lights of his truck and sighed in relief. “Y/N, your knight in shining armor has arrived.” She said with a smirk and you looked at her.
“No, he is not. He doesn’t love me like that.” You slurred and she shook her head. Tim parked the truck and got out and walked over to you.
“How much did she have to drink?” He asked and you looked up at hearing his voice.
“Timothy!” You slurred and tried to stand up but fell and he sighed but helped you stand up. 
“I think she started drinking before we arrived.” Angela said and Tim turned toward you.
“Y/N how much have you had to drink?” He asked using his cop voice and you looked at him and started thinking.
“Like 6 shots of Fireball, several glasses of beer, and lots and lots of shots. Speaking of shots, can we go in and get more?” You asked, already starting to turn towards the bar.
“Nope as a friend, I’m cutting you off.” He said and that sent a pang of hurt through your chest.
“Right friend.” You said and let him help you get in his truck. He turned to Angela who was walking with you both and she was opening the door since he was pretty much holding you up. He guided you up into the truck and made sure you were buckled in and then shut the door and turned to Angela. 
“I shouldn’t be telling you this but that girl has had a crush on you since you both got out of the academy. She literally would drop everything for you and you know it and I know you too. It hurts her every time you go out with someone because she wishes that it was her.” She said and he shook his head.
“That’s not true.” He said and she shook her head. “No, she doesn’t. We’re just very good friends.” He said and she shook her head.
“Whatever, just get her home safely.” Angela said and turned back and walked back into the bar. 
Tim got into the truck. He looked over at you and you were sound asleep and he smiled. He put the truck into drive and headed to your apartment. It was a silent ride to your apartment and when he got there. He pulled into a parking spot next to your car and got the truck parked and killed the engine. Then he was walking over to the passenger’s and opened it and unbuckled your seatbelt and gently got you and carried you. When he got to the front door, he grabbed his keys and found your key and unlocked the door. Yes, he had a key to your place and you had a key to his place. He unlocked the door and shut it going straight to your bedroom. He gently laid you down and pulled off your shoes and then covered you up. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed some Tylenol and a bottle of Gatorade and then walked into your office and wrote a note then, he walked it to your room and sat it on the nightstand. He grabbed your phone and plugged it in and then left.
The next morning you woke up to your phone alarm blaring and your head was pounding and you were hung over. You turned over to shut it off and then noticed the note along with the Gatorade and Tylenol. 
Take these and drink all of the Gatorade. It’ll help.
You smiled and took the Tylenol and drank the Gatorade as you got ready for the day. By the time you were leaving all of it was gone and you were feeling better. You walked out to your car and got into your car and then you were off to work. You saw Tim’s truck and smiled but then you decided to park next to Nolan’s and got you and walked into the precinct. You greeted everyone and headed to the locker room where you quickly got changed and then walked into the briefing room, it was mostly full and few seats left. Tim noticed you walked in and smiled and motioned to the open seat next to him but you bowed your head and decided to sit next to Smitty of all people and that made him frown, you always sat beside him. Sergeant Grey walked in and started the briefing and then when he was done you shot out of there in a hurry before Tim had even gotten a chance to come and say hi or ask you how you were feeling. 
Lately you had noticed him going on more dates and being happy and that was killing you on the inside. So, you started to distance yourself from him. At first it was making excuses when he asked to hang out and then not answering his every phone call, or hardly texting him and when you text back you would send a short or one worded answer. You even started to take separate lunches or take yours to go. It saddened him that you were pulling away but he didn’t let it show and that upset you, it was like he didn’t even care. 
Lucy and he did catch up to you when you were getting your bags and stuff “Hey, Y/N.” Tim said and you tensed and turned to him.
“Oh, hey.” You said 
“How are you feeling?” He asked
“Fine.” You said and then grabbed your stuff and you were heading to your shop. 
“Hey, are you free tonight? There is a movie out that I thought we could see together.” Tim asked 
“No, sorry. I have plans.” You said and then you were gone before he could get another word out. 
Once you were alone out on the streets you were fine and actually happy. You answered calls here and there and they were mostly easy. There were a few that you had to take in and there were a few traffic stops. It was nearing lunch time and you dreaded it. You pulled over into a parking lot when you saw your phone light up and buzz. You looked at it and saw a few missed calls from Tim but you were busy during that time and a few texts from him. You sighed and debated if you wanted lunch but then your stomach growled and you groaned and put your shop into drive and headed to the usual lunch place. You parked and got out and headed that way you saw Tim and smiled but it quickly faded when a girl came up to him and kissed him. You caught the eye of Angela and Talia when Tim broke apart from the girl, he followed their eyes and saw you and his heart sank. Lunch be damned, you would eat later, you need to talk to Wade. You turned back to your shop and was off before he could even get up or say anything. 
You arrived back at the precinct and parked your shop in the bay and then you were walking into the building and heading to Wade’s office. When you got there you knocked on the door and he looked up and waved you in “Officer Y/L/N, what can I do for you?” He asked and you sighed.
“You know that I’ve been getting offers from the FBI in Quantico, VA specifically from the BAU.” You said and he nodded.
“I do. What is this about?” He asked 
“As much as this pains me to say, I want to take their offer and transfer.” You said and he nodded.
“Are you for sure you want to do this?” He asked and you nodded.
“Very sure, sir.” You said and your phone started buzzing but you ignored it.
“Do you want to get that?” He asked and you shook your head.
“No, sir. It can wait.” You said and he nodded.
“I’ll start putting the request in. I’ll be sad when you leave, you’re one of my best officers. I just want you to know that if you ever want to come back you always have a place right here with us.” He said and you nodded smiling.
“Thank you, sir.” You said and he smiled and you left his office running into Angela.
“Hey, what were you talking to Wade about?” She asked
“I asked for the transfer.” You said and she was shocked.
“Seriously?” She asked and you nodded.
“I need to get out of here.” You said and she nodded.
“Is this about Tim?” She asked and you didn’t say anything but she knew her answer and smiled “I get it. I’m gonna miss you when you go.” She said and she laughed but hugged you.
“I’m gonna miss you too.” You said and then you broke apart and then you saw Tim and he was looking at you but you said nothing and walked back to your shop to continue your shift.
This was the right move for you and your career. Right?
The end of everyone’s shift was nearing and everyone couldn’t wait to be home. There was something that Sergeant Grey was needing to talk to Tim about and requested him to meet in his office. So that was where he was going now. He knocked on the door and was waved in. “Officer Bradford, I want to talk about you taking the sergeants exam.” Wade said and Tim nodded.
“Yes, I’ve been studying for it.” He said and Wade nodded. Tim was looking at him and then something caught his eye. Something that had your name on it. He focused on it more and saw it was a transfer request to the FBI and his heart sank. He knew that you had been getting offers but didn’t actually think you would take it. They finished their talk but all he could think about was those transfer papers and why he didn’t hear about it from you. Wade dismissed him and he left. As he was leaving, he ran into Talia. 
“You got any plans for tonight?” She asked
“Yea, I have another date.” Tim said not knowing you had heard him and not knowing how bad your heart was breaking. He did have a date but now he wanted to go to your place and find out why you were transferring. The shift ended and everyone got changed and was heading out the precinct he caught you walking with Nolan and laughing with him and his heart pinged with jealousy. Then he noticed that your car wasn’t near his when it normally was. Something was wrong and he was going to find out. 
He did end up going on the date but that transfer request was just burning in his mind. He apologized to Teresa and she asked if she would be seeing him again and he said no and then he was off heading to your apartment. He drove like mad until he reached your place and parked in a parking spot, once he killed the engine he was storming up to the apartment and knocking.
Knocking is what woke you up and you groaned but got up and grabbed a silk robe and slipped it over your silk nightgown. “Hold on, I’m coming.” You said but the knocking persisted. “Hold on, geez.” You said unlocking the door and opening “What-” You began but saw it was Tim “Tim? It’s late. What are you doing here?” You asked.
“You’re transferring?” He asked in a stern slightly higher pitched voice.
“What are you talking about?” You asked, still half asleep.
“Your transfer request to the FBI. I saw it on Sergeant Wade’s desk. Why?” He asked
“You.” You said
“Me?” He asked
“Yes you. Damn it can’t you see? I’m in love with you! I have been ever since we got out of the academy together. Then you go off and date and it kills me. I know it’s selfish but I couldn’t stand for you to be happy with anyone else but me.” You said and he didn’t say anything instead he crashed his lips into yours and kissed you fiercely. He backed you into the apartment and shut the door and then turned you until your back hit the door. You two broke apart when air was needed. 
“I’ve wanted to do that ever since I met you.” He said and then crashed lips into yours and then he was slipping your silk robe off your shoulders revealing your very revealing nightgown he broke the kiss and looked down “Damn you are sexy.” He said and was tapping your thighs and you jumped up and wrapped your legs around him and then he was taking you both to your bedroom. He gently laid you down and quickly got rid of his shirt. He grabbed the hem of your nightgown and looked at you and you nodded and he was slowly peeling it off of you until it was off revealing you weren’t wearing a bra and that made him moan. Your nipples got hard as rocks when air hit them, he admired them and then he was taking a nipple into his mouth and sucking on it, making you mona. His right hand came up to play with your other breast and his left hand was caressing your side. Once he was satisfied with the treatment of your left breast and nipple, he popped off of it and gave your other breast the same attention. Again, once he was satisfied, he popped off of it and then was standing up and getting rid of his jeans and boxers and his hard length came up and slapped him in the stomach.
“I need you.” You said and he nodded and was crawling back up to you and slowly taking your underwear off and adding it to the pile of clothing already growing. He moved in between your thighs and licked a broad strip up your folds and you jumped but moaned. 
“So wet for me and I hardly did anything.” He said, smirking.
“Need you now.” You moaned and looked as he did it again and bit your clit.
“You got it, Baby.” He said and moved up to where he was now face to face with you and kissed you. You could taste yourself on him and you could feel him at the entrance. He grabbed his cock and looked you in the eyes “You ready? Tell me to stop if you need to.” He asked and you nodded and he pushed himself into you and you both moaned.
“Oh, Tim!” You moaned out not even trying to be quiet, neighbors be damned.
“So tight. It was like you were made for me.” He moaned out and started to thrust in and out of you. He stretched you in all the right places and hit you places that you didn’t know that could be hit. He hit you g-spot just right.
“Faster, Baby. Faster.” You moaned out and he nodded and did as he was told and it just brought another wave of pleasure to you. “So good.” You moaned out and his face went into the crook of his neck and he attacked it with kisses and sucked on it. His arms caged you in and your ankles locked behind him making him go deeper. Your hands went to his shoulder blades and your fingers dug into them and then he hit your g-spot and bit your pulse point. Your nails raked down his back leaving long angry red scratch marks in their wake. He hissed into your neck but he did not let up. “‘M close.” You said and he brought his head up from your neck.
“Me too, Baby. Me too.” He said and that just spurred him on to go faster. One hand went down to your clit and started to rub it, getting you closer to your climax. “Cum with me.” He said and then he pinched your clit and then that rubber band snapped and you came hard. You squeezed him and that made his thrusts irregular and the snapping of his hips into your hips came to a halt as you both moaned and he painted your walls white. 
After you both came down from your high you unlocked your ankles and he fell to the side of you onto his back. You ended up lying on his chest tracing shapes and he cuddled you close to him as he covered you both up. “Don’t leave.” He said and you looked up at him.
“Hmm?” You asked in confusion.
“The transfer, cancel it. You belong here with me. I only went on those dates to get rid of my feelings for you and each time I went on them I wished it was you. I love you and have loved you since we graduated from the academy together. I was too stupid to see what it was doing to you and I’m sorry for that.” He said and you smiled.
“I’ll cancel the request to transfer.” You said 
“I want you to be my girl and my only girl. What I’m asking is will you be my girlfriend?” He asked and you smiled and looked up at him.
“I thought you would never ask. Of course I’ll be your girlfriend.” You said and he smiled “I love you.” You added.
“I love you too.” He said and you both kissed each other and then you resumed your position and you both fell asleep with a smile on your face. 
Both of you were happy and finally got what you wanted and that was each other. 
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