#ted nivison x platonic reader
writingsbyzuzu · 1 month
Don’t Get the Blues
Sheriff!Ted Nivison x Gunslinger!Outlaw!Reader
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(Just a quick note before we begin, this chapter isn’t very you and Ted focused, this is an exposition chapter of sorts to set up what is going to happen in later parts. It focuses on Ted and it focuses on you still, just not the two of you together. Sorry if this one is short, I did rush a little to get this one out for y’all to read. the next one will be better and longer, trust)
one - endless song
“Doll, are you sure about this?” Schlatt raises an eyebrow at you, finger pointed down on the table. “Once we do this, there is no damn return. We sink into the abyss, together, the lot of us.”
You suck in a breath, your lips pursing. “Yes, Jay, I’m sure. We have to do this. We just have to be smart about it.” You instinctively adjust the gun positioned at your waistline. Schlatt shakes his head.
Around the table sits Ludwig, Charlie, Hasan, and Kurtis. This is your home, shared between the six of you. Sure, there are eyebrows raised at the thought of a young lady sharing her home with five eligible young men. But not many. No one really batted many eyes at what six poor orphans did, considering not many cared about what those who lived on the outskirts of Red Oakland did. But at this moment, those six orphans planned on robbing a rich man. Well, five of them, that is.
Hasan lets out a groan. “For the love of God, we have been at discussion for an hour. Schlatt, you know as well as I do that they are starving out there, and we cannot sit by and do nothing. We simply do not get enough money from the shows to cover what the outskirters need. And those people out there, out in town, they have the coins we don’t and they do nothing. We’re going.”
The other men nod their heads. Schlatt thought for a moment, thinking of the sick children, of the starving in the camps a hundred feet from the cabin where they sit. “You’re right. I just do not-”, he sighed for a moment, making eye contact with you. “I don’t want you to do this just to spite Theodore.”
“But I cannot, I cannot go on simply watching you from afar like we are children again. I love you. Please. Please.” Ted looks at you, manic, his chest heaving, feeling like the world had suddenly been deprived of oxygen. His hand is outstretched. “T, I am going to ask you this once before I respond. Is it true you’re going to be sheriff?” you whispered, your eyes watering.
“Mr. Nivison? Look at him. Theodore! Are you listening?”
He snaps out of it, pushing the conversation to the back of his mind. It wasn’t important anymore. The governor stood in front of him, chuckling. “Son, you were lost in thought there. I was worried I had chosen the wrong young man for sheriff for a moment.”
Ted shakes his head. “No sir, I’m the right man for this job, I promise. Just had the briefest of distractions. Won’t happen again.” The governor lets out a hearty laugh, clapping Ted on his back. “I hope not, Theodore, you were highly recommended for this. Welcome to your first day, son.” The governor motions to someone to open the door of the jail. They do, and a young man in spectacles with a mustache enters. “Theodore Nivison, meet your new deputy and right hand man, Edward Burback. We moved him here from the rising Los Angeles. A bit larger than Red Oakland, which means this will be a cakewalk for him.”
Eddy sticks a hand out, and Ted shakes it. “I go by Eddy.” “Ted.” The governor gives a satisfied nod, patting them both on the back. “Well gentlemen, welcome to your new post. I’m sure we’ll be very satisfied with the two of you at the helm of the law,” the governor says, getting ready to take his exit. A man runs in, half dressed. The three men turn, looks of bewilderment crossing their faces. Ted stands up, rushing to help steady the stumbling man-Mr. Barker, the owner of the largest general store in Red Oakland. The man, panicked, takes a large, heaving breath, the sweat streaming down his face. “I’ve just been robbed.”
The governor gives one last abrupt nod. “Well gentlemen, I’ll leave you two to it.” He leaves, getting in his carriage.
“So describe what happened to me one more time, Mr. Barker,” Ted sighs, pushing his glasses up. “It’s as I told you boy, this young lady, she was on the side of the road injured, covered in mud, and as I got out of my carriage to assist her, these two young men held us at gunpoint, their faces were covered by their bandanas, they took the coins from my carriage, another comes out of the bushes to steal my clothes, threw me into my carriage, and then dragged the poor miss off, kicking and screaming. They took the poor girl, you must find her.” Theodore nods. “And you said it happened 3, 4 miles from town?” Eddy asks, scribbling things down in his notebook. Mr. Barker groans. “As I said before, yes.” Eddy continues to write, before closing his notebook and tucking it into his coat pocket. “Ted, we should go to the outskirts and ask questions, look around.”
Ted turns his head to Eddy, looking down for a moment, before stating “If we must, Deputy Burback.”
You rip the wig off your head, before bending down to the water bucket and scrubbing your face as clean of mud as you could, scooping up water to rinse your face. The boys move around you, tucking their bandanas into their pockets and cleaning their hands. The five of you enter the house, where Charlie sits. He looks at the five of you. “How did it go?”
“25 dollars. How much can that get us?” Hasan drops the bag onto the table, looking at Charlie expectantly. Charlie runs the numbers in his head. He was the “doctor” for the outskirters, often having to tend to the sick and weary of the camps, doing it for free. Even looked after animals too. The five of you just had to buy the medicine yourselves, unfortunately. “I could get quite a lot of bandages. Maybe a few vials of morphine, if we don’t need to spend it on anything else.” You shake your head. “There’ll be other carriages,” you mumble, pushing the bag to Charlie. “You just buy what you need and do not worry about it. Focus on the people outside who need us.”
Schlatt groans. “As much as I think Mr. Barker deserved to get robbed, and the other fancy, money grubbing fucks deserve it, maybe we should count our blessings and stick to one and dones. Hasan is building his reputation as a sharpshooter. We could travel. Do shows. Get the money honestly. We don’t need Theodore on our backs, sniffing us out.”
“We don’t do enough shows for that, Jay. We don’t make enough farming. We can’t afford more cattle. The people need us,” you grit your teeth. “But Theodore-“ You dismiss Schlatt with a wave.
“Ted-Theodore, isn’t important. He’s one of them. He turned his back on us. Fuck him. We are outskirters. We were raised by these people, damn it. And we are going to do right by them.”
“They aren’t going to talk to us, you know. The outskirters. They don’t trust us. Call us the townies.” Ted turns to Eddy, as their horses trot side by side. “You say that like you know from experience. Thought this was your first day.”
“I grew up there. Leonard Preacher Orphanage. I got adopted, age 15, by a townie banker. A lot of people live on the outskirts, and can't afford to go anywhere else. A lot of orphans ended up staying after…the orphanage burnt down.”
Eddy looks around at the makeshift shelters, the torn tents, the worn down cabins. He felt guilt. “And they don’t like us?” “Think we are the ones keeping them that way. They can’t afford to do anything and spend their lives in poverty, and they think we only uphold the law to those with the money... We’ll start with Charles Dalgleish. He’s the closest thing they have to a doctor from my understanding. Maybe he treated one of our gunslingers this morning or overheard something, he’s almost always home.” Ted slowed the horse in front of your cabin. His heart was thrumming in his chest so loud, he worried Eddy could somehow hear, his pulse so apparent to him in that moment. He was lying if he didn’t purposely choose your cabin first in the hopes you would be home, and in fear that perhaps, you were the young lady dragged away. He wasn’t even aware of standing there, frozen in time, until Eddy reached over him to knock.
Charlie calles out, “You can come right in.”
The men enter, and Charlie is bandaging a little boy’s elbow, wrapping it carefully in cloth before ushering him down from his perch on the table. He looks up, a bit surprised to see Ted and Eddy standing there. “Sheriff Nivison. And I’m sorry, you must be…?”
“Deputy Burback. You can call me Eddy, if you’d like.” Eddy extends his hand. Charlie shakes it, before bending down to address the young boy. “Next time, be more gentle, alright? Now go back to your teacher.” He shoos the boy out the door, shutting it gently.
It becomes apparent to Ted in the ten years since he was adopted that he never had stepped foot in this cabin. It was small, with two cots, two makeshift beds on the floor, and a wood stove. There was another room, where he imagined the last two beds were. He looks around at the log cabin, and imagines how life would have been. Sharing a home with the men he once considered brothers. Sharing a home, of course, with you. Maybe you would have married him then.
His thoughts are once again interrupted by the third time that day, with Charlie clearing his throat. “How can I help you gentlemen?” he asks, packing away his medical supplies in a makeshift cabinet. “Well Charles, Mr. Baker, the one who owns the large General on Main, he was robbed about two miles from here.”
“Robbed? Really?” Charlie tsks, scooping some water to rinse and scrub his hands. “We wanted to see if you know anything. Heard anything. Maybe someone came in injured, Mr. Baker managed to hit the foot of one of the assailants,” Eddy chimes in.
“No, no one other than that little boy has been by. I’ve been home all day.” Charlie smiles at the two of them. “And what about the others?” Ted asks. “How many people live here?” Eddy asks.
“Five men, myself included. I was here, sorting my things. Hasan and Schlatt have been in the back, practicing a sharpshooter act. Hasan is making a name for himself, earning some money at shows. Kurtis and Ludwig are tending to the garden. And the lady, she teaches. She’s been with the outskirt children all day. I believe the littles are learning their letters today.”
Eddy’s eyes furrow in surprise. “A lady, she lives here? With all five of you? Unmarried?” Charlie nods, “She sleeps in the room next to us, shares the bed with Hasan. We cannot afford separate beds. We cannot afford to live alone.” He then turns to look Ted in the eyes. “She'll, of course, marry one of the five of us one day, when she’s ready. It’s always been the six of us.”
Ted felt sick. He nodded at Charlie. “Thank you Charles. Perhaps we shall check with the others.” He and Eddy exit the cabin, and he shakes his head. “We should ask around different homes. Perhaps they will know something,” Ted says, as he walks past the side of the cabin, looking out beyond their gardens, peering out at the rows of shelters, tents, and cabins. And then…there you were. You were sitting in the clearing, surrounded by the children. And for the first time that day, he smiled. Ted saw you, and he smiled.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
Cc!schlatt x reader
Reader is hot, we know this, schlatt knows this, but he’s still jealous.
(Go off your royal highness)
Having you as a guest on Chuckle Sandwich might've been the worst decision Ted could've ever made.
It was a split second decision he had thrown out to the others one night over a game of jackbox. Having just finished an episode with Ranboo as a guest no one really knew who they should invite over for the podcast. Untill Schlatt haphazardly mentioned your name.
Ted had recognized it briefly as another content creator on their area of entertainment; in fact he belived you had collaborated with Charlie once.
But this milkman wasn't in the least bit ready for the chaos you would bring to the podcast.
That's all Ted was thinking of as soon as you walked in to sit down at that booth. That and that they were all in for a wild ride. If the multiple piercings and tattoos snaking up and around your arms wasn't any indicator; you had certainly been around the block once or twice before. Or whatever the hell that meant.
What Ted hadn't accounted for however was for Schlatt to immediately start being the biggest asshole to you. I'm talking insults, jabs, the lewdest fucking jokes. You even went as far to mention the brunette man should write for South Park after a particularly risqué joke.
Ted knew it was a part of Schlatts online peesona, if not his entire persona, but damn if he wasn't throwing a whirlwind of bullshit at you.
It was only after you started throwing just aa much bullshit back, if not more, that he realized the two of you were fucking flirting.
The episode carried on of course, (How could it not. This was peak entertainment judging from the smile on Charlie and the surrounding crews faces) and so did you and Schlatt.
Only after the episode had ended and you had exited the building did Ted lean over and wisper in Schlatts ear, the words causing Charlie to burst out laughing from next to them.
He received a punch in the arm for that.
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justgowithitplease · 1 year
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Dick Grayson:
Cats, Bats, and Everything Unseen
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4
S/O That gets love letters often
Your hair looks pretty in curls
Jason Todd:
Forever Families and Bacon
Jason Todd and Tim Drake pining after an oblivious reader
Tim Drake:
Black Belt S/O
Jason Todd and Tim Drake pining after an oblivious reader
Computer scientist s/o
Cassandra Cain:
Cass x Oblivious Reader
Cass x Reader Slow Burn (Teaser)
Duke Thomas:
None yet!
Stephanie Brown:
None yet!
Damian Wayne:
'Are you still mad at me?' (Older sister)
Bruce Wayne:
None yet!
Selina Kyle:
None yet!
Ted Nivison:
Trying Caribbean Food
Foolish Gamers:
None yet!
My Good Boy
Gillion Tidestrider:
None yet!
Jay Ferrin:
None yet!
None yet!
Harley Quinn :
None yet!
None yet!
King Shark:
None yet!
Captain Boomerang:
None yet!
Shouta Aizawa:
None yet!
Hizashi Yamada:
None yet!
Toshinori Yagi:
Nemuri Kayama:
Principal Nezu (Platonically):
None yet!
Katsuki Bakugo:
None yet!
Denki Kaminari:
None yet!
Mezou Shoji:
None yet!
Eijiro Kirishima:
None yet!
Hanta Sero:
None yet!
Momo Yaoyorozu:
None yet!
Mina Ashido:
None yet!
Tsuyu Asui:
None yet!
Ochako Uraraka:
None yet!
Shoto Todoroki:
None yet!
Fumikage Tokoyami:
None yet!
Mashirao Ojiro:
None yet!
Tenya Iida:
None yet!
Kyoka Jiro:
None yet!
Request Rules
Song Themes for Requests
Word/Phrase/Action Themes for Requests
Uploading Schedule
Fanfic Writer Q&A
WIP List
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doggvtz · 1 month
rules !!
marble hornets
sally face
john doe
house MD
ted nivison
what i’ll write
smut (for characters above the age of 18)
character x reader
character x character
fem , masc , and neutral terms used
mentions of $h/sewerslide/etc.
yanderesque themes
what i WON’T write
smut for underage characters
any heavy $h , ed , $exu4l assault , etc.
smut of real people
commissions: open
requests: open
intro | masterlist
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peachmi1k · 1 year
writing guidelines
as of right now i write for jschlatt and ted nivison
feel free to request drabbles or hc's ; if i like your request idea enough i'll probably write something longer for it !
however i have a pea brain and i do work a lot , so i cannot guarantee i will always write your request if i can't think of any ideas for it or if i'm just feeling burnt out ( which is often , i'm plagued with perpetual writers block sigh )
i write most often
i love to write aus ; historical aus ( renaissance , medieval , 70s/80s/90s , etc ) . dystopian aus ( apocalypse , based on y/a novels , etc ) . supernatural aus ( vampires , ghosts , angels/devils , etc )
i also love to write fics based on songs ; mostly from bands + singers from my emo phase ( mcr , fob , p!atd , green day , paramore , tøp , halsey , melanie martinez , etc ) . fics like these almost always are aus as well , its not often that they aren't
i'll attempt to write an au based on just about anything if i like it enough and feel like i have the ideas to make it work
i will write
reader insert . fluff , angst , smut , and any combination of the three . platonic or romantic . female reader or gender neutral reader ( i don't think i could do male reader since i'm a female )
i am also willing to write darker / more mature themes, however if i don't think i would feel comfy writing your specific request it will be deleted
i won’t write
creator x creator . scat / piss . cnc . foot fetish . abuse or sa . incest / stepcest
i will always add to this if discover something else
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Hi Kenma! i was wondering if i could request high school or college shenanigans with the chuckle sandwich boys? with a gender neutral reader too please
just them being platonic besties <3
and could I be dragon anon?
High School Shenanigans with the Chuckle Sandwich Boys
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Chuckle sandwich x reader (gender neutral) (platonic)
Requested by dragon anon
Proofread: Nope
Music: It's All Futile! It's All Pointless by LoveJoy
Warnings: Underage drinking, partying, ditching class, being chaotic
Author's note: Hello! I love this! Of course, you can be dragon anon! This is gonna be a mix of headcanons and scenarios that I have in mind! I'm basing most of this off of my own high school experience lol
-Mod Kenma
Being friends with the trio that called themselves 'Chuckle Sandwich' was a handful to deal with. They were all chaotic in their own way, which made high school interesting.
You met Ted first. You were taking theater as an elective class and he sat behind you. He was super funny and you always laughed at his jokes. You two got closer when the class did an improv session. He pretty much carried and you played off of him pretty well. The teacher saw the potential between the two of you and ended up pairing each other for almost every project. Let's just say the two of you ended up with easy As.
You met Schlatt in your English class. Your class was reading The Great Gatsby and Schlatt always had something to say. He would also crack jokes but his would be darker. You would roll your eyes and chuckle at every quip he threw out, finding him annoyingly funny. When seats were rearranged, you two sat at the same table. Your other tablemates were never in class so you two were pretty much left to your own devices. At first, he would play devil's advocate to piss you off, making it hard to get any work done. Slowly but surely, you two were able to get along when it came to what you were passionate about.
And finally, Charlie. You met Charlie in your chemistry class. Your schedule had to be changed since you weren't given the right science class. You were sat at a table with only one student there, Charlie. He was a jokester and got scolded for talking in class. The teacher had hoped that you would straighten him out a little. With all that pressure on you, you assumed Charlie was a bad kid. When you watched him work, you realized that he has a knack for comedy and is really smart. You ended up opening to him more and became more comfortable around him.
One day, you were in line waiting for lunch. They were having your favorite and you honestly needed a pick me up. While in line, you were shoved into someone. You almost fell and the weight of your backpack wasn't helping. You were ready to just give up and cry till the person you ran into stepped back and held your shoulders. "Are you okay?" You looked up and saw Charlie, concern written all over his face. "It's been a rough morning." He nodded slowly and helped you move through the line. The two of you grabbed lunch and walked out of the cafeteria. Before you could scout out your own table to sit at, Charlie offered you a seat at his table.
At first, you didn't want to bother him. He had his own friends and you didn't want to intrude on that. But the smile he gave you made you give in. You followed Charlie to his table and were pleasantly surprised to see Ted, Schlatt, and a few other faces you sort of recognized. You sat down awkwardly, giving yourself enough space from the others. Not that you didn't like them, it was that you had never talked to any of them outside of the classroom. Little did the four of you know, this was going to be the beginning of a brilliant friendship.
You four end up eating lunch together more often till it becomes a daily thing
The first 'outside school' thing you guys do is study. I know it sounds boring but it was for a test you all had
So you two went to Charlie's house and studied. Well, kind of studied
It was the four of you goofing off while trying to get work done. It was a good time
You four have your own inside jokes that nobody understands
You know some of the bits from Chuckle Sandwich? You're in on them and you two reference those inside jokes all the time
The first birthdays in the friend group were chaotic. You guys had birthday bashes and spent most of the time playing video games and just hanging out
On days when one of you isn't feeling good, the other's will ditch class and focus on whoever doesn't feel good and try their best to raise the mood
Charlie got stung by a stingray and freaked you guys out
Like, how does one react in a calm manner when one of their best friends gets hurt in such a way
Most of the time, it's Ted and Schlatt trying to convince you and Charlie to ditch. It's always for some dumb reason too. Like Schlatt is hungry or Ted wants to sneak into the cafeteria to get milk cause he didn't get any at breakfast.
Sometimes, you guys will leave school early and play DND at Charlie's house. He teaches you guys and he is SO proud. The campaigns you guys play are so fun and you always have a good time.
Now, sometimes Schlatt gets invited to parties by his friends (Wilbur, Dream, Skeppy, Quackity) and spreads the invitation along
Most of the parties consist of loud music and drinking (pretty boring in my opinion)
So when you guys go, you hang out with other people
You usually sit and chat with Sapnap and Punz, watching them stroke each other's egos with a smirk and an eye roll
Schlatt is egging people on to do stupid shit while Ted is trying his very best to get Schlatt to stop
Charlie is just laughing at everything, especially when someone does something stupid
Honestly, you four have gotten caught doing stupid shit on campus. Here are some examples: Talking too loud in the library, stealing drinks from vending machines, accidentally breaking a printer, making those sticky note window art stuff, trying to highjack the speakers and play music, somehow playing apex on school computers, and the list goes on.
But at the end of the day, these three idiots are your best friends and you wouldn't change it for the world
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trashland-llamas · 2 years
Acts of affection I associate w/ Chuckle Sandwich
Gn reader
Written in 2nd/3rd person as that was the easiest way to write these
Randomly squishing your cheeks
If you fall asleep on the couch during a movie, they’ll wake you up towards the end
Is totally 100% down w/ sharing food entries; like you get one & they get something different & then you both give each other half
Takes candid pics of y’all; let's you pick out the best ones
Scratching your scalp
Pinky promises/linking pinkies
Writes little bits of poetry or lists about what personality traits they like best about you on scraps of paper
Would let you have the last slice (pizza, pie, cake)
If you dye your hair periodically, they’ll help or even ask you to dye a small section of their hair
Will make random music playlists for ya
Seeing your eyes strain, they'd place your glasses on for you (if you wear glasses)
Greeting each other w/ a middle finger or ‘what’s up fucker?’
When you’re not paying attention & are about to run into someone/something so they yank you out of the way
Whatever generation you’re apart of (Millennial, Gen Z, Boomer), it’s one of their many nicknames for you
Will make you a cup of tea, not say anything about it except placing within view
When holding hands, would squeeze your hand
Keeps a running list of stuff you recommend for them to watch/listen to & vice versa
Ted Nivison
Sticks one of those fruit stickers on you
Tickle Fights
Will put their hand in your hoodie/jacket pocket in a ‘this is our pocket now’ way
Always forgets a umbrella when it rains; instead you’re both booking it while they hold their jacket above your heads
If you consider a step to be too high/tall, no problem, they’ll help you up in offering a hand/shoulder—little boost
Doesn’t matter your size, will offer you a picky back ride
Noticing your glasses are dirty, would softly take them off and clean them before handing them back (if you wear 'em that is)
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algea · 2 years
Sandwiches for Chucklers
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Prompt: You met schlatt through an interview on chuckle sammy, but you didn't realize you lived next to him.
platonic!Chuckle Sammy x Fem!Reader
In remembrance of Charlie :( I cried when the episode came out.
Warnings: Cussing, jshart being himself, reader is siblings with Ted Nivison, Chuckle Sammy being Chuckle Sammy, best friends with Charlie!!
n/n means nickname!
It was only 10 o'clock in the morning when your older brother, Ted, called you.
The phone vibrated loudly, and you were quick to pick up and answer.
"You only call when you want something, Teddy." You sighed, but nonetheless a smile graced your facial features.
"You didn't even give me a chance to say 'hello,' Y/N!" Ted whined, stress weighing on his voice.
"I know. But is there something you actually need? You sound stressed as hell, Ted." You muttered. Even if you and your brother had a love-hate relationship, you two still cared very deeply for each other.
"I'm just...I'm just super stressed. The person we were supposed to have as a special guest on Chuckle Sandwich quit at the last second, and I'm really struggling to find someone else. That's why I called, to see if you could be our special guest." Ted sighed. You could invision Ted holding his forehead in the palm of his hand.
"Of course I'll come, Ted. I'd do anything for you, bro." You smiled.
"Thank you so much, N/N, I couldn't be me without you." Ted said, a soft, grateful smile evident in his voice.
You shielded your eyes from the bright Los Angeles sun as you stepped out of your car in front of a large building. You sized the building up and started to walk to it. Ted strode to you from the building, where he swooped you up into a big warm hug.
"Hey there, N/N. I'm so glad you could make it." Ted grinned, letting go.
"You can't be you without me, Teddy." You responded, intertwining your pinkie with his for a moment and then letting go.
"Charlie's inside. I don't know if you've met schlatt or not, but I know he wants to meet you." Ted said, walking beside you as the two of you made your way inside. You shifted your glasses on your face, a pair exactly like Ted's.
Inside, you were greeted with the Chuckle Sandwich set, and many people scurrying around. But you couldn't miss the energetic voice of your best friend, talking enthusiastically to someone. There Charlie stood, cracking a joke to one of the set people.
"Charlie!" You exclaimed. His head whipped up to you, and his smile only grew larger as he ran to you and gave you a giant bear hug, lifting you off the ground.
"How's my favorite Nivison?" Charlie smiled, setting you back down.
"If I was any better, we'd be twins." You laughed. Ted clapped the two of you on the shoulder and smiled at you two. The both of you smiled back, knowing you were going to have a fun time today.
There was much prep that went into the podcast, and you still had yet to meet schlatt, who was running late. So you, Ted, and Charlie all talked for around 45 minutes about anything and everything. Suddenly, the door slammed open, revealing what looked to be a middle-aged man.
"This fucking city is so shit, I had to get delayed two fucking hours from Atlanta." The man screeched, a New York accent laced heavily in his voice.
"Shut the hell up bro and come meet my sister." Ted bit back, a smirk glossing his face.
"You have a fucking sister?" The man gasped. His brown hair fell over his brown eyes for a moment before he put it back with a headband. You studied him a bit more and found that he was just a little shorter than Ted, who was around 6"3. Something about him felt so familiar, but you just couldn't pinpoint what. The man looked at you with a face of stone before giving a hint of a smile to you.
"Names Schlatt, you're the better Nivision kid I suppose?" Schlatt said finally, offering out a hand to shake.
"Yes, Yes I am. I'm Y/N." You smiled. You took his hand and shook it, and that was when it hit you.
"You're my neighbor aren't you? I live in the Austin Highrises (I made this up, this isn't where schlatt lives guys, i would never state where they live)." You questioned. Schlatt's eyebrows furrowed and his mouth opened slightly.
"So you're the one that plays the guitar everytime I try to stream." Schlatt sighed, releasing your hand.
"Yeah...Sorry about that by the way." You laughed.
"This is so fucking weird guys. Now Y/N knows everyone personally on Chuckle Sandwich. Maybe she should just be a part of the podcast now!" Charlie exclaimed, smiled at Y/N happily.
"Well, N/N? I could never turn down an offer to my baby sister." Ted asked, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Charlie...Teddy...You guys I-..." You pondered. You looked at each of the members before smiling.
"I think I'll join." You stated, puffing your chest. Charlie jumped up and swooped you into a hug, where then Ted joined and Schlatt followed.
You had a feeling you were going to feel right at home here.
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technowoah · 3 years
Chuckle Week
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Its Chuckle Week and you flew out to LA to see your friends again
- Ted, Charlie, & Schlatt x platonic! reader
-gender neutral reader!
- not requested
an// I just wanted to make a Chuckle Sandwich imagine in honor of Chuckle Week!
⚠︎: a lot of dialogue, mentions of the lunch club, idk about this one yall- I mean its okay but im really picky w my work
My Navigation!
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"There they are!"
You had gotton off the airplane snd tiredly went to baggage claim and now you sre rolling your bags over to your three taller friends who called you. You had a big smile on your face even though, in contrast, your eyes were bloodshot and wanted to shut close.
Finally you made it over to the three friends who waited impatiently for your arrival. You stopped rolling your bags and went to Ted who's arms were out awaiting a long overdue hug from you.
"It's been too long." Ted said while squeezing you.
"We'll its not my fault you moved out to LA." You teased.
"Not you too."
You laughed as you gave Charlie a huge hug as well.
"Yeah its all your fault Ted." Charlie said while letting go of your hug.
"No its not-"
"You made y/n come all the way out to LA just to see us. Smh my head." You heard Schlatt say while leaning on your rollerbags.
Ted laughed in annoyance. "Okay can we stop slandering me and get the fuck out of here. Im tired."
"I am too. Ive been on a plane for hours, next to a creep." You sighed
You all made light conversations about life and the trip here while walking between Ted and Charlie while Schlatt rolled your bags even though earlier you tried to get him to give you your things back.
This week they decided to fly you out to Los Angeles for Chuckle Week. You were supposed to be on their podcast later on today. You were a youtuber like the other three that walked beside you. You had met Ted through a friend who said he was in college for film and you were interested in the same degree.
You two had gotton along well and he had opened a bunch more opportunities for you in college. Soon after you learned he was a youtuber and in a group called the Lunch Club. When Ted invited you to meet the whole group you had only gotton along with two other members which happened to be Schlatt and Charlie.
That was basically how you all met and you four stayed close ever since then. You enjoyed hanging out with them, but when you all moved you all stopped hanging out in real life and replaced it with facetime calls.
This was the first time in the past year that you all have met up with one another.
"So where do you wanna go?" Schlatt asked from thr front seat. Ted was in the driver's seat, and Charlie was in the back with you.
"My hotel." You said bluntly.
"Why? You just got here!" Schlatt complained
"Cause I have luggage and I dont wanna keep it in the back of Ted's car." You said back to the man.
The plane ride wasn't exactly the most pleasant plane ride. You've traveled better, and it drained you out. At least you werent driving all the way to LA.
"I agree, but lets go sight seeing first!" Charlie tried to convince the group to follow his idea.
"I dont know." Ted thought about the situation.
"I mean if we go to Y/N's hotel they're probably gonna leave us in the lobby while they sleep." Schlatt said looking back at you.
"Okay but, Y/N's clothes can get melted in the back of Ted's car in the Los Angeles heat it'll be fine! Lets do something." Charlie jokingly complained while Ted continued to drive through the busy streets.
Ted sighed while shaking his head. "Fine Charlie what do you wanna do?"
"I dont fucking know."
Ted rolled his eyes while Schlatt groaned. You and Charlie were laughing in the backseat at the two men complaining in the front seat. You missed them, so Charlie's idea of doing something was a great idea.
"There's beaches here right?" You asked.
"No shit."
"Let's go there! Ted pick a beach!" You exclaimed.
"Okay there are only like, three beaches I know and they are all gonna be full." Ted said while switching lanes. "Pick a number one, two, or three."
Ted gave us numbers keeping it secretive even though he said all of the beaches would be full, so there would be no difference.
"One!" You exclaimed.
"Three." Schlatt shrugged. "Three is a good number."
"You're doing that on purpose." Ted laughed.
"Doing what?" Schlatt laughed.
"Picking a different number! Now its all on Mr. Slimecicle back there." Ted pointed back at Charlie.
Charlie was in a thinking pose before taking forever and finally saying his number. "Oh! Um, two!"
"Ah c'mon!"
"Dammit Charlie!"
"Hey you said pick a number! And I like-"
"Im picking two! Im driving we're going to beach two~!" Ted yelled over the three.
"You should've done that in the first place Ted."
"I know."
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"Welcome to Santa Monica pier!" Ted said while walking slightly a head of the other three.
"This is it?" You asked.
"Yeah? You're not impressed?" Ted asked back slightly surpised.
"Thought it would be more LA." You joked.
You've never been to LA before. There was one time Ted invited you to join the Lunch Club on their trip to LA, but you denied because you didn't want to intrude, and also you didnt get along with the other guys. Santa Monica pier was really pretty, it was a small amusement park type deal. It was cute.
"What gets more LA then this!?" Schlatt waved his arms gesturing to all the people around him.
"There's a ferris wheel. You wanna go on that?" Charlie asked stopping in the middle of the pier.
"Lets just go to the beach part. I dont want to be stuck with yall on a small box." You chuckled while taking a good look at the places around the area.
"Hey! Thats a privilege! You know how many people who would wanna be stuck in a small box with one of us?" Ted joked back to you.
"No one." Schlatt laughed. "What kind of messages do you get Ted?"
"You dont want to know man!" Charlie answered.
"Okay since we're so unorganized-"
Ted interrupted you. "We know what we're doing here! Okay, lets get some funnel cake or whatever and go to the beach."
"Yeah and we can watch Schlatt die of heat." Charlie added while bumping your shoulder and walking along with Ted towards a restaurant.
You turned around to see schlatt in his regular attire which consists of a huge hoodie and shorts which the whole outfit seemed hot. You laughed because apparently nothing has changed.
"You know I havent seen your arms Schlatt. It hot out here." You poked him.
"Yeah I know and you're never gonna."
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"I hate sand. Its coarse, rough and irritating-"
"Dont even start!" You laughed at Ted while he sat beside you in the sand.
He was right, the beach was full probably because its the weekend. You were sitting next to Ted eating your funnel cake they bought for you. Schlatt and Charlie were off somewhere near the water, the last thing you heard and saw was something about water and recording.
"I cant believe this is the first thing I eat after a long ass plane ride." You sighed while using the fork they gave you to stab at the cake.
"At least its something and you're not starving. I mean they gave you a lot!" He pointed out.
"Exactly Im not gonna eat all of it." You began to hand it to him.
"I dont want that shit. I already ate all of mine. Eat all of it."
"No I'll just give it to the other two if I dont eat all of it." You sighed.
"Speaking of, where are the other boys?"
"Who knows. Who cares." You joked.
"Hopefully they didn't drown." Ted said while leaning back onto his hands.
"Yeah that would be tragic." You laughed pretending to not care for your two friends.
"Remember when you said you didn't want to come with us to LA the first time?" Ted asked you.
"Not really. Why?"
"Why the sudden change of heart?"
You thought about how to phrase your answer then answered Ted's question. "I didn't like the others. It would've been weird if all of your attention was on me or all of your attention was not on me and I became a third wheel just because I wanted to go to LA."
You paused before continuing with your statement. "The only people I liked were you and Charlie cause he was so inviting and wanted to be my friend, he reached out first after the meet. I thought Schlatt hated me at the time, but it turns out he dosent. Or he did and turned around to liking me. I just never got to the other boys" You laughed at the past memories.
Ted hummed and nodded your head at your answer. "I mean you could've gave them a chance."
"Ive watched their stuff before! Some of them are nice." You said playing with your fingers now unsure of what you said.
"I mean you missed the highlight of my life! When I got extremely high and thought I was gonna die." Ted laughed and you did too remembering when the three men joined you on facetime to tell you the story that night.
You looked out by the water and see Charlie and Schlatt trudging through the sand towards the both of you.
"Oh shit there they are." You laughed.
"Damn I wanted the podcast to myself." Ted laughed as well.
"Just generate AI versions of Schaltt and Charlie. You'll be fine."
"That was the plan all along!" Ted joked and you laughed as you sat up to greet the other two men.
Schlatt flopped doen into the sand infront of you while groaning.
"Where did you come from?"
"The water."
"We wanted to go in the water, but decided not to because we would be wet all the way back." Charlie explained in more detail
"Im glad you decided not to cause I dont want your wetness in my car." Ted said back.
"Ted, we're gonna get sand in your car." Schlatt said while laying back in the sand and immediately getting back uo because of the sun.
"Brush it all off." Ted bluntly said back to the man.
"Guys I love the bickering, but what time is it?" Charlie asked shielding his eyes from the sun.
"You have a phone Charlie." You laughed.
"And you do too! So check!" He pointed.
You smiled and brought out your phone seeing it was 3:30 pm. Your eyes widened as you realized that the time to check in your hotel was around 3:00 and 4:00.
"It's 3:30 and I need to get checked in to my hotel." You said while getting up and brushing the sand off of your body.
"Holy shit we're supposed to record at 4:00." Ted said while getting up and the other two following suit.
"Time flies huh." Schlatt says while following behind all of you guys.
"Schlatt hurry up we got a podcast to run!" Charlie exclaimed beside you.
"And my clothes are going to melt in Ted's car lets go!"
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"Thank goodness we're here!" You leaned against the receptionist counter while the woman behind it was typing on the computer infront of her.
"And your clothes didnt melt which was a miracle in of it's own." Charlie said while leaning one of your roller bags.
You had gotton the cards to your room and the number and floor it was on. You thanked the woman before getting out the way for the person behind you to get checked in.
"We'll wait for you down here-"
"Just throw your bags in the room and come back down. Take the stairs." Schlatt interrupted Ted who
"How long are you staying?" Charlie asked while giving you one of your bags.
"A week! Starting from today!" You exclaimed loud, but not loud enough to disturb anybody else in the lobby.
"That's great!"
"You picked the wrong people to spend a week with." Schlatt laughed.
"I think I made the right choice."
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brett-is-afraid · 2 years
k actually? chuckle sandwich boys and minor, ftm, reader is a little brother figure to them and them defending him, on the internet or irl. im thinking about that time u wrote ab ted protecting reader from a pedo :( i have no idea if this makes sense. it doesnt have to make sense 🪲
Sure thing!
Bullying strikes a nerve within Ted, it's the quickest way to piss him off.
He's the quickest to react to situations, blocking people without giving them more than one chance if he notices anything going on.
He'll always check in with you after the stream to make sure you're okay.
He gives you a safeword of sorts to use if you need to get out of a situation.
If you're in chat, he doesn't want you to feel pressured not speak up for fear of upsetting people. So, he gives you the word and he'll make up an excuse for why he needs to go.
If you two are out somewhere, he has no shame in making a scene. If someone's going to be bold enough to be mean, he's bold enough to confront the situation.
He's a physically imposing guy, so you definitely have scary dog privileges.
People in real life tend to not say anything because of Ted's size and fear of a confrontation.
Sometimes, they'll still push him online because they don't think he'll do anything and they can hide behind a screen.
But he absolutely calls people out on their shit.
He's got a lot of words that'll cause their message to be automatically held for review by mods.
Charlie gets the most worried about this kind of thing because he's seen a lot of weird and rude stuff in his time.
That being said, he would be the least likely to have a direct confrontation.
He doesn't want you to get hurt and he refuses to let people be mean to you around him.
It bothers him more when it happens online because he wants you to feel safe and happy being on the internet.
For the most part, his chat is a pretty good place where he doesn't have to worry about it too much. But sometimes stuff still happens.
If it's online, he blocks it without warning and makes sure he keeps a close eye on it.
If it's in person, he'll do his best to get you out of the situation and reassure you that nothing said was true.
If it's a situation where he can report the situation to someone, he definitely will because he doesn't want anyone else feeling that way either.
He'll focus more on if you're okay than actually confronting anyone.
If you don't see it then he won't mention it and will do his best to avoid going into details if you or chat asks.
Schlatt is probably the middle ground between Ted and Charlie when it comes to how he reacts.
It's a hard line for Schlatt when he's live. His chat and he himself makes a lot of jokes, but he always tries to make sure it doesn't get out of hand.
Because of how his chat is, you were a bit anxious to spend time there. Especially after you came out. But he makes sure his chat is safe for you and isn't going to be upsetting.
He makes it clear there are some topics that are off limits and people aren't allowed to make jokes about them.
Any trans jokes are a hard no for him and he blocks without warning if he sees any of it.
Not wanting to focus on negativity, if he has to give a warning, he keeps it short and pretty much down to just "don't be a dick."
If people keep pushing, he's quick to call them out on it before blocking them and moving on.
When stuff like that does happen, he tries to lighten the mood. He'll make so many jokes with you and try to keep the spirits high.
If it's in person, he'll be way more likely to actually confront someone than the other two. There have been times when you genuinely thought he was going to end up fighting someone for how they treated you.
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yettobedetermined7 · 3 years
Imagine being interview by Chuckle Sandwich Podcast
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writingsbyzuzu · 20 days
Don’t Get The Blues
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chapter 4- curse the goddamn day
Sheriff!Ted Nivison x Outlaw!Reader (Hasan implications, platonic!outlaw!Schlatt and Slimesicle) (Author’s notes: EEEEEE it’s finally here, i’m so sorry for the delay, I hope you guys love it!! just know the thing at the end is not a forced scenario by any means, it’s what reader agreed to, she just doesn’t see the point of doing that event at that point in time, and I hope I communicated that effectively. and no flashbacks this chapter!! please enjoy.)
Charlie sits across from you, the two of you sitting in silence. You’re hemming a dress, the needle moving along between your fingers, as Charlie smiles at you. “You know, you didn’t have to hang back with me on this one,” he says. “It does me good to spend time with you. Seven months of robberies and sharp shooting shows? Lord knows I need a break,” you hum, before lifting up the dress to show him. “Besides, this needed to be done.” Charlie nods. “Sorry we couldn’t get anything nicer,” he mumbles. “No one will remember the dress,” you quickly say, before the two of you sit in silence once more.
“They will. I will at least.” Charlie smiles, before it fades, as he thinks of how to phrase what he had wanted to say next. You look up at him, knowing what he thought. Charlie was your oldest friend, after all. You didn’t want him to feel bad, or nervous.
“Nothing is going to change, Charlie.” You stare at each other for a moment, and his shoulders soften. “You sure?” “I won’t let it. Not on my watch.” Your gaze is intense and firm. “Not on my watch.”
Hasan knew it was a matter of time. One day, enough would be enough, he had hoped, and the six of you could stop, pack up, move somewhere else, try your fortunes elsewhere, taking satisfaction in the knowledge that you had done enough for the people living on the outskirts. The six of you, or even just you and him - could finally live your own lives as people. Have a proper home. If enough wasn't achieved, he knew it was a matter of time before something truly bad happened. And unfortunately for him, that feeling was about to be realized. Normal heist, Kurtis had assured him. Maybe all the successes had lured them into a false sense of security that morning. 
Break the wheel, stop the cart, stop the driver, steal, run. That was the expectation. That was the norm. They went through the motions. Ludwig shot down the wheel. Schlatt, Hasan, and Kurtis approached, as Ludwig held back, and held up the driver. But then Hasan heard a click behind his head. “Get down on the ground and put your hands up.” He turned around. He didn’t recognize the men. It didn’t matter. Hasan wasn’t going to give up that simply when they didn’t even know what he looked like. Hasan held up his gun in response. “We can all shoot you,” the man holding a pistol to Hasan’s head announced.
“Try it.” Hasan said. The other two men turned, and Schlatt and Kurtis turn to pummel the men into the ground. Hasan reaches over, shoving the man’s arm down and wrestling the pistol out of his hand. The men scuffle, before falling onto the ground. The man wrestled an arm free, punching Hasan square in the nose.
And then Hasan faced a horrible realization. 
He felt the bandana slipping from his face. Minutes passed, the punching exchanged throughout the six men.
He finally, finally hears another click. “Get up and get off my friends or I will shoot the three of you,” Ludwig said, holding the rifle. The strange men stood up, along with Kurtis, Schlatt and Hasan. Hasan looked over, Schlatt’s face also exposed. They both went to readjust but it was too late.
“We’re state policemen. They’ll know if you kill us,” one of the men shouts.
It was always a matter of time, Hasan thought. He had just been hoping it wasn’t today of all days.
Ted wasn't sure how many times he could live through this loop. His days felt identical, akin to trudging through quicksand. He knew how he and Eddy were being viewed. Idiots, fools. He figured the townspeople weren't far off with that one. His entire career was on the verge of slipping through his fingers, and he had a front row seat. The governor, tired of the antics and lack of answers, hired men to assist with the investigation. 
And it was these men now who entered the station.  “We saw them. Looked those pests right in the damn eyes, got them dead to rights," one says. Ted sits up, astonishment crossing his face. “You saw them?" The loop, he thinks, is finally ending. Damn to hell losing the credits to catching the robbers, Ted just wanted the ordeal to be over. The man nods. “The governor is gonna be mighty proud," he states. Ted rolls his eyes, getting ready to write. “I know everyone in this damn town, and there will be no arrests without me," Ted mumbles. The man nods again, and the words leave his mouth, and Ted freezes. Time stands still, and his body goes cold.
“One had a mustache and side facial hair. Long hair. The other one, the big one, tan. Freckles. Face covered in hair. Brown eyes."
Ted waves his hand at the man, tears forming in his eyes. “There has to be a mistake," he whispers. “We saw them, our eyes do not deceive us," the man insists. Eddy reaches to grab Ted's shoulder. “Ted-" “No." Ted slams his fist on the desk. “There has to be some mistake," Ted repeats. He knew they were right. “We didn't see the others." 
“No need," Eddy states. “We know who the others are." 
“Was there a woman?" Ted asks. The men look at him confusedly. “No woman. All men. Four. We only saw the two." Eddy nods. “So we can make the arrests then. We can keep our jobs," he says, looking pointedly at Ted, who collapses at his desk. “Tell me everything that happened," he looks up at the men, the shock wearing off.
You had woken up to the sounds of murmurs in the other room. You had chosen to sleep for a while after finishing hemming the dress, and now, hours later, feeling drowsy, woken up in a daze. You slowly sat up, before quietly rising and entering the living room. The men stood around the table, but they had all ceased when you opened the door. Staying in the doorway, your stomach dropped upon seeing their serious faces. “What’s going on?”
They were all looking at you, except Hasan.
“What?” you ask again, peering to look at all of them, the nerves starting to rise, your stomach tightening in knots. They finally looked up at you, and your stomach plummeted. Schlatt had bruising on his cheek, his lip busted. Kurtis wasn’t much better off. But Hasan? Hasan’s nose was clearly broken, the blood all crusted around his mouth, his eye bloodshot, a bruise clearly forming. You step forward, reaching out to him, but he simply holds his hand up. “Get dressed. We’re leaving now.”
You don’t ask to where. You already knew. You had made this deal months before, that morning after that man had tackled you seven months ago. The deal had felt like lifetimes ago, especially with the stark realization that you were going to be caught. 
“Are you sure? But-”
“Do as I say.” Hasan cuts you off. You nod, turning to go back and shut the door. “Everything is going to be okay,” he calls out. You don’t respond. Just wonder why you aren’t even bothering to run.
Eddy had finally gotten Ted out of the chair and onto a horse. He felt sick. He didn’t care about the childish fight over Hasan for you that had lasted their whole lives. What did that matter now? He was still Ted’s friend, in Ted’s mind and heart. You were all his friends no matter how you felt. He had based his whole life on you. And now he was going to arrest and condemn your friends to hell. Eddy had tried to have him think positively. You weren’t there, Charlie wasn’t there. You weren’t guilty. There was suspicion. But the two of you weren’t there. You would live.
But Ted was going to have to hang four people he loved. And it made him sick. But it also made him angry. He knew and he knew you knew. How could you betray him in such a way? Did he deserve it? He knew you only had good intentions. Just those intentions weren’t for him.
He was still circling all the topics in his head when the men approached the cabin. Eddy turns to Ted, who was finally snapping out of his thoughts. They get off the horses, hands on their pistols. Ted knocks on the door. No answer. “Charlie! It’s…It’s Ted. Open the door.”
“Charlie! We can talk about this. But I have to do this. I’m sorry. Open the door.”
“Ludwig! Kurtis! Open the damn door.”
Eddy nor Ted had heard the small child approaching. The child stood behind them watching. “They aren’t home,” the little voice calls out. Ted and Eddy jump a little, but turn to the boy. “Where are they?” Eddy asks, crouching to the child’s level. “I’m not supposed to say,” the boy winces. “You’re gonna hurt them.” “We’re the good guys. They did some bad things,” Eddy whispers. “How was it bad? They helped me. I was sick, and they used money to get me medicine to make me better. They helped my mommy build a home.” “They…well they did bad things to get the money. It isn’t right.”
The little boy’s shoulders fall. “You won’t hurt them right?” Eddy and Ted exchange a guilty glance, and Ted raises an eyebrow. Eddy looks back to the little boy, feeling immense guilt. “We won’t hurt them,” Eddy says. 
“They went to the church.”
“We could just run. We have horses. We could ride away,” you whisper to Schlatt. He shakes his head. “No use, doll. We sealed our fates.” Tears leaked from your eyes. “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I should have listened to you. You said no and I ignored you and I’m going to get you all killed,” you whimper, as you grip his arm. He shakes his head. “Don’t say that. I made that choice, doll. I could have kept saying no. And besides, we helped so many people. We shouldn’t take that back.” “You’re my family. I need you alive. We can run. Why can’t we? Why should we still do this?” You plead with Schlatt, but it’s no use. “You can’t change fate, kiddo.” He turns to you, tucking a strand of your hair, then looks over at Hasan, at the front of the church.”  Then he leans over to whisper in your ear. 
“He always knew it would end up like this. He was just hoping he wouldn’t go out without doing the one thing he’s always wanted to do.” 
Schlatt straightens himself, and you look at each other. “I wish we could have done this under happier circumstances,” you whisper. “Me too. We gotta make do with what we got while we got it, yeah?” He extends his arm, and you take it. You reach down with your other hand and smooth out the white dress.
And with a simple nod, Schlatt is marching you down the aisle to Hasan.
Hasan gives you a small smile under all the bruising, and you take your place beside him. It wasn’t so bad. It wasn’t Ted, and you loved Hasan differently, but you loved him. And if he was going to die for you, you could afford him this last kindness, right? You accept what you have.
And then the doors opened, the familiar pistol click echoing throughout the almost empty church. 
You turn to see Ted, his pistol pointed just straight, Eddy and three other men behind him, also holding pistols. He looks around frantically, seeing Ludwig, Kurtis, and Schlatt sitting in their pews. Hasan lets out a curse, and Ted finally looks to see you, 
standing in your wedding dress, getting married to his childhood’s best friend and worst competitor.
He turns his pistol up at Hasan.
“You’re under goddamn arrest, fucker.”
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
going to the fair with slime boy- cc! or c! <333 (bonus points if theres a little blurb where he comforts sick reader after they get home from all the spinning)
Charlie was super hyped about the fair all day. Practically bouncing off the walls even before drinking any sort of coffee. Probably sat in the car ten minutes before you were even supposed to leave just becuase he was so giddy about spending time with you.
The only cameras that are pulled out on the trip is to take a picture or two for your seperate social media's, but other than that it's just a day for the two of you to eat way too much junk food and ride too many rollarcoasters. You even convinced each other to get face paint.
At one point Charlie had gotten a face time from Ted and Schlatt. It was enough to make the both of you pause and sit on a nearby bench to talk with them, the two—mainly Schlatt—poking fun at how ridiculously in love you two were. Charlie had just laughed as you stuck your tounge out and flipped the bird before reassuring Ted it wasn't directed at him.
("We love Ted in this household. But mutton chop boy can go fuck himself."
After that it was a drive home light by nothing but dim streetlights and car lights.
You both fell asleep in each others arms as soon as your heads hit the pillow <3
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justgowithitplease · 1 year
I am taking requests(and numbers). i do have a few rules that people must follow for the requests. This list will also contain what charectors/franchises i will write for! The list will change periodically, but dont let that stop you from sending requests, i will take (almost) any and all. Here we go!:
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-Anything to do with minors s3xu@lly
-Yandere(it gives me the icks)
-Family x sibling!reader
-Character x S/O!reader
-Character x Character
-Cross-overs (marvel & DC)
-Angst, Fluff, etc.
-Dick Grayson
-Jason Todd
-Tim Drake
-Cassandra Cain (No Smut)
-Stephanie Brown
-Duke Thomas (No Smut)
-Damian (platonically)
Ted Nivison
Foolish Gamers
✭I Will Accept Others Not Specified, Depending on the charector✭
Bonus Lists!:
Song Requests
Word/Phrase/Action Requests
Thats It For Now!
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piggyjeans · 2 years
HI ITS SUMMER 😊😊😊😊😊school ended last week but I’ve just been finishing stuff up and kinda busy but NOW summer has officially started and to try to avoid summer depression and try to feel productive I am on my WRITING SHIT🔥I promise I’m going to try harder now. I need more discipline in my life soooo idgaf send hate in my inbox LMFAOOO call me a lazy bitch idc.. anyway ya. I love all ur requests esp all the jesse pinkman stuff so YAYYY also maybe u guys should send some platonic ted nivison requests bc I’ve been searching for some as of recent and there are not enough. 😕😕😕😕 anyways yeah! Happy summer and I hope everyone’s doing well. If not don’t hesitate to reach out, my inbox is always open. Love u piggyjeans nation <3 also hbd lana del Rey my mama
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unfoundhoney · 3 years
*:・゚masterlist ⋆。˚☽˚。⋆.
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↠ about bailey (me, the author)
↠ anon list
↠ tag list
↠ i do NOT take requests
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legend ↠
↠ fluff ღ ; angst ✶
↠ written ✎ ; bulleted ☉
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most popular ↠
↠ little blade ; platonic!technoblade x fem!reader ; ღ ☉
↠ being a member of the dream team ; platonic!dream team x fem!reader ; ღ ☉
↠ cuddles with quackity ; quackity x reader ; ღ ☉
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latest ↠
↠ knowing me, knowing you ; wilbur soot x reader ; ✶ ✎
↠ toe the line ; part four ; slimecicle x fem!reader ; ღ ✶ ✎
↠ different wilburs reacting to you flinching away from them ; wilbur soot x reader ; ღ ✶ ✎
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awesamdude ↠
bad ↠
dream ↠
↠ being a member of the dream team ; ღ ☉
↠ mom’s mushroom stew ; ღ ✎
↠ pancakes ; ღ ✎
↠ dream team!reader ; first meeting ; ღ ☉
↠ dream team!reader ; when you’re sick/on your period ; ღ ☉
eret ↠
↠ need a hug ; ღ ✎
↠ strawberry surprise ; ღ ✎
foolish ↠
fundy ↠
george ↠
↠ being a member of the dream team ; ღ ☉
↠ a snowy stroll ; ღ ✎
↠ dream team!reader ; first meeting ; ღ ☉
↠ dream team!reader ; when you’re sick/on your period ; ღ ☉
karl ↠
↠ being karl jacobs little sibling ; ღ ☉
minx ↠
niki ↠
philza ↠
↠ a sister’s sacrifice ; one ; two ; three ; ღ ✶ ☉
quackity ↠
↠ such sweet sorrow ; ღ ✎
↠ late night adventure ; ღ ✎
↠ cuddles with quackity ; ღ ☉
↠ baking with quackity ; ღ ☉
ranboo ↠
sapnap ↠
↠ being a member of the dream team ; ღ ☉
↠ mom’s mushroom stew ; ღ ✎
↠ dream team!reader ; first meeting ; ღ ☉
↠ dream team!reader ; when you’re sick/on your period ; ღ ☉
schlatt ↠
↠ long day ; ღ ✎
↠ melodramatic? always. ; ღ ✎
↠ gen z dickwad ; ღ ✎
slimecicle ↠
↠ toe the line ; one ; two ; three ; four ; ღ ✶ ✎
techno ↠
↠ a sister’s sacrifice ; one ; two ; three ; ღ ✶ ☉
↠ little blade ; ღ ☉
ted nivison ↠
tommy ↠
↠ a sister’s sacrifice ; one ; two ; three ; ღ ✶ ☉
↠ mother, father, and everything else ; a companion piece to a sister’s sacrifice ; ღ ✶ ✎
↠ being tommyinnit’s older sister ; ღ ☉
↠ being tommyinnit’s younger sister ; ღ ☉
tubbo ↠
↠ a sister’s sacrifice ; one ; two ; three ; ღ ✶ ☉
wilbur ↠
↠ a sister’s sacrifice ; one ; two ; three ; ღ ✶ ☉
↠ different wilburs reacting to you flinching away from them ; ✎ ღ ✶
↠ knowing me, knowing you ; ✶ ✎
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