#technically I’m still a seer main!
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Amazing job coming out to Crypto Apex Legends
yeah. coming out to kill him—
#I HAVE (very much one sided) BEEF WITH THIS GUY (crypto)#it’s kill on sight. I’m sick and tired of his drone watching me get killed at the time AND HES ACTIVE ON HIS DRONE THIS BITCH IS FLYING#anyways that’s enough ramble </3#anyways cackling how I liTERALLY KNOW WHO SENT THIS I SENT IT BACK TO YOU IN DMS AND YOU WENT HEHE#after crypto You’re Next (/lh)#for plot convenience we’re ignoring that I main crypto#I have more kills on seer!!!#technically I’m still a seer main!#breadsticckk answers
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Give Me That Seers and Roebuccaneer Aesthetic, If You Please
So you thought you saw the last of this AU setting? Think again!
4736 words; based off of this drawing by @pancakey-haley, which is one of the funniest things I’ve seen recently; takes place in the same continuity as Double-Date from Hell and Dr. Hart-Steeler, so a pseudo-Midwestern American modern AU where there’s no powers but somehow Brook is still a skeleton and Chopper’s a reindeer and other setting-dependent things; shorter than the other two installments but I feel it still is worth a gander
The thing about Tuesday-Thursday classes was at least neither of those days were Monday, Usopp thought thankfully as he trudged into his commercial photography class. Yeah, it was still nine in the morning, but it was Tuesday, and he’d take trudging into class clutching the largest, strongest coffee he could manage then in lieu of doing literally anything before noon on a Monday. He went to his copy of the assignment handout and almost spit out said coffee. [Modern AU where Usopp has an awkward class assignment, the Hearts know things they rather wouldn't, Bepo's cousin is just as precious as he is, and the throwback vibes are strong as everyone comes together to make things a little less shitty. Kinda. Try explaining that to Law.]
The thing about Tuesday-Thursday classes was at least neither of those days were Monday, Usopp thought thankfully as he trudged into his commercial photography class. Yeah, it was still nine in the morning, but it was fucking Tuesday, and he’d take trudging into class clutching the largest, strongest coffee he could manage then in lieu of doing literally anything before noon on a Monday.
“Oh, there you are Sopp-bro!” Usopp blinked heavily and saw Carrot cheerily waving at him from across the room where they both normally sat. “How are you doing this morning?!”
“Same as ever,” he groaned as he sat down. He thought he’d gotten used to chipper highschoolers in college classes that were technically way too advanced for their age with Chopper, but after having met Bepo’s cousin Carrot… well… he wouldn’t trade her cheer for anything but it still tested him. “Do you have the week’s lesson?”
“Yeah, but it’s gonna be a weird one,” she frowned. She took one of the handouts on her desk and passed it to him. “What’s a Seers store?”
He tilted his head, still a bit too tired to fully process why the little voice in the back of his brain was panicking. “It’s a… well, it was a department store. A fancier one that didn’t sell groceries but almost everything else. You know, kinda like in the Christmas movies.”
“Oh yeah! With a whole floor for toys and a cafe and those things that go chok-chunk?”
Things that go chok-chunk…? Ah, a credit card imprinter. Shit, he was too young to know that, technically-speaking.
“Yup. It was a big thing for a long time. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of it considering how important the catalogue was in history class times.” He then went to his copy of the assignment handout and almost spit out his coffee.
Oh fuck no.
No one at 1000 Sunny Rd was really prepared for Usopp to come home from classes in such a panic. Actually, when they thought about it, it was rather normal for him to come home from class all wound up in a panic, but Tuesday-Thursdays were usually pretty chill, which made today all the more interesting.
“This is bad, you guys!” he shouted the moment he came in through the front door. He barrelled his way into the open-concept living room/kitchen area, where most everyone was already gathered. The only one of the main crew who wasn’t there was Chopper since he had his own classes, and Law was there but only really as a seat for Nami as he napped upright on the couch with his arms around her waist and head resting against her shoulder.
“What’s bad?” Franky wondered. He paused the video game, which caused Luffy and Zoro to both scowl. “It’s super-unlike you to be this panicked mid-week.”
“It’s my stupid photography class,” he whined. “I’ve got to do formal studio portraits!”
“…like school ID pictures?” Zoro grunted.
“No, like Seers portraits and shit,” Usopp sniped. “I gotta do a family portrait and my instructor wants me to do my family.”
“Oooh!” Luffy gasped, sliding off the couch. “Are you gonna take our pictures?!”
“She wants me to take a portrait of me and…” Usopp shuddered, “my dad.”
“…but your dad’s on a shipping freighter in the middle of a fucking giant-ass lake,” Sanji commented from the kitchen. He put a mug of coffee on the island and Usopp took it, hoping the caffeine would help paradoxically calm him. “Did you explain to the lady that your dad works on a fucking freighter and can’t just pop on over?”
“Even if he could… I don’t know…” Usopp looked at his friends and finally noticed Law. “It’s four in the afternoon—why’s the old man napping?”
“Old Man has graveyard shift in the ER this week,” Nami replied. Usopp stared deadpan at her while Law let out a small snore. “Hey, don’t be jealous because I technically never have to work as long as he’s around.”
“Yohoho… I remember when I worked at a Seers and Roebuccaneer, making money by playing music in the appliances and tools because they were too cheap to replace the radio system in the entire building,” Brook mused. He then looked at Usopp curiously. “How many of your esteemed classmates remember Seers?”
“They don’t even remember H-Mart—how many do you think.” Usopp took a long drink of his coffee—yeah, that was the good shit.
“Oh, that’s s bummer,” Franky nodded in commiseration. “Kokoro still thinks it exists and refers to it as Hocker’s.”
“Professor Clover always called it Hocker’s before he passed,” Robin mused idly. She didn’t even look up from her book. “I didn’t realize they were the same store until I was six.”
“Yeah, and how is this going to help the fact that I probably won’t see my dad again in-person for another eight months and in nine days I’ve got a project due with him in it?” Usopp scowled.
“Muniscius comfiance,” Luffy said with all the confidence of an eight-year-old armed with their first dictionary. Everyone stared at him until Zoro grunted in irritation.
“You heard Luff—we’re gonna malicious compliance the bitch,” he translated. “Do you just have to do one of you and your old man?”
“I have to do at least two and one of them has to be that.”
“Alright; get the asshole up on a video call, take a picture of you and your phone, and then we’ll give her, like, fifteen others that’s just us dicking around. That’ll teach her to not give you accommodation.”
“Do you realize how much fucking extra work that’s gonna be, grass-head?” Sanji chided. “He’s trying to get out of work, not make more of it.”
“No, no, he has a point,” Jinbe replied. “We’re all supposed to be here on Saturday and we can have some fun with it. Seers portraits hold a certain nostalgia factor, after all, and if you ever need the skills in the future then this would be the time to practice them with such a large group of people.”
“Yeah!” Luffy beamed. “Plus, since we’re helping, you can say you managed us like you’re the head camera guy! That’s extra credit, right?”
“I don’t know if I even can get extra credit in this class…”
“Oh, I’m sure you can!” Luffy’s eyes then went wide. “That’s right! Carrot’s in your class! She can come over too! And her cousin and the rest of Torao’s friends! It can be a big party!”
“Luffy, I—!”
“Portrait party!” Luffy cheered, signaling Usopp’s doom. “Ooooh, Sanji?! Can you…?!”
“I’m on it, Boss,” the blond smirked. “I’ll have a menu by the end of the night.”
“Guys, it’s just a project—I was planning on submitting a complaint to the department…”
“Nah,” Luffy scoffed, waving it off. “A party’s always better, don’t’cha think?”
No… he really didn’t.
“I can’t believe they did this to me,” Usopp groaned. He was laying on his bed at 1000 Sunny Rd, his phone cradled in his hands as he grimaced at the screen. On the other side of the video call was Kaya, who was similarly situated in her dorm room across the state. “They know this is going to be a rough assignment to begin with.”
“It’s not their fault,” she reminded him. “They just want to help.”
“Yeah, and now it’s going to involve nacho dip and Sanji’s special tzaziki sauce.” He propped up his phone with the help of a pillow and a plush chameleon so that he could almost pretend they were in the same bed. “It’s a shame you’ve got a tournament this weekend or I’d say you should come over and keep me sane.”
“We’re only hosting the high school tournament, nothing else,” she reminded him. “I might be able to take off if Merry will let me.”
“Merry will, but I don’t know if your supervisor agrees.”
“It’s Quizbowl, not the end of the world.”
“You’d be surprised.” Usopp tried not to frown as he thought of Kaya’s family-friend-turned-undergrad-advisor, a sour man who seemed to love every opportunity to cockblock them at every turn. As though there was any cock being had to block! One look at him should have screamed that her innocence was safer with him than with others (coughNamicough), so what really was the problem?!
Okay, he knew the problems—plural—but he wasn’t about to unpack all that at the moment.
“What if you took your portrait with me?” she wondered. Her phone dropped to look at the ceiling as she shuffled around for a way to prop up the device on her end, missing her boyfriend’s deep blush. “I mean, if it wasn’t for the fact that I’m going to school out here…”
“Don’t say that!” Usopp panicked. “We’re not that kind of together!”
“I know,” she smiled, “but it’s just… you are my boyfriend, and lots of couples don’t move it past that even if they are always together.”
“You do have a point…” He felt the blush further darken his complexion as he considered submitting one of his family portraits as just him and his girlfriend. Sure, they were talking about long-term-levels of seriousness, but a portrait of the two of them…? In a style common in family photos? He wasn’t entirely sure his heart (or his ever-suffering libido) would survive. “Maybe when you’re back this way for the summer we can do something like that and see if we can replicate the look with the ring lights.”
“That’d be fun,” she smiled. Kaya settled in under her blankets while hugging a stuffed sheep. “You have to tell me how everyone’s doing. Is Luffy still getting into trouble?”
“We don’t get into trouble with Captain Usopp around,” he bragged. Which… it was at least partly true. They weren’t getting into trouble. Not a lot, anyhow. For the moment. She giggled softly and allowed him to continue, the young man weaving exaggerations into his stories as they continued to talk each other to sleep.
Saturday at 1000 Sunny Rd was shaping up to be an interesting one.
First off, Carrot had stayed the night over so that she could be there bright and early, making it so that there was another kid Chopper’s age that he could conspire with when it came to goading Luffy into antics. It was only eight in the morning and they were already at it, with them jumping around the house in their pajamas. Then, on top of that, the Polar Tang had shown up at some point overnight, complete with Law’s trio of weird friends/coworkers/flunkies/platonic boyfriends/hype squad who were already making use of the pool while Law himself was nowhere to be found. Usopp had barely gotten the question out of his mouth when he heard Nami’s orgasm scream, at which he shuddered.
She was such a fucking traitor, getting action so conspicuously while he was left to dry. What ever happened to bestie solidarity?
“It’s been a rough week at work,” Bepo offered. He was sitting on the edge of the in-ground pool, kicking his feet in the water as he sipped a drink he’d procured from Sanji. “It was like an itch right under his skin since, I dunno, Wednesday.”
“That’s all well and fine but he needs to remember to shut the window,” Usopp sighed. He tried to block out the indecent and ridiculous noises coming from the offending couple and felt the need to be sick. “You guys have any suggestions about how to get back at them?”
“Eh, we can prank ‘em, but pranking Nami is like signing your own death warrant,” Penguin commented from the safety of a pool floatie.
“Oh, come on, I’ve pranked her a thousand times and I’m still alive!” Usopp scoffed. Law’s friends all stared at him, deadpan. “Okay, okay, okay… so maybe more like a handful of times… and I’m lucky to be alive be this point. Then how about Law?”
“Pranking him is hella difficult,” Shachi scoffed. “Dude’s almost always on his toes.”
“Had to be,” Penguin added. “Not gonna get into it, but he didn’t exactly have the most fun childhood.”
“I think you’d be more pressed to find someone here who did have a decent time as a kid,” Usopp replied, rolling his eyes. “Got anything I can work with?”
“Given how long he’s gone without despite a need, I’d say he’s got tw—” Bepo was interrupted by what sounded suspiciously like a strangled sob. “—one more round in him before he gets six and a half solid hours of sleep. Eight is if we’re lucky.”
“Do I even want to know how you know this?”
“Scientific method,” all three pool-goers said in unison. Usopp smacked his forehead and took a deep breath…
…wait a moment…
“Wait, you know I’m going to be roping people into my commercial photography assignment later, right?” Usopp posed. The others simply stared at him. “The assignment calls for imitating the style of a Seers portrait and I was thinking…”
“Oh, fuck, we’re in,” Shachi grinned. He scrambled to get out of the pool and towards his towel, drying off unevenly. “I’ve got just the thing!”
“This is news to me,” Penguin stated. “What the fuck do you have that’s got you like that?”
“All the work shit that’s still in the trunk!”
“Work shit…?” Usopp did not like the sound of that. “What sort of medical torture devices you got in there?”
“Not torture devices,” Shachi insisted. “More like there was this thing at work last week where we wore goofy outfits and took turns playing around in Pedes.” Another verbal confirmation of Nami getting fucked out of her mind cut him off and he grimaced.
“Well, most of us did,” Penguin said, taking over. “Grumpass didn’t, but that’s also, like, the only department he normally steers clear of; most do if they can help it.” He then looked from Usopp to Shachi and back, noting
All of Usopp’s synapses began to fire at once and he began to grin just as manically as Shachi (or Luffy during a particularly tasty meal). A costume cache? Oh, he was fucking in.
Admittedly, Usopp was having a lot of fun with his assignment when he stopped to think about it. He and Carrot were able to set up their impromptu portrait studio in the office area, having pooled their equipment checkout resources and were able to snag enough studio lights and varying accessories to actually function like they were supposed to instead of trying to cobble together some bastardized system using cheap ring lights and Franky’s cell phone (which had genuinely gotten him an A, but never again). They even got some neat gels and a couple softboxes, which they were sure some of the film majors were going to murder them over. Was it worth it? Always.
“So… we’re basically doing a photo booth, but with a Seers portrait vibe,” Nami said as she went through the box of clothes. Usopp did not understand how she was awake and functioning while her manfriend was still dead to the world in her bed, but he figured it was best to not think about it.
“All in the name of malicious compliance,” he replied. “I’ve already got the one with my mom’s wake portrait and the selfie of my dad up on my phone, so…”
“Please tell me it’s the slutty one that Shanks sent you as a joke.”
“His dating profile pic? It’s not like you’re dealing with a fucking amateur, Nami.” He folded his arms across his chest and pouted as he attempted to stand his ground. “Otherwise everyone else is a-go.”
“Is that why the goobers are running around crazier than usual?”
“Define ‘goobers’ in this situation.”
“The ones who kicked me out of my bedroom to ‘get Law ready for his closeup’?”
“Okay, for one, a portrait is not necessarily a closeup, but for two…” Usopp was about to continue when he saw Bepo shuffle into the room, the bear looking nervous as he clutched a vintage coin book in his paws. “Ready?”
“We’ve got ten minutes to get this going before he wakes up,” Penguin said from behind Bepo. The bear moved aside and showed Penguin in nice slacks and a polo shirt—was the penguin on his hat holding a cocktail—helping Shachi, who had found a pair of denim overalls with a duckling on the front to put with his normal sweater—where did he get the propeller for his hat—the pair pulling along a half-asleep Law, perfectly dressed for the occasion.
Usopp swallowed hard; he was going to die.
Quickly, he got the shots he needed of Law, Penguin, and Shachi before allowing the latter to cart the former off before the perfectly weary and pliable sleepiness wore off, Nami snapping a couple pics on her phone as extra insurance before vanishing herself. Bepo then went and got Carrot, the cousins posing for a few different shots before Luffy could not longer be contained and burst his way into the makeshift studio, demanding to be included in the proceedings.
Eventually, it was getting towards the end of the afternoon and both students were beginning to feel the strain of using their newfound skills continually for the entire day. Not only was it remembering f-stops and checking light meters and making sure they didn’t accidentally hit the settings reset button, but also wrangling… oh, the wrangling that they had to do. It honestly was insane. Not only did they have to attempt to control Luffy, but the entire rest of the house as well as they came in and out of the office area, dressed in both costumes and whatever their nicest (or tackiest) clothes on-hand were. It felt as though everyone else at 1000 Sunny Rd was deliberately making it rough for them when it came to actually getting things done.
“You people are going to be the death of me,” Usopp groaned as he melted onto one of the barstools by the kitchen island. A mug of coffee was placed in front of him, and a can of pop in front of Carrot as she joined them, the younger one decidedly more lively.
“I think it’s a lot of fun,” she replied. “We only have a few more to go; using the costumes were a great idea.”
“Speaking of which, I’ve noticed there’s a distinct lack of those weirdos,” he noted. Usopp glanced around—nothing. Sanji scoffed from the other side of the kitchen as he peeled potatoes.
“Nami-swan sent them on an errand, so they took the Tang and bolted ages ago,” he said.
“It’s bad enough she sends the rest of us to do her dirty work, but that’s ridiculous,” Usopp frowned.
“They know better than to invoke Nami-swan’s lovely wrath,” Sanji swooned.
“Is ‘lovely’ the correct word for it, though?” Carrot wondered.
“The simp’s a lost cause,” Usopp deadpanned. Sanji did not hear them, as he was too busy fantasizing to be of much use conversation-wise. “You’d think he would have stopped once Nami started fucking another man, yet here we are.”
“I didn’t know simping could be… uh… platonic…?”
A beat.
“Carrot, nothing about Sanji and women is platonic.”
The younger teen shrugged and grabbed a plate so she could pile on a bunch of the tiny treats that Sanji was still cooking for everyone, making sure to get enough for both her and Usopp, who they both already knew would be denied extras until later. They brought their drinks and the plate back to the office area and began to eat in relative peace and safety, keeping to themselves until they heard the crunch of driveway pebbles under car tires, signaling that whatever errand Nami had Penguin and Shachi on, they had returned from it.
“Good,” Usopp grunted through a mini spanikopita. “Now maybe I can get a real shot of those morons before Law leaves for work.”
“Possibly…? Let’s go see if they need any help!”
“You can; I’ll just stay here and prep for the next group.”
Carrot pouted for a moment before leaving the office area, letting Usopp fiddle with the light stands. He was able to rearrange the setup for a smaller group when he heard a soft knock at the door.
“Master Photographer Usopp is almost ready!” he replied. The door creaked open and he frowned. “Hey, I said I was almost—!”
The words died in his throat as he was shocked to see Kaya standing there, looking at the studio setup as though it was the most technical-looking thing she’d ever seen. She turned back to him just in time to see as he wrapped her in a hug.
“Oh! Usopp!”
“How did you get here?!” he wondered. She pressed a kiss to his lips and giggled.
“Mr. Penguin and Mr. Shachi came to get me,” she admitted. “It was a little weird, and I had to convince my sorority it wasn’t a kidnapping…”
“No… no… I don’t want to know,” Usopp decided. He looked at Kaya and all the stress that had been built up that day seemed to melt away. His mom had always told him that love could break the hold that hardships had on people and make much easier to bear, and it was times like this where he truly believed that. “I’m just glad they didn’t send Sanji as one of the conspirators this time.”
“He meant well.”
“That’s giving him a few too many benefits of the doubt.” It was then that he saw Carrot come in, carrying what looked to be Kaya’s backpack. “Isn’t that right? Letting Sanji loose on a sorority is just asking for trouble.”
“Is that why he went to culinary school and not a regular four-year university like us?” the teen wondered.
“One reason of many.” Usopp froze as Kaya took her backpack and brought out two framed photos—her parents. “Uh… Kaya…?”
“We’re not going to be able to see if the ring lights work as a substitute if we don’t have the real thing to compare it with,” she reasoned.
Okay, so maybe the chaos was worth it after all.
That night was one of the best party nights Usopp had experienced in a while. It wasn’t the good food (Sanji outdid himself, again) or the friend-based antics (which were always a good time), but it was the fact that he went to bed that night with Kaya, the pair snuggled up together in his bed for the first time in months to combat the night chill with their shared body heat.
Okay, so what if they were fully clothed? And that there was a bedsheet separating them? And there were no bedroom activities other than sleeping going on? They all couldn’t be Nami; be realistic.
Law was honestly nursing one of the worst headaches he’d ever suffered through. It wasn’t quite a migraine—he was not nearly nauseous or light-sensitive enough for that—but it was still making him regret having gone on midnights last-minute the week prior despite the fact he was currently on days. He clutched his coffee cup a little closer—there was something to be said about the hot bean juice that made the world marginally tolerable.
After checking in on a patient he was due to operate on the following day, Law decided to make his way to the nurses’ station to follow up with Bepo. It was there that he saw that his best friend was sitting there with his cousin, the teen happily chatting away as she showed him a bunch of photos from a large manila envelope.
“Is this a personal or business visit?” Law asked as he approached the desk. Carrot caught sight of him and her grin only widened.
“Oh, there you are, Law-bro!” she said merrily. “I was just showing off the prints of the project Sopp-bro and I did last weekend! Do you want to take a look?”
“Sure.” Law sat his coffee down and began to casually flip through the photos. Seas, they looked like the kind of portraits that Cora-san had of him and his parents and brother from back when he was a kid. Everyone was in their silliest… with exceptions, of course. He looked up from the shot of him and Nami, the two of them dressed in high-waisted jeans and frumpy sweaters, to see that Carrot and Bepo were both looking at him expectantly. “Did you get the grades back?”
“Not only did we pass, but we also got extra credit!” Carrot grinned. “Sopp-bro’s also turned in a formal complaint to the department head that’s probably going to escalate.”
“Now that’s what I like to hear.” Law then narrowed his eyes at a package that was sitting on Bepo’s desk, wrapped in brown paper and looking very suspicious. “What’s that?”
“Oh, that’s for Peng-bro and Sach-bro,” Carrot explained. “They paid special for that one.”
“Did they now?” Law didn’t like how the cousins exchanged a wary glance—when they were up to no good, it was genuinely no good. “Now why would they pay special for a school project you and Nose-ya did?”
“A frame and use of the special printer.” Law looked over his shoulder to see Shachi pushing his mobile station to its dock and plugging it in. “Kiddos went and made up a nice family portrait of us.”
“I think you mixed up ‘nice’ with ‘tacky’ again,” Law deadpanned. Shachi waited until Penguin caught up before taking the package from Carrot. “Besides, you sound like Strawhat-ya by saying ‘family’ like that.”
“We’re four of the weirdest brothers and you know it,” Penguin huffed. He looked over Shachi’s shoulder as the other man unwrapped the photo frame, both men’s faces lighting up at the contents. “Oh, Carrot, if you weren’t way too young for me I’d kiss you.”
“It’s all Sopp-bro,” the teen blushed. “It actually was used as one of the examples in class! The professor was very impressed with the composition and technique!”
“Let me see,” Law said. He took the frame from Shachi’s hand and went pale while his friends all started to giggle.
There, in his hand, was a portrait of him with the techs, an enlarged and faded-in insert image of the charge nurse in the upper right-hand corner.
“…did you shits deepfake me…?”
“No, that was all you,” Carrot supplied. “The professor really enjoyed your expression! Said it was exactly the kind of variation the portrait batch needed!”
“When the fuck did you take this?!” Law grimaced, absolutely aghast.
“You were still half-asleep and in the post-nut haze, so we took advantage of it while we could,” Penguin said. Law instead grit his teeth.
“So you took that as permission to put me in a frumpy dress, bonnet, and plastic pearls?”
“Don’t forget the coin collection,” Shachi reminded him. “I bet that was a nice touch.”
“We were the only two students that had portraits with props, so it really was!” Carrot seemed absolutely oblivious to the ire that was building in the surgeon. “He did a really good job on the compositing as well, which made it so Bep-bro’s fur wasn’t too clipped!”
“…and you people thought this was a good idea, how?!”
“It’s just a bit of fun,” Shachi said, taking back the photo frame. “Besides, it’s our family portrait, like I said. Plus it helped some of the Sunny gang.”
“You guys are dead,” Law hissed, the last word through grit teeth. Shachi and Penguin both turned on their heels and bolted, with the surgeon not too far behind after depositing the portrait back in Carrot’s hands. She and Bepo looked at one another for a moment before bursting into giggles, because they knew something Law didn’t:
Hiding underneath the goofy portrait was three others; one was everyone who was there at 1000 Sunny Rd. that day, another of the four friends in less-goofy getups, and one of just Law and Nami—one of the most normal photos taken the entire day. Not only did they have them sitting there layered in the frame, but copies had been set aside for Cora-san and Bell-mère as well.
Ah… what he didn’t know wouldn’t kill him.
#Usopp#Kaya (One Piece)#Usopp x Kaya#UsoKaya#Nami (One Piece)#Carrot (One Piece)#Trafalgar Law#LawNa#Law x Nami#Bepo#Penguin (One Piece)#Shachi (One Piece)#One Piece#fan fiction#there are Catholics less sexually repressed than Usopp is in this fic lbrh#this is less Liar Usopp and more Clinical Depression Usopp I hope you understand#Trafalgar D. Water Law
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do you have any "they said it was a blessing. it's a curse." oc?
Love this question, and I’ve actually got a couple that I think would fit into this category! At least by a technicality.
I’ve got Siren, a shapeshifter who has a seer ability, giving them glimpses of the future. They predicted the Fall that killed most of their people happening but misread it as like, the end times and resolved there was nothing to be done to stop it. But when everything was settled and Siren was still alive along with many others, it fell into a deep downward spiral bc of it.

There’s also Kel, who is only half shifter, his mom was a survivor of the Fall, and his unnamed and deceased father was a very powerful witch, most of that power being power Kel ended up inheriting. He’s a v optimistic little guy but got stuck with a lottttttt of power and no idea how to control it, especially with a temper that can turn at the drop of a hat. I don’t rlly have any good art of him, apologies.

And the last one is Danni, I’ve talked abt her before, she’s one of the main characters in my planned comic Golden Dandelions, also a fairly powerful witch, and she’s a self described academic. She studies dark magic (doesn’t practice it, it’s illegal) and is one of very few ppl who actually knows a very ancient and very dead language used exclusively for magic, bc she taught herself. She also had to very quickly improvise a spell to save her best friends life (basically bring her back from literal death) and the entire event left her with horrific nightmares and lasting physical effect for the rest of her life. Hers is less of ‘they said it was a blessing, it’s a curse’ and far more ‘they said it’s a miracle I’m alive but I would’ve been better off dead’
I love answering questions and I love getting to talk abt my non-fandom related ocs, absolutely keep asking abt them.
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A long ass post in which I think too hard about future ACOTAR couples.
After lurking at the ACOTAR tag, I saw a lot of great theories and analysis that try to predict the trajectory of the spin-off trilogy. I’ve decided to write my own take on the subject (probably to my own detriment - involving myself in another ship war wasn’t on my bucket list this year, but here I am). I was thinking about what the potential future couples of the story might be, but through the lense of the plot - which couples make the most sense plot wise, which couple have the most potential to drive the plot toward. Here are my thoughts on the matter.
Before I start I will make a couple of disclaimers: 1) I obviously have my ship preferences, and it just so happens that the ships I like the most are the ones that according to me make the most sense narratively. That being said I’m not trying to be malicious or rude about all other ship possibilities - I actually like some of them quite a bit too. 2) I let the books speak for themselves. I do not invoke any paratextual information regarding those books: no SJM interviews or online posts. This analysis is based on what, imo, can be logically inferred from the text. 3) Of course there will be spoilers.
If that’s clear we shall being:
In my analysis I focus on the plot and which couples ensure the smoothest and most logical progression of it. Because of that I do not focus on the foreshadowing SJM included in the previous ACOTAR novel: I don’t quote anything, nor do I talk about previous interactions of those couples. In this analysis, I’m interested in the bigger picture so-to-speak. So first we need to establish what that bigger picture is.
Those books are meant to be standalone fantasy-romance novels with an overarching plotline that will reach its climax in the third book (since it's a trilogy). Each book will feature a different couple which apart from falling in love will lead the story to its next stage. What it means for the story is that the couples that we will be following are all heavily connected to the main story/conflict of those books. ACOSF established that story/conflict as stopping/defeating Koshei. I would argue that ACOSF also established Beron as a secondary antagonist as he is Koschei’s ally. With that in mind, the potential future couples all have to be connected in some way to those individuals.
We actually have a pretty small pool of characters to choose from. Since the story was pitched as SJM was writing ACOWAR, that book is where we can start our search for clues about which characters are going to be the future leads. I don’t want to use SJM interviews for information because things often change during the writing process, however, just in this instance I will note that recently SJM said that not much changed from that initial pitch so all foreshadowing in ACOWAR is still relevant. ACOWAR established 7 characters with potential future romances and storyline: Nesta, Cassian, Elain, Lucian, Azriel, Vassa and Mor.
Four of them are directly connected to Koshei or Beron: Nesta and Elain were made by The Cauldron gaining power that might potentially threaten Koschei and Beron. Elain is especially connected to Koschei - she’s a seer and had visions of him. Additionally, as far as we know she’s Lucian’s mate which makes her connected with Beron. Vassa was entrapped and cursed by Koshei and is currently trying to escape him. Lucian resides with Vassa at the moment, plus he is Beron's stepson.
Out of the 7 of the potential lead characters, two (Nesta and Cassian) already had their story told, which leaves as with 5 possibilities. Mor, unfortunately, also seems quite unlikely to have a book for herself in the near future because since ACOWAR no love interest for her was introduced and plot wise she also doesn't have a lot to do with Koshei. She has a connection to Eris (about whom I will talk about in a minute) and by proxy to Beron, but, again, there isn't a love interest for her in sight (I will talk about why Emerie doesn't seem like a possible candidate, at least not yet). With that we are left with Azriel, Lucien, Elain and Vassa. All of those characters have direct ties to Koshei and Beron with the exception of Azriel.
After ACOSF, three more characters caught people's attention as possible love interests too - Emrie for Mor, Gwyn for Azriel, and Eris for ...well for no one, at least for now.
Especially the Gwyn and Azriel ship gained a lot of traction among the fandom. I for one, don't mind them. I like the fanarts and the aesthetic but, logically, they together won't lead any of the two upcoming novels.
Gwyn, Emerie and Eris, are characters that were only just fleshed out on page in ACOSF, with Gwyn and Emrie being only just introduced to the story in ACOSF. Additionally, Gwyn and Emrie have nothing to do with Koschei and Beron so, unless they are paired up with one of the three remaining characters with those connections they won’t have their own books. Maybe, if SJM decided to continue the story beyond the spin-off trilogy, then we will get books with them as leads.
So, we are left with the above-mentioned quartet: Azriel, Lucien, Elain and Vassa.
So how do we couple those characters up?
Elain has two possible love interests - Azriel and Lucien. Technically, both ships work but if SJM goes with Elain and Lucian than their book would have to be the last, because that is where I imagine Koshei will be defeated. Also since Lucien is connected to Beron, I imagine he will be the one to strike him down for good, or at least have a huge rule in opposing him at the very end. If Elain and Lucien book will be the next one we are left with Vassa and Azriel to lead the last book, not together obviously. They would have to have different love interests - the last book would have to be either Vassa x someone (Jurian, probably) or Azriel x someone. To be honest, if the next book is Elain and Lucien that would mean Azriel isn’t getting a book because as I said Azriel x Gwyn makes little sense as the second novel in this trilogy and no sense as the third one because neither Az or Gwyn have connection to Koschei.
I strongly believe that the person who is most likely to deal with Koschei and the person who has the absolute right to defeat him is Vassa. She's the one who has been entrapped and cursed by him. Additionally it was her conversation with Feyre at the end of ACOWAR that was a giveaway as to what the spin-off trilogy is going to be plot wise. It also seems right up SJM alley to have her female protagonist defeat her abuser in a very poignant and satisfying way. I’m pretty sure that Vassa is going to be one of the leads of the future two books.
Lastly, I think we all can agree that at this point it's obvious that Azriel and Elain are two characters that SJM wants to write about and they will be main characters in the spin off novels, whether in the same book or not..
So to add all of this up we have two possible scenarios in fort of us:
1) The next book is going to be Elain and Lucien, and the last book is gonna be Vassa and someone (Jurian, Eris?, Azriel????). This scenario doesn't make much sense because: a) It would mean Azriel won't have a book (unless he's paired up with Vassa, which by now is not foreshadowed or hinted at at all). b) There's no clear love interest for Vassa, because Lucien would end up with Elain. Jurian is a possibility but he's, you know, Jurian. I don't think many people would want him as a MC. There's also Eris (bare with me here). Eris, technically, has a lot of the same plot connections that Lucian has (son of Beron, connected to the Night Court where most of our heros reside) + SJM clearly loves him. This couple is far fetched, obviously.
2) The most likely scenario, imo. The next book is Azriel and Elain - they have plenty of foreshadowing, Elain is connected to Koshei, the seer and the spy infiltrating Koshei/ Autumn Court (there’s plenty of possibilities as to how they together can be involved with the main conflict). The last book, Lucien x Vassa - the will defeat Beron, defeat Koschei, Lucian as the son of Helion the Spell-Cleaver will break Vassa's curse once and for all.
There's also other scenarios, however unlikely:
1) Gwyn and Azriel, Elain and Lucian (why yes: both Az and Elaine get books, why no: Vassa doesn't get a book which is unlikely cause she's the person most connected to Koschei, Gwyn has nothing to do with Koschei)
2) Mor and someone, Elain and Azrie or Elain and Lucian or Vassa and Lucian (why yes: we get a Mor book which is great, why no: Mor has nothing to do with Koschei, we don't have a clear love interest for Mor, Az or Elain, or Vassa are not going to get a book.)
To sum this all up. The characters that the fandom should keep an eye on are Elain, Azriel, Lucien and Vassa. The next books will be about them, and the most logical way to tell their stories is to couple Elain with Azriel and Lucian with Vassa. There is plenty of great analysis of the subtle and not so subtle way SJM is foreshadowing those couples since ACOWAR.
Of course I can be totally wrong with my predictions but judging by what's on the page I think I'm mostly right here. To be 100% sure we must simply wait
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Series I’m Reading in 2021
My favorite manga all come from Shonen Jump. A lot of series ended last year, and a lot of new series started, so I thought I’d do a post with a quick recap of all the manga I’m currently keeping up with in jump, and my favorite things about them.

My Hero Academia - My two favorite manga are both reaching the ends of their biggest arcs yet, and that’s been exciting but also exhausting to read week from week.
MHA’s strength lies in its ideas and the scope of its ambitions. There’s few stories in shonen jump that work with such broad ideas, in trying to define hero and villain and giving the villains so much depth that the main character’s ultimate foil Shigaraki Tomura, feels more like a deuteragonist to the story, a second protagonist for the other side of the story rather than an antagonist.
It’s a creative story, with neat little ideas. Giving an entire arc to the villains was taking an actual risk. From a story that began wrapped entirely around Deku’s perspective, the story has evolved to balance the perspective of multiple different characters who all come into conflict with each other. The best part of the war arc is that there’s no real good guys in a story with clear and distinct entities that label themselves “heroes’ and “villains.” The heroes are allowed to have impure motives, and do impure deeds. The villains are allowed to have noble motivations, and genuinely care for one another. This is all good because it’s not boring. A boring, simple, story where good defeats evil has been told a hundred times, My Hero Academia shines the brightest when it tries to do something different.
Jujutsu Kaisen - If MHA’s strength lies in creativity, then JJK’s is in technical execution. If you compare the first 27 chapters of MHA and JJK just in the way that they develop the stakes, story, and ideals, JJK accomplishes a lot more in the same time.
I’m not saying JJK is better, just that it tells its story better in some ways. MHA is in the middle of a tournament arc, whereas in JJK we see the first major emotional blow of the story. A character which was set up to be saved, and who everyone expected to be saved is instead killed and this has permanent ramifications for both Yuji’s development and the threat the villain presents.
That’s why the Shibuya Arc has so much impact , despite only having 100 chapters of build up before it. Jujutsu Kaisen introduces a lot of characters, and then quickly develops them and the ideas that surround that character in a way that it feels like every time they’re on screen they are growing and changing in a way. It’s because things are continually changing in the story all the time, that every single time the story hits you it feels like a gut punch. There’s no one safe, no status quo, just a world that you know is going to change by the end of the story. Jujutsu Kaisen is good. Everyone should read Jujutsu Kaisen.
Mission: Yozakura Family - Katekyo Hitman Reborn used to be one of my favorite manga in shonen jump, which gave me a weakness for manga with big mafia families where everry single character has one special quirky and eccentric power.
Yozakura Family is also reaching a similiar pont that Reborn did, where after a year of publication it’s not doing well enough as a weekly gag manga and is starting to focus to a more serious with an overarching plot, and a fighter. The main female and main male protagonist have a relationship that actually develops which makes me soft for the two of them because I want to see the story improve and see where the author wants to take them.
Our Blood Oath - There’s been a trend towards horror series in the recent newcomers in jump, which is great because I am all about horror. A series full of vampires using their blood to cut each other up is an easy sell to me.
Stories in jump generally don’t tend to develop until they’ve lasted an entire year, but I like a lot of things that Our Blood Oath has started with. I love the series focus on adopted family, and the relationship between the two brothers. The main character genuinely acts like a bratty younger brother, and wields unlimited power exactly like a twelve year old swinging around a blood scythe would. Which is to say, very badly.
Phantom Seer - Another newcomer series that leaves a strong impression. The things that the series has going for it so far is a really strong main character, who’s a pretty far deviation from the standard shonen protagonist of “I want to save everyone.” Rather than wnating to be the strongest, or wanting to be a hero, he just wants a normal life, and instead gets dragged into heroics by the good intentions of the people he’s surrounded by.
The art is also incredibly strong for this series. I’m glad the artist got another chance to draw a shonen junmp series because their art really shines in both the character designs, and the curse designs. There’s incredibly unique monster designs that are equally parts horrifying and fascinating even though most of them only stick around for one chapter.
Undead Unluck - Most Shonen Manga either figure out right away what the central conflict is, other manga never figure it out. Undead Unluck is like “fuck it, let’s kill god.”
Undead Unluck has a bad start, and normally I would never say “keep reading and give it a chance” if it gives you a negative first impression, but Undead Unluck quickly fixes a lot of mistakes in the first chapter. Andy at first says some creepy things towards the main character, but the author seemed to learn their lesson and made a lot of changes later on to make their relationship into a healthy one of consent and mutual affection.
The main characters and the story premise are what sell this one. A bunch of supernatural beings going out of their way to do the impossible and kill god. The plot is almost pure chaos, but I believe the two main characters are strong enough that you want to follow them all the way through it.
Dr. Stone - The best part of Dr. Stone is trying to unravel the mystery of the premise, how the world became turned to stone. Senku is a compelling protagonist because he’s constantly trying to solve the mystery around him, the same way the audience is.
Senku is a strong character, and there are other interesting ones like Gen, however sometimes the series while being a fun adventure the characters don’t really develop that much. However, there’s nothing better for a protagonist than a good antagonist. The best part of the america arc so far has been the introduction of an antagonist and foil to Senku. Instead of trying to rule through strength. Dr. Xeno views everything as a problem to be solved through science like Senku. He just also sees Science as a tool to rule others, unlike the fairly anarchistic Senku who doesn’t care for leadership.
Some of the most interesting charactermoments for Senku lies in his interactions, his similiarities and differences with Dr. Xeno, and the fact that they’re now forced to cooperate while Senku is technically holding Dr. Xeno hostage is an interesting building tension between these two. I’m following this series for two reasons, one I’m interested in how the mystery will be solved, and two I wonder what kind of person that Senku will become when he completes his goal of restoring humanity. Senku is the main draw of the series with his weird charisma, and his unique interest in science above everything else, and I think there’s still a lot of untapped potential to mine in his character.
#shonen jump#jujutsu kaisen#my hero academia#mission yozakura family#our blood oath#phantom seer#undead unluck#dr. stone#spooky speaks
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Fazbear Frights: What We Found Analysis
Here’s my analysis for What We Found, the third story in Gumdrop Angel. I wrote this as I read so it may be a little different than my previous analysis where I read the story first and went back.
If you’re a Michael Afton fan I highly recommend this. Also, there’s possibly some insight into William Afton, Mrs. Afton, and Henry too, so it’s worth a skim.
Pg 144 '...a place thirty-some years forgotten' Just reconfirming FNAF 3 is 30 years past *one* of the FNAF closings, presumably FNAF 2 location.
Pg 145 "The whole building was giving him [Hudson] a headache." FIX THE VENTILATION BRUH
Pg 148 '...they were able to use salvaged derelict equiptment original to the old pizzerias.' Another confirmation of something we heard from Phone Guy.
Pg 147 "How old are you?" "Twenty-three, same as you." I think this gives us Michael's age during FNAF 3.
EDIT: This kept me awake last night. Obviously this is impossible because he has to be alive for at least 10 years before 1983, BUT maybe its just reconfirming FNAF 3′s year? 2023?
Pg 149 "Hudsan's dad died and his mom married Lewis, a ridiculous balding man who wore plaid vests and smoked a pipe" Did... Did this book just seriously imply Mrs. Afton left William for Henry? Really? (Yes, there's differences; the husband is dead and the man wears plaid 'vests' but it seems very odd to include that detail. This could just have been the writer's own imagination, though.) I have seen this as a fan theory and 100% explains the jealousy aspect of William, but I can't help but kinda hate it. I think this is very important, though, and probably Scott's intention. "This horrible little man [Lewis]... would make Hudson's next ten years a living Hell" This REALLY intrigues me given the context I just went over. The text implies Lewis was fairly neglectful to our main character / Michael stand-in Hudson. Maybe I'm wrong and for some reason Mrs. Emily left and went to William? XD Haha, I'm reading too much into this page. Maybe I'll come back to this later. I figure it's more of Scott possibly including double-details (contradicting stuff with the same character that really applies to two, which has been something I heavily pointed out in previous anaylsis on this blog) Having said that, I'm going w/the former because I can't imagine Henry being abusive (neglectful yes, abusive no) and he's never been portrayed that way in official works like William has in the novels.
Pg 150 "Hudson began to screw up in class...a product of spending the night in fear that his stepfather [Lewis]... [would] beat him just for the fun of it." Ooof. Big confirm on William actually being abusive. Unless we stick with the Henry theory for Lewis (combined with Midnight Motorist Henry theory / alcoholic). "...near-daily beatings..." "his mom started taking pills to get through the day..." So, whoever Mrs. Afton is, she was definetly not paying attention. But then, most people married to serial killers either don't notice because of denial (like this) or because the killer is so manipulative / careful they can't notice.
"Barry, who had red hair and freckles..." Yo?! Is that a description of Fritz?! These friends in the story could be the other kids Michael knew's stand-in's, aka the two gravestones with names he used (Fritz and Jeremy), as shown in the checks for the games and FNAF 6. I've long figured Michael was probably friends with the victims--it makes them easier, although riskier, targets [for William]. The two friends are male, too, like Fritz and Jeremy. If you're curious about Duane's description (our stand in for Jeremy), it's "tight black shirt... muscles... black hair long enough for a glossy ponytail..." I'm not sure if this matches anything found in the novels or contradicts them, though. (The novels = TSE trilogy)
"And so it went... until the night of the fire." For context, this is before FF burns down. We're learning of Hudson's life from his close friends in childhood, his father's death, his mother remarrying, to his abusive stepfather, to his grades slipping to this line. This would be a new fire not seen/mentioned in the games...
Pg 151 "...go to Charlie's for a sundae..." Really. Really Scott. Just gonna use this name again. OK. I'm not even gonna discuss this because it's probably irrelevant. *This is confirmed on pg 158 to be an ice cream shop. No lore relevance aside the annoying name coincidences Scott loves to troll with.
"This is not... an advance into enemy territory, a fight with demons, or a descent into Hell..." Uh, what? What is Hudson talking about? XD I'm only noting it because it seems so out of place. He's probably talking about video games or something.
Another note, although I don't have a specific reference since it is mentioned off-hand many times, is that Hudson keeps referring to his "history" which is implied to have kept him from getting a well-paying job and a girl he's crushing on doesn't know this "history" which is good for him. Seems good old "Michael Stand-In" has done some jail time or something. Edit: On pg 154/155 the girl asks Hudson, "Did you do it?" Seems he may have killed his stepfather or been involved with something else just as bad. Edit 2: No, I was thinking too deep into it. This probably refers to Evan's death at Fredbear's. DUH.
Pg 156 describes an actual "prize corner" in FF! What am I even reading? IIRC this is in FNAF 3, too. So they just hand out these scary gift boxes to people that complete the attraction? (Hudson says he *would* have fun handing out the scary toys to kids when this location opens--kind of a bully thing to do, eh?)
"[Hudson] avoid[ed] glancing in any of the mirrors..." I'm only pointing this out because it could be reference to one of two things. 1) We know because of one of UCN's music tracks, William has a fear of his reflection. Michael probably shares this trait, especially since 2) after Ennard and all... and later on pg 157 it also says, "he never wanted to face: himself" Sounds like guilt, my guy.
Pg 157 "blonde hair... blue eyes..." Hudson shares an eye color with Michael. It's possible Michael had blonde hair as a child and it changed to brown (it's common, something I personally went through being technically blonde/ blue eyed myself)
"He [Hudson] knew from personal experience that toys could turn from fun...to torture ina heart-beat" Fairly self explanatory. Either Hudson's worked at a creepy location before or he doesn't like remembering Fredbear's.
*checks how much is left.* There's still 35 pages (not counting back/front) left of this... This is gonna be a lot of notes.
Pg 158 Hudson doesn't have a car. Poor Mike, probably having to walk everywhere. Especially as a corpse.
Pg 160 This page describes many physical issues Hudson has that prevents him from entering the Navy, all from the abuse of Lewis. Obvious paralell to Michael becoming an undead [because his father sent him to CBPR indirectly causing his condition]
Pg 161 "How's your granny, Hud?... ...Is she still alive?" "I don't think she can die." Does anyone in the Afton family really 'die'? XD
Pg 162 These few pages discuss Hudson's grandmother. She's described as "a seer who claimed to know the future... ...wore big men's plaid flannel shirts with baggy jeans" Um, more plaid / flannel? AGH. STAHP. Lowkey, I would totally headcanon my Aunt Jen like this, though.
Pg 163 "Hudson's mom... the way she was before Hudson's dad had died... never... particularly warm and fuzzy... but... effiencient and responsible..." More about Mrs. Afton, so that's kinda neat.
"Hudson's dad was fun and attentive." There's a good Dad in this series?
"Unfortunetly, he also struggled with mental illness." "invisible low points" (Pg 164) Kinda reminds me of how Henry is described after Charlotte's death in the books.
Pg 164 "When Steven got himself into a bad deal that cost him his small business... he'd taken his life." Oh, it is Henry! SMH. Way to use confusing paralells. So, from our understanding thus far, Hudson's real father, Steven, is our Henry stand-in. His step-father despite being described similar to Henry, is actually our William stand-in. Fair game, Scott.
Pg 164 "...he [Hudson] was locked into a supply closet..." Oh shit, you guys. So, let me go on a tangent here, because this IS important! I just watched a retrospective on Sister Location and FNAF 6 earlier and one theory for Midnight Motorist was the person in the chair was the mother and the kid was Michael. I think this little line may confirm that. In fact, the story may be the key to figuring things out. Obviously, the line is a paralell to FNAF 4's scene in which Crying Child was locked in the supply closet of Fredbear's. I know some people, including Matpat, believe[d] CC was Michael, and in this book's context, it sort of works. This does contradict Step Closer and 1000 other things that make Michael the older brother, but maybe it's hinting at MM? Abusive stepdad (possibly Henry... maybe William is gone at this point), checked out Mom (hey, grey couch lady with Foxybro's font). IDK, but its definetly something to think about.
Pg 165 Lewis is mentioned as calling Hudson "nothing" and saying "you're nothing" on several occasions on this page. Just more abuse, for those accurate fanfic writers like me. Also I kinda wanna watch Morel Orel again. Yall know my fav character is Clay. Yall know.
"You're smoke." <-- Lewis / The text later reads, "...there was some irony, given what eventually happened." BRUH. Why did your stepdad die in a fire? :V TELL ME.
"When his family's house burned down at the end of his senior year..." Huh. Is there a fire we don't know about in the game-verse? Could this explain what happened to the FNAF 4 house before MM house?!
"...it purged Hudson of Lewis and his mother." MRS. AFTON BURNED ALIVE, TOO? Bruh. I can't with this story.
The text later describes the fire is concluded to be man-made and Hudson was blamed for it. Can't say if this ties to Michael, but it IS interesting... TBF, there is a small paralell to draw between Henry in FNAF 6 and his history of suicide in the books, too.
Pg 166 "...this place's [FF] busted thermostat.." I just find this line funny.
Pg 167 "...after three weeks of keeping an eye on the place" Some more timeline context for FNAF 3. We know that Michael worked there a little while before we start playing the game thanks to one of the phone calls, IIRC, so this makes sense. If Michael was accused of [something] and also wanting to hunt down his father, then it makes perfect sense why he's working a dead end job at Freddy's over and over and over. Fun fun fun.
Pg 169 "He hated to think about a functional character [Foxy]" This line is in regards to Hudson not liking the set up of Pirate's Cove and Foxy's hook to scare people. Sounds familiar, don't it? (For Michael anyway.)
Pg 173 "Some big find is arriving tomorrow." SPRINGY BOI! COME ON BOOK, get on with the show?
Pg 176 "Granny was wearing a red-and-green plaid shirt and her baggy jeans." Nothing special, but it was specifically brought up twice. I'm kind of racking my brain trying to understand what the point of this character is outside of "woooo everything is haunted don't you know that" kind of character.
Pg 180 "...dropped the crate on the linoleum with a resounding thud." HEY. Poor Springtrap, just gettin' tossed around like the trash he is.
Pg 186 "If you weren't so stupid, I'd tell you more about it." Springtrap bringing the burn. =:)
"A voice with a burr-like rasp...hint of a Southern accent" I'm going to assume this is because it's Lewis probably in the suit in this story and not our old British lad.
"It's was Mr. Atkin's voice." THE MATH TEACHER? *goes back to check* 'The algebra teacher'. Okay...
Pg 190 Okay, so Hudson hear's Lewis' voice this time. Okay, I get it now. Springtrap in this kind of imbodies all of Hudson's old bullies, including the teacher. He also has PTSD, just FYI. IDK if anyone finds that important, but it's fairly obvious by the line "He wasn't in his bedroom. Lewis didn't just slam his head into a desk; his head had been slammed into the [arcade] game."
"Why did he hallucinate a scene from his childhood?" Oh, it's not PTSD, then. It's just the VENTILATION ERROR. lol Okay.
Just a note, as I'm reading through the more action-based stuff, I kind of feel bad for Michael if he had flashbacks like this guy. They're intense.
So, Lewis' voice finally comes out of Springtrap on Pg 213. There's that.
Pg 220 "You can just stay there [in his room]" Kind of a paralell to Midnight Motorist. Lewis is saying it to Hudson. I really feel like the kid in the MM game is Michael because of this story...
Pg 223 "Heat purges. Fire heals." I'm sure that's Henry's life motto.
The ending was stupid, but most in these stories are. Hudson is hallucinating and is implied to have burned himself alive in FF's oven. Meh? The first half of this one is A TRIP and a little insight into what I 100% believe is Michael's childhood. I think the saddest part of it all is that we never got Springtrap speaking to Michael in FNAF 3--and if it's ever remade I hope we get more of them interacting.
#fazbear frights#fnaf spoilers#spoilers#what we found#michael afton#springtrap#fnaf theories#fnaf theory#fnaf 3#midnight motorist#mrs. afton#henry emily
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Hi i’ve been playing genshin way too much so i have some ideas for like. a genshin meets linked universe au where they all travel through teyvat and they have visions n stuff
I’m basing it off the ideals of the archon aswell as how characters with visions align with that of the chain
That being said, spoilers for genshin and all loz gams ahead!
Sky- Geo (Order/Contracts)
Odd since sky literally rode on the winds via his loftwing on his adventure, but He was already apart of this huge plan in the making set by Hylia long ago. Go defeat Demise, tailor the Master Sword, not to mention post adventure technically becoming the first king of hyrule and siring the royal line
I’d imagine his kit being Similar to albedo, with a sword and his skill being creating little floating island structures from out of the ground. His burst would be the same as his skyward slash, except after slashing it unleashes a densely controlled earthquake. The perfect support dps
Legend- Anemo (Freedom)
This was tough, but I think Anemo fits very well for him the more i think about it. Anemo is wind, and the archon himself lost someone he cherishes. Naturally everybody who possesses his vision will fall to this fate one day or another. He already has twice. First with his Uncle, second with Marin. He’s free from their ties, but never forgets.
His kit is unique. His skill is based off his wit, so dodging creates a shield that bursts when hit (similar to Beidou). His burst grants this ability for the whole team on a 3 charge basis. Very good support dps aswell and good for reactions.
Hyrule- Dendro (Wisdom)
I def see him having this since he’s very street smart (He’s a wandering traveler, no time for proper education!) and he’s already designated healer of the group. Thus he possesses a very rare element in the group, as if he didnt stand out already.
He fights with a sword still, sure, but his genuine kit comes from him using his vision like a catalyst, with the thing swirling like a book would. Literally dendro barbara with his kit tho, Elemental skill creates a pollen feild that helps heal allies when he attacks, and his burst Is flora manifesting itself in his friends wounds to heal them for more. Healer #1
Twilight- Hydro (Justice)
From the moment of his adventure, he had a duty, it just got more furry and world saving as time went on. So, naturally his sense of right and wrong landed him with a vision he didn't even understand how to use. So he just doesn’t use it until he has to.
If he has to not use his sword, he’ll rely on making one out of water that he can hold. His burst is literally just him using his hydro sword to do everything in his power to just. kick ass. He doesn't use it that often. Would make a great physical dps tho.
Wild- Electro (Transcience/Eternity)
Tough again, but i think electro is the best for Wild for 2 reasons
His past self is different from his self now, yet they are the same. With the electro archon, she too was like this in a way. 2 different people, same alias. Link from before represents eternity, forever fulfilling his duty as personal guard for Zelda and keeping himself quiet. His focus needed to stay forever sharp if he were to continue. Now, with little to no recollection of how he was, he can be free and live in the everlasting moment. His willing silence was just him not wanting to talk, not for his duty.
Because of Urbosa, his elemental skill sends a lightning strike down at enemies when he snaps his fingers, then attacks with his sword. For burst, Like in HWAOC, His sword glows with purple electricity and smites whose ever in range. Combine this with all his usual shenanigans you can do in his game and it can be very deadly. very. deadly. Good main dps
Wind- Anemo (Freedom)
This was so easy it was practically a win/win if i chose this HDHDH
Wind lost the King of Red Lions, someone he needed to travel with and bonded, and has the literal windwaker. So even outside this world he could manipulate wind to a certain extent. Likes to use it in non-battle situations, to atleast get a taste of what its like to soar like he did on the sea. Naturally hes very excited about windgliders also when he finds this out.
Uses a sword still, but uses his actual windwaker as a catalyst. He points the baton in a certain direction, and it swirls in that spot. If he focuses long enough, he can send himself up into the air for some wild damage like venti. His burst is like the travelers, sending a small dense tornado in the direction of whatever's coming. Good for swirl effects
Time- Electro (Transience/Eternity)
Once again, easy pick, ESPECIALLY if im going with my “Fierce Deity literally lives in his head and has the option to front in time of need” Headcanon. 2 totally different people, same alias kinda. (FD kinda lives in his body now too so he has to share the name.)
Time’s elemental power is much more toned down, and really has to focus to get a good electro hit with his claymore. His burst Is like Razor’s, Manifesting FD into this electro form and fighting along side him.
If FD was in front, the power would be much more potent, perhaps on the level Baal’ has it. It’s not like his old powers, which he rather prefers, but its better than nothing. His elemental allows him to create electricity that procs on hard hits much like Baal, but his Burst sends down lightning from above like Sara. Also a good main dps
Warriors - Pyro (War)
Wars? Wars has passion. Wars has what it takes to lead an army...and set his cape on fire by accident. Especally now with his new vision which he uses...admittedly abit too much. No fire for tonight? No problem. Smithy cant bend his sword right during smithy? A little sizzle wouldn’t hurt.
It mainly comes from his sword, which drips flames like water does on a pole. He uses his elemental skill to strike a seering blow to enemies. His burst Is much like a mix of albedo and bennetts, A slash downward sends shockwaves fo heat and flame towards enemies. Good support!
Four- Adaptive
Four, unbeknownst to the chain, has a choice between the 4. Why you might ask? Depends on whose fronting. So, to cover this up from the chain, He collectively goes with the notion that he’s “adaptive” as said by the locals, which is extremely rare.
Green- Pyro, for his dedication
Blue- Geo, for him being forced into this shit
Red- Dendro, for his sweet nature
Violet- Cryo, for his introverted mopeyness.
All of these channel into his sword for a hard hit, and all elements come together to create this powerful amalgamation of elements plummeting towards the target.
#loz linked universe au#Lu au#Genshin au#Lu wind#lu time#lu warriors#LU Twilight#lu legend#lu hyrule#lu four#lu sky#lu wild#linked universe
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ok so ik that u answered my question abt dojutsu before but what abt kekkei genkai in the scifi au? would most of them be mutations or cybernetic stuff?? or a mix???
Ahhh your question made me think A LOT hahaha but also made me solve a dilemma i had with how to translate the “jutsu thing” into this scifi au.
au! Intergalactic Akatsuki | Masterpost
Kekkei Genkai
In this AU the “kekkei genkai” are notorious genetic mutations while the “clan jutsus” are technology or minor mutations augmented with technology.
I’ve been thinking for a while about the grade of fantasy stuff that this AU should have, bc all the kekkei genkai are pretty much magic with zero science base.
So it’s very complicated to translate all the kekkei genkai into a scifi universe without them looking too fantasy-ish. But on the other hand, I like the idea of having creatures capable of doing weird magic stuff like in the narutoverse. So i’m still thinking about that.
The naruto wikia says that there are 3 types of Kekkei Genkai: dojutsu, mixed chakra nature, and what i will call transfiguration.
Dojutsu are ocular physical mutations that allow the use of unique jutsus. (Sharingan, Byakugan...)
Mixed chakra nature are hereditary blends of two or more chakra natures. i.e.: someone born with water and air chakra nature will be able to use water and air jutsus, but someone born with a blend of water and air chakra nature will be able to use ice jutsus. (Haku, Mei, Hashirama...)
Transfiguration are hereditary mutations that allow inhuman physical transformations. (clan Kaguya, Juugo, Kisame...)
The dojutsu and transfiguration are physical mutations, while the mixed chakra nature are only genetic mutations that allow the users to manipulate the chakra in unique ways.
The thing about kekkei genkai is that they CANNOT be copied or imitated because they are genetically hereditary, unlike the regular clan techniques (like the mind reading of the Yamanaka that technically you should be able to use if you practice enough).
Yet, Orochimaru managed to replicate Hashirama’s mixed chakra nature by messing with the DNA, and Kakashi and Danzo were able to use the sharingan with a simple eye transplant, like Ao with the byakugan.
In conclusion:
the dojutsu can be transplanted to anyone pretty easily,
the mixed chakra nature genes can be replicated on non-hereditary subjects with a lot of difficulties,
and the transfiguration is impossible to replicate/transplant.
Back to the Intergalactic AU, the more plausible kekkei genkai are the dojutsu and the transfiguration, because they are physical anomalies and they could exist in this universe with few changes (but without being as extreme as in Naruto).
The mixed chakra nature on the other hand, could be translated as mutations derived from the adaptability to the environment and the connection to the “cosmic energy/chakra”.
For example, the ice technique of the Yuki clan could be a mutation to adapt to their frozen native homeworld and while they wouldn’t be able to create “floating magic mirrors”, they could be able to regulate their body temperature and instead of emitting heat they can emit cold and freeze the stuff they touch. idk i haven’t think much about that but it kinda sounds cool so maybe i’ll keep it
The mixed chakra nature as in Naruto, could be replicated via risky genetic modifications in order to acquire certain desired abilities for whatever reason and I’m pretty sure that this is a common thing in the dark deeps of Iarann’s laboratories.
Then, what about the clan jutsus? Well, some are heavily technology oriented such as the Uzumaki and Tenten’s fuuinjutsu or the Sunan puppets, so in this AU they would be just advanced technology.
There are others though, like the Yamanaka mind reading jutsu, that i would like to make genetic, just because I like the idea of a species/race of psychics.
I also like the idea of some people being more naturally gifted by this mutations (kekkei genkai users) and others using technology to augment their abilities and make them useful (clan jutsus).
So, for example, in this au the Yamanaka are naturally sensible to the alterations of the electromagnetic fields, which makes them able to perceive the cerebral activity of other beings. After generations they learned how to interpret the thoughts based on the cerebral activity and the physical emotions displayed by others, which lead them to be known as “seers” or “mind readers”, but in reality all they did was to interpret.
With the advancement of technology they developed cerebral augments that refined their interpretations almost to the point of being able to read minds, and even communicate with others through the artificial alteration of the magnetic fields, or decypher old memories. i apologize to any neuroscientific that may read this
As opposed to the Yuki clan freezing ability that doesn’t need any technology to be a “useful” mutation, because they naturally give a tangible use (freezing stuff), the Yamanaka “mind reading” ability needed technological and psychological interference to become a “usable” mutation.
So this is the main difference between the 3 types of kekkei genkai and between kekkei genkai and clan jutsus.
I hope I answered your questions!! :D
#au! intergalactic akatsuki#kekkei genkai#naruto#i hope that answered your questions!! and if not pls send me another ask xD#i usually develop all this worldbuilding when answering your asks guys :) so they actually help me a lot lol#i had to do research on the kekkei genkai stuff bc i wasnt sure about what was considered kekgkai and what a clan jutsu#and the differences between the kekgkai types which sometimes makes no sense xD#anyway!! kishimoto sure built a very cool world with a lot of lore and i actually love all the stuff he worldbuilt#even if sometimes is incoherent or contradictory hahaha i understand him it happens to me all the time with this AU#anyway i hope you liked the ask! and thank you so much for asking!!!#nice anon#nice ask
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My brain is void of any questions as of right now, so this is kinda basic (sorry!) but what is one interesting fact about each of your OCs?
Oooohoho, yeah. These guys have some History, so this'll be fun. Putting this one under a cut.
Francesca "Frankie" Falkenrath
The reasoning behind her name is because I created her as the unisex protagonist of a musical idea I had when I was 15/16. I was looking at a list of gender neutral names, saw and liked the name Frankie, looked through surnames starting with "f" bc I wanted the name to be alliterative, found the surname "Falkenrath" in a list of German last names, and picked it bc it essentially means "council of falcons" which is badass as hell. By the time I made her into a non-unisex character, I'd gotten so attached to the name that I ended up keeping it.
Damien Hall
(Fair warning, a lot of this trivia is gonna be name-based) I originally came up the name "Damien Hall" for the male lead of a musical I came up with after seeing Phantom of the Opera in Cleveland when I was 14. He was an angel that guarded over a massive cemetery and used this big church bell to calm restless spirits, and he ended up falling in love with a recently orphaned girl whose singing also calmed spirits. I ended up passing the name around a lot of stories before finally using it for my favorite veterinarian boy <3
Det. Shiloh Hawthorne
Y'know how I said I originally created Frankie for a musical idea I had? Shiloh also originated from that idea. Basically, the plot would've been about Frankie being murdered, acting as the narrator while her boyfriend (then named Elliot) tried to solve her murder, on top of having her own subplot about coming to terms with her death. Helping Frankie do that would've been Shiloh, then simply known as "The Reaper". He wasn't a detective back then, he was an agent of the Grim Reaper. Also, he had a crush on Frankie, but I nixed that bc ehhhhhh... I ended up working that "used to be a Reaper in a previous draft of the story" detail into his backstory, making him a Reaper-turned-detective.
Det. Chester "Chess" Murdoch
Probably the oldest character here in terms of when I created them! I've had this dude around since I was 10-11 years old! Back then, I wanted to be an animator, and I had an idea for a cartoon called "Chess and Alfie". It was about a human detective named Chess who solved cases alongside his talking tuxedo cat Alfie. Obviously, Alfie was eventually replaced with his twin sister Abby, though that happened way later. I don't remember what his last name was back then, so I just gave him the surname Murdoch bc it sounded cool.
Det. Abigail "Abby" Murdoch
Again, I created Abby looooong after Chess, ironic considering she's the older sibling in-story. I vaguely remember writing that Chess and Alfie-era Chess had an older sister, but that was such a long time ago that I could be misremembering.
Victoria Waterford
Not the most interesting fact, but those of y'all who were here when I first introduced these characters may remember that she was originally a baker instead of a hairdresser!
Robin Barrows
Was originally the protagonist of a different story idea I once had called "Trackside Town", about a girl trying to find her abducted parents in a mysterious, run-down city inhabited by monsters. Their last name was "O'Malley" back then, I ended up changing it to "Barrows" because I had the Clock Tower series of games on the brain at the time.
Xavier Lewis-Hall
He came about a bit later than some of the other characters. Like, pre-Mary Ann and Lucille, but still sometime after the original 8. I'd been requesting asks abt my then-recently-introduced-to-tumblr characters, and somebody (I believe it was @cutter-kirby ?) sent in an ask about which of my characters would tell/fall for the updog joke. I mentioned that Damien would tell it to "one of his kid cousins". Then I came up with the name "Xavier" for the oldest of said kid cousins for a post about how Frankie and Damien met, and I ended up liking him so much that I made him a fully-fledged character.
Jason Fitzpatrick
His name was originally "Freddie Fitzpatrick", and he was the husband of the main character of another musical idea I had (of which there were clearly a lot), simply entitled "Claire". Unlike the Jason we know now, Freddie was a sweetheart who loved his wife a whole lot. After reusing the "Fitzpatrick" name for this story, I changed his first name to "Jason" bc that was the name of one of my bullies in my last year of public school. Also bonus fact, I'm pretty sure that "Claire" musical is indirectly the reason I ended up dream-casting Lauren Lopez as Frankie, because I had also dream-casted the titular character of Claire as Lauren. Once I ditched the Claire idea, I ended up merging a lot of her character into Frankie, so uh,,, yeah,,,
Christina Baxter
...I honestly don't have much in the way of facts about her. Oops.
Skylar Fitzpatrick
His "seeing and talking to ghosts" thing was originally part of Robin's character. Skylar was created to flesh out Jason a bit more, and I gave him the seer traits instead bc I needed a way to justify his presence in the story. Though admittedly, his existence has had me struggling to figure out Robin's role in the story for ages now.
Hunter Luzzatto
Hunter's an odd case bc he technically has two different origins. His name came from the Trackside Town story that Robin was originally from, but the character concept (originally named Parker) came from an early draft of Frankie and Shiloh's origin (then called "Who Killed Frankie Falkenrath?"). I had an idea where the band of that show would also be characters in the show, and proto-Hunter was the guitarist of the band. He was a lot less antagonistic then, being more of an active ally to Frankie and proto-Shiloh.
Mary Ann Fleisher
So, you remember how I named Paul and Emma's landlord in DTfiles "Ernie Fleischer"? Believe it or not, Ernie was created a few months before Mary Ann. I just used a different spelling of his last name for Mary Ann bc hey why not?
Lucille Dagwood
Fun little trivia for you HoHF fans, her first name was originally "Harriet". I changed it bc I already had a ghost character with an H name, and I'd already long since established Hunter's character at that point. I decided I'd rather change the name of this new character than the one of an already established character.
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Aight so ultimate selves. Presumably the final tier of godhood. They tie together all versions of a given god across all of paradox space. Except they don’t. The Prince has no control over Brain-ghost Dirk. Rose’s ascension into The Seer (but she’s not The Seer is she? she’s Rosebot) didn’t invoke that same ascension in Candy Rose or any of the doomed versions of herself. All she got was awareness (and Depression). Which really tones down the omnipresence aspect of an Ultimate Self that was set by previous examples. Most notably the first one we knew of, The Lord. And yes, as a master class he had some added bullshit but the fact that there was only ever ONE Lord English. We never saw ghost Caliborn the way we saw ghost Calliope or the ghost of The Muse which makes me think that he didn’t ever go ghost. He just dissipated because he was already somewhere else. Now maybe it’s because Rose is still under the thumb of The Prince she can’t exorcise the same control over the narrative. WHICH MIGHT I ADD IS MIGHTY SUS! Rose, the only character in Canon to actually WRITE shit. The only canonical author of the main cast (Dave counts vaguely but we’ll get to that) was catalyzed into ascending into her ultimate self under the watchful eye of The Prince because he couldn’t risk her awakening under her own initiative and SEIZING the narrative from him, cause who better to see through his bullshit than his ecto-daughter The Seer.
But see here’s where Dave comes in. The Prince has a really bad habit, one might even call it a fatal character flaw, of underestimating Dave. Dave is a Knight, a passive class. (so are Seers technically but as stated before Rose is a more obvious threat to The Prince’s plans and didn’t fall into the same passive lifestyle Dave did post-canon.) Because of this The Prince felt like Dave wouldn’t do anything if he didn’t interfere. Even until the moment he left Earth C. But Dave is also a storyteller, though he’s not an author in the same traditional sense that Rose is, SBaHJ is a legacy unto itself. And, while we have seen JACK SHIT of him since the epilogues concluded, (though that will change in the next month presumably and in doing so invalidate everything I’m about to say) Dave has ascended once more to his ultimate self and is now Davebot and quite possibly The Knight. All this to say I’m pretty sure The Knight and The Seer are going to end up being the ones in control of their respective timeline’s narratives and that’s how Meat and Candy are going to collide with each other.
#upd8#homestuck 2#ultimate selves#the worst part about Hussie not being the author anymore is I can't say What the fuck Hussie?! anymore#I was gonna tag this as meta but it's not so I won't#this is just me saying words in the semblance of a concept#SBaHJ
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How do splinters work? I’m trying to make a Heart fankid, but I’m not totally sure how to approach that part of the Aspect.
Splinters are a little complicated, but I’d say the way you might be thinking of them - as we see in the comic - are very specific to the Prince of Heart.
The way they are for Dirk - as literal divisions of himself, things that think and feel as much as he does and eventually lose their sense of Self as the “core” and struggle to create their own identities in the void that follows - likely isn’t what you’ll see in most other Heart Players.
It’s too destructive. This isn’t Dirk simply doing a Hearty thing, like John controlling the Wind; it’s Dirk destroying his sense of self, his literal soul, and splitting it up into pieces.
For instance, neither our Rogue or our Mage of Heart have this form of Splinter, even after playing the game or existing in the Dreambubbles for centuries. Yet Dirk’s first Splinter is arguably either his Dreamself (which he’s always had) or Hal (which he created at the tender age of 13).
So Splinters as they relate to Dirk aren’t common Heart pieces. They’re one version of Splinters available to Heart Players, but not the only one.
If we consider these True Splinters - parts of the Self that have actually divided from the Player - then I’d say you have a few more options of how Splinters can work.
- Faux Splinters; any time the Player “creates a new self”, without actually making it a completely new person (such as Nepeta’s roleplaying. She creates an entirely new persona, but at her core is no less herself)
- Partial Splinters; any time a Player creates a new identity that is as much them as any other identity (such as if a Player were to act differently when talking to specific people; they aren’t any less that person, but there’s aspects of their personality that they emphasise more, to such a degree that you might not completely recognise them if they used one of these personas)
- Stolen Splinters; any time a Player steals a “self” and makes it their own (think a Thief for this, with the ability to straight up steal a soul and make it part of their arsenel)
- Abstract Splinters; any time a Player casts out part of their soul with the intent to bring it back (the soul doesn’t form a new personality, but acts as an extension to the main self, and develops with the core Splinter rather than develops into its own thing)
- Full Splinters; any time a Player makes use of an actual, whole soul (think Witch for this, with the ability to transfer a soul from one place to another. Think Davesprite for this, who is a technical Splinter of Dave without being an actual division of his soul)
- Rot Splinters; any time a Player destroys the self without actually splitting the soul (More Bard-centred, but I’m counting this as a Splinter since the old Self still holds the potential of being restored)
- Fractured Splinters; any time a Player creates a Splinter without actually providing it a new body (so, if you know how DID works, it’s basically that; lots of fractured pieces of the self layered all over the place, with one “core” and a potential for any one Splinter to control the body at a time)
- Amalgamate Splinters; any time the self has been created through fusing of Splinters (A bit like EriSolSprite, but without needing the Sprite to make it happen)
- Timeline Splinters; different versions of the Self that exist throughout the timelines (think the difference between Dave and Davesprite, except if Davesprite had stayed in his Doomed timeline)
And here’s a vague guideline for which Classes I think would probably have access to each type of Splinter:
Maid: True, Full, Fractured, Amalgamate
Prince: True, Rot
Bard: Rot, Fractured
Sylph: Amalgamate, Faux
Knight: Partial, Faux, Abstract, Timeline
Page: Partial, Rot
Thief: Stolen, Amalgamate
Rogue: Faux, Timeline
Mage: Timeline
Seer: Timeline
Heir: Full, Abstract, Timeline
Witch: Full, Fractured, True, Amalgamate
All that needs doing with this is figuring out how you want each Class to actually use the Splinters, because it will be different.
For instance;
The Heir of Heart could have access to Timeline Splinters because, being the Literal Soul, they’re the most likely to become the Ultimate Self - or because they can just jump into that version of their Self if things get a little hairy with the current Self they’re inhabiting.
On the other hand, Knights of Heart have access to the Timeline Splinters for exploitation reasons, and can likely use/influence them to help the Alpha Timeline.
Another example of something a bit stronger;
Princes of Heart have access to True Splinters because they naturally destroy aspects of the Self (and what better way to do that than by splitting the Self up into many other Selves that then lose their identity as the core?).
Maids of Heart, on the other hand, have access to True Splinters because it may turn out that the only way to heal someone’s sense of Self is to split them apart (think how Lord English is an Amalgamation; the only way to truly “fix” his fractured Self would be to split him back into his core components; ARquiussprite, Gamzee, and Caliborn).
If that’s only confused things more, don’t worry; I legit didn’t intend to make this as long or complex as I did, I just wasn’t capable of stopping myself after a bit.
Essentially I’ve just named different ways for Splinters to be used, and who’s more likely to use them that way. It’s a lot of the same stuff as other Classpectors seem to agree on, but with Titles.
Feel free to send in another ask telling me more about your fankid, and I can help you go from there if you need the help!
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Aight so I guess I’m doing a session review?/Prediction?/Analysis of how I think @neonwolfeh session might go.
So starting this off with the premise:
It’s a normal session with no specific prototyping fuckery or trolls or whatever. and I got some brief character summaries:
Ross, Heir of Doom: Ross is a jaded, angry guy who just wants to have -One Good Daytm-.
Luca, Rogue of Life: Pretty upbeat, tries to make the best of every situation (and does not succeed).
Kase, Seer of Rage: Fuckin edgelord, thats p much it. Full of hate and will say slurs.
Abby, Witch of Hope: Basically a shoujo anime protagonist, awkward and peppy and sweet.
Odin, Prince of Time: Embodiment of nervousness and jumpiness. This guy needs a nap and a hug.
Niko, Knight of Space: Like Dave Strider if he was as suave as 2012 fanon interpretations said he is.
And now for my takes on them:
So starting off my initial impressions of the session are complete failure, mostly based on one thing. Odin, the Time player. While he sounds decent enough of a guy you have to understand the reason that every session requires a Space and Time player to succeed. Technically speaking, only a Space player is needed to overcome the wall of creating a new universe. The Time player is needed because the game is just that hard. The image I get of Odin is that he won’t be actually doing much Time traveling, likely too weak-minded to believe that he could pull things off. A lot of pressure would be resting on his shoulders and he needs to answer. As I said in my Patrick Star analysis, I believe that he’s going to be wasting a lot of Time. For different reasons here though, he’s still destined to procrastinate. That is likely going to get people in his session killed. Sburb is hard and everyone involved needs to be doing their part to beat the game.
My analysis doesn’t end with that though. We still have 5 other players to throw into the mix! Moving onto I’d like to talk about the cool cat Niko, the Knight of Space. So inherently here we have a contradictory classpect. The Knight is a protector, in their session they are supposed to cooperate with their Space player to breed The Frogtm. They are meant to be a companion. The Space class is one of solitude, barring their frog breeding partner. Space is a vast domain and both Jade and Kanaya spent most of their time alone. It’s one of their themes. They spend time worried about the bigger picture that with the smaller problems that their teammates deal with. Likely, they are very alone. And that makes me wonder, how much of the “Cool Guy” is real and how much of it is, well, him being lonely? Or a defense mechanism because of that? Keep yourself distant and aloof because that’s where you’re going to end up anyways. No reason for people to get hurt, sort of deal.
Next I wanna talk about Luca, the Rogue of Life. I imagine her as the kind of person who is peppy to the point that it makes people uncomfortable. Trying to bring Life happiness to all of her friends by being a never ending source of sunshine. Which is all well and good, these types of people are well liked and a party falling into the traps of depression is likely to fail. That being said, I can’t help but believe that her failures come from her unending sunshine. Sometimes people just need to be sad. Life has it’s ups and down and that’s natural. People probably feel exhausted around her, much to her dismay. You must go down to rise back up. I feel like she’s probably Odin’s self proclaimed best friend and also a main source of stress for him. “You can do it!” is encouragement (He probably sees it as empty/naive), not useful advice. Her being unable to see that has got to be one of her personal challenges. She’s not responsible for rewriting everyone’s lives or fixing their problems. Those are not hurdles for her to overcome. I feel like every Rogue has some weird interaction with their aspect. As one who steals Life/steals from Life I don’t think it’s meant to be taken literally. She ain’t sucking out peoples souls. I’d say she maybe has an aura of demoralization for her enemies, kind of like a mental attack? Or it could be something more direct like absorbing Life essence through contact or something. Like a magic drain attack similar to the androids from DBZ or some equivalent. The stealing from Life is maybe... just a literal item teleportation ability? Like an actual Thief Rogue. Beyond that, she can probably bring people back to life once just like every other Life player ever.
Ross the Heir of Doom is, well, kind of a loser. but he doesn’t have to be. His main challenge is going to be realizing that his “One good daytm” isn’t just going to randomly show up. It’s something you have to work for. Once he does, he’ll probably be fine. Weirdly enough the fucking Doom player is likely the most competent out of everyone, which is really funny imo. His powers are uh. Well. One who inherits Doom/is protected by Doom. I’m shooting in the dark here despite there being a canon Heir of Doom. I’d say he maybe influences enemies to fight each other? At least early on during the passive protection phase. Later on once he awakens his powers he might be able to suck “Bad vibes” into himself, weakening his enemies and strengthening himself. That might be leeching into Thief territory but I wouldn’t know what else to say here honestly. Maybe he can fix things? Inheriting the Doom of something and taking the damage into himself? It’s up for debate.
Moving on to Kase, Seer of Rage. The dude’s probably a complete asshole. The kind that you question why you’re even friends with them. Probably racist but also hates people in general and claims that it’s OK because of that. Probably gets along really well with animals because of that too. He’s probably feeding into Odin’s insecurities, which, might actually be helping him stay until he’s really ready to time travel. But that’s not Kase’s intention (Ask him about it afterwards and he’ll claim otherwise forever.). He just want’s to be a dick and thinks being edgy or ironic is cool. As on who understands Rage he’s likely well aware that it can be useful in the right scenarios. Maybe he lets himself get taken by the berserker Rage at just the right moment and come back down afterwards. But he hasn’t really come down. You can’t just have a heart filled with Rage and hate and be a normal person the rest of the time. He can probably tell when it’s time for others to let loose as well. But likely has trouble convincing them.
Kase and Ross probably get along really well.
Finally, we have Abby, the Witch of Hope. Honestly? She sounds really basic. She’s gotta be the most “Normal” person out of the bunch. Which, when your surrounded by weirdos, is a good thing. Everyone needs someone sane to fall back on and that’s definitely her. I imagine that’s how she manipulates Hope, just giving people some reference, some piece of mind, that they haven’t gone off the deep end. Or maybe that the have and need to rethink things. She’s probably the one that’ll help Odin figure his shit out. Maybe she drafts up a plan of events he should change. Then in the new timeline he seeks out her help again and repeats this until he can do things himself. While I don’t see her as the leader of the party, she is likely the anchor. She also probably will play a bog role in everyone else figuring out their shit too. Telling Ross to shut the fuck up, Kase to man up and do something, Luca to do something productive, Niko to call her when he the loneliness starts getting to him, just to talk. Her challenges likely revolve around realizing how important she is. After all, she’s just a shoujo protag, what can she do? Everyone is out there killing monsters or solving puzzles or hacking their alchemists. Ans she’s just a plain Jane. But that’s what makes her special. Her powers are probably basic hope lasers and maybe being good at giving speeches.
So with that out of the way how would the actual session go? Well, I think there’s a lot of fighting. I imagine Kase wants to be the leader being the “Only one capable of it” and he’s not exactly wrong. But he’s also insufferable. So it doesn’t matter that he’s competent because nobody wants to listen to him. The only other options are Luca who everyone also likely can’t deal with for extended periods of time for previously stated reasons; or Niko, who is likely to busy with their own shit to also manage the party. So I think everyone has to meet up and decide that it’s probably best for Kase to be leader and that everyone should just agree to follow him and give him some advice where they can. Kase is probably actually competent. He’s likely a bad leader but an even worse follower. I can imagine him just ignoring anyone else as the leader and going off to do his own thing and fucking shit up. With him as the leader, not causing trouble and everyone else in a kind of, secret alliance I guess, the key players are going to be Odin and Abby. Odin needs to be able to fill his role or everyone dies. Simple as that. Abby needs to a) help him figure his shit out if he can’t on his own. And b) help ground everyone else (So they can solve their problems) and keep some semblance of sanity. If they can, there’s a solid shot at victory. If Odin dies before he can Time travel, well, I guess that’s that. There’s a lot of personal challenges to overcome based on a character’s classpect and I think it really comes down to, are these people/characters capable of growth?
Hopefully the way I viewed the characters was how you wanted but with so little to go on I might have misinterpreted somethings. Either way this was fun!
#homestuck#prince homestuck#time homestuck#homestuck time#homestuck prince#homestuck rogue#rogue#rogue class#rogue of life#seer of rage#prince of time#witch of hope#Heir of doom#mituna#knight of space#classpect#prince class#classpect analysis#homestuck classpect#analysis#homestuck analysis#sburb#session analysis#homestuck fan session#fan sburb#heir#heir class#seer#seer class#witch
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Before returning to liveblogging, I’d just like to say that the organization I used for the Aspects (3 sets of 4, with Freedom, Fate, and Mixed categories) in my last post is one of many different possible ways of categorizing the Aspects. Their nature is complex, and they individually preside over such broad aspects of reality that any one system of dividing among them is not necessarily going to capture all the nuances and connections to be found between them. The one way that is known canon to organize among these would be the Aspect Pair system, which, as one can see due to the way I described the four categories, is not mutually exclusive with the schema which I utilized in the post. To clarify: I mostly chose this particular way of organizing the Aspects for my counter to Dirk’s train of inquiry for the sake of showing that while many of the Aspects lend themselves to a Fate reading, Free Will is just as well supported. ...
***snickers*** Well, that’s certainly one way to describe the blurring resulting from the intermingling of numerous shards of her soul which is now occurring. On a side note: It is very interesting that his control is ongoing in pseudo-real time, for his frame of reference, and that his ego is so narrowed/focused at the moment (possibly as a result of the difficulty in maintaining narrative control?) that he can possibly have such slips as a result of distraction on his part. I wonder if Rose not speaking is more a result of the general narrative pause that he is implying might happen if he is not focusing (unlikely, considering all indications are time flow continues) or his manipulation/entanglement of Rose.
How benevolent of him. That said: Yes, indeed, what he is saying does make quite a bit of sense, especially with the tense “could have been,” suggesting that this is a matter of present and past intermingling, such that the future selves that split off from at least her current main node of being (from her perspective) are not integrated preemptively, for that would probably skew their creation, mess with possibility, et cetera. Moreover, what he is saying with regards to the psyche needing to be at a certain level of strength very much makes sense, as well. His own is only capable of this because of his Unbreakable Soul personal trait, most likely. He cracks, splinters, bends, but doesn’t fully break~ (And no, I don’t think that Dave being able to cut his Unbreakable Sword suggests that this is no longer the case; rather, it is most likely a sign that he achieved greater mastery of his soul and was able to divest its connection with the sword temporarily, showing an increased degree of flexibility on his part.)
I don’t entirely trust this, insofar as I am not entirely sure Rose is ready to open them, but if Dirk is being truthful as far as his intentions go, at the very least this suggests that his agenda of “becoming a single god” might be more benevolent insofar as it might be more local (meaning specific to him). If that is so, it could explain the discrepancy that seemed to crop up with Rose being able to actually talk/think in presumably her own (that is to say, deviant from Dirk’s) manner / persona, and might suggest he at least intends for this measure to be temporary.
Hmmm. Well, this all makes it seem somewhat sinister again, insofar as “what I want her to see” could be interpreted as being “only” what he wants for her to see, and the antagonistic “martyr” comment a moment before makes that vibe a bit stronger; however, I DO think that she at least eventually needs/needed to have opened her eyes for the sake of her cohesion and development, so I am quite conflicted on this matter, and in my opinions of it. (Note: I think she needs this because she’s presently quite restricted and narrowed in her field of vision, for her expanded Vision as a Seer of Light is being constantly resisted by her, and thus she is essentially putting blinders on to the burning rays of the sun.)
This could be interpreted both as dangerous, psychically subsuming, insinuating behavior on his part, or as the natural result of her Seer status making things happening seem like noise in her wider-opened consciousness.
Well, that’s a very interesting act of metaphorical/-physical manipulation. So very subtle and questionable and interesting~
That is a weird and silly way of viewing things. Of course there can be regret. Humans agonize over things they can’t help/change all the time, dummy. :P
Yes, indeed, I do appreciate that spoiler protection, Narrator. Though perhaps a hint might have been more interesting. Perhaps a hint might still be yet to come. Indeed, though: it is likely that no change would happen while I was gone, if I randomly flipped to the equivalent page, Candy 25, and looked back. I will not do so, regardless of the temptation.
***chorus of Cherubic laughter*** Negatives and positives. Very interesting, indeed. For some reason, I am suddenly struck with a desire to know whether and/or how these epilogues might intermingle in Homestuck^2, should it be a direct sequel to them.
Now... that is a particularly interesting manner of describing things. I wonder: does this describe the uncertainty/opacity that was naturally supposed to emerge from the narrative End of Homestuck gap in the works that allowed for the escape out of canon in the first place? The “blend ingredients responsibly” comment probably refers to the fact that Lord English presented the primary force that insisted on there being a single Alpha Timeline that, regardless of the retcons, Scratches, and narrative loop-de-loops required to reach its conclusion, ensured his ascension and the natural progression of his being, within Canon. Presumably, outside of Canon, reentry might be both possible and required in order to maintain the balance of that narrative shell that protects the rest of meta-textual reality from LE’s ire-filled gaze, and thus there are multiple “pathways of promise” that have equivalent legitimacy, and which can simultaneously take place, so long as one of them actually leads to LE’s most important battles’ proper conclusions. A similar situation to this actually happened in Homestuck’s canon, with the splitting of Vriska, though I’m sure you knew that already. Of course, only one timeline in this scenario actually successfully left to the exit of canon, along with the kids’ victory state, and presumably the situation is now majorly different. Anyway: I do again wonder how these two main branches shall combine and/or split off in the future-- what sort of interactions they might have~
I am very curious what actual mechanics might have led to this particular sweet and rancorous set of circumstances being forced into being. Is it just random chance that leads to this “irresponsible” outcome? Is it a necessary sacrifice for the narrative “oomph” to oppose Lord English, in order for the measure of wills to be balanced? Very curious, generally.
Wow, indeed that sounds incredible. Also ominous. Particularly the use of “bleed,” and the contrast of majesty+disheveled, light and shadow.
Somewhat creepy, but okay. (I guess the fact that Doc Scratch was a creepy uncle figure always meant that Dirk was intended to be creepy like this, to some extent.) That said: Indeed, I agree that this is probably very reflective of her true/Ultimate self.
Again, somewhat creepy. Additionally: Interesting that he seems uncertain-- unable to truly penetrate her mind, just then --and that this comes across almost as him reassuring himself.
I do truly appreciate this semi-blind, selfish desire of his. Truly, that is one of the greatest needs of the thinking being: acknowledgement.
That is a very complex thought. It certainly will be her, but it will be more. Regardless, as will have been elaborated upon by the later passages: she absolutely needs to let go if she is to survive. Her physical form is dying, and the only choice is to either perish, or to allow herself to naturally develop as her godly self is naturally designed to. While there is technically a choice, as is the case with The Choice that the Denizens present, there is really not much of one to begin with. She will know what is right in her heart, when the choice is made, and her own character will not have permitted her to turn another way. The only question is if there’s a third option. I would just like to say that Dirk’s statement of “better” is somewhat untrue, likely. There are likely positives and negatives of the choice-- things Rose will have to sacrifice in order to make it work. Thus, while her Greater Self will be better in some ways, she may well be deficient in others.
Her earlier statement, as I laid out earlier, was in fact incorrect. That said, it is indeed necessary to have abandoned humanity at the point. Whether or not it was additionally necessary to break down quite all those barriers is another matter. I would suspect that this is in fact not the case. I do wonder: shall individuality between the two of them actually buckle with the entanglement of their being on a psychic level? For some reason, I suspect that their cores shall in fact remain somewhat unfused. However, this is mostly intuition, based on the fact that he is/intends to struggle to maintain her physical body for at least a while, yet. We shall see how things truly turn out, either way.
***lip curls into a snarl*** What disgusting, wretched nonsense. That kind of verbiage directly contradicts your desire for an understanding equal, Narrator. Why does your intelligence have to outstrip your wisdom to such a degree? ***sighs***
Yes. Yes, it does. Whilst it is not such a linear or meta-stable structure as might otherwise be thought, anyone knowing the nature of Narrative should be aware of the key time-based interactions which allow it to function. I am beginning to absolutely loathe Dirk’s arrogance. ~~~ Post Script Note: It is very interesting to see the “You” at the end, there, for it could represent Rose, rather than the Reader, at this moment, and the aforementioned blurring of their consciousnesses which I suggested some time ago.
#Homestuck Spoilers#Homestuck^2#Homestuck Epilogue#Homestuck Liveblog#Meat or Candy#Homestuck Analysis#Unreliable Narrator#Dirk Strider#Rose Lalonde#Abandoning Humanity#Humanity#Philosophy
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Here's an idea: if Ruby+ Oscar are brought to the Dark Domain, their arc could parallel Dorothy's time as the Wicked Witch of the West's captive. Dorothy couldn't be harmed by anyone from Oz, so WWOW made her into her servant while trying to figure out a way to get the Silver Slippers off her. Salem wants Ruby alive, possibly to learn about the Silver Eyes, and while she hates Ozpin, she wouldn't pass up the chance to torture him now that he's in her clutches. (To be continued)
“So borrowing from your headcannons, Oscar would be held captive but in luxury, watched over by MEH (Since Hazel hates Ozpin and would watch him like a hawk and Em and Merc don’t have emotional ties to him). Meanwhile in an attempt to learn more about the Silver Eyes, Salem inflicts dozens of grimm on Ruby, driving her near the brink of death too many times to count before being healed and forced back into the fray. Oh, and she makes sure Oscar and Ozpin can watch all of this via Seer Grimm…”
Squiggles Answers:
Hey Miki-chan! I actually quite dig thatidea.
I wasn’t aware of the part of the Wizard of Oz story where Dorothy wasmade a servant of the Wicked Witch. I knew about her being kidnapped by theFlying Monkeys along with the Cowardly Lion while the Tin Man and the Scarecrowwere destroyed but I didn’t know about this plot detail until you mentioned it. Now thatI know, I think it’s perfect. It’s an excellent way to blend both of Dark Domain headcanons—Oscar becoming a prisoner of Salem and being forced to becompliant with her demands and Ruby and Oscar being kidnapped together—and do them both, killing two theories with one season which can pay homage to its fairytale counterparts.
Remember in my Oscar’s Grimm BuddyPinehead headcanon, I mentioned Oscar being forced into behave himself while incaptivity since Salem was also holding innocent Atlesians, abducted during theFall of Atlas hostage and would torture them unless Oscar acted obediently? Ican definitely see Salem using Oscar’s bond to Ruby as blackmail him in a similar fashion.
Like pictureSalem promising to torture Ruby or worse kill her unless Oscar behaved himself and did what he was told like a ‘good little boy’.

It can even be a thing where she manipulatesboth Rosebuds—forcing them each to comply to her wishes as a means of keepingtheir partner safe. So Salem tells Oscar to stay put, locked away within his confines of his lonely tower as ameans of protecting Ruby. Whereas with Ruby, Salem provides the Silver Eyed Warrior no other option but to play her servant and take part in her little experiments with the Grimm battles otherwise Oscar would fall victim to punishment on her behalf. Soon both ends, Ruby and Oscar have no choice but to do what’s necessary to protect eachother from any cruel fate Salem could deal to them while under her imprisonment. I can see Salem playing that type of vicious mind games with both youngbuds.
The only thing I’m not sure about isthe inclusion of Team MEH being around. I always figured that those three wouldor…at least, should’ve been off on their own little adventure— assigned to retrieving the Relic of Destruction in Vacuo during the events of the Atlas Trilogy.
I mean I don’t mind if they stickaround. It could give them a purpose in this potential Dark Domain standalone season.
Do you know what would be interesting?If while watching over Oscar, in their own way, Mercury, Emerald and Hazel go through a moment with Oscar that results in them turning a new leaf andopting to help him and Ruby escape.
Perhaps Hazel will find a means to forgive Ozpin through Oscar and will come to wish to protect the young boy since he reminded him of his sister. Technically, there was a witch in Hansel and Gretel and my memory of the fairytale serves correctly, Hansel and Gretel met a witch who locked them away and attempted to fatten them up in order to eat them. However Hansel and Gretel managed to trick the witch in letting her believe that they were all skin and bones. Then at the end of that story, Hansel and Gretel managed to escape the witch by trapping her inside her own oven—I think that’s how that story ends.
Perhaps Hazel is assigned to be Oscar’s caretaker. But during his time with the young farm boy, Hazel comes to slowly care for Oscar as he sees his beloved sister mirrored in him in spite of his vendetta against Ozpin. And when Hazel learns that Salem plans on killing Oscar, he winds up tricking Salem and helping Oscar escape? Or perhaps he helps Ruby? I dunno. I could see Hazel helping either one of the Rosebuds.
As for Mercury, he’s a tough case. Like you said, he and Em have no ties to Oscar and thus no real reason to care about him. However I do have one idea with Oscar that could appear to Mercury. Remember my theory for Oscar’s semblance being magic? As I’ve said previously, magic seems to be a power of infinite possibilities in RWBY.
That being said—in V6 C9, Mercury said that his father stole his semblance and never gave it back. Losing his semblance seemed to be pinnacle turning point in Mercury’s past. So…what if...and this is a big if…Oscar could restore Mercury’s semblance using magic?
I’m actually curious how exactly did Mercury’s father ‘steal’ his semblance. Quite frankly I’d like to believe that it’s impossible for one to steal another’s semblance since it’s an extension of their aura—their very soul.
So my guess is that Mercury’s father never stole Mercury’s semblance but in actuality, used his semblance to repress it. My theory is that Mercury still has his power but since his father made him to believe he had lost it, he created a sort of mental, spiritual block that’s been keeping Merc from tapping in his power for a long time. At least that’s what I think. It’d be interesting to see Mercury’s reaction to learning that his father had lied about stealing his power and used the fib as another means to abuse and keep Mercury down. Papa Black was a living hurdle that Mercury always felt he needed to jump over. Even now, he probably still is.
This is another reason why I think it would be awesome if Oscar was raised by his father. This could be something he and Merc could potentially bond over. Both being sons raised by fathers. The only difference is that Oscar’s father would be the complete opposite of Mercury’s. Still it could be interesting for Oscar and Merc to interact on this particular topic which could then lead into talk about semblances. Who knows?
As for Emerald. Perhaps she stumbles upon the Relicof Knowledge and gets to ask the final question from Jinn? And what Emerald learns from the being of the lamp results in her making a choiceto where she wants to go moving forward.
Do you know what would be pretty cool too? What If…Salem sort of coincidentally played a part in moulding all of her pawn’s stories?
Like for example, Hazel’s sister’sdeath? Somehow I have this small theory that Salem had a hand in that. Like tome, I pictured Hazel formerly being a close friend of Oz— someone who knew and trusted him dearly thatSalem wanted to turn to her side. So the wicked witch targeted someone that Hazel loved the most—his beloved little sister and spun it in a way that Oz would end up taking full responsibilityfor the ill fate that befall the poor child which would’ve made it easier for Hazel to come to her side. Orsomething to that end.
I know that theory feels like a stretch. However, it somethingI wondered out of curiosity. Like a whatif? We’ve known from the get-go that Salem is a master manipulator and israther adept at swaying the hearts of man to do her bidding. Somehow I like theidea of Salem targeting each member of her inner circle and silentlymanipulating their stories, creating the scenarios that turned them into the people we know them now to be, praying on their vulnerability and need for revenge or some other kind of vendetta. Doubt this is the case butit’s worth thinking about.
Perhaps this is the truth Emeralduncovers from Jinn. Perhaps… Emerald becomes like Ruby in this case where she asks Jinn to showher the truth about what Salem is hiding from her Inner Circle.

And similar to how Jinn showed theheroes all the skeletons in Ozpin’s closet, perhaps at some point later in the series’ narrative, she might show the otherside of that coin that portrays what happened to Salem and all the things shedid after killing Ozma and their past family?

I think it would be cool to get aglimpse of what Salem did throughout all those years after she killed Ozma. That could be fascinating to seeunveiled. And similar to how the heroes were instantly conflicted against Ozupon learning the truth, maybe it’ll be a similar ordeal for our main team of villains—the surviving members ofSalem’s Circle.
After all, I’ve always been curious toknow how much has Salem disclosed to her minions. How much do they know about her and herpast? Does WTHEM even know about the God’s Judgement or similar to Ozpin’sgroup, have they too been blindly following their leader, too engrossed by thepromise of achieving their own selfish desires to see the full truepicture. I wonder. I guess we’ll only know in time.
Back to the Rosebuds—like I said Ireally like this idea you presented Miki. It does present a chance to blendboth Dark Domain headcanons. Imagine Ruby and Oscar both becoming Salem’sprisoners; separated and forced to adhere to her rules as a means of keepingthe other alive. But through her wit, Ruby manages to successfully escapes hercaptivity. She then makes her way to the lonely tower where Oscar is beingheld. Ruby then battles her way through the tower before being reunited with Oscar.
The two share a heartfelt reunion before escaping the tower as a whole. But in spite of being free, the two aren’t out of the ball park yet as they must now make thetrek across the Dark Lands in order to make it back to their friends. All thewhile this is happening, Salem has sent her pawns and Grimm to recapture ouryoung heroes.
I also like the idea of Salem secretlyplanting something inside both Ruby and Oscar as a means of tracking them. Likemaybe she attached some kind of leech-like Grimm that is connected to the SeerGrimm and that’s how she’s able to know where both children are at, at alltimes.
What could even be cooler is if thesestrange Grimm provide a means for Salem to mentally toy with Ruby and Oscar’sminds? Planting doubt in either of them as a way to pin them against eachother.
Part of Salem’s tactics hasinvolved some form of dividing those who stand against her. With the BrotherGods, she swayed First Remnant’s kingsand queens against their very creators and with Ozma as Ozpin, she turned his ownallies against him which in turn,caused a domino effect that ended with mistrust from the very people who had fate in Oz.

This could be cool.
Although…if I had to place my bets on which Dark Domain story I could see the CRWBY doing—
A) Oscar getting kidnapped by Salem alone with RWBY forming a search party lead by Ruby to make the perilous trek into the Dark Domain to rescue him (and possibly some abducted Atlesian citizens from the Fall of Atlas).
B) Ruby and Oscar both becoming Salem’s prisoners to be tortured by her individually only for the two to escape together and traverse the Grimm-infested Dark Lands alone to make it back to civilization and their friends.
…Either can work but…I’m gonna have to go with Oscar captured alone. It’s honestly my favourite between the two ideas now and it’s also the only option that doesn’t result in seperating the main four girls again which I heard from the FNDM is something the CRWBY Writers might not try again.
If the Writers are open to separating Ruby from her team for a second time in a much more dire life and death situation and just have the story revolved around her relationship and development with Oscar as our two youngest huntsmen and smaller more honest souls. If Ruby and Oscar are made to be key driver for one standalone season then YES, I’d be open to seeing something like that done given the uniqueness of the scenario.
We’ve seen Ruby with her team. We’ve seen her seperated from her team but joined with another team of friends with the thought of her reuniting with her original team never being off the table. But never have we seen Ruby completely isolated from the people and the world she once knew. Far far away without knowing whether or not she’d survived to see her loved ones again—granted that they even survived.
This is why I love the theory of Ruby and Oscar being on their own in the Salem’s Domain. I like the idea of it happening during the Fall of Atlas with neither being clear as to whether or not their friends are alive. All they knew for sure is that Atlas fell and maybe their friends are ok. Thus they cling to that hope and we watch of story of two kids on their own in a very dark world clinging desperately to hope. Hope is the only thing that’s driven them with each other being the only person they can turn to. This is why I LOVE the Ruby and Oscar Prisoners of Salem headcanon.
It’s my second favourite of the two but I love it for that potential for compelling character driven story. And what could make it even better is that it’s a condensed story. It doesn’t have to be about the writers juggling focus between more than one characters.
The story is just about seeing how Oscar and Ruby would fare on their own against impossible odds with only hope and their friendship on their side. The story, for the first time, will be just about them and thus the audience gets a chance to see how either of these two kids think and interact with each other when everyone else is out of the way.
That could be cool to observe. But…alas, like I said, the Writers might not do this because I feel like they’re most likely to come back to what’s comfortable for them—Juggling a story with multiple characters with Team RWBY leading the charge.
Such a shame. A simple standalone story with just Ruby and Oscar with the audience joining them in being left unknowing of the fates of all the other characters so that we can feel the tension and desperation with them as we follow their story—that could’ve been great.

~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
#squiggles answers: rwby#oscar pine#ruby rose#rwby theories#rwby volume 7 theories#rwby rosegarden#miki-13#squiggles answers
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Can Your Friends Do This? - Watermelonsmellinfellon, AO3 (Though OP said they cross posted on FF.net too)
Link: Here!!
Rating: Mature
Favorite Quote(s): Because I love The Avatar show
"First, there are more than one dimension and more than one universe. Foolish mortals are the only ones to assume they are the only forms of intelligent life in their respective universes. This Earth we are on resides in a different universe altogether and consists of nations of people who possess an affinity with the elements. Some are born as mixes of two and use chakra to create new elemental affinities or abilities. This planet Earth parallels another planet Earth in another dimension of this universe, where there are only four large nations and each represents either fire, water, earth, or air, and with beings able to bend their own element to their advantage."
And these ones because these four are important.
1. "A lot of suicidal people didn't really want to die, they simply wanted the pain to cease so that living once again seemed worthwhile."
2. Hari was very firm on her decision. She'd always been the one rescuing people and never once realized that maybe she should have been rescued.
3. “Despite his wish to be Hokage and to be a hero, I realized that someone needed to rescue him first for that to happen. And so I took the job."
4. "I've lost many people, and while it doesn't coincide with what others will tell you in life, it actually does get better. There aren't enough hours in the day to keep thinking about what you've lost. There are jobs to do, and people to watch over, and even your own health to consider. You won't have the time to recount every mistake you've ever made. And the pain from their distance will eventually dim and become tolerable. The only way it wouldn't get better is if you keep thinking about it all the time. People who are always depressed over the loss of loved ones are usually the very same people who think about them all the time, which ends up keeping them in their depressed states, to begin with. And then there is no progression."
A Fucking mood from Hari/Harry Potta/Potter
“I don't like exercising. I'm not meant for it."
Because Sasuke is an adorable little shit, which is, as always when it comes to him, The Best
Naruto was teaching someone Taijutsu? It was laughable at best, though he didn't actually laugh. That would ruin his image as the strong and silent loner. He couldn't afford for people to think he was nice or anything.
Because this is something important and personal to ME specifically
"This is all sweets. But they are sugar-free sweets. There are foods you can eat that will give you the energy you need without having a negative effect on your body. Bananas are a good snack. Watermelon, lettuce, leafy green veggies, they all have a lot of water in them. They fill you up quickly, can keep you hydrated, and because most are made of water, you aren't consuming fats and oils. Though do not replace every meal with these things unless you take vitamins and supplements on a daily basis. While there is nothing wrong with being vegan, a lot of vegans forget to take their supplements and vitamins. They especially need those because they keep so many important foods from their eating schedule."
Another Mood
To make it worse… she'd gotten her monthly visit from TOM. She named it TOM in memory of a certain arse who caused her a lot of pain and grief. Her Time of the Month, TOM, liked to mock her for at least five days out of every month and this month was terrible.
And last, but not least, the best thing I have read since I woke up
Potta Hari's cousin was not romantically involved with anyone, or so his sources said. Perhaps marrying someone to her would offer a better chance for an alliance between their clans?
A knock startled him from his thoughts, and he had to compose himself quickly. "Yes?"
"A letter has arrived for you, Hiashi-sama," Kosuke said from the other side of the door.
The letter was handed over within seconds, and Kosuke was gone immediately.
When he finally got to the message however, he had to smirk in amusement. He should have known that making plans about a Seer wouldn't go as expected.
Dear Hyuga-sama,
Respectfully, Potta Runa.
And this
Was Danzo literally the only bad person in this world who was bad naturally and not because he had some unfortunate upbringing, was bullied or was manipulated into being bad?
Basically tbh
Words & Chapter(s): 287,295 words and 20 chapters, unfinished, but worth it
Summary: Tsume Yuki's, 'Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me' prompt.
Master of Death Hari is sealed inside a genie bottle and tossed into the Veil. Only the interference of Death stops her from being enslaved. When Naruto comes into possession of the bottle and frees Hari from her prison, she gets attached and decides to help him, changing everything we know.
Score: 13, this is very amusing, and has no qualms with having humor AND seriousness whenever. Not to mention, I could honestly go back to the very beginning and read it all over again and I’d still love every moment of it in all honesty.
Pairing(s): Hatake Kakashi/Female!Harry Potter, as well as Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, background Anko Mitarashi/Luna Lovegood
Warning(s): For all that this looks like a lot of warnings it’s just because this fic is well over 200K words, and it’s not nearly as bad as all these warnings look. There’s no major character death (Technically. A few from the HP universe passed before our MC even came into our universe. Still, only casual mentions so far)
Always a girlHarry still had to deal with all the abuse of her counterpart. The ministry betrayed her (Shocking. I know.) mentions of (CANON) past childhood abuse described three-quarters of the way through chapter three, then again in chapter four, no worries though it’s not graphic or gratuitous.
Mentions of death, and the things and ways that death may affect someone (This is a naruto universe crossover fic soooo, I don’t know what you were expecting honestly. At least it’s not as subtly/suddenly angsty as FMA fics get.), attempted murder that fails because Hari is the Mistress of Death (... Is Master not gender neutral??? I thought it was... Still, Mistress sounds cooler and more dangerous)
Mentions of porn, off-screen lemon, etc.
There IS a bit of fat-shaming from certain characters, but they eventually learn better, there are also mentions of children, and others, on diets, and also that have unhealthy eating habits and why they’re not good regardless, as well as the effects of being on a diet while also doing various exercises and rigorous training regimens, but not to worry, it slowly but surely improves.
Manipulation and grey morals, (Again shocking, I know.) which is great because my morals would go very dark very quickly if I were Hari (Because this is a crossover, and she is in Japan/The Elemental) and I’d for some dumbass reason decided to return to my original world (THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN THIS A HYPOTHETICAL WHAT-IF), but Hari doesn’t which is always amazing
World/Dimension displacement. Figured I’d add that just in case, personally I love those types of stories but you never know.
Kidnapping followed by attempted murder fails spectacularly. It is quite amusing to see for my inner sadist.
One of Hari’s family members passed away due to cancer, but it’s a small mention and there’s minimal angst because it happened years ago. The others seemed to have died in a war with the goblins which is only occasionally mentioned here and there.
Someone tries to enslave Hari as a genie. It does not work. Death seemed upset that someone thought that would work at all in the “Like, honestly, who the fuck do you even think you are???” kind of pissed
Danzo and ROOT exist. Sadly.
Also “ the lives of the many are more important than the lives of the few “ is something that seems to be a basic background of the morals of this fic. I know some find this detestable, but I would like to point out that, it’s true. It’s really fucked up, but unless that One has some very important and necessary ability, they are less important than the five-hundred and forty-two. Shitty as it seems.
There’s technically a war. If you could call the opposing sides... attempts a war. No major casualties or uber gruesome happenings though.
There are some injuries, of course, their big but not graphically described as far as I’ve seen up to the current chapter limit.
Pros: GREAT FUCKING WRITING!!! Great research and really immersive too!!!
Hari and Naruto because each others precious people, and Harry protects Naruto as best she, a civilian and witch, can.
The Japanese That Doesn’t Need To Be Written Because You’re Writing This In English And It Doesn’t Make Sense And Is Awkward isn’t present which is always a plus.
It’s really unique and different from what is normally written in these situations (Not that there’s anything wrong with what we normally get!!!) from how a female main character reacts (Very Harry Potter-ish) and whatnot to her romance with other characters to her friendship with them, and also I love the way her relationships are with everyone! It’s just, so, refreshing for a female MC to be written like this, like getting that first bite of watermelon in the middle of summer, and jumping in the pool, or a drink of hot chocolate in the middle of a snowy night.
Not to mention! The way Hari interacts with the world around her and manages to change everything even though she wasn’t trying, and the way she still isn’t overpowered regardless for all that she can use her magic at will. UGH!!! IT’S JUST SO GOOD
Aesthetic: It’s like drinking fresh lemonade after a hard days work, like swimming in your best friends pool after you finish your homework, it’s like a warm cup of tea after a stressful day, and cuddling up to a friend or lover, like dancing to your favorite song while you’re all alone in your kitchen. It is like being alone, but not lonely, ad being with a few good friends but not ignored. It is freeing and refreshing and relaxing and exciting and new and old and so much more. It feels happy, for lack of a better word. Very, subtly, happy.
Gif Aesthetic: Oh my god yes, this is Hari
and this is what the romance in this fic reminds me of
and this somehow reminds me of several characters at once
And this one too sometimes, which is nice
and this (Except Boruto doesn’t exist obviously, I think this fic was actually started before Boruto even came into the picture actually) is what the fighting looks like
except for when it looks like this
Hari and Luna fucking everything up while everyone else watches and decides it is safest to just, not interfere with the crazy witches.
Hari, Death, and Luna/Runa planning who to fuck up protect next
Every single Rookie Nine without fail
(Scroll back up and look at how cute the slimy kitty yawns!!! She’s so cute!!!)
#SasuNaru#Sasuke x Naruto#Naruto x Sasuke#Harry Potter#Female Harry Potter#Harry x Kakashi#Satan has great taste in: SasuNaru#Satan has great taste in: Harry Potter#fluff humor and angst fic#bisexual Harry Potter#Harry is an adult btw don't worry#and NaruSasu is young but cute as shit#they're so oblivious#it's fucking adorable
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Death’s Bride--(3)
| Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
You are a Seer. What is a Seer? A Seer is someone whose sixth sense is stronger than most people’s and can see Death. You did not want to be one, you just want to be normal—yet what happens when Death comes for you? No, not for you to die—for you to be his bride.
*Based on a novel I wrote before in Wattpad by the same title*
Romance, Fantasy, Comedy
Alcohol usage, suggestive sexual content, questionable consent, violence
“Oh my goodness!” Your mother pulled you into a tight hug, tears in her eyes, “You’re safe!”
Her hold tightened and you could feel her sobbing, “you’re safe.” She murmured again, as if hoping that this was not a dream.
“I’m fine mom, really.” You murmured, though it was muffled because she was pressed so tight against you.
“I thought you were kidnapped, raped, or even dead!” She cried as she pulled away to study your face, “You haven’t been eating well.”
You bit your lip, feeling insanely guilty that you couldn’t tell your mother the truth and that you left her all alone. You wondered if she would understand, or if she would send you to a psychologist.
“…and right after mama died…it was too much pain.” Your mom burst into tears again and it pained you so much to see her like that.
Fuck it, so what if she thinks I’m crazy.
Before you could say a word though, she grabbed your arms and gave you a stern look, “Who took you, where did they took you, and when can I kick their ass?”
“Y/N, dear, tell me.” For a woman of her size, she looked quite intimating at the moment.
You sighed as you lead her to the couch and sat down, “I don’t know where to begin—”
“From the beginning of course, silly.”
“—Or if you would believe me. Trust me, it’s some crazy stuff.”
Your mom squeezed your hand, “Try me.”
You took a deep breath, searching for the right words to say, “Well…to start off, grandma and I have been hiding something from you. Not on purpose,” you said quickly, “but because we didn’t know how to explain it or if we could tell other people.”
“You make it sound like you guys were in a cult. Wait, were you and mother in a cult and mother angered someone and they kidnapped you?”
“Wow, that actually sounds more believable than the truth.”, you admitted and she looked at you curiously.
“Just tell me, honey, I swear I’ll be as open-minded as possible.”
“Okay…”, you said, “…you know how grandma can sometimes tell the future and it’ll be weirdly accurate? Like the weather or a specific event in your day or something you just thought about? Or when she can pinpoint a person’s character by just looking at them?”
“Yeah, your grandma always had those eccentricities about her and she seemed to have taught them to you.”
“The reason she can do those things, among others, is because we are Seers. It’s not an official name or anything, just a name grandma came up with. Basically, our sixth sense is stronger than most people’s and we can see…usual things.”
“…I see.”
“You don’t believe me.” you accused.
“Hold on, I’m getting used to the idea! But it does make sense…still, it doesn’t explain why you were missing for weeks!”
“I’m getting there,” you answered, “well one of the things we can see is Death.”
“Actually his name is Namjoon, but don’t tell him I told you that. He’s a being that collects your soul when you die.”
“….and you lost me. So this Namjoon guy,”
“Death,” you corrected, regretting telling your mother his real name. He’s going to be so pissed.
“He collects souls when you die?”
“Correct. And takes you to his kingdom. Which is technically purgatory. And sentences you to work off your sins so you can enter Paradise.”
Your mother gave you a strange look, “Honey, you sure this isn’t a cult—”
“Please, mom, trust me,” you begged, “this is all real. I wish I could show you prove but the only way to do that is if you die—which I don’t want.”
“But you must understand that this is a bit hard to take in…”
“I get it, but that’s not even half of it.”
“There’s more?”
You nod, “So there’s this prophecy involving Namjoon and…me.”
“Now there’s a prophecy? Can’t you make it any more believable? Even the cult story is more believable than this!”
“I’m just telling you the truth.” You said defensively and your mom gave a sigh of resignation.
“What’s the prophecy?”
“The prophecy. I’m assuming that’s why you were gone.”
You took a deep breath, “I’m not sure. I’ve only heard bits and pieces and what people have told me. It involves me marrying him—”
“What?” Your mother screeched, “You have to marry Namjoon?”
“…it’s complicated.”
“Do you even like each other?”
You made a face, do you? You know for sure he doesn’t, “Not really…but supposedly that’s the other part of the prophecy—that we’ll love each other or something like that.”
Then again, you couldn’t relay so much on the source since it was the traitor who said it after all. Thinking about it makes your blood boil.
“Still, for you to agree to that is ridiculous. Why would you do such a thing?”
You bit your lip, “I wanted to see grandma.”
“I…just wanted to see her one last time. I figured that if I go with Namjoon I’ll have the opportunity to talk to grandma.”
“And did you?” Your mom perked up.
“No, I didn’t have the chance to yet. Everything is just so hectic and going on so fast.”
“I see. Did he manipulate you with your grandma to marry him?”
“Mani—no, it wasn’t like that. I mean, he did mention it—”
“That sounds like manipulation.”
“Okay, maybe he did a little bit, but he’s a victim of the prophecy as well. He’s tried to not follow it, but it never works out. Plus, in the end it was my decision. I do want to see grandma.”
You honestly didn’t know why you were defending Namjoon to your mother.
Her eyes softened, “I get that you wanted to see mother, but is it worth giving up your life here?”
You bit your lip, “Can I be honest, mom? It’s actually not so bad over there. Definitely boring, but not bad. I have a purpose. Here, I don’t really have a purpose. I’m not really good at anything and I don’t even like what I’m studying in school. I’m not particularly close to anyone here except for you and grandma so I wasn’t leaving much behind.”
“Oh honey,” She brought you to a hug, “How can you say that? Of course you have a purpose.”
“But maybe this is my purpose.” You answered, pulling away from her to look to her eyes.
“If that’s what you think.” Your mom said with a sad smile, “I’ll support any decision you have.”
“Thanks mom.”
“So if you were happy there, how did you end up back here? Why aren’t you still wherever-the-hell-that-place-was?”
“Funny story….I, um, got kidnapped there.”
“You got kidnapped from your kidnapper?”
“I said I wasn’t kidnapped! I went there willingly. This time though…yeah it was kidnapped. Turned out it was Namjoon’s best friend and adviser, Jin, who wants revenge on Namjoon. I managed to escape, but got sent here so that I can be safe until Namjoon picks me up.”
Your mom stared at you, “That’s literally a soap opera.”
“Yes, well apparently I am now a main character in some soap opera.”
“This guy, Jin…is he dangerous?”
You frowned, “I’m not sure. But it didn’t seem like he was going to be making daisy chains with me though.”
“Did you got hurt?”
“Not really. I guess they were just waiting for Namjoon to arrive.”
“You know this sounds crazy.”
“I know.”
“And I’ll probably be a fool if I believe you.”
She sighed, “But I trust you. You were never one for fantasies, always very logical. Maybe if I heard this from my mom I’ll be skeptical because she was always in the clouds and has a very vivid imagination, but you hold not one artistic bone in your body.”
“It’s true, honey, don’t bother denying it. Remember when your grandmother tried to teach you to paint but it turned out to be a disaster?”
You winced, “She said it was fine, but it was a mess, huh?”
“The ugliest thing I ever saw.”
“Thanks, mom.”
“I’m only saying the truth. Don’t worry, your grandmother was disappointed when I didn’t inherit her passion for paint. I’m way too much like my father in that sense, I guess you got that too.”
You smiled, “So you believe me?”
“…tentatively. I will need evidence to support the truth, but I’ll let it be for now.”
“Thank you, mom.” You gave her a hug, “I really appreciate it.
“Oh!” Your mom suddenly let go and went to grab her phone, “I gotta call the police and tell them to call off the missing person case.”
“You went to the police?”
“Of course! You were missing, where else I’m to turn? Give me a minute.”
She started dialing a phone number as she walked out of the room.
“Officer Diaz? Yes this is Mrs. Y/L/N. Good news, my daughter is back home…”
Honestly that went better than I thought. I don’t think she believes me, but at least she’s humoring me and not sending me to an insane asylum or something.
You were innocently walking down the halls of your school when you heard a familiar voice.
“You have some explaining to do Y/N Y/L/N !”
Lisa stalked the hall, narrowing her eyes at you.
You put on a cheerful smile, hoping to deter her, “Hey Lisa!”
“Don’t ‘hey Lisa’ me. What the hell happened to you?”
You sighed; your mom and you decided on a cover story for the police and anyone who asked.
“I don’t remember anything, Monica,” you said innocently, “the last thing I remember was going to the funeral.”
“They drugged you? What low-lives!” She exclaimed and pulled you into a hug, “I’m so glad you’re back though. It was really lonely without you here.”
Well that was easy, you thought.
You smiled and pulled away, “So what did I miss?”
“Besides that Spring Break is in a week? Jungkook and that long-term girlfriend of his broke up.”
“No way.”
“Yup, it just happened last week. It’s been the gossip of the school. Jungkook doesn’t seem so bothered by it.”
It’s strange, if you heard this news before you left with Namjoon you would have been ecstatic. But you didn’t seem to feel much joy right now. Strange.
“Oh? Just oh? Hello, this can finally be your chance with him.”
“Me?” you asked, confused, “what about you? I seemed to recall I wasn’t the only one to like Jungkook.”
“I’m willing to make the sacrifice for you. Also, I’m kind of seeing his friend Taehyung now so…”
You rolled your eyes as Lisa started to speak of how they met and how he asked her out.
“Anyway, never mind that right now, we need you to get ready for this party. I will not let you go in your usual getup.”
“What party?”
“What party? What party? Weren’t you listening to me just now? Jungkook is hosting a huge party at his house with his frat brothers and he invited me and you to come.”
“He asked me to come?” You asked, somehow not believing those words.
“Okay, he told me I could invite a friend but---:
You groaned, “Do I really have to do this?”
Parties really weren’t your thing. Especially frat parties. Even if Jungkook was there.
“Yes! And we are going to make you gorgeous. Come over my place tonight—”
“Wait, I thought the party was in a week?”
“And you think you are going to get Jungkook to notice you looking like that?”
“But I don’t—”
“We are so going to make Jungkook fall for you.”
You sighed, resigned to your fate. Maybe if you let her do this stupid ‘makeover’ on you she will leave you alone.
You checked yourself in the compact mirror Lisa gave you earlier and frowned. The “makeover” you had last night involved skin care, makeup, straightening your hair, and clothes for you to borrow. You honestly didn’t see the big deal, although you had to admit your face is pretty fucking smooth now.
“For the last time, you look amazing. Relax.” Lisa said as she snatched the mirror from you.
“I can’t relax when people are looking at me,” you answered back, “I keep thinking there’s something wrong with my face.”
Lisa just rolled her eyes and smiled brightly at a group of girls and walked over to them. You followed her and recognized them as part of her sorority.
“Hiya Lisa!”
“How’s it going, boo?”
“It’s been forever.”
“Lisa, you have to hear the latest news on Hyuna.”
The girls all greeted Lisa enthusiastically and Lisa was happily chatting with them. As for you, you just sort of lingered in the back since you didn’t really know these girls and weren’t quite comfortable. Yet it wasn’t long before one of the girls noticed your presence.
“Who’s this, Lisa?”
“Is she a new friend of yours?”
Everyone turned to you and Lisa was by your side.
“Girls, this is my friend, Y/N. She’s new to the scene so be nice.”
They smiled at you and began to ask you questions. They were nice enough but were a bit like Lisa in that they were boy-crazy.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” One of the girls, Rose, asked.
You thought of Namjoon but instantly pushed away that thought. We are not going out. It’s more like a…like an arranged marriage.
“No, not at the moment.” You answered and forced yourself to give a bright smile.
“Oh but you’re so cute.”
“We have to set you up with someone.”
“She’ll look cute with Yoongi.”
Inside you were panicking and looked at Lisa for help.
“Girls, I already have someone in mind for her.”
You nearly groaned, this was not the help I asked for.
“Really? Who?”
“Yeah, who?”
They squealed.
“Good one.”
“Yeah, he’s pretty hot.”
“I heard he was a pretty good kisser and has a big dick.”
And I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that last remark, you thought. You looked at your phone and saw the time.
“Um, it was nice meeting you guys, but we have class in a few minutes.”
“Oh yeah, that’s right,” Lisa said as if she just remembered that she goes to school, “Well, see you girls later.”
“Bye Lisa, and good luck hooking them up.”
“Yeah, good luck. I heard a lot of girls are waiting to get their claws on Jungkook.”
You waited until you were a safe distance away before you spoke to Lisa.
“What was that?”
“What was what?”, Lisa asked innocently.
“You want to hook me up with Jungkook! Why?”
“Look, you’ve had a crush on him since forever and I want to help you out like the good friend that I am. Plus you two would look so good together.”
“This has nothing to do with the fact that you’re going out with his best friend, Taehyung?” You asked.
“I mean, we could have some pretty fun double dates. But Tae has been mentioning to me that Jungkook is lonely so this is the perfect opportunity for you.”
“Oh so it’s Tae now?” You teased and she blushed.
“Stop changing the subject. Shouldn’t you be happy? You like Jungkook.”
You didn’t know how to explain to her that whenever you tried to think of Jungkook in any sexual situation, Namjoon’s face would pop up instead. That maybe you don’t like Jungkook so much anymore…because you like someone else.
No! You tried to shake your thoughts, you don’t like Namjoon. You are merely…attracted to him. Yes, he is very hot. Also it doesn’t help that since Jin told you about the prophecy, you wondered what it’ll be like to be with Namjoon…
“Yeah, I’m happy. I just don’t know if I’m ready…”
“Jeesh girl, I’m not telling you to marry him or anything. Just go to the party with him and enjoy yourself, that’s it.”
You sighed, “Lisa, I hate to burst your bubble, but why would you think he’ll ask me to the party?”
She grinned, “You’ll see. We have biology now.”
You gave her a puzzled look, “And?”
“And Jungkook has that class with us.”
“What does that have to do with anything?”
Lisa just gave you a confident smile, “Just sit in your seat and look pretty, I’ll fix everything up.”
You both walked into the class and took your seats. The professor came in and smiled at the class.
“Today is going to be another lab, so pair up with your lab partner and complete the lab sheet. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.”
You turned to Lisa, who is normally your partner, but found she was no longer next to you. So you started to look around the room and noticed Jungkook coming towards you. You had to admit, as you watched him approach you, he really was easy on the eyes. Easily one of the handsomest man you’ve seen in your life.
“Hey.”, Jungkook smiled at you, looking all adorable. He didn’t have dimples though, like Namjoon.
Stop thinking about Namjoon!
“Hi.” You answered, not sure what to say. It’s not every day a very hot guy comes up and talks to you.
“What’s your name?”
“That’s a beautiful name, it suits you.”
You blushed, not used to being complimented, “Thanks, I was born with it.”
He laughed and you felt your face grow hotter from embarrassment. Oh my god, I really am an idiot.
“I mean, what’s your name?” You said and wanted to smack yourself in the head.
You already know his name you dumb-ass!
“Name’s Jungkook.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Jungkook.”
Why oh why am I so fucking awkward?, you lamented. If Jungkook wanted to go out with me before, he definitely doesn’t want to now.
“So do you want to be my lab partner? Yours seemed to have stolen mine today.”
You looked at the direction he was looking at and sure enough Lisa was flirting with Taehyung. You internally sighed, so this was her plan.
“Yeah, she seems really into your friend.”
“Tell me about, I can’t get him to shut up about her.”
“Me either.”
“So, partners?”
“Sure, partners. Sorry about Lisa, she sometimes does things without thinking.”
“Nah, don’t sweat it. It’s good to switch things up once in a while. Plus, I wouldn’t have such a cute girl as my partner.”
He complimented me again.
You blushed and looked down at you paper, at the assignment you were supposed to do, “Um, you want to start?”
“Sure.” Jungkook said as he looked at his paper and you guys started to do the assignment.
Jungkook was actually not a bad partner and was very easy to talk to. When you finished the assignment and handed in your lab sheets, you walked out of the class together.
“Do you have somewhere to be right now?” Jungkook asked.
You thought of going home to an empty house, without your grandma, and said, “Not particularly. Why?”
“You want to maybe grab a coffee together?”
You shrugged, “Why not? I need some caffeine in my life.”
And a distraction. Jungkook seems like a good distraction, you thought.
You went to the coffee shop in the campus and ordered your coffees. It was nice and relaxing and Jungkook was very easy to talk to. You talked about school and what classes you were taking. Jungkook studies politics, which you thought was very boring but did not say to him. You then briefly discussed politics and then there was a lull in the conversation.
Jungkook then broke the ice again, “So I’m holding a party in my house next week, you heard about it?”
You nodded, “Yeah, Lisa won’t shut up about it.”
“Oh right,” He laughed, “Are you coming?”
You took a sip of your coffee, “Yup, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
You couldn’t stop the sarcasm from seeping into your voice, but he didn’t seem to notice.
“Do you want to come with me?”
“You mean like a date?”
My IQ must have lowered since Namjoon took me because that was pitiful.
“Sure, if you want to call it that.”
Lisa would be ecstatic to hear about this development.
You suddenly felt a strange sense of guilt; wouldn’t this be betraying Namjoon? No, wait, you’re not even dating Namjoon. You don’t even like him. Of course it’s not cheating.
“Sure, I’ll go with you.”
Your first impression when you walked into the house was that there were too many people and that it was way too loud; you can already feel the headache that’ll plague you tomorrow morning.
You scanned the room for Lisa or Jungkook but couldn’t find them in the sea of faces. You began to feel more and more anxious; you didn’t know what to do.
Slowly, you made your way to the table filled with food. You can’t go wrong with food.
You pulled up your dress that Lisa insisted you wore. She said you looked hot in it, and you had to admit it did show your figure nicely. Still, who were you trying to impress? Jungkook? Sure, maybe. But deep down, you were a tiny bit disappointed Namjoon can’t see you like this.
And there you go thinking about Namjoon again, get a grip girl.
You picked up a Dorito chip awkwardly and started to nibble on it.
“And why is a fine lady like yourself doing by yourself in a place like this?”
You felt a blush make its way to your face and quickly turned around.
“Jungkook!” You said in relief, mostly because you couldn’t stand being here alone anymore.
You then were able to see him properly. It was undeniable, he looked pretty hot. His button-down shirt was tight fitting and the top buttons were not buttoned. His sleeves were also rolled up to show his nice, toned arms. His hair was perfectly styled, his hair pushed back with a few strands dipping unto his forehead. He gave you a sexy smirk.
“Yes, that’s my name.” Jungkook teased as he stepped close to you. You could smell his cologne, which was a nice change from the weed and sweat you could smell in the room.
“You look very gorgeous tonight.”, he murmured in your ear.
You felt yourself grow hotter by the minute and willed yourself to not stutter like a middle schooler, “T-thank you.”
You then heard your name being called. You scanned the room, wondering who could possibility call your name. You saw Lisa making her way towards you with seven-inch heels on.
“All I’m saying, Lisa, is how that takes real skill.” You commented dryly as you pointed to her shoes.
Lisa laughed, “This is a skill that took many years to perfect. Do you want a drink?’
She held two plastic cups and offered one to you. You smiled and accepted the drink, even though you weren’t that thirsty. Maybe some liquid courage can help. Lisa noticed Jungkook next to you.
“Nice party, Jungkook.” Lisa greeted him.
He smiled and took a drink from his beer, “Yeah, it is a nice party.”
“Do you know where Tae is?” Lisa asked and Jungkook shrugged.
“He might be out in the back playing beer pong with some of the other brothers. You might want to try there.”
“Alright, thanks.” Lisa said and turned to me, “You good?”
You force a smile; you hated it here but didn’t want to disappoint Lisa. Maybe being with Jungkook will make things better.
She took your smile as a ‘yes’ and said, “Okay, enjoy yourselves. I’ll see you later.”
Lisa gave a little wave and walked to the direction of the backyard.
You took a cautious sip of your drink. It took everything in your power to not cough; vodka was not really your style. It tastes like rubbing alcohol. You took another sip, not wanting to seem like a wimp in front of Jungkook, but you ended up coughing.
“You don’t have to drink that if you don’t want to.” Jungkook said and you blushed.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Kind of, but that’s okay; I’ll let you off the hook because you’re so cute. Do you want a beer instead?”
This caused your face to heat up further and you knew you couldn’t blame it at the alcohol. He offered you a beer and you took it.
“Thanks.” You said gratefully as you deposited the vodka cup on a nearby table, “So what does one do in these kind of parties?”
“Drink, flirt, dance, the usual.” Jungkook said casually, “Do you want to dance?”
You saw him finish his drink and grab another beer. You took a sip. Still tastes terrible, but at least it didn’t burn your throat like the vodka.
“Well I’m not such a big fan of dancing…”
“It’s really easy,” He said, “You just have to move your body to the music, it’s not like we are ballroom dancing or any of that shit.”
You bit your lip, debating on whether you want to be in a sweaty crowd of people with horrible music pounding in your ears. On the other hand, you don’t want Jungkook to get bored and leave you all by yourself.
He sensed your dilemma, “Look I can teach you, it won’t be that bad.”
“Alright.” You found yourself saying.
You frowned, I must not be thinking clearly, but followed him to the dance floor and drowned the rest of the beer.
It was hot; there were so many bodies in the dance floor you could barely move. Jungkook was pressed close to you and you weren’t sure if you liked it or hated it. He brought your hands around his neck.
“Place your arms here.” He said and you can feel his silky hair on the back of his neck. He then placed his hands on your hips and brought them against his. Oh my.
“Now just move your body to the beat of the music.” He murmured against your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You tried to get into the mood of the music and move your body, but you just felt awkward. Jungkook gave you a few more pointers, but they didn’t seem to help. You were too self-conscious.
“Just let loose, forget what anyone has to say.” Jungkook murmured, his hips grinding into yours and you dropped your hands from his neck to grip his shoulders.
“I’m sorry, Jungkook,” you confessed, “I’m just comfortable bumping and grinding.”
“It’s okay, babe, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”
Your smile was a bit forced as he tightened his hold on you and made you feel a bit uncomfortable. Jungkook was nice and all, but sometimes he would get carried away and you have to remind him to not get carried away. Like now.
“Please remove your hands from my ass now.”
He quickly took them off, looking embarrassed.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize—”
“It’s okay, just don’t let it happen again.” You said.
Namjoon wouldn’t have pressured you to dance, that annoying little voice in your head said. He wouldn’t need to be reminded to keep his hands off of you.
Yeah, I highly doubt he dances or does any fun things at all, you argue back, Plus, he wouldn’t touch me because he doesn’t feel that way to me at all. At least I know Jungkook is attracted to me.
Dancing isn’t fun for you, so isn’t that a win-win?, the little voice continued, plus, according to the prophecy—
The prophecy is bullshit.
You ignored the voice, you didn’t want to think about Namjoon when you were with Jungkook. You danced for a bit more, but between the music and the alcohol you developed quite a headache.
“Jungkook, I have a headache. Can we stop dancing?”
“Sure, are you okay? Do you want me to take you home?” Jungkook asked, sounding very concerned as he led you away from the dance floor.
“Nah, I’m fine. I just need to sit down a bit.”
You looked around but all the chairs were taken and the couch was being used for…other stuff; you made a face.
“I can take you upstairs since all the seats down here are taken?”
You bit your lip and nodded, the alcohol not helping with this headache of yours, “Okay then.”
You rubbed your temples, reminder: don’t drink alcohol, it seems to not agree with me.
As you start up the stairs, you thought you saw Namjoon’s concerned face in the crowd but when you looked again you didn’t see him.
I must be imagining him since I’ve been thinking about him, you thought, what’s wrong with you? You have a perfectly hot boy in your reach and you’re thinking about some magical being who doesn’t even like you? Grow up.
You were on the second floor and there were several people around—mainly couples making out—and you started to grow a little wary.
“Maybe we should go back downstairs.” You tried to get out of his grasp but he held on.
“Are you sure?”
A little voice in your head said that this was a very bad idea, but it was very faint. The pounding in your head was making it hard to hear that faint voice.
“…I don’t know.” You said truthfully as you looked at a couple making out next to you. You didn’t really want to go back down there with all those people.
He noticed that you were uncomfortable by this atmosphere and said, “We can go to my room, if you want to. There shouldn’t be anyone there and you can rest.”
Some peace and quiet sounded pretty good right now, so you nodded. He led you to a more secluded part of the house and opened the door to what you assume was his room. He fumbled for the light switch and turned it on.
The light wasn’t good for your headache and you winced. Jungkook noticed.
“Would you rather I turned off the lights?”
“Maybe.” You admitted and he turned off the lights. The was a little light coming from the window, so you weren’t in complete darkness. Your head felt like it was splitting in half and you walked to the bed so you can sit down. Jungkook followed and sat next to you.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He brought his hand to your forehead and your face started to heat up at the contact, “Do you want an aspirin or something?”
“I’m not sure if I should have an aspirin if I had alcohol..” You admit, “But maybe if I just drank water it’ll be fine.”
“Oh, I think I have a bottle here.”
He got up and search around his desk to find an unopened bottle of water.
“Here you go.”
You gave him a grateful smile, “Thanks. You should probably head back to the party though, they probably miss you out there.”
“Nah, they’ll be fine.” He smiled and you opened the bottle and drank it.
Water did help, but your mind was still fuzzy from the alcohol.
“Did that help?”
“A little, thanks.”
“That’s good”, Jungkook leaned closer and you just realized how close he was to you.
You nodded, “Yeah.”
He pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear and he let his hand linger on your chin. His hands were soft and you didn’t necessarily hate the touch. He then leaned forward and brushed his lips against yours. You didn’t respond, frozen and not sure what to do. Should I kiss him? Should I slap him away? You were confused and you couldn’t keep your thoughts straight. He figured your frozen state must have been some sort of consent because he added pressure unto your lips, which your mouth automatically responded to. He let out a hum of approval and his hand traveled from your chin to the back of your head, bringing you closer.
Jungkook broke the kiss, his eyes filled with lust as he licked his lips.
“You taste so good.”
You couldn’t think straight between the alcohol and the lust, your breath heavy and your heart racing.
He kissed along your clavicle and found a sensitive spot. You made a noise as started to lick and suck that spot.
“Namjoon.” You moaned and Jungkook stopped.
“Who’s Namjoon?”
Oh shit. That sobered you up a little.
You blushed, embarrassed at your slip up, “He’s no one.”
“Doesn’t sound like no one.” He murmured against your neck and you bit your lip.
“Well I don’t like it when I’m with a woman and she says some other man’s name. But don’t worry, soon I’ll have it that the only name you can even think of is mine.”
He brought his hand to your bare knee and started to stroke your skin, reaching higher and higher—
“Jungkook, stop it.” You said, grabbing his hand to push it away, but he used his other hand to hold you hand down.
“C’mon, just a moment ago you really liked it.”
“Yeah, I wasn’t in my right mind.” Finally, your head was clearing up and you realized you got yourself in a tricky situation.
He pulled away and frowned at you, “What do you mean?”
“I…I’m not sure I want to do this.”
Jungkook brought his hand to stroke your face, “Is it because of that Namjoon? Do you like him?”
“No, I just—”
“Then don’t worry, I’m going to make you feel so good.”
His free hand grabbed your breast and started to knead them harshly from on top of your thin dress. You gasped.
“You’re not even wearing a bra. It’s like you were expecting something to happen tonight.”
More like Lisa told you that none of your bras fit this dress, you thought bitterly and were about to say so when he kissed you again.
He pinched your nipple and you yelped, trying to shove him away from you but he was really strong. Guess those muscles are legit.
“Jungkook, I—”
“Shh,” He murmured, pressing his fingers against your lips, “Don’t talk too much.”
You started to get angry, if he doesn’t get his hands off you—
You heard the door slam open and you both jumped.
“Get off her.”
You blinked.
You didn’t imagine that voice.
You slowly turned to the door and saw Namjoon standing at the doorway, looking furious.
“Dude, chill.” Jungkook said, a bit annoyed, “You’re sort of interrupting something.”
“I said let her go.” Namjoon repeated, walking towards us.
“Fuck off man, this is none of your business—”
Namjoon grabbed Jungkook by the collar, “It is my business what you do to my bride.”
“Your bride?”
“Namjoon, stop.” You said.
“Oh so this is Namjoon?”, Jungkook laughed.
You blushed, remembering your slip up. You were also a bit scared; this was the angriest you’ve ever seen Namjoon; he looked so scary. And hot. Wow, the alcohol must still be in my system because what the fuck.
“I’m warning you.” Namjoon said.
“What? Obviously you can’t satisfy her if she’s coming to me for some—"
Before he had a chance to finish his sentence, Namjoon peeled Jungkook off you and punched him in the face. Jungkook tries to fight back, but this seemed to agitate Namjoon further and he doesn’t stop hitting him.
“This should teach you the meaning of consent.”, Namjoon growled as he landed another punch on Jungkook and you winced. You realize that if Namjoon doesn’t stop now, he’ll legit kill Jungkook.
“Namjoon! Stop!” You grab his arm, trying to calm him down.
Namjoon turned to you, about to yell at you for stopping him, when he sees the tears in your eyes. You didn’t even realize you were crying. His gaze immediately softens and brings you to arms, trying to comfort you.
“Let’s go home.”
You nod, realizing that you have started considering his palace as your home.
“Let’s go.” You said softly and he teleports you back, holding you firmly in his arms.
When you arrive, he let’s you go, much to your disappointment. He studied you.
“Are you alright? Did he hurt you?”, he asked softly and you were struck at this different side to him. Since when was he so...gentle?
“I’m fine.” You said simply and his eyes narrowed to a spot on your neck.
“What’s that?”
You brought your hand up to hide it, but he took your hand and moved it away. He studied the mark, which probably started to bruise already, and lightly touched it with his fingertips. You couldn’t help but shiver at the light touch.
“I could kill him for that.”, his tone was hard.
“Don’t.” You said, “It’s not worth it.”
He looked at you, nodded, then looked away.
“Well, I should be g—"
You then remembered something.
“Wait, why am I here? What happened to me being ‘safer on earth’?”
“I didn’t count the dangers of humans.”, Namjoon muttered, “If you’re here with me I can protect you better anyway.”
You couldn’t help it, your heart warmed at those words.
“Thank you for saving me,” You murmured, “I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t come.”
He gave you a small smile and you could see those adorable dimples, “Of course I came for you, you’re my bride.”
Wow, that dance scene was kind of inspiring. May have to write a drabble with Jungkook now with a proper dance scene. Also, sorry that this was so late, I’m literal trash
#namjoon fanfic#rm fanfic#namjoon x reader#rm x reader#bts fanfic#bts x reader#fantasy!bts#death!namjoon#death's bride#namjoon#rm#bts#jungkook#jungkook fic
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