#Heir of doom
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starlit1daydream · 11 days ago
Witches & Heirs: Adherence and Manipulation
Well, here we are again. It's always such a pleasure. (Do you remember when you tried to kill me twice, blah blah blah...)
Witches & Heirs are a pair with a lot of material to work with, owing to the fact that Homestuck's main protagonist happens to fall under this category; though comparatively the other characters in the group (besides Jade, fellow Main Character) happen to be relatively obscure.
...But I've also written a whole goddamn analysis on one of them, so this should be fine.
The Witch:Heir class dichotomy embodies adherence, manipulation and fundamentally, control. This is both control over the Aspect, and the control the Aspect has over the person - and practically functions as a means to manipulate & bend the Aspect freely.
Canonical Witch players are Jade Harley (Witch of Space), Feferi Peixes (Witch of Life) and Damara Megido (Witch of Time).
Canonical Heir players are John Egbert (Heir of Breath), Equius Zahhak (Heir of Void) and Mituna Captor (Heir of Doom).
Point A, the narrative function of the Witch.
Narratively speaking, the Witch is the Class of active manipulation. What this translates to is a person whose Aspect has a heavy influence & sway over their life and their actions, which ends up manifesting in them growing to control & influence it in rebellion. And therein lies the key word everyone uses when analysing Witches - rebellion.
The Witch is somebody who rebels against their Aspect. They bend the rules, play around with it, they think they're above its whims. And this, more often than not, is because they don't want it to try and control them in turn.
Jade Harley, Witch of Space, spends her whole life in isolation. Space has her under its thumb, she's got one big, floating empty canvas to play around in and nobody else to inhabit it with. She's so far away from anyone or anything, and has no freedom to explore it to her heart's content because of the fucking First Guardian that keeps teleporting her around.
Feferi Peixes, Witch of Life, has her future decided for her. She's the princess & the heiress to a colossal empire, and the trajectory & development she's meant to undergo is pre-planned. Her life isn't her own to control, and she has to worry about a titanic sea monster that'll kill everyone on the planet if she doesn't tend to it.
Damara Megido, Witch of Time, finds closure to be something hard to swallow. All the toxic & debilitating relationships in her life, she can't bring herself to burn the bridge until the bridge starts burning her - and that's when she resorts to pulling teeth and cutting off heads. And her post-scratch self ends up being groomed & made to serve the Lord of Time himself.
Noticing a pattern here? Witches often find themselves literally controlled by a grand manifestation of their Aspect. Becquerel for Jade, Glb'golyb for Feferi & Lord English for Damara/The Handmaid.
And this brings us to the point that Witches want to rebel against these forces of control. Jade has to learn to break the rules, to disobey her guardian & travel as far from that desolate rock as she can.
Feferi wants to bring great, sweeping change to the whole empire and everything underneath it, she's got big dreams & wants to change the way that everyone's lives grow and develop.
Damara figures out that she doesn't have to take shit & deal with abuse because she can end things, and oftentimes in her situation that means ending lives. And, furthermore, bringing about total oblivion with the Scratch.
(Damara was totally justified in doing that, by the way. Fuck you, Meenah & Rufioh).
This leads to the fairly digestible Point B of the Witches' practical function.
The Witch controls their Aspect to an absolute. The power they gain is to manipulate it and make it do whatever the goddamn hell they want it to do, best exhibited with Jade who gains complete dominion over physical space; which ties directly into her Quest.
Even then, there's still an upper limit to her strength, but from what we see of her God-tiered self (and she's unfortunately the only Witch to reach the God-tiers), Space basically becomes her bitch.
It's one of the most straightforward power sets of any class. Manipulating the Aspect is pretty simple to grasp, and it's moreso the narrative idea of a Witch that's harder to explain.
Point C, the narrative function of the Heir.
Heirs find themselves in an opposing situation, but like the Witches, the Aspect has them under its' thumb. Like the Witch, they find themselves with a huge influx of their Aspect that they don't really get a say in - though I think the difference is that the Heir isn't aware of it as much.
John Egbert, the Heir of Breath, is unrestrainable. He's impossible to keep down or chain in a way that matters, and that often applies to him being impossible to sway emotionally as well. He just glides, freely, from one thing to another without a care in the world - obeying every whim of Breath and disallowing himself the time to dwell on one thing and process it.
Equius Zahhak (yes, I'm going here again) feels empty. He has no substance to himself, and he despises it. Every single facet of his life, he feels is controlled by the untenable nothingness inside him that he can't fight back against, and Void is all he feels he has to him.
Mituna Captor, the Heir of Doom, is fate's chewtoy. He's overwhelmed by prophecies & foretellings of Doom, finds himself repeatedly suffering & stagnating as the world subjects him to misfortune after misfortune, and ultimately sacrifices his own sanity & stability for the greater good.
(And, of course, I don't think I need to mention how the Psiionic gets the raw end of the deal as well).
The Witch uses their Aspect. The Heir is used by it. And though these often overlap, the passive nature of the Heir means they're far more likely not to fight the control their Aspect has over them.
Point D also ties neatly into this, the Heir's practical function.
In the sense that they may metaphorically be consumed by their Aspect to the logical extreme, they are literally granted the ability to become it.
Not only is John seen turning himself into gusts of wind, but further on in the story once he gets his 'retcon' powers; he basically becomes untethered from the narrative. He's unable to stop himself from jumping between places & ideas, becoming instability in its purest form.
This means Equius could become invisible, which is really funny.
So, overall, I find that the Witches & Heirs are deceptively simple to comprehend - and that perhaps my initial frustration with trying to work with them comes from me searching for a hidden complexity that wasn't there. The key words here are definitely control & rebellion, and the way that manifests in them.
I wouldn't go as far as to say their sessions always have this great influx of their Aspect, because I think it's more personal to them - but often the metaphorical cloud of their Aspect that follows them ends up influencing other people around them. That's how changing the Aspect works, right? Change with it, change through it, change it itself. That's the joining point of both Classes; they change.
(That's interesting in of itself because it implies Feferi as someone who changes change, but that's something I'll focus on more when I write about Life; which happens to be my own Aspect anyways).
Next week, the post will be about the most controversial players in Homestuck analysis; The Princes & Bards.
(...oh, christ, please don't make me write about the Makaras).
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homestuck-hell · 4 months ago
Orifeo Apphel, Heir of Doom, Prospit
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Also working on fighting for lowblood and mutant rights
Once they get over their anxiety, they're a great public speaker
Them? Lime? No they aren't and please don't ask again
Land of Shrouds and Risings
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homestucksimplified · 1 year ago
The 12 Classes of Doom.
“Doom is the Aspect of inevitability, destiny, fate, conformity… Doom Players are known to be good listeners, people who understand and will empathize, even if they don’t know how to fix many issues. They seem to be okay with fate, with the way things work, with both contentment and pain. Doom Player Sollux knew that he was going to die, and he accepted it, knowing nothing could be done about it. Doom can be heavily emotional”.
“Doom is a poetic Aspect, and it’s extremely interesting, although rarely depicted in the comic. A Doom Player’s struggle might be about acceptance, a doubt about how it all is supposed to work. It is realistic and skeptical, not always pessimistic instead. Doom can be stability, having an outlook on life that is healing in their own way. I have heard from a Doom Player that “the Life-Doom Aspect pair is the facet of a person that deals with healing. While Life heals through change and improvement, Doom heals through acceptance and adjustment”. This difference is sometimes described as “the vent friend” (Doom) and “the advice friend” (Life). Life is the opposite Aspect to Doom, and it is serving and helpful”.
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Sburb Players each have a combination of an Aspect and a Class. Aspects are understood to represent what a player’s goals and actions in life are caused by. A Class is within an Aspect and understood to represent the way they deal with their Aspect.
The Sburb Classes are Maid, Page, Mage, Knight, Rogue, Sylph, Seer, Thief, Heir, Bard, Prince, and Witch. (Lord and Muse*)
(*Classes Lord and Muse seem to only be possible in either Cherub society or in two-player sessions. They are very absolute and it’s rare for a human to identify with their descriptions. I will have to leave them out here and only write about the remaining twelve :)
Adding the Classes to the Aspect of Doom will result in twelve God Tiers. My analyses of them are as follows:
1st God Tier: Witch of Doom
Witch is the Active Class of manipulation. Witches are known to “control” their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Witch of Doom, specifically, would be one of the most repressed people in their lives, always shutting off what should be natural (though they would not be blind to it, they’re not naive about what fate is supposed to bring, they simply no not want to accept that it is true). Witches are characterized by rebellion, and Doom’s rebellion is against fate, the condemnation, sometimes even death. It is impossible to escape from your Aspect but they try their best, but does escaping from destiny not end up becoming your destiny?
Witches of Doom are the most frightened of Witches, but they’re also probably the strongest. I can see them being good liars, and pretty optimistic people, maybe trying to hide the realism or nihilism that might be building up inside them, begging to be seen. They would want to appear more as a Life Player, be helpful and free from destiny and/or suffering. It is through accepting suffering that they will become well-developed Doom Players.
2nd God Tier: Heir of Doom
Heir is the Passive Class of manipulation. Heirs are known to “influence” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. An Heir of Doom, specifically, would passively manipulate fate in a way that might be shown as “coping”, maybe tricking themselves and those around them into believing the opposite of the truth, for example, that everything will be okay when in reality they know it won’t. It can also be the opposite, if they are mostly negative; they could bring people to believe that a perfectly safe and fine situation will actually end in great tragedy. They don’t do this on purpose all the time, though, and unlike Witches, they have more control of that power. It’s not only their way of dealing with fate, it is also what they are naturally inclined to do. The challenge in an Heir of Doom’s life would be not being in control of what is to come.
Heir of Doom is a canon Homestuck God Tier. Mituna Captor is the character that holds that title.
3rd God Tier: Mage of Doom
Mage is the Active Class of knowledge. Mages are known to “understand” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Mage of Doom, specifically, would be aware of everyone’s fates and their own as well. I guess in a non-fantasy world that would be through “connecting the dots” and great observation skills. Mages are the most aware of where they are and of what their Aspect means, so Mages of Doom would be completely accepting of, you know, acceptance itself. In subtle cases they might be realistic people who don’t try to defeat their doom, and in extreme cases they might be people who are completely in peace with the fact that they are going to die. It will depend from Player to Player, but Doom will usually have a connection with suffering. Mages of Doom would be understanding of everyone’s suffering, maybe the perfect empaths. Their mind would never be focused on fixing the inevitable, they only accept it as it is; because if it’s meant to go this way, it’s for a good reason. They don’t go against fate.
I like to believe a Mage of Doom would read this and go “yeah. Guess I’m a Mage of Doom then”.
Mage of Doom is a canon Homestuck God Tier. Sollux Captor is the character that holds that title.
4th God Tier: Seer of Doom
Seer is the Passive Class of knowledge. Seers are known to “study” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Seer of Doom, specifically, would analyse fates and what they might be, what might be hidden behind them, what the reasons for them might be… They are analysts, like every Seer, but of what wouldn’t really appeal to others; of death, suffering, drama, the inevitability of many aspects of life. Seers of Doom would be really interesting people with many interesting hobbies. I can see them, like some of the Time Players, enjoying collecting bones, or rocks that not everyone would notice on the beach. They are probably drawn to endings, and I mean this in the most innocent way. I can connect Doom and Time pretty often, because both overlap when talking about finality; Time for the rush reason and Doom for the fate reason. Does that make sense? Seers of Doom might be really good at understanding how something is going to end, studying situations to figure out motives. What differs them the most from Mages is that they would watch from afar and not feel as intimate with destiny as Mages would.
I don’t know why, but “Mary On A Cross” by Ghost gives me Seer of Doom vibes.
5th God Tier: Thief of Doom
Thief is the Active Class of stealing. Thieves are known to “take” from their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Thief of Doom, specifically, would take advantage of their own ideas of destiny to try to benefit other areas of their life. I see the stealing classes as the most unrelated classes to their Aspects, it is harder for me to figure out who is a Thief or a Rogue, but I can tell that most Thieves are tempted to steal “for themselves”. This has never meant they are self-focused or self-fulfilling, it just means they are less naturally inclined to sacrifice themselves in the name of others. Thieves are usually very comfortable in their Aspects, not ever doubting it, and instead taking every chance they have to perfect it. In a concrete way, a Thief of Doom would, for example, use other’s pessimistic moments to lecture them about it, showing off their certainty in whatever destiny they believe is coming to them. Being comfortable in their Aspect, they would not be affected by suffering as much, they would feel at ease with pessimism. They are confident that if it is the right thing, it’s going to benefit them one day.
6th God Tier: Rogue of Doom
Rogue is the Passive Class of stealing. Rogues are known to “redistribute” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Rogue of Doom, specifically, would be either defined by sweetness or by incapability. Let me explain, Rogue is a Class that is described to be giving, and with this particular Aspect, it could mean sweet but also dangerous things. A Rogue of Doom might be a great listener, giving away their time to empathize with people or make them feel heard at least, but they might also have extreme sides, like (taking the Aspect more literally) leaving their fate in others’ hands or even being killed by them, due to their own incapability to center their Aspects on themselves.But this being said, every God Tier has macabre interpretations that are not great to think about, but this one stood out to me. Being a Rogue of Doom doesn’t guarantee that a person will leave their destiny up to others, but it facilitates it.
7th God Tier: Knight of Doom
Knight is the Active Class of utilizing. Knights are known to “handle” their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Knight of Doom, specifically, would be the biggest stereotype of Doom, pessimistic and used to suffering and being in the middle of the action. “The action”, in the Doom Aspect, can mean death of relatives, for example, and a Knight of Doom might be used to dealing with that. (This characteristic is also present in Knights of Time!) Otherwise, it can mean constantly having to handle and/or explain inevitability to others. Knights might not be the biggest fans of their Aspect, but they will accept it and not even complain that much. This is an interesting fact in Doom too, would they accept… acceptance?
The song “As the World Caves In” reminds me of this God Tier.
8th God Tier: Page of Doom
Page is the Passive Class of utilizing. Pages are known to “rise” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Page of Doom, specifically, would carefully and sometimes accidentally deal with the sensitive topics of suffering, death, finality of all things. It will all naturally come to them, in a way they really have no control or awareness over, and they will accept and accept and just handle everything because that’s the only thing they can do. Differently from Knights, they might feel like they’re useless in relation to the inevitability of change. Their main challenge will be learning how they are balanced in whatever chaos of destiny is happening around them. Pages have the potential of being the strongest Class when they learn the patterns of how they deal and how they should deal with their Aspect. I can see a Page of Doom just feel like they are following and not adding anything to the world, because things always happen without their input so how are they affecting anything? (If there’s any Page of Doom reading this, it’s not true; we are all affecting the world.)
9th God Tier: Maid of Doom
Maid is the Active Class of construction. Maids are known to “create” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Maid of Doom, specifically, would create their own fates! Maids are MADE of their Aspect, Maids of Doom are made of destiny and the ideas of suffering and comformity! Though it is the Active Class of construction, it is also a Class that serves, so it is also important to note that Maids of Doom would do anything to benefit destiny, whatever it might be. They are not the class that knows, they are the class that is.
I find Maids of Doom interesting, because how do you create something that to most others, just comes along on its own? Well, Maids have their technique of building, they will do what it takes until they feel like they are doing their job in a satisfying way. A Maid of Doom might be obsessed with living a perfectly spontaneous life, if that makes sense. They are attending to fate and building themselves from it!
10th God Tier: Sylph of Doom
Sylph is the Passive Class of construction. Sylphs are known to “build” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Sylph of Doom, specifically, would passively work with fate in order to make it easier to deal with, and then build upon it. I can see them as controlling and bossy about the Aspect. To use a random example, I can see them getting angry at someone who gives them advice, because that is not how Doom works. It’s inevitable and unchangeable, and it is the right thing to follow. I always see Sylphs as possessive of their Aspects, like they are the only ones who can take care of it, even if abstractedly. A Sylph of Doom would make their own interpretations of what their doom should be (maybe even macabrely, how their end should be) and will live their lives with those opinions very close to them at night.
11th God Tier: Prince of Doom
Prince is the Active Class of destruction. Princes are known to “wreck” their Aspect and through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Prince of Doom, specifically, would seem pretty edgy. They’d want to be as positive as Life Players, but would fail miserably and fall back into their inevitable pessimism about inevitability. Unhealthy Princes try to escape from their Aspect, and everyone starts unhealthy. They would be constantly worried and angry at their own destiny, and would be awfully aware of it (Mage is the Class of knowledge, but Prince is the one of awareness!) despite their attempts. Destruction can be literal, in this case it might be breaking objects related to fate, like breaking the weapon that is trying to kill you, “biting the hand that feeds you”.
I like to use the song Call Me What You Like by Lovejoy for this God Tier. Especially “I’m not paranoid, I’m a realist; I know you’re gonna kill me”. I also like to say that, while fate is the correct and natural thing to most Classes, to Princes of Doom, it is the wrongest path of all.
12th God Tier: Bard of Doom
Bard is the Passive Class of destruction. Bards are known to “deconstruct” their Aspect or through their Aspect, both literally and figuratively. A Bard of Doom, specifically, would not purposefully ruin fate’s plans, but would definitely cause that ruin. Think of the term “back to black”, and the inevitability of going back to old patterns and to what happens spontaneously. Bards have a hard time accepting their Aspects, and can go through weird and unbelievable phases with it. This particular Bard could have a complicated relationship with the fact that everything ends, and other times that some things are infinite, they might at one time be okay with death and at another lose their minds about it. Regarding fate, they don’t know they’re against it, but everything they do works in favor to annulate it. Like Princes, they might prefer the idea of belonging to the opposite Aspect (Life), being more positive and less complicated and ever-changing.
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aquaticaeronaut · 1 year ago
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Tuna time.
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tavtiers · 7 months ago
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the Heir of Doom: one who passively manipulates caution
sources: x, x, x, x, x, x, x
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giftofclasspects · 1 year ago
doom playlists! below the cut!
maid of doom
page of doom
mage of doom
knight of doom
rogue of doom
sylph of doom
seer of doom
thief of doom
heir of doom
bard of doom
prince of doom
witch of doom
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our-fav-hs-char · 6 months ago
Which is the cooler classpect?
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prism-forgone · 1 year ago
So how long till you drop the Deltarune Classpect expansion featuring the secret bosses? Haha just kidding. Unless... But anyway having not thought about classpects in like half a decade that post was a fun read.
i'm so glad you enjoyed it! ^^ it's nice to know there's a demographic for stuff like that still sksjsjk
the post in question for those out of loop here : x
and now.....
It appears my work is not yet done.
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Jevil // Bard of Breath
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So this is a bit irregular.
Since classpects are not only an allegory for a place in the narrative but also for character growth and progression, it can sometimes be hard to pin down a title of a character who had already gone through their arc. Jevil is someone like that - he's just hanging out. He fights you because it's fun and he's bored and won't you come outside? Let yourself be free?
Jevil screams Bard from miles away and his theme of freedom couldn't be more blatant but the problem I encountered was pinning down which aspect he was ghosting and which was his own. Bards usually experience a psychic break of sorts - we call it a crisis of aspect - that causes them to stop acting aggressively like they're bound to the opposite aspect. But the problem is - I would describe his encounter with 'a strange someone' as something exactly like that. So is he a Bard of Blood that is still in a way ghosting his opposite aspect, destroying the concept of imprisonment by calling being locked up as being truly free? Or is he a Bard of Breath that destroys through Breath by getting himself imprisoned and twisting the definition of freedom?
I decided to go with the latter because not only do I see his encounter with that strange someone being his aspect crisis as non-negotiable, this is not the only clue we have (even if it's the most crucial one). The way Bards operate before their aspect crisis is destroying their aspect through embracing the opposite one. Being a court jester is a very social role that I would say fits someone who is Bloodbound or ghosting the hell out of Blood well. Blood heroes are leaders, confidants and advisors and I think this fits well pre-crisis of Breath. He realized he's not truly free and never will be so he simply smashed his definition of freedom and remade it.
Spamton G. Spamton // Mage of Life (Kind of.)
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So, hear me out. I promise it adds up.
Spamton has clear marks of someone Lifebound. This clingy attitude towards success, recognition and money is a very clear mark of that. Another one is how Life heroes are laughably susceptible to contact or persuasion by some kind of dark forces. His separation from other Addisons to become a big deal on his own has connections to a theme of rebellion, and his subsequent rise to the top of the social ladder is emblematic of the theme of authority, both of which being something that very up Life's alley. ...Also, he can literally heal. There's that.
Mages, as I've discussed in Noelle's case, experience the good and the bad of their aspect and can even experience harm because of it. And the cycle of Life says what rises up must fall down. In fact, I believe that what we're dealing with is Spamton's experience with the one who stopped calling him pulling him to the bottom and straight through, leading to him inverting to being the opposite of his title.
Spamton G. Spamton // ↺ Heir of Doom
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Sometimes characters can experience a switch to the opposite title. That is called an inversion. It won't make sense for those who are reading this just for character deconstruction and have no knowledge of HS but think of how Rose acted like a Witch of Void, the inverse or her Seer of Light title, when she went grimdark. This isn't ghosting - it happens when a character actively rejects not only their aspect but their whole title.
This leaves Spamton acting in a way that is contrary to his nature - something isn't quite right. We get a feeling this isn't how he should operate but something happened and left him like this. For all intents and purposes, the narrative treats him like an Heir of Doom now, bringing about all things that have to do with being Doombound - this means he attracts the worst parts of the narrative, acts bitter and resentful, even fatalistic, is prone to visions of an awful end or unfortunate fate (this one I'm bringing up specifically because of his phone) and has a connection with nihilism and fatalism.
The inverse of his class being an Heir is also significant. Heirs inherit and embody their aspect, and Spamton does this two-fold - he serves as a cautionary tale of what happens when you hit rock bottom after trying to climb too high up, and, after the fight in the basement, becomes an omen to Kris that leaves a significant impact on them.
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thewholecircus369 · 8 months ago
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I classpected Lucas and Claus.
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techtakesoff · 2 years ago
heir of doom analysis?
Tumblr user spyoxin?
The Heir of Doom
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MMMmm Yum Yum.
Heir - passive manipulation class, one who is changed by aspect or inspires change through aspect.
Doom - control over death and destructive energy.
The Heir of Doom is one who is changed by Doom or inspires change through Doom.
The opposite of an Heir of Doom is a Mage of Life.
Heirs of Doom inherit Doom. Oftentimes, Heirs start out with a little bit of their aspect, and lean into it more as they mature/grow up. For an Heir of Doom, this has a bit of a bleak outlook.
To me, I feel like they'd grow up to realise that the world is not as carefree and fun as they thought it was when they were younger. I think that they would experience hard loss, and it would change and shape them as a person. Perhaps they would become cynical and bitter, or maybe they wouldn't.
Point being, I think that the Heir of Doom would be seriously changed by their aspect, and perhaps not in the good way. I feel like they'd turn to some form of quiet escapism to get away from it, but they'd be bogged down by their own self misery because they just don't know how to separate reality from their self-fabricated issues.
The Heir of Doom is someone I see as constantly not having a great time, and that's okay. I believe that they really need someone to talk to. Or just to cry for like 3 hours whatever works.
To me, they seem as though they have a lot of unresolved trauma, even from the start of their life. They seem like the type to turn towards any form of mind consuming content, like scrolling the internet for hours in the dark of their own room.
Heirs are changed by their aspect, and ones of Doom are changed by death, but they are also changed by rules. Perhaps an Heir of Doom finds more sanctuary in their life once they have a set of rules that they can follow that they make up. Maybe something organised helps them out.
Doom is about rules and death, and part of what I think would make their life better is accepting that while these rules and looming inevitability are unavoidable, that doesn't mean that you can't make the most of them.
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asyathefoileater · 1 year ago
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just a random heir of doom or something idk
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starlit1daydream · 2 months ago
isolated thoughts!
walter white is a prince of light
jesse pinkman is an heir of doom
jimmy mcgill/saul goodman is a bard of blood
and gustavo fring is a witch of mind
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random-classpect-ideas · 1 year ago
Concept: an heir of doom who has been getting really into Pikmin lately.
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fraymotifsbeyond · 1 year ago
dunno if this specific duo has been asked yet but
heir of doom + bard of doom fraymotifs pls?
Pretty sure this the first same-aspect Fraymotif. But also, don't be afraid to ask for a fraymotif with a group that already given one to, as there could be multiple fraymotifs for the same classpect group. Anyway with that aside...
Heir/Doom & Bard/Doom Systematic Breakdown Aura
The Heir & Bard Combine their doom power to create a massive aura around them that follows them. This aura's size is proportional to the duo's power, reaching planetary sizes when both Doom player are god tiers. This aura has several effects: 1. The Rules Of Sburb Do not apply inside that aura. Anything is fair game, so long it doesn't effect things outside of that aura. 2. Any object/or person that tries to attack either members will be ejected out of the aura And gain a random "Decay Dare" Effect That Forces Destruction, Like "Kill your denizen" or "Destroy your planet" (retrying to attack will causing another Decay Dare effect to stack)
"Decay Dare" Effect - When effected, the target is forced to do a certain dare under a certain time limit. as time progresses, the effected decays with disease. When the timer hits zero, you're dead, not just dead but DOUBLE, NO GHOST, DEAD. In addition, the effects of the Decay Dare don't vanish naturally when the Dare is complete, requiring healing to vanish those post-effects.
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brainless-but-thats-all · 2 years ago
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Doom :)
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tavtiers · 9 months ago
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A hypothetical god tier for Killer Croc from Batman: the Heir of Doom.
An Heir of Doom is among those who explore energy to influence. They are motivated by others to manipulate caution. (x) The Heir of Doom struggles with restraint, gets caught up easily, and hates confrontation. (x) They are the Child Defender, defined by uninhibited caution. (x) Their opposite is the Witch of Life. Their inverse is the Mage of Life. They share their personality with the Knight of Life. The Heir of Doom would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Shade and Doom, reigned over by Hades (God of the Underworld) or Persephone (Dual Goddess of Spring Growth and Decay). They would rise to ascension on the wings of locusts. (x)(x)(x)
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