#this is just me saying words in the semblance of a concept
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I have so very much to catch up on, my sincerest apologies, seriously— there's been mental madness going on behind the scenes, including this weekend. Please, let December be the month where normality starts and stays.
And on a more IC note, I often talk about solitude and isolation (and its origins in a very specific kind of loneliness) that is chosen and accepted, but I don't know if I ever talk about what that looks like exactly, and why, quite frankly, it's a little... for lack of a better word, concerning. Do me a favor, if you're in Genshin, turn your clock to nighttime, then go out into any of the cities, villages, camps, footholds and look up, no matter the nation you're in. How many characters are able to do that, and see a night sky that is nothing but void of any and all bounds and limitations? How many of them see that endless array of stars that illuminate it, and how many feel the cool fresh air that tickles their skin? For many, they can leave the four walls that house them, and experience that sight and sensation, because all of us to an extent, crave that. And honestly, so can Yelan— but she also, if not more often so, chooses to see something else. And the unusual concept of choosing that, is a driving force to my decisions for her and why I deem them so incredibly important: it's about the state of mind, it's about the mental that drives her.
On many days and nights especially, this is what she sees, and this is only if she doesn't descend further into the Chasm (which we know that she does), closer to the Abyss and to the Celestial nail itself that rests at its heart. And yes, it is beautiful in its own way, a pathway illuminated by the light of the moon and the nail, but it's also a cruel reminder of just how far the surface, and humans that live there (that she is by all accounts a part of, of course), are. But then, when she returns her gaze to the ground, her surroundings are void of light and dare I say, void of hope. The Chasm isn't just one of the places where you can get the closest to the Abyss, but it also consists of ruins of more than just one civilization. We see glimpses of Khaenri'ah (which we explore more closely through Dain's quest), but we know there is 'fauna' down there, even deeper, that is referenced as belonging to an even more ancient civilization that predated it. The Chasm is surrounded by reminders of death, ruin, and in that, it feels as if it's the direct foil of the world above it. The Chasm was almost the end of Liyue five-hundred years ago during the fall of Khaenri'ah, just as it had, apparently, once been to a civilization before it (please remember, the impact of the meteorite/fallen star that created the Chasm occurred roughly 6000 years ago), and its creatures wouldn't have stopped at its borders. The Chasm is the engulfing darkness in direct opposition to the light of life overhead, and the hope that humanity holds in the palms of its hands. It's dark, it's grim, and it's cold in more ways than one (See one, two, three, four).
And this place is a choice that Yelan makes to venture to and stay in, yes, yet calling it a choice is where it gets so interesting. Once upon a time, long before she got her vision, she was part of a team that surveyed the surroundings of the Chasm, and like many others before them that have descended into it, all members of this team, excluding her, died. The circumstances aren't clear, but following Yelan's line to Ning, I'm lead to believe that the Chasm's surroundings, which are all rather clearly threats to non-vision holders in specific (which Yelan also was at the time), were directly responsible for their demise. I'll note my hypothesis on what could have happened to them in a different post in the future, as I don't want to go far off-topic, but despite having likely witnessed what occurred to them, seeing the ruins of the Chasm, the threat of the Abyss and barely understanding what the Abyss even is, she continues to venture down there because the possibility of what could happen to the people of Liyue, is more important than her own existence and/or survival. And this bears even more weight following the events of Perilous Trail part 2, where she witnessed just how much the Chasm is capable of. Is this walking engima of a woman also drawn to equal or greater mystery than herself, much like a moth to a flame? I think that's part of it, but I definitely think it's infinitely more multi-layered.
Mostly, I think that this plays into the heart of what Fontaine has shown us that 'hydro' seems to represent: it's not merely a sense of responsibility (and/or justice) or selflessness, but a semblance of self-sacrifice either during the duration of one's life or at its end, either literally or figuratively. But keeping that in mind, what I really want to shine a spotlight on, is what kind of self-sacrifice seems to be the case with Yelan, and the way in which she seems to not just be at peace with it, but has truly accepted it almost as something akin to normality. And more importantly, note how this isn't normal behavior. An acceptance of solitude in such depressing surroundings is incredibly saddening, because it's not something that we ever crave by any means or should ever come to crave. Any regular individual, even most vision-holders surely, would find what she does insane to some extent. And yet, she walks the depths of the Chasm, of all places, with a similar routine as a Millelith guard patrols the outskirts of the harbor. Regardless of her clear reason for it— god, I have difficulty explaining what I'm trying to say; how does someone get to a point where they no longer do something so depressing out of necessity, but because it's... normal? That's her. The Chasm isn't... as eerie to her as it is to others, even if she knows better than most what these surroundings are; the Chasm it isn't as dangerous, even if she knows that it is and it's why she's there in the first place, to her as it is to others. Perhaps it's simply an acceptance that regardless of its dangers, that her fate lies in those depths as it did for her ancestors, that the Chasm's ruins will include her own legacy one day. But again, how does one come to terms with that? How do you come to make the decision that you will sacrifice yourself for others, especially when it means resigning yourself to a place like the Chasm, a place that is home to a pathway to the Abyss, which inherently holds the power to drive mortals to madness and death. Many wouldn't do this, or rather, many couldn't do this, not until they had no other choice and even then, think of Boyang, and even Bosacius, granted the latter had lost his mind by then. And that's where I think she's unique, because she technically has a choice, unlike individuals like Xiao whose... direct 'responsibility' and contract it is to do what he does. She could walk away tomorrow if she willed it, but she doesn't. Yes, responsibility plays into it, but the Chasm really hits differently when you tie it into that.
Now, I do need to note that I firmly stand against any believe that she a death wish or is thoroughly depressed. She isn't going down there over and over because she seeks an end to her life in some way or because she believes her life to be worthless. Quite the contrary, actually, and one could argue that the reasoning for that lies with her survivor's guilt. But all in all, before I get sidetracked again: Yelan embraces solitude to a rather extreme extent, and yet she doesn't seem to harbor a dissociation from the rest of humanity or dislike of it, but she does seem to place a firm line between non-allogenes and herself (and others who hold a vision). But what I mean with embracing solitude, is that while she is social, and she understands the laws and diplomacy of social behavior, she isn't one to always engage in it, simply because many don't seem to quite... share her headspace.
#[ meta. ] the chances are if i open this door; there can be no witnesses left alive. is that a sufficient reason for you?#[ honestly this is the biggest mess; but i've wanted to touch on this for a while even while this is a mess. ]#[ it's just the concept of-- there's a difference between dynamics where this on surface-level doesn't matter so much. ]#[ but it does explain the differences beween /some/ dynamics and most. xiao and yelan is one of them-- ]#[ but with xiao there's arguably the concept of karmic debt and how dangerous it is to non-allogenes. ]#[ and this sense of solitude is inherently ingrained in him in vastly different ways. but there /are/ some similarities. ]#[ but all in all-- this for example also plays into why i can only ship yelan at present with wriothesley. ]#[ and it's mostly because of the way his life seems to have led him to make a similar decision of likely staying in the meropide... ]#[ for the rest of his life. that's a specific type of decision to make that i think many couldn't make as easily. ]#[ not saying he made it as easily-- but it's this concept of... i think the only ones who really would understand are the ones... ]#[ who are able to make a similar decision or have already. i don't think every characer's 'loneliness' should be supplemented... ]#[ or 'fixed' by another's or someone who's the opposite. it needs to hit right; it needs to click just right for me. ]#[ and this one does. ]#[ it's the similarities with /just/ enough differences that you create a balance in which there's a semblance of peace. ]#[ but a peace that isn't constant. ]#[ i don't know how to word-- i just. 😭 one day you guys will get a proper meta from me on this. ]
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Visions of a Life
Old Man!Logan x AFAB!reader (no pronouns/gendered language).
Explicit content (18+)
Word count: 5.7k
Tags/warnings: age-gap due to logan’s mutation (reader’s age not specified), established relationship, mutant!reader, not canon-compliant, fluff, domesticity, explicit language, dry humping, brief unprotected sex, angst (and i’m not joking), soft!logan, groping, a few uses of “baby”, mentions & allusions to death (no one dies tho), descriptions of blood (kindly let me know if anything was missed!).
Summary: What does an animal do when he’s sick? He goes away to die.
Notes: this was supposed to take a different route, but it just didn’t feel right as i went along…forgive me for being a bit of a LIAR 🙃
The dry Texas heat faded with each kilometre you travelled. The desert slowly turned into rangelands, and the rangelands eventually became the frozen, snow-covered ground of Alberta.
The trip was only a couple days, and the stark change in weather almost made your bones nearly seize and shatter when you stepped out of the truck and were met with the sharp winter wind.
The cold definitely made Logan’s bones ache more than they already do.
Not even his red flannel and jean jacket can offset the negative temperature in the slightest.
“Hm…wow. Cute,” you say in succession, taking a few slow steps toward the quaint cabin.
It’s all dark, smooth wood that stands out amongst the bare, white birch trees and blue spruces that are covered in a light dusting of this morning’s snow.
The second thing you notice is the quiet.
It’s so quiet. No neighbours, no highways—just silence, and the slight rustling of the wind through the tree branches.
You’re deep in the bush, a spot near the south-west border that gives a partial view of the Rockies.
“Grab your bag,” Logan says as he shuts his door, the sound cutting violently through the still air.
It’s almost eerily quiet. No chirping birds, no chittering squirrels, no howling wolves in the distance. Just you and Logan. Isolated.
It’s everything he’s been yearning for since living in Mexico and spending more than enough time working in El Paso.
It’s what he’s been missing desperately ever since living down south—Alberta—his real home. Yet it’s a place that holds no significance to you.
“Yes, sir,” you remark with a lazy, mocking salute of your hand, smirking at how Logan glares at you harmlessly as he walks by you to the cabin.
Logan decided it’s time. Time to come back. Time to be realistic about your future, or lack of, together.
He decided that he’s done fighting himself, and that there’s nothing left for either of you in Mexico even if it’s all you’ve come to know.
He refused to let himself die in the desert and leave you with nothing but sand. There was no comfort there. No semblance of a promise.
The light snow crunches under your steps back to the truck, your breath swirling in small clouds around you. You yank your bag out from the backseat and slam the door as Logan did, hearing the sound echo into the wind before dissipating into nothing.
If you focused heard enough, you could probably hear your heartbeat. That’s how silent it is.
“Creepy,” you mumble to yourself as you follow the imprints of Logan’s footsteps back to the cabin.
You go up the few rickety stairs, stomping your shoes clean on the equally rickety deck, and open the squeaky door.
It’s definitely not a space that’s meant for more than two people.
It’s one level, open concept, and surely not heated by a furnace. The living room is directly to the left—you’re basically already standing in it—and a small kitchen is off to the right. The single bedroom straight ahead is the only room besides the bathroom that’s hidden behind walls and a door.
And that’s it. Simple. Efficient. No walls, no doors, save for the bedroom and bathroom. It’s surprisingly intimate.
“Please tell me there’s heat,” you lament, watching Logan dust off the few surfaces of fixtures and furniture as you toe off your wet shoes.
Logan gives you a look. “There’s a fireplace.” He gestures to the barren, ash-filled pit that sits at the bottom of the chimney in the corner of the room.
Above it, a mantle with a little T.V. “Cable?” You wonder aloud. This place is already more luxurious than what you had in Mexico, but at least in Mexico you didn’t have to worry about freezing to death in your sleep.
Logan limps along to the bedroom with his bag. “Satellite.”
You suck your tongue against your teeth, following Logan to the bedroom. When you step through the doorway, you almost cackle.
“Oh for fucks sake. We are never gonna fucking fit on that, Logan. Oh my God,” you moan in disbelief at the size of the bed. “You’re probably not even gonna fit on it.” Your voice pitches a little in exasperation.
The mattress was maybe a twin. Maybe. It’s propped up on a thin metal frame that creaks and groans as you experimentally lean forward on your hands and bear some weight on it.
“I do.” He tosses both your bags on the outdated armchair in the corner of the room.
Your entire lives are in those bags. You only brought what you needed and what could fit. There wasn’t much to bring along from Mexico besides clothes and the necessary toiletries anyway. Anything else can be found and replaced back in town if needed.
He steps back to the bed next to you. “Relax. There’s always the couch,” he points out. “We don’t have to sleep together.”
You have never slept apart—he knows that—and that’s definitely not going to start now. This time is precious.
You briefly recall the worn couch sitting in the middle of the living room in front of the fireplace: it’s a brown and red plaid pattern, probably from the 80s, and four cushions long.
This cabin was stuck in time just as much as Logan likes to say he is.
“Help me grab some wood to get a fire going,” he says, giving the top of your head a chaste kiss. “It’s supposed to snow again tonight.” He slips past you out the doorway, the warm, lingering touch of his hand on your shoulder sends a shiver through your body.
You saw a decent stack of pre-cut logs piled in the other corner of the living room when you came in, and you wonder who’s been taking care of things here while Logan’s been down south.
The wood looked fresh, but the dust on the coffee table and window ledges suggests no one’s been here for months.
You figure that dust is the least of Logan’s worries right now.
The fire crackles and pops softly, the bright light from the T.V. illuminating the dark room as you comfortably watch the Flames game horizontally—on Logan—from the outdated couch.
The warmth from the flickering orange blaze in the chimney blankets you both, almost trying to melt you together like wax.
Logan lies on his back, legs spread to accommodate your body as you lay stomach-to-stomach, using his chest as a pillow while he uses the well-worn armrest as his.
It’s the middle of the second period and the game is tied 2-2. You can feel yourself drifting in and out of sleep even though the analog bird clock hung next to the T.V. shows it’s barely 11 p.m.
You know Logan isn’t asleep because he’s tracing a finger slowly up and down your spine. That’s what’s putting you to sleep, but the obnoxious ads pull you back into consciousness when the game cuts to commercial each time.
Despite the volume of the T.V., you can still hear the rattling in Logan’s lungs with each breath he takes.
The ear that’s pressed against his chest picks it up easily; it’s otherwise undetectable if you aren’t right up against him.
You don’t want to forget that this isn’t, in fact, a fun little vacation that you’ll both return to Mexico from. This is where Logan will spend the rest of his days with you. There is no going back to Mexico, no future anywhere but here within these walls.
Logan will die here. Like he wants to—at home, with you, surrounded by snow.
“Are you tired?” You say quietly. Your eyes aren’t even open as you ask.
A small chuckle makes your head vibrate. “I’m always tired,” he rasps, his voice rumbling deeply in his chest against your ear.
“Want me to put you to sleep?” You offer, thumbing the material of his flannel, eyes still closed.
He shifts, adjusting his neck. “No. I’m fine,” he explains, and you’re curious to see if he will fall asleep as easy as you can make him.
All it takes is a touch of a finger and a whispered command for him to slip into near unbreakable unconsciousness that lasts throughout the night.
You hum. “If you need it, just wake me if I’m asleep,” you reassure.
Almost every night in Mexico you’d knock him out cold, only you didn’t have to use a punch to do so. The press of your finger against his temple was enough. If he was in better health maybe it would take a bit more concentration and demanding, but it’s quick, nearly effortless.
Somnous is all you need to say—sleep. And his body can’t resist the surge of the pseudo-sedative that comes from within you.
A chill that you’ve never felt before wakes you. It’s one that can only come with negative temperatures seeping back into the cabin.
Your body tenses and you peel your eyes open. The faint glow of red coals pulsing in front of you quickly tells you that no one made it off the couch last night, that no one slept on that sad excuse of a bed in the next room.
You and Logan are right where you left each other.
Logan breathes steadily under you, that rattling in his lungs still present even in sleep. It never wavers. It will never go away.
You try to carefully peel yourself off of him, stifling a groan as your limbs stretch and twist for the first time in hours. The tightness in your shoulders makes you clench your teeth.
A few pops and cracks release from your joints, and then you’re free from Logan’s warmth. From the looks of it, he seems comfortable, but you know he’s going to complain about his back and neck as soon as he wakes up.
Thankfully, you’ll help him with that, just like his sleep. Just like you do with everything else.
Remedium, you’ll mutter as your fingers trace along his temple. Relief.
You can fix the superficial—a sore neck, a headache—but you can’t fix something that’s as embedded and chronic as what’s killing him.
You’re the cure. The cure for everything except whatever is festering inside him. He says it’s the adamantium, that it’s poisoning him, but you can’t say for sure.
The early morning sun, all pinks and oranges, shines brightly through the large windows around the cabin. Then you see the snow falling.
You tip-toe to the window across from the couch. It’s been snowing since 3 a.m., but you weren’t awake to see it start.
Thick, fluffy snowflakes wisp around in the light wind and you lean closer to the window to get a better look at the scene outside.
You arrived late in the afternoon yesterday, missing the morning snow that blanketed the ground and decorated the trees.
Logan’s seen many winters come and go, and you’ll see just as many after he’s gone. Well, maybe not as many.
A deep groan fills your ears. “Ah—fuck,” Logan growls, pulling himself to sit up from the couch.
You skip excitedly over to him, bending down to cradle his head in your hands and press your thumbs against each temple, your lips meeting the top of his head in a brief kiss.
“Remedium,” you whisper into his hair, and he makes a satisfied sound in response as his body adjusts and fixes itself.
You move down to kiss his forehead, ruffling a hand through his bushy grey hair before pulling away and going back to the window to watch the snow spiral and churn in random shapes and patterns.
A grumbled “thanks” is heard over your footsteps. He’s probably not even fully awake yet.
“Look at the snow. Look,” you say in awe when you hear him shuffling along the creaky floor behind you.
It doesn’t look like anything special to Logan. He’s seen every type of snow, every type of storm Alberta has to throw his way; however, this may be the most mundane snowfall he’s seen that he can remember.
“What about it?” He says. He doesn’t know what’s got you so excitable.
You look at him over your shoulder. “I’ve never seen a snowfall before,” you explain. “The snowflakes are so fat,” you chuckle as he comes to rest a hand on your lower back, peeking through the window over your shoulder at the snow dancing in the wind.
“Mhm, it’s nice.” He still doesn’t get it. “Go get ready. There’s more wood coming in a bit,” he dismisses with a gentle kiss to your cheek, dense beard poking into the plush skin.
He goes to the bedroom. You should follow, but you keep watching the snow.
In the moment, you don’t realize that while this is your first snowfall, it’s probably Logan’s last.
The man who brings the firewood is also the one who’s been “looking after” the cabin for Logan.
They’ve known each other for years, decades, and the man has been doing monthly check-in’s despite Logan not even being in the country.
Logan muttered something about cage fighting, explaining how he knows the man and the bar he owns in town.
You make a face, one filled with curiosity and confusion. “Cage fighting?”
“It was a long time ago,” he defends, tossing the last logs onto the now vast pile in the living room. You now understand why the room is as big as it is.
“Still keeping secrets, huh?” You joke, wiping your hands on your sweater.
A new fire burns strong in the chimney, preparing the cabin for the wind storm that’s meant to hit in a few hours.
“It’s not important.” Logan unbuttons his flannel—today it’s a dark red one; truly Canadian—and strips to his white tank-top underneath.
It’s almost jarring to see him in anything other than a white dress shirt and blazer.
He throws the flannel on the back of the couch, overheated from the fire and throwing logs. A vicious cough catches in his throat for an exhale or two before it finds its way out.
“You okay?” You ask calmly, walking up to him and rubbing a hand up and down his bicep. His skin clammy and damp from sweat.
“I’m fine.” Another aggressive cough. “I’m fine,” he emphasizes, mostly to reassure himself.
You both know he’s not okay. That’s why you’re here, after all. But you can’t stop yourself from asking.
The wind storm knocked out the power.
The raging fire will probably be your only source of light for the rest of the night and into the morning.
So, without power, there’s not much to do. But, you and Logan sit on the floor with him resting against the front of the couch. You sit between his legs, feeling the heat of him on your back while you watch his arms reach over and around you to set various sized coins on the coffee table to entertain—and educate, as he would say—you.
“That one’s so big,” you point out, reaching for the gold coin.
Logan wants to make a joke so badly, but he settles for a small smile at what little he can see of your perplexed expression from the side, resting his chin on your shoulder every couple minutes and occasionally pressing little kisses to your neck and jaw just to remind himself you’re actually here.
You pick up the gold coin and turn it over in between your fingers, watching it shine in the firelight.
The bird on the face of the coin is unfamiliar, and it’s dated “2000” on the back below the Queen’s face.
“It’s a loon,” Logan clarifies. “One dollar.”
“It’s pretty.”
“We call it a ‘loonie’,” he explains, “and this is a toonie.” He picks up the other large coin, one that’s silver with a gold center.
You take it from him. “A polar bear?” You observe the face of the coin. “There’s polar bears in Canada?” You turn your attention to him, nose almost grazing his.
“You…didn’t know that?”
“Why would I know that?”
Logan chuckles, snaking an arm around your waist. “Well. It’s where most of the population lives,” he defends, his hazel eyes almost looking as confused as yours.
“Good to know,” you mutter, placing the coin back on the table.
He shakes his head. “Quarter, nickel, penny, dime.” Logan identifies the rest of the coins for you, pointing to each from biggest to smallest.
“The dimes are cute.” You push the thin, silver coin around on the table.
His tattered wallet sits on the corner by your arm, and something peeks out from the bill slot that you paid no mind to before.
“You have Canadian bills?” You ask as you pinch the thing between your thumb and forefinger, snatching it before he could answer or stop you.
You unfold the worn thing with ease, holding it with both hands and expecting to see a historic figure or a bold number printed somewhere, but there’s neither.
The paper is a little thicker than a bank note yet it’s almost the same size, but it has Logan with a young girl plastered on it in black and white.
An old photo, folded up and kept in his wallet as a reminder of something, or someone.
“Who’s that?” You question, analyzing the picture with a seizing heart.
Logan doesn’t answer right away, but he doesn’t move to take the picture from your hands.
It’s him, decades younger, giving the young girl a piggyback. An uncharacteristic smile on his face that you’ve never seen before while the girl peeks her head out beside his for the photo.
“Marie. She was a kid I, uh, helped, I guess.” The deep timbre of his voice is enough to tell you that he’s suddenly forlorn. “One of Charles’ students.”
“You’re so…young,” you consider quietly, eyes filling with adoration and fondness at the boyish Wolverine in your hand.
You never knew what Logan looked like in his younger years, and it never occurred to you to be curious about that. You’ve grown so used to your Logan that nothing before all this mattered much to you.
Still, there was someone else who got to experience the younger, more spirited version of Logan that only exists in pictures now, and you long to have been that lucky someone just to be able to have had more time with him.
But this is your Logan; scarred, aching, dying. This Logan was meant to be yours.
The Logan that stares at you from the wrinkled picture is barely recognizable against the one behind you, yet he’s still somehow the same. It’s like seeing a ghost after saying you don’t believe in them: you don’t really know how to explain it.
“And your hair is…” You squint at the photo, as if that will help you to find the right word to describe the quaffed points peaking from his head.
“Fucking ridiculous?” He finishes.
You laugh. “Well, I was maybe gonna say majestic. Or even sublime,” you correct.
The photo is creased along the edges and down the middle from being continuously opened and refolded, and you wonder how old it is—if it’s older than you.
“Yeah, well, that was a long time ago,” he exhales, stealing the photo from your fingers and folding it back up, making sure to bury it completely back in the wallet this time.
“Where is she now?” You know you shouldn’t ask but the curiosity is clawing at you. What you know of Logan’s past is extremely limited, but there’s a reason for that. You’re hoping he can at least give you this.
Logan’s shoulders grow taut. He debates lying, but he doesn’t. “Dead.”
No answer.
“Logan,” you say more firmly.
No answer.
“James,” you throw at him, watching his head quirk to meet your voice.
“What?” He barks, quickly averting his attention back to whatever holds his attention in his lap.
You hesitate in the bedroom doorway, afraid of what you might see if you take another step, but you already know what it’s going to be. It was only a matter of time before Logan fell back into himself.
Logan sits on the creaky, old bed with his back to you, a tremble in his shoulders that no one else besides you would notice. He hates that you notice.
You lightly tiptoe around the bed and drop into a squat between his legs, resting a hand on his knee.
Three adamantium claws occupy the space between you, blood slowly dripping from his knuckles and staining the wood floor. His eyes stay on the claws, but you keep your gaze on his face anyway.
His fist shakes, either from the pain of pulling his claws out or the atrophying muscles.
“There’s no reason to keep doing that…that’s not what we came here for,” you gently scold, watching him take a shaky breath while you try to control your own.
You came here to escape the pain, even if you’ll inevitably face something far worse down the road.
He does this when he feels helpless. You don’t know what it achieves, but he seems to believe it does something other than marring his skin even more and making his forearm burn with white-hot pain from metal sliding against his aged tendons and ligaments.
“Put them away. Please,” you encourage, squeezing his knee comfortingly.
Logan closes his eyes. He doesn’t nod or say anything as the claws retract back into his skin, albeit at a snails pace. You worry that one day they’ll just get stuck in or out forever.
You can’t influence his body to physically repair itself or heal faster—you can only provide a barrier to the pain while it subsides on its own.
You stand, hand reaching for his temple to whisper the magic word like always, but Logan’s bloodied fingers wrap around your wrist.
His eyes finally meet yours. “No. Leave it,” he dismisses, sliding his hand up into yours and smearing the warm blood between your joined palms and linked fingers.
It’s futile to argue against him, so you let him have this; the pain he hasn’t been able to shake for years, the pain you can’t entirely stifle and fade, the pain he would never wish upon anyone, the pain he will only escape in death.
“I can let you go,” you cry softly.
He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, letting his lips linger when he feels your hot tears fall against his bare chest one after the other.
It’s one of those mornings—where everything just hits you out of nowhere. One of those times where reality has set in.
Logan doesn’t say anything because he knows there’s nothing he can say to comfort you. He will die. And nothing can change that.
You lie on him, your cheek to the middle of his chest, unable to stop the silent, persistent tears.
The rickety bed, in fact, holds both of you, and a soft cotton blanket does little to save you from the frigid morning air that has snuck into the cabin yet again.
“I can’t do it,” you whimper quietly, shaking your head against him. “I can’t.”
He wraps both arms around you tightly, squeezing around your shoulders so snuggly that your lips form one of those sad, downturned smiles you make when you’re overwhelmed—happy or sad.
“We don’t really have a choice, baby,” he mutters against your head.
A gentle finger traces along the textured, angry scars over his bicep. There’s one that’s older, almost entirely white from the trauma to the skin. A small, round one sits directly above it—most likely from a bullet—and you know it’s more recent from how raised and pink it is.
It feels wrong to have Logan comforting you over his death when it’s him who will be the one dying, but he hasn’t shown any panic or sadness over it.
He’s ready to die. For some reason, that hurts you more.
Maybe he will make it long enough to see the first flowers of spring; those that are strong enough to brave the Canadian frost.
Maybe, somehow, he will get better. Heal himself from the inside out.
Maybe he won’t end up buried underneath the birch trees.
You both barely left the bed today.
You let each other mourn, and Logan didn’t protest. He let you take the time to process what you were feeling. It felt good for him, too.
He reluctantly had to get out of bed to stoke the fire a few times, and now he’s gone to do so again before you call it a night. An early night. You’re worn out. From crying, from feeling, from everything.
The wind has picked up again, howling and whipping harshly against the cabin. It’s supposed to snow in a few hours, but you don’t feel excited for it like you did a few days ago.
“That should burn all night,” Logan says as he comes back in the room.
You shuffle over on the bed for him. You don’t really fit, but you make it work by half-lying on each other. Either your upper body lays on his chest or his upper body has you almost tucked underneath him while he spoons you.
“Thank you,” you murmur with your eyes already closed, ready to forget about today.
The bed frame groans as Logan shuffles in beside you, slipping an arm around your midsection to pull you to tight against him.
Despite the cold, and the fact that you both should definitely be wearing fleece pyjamas or something, you’re both almost entirely bare. It’s just habit. You usually opt to wear one of his tank tops while he just keeps his briefs. It’s familiar. It’s comforting. The skin-to-skin reminds you both that you’re real.
Tonight, however, you chose his white t-shirt. As if that will do you any better. Logan runs fairly hot on his own, so you ultimately trust him to keep you warm either way.
He nestles into you, curling his body around yours. He slots a leg between your own and situates you so that your ass is pressed against his front. You know it doesn’t mean what you think it does, but you can’t help yourself from jokingly wiggling back and forth against him a few times just for fun—just to lighten the solemn mood.
Logan kisses your shoulder, the hand around your midsection squeezing the flesh of your stomach through the shirt affectionately while pushing you tighter against him.
“Yeah, yeah. Get some sleep,” he dismisses. He knows you’re just fucking with him.
You giggle quietly, interlacing your fingers with the ones he has against your stomach and turning to look over your shoulder at him. “Love you.”
His face softens. “Love you.”
You pucker your lips dramatically. He gives you an eager kiss, placing small pecks gently down along your cheek and jaw when you break away to smile.
Logan will never deny you of his attention when you ask for it.
Something pushes you out of a heavy sleep. You figure it was maybe the wind or a dream, but you feel it again. Something literally pushes you.
You blink a few times, trying to wake yourself up. Logan’s arm is still thrown around you, but it’s now fallen down over your hip. The weight of it keeps you in place.
Another push.
Logan’s hips shove against your ass. You furrow your brows.
You know he’s sleeping without needing to look or ask, so what the fuck is he doing—
A more delicate thrust rolls against you this time, then you realize. “Oh, Jesus Christ,” you sigh.
“Logan.” You poke his thigh. No response.
“Logan,” you growl, reaching back and pushing a hand against his firm stomach to shake him a bit.
A series of grunts and groans are his response. He pulls back from you a little, hand tightening against your hip.
“Mm. What?” He mumbles, eyes still closed.
“Stop trying to fuck me in your sleep,” you hiss through a breath, repositioning yourself against him.
“I’m not,” he says, nuzzling up to your back and ass again, half-asleep.
You roll your eyes even though he can’t see it. “Yes, you are,” you counter.
It’s probably just some sex dream that got him a little too excited. The thought makes you smile.
It has, in fact, been longer than usual since you’ve fucked, the last time being in the truck when you pulled over at a rest stop in Montana, and you wonder if he’s starting to feel the effects of that.
By the time you reached Montana, you were both antsy and restless. The days, and even nights, were naturally spent just sitting in the truck for hours on end with nothing to do—no way to stimulate or tire your bodies.
The final night in the state was the breaking point. You had unburned, pent-up energy and cramping muscles that needed to be worn out if you wanted to survive the last day on the road before you got to the border.
So you pulled over and fucked in the passenger seat.
Logan let you bounce on his cock until the lactic acid in your thighs made you cry out in pain and you physically couldn’t ride him anymore.
He made you drag it out—for both of your sakes. He wanted your hearts to pump hard and your lungs to sting with each inhale. He wanted your bodies to be fucked into a state of relaxation afterwards.
So, he didn’t help you ride him like he usually does. He didn’t help guide you by your hips up and down his cock. He let you do it all by yourself while he licked and sucked over your collarbones and teased your clit with his fingers.
You both came hard, laughing at the fogged-up windows while cleaning yourselves up with those rough, brown napkins everyone has in their glove compartment for some reason.
Then you continued on, satisfied.
All of this has kind of thrown off your sense of normality. Sex went with that. It’s hard to be horny when you’re sad all the time.
You suppose you don’t need to wonder if he’s feeling the effects of no sex because you’re feeling them for him; his hard cock rests in his briefs against your ass, and you debate doing something you know you’re gonna do anyway.
Just like earlier, you circle your ass over him lightly, hopefully just enough for some payback for waking you up. You assume he’ll tell you to knock it off.
“Baby,” he mutters against the back of your neck tiredly, and you can tell he’s in need of a release.
You smirk. “Hm?” You rub harder over him.
He subtly joins in with your movements, rocking in time with you. His cock feels warm and heavy against your ass.
“Good dream?” You ask, a smile evident in your voice.
Logan grabs at the meat of your thigh, measuring his thrusts. “It’s…been a while,” he deflects, but you know that just means he’s in need of an orgasm.
“I know. I’m sorry,” you apologize, swallowing a gasp as he ruts harder.
“Not your fault,” he breathes, too preoccupied with kissing your neck softly. His beard tickles you, grazing against the slope of your neck with each kiss he drags over it.
His broad, warm chest keeps you from drifting off too far. Your cunt pulses and aches from the tease of his cock, undoubtedly soaking your underwear as he rubs along the space that’s just shy of your cunt. This is somehow more erotic than if he was actually fucking himself over your pussy between your thighs.
The bed creaks with his shifting weight, filling the silence in the room as the wind still beats against the cabin.
It’s never mindless, chaotic sex with Logan. Technically, this isn’t even sex.
He always gave you an appropriate fucking. Not too much, not too little. It was always just exactly what you both needed at the time of doing it. This feels no different.
You can feel your underwear sticking to you—it no longer slides with his desperate movements. You’d be content with finishing whatever way Logan wants. These days, you take what you can get.
“Too tired.” For sex, he means. “Just wanna feel you.” He caresses his hand along your thigh appreciatively.
You grab his wandering hand. “That’s okay,” you soothe.
His hips have slowed to a gentle rock, intent on taking a bit of the edge off without wanting to fully commit to chasing an orgasm and needing a clean-up.
Logan isn’t really one to drop everything for sex. Maybe he was like that at some point, but that’s not who he is now.
He’ll gladly blue-ball himself for some sleep. He knows you’re not going anywhere.
You let him feel you up for a bit, and his movements stop altogether after a few gropes to your chest and thighs—purposefully avoiding anything directly below your bellybutton.
He rests behind you tightly, pelvis somehow closer than before. You still throb a little, but the warmth from Logan gradually pulls you back to a state of exhaustion.
It’s never been lost on you that you are the only one to have experienced a full, complete relationship with Logan.
You didn’t die, or get killed. You didn’t leave him or grow old. You are the only one to have this moment. The seemingly immortal Wolverine has someone at the end of his life when he thought he never would.
He never expected to be the one to go first. It was always the other way around. That’s how it was always supposed to be.
Yet, there is a spot slowly thawing for him underneath the white birch trees.
here’s the photo reader pulled out of logan’s wallet <3
#wow what a cozy winter fic!!! right gang!!!!#logan howlett x reader#wolverine x reader#logan howlett smut#wolverine smut#logan howlett x you#xmen x reader#xmen smut#old man logan x reader#old man logan smut#logan howlett fanfiction#marvel smut#hugh jackman x reader
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im so insane about like. the spectre and the princess and the dragon and the wild and the fury (unwound) and the empty chain next to the princess and like. the entire concept of "what once was one, then was two, then one again" and what it means for the two halves who can never truly be whole again.
the princess is so lonely and we see time and time again all she wants is compassion and companionship. to understand and be understood in kind. you are the only other person she knows. she doesnt want to be your enemy. and yes above all that she desires freedom, but to her freedom is nothing if there is no one to share in it with.
whwn shifty says "i think you are like me" and "my heart has ached for this moment" and "you have made a decision. it is the wrong one. i love you". always reaching and reaching and reaching, praying, pleading. "understand me as i understand you". words are difficult for her, she cannot simply say what she is feeling. she just wants to be with you, be as close as she possibly can, to get back some semblance of what once was.
she wabts you so bad it makes her look stupid is what im trying to say. she is the "can i try rizzing you up sure please please please please please" meme. i showed you my vessels please respond.

she makes me insane
#slay the princess#shifting mound#i love her so bad genuinely would be the best female character of all time if she was female#feminine adjacent characters.
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Operant Conditioning [WooAh's Nana, Jo Yuri]
Tags: Smut, BFH, Quickie, Dom!Nana, Sub!Jo Yuri, Lesbian Sex, Degradation, Fingering, Scissoring, Rough sex
Author's notes: inspiration for the fic came from a concept i shared with @octoberautumnbox
So yeah, hope you enjoy my first FxF smut, i swear this is the last quickie before my October release
Edit: changed the title of the fic
“I swear Unnie, I didn't mean like- AHH!” Yuri quickly gets shut when Nana drills her two fingers inside her clit as instead a symphony of moans comes out of her mouth while her hands were gripping the walls, trying to gain some semblance of strength.
“Oh really? So flirting with me on set, blowing a kiss to me AND sitting on my lap in front of the viewers was just a joke then?” It's a rhetorical question, Yuri shouldn't answer her, but she doesn't know better.
“Ah, Y-yeah, it was a Jok-Jo-OH MY GOD, YES” at this point Nana just laughs at the pathetic attempt at an answer.
“And you want more, don't you? Can't believe it” she shakes her head, now inserting a third finger inside her and getting into a steady pace of Pumping her pussy. “So needy, i really had to drop everything i was doing, get you inside YOUR own and fucking you silly just to get you shut up” She adds, shaking her head in disappointment as just Yuri was about to cum Nana stops herself. “and you know what's the worst part, Yuri?”
“W-what unnie?” Yuri asks in a shaky voice as Nana leans into Yuri’s right ear and whispers.
“That what you're doing works, i am so wet right now just by fingering you, feeling how tight you are, All. For. Me” she answers before giving one strong pump that gets Yuri shrieking in Ecstasy before Nana gets her fingers out, letting Yuri finally catch some breath.
“And that slutty outfit is not helping” she adds, Seeing how Sweat begins to form all around her tight, green one-piece, creating circles of sweat all around her body.
Now Yuri is in a daze, struggling to even stand straight using only the wall as her support. “Unnie…i am ngh…so close” are the only words she can mumble.
“Oh i know you are Yuri, but just before you are about to cum, I want to have some fun as well” As she finishes those words she starts working on her jeans, popping each button quickly before letting it fall on the floor, letting Yuri revel at Nana’s bare pussy, and how it's dripping.
“Thank god i didn't wear my underwear at home” she exclaimed with a relieved sigh, then quickly pinning Yuri to the wall again “And thank god these walls are soundproof”.
Nana then starts to grind herself over Yuri’s Sex, groaning at the first contact before getting into a rhythm, moving up and down over her creamy thighs and gripping her partner’s Shoulder with her nails.
“Ahh, More unnie, More” Pleasure hits high for Yuri as she tilts her head, giving Nana access to Yuri’s neck she begins to spread bites all across the shoulder up to the collarbone, she’s so sensitive there that Yuri can't help but moan loudly when Nana nibbles on her neck.
“You're such a slut, aren't you? Acting all flirty in front of the camera but when a couple of good fingers stretch your pussy you go insane, isn't that right?” Nana growls, lips close to Yuri’s ears.
“Ah! Yes unnie, i am” Yuri breathily responds, she could go insane with the amount of pleasure Nana is giving her.
“Say it again” She demands
“I am a slut, unnie”
“Louder” Nana then starts grinding herself faster
“I'm a slut!!”
“I said louder dammit!!” Even faster
“I am a slut unnie!! I'm your dirty little slut which you can fuck whenever you want” Yuri shouts as her eyes roll back and her mouth wide open, letting her tounge loll out.
“Damn right you are, from now on your pussy belongs to me and only me, is that clear Yuri?” Nana groans, right hand softly holding her by the collarbone.
“Y-yes Unnie, my pussy is only for you-Ahhh” poor Yuri finally reaches her climax as cum begins to erupt, flowing over Nana’s naked thigh and into the floor. Eventually its over as she then falls onto the floor, looking up at Nana scoffing over her.
Checking the phone, Nana only sighs in disappointment while cleaning her own thigh from any leftover cum. “I'm not done with you” She said, noticing how Yuri begins closing her eyes to gather her strength However Nana grabs her by her thighs and pins her into the floor.
“You made me miss lunch because of your behaviour Yuri” Nana adds, parting her legs open so she could lean her face closer to Yuri’s dripping pussy, she then looks up and says.
“You better taste like it
Started 23/9/24, Posted on 24/9/24
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V. sins of the mother.

parts: previously plot: alfred finds yours and bruce's old yearbook. you reminisce on how you lost him... and how he came back to you all those years later. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: arranged marriage, friends to enemies to (fake) lovers, implied history between reader and bruce, LOTS of angst, eventual fluff, TW for depictions of brief physical child abuse (specifically to the reader), sorry but your fictional mom SUCKS, sweet ending though. words: 3.5k. a/n: I apologize to any british readers for inaccuracies with the whole yearbook thing. from what I gather, the american concept of yearbooks has gotten popular in the uk in the last 14-ish years but if it doesn't make sense, I'm hiding behind the fact that it's a posh boarding school and also- *runs away before I can think of a better excuse*
The rapping at your door is too gentle to be Bruce, and you're proven right when Alfred peeks into your room, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
Bruce's guest room had steadily become your home over the course of your engagement. You still had your own place, paying the rent in case all of this fell through in one fell swoop (and it would, you couldn't escape the nagging feeling that it would), but you found yourself feeling some semblance of ownership over the tower. You hadn't even gotten the chance to put your desk up before Bruce was offering you his study—his father's study. He insisted it was because you were CEO, like his father. You dared to think it was because he was starting to see you as family.
The tower felt even more yours when Alfred stopped by like this, checking in on you, making sure you wanted him here. You set the papers in your lap to the side with a tired smile, "What's up, Alfred?"
It turns out he was hiding something behind the door. At first, you think it's a folder, perhaps some work that Bruce needed you to do for the company or some files Alfred kept from his time managing Wayne Enterprises. But when he comes round to your bedside, you realize it's a photo album. A yearbook, to be exact.
The green leather is embellished with the sparkling emblem of Silverstone Academy. It makes your heart jump up into your throat, "Where... where'd you find that?"
"After Bruce graduated, he had me put all of his old yearbooks away in storage. Kept this one, though. Would you like to see?" He turns the book to you with a well-meaning smile, and whether he notices your discomfort and chooses to ignore it is... debatable.
Still, your hands reach for it.
The spine crackles, unopened for many years by the looks of it. You thumb through the pages, flipping past pictures of the palatial school grounds and fellow classmates in freshly-pressed regalia. You're about to turn the page on the extracurriculars when Alfred places a hand on the page to stop you, pointing to a rather large group photo, "This was Bruce's favorite, if I recall."
There are rows of you, each one standing on the bleachers of a court, all of you awkward and fourteen and just wanting the whole thing over with. And then there, amongst the rows of smiling teenagers, is Bruce and you.
"Eyes front, students! I will not say this again. We want to look good for our parents, yes? We want them to see how smart and well-behaved you are, yes? Okay, then. Eyes forward. Shoulders back. Smiles on! This is your last chance. There will be no retakes!" Is what your headmaster probably said, but you were far too distracted by Bruce's fingers tugging on the tail of your un-tucked shirt to know for sure.
You bat away his hand but can't suppress the giggle that bubbles out of you. One of your classmates turns to glare, but the heat of it doesn't reach you when Bruce is whispering, "Last one to dining hall does the loser's chores."
"I'm faster than you and you know it."
"Hey, I beat Wilbur in the race on Saturday."
"That's cause Wilbur hit puberty and can't control his body anymore."
Your headmaster's shrill call draws your attention forward, "And three, two..."
You turn and smile. You feel Bruce's eyes still on you. Just as the shutter goes off, Bruce tugs your hand instead. And, even with all your teenage obstinacy wanting to make him work for your attention, make him fight for it, you can't help it.
You turn to look at him and the flash goes off.
"I remember being quite upset with this one," Alfred disperses your memory, gently calling you back to the present, "Bruce always hated taking pictures, but pictures were all I had of him while he was away. But... can't really hate that smile he's giving you, can I?"
You feel breathless at the image of younger Bruce and the look of... adoration he wears. Everyone else is focused on the camera, some eyes closed and some smiles skewed, but Bruce is focused on you and you him. Like you are the only two people in the world. Arguing over chores and who's faster than who. Like best friends.
You don't realize you're holding your breath until your body takes in one big deep inhale for you, "He wouldn't stop bothering me."
"It's funny how we couldn't get you two to talk to each other when you first met, and then years later you were inseparable."
You remembered that. Barely in second grade and being touted around by your parents at galas. You remembered Bruce hiding behind his mother's dress, and your mother guiding you by the scruff to say hello, "British boarding school will do that to you."
Alfred snorts, "I think he just liked that someone was treating him like a person."
You glance up at Alfred's soft expression, fatherly and proud. You've never seen him look any other way with Bruce. "Will you be Bruce's best man?"
Alfred seems to startle at that question, "Oh... well, he hasn't asked, but I suppose I will. Not sure who else he'd ask."
"I don't think he'd want to," you admit, and Alfred looks confused, "ask anyone else, I mean. You're it for him."
Bruce looks just like how you remember his father, but sometimes, when the light hits Alfred's eyes just right (that same color you've come to love and mourn), you think Bruce looks just like him too. You supposed they were always meant to be family, in that inexplicable way.
Alfred watches you for a moment, struck by your statement, and then softens like the teddy bear you know him to be. "And you as well. I'm glad you both found your way back to each other."
You can tell he means it in the heartwarming way, the way you meant it, but it doesn't fill you with warmth. There are no fuzzy feelings in your stomach. There is a whirlpool.
This time, there is no doubt Alfred senses your discomfort. He seizes up. He goes to say something, something no doubt kind and thoughtful, but you beat him to the punch, "Can I keep this? I want to... show it to Bruce later, maybe. Might make him laugh."
Alfred stops in his tracks. Then, as if used to such stonewalling, stands to his full height and begins his trek back to your bedroom door, "'Course you can. I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."
He waits for your affirmative, then shuts the door behind him.
july, seventeen years ago.
The banging on your door fills you with dread the second you recognize it for what it is.
You are tangled in sheets and limbs—warm limbs, arms and legs and hands wrapped around your body in the witching hour—while the heavy oak door of your dorm room shakes with each knock. You don't know how long they've been knocking, but you fear you have very little time left to answer before you end up in worse trouble than you seemingly already are.
You shove at Bruce and he flounders, half-asleep. He almost doesn't want to let you go until he becomes aware of the banging on the door himself and presses his back to the wall behind your bed, "He snitched."
"He wouldn't! Coulson would never," you grumble, pulling on a hoodie discarded on the floor, too tired to recognize it as Bruce's, "just... get under the bed."
He does as he's told, though he looks rather peeved to do so. You grab the back of your desk chair and twist it out from beneath the door knob, and almost immediately it is thrown open by the headmaster.
Your first feeling is shock. Your second feeling is, undoubtedly, ice cold fear. You never thought you and Bruce would get away with this forever, but to be caught by the headmaster is... way worse than you could've imagined.
Headmaster Collins was a spidery man. What he lacked in muscle, he made up for in menace. His features were all gaunt and shadowy in the dark of your room, and with only the light from the hallway to capture his silhouette.
Before you can speak, he raises a single finger to cut you off, "I will discuss you blocking doors later. You have a guest."
You frown. "I..." You stammer. Even with your hand caught in the cookie jar, you don't yet want to give yourself away. Maybe he had no idea it was Bruce that kept sneaking into your dorm. Perhaps Coulson hadn't divulged that much. You and Bruce had paid him in many ways to keep that part secret above all.
You just make out the narrowing of the headmaster's eyes, "Your mother. She flew in from Gotham. She says she's worried about you."
Your stomach drops. Perhaps Bruce being found under your bed would've been better.
To the headmaster's chagrin, you corral him back out into the hall and shut the door behind you, "What? I wasn't... she didn't..."
"She failed to let us know either. I only received the call minutes ago when she arrived outside. We don't want to keep her waiting, do we?" Now, in the light of the hallway, Headmaster Collins loses some of that menace. He almost looks... just as concerned as you.
He leads you to the library in complete silence.
When you push open one of the double doors, you see there are a few candles lit, the rest of the lights dimmed low, and your mother standing with her back to you in the center of the room.
She doesn't turn around until you hear the door click shut behind you and, just like that, the headmaster has left you to fend for yourself.
Everyone always said you looked just like her. A spitting image, and one day, "if you're lucky", you'd grow up to be just as powerful. As the eldest of your siblings, it was unavoidable. Your fate had been sealed long before you were born.
She opens her mouth to speak and whether out of fear or anger, your next words come tumbling out before she can, "I already know what you're going to say."
She clasps her lips together. Then, after a moment, smiles down at you, "Well, that saves me some breath. Tell me, darling mine: what was I going to say?"
"That you know why I told you so late. And that you're angry with me for not running it by you sooner... so you could be in control of it."
"I was angry eight hours ago. Not anymore. It was almost clever of you."
Almost. A smarter, more clever you wouldn't have run it by her at all. You would've quietly disappeared off to the Waynes' vacation house in Barcelona and, inevitably, when you got the call, you'd have told your mother you wouldn't be back for the rest of summer break.
But she had her claws in you, and try as you might to defy her, you always felt those fingers curling around your conscience, drawing out of you what little truth you aimed to keep to yourself.
"So you flew all this way to yell at me?"
"To join you."
You blanch. "You... can't." There is nothing else you can say. No argument, no temper tantrum. Nothing.
But your mother is smart. The plane ride over would have given her ample time to cancel her duties for the next six weeks, offload them onto someone else because what was more important than joining the future heir of Wayne Enterprises on a summer abroad in Spain? Most people on the board would kill for that kind of opportunity. That kind of favoritism.
She's smart too in that it's only her. You imagined your siblings had been left to the nannies, and if Bruce questioned her presence, she could argue that leaving Alfred to chaperone two teenagers all by himself would be just cruel. Her presence wouldn't tip the scales too far into dangerous territory. In fact, it would be nothing if not practical.
She takes a step toward you, then another, and then another until she is looming over you. Half her face is lit by the fireplace roaring in the corner of the room, casting a shadow on the other side. Like this, she no longer looks like you. She looks something far colder, "You didn't think I'd let you run off to another country and ruin this for our family, did you?"
"What? Wh... ruin what? Bruce is my boyfriend."
"Your boyfriend is Bruce Wayne. There is a very real difference."
You feel your eyebrow twitch at that, "What's your point?"
But your attitude is nasty. Far too nasty for a child. The residual sting of her hand colliding with your cheek nearly sends you back into a chair but you manage to catch yourself after a few steps, staring at the rug beneath you in disbelief.
"My point is," her attitude is much harsher, and as you wipe away the bit of spit that dribbled down your lip, she blocks your view once more, "he is not just another boy, a peer, a boyfriend. Bruce is the heir to the company, and unlike his father, he has no foresight. Under him, this company will crumble. His family's legacy will cease to exist. That is why I am here, darling mine. Why you exist. Legacies must be upheld."
You hiss in pain when she takes you by the chin and forces you to look her dead on. At this angle, you can see her whole face lit up by the fire. Through gritted teeth, you whisper in horror, "What are you asking me?"
"I'm telling you that I'm coming along, or you will not go at all."
Your heart breaks a little more than it already has. This is what you'd thought of all week, what kept you up at night and got you up in the morning. And now your mother was going to ruin it all. A tear slips down your cheek and over your mother's fingers, and she releases you to wipe her hand clean, "Please."
"You would only find some way to make him hate you, and all my hard work for the past twenty-five years would be all for naught."
"I've already let the butler know."
"Please let me have this."
"Tell me you understand." You remain silent, teeth almost chattering from the chill her voice gives you. Her eyes harden, "Tell me you understand why I let you have him at all."
"He's my friend."
"He's your future. Tell me." Another tear rolls down your cheek. Your mother grabs you by the arm and pulls you to her, shaking you as more tears fall. You're doing your damnedest not to sob but you're failing spectacularly, "Tell me!"
"He's my future." You gasp out.
"And why do I allow you to be friends with him?"
"Because..." You blubber, fiercely wiping away the tears, "...to uphold our family legacy."
"To keep you on his good side."
"Keep us," she taps your chin with her finger, making you flinch, "us, darling mine. Wayne Enterprises will end with him, but it'll begin again with us. With you. Say it."
"With me."
"So we'll go together. And you will do anything he tells you to. And you will make him very happy because he is not your friend. He is our ticket to owning Gotham City."
You would've done anything Bruce asked of you because you loved him, because you trusted him. The way your mother talked about what he might ask of you made you feel sick to your stomach. She shakes you again, expecting you to say it back.
Your lips part to release a shaky exhale meant to be a word, but behind your mother, you stare past the cracked library door and into the eyes of your best friend. The only word you can get out is, "Bruce?"
Your mother drops you completely. She swings around but the door is shutting before she can catch a glimpse, and you're shoving her out of your way before he can get too far.
You throw the door open and find him rushing back down the hall, a flummoxed headmaster lingering by as you run after Bruce. You shout his name but he doesn't slow for you at all, even as your voice echoes off the old school halls. "Bruce! Bruce, please! Let me explain."
It takes more energy than you have in you to catch up with him, but you eventually slide to a stop in front of him, stopping him before he could ascend the stairs and return to the dorm rooms. You expect to see anger clear on his face, or sadness, betrayal even. Instead, he is cold. He looks right through you.
The emptiness of which he looks at you catches you completely off guard. Anger, you could stomach. But this?
"How much did you hear?"
Those eyes that used to look at you so sweetly hold nothing in them at all. He stares you down as if you should already know.
When he tries to side-step you for the stairs, you grasp desperately for his hand but he yanks away from you like you've burned him, sending you collapsing to your knees against the bottom step, "Bruce, please... I don't feel that way about you. I've never felt that way about you. You... you're my best friend. This is exactly why I shouldn't have told her about the trip, I should've just kept my mouth shut-"
"What trip?"
You look up at him and see a wave of something sharp cross his face before smoothing back over completely. Your mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water. He sees the question in you, the thing you fear to ask when it hits you.
Bruce turns his face away from you, "I'll see you in September."
You sit on those steps until sunrise.
The elevator stutters to a stop at cave level, letting you out into Bruce's sanctuary. He's standing at his desk and staring at you, as if he had expected Alfred instead.
"Hey," you start, timidly approaching him with yearbook in hand, "Are you busy?"
He watches you get closer and slowly shakes his head, eyes falling to the book clutched to your chest. They widen some with recognition, a cloudy look overtaking them once you're within arm's length of him. You set the book down on his desk, careful not to disrupt his work. You go to flip open the cover but his hand comes down on the Silverstone emblem, forcing you to draw back your hand in surprise, "Where'd you get this?"
"Alfred kept it." At that, Bruce groans. You gnaw on the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing.
You watch as he slides the book closer to himself, nudging away the files he'd been poring over before you'd arrived, making quiet noises of recognition here and there. When he inevitably lands on the class picture Alfred had shown you, he hesitates. You wait for him to say something, anything, but after a moment of silence, he presses on.
It isn't until he gets to the individual headshots from that year that you notice something odd. On your page, where your headshot and name should be, is a hole cut into the paper. Your heart sinks.
Your mind goes for the worst thing first (that perhaps he had hated you so much that putting away the yearbooks wasn't enough, that he had to cut you out of them too), but Bruce simply traces the neatly cut edges where your face should be.
Then he flips to the page where his picture should be, and his picture is cut out in the same fashion.
You look to Bruce for answers, but his expression is... guarded. He almost looks like he doesn't want to entertain it, almost looks like he's about to tell you to leave him to his work for the rest of the night.
Instead, he pushes the book back to you, "I kept yours in my wallet. I was going to give you mine."
You don't know what to say first, but it finds you in the lull in conversation, "You were going to?"
Bruce's mouth twists in discomfort, still not looking at you. He reaches over and shuts the cover to the book, "I thought... you might tease me about it." For a brief second, he looks at you, "Dunno where they are now."
That brief second is, of course, his tell. It was a shame. Bruce had become such a good liar since he left you on those stairs. He had to have been to get where he is now. And yet, you know in an instant that he's not being honest with you. It feels good this time.
#bruce wayne x reader#bruce wayne scenarios#bruce wayne fic#bruce wayne fluff#bruce wayne angst#batman x reader#batman scenarios#batman fic#batman fluff#batman angst#the batman#mjwrites#bw; honeymoon#battinson x reader#battinson#fandom; dc
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[because you’re not the only one who needed a fuck, marry, kill part two]
“Well, I’m glad to hear you wouldn’t kill me.”
Despite years of fighting beside every man around that table, Anakin is certain he’s never seen them move so fast.
In an instant he’s alone, stuck to his seat with fear and deep mortifying shame as he takes in the unreadable expression on Obi-Wan’s face.
“Master, it’s not what it sounds like,” he blurts out hastily, desperately trying to remember exactly what he’d said and formulate a reasonable explanation, “It’s just a stupid game.”
“I am aware of the concept,” Obi-Wan replies matter-of-factly, folding his arms over his chest and leaning against the doorway, “You forget, I was young once.”
Despite his frequent teasing, Anakin has never thought of Obi-Wan as old, though he does do his best to avoid thinking about what he must have been like as a younger man [especially given some of the stories he’s heard against his will.]
“You haven’t given your answer,” Obi-Wan says coolly, his head tilted slightly to side, his striking silver stare sharp and suffocating.
“I— I haven’t—“ Anakin stutters, struggling to school his muddled mind into some semblance of coherent thought, “What?”
“Fuck, marry, kill.”
Anakin doesn’t think he’s ever heard Obi-Wan say the word fuck before and he finds it an impossibility to suppress the shiver that single syllable sends down his spine.
“I— I don’t know.”
“You don’t know,” Obi-Wan repeats flatly, one eyebrow quirked in questioning curiosity, “Oh yes, I remember, you require clarification.” His eyes flash with wild amusement, his tone teasing and bordering on cruel as he pushes away from the door frame and takes one terrifying step forward.
“Tell me,” he continues consideringly as the door slides shut behind him, the air in the room suddenly sweltering, “Would you really trade a sexless marriage with the perfect husband for the chance to fuck him once?”
Not for the first time — that word so sinful in the man’s mouth — Anakin wishes he could simply become one with the Force.
“I’m sorry, Master—“ Anakin rushes to apologize, desperate for anything to excuse the horrible twisting truth of the words he’d spoken, “I’ve been drinking, I’m not thinking straight, you were never meant to hear—“
Usually, when Obi-Wan says his name it makes his heart leap— this time, it feels like sinking.
“Please, don’t hate me,” Anakin sobs, burying his head in his hands and shaking his head like he might be able to shake the mortification— like he might be able to wake himself from this nightmare, “I’m so sorry—“
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan repeats, his tone firm and commanding, the voice of a battle hardened general and not Anakin’s kind and caring master, “Look at me.”
He doesn’t.
He can’t
Even when he feels warm, calloused fingers graze gently along the sharp line of his jaw.
“I’m so sorry.”
Strong thick fingers twist in the soft short curls at the base of Anakin’s skull and tug. Hard. Hard enough to wrench his head back, tears springing to his eyes as they fly open to find Obi-Wan hovering over him, staring down with wild eyes so dark, Anakin barely recognizes the man.
“You really think anyone could wake up to Anakin Skywalker in their bed and not want to fuck you?”
[1] [2] [3] [4]
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Fateful Beginnings
XXXII. “superglue”
read on AO3 🦇
parts: previous / next
plot: rumors spread about the circumstances of your interview with Bruce Wayne. You might have been more partial to each other than you realized…
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x fem!reader
cw: 18+, depression, passive suicidality
words: 8.3k
a/n: it’s getting warmer in hereeee !! ahhh!!! this might be my favorite chapter yet!! as always I LOVE hearing what you think, please tell me everything!! <3
Watching the door close behind Bruce again, you felt a bruise forming.
All you’d done was check in on him, and he’d shunned you for it. Shut the door. Threw away the key. It was evident he wanted nothing to do with you.
Maybe it was all in your head—he hadn’t said he was done with you, he’d just… acted exasperated and absolutely finished with any semblance of your concern. How were you supposed to navigate that with only a week separating him and his attempt?
The phone buzzed in your hand. Dr. Crane. How were you going to navigate that while having to answer to someone else?
Dr. Crane cleared his throat. “Ms. Y/L/N! Wanted to check in. Have you made contact with Mr. Wayne since we last spoke?”
“And how is he?”
“Well, he said he was feeling bad. But he didn’t want to talk about it further.” It sounded worse than it was (at least you hoped it wasn’t so bad) so you pivoted. “He thanked me for helping him. He came over and cooked me some food a few days ago. We visited. Asked if I was okay. After seeing it.” You set the phone on the counter, taking a few steps back from it. Maybe if you spoke further away from the receiver, it would make the lie less painful. Make your conscience a little quieter.
“Hmm… anything since then?”
“Yeah, today. He visited again. To check in, I uh, I got in a tussle last night.” You winced at how it came out. Tussle? Really? You didn’t want him thinking he’d visited just to say ‘bad’ and then left. “That’s when he said he was feeling bad. But thanked me.” Your breath caught on the last sentence. You didn’t know if you’d ever be able to reveal it to Bruce, and you didn’t want to think about what he might do if he found out you’d been lying.
“I see a city hall meeting slated for this evening. Do you know if he’ll be in attendance?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
“Let me know after. We’re in the sweet spot for another issue.” He said it like the ‘issue’ was something as trivial and inconsequential as traffic on the way to the grocery store. You heard him typing on a keyboard in the background. “Are you aware of the side effects for the class of medication Mr. Wayne is on?”
“In addition to assessing the state of his nervous system, I have a few more symptoms I want you to be on the lookout for. Rashes, fever, trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, seizures, uncontrolled movement of any part of his body, fainting, heat intolerance. Some of these are relatively benign, but I want to be kept informed if you gather any of that happening. Alright?”
You’d taken as many notes as you could while he spoke, and had zero concept of how you would know about most of those. Bruce could probably make fainting look intentional, or play it off before anyone could notice.
It was a short call, and he prompted you to trust your gut before signing off.
Showering was annoying; the Tylenol had taken the brunt of the pain away, though your head still ached when you delicately massaged shampoo against it. You had your phone in a baggie sitting on a ledge of the shower in case you slipped. You wished Mar could’ve stayed for you to shower, to make sure you were alright. Part of you was surprised she had stayed until you woke up. If you’d slept another hour, would she have left with Gianna? Would she even have left a note?
While you toweled off you tried to boil down the last 24 hours to something tangible. Mar had nearly been assaulted. You’d both gotten fucked up. Bruce had saved you. Mar had seen Bruce. Mar knew Bruce. Mar thought you and Bruce were together. Bruce knew she knew that, as far as you knew. The phone sat in the baggie on the bathroom counter, holding all of its secrets. You got out your blow dryer and started in on your soaked hair with one hand while the other scanned the video.
At 4:18 in the morning, Mar had emerged from your room. You turned up the volume, barely edging out the roar of the dryer.
“Hey.” She rubbed her eyes and walked to the medicine cabinet. You could only see her back from this POV. Bruce stood up to help, but waited. She pulled something out of a cabinet and he spoke. “Tylenol is better.” Bruce left frame for only a second, and returned with the bottle of it from where you laid on the couch. They exchanged bottles and you heard the sink run for a second.
You couldn’t see either of their faces, just their torsos, only hearing their voices. Mar was situated by the sink on the opposite side of the island. Bruce stood on the other by the middle stool. She didn’t let there be much silence.
“Where did you meet Y/N?”
“City Hall. She asked me for an interview.”
Oh, it felt strange hearing someone talk to him about you. To hear him talking about you. Couldn’t tell if you liked it or hated it.
“Why’d you accept her interview?”
He waited a few seconds, and from knowing her, you knew she was about to drill him if he didn’t speak. You wondered if he sensed it too, and that was why he was being forthright. “The timing aligned. I declined them for so long, people stopped asking. Worked out with the graduation speech.”
Mar’s tone was cold, investigative. She sounded a lot like she had back at Mora’s. Not wanting to deal with nonsense. You figured they were cut out for each other, if Bruce was cut out for anyone. They both didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought. If they had a goal, they didn’t mind being pegged an asshole on the way to meeting it. “All the way back in Spring, huh? Interesting.” You heard a slurp of some water.
“How did you and Y/N meet?” It was so fucking weird to have him talking conversationally. Lightly. Politely. Couldn’t be more out of character. You had an itch to start a spreadsheet of all his different personas.
“College. We took some sociology classes together. When did you ask her out?”
AH! She was so nosy. Your stomach clenched. “I haven’t.”
“She’s just gonna tell me tomorrow if you don’t.”
“We’re not together.”
“Whatever pact you guys made, I respect it, but I’m not a fucking fool.” Pact. At least she was making it seem like you were saying the same things he was.
“There must have been a miscommunication.” He sighed.
“What are your intentions? None of that bullshit stands here. I have a really good radar.” Her face moved slightly into frame, a glare set as she gave him a once-over. “If it’s just to fuck she needs to know that, man.”
You could’ve wrung her neck.
“It’s business.” If he was exasperated, his voice didn’t give him away. He was getting better at this.
“Fine. Keep your fuckin secrets. But if you mess her up, I don’t give a fuck who you are, or how many lawyers you have. I know who you are, Bruce Wayne, and I will not hesitate to use my voice to send you into the darkest pits of hell.”
“Noted.” Spoken genuinely, without sass. You mused on how he might’ve said it to you, and smirked.
“I won’t hesitate to fuck you up. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to fucking sleep.”
Bruce sat at the table, far enough away from the lens that you couldn’t make out his expression. He sat there on his phone for the next few hours until Mar entered again. It was hard to scrub while heat stung the back of your head, but you were forced to multitask.
“Did you even sleep?” It was like she was talking to someone completely normal; no worry about if he might hurt her, yell at her, no dancing around it like he was a stranger. The same framing situation: only able to hear their voices and see their torsos.
“I stay up late.”
Mar muttered something you couldn’t make out. He spoke again. “How are you doing? Y/N said you might have been drugged.” You hadn’t gotten used to him saying your name.
“You don’t have to act concerned because you’re fucking my friend.”
You nearly dropped the hair dryer, the hot metal grazing between your fingers as it slacked in your grip. Jesus fucking fuck. You wished more than anything you could crawl into his thoughts. “I wanted to check in. It’s a fucked up thing to go through.”
She paused. She actually paused. When she spoke again, her tone was gentler. “Not the first time it’s happened. And this time nothing actually happened.” She scoffed. “Piece of shit. He was acting so fucking nice at the bar, I should’ve known something was up.”
“You took his behavior at face-value. No blame in that.” Damn, an actually nice sentiment.
“Thanks for last night.” She uncrossed her arms and started rummaging by the phone, which was by the pantry. Bruce spoke unprompted. “Someone from the GCPD should be in contact within the next 48 hours. For your statement.”
Mar scowled. “Love doing those.” She’d done one before? She sighed. “Have you eaten?”
“I’m good. Thanks.”
“Well, I’m gonna make pancakes.”
“I can help, if you’d like.”
“Trying to impress me?”
Bruce didn’t respond. They didn’t speak again until you heard a rustle by the couch; probably you adjusting. “How is she?”
Bruce’s voice was dryer now, and you watched him reach for the dregs of his energy drink. “Seems fine. Pupils are reactive, she’s oriented to time and place.”
“What are you, a doctor or something?”
“Special interest.”
You grinned knowing the real reason. Nah, he’s just Batman. You’re not only talking to Bruce Wayne right now, you’re talking to a vigilante. She’d probably shit herself.
As soon as she had finished making breakfast and sat at the table opposite him, she started asking the frivolous questions. You felt a bit jealous of her. Getting to talk to someone she perceived as a celebrity without all the baggage, without all the fear. It might have been interesting, cool, fun. Regardless of if you thought he deserved it, or any ideological ick you got from his upbringing and social status, he lived a life entirely out of reach, kept exclusively behind a locked curtain. His life was the carrot on a stick dangling in front of every American chasing The Dream. He didn’t make it seem very fun. “What’s it like to be a billionaire?”
“I don’t think about it much. Lots of financial meetings.”
“You grew up in it so of course you don’t think about it.” A pause. You almost laughed thinking about what she was probably… “You wouldn’t miss a couple thousand, would you?” … yup. A laugh actually did escape you. As frustrating as it was to be on the receiving end of her questioning, it was decidedly enthralling to watch her do it to someone else. She took another bite and prattled more. “Nice disguise. Is it weird to have paparazzi follow you? It sounds annoying as fuck.”
“Certainly makes things more difficult.”
“What do you even do? Up in your tower, I mean. I don’t ever hear of any parties there.”
“Mostly keep to myself. Travel some. Prying eyes only got worse after my parents. Didn’t want to deal with it.”
“Damn, that’s right. Makes sense.” She finished her plate in thoughtful silence.
She put her plate away and offered some food to Bruce. At this point you looked at the recording and saw the time was one in the afternoon, just two hours before you’d woken up. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a few pancakes, dry. In less than a minute his plate was clean.
Mar had gone back to your bedroom, telling him she was taking a nap. “Let me know when she wakes up.”
The next time you saw any movement was when Mar had made a slice of toast before speaking to you. You stopped the video when you heard her calling your name. You finished your hair, mindlessly combing through the strands, fretful about if she would ever put the pieces together herself. Black paint around his eyes. Good at fighting. Hell, she’d even said the word disguise! Why was it so clear to you, and no one else?
Between skincare steps, you’d perused Scypher, where you by far had the most notifications. It was soon evident why Mar hadn’t put two and two together: the people of Gotham thought Bruce Wayne no more than a reclusive drug addict. Maybe Bruce hadn’t had to put on the playboy show at all; everyone was already thrown off his scent.
He probably shoots heroin up in his ivory tower
swear i saw him buy on the east side
another rich scumsucker off his rocker
Then came conversations you were mentioned in. Your eyes widened at the sheer mass of them, and how cruelly they painted you. A particular thread stood out, having garnered tens of thousands of likes.
No one has talked about this STUDENT JOURNALIST — to me there’s no way someone like that would get the first pick. My sister works in editing and says people have been trying to get an interview with him for twenty years. What are we thinking, chat?
There was a poll attached that had thousands of hits. ‘See Results’ showed you that between Fucked Him, Scripted, or Both, most people had chosen… both.
The replies were especially heinous.
Is ‘sucked off his limp cock’ an option ? cant imagine the man has any stamina anymore with all that fucking dope. The man had an NFT profile picture and ‘your mom’ in his bio. Stellar. You’d been tagged right below it. what does @youruser think about this?
Someone had answered in place of you, coming off so high and mighty you had to put the phone down before reading more responses to it.
She got bought off. Scripted responses and interview. Wayne Enterprises didn't want stocks to go down. That's why they couldn't get a real journalist, no one would agree to that unethical mess. Screams litigious. Probably signed an NDA anyway with his fuckass company
this tracks. aint pretty enough to bargain that way. less then mid if were being honest. females only care about $$$ anyway, he could pull any one if that was it
You put the phone down. It didn’t matter. You had a life to get back to.
You couldn’t be bothered to wear heels tonight, but you needed to wear something dressy; you stared a little too long at the mirror before tugging on your dress, a haze of insecurity swooping over you. You forced yourself to walk away.
You had to stay off your phone, save calls. You turned off notifications for everything besides, noting Dr. Vry had called you earlier. She’d left a voicemail detailing that there were another hundred-fifty School of Journalism applicants. Apparently, before your interview, they’d only gotten around forty-eight a year.
Outfitted in a pair of old loafers and your same dress, hoping it didn’t look too haphazard a combination, you grabbed your PRESS badge, notepad, pen, and recorder. You tucked your ID and other personal things under your dress and into your shorts pocket. If you didn’t feel like total ass, you could’ve imagined you were a spy. Jetting off to the Meeting of the Elite to uncover clues and inquire between the lines. A resentful, anxious, overwhelmed, stubborn spy. It couldn’t have felt less magical.
You shook off the past week, the past summer, the past year. Bruce Wayne wasn’t your life, he was a minuscule part of it. No longer would you let him take over your brain space—his life was his, yours was yours. As massive a secret you held, as bizarre as it was to be on a first-name basis with a modern Kennedy, you had your own life to attend to. Interviews to conduct, business to get to, truth to find. For the first time in months, you began to feel a bit hopeful as you left your apartment. If Bruce showed up tonight. If not you would literally panic. You willfully ignored the contradiction, just as you ignored the nagging thought that this newfound hope was a fleeting attempt at coping.
Gotham was normal. Cloudy, smoggy skies. It was easy on your aching head. Flickering street lamps as the evening light got ready to wane were not, however. The bustle of the people on the sidewalks, the cracked concrete, the glimmering potholes that had every other driver making a face as they slammed into them. Everything was the same as it had always been. You walked past the same people on their same commute. Saw the same taxis pass. The walking sign on the left was still out of order, murdered by kids sticking their gum into the crevices.
You kept to your usual space, the furthest to the right you could possibly get without scraping your arms against the jagged—sometimes bloody—brick, or stepping in someone’s vomit. You recalled your first month here when you’d had to hold your breath for most of your walks. Breathing ‘fresh’ air here was like gulping someone’s rancid morning breath.
The walk to City Hall wasn’t long, but it was annoying. Cobbled streets, men who wouldn’t move out of the way even if they took up the entire sidewalk. Most of your shirt sleeves had snags from being squeezed against the sides of buildings on walks like these. You had half a mind to kick a dirty puddle at them whenever they forced you to the margins. You didn’t want to double your concussion.
The air was teasing you with autumn; a few excited trees plopped leaves for your feet to crunch, though there weren’t many of them in the area. The city was mechanical, industrial. Something as sensitive and nurturing as foliage didn’t have a place here. One time you’d seen a dandelion growing out of a concrete mound and you’d cried. Maybe you’d been unhappy here longer than you’d thought. That had been in the second month.
As you walked the last stretch of blocks, your destination sitting just in the distance, that hopeful, determined version of you dwindled. You thought about if he didn’t show up, and if he did. You thought about how unfairly singular your life was. You thought about that a lot lately.
On Tuesday, to pass the time, you’d read through Bruce’s interview responses again. This time had been a lot more painful. You’d forgotten about it in the flurry of the attack, but you’d sat with your notebook for hours. Looking at the way he wrote his letters, the Gs in particular, written with a long tail that folded in on itself, seeing the grains of the paper indented in black streaks. It made you feel better holding his writing. It made his being alive feel more real. You wanted to know more about his family camping trip. Where had he gone? Where had he traveled to? Where did he want to go that he hadn’t yet?
It was his loneliness. You smelled the burning sting of it on every page and it attracted you like a moth to flame. It was never written outright, but it was strong subtext, as clear to you as him candidly naming his nerves. It felt exceedingly intimate reading back even his most playboy responses, the hindsight of his desire to die blanching every pen stroke.
This city was brutally lonely, and everyone was so desperate not to feel it. People clustered to fragile friend groups full of superficial conversation, filled their bodies with substances, stayed out all night not daring to slow down otherwise the world might fall apart. All you were was slow. All you did was think, and feel, and think again.
You’d had a lot of time on Tuesday to think about his attempt. You had a horrifying feeling of jealousy about it. You never let your mind sit there too long. It wasn’t normal to feel that way. Reminiscing on the places depression had taken you always made you feel incredible shame. Its vice grip in the middle of the night, three in the morning, when the world was quiet and asleep, but you were so painfully, entirely awake. It was why you’d come to Gotham in the first place. This city never slept.
A masochistic part of you, as you carefully labeled it, thought that Bruce might be the only person in your life who truly understood despair. He’d come face to face with it. It had nearly won out he’d let it come so close. He was willing to show his sadness. Willing to sit in it. Willing to marinate in it, really.
“He doesn’t like to show it, but compassion comes easily to him.” Alfred’s voice punctuated your contemplation. Even if it was out of guilt, Bruce had stayed with you all night; and by the looks of the video, he’d stayed fully awake for it, even with nothing to hold his attention save whatever the hell he had on his phone. Mar had left before asking you how you were—Bruce made sure to ask. Possibly because he could handle it. Probably because he’d acclimated to pain. Your mind wandered to more projections.
Gabbi, Lara, and Rose hadn’t been able to handle the good you, the best behavior you. Your dad never wanted to talk about the reality of your mother’s sickness. Couldn’t even say the word cancer. Your mom didn’t want to dwell, either, and Debbie… she was an emotional wreck. If you stepped on a crack in the sidewalk she might burst into tears, lamenting on how she missed her mother, her father, her old pair of shoes. You’d always been the one to calm her down growing up. The one to hold it when no one could. Bruce seemed like he might be able to hold it. Engage with it. When you argued, he argued back. It wasn’t lost on you how he’d asked about your mom last Thursday when you’d started crying. You felt a lump forming in your throat. He couldn’t actually give a fuck, could he?
Perhaps you were propping him up on a pedestal, delirious from being forced to orbit around him for the past 168 hours. You weren’t exactly comparing him to the world’s finest communicators. His version of handling things was to storm off, deflect. His version of handling things was to argue. His handling things was violent, aggressive, impulsive. And, you thought wistfully, you were actively in the throes of suicide watch. He was everything and nothing all at once.
The steps were easier to climb in loafers, each step jolting you back to time and place. Why the hell had you ever tried to fit in and wear anything different? You tallied how much money you had left, wondering if you could afford a trip to Target for some slacks and a sweater. City Hall was exceptionally busy, even for being only five minutes early. Conversation appeared buzzier tonight; caterers were already handing out dozens of drinks. People were usually more subdued at this point. What had happened?
When you fully stepped inside (instead of just peering through the side window like a dork), every head snapped to you, the din going calm. A few people rolled their eyes, or sighed, and went back to their conversations, but some people continued to stare, leaning in to whoever was nearby to mutter something. You struggled not to squint as the lights pouring from the chandeliers bored a hole into your skull.
You went to your usual place of refuge, near the middle of the back wall, opposite the appetizers and wine where most clustered. Except… there was a group standing now, with PRESS badges in varying fonts, sizes, pins and lanyards. Some had beautiful cameras with lenses that begged to be inspected, adored. As far as you knew, the Gazette only had one Canon you could rent out, limited to once per term per person. Stingy.
“Y/N Y/L/N, is that right?” A gorgeous blonde woman with gleaming veneers and impeccably styled 70s curls held out a manicured hand for you to take. You took it, your hand threatening to go limp when you noticed the VOGUE logo braided into her lanyard. “Eva Reveé, chief staff writer. I read your interview with Mr. Wayne, it was such a pleasure.” You swallowed hard. You felt supremely underdressed. Understood why people had rolled their eyes at your entry. A mousey small-town wannabe student journalist scoring one of the most sought-after jobs in the industry. You wanted to sink into the floor and disappear.
“Yes. Y/N.” You smiled and did a small laugh, trying to act like you weren’t talking to someone who worked at fucking Vogue. She flashed another smile at you. “You are just the cutest.” Patronizing. “Get a chance to read my email yet? I am sure your inbox is positively flooded right now.”
You turned red. You needed to remember to upgrade foundation when you came to events, a tint wasn’t nearly enough to camouflage your nerves. “I haven’t, I’m so sorry.”
“You’re perfectly fine. I was only wanting to chat about your experience interviewing him! Potentially get some ins for other journalists like myself. We were all chatting before you arrived and were so impressed you were able to score a high-profile case for your first publishing.”
You didn’t like her tone, but you were probably just irritable after the concussion. To play up the awe, or play up the professionalism? Shortchange yourself or prop yourself up? You opened your mouth to speak, but then everyone gasped, hushedly. Before turning your head, you knew Bruce Wayne had just entered the building.
“Mr. Wayne!”
“Are you alright?”
“Your accident looked horrible.”
“What caused it?”
“Didn’t think you’d be here.”
Eva and the other journalists all inched toward him, eyes bright and ravenous. Glancing at him was a bit painful, more than it had been earlier when you were already desperate to escape his gaze, but you needed to assess—you quickly realized this was, in fact, the very worst type of event for you to get any true read on him. He’d never been more on than in this room every week. How were you ever supposed to assess his mental state when he was putting on a show between these four walls?
Last night was far from written on him, not even smudged. He had no bags under his eyes, they were clear and engaged, his posture was tall and at ease. Even his voice, when he spoke, had been relieved of its crackles. It was like the past 24 hours had been a ghost. The only evidence of his attempt were some scratches on his neck and jaw, and scabs on his hand. They already looked better than they had a few hours ago. You imagined a team coming to Wayne Tower to do some fancy makeup over his injuries. The image was hilarious, but faded faster than it ever had before. Usually you adored watching Bruce squirm, even if it was relegated to your imagination, but you saw through it. I feel nervous before every event, he’d written. I don’t like crowds.
“Folks,” Bruce walked toward the center of the room and clapped his hands together, holding them tightly at his waist. The room orbited around him, the audience going still listening to his words. It was eerie. You’d never seen him have this much control over a group. “I’ve heard a lot of discussion surrounding my accident this past Friday.” He seemed to make eye contact with everyone at the same time. “I want to reassure everyone that I am okay. By the grace of God and the incredible team at Gotham General, I’ve been healing wonderfully.” He paused and looked around the perimeter of the room again. His eyes flit onto yours, and held for a second too long. He blinked and continued, and you exhaled when he released you.
“Many people are speculating that substances were involved. I want to assure everyone in here—and outside of it—” He gestured toward you and the throng of press. “That is not the case. I take the safety of my fellow citizens very seriously.” He let that sit. “I have a penchant for fixing up old cars.” He did a dry chuckle. “On a test drive around Tower grounds, my steering went out. Thus, the tree.” He was referring to the viral photo of his car nearly entirely wrapped around a thick oak tree. You gulped.
Some people mumbled, a few grumbled. Bruce stood taller, straightening the last few discs in his spine. “I was disappointed to see how far I have left to go with the residents of this city, though I understand it. I hardly leave my parent’s estate for twenty years, and now I’m in campaigns, given a voice in the election for Gotham’s mayor, and it’s only been a few months.” People’s shoulders were beginning to drop. “I’ve forgotten that though I’ve been in the public psyche, that doesn’t mean we know each other, and it certainly does not foster trust. The reactions to my accident this week have been eye-opening. I’m excited to start working with you all, and the city, to build that trust in the first place. Being Thomas and Martha Wayne’s son is a ticket into a lot of rooms, let me tell you.” Leaning a bit more playboy rich kid. “But I realized you don’t really know me, and I don’t really know you. I want to bridge that gap with this campaign season, and beyond.”
Some people nodded, less grumbles. You were absolutely mesmerized by this version of Bruce. He commanded the room flawlessly, like every syllable was a meticulous sculpture, but made everything also seem casual, off the cuff. Alfred had to have given him public speaking lessons. This was jarring. Somehow knowing precisely what to say and how to say it to lend public favor, but making it look humble, unassuming. Without a lick of nervousness.
Right then, you remembered you hadn’t turned on your recorder. This was a part of the meeting, and a massive conversation right now. You’d have to report on it. You looked down to start fiddling with it, but the REC button was stuck.
“Hopefully, that began with the publishing of Ms. Y/L/N’s interview with me last Sunday.” He both looked at and gestured toward you, the room following his hand like a cat to a laser. You went still, frozen, with your hands clutching the plastic, as a hundred or more eyes, elite eyes, powerful eyes, fixed on you. Analyzed you. Judged you. It took all your power to grin and not faint. It felt like the entire world was in this room, and in a way, it was.
“It was a great honor, and I want to publicly thank Ms. Y/L/N for handling it with utmost tact, integrity, and humor. She could not have provided a more professional, comfortable experience. We are truly indebted to the hardworking, prodigious talent of our university graduates.” He turned back to the room, consequently removing his grip on your neck. “Now, enough about me.” He held his hands up. “Let’s all enjoy tonight.”
You felt like you were buzzing; the room quieted, noise fading to the background. The sensitivity in his eyes before he’d looked away, the firmness of his words, he must have been briefed on the conversations online. You headed into the conference room when Mr. Convoy propped open the doors.
As Bruce walked away, he hoped he had stilled the criticisms hurtling toward you. Alfred had informed him upon his very late arrival back at Wayne Tower that the internet was lit up after the accident, and that it had catapulted the critique of you (and him) from the fringes into the forefront. He’d gone on the Wayne Enterprises account to see some of the conversation, but quickly had to abandon it before typing something that would’ve made everything catastrophically worse. He hadn’t been in any mood to think about you, or to think about anything, but he couldn’t stop himself fuming until the very second the words had left his mouth in front of the group. Even now, as he followed after your lead into the conference room, every step was straddling a mine. His contact lenses irritated his dry eyes after staying up so long, and it didn’t help that this was the first time wearing them to City Hall. He wasn’t looking forward to having to replay that speech later.
The first thing he did after sitting down was scan the room for you. His eyes moved to the righthand corner, where you always stood with your notebook and pen. The lurch of panic cinched his chest until he saw you nestled in with the other reporters in the back left, just barely out of peripheral view.
Convoy started the meeting the usual way, sprinkling in some good vibrations toward Bruce and his continued healing. As he explained why the candidates had not come this evening (“They are getting ready for their first respective rallies. At the meeeting’s end, we will go over the election calendar.”), Bruce fought the urge to shift his chair toward you. He wanted to check your face and see if you were okay. He was shocked you’d shown up tonight; you’d barely been able to look out the curtained window at the filtered, low light without visceral wincing. Had you only come to check on him? He wanted to dead that. How could he do that without talking to you? Was he not going to talk to you anymore?
His mind argued with itself the rest of the meeting, distracting him entirely from its content. An innocent, passing thought interrupted his ruminations and the pros and cons lists he’d drawn up to interrogate himself: he’d just talk to you after the meeting and you’d bring him up to speed about what happened. That thought felt like the first nail in the coffin; his body was already instinctively reaching toward you, trusting you.
By the time Convoy had started listing the tentative schedule for the campaign rallies, he knew he had to lock in. This… fondness he felt toward you…
He visibly grimaced. He was tired, no, exhausted. Coming up on thirty-six hours without sleep, on new meds… gah! He felt the exasperation in his bones. It wasn’t fondness, it was illusive familiarity, when in reality: he didn’t know you, even if he felt like he did, and you didn’t know him, even if you felt like you did. You’d blackmailed him. You’d done an interview. You’d saved him. You’d visited him. You’d argued, caretaken, whined, and promised, and threatened, and talked to him. That was all.
He was crushed by guilt. He’d traumatized someone. He told himself he’d feel the same way if it had happened to anyone else. He felt responsible for cleaning up the mess he’d made of you. But as he glanced behind him to see you nonchalantly scrawling something between college-ruled lines, he couldn’t read any distress in you at all. Still, the need to save you remained.
You looked at him right then. Your eyes explored the injuries on his hands, then traveled to his chest. Still vigilant. Still worried. He didn’t know if you knew he was watching you. He considered having a final conversation about it all; express his thanks, reassure you he was—he suppressed a groan— prioritizing safety, and be done with it, but exploring the guilt with you would only keep it in the present. He’d just have to grit his teeth and bear it. Let the time pass without fiddling with it. Let your wound scab over. He wouldn’t be doing you a service picking at it.
He focused instead on how he’d handle Batman going forward. He could plan well into the night, concentrate this energy toward something useful. He’d need new protocol; he’d have to talk to Alfred about developing a second distress signal; one that was for mental things, not about to bleed out, come rescue. His throat threatened to close whenever he thought about it. How his brain wasn’t reliable. The fabric of reality would fall apart around him if he thought too much about it right then. If he thought about it at all, ever.
“Didn’t think you were the religious type.”
Bruce turned to the left again and saw you closing your notebook. You looked normal; loafers instead of heels, though. Smart. Wouldn’t want to risk falling again. Tiny glance about the immediate area, and he leaned in ever so slightly. “Gotta get on their good side somehow.”
Why did he lean in? Why did he listen to his body pulling closer to you? You’d caused this. You’d decided to talk to him, after he’d made himself clear. You rolled your eyes. When you looked back up at him, you squinted. Christ, if you were able to see his lenses too… You squeezed your eyes shut and brought your fingers up to massage your temple. It didn’t relieve his worry. “Just wanted to touch base. Surprised you came tonight.”
“Couldn’t not.” He led the both of you toward the door, stopped right before the doorway, and leaned down to ‘fix’ his shoe. He lowered his voice, pretending to wrangle a knot out of his shoelace. “I saw what they’re saying online. You and I can’t be seen together.”
“I didn’t know it would be so… aggressive. I’ve only seen a bit of it.”
He was surprised you were. Always a pessimist, and you seemed to know much more about the social landscape than he did. Every single reaction you had eluded him, further solidifying you as a lock he couldn’t pick. He stood up and pretended to fix his hair. You weren’t looking at him, instead eyeing the ground as if wanting to speak. “What?” It wasn’t a conscious decision to egg you on, but, he’d done it.
“You don’t want it.”
“Concern.” You tucked the notebook into your armpit and flipped your hair over your shoulder to get it out of your face. You got quieter, barely audible. Your eyes were all over the place, everywhere except him. “Are you sure you’re safe?”
His heart began to pound. The time to have the conversation had been thrust upon him, opportunity presenting itself on a silver platter. Maybe this wasn’t picking the scab, but applying ointment. His eyes latched onto the room you’d used last week, and he hid his next sentence under a cough. “Go to the bathroom.” He yawned. “Room from last week in five minutes.”
You left, your dress flouncing behind you, and he set out to find Convoy. After a seconds-long conversation about needing to make a ‘private call’, he’d gotten the man to open the room. “Make sure to lock it on your way out, Mr. Wayne.”
Now that he was alone in the room, he felt unsettled. This decision was impulsive, but necessary. The playing field needed to be leveled, in whatever way possible. The record set straight. A million other phrases and idioms whizzed around his thoughts, trying to come up with an itinerary. He needed to be grateful for what you’d done. What you’d witnessed. Sure, it was fucked up that you’d initially blackmailed him to get the interview, but the interview was assisting his public persona. He had to do one sometime. As much as he hated to admit it due to how uncomfortable it was to be known, it wasn’t your fault that you’d noticed it was him. He’d met a few people as both Bruce and Batman, in passing—as much or more than you had, and you’d deduced it.
You probably wouldn’t have stayed in his house if the flooding hadn’t happened. You’d seemed horrified at the prospect, remembering your gasp from across the table as he’d slammed himself out of the chair. You’d been rude, and intrusive, but you hadn’t committed any cardinal sins. And the elephant in the room: you’d watched him attempt to end his life. You’d seen him hit the ground. You’d gotten him help. He was sure that was etched into your memory like a scar. He had to be appreciative of that, and for calling Alfred in the alley, or he’d ruminate on it for the rest of his fucking life. Whatever guilt was eating him up, he needed to excise it to get back on his way. He needed to be the scalpel, detangling all the gluey tissue and muscle joining the both of you. So your thoughts wouldn’t ever wander back to him. So his thoughts wouldn’t ever wander back to you.
A crucial aspect of that was setting up expectations for future interaction. Unless you were leaving tomorrow, he’d have to see you again, here, every week, indefinitely. With public scrutiny at an all-time high, and you both getting wrapped up in vigilance for one another, everything was getting too complicated. You’d become entangled in his life, and his yours, to a lesser degree. Unless you were also a vigilante in your respective hometown, he didn’t think he could get caught up with you the same way. He needed to make you free of him. You were worried. He needed to soothe that worry, firmly, thoroughly, so that you might start keeping to yourself. You’d meant to leave last week, anyway. It appeared safe to assume the only reason you’d stayed was because of him.
Five minutes. He did a quick scan of the room with the watch on his wrist. The exterior was luxury, but he’d swapped all the internal components to check for bugs. The room was cleared in about five seconds. He let his shoulders drop.
When you entered the room his thoughts exited. The door clicked shut. The only light Bruce could chance keeping on was a lamp in the corner by a stray podium. He was being risky enough talking with you here, he didn’t need to draw more attention, but it was hard to see your face clearly. Also elusive: that his night-oriented vision served him in every other circumstance, but not with you. He gestured for you to sit down, and you did. He cleared his throat. “I wanted to talk with you.”
You looked afraid again. You looked like you were expecting him to lay out an imminent plan of taking his own life. Appreciation. Reassurance. Goodbye. “I left abruptly earlier. I wanted to reassure you I am safe, and I have no plans to take my own life or anyone else’s.”
He realized he’d been looking slightly above you, not at you, and dropped his gaze to your eye-level. You were squirming. Breathing too fast. He continued, choking back the grief that suddenly threatened to annihilate his body. The words came out of him with robotic monotony. “I promise that I am prioritizing safety. I’m adding a new distress signal into my suit. Keeping up on medication. Checking in with Alfred. I promise I will keep doing that.”
It was the lenses. He didn’t want to relive this. “Thank you for helping me. I mean it. From the bottom of my heart.” His jaw was starting to tremble, and he prayed you wouldn’t notice. He watched helplessly as your eyes glazed over. Fuck. Why did this feel so distressing? Grueling? Why was he starting to sweat? Long stakeouts, heated fights, he’d never been stricken by such apprehension. But you were shaking. And it stamped an ache onto his heart in a shape he’d never felt before.
You were so fucking close to blurting it out. You were trembling in an attempt to contain the lie clawing its way out of you, tooth and nail. I didn’t see it. I only said so so you might stay alive one more day. The words wouldn’t come, yet they couldn’t remain. It was a fucking prison.
Outside of him thanking you for effectively lying, it was evident this was the last time he wanted to talk to you. It was clear he was annoyed by you. That your concern and care wasn’t warm or cozy, it was sharp and inhospitable. A strange sensation settled into you. It was your first year of undergrad. Your boyfriend of three months had packed his car to head home with you for the holidays. You’d gone about four miles until you stopped in front of Lara’s house. He handed you a note. “I want you to read this.” He hadn’t even been able to say it to your face, speeding off right after he handed you a backpack of your things.
At least Bruce was looking you in the eye while he shed you.
You rid the comparison from your mind. You’d thought you were falling in love with that guy. You’d been infatuated with him from the moment you’d met. Bruce was just… Bruce. The only feelings you felt toward him were frustration, guilt, anxiety, and all of it was flooding you now. The mind was simple sometimes. Trying to find patterns even if they weren’t there, overlaying memories. Trying to make meaning out of a meaningless life.
You and him had formed a strange, flimsy, temporary camaraderie, if you could even call it that. He’d helped you, you’d helped him. He’d hurt you, you’d hurt him. He worried about you. You worried about him. Becoming intertwined in each other’s lives in secret, specific ways; suddenly, without asking. Moreso than camaraderie, you’d been in cahoots. Knowing something no one else knew was intimate, but not inherently special. Like a dollar store superglue. It got the job done of sticking things together, but the bond was easily broken apart, leaving a bunch of residue no one wanted. Whatever weird fairytale of connection sat dying in the pit of your stomach shouldn’t have existed in the first place. Before today, it hadn’t even reared its ugly, confused head.
You hadn’t realized he’d gotten a call until you heard his voice lower to a gravelly hue. You moved your eyes to look at him, unblurring your vision by focusing on the phone pressed to his ear. “Can they give it to him?” A pause. Whoever he was talking to, they knew him as Batman. It was uncanny seeing him speak like that dressed in polished Dior. You instinctively spun your chair around to look at the door, making sure it was closed. On the swivel back, you noticed his gaze slip away from you as you scooted back to the table’s edge.
“I’ll check it out.” Click. He got up and pushed his chair in. You followed suit. “What is it?”
“Miller made bail. Said something on the way out about security footage.” He was already nearing the door. It took you longer than you liked to recognize the name. Your brain was mush.
“I thought you said you were taking a break this week,” There you were, going right back to abandoned houses, bitter friends, empty fields.
He pushed past you, but stalled right after. “Tell your friend to stay away from the neighborhood until his trial. You too.”
He adjusted to face you and you took a stuttered step back, way too close for comfort. So close you could smell the detergent on his clothes, see the setting shine in his hair as it dried from a recent shower. The microscopic speck of black he’d missed by his tear duct. “We don’t need to do this anymore.”
You opened your mouth to protest but nothing came out; his eyes dropped to it for a half second before resuming domineering eye contact. You felt faint. “Don’t make this difficult.” His biting enunciation made your eyes narrow. So heartless, and for what? But it didn’t hold. I see right through you. His sensitivities were scrawled on the walls of your mind in sloping, hurried letters.
You both drew a deep breath at the same time, forcing the both of you to turn your head and avert your gaze. The only sound in the room was too fast, too shallow breathing. He turned around abruptly, whacking you with his cologne.
The room’s oxygen had been replaced with smoke. At last, facing the door he could gulp down a breath. He kept a tight rein on his tone so the ebbs of adrenaline rushing through him wouldn’t taint it. “Stay in here for a few minutes, lock it on your way out. Get a ride.” He grabbed the doorknob and walked out calmly, every muscle in his legs frenzied for him to sprint off. He smiled his way through the foyer and out to the valet. His sweaty palms left prints on the steering wheel as he drove off.
He needed to sleep. Staying awake so long had made him hysterical.
#bruce wayne x reader#slow burn#the batman#bruce wayne#batman x reader#the batman 2022#batman#romance#romantic tension#mutual pining#enemies to lovers#reevesverse#robert pattinson#battinson x yn#battinson fic#battinson x reader#battinson#angst#angst with a happy ending#fanfic#ao3 writer#ao3#fateful beginnings#fanfiction#batman imagine#eventual smut#slow build#court of owls#writing#x reader
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EVER's Tool - Chapter 4
Characters: Poly!LADs x gn!mc, Caleb x gn!mc (Zayne POV/MC POV/Caleb POV)
Warnings: Hurt/No Comfort, Angst, Talk of EVER Experiments and Torture, Violence, Gore, Suicide Ideation, Spoilers for all current story as of Caleb release.
Word Count: 10112
Written: 14th February 2025
Notes: Established-relationship with gn!MC with all LADs, with my personal pov of the game and lil headcanons littered in. Unnamed MC, but using my personal MC's basic appearance and adjusted backstory. I take some liberties with what the game offers me. My notes today are that I fought for my life with this one (dramatic), because I cannot multitask for shit, and I am grinding tkrb instead of writing. Oopsies. Happy Valentines Day all, I hope you have/had a good day. ❤️ Take some nasty angst as a present. I'm going to sleep (aka grind more tkrb and fall asleep until my phone hits me in the face when I drop it).
Now Playing: The Dark of You, By Breaking Benjamin
Masterlist AO3
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Zayne is a doctor, he understands the concept of amnesia. He has experience with dementia patients, those who have been in accidents. He knows that some never get their memories back, he knows that pushing and rushing can create emotional strain, stress and anxiety. That asking questions the patient has no answers for, can hurt them.
He knows, objectively, that he should not bombard you with information. That he could make it worse, even worse he could aggravate your heart, and cause a relapse. He could hurt you, rather than help you, by trying to bring you back to yourself. If he rushes… if he loses the logical part of his brain… if he isn't careful.
He does not sleep when he is given a cot by the scientist you sneered at. He sits and he thinks and he stews. Working through the situation in his mind, he takes the tracker Sylus gave him off, and sticks it somewhere out of sight. Just in case. He doubts EVER are stupid enough to not have signal blockers in place, but he also knows that if it is cut off at some point, that will give his family something to work with.
If they know he has it though, there's a chance they'll move him. Or worse. He has a chance, right now, and he needs to be careful. He has to be smart.
It's difficult, though, when he saw you, when you raised a hand to him, to Sylus. When you fought and you hurt. He fights with himself, reminds himself that he is a doctor. That he can help you, like he would with your heart, like he would with any other injury. He can help you with this.
Even if his heart and mind are screaming at odds.
He's always been fairly good at listening to his mind… he just hopes it doesn't betray his heart.
Regardless of his sense of logic, he cannot simply sleep. There's a feeling over his shoulder that he's waiting to be watched, like if he sleeps someone will snatch him up. It's a paranoid sense of disturbance, that he cannot shake. Unable to relax in any real way. Unable to even feel tired, let alone finally sleep. So he sits, and he thinks.
For hours. He ignores the scientist, Leon. He calls out, asks to talk, and Zayne ignores him. There's nothing to say. He has been through this process, Carter asks, he rejects. They continue the cycle.
He wonders how long EVER will ask, now that he is here. How much patience they can possibly have.
If the anxieties of his family were anything to go on, when they were hunting, pulling in favours, chasing through the underworlds, he doubts it's plentiful. He cannot imagine anyone willing to experiment past the edges of morality, will hesitate too long on the cliff of conscience.
It is when he hears your voice through the feeble door, that he finally raises himself up. Takes the clothes he has been given, there is little else in this room, it's a broom closet, more than a room. He cannot clean up, cannot go through routines that give him some semblance of comfort. So he decides to simply face it, he has to.
"Where is your guest?"
Zayne looks at you, really looks. He had seen you in that cafe, had noticed the claw at your side in a flash out of the side of his vision. It is something else to see it in the lab's bright lights. As you growl at Leon, he sees fangs peeking out under your lips. Inhuman and out of place, though he remembers seeing something similar when you had been cursed by cats.
These are tinged red, from biting into your lip, and you twitch and clench your claw to a fist. He recognises the motion, normally you would seek out a hand, or someone's clothes to hold onto. To ground yourself. Later, twirling a dagger when on a mission, after Sylus taught you how.
His own hand reaches out on impulse as he approaches, to take yours. To ground you. To ground himself. It is a reflex that he has to pull back, reign in and remind. You will not take kindly to a stranger touching you. The feeling is like a shard of ice through his chest, that he is a stranger.
A target.
The kind of realisation that shatters at hope.
He thinks of moments when Rafayel had drunk too much, on days you were out on missions. The Lemurian had bemoaned the tides, the pains of being forgotten, the agony in his chest for things he didn't fully explain. Like he was offering Zayne parts of a puzzle, but holding back the box. He had only gleaned some sense out of the heartbroken Lemurian, placing a head in his lap, and running fingers through hair and over skin, wiping cried pearls away.
That memory was a fragile thing, that he already knew, saw shades of it when you reconnected, when you looked at him and didn't hate him for the way he had hurt you in your youth. Barely recognised stories he shared, only realising later when the recognition took longer to shine in your eyes. That the albums he had seen Caleb tend to with you, were for a purpose. To protect your memory, to strengthen the foundations.
That, despite the pain, he saw the same thing in Rafayel's heart that he saw in Caleb's in his childhood. A sheer determination, that no matter how many things were forgotten, that there would be more memories. Endless as the sky.
It kept the small jasmine of hope protected against the cold.
He still sees you, in the way you talk. There is none of what Xavier and Sylus recollected from their first run-in with you. None of the cold chill to your eyes like the previous day. He recognises this you, though you're short and you're angry. There's a familiarity to the casual tone, to the way you interact. Underneath the new scars he can see, the unfamiliar attachment, and the gold flickering around the edges of your eyes, you are there.
If he can only draw you out.
It should be a relief that you are forced to spend time with him, though the idea of you spending time with him under duress makes him feel sickened, instead he realises it is a threat. That like Carter has teased, multiple times, he would do anything for you. That all he has done in his pursuit of studying the heart, has been to save you.
Can he really keep that moral code, that the you now teases him for, when there is a chain around his love, keeping them at EVER's feet? It is a question that he truly hopes he never finds an answer to. He just needs time.
There are so many questions Zayne wants to ask you, so many things he needs to learn, to understand. Like there's a door he can push open if he gets the right key, and things will settle into place. It's a naive little thing, like every promise he makes against his logical judgement for an eternity.
Instead, his eyes are drawn to your bared arm, the lightning scars visible from yesterday, and he falls into familiarity, "Are you alright?"
He tries to offer the same smile he's offered to his patients, despite how he worries that it might tremble when you flinch away from him. Looking at him like he has lost his mind, irritated by his questioning.
So he tries again, tells you that it's natural for a doctor to worry. It's not a lie. Any real doctor would be concerned for others, their lives, especially if they were injured in front of them. There's a deeper, consistent reasoning. He loves you, your life means more to him than his own ever could. You're hurt, and even if he hadn't been your doctor for so long, not being able to help you, cut more than he expected.
Wrestling with the feeling, of wanting to reach out, to hold your hand, soothe aches and pains. Check your health, make sure you're alright. To be the one to heal you. Instead, he simply watches, the pout on your face as you respond to him in irritation. The way your gaze wavers when you look away. It's akin to embarrassment, a look he's seen on you when he teases, and you aren't sure how to respond.
You're out of your depth. It's endearing, even when you bite without cruelty.
He watches as you look past him, the gold in your eyes flickering, filling your irises. Leaning forwards, he reaches a hand out, waves it but you don't react. The gold flashes silver, and he finally finds his voice, "Darling?"
It slips out, but he watches as you blink. As the gold and silver filter away, and the familiar mismatch of your eyes returns to him. As you look at him, warmth in your eyes for a moment, and a flicker of a warm smile as you shiver, before you are this you again. You avoid his hands again, and sink your fang into your lip. He wants to reach out but he does not want to feel the sting of your withdrawal again.
He finds relief in the fact you have taken care of your wounds, as reserved about it as you are. So he tries something else. Decides to rattle you, watches you make him hot chocolate. You're short with him now, demanding he stay. There's a bite to your words, but your eyes…
You're sad. He doesn't know why, there's too much he doesn't know. What they've done to you, what you've been through in the months you've been separated. The way your shoulder droops as you make his drink, more careful with your actions. Carefully pouring, stirring with your left hand. For a second, he lets himself imagine you're home again. That he's sat working at the kitchen bar, Sylus reading a book nearby, Rafayel playing an overly noisy game on his phone, Xavier half reading a book and half drifting to sleep.
You're making drinks for them, humming and bobbing your head to music that is as familiar to him now as everything else in their home.
When you turn to hand it to him, he is still in that daydream. Taking it with hands too cold, and sipping. It is only when you point out the risk, that he pulls out of the fantasy.
That you are watching him, again, like he is insane, and every moment you call him Doctor is a spear.
He spent so long trying to be Zayne for you again, to overcome walls he had placed between you. Icy thorns, tangled around his heart, forcing his hand to be steadier. Controlled. He has lost so much time running from you, before he could finally open up, finally take your hand freely. Finally have you close to him, opening doors to the tower, letting him walk freely wherever he wanted.
Without fearing the ice as much as he had.
It's like he is back in the moment of when you first walked back through his door, keeping your distance. Calling him doctor, reacting with a lack of recognition when you see his face. There's even more of a frost to you now, and his title is bitten off.
He wonders how many doctors in EVER treat you with the same kindness those in Akso have.
He doubts any.
When you growl his name out, glaring at him, he cannot help the feeling. Like he's won something, he thinks it might be the same feeling he has when he has won a plushie out of the claw machine for you. Victory and pride, and warmth in this chest at the crooked smile you gave him. Even if you and Rafayel often tease him for not being very good at it.
Zayne learns a lot just watching, he's always needed to be observant, and the flickering of the gold of your resonance, over your skin, up your wanderer prosthetic, is uncontrolled. Driven by fluctuating emotions, that you cannot comprehend. He's familiar with the struggle, and he knows it is something you had struggled to learn. Now you are back at the space without the skills to navigate, with no comfort or safety to try.
"Did they hurt you?"
It feels like a stupid question, he can see new scars, that he has not traced with his fingers. He can see the shades of fear in you as you flinch out of his grasp. EVER have hurt you, he knows that.
Yet… he needs to know. Has to understand, if he ever hopes to fix it. He cannot cure something that he cannot see.
There's some guilt, that he could not help, that he has not been here. It's a pointless thing, to feel guilt. He is one man, all of his family cannot fight against EVER without struggling against it. Still… he cannot help but guilt when he sees your hand press to your chest. Is it a physical pain or an emotional one?, he wonders. Unable to ask. Press, push and pull like he wants.
You are not close enough to answer him. Biting back at all of his questions, bristling at him when he pries.
So when you question him, looking at him as you bring up the name he has called you so often, his heart skips. Darling has been as familiar on his tongue, as his own name could be. He remembers the moment he had first called you it, felt the heat on your cheeks, the glistening in your eyes. The way you had turned away to hide it, only to be pulled back to him. So that he could kiss you.
Whispering it against your lips. Tasting the sigh of his name in return. It had taken so much restraint from him to stop, when you needed to breathe. He was so desperate, his control fraying, his mind tumbling around the sensation, the need, the yearning. Everything he wanted, in his hands.
It fits you better than the words of EVER, ever could. You are not their weapon, or their rare beast to keep in a cage. You are his Darling. Rafayel's Cutie. Xavier's Starlight. Sylus' Kitten. You are you.
When Unicorn leaves his lips, he feels sickened by it. It is not you. It's not right, and he watches the flicker of pain in your eyes, like you wish he'd never said it. He wishes he had not, he wishes he could call you anything else. That the pain as you press to your chest was not so stark, that he could ignore it for a moment longer, to whisper your name.
It is patience, it is process. Medicine is not a quick and easy journey. Struggles with memory are never so simple to fix. He cannot say a word and watch you be healed in front of his eyes.
He has to remind himself. He has to remember.
Even if you cannot.
He can, and he can find a path forward.
Out of all the things that he wishes to know, he faces your wary gaze with a simple thing. He finds the doctor's manual, and he processes.
Dealing with those with memory loss. Keep questions simple, without being belittling. Do not ask if they remember certain things. Offer conversation, help build up rapport.
He has to remember, because if he cannot be your lover, he will be your doctor. He has always cared first and foremost about keeping you healthy.
If the look you give him, upon questioning about hobbies, is anything to go on, he has succeeded somewhat in disarming you. He remembers your reaction to finding out he had toothache and had been avoiding the dentist.
Disbelief, amusement, and the need to tease. If you had a tail, it would have flicked.
You have wide eyes, and blink at him. Startled, and he thinks of a cat. Though he would not do Sylus the pleasure of agreeing with the 'Kitten' moniker too loudly.
As you gaze off, you describe Destiny Cafe to him. Starry eyed, with gold flickering around the edges. Fading out of focus. Your words stall, and his heart skips again.
Despite everything, despite the situation you are in… you are drawn to places that you and they have left marks. A place that is as familiar as home, at this point. It tempers, reminding himself that he cannot cling too blindly to hope. Yet… against his will, it is water for the small flower he protects.
If even part of you remembers, there is hope.
He will fix this, he will see you find yourself again, offer you sanctuary even if you do not trust easily, and he will wait and find a way to get out of this nightmare.
He promised a future, and he will not let it go.
After all, you helped cut through the icy thorns for him. He will help you break down EVER's bars around you.
At the very least, he has a chance. If you are to be forced to spend your time with him, then he can use it to his advantage. He can ignore the ache, and find a goal. He chased medicine all his life to cure your heart, he is not one to quit.
Not on you.
Even as he stares his dead childhood friend in the face. As purple and pink eyes look back at him coldly.
As you step back from between them, and raise a brow.
There are questions on Zayne's tongue. So many, too many. What has EVER done to those he cares for, to have laid their damned claws into everything? Is it the fact he feels the distance in Caleb, that keeps him from doing much but holding his gaze. There is a feeling of being watched by a snake, that he has never felt before.
The Caleb he knows, beyond being protective, was warm. Even if most of it was reserved for you.
Zayne has never felt like a threat, not like this.
"How are you?"
His words come out short, when Zayne finally manages to pull himself out of thought, "I have been better." He receives a laugh in response, as empty as the man's eyes. Like he finds the situation of little interest. Like his childhood friends being caged by EVER are not a concern to him.
This waking nightmare feels less real by the moment, as he looks at the uniform. As he picks out the Farspace Fleet insignia. As he sees the colonel badge. As he pieces the vision together.
There is a biting, and vicious question that is out of his character, but is full of frustration and anger at all the things he has seen. That reminds him of Sylus on the floor, in pain, gasping. That makes him see the wanderer claw out the corner of his eye. That sees him stitching up a deep gash in Xavier's chest. That hears the eulogy from the bathroom as Rafayel mourns.
How could you stand there and see this happen?
How could you see this and not fight?
How could you claim to care for them, and turn a blind eye to their suffering?
So much, too much. Overwhelmed and hurting.
If there is a god Zayne can believe in, he wishes they would make this nightmare end.
"You two know each other?" You finally speak up, looking between them, and Zayne sees it. The wary look in your eye as you look at Caleb, the way you do not stand closer to either of them. Whatever the situation has become, you are not sure where you stand.
Caleb must notice it too, looking down at you. There's more warmth in his eyes when his gaze holds yours, and Zayne almost can trick himself into believing it's the same Caleb he knows.
"We used to be old friends, didn't we?"
"I suppose so."
"So that's how they plan to convince you, Zayne? An old friend?"
He almost laughs, it has no humour, and it would be a broken rattling thing, but he almost does. "Yes, I suppose you could say that."
You look incredulous at him, brow raised and chewing on your lip, like the idea is more confusing to you, than anything else right now. Like your dead best friend, is not the biggest question here. Like he is the odd one. He isn't lying to you either, the chain EVER want to place on him, is a reminder. Of the person he fought so hard to save, who is right in the grasp of people who would break you with such little effort.
It's simply not Caleb, who keeps him tethered.
It is not Caleb who reminds him that he is at EVER's mercy.
You say something under your breath, that he does not catch, shrugging to yourself.
"How about we chat, for a bit, Zayne? I'm sure Pipsqueak can go find some food, you haven't eaten yet, have you?"
This causes you to bristle, and Zayne watches as you move in front of him. Facing Caleb. There's a height difference, and you have to look up at him, but there's an immovable force. A tenseness to your claw, that reminds him that you are well trained.
And he is your job.
"Pipsqueak?" A flicker of doubt over Caleb's face, almost makes Zayne's anger temper. Almost.
"My job is to protect him, Caleb. I can't leave him alone."
There's a laugh, warm and jovial, as Caleb extends a hand towards your head, and goes to pat it, but you carefully move back a little more. Forcing Zayne back a step to avoid you bumping into him. It tapers out, the humour, and his eyes narrow up at Zayne like it is his fault, this is happening. "From me?"
"From everyone." Your voice is cold, the empty look in your eyes is back. The wall around you that forces the shocked, irritated looks to the back of his mind. The version of you he saw outside your home. Ready to hurt anyone in your path to fulfill your role.
The weapon EVER are so ready to throw at others.
Zayne watches, and he waits, in the course of your conversation he learned you carry out your jobs, no matter what. Even if you bristled at the orders. He wonders if you could bring Caleb to his knees like you did with Sylus, angry and snarling.
Caleb's eyes narrow, and then soften, his hands up. Appeasing, his smile is wide but Zayne can't feel the warmth from it. Too busy overlapping the chill in his gaze, with the friend he grew up with. "Alright Pipsqueak, I get it. No leaving the doctor alone, why don't I go and get us connected rooms sorted so it's easier to guard him?"
Your hackles raise, then ease, then settle. The gold that was drifting down your claw, now dissipates, leaving flickering around your eyes once more. You don't smile, but you do nod, "That would be helpful, thank you Caleb." This time when the hand extends to your head, you do not pull from Caleb, and Zayne finds himself irritatingly jealous.
It is a feeling he is not very familiar with, so used to reaching out and touching you. To knowing you inside and out. To being more than confident in every moment spent, every day lived, and every experience had by your side.
Now he is nothing more than a stranger, watching you pull away from him, into someone else's arms.
He's only slightly relieved when you seem to have enough of being touched, pulling back and indicating for him to follow, "Let's go, before there's no food left." You glance at Caleb, then back at Zayne, then urge him to keep up as you leave. He follows, as quickly as he can. Unwilling to strain the new found relationship, when he sees how wary you are of someone you trusted implicitly.
That if he came to it… he has no idea if you would align yourself with EVER, or with Caleb. Which is a question that while he never thought he would ask, he certainly never thought the answer would be so clouded in mystery.
As he leaves, his head slightly turns to glance at Caleb. The flash of hurt in purple eyes quickly smothered, makes him think he is not the only one with the question.
Your time with Zayne is time you aren't sure how to fill. You cannot remember the last time you spent an extended period of time with anyone.
So you do what you can think of. Imagining he's a pet you have to take care of. It's an insulting assessment, but you know the basics for it better than you know the basics of general human survival. Eat, sleep, repeat, you think. Truthfully though, you don't want to parade the man around EVER's compound.
As you enter the canteen you see all the faceless white coats who you barely want to acknowledge, look up at your entrance. Unlike Zayne, who takes a cursory look around him, you keep eyes forward. There's nothing to be gained from their curiosity. Just more agony, and more probing questions.
At least the doctor's questions aren't met at the end of a scalpel you can feel in your flesh, like one of their cruel vivisections.
"Pick." You indicate the menu, looking over at the machines. It's a simple automated system, the less people in the compound the better. You see the OTTO bouncing about as they clean up, or bring trays to people.
It's a simple enough system, so you don't have to explain it, while you stand by his side and look around.
Shooting particularly sharp eyes at some scientists staring far too much at your new charge.
You hope, your only charge.
"Done." You look back and see he's inputted his choice, and then see that he's inputted for chocolate cake. He at least has the decency to look a little red faced when you raise a brow at him.
He's a mystery you won't entertain.
You can't.
So you shrug and shove in an order for whatever won't turn your stomach. You haven't eaten properly, besides some fruit slices, and you doubt you'll keep the prepared food down much longer than usual. Still, if you don't try you worry Leon will find out and inform the lab coats. Then you'll be hooked up to an IV, and forced through the process of keeping your body workable.
They can't risk a knife rusting, after all.
The canteen is as silent as it always is when you enter, like if they talk you'll bite. You're used to the treatment, but Zayne lets out a small chuckle, "Is it against the rules to talk when you're a member of EVER?"
You almost laugh, almost, biting it back down because it's not exactly inaccurate. Everyone here knows something, that if they shared would get them killed. Still, it's not that threat keeping them silent. "They're too curious about you Doctor Li." You respond, taking the trays away from the OTTO, shoving them at the Doctor so you're free just in case, and leading him to a table that keeps his back to the wall.
"Am I going to be ordered around a lot, going forwards? Is the correct response, yes zir?"
"The correct response is to eat. If you drop down out of malnutrition, I've failed my job."
"Ah, can't have a stain on your record now, can we?" There's no venom when he says it, and when you look at him, he does not look at you like he's picking a fight. His eyes aren't cold, in fact they're as warm as they always seem to be, but the words do hurt.
You aren't sure why. It should be a badge of honour, that you've never failed. Even in all your ignorance, though, you know blood on your hand is nothing to sing for.
Not in front of a man who has made promises to save people. You are diametrically opposed.
He should hate you, for everything you represent. Instead he simply seems at peace to eat, next to you.
Surely it is an insanity, to sit next to a killer, and not even check your food for poison?
Still, would you hurt him? Not right now, you have your orders. To keep him safe, protect him. From anyone, even yourself.
Even Caleb…
The cold look in his eyes is embedded in your mind, the way he glared at Zayne, someone who should have been his friend. You look up at Zayne, watching him eat cake as if he hasn't a care in the world, but you notice the tapping of his finger against the table. It's quiet, and he's looking off as he eats.
You remember the anxious energy you get in your hand without your dagger to twirl.
Perhaps that's something you can understand. The mask. It makes him easier to understand, to believe.
You still can't bring yourself to ask.
Do you really want to know more about this man, to humanise him more than he already is, if the order comes down that he's not needed anymore?
"When did Caleb return?"
He does not give you the reprieve of avoiding it, but you're not even sure how to respond. If you should even tell him anything. You remember him picking at the fact this is personal information. It's not a threat to EVER. For all reasoning you have no orders to keep this secret. There's little stopping you sharing whatever you like.
Information is dangerous, in anyone's hands. Even if you feel a little foolish for thinking this doctor might not be one of them.
"Does it matter?"
He pushes some of the cake over to you, when he realises you've barely eaten anything. Picked at some vegetables, speared them around the plate and then ignored them. You hesitate before taking a bite, the sweetness spreading over your tongue.
For a moment you hear laughter, and see a warm smile, as you eat. Before it fades, and you hear him speak again, "He was dead for a year. I mourned him. I just want to understand what happened."
You see the flash of pain in his eyes, the way his tapping speeds up for a moment, before he pulls his restless hands out of your view. Steadying himself with an exhale.
You aren't sure what part of your twisted heart compels you… but you don't want to hide this information, "Yesterday, I saw him again yesterday. He told me he was gone for a year, but I don't remember anything beyond that."
You bristle, the idea of sharing anymore about it does not appeal, no matter how warm his eyes are. You aren't sure if it's protectivity over your own being, or if it's fear. So you clamp shut again, sitting back and pushing the cake back to him.
He seems to accept the close of topic, and tries something else, "Have you noticed anything-" He pauses, seems to think of how to word it, "Odd, about him?"
"Odd about me, Zayne? Am I so different?"
You look to the side, as Caleb approaches, his hat pulled down to cover his eyes somewhat. He's smiling, but it's the same smile you saw earlier. Chilling, and unwelcoming, even though when he turns to look at you. It blooms brighter.
You can't quite figure out what it means.
Why he would level a glare at someone he called a friend.
Or why it would make you feel like stepping away that you noticed it.
Zayne lets out a sigh, and you're impressed when his expression does not change at being heard, or when he simply raises his head to nod in greeting, "It's been a year. Everyone changes with time, Colonel."
"Please, how long have we known each other? It's Caleb." He pulls out a chair to join you both at the table, a steady smile on his face. Warmer now, like he's thawed.
You wait for a sign the frost is returning.
"Still have a sweet tooth? It seems some things don't change."
"If it isn't broken." Is the level response, as he finishes.
"I'm sure your dentist wouldn't agree." You respond, looking down at your plate, before you blink. Why… did you-
The chuckle is small, and warm eyes watch you when you raise your head at the sound. The doctor nods, "He wouldn't, no."
You try to hold his gaze, stunned at the way he watches you, at the words out of your mouth before you'd even processed you were speaking, and let out a tch. Turning your face away, catching Caleb watching you.
His expression is flat, before his eyes meet yours, and he smiles at you. Warm and sunny, "Are you finished?"
You look down at the still full plate and ache a little at the waste. You go through this process every now and then, order, stomach a bite, feel torn up, and stop. "I'm not hungry."
Zayne doesn't bring up your growling stomach from earlier, he simply watches like he wants to say something to you, but isn't sure what or where to begin. You can only imagine what an actually good doctor might say.
You're going to be sick. You're not taking care of yourself. You need to eat.
You know that, you know logically you need to…
You think about the pastries in the cafe, the only thing you'd managed to keep down. Maybe you could convince Leon to get you more.
Or would they turn to ashes in your mouth if you eat them in EVER's walls.
"How about I cook for you next time? It's been a while, after all." You flinch, looking up at Caleb. Like he's seen through you, like he knows more than you want him to. That feeling like he and the doctor can see through you. Read whatever they want through walls.
You want to shiver at it, but you also don't want them to see more. If there's even a point, anymore, to hiding.
"Surely you're busy with work for the fleet?" Zayne interrupts, "Do you have the time to spend here?"
A muscle in Caleb's jaw jumps, and you watch his eyes change, as he looks at Zayne, "I have plenty of time for when Pipsqueak needs me."
This time when Caleb talks, he keeps his gaze mostly on Zayne, but his voice is warmer, "How about we go to see Skyhaven soon, Pipsqueak, and I can make you food there?"
It's like you're watching a tug of war, in a game you don't even remember seeing start. You suddenly want to ask if friend is even the word for whatever these two are. You're almost sure a friend isn't supposed to glare at you.
But you can feel eyes at your back, can feel too many people curious about the Colonel, and his conversation with EVER's pet, and the new doctor. Can already tell the second you leave this room, the gossip will become unbearable. You'll hear it in whispers for weeks at the least. Until another horrible thing happens to draw the vulture's attention.
So you push back out of your seat and look at Zayne, "We should go."
Before you can begin to force the man out of the room, Caleb stands, "What about a tour? I've sorted out the rooms, so we may as well show our dear doctor around, right Pipsqueak?"
"Can't we just give him a map?"
You barely have time to react when he ruffles your hair again, laughing at you, "Come on, be a tour guide for a little bit, instead of a guard."
There's a biting remark on the tip of your tongue, to the effect of 'I'm only spending time here to guard him.' It feels like too much effort though, to argue when you can see the immovable object that is Caleb.
Especially when Zayne steps over and nods, "It would be prudent to see the place properly."
You're sure he wants to investigate to figure out how to escape, if he's foolish enough to think that's an option, you may as well make your life easier and show him how it's not. At the very least you won't have to chase him through the corridors at any point, while he tries to find one door that will let him outside.
It doesn't sound like a good use of the time you don't spend sleeping.
So you follow along, truthfully, Caleb does the tour. You barely know where anything other than the training room and Leon's lab is. You can find your way mostly, but if anyone asked what rooms were what you'd be pointing them at the signs.
There's a small voice in the back of your mind, that wonders why Caleb, of all people, knows the place inside and out.
You remind yourself that EVER brought him back. Maybe in this specific compound.
It's a good enough reason.
So you allow yourself to be led around, nodding on occasion but mostly watching. Zayne, to try to puzzle out what is going through his head, and Caleb, to try to understand the feeling you've felt since that cold smile had shown on his face.
"Do you not spend much time in the compound?" Zayne asks you at some point while you're shrugging at an anecdote Caleb offers about a specific lab's work.
"I told you, I train, I get experimented on, I go to sleep. I only need three rooms for that. The rest of this place is a maze I have no interest getting lost in."
"They need more signs, otherwise one day I'm going to get a message from you going 'Hey Caleb I'm lost.' again."
It's cold. You're so cold.
Hair soaked to your skin, the chill biting at you.
Your chest aches and hurts and twists. Sobbing and choking and gasping on air.
It's so cold and you just want it to stop.
It's too much, why won't it stop?
"Pipsqueak, I found you."
You stumble back at hands on your skin. Caleb pulls his own back to show you it, as you leave his grasp. The Doctor with his own outstretched. You shake your head, clearing it, fighting through the crackling edges of broken ghosts.
"I'm fine." It's broken and choked and cracking. You're not fine. You can't be. You need to be fixed, you need whatever is wrong with you to stop. "Just tired."
They don't believe you, you see the doubt in eyes. Worry, things you don't want to see.
You don't deserve it and you don't want it.
You can't keep looking at them.
"The joined room is ready, we can go back there, you can get some sleep, and Zayne can be safe in the next room over." Caleb offers, trying to catch your gaze, as you stubbornly keep your eyes away. "I can get him a book or something, that'll waste a few hours."
You're barely listening. You need to see Philip. Need him to fix your head.
If you tell him, maybe you won't be subjected to something more painful.
You force a nod, "Sure. Sleep." You're barely aware enough to be ashamed of how your voice breaks, how your fingers are trembling, so you shove them into pockets, and clench your claw into a fist. "Let's go."
You're a better tool than this, you're better at what you do than this… yet as you walk away, at no point do you turn to check your charge is safely following.
Caleb tries to tell himself that you're fine, that you will be fine. As he sits near the bed where you're curled up in on yourself, he tells himself that. Over and over like a mantra. That you'll be alright.
He's angry, and frustrated, that part of EVER's plans involve dangling you around Zayne like some treat he'll get if he's a well behaved dog. If he follows their orders and does what they ask. That you don't understand the game you're being played as a pawn in. That you don't have the answers.
There is a tearing in his heart, that cannot decide whether telling you is better than keeping it secret. The more you know, the better prepared you will be… the more you know, the more at risk you are of fighting back. He cannot put ammo in your hands, that will inevitably end up in your own head.
It is not a risk he will take. Not now, not now he finally has you back.
He gently takes your hand, to press a kiss to the back of it, as you talk in your sleep. Another trait that has not dissipated along with your memories.
For a moment, Caleb wonders what Zayne saw when he saw you. He's no fool, and he has kept a close eye. Has seen how close you have gotten to their common companion. Has watched dates with that 'family', the word turns his stomach, and seen the touches. The kisses, the contact. Has seen you smile and laugh and live happily with them.
He can touch you now though. His lips on your skin. His hand on your head. His body at your side in your sleep.
He is the only one you can really trust here, because he will never abandon you.
He will do whatever it takes, to protect you.
In a world with just the two of you.
His mind unwillingly calls up the cold look you had levelled him with. The way you had stood in front of Zayne like a guardian, had moved away from his touch, like he was the thing to fight against. That he was the enemy.
Caleb tries not to think of it, of the wary, chilled look. No recognition or acknowledgement. He tries to focus instead on the heat of you through his left hand. The scent of the shampoo you use. The soft exhales through your parted lips.
Today had called images into his mind that while he would hate to forget any part of you, the particular memories of his childhood were unnecessary. That even for a split second, as he'd walked with Zayne and you, he had felt like that young boy, playing with a younger you. That everytime he had turned around you were there, pulling Zayne along with you, in case he was left behind.
That there were days in warm summer sun where you had spent time on swing sets. Where on cooler days after school, you had studied together, Caleb trying to outpace Zayne so that he could be the one to show you how to do calculations. That he tried not to see times when you used your change to buy sweets, to share with Zayne so he wouldn't be embarrassed about his sweet tooth.
That he'd do something stupid to impress or appease one of your requests, falling or catching himself on something, only for Zayne to help clean his wounds and take care of his injuries. As much as he frowned and said he was fine. The older boy had simply carried on wiping with antiseptic, and carefully bandaging him up.
That all he needed to do was think about what games to keep you entertained, or what school work hung over your heads. That those warmer days faded after as you became older teens. As Zayne left, and he never really understood why. As your heart ached more and more, and you finally faced your painful reality.
As he watched his world start to shatter again.
That finding time to just watch the sunset by the river was harder and harder to do, no matter how much time he wanted to make for you. How as time passed, that small smile and warm laugh got weaker and weaker, more withdrawn. Before you stopped altogether.
He had forgotten, he supposed, how cruel the world was to you both. Allowed himself to be foolish, allowed himself to forget Gran's words. 'Keep them safe'.
Now he was dealing with what he had wrought in his ignorance. His blind foolishness, had led to this outcome.
So he had to find a way to keep you safe.
He had to protect your world together.
No matter what it is that lies as a threat.
The door to Zayne's room is easily opened, and he does not knock, does not ask for entry. He pushes the door open and steps inside. He watches Zayne sit up, ice in his hand, the cold swirls travelling over his skin. He watches as the man's eyes move past him, through the gap in the door, to where you sleep.
Irritation swirls. A protective craving and bite. The thought of a rotting apple falling to the floor. He pushes it closed, so he won't be able to see you. He doesn't deserve to see you. He didn't protect you well enough either.
He failed to fix your heart too.
Zayne is just as foolish, if not more so, than he is.
"You're prone to sneaking around now Caleb?" If there's something to be said for Zayne, it is that his expression does not change when he looks at Caleb. When he sees the threat. He's always had little change to his face, even as kids. You were convinced he hated you for a long time, because of it. Caleb had known differently, but telling you so would require telling you how much Zayne had liked you.
It hadn't been a conversation he wanted to have.
"I wouldn't want to raise my Pipsqueak's ire again, now would I?"
"Their job is just to protect me, unless you plan to kill me-"
Caleb barely keeps himself from twitching, but he isn't convinced his expression is as level as he likes, the impulse to bare teeth at the man is immense. To suggest he would ever go out of his way to ruin one of your jobs, without a good reason. That the man has the gall to flaunt his 'protection', in Caleb's face. A reminder of the leash about your neck, that now this man holds.
That you are a tool for him, is his misconception.
It is pulled back, as he reminds himself he has a mask for this moment. That his every day as a colonel, has taught him how to lie, and keep things hidden. That the very act of wearing it was how he survived. How he got back to you. That without it, without every lie he has ever told, he would not be able to keep you safe now.
"No, I wouldn't want them to fail one of their orders for EVER. That would be disastrous. They have a clean record, you won't be the reason that changes." He leans against the wall, and indicates to Zayne with a finger outstretched, "I just wanted to remind you not to do anything stupid."
"I would have believed my old friend would know me to be anything but stupid, after all, I helped you with your studies too."
It irritates him, the reminder, the knowledge of times he hadn't been enough, and had needed someone else to cover where he lacked. It wasn't true anymore, he didn't need Zayne's helping hand. He doesn't need anyone's hand, except for yours.
"What strikes me as stupid, is the situation we have found ourselves in. Or perhaps, foolish, is a better term. After all, what could possibly have convinced you that this is the right place for them to be?"
Like he understands, like the choice was ever that easy.
"This, or a grave, Zayne, which would you choose?"
"Better to die with your mind intact, than live as a monster."
He laughs, it is a scoff and it is bitter, and he turns away from the man. Thinks about moments in that testing facility. At every electric shock through his limbs to make him work like the tool they needed him to be. To make his arm function, to make him a reliable weapon.
A monster. He thinks about how he despises the thing they put to him, that perhaps it's true and the cybernetics make him a monster. That his right arm is dirty and filthy and every choice he has made, made him a beast. If he is a beast, however, he will be a beast for you. In service to you. That even if you do not know it, the fact your right arm carries the beast of burden too, makes him feel like you two still are the only two that matter in this filthy place.
That at the very least, even though he wishes it had never happened, he shares the connection that only you can understand. With your claw soaked and stained in blood he knows you cannot wash clean.
Just like he cannot.
"A monster, mhm? Is that what they are now, to you?"
Zayne does not respond, just looks at him, cool, calm eyes watching him. Caleb tries not to remember moments in childhood, when he'd gotten hurt, and Zayne had simply watched him until he finally cracked and confessed so. So the younger boy could help him with his cuts.
They aren't kids anymore.
"I'm keeping them safe, what could you possibly understand of that?"
"Safe? In EVER's den? With them watching every move, keeping track of everything that happens? Holding onto them like they're some kind of attack dog?"
It's the first time Caleb has seen real emotion leak out of him. That in all the time, watching and keeping an eye on him, that Zayne bites. He watches the ice spread up his arm, as his emotions fluctuate.
So he really still can't control it, is a thought that flickers through his mind. A reminder of seeing through the camera, as you resonate with him. Keeping him from hurting himself, or others. Easing the out of control ice down.
You're not here, though, and Caleb watches as the hand tightens. Then eases open, and the ice fades back away, as the cold man warms back up.
It's another reminder, that Zayne cannot help you. When he cannot even really help himself.
An assurance, to Caleb, that he is the best place to keep you safe.
"At least they have me protecting them."
"Who is protecting them from you?"
He's a controlled man, he tries to be. Violence is to be used carefully. His EVOL is a tool, a powerful one, that he has harnessed and learned out of need and through pain. That every experiment his was subjected to, as a child, and as an adult, has made him stronger. That when he needs it, he can use it with a wave of his hand.
That he can bring forth a black hole like it's nothing.
For a split second, his hand twitches, and he feels his anger pull. Zayne's shoulders slump, and he chokes on nothing, before Caleb pulls it back. Reels himself in, steadies it. He cannot kill the man. He cannot hurt him, not when you will suffer it.
He will not hurt you. Ever. You are the one thing in this world he values, that he cares for. You are everything. His beacon and his home base. No matter what, you are where he belongs.
You do not need protecting from him, because he loves you. More than you'll ever understand, more than you'll ever know. More than he'll ever tell you. "I would never hurt them. Ever." It feels wet, like he's close to tears, choked out on the feeling.
The idea of his hands ever being responsible for your pain.
He will never be a weapon to hurt you. No matter what anyone else intends.
"You are, keeping them here, helping EVER, is hurting them. You have to be smarter than this Caleb, surely?"
"Don't act like you could understand this. All you have to do is help them, and they'll leave you alone. Let you do your work, and you won't have to look over your shoulder anymore-" It's not true, it's never true. Caleb knows that, he knows Zayne will never be safe from them anymore. No one will ever be safe from EVER. There is not a safe place in this world anymore. "Pipsqueak can't. Pipsqueak will never be safe from them. They always find us, they always will."
There is nowhere he can run with you, nowhere he can hide you. There is no place EVER cannot touch. He hates every time he realises, every time he remembers the simple fact. That even if he took you to another world, they would follow.
"Caleb-" Zayne tries, trying to catch his gaze, and he simply turns away. Staring directly at the wall. Like if he could look out through it, he could see something better.
Zayne can't understand. Not really.
He hasn't lived through the tests, the iron grip over your lives.
The snapshot of time without EVER's cruelty was too short, before they found you both again.
This entire world is filthy. It's ruined everything. Every happy moment, and every bit of joy. It has done nothing but hurt you, taken from you. There is nothing to be gained from a world that does nothing but hurt. When the day comes and he figures out how to destroy it, he'll do so gladly.
He'll build somewhere better, where you can be happy, and safe. Where the two of you will finally be free, away from pain. Where he won't have to lie to you again. Where he can finally touch you at will and tell you every secret in his heart.
It is a dream within a dream, he wants nothing more than to make it a reality.
"All you need to do Zayne, is stay in line. Don't cause issues, don't make their job harder. Let this pass, and accept your new reality."
The words do not stop him from sighing, or speaking out again, voice steady but desperate. As though he truly needs Caleb to understand.
"If you really knew them, you would know this isn't what they would want. You urged them to be a hunter, you wanted them to help people to protect the world. Surely you know they don't want to abandon everything they care about? The people they love?" He exhales, "Do they look happy to you? Is this what you want to protect so badly? Do they want all this blood on their hands?"
This time, his anger truly gets the best of him. It's an ice cold chill that rivals Zayne's EVOL. He clearly does not expect it, because it takes too long for him to react as Caleb tightens his cybernetic hand around the man's throat and squeezes. He can't feel it, but he can watch. The pain flickering through Zayne's eyes. The shock. As his hand raises sluggishly to tighten a grip around his wrist. As the ice spears through Caleb's synthetic skin and tries to pry through the cybernetics.
He watches with a degree of glee, as he sees Zayne see the cybernetics. As he comes face to face with the way EVER has rebuilt him. There is pain in him at the damage the ice causes. He knows he'll have to go through repairs again, agony waiting on the horizon. It is with irritation that when the sensation of his arm comes back to him, it is through the pain, and is the feeling of Zayne's skin under his iron grip.
His sensations should be saved for you, as rare as they are.
Still, at least he knows it will leave a reminding bruise.
"Don't you dare act like you know them better than me, Zayne. Everything I have ever done, has been for them. Everything I am, every choice I've made. For them."
The creak of the door filters through his anger, reminds him that he cannot kill the man, not if he doesn't have to. Not if it leaves you punished for no reason. Not if you give him that look again, cold and wary. Like he is not the only person you can trust.
Like he's not your only real ally in this world.
You're in pain, but he can help you, and when he has, you'll never feel pain like this ever again.
You'll understand one day, that there's nothing redeemable about this world. That he can build a better one just for you. As good a heart as you have, as much as you care. He knows you'll understand.
You have to.
He backs away, releases Zayne like he scorches to touch. Pushing him back and away, and feels himself laugh under the strain of his aching heart, "If it comes down to a choice, Zayne, of your life or theirs. It will be an easy choice to make. If I have to kill you, no matter their mission, no matter what will happen, if the alternative is EVER's chip in their head, then I will do it."
Zayne rubs at the skin around his neck, and as Caleb turns, walking back to the door, back to you. Where he belongs. He hears a raw and scratchy voice behind him, rough with pain, "When you wake up from this dream Caleb, you're going to be horrified of what you've wrought."
He finds himself laughing again but it doesn't feel funny, and looks back to smile, "Well Doctor, at least I'm not living in a nightmare."
You're inside a cage. The bars are rusted and it's too small to stand in. Hands and knees, with a dirty dog bowl as the only other thing in there.
You crawl to the gate, grab at it with the claw. Pull and tug and rattle it, but no matter how much you try it does not open. No matter how rusted the bars are they do not break. You don't stop, pulling and clawing at them, until the lights switch on.
A man in a black uniform, hat pulled low enters. You cannot see his face, can't make him out. No matter how you crane your neck to try to look up at him.
When your mouth opens, instead of words, you whine. Hurt and wounded like an injured dog.
He exhales, and reaches for the gate. Opens it, and then leaves.
It's a moment, when you wait. For him to come back and lock it again. To bring you a new bowl. To do anything. As you hesitate on the threshold.
When your sad, hurting heart tells you one thing.
He is never coming back.
Unneeded, unwanted, and worthless.
You have been abandoned.
You crawl out of the cage, drag yourself over the ground, your legs too shaky and unused to the space to stand to do more than stumble and fall as you try to raise yourself up. Scrapping and tearing each time you make impact with the floor.
As you reach the door he left through, the lights flick back off, and you fall through the floor.
It is almost a quiet bliss as you fall now. The ground will approach, and you will hit it. The assurance, and the knowledge of that fact, comforts you.
Because you ache, and you hurt, and no one is coming back for you.
The claw is so cold on your skin, as you wrap your arms around yourself. Seeking out any degree of comfort, any reminder of what it felt like.
Surely, at one point, you knew that. Knew kindness and warmth.
You can hear the whine in your throat, the feeling like you want to sob but can't. Falling backwards into the abyss.
When your body slows, stopping, floating. You wait for the sudden impact, for the assurance of the end.
You wait, and you wait, and it does not come.
Flickering blue lights and static.
There is no sudden relief, there is no release.
You're going to wake back up in the cage again. Left to stare at the dirty bowl as company. Waiting for something that never arrives.
#zayne#zayne x reader#rafayel#rafayel x reader#xavier#xavier x reader#sylus#sylus x reader#love and deepspace#lnds#lads#wonder writes#lads x reader#Zayne lads#rafayel lads#Xavier lads#Sylus lads#lads x mc#poly!lads#caleb#caleb x mc#caleb x reader#lnds caleb#love and deepspace caleb#lads caleb#caleb xia#sylus qin#zayne li#rafayel qi#xavier shen
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i watched a movie tonight called i saw the tv glow, and it was a movie about trans identity.
I especially resonated with the theme of wanting to stay in your comfort place. But when you begin realizing you are different, you also realize that your comfort place cannot contain the new you. so, you have to decide whether to block out the new you and continue to live the life that comforts you. Or to acknowledge and become your new self, while potentially giving up your home and family (both literally and metaphorically.)
I didn't realize I was nonbinary until my 30s. That is when I discovered the concept existed. Of course, I always felt left out, "off", or forced to play a role.
In my adulthood, after going through therapy for childhood emotional and physical abuse, I maintain the semblance of a normal relationship with my family. I've come out to them all. My parents either did not understand or pretended not to. My brothers said they understood, but afterwards acted like it didn't happen.
I'm reminded of the concept of the "unsayable" in literature and in life. Sometimes language fails us--or we know the words to say but cannot speak them. Fortunately, this is rarely a problem for me.
However, it is a problem for most people I was close to before I came out. My family cannot talk about any LGBTQIA topic without my parents clamming up, or later saying "I just think something went bad in the way those people were raised."
Ironically enough, I could be evidence of that erroneous claim. My gender was policed frequently when I was growing up, even well into adulthood. I know now it's because they were afraid of me being a lesbian. Jokes on them, I don't have a gender and don't care all that much about sex with anyone.
Every time they plan a "girls" night, or mom buys gifts for her "daughters" (my sisters in law and me). Or I am excluded from activities my brothers plan because it's a guy thing." I get left out 2-fold, relegated to socializing with my SILs and not my siblings, and dismissing my gender completely. Probably one of the most hurtful conversations recently is how joyous my entire family was upon learning my SIL's upcoming baby is a boy. Finally someone else to carry on the family name. Guess my family is carrying on another tradition: making a lifetime's worth of assumption assumptions about a child based on what's between their legs.
I turn 40 this month. My parents will likely pass away before I turn 50. I will miss them. I cry thinking of it. But I also wonder if it won't be freeing, too. I have in many ways outgrown the person they think I am, the person the subtly try to make me with underhanded comments or--even worse--their silence.
"I love you," they will say. But can they? Can they love the person I have become? The person I am now? Perhaps they are limited to loving me conceptually. Daily, I try to make my peace with that.
I don't have a replacement or "found" family. At least not yet. I have friends and a partner who accept me. But there is not that sense of acceptance and belonging to a group, the surety of unconditional love among more than two people.
Many of us are familiar with stories of outright rejection. Of parents disowning their children, of banishing them from home. It's heartbreaking, and those stories need to be told. I'll listen raptly every time someone shares one with me.
But perhaps there are other stories we can pay attention to. The less overt rejections, the conditional acknowledgements, the subtle erasure of our identities in favor of conformity and feigned ignorance.
I'd like to hear those more. This one was mine.
#mdop#lgbtqia#trans identity#nonbinary#enby#basically a somewhat organized rant#cried the whole time writing it
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On Maiar forms and "nullification"
Okay, I’m staying home to ease the stress of waiting for the result of Baby’s First HR Report and don’t want to think about it, so have some more meta. Expanding on these posts, part one and part two.
A deeper interpretation on this quote from Ósanwe-kenta, Vinyar Tengwar #39: “they(Maiar) became wedded to the forms of their evil deeds, and if these bodies were taken from them or destroyed, they were nullified until they had rebuilt a semblance of their former habitations.”
“they became wedded to the forms of their evil deeds": This, I kind of struggle with. I don't think it's a simple as they do evil deeds, they get stuck in their forms. But I also don't think it's as easy as they enjoy their form and their deeds so much that they're "wedded". Some secret third thing. Interesting word choice there though. (sauron’s underlying “give me your troth" vibe every time he talks about the Rings echoes here imo but i have absolute brain rot about these two)
"and if these bodies were taken from them or destroyed" This for me is Jack Lowden Sauron in Forodwaith, the one that gets betrayed by Adar, kitten ears and all (I gotta find that tweet). He's literally at the height of his power (for that age, though Lowden Sauron plays it with a air of uncertainty, the shot of him taking a breath and looking up at the crown after he kneels) and he gets cast down from great heights.
"they were nullified" I think you could take this a few different ways, but my theory is that Lowden Sauron's prideful evil overlord vibe is broken by his downfall and he slithers into the form of a low man. It's bed-rotting, really, wrapping yourself in a tattered blanket while you try to ignore the world and your mistakes.
And there’s textual evidence for Sauron having repented after Morgoth’s fall. It’s referenced insubstantially in the Silmarillion, as a “some say” type story. Sauron “repents in fear” “lingers on Middle-earth” “beginning with fair motives”.
This concept is expanded on and solidified more in Letter 131, where Tolkien is trying to get the SIlmarillion published alongside lotr. He more or less says because of Mairon’s origin, Maia of light and beauty and perfection, Sauron was capable of loving or understanding other individual beings. But this was “correspondingly weaker” than his evil schemes, becoming “the sole object of his will, and an end, the End, itself” (“I see the end, Celebrimbor. So clearly. I have seen it from the moment I awoke. But his end…It was different than mine.” he spits out like he’s willing it to be true)
“until they had rebuilt a semblance of their former habitations.” So in a less-than-forgiving-for-the-nuances view, it’s Tolkien saying they’re evil and they’re gonna keep being evil. Rebuilding his former habitations to me has been Sauron’s steps in S2. What he did to Celebrimor, to Mirdania. Manipulation, cold calculation, violence. All he's ever know under Morgoth, dominance and submission, unrelenting. Old habits die hard.
And what he did to Galadriel. I have a lot of thoughts on how the fight in the finale played out. She’s a formidable warrior, Commander of the Northern Armies, giving it her all, she’s skilled. But he’s an ancient spiritual being, having been awoken since before the breaking of the First Silence. He’s eerily silent, parrying her grunts of effort with ease, doing his sick moves with the crown. He's smooth glass on a lake, but he's having fun. At least until she rebukes him, “The door is shut.”
Then, his composure slips. She has denied him. His blows are vicious now, personal. He’s exerting as much effort as she is. (he fucking growls I stgggg) He’s attacking now, not just playing around, culminating in a brute yell as he strikes for her neck. His expression when she cuts his cheekbone, rage has taken over. (You cut Mairon? You cut his perfect cheek? Stabbing for Galadriel! Blood bond for 1000 years!!)
And the stabbing. (i’m still gnawing on every bit of that scene, it’s what finally made me pick up the show) The stalwart defiance bleeds from her face, her eyes flutter, then are drawn to the crown inside her. The moment stretches between them, the music goes quiet. She knows, has known, that he’s evil. She’s seen the bodies, has seen the ruin, has sworn her oath. She's no silly schoolgirl. But in all his overlording terror, she never really thought…never really thought deep down that he would hurt her, at least not like this.
And from his face, searching her eyes almost frantically, neither did he.
One more step away from Halbrand, from Mairon. One more step back to Sauron, to Gorthaur.
But then he twists the crown (that shouldn’t be as hot to me as it is) and at her gasp, his eyes widen, he exhales. There’s a greedy glint of fascination in his eyes, a slight upturn of the lips. Almost like he’s lost himself in playing her pain "like a harp", exquisite beauty for him to revel in. This is it, for me. He’s rebuilding a semblance of his former habitations, he’s back on the path to evil. It's his "fine, make me your villain" moment. I'll be the monster you think I am. (i think we’ll see some straying though. a girl can hope)
#haladriel#saurondriel#maiar#meta#the rings of power#rings of power season 2#trop spoilers#tolkien#middle earth#tolkien meta#rings of power meta#sauron
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Very much kinda ranty post because I don’t know how to word things well so I apologize in advance!
Due to seeing a lot of it on my Twitter feed(or maybe its just me and I’m on LilyTWT) I wanted to try a hand at making like.. my own Fan-Made Hunter!Lily concept; but my idea did mainly stem from a post I saw on Twitter which sparked my idea for it.
If I recall correctly it was a “Headless Horseman” type design that they were thinking- and instead of doing the traditional “Headless Horseman” where its a pumpkin for a head or nothing there, I wanted to do my own little unique spin on it but I could not figure out what I wanted to do and the first thing that came to my mind was… fire? I still don’t fully understand why myself.
But on top of that I also gave her Satyr legs that are the resemble that—and are the same color as—the horse Simon rode. I thought it would be a cool idea to give her some semblance of a horse in her design due to the whole Horseman design concept without giving her a Centaur Body or a full on horse.
I—of course—kept Simon’s helmet within her design as its one of the biggest parts of her character, and one of the only ways I think that she is still able to keep Simon apart of her. I like to think of it as a way that she can keep the flames somewhat under control- as without the helmet they’d be like a wildfire.
Her outfit has also been changed from that of a cheerleading uniform to now a jockey’s uniform!
I don’t really have much else to say... and I don’t want this post to get even longer(and possibly more confusing) but here is what I came up with! :

Thanks to one of my friends on Discord she also has a name! “The Equestrian”
I also have been trying to think of what her abilities might be so those are still under work </3
#identity v#idv#idv fanart#idv cheerleader#idv lily#lily barriere#lily barriere idv#fanmade#fanmade concept#i ramble too much im so sorry#art#my art#its 4 in the morning over here my brain is working on auto pilot mode
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i think the qsmp elections are actually a super interesting idea. because, to me, the issue with elections on minecraft servers is the elevation of a player to be on a higher level than others. the idea that one player's word can be law, and that their power can be abused in whatever way they want and not much can be done about it. these arcs can be done correctly, but in concept they appear very unfair and powertrip-y to those not elected/not running.
but that's because, for most servers, all players are equal, and they are at the top of the totem pole. they are on top by default, and by elevating another player as president/leader, it feels unbalanced. what's the point if they all had power before? why should they elect a president when they were all on equal ground and could equally make decisions?
the qsmp does not have an equal ground. the players don't have power, they can't make their own decisions, they have no say in anything related to server rules. the federation are the ones on top, detached from the players, so there was never equal ground between every entity on the server. the federation has power that the players don't, and the presidential role finally gives them some semblance of control over their situation.
for most smps, president is just a figurehead. everyone had those powers before the election, and now it just feels unfairly given to just one member. for the qsmp, there is genuine power that was previously out of their hands. not only can they make rules that genuinely impact gameplay (adding members, mods, etc), they can use it to attempt to gain more information on the organization that's been keeping them captive.
#icarus speaks#does this make sense? i've been trying to type this out for a while#but like. most smps. everyone has the power of president when they start#and it just feels taken away when the election hits if done incorrectly#the qsmp didn't. the president was always the federation#and the players had no power. they are actually Gaining something by doing this#instead of every person but one losing it
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"What Was I Made For?"
Sebastian Sallow x You
Word Count: 450
Sebastian remembers. *** "I used to float / now I just fall down..."
I remember.
I remember you.
You’re always someone different, but I remember. Last time, you were a young man with pale blue eyes and jet-black hair—a Slytherin, like me. The time before, a Ravenclaw girl, much shorter but just as unforgettable. No matter who you are, you always light up a room. You’re impossible to miss.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a boy or a girl, I fall for you every time.
And sometimes you fall back. Other times… Well, I try not to think about that.
My parents were never religious—Anne and I never practiced anything—but the concepts of heaven and hell are difficult, nigh impossible, to avoid.
I think I may be in hell: the same repetitive loop, over and over again, without fail. It’s the only explanation that makes sense.
If this is hell, at least you’re here with me. That provides some semblance of relief, of consolation which I sorely need.
Anne is always cursed in this horrible place. If this is hell, I hope up there, in the world of the living, that isn’t the case. I hope Anne is alive, still at Hogwarts, happy and healthy.
Because down here, I never heal her. That’s the worst part. Every single time, I repeat everything—finding the spellbook, taking the relic, murdering my uncle—only for nothing to be resolved. I either end up aimlessly roaming the halls of Hogwarts or, worse yet, imprisoned in Azkaban until everything starts again.
Do I ever learn my lesson, if there was even a lesson to begin with? Merlin, you’d think one of these days I would, but I don’t. I don’t! And each time, a piece of my soul dies with me, if I even had a soul to begin with.
How long have I been here, wherever this is? It looks like Hogwarts, my home for the past five years. It feels like Hogwarts, but is it really?
And who are you? This mysterious person with godlike powers who changes shapes and personalities in every loop?
Why do you never help me? You say you’ll speak to the Keepers about Anne, but do you ever do so? I never know.
What does this all mean? There’s a meaning for everything, isn’t there?
Am I even real?
Or was I just made for you?
I suppose there’s no point in dwelling on it. I’ll never get the answers I seek. I’ll never cure my sister. I’ll never even hold your hand. Not in this loop or the next.
I’ve resigned myself to that.
So for now, for always, I’ll fall back on the only thought that keeps me going: you.
I remember.
I remember you.
#sebastian sallow x reader#sebastian sallow x you#hogwarts legacy one shot#hogwarts legacy drabble#hogwarts legacy fanfiction#sebastian sallow fanfiction#sebastian sallow x mc#sebastian sallow x female mc#sebastian sallow x male mc
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Don't Blame Me (byler): 1
word count: 5,630
warnings for this chapter: sexual content, alcohol withdrawal, MAJOR DEPRESSION. this is semi-autobiographical so pls be kind <3
in short: if you are emotionally or mentally vulnerable, please dni.

All Mike could see from behind his closed eyelids were flashes of white, blue, and yellow. He groaned, the heat above him almost too much to bear. The shape of a crescent moon cut into his shoulder, branding the skin there. This was definitely going to draw blood, if it hadn’t already. A pang of electricity ran up Mike’s spine, and he reached out for dear life, attempting to grab something, some semblance of reality, if reality was even a concept anymore. The only thing that still grounded him was the sensation of teeth digging into his shoulder, and the vibrations of Will’s stifled moans on his skin. Mike’s hands gripped the sheets below him, and he bit his lip, trying his best to hold in his scream.
“Fuck!” Mike moaned, feeling himself tremble below Will, who continued to move until the very last millisecond of the third most powerful orgasm Mike had ever experienced. They both came down from their high together, muscles contracting, extremely out of breath, unbelievably sweaty, and so, so in love.
When Mike’s soul returned to his body, he opened his eyes to look up at Will, who stared back at him with blown pupils and flushed cheeks. Will pulled out slowly– the worst part, in Mike’s opinion– and pulled the condom off, tossing it haphazardly across the room in the general direction of the garbage. With any other guy, Mike would have found that absolutely disgusting. But when Will did it, oh Lord, Mike could get turned on all over again by the most asinine, insane things like fucking flying condoms. Call him crazy, and he’d take it as a compliment.
“I’m gonna miss you while I’m gone,” Mike confessed as Will settled next to him, resting his head on Mike’s chest. They simultaneously exhaled, and Will tilted his head up to meet Mike’s eyes, his own still gleaming with remnants of lust.
“Me too. But listen, you’ve gotta go.”
“I know, I know,” Mike muttered, turning in place to nestle his face in Will’s fluffy hair, breathing in the scent of his boyfriend’s scalp and wishing he could make a candle out of it. Their legs tangled together between the navy sheets of their bed, and Mike ran his hand– the one that wasn’t trapped below Will’s body– over the hills and valleys of Will’s beautiful muscled arm. “But I just got you back!”
“And you’ll still have me…” Will began, smirk forming as he added, “and these guns…” causing Mike to cackle loudly into Will’s neck, laying a few extra kisses there for good measure, “when you come back. But first–”
“Rehab. Yeah.”
Will pushed himself up into a sitting position on the bed, grabbing a tissue from the nightstand and wiping Mike’s cum off his torso before standing up. He stretched down to his right side, then to his left, and Mike watched in awe as Will’s back muscles flexed, eyes trailing down to his perfectly sculpted ass. Will returned to an upright position, glanced over at Mike, fucking winked, and walked out of their bedroom. Nope. He did not get to fucking wink like that and just leave.
Mike scrambled to his feet and sneakily trailed behind Will down the hallway, hiding around the corner to watch Will grab a glass and turn on the faucet. Will raised the glass to his lips, and Mike watched as Will’s Adam’s apple moved up and down as he drank the water for a solid fifteen seconds. Will was clearly parched after exerting so much energy. Mike was a fucking animal, what could he say?
As Will lowered his glass beneath the faucet again, Mike crept across the floor and prepared to attack with a mischievous glint in his eyes. The loudness of the running water against the metal of the sink covered up any sounds Mike made as he tiptoed across the kitchen tile, sucked in a silent breath, and roughly wrapped his arms around Will’s waist from behind, causing him to choke on his water.
“Agh! Michael!” Will shrieked, slamming the half-empty glass onto the counter. Mike turned Will around in his grip and pushed him against the counter, kissing him sweetly. He could feel Will smile against his lips.
“I love you,” Mike told him.
“I love you too, asshole,” Will chuckled, his hands settling on Mike’s hips as if it were second nature.
Mike wiggled his eyebrows. “You love my asshole.” Will shook his head in disbelief at Mike’s crudeness, something he was still getting used to. He shoved his face into Mike’s bare chest, his nose bending to the side at the force.
“Jesus Christ.”
“Pretty sure Jesus isn’t here right now,” Mike retorted without missing a beat.
“Fuck off.”
“Fuck me.”
Will pulled back then, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “I just did.”
“And what?”
“And this is probably the last day you’re gonna get to until I’m out–” Mike couldn’t finish his sentence due to the fact that he was being picked up and thrown over Will’s shoulders like a ragdoll. He slapped Will’s ass with all the strength he had, but no luck. “What the hell! Put me down!”
“No can do, my love,” Will said, smacking Mike’s ass right back as he carried them back to their bedroom. “Like you said, you’re here now. Gotta take advantage.”
“Oh, my hero,” Mike feigned a swoon, but felt himself die a little bit at the thought of being separated from Will again. He wasn’t sure if he’d make it through the month. Will kept him alive.
Will let him down onto the mattress gently, but that didn’t last long as he was immediately licking into Mike’s mouth and pulling his hair so hard Mike thought he’d be bald by age thirty. He kissed back just as hard, gasping when Will flipped him around so he was on his hands and knees. He couldn’t even find the time to ask Will what he was doing before he felt hands spreading his cheeks, and he was done for. Mike’s loud moans filled the room, their impending time apart left to be dealt with later.
For the first time in months, Will didn’t dream. His dreams were often vivid, comprised of mostly flashbacks of the Upside Down or some gory nightmare sequence chronicling Mike’s downfall into alcoholic despair. But when Will woke up the next morning, it wasn’t because he was startled awake, forced to catch his breath. He woke up easily, eyes fluttering open like one would hastily skim through pages in a book, holding their thumb down and letting the paper flip from one cover to another. He looked down slightly to see Mike’s face nestled into his shoulder, and he let out a quiet sigh as he watched the morning sunlight travel through the curtains of their bedroom and seep into his skin.
Will stayed still for a moment, savoring the rare serenity. He knew what lied ahead; today was Rehab Day™. In a few short hours, Mike would be picked up by Will’s parents and driven to spend three months in an outpatient program. Will had been dreading this moment since it had been established, but… the decision for Mike to go away had not been made lightly.
Mike stirred slightly, letting out a soft groan but didn’t wake. Will turned his head to study his face, so peaceful in sleep. It was hard to reconcile this version of Mike, the vulnerable, quiet boy nestled against him, with the version who had stumbled home a few weeks ago, reeking of booze and stumbling through the house. Will closed his eyes briefly, the memory vivid even now. Mike had come home and briskly walked through the house, locking himself in the bathroom. When Mike finally emerged, nearly an hour later, he couldn’t walk in a straight line.
Will poked his head in the door to observe the scene; he’d chugged an entire bottle of whiskey, which laid on its side in the sink, and emptied his guts into the bathtub. Some had even hit the walls, amber flecks decorating the white tile like one of Ivy’s splatter paint projects. Will had cleaned everything in silence, his hands trembling as he worked.
When he was done, he sat on the living room floor and called Hopper, his voice barely steady enough to explain what had happened. Hopper hadn’t judged, hadn’t lectured. He’d only listened and explained that Mike wasn’t… Mike anymore. It wasn’t hopeless, Hopper assured him, though Will couldn’t help but feel that way deep down. Still, it was clear that love and support alone wouldn’t be enough to bring back the Mike he once knew. As much as Will hated to admit it, Hopper was right. But knowing that didn’t make the ache of feeling inadequate any easier to bear.
Now, with Mike still dozing against him, Will felt a pang of fear twist in his chest. What if rehab didn’t work? What if Mike came back worse, or angry at him for pushing him into it? Will exhaled shakily and gently ran his fingers through Mike’s hair. Mike groaned again, opening his eyes slowly. “Morning,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse.
“Morning,” Will replied. He tried to smile, but it felt fragile. Before he could say anything else, Mike rolled away from him, clutching his stomach.
“Mike?” Will sat up, concern flashing across his face.
“I’m fine,” Mike muttered. “Just–” he trailed off, suddenly lurching out of bed and jogging to the door. Will followed, already bracing himself for what was coming. By the time he reached the bathroom, Mike was on his knees, retching into the toilet. Will knelt beside him, gently pulling his hair back and rubbing his shoulder in slow, reassuring circles.
When Mike finally stopped, he sagged against the side of the tub, his face pale and drawn. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and avoided Will’s gaze. “This is so pathetic,” he said. “Three days. I make it three days and I’m already falling apart.”
Will shook his head. “It’s not pathetic. It’s your body detoxing. That’s normal.”
Mike laughed bitterly. “Normal. Right. Totally normal for me to fuck up my body so badly I can’t even quit without puking my guts out.”
“Mike,” Will said, his hand still on Mike’s shoulder. “You’re doing this. You’re trying. That’s what matters.” Mike’s eyes finally met his, and they were glassy with unshed tears.
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispered, his voice cracking.
Will didn’t hesitate to cup Mike’s face with both hands, forcing him to look at him fully. “Yes, you do,” he said firmly.
Mike’s bottom lip trembled, and he let out a shaky breath. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he admitted.
“You don’t have to find out,” Will said, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Mike’s forehead. “We’re in this together. Always.”
Will helped Mike up off the floor, letting him lean against the counter as he turned on the shower. They both shed their clothes slowly, and Will held onto Mike’s forearm as he stepped onto the slippery floor. Mike slumped against the wall, his eyes closed as the steam surrounded them, while Will gently washed his hair for him. Neither of them spoke much, but the quiet was far from comfortable. Rehab was all either of them could think about, but neither one of them dared to bring it up.
When they stepped out and dried off, the air between them still felt thick. They got ready together, standing side by side in front of the mirror. Mike brushed his teeth, his movements slow and deliberate, while Will carefully dragged a razor across his jawline. The hum of the bathroom fan filled the space, but it didn’t drown out the thoughts racing in Will’s head. He glanced at Mike’s reflection, noticing how he stared blankly at the faucet, his toothbrush hovering in midair.
“Is it bad that I want to keep you here, all to myself?” Will finally broke the silence, his voice soft but tinged with hesitation.
Mike lowered his toothbrush and looked at Will through the mirror, his expression unreadable. “No… I want that just as much as you do,” he said. “But I don’t want you to see me like this anymore, Will. It’s embarrassing. It’s gross. I want to be a version of myself that you’d be proud to call your boyfriend.”
Will turned to him, setting down the razor. “Mike, I’m already proud,” he said. “You’re doing the hardest thing anyone could do. You’re trying. That’s what matters.” Mike’s gaze flickered down, his grip tightening on the sink. “Three months from now,” Will continued, stepping closer, “you’ll be on the right track to recovery. Then you’re going to come back home to me, and everything will be okay.”
Mike let out a shaky breath, his hand brushing against Will’s on the edge of the counter. “I know,” he whispered. “I love you.”
“I love you more,” Will replied without hesitation, squeezing Mike’s hand.
Mike shook his head, managing a faint, crooked smile. “Not possible.”
Will leaned in, pressing a kiss to Mike’s temple. “We’ll see about that,” he chuckled, his lips lingering for a moment before pulling back. As of now, there was no promise of perfection, no solution to their suffering. But if resilience and determination were people, they would be Mike and Will.
Mike paced by the front window, hoodie pockets tugged inside-out from the weight of his restless hands. The rain had let up an hour ago, leaving damp streaks across the driveway where Hopper’s truck was due any minute. Will stood against the wall, arms folded, watching the subtle lines of tension form in Mike’s brow.
“You don’t have to look so guilty,” Will ventured, voice calm but tinged with something close to sadness. “They’re not taking you to maximum security, you know.”
Mike glanced over, a humorless huff escaping him. “Might as well be. Three months back in Hawkins? Might as well be a cell.”
Will tried for a smile, pushing off the wall. “It’s just a little while. You’ll get back on your feet.”
Mike’s shoulders sagged, a reluctant admission in his posture. “I know,” he muttered, gaze sliding toward the window again. The sound of an engine turning in cut through the hush. Headlights swept the living room curtains, and Mike stiffened. Hopper’s truck. Will slipped closer, resting a hand against Mike’s chest.
“You’ll be okay,” Will said, voice quiet. Mike looked at him with a glance that spoke volumes about how not-okay he felt.
A knock rapped against the door. Will squeezed Mike’s hand one last time before pulling it free to answer. Outside stood Hopper, built like a fortress in his battered jacket, and Joyce, eyes etched with worry but a faint determination beneath.
“Ready, kid?” Hopper asked, shifting to let Mike see the open passenger door. The truck idled behind them, engine rumbling low. Mike hesitated, glancing back at Will as though searching for one last reason to stay put. Will took a step forward, placing his palm against Mike’s cheek. Mike inhaled sharply, mouth twisting in an unspoken apology.
“You’ll call?” he asked, a tremor running through his voice. “Every day, if you can?”
“Every day,” Will promised, forcing a brightness he didn’t feel. He watched Mike’s eyes flick over him in a frantic memorization, as if Will might vanish the moment he left. Mike swallowed. The tension in his chest was almost visible, wound up tight beneath his hoodie.
Abruptly, he leaned in, capturing Will’s lips in a kiss that felt more desperate than affectionate, arms coiling around Will’s waist. It was an imprint of all the regret and fear he wouldn’t name out loud. Will responded, tangling his fingers in Mike’s hair, pulling him closer until the air around them felt charged with what they were about to lose. A gruff noise from the doorway made them break apart; Hopper was crossing his arms, eyes narrowing.
“Mike,” he warned, but Mike, emboldened by defiance, pressed his lips to Will’s again, slower this time, letting his tongue flick across Will’s in a final claim. Will made a small, astonished sound but didn’t resist. Joyce cleared her throat. “Honey…” she murmured, her voice an echo of gentle disapproval.
Mike pulled back, breath uneven, a hint of a smirk curling his mouth as he threw a glance at Hopper. “Just saying goodbye.”
“Inside. Now,” Hopper glowered, pointing toward the truck.
Mike inclined his head, but not before resting his forehead against Will’s, arms lingering around him. “I’ll miss you,” he whispered, voice raw, as though he was forcing himself to step off a ledge. Will tried not to let tears slip.
“Same,” he whispered back, sliding a final hand along Mike’s cheek. “Be good. Or at least try.”
Mike huffed a half-laugh that held no real amusement. “No promises,” he muttered, something like grim resolve settling over him. Then he let go and trudged out the door, backpack slung over a shoulder, toss of a final glance at Will.
The ride to the Byers-Hopper house felt longer than it was, the drone of the truck’s engine and the soft squeak of windshield wipers the only breaks in silence. Mike stared at his phone, though there were no messages, no calls. Just the steady dread of starting over. They arrived to find the porch light glowing against a washed-out sky.
Joyce hopped out first, coat swirling around her ankles, meeting Mike on his side of the truck. “You’re home,” she said, voice a quiet blend of reassurance and sorrow.
“Thanks, Ms. Byers,” Mike mumbled. He hefted his duffel bag, stepping down from the passenger seat onto the gravel. Joyce reached out before he could straighten, pulling him into an embrace that smelled of her sweater and faint soap. He froze at first, arms pinned awkwardly, but she refused to release him until he let out a halting breath.
“We’ll get through this,” she promised, her words a low murmur by his ear. “One day at a time.”
Mike nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. He looked over her shoulder at Hopper, who leaned against the truck, brow furrowed. Their eyes met, and Hopper gave a curt nod of approval, as if granting permission for Mike to feel whatever was churning inside.
“Come on,” Joyce said, stepping back. “Let’s go in. You can put your bag in Will’s old room. It’s all yours.”
The house felt oddly the same, from the old photos on the walls to the faint hum of the battered fridge. Mike’s chest clenched with memories: lazy summer afternoons rolling dice with Will, the faint hum of the TV in the background, the scuff of worn floors. But the difference now was glaring; this wasn’t a holiday or a casual visit. He’d been brought here to detox, to rebuild, to figure out why he couldn’t stop hurting himself– and by extension, everyone else.
Joyce gestured to the couch, a threadbare blanket draped over one arm. “Sit,” she said gently, perching on the coffee table in front of him. “We can talk about the plan.” Mike sank into the couch, bag at his feet, heart pounding harder than he cared to admit. Hopper trudged in, lowering himself into an armchair with a sigh.
“Here’s how it is,” Hopper began, voice heavy with an authority that left no room for argument. “You’re staying here for three months. It’s not official rehab– it’s outpatient– but you’ll be sober, you’ll help around the house, and you’ll keep appointments with the counselor at a center. No disappearing, no excuses.” He paused, letting the words settle. “Understood?”
Mike nodded, mouth dry. “Yeah,” he managed.
Joyce placed a hand lightly on his knee. “We aren’t judging you,” she said, eyes glistening with compassion. “We just want to help you get your life back.”
Mike swallowed, glancing at the carpet. “Thanks,” he mumbled. Inwardly, he felt raw, unmoored by the knowledge that Will wouldn’t be here to soften the blow. He’d have to face every craving, every tension, without the comfort of Will’s presence. “I– I appreciate it.”
A strained silence followed. After a moment, Joyce inhaled, voice quiet. “Have you heard from your mom?”
Mike’s whole frame stiffened. He cast a quick glance at Hopper, who scowled, crossing his arms. “No,” Mike said, each syllable clipped. “Not since… Christmas Eve.” His voice turned hollow. “She’s probably busy. With Holly.”
Joyce’s lips parted, an attempt at sympathy that came out wobbly. “I’m sure she’d call if she knew… I mean–”
Hopper let out a low snort. “Right. Busy ignoring her son.” He shook his head.
“Jim,” Joyce admonished, but her sigh said she didn’t entirely disagree.
“What?” Hopper shot back. “It’s the truth, isn’t it? The kid’s been through hell, and they can’t even check in? That’s bullshit.”
Mike let out an amused laugh, surprised at how… mad Hopper seemed with this whole situation. Mike had always joked that the day Jim Hopper agreed with him on something would be the day hell froze over. Now he supposed it had. “No, he’s right,” he said quietly. “I know she cares, but… I think she just doesn’t want to get in the middle of things with my dad.”
“He still isn’t budging, huh? Old fuck.”
“Jim. Enough,” Joyce scolded her husband for a second time. She looked at Mike then, her eyes softening again. “You deserve so much more than that.”
“Doesn’t matter,” Mike replied, chewing the inside of his cheek. “I’m not expecting anything from them anymore.”
Hopper grunted, shifting in the chair, voice gentler than before. “You’ve got us, Wheeler. We’re not going anywhere.” A flicker of gratitude passed over Mike’s face, quickly overshadowed by exhaustion.
“Thanks,” he said. And though the word was small, the quiet sincerity behind it carried more weight than any argument he could give. He glanced around the living room, at the holiday lights still strung along the archway like a year-round promise of something better. On nights he’d come here as a teenager, he’d marveled at how comforting this home felt, how different from his own. Now he was expected to stay under its roof, bare his worst moments in front of people who only wanted to help, even if it felt like captivity.
Eventually, Hopper stood, stretching. “I’ll give you a hand with your bag. Show you Will’s old room.”
Mike followed him down a short hallway. Each step brought a rush of memories, like the ghost of Will laughing at him across a board game, or Hopper shouting half-teasing lectures about leaving the door open three inches. He and Will hadn’t even been together back then. The recollection clashed with the knowledge that Will was miles away, carrying on without Mike by his side. He tried to steady himself with the thought that it was temporary. Just a few months.
As Hopper set the duffel on the small bed, he cleared his throat. “You can fix this,” he said, voice low but resolute. “Or try to, anyway.”
Mike nodded, tears threatening to surface. “I… I know.” He rubbed his arms, feeling the chill that lingered even in the warmth of the house. “Thank you,” he said softly.
Hopper paused, eyes flicking over Mike’s (Will’s) hoodie, then shrugged. “You’re welcome, kid,” he said, stepping aside, giving Mike a moment alone.
Mike stood in the middle of the tiny room, letting out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He was here, in Will’s childhood space, about to wrestle his demons without Will around to anchor him daily. The floor creaked beneath his feet, and he told himself it was just for a few months– just enough time to figure out who he was without the crutches he’d leaned on for too long.
From the other side of the house, he heard Joyce call his name, probably offering dinner or some awkward attempt at conversation. He closed his eyes, trying to summon the memory of Will’s last kiss, the taste of goodbye still fresh on his lips, the promise that he’d call every day. A small pang of hope flickered, keeping him upright.
Then he opened the door and walked back toward the living room, swallowing the fear that gnawed at him. If he had to endure this, at least he wasn’t truly alone; he had Hopper and Joyce, in their flawed yet steadfast way, and somewhere out there, Will waiting on the other end of the phone.
Mike had been gone for an hour; off to rehab, off to some fragile chance of saving himself from the shadows he’d battled alone for too long. The house felt horribly quiet now, an oppressive quiet broken only by the drip of water in the kitchen sink and the low rumble of distant traffic. Will pressed a fist to his temple, trying not to imagine what the next three months might hold.
Then the phone rang, slicing through the stillness. He inhaled sharply and lifted the receiver, old plastic creaking in his grip.
“Will Byers,” he said, voice sounding oddly small in his own ears.
A crackle, then a beat of silence. “Hey,” came a voice, awkwardly subdued, “uh… it’s Wyatt.”
Will felt his shoulders tense. The last person he expected, or particularly wanted, to hear from right now was Wyatt. All the same, relief and unease flooded him. “Oh. Hey,” he managed. “Mike left an hour ago.” He wasn’t sure what else to say, or how to fill the emptiness that had settled over everything. He hated talking to Wyatt without Mike in the middle, like someone had yanked away the buffer they’d both relied on.
Wyatt’s sigh came over the line. “I know. I wasn’t calling for him, I actually wanted to talk to you.”
Will’s grip tightened on the phone cord, nerves prickling. “You did?” He tugged absently at the hem of his sweater. The living room seemed to close in on him, each bit of furniture a silent witness.
One syllable. It made Will’s pulse jump with uncertainty. “Oh.”
They hovered in a tense pause that felt like an echo of everything they’d never properly discussed. Will imagined Wyatt smoothing a hand through his hair, trying to find words. Then Wyatt spoke again, a little too quickly: “So.”
“So,” Will echoed, just as unsure.
“You’re Mike’s boyfriend,” Wyatt said. It wasn’t a question. It was a stake in the ground.
Will swallowed. “And you’re Mike’s best friend.”
“We both love him,” Wyatt said.
“Yeah. We do,” Will admitted. He rubbed a knuckle over the back of his wrist, wishing Mike could float through the door and mediate.
“We’ve established we’re… in this for the long haul,” Wyatt continued, voice stiff. “You know, for Mike.”
Will forced a nod, even though Wyatt couldn’t see it. “Absolutely.”
“Should we– maybe get coffee?” Wyatt asked. The question fell into the silence like a stone. Will stared at the phone, trying to decipher Wyatt’s tone.
“Um, sure,” he managed. “I��m… already up.”
Wyatt exhaled, the line crackling with a hint of relief. “Okay. I’m staying at a motel near downtown, so wherever you want, just name the place. Mike told me you work at some coffee shop by the art school–”
A flicker of pride rose in Will, hearing that Mike had been talking about him. Yet it felt overshadowed by the sheer oddness of making these plans with Wyatt. “I do. But my ex works there, so maybe that’s not the best idea,” he said, half-laughing at the painful reality. “It’s messy.”
Wyatt gave a soft snort. “I love messy. But okay, any suggestions that don’t come with baggage?”
Will pressed the receiver against his ear, thinking. “There’s this place called Wake Up Call,” he said slowly. “Corner of Milwaukee and Evergreen. Heard it’s good.”
“Works for me,” Wyatt replied. “See you soon.”
“See you.”
The click of the dial tone echoed, and Will replaced the receiver in its cradle. He stood in the quiet of the living room, the emptiness sharper than ever with Mike gone. A coffee date with Wyatt felt like stepping into uncharted territory. But maybe that was all right. Maybe bridging the gap with Mike’s best friend– without Mike there– was exactly what needed to happen. He shrugged on a coat, checked the time, and headed out into the gray drizzle.
Wind rattled the door to Wake Up Call as Will slipped inside. The place was pleasantly warmed by an overworked heater and lit by mismatched lamps. A barista hustled behind the wooden counter, pouring espresso shots, while an indie tune played softly in the background. In a corner booth, Wyatt looked up from a paperback. He lifted a hand in a tentative greeting.
Will exhaled, crossing over with a cautious smile. “Hey,” he said, shrugging off his coat. He eyed the title of Wyatt’s book– something in small print that looked vaguely philosophical– but said nothing about it.
“Hey,” Wyatt echoed, nudging the extra chair out for him. “Figured we should finally… talk.”
They both ordered coffees, the whirring of the machine filling the space while they waited. When the drinks arrived, Wyatt wrapped both hands around his mug, as though gathering fortitude. Will mirrored the gesture, tapping a finger against the mug’s chipped handle.
“So,” Will began hesitantly, “a motel, huh? All in on the authentic Chicago experience?”
Wyatt’s mouth quirked. “Yeah, the continental breakfast is questionable, but it’s cheap.” He paused, then offered a wry smile. “Could be worse.”
A small laugh escaped Will. “Right.” The tension in his shoulders eased, just a fraction. He took a sip of coffee, savoring the warmth.
Wyatt glanced up, eyes flickering over Will’s face. “I just… wanted to see you. Without Mike around, I guess. That okay?”
Will felt a pang of both guilt and relief. “I think so.” Then, feeling the need to fill the silence, he added, “Anyway, outside of your film obsession, what else do you do these days?”
Wyatt shrugged. “Not much. Still finishing classes, picking up odd freelance gigs. But I want to talk about you. Heard you’re painting a lot.” A hint of pride broke through Will’s nervousness.
“Mostly classes, yeah. I have a piece in an upcoming show.” He rubbed a palm against his jeans, recalling how Mike had boasted about it to Wyatt, no doubt. The reminder made his stomach twist– Mike was gone, and here he was, bridging this weird gap with Wyatt.
They eased into conversation, volleying small talk about the city, about old movies Wyatt liked to analyze, about the unremarkable day jobs they juggled. Will felt a glimmer of genuine enjoyment as they traded quips, something reminiscent of the dynamic they’d had before everything got tangled. Eventually, though, Wyatt’s gaze shifted, his demeanor quieting.
“So,” he said, “how are you holding up? With him gone?” His voice was gentler than expected.
Will’s heart squeezed at the mention of Mike. “It’s weird,” he admitted, swirling the last of his coffee. “The house is quieter, obviously. I miss him, but he needs this. I just… I don’t always want to be reminded.” He forced a shaky breath. “So can we maybe not talk about him for a little bit?”
Wyatt nodded slowly. “Yeah, of course.” He ran a thumb along the rim of his mug, glancing at Will. “I didn’t think I’d ever hear you say that. That you don’t want to talk about him.”
Will shrugged, sudden exhaustion prickling at the back of his mind. “I’m allowed to take a break, right?”
“Right,” Wyatt agreed. “I get it. Consider the subject dropped.”
Silence fell, not entirely awkward. Will drained his coffee, setting the empty mug aside, posture sinking into the booth. There was a fragile sense of empathy between them, both connected through the person they loved, both uncertain of how to move forward.
“Confession?” Wyatt said at last, eyes flicking to Will. “I was dreading meeting up, half-convinced it would turn into a fiasco.”
Will let out a small laugh. “Same. But it’s been… nice.” He offered Wyatt a faint smile. “You’re not just ‘Mike’s best friend,’ you know.”
Wyatt smiled back, a touch of relief in his expression. “And you’re not just ‘Mike’s boyfriend,’ either. You’re also that weird painter who knows too much about dragons.”
“Thessalhydras,” Will corrected, a grin tugging at his lips. “But yeah, thanks.”
They both chuckled, then finished off their coffees in companionable quiet. After a while, Wyatt said, “Hey, if you ever get sick of painting or gloom, I’ll show you some truly atrocious B-movies. Could be fun.”
Will’s grin widened. “I’d like that.”
Wyatt lifted his mug in a mock toast. “To not letting ourselves drown while Mike’s away.”
Will raised his empty cup with a wry nod. “Exactly.”
The moment held a curious warmth, an understanding that, though they’d walked a messy road to get here, they both wanted the same thing: to keep going, to stay steady for Mike’s sake, and for their own, too. Will pulled on his coat, checking his watch as Wyatt grabbed the check. They stepped outside into the damp chill, and for once, Will felt a little lighter, as though forging a fragile truce with Wyatt was another step toward something resembling wholeness.
The city’s bustle swept around them as they parted ways on the sidewalk, each heading off to separate corners of Chicago. The memory of Mike flickered between them, a silent anchor binding them in a shared hope: that when he returned, they’d all be in a better place, a little less broken– and maybe, just maybe, strong enough to face whatever came next.
next part
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The Science of it All:
High school Luke Hughes x OC
Summary: Luke has a raging suspicion that Divya is hiding something from him with her changing behavior.
Warnings: none
Author’s Note: I did take a short break but I’m back now ready and ever (that was so cringe kms)
Chapter 5:
Shit has been weird.
It’s been a few days since Divya’s matcha accident and it’s like she’s been hiding something.
Don’t get me wrong, I trust Divya but I feel like she knows something that I don’t.
We also have some semblance of a friendship.
At least that’s what I think.
I think Divya thinks so too.
Currently we’re at her house and she’s trying to teach me the demographic transition while some Spanish song plays in the background.
“Okay so you have to remember these acronyms before I even tell you about the demographic transition.” She explains.
“Lay it on me.”
“Okay so we have CBR. That’s the acronym for crude birth rate. That just means how many live births, live is the key word, per 1,000 people. Now CDR, that’s the acronym for crude death rate. It’s the same thing as CBR but rather than measuring live births, it measures how many deaths there are per 1,000 people.”
“Got it.” I say as I write that down in my notebook.
“Now we’re at TFR. That’s the acronym for total fertility rate. That just means the amount of babies a woman can make per 1,000 people.”
“Why 1,000?” I ask. “What’s its significance?”
She shrugged. “I guess human geographers saw 1,000 and thought that should be a good number.”
“I thought you were all knowing.” I tease, smirking a bit to which she rolls her eyes and smiles a bit.
Is it wrong to say that I like her smile and I like that I’m the one making her smile?
“I said I knew a lot, I didn’t say all knowing.” She answered, chuckling a bit.
I laugh a bit and take a chip out of the chips bag and munch on it.
“Okay so know we have IMR. IMR is the acronym for infant mortality rate. That measures how many babies before the age of 1 die-“
“Per 1,000 people,” I finish. “I get it.”
“Great.” She takes a chip and eats it. “Do you know a guy named Thomas Malthus?”
“It’s a simple yes or no. Do you know a guy named Thomas Malthus?”
“No. Do you?” I asks.
“Biblically.” She answered. “He was a demographer who created this concept of the demographic transition in the 1700s.”
“Wait what do you mean biblically?” I asked.
“I took AP Human Geography my freshman year and we had to learn about the demographic transition as one of our units.”
“We don’t have AP Human Geography.” I say. I’ve heard of the rumors of how this was one of the easy AP classes and I would’ve taken it to boost my GPA.
“We do, you’re not a program kid.” She explained.
“Program kid?”
She sighed and picked a stray piece of thread off her camo pj pants. “Remember how you complained about the 30 minute drive to my house?”
“I’m not zoned to go to PCEPS. I only go to PCEPS because they have the International Relations program that I had to apply to. AP Human Geography was one of the few exclusive APs I took because I’m in the program.”
“Oh. I didn’t know that.”
“I don’t expect people to. It’s not like I have it tattooed on my forehead.” She joked.
She continues to teach me and halfway through a worksheet packet I’m working on, a little boy bursts into her room. She has the same brown skin, jet black hair, and same brown eyes.
“Aakash get out!” She screamed.
“Ooohh! Is that your boyfriend?!” He yells, wiggling his eyebrows at the both of us.
My cheeks flame in embarrassment and Divya looks like she’s going to blow a fuse.
“He isn’t my boyfriend you doofus! Get out before I tell Amma!” She yelled.
The boy smiled and begins to touch all of her stuff.
“Amma!” Divya yelled and the boy scurried out of her room.
“I’m so sorry you had to witness my idiot brother.” She rolled her eyes.
“It’s alright. I’ve seen worse. Once when we were younger and lived in Toronto, Jack was pissing Quinn off so much that Quinn snapped and ripped Jack’s braces off his mouth.”
She gapes at me, her eyes widening. “First off, how does one do that? Last time I checked they’re like glued down.”
I chuckled and looked at her. “I don’t know. Pretty sure Jack cheated or something. I don’t know.”
Her faces pales a bit and she lets out a chuckle. “Cheating huh?”
I look at her warily. “You good?”
“Yeah, why would I not be good?” She asked.
“You know you can tell me whatever it is.” I say. “I won’t judge.”
“No it’s nothing. Just, AP stuff. I have this Euros test tomorrow that I’m a bit nervous on.”
I know she’s hiding something but I don’t press the matter.
“Okay then.” I say before going back to the worksheet.
I’m at hockey practice and we’re doing some shooting drills.
It’s supposed to get my mind off of Divya’s weird behavior but it only seems to heighten it.
Like I know she’s hiding something, but I’m scared to find out what it is.
“Damn Lukey, you keep shooting like that and you’ll rip a hole in the net.” Ethan jokes.
I sigh and grab another puck, shooting it into the net. “I don’t know what to do.”
“About?” He grabs another puck and shoots it into the goal.
“Bro, you’re not thinking about cheating on Amanda with her, right?”
“What? No!” I shoot another puck into the goal. “I just—I know she’s hiding something from me and when I try to ask her or I mention something about what she’s hiding, she totally pales and it happened yesterday. I mentioned something about cheating her face looked like she’d seen a ghost dude. But then she’s brushing it off and saying shit like oh AP stuff and whatnot.”
“Huh. That is weird.” He shoots another puck into the goal. “Maybe it’s something in her life or something.”
“I guess. But we’re kind of friends and I just wish she’d tell me you know.”
I shoot another puck into the goal. “I mean like, I tell her things, I just wish she’d tell me.”
Ethan sighed and stretched his arms a bit. “Maybe some secrets should be kept hidden.”
He skates off to the other side of the rink, leaving me to my thoughts.
What does he mean?
And why do I have the feeling that it involves me?
#l. hughes#luke hughes fanfic#luke hughes smut#luke hughes x reader#luke hughes#lh43#nhl smut#nhl imagine#nj devils#devils lb#njd
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My head is hurting after Secret History inner ramblings.
I think the one thing that’s difficult about this book is that EVERYTHING is a little true and a little false at the same time? It’s weird because sometimes I go to make a statement on something or post a thought, and I just can’t get the nuance right ever. All my opinions have a bit of a “but here’s where that thought ends” aspect to them. Here’s what I mean:
1. Henry and Camilla: I think someone kind of disliked something I said once when I said I was skeptical about Henry’s relationship with Camilla. And I tbh had strongly worded my thoughts. But here’s the deal. Henry, based on what we know of him, likely doesn’t have a good concept of love. And Camilla feels safe with Henry. Due to this, I think Henry views Camilla as something to protect. He sees her as aesthetic and wants to pursue her because he has clearly been taught by Julian and his own long history with many books and few human interactions that what’s important is what is ethereal and arcane and pretty. Camilla is going through a lot with Charles and she knows all the other guys are, in varying ways, terrified of Henry. Bunny was a jerk but his obsessive attitude toward Henry was indicative of his fear and his needing to know what Henry is up to, an attitude which makes increasing sense as the novel progresses. Richard has slips about Henry all the time but the most memorable to me is when he almost says “What if it’s Henry” instead of “What if it’s the cops?” when Charles knocks. Charles is so blatantly frightened of Henry and for good reason: Charles never seemed to want to kill Bunny, was was pulled into the murder (but it was still his choice), not taken seriously when he tried to lament Bunny, and then put into a situation where he had to just keep talking about it while minding his every word. Then there were strong indications Henry was trying to kill him. Camilla isn’t dumb. I’m sure she sees things that the guys see. She’s certainly disturbed when Henry made her douse herself in pig blood. But she allows Henry to have what he wants so she can be safe.
Now, I don’t even think Camilla is wrong to make this choice. In fact, Richard’s attitude towards her decision was uncalled for. That said, we now have a relationship built on a man who is buried in fanciful ideas about things and a woman who is fully aware of everything wrong with him and just goes with it because she’s scared. But it’s weird because saying that this relationship is entirely destructive isn’t perfectly true either. It’s true for the above reasons. But I also see Henry and Camilla do having some semblance of a positive relationship too. He does treat her kindly and, whatever the reason, he does help her when she’s struggling with Charles. We’ve seen signs of Henry looking out for Camilla throughout the whole book. And, you know what? We even get tiny indications that she really believes in some of his nonsense. But, by the end of the novel, I was so skeptical of anything Henry did and so wary of how emotionless he’d gotten that I couldn’t really believe he wouldn’t ever hurt her (my goodness, this guy could read some ancient myth arguing that some random, toxic action is somehow akin to love and he’d take it seriously). But bottom line is that this isn’t an easy thing for me to voice my opinion on without immediately disagreeing with my own wording.
2. Francis being untruthful about Charles. When I say Francis’s story about Charles isn’t correct, I mean that there are indications Francis is twisting facts. I’m saying it makes too much sense that he bore blame too, based on what we know of Francis. But what I’m not saying is that he spoke nothing but lies. This book is about illusions and things hidden in plain sight. Francis saying that Charles and Camilla being pretty makes it hard to see that they aren’t good does ring very true. It’s similar to Richard’s statement that he has a tendency to view interesting people as good (he says this about Julian). I do believe Francis when he says that Charles, even Camilla in a more subtle or different way, is jealous and manipulative— and the twins have been that way for a long time. We can pick that up ourselves throughout the novel. And he’s probably right that the bacchanal brought the worst of it to light. He definitely tries to tell Richard about something awful Charles did that night and can’t bring himself to.
That said, Francis is also clearly framed as being illusionary himself. He’s compared twice to a fox in this scene. His reason for why Charles won’t admit to having been with him is flimsy. It’s an odd understanding of Charles who won’t speak of his drinking when personal details aren’t involved. And alcohol was involved every time Francis and Charles hooked up (in the story about the first time it happened, when they left Richard’s room, and at the funeral). Francis even admits that was a driving factor in their relationship. At the Corcorans’, we also see Charles say Francis attempted to coerce him into something only for Francis to cut him off. So it’s just that, knowing alcohol was involved, knowing Francis has tried to take advantage of an inebriated Richard, and knowing that he’s trying to cover up truths… it just doesn’t give us a picture of a Francis who was entirely innocent in the matter and who didn’t at all take advantage of his friend.
A few things can exist at once because I think Francis’s big deal is being something of a doormat. He balks in the face of anything scary from doctor visits to certain social interactions; he goes along with others. He can be sharp-tongued and he does have strong desires, but he is often scared back into place. He clearly wants something with Richard (he goes for it twice) but won’t attempt to push when Richard is lucid. He asks permission, is denied, and accepts it (good!). But when Richard is vulnerable, Francis is more aggressive (fair point to Francis: this is not all the time. He’s seen Richard drunk and sleeping and been normal about it). Francis does get pushed back into place by Charles as well. Camilla states this when she tells Richard why she can’t move in with Francis rather than Henry. We also see Francis mock Richard’s speech patterns then immediately become really meek and apologetic when he sees that Richard is actually angry. And I’m kind of wondering if Francis knew all about Henry potentially setting up Richard and kept his mouth shut while Charles perhaps attempted to save Richard by taking him to the bar the night the police came. I say this because Charles says he knows Francis would betray him to Henry. And this moment seems more that just drunken rambles, based on Francis’s reaction. Francis’s suicide note even apologizes for NOT doing things. This fear does seem likely to cause him to merely take advantage of people when they’re vulnerable, to push until bitten back. (By the way, I think the alcohol he has during the funeral bathroom moment was purchased by Charles when he went out since it was in the glove compartment? The rest is vague but, to me, Francis is taking advantage of a weakness. To be honest, I like to think even Francis realized this. He payed Charles’s rehab bill. I think he knew that, in encouraging the drinking or, at least not stopping it, that he’d failed Charles— and Camilla who was directly affected.)
This is a lot of things. So I think me having moments of “OK FRANCIS WAS CLEARLY MANIPULATIVE HERE” is not the same as me saying he was totally wrong. Just like me saying he’s likely right about Charles is not me saying Charles wasn’t a vulnerable and mistreated party too.
3. Bunny being more morally aware than others. This one is the TRICKIEST. Because Bunny is really bad too. He’s such an awful friend. But my big-hard-to-capture-thought is that I do not believe Henry when he says Bunny’s reaction to the farmer-slaying was purely feelings of being left out. And I think Bunny was aware of and disturbed by the things going on in the group in a way the others largely weren’t. Richard says Bunny was a bloodhound for insecurities and that’s true. But I also got the sense that he was actually seeing his friends flaws and going, in some deep part of himself, “wait, this is really bad.” Julian mistakes Bunny’s behavior for a possible religious conversion. I think that’s very close— it was a moral crisis, I believe. But Julian is onto the same principle which doesn’t align with what Henry said (that it wasn’t at all moral). Furthermore, I think Henry (and Francis) was wrong about Bunny’s feelings of jealousy and hatred towards Richard. Again, this line between partially true and partially false is light because maybe Henry did note real feelings of inferiority (Bunny did harass Richard despite him not being at the bacchanal and there’s that mean moment where he tells Charles to give Richard a drink without washing the cup). But this is all thrown in to question with Bunny’s letter to Julian which doesn’t mention Richard at all. I just wonder if Bunny, despite all his rampant -isms and blatant mistreatment of his friends, was the first to wake up. And he was killed for it. Similarly, Charles starts to wake up in ways. He, in the midst of all his own crimes, was getting impacted by having helped take a life. And Henry’s reaction repeated itself; he went to silence this person who, within all his madness, was right about something. AND YET AGAIN. This is only true in some manners because Henry was also thinking of Camilla.
Revisiting my whole thesis: It’s like anything I could possibly say about this book has limits and other considerations. Many things are true to a point and false at a level. So I look back at every post I make and am like “well I still think I was right, but I wish I could shine a flashlight on every little detail and exception.” I just want to be fair about everything all the time!
#my legacy will be my TSH word vomits#geez I talk a lot#this was written for my own brain to stop spinning tbh#I love every character in this book#I hate every character in this book#I am filled with compassion#i am filled with utter disgust#the secret history#the secret history theory#richard papen#henry winter#bunny corcoran#camilla macaulay#francis abernathy#charles macaulay#julian morrow#Donna Tartt
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