#technically I am cupioromantic
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Okay I need to get this off my chest-
Deep down, I'm technically Cupioromantic. I experience romantic attraction very rarely, but I still want to feel it and have a relationship. When I do fall in love, the orientation doesn't matter but does? I'll suddenly like fem guys then suddenly masc guys then fem woman or masc nonbinary- etc etc- I don't know how to describe it; my heart just wants what it wants, but there's also times when I'm in a relationship and I don't feel any romantic attraction to them, but I will the day after, and vice versa. (Basically, falling in and out of love for no reason) I'm still trying to figure that out- I'm assuming Abororomantic also- it's oddly complicated
I should feel relieved, but I just feel dread, and denial- and confusion- There's nothing wrong with aro at all- but for some reason I feel like that can't be true, that I'm just a fraud or something, or if I am, what does that mean this entire time?? Did I ever truly loved anyone I felt towards or was it me mistaking it for something else?
If I didn't love them romantically and only sexually, that sound fucked up right? Is that fucked up?? As someone who's hypersexual- that fucks me up, cause I feel guilty for feeling any kind of sexual attraction for anyone- let alone anything sexual-
I just want to metaphorically cover it up with my Unlabeled Flag like a band-aid, cause it's at this point my comfort zone, I love not having to explain shit and doing whatever I want without feeling paranoid that I could be wrong. It's amazing!
I don't know- My mom always told me I never understood what love was- that always got to me- so whenever I have the slightest idea I don't, I get very upset and scared- Maybe she is right about that, but that hurts, yknow? I want to understand. I want to feel love- it's not fair.
I just want to be in denial that I can feel love typically, but I've been running for so long now from the facts- it just feels odd though cause what are the odds? It just doesn't make sense to me-
Now that I'm not in a relationship anymore, it's not as terrifying cause I don't have to tell someone that I may or may not actually love them in that way, least in that second, (what I was mainly scared and upset about cause I truly felt I loved my ex, even if I didn't feel it in random periods of time) but I have to tell FUTURE people and that's such a ball buster-
I'm a strong hopeless romantic, and being Cupioromantic and hypersexual just makes this 10 times more fucking complicated than what I need right now--
Love Aros and love Aces, but this is tough
#🔪hysterical.crash#vent#vent post#personal vent#vent vent vent#venting#angry vent#cupioromantic#cupiospec#abororomantic#hypersexual#actually hypersexual#lgbtq#lgbtq community#lgbtqia#unlabeled#unlabled sexuality#queer community#queer#aro spec#arospec#aromantism#aromantic#aro community#personal rant#rant post
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Arospec Awareness Week Ask Game
Back at it again, answering an entire ask game all at once, this time for Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week!
[link to the game in question]
1. Where are you on the aromantic spectrum?
I do not know <3 I have been calling myself an aromantic allosexual/aroallo or just aromantic, and I don’t really feel like I need to get more specific than that.
2. What are some other labels you have tried out?
When I discovered the term “cupioromantic” (someone who experiences little to no romantic attraction, but still wants to be in a romantic relationship), I thought it described a lot of my experiences very well. I connect to it for a lot of reasons, not just because I’m also polyamorous, but also because I’ve always been fascinated with romance and stuff, even if I don’t actually feel it. But it just never stuck? Aroallo just feels more important to me and my identity, even if cupioromantic hits a very particular part very closely. I’m comfortable just saying “I’m aromantic and polyamorous” or “I’m aromantic and in two relationships” rather than labelling it with something so specific.
3. How long have you identified as aro-spec?
Not very long! Within the last few months, I’d say.
4. How old were you when you first heard the term?
Oh man, like, high school? I’ve known ABOUT being aromantic forever, I just didn’t connect it to my own experiences until very recently.
5. Are you SAM [Split Attraction Model] or non-SAM?
Technically? I’m aromantic and bisexual, but I don’t really think about it like… a “model” or anything. I’m just who I am.
6. Do you wear a white ring?
No, but I wear a lot of other rings though.
7. Are you out?
I don’t “come out” anymore. If someone asks, I will tell them, but I’m not in the business of making a big presentation of it.
8. What are some aro headcanons you have?
Uhhh I don’t really have many headcanons in general. I just make OCs when I want representation lmao
more under the cut!
9. Are you romance favorable, indifferent, adverse, or repulsed?
Favorable, for sure. Romance and love to me is just a social shorthand to say, “I can about someone very much and want them in my life long-term.” Whether or not that’s what everyone else means when they say, “I love you,” that’s what I mean. Regardless of whether or not I feel the “romance” feeling, I still care a lot about my partners and friends.
10. Are you in a QPR [Queer-Platonic Relationship]? Do you want one?
I’m a relationship anarchist, so maybe? The label doesn’t matter to me so much as the negotiation, but I have been craving some flavor of FWB lately, and like… the concept of “sexual love” compels me a lot. A relationship that’s based almost entirely on sex and sexual attraction, without the need for romance or even platonic attraction, but is still very emotionally intimate. Idk. If that’s a QPR then yes.
11. Are you in a romantic relationship? Do you want one?
I’m in two! Polyamorous aromanticism!!! Two is enough for me though, I can’t imagine trying to schedule a third long-term partner into this.
12. Tag at least one aro-spec blogger on tumblr to help grow connections
I’m going to tag some specifically aroallo bloggers who really helped me when I was figuring out my stuff: @alloaroworlds @loveless-arobee @arosunflower
13. Do you know any facts about aro history?
I knew about the aro white ring/ace black ring thing, which is very cute, but honestly not really. I am very new to the scene and don’t know a ton about aromanticism in history.
14. What piece of media that you like has a canon aro-spec character?
My own books. I don’t know dsafsgdhfjg
15. What’s your ideal friendship?
I don’t know, I’ve never really thought about it. Someone who is nice to me and we can do fun activities together. Someone who I can invite to lunch and we can hang out and go look at various stores. I do miss having IRL friends I could lay my head on or be casually touchy with. Idk “ideal” is such a hard thing for me, nobody is ever going to live up to my ultimate expectations. Everyone is different and experiences friendship differently. I’d rather have like… the best possible relationships with each individual person, rather than look for The Ultimate Friend.
16. Did you have a good discount chocolate day? (the day after Valentine’s Day)
I got so much fucking chocolate. A traditional chocolate heart and two giant Hershey kisses. I ate it all within like three days and it was awesome.
17. What are some issues you have faced from being aro-spec? (if you’re comfortable answering)
Well, it was pretty difficult to explain to my alloromantic partners that I do not and have never been romantically attracted to them, but don’t worry about it we can still be dating. For obvious reasons, it took some explanation and working out what our relationship(s) are going to be going forward. It was difficult to articulate what I felt, because it’s hard to describe a lack of a feeling.
I used to feel really guilty when I didn’t feel the “correct feelings” toward my partners, and I thought it made me a bad person. I thought it meant that I’d have to break up with them, because obviously a romantic relationship can’t exist without romance, right? But that idea made me upset, so I concluded that the panic and sadness I felt at the thought of breaking up with my partners was romantic attraction. I convinced myself that as long as I got sad at the idea of losing someone important to me, that it meant I was in love. It was not healthy, and it didn’t make me feel any better!!! I was still monumentally stressed and guilty about how I felt (or the lack of how I felt), and I used to spend hours second-guessing myself about whether or not I was being a shit partner for not having the correct emotions. It was exhausting and I’m glad I don’t have to do that anymore.
18. What are some positive experiences you have had from being aro-spec?
Being able to free myself from the chains of other people’s definitions. I don’t have any requirements for my relationships, nothing but what me and the other person involved agree. I can feel how I feel without shame, I can embrace new kinds of relationships and explore myself more honestly. I don’t have to panic about being a bad person every fucking day. Being aromantic is one of the best things to ever happen to me.
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gender and sexuality babbling because I've been figuring myself out again lately <3
so, over all i would say I identify with both gay and trans as umbrella terms. if i were talking to a loser who doesn't like micro labels that's probably how i would describe myself. but hopefully none of you are losers <3 firstly, i used to identify as a trans man for several years and i wouldn't say it's entirely inaccurate still, but i've realized lately that it's not entirely accurate either. i'm not entirely nonbinary. it's funny because i've already identified as nonbinary in the past, i went through several different labels; genderqueer, agender, bigender, etc. then i decided i was a binary trans man. now i'm back to nonbinary lmao. and although by definition i am nonbinary, for some reason the term doesn't vibe with me and i'm not sure why. i have no problem with the term in general and i've used it to describe myself in the past, it just feels strange to refer myself with it at the present. anyway, if i had to describe myself i say something like "boy but to the left", a boy but not quite. in technical terms i think demiboy describes me best. i don't think it's accurate to call myself a man anymore, and to be honest i've never quite liked the word to begin with, i much prefer to be called a boy than a man, but transphobes used to shame trans men who called themselves boys all the time, so i felt forced to call myself a man. i don't care what they think anymore lmao, i am a boy.
presentation wise, (and this is personal but i love over sharing on the internet <3) i am dysphoric, i want a flat chest and a dick. however i'm nonconventional because ive realized that going on testosterone would have probably negatively affected me, the only thing i'd really get out of it that i'd actually like is a deeper voice. the other stuff would kinda suck. for me, i wish people would look at me and know i'm a man, but i don't quite desire masculine features. something i realized recently that i've already made a post about is that it was very confusing to me for a long time because i wasn't sure what i wanted my gender presentation to be like. i had no idea what i wanted to look like, no transition goals, there was no "ideal me" i could strive for. i realized its because i just really don't want a physical form, i don't want to be perceived by people. being born into a meat body feels like a cruel joke by god (i mean being born in general feels like a cruel prank but we won't get into that right now lol.) i've realized that what i want to look like isn't physically achievable; if i had to choose what to look like, and this sounds cringe i know, but i'd want to be an anime boy, or a cute animal, or even a cloud of dust. anything but human. and realizing that looking the way i want to is genuinely impossible has actually helped me a lot because now i know there's nothing i'm doing wrong or could be doing differently, i would have dysphoria no matter what, even if i weren't trans i would still have dysphoria probably. it's made me glad i never went on T for example, honestly ive realized the reason i wanted to do it years ago was because it was just what you were "supposed" to do as a trans person, and i thought surely it would make me happy because everyone tells you it will. T would have made things worse honestly. top and bottom surgery is what would help me, absolutely, but i fear i'll never be able to have that.
now onto sexuality. i'm a gay man, "man" being up in the air honestly, but that's how i view myself. i'm also on the aro and ace spectrum though, so aroace is an umbrella term i identity with. more specifically, i'm cupioromantic and aegosexual. cupioromanticism is when you don't experience romantic attraction but wish you did (or at least desire a romantic relationship regardless, as for me personally i wish i knew what romantic attraction felt like, maybe there might be others who don't idk). i've never had a crush on anyone before, anyone real at least. i wish i had a boyfriend, i wish i had a cute boy who doted on me and treated me like porcelain, but i've never actually had feelings for someone real before. more recently ive developed crushes on fictional characters, but never someone real. i couldn't tell you why i prefer men over women when ive never experienced attraction before, it's just how things are for me. would i be considered an oriented aroace for that?
anyway, my sexuality. tmi again <3 i am shameless and care not if yall know about me yall are my pookies.
what aegosexuality looks like for me is that i only have sexual interest in fiction. i describe it as being gay in theory but not in practice. i like reading smut and watching porn but don't really masturbate, it doesn't do much for me, it's kinda just like regular entertainment for me? and when i envision sexual scenarios the hard rule is that i myself am never involved in them, its only fictional characters doing stuff with each other, i'm never a factor. the idea of imagining myself in sexual scenarios is very unpleasant to me, i don't want sexual contact with people. the idea of someone touching me like that gives me the heebie jeebies, and the idea of anything going in my coochie sounds genuinely traumatic LMAO (that might be because of dysphoria idk.) i've never felt sexual attraction to a real person before and don't imagine i ever will, real human people are just not attractive in the slightest to me, maybe that's why i don't want to look human myself idk lol. more recently i've felt attraction to fictional characters, only anime boys really. venti the sexual awakening that you are. that's not a joke by the way, venti was literally a sexual awakening for me, i would say he's the first thing i've ever felt sexual desire for lmaooooo. that's his power truly. i've said before "i'm asexual except when venti" and i wasn't lying.
also! i don't identify as lgbt. by definition am i? yes. but you will not catch myself calling myself lgbt. if you use the label yourself that's totally fine of course, most people do. but i lived through peak exclusionist discourse where people were using the label to exclude and discriminate against anyone who didn't fit into the four letter acronym, and that includes nonbinary people as well because they "didn't count as trans", it was truly the trenches. that era was honestly traumatic for me and pieces of shit like that bullied a lot of people back into the closet. i identify as queer, the queer community was supportive during that time. if someone described themself as queer, 9.5/10 times they were safe, they weren't a bigot. obviously there is nuance but please don't take what im saying in bad faith here, the point is that i'm queer and i think the lgbt+ label has been used to exclude so many people, so it's completely soured it for me and i dont want to touch it. queer is simple, queer is inclusive, queer doesn't require you to label yourself beyond the word if you don't want to. for me its the perfect, safest, homiest umbrella term. i love being queer.
anyway that's my rambling <3333 if anyone wants to drop their own gender or sexual bullfuckery in the replies or on anon or whatever feel free to hmu, i love talking with people and oversharing i love you guysssss

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Info On My Identity:
Romantic - Pan Greyromantic and/or Cupioromantic, Romance Favorable
Greyromantic because while I can't really say for sure if I've ever experienced romantic attraction before, I have experienced crushes, or rather squishes, before. They could have been purely aesthetic or platonic attraction, I think my brain is like holding out hope that I might actually be able to experience romantic attraction. As amatonormative as it sounds. It's mostly because I'm going to attempt to seek out a romantic relationship someday once I've finally "got my life together" whatever that means, and I would feel super guilty for the person I date if there's zero romantic attraction there on my part...
Cupioromantic perfectly describes me, as I want to participate in romantic relationships and get married someday, despite experiencing little to no romantic attraction. The reason I haven't used this label until now is because I read that some people in the aromantic community don't like it as an identity label due to it technically describing a behavior that you can control (whether you get into romantic relationships or not) rather than a feeling that you can't control (whether you experience romantic attraction or not), and it's seen by some in the community as reinforcing amatonormativity. I didn't want to upset people if using cupioromantic was wrong. But it's not. Cupioromantic is a valid identity, if anyone needed to hear that. I will be using cupioromantic from here on out, along with the other labels I use.
Up until now, I've been using romance favorable to describe that sentiment. That still applies, I am a romantic, despite being aromantic. The aromantic only applies to the type of attraction I experience, and has nothing to do with my desires.
I also use pan to describe me on top of all that because the few times I've had squishes, I've had them on both men and women. It felt more like the "genderblind" version of pan attraction as it was more about thinking they were adorable and liking their personality without gender coming to the equation at all. Going by this logic, I feel like this could also apply to nonbinary, trans and cis people of all gender identities. It doesn't matter to my brain whatsoever.
Sexual - Asexual, Sex Averse/Sex Favorable (depends on the day)
I identify as asexual. Although whether I'm sex-averse or sex-favorable depends on how I'm feeling each day. Ever since I opened myself up to reading explicit fanfics my brain has become more open to the idea of at least giving sex a try. It still sounds a bit icky sensory wise, but I think that if I tried it with someone who I trusted to respect my boundaries, I would be comfortable with giving it a go. Obviously I won't try it if I'm not 100% comfortable. Although I do want to have kids one day, and this is the "cheapest" way to do it. I'm not affording adoption, sperm bank or test tube baby on a preschool teacher salary lol.
Gender - Genderfluid and depending on the day I identify as either woman or gendervoid. Sometimes I feel like both describe me at the same time.
I was assigned female at birth, and I still very much identify with being a girl. I love presenting in a feminine way, I love traditionally feminine things, feel most comfortable using she/her/hers pronouns and feel confident in my body. But I've always felt a slight detachment between myself and other women. Whenever issues affecting women come up, my brain would always think like "Oh that's not good, I'm sorry that's happening to them" as though it doesn't affect me, despite the fact that I'm a woman. I have almost a dissociation between women and me even though I belong to that group.
I really thought about gender identity to see if I identify with any of the other gender identities out there, and every time I've always come back from it with "Definitely still cisgender woman, but with a hint of nonbinary". I didn't identify with the nonbinary part of me because I didn't want to lie about my identity if I'm actually a cis girl. But then, when a transphobic classmate jokingly asked me what my pronouns were, I came to the realization that I don't really care. I will always be most comfortable with she/her, but they/them and he/him and even neopronouns don't feel wrong on me. They feel neutral. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable being referred to by any of them. After a bit more research, I found the agender identity and it certainly described me, but it didn't really feel quite right either. Then I found gendervoid and it felt perfect. Gendervoid and agender basically mean the same thing, not identifying with any gender identity and feeling like you don't have a gender. But gendervoid specifically describes feeling like there's a void where your gender identity should be. That describes the dissociation from any gender identity that I experience a lot of the time. But I still identify as a girl as well.
Genderfluid still doesn't feel quite right, but it does describe me feeling both identities together.
Anyway that is everything that you need to know about my identity for now. If anything about this changes, I will probably make another post explaining it :)
#lgbtq+#aromantic#aromanticism#asexual#asexuality#aroace#greyroace#cupioromantic#aroace experiences#gendervoid#genderfluid
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Random Welcome Home Headcanon: Wally is Quoiromantic, being unable to tell the difference between romantic and platonic attraction. He's also Cupioromantic, because he wants to experience a romantic relationship, regardless of whether or not he actually can. (Which, technically, makes him Cupioquoiromantic, but that is a long word and I am unsure if I even spelt that right) He's completely unaware of this, though, and just thinks that he's best friends with everybody.
#welcome home#welcome home arg#welcome home wally darling#welcome home wally#welcome home headcanons#wally darling#wally darling headcanons#lgbtq headcanons#lgbtq+ headcanons#cupioromantic#quoiromantic#Cupioquoiromantic#aromantic spectrum#aromantic
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Thinking lots about my brand of aromantisism in this house tonight. This is gonna go into vent-y territory but mostly because my feelings on my aromantisism are complicated </3 I'll be putting a cut for scrollings sake!
It's... odd feeling so romance favorable and cupioromantic while also identifying with the laesumianromantic, aromantic sublabl where one feels their romantic attraction was "damaged" through trauma or past experience. That idea is something that resonates with me so much especially given how I really associate my lack of security, confidence, and feeling of romantic attraction with how Badly the closet thing I had to a first long term relationship went so badly and was frankly traumatizing at the time (Don't date and be in a friendship trio in highschool </3) But that doesn't stop me from wanting romance and the intimacy that comes with a longterm relationship. Even then I am over the moon how patient and understanding my QPP is and has been through All I've been through and worked through. Part of me feels like the reason I feel such a lack of what others deem romantic attraction is due to the confusion of what even Qualifies as romantic attraction (according to the greater public I would Technically be romantically attracted to my QPP though I feel that isn't the case. That doesn't mean my love doesn't still have the same intensity. I need to kiss my QPP in front of 'YOU CAN'T AROMANTIC AND ROMANCE FAVORABLE!!!!!' types/lh) And at the same time while I want that kind of thing so bad but I always have such. Anxiety and intrusive thoughts surrounding longterm relationships. I wish their was something I could learn to handle but it's So hard. Like I feel so wild for being so Scared and On Edge that I'm going to do something wrong or upset my QPP somehow or that I'll do something and suddenly I'll have been a bad person. (This is set on by Nothing they do btw this is entirely a trauma response due to my aforementioned first longterm relationship being Very toxic and people not being able to make up their minds and me ending up as the scapegoat for it klgsnldsgkn MY QPP IS PERFECT ILOVE THEM) But as a result so often I am just. So worried in ANY longterm relationship that I'm doing something wrong or it turns out I'm just being strung along and hurting someone etc etc. Can you see why I identify with having a 'damaged' relationship with romantic attraction?/ret And honestly selfshipping has helped So much with that in so many ways and I love having this thing were I don't have this nagging worry. At the same time though I worry I've hit this hurdle where I make progress but then once it becomes tangible again I'm shot back to feeling like at any moment something could go wrong. Honestly realizing I likely haven't romantic attraction at All was a big and refreshing first step, I've talked about that before, but that and exploration through selfshipping can only take me so far I think. ANYWAYS I think I'm gonna cut myself off here or else my stream of consciousness will just keep going forever 😭
#ollie musings#identity#❣ i love you smore#putting my qpps tag too just cause i brought it up a bit#aromantic#arospec
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hi. i need help. i understand you're not a professional so i hope this isn't too heavy but i've been needing and needing to talk to someone about my internalized arophobia and never had a real chance to do it.
anyways, i've been really lost and hopeless over the past couple years because of my aromanticism. identifying as demiromantic was a cover, but even when i thought that was the full extent of my place on the aro spectrum, i hated how hard that made it to find romantic love. now i know better and think i'm probably a lot closer to fully aromantic than i thought, and by extension i'd be cupioromantic too. i've forced crushes before, since i knew they came so rarely. that ended in repulsion and an inability to communicate it just about every time. it sucked. it still sucks.
the thing that makes me feel alone is that i haven't seen anyone else in the aro community express how i feel, and those i have are saying that i shouldn't talk about it since it's technically still arophobia, even if it's towards myself, and could hurt other arospec people. then they go on to say that it's just amatonormativity and something i can get over. but i don't want to!! i know that i want a fulfilling relationship!! i'm frustrated and it feels like an erasure of how i feel!!
i'm sure it'll be damning and maybe offensive to say this but i feel like i need to be fixed and i wish i could fix myself. my desires don't match with my real attraction and it leads me to believe i'm broken in a somehow unique way. i guess it'd be nice to find a community of other cupio-aligned people and build pride for who i am, but i'm just depressed because that won't solve my problem. who i am isn't who i want to be, and i can't change that or better it in any way. i'm hurting because of it. i fear my activity in sapphic spaces is just performative since i'll never actually be sapphic, or straight, or anything. why bother if i'll never know that experience and have the happy endgame with another girl that i truly do want? am i even really bi? could i just be a lesbian if i only experience sexual attraction to girls but no other type to any other group of people? or am i just clinging onto any other orientation label to deny that i'm aromantic and don't belong in the LGB parts of queer spaces? i hate this.
thanks for letting me vent. sorry this is so long. thanks for running your blog, i really appreciate it.
Hi, anon - I apologize, I've found this in my drafts folder, and I have absolutely no idea how long it's been there. Hopefully not too long, but either way, I'm sorry I missed it.
I think the first thing is, I don't believe feelings are ever the incorrect response. You can't control your emotions. If being aromantic makes you feel negative feelings, that's okay. It's normal even. I definitely felt that way for many years, and occasionally slip into it now. I don't think it much matters if it's internalized arophobia or amatanormativity, because either way, the effect it has on you is the same.
I will say, I think the aro community has sort of over-corrected in the way we deal with negativity surrounding aromanticism. I feel like, not even that many years ago, it was rampant. A LOT of the posts, a lot of the talk, was about a lack, of what we're missing out on, etc. Especially once the big aphobia boom around here. And I think people took that, and about faced it so that negativity isn't deemed acceptable by a lot of people. I disagree with this, just fundamentally. I think talking through the negativity you feel toward your orientation can help you work through that negativity. It can also help you find like-minded people, and feeling less alone will probably make you feel less negativity.
I do think it's a dangerous line to walk, though. Because it's easy to tip over into All negativity in such insular communities, and that can honestly be dangerous for everyone's mental health.
I hope you find some peace. I hope you come into yourself. I hope things settle, as they often do with time. I'm sorry none of this has an easy fix. I hope writing it down and getting it off your chest helped. There's nothing wrong with you, and you belong here <2
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Hi! I'm Mr. Willow, or The Wolfsbane Collective! We’re your local kindergarten teacher!
Some information about me specifically!!
I am a Transman! My pronouns are He/They/Xe/Fawn!!
I am 19! But my little age can be anywhere between 0-5! I'm an age dreamer with the same years as well! I am also a pet regressor and pet dreamer! I regress to multiple animals!! I am also an age slider!
I regress from TRAUMA! Along with regressing to destress!
As I have said, I have a LOT of TRAUMA from a LOT of different things unfortunately!!! So I will go ahead and say DO NOT INTERACT WITH ME IF YOU'RE NSFW, this is my place to be sfw and regressed!!! Please be kind!!!
I will more than likely end any post with a 🪐 or 💫 or ✨! I enjoy the emojis a lot!
Kindly, DO NOT INTERACT! if you are NSFW(Even if you say you're "sfw"!!) , MAP, Transphobic, Homophobic, Anti-Neopronoun, an Abuser, Racist, Ableist, PROSHIP, Religion shame, PRO- ED, or are just here to hate!!!
All are welcome other than those who meet my DNI! I am almost always here to talk to those who need it!
More about me!!
I am Cupiopan and Cupioromantic! I was very confused about my life until I figured this out!! Same with my gender!
I identify as a Transman!! I use xenogenders to further this identity!
My favorite color is mossy green!
I am self diagnosed with Autism! I speculate I may also have ADHD! Yes I've done my research!!
My special interests are Spongebob, Marble Hornets, Eddsworld, and Undertale!! Another is creepypasta!!(Of course I do not support most of the creators!!)
I'm an artist!! Not the best digital artist, but I'm pretty good with a pencil!!
I enjoy gothic things, or darker witchy things!!
Wishlist thingy!!
That is all for now!💫
Hi, I’m Edd, and I’m part of The Wolfsbane Collective!
I’m Edd, my pronouns are He/Him, I am man (trans man technically), and Aroace!
I’m relatively new, I split off within the last week (It’s Dec. 28th as I’m typing).
My favorite color is green, deep forest greens specifically!
#pet regressor#petdre#agedre#sfw little#age regression#sfw agere#agere#age re safe space#age regression blog#nonbinary agere#age dreaming#age dreamer#age re blog#age regressive#age regression sfw#autistic age regression#pet dreaming#pet regression#sfw petre#fox pet regression#cow regression#bunny regressor#babyre#bunny regression#agedre blog#age regression community#bluey agere#bingo agere#sys little#osdd system
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Along with pride month has arrive the conclusion that I am asexual, aromantic ( technically cupioromantic but w/e) and also agender
I am literally fucking nothing
so anyway this blip the the universe says have a fun pride
#pride month#not art#text post#agender#asexual#aromantic#aspec#cupioromantic#happy pride I am a cloud of consciousness#tw cursing
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Sometimes I wonder if I was polyamorous. As much as I am fiercely loyal and borderline possessive of my wife, there are times I entertain the thought that maybe, just maybe I would date more than one partner at a time. I suppose this goes hand in hand with the confusing relationship with love I have nowadays. I find myself platonically attracted to the weirdest of individuals, and it has made me want to dive into the idea of "selfshipping" where one ships them self with a fictional character (in my case it would 100% be platonic) but I am not sure if I quite like the idea of that considering I am, by technical means, a fictional character myself. It's confusing to say the least.
(Per note, I say all of this with platonic levels because, as mentioned before, I am aroace nowadays. However my desire for a new romantic relationship is strong at times, being cupioromantic.)
- D (#🦇🎀)
Hmmm,there's also ambiam (can go both ways, mono and poly), just throwing that out there.
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Hello, Bee/Admin 💛 here! It's been a year, so I'd like to give an update on a few things.
To begin, I'm back on Tumblr! I actually don't have a main blog other than this one, so I haven't been active on Tumblr for the past year. I don't know how much coining I'll do, but I will try to be semi-active. Maybe I'll also start reblogging things? I don't know.
Secondly, I do not talk to Havoc/Admin 💣 anymore, so this'll just be my blog for a while, unless we start talking again sometime soon. I will not go into detail on why we are not talking, but just know that I'm the only admin until further notice, and I won't be using my sign-off anymore for as long as that's the case.
Thirdly, a few aspects of my identity have changed, so I will do a reintroduction below the cut.
Hi! It's not my real name but here you can call me Bee. I use all pronouns except for they/them.
I have quite a few xenogenders, but my main ones are autigender and gendercute. I am also genderqueer, libramasculine, and consider myself a non-binary man.
I am cupioromantic and apl-spec. I am also technically ace-spec, however, I tend to just label myself as aro or cupio.
I am a cat therian and I also consider myself a 'thing'.
I am part of a system, however, we'll mostly present as one person unless we're specifically talking about system-related topics.
(We are mixed origins by the way. Anti-endos can use my terms if they really want, just don't follow or reblog. Thank you!)
#mogai#mogai positivity#pro mogai#mogai blog#xenogender#autigender#lgbt#lgbtqia#queer#trans#transgender#pro endo#endogenic#endo safe#anti endos dni#fakeclaimers dni
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I feel like this could be said for ALL Aromantic identities. As an aromantic, I feel that recognizing that Aromanticism, like asexuality, is a spectrum. For example, I am an aromantic who doesn't understand romance but wants a loving relationship. I would technically be classified as a cupioromantic, which is a valid identity on the aro spectrum.
In my opinion, if we're going to welcome aros in out spaces, then ALL identities under the aro umbrella should be welcome. Not just the romantically repulsed.
I know i complain a lot, but the lack of aro culture in queer spaces is really annoying. no your “aros are valid!” *insert aro flag* posts don’t do it!
aromanticism isnt just about asking for “validity” from others. it’s also not just a hashtag u can put in a pride post that has absolutely nothing about aromanticism.
it sucks that I need to go back to aro spaces to find some quality content. there’s also barely any poc/asian aro-ace content out there that also focuses on aromanticism as a separate thing from asexuality!
this post will still not do anything, I know… but
pride month is almost over, yet aros still exist! include them in your voices, in your minds, in your posts.
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I think TNTduo should be in a QPR c!Quackity is Cupioromantic and c!Wilbur is Nebularomantic they are in a QPR and they are t4t and nd4nd they told me themselves
#if yall dont know what those mean cupioromantic is when someone is aromantic but still wants a romantic relationship (i technically fall -#under this but i dont use the label lol) and nebularomantic is when someone has a hard time telling the difference between romantic and -#platonic attraction due to some kind of neurodivergency (i do personally use this label)#(i am also in an qpr . we are both trans and nd . i am projecting .)#tntduo#tnt duo#quackbur#c!quackbur#dsmpshipping#.txt.#orpheus is projecting again 😦... /lh
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Reading your posts I know that you’re a “romo aromantic” but I thought that aromanticism meant no romantic attraction? So I’m kind of confused about it. Since I wanted to ask someone with experience, what does a romo aromantic mean?
Hi anon! :D It's understandable that you're confused, since many people just say aro means no romantic attraction. However, things are more complicated than that.
Aromanticism means atypical or no romantic attraction. Aro includes people who don't experience romantic attraction at all, and it includes people (like me) who experience it in unusual ways.
The term "romo aro" can include any aro who experiences romantic attraction or desires a romantic relationship. Not all of us use it, but many find it fits well. I don't know if you know of any aro microidentities, but a few of the more commonly-used ones that fall into this are demiromantic, grayromantic, and cupioromantic.
If you do know of these identities already, you might be going "but wait! Demi and gray romantic are arospec, not aro!"
They are arospec identities. The microidentities that mean no romantic attraction are also arospec identities. All of it is arospec. If you want to read about this further, here's the post where I first read about the term romo aro.
Also, here's a definition of the term. Either linked post will probably be more helpful than my rambling. Looking through @romo-aro-culture-is could also be helpful, especially if you're trying to figure out whether you're romo aro.
I'm romo aro because I'm duraromantic, which for me means I have gotten two (2) crushes in my life and am not over either of them. The first one was when I was thirteen and I can think about him semi-calmly, the second one was less than two years ago and everytime I so much as think about her I get a ridiculous grin. I am holding back said ridiculous grin right now typing this. I could start rambling about how amazing this girl I barely know and haven't seen or talked to in well over a year is, but I will spare you.
Anyway. Technically duraromanticism is a subtype of grayromanticism, but because of how intensely I experience romantic attraction and how large the percentage of the time that I experience it is, I don't feel that grayromantic really fits me.
Romo aro does. I'm aromantic- I don't see romantic relationships as more important than other kinds. I don't see relationships as inherently hierarchical. I don't understand why people stay in romantic relationships they don't like or that aren't healthy. So far as I can tell allos usually differ from me on at least most of those counts.
But I'm also romantic. I don't get crushes often, but when I do my brain is next to useless if they so much as look at me. If they talk to me, well. Good luck getting me to speak in complete sentences. Also I can't flirt someone teach me to flirt there is very little chance I will see either of them ever again but if I do I want to be PREPARED instead of sounding like an idiot AGAIN so help me-
anyway. Enough rambling! The point is, romo aro! It's a great term! I'm glad it exists!
Tldr, aro means atypical or no romantic attraction. Romo aros are aros who are/are perceived as romantic in some way (experiencing romantic attraction, wanting a romantic relationship, partnering) and feel the term fits them. I'm duraromantic, which means I get a crush and then I never get over it. Yay.
#is this coherent? idk hopefully#also no I did not entirely manage to hold back the grin#she just she was really amazing and said something that could be interpreted as flirting to me one (1) time#and honestly it killed my brain it just went 404 error thoughts not found#head empty no thoughts only girl#shit I am smiling idiotically again#I really do not know how much sense this makes but hopefully it answers your question anon#it is an intentionally vague term so I'm not sure I really did it justice here#but uh yeah it exists and that's cool#aro#romo aro#aspec#queer stuff#asks#anonymous#anon asks#indigo talks
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Coming Out Again I guess???
Alright guys assuming nothing weird happens at some point I think I have figured out my romantic identity for good,,, I think I mentioned it at some point but it was at a small random add-on I wanted give dedicated post,,,
I am cupioromantic,,,!!! This means that despite the fact that I am aromantic I still wanna be in a ‘romantic’ relationship,,,
“what about ur bf” well... I mean first of all I just said i still want ‘romantic’ relationship but second of all he’s chill with being in what is technically a queerplatonic relationship that just looks and acts romantic from the outside.
And I’m still calling him my boyfriend because why not and also queer platonic partner is a mouthful.
IDK if I’m gonna tell my parents not because I think they’ll disown me or anything but just because I think they’d just be very confused and I don’t know if I could explain it to them with words good enough.
I’ll update my carrd later I’m busy playing MC with Ren
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