#teardrop anon
osc-confessions · 2 years
(teardrop anon. also death mentions tw) okay lol this is kind of silly but i want black hole and teardrop to be rivals in tpot?? like both of them are very good at killing people but one is diametrically opposed to doing so while the other does it so casually. like what we saw in tpot 2 is just such a ridiculous and fun dynamic... i want black hole, this guy who normally would be super chill, to absolutely despise td for killing people and otherwise weaponizing death constantly. i mean we already saw it with him and pen but lmao black hole being absolutely done with people is so hilarious to me. i want more of it
"I don't need to kill you for you to be dead to me" is a raw ass line that you'd think it be something from shakespeare but it's from an object show
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can you draw the newbie alliance (bfb)
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oscconfessions · 4 months
tbh I only watched tpot for teardrop
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alectoperdita · 1 year
hello there :D i have a question for you what is your opinion for the ending of dsod (ie. kaiba making it to the afterlife nd all that) so far i've seen two sides (at least from what i've seen scurrying around tags and reading what people think) one that dislikes it and another that is completely down with it and i was wondering what you thought ?? i love hearing what other people think dfhd nd as an extra what do you think of dsod! kaiba in general i mildly side with the half that disliked the ending, i mostly just wanna see more art that isnt pr/deship nd more focusing on kaiba and mokuba with the whole 'going to the afterlife' thing although i may be biasd with that
DSOD!Kaiba is a rich and fascinating character that I dislike. 🤣 I think.
At first, I don't think I had particularly strong feelings about him, but as time has gone on, it's deepened into a sense of "I find you deplorable but I can't look away."
Part of it is I'm kinda content to ignore DSOD on the most part. It's got some pretty animation and I love everyone's updated character design (except Kaiba's new knee pads which I have an admittedly irrational hatred of). To me, it's not an addition to the narrative of either the original manga or the anime that enhanced my enjoyment of the canon.
Given that, I can take the DSOD ending or leave it. I think it makes narrative sense for the version of Kaiba they wrote for the movie, specifically a post-manga Kaiba, not post-anime. I don't think a Kaiba that obsessive or obstinate or myopic could do anything other than reach across the universes to pursue his vision of a perfect rival. To me, the interesting character bits is not that he got to the afterlife but what he chose to leave behind or forgo in pursuit of it. And what consequences might follow afterward. But those were never going to be explored by the movie itself, so it's wasted story potential to me.
He's a fun meaty character to break out, though, if I'm in the mood to explore themes of hubris and its price. I have the most fun with him when I'm actively pitting him against other versions of Kaiba.
Basically, I want to bully him. 🤣
But hey, who knows, maybe my feelings about DSOD and that Kaiba will change again in another few years.
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ask-flower-bfb · 2 months
Teardrop- what’s wrong with you?? Uh- nevermind, I’ll assume GB gave you some kind of robot voice box. For now.
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umi-teardrop · 3 months
“Josephine doing some random shit for work
Than suddenly the evil anon appears to Josephine”
-THE FUCK!!! Who are you and how did you get into the office!!!
“Josephine said grabbing her weapon”
Evil Anon:
-Don’t worry missy I’m a friend you can trust
“Evil anon said smirking”
-How can I trust you?
“Josephine asked suspiciously”
Evil Anon:
-How about I tell you how to get revenge on James Madison?
“Josephine lowered her weapon”
“Meanwhile with Thomas”
Thomas was at work doing whatever (does in Monticello get that LOL…. Fine I’ll return to the story) he does at work suddenly he got a text from a random number from an old acquaintance of Quinn( I guess that was the name of Thomas’s toxic ex)sending many pictures of James and Quinn kissing and more it looked like the pictures were real and you can’t tell they are fake or edited or anything like that (only a very skilled editor like Josephine can do) and the dates of the photo was matched with the time either Thomas was on a business trip or whenever James was on a business trip 
(@ask-thomas-jefferson-1 please Roleplay please?)
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winxys · 1 year
TAEYEOB??!?!! put is whole taeyussy into the choreo
AND HE SLAYED !!!!!!!!
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bookofmirth · 2 years
why do you think sjm didn't have more of lucien in silver flames:/ i miss my boy and i would've liked to see more interaction between him and elain (whether it be positive or negative). im just wondering how this tension between them is going to play out
I don't knowwwww I wish she hadn't gotten obsessed with Eris, give me the bastard child instead!
and at least Elain and Lucien *have* tension lolol can't wait to get more of it
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smile-files · 27 days
you got a fav tpot character?
teardrop, of course :)
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osc-confessions · 2 years
(teardrop anon) i only have one friend at school who's really into object shows (i'm in high school btw), so it made me really happy when today he made an announcer "budget cuts" joke :)
they had to remove object show fans from high school due to budget cuts
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could you draw teardrop for the requests
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killerlookz · 1 month
hiii!!<3 if you’re thinking abt writing for joost, can u pls write some thing abt an established relationship fic based off the song birds of a feather by billie eilish if u can! love ur writing!
Hi anon! thank you sm for the request <33 this song is so sweeeet omg!!! also... technically an established relationship, but i do recap how reader and joost met :-)
Birds of a Feather | Joost Klein
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description: gn!reader reflects on all the special moments in your and Joost's relationship following an unexpected proposal.
content: so insanely cheesey! sorry! pure fluff! + lots of crying (mostly happy tears) literally the most tiny smallest sexual reference this fic contains rpf, do not continue if that makes you uncomfortable
word count: 2426 (this was supposed to be under 1k words but i got soooo carried away)
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/I don't know what I'm crying for / I don't think I could love you more/
Shaky fingers fiddle with the cold metal looped around your ring finger. Your hand flexes outward, watching as the light from your window reflects onto the small stone. Something warm rolls down your cheek- a solitary teardrop, caressing the skin of your face. Your hand reaches up to wipe away the tear, but it's too late, you can feel more welling up near your waterline, any sudden movement now would send tears streaming down your face. You look up, your eyelids brink rapidly in an attempt to prevent the inevitable waterworks.
You hadn't seen an engagement coming- in all the years you'd been together, it still seemed like a milestone that had felt so far away. Until Yesterday.
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You and Joost had been nearly inseparable since just about the moment you had met- A nervous 20-year-old studying abroad in the Netherlands for your second to last semester of university. You sat on the stairs outside of the apartment building that stood as your temporary housing for the semester, on the brink of tears, your randomly assigned roommate had been a real piece of work. You were on your third argument that week alone, and, saying you were fed up was an understatement. You contemplated at that moment packing your things and just going back home.
"Gaat het?" (Are you ok?) A voice calls out, a goofy-looking blonde standing at the bottom of the stairs. He looks vaguely familiar, you think you may have seen him in the elevator of your apartment once or twice.
You furrow your eyebrows at him, "Ik spreek niet veel Nederlands," Using one of the few Dutch phrases you knew to tell him you don't speak Dutch. You shake your head, kind of hoping he would get lost, not wanting to be bothered.
"Ah," He nods, "Do you speak English?"
You stare at him for a moment, unsure if you should lie, after all he was a stranger but something is telling you to tell him the truth.
"Yeah," You sniffle, attempting to remove any emotion from your face.
"Are you okay?" He asks again, this time you understand.
"I'm fine," You weren't exactly searching for a deep conversation about your current struggles in someone you didn't know.
"People who are fine don't usually sit outside their apartment building crying."
You bite your lip, contemplating engaging the kind stranger in what was ailing you at the moment. You sigh, having a feeling he would probably keep pestering you if you continued to insist you were feeling in a way you actually weren't.
"It's just my roommate-"
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Two months after your first encounter with the blonde man at the bottom of the stairs, you were standing in front of a mirror, doing a final check of your outfit before going on your first date. You had learned his name was Joost, he was 21, and lived in an apartment two floors above you.
He was unimaginably kind, with a wit unparalleled by anyone you'd ever met before, and truthfully, he was very cute- so when he had initially asked you out, you couldn't get a "yes" out fast enough.
It seemed a little inconvenient, given that you only had one more month left in the Netherlands- but he knew this, and didn't necessarily seem like he had been looking for anything too serious. Besides, it would be nice for you to have a good connection with someone outside of the people you saw in your classes.
There's a knock at the door, and your feet are quick to start shuffling under you, you're practically running to go open it.
You stop for a moment as you get to the door, letting a deep breath fill your lungs to capacity, before letting it out, whipping the door open as you do so.
Joost is standing behind it, a smile plastered on his face, hands behind his back. He's dressed up, now that you thought about it, you never really saw him in anything other than a sweatshirt or t-shirt and some jeans. It was a pleasant change- a white button-up shirt and some dress pants even if both articles of clothing had been obviously wrinkled.
"Hey," He greets, removing his hands from where they rest behind him, revealing a bouquet of flowers in an outstretched arm, "These are for you- I didn't know what kind of flowers you liked so I sort of just guessed." He's unsure of himself, in an entirely endearing way. He was trying.
"For me?" You grin, "Aww, Joost!" You take the flowers from his hands, "Let me go find something to put these in."
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A month later you're sitting on Joost's couch after what you assumed would be your last date together. Your study abroad program was ending in three days, and you'd be returning back home.
There is an air of sadness that surrounds you, one that you hadn't expected to feel- you'd only known the man for three months, yet somehow it felt like you were leaving someone you had known your whole life.
Gentle fingers grab onto your jaw, Joost is turning your head to force you to look at him.
"You know," He starts, "I've really been enjoying our time together."
"Me too," You agree, a small smile peaking onto your face, you try not to give way to the sadness you were feeling.
"And," He says, "Y/n, I really like you, and I think if I don't ask you now, I'm never going to get the chance to ever again."
"What?" You perk up, your heart suddenly beating much faster, your breathing quickens, unsure of what he's going to say next.
"Well- I- what I'm trying to say is, do you want to go out with me? Like- officially- like dating." His voice is trembling, you'd never seen him so anxious before.
"Joost I-" You sigh, the reality of your situation crashing into you harder than it had before, "I'm leaving soon- we'll be hours away, when am I going to see y-"
You're cut off by Joost's lips crashing into yours, your thoughts suddenly disappearing the second your lips connect. You're entirely overwhelmed with emotion, every wire in your brain is fried, this move was an utter surprise, up until this point your relationship had been entirely chaste; the furthest you'd gone was sharing a hug at the end of your dates. Still, you kiss him back, your hand finding its way to his shoulder, tugging at it, begging him to come closer to you.
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It had been seven and a half months since you had last seen Joost, but the two of you had talked at length each and every day during that time. By now, you had finished your degree in University and were ready to really start your life.
You could remember the cheer of excitement on the other end of the phone when you told Joost after a month of job hunting you had secured a job in the Netherlands.
"Does that mean you're coming back here?"
"Yeah, the job starts at the end of next month ."
A month and a half didn't necessarily give you much time to plan things out to the extent you would have liked, but Joost was more than ready and willing to help you out.
He had posited moving into his apartment- but the suggestion while sweet- was quickly thrown out. It wouldn't have been an ideal commute to your new job.
So the two of you got on to looking elsewhere, he had been kind enough to take the time out of his days to go to apartment showings for you near where you'd be taking your job, keeping you on Facetime as he viewed the places.
Eventually, you had found one you absolutely fell in love with, in perfect distance from the job. The problem had been- it was quite a ways out of your budget. You were heartbroken, it had basically been your dream apartment.
Joost, always swift with solving problems, suggested that the two of you move into the apartment together, that way he could cover the rest of the rent that you couldn't afford. And while you were over the moon about his offer- you worried about what living together would do to your relationship, the two of you had known each other for less than a year- would living together be such a great idea?
But as you're standing in the doorway of your bedroom on the first night being in your new apartment, staring up at Joost, who's leaning against the door frame- you just know you made the right decision.
A careful hand glides across your cheek, resting at the back of your neck,
"Thank you for coming back," Joost muses, gently massaging the spot where his hand resides. You lean into his touch,
"There was no other option" There's an undeniable twinkle in your eyes, admiring the man who stood above you, tired and messy from a long day of moving.
"I've been waiting to tell you this in person," His grip on your neck suddenly becomes still, rigid, "And- even if you don't feel the same yet, I just wanted to say that I love you." He's talking fast, simpering after he finishes his short words before resuming the gentle massaging motion of his thumb against your neck.
The breath is almost entirely knocked out of you- he loves you.
The words just about run out of your mouth, "I love you too,"
"You do?" His pupils are blown wide, "You love me too?"
You nod fervently, never having meant a statement so immensely in your life.
Joost is leaning down now, his head tilted so his lips can perfectly interlock with yours. It is possibly the hungriest kiss the two of you had ever shared, with the obvious implication of love now behind it. If Joost hadn't snaked his free arm around your back, you probably would have fallen straight to the ground, your legs tingling with excitement.
He pulls away, looking into your mostly empty bedroom, a smirk appearing on his face,
"What do you say we christen that bed I spent all day putting together?"
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Five years later you're still living in that same apartment, the once-empty space now fully decorated with beautiful memories.
And now, the most crystal-clear memory sparkled in your brain, almost as bright as the ring itself. You'd been crying in intervals since then- since it happened since - You replayed it in your head.
"Do you remember when we first met?" Joost's fingers interlock with yours as the two of you walk down a familiar street- You were unsure of why Joost had insisted on taking you here, to the town where you both had lived when you met.
"How could I ever forget?" You grin, "Feels like just yesterday I was crying to some strange Dutch boy about my roommate issues."
"And how you told me, you never wanted to see the Netherlands again?" His words are slow as he looks deeply into your eyes, glimmers of adoration shining from every feature on his face.
"God, I was so dramatic- wasn't I?" You look away from him, scoffing as you look down at the pavement, thinking about your old self, looking back on it- it was a stupid decision to let one person ruin almost two months of your life, but back then it seemed like the biggest deal in the world. "Funny" You shrug, "The decision I made to talk to you on the day I was most certain I was just going to pack up and leave forever led me to making the Netherlands my home." You shake your head, "I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't met you on that day, but I don't think there's a reality that exists where we aren't together."
"Don't make me cry," He chuckles.
"I mean- I don't mean to be all sappy, but it's true- if soulmates are real, I can guarantee you're mine."
He's grinning now, you'd been so lost in your thoughts you barely noticed where the two of you had ended up, back at your old apartment, right in front of those very steps the two of you had met on.
He's pulling you up the stairs, and needless to say you're confused about this trip down memory lane.
"I think it's only appropriate that I do this here," His voice is low, and he's blinking more rapidly than usual. His hand slips from yours, and falls into his pocket- you watch anxiously for his next move. There's something in his hand now, and he's slowly bending down onto one knee.
The tears start nearly immediately, before he says a single word, you're cupping your mouth with your hand
"Y/n," He looks up at you, through the lenses of his glasses you can see there are tears in his eyes too, "Wil je met me trouwen?" (will you marry me)
"Joost," You choke out a sob- "Yes, Yes!" Your whole body is full of a tingling sensation, and your heart feels like it occupies more space in your chest than it did before, swelling with an overwhelming amount of love.
Joost grabs your trembling hand, caressing it tenderly with his thumb before slipping on the ring. You let him hold your hand for a moment more before you're pulling it away, desperate to see. You outstretch your hand in front of you, looking at the glimmering stone that sits on your finger. A visual confirmation of what had just happened.
He's barely stood all the way up before you're reaching for him, knocking into him with an embrace so energetically that it nearly knocks him over. As he catches his balance he wraps his arms right back around you, pulling you into him.
If you were to have gotten any closer, the atoms that make up each of your bodies may have actually fused together. Though you wish you could, despite how you fully braced Joost's body it doesn't feel like enough you want him closer to you.
Still, you're so warm in his tight embrace, letting out choked tears of joy against his chest.
A gentle kiss falls on the top of your head, followed by your favorite words to hear out of Joost's mouth, "Ik hou van jou." (I love you)
You shut your eyes, basking in the moment, you could absolutely get used to hearing those words every day for the rest of your life.
/I'll love you 'til the day that I die / 'Til the light leaves my eyes/
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tohokuu · 2 years
since the beginning of june?? wow!! i also write but everything keeps on ending up as wips because i don't have the motivation to finish them 😂
oh did you know! i planned to read elysium rising when i finish my ojt (as a reward of sorts) and i'm finishing this friday!! i'll live (tweet)ask my reactions to you if that's alright?
(yeah i kinda read that ask too sigh 🥲 i'm glad i'm being of help!!)
yeah it’s been a 1 and a half month long process 😭
and i would love to read anything you’d write !! i’m always down for supporting other writers but i understand, it’s really hard to find motivation 😭
tbh, i could’ve finished wicked games like 3 weeks ago but i’m just… so lazy…
idk what an ojt is but i hope you finish with flying colors ??? 😭😭
(yeah, i honestly don’t wanna answer the next one 😞 i wanna read this bodyguard hwa fic in peace 😩🙏🏼)
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transmascaraa · 5 months
hi! is it ok to req a lyney, gaming, and/or bennett scenario where reader likes to kiss key areas on their body? e.i. lyney's teardrop makeup, the x scar on bennett's shoulder, gaming's little neck mole, etc.
it doesn't have to be all of them btw! just ideas stemmed from my brainrot
— 🧷anon
multiple characters headcannons!
kissing key areas on their bodies... how do they react?
characters: bennett, gaming, lyney x gn!reader
author's note: HELP I LOVE THIS REQUEST TOO MUCH I SHOULD BE CONCERNED IT'S SUCH A CUTE IDEAAA i tried my best please i'll be obsessed with this one i just know it
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๑ Bennett
-he would be a bit surprised bffr
-you would kiss his scar while telling him that it's okay to be clumsy that it's no big deal etc that you'll love him nonetheless
-he would be blushing and just thanking you a billion times(he still hasn't said it enough)
-and you'd just kiss him which would only make him blush more
-he's a blushing mess
-he doesn't know how to return the favor
-so yk
-he returns the favor by giving you a little kiss on your lips
-hoping that it was enough(for him it wasn't)
-but if he didn't accept it, you would continue kissing the scar and even tickling him until he accepted it and thought he had thanked you enough.
-in reality, he just doesn't want you to leave him because of his unluckiness.
✷ Gaming
-he's a total sweetheart help
-you'd kiss that mole on his neck and he would be a tomato already there
-off topic for a second but i love that he has a mole because i have moles all over my body and just one on him means sm to me for some reason(i'm not okay) so idk wether to feel proud or not about them
-anyways back to gaming
-he would blush and after you looked back up at him he would hide his face in your neck
-hiding that adorable blushing face of his
-you just tell him that it's cute and continue doing it until he's more than just a blushing mess.
-he wants to return the favor so he showers you with kisses.
-be ready for him being extra cure for the nextt few days.
-and if course, clingy as fuck.
✯ Lyney
-bro will be flabbergasted.
-he's the flitry one, he's the rizzler, he's the more dominant one!
-so when you catch him off guard like that after a show as a sign of praise...
-he is as red as his pyro vision.
-he's so embarrassed that he doesn't even hide his face, just stand there frozen(even tho he's tehnically burning on the unside)
-he doesn't understand how you make him feel so hot, but loves it so much despite not telling you so
-and when you'd pull back from his cheek, where his signature teardrop makeup mark is...
-he's looking at you. just looking.
-red as fuck.
-he's adorable.
-so in order to get at least a bit of lyney back, you'll have to drag him with you.
-for the rest of the day, he'll be completely flabbergasted. and tonight, he'll keep his hand on where the mark is, not daring to wipe it off.
-(he was looking at himself in the mirror and just graced his fingers over the mark gently, admiring it.)
-for the next few days, he's more than clingy.
-and for the rest of your guys' lives, he'll never miss a day when he doesn't draw that mark on his cheek.
-and if you kiss it ever again, the cycle restarts itself...
i have an obsession okay
but the others were precious i swear i love them all(favorite vision is anemo why tf do i like short pyro men)
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onepiece-fics · 9 months
Sanji x picky eater!Reader
Description: Reader is a picky eater and doesn’t dare to tell Sanji. The chef, however, needs to get to the bottom of why you’re giving Luffy all your shrimp. Gender-neutral reader.
Word Count: 1187 
Warnings: Slight angst (mostly fluff though), Sanji is very flirty, mentions of difficult food habits.
Requested by anon<3
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You feel bad about it, but as you sit by the dinner table you can’t help but pick at some of the food on your plate. Dinner for tonight was shrimp paella, cooked by the amazing chef himself. Of course, anyone who knew of Sanji knew how amazing he was at cooking, there was no question about it, but having been born a picky eater you felt immense guilt with how you felt about some of his food. You hadn’t even told him the things that you can’t bring yourself to eat, scared that he would take offense, or maybe even try to force you to eat it like so many other people had tried in the past. 
You tried to pick away the shrimp on your plate and focus on the rice and vegetables instead, but of course, knowing that it had touched the shrimp was enough to put you off. 
“Ah? Y/N? Are you not having your shrimp? Can I have it?” the enthusiastic captain asks you from across the table. You nod and with a blush on your face, you shovel off the shrimp from your plate to his. You notice Sanji looking at the two of you from afar, and not being able to read his face makes you nervous. Is he taking offense? Do you look silly? Is he gonna think you’re being childish? You sigh and continue trying to eat the rice and veggies on your plate. 
When dinner was done Sanji came to pick up everyone’s plates like he usually did but when he came over to you he gave you a look.
“Could you please stay for a while Y/N? I’d like to talk to you for a minute” he says, a slight smile on his lip but a confusing look in his eyes. You nod and stay in your chair as everyone else leaves. When you notice he’s moving to wash the dishes you rush up and silently offer him your help. He starts handing you the wet dishes to dry off and stack neatly. 
“Do you not like shrimp?” he says suddenly, breaking the silence between you. You tense up a little, unsure what to say.
“Uhm, yeah, sorry, I’m not really that big on seafood in general…” you say quietly. He stops what he’s doing and looks at you, eyebrows raised.
“Why haven't you told me, Y/N? I don't want to make you food that you won’t enjoy… I’ll happily modify your dinner for your tastes!” he gives you a big smile and your face heats up. “Wait… Do you also not like eggs? And… Broccoli? Oh, and the spinach!” he says, his fist hitting his palm like he finally understood something. Your face is fully flushed and it’s so warm you swear Sanji could actually cook a full meal on it at this point.
“I- I’m so sorry Sanji. I know I should’ve told you a while ago but-! I can be really picky with food sometimes and it’s like super embarrassing and I don’t want to be rude or insult your cooking- and I don’t want you to think I’m childish or something either. It’s just how my tastebuds work! I can’t help it but I’m really so sorry, I’ll try to learn to eat those things, I promise!” You ramble suddenly, catching the chef off-guard. He looks at you with big eyes and moves to put his hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N…” he starts. “You don’t have to worry my dear, I know you would never intentionally be rude or anything. I have been worrying for a while that maybe my cooking skills had gone downhill… But this explains it all!” his hand moves from your shoulder to cup your cheek.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, everyone’s tastebuds are different and I totally get that. We all have things that we can’t stand to eat, if you just write me a list of things you don’t like I promise to make you the best food you can imagine, alright?” he smiles at you. You just stare at him in shock, a single teardrop falling from your eye which he quickly catches with his thumb. 
“S-Sanji… Are you sure it’s alright?” you ask him and he chuckles. 
“I’d much rather cook you food that you genuinely enjoy than keep feeding you things you just hand off to Luffy” he teases you. He pulls you in for a hug and kisses the top of your head. “I could never judge you Y/N, you’re way too kind to me for that” he whispers as you put your arms around him. 
Your emotions suddenly sweep over you and before you know it, you’re staining his suit with your tears. Even though you knew how kind Sanji was, a part of you thought that he was going to react the same way people had in the past. Far from everyone is kind to those who struggle with picky eating, no matter the reason for it happening in the first place. The fact that he was even offering to cook you your own personalized meals… You pull away from him, cringing as you see the wet spot on his shoulder from your tears.
“I’m sorry about that…” you sniffle and it makes him laugh. The sound of it brings you to a smile and you giggle with him. He takes one of your hands in his and raises your chin with the other one. 
“Now. No more being shy about food habits, alright?” his smile is dazzling and it leaves you breathless. You nod for a response and he smiles and leans closer to you. “I really mean it Y/N. If I get to cook extra food for such a beauty as you… It only brings me joy” he whispers. You bite your lip when you realize the position you’re both in. You leaning against the kitchen counter with him in front of you, leaning into you more and more. A blush spreads across your cheeks again and you gulp. You’re just about to lean up when– 
“Y/N!!!!” Chopper barges into the kitchen, opening the door wide open, scaring both you and Sanji shitless. He jumps off of you, hastily moving to do the dishes once again. “Usopp needs you! He’s convincing Luffy not to prank call the Marines! Please help us!” Chopper begs you. With your hand covering your blush the best you can, you look back at Sanji, a blush spread over his cheeks too, before giving a nod to the doctor.
“I- I’ll be right there Chopper! Steal the den den mushi if you have to!” you tell him. Chopper nods and runs back to wherever the captain is.
You look back at Sanji who’s shaking with laughter as he’s rinsing out a plate. 
“I’m expecting a note with all your least favorite foods by tomorrow” he tells you and winks. You nod and awkwardly move to leave the kitchen.
“Oh, and that note better include your favorite foods too, by the way. I want to make you only your favorite meals from now”. 
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only-luce-the-goose · 26 days
Hiii pookie 🫶🥹
it's me again the same anon from Arthur's long fic 😂 i thought it would be nice to thank you again for fulfilling the request, they were all absolutely beautiful and I enjoyed them a lot✨,now proclaimed you one of my favorite Arthur writers ✨🥹🫶
i used to want an Arthur in my life now I NEED him 😭
Also today my mood was so bad but reading the fic distracted me a little from everyday things, thank you once again i send you a hug and kisses 🫶😚🫂💗💗
I hope you have the best days, always and forever !!!🙂‍↕️love ya boo💗
(if you didn't get enough of me, I promise that if I have any more ideas I will let you know so you can use them with your writings about other pilots)
A Bit Off
A/N: Hi Anon!!!!!
I’m so, so happy you enjoyed them and I feel privileged to be your favourite Arthur writer 🥰🥰. I’m thinking I might start writing for other drivers as well.
I swear I need an Arthur in my life too 😫. I’m sorry you weren’t feeling too well today, I’m glad my writing was able to help you feel better! 😘
And I will never get enough of you, message as much as you want!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I’ve currently got another Arthur fic and an Ollie Bearman fic in the works. I just wanted to write this little one as thank you for your kind words and requests. It’s also kind of based off how you felt today, enjoy ☺️
Arthur Leclerc x reader
Synopsis: After a bad day, Arthur just wants to make you feel all better
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(He’s such a cute, lil smiley boyyyyy 😍)
You woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you felt down and depressed all day for no reason. Unfortunately, Arthur wasn’t around and wouldn’t be back for another 3 days. All you wanted to do was cuddle up and watch movies with him.
You stayed on the couch, drowning in your favourite hoodie of Arthur’s, watching your comfort tv show. You heard the door at the front of the apartment unlock, keys jangling as the door was pushed open. You pulled the baseball bat out from under the couch and crept over to the wall next to the hallway.
You heard shoes being toed off, sock padded feet slowly walking down the hallways. You waited for the footsteps to come closer before you stepped out from the wall. You swung the bat.
“OHHH HOLY SHIT BABY ITS ME” Arthur screamed in his Monegasque accent. You immediately dropped the bat, “oh my god, Arty! You’re not suppose to be here for 3 days!” Arthur smirked when he said “I know. I wanted to surprise you, gorgeous”
Tears sprung to your eyes and you buried yourself in your boyfriend. Your arms wrapped around his neck, your nose pressing against his jugular as you deeply inhaled his cologne. Arthur’s hands firmly wrapped around your waist, he kissed your temple and leaned his head against yours.
He felt teardrops on his collarbone, prompting him to let go for a second. He found you with wet eyes, teardrop stains down your cheeks. “Bèbè, what’s wrong?” Arthur pouted. He raised his hand and wiped your tears. You made eye contact with him and the flood gates opened.
You weren’t sad about anything in particular, you just started babbling about anything and everything. Arthur guided you to the couch and sat down, pulling you on top of him and he laid down. Your legs ended up in either side of his body, your chin rested on his chest, your noses nearly bumping.
Arthur let you get it all out, contently listening. After you finished, Arthur extended his neck and pecked your lips. “It’s ok to feel like this, love” you kissed him again “thank you Arty” you had cried yourself to exhaustion, he could see your eyes started to droop. He pulled the couch blanket over you both as he watched you fall asleep.
“Good night, my love” he said as he kissed your nose, “I love you, bad day or good day, I don’t care.” You lazily smile and confessed “I love you” back to him, drifting off to sleep. Arthur followed you not long after.
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