#caroline jefferson madison
umi-teardrop · 3 months
“Josephine doing some random shit for work
Than suddenly the evil anon appears to Josephine”
-THE FUCK!!! Who are you and how did you get into the office!!!
“Josephine said grabbing her weapon”
Evil Anon:
-Don’t worry missy I’m a friend you can trust
“Evil anon said smirking”
-How can I trust you?
“Josephine asked suspiciously”
Evil Anon:
-How about I tell you how to get revenge on James Madison?
“Josephine lowered her weapon”
“Meanwhile with Thomas”
Thomas was at work doing whatever (does in Monticello get that LOL…. Fine I’ll return to the story) he does at work suddenly he got a text from a random number from an old acquaintance of Quinn( I guess that was the name of Thomas’s toxic ex)sending many pictures of James and Quinn kissing and more it looked like the pictures were real and you can’t tell they are fake or edited or anything like that (only a very skilled editor like Josephine can do) and the dates of the photo was matched with the time either Thomas was on a business trip or whenever James was on a business trip 
(@ask-thomas-jefferson-1 please Roleplay please?)
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*James did not like the hospital much but sadly he has to stay here, he did convince Thomas and Caroline to go home and take care of themselves and Maybell for a bit which leaves him and the triplets alone, he’s currently trying to calm them down despite being tired* “shhh shhhh~ it’s okay..”
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Arthur was staying over with The Jefferson-Madison Household for dinner during Maybell got extra hungry and started whining. James gives a pleading look to Caroline
-Fine I’ll feed the baby. Say Ahhh Baby
Arthur and Maybell in unison:
-Jefferson throws a sharp glare at Arthur, but also suddenly Maybell realized she started crying and being even more fussy so Thomas takes Maybell and manages to feed her himself, he had her sat onto his lap- “sh sh shhhh~” -Jefferson then got a real concerned expression onto his face as soon as his hand touched Maybells forehead-
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deadpresidents · 7 months
Do you have one of those presidential rankings lists for oldest first ladies like the one you posted for oldest presidents when Carter turned 99?
I do. A slight distinction, though, is that this will be a list of longest-living wives of the Presidents as opposed to a list of First Ladies. Not every President's wife technically served as First Lady (and not every First Lady or White House Hostess was a President's wife) because some died or divorced before their husband became President and a couple Presidents remarried after leaving office.
So, with that clarification, here are the wives of the Presidents from longest- to shortest-living at the age of their death:
Bess Truman: 97 years, 247 days Rosalynn Carter: 96 years, 93 days Nancy Reagan: 94 years, 243 days (Reagan's 2nd wife) Lady Bird Johnson: 94 years, 201 days Betty Ford: 93 years, 91 days Barbara Bush: 92 years, 313 days Jane Wyman: 90 years, 248 days (Reagan's 1st wife) Mary Harrison: 89 years, 250 days (B. Harrison's 2nd wife) Edith Wilson: 89 years, 64 days (Wilson's 2nd wife) Anna Harrison: 88 years 215 days Sarah Polk: 87 years, 344 days Edith Roosevelt: 87 years, 45 days (T. Roosevelt's 2nd wife) Lucretia Garfield: 85 years, 329 days Frances Cleveland: 83 years, 100 days Mamie Eisenhower: 82 years, 352 days Helen Taft: 82 years, 140 days Pat Nixon: 81 years, 98 days Dolley Madison: 81 years, 53 days Grace Coolidge: 78 years, 186 days Eleanor Roosevelt: 78 years, 27 days Louisa Adams: 77 years, 91 days Laura Bush: 77 years+ [Still living] Julia Grant: 76 years, 322 days Hillary Clinton: 76 years+ [Still living] Abigail Adams: 73 years, 351 days Ivana Trump: 73 years, 144 days (Trump's 1st wife) Jill Biden: 72 years+ [Still living] Martha Washington: 70 years, 355 days Lou Hoover: 69 years, 284 days Julia Tyler: 69 years, 67 days (Tyler's 2nd wife) Caroline Fillmore: 67 years, 294 days (Fillmore's 2nd wife) Eliza Johnson: 65 years, 103 days Jacqueline Kennedy: 64 years, 295 days Florence Harding: 64 years, 98 days Margaret Taylor: 63 years, 331 days Mary Todd Lincoln: 63 years, 215 days Elizabeth Monroe: 62 years, 85 days Rachel Jackson: 61 years, 190 days Caroline Harrison: 60 years, 24 days (B. Harrison's 1st wife) Marla Maples Trump: 60 years+ (Trump's 2nd wife) [Still living] Ida McKinley: 59 years, 352 days Michelle Obama: 59 years+ [Still living] Lucy Hayes: 57 years, 301 days Jane Pierce: 57 years, 265 days Abigail Fillmore: 57 years, 17 days (Fillmore's 1st wife) Ellen Wilson: 54 years, 84 days (Wilson's 1st wife) Melania Trump: 53 years+ [Still living] Letitia Tyler: 51 years, 302 days (Tyler's 1st wife) Ellen Arthur: 42 years, 135 days Hannah Van Buren: 35 years, 334 days Martha Jefferson: 33 years, 322 days Neilia Biden: 30 years, 143 days (Biden's 1st wife) Alice Roosevelt: 22 years, 192 days (T. Roosevelt's 1st wife)
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william-laurens · 4 months
intro :)
Hello, friends!! I’m William Laurens!
And yes, I am related to John Laurens!! He’s my older cousin and everyday I strive to be just like him!! Someday, I will be looked up to just as he is by me and you all will remember my name. I'll rise above the rest to be just like John, you'll see!!!
//okii hello :) it’s @half-eaten-baguetteee I decided that I wanted to join the chaos squad so here i am ig-
About me!!:
age: 16
i ship John and his “friend” Alexander :D
birthday: April 1st
funny(at least tries to be)
crazy at times
nervous wreck
I dislike bigots, incest and ped0ph!les
anyways, I hope you enjoy my blog!! have a wonderful day :)
//info about joining the infamous chaos squad under the cut!!
✨Wanna be apart of the roleplay? Now you can!✨
Taken characters: Alexander 📒(Already here lol) Highschool ver (@ask-chubby-hamilton-hs-au)
Lafayette ⚔️ (@ouioui-lafayettes-askblog), Highschool ver (@highschool-lafayettes-askblog)
Thomas 🔉 (@ask-thomas-jefferson-1) , Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-thomas-jefferson)
James Madison🔇 (@ask-james-madison-stuff), Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-james-madison)
Washington 🪖 (@ask-general-washington)
John 🪦 (@ask-john-laruens), Highschool ver (@ask-hs-john-laurens)
Hercules 💪( @askh3rculesmu11igan), Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-h3rcul3s-mu11igan)
Aaron Burr 📚 (@ask-aaron-burr1)
Theodosia jr 🎀 (@ask-theodosia-blog)
Maria ❤️‍🔥 (@mreynolds-ask-blog), Highschool ver (@mreynolds-hs-ask-blog)
James R. 🖕 (@jreynolds-ask-blog-1), Highschool/ College ver (@jreynolds-college-ask-blog)
Susan Reynolds 🌼 (@ask-susan-reynolds)
Eliza 🩵(@e-schuyler-ask-blog )
Angelica 🩷(@angelicashuylersaskblog)
Peggy 💛 (@peggy-schuylers-ask-blog)
Samuel 📜(@samuel-seaburys-askblog), Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-samuel-seabury)
Phillip and Eacker💖 (@that-876girl474)
Martha Manning-Laurens 🌹(@martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog)
Deborah Sampson 🤭 @ask-deborah-sampson
Open characters: literally everyone else that's not listed already
(also ocs are TOTALLY RECOMMENDED, i love seeing peoples ocs ☺️)
OCS: Caroline Jefferson 🌸, Arthur Hamilton 📕, Josephine Payne 💥(@umi-teardrop)
William Laurens ⭐ (@william-laurens/@half-eaten-baguetteee),
Clementine Schuyler 🌻 (@ask-clementine-schuyler)
1. Don't be rude unless it's a part of the character
2. Please be friendly
3. Please turn on anonymous asks :3 (That's the point of an ask blog. To be asked stuff :])
4. Be respectful ( be respectful of race, gender etc. or else)
✨Thats all, but there may be more rules to come✨
Also, some characters have no lore/ Backstory, so if you want, you can make them a Backstory!
have fun everyone!!! <333
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✨Wanna be apart of the roleplay? Now you can! It's a mix of both historical and modern/musical so you can literally be anyone!✨
Taken characters: Alexander 📒(Already here lol) Highschool ver (@ask-chubby-hamilton-hs-au)
Lafayette ⚔️ (@ouioui-lafayettes-askblog), Highschool ver (@highschool-lafayettes-askblog)
Thomas 🔉 (@ask-thomas-jefferson-1) , Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-thomas-jefferson)
James Madison🔇 (@ask-james-madison-stuff), Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-james-madison)
Washington 🪖 (@ask-general-washington)
John 🪦 (@ask-john-laruens), Highschool ver (@ask-hs-john-laurens)
Hercules 💪( @askh3rculesmu11igan), Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-h3rcul3s-mu11igan)
Aaron Burr 📚 (@ask-aaron-burr1)
Theodosia jr 🎀 (@ask-theodosia-blog)
Maria ❤️‍🔥 (@mreynolds-ask-blog), Highschool ver (@mreynolds-hs-ask-blog)
James R. 🖕 (@jreynolds-ask-blog-1), Highschool/ College ver (@jreynolds-college-ask-blog)
Susan Reynolds 🌼 (@ask-susan-reynolds)
Eliza 🩵(@e-schuyler-ask-blog )
Angelica 🩷(@angelicashuylersaskblog)
Peggy 💛 (@peggy-schuylers-ask-blog)
Samuel 📜(@samuel-seaburys-askblog), Highschool ver (@ask-highschool-samuel-seabury)
Phillip and Eacker💖 (@that-876girl474)
Martha Manning-Laurens 🌹(@martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog)
Deborah Sampson 🗡️ (@ask-deborah-sampson)
Open characters: literally everyone else that's not listed already
(also ocs are TOTALLY RECOMMENDED, i love seeing peoples ocs ☺️)
OCS: Caroline Jefferson 🌸, Arthur Hamilton 📕, Josephine Payne 💥, Celine Mulligan 🪡 (@umi-teardrop)
William Laurens ⭐ (@william-laurens),
Clementine Schuyler 🌻 (@ask-clementine-schuyler)
1. Don't be rude unless it's a part of the character
2. Please be friendly
3. Please turn on anonymous asks :3 (That's the point of an ask blog. To be asked stuff :])
4. Be respectful ( be respectful of race, gender etc.)
✨Thats all, but there will be more rules to come✨
✨Also, some characters have no lore/ Backstory, so if you want, you can make them a Backstory!✨
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wilson-kinnie-42 · 1 year
Hi! Basically, I'm going to do animatics of the I Made America musical (Yes, that exists, and it's incredible), the songs are recorded, but the spoken scenes aren't, so that's what I need help with. It doesn't matter if you don't think your voice fits the character, it doesn't have to be perfect.
You can make an audition with some lines of the original show and post it reblogging this post or if you don't want to post it you can send me a messange and I'll give you my email so you can send me your audition.
Characters unaviliable:
-Franklin (I'm sorry, he's my favourite, I have to voice him)
-Washington (@singulartrout)
-The Handler (A friend of mine)
-Jefferson (Me)
-Hamilton (A friend of mine)
-Madison (Me)
-Mindi (Me)
-Laurens (@spacing-history-queer)
-Abby (Me)
-Caroline (Me)
-Adams (@cytryndor)
My irl friends were going to help me, but most of them don't want to anymore. That means some characters will sound a lot alike bc I'm not really good making voices (sorry for that 😭)
Characters available:
None lmao
That's all! I really hope I'll be able to do this project, because I'm not a good artist, not even close, but I said I would do this and I will, because I really think it can help making this musical known and reviving the fandom, let's pretend this is a second season! Well, it's not pretending, this musical actually has a completely new part that serves as second season, so yeah, I hope we can make this a real thing!
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e-schuyler-ask-blog · 6 months
【📜💗】 Hey! Want to join a Hamilton rp? You got a perfect place! Heres the taken characters! 【📜💗】
Alexander Hamilton, (@ask-chubby-hamilton )
James Reynolds
(@jreynolds-ask-blog-1 )
Maria Reynolds
(@mreynolds-ask-blog )
Thomas Jefferson
(@ask-thomas-jefferson-1 )
James Madison
John Laurens
Aaron Burr
Hercules Mulligan
(@askh3rculesmu11igan )
(@samuel-seaburys-askblog )
Phillip and Eacker
(@that-876girl474 )
Angelica Schuyler
King Louis XVI
King george the third
(@ask-king-george-the-third )
(AND) Peggy
Francis kinloch
Martha manning laurens
Theodosia jr.
Arthur hamilton, Jospehine Payne, Caroline Jefferson
William Laurens
Susan reynolds
Clementine Schuyler
Deborah Sampson
Thats it! Contact me if you wanna join!
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mreynolds-ask-blog · 6 months
Stuff? Ig? Idk. Rules- (also I’m mainly active on @evan-at-deaths-doorstep, a hp centric blog, but I’ve been trying to be more active on this one. I’m @martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog and @jreynolds-ask-blog-1 along with @mreynolds-hs-ask-blog and @jreynolds-college-ask-blog)
•No slurs
•Cursing is fine, just don’t overdo it
•Nothing triggering without it being discussed first, I will include warnings (though this blog with probably being up many triggering topics with James and Maria’s relationship)
•No NSFW unless discussed first(though I doubt we’re gonna have any of that here)
•No disrespect (unless it’s to James lol)
Taken characters:
Alexander Hamilton (we are waiting in the wings for you): @ask-chubby-hamilton
(Marquis de) Lafayette: @ouioui-lafayettes-askblog
Thomas Jefferson (‘s coming home): @ask-thomas-jefferson-1
James Madison (wrote 29): @ask-james-madison-stuff
George Washington (we are outgunned!!): @ask-general-washington
John Laurens (got killed in a gunfight against British troops in South Carolina…): @ask-john-laruens
Hercules Mulligan: @askh3rculesmu11igan
Aaron Burr (with his own faction): @ask-aaron-burr1
Maria Reynolds (walked into my life): Me
(A connection with one) James Reynolds: @jreynolds-ask-blog-1 (for purposes of improper pecuniary speculation)
Francis Kinloch: @ask-francis-kinloch-1
Elizabeth Schuyler (Helpless): @e-schuyler-ask-blog
Samuel Seabury (loyalist…): @samuel-seaburys-askblog
Philip Hamilton & George Eaker (cinq six sept…): @that-876girl474
Angelica Schuyler: @angelicashuylersaskblog
King George III (will kill your friends and family): @ask-king-george-the-third
King Louis XVI: @ask-kinglouisxvi
Peggy Schuyler: @peggy-schuylers-ask-blog
Arthur Hamilton, Jospehine Payne, Caroline Jefferson (wreaks havoc): @umi-teardrop (OCs)
William Laurens (looks up to John… for some reason): @william-laurens (OC)
Theodosia Jr.: @ask-theodosia-blog (Burr’s daughter)
Susan Reynolds: @ask-susan-reynolds (Maria’s daughter)
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ask-deborah-sampson · 3 months
"Robert Shurtliff, reporting for duty!"
(Shhhh, don't tell anyone she's secretly Deborah Sampson! Or do, idc)
I'm part of a big roleplay with many different amrev characters, check it out! (Character list and rules are copied off @ask-chubby-hamilton. Sorry not sorry !)
Taken characters: Alexander 📒@ask-chubby-hamilton, Lafayette ⚔️ (@ouioui-lafayettes-askblog), Thomas 🔉 (@ask-thomas-jefferson-1) , James Madison🔇 (@ask-james-madison-stuff), Washington 🪖 (@ask-general-washington), John 🪦 (@ask-john-laruens), Hercules 💪( @askh3rculesmu11igan), Aaron Burr 📚 (@ask-aaron-burr1), Theodosia jr 🎀 (@ask-theodosia-blog), Maria ❤️‍🔥 (@mreynolds-ask-blog), James R. 🖕 (@jreynolds-ask-blog-1), Susan Reynolds 🌼 (@ask-susan-reynolds) Francis kinloch 📖 (@ask-francis-kinloch-1), Eliza 🩵(@e-schuyler-ask-blog ), Angelica 🩷(@angelicashuylersaskblog), Peggy 💛 (@peggy-schuylers-ask-blog), Samuel 📜(@samuel-seaburys-askblog) Phillip and Eacker💖 (@that-876girl474), King George the 3rd 👑🇬🇧 (@ask-king-george-the-third), King Louis the 16th 👑🇫🇷 (@ask-kinglouisxvi ) Martha Manning-Laurens 🌹(@martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog) , Thomas Paine 📝 (@ask-common-paine-by-thomas-sense)
Open characters: literally everyone else that's not listed already
(also ocs are TOTALLY RECOMMENDED, i love seeing peoples ocs ☺️)
OCS: Caroline Jefferson 🌸, Arthur Hamilton 📕, Josephine Payne 💥(@umi-teardrop) William Laurens ⭐ (@william-laurens)
1. Don't be rude unless it's a part of the character
2. Please be friendly
3. Don't say racial slurs unless you; 1. Got permission, or 2. Are that race, 3 it's for your character.
4. Please turn on anonymous asks :3
5. Be respectful ( be respectful of race, gender etc.)
✨Thats all, but there will be more rules to come✨
✨Also, some characters have no lore/ Backstory, so if you want, you can make them a Backstory!✨
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ask-susan-reynolds · 3 months
Intro post
Hello! I'm @lams-is-canon!
Taken characters: Alexander 📒 @ask-chubby-hamilton Lafayette ⚔️ (@ouioui-lafayettes-askblog), Thomas 🔉 (@ask-thomas-jefferson-1) , James Madison🔇 (@ask-james-madison-stuff), Washington 🪖 (@ask-general-washington), John 🪦 (@ask-john-laruens), Hercules 💪( @askh3rculesmu11igan), Aaron Burr 📚 (@ask-aaron-burr1), Theodosia jr 🎀 (@ask-theodosia-blog), Maria ❤️‍🔥 (@mreynolds-ask-blog), James R. 🖕 (@jreynolds-ask-blog-1), francis kinloch 📖 (@ask-francis-kinloch-1), Eliza 🩵(@e-schuyler-ask-blog ), Angelica 🩷(@angelicashuylersaskblog), Peggy 💛 (@peggy-schuylers-ask-blog), Samuel 📜(@samuel-seaburys-askblog) Phillip and Eacker💖 (@that-876girl474), King George the 3rd 👑🇬🇧 (@ask-king-george-the-third), King Louis the 16th 👑🇫🇷 (@ask-kinglouisxvi ) Martha Manning-Laurens 🌹(@martha-manning-laurens-ask-blog)
Open characters: literally everyone else that's not listed already
(also ocs are TOTALLY RECOMMENDED, i love seeing people's OC's ☺️)
OCS: Caroline Jefferson 🌸, Arthur Hamilton 📕, Josephine Payne 💥(@umi-teardrop) William Laurens ⭐ (@william-laurens)
1. Don't be rude unless it's a part of the character (or to a character who deserves it—cough—James Reynolds)
2. Please be friendly
3. Don't say racial slurs, or any slurs at all for that matter.
4. Please turn on anonymous asks :3
5. Be respectful ( be respectful of race, gender etc.)
In this sideblog, I will be Susan Reynolds (James' and Maria's historical daughter). I'm not completely sure how this works lmao, but yeah! If you want to see some fanart of Maria Reynolds (not by me) check out this account: @cetrece
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umi-teardrop · 4 months
Tumblr media
Design for Josephine Payne
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Caroline was in handsome cab while she held the letter in her hands it’s was the same letter that his “uncle” gave as a wedding invitation to Uncle Laff and Uncle Laff was still missing and she knew she needed to do something soon the handsome cab stopped they were here the place were her dad was shot after Caroline paid the driver and went down Caroline felt shivers down her side Caroline wore a bulletproof corset(I don’t know if they had those during those times) and brought her dad’s pistol for self defense
She then puts a brand new letter to the ground then left with another Hanson cab nearby that said
“Dear stranger,
I won’t forgive you for shooting my father and pretending to be my late uncle so I’m waiting you for a duel in Weehawken Dueling Grounds in a week
Yours truly
-Caroline Jefferson-Madison-
*Meanwhile James had fallen asleep in bed after a long coughing fit followed by sniffling*
(And James just keeps suffering lol)
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-Hey dad do you remember our fight with the evil anon? And during the fight he snapped his fingers and turned into some random weirdo I couldn’t see the weirdo’s face but you seemed very distressed and angry whoever that person anon turned into so my question is who is he?
(The post Caroline referencing: https://www.tumblr.com/evil-anonymous-hehe/744675064608374784/he-heee-the-evil-anon-comes-in-tackling-and)
“…” -Jefferson gave a small sigh- “im not sure if I wish to speak about that..”
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On to Round 2!
This is a wrap-up of the current standings. Polls for round 2 will be published starting this Saturday (12/16).
Congratulations to all the counties that progressed!
The state that is standing the strongest is New York, with 39 counties progressing to round 2! Albany, Allegany, Allegany, Broome, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Chenango, Clinton, Columbia, Delaware, Franklin, Greene, Hamilton, Jefferson, Kings, Livingston, Nassau, New York, Niagara, Oneida, Orange, Otsego, Putnam, Rensselaer, Richmond, Rockland, Saint Lawrence, Saratoga, Schuyler, Steuben, Suffolk, Sullivan, Ulster, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Westchester, and Wyoming.
Next most powerful state is Virginia, which has 36 winning counties. Alleghany, Alleghany, Amherst, Augusta, Bedford, Brunswick, Caroline, Carroll, Charlotte, Chesterfield, Fairfax, Fauquier, Fluvanna, Gloucester, Goochland, Grayson, Halifax, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lee, Louisa, Montgomery, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Prince Edward, Pulaski, Rockingham, Scott, Smyth, Southampton, Tazewell, Warren, and Wise.
Ohio is also standing strong with 27 advancing counties. Brown, Butler, Columbiana, Coshocton, Crawford, Defiance, Erie, Fulton, Geauga, Holmes, Jackson, Lake, Lawrence, Licking, Madison, Mahoning, Medina, Mercer, Monroe, Muskingum, Perry, Pickaway, Ross, Scioto, Seneca, Trumbull, and Van Wert.
North Carolina is up next with a solid 24 wins. Beaufort, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, Craven, Currituck, Granville, Harnett, Henderson, Hoke, Jackson, Johnson, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, Mecklenburg, Northampton, Onslow, Person, Robeson, Tyrrell, and Wake.
Only 1 more state has over 20 counties that made won their match-ups and that's my wonderful Washington. Adams, Asotin, Chelan, Clallam, Cowlitz, Ferry, Garfield, Grant, Grays Harbor, King, Kitsap, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lewis, Pacific, Pend Oreille, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, Walla Walla, Whatcom, Whitman, Yakima. Stay strong my soldiers.
A much higher number of states are comfortably in the middle of the pack. They are as follows:
Texas: 19 counties. Bosque, Collin, Dallas, Denton, Fort Bend, Goliad, Hockley, Jones, Lipscomb, Live Oak, Llano, McMullen, Milam, Ochiltree, Orange, Panola, Parker, San Patricio, and Travis.
California: 17 counties. Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Imperial, Lake, Mariposa, Monterey, Orange, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Tulare, Tuolumne, and Yolo.
Pennsylvania: 16 counties. Allegheny, Blair, Butler, Carbon, Dauphin, Franklin, Greene, Jefferson, Lancaster, Lycoming, Mifflin, Montgomery, Perry, Potter, Venango, and York.
Tennessee: 15 counties. Blount, Campbell, Carter, Cumberland, Hardin, Houston, Johnson, Knox, Madison, Maury, McNairy, Obion, Union, Williamson, and Wilson.
Nebraska: 13 counties. Adams, Buffalo, Cass, Cherry, Dakota, Keith, Knox, Nuckolls, Platte, Saunders, Stanton, Thayer, and Webster.
Nevada: 13 counties. Churchill, Clark, Douglas, Esmeralda, Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Lyon, Mineral, Pershing, Storey, Washoe, and White Pine.
Illinois: 12 counties. Cook, DeKalb, Franklin, Jasper, Kane, Marion, McDonough, McHenry, Morgan, Peoria, St Clair, and Winnebago.
Maryland: 12 counties. Anne Arundel, Calvert, Carroll, Cecil, Dorchester, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, Talbot, Washington, and Worcester.
Michigan: 12 counties. Barry, Berrien, Clinton, Genesee, Gogebic, Kalamazoo, Lake, Oceana, Ottawa, Rocommon, Sanilac, and Wexford.
Iowa: 11 counties. Dickinson, Fayette, Hancock, Hardin, Henry, Humboldt, Jefferson, Jones, Polk, Pottawattamie, and Wright.
Louisiana: 11 parishes. Ascension, Bossier, Cameron, Catahoula, Concordia, Jefferson, Lincoln, Natchitoches, St Bernard, St James, and St Tammany.
New Jersey: 11 counties. Bergen, Cumberland, Essex, Middlesex, Morris, Passaic, Salem, Somerset, Sussex, Union, and Warren.
Kentucky: 10 counties. Boone, Boyle, Breckinridge, Daviess, Leslie, Logan, Pike, Shelby, Trimble, Woodford.
Many of these poor cute states are barely hanging on. Please wish them luck.
Florida: 8 counties. Alachua, Bay, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Okaloosa, Osceola, Palm Beach, and St Johns.
New Mexico: 8 counties. Colfax, Curry, Doña Ana, Lincoln, Mora, Otero, Roosevelt, and Socorro.
Georgia: 6 counties. Bartow, Cherokee, Floyd, Fulton, Pierce, and Rockdale.
Indiana: 6 counties. Benton, Elkhart, Jennings, Marion, Marshall, and Starke.
Minnesota: 6 counties. Aitkin, Clearwater, Hennepin, Hubbard, McLeod, and Pipestone.
Wisconsin: 6 counties. Calumet, Fond du Lac, Osaukee, Portage, Racine, and Sheboygan.
Wyoming: 6 counties. Big Horn, Converse, Lincoln, Natrona, Park, and Teton.
Missouri: 5 counties. Clay, Gentry, Greene, Newton, and St Louis.
South Carolina: 5 counties. Anderson, Calhoun, Dillon, Dorchester, and Lexington.
Utah: 5 counties. Beaver, Summit, Utah, Washington, and Wayne.
Alaska: 4 boroughs. Anchorage, Juneau, Matanuska-Susitna, and Wrangell.
Arkansas: 4 counties. Cross, Searcy, Washington, and White.
Colorado: 4 counties. Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, and La Plata.
Oklahoma: 4 counties. Bryan, Payne, Rogers, and Washington.
West Virginia: 4 counties. Fayette, Marion, Monongalia, and Roane.
Alabama: 3 counties. Bullock, Cleburne, and Mobile.
Arizona: 3 counties. Coconino, Maricopa, and Yavapai.
Maine: 3 counties. Androscoggin, Hancock, and Washington.
Idaho: 2 counties. Bannock and Bonner.
Kansas: 2 counties. Atchinson and Johnson.
Massachusetts: 2 counties. Barnstable and Berkshire.
Montana: 2 counties. Gallatin and Silver Bow.
North Dakota: 2 counties. Benson and LaMoure.
Some states only have 1 county that progressed. They are: Delaware (Kent County), Hawaii (Maui County), Mississippi (Adams County), New Hampshire (Hillsborough County), Oregon (Linn County), and South Dakota (Bennet County).
In addition to all the winning counties above, there will be 83 new county flags folded into round 2!!! (Because of math reasoning this had to happen) Get hyped
They are as follows:
Alexander NC, Allen OH, Alpena MI, Alpena MI, Alpine CA, Arapahoe CO, Ashe NC, Avery NC, Baldwin AL, Baltimore MD, Bell KY, Benzie MI, Bernalillo NM, Black Hawk IA, Brevard FL, Camden NJ, Campbell WY, Canyon ID, Centre PA, Charles City VA, Cheatham TN, Chester PA, Clark WA, Clarke VA, Cleveland OK, Cochise AZ, Columbus NC, Coweta GA, Darke OH, Davidson NC, Elko NV, Erie PA, Florence SC, Garrett MD, Goshen WY, Greene VA, Grundy IL, Gwinnett GA, Hidalgo TX, Highland OH, Hocking OH, Holt NE, Hot Springs WY, Howard MD, Huntingdon PA, Ingham MI, Island WA, Kankakee IL, Lackawanna PA, Lawrence PA, Leelanau MI, Lehigh PA, Leon FL, Liberty TX, Lucas OH, Madera CA, Mahaska IA, Manitowoc WI, McLennan TX, Meigs OH, Milwaukee WI, Nashville and Davidson TN, Northumberland VA, Orleans NY, Page VA, Porter IN, Sacramento CA, Salt Lake UT, San Diego CA, Sangamon IL, Sevier TN, Shelby TN, Skamania WA, Spotsylvania VA, Stafford VA, Sussex VA, Terrell TX, Trinity CA, Tulsa OK, Tuscarawas OH, Ventura CA, Wahkiakum WA, Yuma AZ
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jackstanleyroberts · 8 months
The Characters in the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) Part 2
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Hello everybody if you like the idea that I pulled out about the new characters of the Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) here's more of the new & additional characters in the franchise:
Melissa Collazo as Isabella "Izzy" Yales
Hayden Byerly as Damian "Dame" Yales
Annalise Basso as Andrea Lewis
Jodelle Ferland as Joanna Thompson
Katherine Langford as Jennifer Annie "Jenny" Kincaid
Charlie Plummer as Samuel Jonathan "Sam" Kincaid
Karan Brar as Craig Karbar
Akiel Julien as Malik Hubar
Ed Speleers as Alexander "Alex" Miller
Jimmy Bennett as Andrew "Andy" Anderson
Odessa A'zion as Susan Winters
Logan Miller as Lincoln Jefferson
Madison Davenport as Gabrielle "Gabby" Stafford
Madison Iseman as Alexandra "Allie" Miller
Rachel Fox as Angela Stewart
Mackenzie Foy as Luna Stewart
Natalie Alyn Lind as Natasha Longwood
Emily Tennant as Cynthia Cooper
Tequan Richmond as Maurice Lakewood
Zac Godspeed as Tyler Ferguson
Daniel Sharman as Kurt Parker
Rachel Zegler as Emily Jones
Finn Wolfhard as Stanley Lance "Stan" Williams
Brianne Tju as June Dawson
Rachel Sennott as Theresa "Tree" Hicks
Holland Roden as Gloria Smith
Violett Beane as Eleanor "Ellie" Winters
Spencer Locke as Ellen Hoffman
Anjelica Bette Fellini as Dorothy Johnson
Ryan Lee as Marty McCreary
Lewis Pullman as Richard Jackson
Stella Maeve as Nicole Kennedy
Talitha Eliana Bateman as Yolanda Preston
Gabriel Bateman as Philip "Phil" Preston
Megan Stott as Kimberly "Kim" Watson
Addison Rae as Natalie Foster
Emily Alyn Lind as Audrey Owens
Sarah Bolger as Simone Martin
Elizabeth McLaughlin as Jessie Crane
Brandon Soo Hoo as Takahashi Bradford
Mickey Nguyen as Sylvester Bradford
Denyse Tontz as Laura Morris
Milo Manheim as Zackary "Zack" Feldman
Stefanie Scott as Caroline "Carol" Feldman
Anna Sawai as Alexis Williams
Mekai Curtis as Reginald "Reggie" Stark
Haley Lu Richardson as Bethany "Beth-Ann" Lewis
Kaia Gerber as Taylor Swanson
Jaeden Martell as Landon Andrews
Jeremy Ray Taylor as Maurice Thompson
Anthony Ramos as Nicholas "Nick" Rodriguez
That's it for the new & additional characters of the franchise.
More quality content for Extended Cut of Scream (2022) & Scream VI (2023) is coming soon.
Stay Tuned! & by the way:
What's your favorite scary movie?
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