#teamsters strong
davidaugust · 11 months
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The actors fight is for everyone who makes film and TV.
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fieryflyingpanda · 1 year
I think everyone should go on strike tbh
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b3aches · 1 year
Companies That Union-Bust Must Now Automatically Recognize Union, NLRB Rules
The National Labor Relations Board issued a ruling on Friday that changes the framework for unionizations, making it easier for workers to organize and harder for companies to fight back against them. The new process comes as part of a decision in the case between Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, where the Board found that the employer had committed over 20 “instances of objectionable or unlawful misconduct” between the filing of the union election petition and the election itself, intending to dissuade workers from organizing.
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iww-gnv · 9 months
Costco workers in Norfolk, Va. have voted to join the Teamsters Local 822, with the union calling this its first organizing victory at the wholesale retailer in two decades. The 238-worker group will join more than 18,000 Teamsters at Costco nationwide. Successful unionization efforts in the retail industry have been relatively rare, but they may pick up steam this year following a strong year for labor in 2023, with successful strikes by the United Auto Workers against the Big Three carmakers and by SAG-AFTRA and the Writers Guild of America against Hollywood studios.
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fans4wga · 1 year
SAG-AFTRA, Teamsters, IATSE, Writers Guild Issue Joint Statement in Solidarity with Directors Guild of America
May 31, 2023
Los Angeles, CA — As the Directors Guild of America’s negotiations with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) enter their final scheduled week, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), the Teamsters, Hollywood Basic Crafts (Teamsters Local 399, IBEW Local 40, LiUNA! Local 724, OPCMIA Local 755 and UA Local 78), the Writers Guild of America East (WGAE), the Writers Guild of America West (WGAW), and the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) stand alongside our sisters, brothers, and kin in the DGA in their pursuit of a fair contract.
We believe in a Hollywood where every worker is valued and their contributions recognized, whether their labor is on or off screen. A fair contract for directors does not benefit just a select few; it uplifts every worker in the film and television industry and acknowledges the interconnected nature of our work. We call on the AMPTP to immediately negotiate a fair agreement that addresses the Directors Guild of America’s unique priorities in good faith.
As eyes around the world again turn towards the negotiation table, we send a clear message to the AMPTP: Our solidarity is not to be underestimated. The Hollywood guilds and unions stand united, and we stand strong.
In solidarity,
Matthew D. Loeb International President, IATSE
Lindsay Dougherty Motion Picture Division Director & Western Region Vice President, Teamsters Hollywood Basic Crafts, Chairperson
Duncan Crabtree-Ireland National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator, SAG-AFTRA
Michael Winship President, Writers Guild of America, East
Meredith Stiehm President, Writers Guild of America West
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stankrhodes · 1 year
my partner today messaging me about starting a union at his job just... really reinforced in me that we are truly witnessing the rise of a very important moment in history for the future of labor in the world. we shouldn't be living the way we do and my full support is with every single person, union, and entity that is fighting for workers' rights and the security of a livable life.
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Sean Astin really is an excellent spokesperson for his union and its members! Passionate, compassionate, articulate and with a mastery of the issues involved!
Here he is in front of the Amazon’s Culver Studio with union leaders from the WGA, the Teamsters and others.
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catgirl-kaiju · 1 year
honestly, it'd be awesome if all of these strikes led to an eventual general strike. i don't think it will happen but i want to believe
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relevant-catnik · 1 year
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When we're united, we can win!
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This is huge.
This is the sign, to all workers that Unions are NOT the bad guy. The millionaire CEO's who do nothing for the people making the company run are the bad guys of the story.
Time to make a lot of rich people very fucking scared.
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davidaugust · 10 months
The companies can't endure additional strikes. Netflix's "new" section is a throwback to retro content; CEOs got a compensation cut due to shareholder-imposed pay reductions. Iger and Disney face multiple lawsuits from various investor groups. An "activist" shareholder, Nelson Peltz, seeks to dismantle Disney. These companies and CEOs hurt themselves and us, they need our work, badly. And will try hard to divide us to get it for nothing.
IATSE and Teamsters can bring home to the CEOs this everlasting truth: employees deserve a fair day's pay for a fair day's work in safe, stable working conditions. "Alone we beg, together we bargain" isn't just for individual people: it means unions working together succeed together. This year we set the tone, next year we bring it home.
#ActorsStrike #SAGAFTRAStrike #SAGAFTRAstrong #WritersStrike #WGAstrike #WGAstrong #IATSEstrong #TeamstersStrong #UnionStrong #u1 #movies #tv #film #television #entertainment
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vile-images · 1 year
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“…if we want to win, leftists need to start organizing at our workplaces and in our unions, when we're lucky enough to have them. As the experience of the red state revolt illustrates, the revival of organized labor is inseparable from the project of rebuilding a militant minority.”
-Eric Blanc, Red State Revolt, Pg. 207
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iww-gnv · 1 year
(WASHINGTON) — Around 4 a.m., UPS walked away from the bargaining table after presenting an unacceptable offer to the Teamsters that did not address members’ needs. The UPS Teamsters National Negotiating Committee unanimously rejected the package. Following marathon negotiations, UPS refused to give the Teamsters a last, best, and final offer, telling the union the company had nothing more to give. “This multibillion-dollar corporation has plenty to give American workers — they just don’t want to,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “UPS had a choice to make, and they have clearly chosen to go down the wrong road.”
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fans4wga · 1 year
WGA, Saying “Era Of Divide & Conquer Is Over,” Accuses AMPTP Of “Gaslighting” Union Members & Telling A “Lie” About The Breakdown Of Contract Talks
June 1, 2023
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[ID] → also in ALT directly on images...
During the last writers’ strike back in 2008, the DGA made a deal with the AMPTP on the 73rd day of the strike. The main issue was residuals from what is now known as streaming. A few weeks later, the WGA agreed to similar terms, ending its 100-day walkout. This time around, the DGA began negotiations for its own contract nine-days into the WGA strike, but the WGA says the companies’ “divide and conquer strategy won’t work this time.
The AMPTP set a strategy in motion designed to be a repeat of 2007/08. Divide and conquer. Hold off a deal with the DGA until after the WGA contract expiration date so that in the event of a writers’ strike the AMPTP could force a DGA pattern on the WGA. Even better if they could also sew up a deal with SAG-AFTRA. They would then claim that the writers were being unreasonable.
“That strategy, however, depends on divided unions. This year is different. Every union in town came out in support of the WGA, both during negotiations and after the start of the strike. The DGA has been clear that it is facing a tough and critical negotiation to address its members’ needs. Yesterday, we joined a statement along with SAG-AFTRA, IATSE and Teamsters 399 in solidarity with the DGA in their negotiations. SAG-AFTRA is taking a strike authorization vote as they enter negotiations to address the existential issues its members are facing. Teamsters, IATSE, and other entertainment union members have been honoring WGA picket lines across the country.
“Still, the AMPTP remains committed to its strategy. They pretended they couldn’t negotiate with the WGA in May because of negotiations with the DGA. That’s a lie. It’s a choice they made in hope of breathing life into the divide and conquer strategy. The essence of the strategy is to make deals with some unions and tell the rest that’s all there is. It’s gaslighting, and it only works if unions are divided.
“Our position is clear: to resolve the strike, the companies will have to negotiate with the WGA on our full agenda.
“The AMPTP should have made a fair deal with writers by May 1st. But they didn’t, as they are seemingly intent on continuing their efforts to destroy the profession of writing. For the last month, writers have followed in the footsteps of many generations before who went on strike to secure their collective future in this business. We will continue to march until the companies negotiate fairly with us. We do it now with the support of our sister guilds and unions, and we will support them whenever it’s their turn. The era of divide and conquer is over.” [/ID]
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thefirsthogokage · 1 year
More Strike Solidarity!
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(link to post) (link to article)
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And Outside the US:
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(link to Variety article)
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(that "info" link)
It's more than Canada and the UK joining in on showing support on June 14th:
Under the banner of “Screenwriters Everywhere,” solidarity events are planned in Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, France, Poland, the Netherlands, Argentina, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Denmark, South Korea, Spain, Mexico and Israel. Even war-torn Ukraine’s Guild of Screenwriters of Ukraine will take part in the day of international solidarity.
Here's The Black List's Twitter Thread On This:
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For better viewing:
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(link in tweet: blcklst.com/strike)
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originalleftist · 2 days
The Teamsters Union, America's largest union, has declined to endorse any Presidential candidate, due to their President Sean O'Brien being a racist misogynist scab who would rather have an anti-labor white male supremacist than a pro-labor Black/Indian woman as President.
Also, the union reportedly claims polling shows most members support Trump.
However, the West Coast Teamsters and the National Black Caucus of Teamsters are having none of that, and both have endorsed Harris, with the latter's chair questioning the internal polling.
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