#team supernova
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calmcraggyarea · 8 months ago
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Gift art for @aimervee / @aimer-arts . I loveee team supernova
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aimer-arts · 1 year ago
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i love you!!
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rain-is-cool · 8 days ago
team supernova i love you sm pls come back i miss you already
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rottenjuice · 11 days ago
tubbo pretending that he didn't know it was aimsey's team he was telling bad to take out
it would be funny if bad did his idea, changing his skin to tubbo's to make him take the blame lol
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aliendragondreaming · 1 year ago
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I had a bad day so I made pokemon teams for everyone in nsr
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ratwithhands · 6 months ago
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The server I'm in is hosting a dtiys-esque challenge so here's the return of Supernova Emmet for my submission.
Basically every major structure in Nimbasa was a target when the invasion happened, so Gear Station is just one of the city's many abandoned buildings. As one of the gates into the tunnels, Emmet visits it often during patrols and scavenging missions with other team members. It's not the most comforting place anymore, so he tends not to linger during work. He does sometimes sweep the building if he has an off day.
This was the only fully illustrated piece I made all summer so I hope it came out well 💀I modelled this with 3D primitives just to make sure I wouldn't mess up the background. Also, while I was working on this I remembered another rough sketch I had lying around from last year.
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I would've made the ice on my submission piece larger but I still needed it to be recognizable as Gear Station. I do want to draw more of post-takeover Nimbasa though, I have a rough map saved in my files and I think it'd fun to revisit the ice fountains all over the city.
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sleepyheadnat · 2 months ago
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I am in love ♡o(TヘTo)
Artist: @sharpedgedfool — go read his @teamdarksupernovaodyssey right now
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leavingautumn13 · 2 years ago
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piper and clementine of team fate for @aimer-arts
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ilovenovaartino · 9 months ago
More summer headcanons ‼️
Nova is not used to wear bathing suits so she feels weird using them, she gets in the water wearing shorts
Max collects seashells he finds in the sand and decorates sand castles with them
Nova helps Max build the castle ofc
Ruby is the photographer of the group
Danna makes sure no one drowns and is the best at beach sports
Simon is the fun dad, he joins everyone when in the water, Hugh refuses to but eventually joins them
Nova secretly enjoys putting sunscreen on Adrian and does it slowly on purpose
Oscar wakes up early to get to the hotel buffet first
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pango-doots · 1 year ago
Y'know looking back on my time in the NSR fandom it's weird how victimized people tend to make the NSR elites, which I really don't think is warranted beyond Sayu's team and Yinu who are MINORS that were employed into a fascist government system under the guise of success. Yes, NSR was a fascist government, or at the very least an authoritarian hand over a dystopian society.
Even if its general tone is light-hearted and silly, the game tackles themes of propaganda, scapegoating, wealth inequality and planned obsolescence, environmental destruction, media control, saving face for tourists, authoritative voting and more, yet most of them aren't the player's main gameplay focus; a lot of lore and context clues are in the background like the town's layout, interacting with certain objects and talking to NPCs. But those themes are a core message of the game and by only treating the members of NSR as regular old musicians you take out all the nuance.
(Plenty more under the cut. TL;DR: No Straight Roads is a relevantly socio-political game and I wish fans would utilize that side of the characters more)
Both halves of the "music war" as I'm gonna call it for lack of an official term had their faults, and I do like that there is no 100% right or wrong side; no straight road, if you will. BUT ALSO. BBJ realized the entire city was suffering in some way under NSR's leadership and had nothing to lose by challenging the status quo (they literally live in a fucking sewer, I'd be full of rage too). They didn't benefit from initial fame, wealth, or military protection like NSR did; not to mention they were also egged on and decieved by one of their closest allies. When voices don't work ala DK West's attempt, then you turn to action. Action can include smacking the shit out of government officials, as a treat (I enjoyed every second trying to get an S rank in Supernova's level <3)
On that note, the woobification is ESPECIALLY bad with DJSS, Neon J and 1010. I love the silly object heads and smexy robots as much as anyone else but they are specifically meant to be critiques of self-absorbed billionaires (sorry to tell DJSS fans this but he's supposed to be Elon-Musk-adjacent) and the k-pop industry with its military involvement, plus the use of militial force to keep rowdy citizens in line. I'm begging people to PLEASE handle them with more care.
Thankfully, it's clear that NSR reduces its chokehold by the end of the game and all the artists put in a lot of work to improve thanks to BBJ's push. Whether the game's writers made that decision to appeal to their own government's approval or was a genuine end to the story, I like that Tatiana has a moment of reflection and does a complete 180 to make the city better in the end (beyond the threat of the city being destroyed ofc). Even if it's unrealistic, it's a hopeful message and shows that anyone can be corrupted by the right circumstances.
Just PLEASE don't forget the characters' actions and choices along the way for the sake of ship fics and cute art. There's a lot of complexity and angst you can add to the characters with that authoritarian history!
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harperonni · 7 months ago
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captain-is-king · 2 years ago
Please tell me there are still people in the Renegades fandom
I just tore through the whole trilogy this week and since Marissa Meyer has officially said there isn't any new Renegades content coming any time soon, I'm ITCHING to write a post-supernova pre-epilogue fic.
Like I just HAVE to know about Nova's complex grief over losing the anarchists despite them being a pretty shit family and her developing relationship with Adrian and reconciling with the rest of the team. And also society and the Renegades restructuring etc etc etc.
And all the fun silly things too!! Max finally being able to be a normal kid. Sterling and Jade are PRODIGIES now!!! That is one thing I haven't figured out is what would all these new abilities be??
But anyway PLEASE tell me people are still interested in the Renegades trilogy because I've already started plotting out so much of this fic and looked through a ton of old stuff in the tags on tumblr and ao3
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aimer-arts · 1 year ago
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psmd partner is literally just a ray of sunshine
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renegades-garbage · 9 months ago
Hey guys I'm back lol. Finding out about the new renegades book inspired me to write for the fandom again! I decided to write a little fic about Adrian and Nova getting back together a few months after the Supernova assuming that they broke up to deal with their mental health and such. This ended up being a lot longer than I intended and I did a shitty job proofreading but I love you all and hope you enjoy it anyway. It's also on ao3 as usual!
PS. I hate writing combat scenes so I simply didn't even though it may have been necessary sorry lol
Adrian watched as Nova examined the broken window. They were out on a call for a home invasion but considering this was the only thing amiss Adrian was beginning to wonder if this was just a prank by some neighborhood kids and not a robbery as the elderly woman inside was so convinced.
Most of Adrian’s team came back to work only a few weeks after the Supernova but Nova had, understandably, taken a bit longer. This was only her first week back on patrols after four months and Adrian would be lying if he said it wasn’t hell. He wouldn’t exactly call their breakup messy but it wasn’t exactly easy, necessary and mutual, but definitely not easy.
Nova was a very valuable asset to their team but she was also extremely strong willed and after a few months without her they all needed to remember how to work together again. That was the only reason he was finding her return difficult. It had nothing to do with the fact that she had been doing a lot of healing and had a new brightness to her skin and eyes, or the fact that she was experimenting with new hairstyles and clothes that suited her much more than what she had before. No, none of that had any impact on him. Breaking up was what was best for both of them and he knew that. He truly believed that. One hundred percent. 
“Sketch? Hello?” Ruby’s voice crackled through the communication band. He hadn’t even realized she’d been talking to him. 
“Sorry what did you say”
“I saaaaaiid” she replied in mock annoyance. “Did you guys find anything on that side of the house, because we’ve got nothing.”
“Just the broken window she was telling us about but it looks more like it got hit with a baseball or something than a home invasion.” Just as he said it Nova shone her flashlight inside.
“Adrian.” her voice shook a bit. “Look”
He peered through the broken glass and sitting on the floor was an orange haired puppet. 
Nova looked up at him concerned. In the weeks past a man impersonating the Puppeteer had been terrorizing homes with small children, and the Renegades hadn’t been able to catch him or even find any clues about his identity. He was all anyone was talking about at HQ and Adrian knew that his dad’s would have sent a more advanced patrol group if they were aware of the perpetrator, especially since Adrian hadn’t yet finished re-tattooing his sentinel abilities, but maybe this could be a good opportunity to prove themselves.
He lifted his wrist to his mouth “Red Assassin, Smokescreen can you guys go inside and check if this lady has any young grand-kids staying here or anything.”
Ruby’s voice flowed back through the band “Um sure but why? Is there something wr-... Wait, did you guys find something? Is it that puppet guy?”
“Ruby. Please just go check. We might have limited time.” 
“Yeah of course. Okay. We're going inside now.”
Nova began reaching her hand inside to grab the puppet. 
“Careful of the glass” Adrian warned though he knew she would be. Nova only nodded and offered a small mhm. 
Though the window was very low to the ground and the puppet was just inside Nova was having a hard time reaching due to the jagged glass. 
Adrian knew she wouldn't ask for help so he simply walked over and grabbed it easily.
“I could have done that.” She mumbled.
“I know”
They both looked down at the creepy thing which was almost an exact replica of Winston Pratt’s infamous puppet Hettie. A note was pinned to the front of the doll which read, It’s time to pay for your betrayal Nightmare. A shiver ran down his spine and Nova’s jaw hardened.
“We don’t have to do this, you know. We can always call for backup if this is too much.” The threat was disconcerting to say the least and even besides that, Adrian knew that Nova’s connection to The Puppeteer was complicated and this may not be the best thing for her mental recovery. 
“I'm fine Sketch.”
She didn’t exactly sound fine, and Adrian wanted to insist that they call someone else, considering Nova was much more important than his desire to prove himself, but before he got the chance they heard Oscar’s voice through his communication band.
“Two kids in the upstairs bedrooms. A boy and a girl. Going to check on them now.”
“I'm going to check the back of the house.” Nova began to walk towards the gate that led to the backyard. 
“I'll come with you, Monarch can check around the other side.” 
“No, everyone else is still inside. It's faster if you go around the front and I go around the back.”
“Nova there’s a note on this thing threatening you.” He said holding up the doll. “I'm not leaving you alone.” 
“Adrian I'm not scared of him and I can handle myself, you know that.” 
In any other situation Adrian would have insisted that they stay together, but there were kids in danger and they needed to find this guy. He didn’t want Nova to be unsafe but he was probably just being paranoid, how much of a threat could this guy be? 
Nova’s head was pounding. Her memories of the night were coming back to her in short bursts. The sound of maniacal laughter. A face covered in marionette makeup exactly like that of the Puppeteer. The cold press of a knife to her throat. Her hand fumbling to find bare skin. A stab in her side. Pain. Searing white-hot pain. And then nothing. That’s when she had lost consciousness. And now she was laying in a hospital bed with large bandages wrapped around her midsection. 
‘Miss Artino?” 
Nova opened her eyes and looked up at the man in the white doctor's coat standing next to her bed. An older, balding man with friendly eyes.
“How are you feeling?”
“Um…fine I guess” she replied, testing her voice, and it was true she did feel fine. She had some soreness from the wound in her side but the prodigy doctors at HQ were some of the finest and she was sure it would heal completely within a couple of days.
“Good, the wound was pretty severe but it looks like you’ll make a full recovery. Would you like me to let your friends in? They've been here all night.”
Right. Her friends. Her team. Adrian. Was he okay? 
She shook herself. She should be asking about her whole team. She shouldn’t care any more about Adrian’s safety than the rest of them. And she didn’t. She definitely didn’t.
“Miss Artino?” The doctor looked at her mildly concerned, and Nova didn’t blame him. She probably looked crazy right now.
She cleared her throat “Yeah, yes please let them in.”
The doctor offered a small friendly nod and walked over to the door, exiting the room and letting her team file in. Ruby being the first to burst through the door, followed by Oscar, Danna, and Adrian. He- They all looked tired, drawing some minor scrapes and bruises but they were otherwise unharmed. 
“Oh my stars I am so glad you're okay,” Ruby rushed over to Nova’s bed offering an enthusiastic yet gentle hug, which Nova did her best to return. “You were covered in blood and it looked awful. I mean the doctors told us it wasn’t as bad as it looked but it was terrifying and that guy was so creepy.” Ruby shuttered.
“Oh come on we all knew she would be fine. Nova is the toughest of us all.” Oscar walked over to give her a gentle nudge on the shoulder. “You did have us scared for a second there Artino, but I knew you’d pull through.”
She could tell that Oscar was trying to sound braver than he actually felt, as he so often did. It warmed Nova’s heart a bit to see that her team truly cared, even if they couldn't all fully admit it.
“Well I'm glad you had faith in me.” she said a bit weakly. She was still tired from the battle and her injury. “What happened to the Puppeteer impersonator after I passed out?’
The answer came from Danna “You ended up putting him to sleep right as he got you. We have him in custody.” 
Nova nodded. This was a relief to her. She didn’t want that guy out there impersonating Winston, especially if it meant hurting kids. That, and she didn’t almost die for nothing. 
“I'm really glad you're okay Nova.” Danna sounded sincere when she said these words. Nova didn’t think Danna would want her to die, no matter how rocky their relationship, but the way she said it made it seem like more than that. Like maybe in these past few months she had found friendship and maybe even forgiveness for Nova. 
“Thank you.” Nova offered the brightest smile she could muster up, but it wasn’t great. 
She turned her eyes to Adrian who hadn’t said a single word since they had walked in. He looked like he’d been crying. Maybe that meant he still had feelings for her? No, he was just concerned, as he would be for any of his teammates. She wasn’t special, well, not anymore. And she shouldn’t hope to be anyway. They couldn’t be together. And besides she was over him. Totally. One hundred percent. They just stared at each other. No words came to her, and no words came to him either apparently.
“Weeeeeelll,” Oscar’s voice cut through the tension. “Guess it’s time to get home, maybe grab some food. Long night and all.” He said, gently grabbing his girlfriend's arm and feigning a yawn. Nova just shook her head at him. 
Danna began walking towards the door as well. “Yeah I’m gonna second that.” 
They each said a rushed goodbye, and Nova thanked them for sticking around before they exited the room.  
She looked back at Adrian. She had the striking thought that he looked handsome, even with obvious red eyes from tears, and being awake for many hours, he still looked handsome. She knew she shouldn’t be thinking about that, this wasn’t the time nor the place, and they had been broken up for months. But still, she thought it.
When he finally spoke his words were heavy. “I thought I lost you.” 
Stupidly, Nova relished in the words he chose. Not, ‘I thought you died’ or ‘I didn’t know if you’d be okay’. He didn’t want to lose her and that meant something. To both of them, she hoped. “Nova this is what? The third time you’ve almost died? You have to be more careful.”
This was slightly offensive to Nova considering his track record. “You're the one who’s always saying this job is dangerous, and you're almost more reckless than me.” 
“I know. I know okay.” he sighed. “But you should've let me come with you as back up. Someone else could have checked the rest of the house.”
“Well it’s over now and I’m fine. I survived.”
“No Nova, it's not over now.” He was starting to become angry, well not angry but more…flustered? Nova didn’t understand why he was acting like this. He knew better than anybody about risking his life. “This is our job. This right here.” He made a general gesture to the space around them. Or maybe between them? She couldn’t quite tell. “This is our life.”
“Adrian. I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying.” And the truth was she didn’t. Why was he getting so upset?
“Nova I can’t do this okay.” He was almost struggling to get the words out now. “I can’t go into work everyday and watch the person that I love almost die.”
Nova was taken aback. There it was. Plain and simple. His admission that he still loved her. And she wanted to believe him, but he knew they couldn’t be together. This was sleep deprivation and emotion talking. He couldn’t possibly know what he’s saying. 
“Adrian, maybe you should get some sleep, and we can talk about this tomorrow.” It hurt Nova to say these words but she knew she had to. Out of respect for him. 
“No, Nova this past week has been horrible. Ever since the Supernova things have been hard, but having you here, around the team, with me, but not with me. It’s been hell. I know exactly what I’m saying. I love you, Nova Artino.” Nova’s jaw was almost on the floor at this point and she saw the look in his eye as he misread whatever he was seeing on her face. 
He started towards the door. “Um you know what, maybe I should get some rest, and we can just put this behin-”
“No, I'm really sorry. You're trying to heal and I’m just-”
“Adrian” She said again, more forcefully this time, stopping him in his tracks. She could practically hear Adrians heart racing, alongside her own. 
“Come here.” Adrian started towards the bed slowly and as soon as he was close enough Novas grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled his lips to her own. Adrian made a small noise of surprise but didn’t pull away. He  sat down on the edge of the bed, cupping her face in his hands as the kiss became more intense. 
Nova pulled away gently pressing their foreheads together.
“I love you too Adrian Everheart.” 
He smiled that beautiful smile of his and pressed one final kiss to her lips.
“Do you mind if I stay here tonight? It's pretty late and I told my dads I would stay in one of the rooms we rent out.”
“I would love for you to stay with me.”
Adrian gently maneuvered himself and the blankets so that they could both lay down without hurting her. They laid together in comfortable silence for a few moments, a feeling Nova had missed so much these past months, until Adrian whispered into the darkness. 
“So does this mean we’re back together?”
Nova just laughed and replied “I hope so.”
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dreamball-teams · 1 year ago
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A team for DJ Subatomic Supernova from No Straight Roads, requested by @terminatedapathy!
Metagross - Metagross has four brains in total. Combined, the four brains can breeze through difficult calculations faster than a supercomputer. This Pokémon can float in the air by tucking in its four legs.
Chatot - It keeps rhythm by flicking its tail feathers like a metronome. It also imitates human speech.
Lunatone - Lunatone was discovered at a location where a meteoroid fell. As a result, some people theorize that this Pokémon came from space. However, no one has been able to prove this theory so far.
Solrock - Solrock is a new species of Pokémon that is said to have fallen from space. It floats in the air and moves silently. In battle, this Pokémon releases intensely bright light.
Magnezone - Three units generate magnetism. There have been many mistaken reports of UFO sightings when Magnezone flies through the night sky.
Castform - It alters its form depending on the weather. Changes in the climate such as the temperature and humidity appear to affect its cellular structure.
Wanted to split this team between his time teaching, his performing, and his construction of the satellite. Metagross was an easy pick, while Chatot felt like a Pokemon that would be useful for a teacher. A dual alarm clock/note-keeping system.
Lunatone and Solrock were picked for performance, given they’re literally designed to look like the sun and moon and are Psychic-Type.
Magnezone was picked for its constant mentions of looking like a UFO and its magnetic abilities plus Electric-Type, while Castform learns basically every weather move and is good for tracking the weather overall.
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askteamsupernova · 2 years ago
How did the team all meet up and form?
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Surya: I'm really glad she said yes. Being an explorer has been a lot of fun!
Ammy: Agreed!
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