#team rocket fanfic
voyagerwisp · 10 months
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Pokemon, Jessie/James, rated T, 45k words
🔷that one canon divergent AU where James doesn't join Team Rocket while Jessie does
🌹contains: rocketshipping
💙 moderate length multichapter fanfic, 100% complete!
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convito · 7 months
@yamujiburo's Hanamusa ship has the possibly unfortunate distinction of being my current hyperfixation. I haven't watched anything Pokemon-related in literal decades, so the comic's use of characters I actually remember combined with the gorgeous art style have created the perfect storm of nostalgia and genuine love of the subject matter, so here I am writing a fanfic based on it. Now to share a sample so I actually have to finish it:
The lunch rush took its toll on everyone in different ways. For Delia, the strain kept her too busy to notice anything outside the restaurant. For Jessie, it meant Delia wasn’t looking at her.
In the case of James and Meowth, it was dealer’s choice. Today, that meant each blaming the other for the table leg they each routinely tripped over. Meowth’s thimble-sized temper had reached a boiling point. James was mad by association.
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incorrectfatui · 1 month
Dottore: You know what would be sexy?
Dottore: Eating food off of each other.
Crucabena: …You did not do the dishes.
Dottore: I did not. 
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donethatbeforelong · 2 months
Chapter 1: Love blooms on the battlefield
Fandom: Team Fortress 2 (TF2)
Pairing: Soldier/Engineer; Helmet party
Apologies for not having a good grasp of TF2 lore as well as characters. There will be some OOC here and there, but I'll try my best to stick as close to the character's personality as possible.
(Main centre: RED Soldier)
The air lingered with smoke and gunpowder, made heavier with the heat from the sun. To a weaker man, he would suffer from a heat wave. To Soldier, it was like a sweet kind of smell from fresh morning coffee or freshly mowed grass. The battle field had been his home and remained that way for a while now.
As the announcement from the Administrator blasts through speakers around the field, erupted cheers and applause can be heard from one side of the main ground. The RED team has once again secured a well-deserved victory for themselves.
Compliments being passed around the group were not a rare thing to hear, especially for team members who contributed most in battle. Soldier smiled to himself as he watched their opposing team from the other side, groaning and blaming each other for the loss.
"That's what ya get for messin' with us, ya bozos!" Scout shouted, gesturing to the BLU team across the field. Sniper chuckled next to him, throwing an arm around the shorter man and ushering him inside to hide away from the heat. "Olright, ya little wanker, toime to get back inside."
The BLU Medic didn't try to restrain himself from throwing back similar insults, seemingly shouting at the top of his lungs. The only reason Soldier didn't give mind to it was because half of the things he said were in his native tongue. However, their Medic did scrunch his face up to what he could only describe as disgust.
Soon, the Austrian quieted down and stormed past his team and entered their base. BLU Spy sighed and flicked his cigarette to one side as the BLU Heavy and Engineer followed Medic back inside. In earlier days when both teams first assembled, Soldier had mentally noted that they - the BLU opposing team - were often on the losing end.
"Mighty fine work out there, fellas!" Engineer said, dropping his toolbox and wiping sweat off his brow. Pyro replied with a muffled cheer before walking away with a little spring in their step.
Debriefing was excused for today as everyone went to their respective quarters or scrambled into the showers for some relief from the heat. Pyro was an exception among them, happily sitting on the couch in the living area. Their knees were pulled up and tucked under their chin - or, at least, that's where the chin is supposed to be - as they flipped through countless channels until something interesting came up.
Soldier waited outside the showers patiently for his turn. During those moments of waiting, Soldier occupied himself with polishing his boots or straightening out his coat. As he watched his team members enter and leave the showers, he took notice of Demoman's strange behaviour ever since the battle ended. He didn't act too much out of character, but more often than not he would look behind his back and check the time constantly as if he was waiting for someone to come.
Considering both teams' history with each other, Soldier often finds Demoman whispering something to his BLU counterpart every time he managed to dominate him. The creeping suspicion that Demoman might be fraternizing with the enemy team kept Soldier up at night. He never did bother finding out whether it was true or not, but it had gone on long enough that it made Soldier frustrated at times for no reason.
Today is the day he would prove that for himself. For the sake of his team and their paychecks.
The soldier was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't feel Scout poking his face multiple times. When he did feel it, the soldier grabbed the boy's wrist and held it there. His grip wasn't all that tight, but Scout yelped in surprise and pain.
"Geez man, lemme go!" Scout started pulling back, desperately trying to get his hand back. "I was just gonna tell ya that the showers are available now, dangit!"
The release was unexpected and it caused Scout to tumble backwards, nearly slip and hit his head. Soldier let a dry chuckle escape his lips before grabbing a towel and entering the showers alone. The stringbean of a man huffed out a frustrated sigh and left the locker room with muffled curses.
When the water from the shower hit him, it felt like several knots had loosened. It didn't water down the adrenaline that was still pumping through his body. His shoulders didn't relax, his legs and arms ached from rocket jumping all day. A scratchy feeling presented itself at the back of his throat from screaming all day, but he couldn't care less.
After the not-so-relaxing shower, Soldier dried himself and went through his usual routine of shaving and making sure he was in tip-top condition for fighting.
The rest of the day was a blur to him. He hung with Scout and Pyro around the television most of the time, only ever getting up for lunch, dinner, or to grab each other a snack. Sniper, Spy, and Engineer devoted themselves to a friendly game of poker that quickly escalated when they realized that Spy was winning way too many hands. Eventually, Sniper did accused Spy of cheating which was quickly debunked by the stressed out engineer.
The medic of the team wouldn't be seen anywhere else other then his infirmary, checking and making sure all the organs that he had collected was in perfect condition. Their heavy weapon specialist had stayed with the crazed doctor to provide him some company and occasionally slips in a story or two about either what happened on the battle field or his family.
The oversized helmet on his head prove useful when he was the only one who noticed their Demoman trying to sneak out of the base. Pyro and Scout was too occupied watching cartoons and comparing characters from the show.
After a few minutes of waiting, Soldier silently took his leave and followed Demo to wherever he's going.
Hiding behind any available walls and barrels, Soldier tried and tailed behind Demo as quiet as possible. On the way to.. wherever he's going, Soldier did encounter the BLU Soldier clumsily leaving his base with a crate of scrumpy under one arm. His helmet swayed a little when he rushed down the steps, a look of worry on his face.
Soldier eventually took his place behind a stack of crate and boxes, waiting for the right moment to strike.
RED Demoman settled down on the ground, knees pulled up and spreaded out. His elbows perched on top of his knees as he looked up to the sky, seemingly still waiting for BLU Soldier to come.
Upon hearing rustling footsteps, RED Demo turned around and a fond smile spread on his lips when BLU Soldier came to his side, gently lowering the crate in his arms.
"Glad ya could make it, lad." RED Demo said, throwing an arm around his best friend's shoulder. The BLU Soldier grunted in return, popping open a bottle and handing it over to the Scotch.
Throughout their quiet exchange, Soldier watched with gritted teeth. How can they possibly be so low on guard in the middle of the war? No less, he's fratenizing with the enemy!
His trains of thoughts were cut short when the sound of a twig snapping could be heard on his right. Looking over cautiously, his eyes landed on the small but visible frame of the BLU Engineer. The always presented yellow hard hat was gone, leaving his bald head exposed. Besides his usual blue button up, BLU Engineer now wore a baby blue hoodie that looked a bit too baggy for his frame. The tinted goggles were still there, but the shock and horrified look on his face was clear as day.
Just as Soldier was about to make a move to advance to the Texan, he had quickly fled back to his base. Figuring that the twig snapping might've alerted the other two, Soldier left as quickly as possible.
Luckily, he arrived back at the base before Demo did and retired to his quarters. Upon entering the privacy that his room provided, Soldier dropped limp on the bed with a single thought swirling inside his mind.
Did that engineer knew about their relationship before he did?
Thanks for reading! If you want a little short fanfic of your fav OTP or just something wholesome in general, send it through ask (remember to state what fandom, and add the genre - like hurt/comfort or whatever that's called - if you want!!!).
Might take a while before I update again.
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sinnohelitefourlore · 2 months
My fic in a nutshell:
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Fanfic Link: Ao3
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 6 months
Summary: With the loss of Team Rocket as an organization, Jessie, James, and Meowth set out to do something they never would have previously dreamed—backtracking across the regions, reuniting with old friend and foe alike, in an attempt to make up for their wrongs. Join the trio as they take off on a determined search to find their white tomorrow on the path of righteousness.
Author: @musashi
Note from submitter: This fic has a TVTropes page!
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flaavii · 1 year
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Some doodles I made for a fanfic written about my fankids! Make sure to check it out, it's lovely 💖
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secondsotries · 6 months
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thank you guys 😇
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penumbramewtwos · 6 months
Short story around the time of Unova's capture, and of Okita's origins.
Hearing nothing but echoing corridors, Gary Oak was sure he was done for after his trip into an infamous Aunuran desert Trapinch hole. With his head bound, he knew he wasn't out of the woods just yet. He hears a familiar craggy voice address him as he's pushed onto a chair and bound in an unknown room.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" Said the unknown voice, Gary's ears piped up as the man continued.
"Just as nosy as your grandfather in the pursuit of knowledge, rest assured your nosiness ends here."
After the statement from the unknown man, Gary's head covering had been lifted off, revealing a dark room with a spotlight upon himself. He knows this man… Not only from the Kanto region, but as the head of Rocket industries in Aunura, Giovanni.
"tch, well well, I knew that old man stink was bound to be you. This whole place smells of retirement home and failed yakuza." Gary quipped.
Giovanni, looking the same as he did back in the mid 2000's aside from the hair dye running down his face, leaned in from his wheelchair towards Gary to offer a deal out of this place alive. "I know what you've been digging up… Our team has taken the liberty of confiscating your 'findings'. Rest assured, you won't be publishing any of them; in fact, you'll do as I say or you'll end up more dismembered than that arm you collected."
Giovanni leaned back in his wheelchair, with a large grin on his face creasing his crows feet even more. Gary was unphased by the threat and smirked back at the acquaintance as he spoke back in a nonchalant manner, "I heard on the grape-vine you're getting back into the genetics commissioning game, and had to check it out for myself! Seems like whichever geneticist you hired this time can't even get one of those creatures to form properl-"
"Enough talk!" shouted Giovanni. "There's one more thing, seeing as you're so interested in our development"
Giovanni leant forward once more with a stern look on his face, as Gary remained stonewalled. "Your skills will be needed here one day, 'Professor Oak', I know you've been collecting and studying Arceus plates for medical research for some time now."
Gary's eyes shuddered in anger, "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I W-"
"You despise the thought of pokemon in pain, and I'm giving you an opportunity to t-"
"Yeah yeah… So you'll put them in pain so I can take them out of it… Sounds completely ethical to do that to an innocent creature, Artificial or not…"
Giovanni paused and smirked as he leant back in his wheelchair. "So you know of the pokemon Mewtwo, and it's origins"
Gary Squirmed within his bound state in a fit of fury, "Why are you making so many!??! Some of them are still alive out there! The ones your disgusting cronies buried and chopped!"
"It doesn't matter, those ones are merely unable to form, as you put it yourself, Gary… We're nearly there, and I will have one obey my commands if it's the last thing I do on this Earth!" Givovanni coughed loud and hoarsely at the end of his statement. No one would tell if it was just his talking or the musty dark room that caused it.
Just as Gary was squirming around in his bindings, he'd been slowly able to get a pokeball to finally drop from his pants pocket, unleashing his Arcanine. "Grrrrwaarrh!!!"
In what felt like a flash, Arcanine chomped it's way through Gary's bindings and shoved Giovanni backwards into the wall with it's hind legs with no hesitation. Gary grabbed a hold of his Arcanine before using a teleportation device he refers to as 'Escape rope'.
Two Team rocket grunts charge into the room to assist the frail Giovanni as his phone rang, "Sir you need to see the medic! You shouldn't take thuds like tha-"
Groaning from the incident, Giovanni reaches into his inner jacket pocket and pulls out a black rotom phone, answering it in a huff. "This better be good news! Have you found more DNA from the Unovan experiment, Drake!?"
Through the video call is a bright, curly haired woman with a piercingly defiant voice. Some of the team rocket grunts refer to her as 'the clown', as a smile has barely ever wiped off her face. Except for those few who tell tales of a grim reality behind the mask… "It's always good news! You just don't know how to take progress, ahahaha!!!"
Giovanni stared blankly into the phone's camera as she cackled, before continuing, "ahah… Well, not only did we get the rest of the samples, but we got the main cretin themselves here! Well, we let it go after we t-"
"YOU LET IT GO!?!?!? THAT WAS OUR CHANCE TO CLONE HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF THEM, YOU FUCKING IMBI- what!?" As Giovanni began to unleash his tirade, the clown, known formally as Professor Kana Drake, showed him a fogged up glass and metal chamber with what appeared to be a nearly complete foetus of a mewtwo.
"I hope you're read to listen or you wont get your kitty cats!" She widely grinned and giggled through her words.
"We let her go, as we still don't know how she even got pregnant in the first place"
"P-Pregnant!?" Giovanni spluttered, "They're pokemon? They are meant to have"
"Yes, Eggs! Ahahaha! We thought it best to let her go and hope that she is found again with another baby just for us, Gio!"
She laughed more and more maniacally before continuing "This one will be a sure thing, fuse it with a docile psychic pokemon or psychically gifted human and it'll be too indecisive to think for itself!"
Giovanni grumbled with reluctance, putting more faith in the eccentric genetisist. "Drake… Once you bring it back here, I'll take care of the other component…"
"Hahahaha!! Of course sir! I knew you'd understa-"
Giovanni had hung up before she even had a chance to finish. He leans forward again, almost lost in thought. A grunt goes to ask about his condition before they're cut off by Giovanni. "Have the Gym leaders of Symphony come to their senses yet?"
The grunt blankly stares at him before checking his watch in a hurry "a-ahh! sorry sir, right away! … … Their last email reads… uh…'Get fucked, we own the gym by law, no 'protection' money will be paid… Sincerely, Ai and Amare Spes… P S … How do you plan on forcing it from us? Your pokemon are undertrained and undervalued'."
Giovanni must have been infected with the clown's disposition as his smile widened, wrinkling his elderly face as he looked at an email on his rotom phone.
"Well, how about that… According to my intelligence division, they've frozen an embryo in recent days… How lucky for us".
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tequila-starlight · 6 months
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Little Siblings
All Tags Below Cut!
Fandom: Pokémon
Character(s): Alain, Hop, Leon, Mairin (Mentioned)
Ship(s): -
Platonic Ship(s): Alain & Hop, Alain & Mairin, Leon & Hop
Content Warning(s): -
Rating: General Audiences
TSME Week Day 3: Family
After getting asked by Hop if he has any siblings, Alain thinks about his relationship with Mairin.
“I’m Lee’s little brother, after all!” It was obvious Hop was trying to stamp down his ego after the compliment. The sight was quite amusing. “You’ve any little siblings yourself, Mr Alain?”
Alain stopped himself when the image of a certain girl flashed into his mind.
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•Platonic Relationships
•Not Beta Read
•Mairin does not appear physically but is spoken about throughout the story
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musashihazmat84 · 1 year
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@sutekinii 's first piece for me and I love it I love it I love it
From Chapter 7 of Face the Fear that Keeps You Frozen
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voyagerwisp · 7 months
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Pokemon, Jessie/James, rated T, 10k words
👻 one-shot fanfic: rewrite of "Ghost of Maiden's Peak"
✨ new elements: up to gen 9 pokemon appear, prominent asexual themes
🌹all the rocketshipping!!
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convito · 7 months
Blasting Off To The Past: Chapter 1: The Customers Are Used To This By Now
Finished chapter 1 of my fanfic based on @yamujiburo's Jessie/Delia Pokemon comics. The fact that it's just the first chapter is a development that materialized roughly 5 minutes ago when I realized this thing is getting way too long to write all at once. It's just a fun little day-in-the-life story because I wanted an excuse to write these characters.
Here's the AO3 link.
Below is the full chapter text. Enjoy!
“Meowth, I demand to know why you just kicked me!” James yelled dramatically.
“Don’t flatter yourself, I wouldn’t waste my time kicking you!” Meowth
The lunch rush took its toll on everyone in different ways. For Delia, the strain kept her too busy to notice anything outside the restaurant. For Jessie, it meant Delia wasn’t looking at her.
In the case of James and Meowth, it was dealer’s choice. Today, that meant each blaming the other for the table leg they each routinely tripped over. Meowth’s thimble-sized temper had reached a boiling point. James was mad by association.
Delia had been holding down the kitchen until the commotion piqued her attention, prompting a peek around the corner into the dining area. She saw Meowth seething as his serving tray clattered to the ground, trading leers with James whose serving tray remained pristinely perched atop his fingers.
Then time stood still as she saw Jessie burst in with a face that gave her conflicting feelings, making a Beedrill-line for the bickering duo. How she heard the noise from across town would remain a mystery. The love of Delia’s life was a lit fuse heading straight for a flamboyantly colored powder keg. The focus now needed to be heading off the stormfront before it turned the restaurant into a restauNOT (she took a second to chuckle at that).
“Jessie. Babe. Sweetie.”
The red menace continued undeterred. Delia raised her voice.
“Jessie, stop! Jessie! Honey!”
Still nothing. Delia was desperate.
Jessie screeched to a halt, bringing the universe with her. She and her two partners in something or other all turned their heads toward Delia, three identical faces of exaggerated shock. Though Jessie’s sported a tinge of crimson.
“I… buh…” she attempted.
“Delia made a swear,” Meowth whispered.
James simply covered his ears.
But whether through shock or sheer force of Delia’s long-bided power, the situation was defused for now. The residual fallout kept things together until the restaurant finally slowed down. James and Meowth lost their abrasion around each other, more or less back to their regular selves give or take the occasional shared look towards Delia. Granted, not unlike their usual behavior.
Jessie, meanwhile, had stuck around to help however she could. At the moment, she was employing her puppy dog eye technique to try and soften Delia’s mood every time her wife looked her way. Despite coming across more like bewildered Magikarp eyes, which had Delia desperately suppressing a snort laugh at every turn, it probably would have worked even if she actually had been angry.
Eventually, closing time arrived. Jessie had finally released Delia from her fishy look and was taking a break from cleaning to watch James and Meowth. The other two former Rockets were Taurosing around with each other as they took the garbage out back. Delia noticed a wistful look in her wife’s eye. It was one she’d been seeing a lot of lately.
“You miss the adventure, don’t you?” Delia asked warmly.
Jessie gave a slight start at this before nodding. They’d grown to know each other well enough that it was no surprise Delia could read her so intimately.
“I know we weren’t the good guys going after the twe- eh, Ash and Pikachu like that,” Jessie seemed just a bit embarrassed, “but getting out there and traveling around really got my juices moving.”
“Even more than our little battling vacations?”
“W-well, I wouldn’t say…” Jessie hesitated, but she knew she never needed to hide anything from Delia, especially after all this time. “Kinda, yeah.”
Jessie’s regular trips out into the region with Delia to explore and battle gym leaders had very quickly begun to rank among the highlights of her life, and she wouldn’t trade them for anything, no matter how shiny. But…
“I just miss the camaraderie with James and Meowth,” she found herself gushing. “I miss the cartoon-level plans we came up with together, I miss the big Meowth balloon, I miss James’ camp cooking and Meowth’s snoring, not to mention-”
“I’m sorry, what was that about Meowth?”
“Oh, right, you never heard his outdoor snoring. Only happens when he’s camping. Real conker of a wavelength he could belch out, which you wouldn’t expect from a little fart like him. I think he developed it as a defense to make predators think a Snorlax is sleeping nearby or someth-”
“What?” Delia had trouble getting a word in edgewise sometimes, a trait of their relationship she oddly treasured. She liked seeing Jessie excited. “No, why would I ask to hear about…? Never mind, I meant the balloon thing.”
“Ok, yeah, that makes more sense,” Jessie admitted. “It was a thing of genuine beauty. A huge hot air balloon in the shape of Meowth. We even used official Team Rocket funds to commission it. They seemed cool with it.”
“I’d like to point out that they did very much fire you.”
“Oh yeah,” Jessie said with a guttural giggle. “Wow, things are definitely starting to make some more sense now that I say them out loud. But anyway, we used to go everywhere in that balloon. It was our own little home where we never had to deal with property tax. We’d sleep up there, have some fun by spitting off the sides, do… other things off the sides…”
“Honey, I love you but oh my god.”
“Hey, if you can think of other ways to handle being up in the air for days at a time…” Jessie’s old smug nature crept in, which she caught before going any further. “Th-the point is I just miss the balloon. It was sort of a symbol of that complete freedom we used to have. Nothing tying us down, literally. No rules. No responsibilities. No bosses or authori-” she paused, her expression that of a system reboot. “How did we not get fired sooner?”
“I didn’t realize how much you thought about that time,” Delia started to feel just a touch of guilt. Or was it jealousy?
“Not 'all the time' or anything. Some things just remind me of that past life. Like how James and Meowth have been sniping at each other a lot lately,” Jessie said with a look of dawning realization. “They must be feeling homesick too. Or, I mean ‘homesick’ I guess,” she made some halfhearted quotes with her fingers. A glance over at Delia dropped the fingers immediately as Jessie read her wife’s expression, as subtle as it was.
Jessie wordlessly walked over to Delia, not rushing, not holding back, simply going. She took her hands in her own and clasped them.
“I am happier now than I’ve ever been,” Jessie answered a wordless question. There was no need to explore the topic further. This is the most she’d talked about the old days since, she realized, that awkward time when she, James, and Meowth had shown up on Delia’s doorstep completely out of options. It was enough that she got it out.
Delia just smiled. It was a genuine smile, but one that obscured hidden depths. Depths that ironically flew right over Jessie’s head.
Once they finished closing, Jessie and Delia stepped out of the restaurant hand in hand, following James and Meowth who had apparently regained their passion for griping. Jessie paid little attention as they fired quips back and forth, sounding to her like synthesized speech from a Nintendo 64 game. She was content where she was, blissfully strolling home with the love of her life. No thoughts, just vibes.
If she’d only opened her eyes, she’d have seen the poorly-hidden look of sneaky determination emblazoned on Delia’s face.
-the next morning-
“Ash!” Delia burst into her son’s room. “We’re making a balloon!”
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incorrectfatui · 2 months
Dottore: but if I die during the operation, will you do one thing for me? Crucabena: Oh anything, dear Dottore: Blow up the hospital Crucabena: hm..well.. Crucabena: I said I‘d do it, so I guess I have to..
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nevesmose · 3 months
He gave her a Nostraman salute, one hand clawed over his heart. But he has two, she thought as she returned the gesture. Does it still have the same meaning if he's got a spare and I don't?
New chapter with extra rambles below the cut!
Revila got the VIII LEGION GLADIUS! It's not very useful for space combat...
Kind of an inbetween chapter - doing a bit of heavy lifting to get the plot moved along. So the Ultras are here! And not too happy about how our loveable rat people have tried to help with their rebellious world.
I wonder what will happen next in the story about people's past actions leading to events that escalate further and further out of control?
And now we know what Misleir looks like - the Reese's Puffs part of the trio has arrived. He's intended to evoke the many aspects in which Astartes are very immature and annoying to deal with in a lot of ways.
Appearance-wise I kind of ended up picturing something like the younger versions of Iwan Rheon and Colin Baker. Probably more so Baker as he's a big tall guy and I feel like that comes across in his face somehow.
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Anyway, Misleir is a dick. Poleyn once again had the right idea by ducking out of the story as soon as he could - clearly he's the one with the brain cell.
Also the stolen Guilliman head started as a random funny background event but it feels like it's taken on a life of its own.
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sinnohelitefourlore · 2 months
Title: Indigo's Finest Summary:
They were known as the best of the best. Indigo's finest.
How long will it last?
Companion Piece to The League Chronicles.
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